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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 18, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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as if, probably, about nine years ago we met for the first time, somehow it all started spinning, spinning, i just know why i thought about it, because after the short program at the spartakiad, dima literally set fire to the migzone there with his commentary on what happened at ice and generally what is happening in russian figure skating, which caused some kind of flurry of completely different emotions, literally the next day his friend sashka samarin, who had a career in general, came out.
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that is, you think so closely the same way and you support each other even in such situations, so i just wanted to observe this observation, not well, i just needed to put out a little of this fire that was raging there on the internet, but again, you decided to cover it with your broad back, well , after all, the eldest comrade, it was necessary, well, since we started talking about what was going on on the internet, these are comments from fans and so on, you... always had a fairly large army of fans throughout your career, they were rooting for you, i just saw it in the stadiums maybe you have something to say lastly for your fans? and i wouldn’t say that i had a very large fan base and fan base, but firstly, also the banner, sorry, i’ll interrupt, sane is the best, but firstly, i want to say thank you so much to them that they this was with me, that they -
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they walked this path with me, every year this base increased a little and came up with something new, again, going out on the ice every season, in addition to motivating installations, a coach, and so on, helps the fans also help, who periodically can help you out of the blue write this, say that you are huge. well done, that they really love what you do, wish you health, good luck, success and so on, this also motivates me a little to work, progress and not stop, so they also left a mark on my career, again the same banners that already, well, more in the last few seasons have begun to appear in such numbers.
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it’s also very cool, you periodically go out before training, roughly speaking, at competitions, look at the arena and say, oh, they’re cheering for me there, that’s very it’s nice, but in general there are a lot of different funny comments about me on the internet, which also make you laugh and smile, which one do you remember the most, and there were many different ones, starting from all sorts of lumberjacks. everything else, probably ending with how they actually support me, that is, but it seems to me, san, that this is also how you feel about it yourself, because, for example, a lumberjack is a very cool guy, they -first, who saved little red riding hood, the woodcutter, well, yes, ellie, who saved the emerald city, but then with... sometimes
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they tried to play up such moments, it’s very cool that many, again, and the fans, let’s say, bought this little humor in our productions of programs, well, it’s just great, and since you say thank you to my fans, so i say thank you for... coming to visit us in this cozy studio, now we will be watching you in a different capacity, coach, showman, and maybe someone else , most importantly, i wish you only success in everything, now in front of you all doors are open, go to any one and achieve it , call more often, invite me, i don’t refuse, it was a free program podcast, watch all episodes on the website!
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hello, this is the schrödinger's cat podcast, and i am its host, grigory tarasevich, editor-in-chief of the magazine, which is also called schrödinger's cat, and we are talking about important things from a scientific point of view. today’s topic is very, very important, modestly so, the meaning of life, and we invited dmitry leontyev, professor, doctor of... sciences, head of the international laboratory of positive psychology of personality and motivation of the higher school of economics, dmitry has many more regalia, but the main thing is that he is a psychologist who deals with issues of meaning, issues of human existence, hello, well, let's
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try to talk about the meaning of life, i'm a little worried, because the topic is... something downright frightening, what is the meaning of life, well, you know, there is such a... a simple joke, father, tell me, i live correctly, correctly, my son, only in vain, that is , the question of meaning is the question of whether we are in vain whether we live or not in vain, that’s what it’s all for everything, there is just life, yes, our everyday life, we get up, brush our teeth, have breakfast, get dressed, go to work, and there is another dimension that requires us, well, sometimes it demands, sometimes we... get by just fine , to understand why we do all this in general, that is , that what we do is in itself, so to speak, not self-sufficient, it may be necessary, important for something else, for which - something more important, connected with something global in our life, why we live at all, that is
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a conversation about meaning is always a conversation about the connection between something smaller and something larger, from some individual elements of our life with something global, and what would happen if this did not exist in our lives, that these people would not exist in our lives if we did not what we are doing, but something else, yes, here’s how we can do without it or cannot, what is necessary in our life, what is not, we need proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, this is what our body needs, our body, besides this, there is something else that our soul needs, yes, without which we cannot exist normally, without which we become not ourselves, we fall into some kind of depression, we...
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a schoolchild, a student, a doctor, so he woke up in the morning, looked at the news on his smartphone, brushed his teeth, drank coffee, tea, went to study, to work, at what point does he need this meaning? you know, let's start even earlier, let's start from early childhood, because a small child, in any given situation, he enjoys life, he plays, he has fun, he he is happy, he laughs, or something is wrong, he cries, but he has every separate fragment of life, it is not connected with other fragments of life, and what a small child is doing now is in no way connected with what he did an hour ago and what or what he will do in half an hour, these are all separate episodes, they are in no way connected with each other, at
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one moment he feels some needs, some internal impulses, some desires, at another moment others , here, but somewhere around the age of 4-5 years it begins then...
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a teenager, how is he with the meaning of life, but then the child grows up, adolescence becomes the most difficult age, because we begin to realize ourselves, we begin to suffer from these questions, that is... this problem becomes not only our problem objective life, but this becomes a problem for us, and i begin to wonder why i live, but again this does not happen to everyone, because already in adolescence quite strong individual differences arise in how different people are people in different degrees tend to reflect on their lives, many get along just fine without it and continue to live according to some ready-made tasks, along some ready-made lines of force. without asking questions in vain or not in vain, everyone does this, so if i want to correspond
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to this image, then i do this, so the question does not arise about the specifics of my personal specific life, the problem of the meaning of life is a problem that not everyone faces , which you can do without, this is not a mandatory problem, it is an optional problem, i like the school teacher is very afraid of the question from the student, why, because he has ready-made answers, why do you go to school, so that...
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there are not enough of these answers, general, standard, that like everyone else, like neighbors, they continue to ask the question why why in relation to their own life, well, in fact, the first such detailed, large book, which is devoted to this analysis of the problems of the meaning of life and its search, is the book of lev nikolayevich our tolstoy, a confession, this is a wonderful autobiographical work, a small book of pages. .. where tolstoy describes how, in the middle of his life, in the prime of his life, he suddenly encountered
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a situation when everything in his life is generally wonderful, books are being written, published, his family is blowing away specks of dust, world fame, weeks do not pass without some bad luck coming , touch the wisdom to communicate, everything seems fine, everything is in chocolate, but for some reason i periodically want to shoot myself. the meaning has disappeared, it is unclear why all this is for, what all this is for, well, this is a situation in which the problem of meaning can arise very acutely, when in general everything is good, there is everything except meaning, that is, the main question of the meaning of life, the question why, the question why, yes, why, and this is a question that requires indicating the connection, yes, here is the connection with something else, life, which devoid of meaning, which has no meaning, this is a life that is not connected with anything, here a person lives alone... what will happen tomorrow does not depend at all on what will happen today, his life does not affect anything, does not
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influences the lives of other people in any way, a person will disappear from the face of the earth, and no one will notice it, this is a life that has no meaning, it is not connected with anything, but a life that has meaning is a life that is connected with other people, my actions are also connected, my actions today are connected with my life, with what i will do tomorrow, because today i'm doing something. in order for me to feel better tomorrow, my life is aimed at the future, my life is connected with the lives of other people, i think, i care that what i do has some positive impact on the lives of other people, on the life of humanity in general, in general in the end on our common future, if we have it, that is, we, if we pose such questions, then this is, in fact, thinking about the meaning of life, one of the most...
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confession, yes, he described the process of how he searched for meaning in life, he first tried to find what life should be aimed at, what meaning it should have, read wise books, communicated with enlightened people, found one answer, tried on monday to start life so that it corresponded to this meaning, that - nothing worked for him, which means, probably, wrong answer, searched, searched for another answer, found another answer, that’s... in fact the correct meaning, trying again from monday to start living according to the new correct meaning, nothing works either, the third time the same same result, in in the end, he comes to the conclusion that, firstly, you cannot raise the question about the meaning of life in general, you can only raise the question about the meaning of your own life, everyone has their own meaning, and secondly, this answer,
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it should not precede life itself , that is, it’s wrong... such a formulation of the question, that i must first find the answer, write this on the wall, that the meaning of life is this, and then correspond to what is written on my wall, on the sign, on the contrary, the order is reversed, first i must live in some meaningful way , and then somehow define it, designate it, with you is the podcast schrödinger’s cat, its host grigory tarasevich, guest psychologist dmitry leontyev, and we are talking about the meaning of life, according to modern research, the latest empirical psychological research has come to this what exists three dimensions of meaning: the first dimension of meaning is the actual answer to what the meaning of life is, some words are a verbal concept of defining meaning, the meaning is there, yes, i answer, the meaning is in struggle, in love, in something else
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in relationships , yes, that is, this is what it is , a certain specific concept, an intellectual concept. this is the first dimension, the second dimension - this is what i was just talking about, the feeling that my life is meaningful, the feeling of fullness , the fullness of life, this is such an emotional experience, i don’t know what the meaning of life is, but i know that my life is now meaningful, or i feel that my life has no meaning, that is, the first is the intellectual component of the meaning, the second is the emotional component of the meaning, and the third component is that i don’t even... think about the meaning of life, but this is a question of what my actions are aimed at, that is, what is my life about, what is it about, what is it aimed at, what is it connected to, we can talk about this, this is the third dimension, what i really am i do, such an effective measurement of meaning, in what i invest my resources into, what i invest my strength into, what i invest my energy into, what i generally invest my life into,
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and isn’t there a factor of inertia here, someday, of course. my goal was to pass the same unified state exam or get approval from mom and dad or earn a reputation as an employee, then i already received this, but life still continues to roll according to this meaning. of course, no one has canceled the factor of inertia; it is always easiest to continue living the way you have lived until now, because to make some changes our lives always require much more effort. much more energy, much more creative efforts than continuing to move along the same lines. the remarkable american psychologist, the recently deceased salvator maddi, built such a theory of existential choice that all the important choices that we make in our lives are choices between preserving what is, maintaining the status quo, between
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the past and the future, then there is some kind of step forward, somewhere into the unknown. and uh different people are inclined to varying degrees to either make a choice of the past or make a choice of the future, each of these choices has its own side consequences, because by choosing the future, by choosing something that has not yet happened, i thereby find myself in the field where i find myself doomed to a feeling of anxiety, because anxiety is precisely the feeling that always accompanies the feeling of the unpredictability of the future, if i am moving there, i have not been there yet, i cannot help but feel anxiety, this is a natural normal feeling, anxiety is a signal of the unpredictability of the future, to get rid of from the feeling of anxiety, i have to get rid of the future, that is
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, this is the inertia of style, and until the moment a person retains this choice of the future, he is not lost there at 30 years old, but at each new point there are always new, new choices, because none of the choices is completely final, in our lives new and new choices appear all the time, another thing is that the same inertia of style is at work here, which you and korzhavin have now quite accurately formulated, because...
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but often these the plots are connected with some critical events in a person’s life, for example, a person receives a fatal diagnosis, he has a year left to live, yes, that’s what he should do with his life now for a year, that is , before that he believed that his life seemed to have no such visible end, that’s all will continue for a long time, and now very clear visible boundaries appear, yes, that is , time, the countdown has begun, so... and what to do, how to live with this time, there are a number of well-known studies on this topic that were published just about what, let's say,
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the experience of clinical death, in which a person gets into and from which he is taken out, which leads to an awareness of the finitude of life, some kind of sharp, yes, it leads to an increase, so to speak, in the quality of life of the psychological, a person, a person suddenly realizes responsibility for his life, responsibility for the way he ... the remaining time he will spend begins to take his life seriously, life is a very serious matter, as the outstanding psychotherapist g. gental said, and few people take it seriously enough. perhaps the question is why it is worth studying before how did the fatal diagnosis come about or something else similar? well, of course, because it is natural that it is absolutely not necessary to wait for this, but this is the question, the question is largely... are we able to treat our life somehow consciously or are we just going with the flow? go with the flow, this is the easiest way, this is the most
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energy-saving mode; go with the flow, all living things have an inherent desire to save energy. people are not inclined to put any extra effort into anything, neither physical nor even intellectual. we there were fields, we prefer to do without the extra ones. from this challenge, we need in order to develop, in order to become more complex, we need to put effort into what we do, not in just
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going to work every day, but in questioning whether , am i going to the right job, am i going to work correctly, why am i going to work, maybe it’s better for me not to go to this job at all, change jobs, maybe it’s better for me to create my own business or even go somewhere to the other end land, to do something else, that is... possibilities, let's think about what i need , why, what i really want, this is actually the most difficult question, what i want, but still
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in my imaginary... . a poster that should be hung over every bed, why am i doing this, why am i waking up, are there any negative consequences, so i looked at this question, why, i realized that my work or my studies do not have any meaning, and i chose. do nothing at all, why go to school if it's pointless, why be pr manager, if it doesn’t make anyone feel good, what to do, well, the point is, no one is forcing you. in fact - to look for meaning, no one forces you to live at all, it is ultimately a matter of taste, it is, in the end , your free choice, please, you can spend your whole life - do not get out of bed, do not get off the couch to watch tv series, in general it’s not like that few people in different parts of the world arrange their lives in approximately this way, but they , uh, of course, realize a very small part of their human potential, right now
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there are various debates about how much... the capabilities of the human brain are used by 3%, 10% and so on, i meet many people who have 3% a lot, well, this is a metaphor, neurophysiologists usually start to wince when they are told to wince, yes, well , nevertheless, there is a very, very wide spread here, there are people who need this power for something, they use it with current, and there are people for whom it is completely redundant, and this is again a matter of choice. you see, it's largely a matter of choice. at one time, an outstanding psychologist, our own, leo semyonovich vygotsky formulated such an important concept as the social situation of development. what lies behind this concept is that in every culture, society offers children a certain set of requirements that these children must meet upon reaching adulthood. well, we have reached adulthood and received our diplomas. what
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next, is there life? after the unified state exam, and this really turns out to be a matter of taste, it turns out to be a matter of personal choice, because by this point, when after we have reached adulthood, social situations development ends, society ceases to present uniform normative requirements to all of us, what is needed from us, then we all go our own way, and we all set ourselves or do not set individual development goals, because... in adulthood, in the modern world there are a huge number of different niches that allow us to develop to, in general, without limitlessness, and there are a lot of niches that allow us not to develop, after all, here is this adult person, to whom society no longer presents any clear demands, yes, who feels that he doesn’t owe anyone anything, yes, he woke up with the question, why, are there any recipes, methods, how to look for the answer, how to look for the meaning?
