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tv   Ya lyublyu moyu stranu  1TV  May 18, 2024 4:50pm-6:01pm MSK

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three levels deep, they are tied with a crater, tunnels, if you go down like this, there will be one more lower tier and two even deeper, well, four tiers somewhere, that is, it turns out that the bunkers of all the workshops were connected to each other, they are also technically connected with regard to communication cables, and naturally they are passable, but simply not like this one, and this tunnel, it was through it that the personnel came out to... delivery, by the way, these are the remains of humanitarian aid for them, bags for two hundredths, white, black, which ones matched the eye color, these are the ones which the red cross brought, they , by and large, could resist here, in principle, and counted on this, ammunition, food, supplies. water, everything else, it was possible
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to fight here for another 3 years, this is also, by the way, symbolic, this is water, by the way, there is a lot of it, it was here, everyone who said there was no water there, we ran out of food there, we showed it to everyone , there was a very large quantity of food and water there, yes, and food and water, the azov people surrendered, brought to their knees, for any person. who perceives himself as a warrior, this is the worst option that exists, it will never be able to recover, none of the ukrainians will ever be able to explain how it is that someone is saved or not saved, for any person you carry a grenade, if in the event of being captured, you in any case , you explode, then you are like a warrior, you are respected, if you are brought to your knees, humiliated, destroyed, well, that’s it. actually, here, this was probably the last exit, where the inglorious one ended. all defense from
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the ukrainian armed forces, they got up, there i saw a ukrainian flag on the wires, usov and pavlov were sitting here, and i told them, i said, guys, let me go, pick up the flag, i’ll disconnect it, i say, and give it to you, take it to ukraine, they turned and said to me, yes , this flag has gone to hell, the damn creatures, i say, they don’t even want to take their own flag, from here this is the checkpoint where they came out - all the, so to speak, militants gathered to surrender, here they are handed over their weapons, and then went there to the bridge for inspection, to at the initial moment of the operation, the commander of azov said that he had 36 seriously wounded, then during the operation he said that he had more than 80 wounded, then he said that 120, in the end it turned out that 180 were carried out with the extra seriously wounded. some of them
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actually had worms crawling out of their open wounds, some were coming with open fractures, and i remember very well who went in the evening and persuaded practically the novoazov hospital to be admitted, it was you, yes, igor, and the first tea they drank when they were taken out garrison of azovstal, was done, well, all the cookies were bought with funds from the negotiators of our group. that is, it so happened that they arrived, it was unexpected, they arrived at the hospital, the hospital was only ready to feed them in the morning, and in the evening they received their rations at the expense of the money that, well, by and large , we all chipped in with a group of our negotiators, here we are with you we are walking along the shore of the azov sea, russian, free, peaceful, that was your first feeling when you realized that it had become ours.
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satisfaction from a good job done work, not everyone manages to be in such peaceful and russian, a feeling of deep historical turning points, when you understand that the fatherland is again growing into new territories, we now have such a destiny, we are doing great things, we are making history, and what kind of feeling can a person have? involved in great deeds, only joy, deep satisfaction from the work performed forward to new achievements. maria with a palm tree, divided into two banks, receiving a deadly battalion, giving people through narrow corridors, and to you in the high sky negotiations are underway, where my country ends, there it will begin, the sun rises again over the azov sea, over the azov grief , bloody wheat will rise, lord. he achieved the goal
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of bidding with a palm tree on two banks divided, taking on deadly battles that gave away people. the operation to liberate mariupol and azovstal is unique and has no analogue in the modern history of russia, and probably the whole world, and this success was achieved thanks to the joint efforts of the armed forces of the russian federation, people's militia of the donetsk people's republic, the obtf special forces of russia and our republic, the feat of our ordinary donbass boys, people of steel.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games. tomorrow, after the program time. sunny beach, yellow sand. old photo, my childhood laughter. your name. stands tall, black windows look up, my mariupol, like a seagull with a broken wing, my mariupol, my dear
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wounded home, my mariupol through the asphalt with green grass, commander of the legendary unit of somalia with call sign boycott, timur kurilkin, for me this man certainly deserves the title of hero of russia, he is like that for all of us, we, in general, cannot imagine him otherwise, and not only is he ahead. all his columns went to mariupol, and when there were battles in the city itself , he was also on the front line all the time, just like one of the final battles, when we went to the sea, he, too, together with the boys, it was a matter of principle, he was nearby, we came already
