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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 25, 2024 6:00am-9:01am MSK

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logical versions that the americans were not on the moon, uh, but not a single person is in the space industry, that ’s just a fact in itself, yes, i’m not even talking about measurements, about the fact that transmissions from there were caught, that signal reflectors were recorded from there, ours, yes, who were not interested in the advantage of the americans, but there is not a single person in the space program, including in our modern one - serious people who are involved in astronautics, who would deny the presence of americans on the moon, that is. after defeat the soviet union had other projects in the lunar race, and the project of rapprochement during the era of détente was the soyuz apollo project, the docking of ships, which was covered in the press and which became a really very important factor in détente during the cold war. speaking of the queen, what was his genius? again, as gubarev said, everyone was used to walking up steps, but he jumped over a step, and was aware of the risk and e'.
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aware of the possibilities, he had an amazing instinct, he was not a scientific genius, he was an organizing genius who managed to gather people, who knew how to manage them, who knew how, by the way, which is very important, had intuition, engineering-scientific intuition, they argued when it was necessary to send a device to the moon without a person, yes, they argued about whether there was dust or something solid surface, they argued, they argued, korolev thought, thought, listened to various... arguments, then he took a piece of newspaper and wrote: “the moon is hard.” but no one knew whether it was solid or not. korolev, on the one hand, took a risk. on the other hand, this is what is called scientific intuition, it is really solid. around the queens were people who went through the war and for whom this work, exhausting, hard work, nevertheless was easy compared to what they saw during the war, and at the same time it was motivation, yes, the feeling that the future the country depends on them, on their work. wrote: korolev
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always relied on people, that’s why he won, the slogan personnel decides everything, sergei pavlovich korolev learned this better than others, no one corresponded to this principle in practice as much as korolev, who highly valued professionals, not cogs, but creative professionals, in this i see his genius and uniqueness, i attended several meetings held by korolev, he invited the main specialists who he knew well and young people like me , for example, the question of fuel for the rockets of the future was raised, kerosene or hydrogen, he asked everyone, including... me, i couldn’t offer anything smart, different from what was said, but i stood up and expressed my opinion, only much later i realized that korolev taught everyone speak what he thinks, again, this is a lesson for many modern leaders, yes, we’re probably already finalizing it, but i can only say one thing, that yes, the collapse of the soviet union certainly dealt a powerful blow to our cosmonautics, this... deny it’s impossible, this
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is a fact, well, what can we say, well , now with the general rise of russia , cosmonautics will naturally rise, we need to catch up, after all, we have, so to speak, baikanur, we have plesetsk, we have a cosmodrome eastern, and launches occur regularly, often underestimated the importance of astronautics surrounds us. what we have thanks to space, this concerns not only some fundamental scientific research, this concerns fasteners on clothes, the first, yes, corresponding fasteners, velcro were invented for space, computers, the internet, satellite navigation, all this is a consequence of space technology , a lot of medical technologies, tested for the first time within the framework of space programs, this is all that makes it possible...
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we can only hope that this rapprochement will someday truly will take place, and space will truly become international. this was a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. today we talked about the space race, the competition between the united states and the soviet union. pyotr romanov was with you. and sergei solovyov, study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the russia-west podcast on the swing of history on the channel one website.
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hello, this is the banden baden podcast and i am its host, konstantin severinov. today our guest is a virologist, academician of the russian academy of sciences, scientific director of the mechnikov serum vaccine institute, vitaly vasilyevich zverev. vitaly vasilich, hello, it’s very nice to see you. hello, konstantin, yes, we are also very pleased. today we were going to talk about seasonal diseases with you, but i would like to start by talking about the global organization. healthcare, since you have been an expert and representative of russia in this organization for a long time, recently there are many people who doubt its feasibility, could you tell what did you do there and what do you think about the cart in general? you know, i went to the world health organization in
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geneva for the first time, it’s scary to think, in 1987-88 i was still representing the soviet union, we were invited by a big... it works, it doesn’t work, we wrote these rules, well, you see how many years have passed , yes , in general, as it turned out, there is no vaccine, but in front of us, he says, 20 people spoke, 22, who said that this is tomorrow, this is already tomorrow, it happens in different ways, and then
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they invited me, in the who already in the nineties, when the question of the fate of smallpox museums was being decided, smallpox is a virus that kills humanity.
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such a declaration was written that it was called eradication, that is, eradication, there was complete eradication, so this is good , thank god, and of course, they stopped even then , they stopped vaccinations, the museum remained, because they collected all the variants that were isolated from various regions of the world, our scientists, american scientists and all these strains of viruses, they were concentrated in two laboratories, this in atlanta, connected... in states of america, we have a museum in our institute, because our institute played the role of the lead in the liquidation of the moscow storage facility, and as everyone said, we have a museum there, 2 km from red square, so we transferred our museum to novosibirs in the vector,
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there is special conditions for working with such viruses, especially dangerous ones, although at our institute they also created such conditions, we had a special unit where... we worked with this virus, and the assembly had to decide to liquidate these museums, then like smallpox in general on earth - no, but when they assembled this one for the first time, and you were for it, you were against it, well, you know how it turned out, when they assembled the first committee, in order to make such a decision, consensus is needed, so so-called, that is, the consent of all members, the specialists of this committee.
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american and even lawyers were invited, so i was against it, i was categorically against it, for many reasons, when in the end everyone began to speak, well, everyone expressed their opinion, then the two people who abstained earlier, but they didn’t abstain now, this is our svetlana sergeevna and the representative of japan, and i was categorically against it, i had, as i remember now, eight arguments why it was not necessary to destroy the smallpox museum and... i was supported by one of the englishmen, there were two, one took the side of the americans, that is, they were divided almost equally in their opinions,
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this decision was not made to the assembly, but i proposed that this issue should never be considered at all, that these museums should be left in these two countries, as they are and have been it was, well, you see, they still exist, it’s like preserving species in the red book, it’s dear to you, it’s smallpox, because somehow your work is connected. that the americans will have a museum with the military,
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in general, if this is poker, then someone maybe, in the third, you see what is happening now with the so-called monkey smallpox, and this is not monkey smallpox at all, this is not smallpox monkeys, this is smallpox of rodents, ground squirrels, we just imagine a monkey with a banana in his hand or paw, yes, and they eat like people, that is, they have the same one they become infected from these ground squirrels, and then... people become infected, that is, if there is rodent smallpox, which a person can suffer from, then this suggests that someday it may suddenly happen that a virus similar to smallpox will turn into the human population, so that smallpox virus is needed at least for comparison, then also for the creation of diagnostic drugs and so on, but the situation could be even worse, god bless them with the bastards, but if now, well, people born after the eighties , as i understand it, we have...
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deals with influenza vaccine issues and you are there too, that’s why influenza is a classic seasonal disease, i traveled many times to identify those strains that need to be protected from those variants in the next season , please explain, look, the thing is that the influenza virus is when a pandemic begins, it begins usually in the fall and late it usually starts in southeast asia, why do you know why somewhere else? very good conditions for creating new variants of the influenza virus, as well as coronavirus
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came from somewhere there, yes, this is some kind of center just like that, the fact is that not only people get sick with the flu virus, pigs and, most importantly , birds get infected and get sick with the flu virus, but it’s isolated from a person somewhere in the order there are 12-13 variants of the influenza virus, and in ... birds there are dozens, in southeast asia there is such a cuisine where, in general , people, pigs and birds live quite closely together, this is such a kitchen where, this another peculiarity is the structure of the genome of the influenza virus, each gene is separate, and if two different viruses enter one organism, there is a rare possibility, but there is an exchange of individual genes,
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no, and there are constantly new viruses that for some reason appear to us in the fall, or why does it come to us in the fall? in the fall and winter they are even created again for these viruses, why are they? seasonal, yes, conditions are created, well, firstly, the human body, yes, when we are sick, when we are hypothermic, yes, when we have some, yes, when we live quite boringly, if you pay attention, in the summer in moscow, yes, you can move around freely, even by car, yes, in winter we all seem to gather,
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and in such times, children go to school, children come to school, and children are the main carriers of the virus.
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let's count this, it turns out that about 20 thousand people a year die from the flu or its consequences, well, approximately the order, you know, i think it may be a little less, it all depends on how many people we vaccinate, the fact is that in recent decades we have again taken the pre-covid period, but we have enough, well, no matter how seriously the flu vaccination was taken, we vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule. no, it is not included in the vaccination calendar, but we had it free of charge and primarily for those groups of the population that are precisely susceptible to increased mortality; by the way, you can pay for it, and there was an opportunity to get vaccinated if you don’t like the domestic vaccine , please, get vaccinated there with an imported vaccine, although by and large this does not
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matter much for the flu, since the composition of these vaccines, the technology there may be different, here the composition of the vaccine is absolutely the same - it is who who determines who speaks, because a new virus comes out every year, but after a year, we look at what was there at the beginning, what came out at the end and recommend certain options. i did this too, i participated for many years, just like that, usually the who holds such a meeting in february, we analyze the picture, scientists and health care specialists participate in this meeting and...
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it was, but the manufacturers did not receive it right away, that is, they then needed it work there this option, and they were given it and they then calmly used these options and still do it, now we have an influenza institute, which generally controls all this, as far as i know, but it nevertheless works according to who recommendations, because this is a collegial body where scientists and manufacturers all came together and assessed the epidemiological situation. we are talking about seasonal diseases, and we are discussing this topic with academician vitaly zverev, we make a decision at the end of the episeason, that is february, that is everything ends, in february in march everything
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seems to subside, these respiratory diseases, including the flu, manufacturers have the whole summer, and so that by the fall - because you need to get vaccinated not when the flu has already started, but in advance, because at least 2 weeks, but you need like... in fact, you need more, but it is believed that in 2 weeks immunity is already formed, this is august or when, in principle, it is better, in principle , it is best to do this in august, of course , that is, in advance, and i don’t know, i’m doing this every year, i have a huge family, i have nine grandchildren there, we always do this somewhere at the end of august, it happens before school, we get together, and the statistics in this case, well, the question always arises:
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what is our country doing, vos and other countries that flu vaccinations are not effective, but there are statistics, they still don’t die from the flu, that is, they can get sick, these 15% or 10 there yes, well, a lot depends on the vaccine, which one vaccine, the authors always give 90-90 something, in reality it is a little less. people don’t know about this about manufacturers , people, but people should only know that if they get sick, a vaccinated person gets the flu, then it will
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be easy, easier, well, just like a cold usually goes, without these complications , without pneumonia, and this is very similar to the situation with coronavirus vaccines, when they were used during a pandemic, there was the same logic that it does not save you from infection, but it alleviates the symptoms. such statistics, if you look at the incidence curve compare with the curve vaccination, compare with the mortality curve,
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nothing like that, it had no effect on either mortality or coronavirus or do you have coronavirus, no, i mean coronavirus, now we are talking about coronavirus, as for our vaccine, how much has it reduced mortality, i don’t i can tell you because the data has not been published. they are nowhere to be found, that is , i had one of the developers in our program , denis lagunov, who says that he has data that shows a real strong reduction in mortality, but with flu also, that is, last year’s vaccine is ineffective against the virus, last year’s vaccine should be effective, you know, the process here is not an easy guess, we look at what was there at the beginning, yes, what was at the end, what in the same thing.
