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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 18, 2024 4:20am-4:56am MSK

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the same package also contained shells for khaimars launchers. as a result, since last saturday , air defense divisions have shot down almost 200 haimarc missiles, vampire, alha, game. our units are advancing in all directions. the most active is noted in the kharkov region. within a week, units of the group in the north were released as a result of active actions.
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ogurtsovo, oleynikovo, pletnevka, dusty, shooting and continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. defeated manpower and equipment of five brigades of the armed forces ukraine, four teroborona brigades and the 15th border detachment of ukraine. enemy losses amounted to 1,175 military personnel. as a result, this direction has the most prisoners in a week, almost 50 people voluntarily surrendered to the fighters of the north group. the operations said, asked, they said, a seal, there will be help, then they said that there would be no help, which means we were not in position, then they attacked us, and we surrendered, i didn’t even understand what was happening, i was hit by shrapnel, i had a grenade with me, i thought about breaking up, but then i thought it was better. these are the kind of
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leaflets that center group drone operators drop from copters into enemy trenches in the avdiivka direction in two languages, russian and ukrainian instructions on how militants can save their lives, four points that were carried out exactly on only one sector of the front by at least eight people, prisoners are already giving detailed testimony about the composition of the units, their location and stock of weapons. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanok, alexander napalkov, ilya podkidyshev, natalya moshtakova, sergey prokofiev, first channel donbass. and again , the need for a sanitary zone with border areas from today's data in the village of zernovo , bryansk region, a woman died as a result of shelling by ukrainian terrorists. and in belgorodskaya, a mother and child, passengers of the car in which they were traveling with the head of the family, died. the militant pointed a kamikaze drone at the car. before the broadcast , the ministry of defense reported that an enemy reconnaissance drone and an operational-tactical missile had been shot down over the bryansk and belgorod regions, respectively. again.
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in the city region, a civilian was killed and another was injured in an enemy drone attack, governor vyacheslav glodkov just said this. voenkorb of the first channel dmitry kulko and the people's front are opening a training camp for fighters of the northern military district, the second guards lugansk-north donetsk corps, which fights under the clock, the necessary quadcopters, including those equipped with thermal imagers. to support the defenders, just enter your phone camera into the qr code on the screen and follow the link. all the information on the site is all for victory, you can count any feasible amount. let's return to harbin polytechnic university. before speaking to russian journalists, vladimir putin spoke with students and teachers of the university, which has close ties with our leading scientific centers. report by oleg shishkin. in the museum of the polytechnic university in harbin, books are in russian . this educational institution was created at the beginning of the last century. with the participation of russian
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specialists to train personnel for the chinese eastern railway. now it is one of the leading technical universities celestial empire, where almost 60,000 students study. at the exhibition of technical innovations , vladimir putin was shown an installation for exploration of oil and gas fields, a device for drilling lunar soil and a mechanical manipulator that is used in space orbit. 15 generators and more than 100 sensors, can perform work in outer space instead of a person. the russian president was also shown a model of the rover with the function of automatically unfurling a flag or flags. this technology is also supported, emphasized organizers. we would very much like to jointly continue to develop this area so that in the future the chinese flag, together with the russian one , can be displayed on mars. harbin polytechnic university has close partnerships with russian universities. far eastern and pacific university. graduated from this
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university and worked there as an assistant to the rector of this university, he will soon open an educational center jointly with the harbin polytechnic institute, he is convinced that in the near future this center will become one of the flagships of the russian-chinese cooperation in the field of science education. there is nowhere for an apple to fall in the university assembly hall. vladimir putin asked the organizers to give him the opportunity to choose which of the guys to give.