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through the airport, the airport is a village, a sailors’ village, here it is, here it is a sailors’ village, the village of sailors, but the village of sailors came down exactly. in this place , for a month and a half of non-stop daily damnation , simply the onslaught of the enemy, we understood that we had completed our task at that moment, then i was already from this sea , remember, my connection worked, i called, i say, alive, alive, healthy the head office of the national police in the donetsk region reported to the commander that the task was completed, they saw the sea and descended closer and closer, although the sounds of battle were still in the port. in the port, even the artillery was working around the port, remember, damn it, there were such arrivals, and when we went to the sea, we were still careful with you, i said, look from the port, they might have snipers working, on the left side nothing scared us, we only the port was scary, on the right side, when we were with you, i said, let 's go to the bench, near the bench, you
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say, no, i'll go for a swim, and you went, undressed, went for a swim, now i 'll repeat it, yes, yes , that’s how we walked, that’s how we walked exactly with you, they couldn’t jump out at us, they were, in fact, we were already surrounded, yes, yes, why was i calm, sitting with you so calmly, because i knew that there was a whole company of ours on the right flank, on the left there’s a whole company on the flank, everyone is wandering around, everyone is clearing something, 23 naval guards with red spots, i don’t know, well... so, here it is our shop, here it is our shop, he forbade me to swim, he says, that’s it it was mined, but i didn’t listen, now i won’t listen, i’ll go take a bath, it’s still raining, i’m already on the shore,
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well, the smile on the admiral’s face, this is a very rare thing in combat conditions, but it’s clear from... he is satisfied with his subordinates and continues to manage the operation, these are the russian admirals and generals who... are at a combat post with their officers and soldiers, over there in blue shorts, in blue shorts, well, that’s it, glory to samali, boys, glory to the soldiers, people’s militia, dpr. all the power units of our great republic, and also thanks to the guys from
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the armed forces of the russian federation, marines, paratroopers, vks, everyone, everyone who provided such great weather here , the opportunity to now relax on the mariupol beaches, well, brother, when we came out here, it was now clear that the sea of ​​azov - there are two stories of the appearance of the name of the city, the first the city is named in honor of st. mary, its patroness, the second, that the city was named in honor of maria feodorovna, the wife of emperor paul i. for the first time the name mariupol. mentioned in the correspondence of catherine ii of his holiness prince potemkin. all these
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stories say that mariupol was a russian city, was, is, forever will remain. life is bustling, shops, markets are open, traffic lights are jammed, you can even drive freely, maybe this holiday season will show the whole world that peace has finally returned to mariupol. life. i first came to this house on metallurgov avenue in april 2022, when a special military operation was underway; our military blocked the azovstal garrison. i came to this yard because i was told that there are a lot of children here. i came with humanitarian aid and then for the first time i met sasha and his brother, whom i saw here and his grandmother's story. shook me to the core, and what kind of photograph is this, you have everything there, and these are postcards with swags, and my parents
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died, stopped, rested, walked with bags, with food there, with everything, with a cat, well, i sat down, and it turns out they closed their brother’s family, just like that, they took him to the hospital, he was also injured by shrapnel, that’s all, they took dad too, but they didn’t save him, and they came to mom right away, like... you want to stay in this struggle for yes after everything what i want later , like a beautiful city, a sea city, well, here i lived for me i like it here like this san the city is being restored and it is being restored everywhere roads are being made houses are being restored windows are being put in and work is in full swing your house my house was defended even though
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that new city didn’t exist, and this is history that we can’t live without, this is something we can’t do without, he it’s beautiful, it’s important, you’d like it to be restored, of course it needs to be restored, san, why do you like this particular tower in mariupol? i like the tower because it is a beautiful architecture of the old city of the present, because that it used to provide the city with water. and then, when the water supply was installed, it became, at first there were banks there, so on, and
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then when they took it over, it became a cultural place, events were held there, all sorts of souvenirs were sold there, and so on, this is this place, this is this here’s a square, it’s also kind of cultural, i see, there’s a monument to a dragon here, well, yes, it’s such a cultural place, san, and the fountain was launched a long time ago, the fountain was built before the new year, but then it was closed for winter, yeah. they launched it recently, i like it, yes, in will you go to the drama theater when it is restored, i will, sasha, what are your happy moments? you can remember the happy moments, the fact that there, well, friends, friends were found, as always, a circle, a circle too, yes, a radio circle, it’s also interesting there, and so, well, life, that is, life goes on, well, life goes on, life continues,
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write, i won’t give you to anyone. my dear, we'll see you soon, i'm not dead, i'm sleeping, the sea of ​​azov is approaching my boots, i broke this time, stood up with my hands, kissed him on the black lips. you that i took mariupol, write that i took, as a mood, class, mood, write that i took mariupol.