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now there are no coronaviruses or other respiratory ones, i mean viral ones, there are bacterial ones, there are pneumococcal ones, and we have a vaccine there because there are
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bacterial ones. which cause respiratory diseases, so first of all, try not to in vain, but with covid, everyone there wore masks or kept this distance, this is protection not only from covid, it is protection from all respiratory infections, and in japan, for example, there or in china, before covid everyone wore masks, i’m not saying that you need to wear them always and everywhere, but on public transport, yes, when it’s boring, when you can’t... maintain this distance, you still need to wear them, this is the first time, secondly, it’s not necessary , i understand that everyone wants to lead an active life, yes, but still in this period, when the incidence rate begins to rise, it is better to wait it out and try to spend time outdoors, walking in the park, and not sitting somewhere in a cinema, where it’s bound to be, uh, if it’s full, he’s bound to sneeze or something
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else is bound to happen all. they are immune, so they get sick more easily or don’t get sick, right? what is good immunity? nutrition, yes, is mandatory, that is, it must be correct, rational, this includes sports, fresh air, walks, that is, this is the usual recommendation, many say, that’s it vitamins, you know, i am a little cautious about this, because vitamins are still preparations, they are medicines, they have
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a chemical form. they are built into ours and the doctor should recommend them, now you can just come in, determine the immune status, and to a degree, then take it and say, you need this, you hear, but everyone there is now starting to become interested in vitamin d, yes, there are children there and whatnot, and then they come to the doctor, and they have a problem with their kidneys, because he drinks this vitamin d there uncontrollably in large quantities, and this can cause. it’s more difficult, but vitamins, they are not sold according to prescriptions, yes, that is, relatively speaking, you need to get a doctor’s recommendation, but in principle , everyone can buy this over-the-counter product, they are delicious, i remember as a child the whole jar, you know, in fermented cabbage of this vitamin c, that is, you will have enough, i don’t know from this jar there is a supply of this vitamin c for a week, and the medicines, you know, all the medicines, they also recommend all the medicines for the flu no longer when you
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got sick when you got sick these medications. you can find all episodes of the badden baden podcast on the website of channel one, you know me, what bothers me the most is when i watch tv, advertisements for medicines, i have had cases, yes, when friends turn to me, they say, listen to what - it’s really bad, i say, what are you drinking, he says, here, i say, wait, and how is everything with your rhythm, but why are you drinking, well, like vitamins for the heart, what vitamins for the heart, this is a serious drug, what
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vitamins are for... because without the immune system, well, everything is just as well as they teach, but we understand, as they used to say, all diseases are from the nerves, and that’s it, and indeed the nervous system, yes, it definitely participates in all pathological processes, and somehow it’s the same like probably the endocrine but immune system - this is what any doctor should know to understand, well, the autumn flu is
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seasonal and you told how this happens? but in the spring there is also a season of respiratory diseases, this is also the flu, or influenza it doesn’t happen in the spring, or it’s some other virus, and there are isolated cases of flu in the summer, that is, it’s as if someone came anyway. brought something, but as a rule, this is what concerns adenovirus infection and respiratory syncytial virus, they just accompany the influenza epidemic and appear right at the end, that is , well, yes, when we conducted such an experiment with the first infectious diseases hospital, we took nasal swab samples from patients diagnosed with influenza who were hospitalized there, yes, for...
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there is nothing specific about the disease, right? no, you know, in fact, influenza can be distinguished from other respiratory diseases, an experienced doctor will do this, because there is a difference in temperature, yes, there it is much higher because of how it proceeds, how it begins, either with a runny nose or with a cough, that is , for example, with an adenovirus infection, sometimes this cough remains for another month, but there is a person there. can’t get rid of it, and if it’s the flu, then there are special ones, there are some medicines that treat the flu, and not something else another, yes, there is, yes, we have several drugs that treat influenza specifically, and do not act on others, respiratory viral
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infections, aseltimer is such a substance, here are several drugs there with names, drugs based on it work against influenza , but not against other viruses. against all variants, yes, influenza viruses , just like bacteria, develop resistance to antibiotics, and influenza viruses and, in general , all other viruses develop resistance to drugs, too quickly, so this is such a race, who will win, it will continue all the time, in the spring we have what to expect, in the spring there will be good weather, but the main thing to remember is that in the summer... the time for intestinal infections will come, because all the conditions will be created for them, yes , these are viral infections, viral and bacterial, not only viral, there are several, there are noroviruses, yes, for example, there are rotaviruses, which yes,
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especially in children, cause very serious diseases, that is, rotavirus can be classified as a seasonal disease, just a season for him in the summer, because we all consume more vegetables, although in fact it is still a rotavirus infection. it’s difficult to do it as such a classic example of seasonality, because people actually get sick in the winter, it’s just always more in the summer, because the conditions, again, are created for all these viruses, that is, we forget that we must use only tested water , good, yes, many people complain, when you go to some country, it is necessary when there is ice water there, yes. there are many cases when a person becomes infected with intestinal infection, precisely from the untested water with which this ice
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is made there, or the same products, people travel on trains, stop at stations, they sell some kind of pies there, some kind of pies , some other stuff, always very tasty, yes, but not always tested and... since in the summer and viruses and bacteria they multiply much faster and the amount of this pathogen that a person consumes is much greater than in winter, and it is already enough to that the infection develops very quickly caused severe illness, that is, seasonality, that is , the flu is in a sense an exception, it turns out that seasonality is not because bacteria or viruses come to us or leave us, but simply our behavior changes with the seasons and the temperature changes, which means, for example, the speed the spread of infection or the survival of the virus, all this is such a physical and chemical process, in general, well , a population-based social process, that is, we ourselves control seasonality, in general, yes, and then yes... it passed, yes, people got sick, and there already in the end who is vaccinated, who has been ill, yes
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the number of people immune to this variant is already quite significant, another thing is that, unfortunately, immunity is only to this variant, which was, yes, to others, only partial, yes, that’s one thing, and secondly, well it is short-lived, unfortunately, and why is it short-lived, because it would seem that immunity, immunological memory, you say that... in shock, he receives this immunity for the rest of his life, because he has these cells
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formed, they sit when needed, they will produce the antibodies that are needed, yes, and antibodies, including yes, are also preserved, and live vaccines are exactly the same, they form immunity, as a rule, for a fairly long period, but here, uh, unfortunately, the influenza virus does not form such a stable humoral immunity, there is, yes, that is... the production of antibodies, that’s what is needed now, but the fact is that antibodies, if we still had all the antibodies, we’d have blood like a brick, yes, they will eventually naturally their level drops, so cellular immunity, it is formed, just as it seems with covid, it also exists, but it is short-term, that is, it seems to work for several years, and then it doesn’t, but with rotaviruses, adenoviruses - it’s a similar story, so every summer we will have intestinal. infection, and then there are a lot of them, there are a lot of adenoviruses, a lot of rotaviruses, yes,
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that is, if a person gets sick with one, he can then get sick with another, that is, there are a huge number of them, we know, no more than 10-15% of all viruses that we are surrounded, who infect us, or in general, who, in principle, who are not, who are around us there are those that may suddenly appear, they also arise and new ones too, they say: what is the epitome forecast? yes, yes , it is now very easy and simple to make an epitome forecast, at any time, in any place, any viral or bacterial infection can appear, like 300 - this is some new one, yes, this is the one that we forgot about, it came back, like with koryu, but it’s happening now, all over the world, or is it some kind of man-made thing that someone there will prepare for us. laboratories, from here, in my opinion, it follows that you need to be
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prepared, right? yes, of course, we need to study viruses, uh, learn to live with them and generally treat nature with care, because we climb into it, eat whatever we get, and there, in these animals, uh, we got infected through these, and there these, yes, god, this is such a cute animal, how can you think that you can get uncooked meat from it, well, that’s something. not good at all, it was a podcast baden baden, i am the host konstantin severinov, today we spoke with academician of the russian academy of sciences, vitaly vasilyevich zverev about seasonal infections, viruses about the world health organization. good morning to everyone who is celebrating the weekend with channel one, irina morumtsova is with you on the calendar may 25, saturday, the last spring weekend, by the way, this year. and if the seasons fly by like this, then what can we say about
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the weekend itself, so let’s not waste a minute, get the kids ready for summer camp, choose decent air conditioners, stock up on fresh strawberries, congratulate the snow leopards on their day, and don’t forget about sales activities either , an interesting, useful, rich broadcast awaits you, now the president of the jumping fitness federation, ekaterina kaspirovich, is ready to jump a little with us. good morning, do you want to have fun, remember your childhood, warm up, strengthen your muscles and... speed up your metabolism, all these pleasures await you at jumping fitness, that’s what training on mini-trampolines is called, if you don’t have such a simulator, no problem, do it right on the floor, legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, we try to bring our shoulder blades together, our knees are slightly bent, we start
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rise and fall on your toes. we almost jump on the spot, but not high, we move with a small amplitude. we don’t lift our socks off the floor, but now we’ll complicate the exercise a little: we jump a little higher, lift our feet completely off the stake, and land with our knees slightly bent to absorb the shock. carry on, and we'll get on the trampolines. exercise improves metabolism helps you lose weight, so let's work! what is that ringing? and these are the last bells in schools. good luck to graduates in their exams, have a great holiday to all students, until summer! a week. what do children expect from summer? well, everything
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except school lessons is a given. summer is one huge change of 3 months, and for many. it has already begun, and summer camps, of course, are also waiting, in many of them the first shift begins tomorrow. washing the kitchen, labeling dishes, camp getting ready for the first mini. we went through all the san minimum, and received new dishes, cauldrons, plates, spoons, forks, the bedrooms are also almost in order, all that remains is to arrange them. towel, bath, facial, foot, in the gym, nets tensioned, new equipment received, the hall for master classes is also ready. angelina davadenko is going to camp for the fifth time for two weeks. the minimum set of clothes was tested from personal experience. t-shirts, two shorts,
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hair, and one tracksuit was enough. underwear and socks by quantity. the medications he took at home are given directly to us by the counselors, and the children receive them here in the medical building. for children from 7-8 years old, psychologists recommend their favorite toy. begins to adapt to social life faster environment, this is also a life hack that helps a child quickly join the team. packing a suitcase, trusting the child to
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remember his things, and discussing the daily routine of the camp, this will reduce anxiety for all family members. discuss everything. moments, including procedures, yes, water procedures, how to shower, not be afraid to ask questions if he has lost something, if he doesn’t know where to get something, parents getting to know the counselors and general chat, we publish every day so that every mother, father and grandmother can see what the children are doing, they are swimming, they are they go to master classes, they play laser, football, volleyball, it’s better to know, in quiet hours? discos anastasia hotel, mikhail carasiu,
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maybe he will be the hit of the first summer maxim tkachenko, channel one, make plans for the weekend, great, listen to... our astrologers, they can make adjustments to your plans for these may saturdays and sundays. very good guys, this weekend, good-natured, cheerful, full of life, both love changes, new, bright impressions, especially today. a fidget, a dreamer and an inventor, he loves all sorts of trips and travels, he is always not averse to learning something new, and he is also quite good at solving all sorts of problems, however, in the absence of such, sometimes he... invents them for himself, here you need to keep an eye on him, tomorrow is calmer, more reasonable and prudent, if you need to buy or sell something, this weekend is very good to improve the climate in the family. it will be easier for parents to understand the younger generation, and this weekend is also very amorous. aries are very attractive these days
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for the opposite sex, only they will most likely be under-romantics. things may get busy and you will have to do something unfamiliar. if you need someone's help, do not hesitate to ask, you will receive it. guests may arrive tomorrow. the luminaries say to taurus: take a philosophical view of the fact that not everyone is ready to immediately evaluate your ideas. don’t be offended if they are criticized a little, the mind is good, and two better be careful with fast food. gemini will have a chance to compare notes with someone, to establish mutual understanding, what is called coming to consensus, what you shouldn’t do these days is argue about money and be careful about dividing something with electricity. cancer, you may have to deal with money, be very careful with it, especially family finances, don’t mess with other people’s money at all. there may be some kind of dispute with the neighbors. calm down, please, if you go to the dacha, don’t overdo it in the garden beds, the lions will have some expenses, most
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likely planned, but the expenses may unexpectedly turn out to be more than expected, however, this will not ruin you, but in general the star advises you to conduct a small audit of your finances, there may be a hole into which they flow, virgins these days are charming, eloquent, know how to find the right approach to people, in a word, one way or another they will achieve their goal, and this weekend can also... bring good people to you or invite you somewhere. libra is also doing well, although there may be some minor hassle, but it’s all nonsense, never mind. a short trip on business is possible tomorrow, libra being single, you have a chance to find a soul mate. for scorpios, everything is smooth and stable on the personal front, and this, in the opinion of the luminaries, is only for the better. and even these days, it is possible to meet someone who may later be useful to you to be more careful while driving. the luminary calls on sagittarius. ladies, you heard it,
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just take care of your money, documents and keys. for capricorns, the stars promise some meetings, conversations and other people’s problems, while it is better for capricorns themselves not to count on anyone’s help, in general, they will have to spin around, but tomorrow is definitely all yours, and it something interesting is clearly in store for you. aquarians risk falling in love, unexpectedly for... themselves, the stars in general are not against it, but they hint: now you tend to see everything a little through rose-colored glasses, and these days something lost may be found. pisces generally had a good weekend, perhaps a little emotional, but on the other hand, we are not robots, just use your sense of humor more often , everything will be fine, otherwise everything is going as it should, good luck to you! for me, any draft immediately gives me a cold, probably something like that heard. and that now a person can’t go for a walk, or that all the healthy food is terribly tasteless, it turns out that there was simply no suitable recipe, well, or
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no search, there are a lot of all sorts of misconceptions, sometimes they look like ordinary excuses that prevent us from being healthy and leading an active lifestyle, these are what tarina griboedova will now deal with. one of them is installations. let's start with the first setting: i have genetics, how can i find advantages in it and process it for myself? when we we know that we have genetic. predisposition to certain diseases, we become quite attentive to ourselves, for example, diabetes, and we understand that we need to control our
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sugar levels, perhaps limit ourselves in types of nutrition that stimulate these insulin peaks, in general, we begin our diabetes slow down, and it doesn’t develop for us, but after we have found the advantages, we need to turn this attitude into a positive one, and it may sound like this: now i know my predispositions to certain or other diseases and control my health. the second setting: i took a walk, yes, in the cold wind, i’ll definitely get sick, what should i do about it? this means that we at least remember that there can be different temperatures outside, that is, we are always ready, so the installation can be reformulated like this. i always know what the weather is like and how to dress well. then we
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won’t be able to live, the trainer will tell you that you just need to competently increase the load under the supervision of a good specialist, when the installation starts sounding, i’ll be happy i strengthen my health by increasing my exercise level every day. attitude number four, i have such poor health, but this is a disabling attitude, we immediately turn into a person who can’t do anything, what’s good about that? well, this person probably won’t lift a cabinet right away and will never hurt his back, that is, he is careful, but we can reformulate this again in the direction of the fact that i understand that i have limitations, and i am working on there are fewer of them in my health. so, fifth final installation: zosh is boring and
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tasteless, well, like this one... this liver, friends, is where the gallbladder is located, something from the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only that, it’s great to live in the program, you will learn the most important things about life and health. on monday, on the first. my name is mikhail rom, now
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i will invite you to star in my film. and what is the picture about? chubby according to mapasan, and prostitutes, yes, but you will play an honest woman, excuse me, why are they churning us up like google-moogle, they put up a frame, guys, well be quiet, well, she falls out of the frame, no, this is not art, ranevskaya from monday on the first, you like making movies, how can you like this madhouse. our good cheerful morning continues, the time has come for sports and sports news, and there are competitions for which neither stadiums, nor courts, nor any other special sites are needed, city streets are enough. my colleague, channel one sports journalist, viktor kusev, has the details. watch the performances
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athletes. world class, sometimes from your own balcony or while walking, spectators have this opportunity on the golden roof, in the most unusual athletics tournament. for the twentieth anniversary, these competitions took place in the historical center of the austrian city of insbra. the tournament received its name in honor of the ancient house with a golden roof, which became the hallmark of the city. local residents, as usual, were noisy in their support. of the athletes who competed here. the czech pole vaulter managed to win her second victory in innsbruck amalia svavikova. among men , the best in this discipline was american zach bradfa. but in the long jump this time luck smiled on the debutants of the tournament, natalia linares from colombia and cuban lester lescay. the golden roof, of course, is not the only
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competition in the world whose participants perform right on... city streets; spectacular starts of extreme cyclists regularly delight connoisseurs of spectacular stunts in mexico and chile. downhill driving in the city is not an easy test. athletes ride on rooftops, go down narrow stairs, overcoming difficult artificial obstacles. the track, which is full of sharp turns and includes five-meter jumps, is built at the last moment, so that the participants cannot even.
