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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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and support, listen, well , at least now we definitely have light at the end of the tunnel, i’m sure that vadim, vadim, you’ll help persuade bomshur, i can’t promise anything, well, at least try, we can try, thank you very much, vadim, i believe in you, i don’t know why, but i believe in you that you will find strength in yourself, as for the woman’s blinders, she sees you as a son somewhere, so this, this, this feeling, because you they abandoned you, don’t abandon your grandmother, please help her and you will get out of this state, you will have a stimulus for life, and you will understand that there are people next to you, believe me, everything will change. vadim, thank you very much,
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on the contrary, it’s very nice that you don’t make empty promises in this studio, but for promising to try, and a second thank you, i hope that with joint efforts everything can turn out quite well, the main thing now is for all of you to try , including. vadim, i have nothing to thank you for, but one thing is that you are on this program. already says that you yourself understand that something is wrong and something is needed change, you came here to prove that you were right, you left, came back, coming back is a much bigger gesture than coming here, the mother of these children, elena, well, she practically doesn’t follow them at all, because the children are really left to themselves, according to all over the street they are breaking everyone's windows, plastic and... in
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the yard they set fire and through the fence, i try to keep the house in order, what kind of order, you don't see that this is a complete mess, then your mother is bedridden, her mother is bedridden, she lives there in room, and dad, dad is in the basement, yes, because that it’s nice for me to live in that cellar, but i forbid anyone from entering the house, she likes men, and she hopes that the next one will be some kind of oligarch, you see for yourself, then i’ll keep the house in order, your cockroaches are already coming to us they run into the yard, we see exactly who marina baykova is, my wife’s sister... you don’t even know her, but the children do, because she’ll come and tell you how little semi-criminals they are, it’s already obvious, unfortunately, good evening, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today the king of bahrain, hamad, is in moscow.
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next year we celebrate 35 years of establishing diplomatic relations between our countries, but over these years a lot has been done in building relations between our states, we have good contacts very much through the foreign ministry, on many issues on the international agenda our positions are close, most recently a week ago passed.
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approximately 30 large projects are being implemented, the total volume of the package is about 500 million dollars, other humanitarian contacts are also developing, first of all, in the field of education, science, and here there are also good prospects, in general , we are very glad to see you, welcome, your handsome, well, the king of bahrain said that the day when he visited our president was one of the happiest in his life. and that all arab countries said
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hello to vladimir putin, and for them his election for another term is very good news for the whole situation on... the important purposes of our visit, i want to tell you about the results of the arab league summit . your arab friends tell you best wishes and highly appreciates russia's role in the fair resolution of arab problems. we have full understanding and agreement on the need to hold a peaceful international conference, and russia will be the first country to which i
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will ask to support the holding of this conference, because russia plays an important role and can contribute to this. you are one of the most influential countries on the world stage, therefore. i hope that this peace conference will take place in bahrain. this is how the americans organize this swiss conference on peaceful regulation supposedly in ukraine, while declaring that russia will make an extremely destructive contribution to this matter, it cannot be allowed there, in the east they think completely wrong, they think exactly the opposite, because peace conferences are a platform, a substrate for that , that in the future a global structure will be created, which will become a new system...