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but you know, there is just no general recipe here, here you need to work, here you need to work, but you can’t, i can’t say that take such and such a pill or read such and such a book from pages 60 to 75, and you will get the answer to this question, here you need to understand what is wrong in life, and why, well, sometimes it manifests itself in such things as, for example, the fear of death, but fear of death is one of those symptoms that is associated.
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life is rich and full of content, they are less likely to experience such traumatic experiences about the prospect of death, which we all face somewhere ahead, well, probably, the meaning of life somehow correlates with happiness, it certainly correlates with happiness, there are many recent studies that are trying to separate them, that is , their connection is quite obvious, in what ways they differ from each other, but the meaning of life is with one on the other hand... it helps to increase the resources of happiness, when everything is good in our life, positive emotions the meaning just enhances this, on the other hand, the meaning is, on the contrary , a resource for coping with critical, traumatic situations, that is, when something in our life is unfavorable , then the meaning is precisely what helps us cope with this trouble, what helps us endure it
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and withstand even dominance from... negative emotions, grief, there are often situations when people who have suffered some bereavement, they find their meaning in helping other people who are faced with similar ones. situations, there is an absolutely wonderful phrase on this topic, which i found in one of the books of kurt vonogut, with reference to his son mark, a doctor, with reference to his son, he gave such a wonderful formula, such a last meaning that works even in the most critical, in the most tragic situations, the point is, i say, to help each other get through it, whatever it is. podcast cat with you schlädinger, i am its host grigory tarasevich, our guest dmitry leontsev, a psychologist, with whom we are talking about such a global thing as the meaning of life. before
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meeting you, i asked my eleventh graders to write a short essay about the meaning of life, almost all of them, without directly saying anything, made the first sentence approximately... everyone has their own meaning of life, yeah, but it turns out that on our planet there are 8 billion meanings of life, or maybe a little less, is there some typology of meanings, some groups of meanings? the most clear typology, the best one is the typology proposed by viktor frankova, who said that yes, everyone has their own meaning, but since the situations faced by different people, they are often similar to each other. the meanings that they find, they also often have a lot in common with each other, and he identified three groups of meanings, well , he called these generalized meanings values, the first is the values ​​of creativity, that is,
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what we create, what we bring something new into the world, something new that we create, work, yes, we build something, yes, we create some ideas, that is, what we bring into the world, generate, this, this... which i experience when communicating with art, this is always a feeling of something that i discover in the world, i admire this world , i find something of this kind of experience, because pleasure is
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just a secondary thing, but here pleasure cannot be the meaning of life, because pleasure is an internal state, it is about me, it is not about the world, my internal state cannot be the meaning of life, my inner state... maybe only a by-product of finding the meaning of life, meaning is always in the world, but pleasure is not in the world, pleasure is in me, it cannot be meaning. frankl has a wonderful metaphor about a boomerang. uh, what is a boomerang? this is a toy that you throw, it comes back into your hands. no, actually, for a moment, a boomerang is a hunting weapon. a hunting weapon of the australian aborigines, with which they simply hit prey. the hunter throws a boomerang, and the boomerang should not return anywhere, it... must hit the head of the prey to stay in her skull, the hunter then approaches, accordingly, takes out the boomerang, puts the prey on his shoulder, moves on, returns back only the boomerang that missed the target, and so we
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say frank also, we return to ourselves when we missed past our goal in the world, here at our goals, our meaning, they are there in the world, when we missed, did not hit it, we return to ourselves, we begin to ourselves. dig, in fact, our goals, meanings, they are out there in the world, but still the first a group of meanings is associated with creativity, something is an experience, and the third is when we cannot do anything to bring something into the world, to extract something from the world, the most tragic situation when we do nothing at all unable to do, our capabilities are limited, the last resource is that we can change our attitude towards this situation. frankyl just illustrated this with the example of his four-year stay in a nazi concentration camp, so he recalled such a situation when, in the evening after the end working day, a column of prisoners there under
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escort, returning from their place of work to their barracks in a concentration camp and two moving their legs, tired and exhausted, in this situation i imagined... that the war was over, that i was invited to a conference in some university, i go up to the podium and start talking about how it was about the experience of living in concentration. here is such a moment of detachment from the current situation, i already perceive this situation as a certain object of academic description, so i change my attitude, change my position in some way in relation to what is happening now, and this gives, gave strength to withstand, to preserve oneself, to maintain some kind of hope, to remain stable, in general, to ultimately survive and ... wrote that it seemed that the greatest
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chances of surviving in the concentration camp were not those who were the strongest physically, physically, but precisely those who had some kind of meaning, who had a reason to save their lives, for whom something was waiting, or at least they believed, there was a chance that their someone is waiting for something, or some important matter, or some people who are still alive or could be alive, and on this primarily depended those vital resources that... well, frank himself, when he was asked the question in
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response to the meaning of his life, he said that the meaning of my life is to help other people find the meaning of life, in another version of the answer he said that the meaning of life is to look for the meaning of life, because here it is very dangerous to find the final meaning of life , stop, find it, write it on the wall that the meaning of life that's because the point is not that life should be very a lot of meaning. this is its meaning, which is tough, it is
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rigid, and it has already become detached from life, now life has moved forward, the meaning stands still, the meaning, it can become self-sufficient, in this case, when a person is ready to die and kill, that is - for the sake of the meaning that he learned hard, and which he, which he can no longer question, this meaning, it is like a malignant virus that spreads and how...
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what is the meaning of life, what a good question, boy, really? you want to ruin it the answer, it seems to me, is a wonderful finale, thank you very much, thank you to those who watched us, listened to us, may the power of meaning be with you, good morning to everyone who celebrates this day with channel one, olga vashakova and timur solovyov are with you, on the calendar, friends, may 18th is saturday, tomorrow is sunday, it’s the weekend again, well, we need to live it in such a way that later
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it won’t be painful, boring, painful, let ’s start right now, let’s go to museums, congratulate the city of military glory karanshtat on its birthday, it’s turning 320 years, and we’ll find out why you get carsick, a very interesting topic, i need it, but in the meantime, let’s go for a bike ride with the children, if you still get carsick, we’ll make sure that plants are much smarter than people than they seem, and that’s not all, what awaits us today, well, according to tradition, we will start with invigorating gymnastics, good one! my figure is like a girl’s, i often hear such compliments, and it’s very pleasant, especially considering that i have three adult daughters, keeping myself in good shape, regular exercise helps me, today i propose to strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet slightly turned to
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the sides, hands behind the head, squat, thighs parallel to the floor, do not round the back, keep straight, slightly spring your legs up and down, and now let’s complicate the exercise: add to the mini - for squats, turn the body, take turns touching your hands, feet, and with your right palm we reach for your left toe on the contrary. the exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the hips and buttocks, and also improves blood circulation and
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metabolism. let's continue, someone's life is no longer... that's the name of the action that was born 15 years ago, it was invented by the life line charity foundation, and all these years the campaign has been helping children who really need this help. look into the cabinets, inspect the desk drawers, there will probably be a box there containing metal money that is somehow inconvenient to carry to the store. so, this is not a small thing at all, this is your opportunity to do a good deed. surely every house has coins, lying in the corners idle, but what if they might fall off? lifting someone, another attempt for eight-year-old katya ivanova from dmitrov, stairs to the playground is a small test, the older brother is there for backup, the girl has cerebral palsy, and the right side of the body obeys worse than the left. for us now the main task is self-care, dressing and undressing independently, walking
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independently without support, without stumbling. this requires rehabilitation courses, the cost is 323 rubles. it’s a lot of money for the family, the previous courses have already put katya on her feet, helped to smooth out the developmental delay, the girl went to a regular school, now her mother’s assistant, we have almost seven flowers, but what are we like? we’ll make wishes for you to run faster than anyone else, ride a bike, and you can help katya at the event. someone’s life is no longer a small change for a charitable foundation. the life line in the garden is being stolen by the hermitage for the twenty-fifth time, well, if you count how much small change we have collected, it turns out a whole kamaz, that is, huge. but with coins we managed to collect 25,800 rubles. we were able to help 91 children. for example , artyom from cherepovets defeated osteosarcoma 6 years ago, and veri from avanteevka underwent a complex heart operation. we helped children with heart defects, then we moved on to
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endoprosthetics, that is, sliding endoprostheses for sarcomas, a large number of children, unfortunately, with cerebral palsy, with neurological abnormalities. with osteogenesis imperfecta, thousands of concerned people, the family of the ex-lead singer of the group nana vladimir levkin is constantly participating. kvetiki, we are very glad to see you today, we brought you a pretty penny. this year they didn’t have time for the event in the hermitage garden, so they came to the fund’s office. if any of us walks through the apartment now, we'll go through two or three pockets. coins, he goes, and he can collect a piggy bank like this, and if we collect such a piggy bank from the whole district, we can... help someone, help, but help a specific person, so that this specific person will then have the opportunity to help another . katya may have health limitations, but she helps others and gives them spirits. we will soon
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see this hedgehog on postcards on trains, he draws with his left hand, remember with his right hand, because of muscle spasms he doesn’t listen well. my left one is better than my right one. and it’s easier for her to do what’s there, a glass hold. the brothers really want their little sister to finally get on a bike and run around with them. fundraising for katya today next saturday in the hermitage garden from 12:00 to 16:00. yulia mostova, vladimir repin and ilya saedzh, channel one. we remind you that may 18 is on the calendar. according to the popular calendar, day. arina's seedlings, our ancestors on this day began to plant seedlings, first of all, cabbage and cucumbers, yeah, well, what do we need, of course, i took the seedlings, but what do we have in store? this weekend is generally not bad, guys are friendly,
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economical, skilled, always ready to make something, repair and improve something in the house, however, they divided up the responsibilities a little, today’s day is better at managing equipment, and if you need to buy something technical or have it repaired, that’s also for him, tomorrow’s the day is more in terms of designing all sorts of decorations, they are also both quite campaigny, they don’t mind meeting nice... people, chatting, eating delicious food, only today’s day is more likely to go on a visit or gather friends at home, and tomorrow’s day is not averse to hanging out somewhere, going v cafe, arrange a group trip, to some interesting event, and he also spends money quite easily, aries, keep this in mind, refrain from making rash promises these days, risk taking on more than you can fulfill, then it will be awkward, otherwise you have a calm and smooth weekend, when everything is going as planned, here... you may have to change some plans, relatives may be burdened with something, or something in the house will require repairs, if you have to
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buy building materials or spare parts, be attentive, they can foist marriage. the stars advise gemini to finish everything that is not finished, otherwise you will drag this household along with you all summer, like a suitcase without a handle. just be careful with any tools, like a grinder. for cancers, something will move from a dead point, a boring problem will be solved, old age will be settled. or good news related to work will come, but it will wait until monday, and you may also be invited somewhere, there you will probably meet someone from love, they enjoy attention these days, they are called everywhere, to them people are drawn to new acquaintances, just be more attentive, lionesses, you heard it, a great weekend is here, you can have a good night's sleep with friends, chat, do all the household chores, though you may need someone's help here, but you will get it if you ask, veso... everything is also fine, and as for small personal experiences, you know, it seems to the stars that for the most part you just
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invented them for yourself, but be careful with caustic chemistry, take care of your eyes, scorpios will be able to fix something in the house, improve the family climate, with make peace with someone, in the evening or tomorrow, perhaps some kind of trip, be careful while driving and watch your wallet. sagittarius has a good day for shopping, just be careful when buying something second-hand on ad sites. for... perhaps you will meet someone you have not seen for a long time, or you will find something that was considered lost. capricorns these days radiate a certain special charm, and the opposite sex, of course, cannot resist it. capricorn ladies, get ready to catch admiring glances and listen to compliments, and they can also return your debt or provide a favor for a favor. aquarians may be bombarded with urgent matters, but aquarians will quickly deal with them, they are literally charged with energy. some of the aquarians will discover that some fables are being told about... or about her, never mind, envious people are always babbling about something, the pisces have a very good weekend, rich in
