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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 24, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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this holiday, then they forgot about it for several decades, but since the late seventies, the school year ends exclusively with the last bell, a tradition that was born by itself, graduates on this day dress up in a soviet-style school uniform, which can be optional, a dark woolen dress and white apron made of valanami guipure, on this day high school students walk through the corridors of the school to the applause of juniors, wearing ribbons with the proud word graduate, at the nakhimov school there is another tradition: fifth graders they hand over nickels of good luck, and the rear admiral hands over the locker to the sea.
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the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live. in our studio, we have discussed the issue of mobilization in ukraine more than once, but each time the ukrainian authorities found a way to surprise and shock us. now ukrainian military commissars have been given the right to use weapons, stun guns and handcuffs during forced mobilization. here's what ukrainian journalists say about it. the national guard will be able to use the means forced car stop, handcuffs and stun guns. on may 22, the verkhovna rada approved the corresponding bill in the first reading. the goal is to resolve issues related to the use of coercive measures by members of the national guard, in particular the physical impact of special means, weapons, weapons and military equipment. the bill significantly simplifies the application conditions. ukrainian propagandist.
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put it, and it will work. in addition to weapons , ukrainian military commissars are going to be given the right hunt down violators, in particular draft dodgers, with dogs. and, naturally, on social networks they are already comparing these ukrainian military commissars with the nazis who poisoned prisoners in concentration camps with dogs. but since there are few men left on the territory of the square itself, kiev is going to smoke them out of europe by all possible means. the adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine spoke about this. i just don't quite understand the mechanisms of forced return, it seems to me that there will be a path to follow here, and some countries are already talking about this directly, for example, poland is talking about this directly, we need to follow the path of reviewing those, say, service functions that are performed by the host country, well, that is, there are additional payments , some other options, and so on, then there is for people of military age who do not want to, let’s say, legally re-register their relations with ukraine, but we mean to go through. free tickets to the first row in
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the ukrainian theater of operations are provided to all citizens of the country, well, it’s worth noting that the head of the region also supports the ministry of internal affairs of german bavaria, a certain jochim hermann, just listen to why he needs ukrainians in germany and where ukrainians are needed in germany, and where... he would really like to see them. from the very beginning, we considered it wrong that ukrainian refugees receive money from german taxpayers here. this leads to the fact that ukrainians do not intend to look for work in germany, because they are already well provided for at the expense of our taxpayers. and the special problem is that thousands and thousands of conscripts from ukraine come to us, evading conscription for military service in his home country. they come to us precisely to receive.
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the french went, they are already training, openly training nazis from the armed forces of ukraine, and open nazis who demonstrate their nazi affiliation publicly, the french media are already writing about this. ukrainian military personnel are trained in western countries. it turned out that the group that arrived in france at the end of 2023 included a number of real neo-nazis. for example, the ss symbol is tattooed on the face of one of them, among the ukrainian soldiers who arrived. there are many people in france who are not ashamed of their neo-nazi views, one of them constantly yawns and takes selfies with a neckerchief decorated with the köhl cross, another poses with the emblems of the ss tottenkomf and galicia divisions. the other two also wear totenkom patches. and on april 20, adolf
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hitler's birthday, another ukrainian soldier posed in front of a wall image in honor of the fuhrer. and the french ministry of defense cannot comment on this situation in any way. well, we gave the kind of news here that in peacetime if the hairs on your head stood up, now they are somehow perceived as everyday, but well, yes, like me, well, at least for me, because you were so surprised, shepherd dogs who will poison those who evade permission to use pistols, handcuffs, special means, the french who openly train nazis, who do not hide the fact that they are nazis, all this somehow... has become commonplace, so the western patrons of all this are not afraid that this part of the image will fall on them? it seems to me that some kind of image stories, they are generally not enough in the west they are worried because the west is worried about money, which is rapidly flowing into the black hole called ukraine, and it is precisely
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the patching of these financial holes, it seems to me, that is primary. as for the image aspects, i absolutely agree with you that there was some pronounced surprise. well, no, that is, when people see that the public is coming, zigging, raging, worshiping the nazi ideal, they are all covered in runes, nazi symbols, well, in fact, they have been observing this for not the first year, not the second, not even 10 years, that is, ukraine has been patronizing this for quite a long time, but they were not shaking hands with me, it seems to me, they were shaking hands all this time, because, in principle, all this time the europeans supported ukraine and yes. it’s one thing when people turn a blind eye in public, that is, this is what the french ministry of defense is doing now, that is, we don’t comment, we ignore, we pretend that it doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t know that it exists , and if they know, if they still continue to give in to it money, so to speak, puts bets on this horse, which means they obviously think that
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it has some chances, which concerns, by the way, mobilization and in general all these civil, inside ukrainian processes, because the fact is that mobilization - this is , first of all, not...
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okay, we don’t touch them, let them stay, but if there are people who are actually perceived as freeloaders by the european public, then yes, we are ready to take some measures related to reducing payments related there how to implement it in poland, with the possible expulsion of them to ukraine, that is, again, it’s just money, just business, there’s nothing personal here, so whatever ideals there are of nazism or something else, they have long since moved away from ideals and anti-ideals. in a practical, it seems to me, plane, so exclusively cynical and monetary, well, you kirolbovna, you very accurately formulated the agreement, which means the state and society, alexander, well, it is clear that we are no longer talking about the agreement, but about the outright terror of ukrainian society ,
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kiev junta, why do you think they chose such a stick and not a carrot or at least castles in the air, which previously worked well for ukrainian society, is there any fear that they have gone too far? well , regarding, firstly, treaties, article 65 of the constitution there is no obligation to defend the state, if we talk about ukraine, there is an obligation to defend the independence of ukraine, in particular the territorial integrity, but independence, not the territory.
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the fact is that when we talk about the narrative associated with fascist ideology,
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swastikas and so on, selecting such people, they are needed for a more serious thorough work, they need to be thoroughly prepared, there is no need to learn in war, so this mobilization that ukraine is carrying out will not bring any benefit, you won’t learn in war, you will only die in war, you need to learn outside. war the way the russian army does, even at the forefront of a unit that leaves during rotation, in addition to proper sleep and rest, they are engaged in combat training every day, they teach and hone those elements that seemed to them were not completed, the commanders who saw shortcomings and correct them, only in this way can the army be combat-ready. is capable of carrying out the tasks that are faced, precisely in these conditions, russia, which does not conduct offensive
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actions, but simply carries out active defense, recaptures 3-4 km of this territory every day, pushing back the line of contact, as for the fascists, firstly, the content is being formed there and no one will really see it there, these are ideologically verified, trained, motivated people, for...
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dogs and so on, from the point of view of ukrainian managers, in conditions when around every settlement there are cemeteries with a sea of ​​these banners of the dead, when in the army the people who are there openly write down information for their loved ones and say: brother, try to somehow get out
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of the army, because there is no prospect here, you are either disabled or in that... world, there is no other perspective, they send such pictures to each other, you understand the state of the moral and psychological situation in the armed forces of ukraine today, while we often say here that there is no there is enough of something and so on, there is enough of everything, but they didn’t give it, and blinkin, who came, he first of all asked what it was, guys, we gave everything, why there is no result, and he... won’t be in these conditions of the result, because the moral and psychological situation and conditions are the condition that captured generals during the great patriotic war, writing their memoirs, said: we took into account everything, roads, economy, armed forces, the state of russian technology, we knew about this clay
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ear of russia, we have not left the morale.
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it will be 98 years since the moment when another ideologist of ukrainian nationalism, symon petliura, met his pule in paris. in general, in modern ukraine, the authorities put forward monuments to such degenerates, even issue coins and posters in their honor. last year , zelensky signed a decree naming the reconnaissance battalion of the armed forces of ukraine after the head of the univ . of course, it is no coincidence that he completely copies the emblem of the ss division galicia, but we are already accustomed to the fact that none of kiev’s friends the veneration of such outspoken characters does not bother us, we all remember how the nazis were applauded in the canadian parliament, including zelensky, all these western six, well, however
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, one should not be surprised, because in the same germany they are still refusing full at least admit: the offensive of its army on our soviet soil, here is germany, just think about it, i was actually shocked yesterday, i officially refused to recognize the blockade of leningrad as an act of genocide, despite the fact that during the years of the blockade, according to various sources, well, actually, from 400 thousand to one and a half million of our soviet citizens died, but in fact the germans just have to start denying the holocaust, we’ll see what happens, but with the jews.