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conveyed on behalf of all arab states, they look at russia, they hope for russia, because the main export product that russia produces is security. security is what the middle east lacks, and what russia can truly provide, including to the residents of our new territories that are being liberated from the ukrainian nazi regime. today, ukraine, by the way, is free of electricity, they have such a total
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daytime blackout, ukrenergo stated that measures to limit electricity consumption are in effect in all regions of ukraine, for industrial ones. bit consumers throughout the day from 0:00 to 24:00, that is, well , it’s clear, at the same time - well, on the other hand, but why light, if now the city streets are empty, the shops are empty, after the adoption of the mobilization law, no one is afraid at all, no one goes out of the street, everyone is afraid to go out into the street, everyone is afraid, here are the empty streets of odessa, empty shopping centers at rush hour, there is simply no one now . ukraine has been depopulated, while our armed forces continue to carry out combat missions, today the ministry of defense reported on the capture of andreevka, this is also an important settlement, south of chasovo yar, allowing us to also expand the springboard here
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for offensive actions in this strategically important city. yuri ivanovich podolyaka monitors the progress of a special military operation. as always, i'm sure, he has a lot of news. ivanovich, good evening, the floor is yours, yes, good evening, indeed, our soldiers are now giving rise to a lot of news, good news, very powerful battles are now taking place in the chasyar area, our guys have advanced north of the city, in principle, to the canal, conquering the canal , they only have to walk a few hundred meters in the village of kalinovka, our already quite firmly entrenched to the south of the city, in the forests in the forest in the ravine, the golubovo mortars, here our three are already... hooked, entrenched , trying to storm the novo microdistrict, if we enter it, then in general this will largely break the defense of the yar clock, and well the latest statements by the ministry of defense that kleshcheevka had fallen, have now already liberated andreevka, and the most important thing is the heights that are western kleshcheevka, northwestern,
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west kleshcheevka, they also came under our control, and thus we begin throw the enemy over the channel line, which immediately entails big problems in the future, both for... the soyar group of the enemy, and for the toretsk group of the enemy, and, you know, i literally recorded material before your broadcast, more and more, here i am inclined to think that the volchansk operation, that is... our offensive in the kharkov region, was largely launched in order to pin down the enemy’s reserves and at the same time significantly thin them out, in order to prevent the enemy from bringing these same reserves into battle in the clockhouse, which, without these reserves , sag quite quickly, yes, of course, one could have wanted much, faster, but one must understand that this is the enemy’s strongest fortress and a six-day assault, a specific powerful six-day assault has already given quite good results, and we are somewhere according to our estimates intelligence somewhere... pinned down up to 50 enemy battalions in the kharkov sector, which obviously lack leadership, taking into account the fact
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that a week before the assault on chasovyaar the kharkov offensive operation began, we can talk about, well, people who understand military strategy, tactics understand that usually a diversionary operation comes first, and then the main blow, that is , there is such a suspicion, but i am increasingly convinced that it is precisely this combination that works between these two operations, but also we are quite serious... we already have successes in the seversk area, here the 106th airborne division is pressing the north from the south, we also have successes in the krasnogorovka area, our troops are now storming the central part, that is , there is progress, i really hope for good news either in the evening or tomorrow morning, well , we are constantly giving the pokrovsk direction, we went to novo-aleksandrovka, there is evidence that we went to novopokrovskoye, that is, in general, we are expanding the plazaar here and pushing progress towards the west in the area of ​​​​the settlement, so north to the populated area. that is, this is the good news we have from the front. yes, thank you very much ivanovich podalyak with good
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news from the line of combat contact. well, of course, a red herring is a possible explanation for what happened in kharkov region in the north. but, i think, not the only thing. in any case, there were other considerations that come to mind if we look at the chapter's last statement. the military-civil administration of our military-civil administration of the kharkov region, vitaly ganchev, that residents of the liberated part of the kharkov region are already receiving russian documents, well , considering that already 300 km of the kharkov region , so imperceptibly, yes, by a distracting maneuver, has already been liberated from the kiev regime, then this probably also has serious political means.
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urgently formed reserves and almost immediately entering into battle in an unprepared defensive position will cause very serious losses, if we do not see changes on the maps, in fact, for the enemy it is constantly grinding down combat units when you are at the front, communicating with... people who there on the ground, he says, you know, our drone flies out, a conditionally stable front somewhere in the donetsk region, we
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fly out to 70-100 km, we can’t see some enemy columns, something else, everyone is hiding, everyone is in the fortifications, you see the line of trenches, but there are no people there, you are looking for a target like a hunter, but as soon as an offensive operation begins, all this mass of equipment leaves the dungeons, barns some, relatively speaking, or from somewhere else from underground parking lots, then you can really destroy it, but with the means. we won’t leave there, this is also an obvious signal, which politically, i think, was also
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well read by everyone, and today putin sent an even more serious signal to the united states america, he signed a decree on how we will compensate for the losses of our legal entities from confiscation in the united states of america, the decree is quite substantive, small, but it says in general quite clearly that... if our property is in the united states someone is frozen there or taken away, then in this case the victim, whether it is, i don’t know, our ministry of finance or citizens.