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you will wake up thinking about it, go to bed, you will think about it, you will always find the right solutions, but in today’s world one circumstance is very important, which without any doubt creates a competitive advantage in achieving goals, this is the ability
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to work in a team. in the hall, future philologists, engineers, economists, managers, the question of western sanctions as an element of unfair play in the global economic market. this is how the americans recently imposed sanctions on china on electric transport, on electric cars, why, for what? but because chinese cars have become better, for this reason, there is no other reason, this is an example of unfair competition, the same applies to, say, aviation, well, now in russia we are faced with these restrictions, but there is a turnover. side of the coin, yes, it is not very good that we are faced with these difficulties, but the good thing is that it encourages us to more intensive work on our own work in this direction. russia is successfully resisting western sanctions and is on the path
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to achieving technological sovereignty. our developments in the field of aircraft construction will also be useful in creating a joint russian-chinese airliner. just a few years ago we created. such an aviation engine, which had not been produced before for the previous, i think 20 years, maybe 25, now we are making an even more powerful engine for wide-body aircraft, because if we will still do it in the end, but i would really like for us to jointly make a wide-body long-haul aircraft, this is where this engine would be useful; on the initiative of the chinese side , our specialists are working together to create a heavy helicopter. together with our friends, with chinese specialists, we have certain plans, these are capital-intensive projects, but they are very
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interesting and very promising, well , maybe you too will participate, there are 5,000 students from the middle kingdom studying in our country, in chinese universities... specialists who have both knowledge and areas of activity that require the appropriate languages, it’s just that life itself requires the presence of such specialists, and we... on the part of the state will do everything to ensure that this process is supported. of course, there were some questions that usually list personal categories. you are an example to all of us, and your perseverance and vision have always inspired me to grow. vladimir vladimirovich, how were you able
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to develop these magnificent qualities? don't know, it happened that way, but in general it seems to me that i am just like many people, like all people. i’m missing a lot, i still have to work on myself, so maybe now i’ve answered your question, because when a person is critical of himself, believes that he still needs to do a lot and work a lot on himself, then, he is probably achieving success, and i wish the same for you.
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china is the center of the province of the people's republic of china, bordering immediately on five russian regions, and also the site of a grandiose expo exhibition and a place of general historical memory, maryana yatskevich will confirm. vladimir putin's program in harbin began with a solemn ceremony at
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the monument to soviet soldiers who liberated northeast china from japanese invaders during the second world war. if you look closely, you will notice that the paint is completely fresh; the monument was restored by may 9th. in china , they treat their historical heritage with care, vladimir putin spoke about this at the opening of the expo. we laid flowers at the memorial to soviet soldiers and officers. and i would like to express my deep gratitude. residents of harbin, the chinese authorities who keep the memory of our warriors, liberators in joint pages of military glory, we carefully treat the common historical, spiritual and cultural heritage. in total , 190 chinese and 170 russian companies set up their stands at the expo site, and these figures best speak of the level of development of economic relations between our countries, which is important for about 90% of all. just a few years ago
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, the figure of 100 billion dollars in trade turnover was considered a great success for bilateral trade; now we have already crossed the mark of 200, but more precisely, according to chinese statistics, 240 billion. and this is far from the limit, of course, the russian-chinese inextricable partnership. directly contributes to the growth of the economies of both countries, reliably ensures energy security, stimulates the creation of new industries and high-paying jobs. our strategic alliance in the energy sector, which has become the supporting pillar of the entire global energy market, i am confident will continue to strengthen. russia is ready and capable of uninterruptedly and reliably supplying the chinese economy, enterprises, cities, towns, ecologically pure. available energy light heat. in harbin, the president and the russian delegation are accompanied by
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deputy chairman vladimir putin , who examined the pavilion with interest and approached the center of the russian direct investment fund. it was created on the initiative of the president. rfif is the most active partner of chinese business in russia. over 10 years, 50 projects worth 780 billion rubles have been implemented. more than half of the investments go to industry and infrastructure. direct investment projects with rdif participation account for 60% of total quantity. one of the landmark projects for the construction of the first ever railway bridge across the amur river between our countries. the movement opened 2 years ago and it was called a historical event. thanks to the bridge, the transport route was reduced by 700 km. maximum throughput capacity is 20 million tons of cargo per year. the bridge is unique; it simultaneously operates according to the railway standards of russia and china. cargo goes one by one from one country to another, but... there are two real tracks here: russian and chinese ones of different widths carriages. the development of the so-called eastern
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transport hub is now a task of strategic importance for our country: not only russian, but all world trade is being reoriented to asian markets, and optimal logistics routes go through our country; rdif has announced new investment projects with chinese partners. very active interaction with china, during this visit alone we announced five new projects with the people's republic of china, investments in a port for transshipment of liquid hydrocarbons. gases, two projects pharmaceuticals, one for the release of our drugs on the chinese market, the other for the production of chinese drugs and localization on the russian market, an agreement with a leading technology park in china and yes...
