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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 23, 2024 10:10am-11:00am MSK

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this is a great transformation and i can see how your daughter admires you, she loves you and i think she is very happy with how it turned out, very much, the boss loves you, everyone in this studio loved you, it’s true, we love you , you are so light, you fluttered, walked like that, flew by, adjusted everything, got involved, well done, keep going, but maybe we’ll put on a tight-fitting dress now? it’s simpler, no, no, no, no, i won’t change it, that’s it, well, of course, our stylists tried to create this image evening, but it’s casual, at the same time, with flat shoes, without these evening accessories it would be cool too, i ’m just worried about the moment that worried you too, when you were walking to the mirror, you saw that the light fabric was flying apart, two pins pina, this is one stick with a pointed end and rounded. at the other end, choose
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a light one, attach it to the seam to the bra, and nothing flies anywhere, right through two layers of fabric, if, for example, this option is not suitable, there are double-sided tapes, master this topic, and you can attach the shirt to the top with double-sided tape ; the shirttails will not fly apart when walking, because sometimes you need to unbutton it, like now , to organize these two vertical lines for yourself. after all, large breasts - this is, of course, a story that needs to be monitored all the time, but i noticed that different bright colors suit you very well, now we need to radically solve only one question: what are we going to do with all this ton of obligon, which remained with our heroine from past dressing room life.
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see you at the first, all the best to you, the first channel presents.
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this is how time flows mercilessly, we grow old, we weaken, we lose memory, is it possible to stop time, it turns out that it is possible, how, we will tell you in the program to live healthy, so, friends, is it possible to slow down time, today we will talk. and you know, we really love it when guests come to us, and we have such a guest today, she is already 83 years old, and she is still traveling, still full of energy, and how she is dressed, look, go, please come to us. hello,
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hello, but first, you are beautiful, did n’t you really come to us with your granddaughter? yes, i came with my granddaughter, how old is her granddaughter? 28, 28. aza afanasyevna, how many children, how many grandchildren? one son, there were two, one, two grandchildren. beauty! yes, please tell me, in order to live to your age, to dress so luxuriously and come to...
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anger, it shortens, shortens, yes, so there is more humor, optimism, what are you doing now, how in general, what is it now? your life is shaping up, your age is already generally at'. there is an age already an age, yes, what do i do, i like to go to concerts, opera houses, the philharmonic, go to the moscow longevity drama, and i am from minsk, and you are from minsk, yes, but if you were in moscow, you would have you have moscow longevity, we have them there too, but i have so many friends like that, 556 smart, they always take me with them everywhere, that they bring me new things there. i know that you loved to travel, just list the routes that life took you on and where you ended up, i left when i was 25 to work in germany, then a revolution began in the czech republic, i visited there, then i returned
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home, life turned out well, i buried my first son, and out of grief i left for magadan, and then around... yakutia, well, it’s cold there, you know, it’s better , and then i went to kamchatka, here in kamchatka and finished my trip, i lived for 30 years, you can go crazy, and i returned to belarus, of course, i’m a mogilev girl myself, i understood, look, my dear, it’s happiness to see a person with such a sober head at this age, we will be today talk about how to stop time and save your mind. no matter what, we have two brains, asafana go, what do you think you have, approximately, i probably still have fair hair, absolutely right, this is the one that works and thinks, and this one, to unfortunately, the brain of a person who suffers from dementia or word
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suffers from greed, dementia equals greed, there is such a version, but still generous people have dementia, which means, look, we are now right in years. we want to show you what takes the mind away from the brain in years, let's start with hypertension, maybe, but the most important thing is to control it, well done, scientists have made a calculation, 6 days of high blood pressure per 10 mm mulberry column reduces brain age by 1 year, so that's all. days, the pressure is 10 mm higher, just not 200, not 180, take away a year of life, do you control your pressure or not, every day in the morning i just got up as a vow, you take the medicine, we drink, well done, next, german shaevich,
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next, we appeal to blood sugar if you suffer from diabetes or high... blood sugar will be subtracted from the age of the brain up to 6 years, minus 6 years, so i want to go with our guest to these numbers, because these numbers that we take away from ourselves are here, blood glucose was measured, what is your sugar blood? yes, four-something, four, the ideal norm, if only above six, minus 6 years of life, then germanshai, now we turn to habits, alcohol, and do you drink alcohol at all? well, sometimes a little book like this and here it is, that if you drink more than three glasses of wine in day, this can shorten the life of the brain or
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remove another 4 years from the life of the brain. our guest drinks cognac, as she was rarely cut, and in a special way, how?