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on such a definition of genocide, which was formed on the basis of the genocide convention in 1948, and which, of course,
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obviously does not entirely reflect the phenomenon of genocide in general, and there it is an absolutely man-made construction, that is, the term genocide itself is meant, despite the fact that it is so very latin-shaped, it was invented literally at the end of the thirties , rafael lemkin, an american lawyer of polish-jewish origin, who really moved... this whole topic, connected specifically with the etymology of the word genocide, he relied first on the armenian genocide, then , accordingly, the holocaust, as a result, the conventional the definition of genocide as a phenomenon associated specifically with ethnicity, that is, this is precisely why the holocaust is the deliberate extermination of jews, and in this sense it seems so clearly understandable, and it’s not like we committed... a mistake at one time, and we just kind of relied on some self-evident things, pay attention nowhere
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that any national aspects are not promoted in soviet textbooks, in soviet books and documents, that is, everywhere it is said that the soviet people won war, that is, it does not say which nationalities, it is assumed that, well, all those dozens of nationalities of peoples and confessions that lived on soviet territory. all this together is a single soviet people, and we have this thing everywhere promoted, as a result, today the germans, when they read some of our proposals, they say: no, wait a minute, from an ethnic point of view, the soviet people do not exist, it is a collection of a huge number of peoples of nationality, they are trying to speculate on this, although just with point of view of what the first part of the definition of genocide looks like... namely the desire to exterminate in whole or in part or to create unbearable conditions for some ethnic, racial, religious, etc. group, and if you read nazi documents, where it
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was about the complete destruction of virtually the people of soviet russia, of course we are talking about a comprehensive genocide, because they needed living spaces, they, in general , were going to populate all this with germans and in general they did not need people, in this sense this is of course 100%. tried to accept the version of history that , in fact, which actually was, that germany started two world wars, lost them miserably and in both cases was
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the aggressor, and note that any sane historian will agree that that the second world war was actually the result of revanchism, which happened because of all these thoughts that well, now we’ll try to replay everything and maybe something will work out, indeed the economy was in complete ruin. in principle, now this whole story with the revival of nazism, with the indulgence of all these fascist manifestations, in fact, this is not yet the beginning of the third world war, but these are what are called dangerous symptoms, that is, these are the first bells, it seems to me that today , again, is how it happened in berlin on may 9, we also remember watching the day before in this studio and so on, the ban on st. george’s ribbons and so on, all of this together brings us closer.
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at the eighteenth congress of the all-union communist party of belarus in march of thirty-nine, and he says that the second imperialist war has already been going on for 2 years, then even before september 1, then english,
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first of all english. historiographers set the start date of the first world war as september 1, why? but because they brought it out of this series of events, the same munich tear talk, the occupation they say that in general it began when japan attacked china, there in the early thirties, well, 1937, it’s like a direct invasion, at least that’s what is believed, well, maybe some people think 31, yes, when there was not a direct indirect invasion, but they brought everything out, that is, into european events, including events, czechoslovakia, the occupation of the orensk region, the occupation. austria, everything happened under the stealing of the same british, but americans. look, for example, at the industrial potential of germany, excuse me, who objected to it, who invested money there, the british and the americans, moreover, the british, but to a greater extent the americans, until 1945, supplied germany with strategic goods, the same tungsten, the same oil, german tanks, german planes flew on german oil all the way until 1945 , they seem to take it all out a little from the total turnover of... 6
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million jews, it’s as if we don’t argue at all about the ethnicity of the dead people, let’s sort it out with citizenship, well, for some reason, for almost 70 germany fed israel for years, excuse me, but how many israeli citizens suffered as a result of the holocaust, that’s a simple question, but almost 5 million citizens, and citizens of the soviet union suffered as a result of the holocaust, because they were destroyed first of all, they had the right jews and incorrect, even among jews.
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there were jews, but for some reason they don’t tell us this, we can’t talk about it, we can’t talk about it in the west either, their main task was precisely the destruction of this community, a new community that opposed itself the old dying community of the soviet people, and no matter what the ethnicity of this soviet citizen, be he georgian, be he tatar, tajik, russian, ukrainian, it doesn’t matter, everyone needs to be destroyed, in fact, they had plans, but they did not fulfill these plans , that is, if you count like this, then about 17.
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wandered, hitler borrowed his fascism, from whom? and among those who are considered the winner of hitler, among the british, first of all, there, than, the ancestors of this prime minister chamberlain, his father had something to do with this attitude, they just now, well , the contradictions in their world have reached such a level that it is impossible to cope with these contradictions using the methods of so-called bourgeois democracy, observing these procedures, so they resort to direct dictatorship, to direct terror, and not
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only on the territory ukraine, but on the territory... of the same germany, france, great britain or the usa, well, that’s why after the nurmer trial they generally kept silent about this whole denocification procedure, slowed it down, let it go for a week, then in germany in its occupation zones, france, britain, the americans, all this was done deliberately and on purpose. as for denocification, it is now in full swing on the front line, the kharkov front has turned into a real headache for the ukrainian armed forces, although kiev managed to slow down our advance. in this area the price turned out to be very, very high, this is how the situation is described by a legitimate ukrainian telegram channel. our source reports that the losses of the ukrainian armed forces in the first days of the kharkov offensive of the russians were more than 300 soldiers per day. now this figure dropped to 200 soldiers per day. this is the total number of dead, missing , captured, and wounded. this is only from one direction, such crushing numbers, if the russian armed forces again intensify the onslaught, then the total losses in
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the ssu. will increase significantly. the ukrainian military is complaining about the current situation to foreign journalists, and here, for example, is what the french tv channel lcy reports.
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describes the telegram channel cartel. the russians were stopped due to the transfer of a huge amount of infantry and equipment. technique accumulated for their autumn offensive, which is now under threat, as a terrible shortage of equipment has arisen. the
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manpower losses are enormous due to the russians' use of bombs. in fact, there is now one big meat grinder going on at the front. franz adamovich, as a military man, how would you assess the capabilities of the ukrainian reserves now? do they still exist as a class, do they have the ability to hold us back in the north of the kharkov region without retreating, without removing reserves from other directions, or have these possibilities already been exhausted? no unfortunately, they have the capabilities, i don’t want to engage in any kind of mischief here, here was shown footage related to the information of western journalists, ukrainian journalists.
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in fact, no, and what they give, they give information until recently , ukraine lost 1,500 people a day on the contact line, so you understand, my 345th separate parachute regiment in afghanistan, one of the most fighting regiments, lost in 10 years there are fewer fighters than they lose per day, you can imagine, and that’s all...
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people who work on the battlefield for their soldiers, who operate mobile these reserves, which you say, seeing , among other things, everything that we do, they are shocked today, and i repeat once again, the arrival of the big bosses of the united states of america is only in one thing: listen, you are good soldiers, they gave you everything, they gave you specialists, they assigned their specialists to artillery, anti-aircraft missile forces.
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and we forgave them, especially in the mid -eighties, the germans, the fascists, everything that happened, we pretended that they were, but in vain done. in vain in the nineties we demolished these and united the two germanys, well, yes, we made a lot of mistakes, and most importantly, today according to nornberg, there are very serious international provisions related to the armed forces of germany, their possibilities for revival and work, and today to this we need to go back, they are openly today grouping that fascist... grouping of 41-45 years from europe, which was advancing, which
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today seriously demonstrates nazism and cultivates it as the main ideology in order to wage a full-fledged war with russia. we are waging the third world war, but we did not begin to wage it until they were completely revealed, they will soon be revealed, and we will answer soon, i answer with full responsibility.
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you know the name of this city for sure, even if you haven’t been here, the famous water number 4:17 yasentuki, oh, how beautiful it is, let’s lower our hands, start taking procedures, the temperature is -85°, that’s about it. how fun, we don’t have aerobatics today, we do, hello
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eagle, we are at an altitude of about 2.0 m above sea level, it’s especially cool to watch such bright sunsets here, this is my most atmospheric dinner, let’s go, the premiere, tomorrow is the first, the azori are quiet here, tomorrow is the first on... may roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old. well, fresh, live fish, what kind? well, so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya. they were horrified that she was a ballet dancer. small, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed including the bed. i bought things at the children's world. viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, roman kart joked.
