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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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you don’t need a qr code from today: in the moscow metro app you can release a virtual troika, this is what it looks like, and click on the qr code button. next , a qr code is generated for you, using which you can go to the turnstile, we present the qr code, now you need to, oh, that’s it, that’s how it works. the intelligent transport system is already working, electric buses are traveling around the capital, and there are traffic lights at intersections. unmanned vehicles today can accurately navigate urban space. yana podeban, dmitry vishnevoy, larisa nikitina and nika vishnyakova, channel one. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program.
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hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will talk about the most important, most relevant events, which , in fact, determine how events will develop further, where they will move next, move where they can come the difficult situation in which we find ourselves, but strictly speaking, the limit is the complication of this there is no situation, and today more alarming news began to come from another region, like, which is a potential region of possible aggravation, we said, well, it’s like we have a conflict in eastern europe on the territory of the former ukraine, we have the middle east, which since october 7 , it has once again quite, so to speak, escalated powerfully, and not to say that everything is over there, but today, as they say, in order to already... complete this picture
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with oil, another news came from the distant east, and therefore that in the far east, the national liberation army of china is conducting exercises in the area of ​​​​the island of taiwan, and as stated in the global times newspaper, in order to punish the separatists, and the current exercises, as written in the same newspaper, should dispel some ideas that the national liberation army of china is not capable of this, that it can conduct... offensive actions to the west to the east of this island, well, in general, some, as they say, in such official propaganda, some is another flexing of muscles, although it’s not clear here, who is flexing their muscles at whom, because when before this american senators and congressmen fly to taiwan, and, in fact, regular statements are made that don’t touch taiwan, and china considers it its territory, as they say, what did you want? in response, taiwan must say that it is not losing. declares that they do not
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want conflict, but if they do not shy away from it in order to ensure the security of the country, to protect our beautiful homeland, now of course the question remains, well, literally i went on air, managed to catch the news out of the corner of my eye, now they are checking it, which means the taiwanese military has already been brought into condition, here in english, so far there is only this news, which means it’s already there... in connection with the chinese exercises, it’s difficult to say today whether this will be another exchange, namely the puffing out of muscles and cheeks, or this could result in something more serious and add to that alarming picture, i have already mentioned the middle east, where today in iran
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they buried president risi, minister foreign affairs ablahian and others who died in the tragic disaster. i don’t know what conclusions the investigation will come to, which is ongoing in this regard. i don’t know what iran’s reaction will be if it turns out that this was not only a technical glitch, in which case iran will have to respond, but in any case it will no longer be able not to respond; in any case, i remember the rudeness from the outside. united states, performed by the secretary of state of the united states. why the hegemon does this in this case is not very clear, but it is clear that, well, let’s just say, this matter adds fuel to the fire when blinkin said these boorish words, boorish, not only for diplomats, in general, just in human terms, which is clear that blinkin was pressed by cruz, who actually forced him to say this, about domestic politics . races
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and regular visits regarding taiwan, to which, of course, the people's republic of china also regularly reacts, a statement regarding the third, which is now in the hottest stage of the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, when regular statements, yesterday we discussed a letter from several congressmen, today another one, it means, is a violently insane makol, which means he was running his hand on the map. he showed the same unfortunate blinkin that this is on the territory of russia, which means that this is what he has drawn in gray there, the territory of the russian federation, where he believes that ukrarekh should be allowed to strike with western weapons, as if, now
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american, including military, capacities are not used to help ukroreich in attempts to cause damage on the territory of the russian federation, today there was another... another attempt to strike a drone that flew quite far into our territory, and guess three times, without whose help it would never have flown here at such a distance, here kazan itself, where the nizhnekamsk airport stopped operating for some time, where it also stopped working, but how do we all understand that when ukroreich’s drones fly there, it is clear that to one degree or another, military-technical or intelligence support is provided to them by the united states, well, as if at the level of statements they want to go further. in general, today the problem seems to me to come down to the fact that very, well, against this background i noticed, i wrote it
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today before the broadcast, the news also caught my eye, and so you know, as if in the agenda was built in, the mayor of new york announced that there was an urgent need to hold a conference. means fighting rats in new york, i would honestly add to this that the main problem is not the new york rats, the main problem is the washington rats, when the americans either with us, or themselves, or with our help will deal with the washington rats, because the washington rats are the most dangerous and , in fact, all the problems of the last few years in the world, this is due to the fact that somehow the washington... rats have no right to them, we’ll deal with the new yorkers later, well, in this sense, if necessary, we will help, we have fighting cats , specially trained, i’m here i was recently at the front, there’s a red-haired guy sitting there, he’s so secretive that he even refused to be photographed, no matter how much i tried to take a picture of him in the face, all the guns