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a person who travels, i want to show how nerve cells live in friends, communicates, goes to theaters, more humor, more humor in him, let's look at the normal life of nerve cells, you see, look, these are processes growing from nerve cells , because memory is a connection with each other through the processes of nerve cells, this is in your head.
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what is death, what is the death of a nerve cell, please show me, this is a nerve cell, a person who does all this, you see, here are the processes, everything, everything. an absolutely lonely cell, not connected to anything, there is nothing, no memory, nothing, each cell lies separately, like a bun, they have no contact with each other, this is brain death, this is the substrate of alzheimer’s disease, you don’t have this, look how she came to us, how beautiful she is, three more tips on what to do to... preserve the life of the brain, i i want herman shaich to go with you to the vaccine, and i’m just finishing these numbers,
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i’ll say, don’t smoke, give up alcohol, or like our guests, rarely and with plenty of water, control your sugar and blood pressure, this is mandatory, but there is more advice, germashay, what? in addition, it is recommended to get vaccinated against the erpes virus. since i get vaccinated, it’s mandatory, the next thing that helps keep us sane is regular physical activity, easily besides, easily she says, besides, it showed that if a person, even in old age, learns some new things. on an ongoing basis, this also prolongs a healthy, active life,
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you can learn to knit, you can start singing, you can give lectures, wait, i need to hear what you just said in my ear, repeat, 83 years old, let’s listen, well, a year ago, i didn’t go to ballet, but i did ballet in a ballet group, of course. wonderful, i kept asking when we would put on the tutus, but i couldn’t wait, and one more important thing, don’t lose and make new friends, this is very important, yes, i can do it, elena vasilievna, i like to give gifts, i brought you a gift too. well, this is all purely belarusian from belarus, come on, come on, granddaughter, so what is it, let
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me show everyone, these are miniature miniature old syringes in biksika in tiny germansha, look, i think, probably with insulin, maybe me too i thought so, what is it, thank you, it’s royal.
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well, modest, but nice, thank you very much, you know, here you go, a woman is sitting, i look, such an evil sadness... and i tell her i take out a chocolate bar, she smiles and so, i say, why are you doing this and i say, here is the hormone of joy and you will, god, you are just a miracle, listen, let’s wish each of us to live our lives like this, this is great happiness, sit down , please, thank you very much, and we will pause for a while, and then we will continue,
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out of sight, into a plate, barley porridge, barley decoction, and barley was even a measure of both length and weight, because three barley grains is an english inch, barley , is stored for a long time, does not lose its benefits, it hurts ulcerative colitis, from 15 to 20 times, diarrhea, mucus, even false urges, and 100 years. don’t go out at all, how to live with chronic inflammation of the large intestine, kiss in one place, you need to kiss on the second date, not on the first, girls, write it down, this is a conceptual moment in life, how to kiss correctly on a date so that love arises, be careful!