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i think he didn't regret anything. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, tomorrow on the first. for the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of lyubov polishchuk, everyone dances. she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba. and everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy. yes, let me out, it's me! i say, lyuba, aren’t you afraid to be ugly, she says sashka, that you should be afraid,
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lord, the main thing is to work, to play, play, do you even know what i came here for, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always love her . two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love, polishchuk, the last tango, that’s all. we met on sunday at the first, at the age of 19 i was left alone, why are you here and not with your father on the ship? oh yes, theater, the reds
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will come, art will be banned, yes this well, mulya, tell me, you’re ronevskaya, right? i’m from ranevsk, i haven’t experienced anything in my skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, it’s exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i’ll make a challenge, if you come to me, they love you, serious, smart man , and you make faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady. without a family, without children, but devoted to art to the grave, you are a brilliant, dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya, from monday, on the first, from happy birthday to whom, leo tolstoy nikolayevich,
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people have been dreaming about a new person for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the priority task was to cleanse the aryan race of ballast. eugenics didn’t go away after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. on monday, on the first. columnist
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scott benet joins us from san francisco. mr. benat, what do you think about this aid package? this is one of the most undignified moments in the history of the united states, when the american congress commits the american people in such a disgusting manner, no sane american supports this decision. american political scientist scott bennett, a former officer in the psychological operations unit of the us army with top secret clearance to information with grif. he worked at the highest levels of the international fight against terrorism. this is the most shameful manifestation of evil that... i have never seen in the history of the united states, i am disgusted and ashamed to be an american when such people are in political power. the psychological operations unit is considered to be one of the unique structures of the pentagon, as they began to be called during the vietnam war, later renamed the information support unit, but
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the essence remained the same. the battlefield for officers is public opinion. armed invasion us forces in panama in 1989, in samali in 1992 , in cancer in 2003, everywhere psychological operations forces acted alongside combat units. scott bennett was dubbed by the press as a man who was too good at his job. he exposed the financial scam of us president barack obama and did not remain silent, but accused america of financing terrorists through swiss banks. the democrats were involved in hiding swiss bank accounts that the cia used for shadow terrorist financing operations in libya and syria. kaidy, annusra, islamic state, operations in ukraine. benet immediately became an enemy of the american state, charges were fabricated against him, followed by arrest, and in prison he was strongly recommended to remain silent. benet’s defense was the maximum publicity of materials that contained evidence of the criminal
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activities of the us administration. i sent out copies of my report, which stated that i was a military officer with a top secret clearance. i discovered the crime. briton boris johnson is entirely to blame, american joe biden, german olav scholz and frenchman emmanuel macron. it was not russia that initiated this conflict, it was the west and nato who did it, and not for the first time. in november twenty -third, he goes to donbass to see with his own eyes what is happening in the zone of the special operation that russia is actually conducting; he visited solidar, where it was taking place at that moment.
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took over these newly independent states, but instead of making friends with russia,
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uniting with russia, the cia began to pursue this agenda of cannibalization, devouring the former ussr countries, nato expansion. in order for nato to expand, it was necessary to brainwash all these residents of the baltic states of ukraine, including. they had to be made to believe that this is evil russia, russia is the enemy, russia is the source of their pain, and this can be done with any people, using these technologies, this can be done with any people, but they have different defenses of every nation, i think that the ukrainians were chosen because they... were pliable, probably, so to speak, after communism, after authoritarian approaches,
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after the authoritarian government, which to some extent certainly existed from 1945 until the nineties, perhaps the ukrainians did not have money, as soon as money comes to you, this is a real drug, this is a real real mixture that the west can pour on any country, watered then, perhaps it is watering today for that... there is a lot of dishonesty regarding the history of ukraine and the azov battalion. the western media and the west do not want to acknowledge reality. western ukraine supports and supported the nazis. there was the headquarters of the nazi ss. the cia then gave ukrainian nazis immunity from prosecution. the united states has a long history of funding and arming nazis in ukraine. these are not neo-nazi groups. who have recently emerged are the real nazis from world war ii. i think that the ukrainians have deteriorated because of what fell on them, and i think that
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there is also a russian mistake here. russia. russia is a unique country, a unique culture that has been around for more than a thousand years, we can remember the influence of the horde, the influence of genghis khan, who was defeated, just like napoleon, like hitler, like many others, like the west, in the end, this is a unique culture that cannot be competed with, by the way, this is why i like russia, i like russian culture, because russia
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values ​​​​its identity very dearly, i i always say: russia didn’t start anything then, there was no conflict, no war. russia saved the people of donbass in ukraine, who were subjected to terrible genocide by poroshenko, under poroshenko, under zelensky, for this, and for this russia saved people, this heroism. scott, how many people think like you? many, there are many. there is tucker kahn,
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for example, this is my friend, i talked to him when he...
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look, we are giving another bribe to ourselves through ukraine, that is, this is the money that will flow out of these funds and flow successfully into the pockets of other people , representatives of
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the military-industrial complex.
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russia has an infinite number of shells. russia must win, and if we begin to calculate the concentration, accuracy of fire , etc., then we immediately understand that ukraine must lose, now there is a window of opportunity for russia, this is a purely mathematical calculation, just mathematics. we are very much suppressed, us as free speakers, because you imagine that the military-industrial complex has definitely penetrated inside.
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some name and pronoun, without our knowledge. in the paperwork they provided, one of the school officials accidentally forgot to change the male name they gave our daughter and her pronoun. later we found a book in our daughter’s backpack that the school psychologist gave her from a personal library, in this book there was a story about a confused homosexual boy, we had a conversation with the school principal, he told us: you just have to... accept it, moral illness, i would now introduce this term, moral degradation, you can to name, corruption, many in the west, be it biden, trudeau, they
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call it human rights, they hung up a sophisticated sign, look, these are human rights, perhaps the leaders received bribes, i don’t know what, but nevertheless, maybe they are sick , very easy, can be described justin trudeau, tony blair, for example. or another politician in europe, america, that this is crazy, but we see from their deeds, we recognize them, we see that they destroy their countries, they imprison their people, their citizens, who have some moral standards, at least those who are trying to protect their children from the washing that comes down this dirty, rotten pipe of transgenderism and homosexuality.
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is now heading towards a coup directed against the authoritarianism of washington, a dispute has flared up between locals on the southern border of the united states officials in texas and the federal government on how to handle the influx of migrants. texas governor greg abbott is continuing his nearly three-year initiative to prevent migrants from entering the united states illegally. the us department of homeland security said the texas governor's initiative is only making things more difficult. vietnam, then afghanistan turned out to be too tough, what will america do when we win? americans are now in the stage of pride, pride, pride will lead to their downfall, they pray this golden calf, and i won't be surprised if we see the fall of rome. using the example of america.