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to perform an element, the main thing is entertainment and self-expression, daring, sunny, incredibly talented and unlike anyone else, all this is about the actress lyubov polishchuk, she lived an offensively short life, fate prepared for her many trials, but lyubov grigorievna knew how to smile even when it was very difficult. on the seventy-fifth birthday of your favorite actress, look sunday on channel one feature films, if you can forgive and recruiter, as well as the documentary lyubov polishchuk, the last tanga. so don’t need respect and honor, don’t sit in one place, move back and forth across the earth’s surface. what passions? the girl from the picture, that’s what viewers called lyubov paleshchuk after the release of the film 12
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chairs. it seemed that now all the doors were open, but from above they gave the order, the main roles were not to be filmed, the appearance was not soviet. chago, guys, hello. arriving at the film set golden mina, she was worried, would it work? would there be another refusal, then oleg dal appeared, sat down next to him, looked carefully into her eyes, took her hand, the scene was filmed in the first take, take off your glasses, i already forgot what kind of eyes you have, it was impossible to forget her eyes, but you are a beauty she never counted or decorated her heroines, she tried to emphasize their strangeness; for the role of zenoid in the film , the recruiter found awkward glasses to convey... a woman who spent her whole life alone, thinking that her beloved died, he will guard our house, my house,
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our house, in the film, if you can, forgive me, lyubov polishchuk played a complex love story at a time when she herself was very happy, she married the artist sergei tsygal, they had a daughter , you took the cousteau for yourself, but so that i... someday wouldn’t give the middle to you, for a herring, thank you, yes, it’s a success, farce, comedy, drama, love poleshchuk was subject to everything, even in an easy episode she could show a difficult fate, only i managed to play not so many big roles in films, films, if you can, forgive and recruiter and her rare leading roles, in which a whole life has been played, we will see on sunday. on the first channel on the same day, a film about the life of the actress herself , a documentary film, the last tanga, and i remember how you sang, especially this one, oh, rowan,
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where the ruts are, white flowers, that’s how i sing now, svetlana neimonis, ivan belchenko, the first channel, we... will return to you in just a few minutes, now we will find out what events have happened in the country and the world, by this hour on the air, news broadcast on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. our fighters destroyed several camouflaged enemy firing points on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the strikes were carried out by crews. 30, which can conduct targeted fire at a distance of 15 km, firing up to eight rounds per minute. drone operators who monitor the situation on the contact line around the clock help detect enemy targets. this mainly happens
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at night, or when the weather is bad, they either hear the sound of boat engines, or see movement, give coordinates, we run out to the arudium with our crew, we begin to cultivate the area, when movement stops happening. they report some noise to us, we stop working and go to shelter. in addition to reconnaissance, the unmanned aircraft unit themselves effectively hits militant targets. the hexocopter of the armed forces of ukraine baba ega was destroyed in the sky over the kherson region. several more enemy drones were hit by the crew of the tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system of the west group. the militants tried to use these drones to guide their artillery, but they were quickly identified by our radar systems. and also about the valor and courage of our military. guard sergeant dmitry zaitsev used an artillery gun to destroy two units of enemy armored vehicles and a concentration of infantry. thanks to this, our motorized rifle units were able
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to move forward. guards and freighter nikita isupov helped our forces hold the captured stronghold. under massive fire from militants, nikita, in an armored car, was able to deliver reinforcements to the forward group, which repulsed attempts by ukrainian militants to counterattack. nato secretary general called for the lifting of the ban on ukraine's use of western weapons to strike russia. the words of jens stoltenberg are quoted by the economist magazine. the publication notes this statement. an obvious attack on the united states, which none of the bloc’s previous leaders had previously allowed themselves to do. the whole point, as noted, is in the position of washington, where they do not dare to directly allow the ukrainian armed forces to strike targets inside russia, for fear of escalating the conflict. but there are already signs that america can still provide the kiev regime with greater freedom of action - says stoltenberg. meanwhile, the united states continues to pump ukraine with weapons. secretary of state antony blinken officially announced the allocation
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of $275 million for a new batch of weapons and equipment, this is out of a total package of $61 billion approved in april, and from germany the armed forces of ukraine, as reported in kiev, received another installation of the apst anti-aircraft missile system . meanwhile, russia’s competent use of electronic warfare has reduced the effectiveness of high-precision western weapons to almost nothing. the newspaper draws attention to this the washington post points out a serious reputational issue. a blow dealt to western developments in real combat conditions. russia's suppression of the guidance systems of modern western weapons, including gps-guided excalibur artillery shells and haimers, which can fire american-made missiles with a range of up to 50 miles, has undermined ukraine's capabilities. within months , the success rate of us-developed projectiles plummeted to less than 10%. problems. kiev's shortage
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of soldiers on the front line is close to critical level. they decided to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine by reducing the staff of the general staff. more than half of the military personnel intend to be deprived of their positions in order to then send them to the front. this was stated by the ukrainian command. they plan to abolish entire structural divisions there. moreover, criminal cases have been opened against 28 military commanders. they are accused of failing to defend themselves in the kharkov direction. as stated in court documents, when russian forces advance. entire companies abandoned their positions. investigators believe that the command of the 125th bsu brigade is their subordinates did not organize the defense properly. because of this, the ukrainian army suffered huge losses in equipment and lost some personnel . those convicted face up to 10 years in prison. the mobilization laws that came into force a week ago only worsen the situation of the ukrainian army. without that, no one would go into it voluntarily, but now people are ready to openly confront the military commissars with their fists. their appearance on one of the streets in
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odessa turned into a mass brawl. a crowd of passers-by attacked the people in uniform. and in the city they tried to steal the bags of a local resident in the courtyard of the house. two military men, with the support of the police, threw the man out of the car, threw him to the ground and beat him. no one dared to help the potential conscript. in georgia, protests have resumed against the law on transparency of foreign influence, which, despite its similarity with the same american one. caused a nervous reaction from washington and brussels. this time , the organizers of the mass protests did not even try to hide whose orders they were working on. many protesters carried us flags. currently, the law adopted by the deputies is vetoed by the president of georgia, salame zurabeshvili. parliament intends to overcome it next week. in the meantime, the west is only increasing pressure on tbilisi. earlier, prime minister irakli kabakhidze said that one of the european commissioners.
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an offensive began on all fronts from washington. the us secretary of state announced that visa restrictions would be introduced against georgian politicians. and in the senate, congressmen have already presented a corresponding bill and they also suggested that the state department reconsider the long-term strategy regarding georgia, including freezing funds for financing. forecasters are promising not just warmth, but real heat in the coming days for large parts of the northwestern federal district. the thermometer will approach 30° in the arkhangelsk, murmansk, novgorod and pskov regions, as well as in karelia and kaliningrad. temperatures above normal are also predicted in siberia, the irkutsk region, transbaikalia, and the krasnoyarsk territory. all this increases the risk of fire. special modes already. operates in half of
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the country's regions, the authorities are establishing additional security requirements for the control of 25,000 settlements by the ministry of emergency situations. the situation is most difficult now in transbaikalia; over the past 24 hours, six large outbreaks have been extinguished there. more than 22,000 hectares were engulfed in fire. additional forces were sent to the region, fifty airborne security personnel, and firefighting helicopters were deployed. that's all for now, stay with us. broadcast of the first channel. the program will continue good morning, good morning to everyone who woke up with the first channel, it’s great that you are with us, irina moromtseva is with you, on the calendar saturday, may 25, in no time.