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today our country is actively increasing food exports at the stand , products made in russia, which are now enjoying great demand in china, from dairy products to chocolate, the russian export center helps in promotion, on one of the main tourist streets of khorbina, there is a stir, there is also one of the pavilions with russian products, chinese buyers try stela... and ice cream, we have opened a permanent pavilion of russian goods here in harbin, this is the second pavilion in china, and on an ongoing basis our operator will negotiate with other distributors in order to conclude new new export contracts. near the capital's stand, the director of the moscow zoo , svetlana akulova, told vladimir putin about the first giant
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panda cub born in russia, pandi katyusha, who will go to china, when she turns 4 years old. dozens of russian and chinese pavilions. are adjacent to each other, here, for example, you can learn everything about winter tourism in harbin, here you can try delicacies of russian regions, for example, the primorye delegation brought honey, there is also unique handmade chocolate with tripang. eduard seleznev notes that such exotic products are very useful, this is well known in china, where traditional medicine is valued. how do the chinese feel about this chocolate? well, they really love things like this, but they people ask me all the time: make us tripang wine, make us tripang vodka, do it. we have a tripang product, and these butterfly drones, developed by scientists from russia and china, are the result of many years of cooperation between two universities, lomonosov moscow state university and beijing polytechnic university. the peculiarity is that these parts, the blades and the actual supporting structures themselves, they fold inward, these parts are assembled, that is, this is a fairly
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compact tube, which is simply used by the operator when... necessary launch it, throw it into the air, it unfolds there and actually hangs there, and today the president also visited the church of the blessed virgin mary, it was built according to the design of a russian architect in the thirties of the last century, today the only operating orthodox church in harbin, the rector is chinese, studied at st. -petersburg theological academy is 5 years old. st. petersburg was a good impression, i really liked it, it’s a very quiet, very cultural city.
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the it community gathered today in moscow to talk about current trends, neural networks and artificial intelligence. when and in what areas will he replace humans? alexander lyakin listened to his opinion. one glance at the stage design is enough to understand who is sitting in the hall. leading experts in the field of digital technologies, leaders of the largest it companies, programmers and web designers. this representative it forum is organized by mts, one of the hottest topics is how... quickly in which professions will artificial intelligence replace humans? phrase of this year: you will not be replaced by robots or you will not be replaced by artificial intelligence, you will be replaced by people who can communicate with artificial intelligence. in fact, we are witnessing the emergence of a new technology that can once again completely change our world. no one, not even those who produce artificial intelligence models, can say exactly when this
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will happen. yes, and there are also completely different polar opinions that this quantum leap will happen there right now tomorrow. "we will all live in the era of artificial intelligence, which will do everything for us, some will hold a completely different opinion, a zone of turbulence, we are in it, but in general i think that quite soon a fairly large amount of routine work will be replaced by artificial intelligence, and not only routine, but creative, but it is already clear that we will have to master new technologies, for sure just as a little more than a quarter of a century ago, people were learning computer literacy, at the conference it was announced that this year a ma' will open at the higher school of economics. research and entrepreneurship in artificial intelligence, to name just one of many directions of the faculty of computer science. today the situation has significantly aggravated the task of achievements.
