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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 16, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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we are giving you all three sets as a gift from a fashion statement, wear them with pleasure, and if you, like our today’s heroine valentina, want to take part in the program, fill out the form on the channel one website. channel one presents a revolutionary breakthrough in the treatment of this disease, revolutionary medicines that are already available in russia, in the program live healthy, a new project. so, get your body back, cut off
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all the excess fat, start living again. so, friends, get your body back, that’s what we called our new project, i’ll start by saying once again i repeat, obesity is recognized as a disease and included in the international classification of diseases. obesity received its number e-66, its own code, and now in the medical history you can write the code icd-10e66 obesity, caused by excess intake of energy. energy
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resources are food that we began to consume immoderately, immoderately, i must say that this food has changed our physiology, we have become different, we don’t know how to live, obesity is a disease, do i agree with this as a doctor 1000%, because that obesity is at the center of the most severe human problems are at the epicenter, i want to show you how... and complications and what serious diseases are associated with obesity, while you live at a normal weight, your life is wonderful, as soon as your weight increases, problems begin. so, look, when a person gains weight, the risks of stroke, dementia, in the heart, heart failure and heart attacks, diabetes mellitus, a direct consequence of obesity, 11 types of cancer of their... are obese, 11
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types of cancer, these are monstrous things, monstrous , i want to invite the first heroine to join us we like our work the most. snezhana teaches children to sew and knit. by the way, they used to teach us how to cook, but they say that now someone has banned this because they are afraid that the children will be fed the wrong things. and they taught us everything, snezhanochka, these were our favorite teachers,
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like you, they were all warm, kind, a labor lesson, here the doctor is sitting, nodding, everyone, everyone remembered theirs. childhood was the best lesson, especially if something had to be prepared, because the dress always had to be finished at home, and they cooked and ate right in school, and the boys were fed, and the boys were fed, it was a special song, because somewhere in the next class the boys were knocking on some stools, now they’re at least knocking together stools, well, not yet, not everyone, lord, again or something they don’t give it, you know, before there was labor, children were taught to work, i vote for returning the name labor, now labor has completely disappeared. look, i called snezana because she is an absolutely ordinary woman, just like you and me, like you and me, she always tried to lose weight, we all live with this thinking about how i could lose weight, we don’t understand why we are gaining weight as a result, but when i lost weight myself, how much weight i could lose, well, 25 kg, why everything
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came back, well, don’t blame it on fate, fate is hard, it just didn’t stick, i fell through, fell off a little. i wanted something sweet, there was a lot of temptation, it’s like you and me, girls, dear, but like two peas in a pod, we are losing weight, losing weight, clenching into a fist, losing weight, losing weight, clenching into a fist, and then we still don’t have enough strength, and we are getting better, i will say it again, revolutionary the changes are that obesity, which we fought with the help of proper nutrition, physical education, the disease is recognized, we were told, girls: we need to be treated, thanks to them for this, so it’s not our fault, we will be treated, but not only that, once again i repeat, the revolution is that drugs have been created that are a copy of the main substance in the body that controls appetite, at
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this point i want to invite here a doctor who has been involved in clinical research on this new thing for many years... i want to come here to show what there are many drugs, this is not just one drug, there are many drugs, they are all copies of the main molecule.