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did she steal this from you too? i propose to study the entire inner circle of the victim, especially men, something is happening between the boss kushnerovo, but we don’t go there, this is not our territory, well, why do you need an affair with colleague, well, this is my veton, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, what time did he end up there, bloodhound, new season, look after the program for the time, so what are you going to do, look for the one who did it, i’m sure that this is not me, in love there is no word late, misha and i met 4 years ago, we have such, one might say, a young couple, it even gives me goosebumps, because really my beloved woman, time, time, time, i want some kind of gentle comfort, gentle loft, gentle loft, wow, how interesting, i don’t
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i planned a partition there, a partition must be installed. that many centuries ago turned part of the earth into a desert, in kalmykia it is said that twice only the wind, six months eastern and six months western, how many arrows should a kalmyt warrior be able to shoot in one minute? at least 22 arrows, we will shoot at the kalmyk, that is, from the ring, let go, every family used to have a camel, where exactly
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the camel lay down, they tried to build huts and dig logs. because the camel feels the water, how can it manifest its dissatisfaction, plunache, life of our own, premiere, on sunday at the first, mikhail yegorovich and i are cooking barley porridge, that’s right, today we have products that last forever, and barley is one of these products, we have a symbol. of this cycle are products of eternal storage, this is an egyptian pyramid, and we always send professor prodeus to the pyramid to see if there is barley there in the dry business, barley is one of the most ancient cereal crops, it now ranks fourth in terms of production volume, and before even the first, in
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in general, barley porridges, barley decoctions, and barley even... for barley grains, let's see how beautifully barley grows, nature in general, it is, of course, beautiful, it's just, by the way, these are the fastest-growing, fastest-bearing cereals .
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well, this is the eye, what's here? this is the eye, this is the retina, the retina is covered with blood vessels, it is very well supplied with blood, very often there are such problems associated with blood vessels, the retina, which lead to dystrophy of the retina, this is called what burns our blood vessels? blood vessels burn our diabetes, diabetes, this is sugar, this is the disease that leads to the destruction of the vessel.
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that's what's good about barley, why does he struggle with it? barley contains manganese, manganese reduces the amount of sugar in the blood, improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin, accordingly they absorb sugar and... the amount of sugar in the blood decreases, thereby preventing the development of diabetes . german shaich, you have, and i have a vessel with an acerosclerotic plaque, look how it interferes with blood flow, and the first thing is barley is a natural plant product, there is no cholesterol, the second thing is that there are coarse dietary fibers that do not give cholesterol to cholesterol.
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manganese, manganese is a microelement, a microelement, which means there is very little of it, the benefits are greatest, what cereals are we comparing, mikhail yegorich, we are comparing barley. bulgur and lentils. so, manganese, where is manganese, barley is in first place, almost the one-day norm is 0.8. yes. in second place, bulgord, two, 0.2, 20% of the daily requirement. and a little less for lentils. in general, in short, four times higher, anyway, it’s four times higher, four times more manganese than in...
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it should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of 10-15° without direct
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sunlight, preferably somewhere in a dark place, you can store it in the basement. these are all products that last forever, they are stored for more than 10 years, no one, frankly, looks any further, we just focus on the fact that these products are found in egyptian pyramids for excavation. barley is just such a crop. and the last question, how to eat barley correctly? our cook, alexey komba something invented. lyosha, come here. let's put it here. right here, right in the center of the composition. great. this is porridge, as naturally we pronounce it, even spelled on its own. naturally, yes, that is, barley, spelt, pearl barley, that is, look, an original russian dish, because, in principle, it was previously used as an independent side dish, here we have pumpkin and apple, that’s all.
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first of all, i soak the barley overnight so that it gets the moisture it needs, it’s even better to do this if, as you say, our cooks are in soak in some juice, so that it has some taste, then soaked barley with a certain amount of liquid, it will be juice or something else, add a raw apple, pumpkin, pear, raisins, basically, if we want as if to fancy things up, we leave it all in the oven for about 3 hours, temperature. 120° and it expands on its own and becomes a wonderful side dish, well, like a german, delicious, tasty, and most importantly, what’s great, of course, lesh, i beg you very much, we have such an amazing guest, please give her barley porridge separately, to she ate, especially since she tells me, lina vasilievna, i’m conducting an experiment on myself, i’ll live until i’m 120, so as not to make a mistake, no problem, guests, please, i’ll pass it all,
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that’s it. there are always tashi brews in the house, please, well done, that's all i'm talking about, it's time for us to talk about medicine, listen, but there is something like presnikov, but not like that, rough, something lower, lower presnikov, just put your hand in the box stick with kittens, kvn, first quarterfinal, on saturday at the first one stand here, and sorry, i forgot to announce, three chords, new season, in sunday on the first, yes, this is the first time i ’ve seen you, well, it’s the first, you’re an isolator from three stations, sergey repnyul, it’s a very nice izlda, the only person who didn’t
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call me a mule. because i always liked you better as a prostitute, the best compliment for the five-year period, ranevskaya from monday on the first, happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, it’s really great , we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobility, and be an example to them, our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people.
