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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 22, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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an amazing combination that is chosen and suits her so well, and is so refreshing, she really looks young, so perky, like a completely young girl, it seems that she really has everything ahead of her, of course, everything is ahead of her too, i just look and don’t even believe it that this is my sister, that is, i couldn’t even imagine it, just a little bit from what i saw now, you’re happy, i’m very happy with her. changes in the future. so, the third final image of our heroine. marina, we are waiting for you!
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marina, how do you perceive yourself now? a it’s somehow a little strange, well, it’s really short, i’ve never walked in such a short one in my life. will leave, well, ekaterina, at discos, mom will be fire, that’s right, i was waiting for this, mom will be fire, what do you think? i believe that i really want to meet my happiness, everywhere, everywhere, together, together. that's great, well done, bravo! tanya, what else can we say, parting words for our heroine? but i see that you have come up with a decision to change not only your image, but to change something in your life, right, marin?
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yes, i wish you to keep this the feeling that you deserve all the best, wish you good luck in everything, thank you, evelina, what is a dress for such legs, then a jacket for all other legs, please never confuse the choice, and i sincerely wish you from the bottom of my heart to always be with with whomever you want. this will be very cool, you need it now. well, dear girls, thank you, congratulations, congratulations, come out, congratulate, hug, come out, congratulate, hug, marina, we applaud your new look and the work of our stylists, all three sets of clothes we we give you from the program. verdict, wear them with
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pleasure, thank you, may all your dreams come true in these new images, thank you very much, and if you want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the website of the first channel. the first channel presents. dangerous flowers in the country that can change your psyche, take a close look at what is growing in your place, now it is prohibited, about this, about the rules for a bathhouse, about proper food, about many other important and useful things in the program, live healthy! well let's start
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program with these sweet grandmothers, to whom i am attached with all my heart. in general, you all know that such grandmothers sit at all the entrances; at the dachas they sit down and discuss us all. someone will say that this is bad, but maybe not, because in this generation there is still the ability to evaluate life correctly, without forgiveness, as it should be. harsh, rude from rome. today we will have stupid questions about the bathhouse. you don't judge anyone strictly, because we believe that there are no stupid questions, only stupid ones answers. and here, look how smart dr. gandelman is, he won’t say anything stupid. we are waiting for our first guest. this may be
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a stupid question, but i’ll ask it: every summer, my husband and i go to the dacha and heat the bathhouse there; after steaming, i always like to douse myself with ice water, well, to make the most of it. after you have steamed, douse yourself with ice water or the second option is to dive into an ice hole or into the snow, many people like this, look what happens, this is a normal conduction system, there is a sinus node, it gives off electricity. the heart signal contracts when you are in a bathhouse, your heart speeds up , because frying is supposed to provide warmth, so you are thrown into the snow, doused with ice water, the parasympathetic system is sharply stimulated , it charges the rhythm, what does this lead to, first,
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this can lead to any rhythm disturbances, in including flickering, but the most dangerous thing is that the heart just... can stop and you can die, so you must obey all the heart’s electricity, i just want to say what could happen to this girl, specifically to this girl, nothing and nothing happens, she is young and healthy, for whom it is truly dangerous, for people over 50 years old, people with diabetes who do not know about the existence of the disease. and obese women, you have no idea when these baptisms take place, how many heart attacks, arrhythmias, cardiac deaths happen during this
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period, so for the older generation it is definitely harmful, for young children whose parents are pushing them there, it is definitely harmful, maybe for you ... an infrared sauna, but i want a bath. i believe that an infrared sauna is nothing a sauna is better, just a marketing gimmick and costs more. please judge for us, which is better, a bathhouse or an infrared sauna for health? this is a very interesting question,
