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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 24, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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“i warned that i can do a lot, but, but i ’m not a wizard, and it seemed to me that you are capable of more, all the failures, by the way, are connected with one character, yes, interesting.” i think you understand what i'm talking about, well , somewhere here, listen, it glows so much, because they, we all have everything.
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the broken bone damaged the artery and led to an epidural hematoma. time of death. yesterday evening approximately between 9 midnight. according to the video file at 22:13. the murder weapon is a stone like in the video? of course, i will conduct additional examination, but i think so. well so, gentlemen, did you manage to find anything? no, nothing interesting was found, no traces of a remote place. no purse, no documents. of course, there are no cameras. except the one the killer filmed. let’s go, but
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it all started with theft, irina, look, we found this flash drive in your bag, is it your thing, or did you steal it, it’s definitely not mine, i remember my things, not always other people’s, i don’t even remember where i am i took it, after i do this, i have a memory loss, okay, then we’ll do this, here you go... a piece of paper, a pen, write where you were yesterday morning before you appeared in the cafe, okay, i’ll try, san, please check all the places where irina was after the murder of the girl in red, check the billing, she could have forgotten something, or she did it on purpose she told me, she agrees, do you think she’s an accomplice, did this kind of detective work with her? i suggest checking
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everything about irina, has the victim’s identity been established? she’s not in the database of missing girls, she hasn’t appeared anywhere, too little time has passed, it looks like a hang-up is looming, a hang-up, igor vasilievich cancelled, olga, fomena native of gelendzhak. at the beginning of the 2000s, she announced herself as a model at the haute couture week in paris, signed several contracts with global modeling agencies, but soon disappeared, disappeared, and failed. contact her former agent, she characterizes her as problematic, so her career in the west did not give up, she returned to russia. greetings colleagues, we managed to find out who was killed. arkadi akovich, do you know each other? yes, we met several times at events. okay, keep me posted. so, gentlemen, what have are there us? we are dealing with a killer who planned the crime in advance. i came up with a plot. realized it, filmed it,
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edited it, all that remains is to find out whether he did it for himself or for the customer. question: did the victim know that he would be killed? this is an excellent question, oleg dmitrievich. it turns out that we have two options: either the victim knew the criminal and trusted him, or the criminal brought her to the pier and forcibly threatened her with something that was even more scary for her than jumping into the water, in the video, she is rather afraid of water, which means she trusted, i suggest. i propose to study the entire inner circle of the victim, especially men, yes, kostya, hello, hello, dear, sorry, i was busy, what did you want, yes, thank you for calling back, i’m on business, the thief was found, almost, the point is, that yesterday’s situation took a completely different turn, in general, i’m now investigating again...
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remember something, call me right away, okay, yes, of course, i understood you, yes, i’m sorry, i can’t talk anymore, you hear, that’s it , until, sasha, you won’t believe what i found, murders with a camera, for now only a camera, a road one, about pier, but it turned out to be a surprise, i didn’t believe it myself, but it was him, what time did he end up there, 2 hours before olga’s supposed death, alexander ivanovna, i have something , publications for last year, photographs taken on different events, this
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cannot be, but it could not be him, of course, not him, he did not even say that he met yesterday. with olga, why does he need this if he’s not ilya, take it easy, take it easy, excuse me, oh well, it’s good to apologize, we ourselves don’t understand anything here, although i’m convinced he doesn’t mean anything like that not involved, which means our task is to quickly solve this case and prove that the boss had nothing to do with it, well, that’s it, guys, for the job, you saved me in sochi, pulled me out of prison, always supported me, this means a lot to me, now i’m very i want to help you, but for this... i need to know the truth, olga and i haven’t talked for a long time, you know, i scattered my friends when we met, then she called, asked for a meeting, said, the question of life is death, and you went to her, well, of course, it turned out to be
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another scam of hers, i immediately made it clear to her, that nothing could happen between us, in general, she took it normally, asked to take her to the pier, she had some kind of filming there, well... i took her, who knew that everything would turn out like this, i don’t understand, why didn’t you tell me all this right away, i didn’t want to tell you that i met her, stupid, yes, stupid, yes, so what are you going to do, look for the one who did this, i’m sure it’s not me, i’m sure. they checked everything, sasha, arkady yakolevich salubi is in perfect order. alexander ivanovna, i tracked his car using cameras, he left piersa before the murder and arrived home just before it happened. so if you find out what was the reason, so to speak, for this meeting. i have already figured this out, thank you, igor vasilievich. so,
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we’ve covered the topic, yes, sasha, definitely. what else have you found out about the victim? she lives alone, her parents are dead, there are no other close relatives. we received details of calls and special personal contacts. found, but there was an unknown man who was pursuing her, that’s how, this is already interesting, judging by the sms messages, this the comrade sought a meeting quite persistently and nervously, and our victim also regularly visited a psychologist, a very expensive one, we need to find out what forced her to see a doctor, maybe also what killed her in persian, gentlemen, it feels like it’s time for me to visit a psychologist myself , what terrible news. but it seemed to me that olga and i had worked through everything, did you think that she felt better after your therapy? at first we couldn’t get off the ground for a long time, excuse me, figures of speech, and then she somehow came,
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a smile on her face, the panic attacks went away, i it seemed that i had removed the acute phase, here it is, tell me, fedor gennadievich, what exactly do you think brought olga to you, emotional? instability, depression, suicidal thoughts, phobia, everything is as usual, what kind of phobia? olga was afraid of water when she was a child, her older sister drowned before her eyes, she could not save her , then she blamed herself all her life. tell me, fedor gennadievich, do your patients somehow communicate with each other? no, i'm against crowd therapy. unnecessary emotions arise that harm therapy. what are you about? there's a problem. one of i saw olga faminova in the waiting room and started chasing her. last name, first name of this patient? yuri, no, i don’t remember the last name, can you get all the data from my assistant? okay,
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what problems did this patient have? pain of unknown origin, constant pain-free affairs, i picked up a drug for him, ordered it from a private clinic in israel, well, that’s all. excuse me, i have a session now. so, now i will find the data and make you a printout. thank you. at all. we don’t have such situations often, we usually try, so that our patients don’t overlap, but there’s an overlap here, please forgive me, but i guessed correctly, this is phobos, yes, ancient greek mythology personified fear, in fact, the word phobia comes from his name, sorry, and it’s appropriate to hang such things in such establishments like yours, the boss said to hang him, uh-huh, he thinks that he will meet with his... phobias, this is the best medicine, tell me, what’s it like to be an assistant
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to gavrilov himself, what’s that like? fedor gennadievich always takes the most difficult case, so this is an invaluable experience. tell me, do you remember your patient olga fomina? certainly. i remember all the patients. and her case was also difficult. you know, in my opinion. in names she was one of those who don’t want to be treated, yeah, who wants to suffer, to be pitied all the time, actually, here’s yuri korodkov, wait a second, excuse me, oleg dmitrovich, yuri korodkov. this is the driver who hit our cliptomaniac, and he was chasing famine, now i
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’ll send you his address, please, find him, find him urgently, well, there’s no one at home, something, you have to hide, as you say, this is always mine, hello! and are you visiting yurka? well, yes, but can you tell me when he returns after work? so he left? how did you leave? well, yes, i saw him today, he came out of the entrance during the day with a large sports bag, got into the car and drove off, in a hurry, probably where? i understand, that means we open it exactly, how do we open it? what are you talking about, i ’ll call the police now. oh, it's a mess, it looks like
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it was put together in a hurry. an interesting picture emerges. korotkov wanted to knock down irina in order to take his flash drive, which she blew his mind, right? i automatically witnessed his crime, and korotkov did not wait for the favor and killed her. yes. i just wonder where the cliptomancer managed to get the flash drive from him. can’t figure it out, the main thing is that the picture comes together, yes, only without the main character, nothing, we’ll find something incomprehensible here, look, it’s in hebrew, definitely didn’t expect it, vasilivich, this is a strong, painkiller from israel, we ordered it from my mother-in-law, we waited a month , you can’t get the same thing, and without it it’s a hellish pain. well now let's see how short it is patient. not busy,
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go. apparently, having not achieved reciprocity, he decided to kill her, the flash drive with the murder was stolen by this
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irina, he did not decide to shoot it down, because he wanted to get rid of witnesses and take the flash drive. how did korodkov and ren meet in the first place? they, as it turned out, went to a psychologist's house, she was depressed and depressed, keep me posted, please don't drink anymore, okay?
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police, raise your hands. well, here’s some more hot peshti for you, thank you, okay, it’s very tasty, how wonderful, then why such a minor, you don’t like salads, mom, everything is in perfect order with the salads, bear, come on quickly, let’s get ready, take your drawing, let me take it with you... great, just don’t forget the car, thank you, mom, for taking the bears’ day, you i’m just tired, or something else, i don’t know, mom, why people can’t learn to live in the present, why people always live
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in the past and we need to learn to let go of our past, sasha, we need to live here like this now. smart people say, you still haven’t let go of your past, yes, sasha, you’re depriving yourself a chance to be happy here now, yes, it’s easy to say, it’s so beautiful, it’s hard to do, but try it, i’m reading maria’s book now, so her heroine thought, said, thought again and did, and her life got better, i’m not the heroine of her book, i’m sure, mom, no, i’m sure i’ll forget until the end, yes, oleg mich, uh-huh, i understand, yes, okay, yes, i’m leaving, i’ll be right there, mom, everything’s urgent to go as always, the pancakes are just better this time, god bless , tsar, with
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god, sanechka, with god. we didn’t stop him in any way, we thought he’d give an injection, then we’ll take him in normal condition, okay, don’t blame yourself, we don’t know what happened yet, i did an autopsy, did an examination, all the signs of poisoning with a strong toxin, please, did he take the poison himself, why would he come back to kill himself , well , it turns out that someone changed the medicine even before we arrived at korotkov’s apartment, there is only one saved contact in the address book, phobos, so he asks him to calm down and return home. phobos from the picture in the psychologist's office, you told us yourself. that's right, i was checking the movement here our cliptomaniac, judging by the billing, she was in gavrilov’s office last night, so everything fits, that’s where she stole the flash drive from korotkov. flash drive, and that this video is more
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suitable for an exalted psychologist, what happens is that korotkov may not be a maniac, but a performer? we need to check all of gavrilov’s patients, and himself, talk to irina again, just let lena do it, it’s good that he knocked me down on purpose, yes, please look at the photo, do you recognize him? did you steal his flash drive? i don't know his. ira, please, i beg you, you may be in danger. i really don't know him. i don’t remember the locations of thefts, but i remember faces. i'm really working on it. yes, i know, i know. you even went to a psychologist, gavrilov. no.
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fine. ira, look, you wrote here, you were at home in the morning, then you took a walk, then you went to a cafe, did you drink coffee in the cafe? yes, i took lato as usual, i always do this before a walk, a walk, then you went for a walk, where? i was walking along orlovsky, i needed to go to the pharmacy. and there were leaflets, clinic psychologist gavrilov, i went there, the clinic was across the road, tell me, you were there...
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they checked all of gavrilov’s patients, two of them died after undergoing therapy with him, he was stabbed to death during a fight with football players. pay attention, he goes towards them, as if purposefully, deliberately running into trouble, yes,
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as you said, he was killed with a knife, yes, exactly in the heart, the guilt of the fans really could not be proven, the murder weapon was not found, but only a small man remained , clearly, please ask pometelsky for the case. and need to find all the participants in the beating, why look for them, they have a special place, a sports bar, great, then oleg dmitrievich, san, go there, ask them, but what about the second dead? yulia nedelina, 23 years old, suffered from unrequited love, this was not her first suicide attempt, she only had a week’s worth of relatives, her mother, and the guy was strange, as if he was under something, so shiny.
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it was because of him, yulia did it for the first time, they had been dating since high school, pasha cheated on her with katya, with her best friend, but then yulia swallowed some pills, why did you come? the fact is that in the circumstances of your daughter’s death, not everything is clear, she was killed, i thought so, why? why do you think so? well, yulia constantly insisted that she should be bolder, then she was afraid of heights. after our divorce, my husband and i
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were changing apartments and had to give up a good option because it was on the seventeenth floor. tell me, was there something strange in yulia’s behavior before her death? i wouldn’t say, however, she was on her phone all the time, texting with someone, and i looked at her phone, there was some kind of forp. phobos, maybe just the correspondence, i didn’t read it, yulia saw that i took her phone and created a scandal, we restored yulia nedelina’s billing, there was active correspondence with a certain phobos, in the last message, he mentions some task and sets a time , right there, then julia jumped off the roof. i would do it myself. the task was an excuse to exchange the victim for the murder scene. apparently, just like with the fans, the task was to run into a fight, but no one warned mitelsky about the knife. just like with fama. she overcame her fear of water
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jumped, and then she was killed in cold blood. yes, and phobus needed korotkov to kill irina. and then he got rid of it. having exchanged medicine for poison, i would not be surprised that this was also filmed. such stories are popular on darknet. i’ll talk to my colleagues about how we can get access to these sites? maybe. well, we’ll find a video with our victims, it turns out that the deaths of all these people are related to the same person, who calls himself phobos, and he also had access to gavrilov’s patient database, if ira pulled gavrilov has a flash drive, so it’s the doctor himself, but how can we bring him to clean water, how can we stop the flash drive behind him, no, no, no, no, this is too, too long difficult, yes, but what kind do we have? options, you are not the first specialist i turn to, i’ll say right away everything that i tried, nothing helped me, well, do you expect anything from me?
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miracles, no, but maybe there is, i don’t know, a non-standard method, but you know, in my novel, the heroine was buried directly in the ground during training, have you heard something about my methods, and you don’t have people buried in the ground, but i let them go beyond their emotions. feelings, phobias, i think this is what i need, you know, a creative crisis is a natural process after any upsurge, upsurge, but there are no ups, i don’t want anything, i don’t feel anything, nothing inspires me, you’ve been in this state for a long time, a year, no, even more, i used to write women’s romance novels, i was a successful
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writer. large circulations and the books sold great, and then i stopped enjoying it, i started repeating the same techniques, banal plot twists, it’s terrible, feeling like a worthless graphomat, you know what, recognizing the problem is already half the success, so you have something to offer me, of course, make an appointment with my assistant, okay. see you, well, for starters, you did a great job, yes, what now, now we’ll wait for a text message from phobus, but if we’re lucky, lucky, i’m
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lucky, beckoning is not a game. listen to me, this is all very seriously dangerous, i, of course, pulled you in, didn’t pull you in, asked for help, catching this real criminal is much more important than tormenting a book about a fictional bandit, okay, just please, promise me not a single step without my knowledge, of course, of course, yes, we are waiting, to involve a person in the operation who is not related to operational activities, this of course, arkady yakovich, we don’t have time, gavrilov is not so simple, the guys have prepared everything, we will be there, the main thing is that he reacts, masha is calling,
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yes, man, uh-huh, i understand, great, you’re great, let’s get in touch, just now masha called gavrilov’s assistant, he asked him to set up an informal meeting with her for the evening, but the trick didn’t work that way, i don’t know, maybe he’s checking, he’s already half an hour late. what if he doesn't come? maybe his tactic is this: to shake up the future victim? ilya, what do you have there? did gavrilov leave the office? okay, got it, we’re waiting! yes, he saw through us, do you think? man, listen, call gavrilov’s assistant, he
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’s on... to meet you first, uh-huh, let’s wait, hello, yes, i came to meet mr. gavrilov, but he’s not there, what’s this? happens, i did everything as he asked, one thing i can say, everything he does, everything that happens then, it’s always part of the therapy, keep me dynamized, this is the kind of therapy, everyone has their own methods, plays games, yes, what to do shall we be alexander ivanovna? we will wait for the next release of phobus. mash, well, that ’s all for today, get ready slowly, don’t leave right away and pretend that you’re upset, upset, but if suddenly he ’s watching you, understand? yes, we’ll discuss everything later at home, yeah, come on. alright enough. no,
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thanks, i’ll go for a walk and think about it, then tomorrow, see you tomorrow. hello masha, be careful! wait, wait, wait, help, someone,
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i don’t even have a phone number, wait, wait, wait, wait, help, what happened? sasha was kidnapped. who, how? i don’t know, some kind of blue car pulled up and there was some man in this one wearing a balaclava, but i don’t have a single phone, well, someone was in charge of it. go home, i'll report it to the police myself. go! but i definitely have the police number available, hello, police, call alkhovsky, well,
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we ordered everyone to stay in their places, police, what, why, what happened, where is alexandra kushnir? kushnir? kushner, this is your colleague, we haven’t seen each other since our conversation. and your patient maria akulova, we broke up with her and agreed to meet next week. it turns out that it was gavrilov’s assistant, potapov, who called maria to meet him himself. this means that the cryptomaniac stole the flash drive not from gavrilov, but from potapov. well, they can work in tandem. this gavrilov is not injecting drugs yet. did you find the car? found it, lit up cameras on the highway, moving. towards the sea,
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you, yes, me, don’t try to get up, relax, it’s all over, i gave the next task to my patient. very soon he will be here in his car, and you will be exactly in his path, yes, well, other cars can pass here, no, i put a repair sign right after the turn here, so no one else will come here except him, why don’t you you don’t ask why, i already know everything about you, well, if they knew, it would be unlikely? would have ended up here, i was only mistaken about the person, the rest is up to me everything is clear, and what do you understand, you were looking for victims among gavrilov’s former patients, you wrote to them, told them about your miraculous method, these people thought that these tasks were needed
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in order to get rid of their fears, that this was the very method gavrilova, everything is like that, why, well, what do you think, why don’t you look like a maniac, money, well, of course. such videos are in the top sites of the darknet, have you killed people? yes, but only those who did not value their lives enough, who did not appreciate what they had, believe me, i i know very well what i’m talking about, i myself am now clinging to life, i’m sick and i want to survive at any cost, that’s why i started making money from those who don’t want to live, you killed three people. and this is just the beginning, no one would have ever known anything if not for a cliptomaniac who stole a flash drive with a video for a customer. who is the customer, gavrilov, this narcissist, are you kidding, no,
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you will never get to my customer, you are a six, he will kill you too, he does not need the person who set him up like that, but you have a chance to survive. tell me. customer and i will help you, but you can’t help yourself, soon my people will come here and... while your people will scrape off what ’s left of you from the asphalt, i will be very far from here. sasha, are you okay? sasha, how are you, are you
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okay? kostya, how did you know that i was here? marie said that you were kidnapped, i gave my guys directions to the car, they broke through it, and here i am. sasha, i could write a whole book about these kidnappings of yours, it’s a pity that it wasn’t you who saved you, comrade vlasov, but what’s logical, it started with these comrades, it ended with them, but what if he is the organizer of all this, first the flash drive, then the elimination of the phobus, you know,
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thank you, i tried for myself, sashka is not dear to me, well, that’s why i also thank you, that now i will have... murder, although it is not premeditated, but anyway, let’s start a case, in
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your case it was for the purpose of saving a person, i wouldn’t want to be in trouble for a long time because of some small fry ; , well, this is not my first day of living either, well, it’s not so simple, as it seems. kostya, sasha, thank you for thanking me, i’ve already been told this a thousand times, i did what i had to do. alexander ivanov, well, the traditional question is, should i let you down? sash, well , maybe you’ll already choose someone, well, i mean, any of the cars. no thanks, i want it. walk to the pastry shop i want to buy a cake and eat it with my son, that’s what i
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want now, have a good evening, solve the problem, mom, i’m here, come on, come here, we’re waiting for you, so what? sash,
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hello, grief, what are you doing here, how do you like this version, i came to see child, to see you, i miss you, i’m a bear too. well, then let's go have tea, i have a cake here and a group of comrades who are really looking forward to it. well, let's go, you look good, you're in love, you're in grief, everything's fine, yes, sasha, there's something else i have to tell you, you got into the thick of things, you crossed the path of very dangerous people, that's why you came, i'm handling this
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case through the fsb, i just wanted it for you. say that i am, that i will be nearby, and if i am nearby, nothing will happen to you, good morning, dear friends, good morning ours wonderful tv viewers, we are glad that you also woke up at this early hour , welcome the new day, together with the first channel, olga ushakova and nikita pimenov are with you on the twenty-fourth calendar.