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i am proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important, ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncharovan . this is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. fyodor chaliapin at one time called himself a simple vyadsky peasant throughout his life. white nights of leningrad, gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga, are as beautiful as our sunny komyk. no one returns from a trip the same person, so travel,
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develop yourself, on any route, in any village, we are all one big family. hello, dear friends, as you know, a person has five senses, jokers add that there is a sixth sense, a sense of humor, and we have made a great discovery, there is also a seventh, a feeling of love for one’s homeland, from the heights of this great knowledge, we speak in unison today : i
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love my country, let’s begin, i’m afraid... ours soloists, charming, valery and kirilla ostapov, rand orchestra, conducted by konstantin gorbatenko. and two bright , wonderful teams, the blue team and the red team. captain, he's very smart, he's very, very, he's so smart that he got his college degree just by riding a bus for 4 years. past the main building of moscow state university, sava savchenko, hello, hello, hello everyone, hello, introduce your magnificent five, well, this man, when he hears the words camera, motor, instantly gets used to any role, for him to play, what in the series, which in our program is a natural habitat, so
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today he will play, as in his projects, brilliantly, mikhail torobukin, i’ll quote the classics: i’ll somehow manage without you, since it comes to gray eyes, that’s right, today we can’t do without it, because it’s about winning the game. irina soltykova, like all girls, she loves gold very much, however, she does not wait for someone to give it to her, she takes it herself. two-time olympic champion in synchronized swimming vlada chigereva. and, of course, in rus'. the word red meant beautiful, so today we have the most beautiful support group, the best fans in the world, our reds, great, i present
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to you the captain of the blue team, when we worked together in a japanese restaurant, as waiters, he always amazed me with his ability to prioritize relations with visitors, this is eel, and i am igor, igor lantratov. tell us about today's blue team heroes. with pleasure, especially since i decided to change tactics and today invited a whole cast of actors, because if play, then brightly, but if brightly, then only with her natalya medvedeva. but look at her, look at what’s on her neck, she came to our program as if it were a ball.
