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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 21, 2024 3:05am-3:31am MSK

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pamagi, russians are scattered, and the crops are burning, burying the beautiful black copacea, endless forests and without extreme burning, and i am mowing, near the hetai of the borax and kali over the abyss, and the crumbling thunderstorm. above my race, i am again, in this puri
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above the abyss, the whole crumb, above the race.
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sucking the molons, the clouds blew away to the winds, everything that used to bloom was broken, the trees fell apart, the carcass of the field and the grief, the thugs, and the flowers were trampled, the sky melted , the piles were scattered, i remember the carcass and the grief and the trampled. igor ivanovich, not only a composer, singer, a film director, but also a theater director, well, yes, there is such a thing, in the theater, how many productions there are already today, well, there are only three of them, one together with mikhail olegovich, this was a very long time ago,
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she invited me to her place and said: no do you want to stage something else at the sovremennik theater? i say: yes, of course, galina borisovna, i will definitely do it, i just need to find material, so he says: okay, look for material, the theater sent me some plays, my friend misha gorevoy sent me plays, because in general he knows modern, contemporary playwrights very well, he sent plays much better than i did, i myself did something...
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i said it didn’t warm me up at all and in 2016 the novel by sasha nikolaenko is coming out to kill babrikin, i must say, that sasha nikolaenko is actually my close friend, i ’ve known her since she was eighteen years old, she’s actually an artist, she started writing stories at such a young age, and one day, when she was...
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in the first person, the most difficult, just extraordinary , a complex novel, and i said to myself: that's all, i went to galina borisna, first with this book, which... sasha gave me, i say, i found galina borisovna, this is what i will give her, she read this novel, there in a day and two i came to her again, so she said, how are you going to do this, i say, i have no idea at all, so i have no idea, that is, her reaction was ironic, no, no, she says , i don’t understand how to stage this, this is a very complex work, how to stage this in the theater, how do you imagine this can you imagine? i told her honestly, i don’t know, so she says: why are you going to do this there? i say, i’ll just do this, i don’t know how to do it, it’s hard, either i’ll go this way or that way, or i’ll throw myself out of the window, so she says: well, go ahead, i believe in you, with olya pogodina ,
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this is from st. petersburg, she is from st. petersburg, olya pogodina is a wonderful playwright, i knew her at that time, read her plays, i love her plays very much, i called... i called olya and said: “olya, here, please read the novel , let's go with you let’s write a play,” and we wrote, here’s the first version, then the second, well, galina borisovna died, the pandemic began, then they just called me from the theater, i returned, the theater asked me, would you like to return to your native walls, i said, yes, i’ll be back, i have some debts to galina. well , that’s how it happened, igor ivanovich, a legend and hero of many of his staircase, is already quite good, already normal, the hero of many tales, i just want to check if this is true or not, seryoga galanin told me, i think he told me exactly what
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we are friends and i even shot a video for him at one time, so, veranda, igor ivanovich. is having a meal, then the guys from the security agency, whom we all know, come in, in general, they always guard all sorts of imported stars who come, the guys from them stand around the perimeter, in the four corners, the person they are guarding comes in, this is the boxer evander hollifield, no , it was this same englishman, this gentleman, guy, with dreadlocks, yes, the world champion. well, yes, yes, it happened, yes, they recognized me, yes, yes, yes, they recognized me, i know these guys, and one, oh, garynovich, great, i say, great, and he ’s sitting inside them like that, crouched down like that, and so tense, i say, guys, you tell him
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that i won’t offend him, let him relax, yes, that was the case, he relaxed, but they came up , you said, he thundered, well, somehow we shook hands, let’s listen to your song. my next life together flows and rolls, let's say this song was written by alexey medvedev, he is from the city of murom, he wrote this song when he was 26 years old, we are all a little the same age, a young guy, and when i first heard it, it made a colossal i was completely impressed, and we immediately started playing, and the first time we just signed her up for the bossman tramp with sanya, sklars, part two, and i told sanya, listen, i ’ll play it for you now. one song, here is lyosha medvedev, he didn’t know him at all, so i say, let me play it for you, it’s on the internet now, i love this song so much, i’ve been wanting to play it for many years, but to play it in my own way, and he he says, come on gorinovich, come on, i played it for him, he says, why are you
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such a fool, let’s go, let’s go rehearse this now we’ll record it, so we recorded it, this is a podcast 20 years later, its hosts are alexander anatolyevich and konstantin aleksandrovich mikhailov. the guests were igor ivanovich sukachev and yuri aleksandrovich shcherbakov. and let's listen to the song "my life flows and rolls." anything can happen, sometimes you don’t even want to live, sometimes
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you don’t even want to, you don’t have much to spare. and my life flows, the house flows, flows and flows like a stream. oh, wheel, and my life flows, flows and rolls, flows and rolls, the wheel also turns, big god, big, beautiful mandys, slightly behind... and not the light of a white ladder,
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fate is deceiving, you couples, lead me to you, trapars, fate.