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now everyone is running to warm up, three-time world champions in sports dancing, marina and artemy katashinsky, are already waiting for us. good morning, tango is largely an improvisational dance, so it is especially important to feel each other, and in order to adapt to your partner, you need to have perfect control of your body, which means without... join us, gymnastics will be useful for everyone. we take a step forward with our right foot, place it on our toes, knees slightly bent, draw a circle with our pelvis forward and move it back, and now we put our left foot forward, draw a circle again and move the bucket back. we don’t lean to the sides,
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we keep the vertical axis. the weight is always on the supporting leg. we’ve got our bearings, great, let’s connect our arms, spread them apart, elbows slightly bent, do these wave-like movements, this is an excellent warm-up for the whole body, by doing it, you will be able to feel every muscle from... one thing will learn new element from the incendiary thong. on the calendar may 24, summer will come in just 8 more days, it’s time to think about summer vacation. the most prudent people have probably already planned it; some even managed to buy a tour. well, many people prefer to buy so-called last-minute tours literally a few days before the trip.
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the desire not to overpay, of course, is quite understandable and understandable, but who among us does not want to save money. but the most important thing here is not to run into scammers who don’t do any tours. they don’t sell, they just steal money gullible tourists, and then disappear with them. tickets can only be burned if supply exceeds demand. this is when there are extra seats on the plane and extra places in the hotel, which the tour operator has already paid for , and this results in an additional discount for tourists, it can be 20 or 30%. everyone loves discounts, and scammers know this, that’s why it’s last minute deals. more often sold from gemini websites, they are no different in appearance from the original, you receive a letter in the mail, a last-minute tour, a well-known company, a well-known name, you click on the link, they don’t take money from you, they offer you travel options, and the phone number on this website of the current tour operator, you can call and
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find out everything about the hotels, offers from real employees, then come and find this letter in the mail , follow the link, make sure what the price is, the price may change, just like on a real site, click payment, the alarm bell doesn’t ring, because you’re great, you ’ve thought of everything, at the time of payment the money goes to the scammers, the lifespan of the fake site 2-3 of the day, which is why it specializes mainly in last-minute tours. digital hygiene is very simple: you check the domain name, then we need to copy the name and check it. in any search engine you directly copy this name and reviews, you can also check the domain registration date, to do this, enter a query, check the domain, paste the copied name , remember the scam sites, usually very recent. for this tour operator it is 1998, that is, it has been around for a long time. and yes, last-minute tours are, of course, cheaper, but by a maximum
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of 30%. first of all, when you are offered a 50-70% discount is already a certain danger. you also need to understand that the company operates legally, and if you are offered a transfer to an individual’s card, payment for your trip or through a fast payment system, this is also the first call of fraudulent activity. by the way. tour operators say that early booking is now much more profitable than last-minute travel packages, but in this case it is worth remaining vigilant to carefully check the travel agency. anna soldatova, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues, it has arrived it's time to find out what got into the network of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. what will surprise us in the video today? let's get a look. by tradition, we start with cats. we ask for love and favor. a cheerful couple of marmalade and stake, the tailed ones decided to help their owner make the bed, as they did, you see for yourself,
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more than 5 million people have already liked the footage of the cats playing, and there will be more, and this is the marquise, perhaps the most stylish monkey in the world, every morning she picks up a comb and makes herself beautiful in front of the mirror. 3 million users, the internet has already appreciated such a fashionable awning look, more and more people are asking the price of them, almost like all of us. insects don’t fly onto the world wide web very often, but when they do appear, they do it very impressively, for example, like this bumblebee, which selflessly fights dust, has already earned 10 million likes for its hard work, and if look from above, it will almost turn out to be a picture, perhaps an artist of the soul artistically, well, finally , about our favorite, the panda katyusha from the moscow zoo, she has reached new heights, following his mother... on the calendar it is already
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may 24th, the gardens are in full bloom, all sorts of tomatoes and cucumbers are growing in the beds, but the may frosts in many regions , alas, spoiled the mood of summer residents, but our summer residents are seasoned people, frosts happen every year experienced gardeners and gardeners are preparing in advance for their arrival, and there is still time to correct them. summer residents are counting losses; heat-loving plants suffered the most from the prolonged frosts, such as large-leaved hydrangeas, which bloom hugely caps of pink color, this time there will be flowering, but very weak, but there is a chance, so we are not in a hurry to cut off the frozen branches, in case the sleeping buds are yet to wake up, and what about the fruit trees, here is a pear instead of a flowering one... the tree has bare branches. usually it is on this tree that we collect at least two buckets of pears, and this happens every year.
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this year there will be no pears at all. and the apple trees froze too. usually they collected it in boxes; this year the harvest will be, well, two or three apples from the entire plant. with some bushes better. gooseberries and honeysuckle didn't mind the frost. delivered flowers can withstand temperatures of -5. and here are the currants. if it was already blooming at the time of frost, it could have suffered, most likely the harvest would be scanty, to save the plants from frost, summer residents watered the entire garden, covered it with non-woven material , sprayed it with anti-stress drugs, and heated the greenhouse, brought the most basic heater and turned it on at night, the temperature did not should have fallen below zero, the tomatoes would have suffered, but... everything is alive, we saved the seedlings, lyudmila kudas tomatoes are already the size of apples, but not everyone is lucky, irina kitaeva has tomatoes,
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she also planted them before frost, they died, the frost in bashkiria was down to -7, now she is planting new seedlings, it’s like re-gluing wallpaper, the old ones were ripped off everything, like they say, they glued new ones and also here, they planted everything again, that’s it, we’re waiting for the harvest, in the flower garden this year there will be an unusually bare fern. i couldn’t stand it at all, the lilies always suffer, the boiled tops of the heads stood up, then we had another -5, the next day, everything that wasn’t killed at -7, it was killed at -5, so irina managed to save the young apple trees, just like a baby, we wrap it up, one night we had -7, i wrapped everything up like this, albina borisova’s early strawberries from the chuvash suffered from frost, the entire harvest was lost, early varieties , they have already managed to bloom, they are frozen, that is, of course, we should not expect a harvest from them this year,
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summer residents are upset about picking strawberries, this year they will only be able to harvest those varieties that... they bring them several times a season. nadezhda pravdina, dmitry filippov, channel one. this off-road signs are 52 steps to happiness. every week we take just one step towards a correct, healthy lifestyle, which we will tell you in our program. and as always, all the details, about food, about medicine, about home and about life. it’s great to live in the program. today , on the first day, on the centenary of boris vasiliev, it’s still difficult in war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita, the target is caught, fire, they fell, yes, girls, i can’t go with them,
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comrade, send me to the front line, while you are your little boats.
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while working in the beds you stumbled and i twisted my leg, it hurt to walk, and a bruise and swelling formed in the ankle area. apply a bottle of cold water or a bag of frozen food to the sore spot. cold will relieve pain. now let's fix the joint. cardboard is suitable as a tire. we also need to ensure maximum rest for the joint; it’s better to lie down with your leg raised higher, this way we improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. in
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addition to treatment, we need compresses. dissolve table salt in a glass of water, soak it folded in several layers gauze, wrap the sore spot, fix it with a bandage, put on a warm sock, salt has a dissolving effect, when it becomes easier, stretch the leg, squeeze, unclench the fingers, gently rotate it towards the ankle joint, and also place the sore foot on a step and pull it down. we do everything slowly, carefully, make sure there is no acute pain, and we wish you a speedy recovery. well, now let's go on our traditional television journey together with our permanent guide vadim labachenko. let's take a look at australia on penguin island. penguin island. a popular tourist destination in western australia. it's the only place where
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perth penguins live. and... slightly smaller than ordinary penguins, unlike others, they are not prone to ice, snow and cold. australian penguins are more closely related to cape penguins, which live in the extreme south of africa. penguins and perth are also moderately thermophilic. and when extreme heat hit australia not very long ago, they stopped laying eggs and building nests. locals on penguin island. they tried to help them they make neat nests from plywood by hand, they also go all out, king penguins' favorite sardines. my team and i made several penguin nests from plywood, they happily occupied them and began laying eggs; the quickest ones are already hatching them. residents of the island had a chance
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to defend their right to be called residents. penguin island, so now the main occupation of the islanders is waiting and caring for the little penguins. good morning to all our early morning folks. on the calendar may 24, friday, and we continue: express tests, their it’s not difficult to buy at a pharmacy and even in a regular supermarket, you can also find them. as for tests for influenza or covid, i think many people purchased them, but there are also rapid tests for other serious diseases, for example, myocardial infarction or stomach ulcers. but here the question arises: can a serious diagnosis be entrusted to a test that costs only a few hundred rubles. if everything was so simple, then why should we? yes, go to the doctors. and in general, how do these tests work? let's figure it out. high pressure, temperature or abdominal pain? is it possible to diagnose yourself? 99%
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reliability, guarantee from manufacturers, and from doctors. first, we check the test for myocardial infarction, prick your finger, drip blood onto the strip and wait 7-10 minutes. test for myocardial infarction, negative, we only have one control strip. are they a substitute for a real examination? no, of course, if, for example, our patient complains of chest pain, we need to call an ambulance, that is, we can simply waste time, of course, it turns out that express testing for myocardial infarction shows only if the violation, and which one and how serious, there is no such information, gastritis or stomach ulcers cannot be detected using express tests at all, this test shows the familiarity of the human immune system with such a pathogen as...
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first channel. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news broadcast on air. we'll meet in just a few minutes. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. today at minsk will host the main events as part of vladimir putin's two-day visit to belarus. president of russia.
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i welcome you to your native belarusian land, the belarusian people will be very glad to know that you have come to us, i think that, as usual, we put security issues at the forefront, and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues together with our colleagues from the government, thank you big, after negotiations with our arab friends i had such a big meeting with members of the government, they said how since i was talking about my visit to you, we went over almost all areas of industrial cooperation, energy, agriculture, security, we will discuss all this today, tomorrow, that everything is stable and safe here, we will talk here, of course, about training, the second phase of the exercise associated with the direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere, in these
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events, well, in general, we have a very big trip. belarusian military joins exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons, which is carried out on behalf of vladimir putin. maneuvers, as noted in our ministry of defense. preparations for the launch of missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex; aircraft equipped with hypersonic missiles, daggers and other weapons are also involved. in general, during the negotiations in minsk, as part of vladimir putin’s visit, it is planned to discuss topical issues of the further development of russian-belarusian relations, strategic partnership and alliance, the progress and prospects of integration interaction within the union state, as well as key international topics.
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russian pilots attacked ukrainian positions in the kharkov region. the crews of the mi-35 and k-52m helicopters fired missiles at the strongholds of the camouflaged vehicles. the enemy lost several vehicles and also suffered heavy losses of personnel. our troops are pushing back ukrainian formations and uchasovoyar. a platoon of militants was eliminated there and their defensive structures were destroyed. the targets were hit by rszzo grad crews. operators helped correct the shooting. pilots. colossal losses of the kiev regime at the front. the west is trying to compensate with new supplies. according to associated press, washington may announce the next tranche of $275 million today. the money will be used to purchase missiles for hymers installations, as well as artillery shells. this will be the third delivery from the $61 billion package approved by congress at the end of april. the so-called international fund for assistance to ukraine also intends to transfer additional weapons. among its
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donors are great britain, norway, the netherlands and a number of other european countries. according to the sun newspaper, citing the head of the ministry of defense of the united kingdom, the new package will include radars for air defense systems, rap systems, small boats, reconnaissance drones and sea surface drones, all worth $190 million. one of the few leaders of eu countries who openly opposes such supplies to ukraine is prime minister of slovakia robert fitze. who suffered, as it turned out, precisely for such an independent position. juraj tsintula, who attempted to kill fitz, was not i agree with the policy of my government, supported the pumping up of kiev with weapons, and therefore tried to kill the prime minister. this is the official statement of the court. the crime of which centula is accused has already been recognized as political. it could be punishable by up to life imprisonment. investigators are now checking whether the attacker acted alone, as he himself claims, or whether he had accomplices. washington is beginning a large-scale
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review of cooperation with georgia due to the law on transparency of foreign influence. this is stated in a written statement by us secretary of state antony blinken. the threats came after the georgian authorities did not succumb to pressure from western countries. they demand that the law be repealed, according to which a register of non-governmental organizations and media financed from russia should be created in the republic.