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our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, immunity, dear friends, the shield and sword of our body, absolute protection of us from illness, from infection, from cancer, but there are situations , when this very... defense of ours goes into attack, unfortunately, on ourselves, defense by attack, immunity gone crazy, right now with dr. prodeus we are going to our medical site, where today a wonderful gastroenterologist, igor vladimirovich gorodokin, works, now they are taking an analysis from our patient, we we are talking about an autoimmune disease.
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intestines: we are taking a blood test from you, why? using a blood test we determine the level of inflammation, there are markers, biomarkers in blood tests that correspond to the activity of the disease, such as the speed retrocyte sedimentation, soy, and ce reactive protein. you know, ulcerative colitis is such a big problem in the world that today, may 23rd, is the day to fight ulcers. colitis
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and there are a lot of patients like you, what is the most difficult, what are the symptoms? the hardest thing was that i couldn’t leave the toilet. from 15 to 20 times diarrhea, yes, diarrhea, mucus, false urges, you can’t even leave the toilet at all, yeah, that was the worst thing, there was pain, the left side always hurt very badly, how quickly the diagnosis was made, because the severity of the situation is that the diagnosis is not immediately made, primarily diarrhea, which suggests an infection, infection, intestinal infection, bacterial, viral, related. how was it for you? after 2 years, they just made a diagnosis, when they did a clonoscopy , so what, let’s go to our site? let's go, we took some tests, we'll see what happens next. here it is the intestines, here it is the intestines.
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igor vladimirovich, what is the main drama? intestinal drama is when the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, ulcerated, starting from the rectum and moving up the colon intestines in sigma. visible intestine, here they are ulcers, here they are ulcers, this is what we showed on our model, now we will show you an endoscopic picture of what a normal intestine looks like, and you will see how radically the patient’s intestine differs from a normal intestine, what we see here, here here we see a vascular pattern, clearly visible through the healthy mucosa , vessels, capillaries are directly visible, this means that it is not inflamed, not swollen, at the same time, when we move to if we move through the mucosa, which is inflamed, vascular the drawing disappears, this inflamed, red, angry, mucous appears, it ulcerates and can bleed, in general i
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want to say, let's come to the model that the intestines are normal, when they are healthy, they absorb liquid, when the intestines become sick, the liquid it’s not absorbed, so diarrhea... this is one of the signs, right, such an inflamed mucous membrane, it doesn’t absorb anything, it secretes liquid, absolutely, it doesn’t absorb or secrete, so diarrhea is one of the signs, our guest told us, how long did it take for her to be diagnosed, how can it be expedited, are there any symptoms or any advice, because in reality these patients do not immediately find a doctor, here are the world statistics, how quickly ulcerative colitis is diagnosed in the world. in general , patients come to a gastroenterologist quite quickly, if the symptoms of diarrhea do not go away within 5-7 days, then they immediately go to a gastroenterologist, start doing cultures, because it could be cluster infections and so on, everything is negative,
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the patient immediately goes for a colonoscopy, if blood appears in the stool, then the patient immediately goes for a colonoscopy, because blood in the stool is an immediate sign of alarm, this is blood in the stool, i always say, this is cancer until proven otherwise, have you had blood in the stool? i still have it at the moment , even despite the fact that you got it, i’m now having an exacerbation, now i’m having an exacerbation, after pendicitis, antibiotics and it got worse, i understand, i understand, but this is a very serious disease, no joke, when your immune system is crazy , this is serious, igor vladimirovich, well look, first, i really ask you to take control of this woman, because the suffering is long, but today there is treatment. there are stages of treatment, so you need to understand all this. so, the first, the first thing the doctor said, remember, if the diarrhea lasts 5-7 days, and it is not an infection, you need to do a colonoscopy, if there is blood in the stool, you just