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because infrared rays are a complicated thing. now i want to ask hermann to show us a picture on the screen of how a person warms up in an infrared sauna. in a regular sauna, red means it’s heated up, yellow means it’s not heated up, let’s come straight up, i’ll tell you about a regular sauna, there’s a high temperature around you, it can reach about 100-110 degrees, your skin heats up, you don’t heat up inside, in principle, if you find an acceptable time there, an infrared sauna is completely... different, the fact is that infrared rays penetrate the body to a depth, so they can warm up to 4 cm, that is, you don’t need 100° outside, you’ll still get warm, that’s the essence
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of an infrared sauna, so what advice should i give, someone likes it when it’s like this, once upon a time, but in principle it must be said that there is. useful from any heating, proteins break out heat shock, which make us resistant in the future. in addition, any type of bath since we warm up and sweat, it leads to vasodilation and a decrease in arterial pressure. but there is a difference, infrared rays penetrate deep. imagine, that is, it will be 4 cm, we have some. there are fewer parts of the body, you know, in a sauna it’s completely different inside, your temperature doesn’t rise, there’s homeostasis, it’s hot outside, well, for example, my husband generally loves the russian bathhouse, he needs to splash on the stones so that he can be everywhere steam and so on, i don’t understand at all what
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pleasure there is in this, it always seems to me that the thing will end, this is an action, you ’re sitting in a sauna, maybe, in general, it’s to your taste, maybe you’re just... people, but warming up is better in an infrared sauna, that’s for sure, we are waiting for the next guest, thank you very much. i may seem strange, but i want to ask, i ’m trying to lose weight, but i keep failing, my friend says that she goes to the bathhouse, loses weight and does not suffer, and that the bathhouse helps to lose weight, is this true? germanshevich, is it possible to lose weight in bath? in a bathhouse, you can lose weight due to fluid loss; it has nothing to do with losing weight; it has nothing to do with what you are. in a couple of hours you will return to your weight, you want to lose weight,
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do a diet, look, we are just losing a little liquid, yes, we are just losing liquid, a sauna is only a loss of liquid, all your fat will remain with you, you will lose liquid, but it it doesn’t cost anything to restore, that’s right, absolutely right, we drank after the bath, it’s all there, so it’s an illusion, you can’t lose weight in the bath, but you can in the bath lose fluid, and before you drank it all and your fluid is with you, we are waiting for another guest, perhaps i will seem a little funny with my question, but nevertheless, i have this tradition: every two weeks my friends and i go to the bathhouse, well, naturally we drink there, but without excesses, so my wife swears, says that it’s harmful, that alcohol and the bathhouse are not...
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knowledge, alone in the bathhouse, you’ll just die, that ’s how we easily and cheerfully talk about the bathhouse, once again , alcohol in the bath, alcohol has a diuretic effect and dilates blood vessels, bath itself has the ability to dilate blood vessels and increases diuresis, that is, your fluid loss can be enormous, so unfortunately this is not the best option, don’t replace these drinks, just water then you can steam longer just water , absolutely water. which restores your losses and we have another guest today,
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my husband and i love to go to the bathhouse, and our favorite pastime is to whip us with brooms, please tell me, is it necessary to use a bathhouse broom, why not german? you can use it, you can not use it, that is globally, what a broom adds to the bathhouse, that is, it makes a mechanical herb, but even greater expansion, leads to greater dilation of blood vessels and mechanically removes skin flakes, and so this is lovely, what is it, this is also a german massage, you are lying, what are you - a nice woman pats, this is beauty, german. and therefore do what you want, no, don’t do what you want, but brooms are not bad, this is not bad,
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the only thing is that a person should be steamed, if you beat a person who is not steamed, you will simply damage his body, understandable, but however, if the husband behaves badly, you can hit him like that sometimes in the cold, she is usually the one who soars the man, so women beware, that’s it, friends, the bathhouse is, in principle , a good thing, don’t drink in the bathhouse, be careful. with ice water, this is good for some, let’s say my husband can’t imagine anything else if he doesn’t dive into this water, god forbid that there will be a person? those who treat hypertension and so on. that’s all about the bathhouse, friends, let’s take a short break and then continue. how to get out of this? i can’t live without them anymore, it’s complicated. it happens in different ways, i can do a bottle a day, you can’t breathe without vasoconstrictor drops,
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it’s an addiction, what to do, let’s figure it out for three, i have better chicken without chocolate, everyone is unhappy, everyone is unhappy, but i like chocolate chicken, we’ll eat it and there will be more serotonin and i will be satisfied, three products for a good mood. “we will now live in a new way, barbecue at the dacha, good and kind neighbors at the dacha, nature and physical education, fresh air, dacha rules.”