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that's all for now, stay with us, the program "good morning" will continue to air on channel one. good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for celebrating this day with us. on on the calendar, the most long-awaited working day, because it is friday, may 24, and by the way, it’s a special day, it’s a day of glory. literature and culture, on which we congratulate you; on this day we remember the holy equal-to-the-apostles brothers cyril and methodius. as you remember, cyril and methodius were the creators of our alphabet, they lived more than 10 centuries ago, since then our language, of course, has changed a lot, and continues to change now. the letter yat is today a symbol of old church slavonic. it was read as a long eya, there was a special separate sound for it, it looked like to a small church, that is. the first font
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or handwriting is a charter, as it is heard, so it is written, strictly, in seven separate movements, and also each letter was written slowly from top to bottom. the main thing is that they, like soldiers in the ranks, stand very strictly according to the regulations. the day of slavic literature is both a state, professional and church holiday; for believers, it is the day of remembrance of methodius and cyril, the holy brothers, creators of the first alphabet. the church calls them equal. we glorify the feat in the church of the holy brothers because they translated liturgical texts in the slavic language, thereby giving the slavic peoples the opportunity to pray. and address god in your native language. the alphabet of cyril and methodius is glagolitic. later, the students create a new one called the name of their teacher, cyrillic. it is on the basis of the cyrillic alphabet that many alphabets and languages ​​will grow. we had a font reform in russian in 1708 or the great peter
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the great revolution. lamonosov joked that under peter not only the boyars and boyars, but also the letters threw off their wide fur coats and dressed up in summer clothes. literature begins to be written and published when help. civil font, which was developed on the basis of the latin font antiqua and is much more similar to our modern letters, and at the same time the outdated letters were eliminated: psi, psi and yu with a small, but they are still somewhere nearby, psi, for example, in psychology textbooks. students in psychology classes often use it to shorten the name of their subject, because psychology begins with this letter in greek. since then, writing has remained almost unchanged. the last new letter. which appeared in the russian alphabet is the letter e, it is already from the end of the 18th century, well, by the standards of the history of language, recently, because 200 years is not a long time for a language, by the standards of our life, of course, it is already a very long time ago, but the spelling is changing, the word is naturally scientific, in the dictionary of the fifty-sixth year it is merged in the modern one
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using a hyphen is not a reform, it’s just that philologists know more about word formation, modern colloquial spelling, in the same instant messengers there is generally a separate type, just look at the arguments about periods at the end of messages , one puts an end to it and runs into a perplexed question, you quarreled with me, another will not put a full stop and will run into an angry comment, you are illiterate, in fact , you should put a full stop at the end of the sentence, but in the day of slavic writing there are no disputes, everything is with a capital letter, with all punctuation marks from the red line. varvara fedorova, andrey ivanov, mikhail karasev and yulia kuvabina, channel one. lola rossa, iceberg, ramen, salad greens of my favorite artists, i guessed it right, i especially adore ramen, in fact. all of these, of course, are ingredients for summer salads, yes, these are all salads, well, lettuce leaves, yes, sorry about that tuftology, our correspondent marya nikolaeva has compiled a rating of these very green, crispy delicacies, which is healthier, which is better stored than in pots, different from chopped, how much of everything, in general, more
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greens, good and different, every day there are more greens on the shelves , and if most salads are in greenhouses... for a year, now salads from open ground from the southern regions are being picked up. all salads are a type of lettuce. lettuce is a family name. and the names are iceberg lettuce, ramen, lola rossa, regular leaf lettuce. in fourth place hit of the parade of fresh salads, leafy, green, classic. vitamins of group b, k, a, c, more than in lemons and oranges. powerful antioxidant. the consistency is delicate and gives off a hint of sweetness. you can even add it to a salad or as a snack. third place - romain. he is ramana, a tall head of cabbage with hard leaves. in the middle of the rib. romaine lettuce is a leader in the amount of potassium, vitamin k and chlorophyll, which gives it the ability to very well
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support calcium metabolism, and calcium metabolism means healthy bones, healthy teeth. with a slight bitterness for crunch lovers, and juicy at the same time. is it any juicier? then the leafy iceberg, a favorite of chefs and housewives, is in second place, an excellent basis for any salad and burger, but most importantly, the composition is a leader in the content of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin b9, these substances are a powerful support for our nervous system. the leader of the hit parade is curly lola rossa for its zrist shape and purple color at the tips, it is also called coral salad. this pinkish, violet color, is it caused by what? what about the content? these are powerful anti-inflammatory substances that also participate in detoxification processes, they even have an anti-aging effect and help produce more energy. plus a rich
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nutty taste with a slight bitterness, for meat, fish, and in company with other salads. when choosing , you need to understand that in a pot it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 days, maintaining freshness. maximum benefit. the salad mixture in the package lasts up to 10 days at the correct temperature, but when cutting, reactions are triggered. milk is released, this is lettuce juice, white, lactic, in the air it oxidizes, less vitamins, less taste. plus, such a mixture is 30-40 percent more expensive than just putting it together yourself. maria nikolaeva, vladimir repin, andrey ivanov, channel one. only 8 days left. this is on any weather day, especially on weekends, lines of cars stretch from cities to nature, i want to have time to breathe in this summer, it’s so short here, even though there’s little snow and a lot of it. admitted, this is of course understandable, only dear motorists, please be careful when going out into nature,
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it’s not possible to stop everywhere your car, to barbecue by the river, to the sea, to the dacha, and where we leave the car, crimea, coastal village, motorists abandon their cars almost on the shore, only this is a water protection zone, fine for individuals from three to 4,500, for officials from 15 to 20 and for legal entities from 200 to 500 thousand. andrey pashuk, public inspector of the ministry of ecology of the republic of crimea, walks around the coastal zones. there are 60 m from the water's edge to this vehicle, which is part of the coastal protective strip of the black sea and is a violation of the water code. violations are recorded, motorists like this, to put it mildly, we are not happy. i won't touch the red book. and this is yekaterinburg, verkhosetskoye reservoir. this is a very beautiful place, fishing rods and yachts swim here, and many children walk around. there are enough parking lots, so motorists abandon their cars right next to the shore; on the other hand, you can’t leave a fence on the road, so
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you can block the passage. of course, this is wrong, but there is not much choice, in general, because not only are the parking spaces not organized, but the road maintenance leaves much to be desired, of course, this does not relieve responsibility, the water protection zone can be different, from 50 m to several kilometers, it’s better to look at the signs, you can’t, everything is like in the city, once again, leaving your car on the lawn like that is still not necessary, this is a violation, although does not interfere with the passage, the neighbors in the area can really you... employees or just take a few photos and send it to the state traffic inspectorate website, then you will receive a fine. if
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this is an individual, it is 5.00 rubles. fine. if this is an official, then a fine of up to 40,000 rubles. and if this is a legal entity, the owner vehicle is, then up to 400,000 rubles in the amount of the fine. essentially, all you need is to read the signs, not violate traffic rules, not interfere with travel, and not quarrel with your neighbors. parking, parking, but you still have to live nearby. elizaveta nepishova, alekseev chinnikov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. i am sure that you have also noticed that today children, almost from the cradle, handle gadgets and smartphones better than we adults, they know exactly how things work, but do not forget that children are still children, but virtual the world of games and instant messengers is full of scammers, but they don’t know about them, so of course, we need to teach our children safety and we, adults, must do this, i just saw a young mother, the child is not even 2 years old, and he is already on the street . in a stroller, watching cartoons, why should we be surprised when we come across stories like this, please,
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scammers deceived a girl in a computer game, and how it all happened, an unknown person wrote to the child in the messenger and offered to purchase in-game currency at a discount, for this he asked the girl to take a photo of her mother’s plastic card from both sides and send him the photo. and then he persuaded me to take my mother’s phone and tell her the code that came to her via sms. that's it, minus 3000 from the woman's account. and who is to blame here? we ourselves teach children to use gadgets from the very beginning; they become our nanny. the child cries, we turn on the cartoon, he doesn’t eat, the gadget comes to the rescue again, then the games begin, and now you can tear the child away from the tablet or phone only with a scandal. so what is next. scammers are starting to prey on our children. friends, if your child does not
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let go of the phone from morning to evening, you need to solve the problem with a psychologist. and at the same time , take care of safety. your smartphone must be password protected. it's even better that it turns on. by fingerprint. at home, we generally put our mobile phones away. and we talk to our children more often. in particular. we tell you that in the virtual space there are many scammers who cleverly set up their networks. try to make the children trust you, then you will know what is happening to them and rob you it will become more difficult through a child, good luck! our good cheerful morning continues and it’s time for sports and sports news, so all sports fans, pay attention to the screen! our colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry tire. right now he will talk about unusual competitions, in which, however,
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endurance and the ability to run quickly play an important role. the great wall of china. impressive engineering structures on our planet, emperor qingchihuangdi, who lived in the third century bc, ordered its construction for the sole purpose - protect the country from invaders. now this is a popular tourist destination and a venue for the most unusual and difficult marathon in the world. the competition gained such a reputation due to the terrain, which includes many steep descents and ascents along the 5,165 steps. their height reaches forty. centimeters, and the elevation difference in some areas is 200 m. the marathon is organized not for the sake of medals and money, it does not even have a prize fund, but as an opportunity to test one’s strength and admire the beautiful landscapes. not participating in the race only professional athletes, but also amateurs. more than 800 people from 58
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countries, including russia, took part in this, the first in the post-pandemic period. even the twenty-eight degree heat did not deter them. in men, the winner was. briton mark dixon, who covered 42 km 195 m in 3 hours, 43 minutes and 32 seconds, our marat musin was twenty-second. among the women, the fastest was the frenchwoman nadesh person, her result was 4 hours 36 minutes and 26 seconds. perhaps looking at marathon, the great wall of china, in england a leisurely sport for aristocrats were turned into a speed contest. the main principle of speed golf is hit and run. it only takes a few seconds to swing and hit the ball; the use of electric vehicles to transport equipment is prohibited, so athletes carry their clubs with them as best they can. the most popular format is doubles, in which golfers take turns making attempts, but no more than seven on each hole. a world record was recorded at the tournament in wokingham. the course has eighteen holes spread over a 6.5 km course and is full of traditional
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traps, sand pits and ditches with water, local favorites luke willet and... bone passed, or rather, ran in 37 minutes and 43 seconds. well , of course, the last bell is not the graduation ceremony yet, but i think that every graduate wants to be the prom princess, right? yes, i know from myself that i am the queen of the ball, and of course, makeup artist safi kovalenko also knows this very well. makeup for a graduate in hers. performance right now, your daughter is preparing for a holiday party at school and of course wants to shine among her classmates. oh fox, well the main thing here is not to overdo it. let's do a bright and at the same time neat makeup,
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we don't need a thick foundation, so let's take a translucent tone, here you go! with a slightly damp beauty blender, let's work together to further emphasize the beauty of the skin, a trick will help, add an illuminator to the cream blush, that is , a product that illuminates the skin, take it with the same beauty blender, there is no need to wash off the remaining foundation from it, on the contrary , so the makeup will look even more natural, apply it to the cheeks, and also attract attention forever. no, you heard right, this way the eyes will look more expressive, we apply shadows on top, so go ahead yourself, yeah, with small movements, carefully, yeah, okay, no need to go too high, no need to go too high, yeah, yeah, well done, so that the makeup looks good it’s festive in spring, let’s take colored mascara, now i
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’ll show you how to make your eyelashes fluffy and long, cover it with white mascara, and on top we’ll apply this one in the color of the dress. look how expressive the eyes turned out. to further emphasize the color of the eyelashes, use eyeliner of the same shade. if it’s not there, you can take the same mascara. we take it with a thin brush and apply it to the eyelash contour. i recommend applying a tent on your lips. this product stains but does not leave a wet finish. we need a natural shade a little brighter than our own. look, the lips have become brighter, juicier, but at the same time it looks natural. just keep in mind that the tint can dry out the skin of your lips, so we apply
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a transparent gloss or balm on top. i think it turned out great. lisa, you like it, i do too, as you can see, this makeup and... let us remind you on the calendar on may 24, our ancestors had this sign: if it rains on this day, then the whole summer will be rainy. well, i believe that regardless of any signs, the summer will definitely be sunny, bright, beautiful, full of new impressions and will not disappoint us. well, here 's what astrologers think about today: may 24, 16th lunar, sixth solar day, brave, decisive, good friend. a good athlete, cheerful and energetic, when we, as they say, feel in shape, we have no shortage of forces to be in high spirits. in addition, he is quite prudent, he
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has a flair for profitable purchase deals, and his head will simply work well today, it will be difficult to deceive us, you can try to promote some of your interests, find an approach to difficult, intractable people, so mix business and the luminary is not advised to have personal relationships; this can create problems later. even today it is very easy to fall in love. something similar can happen to aries. aries men, today, according to the stars, you are very sensitive to women’s charms, conclusions do it yourself. as for matters , you shouldn’t expect any great breakthroughs, but you will deal with any routine without much effort. for taurus, changes for the better are brewing in their personal lives. single taurus, did you hear that? about business? you can try to solve some problem by connecting personal connections, but keep in mind, they can make big promises and do nothing. it's clearly evening. is planning something like a get-together. for the twins, this is such a confident friday, when they have enough strength to do anything. just keep in mind that confidence and self-confidence are not the
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same thing. and drive more carefully, don’t forget to look in the mirrors. cancers risk being at a loss due to someone else's mistake or oversight. it’s not scary, but it’s unpleasant, so don’t be lazy to double-check and recalculate everything once again. and be careful when buying something on ad sites. the stars hint to you before you... virgos are just having a good day, it will help get something moving, add strength for big difficult things, many virgins will feel that they have become more independent and wiser, feel free to make a date for the evening. libra runs the risk of arguing and even quarreling with their significant other, and because of some nonsense, the stars say in vain, it would be better if the two of you went somewhere. in the evening and be careful with fragile items. a positive day for scorpios, just try not to take on debt, not to make rash promises, both will be remembered to you later,
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be careful with expensive purchases, the evening may invite you somewhere. streltsy people today are very charming, the ladies are simply charming, it’s not surprising that people pay attention to them, sometimes this attention will seem intrusive, but what to do, be more careful with foods and medicines, there is a risk of poisoning. the horns may be slightly frayed by one of their colleagues or partners. now in your professional sphere you may generally experience slight nervousness, however, in the end everything will work out, some money may come, save it, it will come in handy soon, expect guests in the evening. a wonderful day for aquarius: finances, home, work, career, luck is with you in everything, wasting such a day would be the height of wastefulness, but they may also praise you for something or thank you in some way. and everything should work out for the fish. there is really a risk of forgetting something, losing something or leaving something in transport, you are a little distracted today, but the stars warned you, that’s what,
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it would be nice to visit old friends or at least call them, good luck to you, attention, attention, beginners gardeners, if you are thinking about installing a greenhouse, now is the time to do it, but what material to choose is a difficult question, polycarbonate or maybe film, how to correctly calculate the load, how stuffy i am, as they said. you’re making it so complicated, you’ve shattered all your dreams of a greenhouse, but we still need to think about it, let’s listen to what nadezhda pravdin will tell us. summer residents are suffering, not all of them, the greenhouses survived the snowy winter, this is all that was left of it, it was crumpled, well, the greenhouse was just crumpled, they chose 4 m, a greenhouse 4 m long, to grow vegetables for themselves just right, what about the material, is it the cheapest? the thickness of the film is important, that is, 200 microns, it is not needed remove from the frame of a reinforced greenhouse up to 7 years. the snow will have to be cleaned, the film transmits light
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worse than glass, but it is much more expensive. the price of an ordinary country greenhouse under glass starts from 300,000 rubles. glass is a very heavy and fragile material; glass heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly. more expensive than film, but cheaper than glass - cellular polycarbonate, there are many of them. such empty cells help retain heat longer, the effect of a thermos. it is important to pay attention to the sheet thickness of at least 4 mm if we take any thick sheet 8 mm. less light will pass through, there will be more heat, but it will be very hot; this is not necessary for an ordinary country greenhouse. it is important to choose the right polycarbonate. many greenhouses in summer cottages are bright yellow . if the polycarbonate is of poor quality, it does not have ultraviolet protection, and accordingly it will quickly turn yellow. all plants will burn. we decided on the material. polycarbonate 4 mm, owl protection. what about the shape, for example, arched, it can withstand a load of up to 240 kg of snow per square meter.
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but in winter you will have to clean it, with something like this a straight-walled greenhouse can handle the load, it has its advantages, it has a large planting area, we can plant more plants, we can even arrange vertical beds, but the disadvantage of this greenhouse is that it is still very massive, we don’t want to clear the snow, then the greenhouse is triangular , drop-shaped, snow load is already up to 450 kg per square meter,
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with a uniform load, even drop-shaped will bend and no closer than one and a half meters from any building, so as not to be blown away by a shock wave of snow. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. find out what events happened in the country in the world by this hour. news broadcast on air. we'll meet in just a few minutes. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin arrived in minsk on a two-day visit at the invitation of belarusian president alexander lukashenko. the head of the republic came to personally meet the russian leader on the plane. negotiations began right at the airport. i welcome you to your native belarusian land, the belarusian people will be very glad to know that you have come to us. i have very
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interesting proposals for... our region and further there in the caucasus, we discussed this very seriously recently during a visit to azerbaijan, i think that, as usual, we put security issues at the forefront, and tomorrow we will discuss economic issues together with our government colleagues, thank you very much, thank you for the opportunity to come in the evening to talk informally, after negotiations with our arab friends i had such... a big meeting with members of the government, they said how since i was talking about my visit to you, in almost all areas, we talked about industrial cooperation, energy, agriculture, security issues, we will discuss all this today, tomorrow, including security issues, to which you constantly surprise us with great attention, there is also something to talk about here, everything is stable with us.