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not taetstsa not, without letting you get in trouble, you fly, fly to the flame of the candle, but my zhyza. flows, flows and rolls, flows and rolls, and the wheel flows like a stream, and my life flows, flows, flows and rolls, flows and rolls, like a stream, like a wheel.
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everything happens, sometimes, i don’t want to live, sometimes i don’t want to, my soul is dark, but my life flows, flows, flows, flows, tesa, flows like a stream. and my life flows, and the wheels flow,
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and the wheels flow, writhing, pitaleso, and my life flows and rolls. flows and rolls like a stream and wheels, and my life, flows and rolls, flows and rolls, a stream and wheels, and these are mine.
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i, larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today is the bride, anastasia! daria and adele, and our groom is sergei. sergei , 38 years old, still cannot forgive himself for sending his beloved to have an abortion and thereby destroying a viable relationship. sergei is the deputy director of the restaurant, dreams of becoming a husband and father, is proud of his nephews, admits that he has difficulty keeping promises and does not
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finish what he starts, warns that once a month definitely visits his mother. sergei does not see himself. next to a creative, messy vegetarian, and also the owner of colored hair, his ideal life partner should have a higher education, work in the restaurant and hotel industry, have an appetizing figure and dream of children. hello, hello, how similar you are to your mother, you will be happy, that’s for sure, very similar to your mother, very similar to your mother, of course, we came from the glorious... suzdul, we adore your city, with gifts to you. suzzdal is famous not only for its architecture, museums, and also their homemade preparations and pickles. well, you think, not everyone, probably, my mother does it best, and i just came to every house and there were such luxurious cucumbers. yes, indeed, this was all made by my mother’s hands, and it’s all very
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tasty, right now i’ll wait for the end of the program so that i can eat them right away in the dressing room. you pass all the parameters, you’re an earthly woman, you know how to cook, you salt cucumbers, you make jam too, listen, sergey, the fact that you came with your mother is a good sign, this amazing. but it wasn’t that long ago , in fact, and she was a little younger than 33, it was such a stormy , beautiful, passionate romance, and it all started very brightly emotionally very quickly when she became pregnant and just emotions and attractions
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, and there was no such love from the word at all on her part . on her part, on my part, from the word in general, perhaps we needed, probably, a longer relationship of meetings, in order to get used to each other, to understand, indeed, who was the first to speak up that we were having an abortion, i, i said, listen, i frankly and honestly admitted that this is the situation, i said that i don’t love you, i was very embarrassed that he sent the girl for an abortion, a very bad act, we don’t know, some kind of rejection. i knew there was no luck for a week, i tell all women: a man should ask a woman for a child, not blackmail, of course, you can’t keep a man, especially since she’s an adult over 30 with a child, although i am to the same extent, well, how would this apply to you , guys, well, we didn’t turn on our heads, well
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, you’re right, of course, yes, indeed, there is such a moment that we probably didn’t turn on our heads turned on when she... told you, when she told me about it, uh, that is, there was a call, then a photograph, naturally, we talked and agreed to meet, and we met - we began to discuss all these points, our meeting was immediately hospital, that is, by doing so, i wanted to make sure once again that this is really the case, that is, and we, yes, it’s absolutely true, is she not lying about taking it, right?
