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tv   Obiknovennii fashizm-2  1TV  May 21, 2024 12:00am-1:06am MSK

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goals, in my opinion, since the crimean war they really like to be in the black sea, they really want to stay there so that they can there on the odessa shores, which means, establish their bases and operate the nikolaev shipbuilding plant there, they even before the twenty-second year prepared to get this former imperial shipbuilding plant for their own purposes, they, like small jackals in this case compared to the united states, want to snatch theirs and they also should not be underestimated. but
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what concerns, what concerns, in fact, uh, our readiness, we must also divide in order to rule, separate one from the other, show that these attacks from these jackals, such as macron or such as england, sunak and cameron, they will meet with on our side to impose a sharp rebuff on this, including to those who are playing a big game, what is the problem now, the main one, i am sure, is not...
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and sometimes this requires toughness, the toughness that, in my opinion, everyone has participants in this conversation. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow.
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as the events of the first half of the 21st century have shown, in everything that does not concern the development of technology, a person does not get smarter; he runs around in a circle of the same thoughts, which for the most part were born long before our era, later. changed to suit
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changing circumstances. another proof of this was the second crimea.
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it was then that the collective west revived the topic of fascism. unlike global projects, fascism allows you to mobilize an entire country into a single fist, inspire its ideas of exclusivity, sending it to fight against the wrong people. if you don’t know history, or rather, you don’t know about the lack of history in a state like ukraine. one can understand how the german version of fascism, built on the nordic archaic, could germinate on ukrainian soil, completely unsuitable for this. in fact, the work
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began a long time ago, even austria-hungary cultivated the idea of ​​​​the existence of a special ukrainian people on the ukrainian lands under its control. the bolsheviks exploited the national theme to fragment the empire, and the liberals of the 21st century supported the idea of ​​ukrainian exceptionalism in order to legalize the annexation of ukraine by the north atlantic alliance. in the west, modern ukrainian discourse is usually completely distanced. from the compromised concept of fascism, since it is impossible to deny the presence of pronounced nationalism in ukraine, when the entire internet has long been littered with video materials of processions of ukrainian youth with portraits of nazi criminals bandera and shukhevych,
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the ukrainian version of nationalism is usually called integral nationalism, since no one knows what it is, but it sounds beautiful, like it’s not fascism. the very concept of integral nationalism was formulated by charles moras, the leader of the organization “french
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action”, popular among french intellectuals, created at the end of the 19th century. integral nationalists demanded from... the main enemies of integral nationalism, its creator maraz considered protestants, freemasons, jews and various kinds of strangers.
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he called these four groups of french society states within a state, however, the integral nationalists had an interesting approach, it was not anti-semitism of the blood, like the germans, it was anti-semitism of the soil. moras's supporters willingly accepted jews integrated into french culture into their midst. maraz categorically denied the racism of gobineau, chamberlain and lapouge, all those on whom german nazism relied. the leader of the french action was convinced that it was a genuine tradition. has nothing to do with genes, we are nationalists, but not german
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nationalists, we have nothing in common with them, and without distorting our texts, it is clear that we are not racists. the main thing that integral nationalists stood for was catholic bonds, coupled with respect for their history and traditions. but what is the ukrainian doctrine of integral nationalism? dmitry dontsov is considered the main ideologist of modern ukrainian nationalism. his views are briefly outlined in the decologist of the ukrainian nationalist.
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without for him. second: you will not allow anyone to tarnish the glory or honor of your nation. third. remember the great days of our liberation struggle. fourth. be proud the fact that you are the heir to the struggle for the glory of vladimirov’s trident. fifth: avenge the death of great knights. sixth. don’t
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talk about business with those you can, only with those you need. seventh. you will not flinch before committing the biggest crime, if that's what it takes. good thing. eighth. you will accept the enemies of your nation with hatred and deception. ninth. neither requests, nor threats, nor torture, nor death will force you to reveal the secret. tenth. you will strive to expand the strength, glory, wealth and space of the ukrainian state. even by coercing another element.
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subsequently, the theory of ukrainianness in dantsov’s interpretation acquired colorful images and vivid details. ukrainian blood brothers turned out to be the vikings, created, quote from...