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need to do a colonoscopy, you were diagnosed after a colonoscopy, right, this is a biopsy, colonoscopy necessarily includes a biopsy, because you can see the inflammation, but it’s difficult to detect visually inflammation. infectious, for example, or pseudomembrane, by the way, in case of exacerbations, in case of such outbreaks, especially after antibiotics, it is necessary to have stool tested for clastria deficile, because this could be the cause of the exacerbation, so it is necessary to test stool during a colonoscopy, when we see inflammation , it is necessary to take a biopsy, and not only from the site of inflammation, but throughout the entire intestine, because microscopic colitis can affect more than we visually see. treatment, salvation exists, necessarily, treatment wonderful, true for life, but the treatment is very successful, that we are treated and live, today
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cancers are treated for life, life is increasing, but very successful treatment, we begin, of course, especially mild forms of ulcerative colitis, when the distal lesion, the last 10-20 cm, heals , you can treat with enemas. now , if this doesn’t, if this doesn’t help, then we switch to biological therapy, to monoclonal antibodies. you haven’t reached the phase of monoconal antibodies yet, how many years have you had ulcerative colitis? 12 years, 12 years, well, i ask you to very carefully talk to igor vladimirovich after the program in detail, because you can’t say much in the program, the disease is serious, but the doctor needs to say: everything, especially since now there is an exacerbation, okay,
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you are a muscovite, no, i’m from petrozavodsk, wow, my god, what a distance they come to us, well then they came to moscow three times, which means we are obliged to help you, okay, yes, thank you, very good, i want to wish you health, i am very glad that you have not lost your optimism, because we know patients with ulcerative colitis, who sooner or later simply become depressed. absolutely true, i knew such a person, it was a boy, a resident, this is a serious illness, but there is a way out, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and the doctor is wonderful, yes, we have already talked, yes, thank you, we won’t pause for long, and then we will continue , on the birthday of larisa guzeeva, i was born yarosla, at a time when all the young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was: in this famous cult series
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, don’t change the meeting place, this there were extras, but everyone goes to the theater institute a little sick in the head with delusions of grandeur, we all go there as folk artists, it was hard, but would you like your children to follow in your footsteps? no, my daughter, for example, is objectively much more talented than me by many times, but she doesn’t like this profession, it thunders, what wind, what fate brought you to television, i was already so good at 40, suddenly i’m invited to try out. to this program, let's get married, i watched it, i thought, my god, what is he like, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, today on first, premiere, i love my country, on saturday, on the first,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, well, dear friends, these are such funny inflatable figures, we have boys and girls standing, our theme, you won’t believe it, absolutely breaks your heart, it’s called: very simple: the power of a kiss, well, comrades, raise your hands, that no one has ever been kissed in their life, whoever has been kissed, raise your hands, like this, please, the microphone us in the studio, i want you to answer one question: what is great the power of a kiss, please, we listen to you, and i think the great power of a kiss is probably in movements, yes, which we are moving towards, towards
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progress, towards scientific and technical, what is the power of a kiss, i’ll tell you now, wait, my friend , i ’m not asking you about technology now, that is , i’m not asking about technology, this is in the finale, but for now strength is meant for life, for health, for something in which strength, emotions, in what strength, brother, in emotions, yes, emotions. neighbor's microphone: what is the power of a kiss? well, probably, after all, some feelings are mutual, some kind of sensuality, strength in feelings? let's ask the older generation, we have a noble man over there, so, from the height of our years, what is the power of a kiss? the power of a kiss, in love for each other, in relationships, power in love, i think we need to ask our guest what the power is in...
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because these are the kinds of studies that have been carried out and have shown that, based on the so-called major histocompatibility complex, that is, how much.