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it is said well and here we will , of course, talk about the exercises, the second phase of the exercises is associated with the direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere in these events, well, in general, we have a very large trip, and i am very glad that i was able to come today to calmly and use this informal time to talk about all this. the belarusian military is joining the exercise with non-strategic nuclear weapons, which is carried out on behalf of vladimir putin. the maneuvers, as noted earlier in our ministry of defense, were launched in response to provocative statements by officials of western countries and are aimed at maintaining readiness to respond to ensuring the country’s sovereignty. missile formations of the southern military district are practicing preparation for the launch of missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex. aviation equipped with
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hypersonic aircraft is also involved. rockets, daggers and other weapons. meanwhile, the iskander complex destroyed the ukrainian command post and a concentration of military equipment in the special operation zone. the strike was carried out by the west group of troops. the missile launcher itself was located far from the contact line, its firing range was 500 km. this is a precision weapon that can hit almost any object. fierce fighting in area of ​​the vremevsky site. our marines captured a ukrainian armed forces stronghold. under fire from drone raids, they... the colossal losses of the kiev regime at the front, the west is trying to compensate with new supplies. according to the associated press, washington may announce the next tranche of $275 million today. the money will be used to purchase missiles for
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aymars installations, as well as artillery shells. this will be the third delivery from the $61 billion package approved by congress at the end of april. additional weapons intended transfer the so-called international assistance fund to ukraine among its donors. britain, norway, the netherlands and a number of other european countries. according to the sun newspaper, citing the head of the ministry of defense of the united kingdom, the new package will include radars for air defense systems, rap systems, small boats, reconnaissance drones and sea surface drones, all worth $190 million. one of the few leaders of eu countries who openly opposes such supplies to ukraine is prime minister of slovakia robert fica, who suffered, as it turned out. precisely for such an independent position. juraj tsintula, who committed the assassination attempt, did not agree with the policies of his government, supported the pumping up of kiev with weapons, and therefore tried to kill the prime minister. this is the official statement of the court. the crime of which centula is accused
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has already been recognized as political; punishment may be imposed for it, up to life imprisonment. investigators are now checking whether the attacker acted alone, as he himself claims, or whether he had accomplices. and the last one, today is the day of the slavic writing and culture, it is associated with the names of the orthodox saints cyril and methodius, the creators of the slavic alphabet. they lived in the 9th century, on behalf of the byzantine emperor, educators arrived from constantinople on the banks of the danube to preach for peoples who had recently converted to christianity. today , more than 400 million people speak languages ​​that began to emerge back then. traditionally, there are many planned on this day. events throughout the country, these are concerts, exhibitions, lectures in churches, divine liturgy. the main thing is this in the morning, patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia performs the ceremony in the cathedral of christ the savior. and on the eve of the holiday, a memorial ceremony took place in rome. russian diplomats, as well as our
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compatriots, gathered in the basilica of st. clement, where the relics of st. cyril are kept, and laid flowers at the place of his burial. that's all for now. stay with us, the broadcast of the first channel will continue with the program good morning, this is good morning, we continue and welcome everyone who joined us on the calendar may 24, friday, with you today nikita pimenov and olga ushakova. so, we continue, there are two significant moments in the life of every schoolchild: one happens at the very beginning of autumn, the first bell, and the other at the end of may, the last bell between these two events, the whole school life. last calls this week. all over the country, for some, for many, literally these days, saying goodbye to school is, of course, a little sad, maybe even very sad, but there are still so many interesting things ahead, so don’t be sad, but what
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if you come to class in pajamas, i’m ready, we’re at krasnogorsk school number 10, here graduates are allowed almost everything on the last day of school, the younger ones are delighted with such a spectacle. the students immediately suggested, and if so, to dare to hold the last call, to spend the last call in a pirate style, because looking at how i watch films, a pirate suits me very well, it seems to me that the traditional style is boring, boring and boring, it’s always more interesting to do something more modern, something unexpected and something that has never been done before, i want people to mention us, but my parents definitely won’t forget this. in nizhny novgorod school number 176 they decided not to deviate from traditions, there will be a uniform and a farewell waltz, the children at first resisted, then they got involved, in my opinion, it’s beautiful,
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girls, fluff, my grandmother sewed this apron for me, she’s in my face 135 in yekaterinburg, a student was even barricaded in the technology room to sew aprons. meanwhile, the teachers are rehearsing their congratulations, my eyes, if the heart lives, and this is novorossiysk, semigorsky farm, students at school 25 unanimously voted for the cossack uniform, the parade crew last call on horseback. at krasnogorsk school number 18, opinions were divided, half were for the classics, half. it was decided for the trends, there will be a uniform, a waltz, and special agents, well, in my opinion, it’s just a lot of fun, well, we’ll smile at those passing by when we change our image... a
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little differently, it becomes easier to learn, for example, that’s more interesting, in general, the last call for the graduates of 2024 is a compromise and joy, as you can see, everyone is happy, and for now we will leave the tears of the parents for frame. maria kuskova, dmitry roshkov, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. we invite you to go to japan to admire the performance. artist nicknamed masa, by the way, this guy was recently accepted into the specialized association without any entrance tests, all because over the years of training he created such a unique style of juggling that he literally fascinated not only the audience, but also the members of the selection committee. in general, what can you say, a real skeet master? you know the name of this city for sure, even if here haven’t been, the famous water number 4.17. oh, how wonderful she is, let’s lower our hands and start
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taking procedures. the temperature is -85°, that's about it. we don't have any aerobatics in sight today, but we do. hello, arel, we are at an altitude of about 2.0 m above sea level, it’s especially cool to watch such bright sunsets here. the most atmospheric dinner. go! premiere. tomorrow on the first. mom , dad is brunette, child is blond. i did this trick twice. well, you're crazy , it seems like it's fantastic. so, in i went to my grandmother, that’s what parents usually say, or to my grandfather. heredity is not only what we take directly from our parents. and certainly, we are not talking about one generation. how do genes work, why are genetic tests needed? how is this even possible?
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natalya leonova found out how all heredity works there. even from a distance one can see one family, meet the nikishenkins. my great-grandfather was red-haired, then my grandmother, her sister were also red-haired, then my dad, nastya and maxima are still more mine, well, how would you like your facial features to match, if look, with the donskoys it’s the other way around, mom and dad are brown-eyed and burnt. my daughter is blue-eyed and blonde, she is now experimenting with hair color, they came to the border control at the airport, they were always surprised when the fair-haired child looked at me. in the garden, when i came to pick up nastya, they noted that the similarity was so weak, well, with dad it was just the same skin. nastya is my grandmother on my mother's side. scientists explain that our genes store information about our ancestors, and even... if we have some grandmother trait or grandfather did not manifest itself, after a generation it
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can shoot out, and this is not only about appearance, habits, it would seem, should not be associated with genetics, however, there are many observations when, for example, identical twins, separated in early childhood, had very similar characteristics behavior, including habits. this riddle has yet to be solved by geneticists, but who will get more genes from mom or dad is already known. and we won by about 1%. only they can transmit mitochondrial genes. mitochondrial genes determine temperament, for example, yes, a person’s fatigue, the ability to work for long periods of time, which means initiative, and so on. otherwise, what anyone gets is a complete lottery, it’s about height, eye color, and health. according to genetics, we have inherited this kind of skin, yes, that is, phonicular keratosis, and according to the endocrine system we have problems, poor vision. from generation to generation, my grandmother, my dad,
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and nastya have poor eyesight. if parents have any diseases, this does not always mean that they will manifest themselves in children, but this is something worth paying attention to. scientists have learned to determine the risk of genetic damage that causes, for example, down syndrome, even at the stage of pregnancy. other genetic tests help identify diseases in newborns so that they can intervene promptly. and now the methods have already entered into practice. gene therapy, where we can replace existing genes or introduce new genes into the human body, with the most striking example here of course being the amazing results in the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy. dials revolutions and pharmacogenetics, a relatively new field in medicine, studies how heredity affects the metabolism of drugs, that is, it helps to choose a more accurate dose of a drug, and this is only a small part of the application of genetic research. natalya leonova, yuri lebedi. denis panomariov, stanislav kizhnyakov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. our good, cheerful
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morning continues, the time has come to find out what got into the network of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspen. how will videos surprise us today? let's we'll see. by tradition, we start with cats. we ask for love and favor. cheerful couple marmalade and stake. the tailed animals decided to help their owner make the bed. you can see for yourself how they did it. footage of cats playing has already been liked by more than 5 million people. and will there be more? and this marquise may be the most stylish monkey in the world. every morning she picks up a comb and makes herself beautiful in front of the mirror. 3 million internet users have already appreciated this fashionable awning look ; more and more people are asking the price, almost like us every morning. insects are not they so often fly into the world wide web, but if they appear, they do it very impressively, for example, like this bumblebee, which selflessly fights
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dust. for his hard work, he has already earned 10 million likes. and if you look at it from above, it’s practically a painting, perhaps an artist’s. well, finally, about our favorite panda katyusha from the moscow zoo, she took a new height, following her mother dindin, the little panda climbed to the very top of the artificial mountain, we can only applaud her. bravo, katyusha! on it’s already may 24th on the calendar, the gardens are in full bloom, all sorts of tomatoes and cucumbers are growing in the garden beds, but the may frosts in many regions, alas, spoiled the mood of summer residents, but our summer residents are seasoned people . experienced gardeners and gardeners prepare in advance for their arrival every year, and there is still time to correct the situation. summer residents are counting losses; heat-loving plants, such as large-leaved hydrangeas, suffered the most from prolonged frosts. it blooms with huge caps of pink
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color, this time there will be flowering, but very it’s weak, but there are chances, so we’re not in a hurry to cut off the frozen branches, just in case. sleeping buds will still wake up. what about fruit trees? here is a pear, instead of a flowering tree, there are bare branches. usually, it is on this tree that we collect at least two buckets of pears, and this happens every year. this year there will be no pears at all. and the apple trees froze too. usually they collected it in boxes; this year the harvest will be, well, two or three apples from the entire plant. the bushes were a little better; the gooseberries were shrinking.
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or new, also here, all over again we planted it, we're still waiting for the harvest, the flower garden will be unusually bare this year, the ferns couldn't stand it at all, lilies always suffer, the boiled ones rose from the top, then we had another -5 the next day, everything that wasn't killed at -7 was killed at -5, irina
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managed to save the young apple trees, just like wrapping a baby, one night we had -7, i wrapped everything up like this. albina borisova from chuvash suffered from frost damage to her early strawberries and lost her entire harvest. the early varieties have already bloomed, they are frozen, that is, of course, the harvest from them this year is already there is no need to wait. summer residents are upset about picking strawberries. this year we will succeed only with those varieties that bear fruit several times per season. nadezhda pravdina, dmitry filippov, channel one. our cheerful good morning continues, we wish bon appetit to those who are now. is having breakfast and it’s time for us to make it delicious too, cheese, sausages, eggs and tomato are all you need for a hearty breakfast, and if you add some pita bread, you get a delicious quick pie, i put a sheet of pita bread in a greased frying pan, lay out cross-cuts cut lengthwise two
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sausages, it turned out to be four sectors, add filling to each, break an egg. i sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped herbs, cover the workpiece with a second sheet of pita bread, close the pan, and cook the pie for 10 minutes. over low heat, carefully turn it over using a lid or plate, put the pie back in the pan, look how the pita bread has browned, decorate with slices of tomato with grated cheese, cook the pie over low heat for another 5 minutes, a hearty breakfast is ready, cut it into pieces, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs , just like me i love juicy sausages, scrambled eggs and melted cheese. and all this is wrapped in crispy golden
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pita bread. have a nice breakfast. let's take a quick trip to australia to meet engineer dann bolwell. for 30 years now, a man has been collecting vintage bicycles with huge front wheels, so-called penifartings, in his spare time. but he doesn’t make them anyhow, using modern ones. technologies and materials, so it’s comfortable to ride such retro monsters, their durability exceeds 60,000 km, the season is gaining momentum, dear summer residents, we appeal to you, we wish you a rich harvest this year and of course health, please, not too 100%, because it is very important not to be too zealous in these beds, it is important to take care of yourself, absolutely right, well, just in case case, listen to traumatologist andrei tarasov, he will tell you how to act if you suddenly find yourself in the garden. got your leg back, well, by the way, this can happen not only in the beds, while working in the beds you stumbled and twisted your leg, it hurts to walk,
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a bruise and swelling have formed in the area of ​​the ankle, apply a bottle of cold water or a bag of frozen food to the sore spot, the cold will reduce the pain, now let's fix the joint, cardboard will serve as a splint, tie it to the leg and go to injury. point to exclude fracture or dislocation. if you get away with a sprain, the doctor will prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and ointments. you also need to ensure maximum rest for the joint; it is better to lie down with your leg raised higher. this way we improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. in in addition to treatment, we need compresses. dissolve two teaspoons of table salt in a glass of water and soak. several layers of gauze, wrap the sore spot, secure it with a bow, put on a warm sock, salt has
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a dissolving effect, when it becomes easier, stretch the leg, squeeze and unclench the fingers, gently rotate it towards the ankle joint, and also put the sore foot on a step, pull it down, do everything slowly, carefully, making sure there is no... acute pain, speedy recovery to you. on the calendar may 24, more summer will come in just 8 days, it's time to think about summer vacation. the most prudent ones have probably already planned it, some even managed to buy a tour, but many prefer to buy so -called last-minute tours literally a few days before the trip, the desire not to overpay, of course, is quite understandable and understandable, but who among us doesn’t want to save money . but the most important thing here is not to run into scammers who are no good. they don’t sell, but simply steal the money of gullible tourists, and then disappear with them. tickets can only be burned if supply
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exceeds demand. this is when there are extra seats on the plane and extra places in the hotel that the tour operator has already paid for, an additional discount for tourists is obtained, it can be 20 or 30%. everyone loves discounts, and scammers know this, which is why last minute deals are the way to go. they are often sold from gemini websites; outwardly they are no different from the original. you receive a letter in the mail: a last minute trip, a well-known company, a well-known name, you click on the link, they don’t take money from you, they offer you options trips. and the phone number on this website of the current tour operator, you can call and find out everything about hotels and offers from real employees. then come and find this letter in the mail. follow the link, make sure what the price is, the price may change, just like on a real site, click payment, the alarm
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bell doesn’t ring, because you’re great, you ’ve thought of everything, at the time of payment the money goes to scammers, the lifespan of a fake site 2-3 days, which is why it specializes mainly in last-minute tours. digital hygiene is very simple: you check the domain name, then we need to copy this name and check. in any search engine, directly copy this name and reviews, you can also check the domain registration date, to do this, enter a query, check the domain, paste the copied name , remember the scammer’s sites. usually very fresh. for this tour operator it is 1998, that is, it has been around for a long time. and yes, last-minute tours are, of course, cheaper, but by a maximum of 30%. first of all, when you are offered a 50-70% discount, this is already a certain danger. also need understand that the company operates legally, and if you are offered a transfer to an individual’s card, payment for your trip or through a fast payment system, this is also
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the first call of fraudulent activity. by the way. tour operators say that early booking is now much more profitable than last-minute travel packages, but in this case it is worth remaining vigilant to carefully check the travel agency. anna soldatova, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov, channel one. i am the head of the leninsky district administration. valentina sergeevna, here are some sweets, here are some flowers. do you love dahlias? no. well, who doesn't love it? how did you end up here? and you got through to the direct line, they looked at me so sternly from the tv, and i actually have a mukhtar show, kvn: the first quarter-final, tomorrow after the program time, in fact, we were preparing for a regional music competition, our school should win, but who is this, why am i seeing this for the first time, she is an excellent student, i have
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a release, why was she in prison? you are simply captivating, i want to listen, watch and admire, don’t say anything, just watch, three chords, new season, in sunday is on the first day, and now let 's go on a short trip, for example, beyond the arctic circle on the coast of the barents sea
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to teriberka, this place is famous for its polar lights, and... it is also loved by fans of extreme surfing. let's catch the wave! teriberka, coast of the barinsky sea, in the country's first surfing competition with the arctic circle. it is believed that water temperatures below +14 are not very suitable for classic surfing. here even in summer the maximum is +10, today +4. but look how much daredevils. 24 participants registered from the city of st. petersburg, kaliningrad, etc. murmansk, and also from kamchatka dmitry from kaliningrad says new sensations. there is such a specificity here, yes, like a tight, like a swell that comes here from the ocean, unlike kaliningrad, from the baltic surf, which is mainly obtained from wind waves, surges, there is a slightly different structure, a slightly different physics, from this some times it’s even more comfortable to ride, but
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at other times you test your strength. in such cold in the arctic, the main thing is to choose the right equipment, a warm suit is necessary, that is, five-millimeter suits, there are seven-millimeter suits, i ’m in a freediving suit, it’s one-piece, warm, separate jacket, separate pants, i’m very hot, i’m in gloves, hot water, because of the strong wind we had to start at night, it’s good that it’s already a polar day in tereberka, it’s not clear that it’s night, as if my head doesn’t understand that we’re at night now, 12:00 at night, the guys are riding, catching. .. full, if this continues, it will be possible to go to these parts not only for the northern lights. liliya lobkova, marina glushenkova, kirill tumanov, channel one. well, now let's go on our traditional television journey together with our permanent guide vadim labachenko. let's take a look at penguin island in australia. penguin island in western australia is a popular
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tourist destination. they only live there. perth penguins, they are much smaller than ordinary penguins, unlike others, are not at all prone to ice and snow and cold weather. australian penguins are more closely related to cape penguins, which live in the extreme south of africa. penguins and perth are also moderately thermophilic. and when extreme heat hit australia not very long ago, they stopped laying eggs and building nests. my team and i made several penguin nests from plywood, they gladly occupied them and began to lay eggs, the fastest ones are already hatching them, the inhabitants
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of the island had a chance to defend their right to be called residents of penguin island, so now the main occupation of the islanders is waiting to care for little penguins. we know what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour, the news is on the air, we will meet in just a few minutes, hello, the news is on the air, in the studio sergei tugushev. today , the main events will take place in minsk as part of vladimir putin’s two-day visit to belarus. the russian president arrived in the capital of the republic late in the evening at the invitation of his visit to belarus.
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there was such a big meeting with our arab friends with members of the government, they were talking about my visit to you, we went through almost all areas there on industrial cooperation, on energy, on agriculture, on security issues, we will discuss all this today, tomorrow, everything is stable, everything is going well and...