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is a prolonged copy of glucagon-like peptide, that is, if we talk about liroglutide, it needs to be administered every day, and semoglutide only once a week, i will repeat once again that both liroglutide and semaglutide are international
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non-proprietary names, come with me, big, you see, we have a lot of medicines, the brand name is written large, but small, read: lyra is glutinous, small, or the brand name is written large, you see, large, but what is small, here this needs to be understood, so we read the small titles. in the brain, the feeling of hunger decreases and the feeling of satiety increases due to the fact that these drugs slow down the emptying of the stomach . signals to the brain that it is full, and thereby creates a feeling of satiety in
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a person, and there is no need to finish eating, overeating, everything is well full, it’s true, i want to say that i’ve been on these drugs since the summer of twenty-three, snezhana 2 weeks, this is my parina snezhana who knows, this is her patient, snezhanochka. person's personal experience, who shot up twice, well, seriously, i inject the highest dose every week, you say, the snow is still on the smallest dose, it all starts with minimal doses and stops where a person objectively loses weight, what about appetite, this is the first thing, has practically disappeared, there is a complete feeling of satiety , and constantly, even sometimes i can’t understand whether i’m hungry or not, when i need... to eat, and this is our dominant, we are food addicts, the dominant says: you usually ate, you
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usually ate, why are you full, and you can't, you don't have a stomach here i emptied myself, this is important to understand, and the appetite center is suppressed, but well, i’m wondering if i should eat something, but on the very first day, when i took the dose, i wanted it, like drug addicts, i took the dose, no, i didn’t take it dose, administered the drug. i couldn’t do it, because i just didn’t want it, i looked at it, and i had a feeling of satiety, that is, i even thought, it’s surprising and strange that i don’t want such a delicious thing, i had this too, when i sat down to have breakfast, i was horrified to discover that i usually eat a pack cottage cheese, it’s 200 g, and i think it’s necessary. but i can’t eat cottage cheese, i’ve eaten a lot of other things besides cottage cheese, i too,
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so the first thing is that appetite is suppressed, what you need to understand is that when the first drug from this group appeared, it was semaglutide azempik , unfortunately, it is now unavailable in russia, then everyone rushed to inject themselves with it, and so on and so forth, in general this is wrong, these are not toys, these are pen syringes, these are injections, i will now show you these pen syringes. in all cases these are injectable drugs, that is, a you need to be able to administer it, b you definitely need to get tested and examined, right? we examined snezhana from head to toe, she came to yulia yurievna with me with her pack of tests, yulia yurievna prescribed additional tests for her, taught her how to use new medications , only then snezhana began to lose weight, what is her weight now and what are our goals? well, the goal is 10 kg, sit down, 10-15 kg, now the height and weight, well, the height is the
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same, in principle it remains, 60 meters, weight 95, my wish is to wear a skirt like this, i’ll give you mine, i’ll give mine to go out so to speak, that ’s what i am, that’s what unearthly beauty i am, seriously, i wish this for you with all my heart, please. the most important thing that i want to say together with yulia yurina is that these medicines are made in russia, they are now produced in russia, and this is our huge success, right? of course, because we , as doctors, cannot endlessly complain about the fact that foreign drugs have disappeared, we must help our patients, right? therefore , once a week we will monitor how our the guests are wonderful, but for now... thanks to the russian pharmacists and chemists who created these russian medicines, thanks to those
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scientists who created this class in the first place, you can defeat nature only by obeying it. we have received copies of the molecules that in our body control our greedy appetite and do not allow us to transmit. yulia yurievna will be the curator, yes, thank you very much, please sit down and join us. everything is on the health program website, we are waiting for you all, we will fight together, strive and achieve good goals, to be healthy, because... obesity is a terrible thing. let's take a short break and then continue. grass near the house. cilantro. this herb has both its fans and its detractors. the word okhlopovnik is attached to this herb. yes. what is the power of this plant? fever again.
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there is an outbreak of an unusual disease in russia. q fever. what did you do with your tick that you found on your body? i caught him by the butt and threw him out. how not to get infected and how to be treated? there is no unlearning a habit . why do laxatives cause addiction, and what to do if you can no longer live without them? the essence of my technique is that this is my husband, ex, or rather. almost, so, gentlemen, i ask you, what do we have, it seems to me that my sister was killed, why did you decide that, because i saw the killer, take this brick for examination, why didn’t you put it to the brick, i was shaken off, do you have any doubts, yes, there are doubts, problems need to be solved in another way, i can help, bloodhound, new episodes, watch
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the time after the program. rum castro product stellar group. they came out out of shape. the guys will work according to their positions.