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that the entente has an anti-russian purpose, is invested in the same the convoy that we had previously heard from macron regarding the sending of a contingent of the french science to ukraine, a cargo of 200 had already arrived, a french, naturally cargo of 200, a relative of vsezhurne in a russian prison, a crime against the person of children under fourteen years of age, stefan tsajurne was a member of the so-called mormon gang group , the european financial families who stand behind macron, behind this boy, they want this... to crush russia and ensure the victory of ukraine. stefan sijournet and prospects fried pigeons. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. veda vodka is a product of
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stellar group. while the special operation is underway, the orthodox church in ukraine is being destroyed. we are moving towards europe, so we must move away from the russian conservative tradition, epiphanius, all these other pseudo-priests are just pure mummers, so the schism is a tragedy, thanks to whom this all happened, this is the united states of america and the state department and directly ambassador for religious freedom united states, sam brownbeck. what should we do with lava, the main temple of kiev? will you give a big trump card?
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so, friends, this is a cross-section of the nose, and these are the vessels, which are exactly what the vasoconstrictor drops act on. today we will talk about medications that are addictive and, probably, the most common addictive medications are vasoconstrictor drops. olga aleksandovna spirskaya works at our medical site; she is an ent doctor and surgeon. the worst thing in my life is dependence, dependence on vasoconstrictors drops, that is, i suffer from constant nasal congestion, without them i cannot breathe, that is, i get up in the morning until i cough,
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blow my nose, that is, i take a vertical position, i immediately have swelling, that is, while my nose is dripping, that is i... what amount of instillation did you start with and how did you finish today, this is how much you instill today, it varies, i can do a bottle a day, well, half of that every hour, every 2 hours, how often, every hour, that’s exactly, it happens more often, more, come with us, so, vasoconstrictor drops, addiction, well, i want the first thing, here , to bring you to this layout, so, what is happening, ulga aleksandovna, why do people start using these drops in connection with what disease? in connection with the disease, the so-called medicinal rhinitis, or we also call naphthesin addiction in another way, but at the beginning there is no dependence, at the beginning it’s just stuffy, stuffy
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nose, swelling has arisen, you see. your nose is swollen, you took some drops, gave yourself some drops, the swelling went away, then in case of any trouble you you start to drip these drops, right, what happens to the mucus, what develops further, the vessels begin to react poorly to your medications, vasoconstrictor drops, the dose is not enough for them, they need more often, more of the drug so that the nose can breathe well, they contract and... it occurs as a result of addiction, a person’s dependence on vasoconstrictor drops, even worse is that... this is how the mucous membrane grows, that is, your vessels do not react, so the volume of the mucous membrane increases, so your nose is already stuffy not so much due to swelling, but because of,
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that it is clogged, the nasal turbinates are also enlarging, or what is happening is that swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, the nasal turbinates increase in volume and block the lumen in the nasal cavity, that is, the question is no longer about the vessels, the fact is that the nose is clogged and its nasal turbinates. these are vessels, they supply blood to the nose, including the nasal septum, they are in spasm all the time, what happens to the nasal septum, spasm is ischemia, the blood flow does not