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yes, he said flirtatiously, but that there are such situations that, by the way, you kissed and you think that’s it, with this one you’ve never had anything like this happen, it was, it was, and you didn’t get married, no, no, even just after that you didn’t even date, that’s how, in short, men, such cynics, still kiss, but then they don’t get married yet, here’s andrey petrovich, let’s move on to the immune system, if after all you have chosen your partner, then it turns out that people who kiss, they... train their immunity, why? because the microflora, microbiota is slightly different, such training with a new flora allows your immune cells to train and be better protected from harmful bacteria and viruses. this is the only thing that is clear - our immune
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cell ate bacteria and viruses. it is absolutely clear that in the process of kissing people exchange their microbes. my niece, when she was little, she was four or 5 years old, she had something like that, i don’t remember anymore, she tells me, aunt lenochka, you and i have familiar microbes, when we kiss, the microbes are familiar, that is, for each of those who kiss is an encounter with other microbes and the acquisition of protection from these microbes, that’s how the world works, you can’t say anything, so from an immunological point of view, as they say, to hell with love and joy, immunologically this is immunity training.
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this is a fundamental question, oxytocin is produced, the hormone of attachment, a hormone that works against stress, you gain peace of mind and confidence in your future life, i don’t even agree that these are the same thing, because the number of
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sensitive receptors in the area of ​​the lips and mouth much more, so this is the feeling. stop interrupting kisses, continue, andrei petrovich, so when you have better stimulation, it gives more of this fullness and sensuality, by the way, if we are just talking about kisses, even of our children, this is the way of producing oxytocin, which the child, the mother, and the father get, because it is impossible not to kiss them, it is impossible not to hug them. and your children, and your grandchildren, it’s true, it’s such warmth and such love, it’s true, grandchildren are an injection of old age, that’s for sure, what a good one the granddaughter is sitting, which means, according to dr. gandelman, you kiss your partner, so smack, as they say, you solve the problem, but germysha,
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he probably won the olympics this way, a very important question, how to kiss correctly, let's turn to the audience. like when? firstly, you need to kiss your loved one, firstly, with your loved one, yes, or children, loved ones, yes, or loved ones, but in principle there are no rules, they wanted according to the rules, as they say, love according to the rules without, give neighbor, well, i think chemistry arises in the process of meetings. he also answered and answered, were carried out whole studies on this topic and found out
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that you need to kiss on the second date, not on the first, girls, write it down, this is a conceptual moment in life, and the duration will illuminate this complex issue, the science of a kiss should be 6 seconds, at least no less, it’s a long time by the way, this is one, two, three. 4, 5, 6, if i remember correctly, the later they start kissing, your relationship later, that is, there is no need to rush into this matter either, but if you are afraid of contact or getting infected , or you have some other fears, then you can kiss on the cheek or air kiss. lord, well , as we understand, the brain doesn’t
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work from air kisses, if you want to live to 120, you’ll have to kiss on the lips, so be sure to find a person with whom you really want to do this. well, with this theme, i asked with a kiss, we are ending today’s program, we had a good time with you, may you live. great, hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program in the studio ruslan astashko and olesya loseva, the situation at the front is developing for ukraine is not the best. yesterday, the ukrainian general staff reported that in just one day the russian army carried out 105 attacks.
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moreover, ukrainian military publics are already sounding the real alarm. russia is advancing on several sectors of the front at once, that’s what they say. the enemy managed to advance in a number of directions. in the mahmud direction, the russians were able to shift the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces on the eastern outskirts of chasovo yar. to the south of the city, most of the village of kleshcheevka was captured. armed forces of the russian federation. on the kharkov direction attacks continue on the defenses of ukrainian defenders in the center of volchansk on the northern outskirts of liptsy. another problem is the lack of weapons among the ukrainian armed forces. well, yesterday russian troops completely liberated the village of klishcheevka in the dpr. our guys deployed trikalor there. telegram channels say that the withdrawal of the ukrainian armed forces from kleshcheevka disrupted the coherence of their position along the length of the front by about two.
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city, the situation is under control, we sent our reserves there, well, yes, the ukrainian herd is under the strict control of the shepherds from the white house. we are in direct contact with the military correspondent of the volunteer corps of the ministry of defense, pavel kukushkin, let's find out the details of what is happening in the kharkov direction. pavel, hello, over to you. yes, hello. ruslan, it continues in the kharkov direction.


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