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some information comes out of my head, why i didn’t rest, he says he’s worked too hard, and there’s no time for a wedding soon, he’s saving up. in the company , alexey has a contract for the provision of services, he creates the schedule himself, so the manager cannot force him to go on vacation, he can only recommend if there are a lot of work shortcomings, he says, alexey doesn’t have any yet. has established himself as a person who the lack of vacation probably doesn’t affect that much, although alexei’s fiancée notices something, irritate her a little. everything becomes, well, there are moments where he is restless, anxious, while opinions are divided, seek help from the russian university of sports, here physiologists test athletes for endurance every day, they say that when overworked , the nervous system is the first to fail, lethargy appears,
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so the test for attentiveness, it can be done at home with a stopwatch, the task is to have time to react to the sound of light, you you need to press the punch key as quickly as possible. a tired person does not have time to command the brain to press a key in time, yes, we are talking about fractions of a second, but this is enough for physiologists to understand the person’s state, that is, alexey’s reaction time is 357 millisends, despite the fact that the norm is from 180 to 320 millisend, that is, lower values ​​are observed. the second is a coordination test. in a tired person it is broken, try to stand on one leg, the same thing. here, for clarity. alexey you need to keep the ball in the black target. the red line is his movements. our center of pressure sharply changed the vector of movement. this is precisely due to fatigue. if a person is rested in working condition, then this
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line, it will be more smooth. with prolonged overwork , most begin to develop heart problems, although at first few people notice this. rate variability can be tested in the clinic. hearts, this is what alexei is doing here now, the main indicator of the stress index. fine the stress index value is, respectively, from 70 to 150 conventional units, and in our examined patient it was 256. for each test, inflated indicators indicate overfatigue. without a vacation, fatigue turns into chronic, the consequences can be different in the form of early formation of hypertension, in the form of the same neurocirculatory dystonia in the form... so you need to rest for at least 2 weeks, the main recommendation of physiologists is to sleep more during this time, then you will definitely have strength will recover. anastasia kremeshina, mikhail karasev, first channel. every real man should be able
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to at least hammer a nail, at least we women think so, and we’re right, naturally, every self-respecting dad should also be able to... you know what women’s main complaint about men sounds like, he can even nail nails can’t score, and we ’ll fix that now. hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, and today i will teach my boys how to hammer nails. so, the first method is for anxious parents. if you are afraid that your child will get it on his fingers, you can try holding it. lifeguards, mothers, come here, hold it like this with pliers, place it, aim harder, remove it, come on, good job, yes, remove it, as strong as possible, victory,
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you can take a comb or a toothbrush, in general, any object that can hold a nail. we insert a nail between the teeth of the comb, remove it, andryush, look, fyodor, we also insert the next toothbrush between the bristles, let andryush take his turn. this option has been mastered, aerobatics, hammer, hand and nail. boys, take the nail as low as possible to the sharp part, place it, take aim and use short, light blows
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we start hammering when the nail is already secured, remove the fingers with a strong blow and drive it in until the end. this skill is useful not only in the household; hammering nails develops the eye, coordination of movements and hand muscles. careful, careful, it hurts, baby, you can continue working, yes, well done, it happens, it’s called studying, look how quickly the boys learned how to hammer nails, yes, there was a small injury, but where would we be without it, these are children, it’s still necessary introduce them to adult things, let's try and learn new things, it's for them very interesting, important and useful.
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am recharged, it’s definitely great, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins! protect your children, raise them with dignity, honesty, nobility, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other, always understand, we were raised so that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder. we want to confess our love to our native country. country, we love you. tomorrow may 26th is snow leopard day. in russia today
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, only a little more than 80 individuals have been counted. right now we’re going to visit the snow leopards, we’ll admire them, of course, but we’ll get to know the people who are doing everything to make sure that there are more of these cute big cats. not a howl or a menacing growl, but a regular meow. i can't even believe what this sound is making. what a serious animal, irbis, snow leopard, the highest mountain cat in the world. i recorded his cry camera trap in solyugemsky national park in altai. the main method for studying snow leopards is using camera traps. we install such devices in places where snow leopards are active, for example, a marking stone, like here. scientists disguise traps, of course, but nothing can be hidden from leopards. they immediately see a foreign object in their possession. here's the latest footage: wild cats chewing on a camera trap. it’s a great success for scientists to capture such a relaxed moment; snow leopards are usually very secretive,
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you look at the camera trap and see that he was in front of you or came after you, he is always somewhere nearby, but you do n’t see him so often, nearby, but he avoids meeting people, leaves, hides, man brought a lot of leopards into the world grief, in the nineties of the 2000s they were destroyed mercilessly, the skin was sometimes sold for nothing, and the population was declining at a crazy pace, in memory of all the dead... animals in the altai village of kosha-ogach there was a sculpture, on it a female snow leopard and her kittens, they died in poacher's snares. this monument is a reminder to people that bighorn bass need to be protected. the snow bass in the culture of the karain people in the altai republic is a sacred animal, but according to legend, snow leopards live high in the mountains and... they are the guardian of the spirits, ancestors, of the altaians. now leopards are
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protected in the red book; there are no more than 6,000 of them in the world. in russia they live in altai, buryat, and the tva republic in the krasnoyarsk territory. they are regularly recounted, and this year’s results are encouraging. in 2024 identified using camera traps 87 snow leopards. these are the individuals we reliably know and have seen in the camera trap. republic. altai remains the main leader in snow leopard numbers. in 2024 , a record 54 special incidents were recorded here. how scientists distinguish them by their tails. each leopard has its own unique pattern; it is especially visible on the tail . in sailyugem national park they even give them names. the male khan, a traveler, makes journeys over 100 km long. kata herself is a heroine mother who has already raised three new generations. but every kitten is a hope that.
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watch today on channel one for the centenary of boris vasilyev a film about the dawn here is quiet. there is plenty of silence here. and in a whisper in contrast to the horrors of war, as boris vasiliev wrote. the contrasts in the name of the dawns are indeed especially beautiful and eerily silent in the rare moments between battles. i know those who were there, and vasiliev knew. and eternal battle, we only dream of peace. boris vasiliev went to the front at the age of seventeen and volunteered, but was
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seriously wounded. he didn’t want large-scale battles in the story. he was fascinated by the idea. and i will begin to live! the plot is based on a real fight, but there were no women in this battle, and vasiliev decided to tell the names about them, to pay tribute to the fragile creatures who fought for their homeland. go to this little place, for sonya, for lisa! inspired by my beloved zorya, my wife. she saved boris's life in '45. boris noticed the forget-me-nots, wanted to collect zorya’s bouquet,
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landed on an uncleared field, and he turns around in horror and sees that zorya is standing behind him. and they say: borya, turn around carefully, follow me step by step, trail by trail. quiet dawn, dawn, love for her in title of the story. the choice of sonya gurovich, ira dolganova, the actress, was, as it were, his blessing, because she was very similar to the wife of boris levovich, and it was as if he was painting this image of his own destiny.
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a legendary film dedicated to the centenary of the birth of writer boris vasiliev. the azuri are quiet here. today on the first channel everyone will take off their clothes. wow team. it's good that you don't have to undress. no, really, girls, why isn’t the commandant a man? it must be drawn by lot. victoria bolinskaya, channel one. just 7 more days the long-awaited summer, but in fact, summer is already here, however, there are signs of it everywhere. strawberry. i went, because the best thing you can’t eat is a summer berry, everyone loves it, you haven’t had time to eat enough strawberries yet, and farmer alexei burkov’s cow is already eating strawberries instantly, he agreed at the wholesale market, they take away the unsold, out-of-shape berries. what is on the cow’s tongue, the milk, accordingly, has a distant taste of what she ate, there
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are strawberries or apples, here, well, this and... plus it is very beneficial for the health of the cow, and for ours or fresh berries are still more about pleasure? let's figure it out, let's start with the composition, many vitamins and microelements in strawberries , the amount is purely nominal, salicylic acid acetel, which relieves fever , helps with headaches, raspberries are famous for this, no, strawberries contain the most flint, there are three daily norms of flint, that is 300%. from a person’s daily requirement, this microelement strengthens blood vessels, promotes the production of collagen, without it, of course, there is no health in the joints and youth in the skin. what a person who loves strawberries also gets it. the likelihood of alzheimer's disease is reduced by 34% in those people who often consume
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strawberries and love them, for example, they observed people who are elderly. ate at least 100 g of strawberries per day and came to this conclusion. strawberries also contain boron; 100 grams contains 200% of the daily requirement, helps fight arthritis, arthrosis, and regulates. 150-200 g per day is enough for a person, but half a kilo is enough for cows. evgenia popova, sofia rezvanova, mikhail karasev, first channel. seedlings in a bag. experienced gardeners
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have probably already guessed what we are talking about, now oksana stankevich will tell you and show you one very important technique, however, even if you have this wealth of experience, perhaps this is exactly the technique you were missing. for a real summer resident, there is always little space in the greenhouse; where should he plant the excess seedlings that do not fit in the garden bed? i have an idea! textile pots are sold in stores; they are light and durable, with one drawback: they are not cheap. i 'll show you how to sew them from black covering material that every summer resident has. let's take it. i use thick material, density 200, fold the piece in half
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and make only two seams, one on the side, the other on the bottom, but not just like that, so that the pot. let's put a second line along this line from above, turn it right side out, this is what we got, a stable, reliable pot; for convenience, you can sew a ribbon on the sides. and you get two comfortable handles. i’ll put some cut grass at the bottom, it will melt and generate heat; vegetables will be on the heated beds
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they always grow great. i pour soil on top, which must be fertile. if you have strong, stocky seedlings, then bury them along with the pot. now we take out and transfer the plants into the formed hole. this way you will not damage the roots and the seedlings will quickly take root. but for such elongated seedlings, on the contrary, bury them along the bottom leaves. please note that i only filled the pots 2/3 full with soil. as the seedlings grow, i will turn away the sides and add soil. this will allow the seedlings to grow. roots and become even stronger, which means the harvest should be good, let's check. on the calendar, saturday, may 25, today marks the 135th anniversary of
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the birth of igor sekorsky, aircraft designer, scientist, inventor, philosopher. it was he who came up with the idea, created the world's first four-engine aircraft, the russian vitez, a heavy four-engine bomber and the ilya murmets transatlantic passenger aircraft. and a seaplane, but the main thing that brought him world fame was the invention of a serial single-rotor helicopter. testing of the world's first amphibious helicopter, instead of a landing gear , gas cylinders can land like land, so off to the water, flight to the usa, but the creator is russian aircraft designer igor sekorsky. and it all started in russia. sekorski's mother was interested in art and told her son a lot about the great inventor leonardo da vinci, for example, about the idea of ​​a propeller. perhaps then igor was seized by the dream of designing a helicopter. tv presenter leonid yakubovich in the podcast lab program tells what the young men and
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teachers said. it’s easy to invent a helicopter, but it’s more difficult to build one; you can never take it into the air. two prototypes from engineer sekorsky they never flew. he abandons this idea and switches planes. in 1913 he presented it to emperor nicholas ii, the first in the world of four. motor plane russian vityaz, length about 20 m, a giant at that time. the next model, ilya muromets, is even larger; a bomber was created on its basis, and a light escort aircraft was attached to it. first to france, then to the usa. a design career abroad did not develop immediately. sikorski works as a math teacher. often his lessons turn into
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lectures about aeronautics. what kind of planes will be built someday, how huge they will be, how they will transport heavy loads and a lot of passengers. it got to the point that he had followers, these were also russian emigrants, engineers, pilots, workers, together they organized a company in an improvised workshop and assembled a twin-engine s-29 aircraft. then there was a seaplane of more than fifteen other models. finally, in 1939, sikorsky tries again. launches the vs-300 helicopter. the designer, as always, is behind the helm, the aircraft is experimental, so it is tied with a rope for reliability. he had one peculiarity: he spun wonderfully in place, he flew backwards, sideways up and down. the only thing he couldn't do was fly forward. a year later, the helicopter was modified, and as a result, sekorsky’s company produced several dozen different models of civil and military helicopters. they fly all over the world
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in... in the ranking of the best american rotorcraft, so we can say that there is something russian in them, we have something be proud. yuri nesterov, egor chastyakov, channel one. someone’s life is no longer a trifle, this is the name of the annual event held by the life line charity foundation, this year, by the way, for the twenty-fifth time. and you , too, can join in helping seriously ill children, for whom any help, any help from everyone, is important. to do a big, important, good deed, and this is not a trifle at all, it would seem a trifle, but it can save someone, for the fifteenth year in a row, this is proven by the action, someone’s life is no longer a trifle, in the arbitage garden in moscow, we together with my wife and i spend time on weekends very often, and naturally we accumulate change over the course of the year, i want to use it somehow, help, 1,250 rubles 10 kopecks, we have been collecting since last year, petya knows nothing about the campaign, he believes that children’s dreams
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come true. dandelions, i wished that my sister katya ivanova from dmitrov would run just like she and her brother. elisha wants her to be able to climb any staircase herself, but so far even the smallest one is difficult - she has cerebral palsy. the right side of the body is hard to listen to. i wish i could ride a bike ride. this requires rehabilitation courses. cost 323. rub. the previous ones had already put katya on her feet. the girl went. to a regular school, you can help at a campaign, someone’s life is no longer a trifle, families go to the life line charity fund, we want sick children to become healthy and get better quickly. i made slimes with my own hands and gave them to the children, they gave me coins for it, this is a frog, because i really love frogs, and we bought it specifically so that i would save money, and everyone probably has bags,
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lies on the chest of drawers. how much do you think is in this jar? well, it seemed to me 250 rubles, they counted almost 700, the action has already helped 91 children, psychologist natalya tolstaya has been participating for the fifteenth year, you know, it’s such a pleasant feeling when, without drama, we can save so many children, traditions are brought up, tolerance, kindness, we teach children to do a good deed, this is now... they draw, sew, go to dances, when they discovered the threshold of the heart, she simply survived, could not breathe, that is, instead of air, blood entered the lungs, now together with their mother they themselves help sick children, there are many such stories in the lifeline foundation, these are those guys for whom all the worst is already behind, yes, this is, for example, elizaveta urovina, the girl is now 24 years old, in the past she also had a heart threshold, 4000 from fund, complex operation,
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recovery. now she is a participant in sports competitions, here is dominika, capillary malformation, this is a vascular pathology, she was cured with your help, katya’s brothers believe that someday she will be all right, petya wished for a dandelion, well, we can help, last saturday in the hermitage garden in moscow they already collected six collection bags of small items, today from 12 to 16 the promotion is continuing there, you can transfer from home also to the qr code that you see on the screen. or through the lifeline website. yulia molostova, dmitry likhachev and vladimir repin. first channel. when i saw all this beauty, i thought it was an exhibition of some kind of cakes. and only the last one. i was struck by the idea that these are lip balms, this is the prevention of bacteria viruses, this one makes lips swollen, you, by the way, this shade is so cool, we produce futracs, offices on wheels, mobile homes, you have a cozy, comfortable place here, views,
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we tried, it’s the same vehicle as a car, that is, you pay for parking and live in it, on this watch, using the palikho technique, there are plots that are known and recognizable to everyone; traditional russian fairy tales have now actively begun to order this for us to show. product of stellor group, cnop gin. product of steller group. cognac monte shock. product of stellar group. rom. castro - stellor product group. yes darling. yes, i will buy it, i will buy it.