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start the fight, our first competition is called i can’t wait to build two wonderful teams, and i selected only the best of those who will root for us today, these are our blue ones, isn’t that where the homeland begins? dear friends! you need to press it, and then maybe
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take your time pressing the button just because be, we know the answer, it usually does more harm than good, who's first presses the button, he gives the answer, if you answer incorrectly, you give your opponents a chance to answer correctly, honored doctor. sfsr, soviet russian physician, journalist, presenter of a popular science program, tv program health, reds, elena malysheva, i told you, take your time, we have an option, on soviet, i emphasize, on soviet television, belyanchikova, absolutely right, yes, yulia belyanchikova, great start, reaction. this city is part of the golden ring of russia and was built on the kamenka river, iron roads bypassed it without disturbing the historical appearance. well, let’s say, come on,
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igor, and natalya suggested a very good option, i’ll just repeat, suzdal. suzdal, absolutely right, yes, well done, just be bolder, bolder, i’m smart, i’m smart, like me! and hot, absolutely right, this is a hot potato in the competition, but this will be later, in front of you, attention to the screen, one of the oldest reserves in russia, which is located in the murmansk region, was founded in 1930 with the aim of preserving the population of wild reindeer, like him called, three options, you you know? quiet, quiet, quiet, red, three answer options, khurman region, i would like to, but khibiny, khibiny, no, three options, we are in no hurry, yes, laplansky reserve,
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parguzinsky reserve, lazovsky reserve, good option, i like all three, but we will choose, natasha medvedeva, if you want to be smart, i’ll think about it, but beloved, deer, and b, b, well, let’s. that’s what they started calling him after he scored a lot of goals, but i’m the only one, igor kenfeev, he saved, saved the penalty with his foot, it was a fantastic moment. and that game with spaniards igorfeev, right, well, yes, yes, yes, of course, this is a well-known fact in football, of course, what is the name of the legal document that
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has come into force. may 8, 1945, obliging the german armed forces to cease hostilities. sava, sava was not present, of course, but there are options at the yalta conference, guys, on may 8 , 1945, surrender, act of surrender, unwound, unwound. it was signed on may 8 , german time; in moscow it was already may 9, so we are celebrating the holiday, victory day 9 may, in front of you, i now ask you to pay attention to the screen, a 500 ruble bill. what city is depicted on it? blue yaroslavl, nizhninov you said, red, take your time, three options, hey, there will be options, three answer options,
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what is the presenter famous for on this program, that he reads poetry superbly, reads poetry from any time and era, here these poems for many years, i cried, you laughed, joked at me, amused myself with my heartfelt melancholy, you must agree, it’s a little outdated, yeah, yes, in my opinion, it sounds wonderful, size, who
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wrote these lines? name one of the most prominent representatives of the art song, who wrote alexander’s composition for the film red moscow
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, but my button doesn’t work. alexandra cleksandra, this is our city with you, we and its village have become, probably not, who is visbor, we have a faster option, and this look, visbor is faster yuri visbor, absolutely right, yes, of course, of course, dear friends, the result of the first competition, red four points, blue only three. the next competition is called the chamber of minds, and it's dedicated to the fine arts, teachers, spent time with me, ardently suffered with me, two paintings by makovsky, a wonderful, amazing artist in front of you. natalya, please stretch out your lips, as
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if you were drinking tea like that. so good, irish, the same thing, much better, oh, no, no, no, so, the red one gets it with a spinning rod, and the blue one gets it at tea, please collect these two amazing pictures in front of our viewers, the one who does it first, gets one point, let's go, so spinning wheel, here the red ones have the spinning wheel, the blue ones have tea,
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i’ll go, that’s it, really, why are you fools, yes, yes, yes, everything is absolutely in place, guys, i forgot, look how much we have overtaken them, red, there is one chance, irchka, that's it, that's it, the train has left, we can put together another picture, from these cubes, the grochs have arrived, the only option for you now is to file an appeal, i'm an artist, i am.
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bored, i suddenly wine without wine. so, the score of this competition is 1:0 in favor of the blue ones, the score of the game at the moment, smile, red ones, 4:4, a draw. three chords, new season, tomorrow after the evening news. the next competition is called stop,
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canceled! all the films that you will see today, both the red team and the blue team, here the questions will be asked for each team separately, they are with the participation of the wonderful great artist andrei mironov. you will have 30 seconds to think after the question is asked, after which you will have to give an answer option, each correct answer is worth one point. first movie, blonde around the corner. then everyone talked. in space, it seemed that we were about to come into contact with inhabitants of other planets, i read on what wavelength the signal would be received from my brothers in mind, i waited for a signal from mars for 15 years, but no,
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nadenka, not from mars, however, it is completely indifferent, i went to college across the whole city for 15 years, in the meantime, he published a wall newspaper, assisted the police, kept waiting, and this is a question for the red team? so, what will now interrupt the heart-to-heart conversation between nadezhda and nikolai, the heroes of mironov and dogeleva. three options: employees of the obkhss, the department for combating the theft of socialist property, and they will arrange an inspection, nadezhda’s brother will appear, or the transportation of meat products will begin, time or brother and or meat products, yes, yes.