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the time has come to say the most important words. russian culture - russia. he still has a part of love that can be shared with america, with americans, with those americans who, like me, love russia and appreciate russia. and despite this madness, despite what they are trying to impose on us, despite what politicians in america in congress tell us. their time is already coming to an end. here they are. i'm sure that with the last stroke of this clock, america will fall apart, perhaps there will be another country, a small country, but that new america, which will not be filled with hatred and hostility against russia. scott, how did your family, acquaintances, and friends react to the fact that you want to obtain russian citizenship? fortunately. all my friends are conservative,
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i don’t have a person, such a burning liberal, who will hang himself with these different, multi-colored flags and say, i’m such a democrat, democratic, my friends, they are very similar to me, they have good feelings for russia, they definitely understand that russia is a country which supports traditional christian values, this will probably be a real ark country. i think that i will move to russia when america is completely immersed in this chaos, nazi agenda, and many other americans will move to russia, for the centenary. hello to
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our huge country. i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places. the mighty yenisei river, which is great for fishing, is very beautiful in winter, especially when the inii turns into an incredible fairy tale for us. to date i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions. people come to us from all regions of russia. i’ll let people look at these beauties, many, many, many, many know our sheregezh, russia has no borders, in russia there is only a horizon, travel, get to know our world, our russia, on the centenary of boris vasiliev, i loved you madly, hopelessly , then timidity, then jealousy. “i loved you so sincerely,
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so tenderly, one staff commander, by the way, married, got himself, so to speak, and i was ordered to assign this friend to the case, now you will educate her, or only later after lights out, i had a husband, zhenya, someone beat him off, but don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat him back, but killed her on june 24, okay, osyanina, she managed to be married.” and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, believe me, lisa, be sure to believe it, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow, but there is no way back to it, after that we will sing from that elizabeth, we will fulfill the combat order, we will sing, come back quickly, girls, the dawn is here. quiet, tomorrow at the first, for
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the seventy-fifth birthday of lyubov polishchuk, everyone is dancing, she always captivated the audience, that is, if she came out. very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom god probably created for each other, they could not live without each other, as i saw, love polishchuk, the last
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tango, they met on sunday at first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first, at 19 years old i was left alone, and for some reason they are here... that's on ship? oh yes, the theater. the reds will come, art will be banned. yes, it's bullshit. tell me, you, ranevskaya? yes, i am ranevskaya. i haven’t experienced anything myself. the war
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passed her by. look at this face. exceptional. there are many great directors, but perhaps a great meeting. from monday on the first, happy birthday to whom, lev nikolaevich tolstoy, we just watched an interview with ekaterina strizhenova with
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a political scientist, a former us army officer, scott bennett, in this conversation there is a fragment that interested us, well in general. says that we made a mistake at one time, we mean russia, all of us, blindly trusting the west in ukraine. kiro lvovna, but there really are a lot of mistakes, so to speak, the one who made them didn’t especially ask people how they vote, in fact there was a referendum, yes, the preservation of the soviet union, it was a very branchy question, but in general people were in favor of preserving the soviet union, but alas, everything did not go the way people would have liked. and since someone wanted something to happen this year, what do you think? benet emphasizes that yes, there was a mistake, yes, they trusted, yes, perhaps , including the collapse of the berlin wall, it was necessary for the west to sign some written guarantees about not expanding nato to the east, gorbachev was verbally
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promised, but was not secured, not signed, and under what circumstances would there be peaceful coexistence with ukraine, there with other republics. here is all that happened in the nineties and in the 25th, almost 5 years of the 21st century, and we say: yes, it was a mistake, we trusted, our expectations were deceived, and so on. but again i repeat, in order to say this with all, so to speak, responsibility, it
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was necessary to live through 30 whole years of very intense, turbulent historical international events. yes, life has shown that, of course, written guarantees are an important component, because they are simply simpler, easier to work with, easier to appeal to, that is, it is always easier to show some kind of convention or some kind of memorandum, pact, protocol to say, look there: a single text, unfortunately, and this is something somewhere in an interview, in some in memoirs, in some kind of memorandums,
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it’s all in fragments and every time you try to refer to it, you need to say a lot, a lot of things, but if there was some kind of single paper, you could look at it, but they deceived well, now i’m getting to the most important thing, on the other hand, we know examples of very solid-looking documents that were violated only on the way, so rather. all taking into account the existential nature of our confrontation with the west, and these are really not just so beautiful philosophical words, but this is really so, and not only in the 20th century, but in general over an extremely long historical period, i think that not a single document would have kept the west from expansion simply because this is the essence of its existence, this is their, what is called modus operandi, they are like this, due to this they move forward, develop, really - the phrase was said by scott ritter due to cannibalization like this, that is, they must constantly devour
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someone’s flesh in order, so to speak, to increase their own muscles, so in this sense, of course, not a single paper would have saved us, but nevertheless it could have slightly delayed some things, so for the future, of course, it seems to me that conclusions need to be drawn appropriately, that any agreements, firstly, with legitimate power, only what the president said at a press conference in china, on the issue of our further relations with ukraine, and secondly, of course, all these texts, they must be very clearly and unambiguously formulated in every possible way from a legal point of view views are recorded in terms of signing, ratification, all these legal subtleties must be strictly observed. sergei ladlenovich, after all, the collapse of the soviet union and the expansion of nato to the east is a consequence. where was the mistake that led to these consequences? you know, the word error doesn’t quite suit me either, so to speak, it really has a lot of meaning, i would
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say that it seems to me more correct to say that many of the decisions and actions that were taken then did not stand the test of time, they turned out to be untenable, but we understand this only today from the position of today, you know, i came into the profession, that’s when all this was just beginning, and i remember how all this happened, and then no one knew that it was wrong , do you understand? then no one assumed, it was obvious that the world was at the breaking point of epochs, and something had to be done and a lot, to put it simply, was being done simply on wheels, so they didn’t know what, so let ’s try, when gorbachev went to india, signed a declaration with rajiv gandhi non-violent nuclear-free world, but today it sounds like some kind of mockery, a parody, but no one knew then in 1987 or 1988, and when i wrote... i didn’t imagine this either, i also believed that there really would be a non-violent, nuclear-free world, if
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reagan himself, who spoke about the evil empire, suddenly agreed, so to speak, there with gorbachev, there was rekjavik, this whole process, we did not know that we would be cheated, we did not know that we will be deceived, only now we understand in hindsight, so i say that instead of the word error, which does not quite suit me, i understand that only the lazy do not criticize now, it is more appropriate to say that... and we must learn lessons from this failed policy and really not to step on the rake that our leaders were forced to step on, but then this was predetermined precisely by the course of events. but i’m wondering, do you really think we were so naive then, well, we mean naturally, the state with the west - it’s not just that people are structured in such a way that they always want to believe in
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something, so to speak, in some kind of golden dream, well, man is structured that way, but ours... thinking is mythological in nature , yes, politicians, of course, are not ordinary people, they bear responsibility, the burden of responsibility for their countries, but they can also fall into some kind of mythology, because in fact it was very strong then, there was great fatigue and from this cold war, from the iron curtain, well, everyone is tired of it, we are very i wanted then for this not to happen, and we...
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how, in general, the operation was carried out in yugoslavia before nato, so to speak, began bombing, and before yevgeny primakov turned his plane over the atlantic , this was a turn, there was also the inertia of this mythology inside, which i was also in, i won’t deny it, yes, only then we opened our eyes and realized what it was, well, our naivety, yes, we harbored some... then illusions, and meanwhile in the west... immediately, probably before the end for them, for us, the great patriotic war, they were already systematically preparing, they laid this time bomb , and they knew that it would be very useful to them, it would detonate at any convenient moment, it is an obvious fact that the american authorities still use exactly the same ones today technologies to help outright, so to speak, nazis in kiev,
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because i already emphasized that all this took place after the great patriotic war, they also made every effort to... well, expel, take away everyone such notorious nazis to themselves, hide them and then use them for their intended purpose, this is what the cia officers themselves actually write about those historical events. from 1946 to 1953, american intelligence set itself the task of supporting active armed resistance on the territory of soviet ukraine. to do this , agents were sent to the territory of the ukrainian ssr, who were supposed to maintain relations with the participants. anti-soviet resistance to collect information about the political and military situation inside ukraine, poland and czechoslovakia. when armed resistance on the territory of soviet ukraine was suppressed, the reconnaissance group changed its course of action. she moved from supporting armed resistance to supporting political movements and covert operations, using all available means. underground radio broadcasting,
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printed publications, personal contacts. these operations are among the most effective among those that have been deployed.
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well, firstly, thank you for the invitation, congratulations to the channel on the exclusive, and secondly , about these misconceptions and mistakes, i still, i don’t believe in naivety either, including our former leaders, for me it basically all comes down to the concept of sovereignty, which our president often uses, and precisely in the meaning that he puts it in, it’s basically this this...
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any, monetary, military, yes, i, no matter how it may be, at that moment was not paramount, it has now become paramount, but intellectual, any, moral determination to stand up and say: guys, we also have our own interests here , vital interest, interest in the security of our country our people, and we are ready to defend him, this is what is happening. therefore, this is the answer to your question, what can we oppose now ? firstly, we are opposing specifically our actions in defense of these very interests,
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and secondly, we are creating a precedent, a very important precedent, which the whole world is now watching what we have it will come out of this, and that’s what others are already starting to follow, when according to our, you know, this modern joke, how could it be possible?
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ukraine, which the american ruling class and their allies in the corporate media are trying to sell to us taxpayers. this fundamentally anti-democratic decision of zelensky earned the blessing of the us secretary of state. for more than two years, the people running the us government have justified pouring billions of us tax dollars into the russian-ukrainian conflict, arguing that it was necessary to defeat russia and protect democracy. maybe you think that these are justifiable actions in
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the military? of course, of course, firstly, i can’t help but react to what i heard here, of course, i was a person in the nineties quite young, not immersed in all these political processes, everyone was young then, young, did not really understand, now years later i understand, i graduated from high school in 1985, so for the sake of understanding, i just saw how it all happened on in my eyes, but still , for the sake of objectivity, it seems to me that the collapse of the soviet union is a set of objective subjective reasons, as for
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the objective ones...