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interesting events and new impressions, unfortunately, there are also temptations for all sorts of temptations, and this is fraught with material damage, but the stars warned you to be careful with alcohol, good luck to you, i have been writing poetry all my life, starting from childhood, a lot of relatives live with me, there is no... what kind of creative zone, this is the living room, and your bedroom, and it would also be desirable for it to be an office, here we need something so lyrical, romantic, light, some kind of accent wallpaper, we need a throne, a chair with flowers, admiration, they go very beautifully with gray, with gold, have you ever seen a bed that has a crown. about the comfort of the premiere today on the first, we are in a unique
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place, clearly in the middle, between the northern pole and equator, friends, we are in stavropolis, you squat a little, yeah, like in boxing, from the shoulder, from the shoulder, so, guys, kick, turkey, natural homemade, please, i have the most delicious one, this is a duck. garlic baked in the oven, very tasty, and i have a full discount, according to statistics , girls jump more than boys, but in boys, the instinct of self-preservation has to be challenged more, your head just starts to spin, the longer you stand, the worse it gets, you have to jump , i'm really scared, let's go, the premiere, today on the first, schira, i'll take you near the cultural capital of belarus vitebsk, how old is this city in 2024? vitebsk entered the history of world art together with mark shaggall, this is the house in which we actually lived,
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the family moved to this house when the boy was 7 years old, oh, i can already feel it. all the aromas of the oven, let's try to cook with you the dish with which my mother always greeted guests, this is ash and 5-6, i'm ready to start preparing my culinary masterpiece, and i'm ready , let's go, the premiere of the cook on wheels, tomorrow firstly, the expiration date, as a rule, when we say this, we mean food or medicine, but in fact , many other things have an expiration date, for example, dishes, plates and cups also do not last forever, yes, no matter how strange it sounds, they also deteriorate, so how do you understand that it’s time to throw away the dishes or, for example, recycle them, according to what signs did yuri nesterov figure out? old dishes with chips, scratches and rust are said to be unsafe, we will check and find out how many bacteria are on it. microbiologist ivan bubnov takes a sample from the surface
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of a ceramic plate and places it under a microscope. in general, everything is enough. clean. a cluster of bacteria was found only around a microscopic piece of food. are they dangerous for us? unlikely. for a very simple reason, there are very few of them here. now the sample is from the place where the plate broke off, there are still more microbes here. here on the cliff. rough, untreated surface, a large number of microcracks and micropores, where you can easily get stuck if you are a small microscopic rod. ivan repeated the experiment with a plastic container and a metal one. baking sheet, there are more microorganisms in places where there are scratches or rust. these two sticks, for example, are clinging together and floating about their business. the answer, of course, is on the surface; damaged areas are more difficult to wash and food debris accumulates there. there are more microorganisms there, which makes them more convenient sites for attachment. we saw bacteria that are most likely not dangerous to humans, the quantity is also not critical, but there is a risk. another problem with broken
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dishes is that the protective coating is destroyed. for example, enamel. then harmful substances can be released from the metal under the influence of temperature or an acidic environment. the migration of both dyes, food products, and toxic substances from the composition of the enamel itself, varnish and metal base begins. and the broken places rust. defects in metal utensils are definitely a reason to update them. glass and ceramics are safer if manufactured according to regulations. sometimes manufacturers use a lot of lead or frames. but we don’t know: the composition may include salts of heavy metals, here we are especially interested in lead, which this crack may migrate into our products during long-term storage. but what about plastic, if, for example, something marks out scratches on it? the russian biotechnological university has been studying such utensils for several years. the results showed
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that polymer materials do not release large concentrates. low molecular weight substances that were dangerous to the human body. again, if it is food grade plastic, made according to all standards, and we used it correctly, did not heat it above the permissible limit, washed it well, otherwise the changes will be visible. the polymer can darken, for example, literally to a yellow or dark brown state. it is still recommended to recycle such plastic. yuri nesterov, dmitry roshkov, vasily yurov, tatyana. first channel, we haven’t cooked anything tasty for a long time, timur, well, it’s been a long time, in fact, we haven’t cooked anything tasty for a long time, so what’s delicious is chef igor molodkin has an unusual recipe for cabbage rolls, cabbage rolls in a tube, look, write down the tube and cook to cook cabbage rolls necessary scald the cabbage leaves, but all my pots are full, so i’ll do it
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differently, cut the head of cabbage crosswise, place it in a double-layer bag, add two tablespoons of table vinegar to quickly soften the leaves, pour boiling water over it, close the bag, leave for 15 minutes , look, the leaves have become more elastic and are easily separated from the cochin, for the filling i fry the onions with minced meat , add washed rice, salt and pepper. and for a bright aroma, i add tomato paste, chopped herbs, paprika , pieces of bacon, pour boiling water over it, simmer under lid until ready, put the filling on the edge of the cabbage leaf, wrap it in a roll, do the rest of the cabbage rolls in the same way, line the bottom of the mold with cabbage leaves,
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lay out the preparations, pour the cabbage rolls with tomato paste diluted with water, bake for 20 minutes at 180°. stuffed cabbage rolls in tomato sauce turned out. tender and juicy, serve them with sour cream, a favorite dish prepared in a new way, diversifying the usual menu, weekends, a great time to go on a bike ride with the children, exactly, right there now an experienced father, an experienced father, father, alexey ivanov invites everyone to ride bikes, but at the same time do not forget about safety and the rules of the road. hello everyone, the weather is great and i suggest you go for a bike ride, come on, my name is alexey ivanov and today i
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will ride bicycles with my children, and at the same time we will remember the rules of the road, well, who's ahead, bike rental? let's race! what about the equipment? the traffic rules do not prescribe or require anything, but i would like to drive a bicycle i didn’t sit down without a helmet. we have only one head, we must take care of it, my father’s main order. by the way, we rented our helmets along with bicycles completely free of charge. now let's remember the rules of the road. cyclists aged 7 to 14 years. falls into this category, only our team can ride today almost entirely on sidewalks and bike paths, children, you understand, yes, that is, we do not
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go onto the roadway, we ride in the kingdom of pedestrians, which means that according to the rules they have priority, that is we are looking closely at sides and always give way to them. and we approached a traffic light, remember, we never cross a zebra crossing on bicycles, you must dismount and cross the road on foot, otherwise you will be fined, but the main thing is that crossing the road on a bicycle is really dangerous, the driver needs time to react and slow down if you speed jumped onto the roadway, it is very difficult to do this. that's it, one more piece of advice from cycling dad: always take a light snack and water with you,
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cycling is always a lot of fun, but remember, the best bike ride is a bike ride with dad, you and i will say goodbye to everything for a while, let's find out right now what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva. hello. at the beginning of the progress of the special operation in the area of ​​​​the village of verbovoya in the zaporozhye region, the crew of the d-30 howitzer, the crimean paratroopers were destroyed.
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it is destroyed on the spot with an overhead charge. the ministry of defense named new names of those who distinguished himself during the svo. guard, junior sergeant alexander chunchukov. as part of the artillery crew, he repelled the enemy. such an enemy shell damaged the artillery mount. alexander was able to carry out repairs under fire. our fighters continued to fire. the enemy destroyed 40 militants and three pieces of equipment. guard junior sergeant yuri. together with his unit , crossed the dam, and then conducted surveillance for more than a day, detected targets, determined their location, adjusted fire, thanks to this it was possible to disrupt the rotation and destroy personnel and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. today in ukraine a law on tightening the rules of mobilization comes into force, now all the chaos that was happening to people, the so -called military commissars, has been completely legalized, all in order to replenish the heavily depleted ranks in the ukrainian troops as soon as possible, they say it is necessary.
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they flooded ukraine with weapons of different systems that do not combine with each other; in theory , this requires many months of training. now, as follows from the article. nato military instructors will come directly to the zone military operations. the details were discussed by the chiefs of general staff from 27 eu countries. according to welt, france is pushing the idea. now the armed forces of ukraine are training military personnel in europe. according to the plan , 60,000 people were to be trained by this summer. republicans in congress announced a new stage of investigation into the machinations of relatives of us president joe biden, the chairman of the house oversight committee told tv channel that hunter biden's former business partner presented about 4 million documents. republicans have made a bank request to answer all questions in the impeachment inquiry, which is in its eighth month. the congressman claims that biden's relatives received 24 million from dubious transactions. today is 320 years of kronshtat at the famous
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citadel in the gulf of finland, its history is steeped in the glory and valor of russian sailors, it is not without reason that the anniversary of the founding of the baltic fleet is celebrated on the same day, it all began on may 18 , 173, when the soldiers of the preobrazhensky and semenovsky regiments under the command of peter i on boats they attacked and captured the first swedish warships in vustiya niva, then there was the northern war, glorious sea voyages, the fight against... kronshtat resisted the nazis, destroying more than a thousand fascist, military auxiliary ships and 2,500 aircraft. today kronshtat is not only a naval base, but also a world-famous museum; flowers will be laid at the monument to peter i; a solemn prayer service will be held in the famous naval cathedral. large-scale work to clear mines from a sunken german barge has resumed in the kaliningrad region. v
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baltic sea during the great patriotic war. the most complex work is carried out by 15 divers from the leader center together with pyrotechnicians from the nevsky rescue center. this is not accidental, because the ship, which sank one and a half kilometers from baltiysk, was literally packed with explosives. this potentially dangerous facility contains various explosive objects from the great patriotic war. the largest caliber is the 150mm artillery shell. explosive objects are lifted from the bottom of the sea in a special basket, the depth being place is about 20 m, this is comparable to the height of a five-story building; the work is complicated by the fact that the barge is broken into two parts, visibility is very limited, and the water is muddy. and to complete the shot from langepas, this is the khantemanti autonomous okrug. a brown bear has been wandering there for four days now; it has already visited several residential areas, on the territory of a kindergarten school, and visited a hospital, where it knocked over a huge box of mousse. ran through the streets, made visits
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at night, and some in the middle of the day, which, of course, greatly frightened the local residents. by apparently, kosalapoy went out into the city in search of food, and he finally found it. the man, who turned out to be a timid person, fed the predator from his hand, although this was dangerous. the city administration said that they are doing everything possible to drive the bear back into the forest; in extreme cases, they will attract hunters. and that's all for now. today, by the way, is international museum day, on which we congratulate everyone involved in this holiday. yes, all of us, because a museum is great, interesting, and, by the way, not boring at all, and if you don’t believe in it, now you grimace in disbelief, saying it’s boring in the museum , it’s dusty, yes, no, now we’ll prove that this is not... so, maybe you just haven’t been there for a long time, tonight you will have such an opportunity, because it’s the night of museums , at night, it’s time to find out what happens at night in the museum, it happens that at
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night someone opens the doors, something slams somewhere, 23:00, we are in tsaritsina. they are preparing a big mystical program about love here, how quiet, mysterious and atmospheric it is here, what kind of hall is this where we have come? this room is called the atrium of the bread house, this is one of the most beautiful places in the museum, the tsaritsina reserves are actually one of the most mysterious places, but it has practically not changed since the 14th century. for children, immersion in history is interactive. will you choose some dress for me? well, let's do it like this, wow! good morning, say good morning, good morning, and what’s the coolest thing about going to a museum at night is generally cooler at night, it seems to me, than during the day, of course, when at 12:00 at night you ride down the hill and set off fireworks with your own hands, mom allows you can’t sleep at night, you can’t sleep for one night, and
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it’s true, only once a year do cultural sites across the country change their opening hours and offer night excursions, you won’t see anything, at vdnkh in the thirty-first pavilion on the night of museums you can... see the mummy of a real mammoth, where is it from? this mammoth came to us from yakutia, and according to radiocarbon dating methods, this mammoth is more than 30,000 years old, it was preserved in permafrost, it is about 6-8 years old, this is adolescence for a mammoth. tip: don't ignore the little ones museums, for example, the apartment of marina tsvetaeva. house number six in boris glebsky lane is the heart of tsvetaevskaya moscow, the most significant address. the feeling that the poet just went out for coffee and will be back any minute, there are unfinished lines on the table, this is marin tsvetaeva’s rough notebook, from the poem of the mountain, the poem
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of the end, in which you can trace the poet’s creative work on the creation of these poems. museum night starts on may 18 at 18:00, with more than a thousand events throughout. and registration on the website cultura.rf, there is still time to take your seats interesting excursions. maria kuskov, dmitry roshkov, sergey falendysh, alexander aleksenko, maxim tkachenko. first channel. here’s the situation: everyone is driving in the same car, but only one person is driving, and usually it’s me. and by the way, when i sit behind the wheel, i don’t get carsick. well, by the way, it’s generally normal for passengers to get sick.