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flow, it is always in spasm because of these drops, what can happen, mucosa begins to hurt, so-called atrophic changes in the mucous membrane occur, the mucous membrane turns pale, crusts appear, sores may subsequently cause perforation of the nasal septum, that is, this... this is a hole, perforation is a hole in the nose, a hole in the nose, this is all the result of use vasoconstrictor drops, so today vasoconstrictor drops are even excluded from the international standards for the treatment of rhinitis , runny nose, because the harm from them is greater than the benefit, it’s clear, here’s what to do, here’s andrei petrovich, he’s running headlong, i have how can i say, i have a cry from the heart. because i want to appeal to people: firstly, a runny nose is not the most harmless thing: performance decreases, it is impossible to breathe, the frequency of infection
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increases, because the mucous membrane is permeable, you breathe through the mouth, if you have it for 3 days you don’t understand why you don’t breathe , use everything, be sure to have a blood clot to the doctor and then find out: is it an infection, or is it an allergy, and treat it correctly, because if we don’t treat it correctly, this will happen... the wonderful situation you have, i want now on the screen show those drops that are vasoconstrictors, not so much the drops themselves, but the active ingredients, xylametazoline, you just need to remember to take a photo of this, naphazalin is the one in naphthezin, all this cannot be used for longer than a certain period of time, 5 days , 3-5 days, 3-5 days is the maximum, the ideal is included... all the standards are the so-called what sprays with what content with hormone content nasal hormones steroid hormone content steroid
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hormones in the nose andrey petrovich this is dangerous or no no, this is the local use of a hormonal agent, moreover, for most people it will solve the problem of allergic renitis, which is why they drip these vasoconstrictors and everything will be fine, because it... step by step the doctor removes excess mucous and nasal cancer, first the upper ones, and then the lower ones. our operation is almost over. now we will use an endoscope
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to thoroughly examine the nasal cavity after the intervention. dr. spiranskaya is a very experienced doctor. the operation lasts only 20 minutes. the operation is considered. wasn't here, well everything is so sweet, joyful and easy, if it’s all in the hands of a professional, i want to thank olga aleksanna and i want aleksanna to tell you again, so, a person has a runny nose, what are the rules of treatment so that there is no dependence on vasoconstrictor drops, first in fact, we rinse the nose, the so-called therapy is to rinse the nose, because when you rinse the nose. you wash everything, wash away germs, bacteria, and allergens, morning and evening, left to right, just washed, went to work, brushed your teeth, nose, washed
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work. it will be enough to recover, these are golden words, then, nasal hormones, steroids, the simplest remedy available is everywhere, go to a chlorine doctor if you yourself are not able to cope with a runny nose, because this is not such a simple matter, here so, this is all about medicine, i want to thank our doctor, our guest, please sit down, and i want to say that we have three. superfood for a good mood andrey petrovich, when we have three superfoods, it’s always a parade, a parade of superfoods in our studio, let’s start talking about food, imagine, i ’m tracking down a dangerous drug dealer on an expensive snow-white yacht, zhirkov, oleg zhirkov, victim kirill mazurov,
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born in 1992, how? telepathy, kushnir, new level. kostya, well, how undeplorable i am, i can explain everything, i won’t bother you anymore, hands up, both of you, put the gun down, bloodhound, new episodes, watch the time after the program, that’s it, the killer has been found, you can close the case, receive gratitude from your superiors , they say less paper, you need to take care of it, premiere, i love mine. country on saturday on the first. ranevskaya doesn’t know that frekken boxing was drawn on her, without showing the picture, are you calling for a recording? frekkinbock is seriously attracted to carlson. this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old. i'm trying to somehow justify my heroine. love for this fan turns an elderly sadist into a vulnerable woman.