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on these maidans, well, by and large, so we will have to figure this out for a long time, you know, i looked at it benet's interview, i've seen a lot of what he said there, i agree with it all, the only thing i didn't like, i want to tell you, after watching the interview with him, i got the feeling that in all that happened in ukraine, the west is solely to blame, some johnson is to blame, some biden is to blame, and so on, you even know, so... look, you have some kind of inner feeling that the ukrainian regime has become a victim of these people, in fact it not so, this is not so, these people absolutely consciously seized power in the fourteenth year, this is it was their initiative in 1414, their thirst for power was so great that they were ready to sacrifice this country, burn these people in the fire, shoot them on the maidan, do whatever they wanted, they needed power at any cost.
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by the way, to lose crimea and so on, they knew about it, even the americans told them about it, i cited this quote from the conversation, but with the ukrainian oppositionists, they were ready , they said that it means there is a risk of losing, they said it’s not that great loss against the backdrop of geopolitical challenges facing standing with us, but now it looks like such a loss on their part, it looks like one of the key points that does not allow us to reach constructive matters.
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because we already know this knowledge, we didn’t know this, thanks to this interview we learned, the most important point, i think, is that if you evaluate this interview, you can, of course, tear it apart into some fragments, but the value lies is that we
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understand that such a person, he gets the opportunity to say all this only here, and not in the citadel of democracy, where also there are people like him, but there is a multi-stage filter system. any short advertisement and let's go back to the centenary of boris vasilyev, it's still difficult for women in war, they all volunteer, shoot, lita, the target is caught, fire, girls, i can't go with
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them, comrade, send me to the front line while you're yours. if you twist the little woman, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down. well, then there is no such war. i can not do it anymore. now i'll go and shoot. you can't, suni, you can't. the germans are alone the path between these lakes through the ridge. and eternal battle, we only dream of peace. the azori are here. quiet, tomorrow at first, the enemy , armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. this week, on may 20, roman
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kartsev would have turned 85 years old, well, the fish is fresh, alive, what, well, so alive, so alive. the parents of comedian roman kartsev were categorically against his marriage to victoria kasinskaya. they were horrified that she was a ballet dancer, little one, thin, 47 kg, in my opinion, he weighed including the bed, bought things in the children's world. viktor ilchenko lived with his wife tatyana for 33 years, and with me for 30 years, roman kartsev joked. tatyana, admit it, when did you fall in love? well, the first time. one day tatyana was introduced as such, ilchenko’s wife kartseva. tomada was misha zhvanetsky, he gave the wedding to his friend. shirt, our exclusive, family secrets of the famous memoristic duet ilchenko and kartsev, he was so faithful, devoted, there was crazy love, just crazy, i can say clearly, he didn’t cheat on me, i think he didn’t regret
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anything, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, tomorrow on the first, and where are those, our drederov. amazing sense of taste, sense of proportion, musician, it was a real miracle, you have some kind of intuitive immersion in the image, i felt like a simple spectator who sits and thinks, okay, how in general, i love you, this is great, you are captivating, i just want to listen, watch and admire, and again you, don’t say anything, just watch, three chords, new season. in sunday on the first,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday, on the first, how old are you, how old am i, right? ranevskaya is on the first one from monday. you clearly
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want to be the main character in fayen gurdon's production. well, if it’s necessary for business, i can play worse, yuri sancho. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905, eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly. usa, it concentrated on the forced sterilization of disabled people and the social identities of poor people. adolf gitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, for the first time, the next task was to cleanse the aryan race of ballast. eugenics. it didn’t go anywhere after the war, it just changed its sign and methods. ordinary fascism 2 on monday on the first.
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the ministry of culture of the russian federation, the russian state library and channel one have launched a joint project called rustoria, which conveys important historical information to the audience in an interesting and accessible form. this is a series. short animated videos that they talk about outstanding personalities and significant events of russian history and culture, today is the day of slavic writing and culture, the holiday is dedicated to the day of remembrance of saints cyril and methodius, who created the alphabet and gave rise to the writing of the slavs, a new video of rustoria is dedicated to him, let's take a look.
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in the middle of the 20th century, prince rastislav of the great sea asked the byzantine emperor michael ii to send learned men capable of expounding the foundations of the orthodox faith in the slavic language. the emperor's choice fell on the brothers ascetics cyril and methodius. they came from the city of thessaloniki, where many slavs lived and had a high status at court. while still in constantinople, cyril compiled an alphabet for... the slavs, which was called "glagolitic". having created a writing system, the enlightener began to translate liturgical books from greek. in great moravia, modern czech lands, the brothers were welcomed, but the german bishops did not appreciate the works of cyril and methodius. they believed that sacred texts could not be written in slavic and insisted on latin. however, the desire of the western priesthood to prevent the emergence of book writing among the slavs was not crowned with success. the brothers' students created the cyrillic alphabet,
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which over time spread widely throughout the slavic lands and became the foundation of the written culture of the russian people. the russian orthodox church canonized cyril and methodius as saints. on the day of their memory , may 24 is celebrated in our country as the day of slavic writing and culture. well, in general, in the west they understand perfectly well that if the slavs are united. and are in solidarity, then no one dares to lift a finger, that’s why they drive in wedges and try to show us their fist, big game, will continue the broadcast on the first, good afternoon, live broadcast of the big game and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, in our country there is only one holiday, which is considered a church-state holiday , this holiday... just today, this is the day of slavic writing, the day of slavic writing,
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established in honor of the holy equal-to-the-apostles cyril and methodius, who... are the creators of the slavic alphabet, and few people know that this alphabet, which he invented kirill was a glagolitic alphabet, and today the number of people who read glagolitic alphabet is lucky, of course, in only a few, here is the cyrillic alphabet , which has already developed into modern writing, it was invented later in the bulgarian monasteries by clement of archidae. brave chernarisets, they, in fact, are also the creators of our writing, happy holiday to everyone - this is a holiday common to all slavic peoples, because it really is for everyone who still uses the cyrillic alphabet, this holiday
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remains one of the most important, and even today in connection with this, you are also a hypocrite. at his holiness patriarch kirill of moscow all russia the day before, our president congratulated patriarch kirill of moscow all russia on this and wished him every success. well, we, too , on behalf of channel one, on behalf of all our television viewers, your holiness, congratulate you on your success and a great summer. another one today. holiday, international day of africa, established by the united nations, our president sent congratulations to all heads of state and governments of africa on this occasion, and he asked to accept the most
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heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of this holiday, which symbolizes the victory of the peoples of your continent over colonialism and their desire for freedom and peace. and prosperity , african countries have achieved generally recognized success in the economic and social sphere, are playing an increasingly significant role in resolving pressing issues on the international agenda, and indeed africa is now playing a growing role in the global political and economic arena, our congratulations to our african colleagues who continue their participation in the academic forum, today he has been working in moscow for the third day, well, the president himself - late the night before he had already flown to minsk and the first meeting with president of belarus lukashenko took place at the airport, russian-belarusian negotiations have already begun there what was said there. i
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have a very interesting proposal for our region and then for the caucasus very seriously. here, too, there is something to talk about, everything is stable with us, everything is going well, and here we will talk, of course, about training, the second phase of training, this is due to the direct participation of our belarusian friends, colleagues in the military sphere, and today members of the government
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of the russian federation in minsk, including the new minister of defense, belousov, he also arrived with... visit minsk and is holding negotiations with his belarusian counterpart, well , the ukrainian president is also not sitting idle, today he is holding an emergency meeting in kharkov, on an issue, you will never guess which one, on the issue of the future heating season in kharkov in winter, i do n’t think he has a more pressing topic. yuri ivanovich podalyaka is in direct contact with us. yuriy ivanovich, do you think zelensky has more pressing topics than the heating season in kharkov? well, depending on how you look at this problem, yes, he has a problem with pr, he has a problem with instilling confidence in western leaders in the first place, and in this way he is trying to show them that he has everything under control, that they systematically expect to carry it out calmly heating season in kharkov,
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it is clear that they themselves do not know whether they will spend it, or someone else will spend the heating season in kharkov, but they must show, especially on the eve of... the so-called swiss forum, yes, confidence that they have everything under control, although they themselves we’re not sure of anything, i think this is the only goal that is pursued during such a... meeting, so what’s the news from the fronts of the special military operation? you know, good news is mainly coming from those directions where before, this is the chasyarsk direction, our troops have already been in service for the seventh day the pressure on the enemy's chasovyar grouping has not weakened in a row, it is gradually squeezing it out from the southern, well, not the outskirts, from the southern region of the lower chasya, this is klischeevka, andreevka, here, according to the data that comes, the enemy... in general, as if slowly, but is retreating behind the line of canals, but not immediately, neither by running nor by flight, but nevertheless , he is collapsing his positions, gradually retreating behind