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warming up is very important, we bring ourselves to such a state of a hot body, when everything is available to us, we feel every cell of our body, we go to the trick and we know that we will not harm ourselves, we will not upset the balance in any way on their body, an exercise for balance on one leg, alternately, sometimes with open ones, sometimes... better luck, they are less likely to get motion sickness in by the way, in men the vestibular apparatus is developed in transport. why does this even happen?
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the fact is that for the vestibular apparatus , walking is a common thing, traveling by car is a test. when we drive, the vestibular apparatus sends a signal to the brain that... something is happening to the body, it is moving somehow, but at the same time you receive information that no, you seem to be sitting still, so there is an imbalance, more there is more imbalance, if you close your eyes or take out your phone, the passenger consciously limits himself from all the information that should come to the brain that he is being taken somewhere, that he is going somewhere, so i , like a passenger, get seasick when i i don’t feel this when driving... the driver’s body, or rather the brain, knows what will happen, that is, if i accelerate, they push me a little, i’m ready for this, if i slow down, i press the pedal. the brakes also throw me forward a little, but my body is ready for this. for the passenger these situations are unexpected, and besides, the driver
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has points of support to maintain balance, the gas pedal, brakes, and steering wheel. what else affects our vestibular apparatus? problems with the heart, ears, gastrointestinal tract. before the trip, do not overload your stomach with food. meal about two hours in advance, mint candy on the way. when we suck candy or chew gum, we... the esophagus is relaxed and the stomach is relaxed, self-massage will help with motion sickness, here we have a fold on our hand, and with our index finger we we count two index fingers and you can push it straight with force with your nail, straighten your back, open the windows, let in fresh air, watch the landscape, so that the vestibular system understands that you are on the road. karina makaryan, konstantin struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. manmencher whiskey is
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a product of the stellar group, сnop gin is a product of the stellar group, monte shoca cognac is a product of the stellar group, rom kastro is a product of the stellar group, veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. after all, it’s amazing how we humans are made, they ’ll tell you something in childhood, or you can be yourself somewhere, you read something, some kind of clever thought, and then it really interferes with your life, as if the attitude is like this, yes, yes, i seem to understand that all people are different, that life is the way we make it ourselves we do, these stupid attitudes still live in you, our healthy lifestyle expert, darina griboyedova, studied this problem.
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good morning, how sometimes you want to fly higher and scream, but as a child your grandmother said, you have problems with the vestibular system, so you grow up without ever taking off , that’s a healthy lifestyle, like attraction, many attitudes are laid down from childhood, sometimes it’s even possible to recognize them. i have genetics, we all talk about the fact that my mother and grandmother had diabetes, and
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accordingly, i, too, will probably be predisposed to excess weight. but now i can tell you the second point: i’ll take a walk in the cold air and i’ll definitely get sick. this is most likely the attitude of a very caring mother or grandmother who wanted her child not to experience any difficulties in life. what behavior does it guide us towards? on what how as soon as we feel a gust of cold wind, we must wrap ourselves up and protect ourselves as much as possible, but even this may not help us, because it is at this moment that we love our mother so much, and we definitely demonstrate to her that she is right and get a little sick, but here’s another setup, i’m forbidden to exercise, even to walk from one stop to...
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all our loved ones, you get sick more than six times a year, this is definitely your poor health, then, accordingly, we begin to live like this, we we start ourselves in everything limit, as a result, the best idea is to lock yourself at home and take care of your weak health as much as possible. and we come to the fifth installation, our three favorite letters: healthy, zosh - it’s always boring and tasteless. well, here we are convinced that you are now drinking
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healthy tea, ginger with orange, how do you like it, instead of completely unhealthy coffee, you know? but i will say this: this tea is delicious, positive, and so beautiful that it seems that the fifth installation is collapsing right now, that is, we changed it through actions, this is the most effective method, and the first way to change a negative attitude, look at it in a new way, to be continued: meeting the groom’s parents, an important event in the life of any girl, responsible, yes, and the makeup should also be appropriate, i recommend looking at the photo of your mother and looking at what kind of makeup she’s wearing her mother-in-law, makeup artist and beauty blogger resha krylova will now tell us all the nuances , you will meet the groom’s parents, which means that makeup should emphasize attractiveness, but at the same time be
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restrained. now we'll do everything. natalia, have a seat! let's start with a refreshing moisturizing mask, because a daughter-in-law who is tired of life will not make anyone happy. now we hide the redness of the skin with a corrector, and we also use it to mask the dark spots under the eyes. in our case, heavy theatrical makeup would be inappropriate, so we apply the foundation in a very thin layer. makeup should look natural, as if it wasn’t there at all. let's take powder with a radiance effect, it gives the skin a healthy look. we pay special attention to the eyes; the look should inspire confidence. light cream colors will help us achieve this effect. shadows. we apply them over the entire area of ​​the upper eyelid
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to the eyebrows, as well as along the lower eyelid. on the moving eyelid. light brown matte eyeshadow. a light pencil will help make your eyes look bigger. we introduce them to the mucous membrane. we also don’t go overboard with mascara. for convenience, we place a mirror at chin level. this way we can easily paint eyelashes from root to tip in one approach. once and done. all that remains is to choose the right lipstick. red won't suit us. predators might see you. choose shades of pink and it’s better to take a lipstick, so as not to worry about your appearance during dinner, in my opinion everything is fine.
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can i meet you halfway? let me look at you in this lighting. natalya, you look great, i’m sure your fiance’s parents will be pleased with their son’s choice. passwords are everywhere now, along with them, that means pin codes, and qr codes, and barcodes, they are everywhere, somehow you have to, in general, get along with it. yes, we need to remember them, but progress does not stand still for us, those who no longer remember. you can withdraw money from an atm, pay for a purchase, or enter the metro using biometrics, it’s convenient, not let's try, we won't find out, together with natalya tsai from the center of biometric technologies we simultaneously approach the turnstiles in the metro, i
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pay with natalya's transport card using biometrics for a surprisingly split second, but natalya wins. indeed, recognition used to take longer, but now it’s literally a matter of seconds. and if you compare biometrics with payment by bank card, doors open much faster for natalia. when paying using biometrics, money is debited from the account of the same bank card. why faster? i i can assume that the technologies for writing off funds are the same, but the question is in reading. the first biometric systems analyzed the distance between control points, for example, between the tip of the nose and the corner of the eye. now a developer. neural networks help, the basis is a mathematical model that converts the image of a face into a set of numbers, it is called a vector and the system does not care what light is in the room or whether you are wearing glasses? when you and i create a vector, and we actually try to survive only it from the image useful information, rejecting noise,
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rejecting glare, for example, and in the meantime we pay for purchases in the supermarket, i use a card, natalya, biomet. payment with a smile - this, by the way, is just a name, it is not necessary to smile, successfully, a little later the bell rang for me, a little bit, everything related to payment with biometrics. essentially invented for convenience: here a person replaces a bank card, but there are other scenarios when a person replaces not a card, but a passport or password, this is a security issue. biometrics allows us, in accordance with by law, to receive some legally significant services in a remote channel and to guarantee that it is the person who is currently receiving the service, there is no fraud. now, if biometrics is connected, you can, for example, open it remotely. scenarios where a citizen can receive
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services in a face-to-face channel without presentation . we are currently actively developing a passport using biometrics. one of the options for checking into a hotel using biometrics is registration and payment, two in one. by the results of hotel check-in studies are almost top 30. a wonderful date: may 18, saturday. today kronshtat, the city of military glory, a fortress city, a port city, a city where everything breathes history,
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unlike any other city, celebrates its birthday. every time you come there, it opens up for you in a new way, there is always something to see and be surprised by. kranstat surprises, every year there is something new, that summer the museum of naval glory. this is where we usually start. submarine, not just submarine. nuclear submarine of the soviet union, the third in the world, the uniqueness of our nuclear submarine lies in the fact that it was created in a hull for autonomous underwater navigation, and how it was brought here is a separate story, and this will definitely be told and taken to the very heart of the nuclear submarines, where where they controlled the main power plant, that is , this is the holy of holies of this entire submarine, probably, only for this museum.
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may day of kalmyk tea, by the way, is such an unusual date, however, this tea itself is also very unusual, there are many ingredients that, at first glance,
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are not at all for tea. 3, 2, six glasses of kalmyt tea in one gulp at speed, in kalmykia they celebrate the day of their favorite drink, a test for the prepared, this tea is very unusual. they call it jamba, the recipe is more than one century old, among nomads this tea was the basis of nutrition, it can quench your thirst and eat, and how useful is it when immunity is reduced, colmut tea is very useful because its energy the quality is that it strengthens the lungs, it also strengthens the cardiovascular system, each ingredient has its own function, together with the abushinov family we will prepare a miracle drink according to all the rules over a fire, and
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at the same time we will understand... the base is slab tea, like this one with stems , cleanses the blood vessels, the pancreas and invigorates well, then salt, retains moisture, this is important in the heat, the next ingredient is milk, a source of calcium, each family adds milk differently, some like to add fat, others don’t too fat, i love it so that tea has a lot of milk, butter, and in winter lamb ribs for extra fat, why is this necessary, fat literally... barks mucous, protects the lungs from viruses, bacteria, from dust and specks , to top it off with spices, nutmeg and cloves improve blood circulation and metabolism. before the tea boils, it is necessary to make a samerkh, this is to stir. in the old days, our ancestors made samarche 99 times to enrich the tea with oxygen. the first bowl is on the altar, the second is for the head
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of the family. there was a desire to try this. tea, then you can prepare an adapted version at home, why adapt, but for most modern people tea is simply too high in calories, an office worker who does not spend, well, practically energy, he needs about 500 kilocalories for his work day, those kolmyk people, nomadic peoples , sometimes in an hour or two they produced the amount of calories that an office worker now needs. therefore, here’s an option: brew a mixture of black and green teas in a kettle, add salt and spices, then a spoonful of butter, milk and let it brew, it turns out to be a tonic spicy drink, the best replacement for any energy drink. sanal mukharayev, tsagan mukevyuna, liliya lobkova, denis demeshin, channel one. you can watch all your favorite programs that channel one shows every day, cool tv series in general, everything that is on channel one on
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our website. smartphone, on a tablet, on a laptop, on tv, if it supports the corresponding function, in general, on any device, anywhere, at any time, watch the programs of the first channel, go ahead, choose tomatoes, it would seem that it might be simpler, but the difference in price is surprising, sometimes up to three times, it’s true, despite the fact that they all look pretty much the same, you want to buy the sweetest and most aromatic ones, the ones that smell like tomatoes, now let’s get down to this difficult task. krymsk is a breeding center; long-living tomatoes are bred and grown here, which can remain fresh for up to forty days. this wonderful tomato with an amber color, sergey fedorovich gavrish, is the author, will soon be in production. long-lasting tomato varieties storage are called industrial, they have a dense peel and pulp, thanks to this they are easy to transport, these are the ones usually found in supermarkets. in the markets, they are most often
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thin-skinned. specimens are salad varieties, with which everything is more complicated, they are placed in boxes, lined with paper so that they do not deteriorate during transportation, so that each fruit is placed separately, this is labor-intensive, which is why their price is higher, which we see in the markets. the cost is also influenced by the place where the fruits are brought from; the further away, the more expensive, plus how obtained the variety either naturally or with human help. a hybrid is a variety obtained. by crossing, hybridization, that is, there are parental lines, maternal and paternal lines, the process is not fast, it can take up to 10 years, so the price of hybrids is always higher, but even they may turn out to be tasteless if the harvest is harvested ahead of time, and this applies to any varieties, to salad varieties to production varieties. at our enterprise, tomato fruits are collected in full ripeness, we do not collect brown ones, why do we
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do this, because our products are sold out very quickly, only in the krasnodar region , the taste qualities of ripe fruits are naturally completely different from unripe ones, so it is better to choose those that are grown nearby, what else to focus on is the color, it should be bright, rich in smell, in order for it to show up better, the skin must be rubbed. delicious ripe tomatoes smell aromatic, be sure to check by touch, we see... you see, they are not hard, we get a dent, but a small one, you can see that we don’t take too hard ones and remember that sawn ones are not the same sweet, the amount of sugars, tomatoes again depends on... the variety, the most delicious tomatoes are, of course, cherry tomatoes, they are the sweetest, well, in second place are pink-fruited tomatoes, they are also distinguished by a high sugar content, like all yellow ones and the most average ones taste, these are already red-fruited
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tomatoes, of various shapes and colors, they also have low acidity, for this reason, fruits with a neutral taste are recommended for small children and those with stomach problems. evgenia. i sometimes think, well, sometimes i think, this happens, by the way, for example, there’s a flower in a pot on the windowsill, it lives, it’s silent, it doesn’t tell you anything, suddenly it understands everything, suddenly it hears everything, suddenly it feels everything, 100%, i read about some research, yes , if you shout at your plant, it will wither, yes, it will feel, in principle, well, not very comfortable. so, if you believe scientists, then plants are much smarter than we think, they say that they even talk to each other, like you and me, do plants have intelligence? question controversial, but they know how to communicate, for example, they scream from stress. i removed parts of the plant
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at the ultrasound level; it signals to its community that i have done some specific manipulations with it. now scientists are trying to decipher these... sounds in order to better understand when a plant lacks, for example, watering, there is another way of communication: for example, harmful insects are already a certain plant, it has not damaged, this plant secretes specific chemicals substances and thereby makes it clear to the other plant community that so it has come under attack from the outside - insects, they can both repel insects and attract them, for example, when bees or... bumblebees of the plant secrete more nectar, they hear the vibration of their wings. underground communication continues through the roots; some plants can even create a dictatorship, such as hogweed. the roots of hogweed, the mother plant, secrete substances that inhibit the germination
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of seeds other than their own. plants, of course, cannot see like us, but they understand when someone is nearby. senior lecturer at the department of plant physiology alexander anisimov shows the example of a cucumber. they specially planted it so tasty. the leaves have photoreceptors. phytochrome reads the red and far-red spectrum of light, cryptochrome - blue. red and blue absorb the upper plants, those below get only the distant red. and this distant red light, perceived by neighboring plants, serves as a signal that there are a large number of plants nearby. you need to somehow get ahead of them, you need to survive. notice how the bottom leaves of the cucumber longer than the top ones, here. how they grow when there is no competition, the plant’s offspring are taken care of, these are horsetail spores, their parents gifted them with two threads that even react to moisture in our breath. when the spores all fall together on some part
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of the soil, they need to spread out as much as possible so that each spore has the opportunity to develop into plants in the future, which is why the spores push each other away, they also take care and do not touch, scattering seeds. when touched or mad cucumber, react, because they also have something like a nervous system, conducting bundles of vessels through which a weak electrical impulse travels. electrical impulses that pass through our nervous system travel at enormous speed, about kilometers per second. in plants, the electrical signal travels along the conductive beam, of course, much more slowly, on the order of centimeters/second. that's why the reaction. the impact is not as fast, but they are definitely smarter than we used to think. natalya llonova, ksenia loginova, denis ponomarev, channel one. today saturday, dear friends, and this means that alla ameluta is taking someone weakly again.