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yes, they will be soon. kvn, first quarterfinal. watch the time after the program. well, hello, brother, are you involved in crime? i saw that he had wrung out the latvian’s cabinet. the hero of this video has a lot of chutzpah. i think this is the most arrogant. i saw him, solidarity worked, i’m a redhead, he’s a redhead, i think we should take him, once they left him with me, my daughter went on vacation, i ran from the theater, i said, i can’t feed the hamster urgently, curtain, i have a hamster’s feeder, my man, here the man has power from me, like you
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raised such a girl, it seems to me that everyone wants such a girl, now dad will probably tell about mom’s character, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, i greet you today. the novodevichy convent was founded by grand duke vasily ii in honor of smolensk 500 years ago in 1524 in moscow there was an icon of the mother of god. the monastery began with the smolensk cathedral and right now our correspondent ksenia ionkina invites us to this most famous monastery on an excursion. that's when you admire your work. olga kharlamova - tour guide of the novodevichy convent. it's been 28 years and the views are still impressive. you don’t get tired of beauty,
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it’s impossible to get tired of beauty. over 28 years, thousands of people learned from her about the life of the monastery. over the past year, through the excursion bureau of the navodevichy monastery, about 500 groups. passed, sometimes two people, five, 55 people each, there are a dozen reasons why girls are attracted to each other, for example, counting the domes, large and small, or being surprised by the immense trees, but you can approach the visit more thoroughly, after all, 500 years of history, the first reason is to see the beautiful architectural ensemble, which is included in the list of world heritage monuments, to get acquainted with the history of the navadevich monastery, the third reason is to get acquainted with the unique... necropolis, which began to take shape in the middle of the 15th century, go to the museum and linger in the hall of the front and gold embroidery, for which the monastery has always been famous, find out that they continue to embroider here using ancient patterns and technologies. in golden-necked attachments they have different
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names, let’s say it works on the halo the name is the stalk, here is the odor on which the savior lies, the bug, this is on the wings, these are the feathers, the monastery’s embroidery workshops... owe it to irina gadunova. the dowager queen took monastic vows on the ninth day after her husband’s death and set aside a small room for needlewomen in her chambers. the only room that is so bright is because three rows of windows on three cardinal directions make it possible to work here. it is light, but even on a clear day they use bright lamps, because the stitches are millimeter wide and the thread is the thinnest, silk. silk shimmers very beautifully. and it just gives off some kind of pearly shine, if the thread fits according to the shape, then the light is reflected very beautifully and volume is created, machines cannot cope with such work. they tear the thread, it ’s unlikely that any machine will embroider a pearl setting on
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an icon, jewelry equipment. this design is first laid out on the fabric in a special way, and then the reverse side is glued and cut out, directly filigree, so that it looks like lace. three workshops, sewing, gold embroidery and hemp painting, and the sisters amazingly find a balance between tourist openness and work that requires prayerful silence. sales of air conditioners are growing more and more, which
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is quite understandable. let’s remember right now how to choose them, what they are like, how to care for them, in general, everything about these necessary devices that give us coolness in the summer heat. when choosing an air conditioner, it is important to decide on the power. the most minimal air conditioner is designed for 20 m, well, 20-21 km, which is produced by 2.1 kw of cold. then simple arithmetic, 1 kw cools 10 km, which means, for example, 4.40, and 5.50, unless the rooms are isolated, then each will have an air conditioner. it is important to check whether the seller has permission to sell from the specific manufacturer. no, this means that the service center may not accept it from an unofficial dealer. on the official website of the manufacturer, a list of partner stores. we chose the air conditioner to order.
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by turning it on at full power, we reduce its performance; over time, such an air conditioner will quickly fail. turn off from the socket every time is also not recommended. let's say you turn off the air conditioner, your outdoor unit remains hot, the fan there continues to run until it cools down to the desired temperature, and you unplug it . the air conditioner still needs to be cleaned, the filters need to be washed, this grille is a recommendation from a doctor. they reproduce well in air conditioning. and a bacterial infection, and what is more important
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today is a fungal infection, which also causes diseases of the lower organs, in some cases even stronger than bacterial infection. another recommendation: call a specialist once a year to remove dust and dirt inside the unit. anna brosimova, nikita kulakov, channel one. the dacha season is open, many will probably go to their dachas today. then it’s already there, today we need to work together to solve a problem that is urgent for all summer residents: where to put the garbage and how to properly dispose of it, alena korolkova will help us with this. the summer season has arrived, construction waste accumulated over the winter, weeds, dry branches and foliage, what can be thrown away and most importantly, where? we we stopped by the gorbunov family's dacha, they are actively cleaning up the area after the winter; a lot of garden waste has accumulated. everyone participates in its collection, even the dog
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tom helps. we compost all weeds and food waste. useful for any summer resident. this is a natural fertilizer without any chemicals, but with the disposal of household waste everything is different: dry branches, paper and cardboard packaging can be burned, but observing fire safety rules and only in specially equipped places. or in the form of a pit, a ditch , a ditch at least 30 cm deep and in diameter no more than 1 m. either it can be. a site with a firmly installed metal container, and look like a barrel; according to the law , the distance from the fire to the nearest building must be at least 15 m, and from the barrel at least 7.5. such a barrel must be covered with an iron lid so that the fire does not spread. all these rules apply until a special fire regime is declared in the region, then fires and fires in a barrel or barbecue are strictly prohibited, and another rule, if... under flowers, under plants,
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under bushes, under apple trees, under pears, that is , we also use this as fertilizer, everything is clearly divided: grass into compost, branches and cardboard into a barrel, old trees for grinding into a shredder, this cannot be taken to a regular trash can, with construction waste even stricter. you cannot throw away branches, trees, roots, building materials at an organized trash bin; all this is additional; we call a container for an additional fee. sites with containers. for garbage must also meet the requirements, the fence is at least one and a half meters, the area is asphalted, the chairman monitors compliance with the rules. we have a separate waste collection with plastic on one side and metal on the other side. here we have fire stations organized. everything
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is strict in this gardening partnership for olga yakovlevna. for throwing it in the wrong place, outside the site on the road or something else, we have cameras installed, we see who is throwing it away, we have them. the charter imposes penalties from 2 to 500 or work at the sites, and if you rarely have garbage removed from your dacha, we contact the administration of your snt, they order a truck for removal garbage or additional containers. alena korolkova, sergey folendesh, anton remenny, channel one. make plans for the weekend, great, listen to our astrologers, they can make adjustments to your plans for these may saturdays and sundays. very good guys this weekend, good-natured, cheerful, full of life, both love changes, new bright impressions, especially today, fidgety, dreamer and inventor, loves all kinds of trips and travels, is always not averse to learning something new, and he’s also good at solving problems
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problems, though in the absence of any, sometimes he invents them for himself, here you need to keep an eye on him, tomorrow is a calmer day, more reasonable and prudent, if... you need to buy or sell something, this is for him, this weekend is very good to improve the climate in the family, it will be easier for parents to understand the younger generation, and this weekend is also very amorous. aries these days are very attractive to the opposite sex, but they will most likely be unromantic. things may get busy and you will have to do something unfamiliar if if you need someone's help, don't be shy, ask, you will receive it, guests may come tomorrow. the luminary says to taurus: take a philosophical view of the fact that not everyone is not always ready to immediately evaluate your ideas, do not be offended if they are criticized a little, the mind is good, and two better be careful with fast food. gemini will have a chance to make peace with someone, establish mutual understanding, what is called coming to a consensus, what you shouldn’t do these days is argue about money and
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share something carefully with electricity. cancer: to you you may have to deal with money, be very careful with it, especially family finances. don’t get involved with other people’s money at all, there may be some kind of dispute with the neighbors, calm down, please, if you go to the dacha, don’t overdo it in the garden beds, the lions are facing some expenses, most likely planned, but the expenses may unexpectedly turn out to be more than expected, however, this will not ruin you, but in general the star advises you to conduct a small audit of your finances; there may be a hole in which they flow away. virgos these days are charming, eloquent, know how to... and have the right approach to people, in one way or another they will achieve their goal, and this weekend can also bring good people to you or invite you somewhere. libra is also doing well, although there may be some minor hassle, but it’s all nonsense, never mind, tomorrow a short trip on business is possible, libra is a loner and you have a chance to find
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a soul mate. for scorpios, everything is smooth and stable on the personal front, and this, in the opinion of the luminaries, is only for to the best. and these days it is possible to meet someone who may later be useful to you to be more careful while driving. sagittarius luminaries are calling on this weekend to carve out time for your loved ones, get a good night's sleep and have a good time being lazy. treating yourself to some new clothes is also not forbidden. ladies, you heard it, just take care of your money, documents and keys. for capricorns, the star promises some meetings, conversations and other people’s problems, while it is better for capricorns themselves not to count on anyone’s help. in general, you'll have to spin around, but tomorrow's the day definitely all yours. and he is clearly preparing something interesting for you. aquarians risk falling in love, unexpectedly for themselves. the stars, in general, are not against it, but they hint: you are now inclined to see everything a little through rose-colored glasses, and even these days something lost may be found. overall, the pisces had a good weekend, perhaps a little emotional, but on the other hand
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, we are not robots. just use your sense of humor more often, everything will be fine, and everything is going as it should for you. good luck to you. weekends are the time for a variety of activities, there are walks, bicycles, scooters, roller skates, in general, the legs get tired of being healthy, traumatologist andrey will tell you how to help put them in order. after roller skating , your legs ache from fatigue, especially for beginners. to get rid of unpleasant sensations, sit on a bench, take off your skates, put your right foot on your left, and rotate your foot clockwise in the opposite direction like this, exercise. will help relax the muscles, now we rotate our left foot, at home we put
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a small ball under our feet and roll it back and forth. this massage will help relax your feet. well, that’s better, and if your feet are still buzzing, take a soothing herbal bath, mix chamomile and mint in equal parts. five tablespoons of the collection. pour two liters of boiling water, let it brew for 20 minutes, strain the infusion, pour it into a basin, add three tablespoons of sea salt, immerse the feet in a warm solution, a herbal bath with salt will help relieve fatigue and tension, to enhance the effect, perform self-massage, take a terry towel, and vigorously rub the soles, first one, then the other, we stimulate biological active points, and
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now we work out the calf muscles, tapping them with a bamboo broom; any smooth wooden stick or spoon will also do, this will relieve any remaining tension and the leg muscles will not hurt. on the calendar, may 25, saturday, the last bells are ringing in many moscow schools, for this reason the moscow motorcycle festival was postponed until tomorrow, but the meeting and start location does not change. the roar of the engine, the wind, freedom, a biker nicknamed ninja, the president, greets his tenth motorcycle season motorcycle club, lawyer egor kryuchkov. being in a club means wearing a vest at all times.