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the line of canals, so as not to force, or rather not force us to go after them with his flight and there on their shoulders to go further per channel, therefore, there is a systematic retreat, i think over time we will completely reach the canal line here, and there are also fierce battles, a new assault on the microdistrict, because gradually, if we spoke earlier about the canal microdistrict, in which there have been battles inside for several days now.. . microdistrict, yes, the battles are gradually shifting here, because having taken control of a new microdistrict, the enemy thus loses the point of holding the canal microdistrict further, and moreover, we are entering the very heart of chasoy yar, that is why we are here. fierce fighting has been going on for many days, the enemy is trying to hold positions, trying to choose, to knock us out of the positions that we occupied during this assault, but the fighting continues, i really hope for a favorable outcome and that in the end we will be able to break the back in the coming days here we will go to the enemy in... the central part of the city and thus will largely solve the problems of his liberation, and also, of course, now oh,
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wolfs, also, of course, leptsy, here the enemy is even trying to carry out counterattacks in places, this also seems to have place be, but in general today there is news that in the same volchansk we are using tosas, and this is a clear sign that the nearest, and in the southern quarters of volchansk, this is a clear sign that in the coming days our units will try to take control by storm. in this part of the city, that is, so far this has always been, you know, this has always been a good sign of future immediate assault operations, and also of course we are attacking in the ocheretin area, to the north, this is in the toretsky direction, here even the enemy yesterday in his report admitted our progress forward, well, krasnogorovka, for the second day there is an assault on the central district of the city, or rather we are trying to cover it from the north and west, we are trying to take sunny high-rise buildings into the ticking microdistrict. if we succeed, then this main part of the city, after that, after the refractory plant, which we have long ago taken control of, we will be able to solve this problem, and
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, accordingly, beyond the outskirts of krasnogorka it will not have much significance, and also there are battles in the konstantinovka area, this is on ugledarsky direction, in velikaya novosyolka, where we took control of the central part of staromaisky, and there are good successes in the zaporozhye section north-west of verbovoy. thank you very much, ivanovich podalyaka for the latest good news from the front. certain changes within the ministry of defense were very well received by the troops, everyone understands that now there will be
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a supply of new equipment and everyone is waiting for just such very good favorable expectations, from the point of view of the war, vanovich described it very well, but nevertheless it is possible emphasize that, for example, the enemy has already withdrawn several brigades from our direction to the kharkov direction, this suggests that now... there are very serious battles going on there, we know that several enemy counter-offensives are being prepared there, ivanovich said very beautifully, we will working in tosas, what does this mean? that we roughly know that many ukrainian, ukrainian units that are being transferred from our donetsk direction no longer have armored vehicles, they are actually personnel, many brigades are exhausted to such an extent that they can no longer be called motorized rifle, they are already infantry, in fact, they just exist. for the transfer of these brigades, this is probably the most basic task that our donetsk direction is performing today,
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to bleed to the maximum those enemy brigades that are in our direction and which can be a kind of reserve for the kharkov direction, and thus, even here during the retreat, what ivanovich spoke about under the clock, when they retreated from the heights from kurdyumovka and klishcheevka, andreevka, the enemy has only... over the past 24 hours lost dozens of units of armor and vehicles, and this cannot but rejoice, the only thing is that in the directions where we have very serious problems, thanks... again to the west, yes, but we are also ready for this, they have already begun to use 155 caliber ammunition and fpv drones with a new batch, but our guys also do not stand still and, as far as is already known, quite intelligent systems rer and rep are being created in order to counteract the enemy, so let's advance, let's go forward, uh-huh, thank you very much,
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really - we're in the mood now. elated, of course, and i think this will now be confirmed by the military correspondent of the russian spring, anastasia mikhailovskaya, who is now in direct contact with us, anastasia leonna, good afternoon, what news do you have, here we have good news, finally they took kleshcheevka and unloaded the state flag and a copy of the victory flag in the very center of the village opposite the intercession cathedral, almost the entire village was destroyed. but the pokrovsky cathedral is still there partially, partially there is a place to fly the banner, there were very serious battles for this village for a whole year, our aviation worked here, so i hear it every day, how it flies back and forth above us, it flies very loudly, it bombs the village and the bakhmut all direction, so the high-precision artillery of krasnopol is also working, our fpv drones are working, our operators
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are doing great too, now you can see in the footage how they bombed. we also constantly go to the hospital, unfortunately, our road is very heavily shot, yesterday i also met a group of journalists who were going there, they were equipped with a reb, after the last reb, which we also supply, once again i want to urge you all to help us in our gathering, spectators of the big game, now this is the only one, who helps us with the popular front we...
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well, hello to all the soldiers who liberated kleshcheevka, and through you, to all the fighters there on the line of combat contact, we draw the attention of our tv viewers to this qr code, by which you can get an invoice, where you can make radio fund donation electronic warfare, so necessary for our soldiers on the front line, especially since the west is now increasing supplies, germany today announced another package of...
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this situation looks strange, since with all the reservations, hungary intends to remain part of the north atlantic alliance, in the history of nato there have not been many situations where a member state would so openly adhere to a special position, as hungary is doing now, so its role should be reconsidered in the military alliance, our lawyers are now working on this military, this question must exist. for some reason , this thought does not come to mind, as de gaulle did at one time, and there were , in fact, a lot of cases when at least the nato powers objected to the policy of the united states, during the vietnam war, during the iraq war, iraqi, yes, 2003, and this is a very interesting statement,
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indeed orban said that... this is a very valuable statement, that these are the signs of preparation, after all, for the entry of individual nato countries under their own flag, and not through some mercenary schemes. this is a very important statement, and as for the second part, here is the end of his quote, as i understand it, this may mean that hungary may withdraw from the nato military organization, because nato consists of two of the two
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components, political and military, this happened, you remembered degol, it was degol who left the nato military unit, they were outside the military unit for more than 30 years, in my opinion. and for european politics, well, all world politics will pay attention to this, but of course we ask the question, what are you even doing there, well, if you are endlessly put in a corner there, slapped on the hands, i think that this is a very fair question, another thing is that well, we... people are polite, that’s all -after all , it’s a sovereign country, it’s from brussels that everything is dictated to them, everything is taken away from them , that’s how they think, let them do it, but i would say vyacheslav alekseevich that within the framework of our
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professional life we ​​will see how from nato, i think as an expert , that either someone is coming out, or what could be even more interesting, someone is being kicked out, no, i don’t think anyone will be kicked out there, it’s that organization. where the entrance is a ruble, the exit, the exit through a tube, like in a gangster group, here it is, it’s obvious, but the exit, but the habits there are the same, so if you behave badly there, then not only will they put you on a counter there, but in if something happens, well , the fitz is an example, here is the example and the fits are very clear here, you won’t be spoiled in all these things, although knowing the problems, creating problems can be degol, they overthrew them too.
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everything goes on as usual, our diplomacy it works, here in the west, it seems they decided to completely forget about diplomacy, about this after the advertisement, at the age of 9 i was left alone, and why are you
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here, and not with your father on the ship? and the theatre, the reds will come, art will be in favor. yes , she’s a wimp, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya, i haven’t experienced anything on my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can only be one great meeting, i ’ll make a challenge, and you come to me, they love you, serious, smart man, you make faces, marital status, what do you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a lady, no family, no children, but devoted to art to the grave, you are a brilliant,
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dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it, ranevskaya from monday on the first, happy birthday, who? iva nikolaevich tolstovo, bourbon steersman product of stellor group. when i saw all this beauty, i thought it was an exhibition of some kind of cakes, only the last time i thought that these were lip balms. this is the prevention of bacteria viruses, this makes the lips swollen. you, by the way, this shade is so cool. we produce futruks, offices on wheels, mobile homes. you have a cozy, comfortable place here, the views, you tried, it’s the same vehicle as a car, that is, you pay for parking and live in it, on these watches, using the palikh technique, scenes are executed that are known to everyone. traditional russian
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fairy tales are recognizable, people are now actively ordering them for us, this is an indicator that the fashion for russian is returning. the most valuable thing in a watch is the miniature, it is ours, and we we are proud of this. our everything. premiere. tomorrow, on the first day. to the centenary of boris vasiliev. it’s difficult, after all, it’s still a war. they all volunteer. shoot, lita. target captured. wow.