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they told me i can’t watch tv from morning to night, here you go, ranevskaya from may 27, at the first there is my funeral, an orchestra is playing, instead of my photograph there is a photograph of frekkinbock. a chicken enters the arena, you give the joy of life, now it appears chocolate, let's say no, blues, meet rice bran, we are positive, chicken. chocolate
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and bran, for some reason, rice we chose three products this time, three superfoods, three super girls in our studio, bring us chicken, chocolate and bran to the studio, well, dear friends, the products
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are being digested, is not absorbed, what is the connection between the fiber that you eat, you have it somewhere, not at all with our mood, in that which is not digested and absorbed, about coarse fiber, who can tell us, well, first of all, it’s not only coarse fiber, but let's start with the fact that there is no constipation, the mood is already better, with pipes there is less constipation, in addition, undigested dietary fiber is eaten by our bacteria, and hormones of joy are produced there, but i want to tell you something completely different, unexpected, closer for cardiology, rice beans contain two daily norms of almost magnesium, and we need magnesium for production, axetocins and for proper functioning, attachment hormones, so everyone gathered to me, i’m wondering who you want, who you want if you want to get attached, hermansche, your choice
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is me. i am attached to you, thank you, germanshach, so, petrovich, to me, please, why are you vandrey petrovich leaving, this is attachment. it is this that produces serotonin, the hormone of joy, and, as it were, allows magnesium to accumulate. almost 90 percent of serotonin is produced in the abdominal cavity, this is the main hormone of life satisfaction, it is not the brain, although in the brain, of course, it is also
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there, and this is the abdominal cavity, so if you go with coarse fiber, german shaevich is right, the stool will be good, this is firstly, secondly there will be serotonin, thirdly due to excess magnesium there will be oxytocin, that is... and the stool is good, the mood is good, and you are attached, oxytocin is produced, which also makes a difference , joy in life and affection for those people with whom you go through life and the product is cheap, and the product is cheap, the next thing, well, let’s talk about chocolate, not about chicken, about chicken, why do you want to continue this question, you were talking about the hormone of joy, serotonin, it is actually produced by our intestinal bacteria, but... in addition to this, we have a place here, the brain stem, this serotonin is also produced here and it is much closer, and it is the joy and pleasure that spreads throughout the brain, but it doesn’t matter whether you have bran or not, but
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if you don't eat chicken or turkey, why? because there must be such an amino acid, tryptophan, and this tryptophan is a precursor from... serotonin is built from it, so in order to build a sufficient amount of serotonin, you need to have enough tryptophans, yes mikhail egoryevich, come on, you’re talking about chocolate, people are waiting for chocolate and endorphin, dark chocolate contains phenyl, ethylamine, such a substance is 70% of the daily requirement of 100 g, a lot, that ’s it. it is precisely this that promotes the production of dopamine, and dopamine is again the hormone of confidence, the hormone of happiness, the hormone of pleasure, the hormone that gives us a feeling of happiness, self-confidence, and
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we have conducted enormous research, i will put cheerful people to balance the nightmares of our existence , yes, they conducted research and surveys among people who... they constantly take and eat dark chocolate, and these people had 70% less depression than those who do not consume dark chocolate in food, dark, there is almost no sugar, black, not milk, this is important to understand, well , our chef alexey kovba intends to combine these three amazing products. chicken, chocolate and bran, i wonder if he can do it or not, lyosha, bring out your super dish, i invite you, well , actually, yes, look, actually, it’s
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chicken with chocolate, yes, it’s great, yes, and even more, i made a sauce from chocolate, from chicken, which, now i’ll tell you everything, look, well, naturally, our chicken is stewed, it’s not fried, that is, it was baked at a low temperature, then we melt the chocolate. mix it with bran, it turns out to be quite a thick mass, that is, it doesn’t look like a sauce, but it ’s like a mush, but it’s very good, definitely with chocolate, yes, and the most interesting thing is that when the chicken is baked, it releases juice , and we also mix this juice with chocolate and it turns out even more here, well let's try it. why not , strange, but maybe, yes, well, here are mine inside, they can eat anything with chocolate, they can eat borscht with chocolate, here we are from this series, yeah,