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you see are actually him working with all four guns, so he refused take photographs, now i understand why he is so secret, apparently he is preparing to exterminate the ton rats, i think this, well, in the end, it will not be possible without this, so that our fighting cats will deal with the washington rats, but for now way there, we're still trying, so say, somehow without the use of brute physical force, well, as it turns out, we’ll talk right after a short, very interesting advertisement on channel one. on the birthday of larisa guzeeva, i was born yarosla at a time when everyone - young people dreamed of something else, i dreamed of becoming an artist, one of your first roles was in this famous cult series, the meeting place will change, look, it was extras, everyone enters theater institutes a little sick with delusions of grandeur, but we all enter there as folk artists it was hard. would you like your
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children to follow in your footsteps? no, my daughter, for example, is objectively much more talented than me by many times, but she doesn’t like this profession, she chose what kind of wind, what kind of fate you will... you will shudder, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, that’s good
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it’s as if there’s no war, i can’t do it anymore. and the dawns here are quiet on saturday first. the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction; we can’t expect help from anywhere. therefore, i order all the soldiers and myself personally hold the front. this week, on may 20 , roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, fresh, live fish, what kind? well, so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage to victoria. they were horrified by kasinskaya that she was a dancer in the card de ballet, small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion,
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he weighed with the bed, she bought things in the children's world. viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, roman kartser joked. tatyana, admit it, when did you fall in love? well, the first time. once upon a time tatiana that’s how they introduced me, my wife, ilchenko kartsova. tomada was misha zhvanetsky, he gave the wedding. a shirt to my friend, our exclusive, family secrets of the famous memoristic duet ilchenko and kartsov, he was so faithful, devoted, there was crazy love, just crazy, i can say clearly, he didn’t cheat on me, i think he didn’t regret anything. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. love polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if
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lyuba came out, the audience always received her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. jen, let me out, it’s me, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid of being ugly, she says sashka, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, that you are silent well, i smile. blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they are without each other, that’s how i saw , we couldn’t live, love polishchuk, the last tango, we met. on sunday on the first, i love our
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country very much, i am very glad that i am a russian, i am proud of this and loyal to my country, i recognize and admit that i love my homeland, i do. russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will preserve you, russian speech, the great russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia, we have one magnificent one, the best in the world, only here my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, to all citizens of our dear homeland unity, peaceful sky of cohesion.
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time will tell the program, we continue to work live, starting the program, i mentioned that a conference was being held in new york city on the fight against new york rats, i said that it seems to me that the main problem and not only in america, and for the whole world, in the rats of washington, which , strictly speaking, themselves do not live for others.
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the united states, naturally, to gather some kind of meeting in switzerland, to discuss zelensky’s formulas there, and suddenly certain things happened with zelensky’s formula itself strange... on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of its times agency. nick zelensky spoke about the presidency. vladimir zelensky gave two large interviews on may 20, the new york newspaper reduced his peace formula for the summit in switzerland to only three points out of ten: radiation and nuclear safety, food security, release of prisoners and deportees. the remaining seven points, including the point on the withdrawal of russian troops from the territory of ukraine , were postponed until later, and for a long time. the position of the organizers is clear, they understand
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that it is difficult to attract leaders of the countries of the global south to bürgenstock if you demand from them that they only discuss for 2 days. in fact, one of the interesting things in this article is the mention, well, one can honestly say, that the main task is to drag the leaders of the global south to this conference in order to show some kind of not only western and pro-american, well, if not front, then at least there will be unity in condemnation of russia’s opposition around zelensky, plus at the same time give it some kind of flair - legitimacy, which is now generally shared by everyone questionable, well, today dmitry peskov said that in ukraine they must decide for themselves, give a legal assessment of whether he is legitimate or illegitimate, thereby, of course, once again emphasizing that in general for everyone here in ukraine in the west, its legitimacy, well, let’s say, is in question, to this question, well, everyone seems to be waiting for
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an answer, but what’s surprising, and this also shows that... in washington somehow, well , they also look at the realities, they lately people have been asking more and more often: biden himself will come to switzerland for this conference, so yes, and literally a couple of days ago , comrade kirby refused to answer this question, well, he was actually more harsh, he said: i don’t have an answer to this question for you, i can’t say anything, and with about the same expression on his face he walked away. jake sullivan, the national security advisor, he's like... he couldn't afford that, well , he answered more eloquently, but it's also interesting with nuances, listen, will biden go to the peace summit next month in switzerland, he'll be the only one leader g7, which did not accept this invitation. i personally participated in the preparations for this summit, as did other members of our government, and you know, we were a key
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player in promoting the concept of peace, which includes sovereignty and...
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security, the green agenda and so on, this one, this one this is swabian satanic nonsense, which, well, at all world conferences...
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of liberal phraseology, which we have been exporting here for 30 years with all these terms, regarding the supremacy rights, regarding the inviolability of private property, regarding freedom of speech, as soon as it came to the interests, the real interests of these western guys, immediately all this lost all meaning, what kind of rule of law, what kind of private property, confiscate russian assets, what kind of freedom of speech , we water russia, we wash and...