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“i can’t do it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, it’s impossible, the germans have one path, between these lakes through a ridge, eternal battle, we only dream of peace, and the dawns here are quiet, tomorrow on the first day, the enemy, armed to the teeth , is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front.” to the seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of love polishchuk, everyone dances, she always captivated the audience, that is, if lyuba came out, the hall always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, yes, let me out, it’s me, vilka, i say, lyuba, you’re not afraid to be ugly, why be afraid, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play. do you even know why i
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came here, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people , which god probably created for each other, they couldn’t live without each other, as i saw, love polishchuk. last tango, we met, on sunday at the first, this is the liver, friends, that’s where the gallbladder is located, something from the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only that, in the program live healthy, you learn the most important thing about life and health, on monday, first. big
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game live. today, china and brazil came up with a joint initiative to hold a peace conference on ukraine with the participation of all interested parties, that is, both russia and ukraine. but so far there has been no reaction.
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since the end of 2021, he has not tried to communicate with putin, with all the existing risks of the war escalating into a nuclear one, biden cannot even understand that there is no point at all. why am i only talking about biden? president putin has said many times that he is open to negotiations, but people here don’t want to communicate. i know all these people, and the truth is that the united states does not understand what diplomacy is, it is not clear to them. we have a secretary of state, but we don't have a diplomat. they have there is no diplomacy, and i am inclined to agree with this, but... in this case, there is a direction of american diplomacy, where it has not even spent the night, for example, the iranian direction, yes, american diplomacy, there is actually no dialogue there, since 1979, so iran is going through very difficult days these days, mourning is still going on there, yesterday president raisi was buried in mishhad, there are rezas in the mausoleum, and this... is truly a holy
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place for iranians, and 3 million people came to say goodbye to their president just this city, not to mention the entire country, where a multi-million-dollar farewell ceremony was held, and the united states is confused about what they are doing under these conditions. blinken made a stunning statement at the time, yes, that the majority of the iranian population was much better off because such a bad person as resi had passed away. i'm not even talking about israel, yes, which created a mess there in the security council, just at the moment when they asked to stand for a minute of silence to honor the memory. that's the absence. american diplomacy is now especially my opinion is clearly manifested, including in the middle east. i hope that after the broadcast i will have a question for americanists and specialists, because i still remind you that nevertheless
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, negotiations were held in moscati in oman, though not direct negotiations between washington and tehran, but about a settlement or a reduction in tension in the region and... the tragedy with the helicopter happened precisely against the backdrop of these negotiations, so i wouldn’t say that the american side is not at all trying to establish at least some diplomatic contacts with the iranian side, it must be said that in general, the british are brothers in mind, they have already immediately restored the work of their embassy , ​​the british embassy has been operating in tehran for several years now. that’s why, well, in general, the united states even has a certain mediator in place, i would like, yes, there’s one detail here, it’s not about iran in general, you said about africa day, i ’m drawing attention to that , which is somehow interesting
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, the united states of zelensky clicked his nose, because after the americans were expelled from niger, for some reason, it was yesterday, in my opinion, that the decision was made to declare kenya.
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in any case, from the official list of victims of srebrenica, 90 people are alive and well,
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participating in elections, somehow, although they are victims of srebrenica, buried alive there by the serbs, in fact, the serbian genocide there was very serious, we all know this very well, yesterday it was quite an emotional exchange of views in the general assembly, that’s what our representative vasily nebendze said. the main sponsor of this resolution germany decided to speak out, a country that in the 20th century ignited two world wars, exterminated millions of people in concentration camps, is responsible for mass crimes in africa and took an active part in the collapse of yugoslavia and the bombing of sarajevo in 1995, is now trying to teach from the rostrum of the general assembly others about the importance of national reconciliation. we are convinced that germany has no moral right to even mention the term.
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people in southeastern europe who opposed nazism, paying the ultimate price, over a million serbs were killed by either the german or croatian nazis. why didn't they start with such a resolution? because they needed this resolution at this particular moment. i'm not talking about the gas sector or other events now, but no one should underestimate the people here, because everyone understands everything. but i ask these influential, these big and, one might say, arrogant people. why did you need to be so strong in the last 7 days?
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this is what is happening now, this is the foundation of that unjust world order, this is the swamp on which this unjust world order is built, this order is based on rules that come from nowhere, there is justice, there is injustice on top of injustice, and the fact that germany is now trying means somehow polishing up its a huge sin that... it has, indeed, only in the early nineties, it seems that germany began to enter
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the international arena, no longer as just a country that is under american occupation, it seems that it is starting to do something independently, and the first thing they do is recognize croatia, after which the process of the collapse of yugoslavia is accelerated, a civil war begins, even several civil wars at once, so the germans screwed up. in the balkans, very, very strongly, they have a huge responsibility, and the fact that they are now trying to cover it all up is, of course , a complete disgrace, but you know what i want to draw attention to? this situation highlights the question of the role of the united nations, we hear all the time that we need more representation and russian diplomacy supports this position, we need reform of both procedures and membership in the security council, but this issue also has a downside, some are underrepresented, some, excuse me
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, are overrepresented, why do we mean half. there should be nato members in the security council, but from what position, if they are all nato members, why are they, what, why should they be represented in this form, or, for example, here is a very interesting example, in the current period, one of the permanent members security council switzerland, here a neutral country, switzerland, is a non-permanent member of the security council, its main most popular vote during this period is abstaining, not the militarization of space. we abstain, which means there is some kind of middle eastern issue, switzerland is abstaining, why is it necessary, this is a new form of neutrality that we don’t care about anything, we can’t express a position, why do we need such representation, the main thing is that it never does not vote against the west, this is its great value for those people who are
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the un determines the actual voting procedure. in considering issues and so on, well, here is an interesting example of western diplomacy in georgia, simply wonderful, amazing, in georgia they decided to introduce a law on foreign agents, all these agents were brought out under the leadership of even the foreign ministers of western states to the square, who were supposed to overthrow the government, well, since the parliament stands its ground. and seems to want to pass a law that is supported by the majority of the population by the majority parliament, which means that, on the one hand , the americans are already introducing visa restrictions, and congress wants to consider a bill on sanctions against the georgian leadership, well, let's listen to anthony blinken. the ruling georgian dream party
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developed and adopted a law on foreign influence, which... will impede the exercise of freedom of association of expression, stigmatize organizations serving the citizens of georgia and interfere with independent media working to ensure georgians have access to high-quality information. this undermines georgian democracy and the fundamental freedoms to which the georgian people are entitled, and contradicts georgia's long-stated purpose. euro-atlantic integration and us strategic partnership. in response to these actions, the state department is introducing a new visa restriction policy. for georgia, which will apply to persons responsible for or complicit in undermining democracy in georgia, as well as to members of their families. today i am also launching a comprehensive review of bilateral cooperation between the u.s. and georgia. well, georgian prime minister kabakhidze was directly threatened by the european commissioner and it turned out that it was oliver verhele, who said that he could simply share
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fitz’s fate. yes. he said frankly, well, really, this european commissioner was right there. made the following statement: if georgia has to make a choice between strengthening its sovereignty with american visas and air tickets, then the country’s authorities will make a choice in favor of their homeland. vyacheslav alekseevich, we made this choice back in 1914, realizing how much
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dirt non-governmental organizations do on the territory of our republics, when in kremlin. when in volnovakha, when in mariupol i went to school, i saw how much subversive literature, which, besides lgbt, is probably the least that was talked about there in schools, yes, that is, everything was talked about atomization and collapse - of the state, and i these textbooks, even when i was transporting the border, so that our scientists could study them, primarily historians and social activists, at the border i had several problems, why, because on our territory these organizations are recognized as extremist organizations, and i am very pleased that...