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the iskander operational-tactical complex. preparations for missile launches . aviation is also involved, equipped with hypersonic dagger missiles and other means of destruction. in general, during the negotiations in minsk, as part of vladimir putin’s visit, it is planned to discuss topical issues of further development russian-belarusian relations, strategic partnership and alliance. the progress and... prospects of integration interaction within the framework of the union state, as well as key international topics. russian pilots attacked ukrainian positions in the kharkov region. the crews of the mi-35 and k-52m helicopters fired missiles
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at the strongholds of the camouflaged vehicles. the enemy lost several vehicles and also suffered heavy losses of personnel. our troops are pushing back ukrainian formations and uchasavara. a platoon of militants was eliminated there. the un general assembly adopted a controversial resolution on genocide in srebrenica. the document was proposed by representatives of bosnia and herzegovina, rwanda and germany. in essence, the resolution holds serbia and the republika srpska responsible for the bloody events of the mid-nineties that took place there after the collapse. russia, like 18 other states, opposed this initiative; 84 parties supported it, while 68 abstained.
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vasiliy nebendi called the results of the vote for russia’s postpret prion a disgrace, especially considering the fact that the main the resolution was supported by germany, which, the russian diplomat recalled, ignited two world wars in the 20th century and exterminated millions of people in concentration camps. are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term genocide in relation to anything other than its monstrous crimes. let us remember that the un itself, in the hall we are in today, was created because of the crimes of nazi germany in order to prevent such crimes against humanity once and for all. moreover, as serbian president aleksandar vucic said, the initiator of the resolution from germany put serious pressure on the state before the vote. un members, essentially blackmailing them. as a sign of protest, serbian residents staged a car rally. the rally was organized in montenegro, where they were unhappy with their government’s support for the resolution. against this background is intention.
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republika srpska announced its withdrawal from bosnia and herzegovina. they are going to present the corresponding plan within 30 days. washington begins major overhaul cooperation with georgia due to the law on transparency of foreign influence adopted by the parliament in tbilis. this is stated in a written statement by us secretary of state antony blinken. the threats came after the georgian authorities did not succumb to pressure from western countries. they demand the repeal of the law according to which in the republic. a register of non-governmental media organizations financed from foreign sources should be created; it is noteworthy that this is essentially a copy of the american law, only much more soft. nevertheless, in washington such arbitrariness was considered unacceptable and they even began to talk about sanctions. patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill today celebrates his name day, as it is customary to call his name day. traditionally, on this day a representative of the russian orthodox church is congratulated.
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that's all for now, stay with us, channel one will continue to broadcast the program good morning, good morning to all our early birds, on the calendar may 24, friday, and we continue, express tests, they are not difficult to buy. pharmacies and even in an ordinary supermarket you can also find them, as for tests for influenza or covid, i think that many have purchased them, but there are also express tests for other serious diseases, for example, myocardial infarction or stomach ulcers, but here the question arises, is it possible should we entrust a serious diagnosis to a test that costs only a few hundred rubles? if everything were so simple, then why should we go to doctors there, and in general how these tests work, let’s figure it out, high... 99%
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reliability, guarantee from the manufacturers, a from doctors: first we check the test for myocardial infarction, prick your finger, drip blood onto the strip and wait 7-10 minutes. test for myocardial infarction, negative, we only have one control strip. are these tests a substitute for a real examination? no, of course, if, for example, our patient complains of chest pain, it is necessary. an ambulance, that is, we can simply waste time, of course, it turns out, rapid testing for myocardial infarction shows only if there is a violation, which one and how serious, such information no: it is generally impossible to detect gastritis or stomach ulcers using rapid tests, this test shows the familiarity of the human immune system with such a pathogen as helicobacter pillary, not all cases of gastritis, not all cases of ulcers are associated with infection with helicobacter. this is
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firstly, secondly, to assess cure, these tests are not used in principle, such diagnoses are only after endo or gastroscopy, which are prescribed by gastroenterologists. we need imaging for peptic ulcer disease, the alternative is radiography with contrasting in the esophagus, stomach , duodenum, this is the kit that is most effective in diagnosing gastritis and peptic ulcers. the man has already had his third test for prostate cancer, the result is positive, but this is too serious a diagnosis to trust a test that costs 200 rubles. to diagnose it accurately, in addition to donating blood , you will need a more serious examination, ultrasound and biopsy of the prostate. express tests for influenza or covid are another matter; they even do them in the clinic. the flu and covid test has a sensitivity of about 98% and specificity is 100. this means 98%.
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oldbarr cognac is a product of the stellar group. stellar with group. whiskey mancacher. stellar group. sheaf. product of steller group. cognac monte chococa. product of steller group. for your seventy-fifth birthday. zhen,
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let me out, it’s me, alone, i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says, sashka, what, why be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for? that you are silent, smile, blink your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i want someone i remind you, very strange, recruiter. she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw. lyubov polishchuk, the last tango, we met on sunday at
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the first, only 8 days left until summer, on any weather day, especially on weekends, a line of cars. are drawn from cities to nature, i want to have time to breathe this summer, it ’s so short here, even though it has little snow and is very capricious, this is of course understandable, only dear motorists, please be careful when going out into nature, it’s not possible to stop everywhere to leave your car, for barbecue by the river, at the sea, at the dacha, but where should we leave the car? crimea, coastal village, motorists abandon their cars almost on the shore, only this is a water protection zone, a fine for individuals.
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it’s a very beautiful place, ducks and yachts swim here, a lot of children walk around, of course there’s not enough parking, so motorists abandon their cars right next to the shore, on the other hand you can’t leave a fence on the road, so you can block the passage, of course this wrong, but there is not much choice, in general, because not only are the parking spaces not organized, but the road maintenance leaves much to be desired, of course, it exempts you from responsibility, the water protection zone can vary from 50 m up to several kilometers, it is better to look at the signs, you can leave the car on the side of the road if it does not interfere with travel, is not in a water protection zone, but what to do in snt? within the snt, a car can be parked on public roads, if this does not
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contradict the rules of the road and parking areas for vehicles may be designated if this does not impede the movement of other vehicles. but pay attention, you still can’t leave your car on the lawn like that, it’s just like in... the city again, you don’t have to do it like that, this is a violation, although it doesn’t interfere with travel, neighbors in the area can actually call the employees or just do a few photo and send it to the traffic police website, then you will receive a fine. if this is an individual, it is 5.00 rubles. fine, if this is an official, then a fine of up to 40,000 rubles. and if it's legal the person who owns the vehicle , then up to 4,000 rubles. the amount of the fine. in fact, all you need is to read the signs, not violate traffic rules, not interfere with travel, and not yet.
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better stored than in a pot, different from chopped, how much, in general, there are more greens, good and varied, every day there are more greens on the shelves, and if most salads are in greenhouses all year round, now salads from open ground from the south are catching up regions, all salads are a type of lettuce, lettuce is a surname, they go names, iceberg lettuce, romaine, lo. regular leaf salad, fourth place in the hit parade of fresh salads, leafy, green, classic, b vitamins, ac more than in lemons and oranges, powerful antioxidant, delicate consistency, gives off a sweetness, you can put it in a salad, even as a snack. third place -
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romain, also known as romana, a tall head of cabbage with hard leaves in the middle of the rib. romaine lettuce is the leader in terms of potassium and vitamin content. and chlorophyll, which makes it possible for it to very well support calcium metabolism, and calcium metabolism - these are healthy bones, healthy teeth, with a slight bitterness for those who like to crunch, at the same time... juicy, juicier, perhaps the leafy iceberg, the favorite of cooks and housewives, is in second place, an excellent basis for any salad and burger, but the main thing is the composition. is a leader in the content of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin b9, these substances are a powerful support for our nervous system. the leader of the hit parade is curly lola rossa, a slit-shaped shape and purple color at the tips, it is also called coral salad, this... purple color, is it due to what? a content of certain substances called anphoceans and carotenoids. these are
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powerful anti-inflammatory substances that are also involved in detoxification processes; they even have an anti-inflammatory effect that helps produce more energy. plus a rich nutty taste with a slight bitterness for meat and fish in combination with other salads. when choosing, you need to understand the one that is stored in the pot. refrigerate for up to 12 days, maintaining freshness and maximum benefits. salad mixture in packaging for up to 10 days at the correct temperature, but when cut reactions are started. milk is released, this is lettuce juice, white in color, lactation in the air, it oxidizes, less vitamins, less taste. plus, such a mixture is 30-40 percent more expensive than just putting it together yourself. maria nikolaeva, vladimir repin, andrey ivanov, channel one. i am sure that you have also noticed that today children, almost from the cradle, handle gadgets and smartphones
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better than we adults, they know exactly how things work, but do not forget that children are still children, but virtual world of games and messengers are full of scammers, but they don’t know about them. therefore, of course, we need to teach our children safety and we, adults, must do this. i just saw a young mother, the child is not even 2 years old, and he is already on the street. in a stroller, watching cartoons, why should we be surprised when we come across stories like this, please, scammers deceived a girl in a computer game, and how it all happened, an unknown person wrote to the child in the messenger and offered to purchase in-game currency at a discount, for this he asked the girl take a photo of your mother’s plastic card from both sides and send him the photo. and then he persuaded me to take my mother’s phone and tell her the code that came to her via sms. that's it, minus 300,000
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from the woman's account. and who is to blame here? we ourselves teach children to use gadgets from the very beginning; they become our nanny. the child cries, we turn on the cartoon, he doesn’t eat, the gadget comes to the rescue again, then the games begin, and now you can tear the child away from the tablet or phone only with a scandal. so what is next. scammers are starting to prey on our children. friends, if your child does not let go of the phone from morning to evening, you need to solve the problem with a psychologist. and at the same time , take care of safety. your smartphone must be password protected. even better, it can be activated using a fingerprint. at home, we generally put our mobile phones away. and we talk to our children more often. in particular. we are telling you that there are a lot of scammers in the virtual space, they cleverly
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set up their networks, try to make sure that the children trust you, then you will know what is happening to them and rob you it will become more difficult through a child, good luck! well , of course, the last bell is not the graduation ceremony yet, but i think that every graduate wants to be the prom princess, because yes, yes, the prom queen, i know from myself, and of course. your daughter is getting ready for a holiday party at school and of course wants to shine among her classmates. oh lis, the main thing here is not to overdo it. let's do a bright and at the same time neat makeup. dense! we don’t need foundation, so let’s take a translucent tone, here you go! apply the product slightly damp
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with a beauty blender, let's together, a trick will help to further emphasize the beauty of the skin, add an illuminator to the cream blush, that is , a product that illuminates the skin, we take it with the same beauty blender, there is no need to wash off the remnants of foundation from it, on the contrary, it’s makeup will look even more natural, we apply it to the cheeks, and also, attention, naveki, no, you heard right, this way the eyes will look more expressive, from above... apply the shadows, so go ahead yourself, yeah, with small movements, carefully, yeah, good , you don’t need it high, you don’t need it high, yes, yes, well done, to make your makeup look festive in spring, take colored mascara, now i ’ll show you how to make your eyelashes fluffy and long, cover it with white mascara,
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apply this one on top in the color of the dress . look how expressive the eyes turned out. to further emphasize the color of the eyelashes, use eyeliner of the same shade. if you don’t have it, you can take the same mascara. we take it with a thin brush and apply it to the eyelash contour. i recommend applying a tent on your lips. this is the remedy colors but does not leave a wet finish. we need. the natural shade is a little brighter than your own, look, the lips have become brighter, juicier, but at the same time it looks natural, just keep in mind that the tint can dry out the skin of the lips, so we apply a transparent gloss or balm on top, in my opinion it turned out great. lisa, do you like it? me
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too. as you can see, this makeup suits adult women. this week, may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, fresh, live fish, what kind? well, so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya. they were horrified that she was a ballet dancer. small, thin, 47 kg in my opinion. it weighed with the bed, bought things in the children's world. viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, he joked about roman kartser. tatyana, admit it, when did you fall in love? well, the first time. one day tatyana was introduced as such, ilchenko’s wife kartseva. tomada was misha zhvanetsky, he gave his friend a shirt at the wedding. our exclusive,
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family secrets of the famous memoristic duet ilchenko and kartsev. he was so faithful, devoted, there was crazy love, just crazy, i can say clearly, he didn’t change me, i think he didn’t regret anything. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first. let us remind you that on the calendar on may 24, our ancestors had such a sign that if it rains on this day, then the whole summer will be rainy. well, i think that regardless of any signs, it’s summer. it will definitely be sunny, bright, beautiful, full of new impressions and will not disappoint us. here you go what do astrologers think about today? may 24, sixteenth lunar, sixth solar day. brave, decisive, good friend, good athlete, cheerful and energetic. when we, as they say, feel in shape, we have no shortage of forces to be in high spirits. in addition, he is quite
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prudent, he has a sense for good purchase deals, and it will simply be good today. work with your head and it will be difficult to deceive us, you can try to promote some of your interests, find an approach to difficult, intractable people, but mix the luminary does not advise business and personal relationships, this can create problems later, even today it is very easy to fall in love. something similar can happen to aries. aries men, today, according to the stars, you are very sensitive to women’s charms, draw your own conclusions, as for matters , you shouldn’t expect any great breakthroughs, but you will deal with any routine without anyone. effort. for taurus, changes for the better are brewing in their personal lives. lonely taurus, did you hear that? about business, you can try to solve some problem by connecting personal connections, but keep in mind apparently, they can promise three boxes and do nothing, the evening is clearly starting to be something like a get-together. the twins have such a confident friday, when they have enough strength to do anything. just keep in mind that confidence
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and self-confidence are not the same thing. and drive more carefully, don’t forget to look in the mirrors. cancers run the risk of being at a loss because of someone’s mistake or oversight, it’s not scary, but it’s unpleasant, so don’t be lazy to double-check and recalculate everything, and be careful when buying something on websites advertisements the stars hint to leos that before you take advantage of someone’s help, remember that you will later owe this person, good news, today you are very attractive to the opposite sex. virgos are just having a good day, it will help move something forward, add strength for big ones and... many virgins will feel that they have become more independent and wiser, feel free to make a date for the evening. libras run the risk of arguing and even quarreling with their significant other, and over some nonsense. in vain - the stars say, it would be better the two of you went somewhere in the evening, and be careful with fragile objects. a positive day for scorpios, just try not to take on debt and not make rash
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promises, both will be remembered to you later, be careful with expensive purchases, the evening may invite you somewhere. sagittarius today are very charming, the ladies are simply charming, it is not surprising that people pay attention to them, sometimes this attention will seem intrusive, but what should you do more carefully? medications, there is a risk of poisoning. capricorns can get on their nerves a little from colleagues or partners. nowadays you may experience slight nervousness in your professional sphere. however, in the end everything will work out. some money may come, save it, it will come in handy soon. expect guests in the evening. a wonderful day for aquarius: finances, home, work, career, good luck in everything . to waste such a day would be the height of wastefulness. and they can also praise you for something or somehow... thank you, everything should work out for pisces, there is, however, a risk of forgetting something, losing something or leaving it in transport, you are a little absent-minded today, but the stars warned you, that’s what,
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it would be nice to visit old friends or at least call them, good luck to you, attention, attention, beginning gardeners, if you are thinking about installing a greenhouse, this is the time to do, but what material to choose, that’s a difficult question, polycarbonate or maybe film, which is correct? consider the load, how stuffy and stuffy i am, as they said, you’re making it so complicated, all my dreams of a greenhouse have been dashed, but still we need to think about it, let’s let's listen to what hope truth will tell us, summer residents are suffering, not all of them, the greenhouses survived the snowy winter, that's all that was left of it, it was crumpled, well, it was just a greenhouse that was crumpled, they chose 4 m, a greenhouse 4 m long so that grow your own vegetables . what about the material? the cheapest option is film. the thickness of the film is important, that is, 200 microns; it does not need to be removed from the frame of a reinforced greenhouse for up to 7 years. the snow
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will have to be cleaned, the film transmits light worse than glass, but it is much more expensive. the price of a regular country greenhouse under glass starts from 300,000 rub. glass is a very heavy and fragile material, glass heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly. more expensive than film, but cheaper than glass. cellular polycaronate, it has a lot of empty cells like this, it helps to retain heat longer, the effect of a thermos. it is important to pay attention to the sheet thickness of at least 4 mm; if we take some thick sheet of 8 mm, less light will pass through, there will be more heat, but it will be very hot. for a regular country greenhouse this is not necessary. it is important to choose the right polycarbonate. many greenhouses in summer cottages are bright yellow . if the polycarbonate is of poor quality, it... does not have protection from ultraviolet radiation, so it will quickly turn yellow, all the plants will burn, the material was decided on 4 mm polycarbonate, soya protection, but what about the shape, for example, arched, can withstand
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a load of up to 240 kg of snow per meter square, but in winter you will have to clean it, a straight-walled greenhouse can handle approximately the same load, it has its advantages, it is a large planting area, we can plant more plants, we can even arrange... beds, but the disadvantage of this the greenhouse is that it is still very massive, we don’t want to clear the snow, then the greenhouse is triangular, teardrop-shaped, the snow load is already up to 450 kg per square meter, the snow will roll down and become rusty, there is still a minus, we cannot plant any here plants, this is the only disadvantage of this greenhouse, along the side walls, you see, it slopes, you need to distribute the plantings very wisely, and also all the greenhouses are made of polycarbonate for... so this material does not require heavy polycarbonate structures of 16 times lighter than glass, therefore you can use a lightweight aluminum profile
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and it is better, of course, to use a galvanized one, but of course we place the greenhouse evenly with an uneven load, even a teardrop-shaped one will bend and no closer than one and a half meters from any building, so as not to be blown away by a shock wave of snow. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. next on air. newscast, see you in a few minutes. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin arrived in minsk on a two-day visit at the invitation of belarusian president alexander lukashenko. republic came to personally meet the russian leader at the plane's steps. negotiations began right at the airport.