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absolutely right, here we must keep in mind that the opportunities that we have to freeze these assets, in the future, even use them in the interests of russian federation, are quite large, but here it is still very important to keep in mind that, unlike assets that are financial assets in the west, local assets
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are, if you like, assets of the real sector of the economy, here we have a certain kind . even a personal interest in ensuring that these assets work specifically for russia, for the russian economy, in general in this regard, maybe even create opportunities for our economic growth or advancement, this is also a very important principle, because that in the west this - well, maybe expropriation of assets, it is aimed at transferring them there, i don’t know, to ukraine, to other countries, in general, in short, not to take advantage of it themselves, this one...
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and other countries, they are also vulnerable for such weapons that can be supplied from our country, for some reason they don’t think about this at all, they don’t think about the fact that this is a game played by two people, in which the united states can lose very badly, and most likely it is so it will be, as i think it will be and uh in
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in the asia-pacific region, where the united states is now clearly escalating tensions between... between taiwan and china, in any case, laizende, who is now allegedly elected president of taiwan, in fact, we do not recognize the presidency in taiwan, in our supposedly inaugural address made a statement that in china, as it seems to me, was regarded as crossing some red lines in relations between china and taiwan, after which military retaliation was possible. character and china has begun powerful military exercises, there will be whether there is a war after a birthday advertisement. i was born yarosla at a time when all young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series
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, change the meeting place, look, it was an extra, but everyone went to theater institutes they come in a little sick in the head, a delusion of greatness, we all enter there as folk artists, it was hard, and you would like your children to follow in your footsteps, not your daughter, for example, objectively much more talented than me by many times, but she doesn’t i like this profession. what does she do, what wind, what fate brought you to television? i already felt so good over 40, suddenly i was invited to try out for this program, let’s get married, i watched it, i thought, my god, what the hell, where am i and where is television, podcast lab, today on the first one, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, i tell you loved silently, hopelessly, sometimes with timidity... sometimes with jealousy; i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i
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this friend was ordered, decide on the matter, now you will raise her, or then after lights out i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t be kind to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t fight him off, but killed him on june 24, okay, they said . she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, you believe, lisa, be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, only there is no way back to it, after we will sing with you elizabeth, we will fulfill the combat order, we will sing, come back quickly, girls, and the dawn is here. quiet on saturday at first. this week, on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, fresh, live fish, what kind? well,
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so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman karcel were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya. they were horrified that she was a ballet dancer. small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed including the bed. i bought things in the children's world. i can say clearly, he did not cheat on me, i think that he did not regret anything, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on
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first, for the 75th anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba and... everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, zhen, let me out , it’s me, vinka, i’m saying, lyuban, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sasha, why be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, that you’re silent, smile, blink your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very weird. recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they
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could not live without each other, as i saw it. lyubov polishchuk, the last tangos, we met on sunday at the first, people have been dreaming about a new person for a long time, since 1905. sterilization of the disabled, and the social personalities of poor people. adolf hitler usa, she concentrated on forced reference to american eugenics back in mainkampf. in germany, the first priority was to cleanse the aryan race of ballast. it didn’t go anywhere after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. on monday, on
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the first. the big game live: elections were held in taiwan for the so-called president of the country, although the people's republic of china does not believe that taiwan has a political entity, which means there cannot be a president there, and china has repeatedly stated that any...
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china has launched a major military exercise, which is called the joint sword 2024a, according to the scenario of the blockade of taiwan, the army, navy, aviation, missile forces. taiwan responded by deploying supersonic anti-ship missiles to the coast. here is a message from tas about how the situation is now escalating in the taiwan region. military intelligence in taiwan
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recorded the appearance. thirty aircraft and 31 ships of the people's republic of china near taiwan after the start of exercises of the people's liberation army of china. this was stated at a briefing in taipei by the deputy head of the intelligence department of the general staff of the armed forces of taiwan, maj. gen. huang wenzi. well, of course they already followed official statements from the chinese ministry of foreign affairs. let's listen to wang wenbin. frankly, the statement is unprecedented. taiwan is an integral part of chinese territory, which is both a historical fact and a true status quo that will never change in the future. taiwan independence is a dead end, the chinese people's determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unwavering. more than 1 billion 400 million chinese will suppress all separatist acts of independence in taiwan, all separatist forces will have their heads cut
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off... will it start tomorrow or the day after tomorrow - this is a question, most likely not, so far it is being targeted, but the speed at which these relations are deteriorating is quite frightening for the united states, first of all, the fact that heads will be cut off in relation to the taiwanese, i think, such a sharp enough statement, what could provoke beijing to such actions, well, firstly, a very representative large-scale delegation of south korea, japan, to which beijing’s ambassador to japan,
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wudianhao, who... is also very much like that, in fact, such an interesting, outstanding diplomat, i think a certain interesting future awaits him, which means that he said that all of japan will burn in a hyena of fire, in the event that if she interferes in the taiwan process, but i will remind you to explain to our viewers that japan is such poland, well, if we transfer it to the ukrainian scenario, this is the main striking force, which is such ukraine, ukraine, yes, that is, taiwan is ukraine, respectively, japan - this is such poland, and most likely it is made for japan by the most the big stake is in this...