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the united states and proceeding from this is also in our national interests. regarding the swiss conference, there are no questions, i absolutely agree with you, but having said everything what you said, and i agreed about this particular conference, nevertheless, you think that in general today any attempts.
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so far away that long-range weapons do not reach our territories, that’s all, that is, put a missile with a range of 400 km, and we will just reach the polish border, but this will require time, effort, enormous effort, but for us this is war on...
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okay, fine, you are left with the lviv region, this goes there, this goes here, the internationally recognized border, but when you say you need to defeat the enemy, i have the question immediately arises, because those whom we are crushing are only part of the enemy, this is, roughly speaking, the sting of the enemy, but we need to cut off the sting in such a way that there is no desire to sharpen it into a new one, but how can it be done like this, that is, to what point should it be if you chop off something that is worth the head, then where is the head? and the head is where the rats are, where the rats are, yeah, well, that is, we need to defeat, no, artyom, we are not talking about what we will throw, here is this
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link between me, then explain to me, defeat, in what is the defeat before everything, everyone pays attention to the military component, it is more important today than ever, but in addition to the military component there is also, if you want, such a value component, that’s when our president says that... russia is a separate civilization, it not random words, but this is precisely the value component. we in this civilization still have to realize ourselves, develop our own , as it were, values ​​that are shared by the majority of people living in russia, and this is such a rather long job, but this inevitable, because history has left us no other choice, either russia will not exist, or russia will exist, but accordingly its borders will exist. in a completely different place in the west, that’s all, i understand, i listened to you carefully, maxim yusin, i think he has some thoughts about whether there are
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any other scenarios or not? by the way, regarding other scenarios, here we are saying that like guys, well, we have either or, for example, our enemy on the battlefield, who believes that behind him, well, support here is the civilized world, and the entire civilized world, well, for example, he writes politics, let’s listen to what he’s talking about, this is what for me indicates that our enemy on the battlefield and those who cover him, but they are different. france in honor of the eightieth anniversary of the landing of allied forces in normandy and the meeting of the g7 countries in italy. zelensky is expected to use the trip to call for more military support from the west and ask nato to shoot down russian missiles. well, this is really an interesting wording. vladimir zelensky is planning. i don’t know whether
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vladimir zelensky has already been invited there. to be honest, i haven’t seen confirmation anywhere, remember, a month ago there was some kind of commotion that they seemed to want to invite us, we said that in the end we didn’t receive any invitations, shaburshans, all these people from france mean somewhere as if they left, in what capacity this comrade could be there, i don’t understand, it’s clear that in what capacity, the first ukrainian front, the second ukrainian front, the third ukrainian front, that’s what they are they perceive it, yes, but they perceive it that way, but this comes to the question of what you say, where? they play conveniently, they don’t play, you know, a person who today is already, although not very legitimate, but nevertheless the president of a country whose heroes are bandera, and he is going to - plans to go to the landing in normandy and well, that is, you understand, it’s like in the joke, you either take off the chair or put on panties, because how can you shout glory to ukraine, your official heroes are the banderaites who fought against the soviet army, you are going to normandy
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as someone, but this question will be repeated. this is a question not so much for the clown himself, but for those who might actually call him there and discuss with him this story about shooting down missiles and so on and so forth, here is the question: in your opinion, those who they say or those who pretend that they are going to, let ’s say, provide him with such an opportunity, or that they need to provide him with such an opportunity, these are really some kind of plans.
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you will change your policy so that ukraine can fight without its hands tied behind its back. over the past 2 years, we have united 50 countries to stand up for ukraine and provide it with the weapons it needs to defend and repel russian aggression. as for providing support for attacks outside of ukraine, we have not been involved in this, but ukraine will have to make its own decisions and will make them, and i want to guarantee that it will receive the equipment that it needs. here again the question arises, when this very pleased with himself makol, this is him running his fingers on the map, and he.
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at the same time, he really wants something like that, so that ukraine is given permission to strike at the russian federation, or is he limiting himself to the task of publicly flogging the administration and blinkin, as its representative, just as macrus did yesterday there, which means minutes of silence about him according to risia and so on. this is where the line is between the internal political game and a real readiness to escalate the conflict, as you understand, they won’t cross it by accident or intentionally? bad history, artyom, because pay attention, everyone who is now speaking from such hawkish positions, they are all republicans, and makol, a republican, and we have not yet quoted what the speaker of the house of representatives said.
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johnson, yes, also, in general, is the same johnson with whom hopes were pinned here that he would further, even further, delay the adoption of budgetary allocations for ukraine, that’s how...