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we decided that, probably, there should be some kind of climax, some kind of emphasis, this is the transportation of meat products, i squeezed out of myself, let’s see how the minced meat is. i went to college for 15 years, across the whole city, and in the meantime i published a wall newspaper, helped the police, i’m still waiting, beware, thank you very much, they squeezed, squeezed, tortured, i insisted, and for you blue, oh, i tried my best, it’s amazing for you film, an ordinary miracle. attention to the screen, drag it, drag it, please, where are you going,
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what are you, what are you doing, open your eyes, there’s a hat in front of you, there it is, i wanted to say, alas, nothing at all cross, ah, what a shame, but it’s clear that mironov’s hero is chewing, please tell me what he will do next with the piece of paper, he will quietly throw it in.
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in fact, you know the answer, of course, because everyone wants to eat, including the actors, especially after meat, when they are full, so he will try to eat it when there is no sausage, yes, i wanted to say, alas, there is no cross, ay-ay, what a shame, the next one, well, show revy, which one is livelier, give me the piece of paper, quickly, right, alive, give it back, yes, yes, yes, for the red team film be my husband , attention, so, we are opening the tango competition.
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what color to dress, now there should be a denouement, but there should be a culmination of this dance, so this is how this dance will end, they win a dance competition, or a holiday romance begins, most likely with a passionate kiss, or it was 0 answer, of course , it was a dream, it was
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a dream, because it was a dream, accepted, look at the screen, come on, the sun has already dared, well, this, this... victory, you're just lucky, luck for luck, diamond hand, of course, yes, great movie, you're a little you stun him, hold him, little one, but this is not aesthetically pleasing, but it’s cheap, reliable and practical, quickly wash off the plaster, wash off the umbilical cord, and my alibi, yes, you are left with traces of violence on your face, just like a victim of an attack by unknown persons, lelik, i just ask you, don’t worry, goat-eaters, goat-doers,
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goat-doers, i’ll beat you carefully, but hard, how kozadoev stopped arguing with lelik, lightly, tapped him on the head with a poker, brushed off specks of dust from his jacket, or, well, or splashed adicalon on him, 30 seconds time, quietly, let’s start with all the options first. must, yes, yes, yes, the kings of miniatures, but i know why the reds are stalling for time, so that misha can then tell us a poem and a saga, about himself, about himself in art, about what will happen next, but something for you pull, you know the answer, of course, especially since oleg will play this
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scene perfectly now, yes, come on, so, dear friends, you ’ve seen everything, pay attention to the screen, lelik, just i ask you that... don’t worry kozladoev, kozadoev, kozladoev, i will hit you carefully, but hard, absolutely right, both teams in this competition did not make a single mistake, all covered with earth, absolutely all. there is an island of invisibility in the ocean, there is an island of invisibility in the ocean, all covered with greenery, absolutely there is, dear friends, the result of this competition is 2:2, blue and red, they gave
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absolutely correct answers, of course, everyone is interested in the overall score, so overall? and he is quite boring, draw 66, draw, competition begins, hot potato, antoshka, antoshka, let's go dig, antoshka, antoshka, let's go dig, so what... a very unpleasant thing, it's called a transformer box, a box with a surprise, after a while it will stop being so quiet, calm, and will become different, this moment, the main thing is that it does not end up in your hands, how to get rid of it, answer
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my question correctly, let's start with lantratov, a wonderful idea, the topic of today's hot potato, why? what is the legally formalized free and voluntary union of a man and a woman, yes, that's right, that's what the groom's last free evening with his friends is called, bachelor party, bachelor party, protected, a bride's accessory that helps determine which of the bachelors will get married next, who else
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gets scammed, of course, a garter, a wedding talk show on channel one. in what outfit should the groom not see the bride before the wedding day in the wedding dress is correctly
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counted the main assistants of the bride and groom before the wedding day before witnesses perfectly.