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cybersecurity has been done by the industry itself, in general, it seems to me that there are now a lot of interesting ideas at the peak, this is the place for the exchange of these ideas, at the conference there are 3,500 participants in the hall, mostly young people, these are precisely the it specialists on whom the technological the sovereignty of our country, there are all the conditions for their work in russia, firstly, it’s the environment, yes, that is, i’m a stranger there, but here i belong, and secondly these are the people we work with, and a competitive salary, yes, that is, i won’t get that salary there, or rather that... but with its own specifics, for example, writing program code in 3 minutes in limbo,
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programmers will understand this joke, they often have to solve complex problems in a short period of time with a lot of distractions. alexander lyakin, dmitry kiyanovsky, andrey mikhailov, channel one. in the news sector of the internet, and of course, in the rest of the information space, the russian leader’s visit to china is being animatedly analyzed. from specific. mikhail akinchenko will confirm: in today’s episode , america’s two largest geopolitical adversaries proclaim eternal friendship. but somehow the united states cannot be happy for its friends. perhaps the political mentality of the country, which is more accustomed to being friends not with someone, but exclusively against someone, is making itself felt. so russian-chinese friendship is viewed through the prism of their own understanding of the world. this is a very significant and concerning meeting, given that we are talking about our competitors who are also our adversaries according to our national security strategy, and
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now they are building their coalition because they, in turn, consider us a strategic adversary. if trump wins, i wonder what will happen to this partnership, since trump is obviously a big fan of putin, but at the same time opposes china, who knows where this will all lead. he still couldn’t get past beijing. i saw something today that couldn’t be worse. the head of china xi i'm good i know that russian president putin, and i also know him well, are right now developing joint plans on how to do harm, and they undoubtedly only think about this, how to do harm. apparently, it is still difficult for american politicians to imagine leaders. russia and china could be thinking about something else; it must be said that there is complete mutual understanding on this issue between republicans and democrats from the white house. do you see this
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picture? and what do you think about this? about putin and xi - this is the construction of an axis that has been going on for 2 years now. axis of evil. an axis that openly opposes an american-dominated world. today we live in a world where all hopes of cooperation and interaction between great powers have been dashed. and the main question now is: not what can we achieve in international politics, but what can we avoid? unfortunately, none of these countries are our partners. do we have leverage? for russia, not a single one. is it our support for ukraine? of course, they tried to exert pressure, and less than a month later, secretary of state blinken flew to beijing and right there threatened sanctions against chinese banks and companies for cooperation with russia. it’s as if on purpose that the russian leader in the celestial empire is being greeted with all possible cleanliness, although why, as if, on cnn they are sure that it’s just on purpose. what is the main purpose of this meeting,
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and what will be the consequences for the west? we observed red carpets laid out in front of vladimir putin and a military parade. but let me clarify, this is not just about the meeting between vladimir putin and sidzenpin and the demonstration unlimited cooperation, this is an opportunity to turn a corner on the west and especially the united states at a time when china is trying to establish itself in quality.
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russia and china have already announced a boundless partnership, but now they are talking about a new era of relations, how do we understand this? their goal is a rules-based international order and the declaration they signed promotes an illiberal view of the world, especially for wavering countries. plus, they deepen relationships. in several directions at once in relation to military cooperation, science and technologies, especially innovative technologies, in aviation transport logistics , the creation of dual- use transport hubs around the world. in this regard, i would like to note their outstanding cooperation in the arctic, to which we should pay more attention. the wall street journal highlights the two countries' strong economic ties, with trade totaling $240 billion last year. russia acquires the products of chinese enterprises, in turn
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, increases supplies of oil and gas to... heaven, builds nuclear power units there, shares military technologies. this relationship has a fairly strong foundation, says jakob jakubovsky, deputy director of the center for oriental studies. there is currently a us strategic conflict that is unlikely to end anytime soon. china will rely on russia as its only reliable partner. russia , observers say, in turn, can count on china. in this regard, the same wall street journal quotes the words of vladimir putin, who said that he feels at home in china, but the west seems to be at home in this feels like a stranger. mikhail akinchenko, natalya labanova, daliyasya rajedinova, stanislav opletin, channel one. the next 2-3 days will be key for the prime minister of slovakia, who was on the verge of death as a result of the assassination attempt. robert fitz underwent another operation, but his condition remains serious. the tactics of further treatment will be determined by a medical council on monday. he
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will decide whether it is possible to transport the fitz? from the clinic in banska bystrica, where the assassination attempt took place, to bratislava. tomorrow , the seventy-one-year-old who shot the head of government pensioner juraj tsintula will appear before a special criminal court that considers the most high-profile cases. the accused faces life imprisonment. and also about the security of our state, which is ensured by the armed forces. the military satellite constellation was replenished with several devices at once. they were launched into orbit by the union's launch vehicle. 21b from the plesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region, after launch in the sky, a space jellyfish is the name given to the atmospheric wake of a rocket when it launches after sunset or before at dawn, like this time. training of nuclear shield elements. in the vershkarolinsky missile formation , the yars strategic complexes took part in the exercise. the crews practice camouflage and more. and in the northern fleet, the frigate admiral gorshkov, carrier of
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caliber cruise missiles, set out on a long voyage to the atlantic along with escort vessels. sound cerconas we pass 349 now again footage from china, very spectacular music performed by our famous pinist denis matsuev, yuri bashmet at the conductor's stand and a duet, unsurpassed bass ildarov drazakov and chinese soprano insumei. the song needs no introduction.