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tough proposals from whom? from the cdu, from merkel's party. merkel seemed, compared to the others, almost a symbol of moderation, and look at what they are doing now, all her political followers are suggesting, including ursulla fonden, who is on the other side, so that’s why i’m asking, what’s more in this than a political game, the opposition and, as it were , the administration, considering that they have elections in 5.5 months , or is it still such geopolitics and a real desire. for now, for now , this is a political game, but it’s dragging on, because they are already hostages of all these positions, and it’s hard for me to imagine that mccaul or speaker johnson, they
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will turn 180 degrees later, it will be very difficult, even if we imagine that trump wins the election, and he will have to fight not only with the deep state, where many democrats sympathize, but also... with a deep conspiracy in his own party, because they are hostages of all this, bad history, i don’t agree that trump will have to fight, trump himself is a hawk, be nice, we’re just always in some kind of illusion that we’ll ever agree on something with them, we need to soberly understand that both democrats and republicans are our enemies, why enemies, because they have a concept the city on the hill, everything else, it’s like the natives.
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the one who tried to carry it out begins to behave much more aggressively, i am afraid that this could happen to trump, he really says, i will put it in 24 hours, he will try, he will formulate some kind of plan, but where is the guarantee that for you and i, we have now been transported, as it were, to november, or rather to january even next year, but this is still a reality that we are still these 7 months before the change of administration.
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internal politics. let's listen. on the initiative well, this may be due not only to the state department in the white house is undergoing lively discussions about easing the ban on the use of american weapons in the territory. russia to allow ukrainians to strike across the border with russia. the proposal, put forward by secretary of state blinken after a sobering visit to kiev last week , is still in its infancy and it is unclear how many of his colleagues in biden's inner circle have signed on. it has not yet been formally presented to the president, officials said. there is a feeling in once again that this is some kind of overton window, which no one knows in which direction it will open, but...
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the united states perceives the world as a territory of its dominance, where the rest must play by their own rules, this will not change, but still we remember and the cold war period, despite our difficult relations, there was nevertheless a balance of military forces and economic cooperation; by the way, when the united states, for example, imposed sanctions against the soviet union, this did not prevent us from implementing economic projects with the european union, so there are certain ones here too. about halftones and about
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the cold war, because in fact this is the key question, that when you address the times of the cold war, when we were enemies even more existential, even ideologically, than now, but nevertheless agreed, you are essentially talking about what pyotr olegovich was talking about, about the prospect that it is possible somehow... to reduce tensions, to start living again, as it were, in two houses, to build some kind of virtual or the non-virtual berlin wall there, and so on. pyotr olegovich said, speaking, that this will no longer work out, that now in the current, at the current stage, it is already either or, you say that no, as if there are shades, and with a certain development of events it is possible to roll back somewhere to that the level of relations that, relatively speaking, existed during the cold war. it’s just that the caribbean crisis has already happened. if we draw parallels with the cold war,
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then we managed to avoid a direct conflict, now it is happening in the former ukraine, but no, i i understand perfectly well that my position will lead to stones being thrown at me, why, because, but again, in the logic of pyotr olegovich, we must achieve an ideological, intellectual victory, everyone, all progressive humanity must agree with our picture of the world and not only progressive, that is... in this regard, the united states must admit its defeat, in this regard, the question arises, in what time period can this happen? in 20 years, i think, the next 20 years are important to me, that’s why i want think about what will happen before the period in 20 years when we finally win and how this will happen, in this regard, the situation with trump, in my opinion, is not so clear-cut, why? because, firstly, in the republican...
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package, we were against it, but voted, you told us that democracy is in danger, we gave you all the cards, you failed everything, you can’t achieve anything, actually , how they criticize, again, it’s about what they say: do this, then they will, in a few months, three or four, they say: we gave them, they didn’t make card blanche, they drew cards for them, pointed their fingers, they didn’t hear us, these are losers and failures, but then you describe, here’s to the previous conversation with maxim, you
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you describe to me your idea of ​​​​what imakol, cruz, all these republicans are doing, as a political game, of course, as a political game. position, which aims not at the territory of the russian federation and the strengthening of the military ukroreich, but , roughly speaking, the political weakening of the administration, then this is a completely different the alignment is a political game, the task of which is to show the impotence of the current white house, that is, to say that they had all the possibilities and we played along with them, we voted for the package, we explained to them what to do next, they did not listen to us, in the end no victory for ukraine... no, in this regard, this is actually the main thesis, which will be, because in fact part of american culture is that in america they don’t like losers in any sense, or rather they don’t like those who has not achieved victory, there is the word loser, this the worst curse, which is why, by the way, biden will not go to this conference,
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because there really will be no results there and he will be a loser, because he will be a loser and trump will continue to say, these are the losers who have driven us to the brink . i repeat once again, they will say, we gave them everything, but they failed everything, vote for us, we will settle this issue quite quickly, but why, again, maxim, and i, too, by the way, will be for trump to be sick, at least from the point of view elections, although i understand that this is also a risky bet, i have no illusions, that’s how pyotr olegovich says that there is an illusion, that trump will come and ruin everything there, no, and i also repeatedly said, let’s have these illusions let’s leave it at that, but why does maxim and i still think that trump is a more... nice story for us in the current situation, because he has a very clear idea in his head that the main enemy of the united states today is china, and most importantly, the main problem for the united states is china, with china we have to fight, in fact, everything that the democratic party is doing is sharply bringing russia closer to china, everything that biden did in
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his previous 4 years, well, his first presidential term, he still tried to pull russia away from china, and i do not exclude what to this simple logic. it may well return, but for this, too, russia needs to offer something, at least, i say this again, maybe this scenario will not be realized, maybe it is too naive, but at least it exists, and as for the democratic party, everything is clear here that they will do to us, here everything is quite obvious, here the forecast is unambiguous, and trump is a story that can go along different paths, and, by the way, this is what you just said, what you concluded, i i remember the previous video of this story, how...