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now we talked with members of the government about my visit to you, we went over almost all areas there on industrial cooperation, on energy, on agriculture, on the issue of security, we will discuss all this today, tomorrow, including security issues, which you you always pay a lot of attention, there is something to talk about here too, everything is stable and
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developing. okay, let's talk here, of course, this is due to the direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere, in these events, well, in general, we have a very big agenda, and i am very glad that i was able to come today, so that peace of mind can be used in this kind of informal time talk about all these issues. the belarusian military is joining exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons, which are carried out on behalf of vladimir putin. the maneuvers, as noted earlier in our ministry of defense, began in response to provocative statements by officials western countries and aimed at maintaining readiness to respond to ensuring the country's sovereignty. missile formations of the southern military district are preparing for the launch of missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex. aviation equipped with
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hypersonic missiles is also involved. destroyed ukrainian command posts and accumulations of military equipment in the special operation zone, the blow was inflicted by the west group of troops. the missile launcher itself was far from the contact line, its firing range was 500 km. this is a precision weapon that can hit almost any object. fierce fighting in the vremevsky area, our marines captured a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. under fire from drone raids, they held onto... western weapons. colossal losses of the kiev regime at the front. the west is trying to compensate with new supplies. according to the associated press, washington may announce the next tranche of $275 million today. the money will be used to purchase rockets for hai installations, as well as artillery shells. this.
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this will be the third delivery from the $61 billion package approved by congress at the end of april ; the so-called international aid fund for ukraine, among its donors the uk, norway, the netherlands and a number of other european countries, intends to transfer additional weapons. as the sun newspaper writes, with reference to the head of the ministry of defense of the united kingdom, the new package will include radars for air defense systems, rap systems, small boats, reconnaissance drones and sea surface drones, all worth 190 million. one of the few leaders eu countries who openly oppose such supplies to ukraine are prime minister of slovakia robert fica, who suffered, as it turned out, precisely for such an independent position. juraj tsintula, who committed the assassination attempt, did not agree with the policies of his government, supported the pumping of kiev with weapons, and therefore tried to kill the prime minister, this is the official statement of the court, the crime of which
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tsintula is accused has already been recognized. states, or he had accomplices. donald trump, potential candidate whether the attacker acted alone, as the republicans himself in the upcoming us presidential elections, held a rally in new york for the first time in 8 years. more than one and a half thousand people came to the event. everything happened peacefully, without provocations, despite the fact that the city traditionally supports democrats. in 2020, current us president joe biden won the district by a significant margin, and new york state has voted exclusively democratic for the last almost 40 years. trump’s campaigning took place under the already familiar slogan: let’s do it america great again. the former head of the white house has already collected the required number of delegate votes to be nominated for the post of head of state from the republicans, as well as biden, who is running for a second term from the democrats, so the fight could again
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unfold between the same candidates as. in the last elections. good morning, dear tv viewers, thank you for celebrating this day together. the most long-awaited working day on the calendar, because it is friday, may 24, and by the way, it is a special day, it is the day of slavic writing and culture, with which we congratulations to you, on this day we remember the holy equal-to-the-apostles brothers cyril and methodius. as you remember, cyril and methodius are the creators of our alphabet, they lived more than 10 centuries ago, since then our language, of course, has changed a lot and continues to change now. letter yat today.
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they are called by the name of their teacher, cyrillic. it is on the basis of the cyrillic alphabet that many alphabets and languages ​​will grow. we had a font reform in russian in 1708, or the great peter the great revolution. lomonosov joked that under peter not only the boyars and boyars, but also the letters were dropped
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wide fur coats dressed up in summer clothes. literature begins to be written and printed using a civil font, which was developed on the basis of the latin antiqua font, and is much more similar to our modern letters. and at the same time , outdated letters were eliminated: xi, psi and yu with a small one, but they are still somewhere nearby, psi, for example, in psychology textbooks. students in psychology classes often use it to shorten the name of their subject, because psychology begins with this letter in greek. since then, writing has almost does not change. the last new letter that appeared in the russian alphabet is the letter yo. it dates back to the end of the 18th century, well, by the standards of language history, recently, because it’s 200 years old. language is not a period by the standards of our life, of course, for a very long time, but the spelling is changing, the word is naturally scientific, in the dictionary of the year fifty-six it is merged into the modern one with a hyphen, not a reform, just philologists know more about word formation, modern colloquial spelling in the same
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messengers generally a separate species, just look at the debate about the dots at the end messages, one will put an end to it and will run into a perplexed question: did you quarrel with me, the other will not put an end to it and will run into an angry comment: are you illiterate? in fact, at the end of the sentence you need to put a period, but in the day of slavic writing there are no disputes, everything is with a capital letter, with all punctuation marks, with a red line. varvara fedorova, andrey ivanov, mikhail karasev and yulia kuvabina, channel one. our cheerful good morning continues, we wish bon appetit to those who are having breakfast now, and it’s time for us to make it tasty too. cheese, sausages, eggs and tomato - everything you need for a hearty breakfast, and if you add more pita bread, cut two sausages lengthwise, you get four sectors, add filling to each,
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break an egg, sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped herbs, cover the workpiece with a second sheet of pita bread , close the pan, cook the pie for 10 minutes over low heat, carefully turn it over using a lid or plate, put the pie back in the pan, watch how the pita bread has browned, decorate with tomato slices with grated cheese, cook the pie over low heat for another 5 minutes, a hearty breakfast ready, cut into pieces, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs, everything is just as i... love it, juicy sausages, scrambled eggs and melted cheese, all wrapped in crispy brown lavash, have a nice breakfast, love has no
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word for late, misha and i are 4 years old we met back, we have such a young couple, it even gives me goosebumps, because really my beloved woman, since... i want some kind of gentle comfort, gentle loft, gentle loft, wow, how interesting, i didn't plan a partition there, a partition. must be placed, it must to separate the source of degas from the residential area, you will think that this is wood, an engineered board, but no, it is also from vandals, that is, here you can click on your heels and nothing will happen to him, let’s turn on the lights, about comfort, the premiere, tomorrow at first, ranevskaya doesn’t know that frankenbox was drawn on her, without showing the picture, are you calling for an appointment?
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since monday, my funeral is on the first day , an orchestra is playing, instead of my photo, a photo of a freekin, mom, dad is brunette, the child is blond, i pulled this trick twice, well, it seems crazy that this is fantastic, it means i took after my grandmother, parents usually say so, or after my grandfather, heredity is not only something that we take directly from our parents, we are certainly not talking about one generation. how genes work, why genetic tests are needed, how
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all this heredity works there, natalya leonova found out. even from a distance you can see one family, meet the nikishenkins. my great-grandfather was red-haired, then my grandmother and her sister were also red-haired, then my dad, nastya and maxima are still more mine, so how would be eye color and, accordingly, facial features. look at the don people it’s the other way around, mom, dad are brown-eyed brunettes, daughter is blue-eyed blonde, she’s the one experimenting with hair color now, at the airport they came to border control they were always surprised when they looked at me as a fair-haired child, in the garden, when i came for nastya, they noted that , that the similarity is so weak, well, with dad it’s only similar in light, nastya is a grandmother on my mother’s side, a scientist... they explain that our genes store information about our ancestors, and even
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if some trait of our grandmother or grandfather did not manifest itself, it can shoot through generations, and this is not only about appearance. habits, it would seem, should not be associated with genetics, but there are many observations where, for example, identical twins separated in early childhood had very similar behavior patterns, including habits. this mystery has yet to be solved by geneticists. and... who will get more genes from mom or dad, it’s already known, moms won, by about 1%, only they can transmit mitochondrial genes. mitochondrial genes determine temperament, for example, yes, a person’s fatigue, ability at work, which means initiative, and so on. as for the rest, who gets it is a complete lottery; it’s about height, eye color, and health. according to genetics, we have been given this kind of skin, yes, that is. kyratosis of the endocrine system we have problems, poor eyesight
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has been passed down from generation to generation, my grandmother, my dad, and i have poor eyesight. if parents have any diseases, this does not always mean that they will manifest themselves in children, but is it something worth paying attention to? scientists have learned to determine the risk of genetic damage that causes, for example, down syndrome, even at the stage of pregnancy. other genetic tests help identify diseases in newborns so that they can be diagnosed promptly. gene therapy methods have now come into practice, when we can replace existing genes or introduce new genes into the human body, and the most striking example here, of course, is the amazing result treatment of spinal muscular trophy, pharmacogenetics, a relatively new field in medicine, is gaining momentum, studying how heredity affects the metabolism of drugs, that is, it helps to choose a more accurate dose of the drug, and this is only a small part. application of genetic research. natalya leonova, yuri lebedev,
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denis ponomarev, stanislav kizhnyakov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. we invite you to travel briefly to australia to meet engineer dan bolwell. for 30 years now , a man has been collecting antiques in his spare time. bicycles with huge front wheels, so-called pennyfarthings. but he does n’t make them anyhow, using modern technologies and materials. therefore, riding such... monsters is comfortable, their durability exceeds 60,000 km. on the calendar, already on may 24 , gardens are blooming everywhere, in the beds, all sorts of tomatoes and cucumbers are growing. but the may frosts in many regions, alas , spoiled the mood of summer residents, but our summer residents are seasoned people, frosts happen every year, and when they arrive, experienced gardeners and gardeners are preparing in advance, and there is still time to correct the situation. summer residents are counting losses;
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heat-loving plants, such as large-leaved hydrangeas, suffered the most from prolonged frosts. it blooms in huge pink caps. in that. since there will be flowering, it will be very weak, but there is a chance, so we are not in a hurry to cut off the frozen branches, in case the sleeping buds will still wake up. what about fruit trees? here is a pear, instead of a flowering tree and bare branches. usually it is on this tree that we collect, well , at least two buckets of pears, and this happens every year, this year there will be no pears at all. and the apple trees froze too. usually they collected it in boxes, this year.
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and the greenhouse was heated, they brought the most basic heater and turned it on at night, the temperature should not have dropped below zero, the tomatoes would have suffered, but everything is alive with us, we saved the seedlings, lyudmila’s kudas tomatoes are already the size of apples, but not everyone was lucky, irina kitayeva also planted tomatoes before frost, they died, the frost in bashkiria was minus seven, now she is planting a new one. seedlings, it's like wallpapering, there were old ones, they tore everything off, as they say, they glued new ones and here too, they planted everything again, that’s it, we’re waiting for the harvest, the flower garden will be unusually bare this year, the ferns couldn’t stand it at all, lilies always suffer, boiled tops stood up, then we it was
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still -5, the next day, everything that was not killed at -7 was killed at -5, so irina managed to fall off the young apple trees. just like a baby, we wrap it up, one night it was -7 for us, i wrapped everything up like this, albina borisova from chuvashey suffered from early frosts strawberries, the entire harvest was lost, the early varieties, they have already managed to bloom, they are frozen, that is, of course , one should not expect a harvest from them this year, summer residents are upset about picking strawberries this year only from those varieties that bear fruit several times a season . hope! the summer season is gaining momentum, dear summer residents, we turn to you, we wish you a rich harvest this year, and of course, health, please, not too 100%, because it is very important not to be too zealous in these beds, it is important to take care yourself, absolutely right, well, just in case , listen to traumatologist andrei tarasov, he
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will tell you how to act if you suddenly sprain your ankle in the garden beds, by the way, this can happen not only in garden beds during... apply a bottle of cold water to the sore spot water or a bag of frozen food, the cold will reduce the pain. now let's fix the joint. cardboard is suitable as a splint, we tie it to the leg and go to the emergency room to exclude a fracture or dislocation. if you get away with a sprain, the doctor will prescribe it.
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with a bandage, put on a warm sock. salt has a resolving effect. when it becomes easier, we stretch the leg, squeeze and unclench the fingers, carefully rotate them towards the ankle joint, and also place the sore foot on a step and pull it down. we do everything slowly, carefully, making sure that there is no acute pain. wishing you a speedy recovery. now let's go. teriberka - the coast of the barinsky sea, in the country's first surfing competition with the arctic circle. it is believed that
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the water temperature is below +14 for classic surfing it’s very suitable, here even in summer the maximum is +10, today it’s +4, but look how many daredevils there are. 24 participants registered from the cities of st. petersburg, kaliningrad and murmansk. and also from kamchatka, dmitry from kaliningrad, says new sensations. there is one here. specificity, like a tight, like a swell that comes here from the ocean, unlike kaliningrad, from the baltic surf, which is mainly obtained from wind waves, surges, there is a slightly different structure, a slightly different physics, from this - at some times it’s even more comfortable to ride, well, on some days you test your strength in such cold in the arctic, the main thing is to choose the right equipment, a suit:
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on the calendar may 24, summer will come in just 8 more days, it’s time to think about summer vacation. the most prudent ones have probably already planned it, some even managed to buy a tour, and many prefer to buy so-called last-minute tours literally a few days before the trip. the desire not to overpay, of course, is quite understandable and understandable, but who among us doesn’t want to save money? , but the most important thing here is not to run into for fraud.
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but last-minute travel packages are most often sold from gemini websites; outwardly they are no different from the original. you receive a letter by mail. last minute trip. a well-known company, a well-known name, you click on the link, they don’t take your money, they offer you travel options. and the phone number on this website of the current tour operator. you can call and find out everything about hotels and offers from real employees. then come and find it in the mail. this is a letter, follow the link, make sure what the price is, the price may change, just like on the real one website, click payment, no
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alarm bells ring because you’re great, you ’ve thought of everything, at the time of payment the money goes to the scammers, the lifespan of a fake site is 2-3 days, that’s why it specializes mainly in last-minute tours, digital hygiene is very simple , you check the domain name, next we need to copy this name. and check in any search engine, directly copy this name and reviews, you can also check the domain registration date, to do this enter a query, check the domain, paste the copied name remember, scam sites usually very fresh, for this tour operator it was 1998, that is, it has been around for a long time, and yes, last-minute tours are of course cheaper, but by a maximum of 30%, first of all, when you are offered a 50-70% discount, this is already certain. you also need to understand that the company operates legally, and if you are offered a transfer to an individual’s card, payment for your
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trip or through a fast payment system, this is also the first call of fraudulent activity. by the way, tour operators say that early booking is much more profitable now, than last minute deals. but in this case, you should remain vigilant and carefully check the travel agency. anna soldatova, mikhail karasev, andrey aksenov, channel one. to the centenary. if you twist, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down. okay, then since that war is gone, i can’t do it anymore.
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an eternal battle is coming, we can only dream of peace, and the germans have only one way between these lakes through the dawns here are quiet, tomorrow is the first, the enemy , armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and there is no place for us to expect help, therefore, i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front, the komyks. called the birthplace of the wind, it is so strong here that many centuries ago it turned part of the earth into a desert. in kalmykia they say that there is only two winds, six months east and six months west. how many arrows should kalmyk warriors be able to shoot in one minute? minimum 22 arrows. we will shoot kalmyk style, that is, from the ring. let go! every family used to have
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a camel, where exactly did the camel lie down? tried to build huts and dig wells, because the camel feels the water. how can she show her dissatisfaction? the life of our own. premiere on sunday on the first. we invite you to go to japan to admire the performance of a street artist nicknamed “masa”. by the way, this guy was recently accepted into a specialized association without any entrance tests. and all because over the years of training he created such a unique juggling style. which literally mesmerized not only the audience, but also the members of the selection committee. in general, what can i say? a real skeet master? well, now let's go on our traditional television journey together with our permanent guide vadim labachanka. let's take a look at penguin island in australia. penguin island in western australia is a popular
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tourist destination. only perth penguins live there, but not many. fewer ordinary penguins, unlike others, are not prone to ice, snow and cold. australian penguins are more closely related to cape penguins, which live in the extreme south of africa. perth penguins are also moderately thermophilic. and when on australia was recently hit by extreme heat and they stopped laying eggs and building nests. locals on penguin island in australia.