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nabordazh, this time with her partner in the chefs on wheels show, alexander volkov medvedev, they will compete in throwing spoons. oh, good thing there are no knives. alexander, i want to ask you, as an experienced person. if a restaurant has this kind of tableware, then what style is this restaurant? in fact, this is a super convenient thing, very practical, firstly, they are cheap, respectively, if we are talking about some kind of budget catering establishment, then i would stop at such glasses, it’s called a grandmother’s cafe, everyone, every grandmother has one, so there is no problem finding a use for such utensils, today a participant in the pavar on wheels program, alexander, is sharing his secrets with me volkov medvedev. today our task, using the laws of physics , is to throw a spoon into a glass. and the one who throws the most in a minute wins. what should we call this
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competition? i feel that we will face great difficulties, so let's call it difficult contest. today is our difficult competition with the light hand of the chef. well, alexander, let's try. reade set go! so. almost, but no, all the metal is pouring down at your feet, let’s complicate the task, no, well now, now, now that’s it, this is a very difficult task, and the main thing is that the necessary skill, i have two, the same glass, well, it’s like a victory , i broke the glass, by the way, what if it’s two, what if it’s two spoons, and the method works simply, just four, 10 seconds left, and nine,
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five, which is what i have, four, alexander, four spoons, two in one glass, what technique, what allowed you to win, what did you do? it’s simple, you just had to step back a certain distance, here, too , move the base of this spoon a little further away, hit it so that it tumbles once and hits the glass straight away, note. endurance and patience, chef alexander volkov medvedev is awarded a medal, good morning, i wish the audience to get out into nature more often, be sure to take your loved ones and relatives with you, because there is nothing more cooler than loved ones who give you good emotions. alexander, thank you very much, have a nice day, good morning, help too, wave to our viewers, bye-bye, how are you in the mood, great mood.
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the cold has gone away, the cough remains, what to do,
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tim, what to do, it happens often, it happens, and by the way, it can last for quite a long time, it seems to have been cured, it seems as if not, the bottle will tell you how to get rid of the remnants of this unpleasant ailment victor zakomaldin. mustard in the bath is an irreplaceable thing, especially if you need to drive away the remnants of a cold and cough. pour a teaspoon of dry matter into half a liter of hot water and pour it into a basin. with steamed birch brooms, sprinkle the heater with the solution and breathe in the warming mustard steam. to enhance the effect , we lower our legs into the basin, steam our feet, during the second pass we steam the whole body with brooms, and then we take them... like ski poles, good, and apply them to the lower back on
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the sides on both sides, moving them with stroking movements towards each other, in this way we work out the back along the spine, warm up the lungs and drive away remnants of inflammation. next in line is the following procedure: mix mustard powder and honey in equal parts. we sit on the lower... shelf away from the heater, apply the mixture to the upper back on the sides, if there is inflammation on the skin, go around these areas, rest for 10 minutes, the product will increase sweating and drive out the remaining infection, so we will not leave... studio not a single chance with light steam, there was a sundress, such an ordinary, old,
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boring sundress, but it became a new stylish one. summer dress, i’m glad that you finally stopped touching men’s clothing, which is refreshing wardrobe, without extra costs, dear friends, it’s time to think about a summer wardrobe, but we don’t go to the store, we don’t spend money, but as always we create from what we find in the closet, this home sundress with a deep neckline that is impossible to wear , let's take it as a basis, add to it flax shreds from an old skirt and this decoration, you will get an original dress for every day. to begin, we rip the sundress at all seams.
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decorate the shelf of the sundress with linen overlays, fold it right side inward and apply the fabric to the shelf folded... 5 cm from the fold, carefully chop everything off, draw a new neckline and cut it out along the contour, divide the flax shelf in half, and in order for the fabric to hold its shape well, it is necessary... strengthen the centers of our decorative elements with a hot-melt adhesive strip of non-woven fabric , we apply it, sew our linen parts in the center, from the neckline to the waist line about 30 cm.
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we turn the edges and hem them, the dress can be assembled. we connect both shelves, align and add a back, cut off the side and shoulder seams and machine the seams on verlock, from the remaining scraps we cut two sleeves, these are two rectangles 55 cm long and 40 cm wide and cut out a simple armhole 5 cm wide and 25 cm high, sew the sleeves together and attach them to the base, assemble the top with an elastic band, decorate the neckline with decor, that’s all the work, in
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such an elegant outfit you can go for a walk on vacation and no one will guess that these were unnecessary scraps of old things. i didn’t even notice how spring began and ended, so we somehow went from winter straight into summer, yes, that’s why my boots are so left to collect dust in the closet, you can send them somewhere, probably for storage , finally put on heels, how to do this without harm to your health, irina materanskaya will tell you. it’s getting warmer and warmer outside, i want to quickly change my clothes and shoes, but it’s not so easy to immediately put on my heels, my legs have lost the habit. it's finally saturday, which means you'll have a moment to yourself. today i 'm walking in the park with my friend, orthopedist katya. with the onset of spring, we already want to move on to shoes. let the studs be a little longer let's wait, let's start small. please tell me there is an optimal height for an ideal heel. the optimal height
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is considered to be 3-4 cm heel. the higher the heel, the greater the load on the spine, and the gait immediately changes. the heel height is more than 8 cm, the entire load is transferred to the forefoot, the rear midfoot ceases to perform the function of rolling, and also other gait systems, so to speak, the walking pattern, are disrupted. 2-3 hours a day no more, shifts like at school, always with you. to lighten the load, an elementary piece of advice: glue the middle and so-called ring toe, now high heels are not scary, but as soon as we went home, our feet immediately went up, so that they were higher than our shoulders. so, at least 15 minutes at the end of each working day, well, not at work, of course, better at home. it would also be nice to have a contrast shower, all this restores blood supply. any temperature change leads to a change
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in blood circulation, will reduce our feeling of fatigue and thereby improve metabolic processes in the legs. that is, for ours... it will become much easier, instead of a shower we can take a bath also for the feet, salt the water, regular salt, but better than sea salt, especially if you haven’t gone to the sea yet this year. let's go, think about the sea, fatigue instantly goes away, to the delight of yourself and your feet, flowers are also in the bath, brew any mixture in a basin, st. john's wort, mint is refreshing, chamomile relieves swelling, linden flowers too, after the procedure on the feet, a cream cooling with smentol also restores blood circulation , either based on urea or hyaluronic acid, it’s good if it contains... shea butter or lavender, lavender is especially refreshing and also relieves fatigue, even at the level smell, now you can put on heels again. irina
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materanskaya - channel one. we remind you that on the calendar may 18, according to the folk calendar , arina’s seedling day, our ancestors on this day began to plant seedlings, primarily cabbage and cucumbers. yeah, what note did you make? by the way, it’s necessary, i took the seedlings, but we’ll find out what our astrologers predict for us for this weekend right now. these weekends are generally good guys, friendly, economical, skilled, always ready to make something, fix and improve something in the house, although they are a little shared responsibilities. today's people are better at handling technology, and if you need to buy something technical or have it repaired, this is also for him. tomorrow is more about design and all sorts of decorations. still unknown. quite campaigny, not averse to meeting nice people, chatting, eating delicious food, but today’s day is more likely to go on a visit or gather friends at home, and tomorrow’s day
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is not averse to hanging out somewhere, going to a cafe, organizing a group trip, to something interesting event, he spends money quite easily. again, keep this in mind, refrain from making rash promises these days, risk taking on more than you can fulfill, then it will be awkward. otherwise, you are calm and even. when everything goes as planned, taurus may have to change some plans, relatives may be burdened with something, or something in the house will require repairs; if you have to buy building materials or spare parts, be careful, they may foist a marriage. the stars advise gemini to finish everything that is not completed, otherwise you’ll be dragging this thing around with you all summer, like a suitcase without a handle, just be careful with all sorts of tools, like a grinder. for crayfish, something will move from the dead point. an annoying problem will be solved, an old dispute will be settled, or good news related to work will come, but this will wait until monday, and you may also
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be invited somewhere, there you will probably meet someone from love, they enjoy attention these days, they are called everywhere , people are drawn to them, with new acquaintances only take a closer look, lionesses, you heard it, it’s a great weekend, you’ll be able to get a good night’s sleep with friends, chat, and do all your household chores, although you may need someone’s help here. but you will get it if you ask, libra is also doing well, and as for small experiences of a personal nature, you know, it seems to the stars that for the most part you just invented them for yourself, but be careful with caustic chemistry, take care of your eyes, scorpios will be able to fix anything something in the house, improve the family climate, make peace with someone, tonight or tomorrow, maybe some kind of trip. be careful while driving and watch your wallet. sagittarius has a good day for shopping, just be careful. buying something secondhand on ad sites. tomorrow you may meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time, or you will find something that was considered lost. capricorns
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these days radiate a certain special charm, and the opposite sex, of course, cannot resist it. capricorn ladies, get ready to catch admiring glances, listen to compliments, and they may also return your debt or provide a service for a service. aquarius may be bombarded with urgent matters, but aquarius will quickly deal with them, they are literally charged. energy, some aquarius will find that some nonsense is being told about him or her. never mind, envious people are always babbling about something. a very good weekend for pisces, rich in interesting events and new impressions, unfortunately, there are also temptations of all sorts, and this is fraught with material damage, but the stars warned you to be careful with alcohol. good luck to you. in moscow at the gogol theater premiere. alina bessergeneva staged the play the overcoat based on the story by nikolai
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vasilyevich gogol. the production is timed to coincide with the writer’s 21st birthday. dmitry kuzmin attended the premiere and was the first to see everything. a certain department of badges, a paper conveyor belt with lunch breaks, a gogol overcoat like an office mystery. yes, there will be classic fans. when everything fell into place, some solution was found, then i was like, wow, about half an hour into the performance, i think that in my soul he has already cursed me somewhere, he walks on his knees, later a trick happens, such as would the transformation, i think, would be wrong , but as i imagine it is somehow terrible,
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unsightly, on the contrary, it is as if a person, he is one of all, we are with... so a dream appears and an unexpected petrovich performed by andrei zlobin. a completely independent character, a romantic meeting with bashmachkin, one of the strongest scenes of the play, to remind you of the most important thing, to live and be free, free from boundaries, to bring light, to feel, to love, to taste and not think about how your material life is somehow make you lower or higher, strong stand on your feet, a story about a little man
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in modern realities, experiences, new meanings, questions and answers at the gogal theater, the next show of the overcoat on the last day of spring, may 31. dmitry kuzmin, ilya ridkazubov, alexander ignatov, channel one. someone’s life is no longer a trifle, this is the name of the campaign, which was born 15 years ago, it was invented by the life line charity foundation, all these years the campaign has been helping children who
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really need this help. look in the closets, inspect the desk drawers, for sure. there there is a box containing metal money, which is somehow inconvenient to carry to the store. so, this is not a small thing at all, this is your opportunity to do a good deed. surely every house has coins, lying in the corners idle, but what if they could save someone? a climb, another attempt for eight-year-old katya ivanova from dmitrov, a ladder on the playground, a small test, an older brother for backup, the girl has cerebral palsy and the right side. obeys worse than the left one, for us now the main task is self-care, dressing, undressing, walking independently independently, without support, without stumbling, this requires rehabilitation courses, the cost is 323. rur for a family is a lot of money, previous courses have already put katya on her feet, helped to smooth out the developmental delay, the girl went to a regular school, now she is her mother’s assistant,
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we have this almost a flower, a seven-flowered one, what kind of life were we like? let’s not think of running faster than everyone else, riding a bike, but you can help katya at the event; someone’s life is no longer a trifle for a charitable foundation; the life line in the garden is being stolen by the hermitage for the twenty-fifth time. well if to count how much small change we have collected, it turns out to be a whole kamaz, that is, a huge car with coins. we managed to collect 25,800,000 rubles. we were able to help 91 children. for example, artyom from cherepovets defeated osteusorkoma 6 years ago, and believe. from avanteevka we performed a complex heart operation, we helped children with heart defects, then we moved on to endoprosthetics, that is, sliding endoprostheses for sarcomas, a large number of children, unfortunately, with cerebral palsy, with neurological disorders, with osteogenesis imperfecta, thousands caring, the family of the ex-lead singer of the nano group vladimir levkin is constantly participating, hello, we are very glad to see you today,
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we brought, hello, a pretty penny, this year we have the opportunity to help a friend, katya has a health limitation, but she helps to others, it gives a good mood, we will soon see this hedgehog on postcards on trains, he draws with his left hand, we remember with his right hand because of.