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for a completely mysterious reason, one of the german-language publications of that same decologist was absurdly crowned with the contradictory sign of the templar cross. templar. cross. knows that the clawed cross was first discovered in the walls of the tombs of the ethiopian kings, and similar finds date back to the century ad. these crosses symbolized the power of the ethiopian rulers, with the adoption of christianity they became the christian
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symbol of ethiopia. they were applied to the walls of churches. subsequently, the claw cross became the prototype of the templar cross. according to legend, wandering christian knights saw this cross on the ark of the covenant, which was kept in one of the ethiopian monasteries. the ark contained the tablets with the ten commandments. according to the legend. secretly took him to jerusalem. further, the trace of the relic is lost, and krist’s story continues. in the 19th-13th centuries , the templar order became the most powerful secret organization in europe. with fire and sword
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they gained a lot of money, wealth and authority of the order. after the defeat of the order and the burning of its leaders at the stake, the knights-monks formed a secret network to help the surviving templars. using secret signs, the former brothers found their comrades and helped them
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move to england, where their activities were not prohibited. soon the first masonic lodges appeared in england, members of the secret templar organization became freemasons, who later spread freemasonry throughout europe and america. soon in france the masonic lodge of the templars arose, which also chose the templar cross as its emblem. in modern times, this cross has transformed from a symbol of the order into a sign of the revival of the templar movement and a new crusade against the old order in europe, which culminated in the great french revolution.
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during world war ii, the templar cross was one of the unofficial symbols of the waffen sss charlemagne division, which consisted of french volunteers. this sign meant aggressive exclusivity justification crusade to the east. by the end of the second world war, the templar network was taken as a model by the germans, who created it. odessa, which helped nazi criminals escape punishment and hide in a safe place. another funny story is connected with the templar cross.
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servando gomez martinez was born in mexico in 1966. he was a pious boy. went to sunday school and was going to devote himself to serving god, and he also adored the legends about the knights-monks who defended the holy land, so when he grew up, he founded his own organization, the knights, templars. it was an ordinary street gang, but it lived according to the rules of a religious sect, and its members positioned themselves as protectors.
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its purpose is to serve the lord to the people. as a true catholic, martinez taught his charges that the torture of killing enemies is a form of divine
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justice. many actually revered him as a saint. these templars controlled the seaport of lazar cardenas. the third most important in the country, there they distributed cocaine imported from all over south america. martinez was finally caught and convicted in 2019. to 55 years in prison for selling drugs, organizing a sect and numerous murders, he is serving his sentence in solitary confinement, on the wall of which hangs a picture with a templar cross, on this cross. the drug lord prays daily. in total, there are about
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670 templar organizations and sects around the world, which include the great ukrainian priory of templars. by the end of the great war, the advancers of the middle templars handed over possessions for... reconnaissance, winter deception and a dry pack worth 3000 dolars from a brief description of dantsov's doctrine, it is obvious that ukrainian nationalists had nothing in common with genuine french integral nationalism. but it had a lot in common with traditional fascism. maraz drew inspiration from plato and aristotle, from dante and the religious thinkers of the middle ages. not at all united with his superman, so that modern ukrainian fascism grew up, not at all from integral nationalism, in order to understand
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where it came from, it is worth remembering the biography of its creator, dmitry dantsov, map find homeland. the main ideologist of ukrainianism was born on august 29, 1883 in melitopol. dmitro's father sold agricultural machinery. the family was wealthy, large, patriarchal, and it was hardly possible to assume that the average child in every sense would turn out to be the main ideologist of ukrainian fascism. in the house they spoke russian, german , and ukrainian; dontsov’s older brother and sister considered themselves russian, so dmitro decided to become
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ukrainian and brought the younger ones along with him. antagonism in the family played a role in the choice of identity. map find friends. get to work the fashion for everything nationally independent also intervened, which, along with leftist ideas, infected the entire russian educational system. the boy received a good education, graduated from school in tsarskoye selo, and continued it at st. petersburg university. there he became close to the leaders of the revolutionary ukrainian party, which was founded in...