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islands, so now the main occupation of the islanders is waiting and caring for the little penguins. our program continues, now we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news broadcast on air. we'll meet in just a few minutes. hello, on air news, in the studio sergey tugushev. today , the main events will take place in minsk as part of vladimir putin’s two-day visit to belarus. the russian president arrived in the capital of the republic late in the evening at the invitation of his belarusian counterpart alexander lukashenko. he came to personally meet the russian leader after the loss of the plane. a brief conversation between the heads of the two countries took place at the airport. i
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welcome you to your native belarusian land. cooperation on energy, on agriculture, on security issues, we will discuss all this today, tomorrow, we have everything stable, everything is going well, and here we will of course talk about training, the second phase of training, this is due to the direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere, in these events, well, in general
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, we have a very big agenda. the belarusian military is joining exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons, which are carried out on behalf of vladimir putin. the maneuvers, as noted earlier in our ministry of defense, were launched in response to provocative statements. west and are aimed at maintaining readiness to respond to ensuring sovereignty of the country. missile formations of the southern military district are preparing to launch missiles of the iskander operational-tactical complex. aviation equipped with hypersonic dagger missiles and other weapons are also involved. in general, during the negotiations in minsk as part of vladimir putin’s visit, it is planned to discuss topical issues of the further development of russian-belarusian relations and strategic partnership. and alliance, the course and prospects of integration interaction within the framework of the union state, as well as key international topics. russian pilots attacked ukrainian
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positions in the kharkov region. the crews of the mi-35 and k-52m helicopters fired missiles at the strongholds of the camouflaged vehicles. the enemy lost several vehicles and also suffered heavy losses of personnel. our troops are pushing back the ukrainian formations of the uchasovoyar, they liquidated them there. platoon of militants, their defensive structures were destroyed, the targets were hit by rszzo grad crews. drone operators helped correct the shooting. the un general assembly adopted a scandalous resolution on the genocide in srebrryanytsya. the document was proposed by representatives of bosnia and herzegovina, rwanda and germany. in essence, the resolution holds serbia, the republika srpska, responsible for the bloody events of the mid-nineties. russia, like 18 other states, opposed this initiative; 84 parties supported it, while 68
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abstained. vasily nebenze called the results of the vote after russia prion a disgrace, especially considering that germany was the main supporter of the resolution, which, the russian diplomat recalled, in the 20th century, sparked two world wars in...
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bosnia and herzegovina declared the republika srpska. they are going to present the corresponding plan within 30 days. washington is beginning a large-scale review of cooperation with georgia due to the adopted parliament. in tbilisi of the law on transparency of foreign influence, this is stated in a written statement by us secretary of state antony blinken. the threats came after the georgian authorities did not succumb to pressure from western countries. they demand that the law be repealed to which a register of non-governmental media organizations financed from foreign sources should be created in the republic. it is noteworthy that this is essentially a copy of american law, only much softer. nevertheless, in washington such arbitrariness was considered unacceptable.
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may 24 is also the day of slavic literature and culture; divine liturgies will be held throughout russia today. this is good morning, we continue and greet everyone who joined us on the calendar may 24, friday, with you today nikita pimenov and olga ushakova. so, we continue, there are two significant moments in the life of every schoolchild, one happens at the very beginning of autumn - the first bell, and the other at the end of may, the last bell. between these two events there is a whole school life. the last calls this week are ringing all over the country, for some they have already sounded, for many. literally these days, saying goodbye to school is of course a little sad, maybe even very sad, but there are still so many interesting things ahead, so don’t be sad. what if you come to
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classes in pajamas? i'm ready! we are at krasnogorsk school number 10, here graduates are allowed almost everything on the last day of school. the younger ones are delighted with this spectacle. the students immediately suggested. and if so, i dare to spend the last call in a pirate style, because, looking at how i watch films, a pirate suits me very well, it seems to me that the traditional style is boring. boring and boring, it’s always more interesting to do something more modern, something unexpected and who hasn’t done it before never, i want them to remember about us, but the parents definitely won’t forget this, at nizhny novgorod school number 1776 they decided not to deviate from traditions, there will be a uniform and a farewell waltz, the children at first resisted, then they got involved, in my opinion, it’s beautiful.
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divided, half were for the classics, in krasnogorsk school number 18 , half were in favor of trends, it was decided that there would be a uniform, a waltz, and special agents, well, in my opinion, it’s just a lot of fun, well, we give smiles to those passing by and when we change our image, a little different. it becomes easier to study,
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for example, this is more interesting, yes, in general, the last call for the graduates of 2024 is a compromise and joy, as you can see, everyone is happy, and for now we will leave the tears of the parents behind the scenes. maria kuskova, dmitry roshkov, natalya kaldaeva, channel one. in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why did you tatyana mikhailovna decide to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am the master of ceremonies, who is this? the man who connects hearts? i work on a crane in the iron and steel industry. i go to work with joy, with work, with pride. study to become a heating engineer and you won’t regret it. one day i became. well, for example,
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we can voice some grandfather with such a wonderful voice. i wanted to be an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain. at the end of the tenth grade, i decided to become a doctor, like my mother. with small steps, you can move towards your goal, nothing is impossible. our good cheerful morning continues and it's time for sports and sports news, so all sports fans, pay attention to the screen. our colleague, sports journalist channel one dmitry terikhov will talk right now about unusual competitions, in which, however, endurance and the ability to run quickly play an important role. the great wall of china is one of the most impressive engineering structures on our planet. emperor qingchu huang, who lived in the third century bc, ordered its construction for the sole purpose of protecting the country from invaders. now it is a popular tourist spot. site for
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the most unusual difficult marathon in the world. the competition gained such a reputation because terrain, including many steep descents and ascents, there are 5,165 steps along the way, their height reaches 40 cm, and the height difference in some areas is 200 m. the marathon is not organized for the sake of medals and money, it does not even have a prize fund, but as an opportunity to test oneself admire the beautiful scenery for strength. not only professional athletes, but also amateurs take part in the race. more than 800 people from 58 countries, including russia, took part in this, the first in the post-pandemic period. didn't scare them away even twenty-eight degree heat. among the men, the winner was briton mark dixon, who covered 42 km 195 m in 3 hours, 43 minutes and 32 seconds. ours, morat musin was twenty -second. among the women, the fastest was the frenchwoman nadesh person. 4 hours 36 minutes and
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26 seconds. perhaps looking at the marathon, the great wall of china in england turned a leisurely sport for aristocrats into a race of speed. the main principle of speed golf is hit and run. when aiming, the swing hits the ball in just a few seconds. using electric cars for transportation equipment is prohibited, so athletes carry clubs with them as best they can. the most popular format is doubles, in which golfers take turns making attempts, but no more than... seven per hole. a world record was recorded at the tournament in wokingham. the course has eighteen holes spread over a 6.5 km course and is full of traditional sand traps. ditch pits with water, local favorites luke willett and luke bone completed, or rather ran, in 37 minutes and 43 seconds. good morning to all our early morning folks. on the calendar may 24, friday, and we continue.
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express tests, they are not difficult to buy at a pharmacy and even in a regular supermarket, you can also find them. as for tests for influenza or covid, i think many people purchased them, but there are also rapid tests for others. serious illnesses, such as myocardial infarction or stomach ulcers. but here the question arises: can a serious diagnosis be entrusted to a test that costs only a few hundred rubles. if everything were so simple, then why would we go to the doctors there? and in general, how do these tests work? let's figure it out. high blood pressure, fever or abdominal pain? is it possible to diagnose yourself? 99% reliability guarantee from manufacturers, and from doctors. first, we check the test for myocardial infarction, prick your finger, drip blood onto the strip and wait 7-10 minutes. test for myocardial infarction, negative, we only have one control strip. are these tests a substitute for a real examination? no, of course, if, for example, our patient
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complains of chest pain, we need to call an ambulance, that is, we can just a waste of time, of course. it turns out that express testing for myocardial infarction shows only if there is a violation, what kind and how serious it is. there is no information; it is generally impossible to detect gastritis or stomach ulcers using rapid tests; this test shows the familiarity of the human immune system with such a pathogen as helicobacter piri. not all cases of gastritis, not all cases of ulcers are associated with infection with helicobacter, this is firstly, secondly, to assess cure, these tests are not in principle, such diagnoses are used only after endo or gastroscopy, they are prescribed by gastroenterologists, but we need visualization for peptic ulcers, an alternative is radiography with contrast in the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, this is the set that is most effective in diagnosing gastritis and ulcers diseases.
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the man has already had his third test for prostate cancer, the result is positive, but this is too serious a diagnosis to trust a test that costs 200 rubles. to place it accurately, in addition to donating blood. more serious ones will be needed examination, ultrasound and biopsy of the prostate. another thing is rapid tests for influenza or covid. they even make these in clinics. the flu and covid test has a sensitivity of about 98%. and specific 100. this means that in 98% of the disease he will answer: yes, and specific 100%. this means that if the test said yes, then it definitely means this disease. these tests revealed.
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an exclusive with dmitry borisov will premiere tomorrow on the first. rom kastro product stellar group vodka pichora product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group bourbon storsman is a product of the stellar group. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. i am sure that you
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have also noticed that today children, almost from the cradle, handle gadgets and smartphones better than we adults, they know exactly how things work there, but do not forget that children are still children, yes , the virtual world of games and instant messengers is full of scammers, but they don’t know about them, so of course, we need to teach our children safety and we, adults, must do this. i just saw a young mother the child is not even two years old, and he is already on the street, in a stroller, watching cartoons, why should we be surprised when we come across stories like this, please, scammers deceived a girl in a computer game, and how it all happened, an unknown person wrote to the child messenger and offered to purchase in-game currency at a discount for... for this, he asked the girl to take a photo of her mother’s plastic card on both sides and send him the photo, and then
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persuaded her to take her mother’s phone and tell her the code that came to her in sms. that's it, minus 3000 woman's accounts. and who is to blame here? we ourselves teach children to use gadgets from the very beginning; they become our nanny. the child cries, we turn on a cartoon, he doesn’t eat, and the gadget comes to the rescue again. the games begin, now you can tear your child away from the tablet or phone only with a scandal, then scammers begin to prey on our children, friends, if your child does not let go of the phone from morning to evening, you need to solve the problem with a psychologist, and at the same time take care of safety , your smartphone should be password protected, even better, so that it turns on using a fingerprint, we generally clean the house... away and talk to our children more often, in particular
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, we tell them that there are many scammers in the virtual space who cleverly set up their networks. try to make sure that the children trust you, then you will know what is happening to them and it will become more difficult to steal from you through the child. good luck! attention, attention, beginning gardeners. well, the greenhouse was just in turmoil, we chose a 4 m long greenhouse, so that we could grow
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vegetables for ourselves just right. what about material? the cheapest option is film. the thickness of the film is important, that is, 200 microns; it does not need to be removed from the frame of a reinforced greenhouse for up to 7 years. the snow will have to be cleaned, the film transmits light worse than glass, but it is much more expensive. the price of an ordinary country greenhouse under glass starts from 300,000 rubles. glass is a very heavy and fragile material, glass heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly, more expensive than film, but cheaper than glass - cellular polycarbonate, it has a lot of empty cells like this, they help retain heat longer, thermos effect, it is important to pay attention to pay attention to the sheet thickness of at least 4 mm; if we take some thick sheet, 8 mm, less light will pass through, there will be more heat, but it will be very hot for an ordinary country greenhouse. it is not necessary. it is important to choose the right polycarbonate. many greenhouses in summer cottages are bright yellow.
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if the polycarbonate is of poor quality, it does not have uv protection. accordingly, it will quickly turn yellow. all plants will burn. we decided on the material. polycarbonate 4 mm soy protection. what about the form? for example, arched, can withstand a load of up to 240 kg of snow per square meter, but in winter you will have to clean it. a straight wall can handle approximately the same load. a greenhouse, it has its advantages, it is a large planting area, we can plant more plants, we can even arrange vertical beds, but the disadvantage of this greenhouse is that it is still very massive, we don’t want to clear the snow, then the greenhouse is triangular, teardrop-shaped, snowy the load is already up to 450 kg per m2, the snow will simply roll off from this shape, there is still a minus, we cannot plant any plants here. in this greenhouse, along the side walls, you see, it slopes, it is necessary to distribute the plantings very competently. and all
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polycarbonate greenhouses are lightweight, so this material does not require heavy structures. polycarbonate is 16 times lighter than glass, so you can use a lightweight aluminum profile, and it is better, of course, to use a galvanized one, but of course, we place the greenhouse evenly, with an uneven load, even a drop-shaped one will bend and no closer than one and a half meters from any building, so as not to be blown away by the impact of the snow wave. nadezhda pravdina, nikolay krysanov, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues, the time has come to find out what happened to... the network of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. how will videos surprise us today? let's get a look. by tradition, we start with cats. we ask for love and favor. cheerful couple marmalade and stake. the tailed animals decided to help their owner make the bed. you can see for yourself how they did it. footage of cats playing has already been liked by more than 5 million people. and
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will there be more? and this is marquise, perhaps the most stylish monkey in the world. every morning. picks up a comb and puts on beauty in front of the mirror. 3 million internet users have already appreciated this fashionable awning look ; more and more people are asking the price, almost like us every morning. yes. insects don’t fly onto the world wide web very often, but when they do appear, they do it very impressively. for example, like this bumblebee, which selflessly fights dust. he has already earned 10 million likes for his hard work. look from above, it ’s almost like a picture, perhaps an artist of the soul artist. well, finally, about our favorite panda katyusha from the moscow zoo. she reached new heights. following her mother dindin, the little panda climbed to the very top of the artificial mountain. we can only applaud her. bravo, katyusha. these are not road signs, these are 52 steps to happiness.
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every week we take just one step. to a correct, healthy lifestyle, which we will tell you in our program, and as always, all the details, about food, about medicine, about home and about life, in the program to live healthy, today at the first, for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, it was lyuba. lyuba, everyone was a fan of lyuba, everyone was going crazy. let me out, it's me, linka. i say, lyuba, don’t be afraid to be ugly. she says: sashka, what, what, what are you afraid of? lord, the main thing is to work, play, play. do you even know what i came here for? why are you silent? you smile, blink your eyes and remain silent. if you can,
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forgive me. i remind you of someone, very much weird. recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw it. lyubov polishchuk, the last tango, we met on sunday at the first one. let us remind you that on the calendar on may 24, our ancestors had one like this. well, i believe that, regardless of any signs, the summer will definitely be sunny, bright, beautiful, full of new impressions and will not disappoint us. well, what do astrologers think about today? may 24, sixteenth lunar, sixth solar day, brave, decisive, good friend, good
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athlete, cheerful and energetic, when we, as they say, feel in shape, we have no shortage of mood powers. at his best, in addition, he is quite prudent, he has a flair for profitable purchase deals, and his head will simply work well today, it will be difficult to deceive us, you can try to promote some of your interests, find an approach to difficult, intractable people, so mixing business personal relationships luminary is not they advise, this can create problems later, even today it is very easy to fall in love, something similar can happen to aries, aries men, today, according to the stars, you are very sensitive to women’s charms, draw your own conclusions, as far as matters are concerned , you should not expect any great breakthroughs , but you can get rid of every tick without much effort. for taurus, changes for the better are brewing in their personal lives. lonely taurus, did you hear that? about business, you can try to solve some problem by connecting personal connections, but keep in mind apparently, they can promise three boxes and do nothing, the evening is clearly starting to be something like
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a get-together. the twins have such a confident friday, when they have enough strength to do anything. just keep in mind that confidence and self-confidence are not the same thing, be more careful while driving, don’t forget to look in the mirrors. cancers run the risk of being at a loss due to someone’s mistake or oversight, it’s not scary, but... unpleasant, so don’t be lazy to double-check and recalculate everything, and be careful when buying something on websites advertisements to leos, the stars hint: before you take advantage of someone’s help, remember that you will later owe this person, and pleasantly, today you are very attractive to the opposite sex. virgos are just having a good day, it will help get things moving, add strength for big, difficult things, many virgos will feel that they have become more independent and wiser, feel free to... make a date for the evening. libra runs the risk of arguing and even quarreling with their soul mate, and because of some nonsense, in vain, say the stars, it would be better to go somewhere in the evening together
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and be careful with fragile objects. a positive day for scorpios, just try not to take on debt, not to make rash promises, both will be remembered to you later, be careful with expensive purchases, the evening may invite you somewhere. sagittarians today are very charming, ladies are simply charming. that attention is paid to them, sometimes this attention will seem intrusive, but if you take more care with food and medicine, there is a risk of poisoning. capricorns may be slightly get on the nerves of one of your colleagues or partners. nowadays you may experience slight nervousness in your professional sphere. however, in the end everything will work out, some money may come, save it, it will come in handy soon. expect guests in the evening. a wonderful day for aquarius: finances, home, work, career - everything is good with you, wasting such a day would be the height of wastefulness, and they may also praise you for something or thank you in some way, everything should work out for pisces, there is truth the risk of forgetting something,
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losing something or leaving something in transport, you today a little scattered, but the stars warned you, it would be nice to visit old friends or at least call them, good luck to you, our program continues now we pass the word to colleagues from the information service of channel one: let's find out what events happened in the country in the world by this hour. the news release is on air. we'll meet in just a few minutes. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. vladimir putin arrived in minsk on a two-day visit at the invitation of belarusian president alexander lukashenko. the words of the republic came to personally meet the russian leader in the morning.