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i work quietly and leave in the same way. egor assures the motorcycle community not about progressive driving or an abundance of symbols, but about the love of motorcycle travel. everyone has four or five club trips per season. we are developing tourism in our country, we are interested in seeing our homeland, this is a small story of overcoming. in a car there is no such unity with nature and what surrounds you. on a heavy chopper, cruiser or sportbike, everyone chooses for himself, this because of the headlights, the motorcycle was nicknamed the bespectacled one. andrey on the road for the second season. in the hierarchy of the motorcycle club on the first step. hanging ground is translated as hanging around, this feeling of a shoulder, gratuitous assistance, kindness, responsiveness, they very strongly, somehow got into my heart. if we see another biker standing. on the side of the road, we stop, ask if everything is okay, someone may have problems, someone has dried out, dried out - this is when the gas has run out. tomorrow
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everyone's tanks will be full. there's a motorcycle festival in the capital, the grand opening of the season is supported by the moscow department of transport. the motorcycle column starts at noon on vorobyovy gory: thousands of bikers will ride along the garden ring and return back, leading the parade of 26 moscow motorcycle clubs. the second one does not intersect the axis of the rear wheel in front . if i saw some kind of obstacle, i had the opportunity to maneuver and i didn’t intersect with him, we didn’t have a collision, these guys know how to ride in a convoy. artists, stuntmen, fire shows and even a motorcycle raffle, all this tomorrow may 26 from 9 until 18 on vorobyovy gory, it will be loud, the opening of the motorcycle season is a holiday reminder to car enthusiasts, look in your side mirrors more often in summer. natalia. kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khishnyakov, anna ryabova, channel one. at the shalom theater premiere, the play
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"train of life, the action takes place in 1941. " this is a poignant story in which both tragedy and comedy are intricately intertwined. the story is that life is stronger than death and that there is light at the end of the tanal. our correspondents have details. have you heard the news? yes we are we're going to palestine. we ourselves are going by train to palestine. quiet jewish village in eastern europe. in the summer of '41 , news of the atrocities of hitler's army would come here. we need to save ourselves, but how? i have an idea. take a train to the promised land, and to do this, stage your own deportation. who wants to be a nazi? reba, why me? i’m already an accountant, the performance is the train of life, humor, tragedy in one carriage, fear of death and an indestructible desire to survive.
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jews are such a people that they always have humor, humor saves. you know, like in that joke, samuil yakovleevich, and you are happy, but what to do, this, what to do, the jews carry through life, i can be a communist, but keep my beads and iron, well, i haven’t read marx, it’s not scary at all, no one has read him, marx himself didn’t read it, we ’ll write everything ourselves, and it’s actually a comedy about the holocaust, it’s a very interesting genre, everything is on fire, the germans are approaching, we’ll all be killed soon, but we still continue to sort things out, think about taking furniture with us or not taking furniture with you, getting ready for the train, putting it in mom’s apron the shoes of their brothers and sisters, an immortal scene from which the heart skips a beat, a girl’s image, and this is a concrete wall, an exact copy of the wall of the warsaw ghetto, the main decoration, when the decoration arrived, for all of us,
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such a chill ran through, in an hour and a half. actions: the main character, named shloma, will write on the wall the names of all passengers on the train of life. he seems to be the most fool among them, but in the behavior of everyone else he turns out to be the most pure and honest and faithful to what they do. story - happy escape - this is in in general, the story of the outcome, he reinvents the outcome. and it’s not for nothing that there is a saying that has gone beyond the scope of jewish culture: every person has his own outcome. the premiere is the train of life. today, tomorrow and may 29th. on the stage of the shalom theater. asya ratkevich, vasily valetov, channel one. these girls dreamed of great love, tenderness, and family warmth. they had to live, give birth, raise children, but the war fell to their lot and they
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fulfilled their military duty to the end. the azori are here. boris vasiliev and, probably, the most a poignant work about the great patriotic war. watch today on channel one for the centenary of boris vasilyev, the film “ozore, here are quiet.” there is plenty of luck here. poignant tenderness, narration almost in a whisper in contrast with the horrors of war - this is how boris vasiliev wrote. the contrasts in the title "dawns" are indeed especially beautiful and frightening. still silent in the rare moments between battles, those who were there, i know, and vasiliev knew, eternal battle, we only dream of peace, seventeen-year-old boris vasiliev went to the fronts as volunteers, was seriously wounded, he did not want large-scale battles in the story, he was attracted by the idea of ​​a quiet forest battle, where everyone, one on one with the enemy, decides for himself what to do, what
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tactics to choose, the enemy must be understood. a fragile creature who fought for his homeland, go into this closet, i’ll groan, lick, inspired by my beloved zorya, his wife, she saved boris’s life in 1945, boris noticed forget-me-nots, wanted to collect a bouquet of dawns, landed on an uncleared field and he turns around in horror and sees that zorya stands behind him and says: “borya, be careful, turn around!” follow me step by step, trail by trail.
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quiet dawn, dawn, love for her and... title of the story: the choice of sonya gurvich, ira dolganova, actress, was like his blessing, because she was very similar to the wife of boris lvovich, and it was as if he was writing this image of fate his wife, if i heard compliments at dolganov’s auditions, then actress irina shevchuk was greeted coldly. rastotsky was sitting at the table and they brought me in. he looked at me and said: “oh, so what is this? i, so stunned, said that i would get excited, and literally for some time the second one came for me."
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we will return to you in just a few minutes, now we will find out what events have happened in the country and the world, by this hour on air, news broadcast on channel one. hello, news is on air, in the studio sergei tugushev: over the past 24 hours, our military has eliminated almost 400 ukrainian militants, destroyed about two dozen equipment, including a french caesar artillery mount, two american howitzers, 11 armored vehicles. all this is the result of the work of the west military group. counterattack the enemy and improve your
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position on the front line. several strong points were destroyed by our pilots. the crew of the s-25 attack aircraft were struck by aircraft missiles from a minimum distance. we support our comrades at the forefront , we have completed takeoff. duty on the ground, entering the combat mission area, entering the combat course at extremely low altitude, launching unguided aircraft missiles, scraping with the calculated parameters, after which they performed anti-missile maneuvering, according to the reports of the forward father, live the enemy force is defeated, the task is completed, our troops are advancing in the avdievsky direction, the work of the advancing attack aircraft is supported by artillery, the crews of the gaubis d-30 and mortar sleds were defeated. and also about the valor and courage of our military. guard sergeant dmitry zaitsev used an artillery gun to destroy two units of enemy armored vehicles and a concentration of infantry.
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thanks to this, our motorized rifle units were able to move forward. guard corporal nikita isupov helped our forces hold the captured strong point. under massive fire from militants, nikita, using armored vehicles, was able to deliver reinforcements to the forward group, which repulsed them. attempts by ukrainian militants to counterattack. meanwhile, russian sappers are working in the liberated territories. they are looking for unexploded shells and disguised mines. particular attention to the routes along which our units are supplied. they work in pairs, one with a metal detector, the other with a machine gun watching the sky. due to the constant threat of drones, deminers try to move along the trees. they inspect not only the roads, but the roadsides. once the path is clear. a column faces it. kiev's problems with the lack of soldiers on the front line have reached critical levels. they decided to replenish the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine by reducing the staff of the general staff. the number of personnel will be cut
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immediately by 60%. all those who lost their positions will be sent to the front. moreover, criminal cases have been opened against 28 military leaders. they are accused of failing to defend themselves in the kharkov direction. as stated in court documents, when russian forces abandoned their positions entirely. investigators believe that the command of the 125th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and their subordinates did not properly organize the defense, because of this the ukrainian army suffered huge losses in equipment and lost some of its personnel. those convicted face up to 10 years in prison. the mobilization law, which came into force a week ago, only worsens the situation of the ukrainian army. nobody volunteered to join it anyway, but now people are ready to openly confront the military commissars with their fists. their appearance on... one of the streets in odessa turned into a mass brawl, a crowd of passers-by attacked people in uniform. however, they often prefer to hide from the military at home, but this does not always save them. in sum, a local resident was kidnapped right in his yard. two
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military men, with the support of the police, pulled the man out of the car, threw him to the ground and beat him. no one dared to help the potential conscript. the decision of the un international court to stop israel's operation in rafah is increasingly being received. countries insist on support for the implementation of these requirements the global south in latin america, arab states in asia that the decisions of this authority are binding, reminded united nations secretary-general antonio guterres. the un's international court of justice has ruled that israel must end its war crime in rafah and keep the telyavi border crossing with egypt open to aid the palestinian population. there is a corresponding obligation under the genocide convention, the conclusion says, in israel itself they are outraged, they are confident that they are complying with international law, at least that’s what they say in the national council.
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kansky caused a nervous reaction in washington and brussels. this time, the organizers of the mass protests did not even try to hide why they were working. many protesters carried us flags. currently , the law adopted by the deputies is vetoed by georgian president salame zurabeshvili. parliament intends to overcome it next week. in the meantime, the west is only increasing pressure on tbilisi. previously prime minister ierakli kabakhidze said that one of the european commissioners had a personal conversation.
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an offensive began on all fronts from washington, the us secretary of state announced that there were visa restrictions on georgian politicians, in the senate, congressmen had already presented a corresponding bill, and they also proposed that the state department reconsider the long-term strategy regarding georgia, including freezing funds to finance the government of the republic. and the suspension of military aid. forecasters in a number of russian regions promise real heat in the coming days. regions, so in the north-west of the country there will be about thirty, which is significantly higher than the climate norm. high temperatures are also predicted in siberia. all this increases the risk of fires. special regimes are already in effect on half of russia’s territory. the authorities are establishing additional safety requirements. the ministry of emergency situations has control over 25,000 settlements. the most difficult situation. now in transbaikalia, over the past
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24 hours, six large outbreaks have been extinguished there. more than 22 thousand hectares were engulfed in fire. additional forces, fifty air forest protection paratroopers, firefighters, helicopters. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. what is that ringing? and these are the last bells in schools. good luck to graduates in their exams, to all students. great holidays, summer is only a week away, and what do children expect from summer, well, everything except school lessons, this is a given, summer is one huge change lasting 3 months, and for many it has already begun, and summer camps, of course are also waiting, in many of them already tomorrow the first shift starts, washing the kitchen, marking dishes, the camp is preparing for the first shift, we received new dishes, cauldrons, plates,
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spoons, forks, in the bedrooms, it’s almost order, all that remains is to lay out the towel, bath, face, foot, in the gym, the nets have been stretched, new equipment has been received, the hall for master classes is also ready, angelina is going to camp for the fifth time over... one tracksuit was enough, underwear and socks for the number of days plus pajamas, it is better to take pajamas with shorts, with pieces, so that you can it was convenient to go to others’ rooms, waterproof shoes for rainy weather, sneakers, slippers for the shower, plus a standard hygiene kit, we take sunscreen, sometimes you need it too.
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so that every mother, father, grandmother can see what the children are doing, they swim, they go to master classes, they play laser tak, football, volleyball, what’s the best time to call? must find a few minutes, at a minimum, or better yet a few tens of minutes, for herself, because whether she has these minutes at her disposal or not depends in the future, very, very much, and not only in her life, but in the lives of those around her, vacation is just around the corner, which means it’s time
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to prepare your feathers for it, how with what, irina materanskaya will tell you, summer is ahead, which means the sea, vacation . flights, you may have been ready for all this for a long time, but your skin, an airplane flight is always stressful, at least for the skin, hello, in the airplane cabin it loses moisture 17 times faster than under normal conditions, and if the flight is even more 5 hours, we prepare the skin a week in advance, no mechanical cleaning, chemical peelings and others...