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chicken without chocolate is better, everything is dissatisfied, everything is dissatisfied, but i like it , if i eat chocolate chicken, i’ll have more serotann and i’ll be happy. that's all about food, friends, let's take a break for a while and then continue, we will now live in a new way, there are barbecues at the dacha, the neighbors at the dacha are good, kind. and nature and physical education, fresh air, country house rules life, how they support our health, this is how time mercilessly passes, we grow old, we weaken, we lose memory, is it possible to stop time, it turns out that it is possible, as we will tell you in the program, to live healthy! tomorrow at the first, yes, dear, yes, i’ll buy it, i’ll buy it,
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yes, i’ll be there soon, kvn,
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he called you to the dacha, you were at his dacha, here ’s a bad person, well, okay, a bad person, new rules for the dacha, we’re joking, we are all friends, we all love each other, but we really like to tease each other a little, well, we do it in a fun way and don’t be mean all the time we react well to each other’s jokes, new rules at the dacha, some of them migrated from the old ones, some are really new, from april 1st. than german shaevich and i, but we will also have our say in this topic. new rules at the dacha, which one should we start with? well, in fact, this is the rule for me, indeed, i think that it is both timely and correct, this is the prohibition of littering the territory, dachas, let's show how cluttered dacha plots can be. old leaves, compost heaps are so
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unrefined, essentially a landfill in your own plot from old things that no one removed, and this leads to some emergency consequences, such as fires, because it is these old landfills that catch fire the fastest, but this has absolutely medical consequences, in addition to fire, for example, humus such heaps. untreated, what are called old leaves, they are all a breeding ground for mold, mold is one of the main allergens, both household, contact and respiratory allergens, with which we inhale, which i i mean, look , imagine the skin, in the skin we have special cells, in this skin, these are responsible for an allergic reaction when such a number of huge allergens enter the...
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who knows why this is now prohibited , like
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such cute little flowers, blue and white, who knows, but these plants contain narcotic substances, that’s right, drugs and gluten, that’s right, these plants contain so-called psychotropic alkaloids, and alkaloids that affect on the nervous system and can lead to hallucinations, respectively, and... using them, especially by children, can lead to serious consequences , i don’t mean that someone feeds a child, i mean, a child is walking, he can. take it into your mouth, touch it, rub it, put your hands in your mouth, so do we welcome this restriction, absolutely? in general, i would make a list of plants not only hallucinogens, because remember we fought with this crazy grass, hogweed and now this, so be careful , many of you have no idea
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they have that these are the very flowers that are prohibited, there is a punishment for this, and once again our children may suffer, what else? well , there are also new rules about how certain objects should be located on a dacha plot, at what distance from each other, if we are talking, let’s come right up, you know, i don’t have dachas, but when i was a child, my parents had six hundredths, i don’t know, now there are six hundredths left or more, many people have plots of six hundredths, so i asked mikhail egorovich, can this be done yes? yes, yes, yes, the first thing we have to say about the street toilet, here we see it here, the street toilet should be 8 m away from the main house. if we are talking about a well 8 m, if we are talking about the toilet and 8 m from
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the compost, absolutely correct, because respectively, from the house to the bathhouse and shower is 8 m. why are we talking about a toilet, an outdoor toilet, well, firstly, it must be sealed, why? because hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulfide is released during the decomposition of feces, there may be contamination from the wastewater of our well, this literally fall into the ground into a well. if we are talking about barbecue, then these are the substances that... are released when preparing barbecue in particular, they are carcinogenic, so naturally, these rules exist, again this is fire safety, if we are talking about the distance between the house and the barbecue, and these rules must be followed, there is a fine for this, we have guests , she