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but i didn’t listen, well, the glory has been gathered, boys, you won’t be given away, since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds nice not fascism. but the most striking thing about ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, be it latin or german, as well as for all the world’s anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always were and will be second class. ukrainians live by other people's myths. ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, but
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copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. premiere, ordinary fascism 2, on monday, on the first. this is the kind of music we have, our doctors, they’re collecting ant grass, they’re planting, that’s what they call it.
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born and raised in the krasnodar region, here i will show you live, here it is, live cilantro, live cilantro, i remind everyone, mikhail egorovich is in a town nearby in sochi, so it seems to me that this herb is so georgian. well, of course, in caucasian cuisine is used in any asian cuisine, in almost any dish flavors, let's take a look at cilantro from a medical point of view. my dear doctors, professors, i always proudly say that we are four professors, this program is led by four professors, whoever can
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do it better, however, this is just a throwaway, let’s go to the models, so today we have cilantro, mikhail egorovich goes to the eye, first of all, because in general about cilantro it must be said, two fateful things, the first is vitamin, provitamin, mikhail egorovich, over to you. if we’re talking about cilantro, we’re talking about vitamin a, and vitamin a is involved in the structure of a pigment called radopsin. this is the eye, this is light, light enters the eye and this visual pigment is consumed, you see how fluid is provided, thus an electrical signal is formed that transmits information from our eye to the brain, if there is no rhodopsin.
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naturally, we do not synthesize it inside our body, we receive it from the outside, therefore without receiving it from the outside. unfortunately we can't function normally, in particular our vision, i want to tell you something like this, we are talking about beta-carotene, vitamin a is the same thing, vitamin a is two molecules of beta-carotene, here is a molecule of beta-carotene and here is vitamin a - these are two molecules of beta-carotene interlocked, held together, beta-carotene itself is here, here is one, here is the second, it is clear, which means, once again, we do not produce it ourselves in the body, we only receive it from the outside.
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fighters, this is a vitamin that heals wounds, stops bleeding, there is also a lot of it in cilantro, so herman, three daily norm, three daily norm in 100 grams, the norm, this
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is really a lot, but people who take anticoagulants or those medications that thin the blood, so called warfarin, especially, this vitamin cannot be taken, because it neutralizes the effect of this drug, of course, that is... for those who are on anticoagulants, all greens, including cilantro, will prevent anticoagulants from working, because almost all greens contain a lot of vitamin k, including cilantro , three daily norms in 100 g, that is, 30 g enough, and if it’s dry, there will be more more, obviously, this is an important warning, but in general the fact that a lot of vitamin k is huge for the vast majority of people. andrei petrovich is waiting for us in the kitchen at the podium. we compare the three herbs in terms of vitamin a. if we look, then in terms of provitamin a, cilantro is simply the leader, almost 10 times more
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than in chavili in parsley. we won't even give them space. well, i would say almost 10 times, this is for vitamin a, which is for vision. and for vitamin k. for vitamin c first. how to choose, how to store and how to properly eat? the first question is how to choose, i suggest going to our
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garden bed together with the basket. and directly invite an old friend of our program, professor of the kuban state agrarian university, ruslan aidomirovich giz. ruslan aidomirovich, my dear, come here, the garden bed, just the garden bed with you. ruslan damirovich and i have been sowing for many years and all that. so, when we choose kenza in the ruslandyvich store, what should we focus on, her girlish beauty? this herb has its fans all over the world and their ill-wishers, because the word flapper is attached to this herb, about 14% of africans do not recognize this herb, about 17 europeans and also south asia, afghanistan, srilanka, etc., so to choose the herb, and considering that...