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but the best thing is a moisturizing mask with the same hyaluronic acid, for example, to the delight of all the neighbors, a nourishing cream, it can also be a hand cream, they also get very dry in flight and are looking forward to meeting the sea, and also
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hygienic lipstick, lips become especially chapped in flight, and a lot of water, a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of water, the case when the best places are the toilet on vacation , don’t forget cream with spf - at least 30%, sunglasses, panama hat, a lot of water , including sea water. irina materanskaya, first channel. dacha life is accompanied not only by barbecues and plantings, but also by a large number of drinks, and therefore the same number of plastic bottles, which have probably already accumulated. don't rush to throw it away. olga nikishicheva will surprise you now with a stylish piece of furniture. can. repeat, dear friends, today we will make an original flowerpot, literally from what can be found on the farm, and this is a plastic bottle, a ceramic base that has been glued many times, scraps
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of lace, the most common pharmaceutical plaster bandages and acrylic paints can also come in handy, first we cut off the bottom part of the jar. this will be the bowl of our flowerpot, and now we connect the bowl and a ceramic stand, fix it with hot glue, take water and a pharmaceutical plaster bandage, according to the instructions, just dip it in water for 2 seconds, once twice, squeeze, start wrapping. it around our bowl, add water, repeat the shape of the bowl, fold the screw, now take the second roll,
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wet it and wrap it around the ceramic base. we align everything carefully, straighten and leave until complete. drying, and now we take the most ordinary acrylic texture paste for artistic works and apply it to the surface of our flowerpot, this is done so that the plaster does not crumble, if there is no such paste, you can apply the most ordinary white acrylic paint, and to give the surface of the flowerpot a beautiful lace texture, apply lace and work
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on the openwork with paste, take a foam sponge and apply white acrylic paint on top of the flowerpot to get a complete, beautiful texture. we place a pot of flowers in the bazon. that’s all the work, such a flowerpot can be left at home or on the street, and if you still have unnecessary jars, then you can make a lot of such flowerpots for all your favorite flowers. my colleague ala amelyuta can’t just relax on saturday, come up with something unusual, memorable, fun, that’s not enough for her, she still needs to find someone with whom her idea of ​​a fun saturday will become even brighter. they won’t sing joker, they will discover new talents from dominic. dominique,
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laby, quickly, hello, well, i mean you differently i can’t meet you, either fireworks or balloons, thank you very much, dominic, we congratulate you with all our hearts, such great performances in three chords and god forbid it happens. lyubonka, thank you very much, i just don’t believe it, thank you, i cried with razanba, finally something connects us, you know, i was scared, i was afraid myself, but you know, the eyes are afraid, the hands are doing, he said at one time in an interview that you need to grow up to chanson, he says, it’s still music for a certain age category, you’ve grown up already, what do you think, i don’t know, i’m still just starting to be in it, as if i just walked in and looked here there. mom, dad is here, i realized that i’ll probably try to adapt to this wonderful, beautiful, and, let’s say,
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multi-musical genre. listen, this is what we know about dominic joker, he is a great musician, a member of the star factory, a participant in the three chords show and a man who loves his wife very much. katya says that i ’m going like a princess, so you’re a fool in our family, in your family, great, it’s easy great because no, no, i just love winning, hopefully at least once in my life. the task will be to not let the ball fall, and while it is in the air, put on a piece of outerwear, this is how we develop dexterity, well, today the fastest one will win, so yes, you are doing a good job, i already almost dropped the ball with this expensive clothes of mine, so on start, attention, march, so far, ready, we also finished synchronously in the first round. 9.95 seconds, but in the second round we complicate the task, count
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the number of hits on the ball, who has fewer, he won, to the start, attention, march, elevated, one, two, three, four, wait, that’s already six, seven, eight, now it’s nine, no, no, no, 10, i understand the order, one blow , one, here, here, you understand, but it seems to me that if you undress, you will need less quantity, dominic, since we are talking about chanson, please know that this morning everything is for you, this is for you, thank you, wish, please, to our viewers, something, guys, may your life be orange, like these balls, and may there always be sunshine the same orange, even if it is behind the dots, in love in your heart, thank you very much, have a nice day, good morning, every real man should be able to at
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least hammer a nail, at least we women think so, and we are right, of course , every self-respecting dad should also be able to teach his children this, experienced dad alexey ivanov shares his teaching method, you know what women’s main complaint about men sounds like, he can’t even hammer a nail... and we’ll fix that now. hi all, my name is alexey ivanov, and today i will teach my boys how to hammer nails. so, the first method is for anxious parents. if you are afraid that your child will get caught. on your fingers, you can try to hold the nail with pliers, little mother, come here, i hold it with pliers like this, place it, aim harder, put it away, come on, good job, yes, put it away, you can,
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stronger, victory, you can take a comb or a toothbrush, in general, any... object that can hold a nail, we insert the nail between the teeth of the comb, remove it, andryush, look, fyodor, we’ll also insert the next toothbrush between the bristles, give it to andryush. this option has been mastered, aerobatics, hammer, hand and nail. boys, take the nail as low as possible to the sharp part, place it, take aim, and with short, light blows,
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start hammering when the nail is already secured, remove your fingers and... with a strong blow, drive it in until the end, this skill is useful not only in the household, hammering nails develops the eye, coordination of movements and arm muscles, carefully, carefully, it hurts, baby, you can work further, well, well done, it happens, it ’s called studying, look how quickly... the little ones learned how to hammer nails, yes, there was a slight injury, but where would we be without this, these are children, anyway, be sure to introduce them to adult affairs, let's try and learn new things, it's very interesting, important and useful for them, tomorrow is may 26th, snow leopard day, in
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russia today they have counted just a little more than eighty individuals, right now we're going to i can't even believe that this sound makes such a serious sound beast, irbis, snow leopard, most the highest mountain cat in the world, its call was recorded by a camera trap in the salugem national park in altai. the main method of study. snow leopard detection is a method using camera traps, we install such devices in places where snow leopards are active, for example, a marking stone, like here. scientists , of course, camouflage the traps, but nothing can be hidden from leopards, they immediately see a foreign object in their possessions, here is fresh footage, wild cats are gnawing on a camera trap, capturing such a relaxed moment is a big deal for scientists
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good luck, snow leopards are usually very secretive. you look at the car traps and see that he was right in front of you. or came after you, he is always somewhere nearby, but you don’t see him so often, he is nearby, but he avoids meeting people, leaves, hides, the man brought a lot of grief to the world of leopards, in the nineties of the 2000s they were destroyed mercilessly, their skins were sometimes sold for next to nothing, and the population was declining at a crazy pace, in memory of all the dead animals in the altai village of kosha-ogach , a sculpture was installed, on it a female snow leopard vita and her kittens, they died in poachers' snares, this monument is...
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the altai republic remains the main leader in the number of snow leopards, a record 54 individuals were recorded here in 2024, as scientists distinguish. female utah, the mother heroine, has already raised three new generations. but every kitten is hope that the snow leopard population will recover. liliya lobkova and evgeny andreev, channel one.
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love has no word for late. misha and i met 4 years ago, we have such, one might say, a young couple, i even have i get goosebumps because i really am my favorite woman. once, i want some kind of gentle comfort, a gentle loft, a gentle loft, wow, how interesting, i didn’t plan a partition there, a partition must be installed, it should separate the degas source from the living area, you’ll think it’s wood, an engineered board, but no, it’s also from vandals, that is, you can click here in your heels and nothing will happen to him. let's turn on the light about the comfort of the premiere, today on the first, pechora vodka, stellar group product,
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veda vodka, stellar group product, old cognac barrel, a product of the stellar group, burbor. no, it’s forbidden, but this is a mule, tell me, you are ranevskaya, yes i am ranevskaya,
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i haven’t experienced anything in my own skin, the war passed her by, look at this face, exceptional, there are many great directors, but there can be only one great meeting, i i’ll challenge you if you come to me, they love you, serious, smart! you probably already guessed what we’re talking about, now oksana stankevich will tell you and show you one very
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important technique, however, even if you have this wealth of experience, perhaps seedlings in a bag, experienced gardeners , such a technique is what you, a real summer resident, needed. there’s always not enough space, where to plant the excess seedlings that don’t fit in the garden bed? i have an idea. textile pots are sold in stores; they are light and durable, with one drawback: they are not cheap. i will show you how to sew them from black covering material, which every summer resident has. take a rectangle of agrofibre measuring 45x90 cm. i use thick material. density 200, fold the piece in half, make only two seams, one on the side, second from the bottom, but not just so that
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the pot turns out stable, let's use a trick, find the middle and gather the edges of the fabric to it like this. let's put a second line along this line from above, turn it right side out, this is what we got, a stable, reliable pot, for convenience you can sew a ribbon on the sides, you'll get two comfortable handles, i'll put a little mowed grass on the bottom. it will melt and generate heat; vegetables always grow perfectly in heated beds. i pour earth on top, definitely fertile if yours is strong.
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stocky seedlings, then we bury them along with the pot. now we take out and transfer the plants into the formed hole. this way you will not damage the roots and the seedlings will quickly take root. but such elongated seedlings, on the contrary, should be buried along the lower leaves. please note that i filled the pots. only 2/3 of the soil, as the seedlings grow, i will turn away the sides and add soil, this will allow the seedlings to grow powerful roots and become even stronger, which means the harvest should be good, we’ll check. on the calendar saturday may 25, today marks the 135th anniversary of the birth of igor sekorsky, aircraft designer, scientist, inventor,
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philosopher. he was the one who came up with it. he created the world's first four-engine aircraft, russian vitez, a heavy four-engine bomber and passenger aircraft, ilya murmets, a transatlantic seaplane, but the main thing that brought him world fame was the invention of a serial single-rotor helicopter. testing of the world's first amphibious helicopter , instead of a landing gear, gas cylinders, you can land both on land and on water, fly in usa, but the creator is russian aircraft designer igor. and it all started in russia. sikorsky's mother was interested in art and told her son a lot about the great inventor leonard da vinci, for example, his idea for a propeller. perhaps then igor was seized by the dream of designing a helicopter. tv presenter leonid yakubovich in the podcast lab program tells what the young men and teachers said. it’s easy to invent a helicopter, but it’s more difficult to build one; you can never take it into the air. engineer sekorsky has two prototypes.
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never flew, he abandons this idea and switches aircraft, in 1913 he presents to emperor nicholas ii the world's first four-engine aircraft, the russian knight, about 20 m long, a giant at that time, the next model ilya muromets is even larger, a bomber was created on its basis, it was accompanied by a light escort aircraft sekorsky s- 16, essentially the first production fighter. at 23, sikorsky, chief designer. aviation department of the russian-baltic plant, and maybe he would have realized his dream of a helicopter in russia, but a revolution happened: the inventor emigrated forever, first to france, then to the usa. a design career abroad did not develop immediately. sekorsky works as a mathematics teacher, and his lessons often turn into lectures on aeronautics. about what kind of planes will be built someday, how huge they will be, how they will transport
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heavy loads and masses. passengers, it got to the point that he had followers, these were also russian emigrants, engineers, pilots, workers, together they organized a company in an improvised workshop and assembled a twin-engine aircraft s-29. then there was a seaplane of more than fifteen other models. finally, in 1939, sikorsky again tried to make his dream come true and launched the vs-300 helicopter. the designer, as always, is the helmsman himself, the aircraft is experimental, so it is designed to be reliable. tied with a rope, it had one peculiarity, it spun wonderfully in place, it flew backwards, sideways up and down, the only thing it couldn’t do was fly forward, a year later the helicopter was modified, as a result, sekorsky’s company produced several dozen different models of civilian and military helicopters, they fly all over the world and are included in the ratings of the best american rotary-wing aircraft, so we can say that there is something russian in them, we have something
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to be proud of, nesterov, egor chastyakov, channel one. bold, extravagant, sunny, incredibly talented and unlike anyone else. all this is about the actress lyubov polishchuk. she lived an embarrassingly short life. fate had prepared many trials for her, but lyubov grigorievna knew how to smile even when it was very difficult. on the seventy-fifth birthday of your favorite actress, watch sunday on first channel feature films, if. you can forgive the recruiter, as well as the documentary lyubov paleshchuk, the last tanga, so i don’t need respect, i don’t sit in one place, back and forth across the earth’s surface, what passions, the girl from the picture, that’s what viewers called lyubov paleshchuk after the release of the film 12 chairs, it seemed that all the doors were now open, but from above they gave the command, the main roles - not to film, the appearance is not soviet, guys?