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the fact that before the adoption of this law and the general development of this law, the georgian leadership, in general, tried to improve relations, i remind you that, in my opinion, kabakhidze i was in beijing, that is, with other centers of power in the world, this time, second, i remind you that bedina ivanishvili, who, in fact, is the creator of this party, the georgian dream, the richest man in georgia. and he actually has money under sanctions he was stolen and all this time, no, seriously, well, i understand that this is quite, i’m just quoting close to the text, because
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the americans, it turns out, really wanted to talk to him all the time, the us ambassador asked for a meeting, to which ivaneshvili already publicly said, that as long as you stole my money, until you return it, there can be no conversation at all and... yes, the second trend is the church is waking up, and not only in georgia, but in armenia, which is very interesting, this is a very interesting trend, this is very interesting, well now we’re getting footage already the beginning of negotiations in minsk, between the presidents of the two countries, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko, we will follow the details, and after that we will continue the topic of the lack of diplomacy in the west, well, we’ll really have to take a break on friday for... trains after advertising, i’m watching the mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission,
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it is very difficult to fight in the mountains, you cannot smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, teeth, ears, hair can shake in the hands of half , but not hands. 1200 mines rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in the liberated village area, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure, residents of the border areas of both the soviet and afghan sides were protected , for the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back on may 28 at the first anniversary of boris vasiliev. i loved you silently,
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hopelessly, now with timidity, now with jealousy, i loved you so sincerely, so tenderly. one staff commander, by the way, is married, i started it for myself, so to speak, and i was ordered to. but they killed on june 24, okay, osyanin, and don’t complain to me, i won’t regret it, they didn’t beat him back, she managed to be married and gave birth, and i’ve been in this skin since i was 18, i don’t need it either, believe it, lisa , be sure to believe, maybe it’s true, happiness is walking nearby, and it will come to you tomorrow. but there’s no way back to it, after that we’ll sing with you, elizaveta, we’ll carry out the combat order, we’ll sing,
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come back quickly! the mischiefs here are quiet, tomorrow at the first one, for the 75th birthday of lyubov polishchuk, everyone is dancing, she captivated the audience always, that is, if lyuba came out, the audience always accepted her, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, everyone was a fan, everyone went crazy, let me out, it’s me, i say, don’t be afraid to be. she says: sashka, what, what, what to be afraid of, lord, the main thing is to work, play, play, do you even know what i came here for, that you are silent, smile, bat your eyes and remain silent, if you can, forgive me, i remind you of someone, very strange, recruiter, she was amazing, i always admired her, two people whom
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god probably... created for each other, they without each other, as i saw, they couldn’t live, love polishchuk, last tangos, we met, on sunday on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, how old are you, how old am i, yes, and i’m already i lost count, what the fuck? and marital status, you say, i have a husband, no, i’m a young lady, only the intelligentsia stay until intermission, yes, 7 minutes of your play is a great audience success, tell me what you want from me, maybe you’ll remember that you’re the director of this productions, not ranevskaya, ranevskaya, monday on the first.
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you obviously want to become the main figure in fien görden's play? well, if necessary , i can play worse, yuri sancho. people have been dreaming about a new man for a long time. since 1905 , eugenics, which was generously financed by john rockefeller, jr., began to develop rapidly in the united states. she concentrated. on forced sterilization of disabled people, associative individuals of poor people. adolf hitler referred to american eugenics back in meinkamf. in germany, the first priority was the purification of the aryan race from ballast. eugenics did not go away even after the war, i just changed the sign and methods. premiere, ordinary fascism. two. on monday on
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the first, the big game on friday, as always, american trains, well, they took away several disasters, well, several disasters a day continued there.
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train and thereby saved the passengers, george county: a norfolk train crashed into a truck, how did this truck end up there, in this place, i honestly don’t even know, there is no crossing there, but somehow the truck ended up there and was halved by the train. elizabeth, new jersey, well elizabeth itself was left without electricity after a train crashed into the wires there.
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taking into account the american infrastructure and rolling stock that have come off in the wheels, i think there should be no picture here with the word laughter in cyrillic, since we have cyrillic day. he spoke here about what diplomacy should be like in the middle east. we know for sure that many palestinian civilians, including women and children, were killed. did they cooperate with hamas? do you
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know anything about this? palestinian babies can whether women collude with hamas. we saw small children in hospitals, we talked with doctors who were 16-17 years old. i'm talking about a four year old child. okay, okay, let's agree, but the question of this urban conflict, which the us itself has faced most recently in iraq, in elfalujah and mosuli, is whether israel is pursuing legitimate military goals, and whether it takes into account the proportionate side effects, there is no prohibition on civilian casualties , otherwise no city there would have been no conflict, and the studies conducted on the actions of the americans in elfalujah, massouli and other places in iraq and afghanistan p... i think it is important to understand that when hamas cynically, barbarically uses its own population as a living count, morally culpable
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hamas is a party here, that’s how it is, well, i think that in general israel itself gave birth and not without the help of the west this... contacts, maybe for the exchange of information, this is important, let it be, yes, let it remain, but this is realistic not the institute that can
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solve at least one problem on the globe, here is another valuable thing, of course, the admission was made by bolton that in alfalujah, in mosul, in iraq, afghanistan. on a global scale, i talked with a woman who had two of her children standing next to her, she
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constantly encouraged them to be close, why? because settlement 18 began to be shelled by ukrainian armed forces, i then asked her a question, because i knew that more than 100 thousand people live in our gray zone, i say, why don’t you leave here, you have two children? he says: this is my homeland, for us donbass, this is our homeland, and i understand them, yes, they have nowhere to run, this is their city, this is their land, there are the graves of their ancestors, as it was in our native donbass, and we are our donbass they didn’t give it up, and god forbid that they don’t give up their native land, show all these creatures what they are worth, here he is, he, yes, this former adviser, he, if something had started in his family, if they came to bomb his house, take his house, he would have spoken completely differently, i apologize for my emotions, yes, but it’s just boiling, you know, boiling, you know, here are the ukrainians, they are essentially
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now flesh and blood from this bolton policy, they are doing absolutely the same thing and continue to do it and have been doing it for 8 years de... quote from pravda sk . answering the question about the motive, juraj chintula said that he does not agree with the policies of the current government, and most importantly, he wants military assistance to be provided to ukraine, he considers the current government to be similar to judas in relation to the european union. in this regard, he decided to accept measures. he decided to damage prime minister fitz's health so that he could not perform his duties, but he had no intention of killing anyone. these are lawyers.
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he was the tip of a big knife, yes, which was pushed by certain political forces, will it be possible to present all this in such a way that formally he is a loner, well, they just say that he, so to speak, was propagandized for this, will it be possible? imagine it or not, we'll see, but i want to say, you know, about bolton, because bolton is a unique polemicist, so i remember him from 2000, when he was in bush jr. administration, he knows how to present everything in such a way that it’s very smooth, it’s very difficult to argue with him, now you’re listening, well , this is completely primitive, but because american politics is all these masks, where at least something is possible draw up some arguments. everything has been stripped away, this is an absolute primitive, where evil manifests itself in
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such an absolutely pure form, therefore even such a sophisticated polemicist as bolton, but he cannot put any beautiful shell on it, about his own, i want to emphasize this, and this is where we started today, with orban, americans wipe their feet on their own, spit on their own, are not considered their own, these are pure american vassals. they try to discredit their enemies, demonize them, kill them, but if that doesn’t work, then they start talking, but i want to agree, vyacheslav alekseevich, that this is not diplomacy, this is not diplomacy, you understand this, you understand this, they are trying to be a shir khan , in fact, these are the same tobaccos, yes, when they can get impudent, and when they press, they immediately try
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whine somewhere, agree on something, and in general, by the way, you know, vyacheslav alekseevich, i don’t know whether you agree or not, the most common method of american diplomacy, well, besides beating, threatening , and so on, is begging , so they constantly either demand, or if they are not allowed to demand brazenly, they begin to beg for something, help us there, help us here, so this whole... inflated hegemony, we, well, we, i i mean not only russia, china, in general the countries of the world majority, we to some extent played along with this hegemony, because it was clear that they would beat everyone if they tried to bring it down, but now it is collapsing and whoever they can reach, they will beat, whoever they cannot reach will live in fewer and fewer countries, which they can reach, china is already demonstrating that they cannot reach it.
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and we don’t believe in possibilities, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, we’ll see you again at 17:00. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now.


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