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it's time to start the competition with physical education , hello, let's go! drop a projectile on your opponent, and i advise stick to this topic, don’t lift anything, uh-huh,
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lift a record weight or celebrate a victory, overwhelm, overwhelm your opponent, well , why, because you’re as stubborn as a sheep, don’t lift anything, you’re the opposite, or maybe lift a record weight, that’s what you’re like it’s beautiful to celebrate a victory, to ram. it means not to raise anything, not to raise anything logically, and why? because he’s standing there, he’s going to hit the sniffle as if he dropped the projectile, you don’t have time, you need to answer that i’m like an aries, i’ll say, you can’t pick it up with a ram nothing, well, now he’s stubborn and can’t, like an aries and get a well-deserved point, absolutely right, but he can’t raise anything. the question will be related to basketball, what is the term
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for the area of ​​the court in which the attacking player cannot remain for more than 3 seconds, otherwise there will be a violation, this is a gorynych, not a check, or this is a three-ruble note, or this is paint, or this is a swamp, 30 seconds, paint , gorynych, now, no, i’m not sure, but why then , of course, you say, because for the red huh? from what is, misha, come on, no, not three rubles, paint, no, creative evening,
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absolutely right, paint, yes, okay, you got it, yes, boloto igorich, these are not basketball servins, guess what, the next question is for the blue ones from table tennis, aka pingon, what is the term?
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which consists of using almost all the field players in their half of the field, minimal possession of the sword and playing with quick counterattacks, building a fence, getting under the blanket, putting a bus or drawing a curtain, this is putting a bus, putting a bus,
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answers to our rather tricky questions, the result this competition, the teams unmistakably gave and the overall score is 8:14 in favor of the reds. shoot, television from the inside, premiere, tomorrow on the first. it’s musical, which means
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the competition i love cannot be erased from the song. the competition is two-part, at the beginning there is a blitz, a lot of difficult questions, and where for each correct answer one point is given, and then the second part, it will be more fun. let's go, what awaits igor kornelyuk after he left love behind, red, rain, rain, right, with what? a device for catching animals compared to his beloved mod, yes a trap, a trap, please tell me the name the girl who is being congratulated on her birthday by the group roots, red irisha, now, now i remember, vika, vika, yes, vika, what fabric
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was it made of? from the performer pascal, it was a sholk, a sholk heart, yes, if you understand what mikhail boyarsky asked for in the song green-eyed taxi, red, what is it, green-eyed taxi, slow down, slow down, right, yes, what kind of ice cream did the wizard give in blue helicopter, i'm red, and i can even name the number, how many there were, yes, there were 500 of them. yes, 500 eskemat, absolutely right, in what lies a woman’s happiness, according to tatyana avsienko, red women’s happiness, if a sweetheart were nearby, that’s right, yes, yes, what grade did the heroine study in, yes, please, eighth graders, tell me, eighth grade, eighth grade, what kind of song is this, eighth klaspa cinema, absolutely right, time. yes,
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just ahead of the curve, what berry did irina ponorovskaya’s beads come from? ribina, yes, yes, yes, rebina beads, this soviet pop singer received the nickname mr. trololo, 1 2 3 igor, but shame keel, eduard keel, right, right, right, doesn’t work, winder trees, in famous children's song. who ate the grasshopper red sat the grasshopper just like a cucumber right yes name the lead singer of the popular vssr rock band speaker of course vladimir last question the real name of this singer allageva
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irisha wait now and this. wow, take your pick, come on! let's start with you, now you, at my command, open the envelope , find out the name of the song that someone from your team will perform, immediately decide on the singer, the soloist, after which the singer, soloist, soloist, go to valery
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and kirill, they accept you as family, hug. all the spectators and all the players of all teams sing along with you, and then that’s it, and then everything will disappear, at this moment you must not hesitate to continue singing. each correct line is worth one point, there will be four of these. what's your song there? it's already opening, the sun of monaco, why do i need the sun, okay, i'll go, yes, come on, come on. friends, i would like to outline an important rule, we sing the whole song together from the very beginning, please, are you ready, for now we’ll just
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dance on the bark, important claps, stay with us, you suit us very well, 1, 2, 3, 4, i i open up, i break down what i should wear for you, i don’t know in the evening, i thought 100 times, i say goodbye, because you are looking at me, and i am separate, green from you, i ask only one thing, go where you are going, you always go, i will i’ll take it with me, why do i need the sun, monaco? why tell me the moon in santrafa, when it shines brightly, this makes sense, when you’re not around, why the sun isn’t there, monaco, for a little post, tell me, at
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nasandra’s, when your gaze shines brightly, this makes sense, but if you’re not around , then what, that’s it, that’s it, you’ve done it. natasha, well done natasha, you had it, without a line, well done, she sang in the verse, so, little red ones, and what will you please us with, we will please you with the classics of our country, this is vlad stashevsky, i won’t wait for you anymore, that’s why am i presenting this as an entertainer? is this a hit of the nineties, misha?