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beijing is its participant. the event is part of the celebration of the upcoming seventy-fifth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our country and the prc in october. the site near the great wall is familiar to our artists. last summer , the mariensky theater symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev played there. the maestro is also the permanent director of the moscow easter festival. the final chords of this year were played in tver at the local theater dramas. one of the most iconic and recognizable. provincial theaters of russia, whose history goes back 270 years, behind a tour of russia 24 cities in 22 days, a performance by a musician from a large theater, both led by valery gergiev, dropped everything and came here, because a great conductor, a wonderful orchestra, this melody is recognizable from
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the first notes, perhaps, behind the musicians are ekaterinburg, kazan, novosibirs, nizhny novgorod, 24 cities in 22 days. the first 10 days are easy, always, it’s like, because we’re dating, we are friends, we communicate, socialization takes place, experience is exchanged, then, when it starts, there are two, two concerts a day in different cities. it’s hard, i have the feeling that i’ve always lived on a train, but of course i already want to go home, but we always happily return to the festival with our thoughts. the audience receives the works of russian composers with particular warmth; for example, stravinsky sounded in tver. valery
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gergiev united the orchestras of the mariinsky bolshoi theater. he became the ceo of the big one at the end of last year, so that creative. experiments are just beginning and the artists themselves see in this you will get to know each other, but it would be better to share some secrets, some specifics of two capitals, two cities, and have a good time, for example, on excursions, the city of votkinsk, woodmurtia, the birthplace of peter ilyevich tchaikovsky, in his estate museum, how could you not sit at the ford piano yourself, and then at the concert in otkinsk there was a real musical... celebration, the easter festival took place simultaneously with another major festival of gergiev, genius of the place. it's a holiday, it's extravaganza, complete delight inside, i couldn’t pass by this event, i was amazed at the level of organization, and the music was magical.
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the stage heard tchaikovsky's fourth and fifth symphony, the overture fantasia romeo and juliet, and also music from chelkkunchik. a child to the moscow bolshoi theater or to the st. petersburg marinsky theater, and at home to see the performance, the immortal ballet of pyotr ilch, which enjoys the love of hundreds, hundreds of millions, both adults and representatives of the most important, smallest audience. shown for the first time in the author’s homeland full-fledged performance "opera and allanta". i will write such an opera that everyone will cry - said tchaikovsky, holding back tears until... the bitterness of happiness is really difficult - the story of the beautiful daughter of a king who is blind from birth and heals her love. broadcasts of these concerts with horns on tchaikovsky received more than 2 million views in
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37 countries. the easter spirit of the festival in its choral program, with almost fifty performances in churches and concert venues in moscow and the moscow region, was echoed by the festive bell singing. hello, dear tv viewers, you are watching the triggers lab podcast on channel one and its host tatyana krasnovskaya is with you, psychologist and psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, our guest today is alexandra,
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hello, hello alexandra, tell me what’s wrong with you, i buy everything good the beginning, so i buy everything, everything i can, everything i can’t, in any situation, i’m not doing well. for new underwear, well i go for a new bracelet, i’m bored opening some marketplace, i’m sadly buying cosmetics, a pimple has popped out, i’m buying 115 cream, i have the feeling that soon all the things will simply evict me from the house, that is, they need a separate house in order for us to exist together, does this bother you or is already bothering your loved ones, that’s where the problem begins, this has always bothered my loved ones, i’ve always been like this ...


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