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if you choose, they tell you that there’s a black mamba in the bag, you don’t have to stick your hand in, but if there’s a jungle cat there, it may rush, it may not rush, it’s very similar for your reasoning, i will just add to them, this has to do with and in this case i am with i agree with this, but the choice is so-so between the jungle cat and the black bamba, but in general we understand the difference, but there is also this moment when... 30 years old, we are 30 years old, the trouble is that we are not only they put their hand in there, so it was as if, just like that, what am i talking about about this conversation, which in my opinion is not purely theoretical, because today
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trump is in some kind of another of his own, which means philippine against biden, he is very interesting, he calls them a fascist at the same time. democrats, are they playing or is it true? are gathering, this is a question for a minute about how we should react to this, because the thoughts and ideas are that every time they seem to raise a certain level of discussion, and every time, every time we seem to say, oh, well
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they’re not serious, it’s as if nothing will happen, but this is the same, and we react, we’re having strategic nuclear exercises, then we need to react how we should, take the time, move on, calmly, you understand, i’m afraid, they don’t know where the clock is, of course, the number of people, artyom, who don’t know who he is biden who is trump, nevertheless we are fascinated. we’ve been talking about this for half an hour, for me, i ’m rooting not for trump, not for biden, but for the guys who are there, so we need to move forward, over the years you and i, well , first you, and me, then in your footsteps, we did everything to ensure that everyone knows who trump and biden are, because everyone knows that those whom we beat in the hour-long yard in robotino on the islands of the kherson region are those whom the collective bidens and trumps that's why they sent me there. we all understand everything perfectly well about the trumps and bidenov, with all the need for an hour of fire and belogorovka and rabotino and krynki and so on
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, to fight off there, but the question is what, you just said well that we conducted an exercise, now the question is, they are discussing striking, allowing ukraine start striking our territory as a response to our teachings, or our teachings as a response to their stories, that is, who, roughly speaking, is leading in this party, who is catching up? i can only remember the words of khrushchev, which he said so passionately, we let's bury, yeah, who started it first, it doesn't matter now, give a shoe, not a shoe - it's about kuska's mother, that's another quote, well , it seems to me, we need to strengthen it, no, it's not necessary, you just need to understand that in any case there is no other choice but to defeat us, the choice will be made at any cost, any, and not a question of what someone is doing. screwed up, someone threatened someone. the fact is that russia, for many years since 2007, when putin spoke at the munich
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conference, spoke about threats, warned, and we have already passed this path, so now we come back again and begin to weigh, as it were, what will we say in response? so in response we must take the dnieper, odessa, kharkov and move on. there are no questions, but in general i didn’t doubt your answer, in many respects i agree with it almost... in everything, there are only some nuances, so i’m interested, maxim, here, let’s say, a view from that part of our society from which you look at this situation, yet in this situation we understand that these are political games, that mccall is kind of puffing out his cheeks, that these are trumpists with the bidenists or whatever their name is call it, we’ll call it the baidinists, but they’re being cut down and so on, should we respond to this as an appropriate response to a growing military threat?
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they respect strength, they don’t like, so to speak, that is, they consider our balance and this kind of inclination towards international law is regarded as weakness, every time they raise the stakes, and we do not respond harshly with reserve, they perceive it as weakness, that is, we are , in a sense, provoking them, so they announced that they are going to allow the kryreich to attack the russian territory, in response, well, in general, it’s like nothing. something else should be said or everything that has been said has been done, including teachings with plenty of reserve, i believe that teaching
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is the answer, and the answer is most likely not to these plans, because well, the purely chronological coincides, but to the desire to send hints that western troops will be sent, here is the answer to this, yeah, and of course, this is all actively discussed there. convey what seemed quite logical to me, and i still had the illusion that the common language would be useful, you went to paris, got rid of
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parts of illusions, but no, that’s not the point. no, well, actually, you know what the field is, since i’m here on television, i thought, frankly, before this trip, that the concentration of political talk shows per unit of time is the maximum in our country, nothing like that in france, their leading channel, lsi, political, there was one day when i returned to the hotel early, it was raining, i think i’ll stay in the hotel and watch, i turned it on at 4, at 16:00.