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don’t come at all, damn it, it’s beautiful, there was grief ahead, well, i don’t know, i won’t wait for you anymore, hope for a miracle, i won’t wait for you anymore for anything, for anything, never, i won’t wait, i won't wait for you anymore. timidly hope for a miracle, i won’t i won’t wait for you anymore, i won’t wait for you for anything, well, i don’t know, i’m like a person
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greeting you at the airport, just please come to your hundred, well done, well done, well done! in the competition you can’t take the words out of the song, the blue team scored a total of five points, not bad, not bad, normal, the red team with their fantastic, 12 points, this is the total for the blitz for the karaka competition. and before the final competition, intermediate, intermediate for now, because everything can change, score 13, well done, blue, 26 in favor of red, wheel
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good luck, unpredictable, very interesting competition, firstly, today we have wonderful questions, and the answer will always be a number, the amur tiger... our pride. over the past 10 years, thanks to the efforts of our state and enthusiasts of their work, the population of the amur tiger has increased by 50%. and we are sure. will continue to increase and how many of these wonderful cats now live in our country 30 seconds there are only 100 of them left i ’m sure come on 2003 the population has doubled in 10 years thanks to the care of the state and special programs how much how much? but one
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had to look carefully to count how many tigers we showed, there is no time, your figure is now yes, that means before that there were 138 tigers, because there were 277, 277. someday their population in our country will certainly reach there are 300 of these desired iroya soltykova, but so far there are 750 of them, the reds were closer to the correct answer, who will go the wheel, come on ir, come on, come on, i ask for equal and minus. strong to the pubs, strong, come on, be brave,
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let's go, great, well, it's pure luck, don't be upset, if anything happens, guys, pure luck, 15, 15, 15, the main minus is to pass, shows, come on, equal, plus 13 points, wow, yes, irisha, wow.
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the largest bell in the world to date, height 6.14 m, diameter 6.6 m. in 1737, while putting out a fire in the kremlin, water fell on a hot bell and it... you understand that the whole bell weighs more than tons the king bell weighs as a whole, let's go, how much does 11 tones weigh, this is a piece, a piece that broke off, it measures 10.
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165 165 then they bent it, they bent it yes the correct answer is 202 tones so you are friends no matter how you don’t increase the number , the reds will go again anyway, and i said here that ira’s math is straight ira counted straight, counted right irish you’re going to twist it, let’s not let us practically scold the light hand of our team, let us comfort us. and another plus 12 points, no chance, no chance, the luckiest, luckiest participant in the entire history of the show, i love my country, she
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brought her team 25 points in the wheel of fortune, that’s incredible, it’s not a pity, the total score of the game. 13, why am i going to upset them? 13, 13, 13, 13 is good, good, 51, 13, 13, simple, and when the count is 13 and a little over 13, i call red. artificial intelligence, please blue ones, it was great,
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thank you very much, dear friends, everything in this world passes, except love, i hope it’s love for our program. meetings that will soon take place, the world is not simple, not at all simple, it is impossible to hide in it from the storm, from the crosses, it is impossible to hide in it from the blue burrows and from separations, from bitter separations, in the temple of troubles, unwelcome troubles, there are in the world. there are stars , sunlight, there is a home, the warmth of fire, me, i have you, everything that i have in life, everything that is the joy of every day, everything
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that i have in my destiny is connected only with you. with you with you, only with you! hello, on the first channel there is evening news from... staritsa in the kharkov region has been liberated by our army, the enemy is suffering huge losses per day under 2.0 militants and new attacks on the ukrainian military rear. lay down your arms to survive more and more.


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