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when you hear the heartbeat of some kind of cunning move, of course, maybe it wasn’t a move, maybe it was a move, listen, this was no different, because millions of women have abortions, no one drags a man into the office with them, unless they want to keep this child, but it’s absolutely true, when all this was shown on the screen, of course it cannot be expressed in words, it’s all emotional when you experience it. yes, i saw all this, they suggested to us, either we leave it or do the appropriate procedures, yes, i said that we need time, let us think, we went out into the corridor with her. she's all in tears, just all in tears, there, well, i don’t know, i can’t even say a word, i’m in tears, if you haven’t already said, i don’t want this child, because it seems to me that you guessed
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my intentions, you would have had an abortion too , or you would have left the child and you would have separated, good the question is, what would you do in this situation, well, she already has a child from a previous marriage, she probably understands what it’s like to have a child without a father. yes, if she invited you into her office to show you that her heart was already beating, if she then sobbed in the corridor, that doesn’t happen, it’s when you you cut up the meat, but you can’t cry over a killed calf, you just cut up the steak, everything else is some kind of game, she understands that your relationship is not serious, that you don’t propose to her, that everything is too fast, maybe her mother said galina mikhailovna, maybe you said, it’s not necessary with the child, maybe you can interject for a minute, i didn’t know anything about this, okay. i was at new year’s with my eldest son, i have an eldest son, already married, but i didn’t know, and he confessed to his son, well, to his brother, he admitted that i would have had
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here is a child, and i did everything so stupidly, then they told me, i scolded him so much, distorted him, i would have accepted anyone, any woman, and i was very happy, he says, mom, i did a big stupid thing, thank you, here it’s good that you understand this, i see that your blood pressure is rising, i see that you are worried, how does he look to you, outwardly, well, an ordinary man, about 40, already bald, but not bad, you think that there was a huge mistake on your part, the mistake is that you didn’t save this, let’s start with the fact that i a i was scared, and i was scared of responsibility and hearing the news that they told me, thank you for the truth, thank you for the truth, sergey, i’m already embarrassed to torture you further, who am i, this... since almost 90 percent of all women in life have this what happened, i believe that the woman is largely responsible, if the man did not
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propose, if the man did not call to the zaksa, if the man did not ask for a child, and you go with him, so to speak, to bed, you include your head yourself, it happened to you, stop throwing ashes on your head already, you must be ready to a new relationship, i’m not telling you to forget, but... i only said it a week ago, and before i hinted to him: what are you talking about, i say, there are so many girls, you’re in moscow, you have a promising job, well, at least find someone then, the time is already
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why you don’t need someone, do you have a rotten son or something, he’s an old man, he’s 80, 90 years old, i say, well, find a simple, good girl, but find one, he’s a mother, well, i know everything , i understand, everyone’s fingers are like a fan, as soon as you get to know each other, all that, i say, okay, i’m silent, then he tells me, mom, here... i’ll tell you now, just don’t run away, i signed up for the program, let’s get married, i say you signed up, he says, yes you signed up, i made up my mind, so we came here, and i say, well , son, you will come, support me, i say, definitely i’ll come, galina mikhailovna, and what kind of girl, then tell me, i’m a simple girl, we have everything, but simple, with the highest image, smart, simple, so that she loves him, that’s what, so that she likes him, and so that could give birth to my grandchildren. i’ll beat you without remembering how old you are, i’m 73 years old fulfilled, i really liked my mother, in fact, she’s a very nice woman, an incredibly sweet woman, yeah, yeah,
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we also have a rare specimen, he came from a man, he wants a plump one, it’s normal, they say, i say fight, fight, why fight against the rocks , this is when you have to swing on the waves, it’s very good, no, well, he says without without any extra weight. well, so as not to be curvy, go for a walk, mendelssohn boy, but in our country, like a russian man, he loves these skinny ones on sticks with branches, handles, or something to hold on to it could be? 87% of men, according to the survey , would prefer a girl with a body in bed, with rounded shapes and a soft body; again , he will have a nightmare at night, he will fall out of bed, there is something to grab onto. but it feels like this is not the voice of our mendelssohn. mendelssohn, tell me the password, is that true? i, i, just don't.


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