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and even the raising of fighter jets - this was already such a major international incident, before finishing about taiwan, i built a small bridge to bahrain. we must not forget that manamo is the headquarters of the us fifth fleet in the persian gulf, it is the capital of bahrain, and the fact that the king
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of bahrain, after vladimir putin’s visit to beijing, did something so unexpected, i would say, well, maybe it was expected, but quite unpleasant for americans first visited moscow, now he is heading to beijing, this suggests that... after vladimir putin’s visit, colossal changes took place, this current large-scale exercise around taiwan is also the determination of the chinese, which they acquired after vladimir putin’s visit, that is, he gave a certain impetus, our president , the leader of russia, gave the impetus to the chinese to act more decisively, well, that is, here i also observe, in addition to this, an aggravation in taiwan, also that china for the first time introduced sanctions against american enterprises because the americans imposed sanctions against cooperation. chinese before russia, many say that they have minimal cooperation, beijing has also never done this before, that is, we are talking about the fact that very quickly we see, let’s say, a movement towards a large-scale conflict, against
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the backdrop of an uncertain political situation, directly in the united states, two events would be noted, the vatican wants to open a representative office, the vatican is the only country that recognizes taiwan as an independent state among significant countries, and is opening a representative office in beijing, that is, this is a very interesting shift, perhaps the vatican knows something. that we don’t know what the united states is preparing for, beijing and taiwan, well, the second thing is powerful, which means the importance of the new president of taiwan. tulama is the head of the ministry of public security, the ministry of internal affairs, in ours, this is not the mgb, this is the ministry of internal affairs, but all pro-american, that is, supporters of a loyal attitude in taiwan, in vietnam to the united states, leaders, they left their posts, that is, things are going very large-scale heating throughout east asia, not only in taiwan, not only in south korea, in northern japan and so on. bahrain, why bahrain, because if the situation around taiwan escalates, of course, it will stop, the united states will try in the gray zone to stop the supply of bulk oil to the persian states, respectively, to china, that is, it is also felt here that this is all around taiwan a large-scale configuration
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of the geopolitical structure not only bahrain, but iranian events and much more. well, we have also already paid attention to the change of leadership in vietnam, vietnam, to whom. was preparing, well, if not the ukrainian scenario, then the polish one in the upcoming confrontation with china, vietnam has clearly jumped out of this trap that the united states of america was preparing for them, now the chinese leadership has noticeably changed in a non-american, so to speak, direction, well, chinese military capabilities and taiwanese , well, their comparisons, but to what extent are those exercises that are now...
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on the territory of eastern europe, they say: russia is alone, by their standards with a small army, a small country is fighting with 50 states that have challenged, the key its victory is strategic adaptation, this is the change that the fast russians are making, it is key, and china is an even faster player in a world that is changing, they are rapidly reducing the gap in quality and quantity from american units, there is no point in comparing with taiwan at all, taiwan - this is not... measurable scale, the chinese can simply come in with a huge number from all sides, as burbock says, at 360° and storm this island, the small number of missiles that they are now deploying, well air defense systems and various other complexes will most likely be destroyed
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in the first minutes, of course, we must consider this theater of military operations from the point of view of america, auco from the bloc that they created specifically, and the countries that serve as such a buffer or protection, this chain of islands, which... is key for america, i remind you that now the philippines, having actually buried its, well, probably, subjectivity, is beginning to host a huge amount of bass and the most important thing.