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dmitro moved to galicia, where he decided to improve his health in the village, and after receiving treatment, he went to the bohemian capital of europe, vienna, where at that time the unlucky artist adolf hitler was wandering the streets, who may have even brought dmetro’s suitcase to the station. map, find a profession. returning
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to lviv, dontsov again took up journalism, since putting words into phrases was the only thing he was good at. in lvov, he picked up russophobia, began to criticize muscovophilia and say that it was time to isolate himself from russia and become part of the west. previously, he only talked about an independent ukraine within russia, lvov. the spirit did its job, speaking at the congress of ukrainian students in lvov, with a report “the current situation of the nation and our task, dontsov had already openly condemned the russophile orientation of the galician intelligentsia and spoke out in support of the anti-russian program for a complete political break with russia." ukrainian and russian
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socialists categorically did not like this speech, vladimir lenin was especially irritated. as a result, dontsov left the party in 1914 year, he headed the union for the liberation of ukraine, which called on ukrainians to take the side of austria against russia. map make a choice when
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to stop ukraine with a population of 30 million . a person, according to dontsov, could become the main trump card in the dismemberment of the russian empire. he argued that for germany and austria, this is the only opportunity to protect themselves from the ort of the slavs. map beat russia.
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standing up tightly. on anti-russian tracks, dmitro dontsov continued to steer the news agency of the vienna club of ukrainian parliamentarians in berlin, and incidentally. published a weekly correspondent, which did not prevent him from working in other places, for example, in switzerland, he headed the bureau of nationalities of russia, where he continued to agitate the small peoples of russia, secede from the empire. after the february revolution, dmitro returned to lvov, where he received his doctor of law degree, but he... never worked as a lawyer. map go to revolution. inspired by the collapse of the russian empire, dontsov joined the ukrainian central rada. he moved to kiev and became involved in
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the work of the ukrainian democratic farmers party, which generally supported the white guard coup by hetmann skoropatsky. dontsov. headed the press bureau and the ukrainian telegraph agency under the hetman government. from the environment he most sympathized with skoropatsky and petlyuri. it was dontsov who helped petlyuri establish contact with the poles and supported him in the fight against the bolshevik anarchists. with dontsov's suggestion , the poles promised petliura a military one.
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bern, where he headed the information department and in mid-february 1919, he moved to the press of the ukrainian mission in switzerland, from where he moved to vienna after the liquidation of all ukrainian diplomatic missions. in january 1922 he received permission from poland to return. during this period, dontsov began to criticize those ideas that had previously admired, fiercely attacked socialism, and was not satisfied with democracy either. map, become
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a fascist. meanwhile, benito musalini came to power in italy. kontsov sincerely admired him. under the influence of western european fascists, he wrote the main book of his life - nationalism. the book fully corresponded to the moment in 1929, at the first congress of ukrainian nationalists in vienna , there was a merger of ukrainian fascist organizations operating in western europe in galicia. dontsov fully and completely shared the ideas of the european fascists, because
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ranked his people among the exceptional nations that would rule over the inferior races. the fact that europeans have a different opinion about the ukrainians, he has not yet... “in nationalism the author has put all the points in place, dantsov sees the value of society in an exclusive group that should function as an order, and should be headed by a leader, is not the vice of a leader, if at times he is forced to let out rotten blood in order to force the raging elements to humbly bow their heads, dontsov openly advocated for an exclusive group with the exceptional. rights. the ruling caste must constitute a special group, sculpted, first, from a different clay, forged from a different metal,
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from the submissive, indifferent, unstable mass. this is what the caste must demonstrate. such a person is characterized by intolerance towards everything that contradicts the ideal, for one cannot be an apostle without feeling the desire to decisively deal with someone or destroy something. by all accounts, dantsov is a true fascist. the essence of life lies in the thirst for life, in the expansion of struggle, and not in its results. blind dynamism that does not has neither name nor appearance.
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violence, iron ruthlessness and war, these are the methods by which the chosen peoples walked the path of progress. violence is the only method remaining at the disposal of peoples brutalized by humanism. no principles can prevent the weak from yielding to the violence of the strong.