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i still expected that something would appear somewhere and people would make it clear that there wasn’t really any kind of negative reaction, that’s good,
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they like what russia is doing, i, accordingly, as a representative of russia, no, no, in this regard. everything is fine, but the elites there, of course, are the worst, pyotr olegovich and i know french journalism well, when we started our journey as journalists, the principle was that a journalist should not become a propagandist, an activist, now they have this rule, and how the hosts of these talk shows formulate questions that are completely understandable to the other side, how they put pressure on the guests in the studio, how they say: well , you appreciate the heroism of the ukrainian troops? a a military expert comes, he’s talking about something completely different, he tells on the map what our plans will be next, how the ukrainians will be, he doesn’t need this pathos at all, but no, here they are, consciously, they are activists, people with ukrainian badges come to the studio, that is , it is already clear what this person will say, to swear allegiance to these pathos for the future, so that you cannot say that you had nothing to do with it, that’s
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all, for the next 15 years, in general, that’s it. i’m not sure, but i thought i should share this, it’s interesting, it’s very important that you shared, this is very interesting, very important, and i hope that you will now regularly travel to paris and get rid of those illusions that we had to rid you of, with pyotr alegovich before this , 10 years in this studio, you see how time changed, i went to paris, came and said, lord, gentlemen, you are animals, just gentlemen, you are animals, this is the time to get rid of illusions, but in general there is very little that binds us now. with these terrible propaganda talk shows of theirs, except for one thing, advertising on the first channel, skull and bones is one of the most mysterious and influential secret societies in america, and for almost 200 years it has been a mandatory step to entering the political and business elite of the united states. it's so secret that we can't talk about it. bush became famous precisely
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because he brought a human skull. which opposed the americans, a rite of passage, absolutely mystical and satanic, this is an anti-christian cult, a recruiting ground for globalists, we are not just talking about mystics, we are talking about serious politicians of our opponents, i would like to draw attention to mr. trumpet talbot, a most dangerous adversary, a key sovietologist at the state department, developed a system of sanctions against russia, john kerry, of course, i will accompany president biden, because i think that the stakes are very high not only for our...
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snop product of stellar group, cognac monte chococa, product of stellar group, rom castro product. pechora vodka, a product of the stellar group, love does not have the word late, misha and i met 4 years ago, we have this one might say, a young couple, it even gives me goosebumps, because he really is my favorite woman, just once, i want some kind of gentle comfort, a gentle loft, a gentle loft. wow, how interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there. a partition must be installed; it must separate the source of degas from the living area. you might think
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that this is wood, an engineered board, but no, it’s also from vandals, that is, here you can click on your heels and nothing will happen to him. let's turn on the lights. about comfort, premiere on saturday. on the first. premiere. i love my country. in saturday. on the first. it will be hot. what where when. summer series. games on sunday at the first, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh, yes, the theater, the reds
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will come, art will be banned, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes, i am ranevskaya, nothing. she hasn’t experienced it in her own skin, the war has passed her by, look at this face, exceptionally, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i will challenge this prediction, they love you, a serious, smart man, and you are grimacing, marital status, you say you have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, no family, no children? but before the thunder , prekusstvo, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya
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from monday on the first, happy birthday, whom, leo nikolaevich tolstoy, people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time, since 1905. eugenics, which he generously financed john rockefeller, jr. began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in mainkampf. in germany, the first priority was to cleanse the aryan race of ballast. eugenics. didn’t go away after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. on monday, on the first. time will tell the program, we continue
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to work live. we are discussing live where it can take us all, all of us, in a narrower sense, in a broader sense. in the sense of the current confrontation, which is going along very different lines, pyotr olegovich has already said about this that this is an ideological confrontation, both military and whatever, but we all understand perfectly well that in any case, in the strategy of our enemy, in the global sense, the word, economic pressure and economic strangulation of us, it occupies one of the main roles, so to speak, and what is happening on this front? despite all that it’s good that everything flies there, everything falls where it should, and here we liberate, and here we advance, and here we put pressure, and there they howl, but that invisible, invisible
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advanced financial and economic , which exists, we shouldn’t forget about it either, in including in the light of those 30 years that pyotr olegovich spoke about, when we kept trying to get deeper into this bag of black bamba, in general, well, we haven’t gotten out of this bag everywhere yet, so...