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very thin delicate foliage, it should be in turgar, that is, rich, full, in tone, how to properly store cilantro, cilantro can be stored in different ways, if for several days, it is best to put the dry herb on paper napkins. wrap carefully in a container in the refrigerator at temperature 2-4°. if, if we want it longer, then we transferred the jar into the apples, you can put a bunch like this in the jar, just put it in the water, put german shay water in the jar, because cover the top with an ordinary bag of film and it will stand clearly, like in a vase, that is,
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we put all the grass in a vase like this, germshevich. show me, you have a vase there, then how to sow and plant cilantro correctly? mikhail egorovich, put on some gloves, germanshech, come to us, you are a famous gardener without a garden, we have mikhail close to agriculture, i will repeat what you say, i will repeat everything, we have many varieties of cilantro, they contain essential oils, so they are similar. rushes around, so it is advisable to sow them - the rows are often dense, and the distance between the rows, depending on the place where we grow, is 15-20 cm, and after the shoots appear, yes, they made rows here, they will appear sprouts, then they can be broken through, using them for food, we are already for food, but wait.
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a person from the caucasus is not afraid of this nuclear mixture, because these are the peoples of the caucasus, here these are seeds, they collect 2-3 kg for future use, and then they make this powder from it, and this powder goes to meat, to fish, to poultry, to vegetables, that’s why. great, this is all about food, now it’s time for us to talk about medicine, and the conversation about medicine will be serious, because there have been press reports about an unknown infection.
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novosibirs, right now there is a wonderful infectious disease doctor working at our medical site, i wanted to say, an old friend of our program, well, young beautiful, professor and doctor of medical sciences, elena yuryevna malinnikova, and you are a person who was bitten by a tick, that’s right, we took a test from you, put down your sleeve, please, lower it, let it go, elena yuryevna, and so, they are intimidating us with q fever, which is transmitted. through ticks, what did you do with your tick that you found on your body? i caught him by the butt and threw him out, that’s all, i caught him by the butt and threw him out, russian man, we don’t care about ticks, come with us, let’s talk about
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this problem, because the problem is not so simple, let’s go, so, ticks , elena yurievna, we lived in full confidence that tick-borne encephalitis, do you want to die?
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an infection of the immune system, hence the diagnosis of this infection is very, very difficult, unfortunately in our country there is underdiagnosis, well, not only in our country in the world there is underdiagnosis, not all of us yes, we underestimate this situation that
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exists today, let’s be happy for you, but next time take the tick and check it, okay, good, well, i have a wound, it was such a small swelling, it’s nothing, well, now it’s definitely nothing, you’re alive and well, standing next to us, sit down.
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problem, but we must give simple advice. so, the first simple piece of advice: if a tick bites you, if you extracted it yourself, take it to the rospotrebnadzor laboratory. is necessary specifically for this bacterium, so that we
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do not get poisoned by using some other antibiotics, there are certain conditions that are quite long, because they are treated for at least three weeks with this antibiotic, and this antibiotic, again, must penetrate the cells in order to kill this bacterium, especially bacteria, there may be several phases, and the first phase, the second, and different pathogenicity, different bacteria in one organism. and even, let’s say, sometimes different types of bacteria occur in the same body, then it is necessary, of course, to carry out both antibacterial therapy and pathogenetic therapy, well, in short, the doctor at the infectious diseases hospital will figure it out, but for you there is only one piece of advice: keep the ticks analysis, after a tick bite, if symptoms of acute respiratory infections arise, it is strictly necessary to see a doctor, a doctor and... a perfectionist, many thanks to elena yurina,
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with whom we are friends during the pandemic and love each other friend, let's take a break for a while and then continue, there is no breaking the habit, why laxatives are addictive, and what to do if you can no longer live without them, the best exercises the way you pump up your abs will make it easier for you to modify, flotulence, everything. in russia, how this laundering works, how money is funneled through burisma to organize terrorist attacks , partners of the biden family sponsored terrorism, evading responsibility for corruption, money laundering on the territory of ukraine, the amount of the bribe was 50 million, these funds were directly sent to the forces special operations, the most important motive...