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tomorrow we will discuss all this, including the issues there regarding security, today we are about security, to which you constantly pay
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great attention, there is also something to talk about, everything is stable with us, everything is going well, and here we will of course talk about training, second enough training, this is due to the direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere. in these events, well, in general, we have a very big trip, and i’m very glad that i managed to come today to calmly and use this informal time to talk about all this. the belarusian military is joining exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons, which are carried out on behalf of vladimir putin. the maneuvers, as noted earlier in our ministry of defense, were launched in response to provocative statements by country officials. west and aimed at maintaining readiness to respond and ensuring the country's sovereignty. the missile formation of the southern military district is preparing for launch
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iskander operational-tactical missile system. aviation is also involved, equipped with hypersonic dagger missiles and other weapons. the iskander complex, meanwhile, destroyed the ukrainian command post and accumulations of military equipment in the special operation zone. the strike was carried out by the west group of troops. the rocket itself. 5 days before the main forces arrived, and then the st. andrew’s flag was unloaded there, among the trophies that fell into the hands of our military, western weapons. the colossal losses of the kiev regime at the front, the west is trying compensate with new supplies. according to the press agency, washington may announce the next tranche of $275 million today. the money will be used to purchase missiles
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for... hymers, as well as artillery shells. this will be the third delivery of the $61 billion package approved by congress at the end of april. the so-called international assistance fund for ukraine also intends to transfer additional weapons; among its donors are great britain, norway, the netherlands and a number of other european countries. as the sun newspaper writes, with reference to the head of the ministry of defense united kingdom, the new package will include radars for air defense systems, rap systems, small boats, and reconnaissance drones. and maritime surface drones, all worth $190 million. one of the few leaders of eu countries who openly opposes such supplies to ukraine is prime minister of slovakia robert fica, who , as it turned out, suffered precisely for such an independent position. juraj tsintula, who attempted to assassinate the fitz, did not agree with the policies of his government, supported pumping kiev up with weapons, and therefore tried to kill the prime minister. this is an official statement
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of the court, a crime. the crime with which tsintula is accused has already been recognized as political, and he may be sentenced to life imprisonment. investigators are now checking whether the attacker acted alone, as he himself claims, or whether he had accomplices. and lastly, today is the day of slavic writing and culture. it is associated with the names of the orthodox saints cyril and methodius, the creators of the slavic alphabet. they lived in the 9th century, on behalf of the byzantine emperor, enlighteners arrived from constantinople to the banks of the adun. to preach to peoples who had recently converted to christianity. today, the languages ​​that began to emerge back then are spoken by more than 400 million people. traditionally, concerts, exhibitions, and lectures are planned on this day in all regions. a literature and calligraphy festival has started in vladivostok. schoolchildren there were taught to write in old church slavonic, their names on wooden tablets covered with wax, using special writing instruments. they were used in
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ancient rus'. in churches in...
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slavic, it was read as a long ee, there was a special separate sound for it, it looked like a small church, that is , a pohokovka, yes, but like a soft sign, only with a crossbar, the first font or handwriting is the charter , as it is heard, so it is written, strictly, in seven separate movements, and also each letter was written slowly from top to bottom, the main thing is that they, like soldiers in formation, stand very strictly according to the regulations, the day of slavic writing, at the same time a state holiday.
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his teachers, cyrillic. it is on the basis of the cyrillic alphabet that many alphabets and languages ​​will grow. we had a font reform in russian in 1708 or the great peter the great revolution. lamonosov joked that under peter, not only the boyars and boyars, but also the letters, threw off their wide fur coats and dressed up in summer clothes. literature begins to be written and printed using a civil font, which was developed on the basis of the latin antikov font and is much more similar to our modern letters. and at the same time for the country. the name of your subject, because psychology begins with this letter in greek. since then, writing has remained almost unchanged. the last new letter that appeared in the russian alphabet is the letter y. it has been around since the end of the 18th century. well, by the standards of the history of the language, recently, because 200 years
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is not a long time for a language. by the standards of our lives, of course, a very long time ago. but the spelling changes, the word is naturally scientific. in the dictionary of the year fifty-six, it is merged into the modern one through a hyphen, not a reform, just philologists know more about word formation. modern colloquial spelling in the same messengers are generally a separate species, just look at the arguments about periods at the end of messages, one puts a period and runs into a puzzled question: you quarreled with me, the other doesn’t put a point and runs into an angry comment, you’re illiterate, in fact, you have to put a period at the end of a sentence , but on the day of slavic writing there are no disputes, everything is with a capital letter, with all punctuation marks from the red line. varvara fedorova, andrey ivanov, mikhail karasev and yulia kuvabina, channel one. only 8 days left until summer, on any fine day, especially on weekends, lines of cars stretch from cities to nature, i want to have time to breathe this summer, it ’s so short here, although there is little snow and very
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capricious, this is of course understandable, only dear motorists, please be careful when going out into nature, far away you can’t stop everywhere, you can leave your car, for a barbecue by the river, at the sea, at the dacha, but where is the car? let's leave it. crimea - beregovoye village, motorists abandon their cars almost on the shore. only this is a water protection zone. fine for individuals from three to 4,500, for officials from 15 to 20 and for legal entities from 200 to 500,000. andrey pashuk, public inspector of the ministry of ecology of the republic of crimea, walks around the coastal zones. there are 60 m from the water's edge to this vehicle, which is part of the coastal protective strip of the black sea and is a violation of the water code. it records violations; motorists, to put it mildly, are not happy about this. i won't touch the red book. and this is yekaterinburg, verkhi seto reservoir. this is a very beautiful place, fishing rods and yachts swim here, a lot of children walk around,
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of course, there is not enough parking. that's why motorists abandon their cars right next to the shore, on the other side there is a fence, you can’t leave it on the road, it can block the passage. of course, this is wrong, but there is not much choice, in general, because there is little. the fact that the parking spaces are not organized, but the road maintenance leaves much to be desired, of course, this does not relieve one from responsibility, the water protection zone can vary from 50 m to several kilometers, it is better to look at the signs, you can leave the car on the side of the road, if it does not interfere with travel, is not located in a water protection zone, and what to do in snt? within snt , you can park a car on public roads, if this does not contradict the rules of the road, parking places for vehicles... vehicles can be determined, if this does not interfere with the movement of other vehicles, but be careful, leave your car on the lawn like this... it’s still not allowed, everything is like in the city, once again, it’s not necessary like this, this is a violation of traffic rules, although it does not interfere with travel, the neighbors in the area can really call
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the employees or just take a few photos and send them to the state traffic inspector’s website, then a fine will come if it is an individual - it is a 5,000 ruble fine, if it is an official, then a fine of up to 40,000 rubles, and if it is a legal entity the owner. essentially, all you need is to read the signs, not violate traffic rules, not interfere with travel, and not quarrel with neighbors, parking is parking, but you still live nearby. elizaveta nikishova, alexey afchinikov, ksenia moklyak, channel one. lola rossa, iceberg, romaine, green salad of your favorite artists, i guessed it right, i especially love ramen, in fact, all of these, of course, are summer ingredients salads yes, these are all salads, well, lettuce leaves, yes, sorry. because of tuftology, our correspondent, maria nikolaeva, has compiled a rating of these very green, crispy delicacies, what is healthier, what is better stored than in a pot, is different from chopped, how much of everything, in general, there are more greens, good and different, every day
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there are more greens on the shelves, and if most salads are in greenhouses all year round, now salads from open ground from the southern regions, all salads, are being picked up. they refer to a type of lettuce, lettuce is a surname, go names: iceberg lettuce, romaine, lolosa, regular leaf lettuce, in fourth place the hit parade of fresh salads, leafy, green, classic, vitamins b, k a more than in lemons and oranges, powerful antioxidant, delicate consistency, gives off sweetness, you can be it a salad or a snack, third place - romain, aka romana, tall. a head of cabbage with hard leaves in the middle of the rib. romaine lettuce is a leader in the amount of potassium, vitamin k and chlorophyll, which gives it the ability to support metabolism very well. with ease
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bitterness for those who like to crunch, at the same time juicy, juicier, except that the leafy iceberg, a favorite of chefs and housewives, is in second place, an excellent basis for any salad and burger, but the main thing is that the composition is a leader in the content of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin b9, these are substances are a powerful support for our nervous system, the leader of the curly hit parade. rossa for its reserceous shape and purple color at the tips, it is also called coral salad. this pinkish, violet color, is it caused by what? and the content certain substances called anphocyanins and carotenoids. these are powerful anti-inflammatory substances that are also involved in detoxification processes; they even have an anti-h effect and help produce more energy. plus a rich nutty taste. light bitterness, with meat, with fish, with
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company, with other salads. when choosing, you need to understand that in a pot it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 days, maintaining freshness and maximum benefits. salad mixture in packaging for up to 10 days at the correct temperature, but when cutting, reactions are triggered. milk is released, this is lettuce juice, white in color, during lactation it oxidizes in air, less vitamins, less taste. plus this mixture. 30-40 percent more expensive than just assembling it yourself. maria nikolaeva, vladimir repin, andrey ivanov, channel one. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. it’s difficult, after all, for women at war, they all volunteer. shoot, rita. target caught, fire. fell.
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is moving to the teeth in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold front. yes darling! yes, i’ll buy it, i’ll buy it,
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yes, i’ll be there soon, kvn, the first quarter-final, tomorrow after the program it’s time, well, hello, brother, what are you doing in crime, i see you’ve wrung out the latvian’s cabinet. our cheerful good morning continues, we wish bon appetit to those who are having breakfast now, and it’s time for us to make it tasty too. cheese, sausages, eggs and tomato are all you need for a hearty breakfast, and if you add some pita bread, you get a delicious quick pie. place a sheet of lavash in a greased frying pan and spread two sausages cut lengthwise into a cross made it. four sectors, add
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filling to each, break an egg, sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped herbs, cover the workpiece with a second sheet of pita bread, close the frying pan, cook the pie for 10 minutes over low heat, carefully turn it over using a lid or plate, put the pie back in the frying pan, watch how browned the lavash was! i decorate with tomato slices with grated cheese, cook the pie over low heat for another 5 minutes, a hearty breakfast is ready, cut into pieces, sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs, just like me i love it, juicy sausages, scrambled eggs and melted cheese, all wrapped in crispy golden pita bread, enjoy your breakfast! let's take a quick trip to australia
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to meet engineer dann bolwell. for 30 years now, a man has been collecting vintage bicycles with huge front wheels, so to speak, in his spare time. but he doesn’t make them anyhow, using modern technologies and materials, so it’s comfortable to ride such retro monsters, their durability exceeds 60,000 km. mom dad brunettes, child blond, that's my trick i did it twice, i’m crazy, it seems like it’s fantastic, it means i’m like my grandma, that’s what my parents usually say, or like my grandpa. heredity is not only what we take directly from our parents... we are definitely not talking about one generation, how genes work, why genetic tests are needed, how all this heredity works there, natalya leonova found out. you can see even from a distance, one family, meet the nikishenkins, my great-grandfather was red-haired, then
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my grandmother and her sister were also red-haired, then my dad, here’s nastya and maxima more after all, mine, well, kind of... light eyes, respectively, facial features, if you look at the don ones, everything is the opposite, mom and dad are brown-eyed brunettes, the daughter is a blue-eyed blonde, she is now experimenting with hair color, at the airport they came to the border control they were always surprised when they looked at me as a fair-haired child, in the garden, when i came for nastya, they noted that the similarity, so weak, well, with dad only light skin, nastya, my grandmother on my mother’s side, scientists explain, is stored in our genes information about our ancestors, and even if some trait of our grandparents did not manifest itself, after a generation it can shoot out, and this is not only about appearance, habits, it would seem, should not be associated with genetics, however, there are many observations when, for example, identical
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twins are separated in early childhood they had very similar behavioral characteristics, including habits, this mystery. geneticists have yet to figure out who will get more genes from mom or dad, it’s already known, moms won by about one%, only they can transmit mitochondrial genes. mitochondrial genes determine temperament, for example, yes, a person’s fatigue, the ability to perform cellular work, which means initiative, and so on. as for the rest, who gets it is a complete lottery; it’s about height, eye color, and health. according to genetics, we have passed on something like this... according to the endocrine system, we have problems, poor eyesight has been passed on from generation to generation, my grandmother, my dad, i, nastya, have poor eyesight. if parents have some diseases, this does not always mean that they will manifest themselves in children, but it is something that is worth paying attention to.
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scientists have learned to determine the risk of genetic damage that causes, for example, down syndrome, even at the stage of pregnancy. other genetic tests help identify. diseases in newborns, in order to promptly intervene, gene therapy methods have now come into practice, when we can replace existing genes or introduce new genes into the human body, and the most striking example here, of course, is a stunning result of treatment of spinal muscular trophy. pharmagenetics, a relatively new field in medicine, is also gaining momentum ; it studies how heredity affects the metabolism of drugs, that is, it helps to choose more...
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according to surfing in the arctic circle, it is believed that water temperatures below +14 are not very suitable for classic surfing , here even in summer the maximum is +10, today +4, but look how many daredevils: 24 participants registered from the city of st. petersburg, kaliningrad and murmansk, and also from kamchatka, dmitry from kaliningrad says new sensations, there is such a specificity here, as tight as zip, which comes here from the ocean. unlike kaliningrad, from the baltic surf, which is mainly obtained from wind waves, surges, there is a slightly different structure, a slightly different physics, this makes it even more comfortable to ride at some times, well , at some times you test your strength
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in such cold in the arctic, choose suitable basic equipment, a warm suit is necessary, that is, five-millimeter suits, there are seven-millimeter suits, i’m in freedav. suit, it’s one-piece, warm, separate jacket, separate pants, i’m very hot, i have hot water in my gloves, because of the strong wind i had to start at night, it’s good that it’s already a polar day in teriberka, it’s not clear. that it’s night, as if my head doesn’t understand that we are now at night at 12:00 at night, the guys are riding, catching waves, if this continues, it will be possible to go to these parts not only for the northern lights. liliya lobkova, marina glushenkova, kirill tumanov, channel one. well now let's go on our traditional television journey together with our permanent guide vadim labachenko. let's take a look at penguin island in australia. penguin island, in western australia, is a popular place among tourists, only
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perth penguins live there, and slightly smaller than ordinary penguins, unlike others, they are not at all prone to ice, snow and cold, australian penguins are more akin to cape penguins, which live in the extreme south of africa , perth penguins are also moderately thermophilic, when... not very the intense heat struck long ago, they stopped laying eggs and building nests. local residents on the penguin island of australia tried to help them by making neat nests from plywood by hand. they also feed the penguins their favorite sardines. my team and i made several penguin nests out of plywood. they took them with pleasure and began to carry them. the fastest eggs are already hatching them. the inhabitants of the island had a chance to defend their right to be called residents of the penguin island,
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so now the main occupation of the islanders is this is the anticipation of caring for little penguins. on the calendar may 24, summer will come in just 8 more days, it’s time to think about summer vacation. the most prudent people have probably already planned it, some of them. i even managed to buy a tour, but many prefer to buy so -called last-minute tours literally a few days before the trip, the desire not to overpay, of course, is quite understandable and understandable, but who among us does not want to save money, but the most important thing here is not to run into scammers who they don’t sell any tours, they just steal money gullible tourists, and then disappear along with them, vouchers can only be burned if supply exceeds demand, this is when there are extra seats on the plane and extra places in the hotel. which the tour operator has already paid for , results in an additional discount for tourists, it can be 20 or 30%.
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everyone loves discounts, and scammers know this, which is why last-minute travel packages are most often sold from gemini websites; outwardly, they are no different from the original. you receive a letter in the mail, a last minute trip, a well-known company, a well-known name, you click on link, you don’t... the lifespan of a fake site is 2-3 days, which is why it specializes mainly in last-minute tours. digital hygiene is very simple, you check
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the domain name, then we need to copy this name and check it in any search engine, directly copy this name and reviews. you can also check the domain registration date by entering a query, checking the domain, pasting the copied name, remember, scam sites are usually very recent. for this. it's from 1998, so it's been around for a long time. and yes, last-minute tours are, of course, cheaper, but by a maximum of 30%. first of all, when you are offered a 50-70% discount, this is already a certain danger. you also need to understand that the company operates legally, and if you are offered a transfer to an individual’s card, payment for your trip or through a fast payment system, this is also the first call of fraudulent activity. by the way, tour operators say that it is much more profitable now.
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hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. warm welcome, greeting right from the plane. vladimir putin arrived in nimsk with during his two-day visit to the russian leader at the airport, alexander lukashenko was personally greeted by
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a brief conversation with security issues at the forefront. tactics of success, almost six months of difficult battles, shelling of nato equipment, a powerful fortification of the militants’ area and the decisive blow of our military, how they took the tick-tree, a chronicle of the battles for the first time, footage from the liberated village from our correspondents. solemn rulers, white bows, tears in the eyes. in many russian schools today is the last bell, farewell to teachers, and a new stage in the life of graduates. those who helps preserve our rich heritage. for future generations , the laureates of the first national prize in the field of museum affairs named after likhachev were awarded in moscow. 16 nominations: the best of the best from all over the country. high-level negotiations in minsk. vladimir putin arrived in the capital of belarus late last night on a two-day official visit. alexander lukashenko personally met him at the airport. the agenda is extensive, strategic development.


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