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we will say goodbye to you just for a little while, let's find out right now what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this news at the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello. let's start with the topic of the russian federation: units of the eastern group of forces liquidated up to 120 units of the russian aerospace forces in one day. the pilots conduct combat patrols and
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accompany attack and bomber aircraft. and in the area of ​​responsibility of the vostok group, our motorized riflemen captured a unique trophy. this is a british samaritan recovery vehicle. the soldiers joke, in fact, it’s a museum piece; it was put into service as early as 76. they exploited everything as best they could. the artillery of the north group was destroyed with a precise strike strong points, military equipment and manpower of the armed forces of ukraine, mstab pigeons worked, including in the dark. this helps hide
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the location of our strike positions from the enemy. well, the fire was adjusted by drone operators. the ministry of defense named new names of those who distinguished themselves during the northern military district, the guard, junior sergeant alexander chunchukov. as part of the artillery crew. repelled an enemy attack, an enemy shell damaged the artillery mount, alexander was able to carry out repairs under fire, our fighters continued to fire, killing 40 militants against the enemy three pieces of equipment. guard, junior sergeant yuri mangush, together with his unit , crossed the dam, and then conducted observations for more than a day, detected targets, determined their location, and adjusted fire. thanks to this, it was possible to disrupt the rotation and destroy personnel and equipment in the ssu. it comes into force today in ukraine. the law on tightening the rules of mobilization, now all the chaos that was created by people, the so-called military commissars, has been completely legalized, all in order to replenish the severely depleted ranks in the ukrainian military as soon as possible the troops, they say, need to mobilize at
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least half a million people, there are almost no people unfit for service in the new law, all disabled people are again sent to a commission, those obliged to serve in the military from 18 to 60 years old must go with military cards, even abroad, without it it is impossible to renew a foreign passport no wonder. will increase the flow of ukrainians who are fleeing from experts who believe that all this is just a country in the hope of saving their lives. european militaries are considering options for training ukrainian soldiers on the front line from 2025, this is stated in an article in the german newspaper welt, the head of the is training mission, general vanderlaan. announced the possibility of sending instructors to ukraine for this purpose, the article does not say anything about their number, only the task is mentioned: to help ukrainians master western types of weapons. the united states and the european union have flooded ukraine with weapons
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of different systems that are not compatible with each other; in theory, mastering this technology requires many months of training. now, as follows from the article, nato military instructors will come directly to the combat zone . the details were discussed by the chiefs of general staff from 27 european union countries, welt reports. the idea is being pushed by france. now the armed forces of ukraine are training military personnel in europe. according to the plan, 60,000 people were to be trained by this summer. republicans in congress announced a new stage of investigation into the machinations of relatives of us president joe biden. the chairman of the house oversight committee told fox that hunter biden's former business partner introduced about 4 million documents. republicans made a banking request as part of the impeachment inquiry, which. now in its eighth month, the congressman claims that biden's relatives received $24 million from abroad through dubious transactions. soldiers of the dzerzhinsk division. russian guard troops
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took an exam on the legality of the maroon beret. on the eve of the final stage, 58 candidates passed standards in a number of subjects, including fire, physical, military medical training, communications and military topography. the main part is a forced march in full equipment with weapons, in conditions as close as possible to combat, and then an assault strip. the proceedings were monitored by specialists from iraq, iran and belarus, culminating in four three-minute rounds of hand-to-hand combat against other subjects. and instructors, those who earned the right to wear the main symbol of russian special forces, were congratulated by representatives of the command. today is the 320th anniversary of kronshtat, the famous citadel in the gulf of finland, its history is covered with glory and valor russian sailors. it is not for nothing that the anniversary of the founding of the baltic fleet is celebrated on the same day. it all started on may 18, 1703, when soldiers of the preobrazhensky and semenovsky regiments under the command of peter i attacked in boats for...
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in the kaliningrad region , large-scale work to clear mines from a german barge sunk in the baltic sea during the great patriotic war resumed. the most difficult work is carried out by 15 divers from the leader center together with pyrotechnicians from the nevsky rescue center. this is no coincidence, because the ship, which sank one and a half kilometers from baltiysk, was literally packed with explosives. this potentially dangerous facility contains various explosive objects from the great patriotic war. the
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largest caliber is the 150mm artillery shell. explosive objects are lifted from the bottom of the sea in a special basket, the depth in that place is about 20 m, this is comparable to the height of a five-story building, the work is complicated by the fact that the barge is broken into two parts, visibility is very limited, the water is muddy, to date time, the rescuers made several dozen dives and spent more than 150 hours under water. that's all for now. thank you, dear friends, for this. day, this beautiful sunny morning, you are meeting in our company, olga ushakova and the cheerful, cheerful, energetic timur solovyov are with you, and why is he so energetic, because today is saturday, may 18, today, by the way, is international museum day, why we congratulate everyone involved in this holiday, and all of us, because the museum is great, interesting, absolutely, by the way, it’s not boring, but if you don’t believe in it, now just grimace in disbelief, saying it’s boring in the museum , it’s dusty, yes, no, now we’ll prove that... it’s not so, maybe you just
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haven’t been there for a long time, today at night you will have such an opportunity, because it is the night of museums, at night, it's time to find out what happens at night in the museum, it happens that at night someone opens the doors, something slams somewhere, 23:00, we in tsaritsina. they are preparing a big mystical program about love here, how quiet, mysterious and atmospheric it is here, what is it behind the hall where we came? this room is called the atrium of the bread house, this is one of the most beautiful places in the museum, the tsaritsina reserves , in fact, one of the most mysterious places, but it has practically not changed since the 18th century. for children, immersion in history , interactive, will you choose some kind of dress for me? well, let's do it like this, wow! good morning, say
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good morning, good morning, and what’s the coolest thing about going to a museum at night is generally cooler at night, it seems to me, than during the day, of course, when at 12 at night you ride down the hill and set off fireworks with your own hands, mom allows it you can’t sleep at night, you can’t sleep for one night, and it’s true, only once a year do cultural sites across the country change their opening hours and do night excursions, you won’t see anything, at vdnkh in the thirty-first pavilion on the night of museums you can... see the mummy of a real mammoth, where is it from? this mammoth came to us from yakutia, and according to radiocarbon dating methods, this mammoth is more than 30,000 years old, it was preserved in permafrost, it is about 6-8 years old, this is adolescence for a mammoth. tip: don't ignore the little ones museums, for example, the apartment of marina tsvetaeva. house number six in boris glebsky lane, the heart of tsvetaevskaya moscow, the most significant address. in the poet's fate, she moved
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here in 1914 with her husband and two-year-old daughter and lived here for 8 years. the feeling that the poet just went out for coffee and will return any minute to the table is not. the written lines are a rough notebook by marina tsvitaeva, with a mountain poem at the end, in which you can trace the poet’s creative work on the creation of these poems. museum night starts on 18 may at 18:00, more than a thousand events throughout the country, free admission, schedule and registration on the website cultura.rf, there is still time to take your place on the most interesting excursion. maria kuskova, dmitry roshkov, sergey falendysh, alexander. here’s the situation: everyone is driving in the same car, and only one person is rocking, and usually it’s me, by the way, when i’m sitting behind the wheel, they don’t rock me, well , by the way, this is generally normal, they usually rock passengers, the answer to this there is a question
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because it is the vestibular apparatus, do you understand, when you hold the steering wheel, the device seems to be normal, when you don’t hold on, it worries, that is, you need to hold on to something, yes, but if you don’t... drive, but just hold on to the door handles, why -doesn't help? stick with us, we will explain everything. the vestibular apparatus is located in the inner ear, consists of semicircular canals with receptors, it is it that determines the position of the body in space. the vestibular system can be trained, which is what tightrope walker maria sarych is currently doing at a rehearsal in the circus above the color stage. warm-up is very important letting ourselves down. to such a state of a hot body, when everything is available to us, we feel every cell of our body, we go to the trick and we know that we will not harm ourselves, will not upset the balance in our body. exercise for balance on one leg, alternately with open and closed eyes. yes, even in
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gymnasts the vestibular system malfunctions. i mean, of course, i can hold on for a few seconds, yes, but basically, of course, we have to see. by the way, the vestibular apparatus is better developed, they are lucky, they are less likely to get motion sickness transport. why does this even happen? the fact is that for the vestibular apparatus , walking is a common thing, traveling by car is a test. when we drive, the vestibular apparatus sends a signal to the brain that something is happening to the body, it is moving somehow, but at the same time you receive information that no, you seem to be sitting still, so there is an imbalance, even more imbalance, if you close your eyes or take out your phone. the passenger deliberately limits himself from all the information that should come to the brain that they’re taking him somewhere, that he’s going somewhere, so i ’m like a passenger, i get motion sickness, when i ’m driving something like this i don’t feel any
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motion sickness, the driver’s body, or rather the brain knows what will happen, that is, if i accelerate, i it presses a little, i ’m ready for it, if i slow down i... i press the brake pedal, they also throw me forward a little, but my body is ready for this. for the passenger, these situations are unexpected. in addition, the driver has points of support for maintaining balance, the gas pedal, brakes, and steering wheel. what else affects our vestibular apparatus? problems with the heart, ears, gastrointestinal tract. before the trip, do not overload your stomach with food. meal two hours in advance, mints for the road. when we suck candy or chew gum, we... we are relaxing the esophagus and relaxing the stomach, self-massage will help with motion sickness, here we have a fold on our hand, and with our index finger we count two index fingers and you can push it straight with force with your nail, straighten your back, open the windows,
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let in fresh air watch the landscape so that the vestibular system understands that you are on the road. karina makaryan, kasnati struchkov, evgeny smirnov, channel one. famous and beloved artists have gathered at our table and will tell funny stories and oddities that happened to them. forgive me, i accidentally broke this new vase, don’t worry, it’s not like that, it’s new, it’s only 200 years old, i invite you to the program, you need to play the uterus, i think, but it will be some kind of piece dedicated to honey, i come, it means the next day in the remains of the whole makeup suit, one of the women carries it out. i like such a big velvet circle, it has two things hanging from the sides, these are ovaries, she died, how was this cry made, herman, bending over with
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a fork in his hands, comes up to nina ruslanova at that very moment in her ass and sticks this fork , she does and it sounds stop, filmed, now take a stick and hit the head with all your might, and now the tiger, watch the time after the program, old barrel cognac, a stellar group product, stirsman bourbon, a stellar group product, manca whiskey! stellar group product gin snob product of stellar group weekend,
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a great time to go on a bike ride with your children, right now, right now an experienced father, there was a father, a dad, alexey ivanov invites everyone to ride bikes, but at the same time do not forget about safety and the rules of the road . hi all! the weather is great and i suggest going for a bike ride, come on, come on, my name is alexey ivanov and today i will ride bicycles with my children, and at the same time let’s remember the rules of the road. well, who goes ahead, bike rental? come on distillation, what? with equipment: the traffic rules do not prescribe or require anything, but i would
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not ride a bicycle without a helmet. we have only one head, we must take care of it, my father’s main order. by the way, we rented our helmets along with bicycles completely free of charge. now let's remember the rules of the road, cyclists aged 7 to 14 years old, our team today almost completely falls into this category. you can only ride on sidewalks and bike paths, children, you understand, yes, that is, we don’t go on the roadway we go out and ride in the kingdom of pedestrians, which means that according to the rules they have priority, that is, we carefully look around and always give way to them. and we approached a traffic light, remember, we never cross a zebra crossing on bicycles,
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you must dismount and cross the road on foot, otherwise you will be fined, but the main thing is that crossing the road on a bicycle is really dangerous, the driver needs time to react and slow down if you jumped out onto the roadway at speed, this is very difficult to do. that's it, stop! another piece of advice from cycling dad: always bring a light snack and water with you. riding a bike is always a lot of fun. but remember, the best bike ride is a bike ride with dad. but now, attention, a funny video from thailand. its author put his little son behind the wheel of a child's car. electric motorcycle, attached a cart to the back, where they comfortably placed a family of mobs in bright