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dantsov wrote the preface to rastislav yandyk’s book “hitler,” where he substantiated the importance of hitlerism for ukrainians. run card. in 1939, after the arrival of soviet troops in galicia, the poor fellow again started running. own at that time... created her own military
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unit, consisting of professional militants, these brave ukrainians were trained by the germans and japanese, and they needed a leader, realizing that dantsov was again not destiny, his friend and faithful student bandera invited him to lead this terrorist organization , but dmitro, like a true humanitarian, didn’t take the risk. map find friends. the fighting between the poles and the germans was still ongoing when the polish police arrested dontsov. the main ukrainian ideologist was transferred to the polish concentration camp, where he tried until the capitulation of the polish state, that is, not for long. when i was going to berlin, an interesting
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episode happened: the ukrainian emigrant sevryuk wrote a denunciation against dontsov to the gestapo for allegedly being a sexist. the gestapa accepted the signal, but it quickly became clear that dantsov was an honored agent of germany, and they did not touch him, but , on the contrary, helped him with his work. the new workplace was in prague. institution for the study of eastern europe. in prague, he became close to reinhard heydrich, a supporter of the final solution to the jewish question, who had just been appointed vice-governor of bohemia, the same place where hitler’s parents were from. dontsov lived under heydrich in luxurious conditions and held a high position. it is curious that when the heyderichs were killed in 1942, dantsov
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retained his position. card get off the stage. at the end of the second world war, dmitro moved to the american zone of occupation, and from there to paris, but the soviet authorities included dontsov on the list of war criminals and demanded his extradition. fleeing from... the winners of dontsi moved to the uk, then to the usa, from 1947 until his death, he lived in canada. where he taught ukrainian literature at the university of montreal. years later , bandera again met with dontsov and again asked him to lead the armed struggle against the ussr, but dontsov again refused. he understood
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that trends had changed, so in the post-war reissues of his old works, he crossed out the rules. many moments, in particular those where he admired fascism. dantsov died on march 30, 1973 and was buried in ukrainian cemetery in the usa, widely known for the strange symbolism of its tombstones. for example, the "lightning in a circle" sign is very popular in this cemetery. lightning in a circle. not long ago, fans of jk rowling were struck by the alternative ending to the harry potter story, especially the fact that the lightning symbol, popular among british fascists,
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ended up on the forehead of the planet’s favorite, the wizard harry. this happened with... jack, who proposed his own version of the ending of the popular series of books about a little wizard, according to his version, harry potter made a mistake in the calculation horcruxes. good wizards destroyed six of the seven horcruxes, and the seventh turned out to be. the hero himself, according to the proposed ending, he defeated the evil wizard voldemort in the battle and became the main evil wizard. but where did the association with lightning in a circle come from? the history of lightning as a symbol started
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back in the 5th century, when the british isles were invaded by the germanic tribes of the angles and saxons. their main god was wotton, known in the marvel cinematic universe as odin, thor's father and lotka's father. the attribute of this god's power was lightning. wotton was considered the progenitor of the anglo-saxon kings, therefore lightning also became the official symbol of royal power. for three centuries, lightning remained one of the main symbols of the british kingdom, until at the end of the hundred years' war, the french, in one of the final battles , completely defeated the english troops, cruelly and variously
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abusing their shields decorated with this symbol. as a sign of imaginary humility, the next symbol of the british kingdom was the rose. after 3 centuries, the famous ost-insk company i decided to return the symbol from oblivion and made it my emblem. under this sign, she organized genocide in the province of bengal, where, by her mercy, 10 million people died. that company was headed by robert cliff, per with the title of baron. it was he who created labor camps in bengal, from
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which the concentration camps of nazi germany were later copied. it was called the first concentration camp in history organized by the british. robert klaevv is the author of the unimaginable atrocities that the british committed in this camp. for these labor deeds, a monument was erected to klaevva in london. subsequently, oswald mosley also remembered this truly british symbol. and a little later this sign was adopted by the british volunteer corps as part of the ss. the detachment
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was formed in 1944, and the project was initiated by another british fascist , john emery, the son of indian secretary of state sir leopold stenet emery, whose grandmother, by the way, was jewish. there were 5,500 british ss men in total. in march 1945, a group of british volunteer corps under under the command of ss obersturmführer walter küchlich, she went to the soviet-german front as part of the scandinavian ss division, northland. in april, the remaining british survivors accepted. participation in the defense of berlin, eight british defenders of hitler's bunker are known. after the defeat of the german
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army, they surrendered to american troops, thereby avoiding punishment. lightning still adorns opel cars, the largest german manufacturer of military equipment during the second world war. the main thing that distinguishes integral the nationalism of its creator maras from the ukrainian version is a commitment to the frenchman, monarchy and religion, but ukraine had neither its own monarchs nor its own religious tradition, so they traced their history back to the pagan vikings, that is... to the pre-christian period, while integral nationalists, even being atheists like maraz, considered christianity
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to be the main achievement of humanity. but the most striking thing in ukrainian fascism is the lack of understanding that for europe, even latin, even german, as well as for all the world's anglo-saxons, ukrainians have always been and will be second class.