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our assets, or rather income from to squeeze these assets into themselves, however, in connection with, i don’t know why, maybe with the successes of the russian army in the kharkov direction, or with some of our exercises conducted in the southern district, somehow, in general, they arose there contradictions of this kind, we listen, germany continues to oppose confiscation of frozen russian assets to help ukraine, said german government spokesman steffen hebbestreit. our position remains unchanged. we are talking about income from frozen assets, we are not talking about assets as such, he noted. the german ministry of finance noted that income from the assets of the russian central bank will be used, but the assets themselves will remain untouched, which will preserve the fundamental principles of international law. by the way, this is very funny about the fact that at the end there is such the mantra of international law, that is, people have frozen our assets, they are discussing how they can withdraw interest from these assets, but this is... popular law is all under
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the guise of what hegemon also means to them, well, it puts pressure on them through the mouth of granny helen, please, i call on all german banks to take stricter compliance measures , increase attention to russian attempts to circumvent sanctions, i ask you to ensure that your global sanctions compliance policies are strictly enforced by your branches and subsidiaries abroad, that is , she refers to bankers. that is , the american one, which means the aunt is addressing the german bankers, well, in the world of this free enterprise, all of these, everyone thinks, she is like who is telling them this, to the german bankers, the us treasury secretary, says: i urge you to take stricter measures , like who is she saying this, like a senior comrade, well, and accordingly, against the backdrop of the fact that the senior comrades apparently continue to put pressure, here the raters write that the european union countries want to get an assessment potential... sanctions, or rather the impact of these
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sanctions on their own economy, in this sense, konstantin vasilyevich, i still have a question for you today, this is how we discussed blows there, not blows, to allow, means to inflict on ukraine blows or not, and where in this financial and economic plane do those who doubt come from, and where do those who put pressure on them come from, in terms of sanctions, there is seizure of assets and so on, that is, what could restrain them further those who doubt? well with one on the other hand, oddly enough, i even see positive aspects in this story, i’ll explain what i mean: we understand perfectly well that the logic of the european bureaucracy is that it is necessary to respond to news from ukraine and demonstrate constant activity in the fight against russia , especially if there is alarming news from the front for europeans, so actually i think that this activity on...
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there will lead to some radical political changes, but elections to the european parliament are coming soon, let's see how france will vote, by the way, but there is no doubt that lepin will win these elections, well , there is no doubt, the question is that maybe even, by the way, macron will not even take second place there, let's see, let's see, 32% for the lepin party, then that lepine will win the elections to the european parliament, no one has any doubts, neither in france nor here, as far as we are concerned.
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russian money, the european union refuses to consider the income from this money as sovereign money of russia, of course, from the point of view of common sense, this is absurd, so you come to the bank, deposit money there, then come back a year later, can you give me a percentage , he says, you know, what you put in is your money, and the interest, we decided that it’s not your money, well, how come, we had
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rules, i posted these for you money against a promise, so we revised it, but your money, that’s what you contributed, we didn’t, we didn’t nobly steal, so we just revised the rules, and now we count interest on... clarification that we don’t count income on frozen assets with sovereign money of the russian federation, but obviously it is absolutely clear that this is an absurd interpretation, and naturally, neither china, nor saudi arabia, nor other countries that actively invested in american gangs, bought, placed money in europe, cannot agree with such an interpretation, but in this case there is a really serious question, that it’s western... but let’s see how china responds to this. let's see how china responds to this. by the way,
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we are already beginning, well, it seems to me, starting or continuing, to also demonstrate some readiness to respond. vladimir putin signed. states, even before the european union, as we know, passed a law according to which they can take away russian sovereign assets, we know that our main assets are frozen in europe, but they also exist in the united states, but despite this law,
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despite constant statements by the secretary of the treasury of the united states, who is also pushing germany to take these actions, by the way, they haven’t stolen our money yet, that is, there is a law, there is a mechanism, but but... the theft has not occurred, but in this case, the russian federation explains that everything that can be found in russia, that is , a simple mechanism, everything that can be found in russia, so to speak, american, we will take in accordance with the damage that will be caused to us, including, as you see, the movable and immovable property of ourselves the united states, that is, there is also the question of what will happen to the embassy buildings there and so on, this is an interesting question, in your opinion, well, look, we haven’t done this for more than two years. now we have done it, now the next question is that we , for some reason, apparently gave them a chance to come to their senses, now we are saying that we have such a plan, and this plan will now begin to be implemented immediately, or is this also so... another warning, well, i think that this is just within the framework of this dialogue on
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raising rates, and the point is , that this is a presidential decree, it provides a legal mechanism for such actions, as far as i know, again, according to the assurances of our ministry of finance, the government, foreign assets on russian territory are no less, and maybe more, than the amount of our frozen money as... which frozen in europe in the united states states, so, of course, i say again, if the mantra about freedom of enterprise is sacred private property, it means that they decided that it only acts in one direction, then no, it’s like with security, it doesn’t happen, for one country there is security, but for the other, no, security is only mutual, so here, it means, accordingly, if you decide to confiscate our money there, we will take away everything that ended up here in russia. yeah, this is not a question, well, that is, today, yes, this is a declarative situation, but as soon as they
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will move on to implementation, as correctly, the colleague said, we will also move on to what we will take away, in light of the fact that you were surprised to understand about them a certain degree of fury that was unexpected for you, which in this case took possession of the french elites, do you think they are still in that state ideologically capable of counting money and reacting to such moves of ours, i understand that this is about america, but about europe, i think it will be about the same, that is , they are still able to say, but no, like the russians will answer us, let's not do that, or have they already crossed the line beyond which it’s like this, the barn is on fire, the hut is on fire, they already have a confrontation, they won’t count, they’re capable, they’re capable, especially european business, it’s just not advertised, but believe me, when you talk to businessmen...