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actually thinks that these rules are too much, lyudmilaevna, come to us, criticize what we said. you summer resident, how many acres do you have? yes, i have less than six, right? yes, but i have a very small dacha, but very compact, i just love it, i love your show, i’m really glad that i ended up on your show, sit closer to me, we’ve convinced you of the rules, or do you think that what something excessive? i certainly agree with you, how can i disagree, this is all correct and it should be so, but there are always some slight deviations, this happens in life, that’s why. if you can't do anything, where are we going to go? deviate, we are going in the right direction, because it should be, we will strive, at least on your site it can be placed just like this, i have very little space, the toilet is very small, neat, there is no garbage, i don’t like it at all and i try in general to avoid any clutter
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, this is first of all, well, what else, no soul, no baths, nothing like that, mainly flowers. i adore trees, all kinds, it’s the air, it’s the squirrels running around me, and the birds flying in, in general, you just do everything, since you have nothing there, and there’s a toilet with a shower you in the house or i don’t have a soul, it ’s just a little bit, we’ll wash ourselves in a basin, i have a dacha next to my house, so there’s no such need, i came home, washed myself well, everything is like legs, arms, i went to the dacha, i went to the dacha, dacha to relax, barbecue at the dacha, good and kind neighbors at the dacha and nature and... physical education, fresh air, well, joy, well, that’s also good, well, that’s also good, but i thought that in russia there are no plots of less than six acres, small, here it so happened that somehow they unfastened me, but it didn’t it’s scary, not only that, i also have a garden next to my house, i, as the eldest, will think about it, i planted a garden right under the windows, god, some kind of miracle
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woman, yes, you know, we had dirt on the road, cars were transporting everything, three minibuses, rolled into knee-deep mud, i decided... to plant it slowly, slowly, now i have oak, viburnum, chokeberry, linden, jasmine, and birch trees there, well, everything is there, of course, and it’s people it makes me happy, complete strangers pass by, they are happy that there is such a place where grandmothers come to sit on stumps, you see, i’ll take out some tea, i’ll give you a sandwich, it’s all just great, lord, where do you live, i feed the cats, i feed the dogs, i feed the birds, these are siberians, that’s how we all did it, all the gardens in front of the house bred, because
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it’s not so easy here, we have ticks in the forest, in the fall, in the spring there’s no good in there, everyone knows that, you have to get used to it, it’s just dangerous, we all know that, we have the opportunity to make a kindergarten, we called it even a forest gardener, i have one, it’s an absolutely siberian word when you break in front of the house small. how the homeland smelled, and you remember, you also had a courtyard, a well-planted, luxurious courtyard, and it was closed, everything was just so
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good there, we had a huge courtyard, here it is siberia, our beloved, with this generosity and desire for apple trees plant, make stumps and treat you to tea, thank you for sharing with us, we had a good time with you, friends, may you live healthy! hello, the information channel is on the first, it is starting to work live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan astashko and olesya losev, our troops continue to improve.
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point of the armed forces of ukraine, the destruction of one of them was caught on video and from the kharkov direction semyon pego, of the vargonza project, is contacting us directly now, let's find out the details, because when semyon is in touch with us, there is always exclusive news. so, semyon, hello, what's the news from volchansk? and colleagues, i greet you, but in general i’m talking about the kharkov direction, yes, the success that we were able to achieve in the first days in the future. now we are in the center we are in volchansk, we also came close to lepsy, this is also very important, yes, we drove such a kind of wedge into the territory
11:00 am
that previously controlled the armed forces of ukraine, however, we see that for kiev these losses can become really critical, because the neo-nazis, in in a sense, their commands have now decided to play such a game, in an urgent mode they are withdrawing their units and reserve units, directly combat ones, which... the contacts are in the area, in the kupinsk region, yes, they are all being thrown into de facto volchanst, there were 27 battalions, we knew about this a couple of days ago, when we broadcast exclusively to you directly from the nolgorod border region, now the number of these battalionists has increased again, and they have accumulated a large group there, perhaps they will slow down our offensive, they will try to hit us hard somewhere, but.. .


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