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to the fact that japan is starting to take over everything more financial obligations of the united states, have led to the fact that japan is one way or another courting the united states for permission to acquire nuclear weapons, because they either need american weapons on their territory if there are plans to use japan against china, or they must have their own, well, how they believe they should have their own nuclear weapons, all these movements are certainly from their chinese colleagues. diplomatic intelligence did not escape, it is with
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this that i associate this toughened rhetoric towards japan, and at the same time japan, apparently, is going to start playing, or rather, the main key role as a striking element in uh, all those pacific affairs, over the last 10 years, at least, japan has done a lot on the path of militarization, militarism, and we know that according to the last century. century, that japanese militarism is akin to german nazism, this spirit cannot be ignored, in japan the influence of public opinion on the country’s leadership is very strong, and it will be impossible not to take this into account, so yes, the situation is very, very tense, well, in china, of course, they will never forget or forgive the 35 million killed chinese killed by the japanese during the second world war, they remember this well, and china has escalated the situation... the united states of america still gave response
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to american sanctions pressure from the statement of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china on sanctions against the united states. let's listen. for some time, the united states has ignored china's objective and fair position on the ukrainian crisis, as well as its constructive role. they indiscriminately imposed illegal unilateral sanctions on many chinese. based on so-called russia-related factors, they engaged in unilateral persecution and economic coercion, seriously violating the legitimate rights and interests of chinese enterprises, institutions and individuals. at the same time, the united states continues to sell weapons to the taiwan region of china, causing serious damage to china's sovereignty and territorial integrity. in accordance with the law of the people's republic of china on the prohibition foreign sanctions, china has decided to take countermeasures against some us military-industrial enterprises and senior executives. sanctions were
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imposed, here is a list of companies, and there is a list of their leaders, you will see them, i want to continue the line of reasoning that nikolai nikolaevich began, that around taiwan, that is, the chinese military maneuvers are a direct consequence of vladimir vladimirovich’s visit to beijing, here i am i want to say that these sanctions are a direct consequence of the pressure exerted by the united states the states of america, in particular the same blinken, who... categorically stated that china should not provide military-technical support there or provide military-technical assistance to russia, otherwise very serious consequences will follow.
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today china can generally impose sanctions on leading american military-technical corporations, but there is a second really very interesting thing, because these corporations, especially lock them, are located in the western part of the united states in california and, by the way, they too, you know, they behave very cunningly, they would also like to have some kind of cooperation with china, so china today is looking for a very complex mechanism.
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the brix academic forum continues in moscow today for the second day, where your humble servant has been heading our delegation for 16 years, and the main feature of this forum is that new states, members of the brix, are represented there, one of these states is iran, despite the mournful events that are now celebrated in this country, the iranian delegation arrived led by aliriza, hada galipour, one of... the most prominent political scientists in iran, he is live in our studio, right after the advertisement. skull and bones - one of the most mysterious and influential secret societies in america, has been a mandatory step to enter
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the us political and business elite for almost 200 years. it's so secret that we can't talk about it. bush became famous precisely because of what he brought. not only for our country, but for the whole world as a whole, they serve the same inhuman goals of globalists, lucifer courses, small medium and quite large demons of north america, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, be careful,
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she also stole this from you, i suggest you study the entire inner circle of the victim, especially...