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suits, such a group, the young driver and his four-legged passengers rode around the outskirts of the farm, received a charge of not only a good mood, but also thousands of likes, we also like it. term expiration date: as a rule, when we say this, we mean food or medicine, but in fact, many other things have an expiration date, for example, dishes, plates and cups , too. yes, strange as it may sound, they also deteriorate, that’s how to understand that it’s time to throw away the dishes or, for example, recycle them, according to what signs yuri nesterov looked into, old dishes with chips, scratches and rust, they say, are not safe, we'll check and find out how many bacteria are on it. microbiologist ivan bubnov takes a sample from the surface of a ceramic plate is placed under a microscope. in general everything is quite clean. the accumulation of bacteria was successful. found only around a microscopic piece of food, whether they are dangerous for us is unlikely, for a very
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simple reason, there are very few of them here. now the sample is from the place where the plate broke off, there are still more microbes here, here on the chip, there is a rough, untreated surface, a large number of microcracks and micropores, where you can easily get clogged if you are a small microscopic stick. ivan repeated the experiment with a plastic container and a metal baking sheet, precisely in the places of scratches and the sunbed. there are more organisms there, so these are more convenient sites for them to attach to. we saw bacteria that are most likely not dangerous to humans. the quantity is also not critical, but there is a risk. another problem with broken dishes is that the protective coating, such as enamel, is destroyed. then harmful substances can be released from the metal under the influence of temperature or an acidic environment. migration of both
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dyes, food products, and toxic substances from the composition of the enamel itself. varnish and metal base. and the broken places rust. defects in metal utensils are definitely a reason to update them. glass and ceramics are safer if they are manufactured according to regulations. sometimes manufacturers use a lot of lead or cadmium, and we are not aware of it. the composition may contain salts of heavy metals. here we are especially interested in lead, which from this crack can migrate into our products during long-term storage. and what? plastic, if, for example, there are scratches on it, something stands out, the russian biotechnological university has been researching such dishes for several years. the results showed that polymer materials do not emit large concentrations of low molecular weight substances that would be dangerous to the human body. again, if it is food grade plastic, made according to all
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standards, and we used it correctly, did not heat it above the permissible limit, washed it well, otherwise... changes will be visible, the polymer may darken, for example, literally to yellow or dark brown condition. it is still recommended to recycle such plastic. yuri nesterov, dmitry roshkov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one. we haven’t cooked anything tasty for a long time, timur, how long has it been? basically, we haven’t cooked anything for a long time, let alone something tasty. chef igor molodkin has an unusual recipe for cabbage rolls. stuffed cabbage rolls. tube and cook, to cook cabbage rolls you need to scald the cabbage leaves, but all my pans are full, so i’ll do it differently: i cut the head of cabbage crosswise, put it in a two-layer bag, i add two tablespoons of table vinegar to soften the leaves faster, pour boiling water over it,
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close the bag, and leave for 15 minutes. see, the leaves have become more elastic and are easily separated from the cochin. for the filling , i fry onions with minced meat, add washed rice, salt, pepper, and for a bright aroma, i add tomato paste, chopped grains, paprika, pieces of bacon, pour boiling water over it, and simmer under the lid until done. i put the filling on the edge of the cabbage leaf, wrap it in a roll, do the rest of the cabbage rolls in the same way, line the bottom forms with cabbage leaves, lay out the preparations, fill the cabbage rolls with tomato paste diluted with water, bake for 20 minutes at 180°. the rolls of cabbage rolls in tomato
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sauce turned out tender and juicy, serve: with sour cream your favorite dish prepared in a new way will diversify the usual menu meeting the groom's parents, an important event in the life of any girl, responsible, and the makeup should also be appropriate, i recommend looking at the photo of your mother and look at what kind of makeup she’s wearing, her mother-in-law will now tell us all the nuances and show her makeup artist and beauty blogger resha krylova, you are about to meet the groom’s parents, which means that makeup should emphasize attractiveness, but at the same time be restrained. now we'll do everything. natalya, have a seat. let's start with a refreshing moisturizing mask, because a tired daughter-in-law won't make anyone happy. now
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we hide the redness of the skin with a corrector. and we mask the dark spots under the eyes. heavy theatrical makeup would be inappropriate in our case. therefore, we apply the foundation in a very thin layer. makeup should look naturally, it’s as if he doesn’t exist at all. let's take powder with a radiance effect, it gives the skin a healthy look. we pay special attention to the eyes. the look should evoke. light cream shadows will help us achieve this effect; we apply them over the entire area of ​​the upper eyelid to the eyebrows, as well as along the lower eyelid, movingly. add light brown matte shadows. a light pencil will help make your eyes look bigger. we introduce them to the mucous membrane. we also don’t
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go overboard with mascara. for convenience, we place a mirror at chin level. this way we can easily paint eyelashes from root to tip in one approach. once and done. all that remains is to choose the right lipstick. red won't suit us. you might be seen. for a predator, we choose shades of pink and it’s also better to take long-lasting lipstick, so as not to worry about your appearance during dinner, in my opinion everything is fine. you can meet me halfway, let me look at you in this lighting. natalya, you look great, i’m sure your fiance’s parents
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will be pleased with their son’s choice. but wouldn’t olga have some tea for you and me, especially today and may 18th, the day of kalmyk tea, between by the way, there is such an unusual date. however , this tea itself is also very unusual, there are many ingredients that at first glance. not at all for tea. 3, 2, 1, six glasses of kalmyt tea in one gulp at speed. kalmykia celebrates the day of their favorite drink. a test for those who are prepared; this tea is very unusual. honestly, i didn’t like it the first time, but then i tried it and definitely drink it once a week. even, probably, a little more like broth, it seems. well, i really liked it, it was very tasty. kolmykia it they call it jamba, the recipe is more than one century old, among nomads this tea was the basis of nutrition, it can quench your thirst and eat, how much benefit is it when immunity is reduced, kolmot
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tea, it is very useful, because its energy quality is that it strengthens the lungs, it also strengthens the cardiovascular system, each ingredient has its own function, together with the abushinov family we will prepare a miracle drink according to all the rules over a fire, and at the same time... let's understand the composition, the base is slab tea, like this one with stems, cleanses blood vessels, pancreas and invigorates well, then salt, retains moisture, in the heat this is important, the next ingredient is milk, a source of calcium, each family adds milk differently, some like to add fatty foods, others not too fatty, i i like my tea to have a lot of milk, butter, and in winter lamb ribs for extra fat, why do you need fat? literally lines the mucous membranes, protects the lungs from viruses, bacteria, dust and debris to top off the spice. nutmeg and cloves improve blood circulation and metabolism
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substances. before the tea boils, you need to make samorghe, stir it. in the old days, our ancestors made samarche 99 times to enrich the tea with oxygen. the first bowl was on the altar, the second was for the head of the family, a desire appeared. try this tea, then you can prepare an adapted version at home, why adapt, but for most modern people, tea is too high in calories, an office worker who does not spend, well, practically energy, he needs about 500 kilocalories for his working day, those kolmyaks, nomadic peoples, sometimes in an hour or two they produced the amount of calories that an office worker now needs. employee, so here’s an option: in a kettle, brew a mixture of black and green teas, add salt and spices, then a spoonful of butter, milk and let it brew, you get
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a tonic spicy drink, the best replacement for any energy drink, sanal mukharayev, tsagan mukivyuna, liliya lobkova, denis demeshin, channel one, sometimes i think, well, sometimes i think, this happens, by the way, there lives, for example, a flower in a pot on the windowsill. lives, is silent, well, doesn’t express anything to you, suddenly he understands everything, suddenly he hears everything, suddenly he feels obliged to do everything 100%, i read about some studies, yes, if you shout at your plant, it will wither, yes, it will feel, in principle, not very comfortable, yes, so if you believe scientists, then plants are much smarter than we think, they say that they even talk to each other, that’s how you and i, do plants have intelligence is a moot point, but to communicate? they don’t know how, for example, they shout from stress, i removed parts of the plant at the ultrasound level; it signals to its
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community that i have done some certain... manipulations with it. now scientists are trying to decipher these ultrasounds in order to better understand when a plant lacks, for example, watering. there is another way to communicate. for example, a harmful insect, they have already damaged some plant. this plant secretes specific chemical substances and thereby it makes it clear to the other plant community that it has come under attack from the outside. insects can both repel and attract insects, for example, when bees or bumblebees approach, plants secrete more nectar and hear the vibration of their wings. underground communication continues through the roots; some plants can even create a dictatorship, such as hogweed. the roots of the hogweed, the mother plant, secrete substances that inhibit the germination of seeds other than their own. plants, of course, cannot see like us, but they understand when someone is nearby, a senior
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teacher. department of plant physiology alexander anisimov shows the example of a cucumber; it was specially planted in such a crowd. the leaves have photoreceptors. phytochrome reads the red and far-red light spectra, cryptochrome - blue. red and blue are absorbed by the upper plants, those below get only the distant red. and this distant red light, perceived by neighboring plants, serves as a signal that there are a large number of plants nearby. we need to get ahead of them somehow. need to survive, you noticed how much longer the lower leaves of the cucumber are than the upper ones, this is how they grow when there is no competition, the plant’s offspring are taken care of, these are horsetail spores, their parents gifted them with two threads that react even to moisture in our breath, when the spores all fall together on some part of the soil, they need to disperse as much as possible so that each spore there was an opportunity to develop further into plants,
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that's why the spores... push each other, also care and not touch, scatter seeds when touched or a mad cucumber, react because they also have something like a nervous system, conducting bundles-vessels through which a weak electrical impulse travels. electrical impulses that pass through our nervous system travel at enormous speed, about kilometers per second; in plants , the electrical signal travels along a conductive bundle, of course much slower. on the order of centimeters/second, so the reaction to impact is not so fast, but they are definitely smarter than we used to think. natalya leonova, ksenia loginova, denis ponomarev, channel one. today kranstatt, the city of military glory, celebrates its birthday. a fortress city, a port city, a city where everything breathes history, unlike any other city. every time you come there, it opens up for you in a new way, there is always something to see and be
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surprised by. kranstat surprises, every year there is something new, that summer the museum of naval glory. this is where we usually start. a submarine, not just a submarine, the first nuclear submarine of the soviet union, the third in the world, the uniqueness of our nuclear submarine lies in the fact that it was created precisely in the hull for autonomous diving. but how she was brought here is a separate story, and they will definitely tell it and take her into the very heart of the nuclear submarine. only for this museum you need to spend half a day, the same amount for the new park island of forts, models of ships and the helm of emperor peter the great. now the work on transforming the swamps, and this is exactly what they were here, is ending, but this time we will be able to surprise city residents and guests,
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since in this... territory we will have six unique art objects, we will have completed sculpture of an icebreaker, and how can you come to kranstatt and not get acquainted with the forts, the fortified city that protected st. petersburg from the neva bay, 20 such fascinating structures, this fort alexander ii, opposite was fort paul i. now we see the ship, it’s coming along the shipping channel, the enemy ships would also have to go past these two. but don’t rush to get off the boat, it’s worth walking around kronshtat on the water, firstly, from here you can see the footstack. this is the zero point of reference for the height of the depths, starting in 1872, namely from here all the heights and depths were measured in the russian empire, in the soviet union, well, actually now. secondly, from the water you can
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understand how the city of fortress lived. before revolutionary times, where cargo was delivered, where and how they were lifted, how barges turned around and in general how ships dispersed on such narrow water streets, this is where water was drained from the dock, this is such an unpostcard crown, and you definitely have to get around the city on foot, 19.5 km, the entire old part of the city is literally for walking, walk to anchor square, go to the main temple of the naval fleet, you can even go on an excursion, and then be sure to go to the ships on the embankment, you need to remember the cranshtat like that. dmitry bayko, elena savina, channel one. someone’s life is no longer a trifle, that’s the name of the campaign, which... 15 years ago, it was invented by the life line charity foundation, all these years the campaign has been helping children who really need this help, look in the closets, inspect the desk drawers, for sure there will be a box containing metal money, which is somehow inconvenient to carry to
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the store, so this is not a trifle at all, it’s your opportunity to do a good deed. surely every house has coins, lying in the corners idle, but what if they could save someone? climb? another try for eight-year-old katya ivanova from dmitrov, the stairs on the playground are a small test, her older brother is there for backup, the girl has cerebral palsy, and the right side of her body obeys worse than the left. for us now the main task is self-care, dressing and undressing independently, walking independently without support, without stumbling. this requires rehabilitation courses, cost 323,000 rub. big money for a family. previous courses have already put katya on her feet and helped smooth out the developmental delay. the girl went to a regular school and is now her mother’s assistant. this is almost a seven-flowered flower, right? what kind of wishes will you and i make to run faster than anyone else and ride a bike, right?