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it won’t be easy at the seven to agree on common rules of conduct with the united states regarding china, nothing like that,
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it just so happened that i coincided while in paris with chairman xi, he was so received there, i passed by quedorcet of the french ministry of foreign affairs, it was decorated with chinese flags, posters in chinese, and moreover, macron, he wanted to get into the soul of the chinese leader so much that he... took him to his native village, it’s right on the border of france and spain, he took him there was accepted with open arms, well, it worked out , it didn’t work out, i don’t know, but the attempt itself is obvious, the attempt itself by the germans, scholz flew there, he brought the entire business elite with him, the americans hardly looked at it with satisfaction, but the europeans make it clear, that this tough course is absolutely peremptory. to maximum opposition to china, they definitely don’t need this, and politicians will have to take this
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into account, they won’t go anywhere anyway, that is, this ideological swing, which is demonstrated by the verbal elites, is by business and society, without and moreover, the most adequate people in the studios are invited special services, military officers, generals, admirals, so they look at the world without... be careful! did she steal this from you too? i propose to study the entire inner circle of the victim,
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especially men. between the chef kushnir stopudovo something is happening. but we don’t go there, this is not our territory, well, why do you need an affair with a colleague, well, this is my viton, i didn’t believe it myself, but it’s him, what time did the bloodhound end up there, new season, look after the program for the time, well, what are you going to do, look for the person who did this, i’m sure it’s not me, love doesn’t have the word late, misha and i met 4 years ago, we have such a young couple, you could say, i... even i get goosebumps because he really is my favorite woman, once, once, once, i want some kind of gentle comfort, gentle fishing, gentle lof, wow, how interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there, a partition must be installed, it should separate the digaz source
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from the living area, you’ll think it’s wood, an engineered board, huh? no, it’s also from vandals, that is, here you can click on your heels, and nothing will happen to him, let’s turn on the lights, about comfort, the premiere is on saturday at the first, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, comrade dorzhen, why don’t you stand, don’t stand, it will suck, who has taken off his feet, where to stand, i will help, stand there is no way back. mischief is here quiet on saturday at first. when we return, i will introduce you all to the medal. and zhenya for the order. right. i don't mind. this week on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, fresh, live fish, what kind? well, so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman kartsev
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were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya. they were horrified that she was. viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, roman kartsev joked. tatyana, admit it, when did you fall in love? well, the first time. once upon a time tatiana that’s how they introduced me, ilchenko’s wife kartseva. tomada was misha zhvanetsky, he gave his friend a shirt at the wedding. exclusive family secrets of the famous memoristic duet ilchenko and kartsev, he was so faithful, devoted, there was crazy love, just crazy, i can say clearly, he didn’t cheat on me, i think he didn’t regret anything, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday at the first, on the seventy-fifth anniversary of
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the birth of lyubov polishchuk. if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw. lyubov polishchuk, the last
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tanga, we met. on sunday on the first, hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i really love our small cities, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking on... the rocks, i hope , it will soon come true, to altai, by car across the country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of beloretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i’m from the incredible city
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of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty, for the beautiful niva river, i love my country very much. and i’m proud of her, and... maxim yusin, talking about his trip to france, said how closely they watch our, so to speak, talk shows, our programs, our words, and they really look attentively and do the right thing, i remember how some time ago konstantin fedrovich zatulin and i were talking about the polish city of zheshev, and through which 90% of the aid for ukryreich goes, well , so they would say theoretically, but what about something won’t happen to this zheshrov, well... it’s like something bad, then there was a scandal, there they wrote newspapers in a moscow studio threatening gorov zheshev, but apparently we somehow accidentally discussed
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theoretically with konstantin fedorovich, so we ended up close to reality, because in this rzeszow the security of this sabotage storage center has been strengthened, as these same polish ones report, and you know, it seems to me that even if they talk about it in their newspapers right now, it’s good and right, so that there is no idea , that when discussing some kind of strikes by the billionaire on our territory, which are applauded , including by some in poland, so that now they understand that something like this could happen from zheszew, well, you never know, well after all, if drones ukrainian ones fly to kazan, it’s impossible to reach rzeszew, not by russian, but by some kind of drone, that’s why you know, i’m here now after...
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he’s already left offspring, i think that buba will be happy to leave offspring and that means you probably can’t talk to one of the rzeszew dogs on air, although you can probably talk about a dog from these dogs from the rzeszew dogs, in general, rzeszew. dog, either come to your senses, or wait for bubu to come to visit, but in the meantime, the doll of the heir tootie is on the first channel. one of the most mysterious and influential secret societies in america. for almost 200 years, the skull and bones has been a mandatory step to entry into the us political and business elite. why skulls and bones?


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