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you will think that this is wood, an engineered board, but no, this is also from vandals, that is , here you can click in your heels, and nothing will happen to him, let’s turn on the lights, about comfort, the premiere is on saturday at the first, for the centenary of boris vasiliev, it’s difficult, after all, they’re still at war, they’re all voluntary, shoot, rita , the target is caught, fire, i’m on the front line, while you’re moving your little boats, he’s from the sieve will kill you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay, that
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war is gone, i can’t take it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, suni, it’s impossible, we’re doing it, the germans have one way, between these lakes across the ridge, eternal battle , we have peace only with him. the ozori are quiet here on saturday first. the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere. therefore, i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday, the first one, at 19 years old i stayed
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alone, why are you here, and not with your father on the ship, oh, yes, the theater, the reds will come, art will be banned. this is a zhmulya, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything in my skin, but i walked past her, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will make a challenge, how these guys come to me, they love you, you’re a serious, smart guy, but you’re making faces, marital status, what are you saying? i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family, no children, but art is devoted to the grave, you’re a genius,
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dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, from monday on the first, happy birthday to whom, lev nikolaevich tolstoy. a big game on the first: the brix academic forum continues to operate in moscow, which always meets shortly before brix summits in order to develop recommendations for leaders. for 16 years now , the russian delegation has been headed by your humble servant and... iran, one of the largest countries
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in the world, a country with a population of 90 million people, representing, well, like other brix participants, a country of civilization, with ancient history, which in our country, of course, is associated primarily with amar khayamo. this is just a corruption of the name alharizmi, yes, they are truly the greatest people who have made
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enormous contributions to human civilization, and we are glad, of course, to welcome iran to the brix family, and the head of the iranian delegation at the academic forum is the director of asian studies of the institute of political and international researchers , research by one of the leading scientific centers of iran, aleria. for hada galipur, with us he is in direct contact now, mr. gallipour, we are glad to see you in the big game. it is a great pleasure for me to be with you today, for us it is also very joyful to see you, even in these very sad days, because mourning days continue in iran. and right now the funeral of president resi is taking place, who was a good friend of our country, the man
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who actually brought iran to... brix, well, first of all, accept my most sincere condolences from all our tv viewers, i assure you, our whole country is now together with by the iranian people, but what does this really mean for iran now, how will it survive this tragedy, and how can it help bring the iranian nation together. in fact, over the last 2 days i have received quite a few messages, expressions of condolences from colleagues i have seen here, from colleagues at council meetings.
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i was very pleased that people express condolences, support us, and i am very grateful to you and all other colleagues both from russia and from other brics countries, as you rightly said, this is really for us a great loss, but we know from history that we are a strong people, so we will overcome these difficult times. times, you know, now , of course, the investigation into what happened is ongoing, but a variety of versions are being expressed, including versions related to external intervention, whether what happened, this great tragedy, can have serious foreign policy consequences for the entire situation in the region.
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by and large, you know, i hope that this will help unite our people, that it will create even greater solidarity, that it will help we will achieve even more success in the future , condolences, condolences to iran were heard, probably, from all countries of the world, but with
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two obvious exceptions: the iranian representative... the security council and the united nations made an absolutely disgusting demarche and the secretary of state of the united states of america blinken made a statement that the majority of the iranian people would be better off without reisiyah. these are blasphemous statements, but to be honest, i didn’t even expect this. and in iran they expected similar reactions from israel and the united states of america? you know, as i already said, real friends are real enemies, they appear precisely in difficult circumstances, we now
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find ourselves in such a difficult situation, so we see that someone...
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is a great pleasure, because for us brix is a kind of symbol of the global east, it is developing. countries, i actually do not agree with this term, usually this term is used by western countries, they divide the whole world into developed and developing, they say that there are some countries of the third world, and i prefer another term, global east, this is a different model of socio-economic development, this is a model. has the opportunity to diversify opportunities for all members of this community and we are pleased to be a member of this prestigious and important
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club. i believe that brix has great potential to bring prosperity to its members. i think that over time. a number of more countries will join brix, and this group will only grow. i hope that the new members will help brix become even more effective on the international stage, especially in concerns the formulation of the agenda regarding the global economy, how to make the voice of our countries sound louder in global politics, now more and more russians. are visiting iran, i would like to come to your country even more, tell me briefly that a russian who comes to iran should definitely see your country. in
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fact, you yourself have already spoken very well about iran. in short, of course, we are a very warm, hospitable people, there are a lot of young people in iran, very well educated, there are a lot of places that were it would be interesting for tourists to see. by the way, over the past few weeks, before i arrived in moscow, we had a number of meetings, we were preparing recommendations for the brix summit, and there at these meetings we made just such a proposal. facilitate cooperation in the field of tourism between the brix countries, and i am confident that iran in this regard, will become a source of such added
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value for the brix will help successful cooperation in the future. you know that iran is a wonderful country, when you come to iran, you can see a variety of things. thank you, sir, thank you. what are you interested in ? the game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. this is the main topic. seven documents were signed and
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continued cooperation was set up.


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