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you can help katya at the event. someone’s life is no longer a trifle; the lifeline charity foundation will be held in the hermitage garden for the twenty-fifth time. well, if you count how much small things we collected in volume, it turns out to be a whole kamaz, then there is a huge machine with coins for us. managed to collect 25,800 rubles. we were able to help 91 children. for example, artyom from cherepovets defeated osteosarcoma 6 years ago, and veri from avanteevka underwent a complex heart operation. we helped children with heart defects, then we moved on to endoprosthetics, that is, these are sliding endoprostheses for sarcomas. a large number of children, unfortunately, have cerebral palsy, neurological abnormalities, and osteogenesis imperfecta. thousands of concerned people, the family of the ex-soloist of the group nana vladimir levkin constantly participates, hello, we are very glad to see you today, we brought you a pretty penny, this year we didn’t have time for the event in the hermitage garden, we came to the fund’s office, if now any of us walks through
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the apartment, picks two or three coins in our pockets, he will leave, and he can collect a piggy bank like this, and if we collect such a piggy bank from an entire district, we can save a whole life. do what is there, hold a glass there, the brothers really want their sister to finally get on a bike and run with them, fundraising for katya today next saturday
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in the hermitage garden, from 12 to 16. yulia molstovo, vladimir repin and ilya saedzh, channel one. good morning, your figure is like a girl’s, i often hear such compliments, and it’s very pleasant, especially considering that i have three adult daughters, keeping myself in good shape, regular exercise helps me, today i suggest strengthening the muscles of the legs and buttocks, legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet slightly turned out... to the sides, hands behind the head, squat, thighs parallel to the floor, don’t round your back, keep it straight, slightly spring your legs up and down, and now let’s make it more difficult
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exercise, add to mini squats. turn your body around, touch your hands and feet one by one, and with your right palm reach for your left toe, vice versa. the exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the hips and buttocks, and also improves blood circulation and metabolism. let's continue! still, it’s amazing, we humans are structured, someone will tell you something in childhood, or maybe you yourself will say something somewhere. you read some kind of clever thought, and then it really bothers you in life,
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as if the attitude is like this, yes, yes, i seem to understand that all people are different, that life the way we make it ourselves, these stupid attitudes still live in you, our healthy lifestyle expert, darina griboyedova, studied this problem. good morning, how sometimes you want to fly higher and scream, but as a child your grandmother said, you have problems with the vestibular system, and you grow up without ever taking off , that’s a healthy lifestyle, like an attraction. many attitudes are laid down from childhood; sometimes it can even be difficult to recognize them, but psychologist lucia suleymanova will help with this. good morning, lucia. so,
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do i understand correctly that all attitudes are from childhood? moreover, these are attitudes associated with people who are very close and significant to us, because if we love them, then we take into ourselves what they think and remember it for many years. lucia, let's list the top five attitudes about health. well, the first one, we all know, i have genetics. we all talk about the fact that my mother had diabetes. my grandmother, and accordingly, i, too , will probably have a predisposition to excess weight. can i tell you now, here? second setting: i’ll take a walk in the cold air and i’ll definitely get sick. this is most likely the attitude of a very caring mother or grandmother who wanted her child not to experience any difficulties in life. and what behavior does it guide us towards? that as soon as we feel it. a gust of cold wind , we must wrap ourselves up and
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protect ourselves as much as possible, but even this may not help us, because it is at this moment that we love our mother so much, and we definitely demonstrate to her that she is right and is getting a little sick, but here’s another point, i physical activity is prohibited, even walking from one stop to another is difficult for us, we immediately begin to feel tired, because we... as if you have poor health, then,
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accordingly, we begin to live like this, we begin to limit ourselves in everything, as a result, the best idea is to lock yourself at home and take care of your poor health as much as possible , and we have come to the fifth installation, our three favorite letters: zosh, zosh - it’s always boring and tasteless, but here we are convinced that you are drinking now ...healthy tea, ginger with orange, how do you like it in general, instead of completely unhealthy coffee, you know, well, i ’ll say this, this tea is delicious, positive, and so beautiful that it seems that the fifth installation is collapsing right now, that is, we changed it through actions, this is the most an effective method, and the first way to change a negative attitude, look at it in a new way, to be continued:
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passwords are everywhere now, along with them, that means pin codes, and qr codes, and barcodes, they are everywhere, somehow with this we need to, in general, get along, yes, we need to remember them, but progress does not stand still, for us who no longer remember, biometrics comes to the rescue, what is it, how does it work and can your smile replace a pin code, cards and even a passport, withdraw money from an atm,
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points, for example, between the tip of the nose and the corner of the eye, now developers are being helped a neural network is based on a mathematical model that converts an image of a face into a set of numbers, it is called a vector; the system does not care what color is in the room or whether you are wearing glasses. when you and i create a vector, and we actually try to survive only it from the image useful information, discarding noise, discarding glare, for example, and... meanwhile, we pay for purchases in the supermarket, i use a card, natalya - with biometrics, payment with a smile - this, by the way, is just a name, you don’t have to smile, i’m successful, i have a little later the bell rang, just a little bit, everything related to payment and biometrics was essentially invented for convenience, here a face replaces a bank card, but there are other scenarios
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when a face replaces not a card, but a passport or password, this is already a security issue. biometrics allows us, in accordance with by law, to receive some legally significant services in a remote channel and to guarantee that it is the right person who is currently receiving the service, there is no fraud. now, if biometrics is connected, you can, for example, remotely open a bank account and receive other services that require a passport. in the future, a person will be able to replace documents even offline. we are now actively developing scenarios where a citizen can receive. face-to-face services without presenting a passport using biometrics. one of options for checking into a hotel using biometrics - this includes registration and payment, two in one. according to the results of studies of hotel check-in, there are almost the top three scenarios where citizens want to use biometric
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data and where they really expect such a service to appear. and most importantly, biometrics is voluntary, no one is obliged to connect to the system, and if desired, through. services, your data can be deleted. varvara fedorova, dmitry likhachev, ksenia maklyak, konstantin leonov, channel one. all your favorite programs that show every day the first channel, generally cool series, everything that is on the first, you can watch on our website, smartphone, tablet, laptop, on tv, if it supports the corresponding function, in general, on any device, anywhere, in any time, watch the programs of the first channel. let's go further, choose tomatoes, it would seem that it could be easier, but the difference in price is surprising, sometimes it reaches three times, this is true, despite the fact that they all look pretty much the same, you want to buy the sweetest aromatic ones that smell like tomatoes, now let’s tackle this difficult task. krymsk is a breeding center;
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long-living tomatoes are bred and grown here, which can remain fresh for up to 40 days, such a beautiful tomato with an amber color. gavarisha is the author and will be in production soon. tomato varieties with a long shelf life are called production tomatoes; they have thick skin and pulp, making them easy to transport; these are the ones usually found in supermarkets. most often , thin-skinned specimens live in markets; these are salad varieties, with which everything is more difficult. they are placed in boxes, rearrange the paper so that they do not deteriorate during transportation, so that each fruit lies separately. this is labor-intensive, which is why they have a higher price, which we see in the markets. the cost is also influenced by the place where the fruits are brought from; the further away, the more expensive, plus how the variety was obtained naturally or with human help. a hybrid is a variety obtained by crossing, hybridization, that is, there
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are parental lines, maternal and paternal lines. the process is not fast, it can take up to 10 years, so the price of hybrids always higher. but even they can turn out to be tasteless if the harvest is harvested ahead of time, and this applies to any varieties, from salad to production. at our enterprise, tomato fruits are collected in full ripeness, we do not collect brown ones, why do we do this, because our products are sold out very quickly only in the krasnodar region, the taste qualities, naturally, of ripe fruits are completely different from unripe ones. so it’s better to choose those that are grown nearby, what else to focus on, color, must be bright, rich in smell, so that it can be better revealed, the skin must be rubbed, delicious ripe... the tomatoes smell aromatic, we definitely check by touch, we press, you see, they are not hard, we get
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a dent, but a small one, you can see we don’t take too hard ones and remember that ripe ones are not equally sweet, the amount of sugar in tomatoes again depends on the variety, the most delicious tomatoes are, of course, cherry tomatoes, they are the sweetest, well, in second place are pink-fruited tomatoes, which are also distinguished by their high content sugars, like... all yellow and the most average in taste are already red-fruited tomatoes, of various shapes and colors, they also have low acidity, for this reason fruits with a neutral taste are recommended for small children and those with stomach problems. evgenia popova, konstantin struchkov, maxim tkachev, liliya lobkova, channel one. today is saturday, dear friends, and this means that ala ameluta again takes someone weakly, to bardash, this time her. call the participant of the show “cooks on wheels” alexander volkov medvedev, they will compete in throwing spoons. oh good that not knives. alexander, i want to ask
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you, as an experienced person, if a restaurant has this kind of dishes, then what style of restaurant is it? in fact, this is a super convenient thing, very practical, firstly, they are cheap, therefore, if we are talking about some budget catering establishment, then i would stop at such glasses, they are called a cafe. everyone’s grandmother, every grandmother has this , yes, that’s why there’s no problem finding a use for such utensils, she ’s sharing her secrets with me today participant of the cooks on wheels program alexander volkov medvedev. today our task, using the laws of physics, is to throw a spoon into a glass, and the one who throws the most in a minute will win, what do we call this competition? i feel that we will face great difficulties, so we will call it a difficult competition. today is our difficult competition with the light hand
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of the chef. well, alexander, let's try. reade set go! yes, almost, but no. all metal. let's complicate the task, no, well now, now, now everything will be, in general this is a very difficult task, in general the main thing is that the necessary skill, i have two in one glass, well, what a victory, i broke the glass, by the way, but if it’s two, and if it’s two spoons, the method works simply, just four. 10 seconds left, and 9, 5,
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alexander, four spoons, two in one glass, what technique, what allowed you to win, what did you do? everything is simple, you just had to step back a certain distance, here too , take the base of this spoon a little further away, hit it so that it quarks once and hits the glass straight away, noticeability, endurance and patience, chef alexander volkov medvedev on... the hare of the good morning medal, i wish the audience to get out into nature more often, be sure to take your loved ones and relatives with you, because there is nothing cooler than loved ones who give you good emotions. alexander, thank you very much, have a nice day, good morning, wave too, wave to our viewers, bye-bye, the cold is gone, the cough is still there, what to do, tim, what to do, it happens often, it happens, yes, and it can last, by the way, it took quite a long time, so i seem to have recovered. it seems as if not, here’s how to get rid of the remnants of this unpleasant illness, the bottler victor zakomaldin will tell you. mustard in the bath is an
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irreplaceable thing, especially if you need to drive away the remnants of a cold and cough. pour a teaspoon of the dry substance into half a liter of hot water, pour it into a basin with steamed birch brooms, spray the heater with the solution and breathe in the warming mustard steam. strengthening the effect, we lower our legs into the basin, steam our feet, during the second pass we steam the whole body with brooms, and then we take them like ski poles, well and apply them to on both sides of the lower back, using stroking movements towards you. in this way we work the back along the spine, warm up the lungs and drive away any remaining inflammation. next in line is the following
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procedure: mix equally. parts mustard powder and honey, sit on the lower shelf, away from the heater, apply the mixture to the sides of the upper back, if there is inflammation on the skin, go around these areas, rest for 10 minutes, the product will increase sweating and drive out any remaining infection. so we won’t leave the cold any chance with a light steam the sundress is such an ordinary old boring sundress, but now it’s a new stylish summer dress, so i’m glad that you finally stopped touching men’s clothing, but it updates your wardrobe
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without extra costs. dear friends, it ’s time to think about a summer wardrobe, but we don’t go to the store, we don’t spend money, but, as always, we create from what we find in the closet. let’s take this homemade sundress with a deep neckline, which is impossible to wear, as a basis, add to it shreds of linen from an old skirt and this decoration, and you’ll get an original dress for every day. for we started to rip out the sundress for everyone. we decorate the front of the sundress with linen overlays, fold it with the front side inward and apply the fabric to the folded shelf , at a distance of 5 cm from the fold. we carefully chop everything off and draw a new neck.
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we cut along the contour, divide the flax shelf in half, and in order for the fabric to hold its shape well, it is necessary to strengthen the centers of our decorative elements with a hot-melt adhesive strip of non-woven fabric, apply it. we sew our linen parts in the center, from the neck to the waistline by about 30 cm, the edges we turn and hem, the dress can be assembled, we connect both shelves, we align and add the back, we cut off the side and...
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seams and under the machine, we process the seams on a verlock, from the remaining scraps we cut two sleeves, these are two rectangles 55 cm long and 40 cm wide , and cut out a simple armhole 5 cm wide and 25 cm high, sew the sleeves together. we attach them to the base, assemble the top with an elastic band, and decorate the neck with decor. that's all the work, in such an elegant outfit you can go for a walk, go on vacation, and no one will guess, that these were unnecessary scraps of old things. i didn’t even notice how spring began and ended, here we are somehow out of winter with...


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