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a training ground, the more we harm the russians, the better. nikolai zlochevsky, a little ukrainian friend of an american hunter. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. listen, you’re kind of strange today, nothing happened to you. i pronounce you husband and wife. anxiety.
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i'm sorry, i'm only an hour, maximum an hour and a half, well, what happened, a plane with an intruder crossed the border, shoot it down at all costs, francis, i know you're not a coward, but you have to know the whole truth, they still can get it, the target is captured, the target is in the launch zone, launch, you realize the moment, of course, the ring has fallen, a bad omen. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series
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of games, on sunday at the first, hello, country, greets you, noronezh, i really love our small towns, almost all the gold has passed. a russian ring and a russian silver necklace, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to lake baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car across the country. well, to the south and vladivostok, there is also a lot in the urals look, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i’m from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its
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beauty and the beautiful neva river , i love my country very much and am proud of it. this program is to live healthy, friends, addictive drugs , we stand with dr. gandelman next to the large intestine, addictive drugs are laxatives, not all, but a huge group laxatives are addictive, herman schaich, straight up the bull by the horns, laxatives are addictive, you can stay. look, that is, this , this is the intestine, inside our feces are usually located, in order to achieve a laxative effect there are two options: first, since deformation, this is a contraction of the intestinal muscle, it will stimulate
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this muscle, which will roll down and push out, let's show the norm how the intestines work. these are actually sequential peristaltic contractions they move the food bolus through the large intestine to the rectum, and it finally comes out, then an act of defecation occurs, which means the first is stimulants, whip the muscle so that it works better and faster, it’s stimulants that are addictive, there are a lot of them, you should pay attention to the composition . the first is sena preparations, let’s write the name now, these are senosides, these are globally sena preparations, the second are preparations that contain bisacadil and sodium picosulfate, and the third is
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sodium picosulfate, these are all stimulants, why are they cause adhesion, why people are forced to increase the dose, strictly speaking, because they... in general, this is incorrectly bad, there are certain rules for the use of these drugs, all these drugs, the so
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-called stimulants, are emergency drugs, for example, you let's go on vacation, your tourist fence has changed.
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water every day, this is what creates a large volume of food bolus, and the bolus promotes itself, it just falls through , see how it works, we use these products, and we also have cholesterol and toxic substances in the intestines, just mix it like this and look. yes, with great ease you push this food code, you see, it is quite loose, because it is voluminous, which means, firstly,
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coarse fibers and water, secondly, yes, water is an obligatory content of our diet, because the more water you eat, than it became, the stool will be softer, that’s, that’s not all, regular physical activity, eh? the best exercise is the way you pump your abs, all exercises for the abs will moving food co, will make it easier for you to modify, flatulence, that's it, flatulence is farting, you will also fart glory, this is also good, it means everything is moving, lastly, there is a group of laxatives called osmatic laxatives, they completely repeat the mechanism of action of coarse fiber, you must drift towards these.
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and as always, in the end, we have only one offer for you: what was good with you, we, with you, may you live healthy, yes. hello, the information channel is starting on the first work live, the program time will tell, in the studio of ruslan astashka and olesya loseva. the main political event
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of the coming days. vladimir putin arrived on a state visit to china. this is the first foreign trip of our president after his re-election in china, vladimir putin was greeted as a dear guest. the ceremony in beijing took place to the sounds of an orchestra performing in the evenings near moscow. the leaders walked on the red line.
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but it is worth noting that the symbolism of this visit is enormous; vladimir putin flew to china 10 days after he took office, and a year ago, xidingping also flew to moscow 10 days after he took office. well, now a special correspondent of channel one, konstantin panyushkin, is contacting us; he is in beijing. konstantin, hello, olesya ruslan, good afternoon, we welcome you, indeed from beijing. konstantin, what is it like now?


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