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rosenberg considered ukrainians more valuable; in his opinion, they were superior not only to russians and belarusians, but to poles. from the nazis' point of view, ukrainians were a submissive, hard-working group, ideal slaves who could benefit their masters. since ukrainian nationalism absorbed the german idea of ​​blood and soil, the issue of soil
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deserves special attention.
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but if the germans retreated into pan-german mythology, which existed for centuries, then the ukrainians live by other people's myths. ukrainian propaganda copied the tradition of another country, just as the english aristocrat mosley once took an example from the italian mussolini, then from the german hitler, but copying the recipes of someone else's success is a sure way to failure. life is not as primitive as it seems, in it everyone has their own version of the task, writing on your neighbor means guaranteed to fail the exam of your destiny. there is another significant difference between ukrainian and german fascism. the germans
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did evil either in secret behind the walls of concentration camps, or on someone else's. meaning. if you look closely at the history of fascism as a phenomenon, it becomes obvious that there have always been exceptional groups. some of these groupies gave themselves exclusive
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rights, but acted secretly, like masons. lodges or organizations such as the bilderberg club. only in the 20th century did exclusive groups united along national lines manage to achieve power on a state scale. however , no exceptional long -distance group has yet received the necessary support either nationally, much less beyond its limits. since any fascism gives rise to a hierarchy that leaves behind the non -exceptional, who unite with each other to defeat the common exceptional enemy. and yet, like fascism. rest assured,
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in a couple of generations the process will begin again, because exclusivity will come from both sides, for some it develops due to dizziness from success, and for others as a result of the lack of these successes. european exceptionalism of the 19th century grew out of a technological breakthrough enabled by colonialism, and european popular fascism gave rise to the inability of the population, which imagined itself to be exceptional, to come to terms with the decline in living standards. so far, fascism has not succeeded anywhere. everything was ruined by a person who,
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although we are manipulable, is... manageable and is not ready to put up with his second-class status. that is why new fascist achievements require some completely new person. how exactly the fascists approached the creation of a new person and how they planned to improve the old one is a topic for a separate, attentive consideration.
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this podcast is a must read. yaglaina batnikova. and today we will discuss the work of honore debzak. classic of world literature, french novelist. he wrote about 90 novels during his life, combining them into the cycle of the human comedy. and we are discussing this wonderful author today with writer and blogger malka lawrence. hello.
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all this happened after he, how nothing worked out for him with some, i don’t remember, i don’t remember on what topic, with the next startup, not the next one, with the very first one, to whom he paid all his life, yes, yes,
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his whole life passed by the motto, interest is growing, there is no money, what to do, that’s how sometimes works of culture arise due to the fact that the author has a debt, like ustoevsky.
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absolutely new regulations and then the restoration of the bourbons, when the old aristocracy began to get back some of their privileges, privileges and fortune. then turbulence, in such times, states happen very quickly, quickly, yes, if they exist, it’s a period of continuous such things happen, that is, that is, everything is simple there multiplied by 32, that is, if you are unlucky, then you were unlucky in the end, yes, but if you were at the right time, in the right place, then you are great, precisely in connection with this constant leap-like, which means transformations of social structures, the role of title, the role of birth.
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it didn’t work out that way, then i’ll be like this, yes, i’m smart, i’ll make money from writing, okay, he made money from writing, but it was n’t enough, today we’re discussing the father of grief novel, the story of the gopsek, these are the characters, memes, this characters memes which, which in the difference from his other characters is known to more or less everyone, at least those who went to school, maybe not quite a c, these two images are, firstly, quite bright, and secondly, they...
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well, let's try to find a thesis, that is, father gario, does his passion for his daughters cause him, and this is precisely passion, he loves these daughters madly, goes out to guard their carriages, lives in this very poor boarding house, where he constantly cuts, cuts, cuts this boarding house for himself, already in fact, he doesn’t eat anything, this is his crazy passion for his daughters, and he before his death, eugene rastegnac to his neighbor.


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