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arriving at the set of the film golden mina, she was worried: would the role work out? another refusal, oleg dal appeared, sat down next to him, and looked carefully. in the eyes, took her hand, the scene was filmed in the first take: take off your glasses, i’ve already forgotten what kind of eyes you have, it was impossible to forget her eyes, but she never considered herself a beauty and did not adorn her heroines, she tried to emphasize their strangeness, for the role of zinoida in the film the recruiter found awkward glasses to convey the character of a woman who spent her whole life alone, thinking that her loved one had died. he will guard our home, my home, our home. in the film, if you can forgive me, lyubov polishchuk played a complex love story at a time when she herself was very
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happy, she married the artist sergei tsygal, they had a daughter, you , who painted it, took the kuso so that i would not give the middle to you someday. thank you. yes, it's a success. farce, comedy, drama. lyubov polishchuk had the power to do everything. even in a light episode , she knew how to show a complex fate. only i managed to play not so many big roles in films. films, if you can, forgive and recruiter, her rare leading roles, in which a whole life has been played. see you on sunday first channel. and on the same day there was a film about the life of the actress herself, a documentary.
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calendar saturday, may 25, in a week, it’s already summer, and if suddenly you haven’t thought about a vacation, now is the time, it’s clear that among us there are many who love their work so much that they can’t tear themselves away from it, and that’s of course , is very commendable, but in general there must be a balance in everything, otherwise it is harmful both for work and for one’s own health. alexey tkachenko has been a realtor in the company for almost 5 years, of which 2 years without vacation, of course... attention was disrupted, some tasks i forget, some information goes out of my head, why i didn’t rest, he says, he’s overworked, and there’s no time, he’s saving up for a wedding soon, in the company alexey has a contract for the provision of services, he creates the schedule himself,
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so the manager can’t force him to go on vacation, only recommend if there are a lot of work shortcomings, he says, alexey doesn’t have any yet, he has established himself as a person on whom the lack of vacation probably doesn’t affect him so much. although alexei’s fiancee notices something, she becomes a little irritable everything, well, there are moments where he is restless, anxious, while opinions are divided, seek help from the russian university of sports, here physiologists test athletes’ endurance every day, they say that when overworked , the nervous system is the first to fail, lethargy appears, so the test is for attentiveness , it can be done at home with a stopwatch, the task is to have time to react to sound and... light. you need to press the spacebar as quickly as possible. a tired person does not have time to command the brain to press a key in time. yes, we are talking about fractions of a second, but this is enough for physiologists to understand the human condition. that is, alexey’s reaction time
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is 357 millisends, while the norm is from 180 to 320 millisends. that is, a reduced value is observed. the second is a coordination test. in a tired person it is impaired. few people notice this, in the clinic they can test heart rate variability, and this is now being done here for alexey. the main indicator of the stress index. the normal stress index value is from 70 to 150, respectively. conventional units, and our examined
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patient had 256. for each test , inflated indicators indicate overfatigue. without a vacation, fatigue turns into chronic, the consequences can be different in the form of early formation of hypertension. in the form of the same neurocirculatory dystonia, in the form of the formation of psychosomatic diseases, which include bronchial asthma, for example, so you need to rest for at least 2 weeks. the closer summer gets, the more sales of air conditioners grow, which is quite understandable, let's remember right now how to choose them, what they are like, how to care for them, in general, go through all the necessary devices that give us coolness in the summer heat.
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on the official website of the manufacturer there is a list of partner stores. we have chosen an air conditioner, we order installation, it is better where we bought it, because if a malfunction occurs during installation or because of it, it cannot be repaired under warranty. now let’s talk about where to install it so it doesn’t blow out. it is better to hang the air conditioner above your head, if you are sitting here, then it is better to hang the air conditioner above you, here, not there. on this side, so that the air conditioner does not break down, we operate it
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correctly, the compressor has its own operating hours, which it must work, including at full power, we reduce its performance, over time, such an air conditioner will quickly fail, unplug it every time too not recommended, let’s say you turned off the air conditioner, your outdoor unit remains hot, the fan there continues to work until... bacterial infections multiply well and what is more important now today is a fungal infection, which also causes diseases of the ent organs, in some cases is even stronger than a bacterial infection. another recommendation is to call a specialist once a year to remove dust and dirt inside the unit. anna brosimova, nikita kulakov, channel one.
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premiere of the play "train of life" at the shalom theater. the action takes place in 1941. this is a poignant story in which both tragedy and comedy are intricately intertwined. the story is that life is stronger than death and that there is light at the end of the tonal. details from our correspondents. did you hear us? yes, we are going to palestine. in eastern europe, in the summer of '41, news of the atrocities of hitler's army will come here, we need to save ourselves, but how? and i have an idea to go by train to the promised land, and to do this, stage my own deportation. who wants to be a nazi? reba, why me? i'm already an accountant. the performance is a train of life, humor and
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tragedy in one carriage, fear of death and an indestructible desire to survive, jews are such a people that they always have humor, humor saves you, you know, like in that joke, samuil yakovlevich, and you are happy, but what to do, this, what to do, jews carry through life, i can be a communist, but keep my beads and vest, then i haven’t read marx, it’s not scary at all, no one has read him, it’s marx himself i haven’t read it, we did everything ourselves. this is actually a comedy about the holocaust, this is a very interesting genre, everything is on fire, the germans are approaching, we will all be killed soon, but we still continue to sort things out, think about whether to take furniture with us or not to take furniture with us, whether we will return or not , like who is a communist, who is a nazi, well, in general, these human things are endless, as if well, this is life, a scene from which the heart skips a beat, a girl is getting ready for the train, putting her brothers and sisters’ shoes in her mother’s apron, an immortal image and... this is a concrete wall, an exact copy of the warsaw ghetto wall, the main decoration.
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when the decorations arrived, we all felt such a chill. in an hour and a half of action, the main character named shloma will write on the wall the names of all passengers on the train of life. he seems to be the most fool among them, but in in the behavior of everyone else, he turns out to be the most pure and honest and true to what they do. the story of a happy escape is, in general, a story of an exodus, he reinvented it. outcome and it is not for nothing that there is such a saying that has gone beyond the framework of jewish culture, each person has his own outcome. premiere, train of life, today, tomorrow and may 29. stage of the shalom theater, asya ratkevich, vasily valetov, channel one, for me, any draft immediately gives me a cold, i’ve probably heard something similar,
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and that now a person can’t go for a walk go, or here’s all the healthy food, terribly tasteless, it turns out that there was simply no suitable recipe, well... i didn’t look, there are a lot, there are all sorts of misconceptions, sometimes they look like ordinary excuses that prevent us from being healthy and lead an active lifestyle, these are what tarina griboedova will now deal with. while some are on the rides, others are on the sidelines, it’s the same with an active, healthy lifestyle, we don’t lead it for various reasons. let's start with the first installation, i have genetics, how to find a plus in it and for yourself recycle it. when we know that we have a genetic predisposition to
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certain diseases, we become quite attentive to ourselves, for example, diabetes, and we understand that we need to control our level. it is possible to limit ourselves in types of nutrition that stimulate these insulin peaks; in general, we begin to slow down our diabetes, and it does not develop for us, but after we have found the advantages, we need to turn this attitude into a positive one, and it may sound like this : i now know my predispositions to one or another disease and control my health. the second setting - i took a walk, right?
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who can't do anything, what's good about that? well, this person probably won’t lift a cabinet right away, and will never hurt his back, that is, he is careful, but we can reformulate this again in the direction of the fact that i understand that i have limitations, and i’m
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working on it, so that there are fewer of them in my health. so, the fifth final statement: zosh is boring. and tasteless, well, how can this be reformulated? we think it's healthy somehow tasteless, because it’s all about obligations, in fact it’s about pleasure, it’s just that there’s a huge variety, possibilities, zosh, you need to find something that inspires you, from which you get your endorphin, well then zosh will be very suitable for you, zosh , find your rule. which suits you, someone’s life is no longer a trifle, this is the name of the annual event held by the life line charity foundation, this year, by the way, for the twenty-fifth time, and you, too, can join in helping seriously ill children, for whom any help, any help from everyone, to do
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a big, important good deed, and this is not a small thing at all, it would seem like a small thing, but it can save someone. for this you need rehabilitation courses, the cost is 323 rubles. the previous ones had already put katya on
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her feet. the girl went to a regular school. you can help at a protest; someone’s life is no longer a trifle. the lifeline charitable foundation is run by families. we want sick children to become healthy and recover quickly. i made slimes with my own hands and gave them to the children, and they gave me coins for it. this is a frog. because i really love frogs, and we bought it specifically so that i could save money, and everyone probably has their own bags, somewhere there is change, how much do you think is in this jar? well, it seemed to me like 250 rubles, they counted almost 700, the action has already helped 91 children, psychologist natalya tolstaya has been participating for the fifteenth year. you know, it's such a pleasant feeling when we can save without drama. so many children, traditions are brought up, tolerance, kindness, we teach children to do good deeds, this is now the faith of vinokorov and zvanteevka
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draws, sews, goes to dances, when they discovered the threshold of the heart, she simply survived, could not breathe, that is, instead of air , blood entered her lungs, now, together with her mother , they themselves help sick children, there are many such stories in the lifeline foundation, these are the guys for whom all the worst is already over, yes, for example, advice from the level of the girl is now 24 years old, in the past there was also a heart threshold, 400,000 from the fund, a complex operation, recovery, now a participant in sports competitions, here is dominica, capillary malformation, this is a vascular pathology, cured with your help, katya's brothers believe that someday everything will be all right with her, petya wished for a dandelion, well, we can help, last saturday in the hermitage garden in moscow they already collected six cash collection bags, little things, today from 12 to 16 continued there promotions, you can transfer from home also to the qr code that you
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see on the screen or through the life line website. yulia molostova, dmitry likhachev and vladimir repin, channel one. 500 years ago, in 1524, the novodevichy convent was founded in moscow, founded by grand duke vasily ii in honor of the smolensk icon of the mother of god adigitria. the monastery began with... over the past year , about 500 groups have passed through the excursion bureau of the navodevichy monastery, sometimes two people, five,
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55 people each. there are a dozen reasons to come to novodevichi, for example, to count the domes, large and small, or to be amazed by the immense trees, but you can approach the visit more thoroughly, after all, there are 500 years of history. the first reason is to see a beautiful architectural ensemble, which is included in the list of monuments. world heritage, get acquainted with the history of the navadevich monastery. and the third reason is to get acquainted with the unique necropolis, which began to take shape in the middle of the 15th century. go to the museum, linger in the hall of embroidery and gold embroidery, for which the monastery has always been famous, and find out that they continue to embroider here using ancient patterns and technologies. golden-necked attachments have different names, for example, the name stalk works on the halo, here. on which the savior lies, a ball, this is on the wings - these are feathers, embroidery workshops the monastery is indebted to irina godunova.
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the dowager queen took monastic vows on the ninth day after her husband’s death and set aside a small room for needlewomen in her chambers. the only room that is so bright is because three rows of windows on three cardinal directions make it possible to work here. it's light, but even on a clear day they use it. then it is glued on the reverse side and cut out directly filigree so that it looks like lace, three workshops:
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sewing, gold-embroidery canapis. and the sisters amazingly find balance between tourist openness and work requiring prayerful silence. and even when you are in your cell, you cannot be completely alone, because people can simply walk past your windows, well, they don’t know that you live here, but when you are already directly occupied with the icon and praying to the saint whom you are painting. the work itself encourages you to focus on it, focus and continue to create the history of the novodevichy convent. ksenia.
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we are only dreaming, seventeen-year-old boris vasiliev went to the front as a volunteer, was seriously wounded, he did not want large-scale battles in the story, he was fascinated by the idea of ​​​​a quiet forest battle, where everyone, one on one with the enemy, decides for himself what to do, what tactics to choose, you need to understand the enemy, war is not just about who will shoot whom, war it's who will change their minds, five anti-aircraft gunners
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and the commandant are trying to stop... a group of fascist saboteurs in their defense sector, she takes them away, she told me, she takes them away for hers, be mine, and i will live! the plot is based on a real fight, but there were no women in this fight, and vasiliev decided to tell exactly about them, to pay tribute to the fragile creatures who fought for their homeland, crush this little secret, i will groan, i will lick, inspired by my beloved zorya, my wife, she saved boris’s life. with horror and sees that zorya is standing behind him and says: “borya, turn around carefully, follow me step by step, trail by trail, quiet dawn, dawn, love for her in the title of the story, the choice of sonya gurvich, ira dolganova actress, was it was like his
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blessing, because she was very similar to boris lvovich’s wife, and it was as if he was painting this image of the fate of his wife. if i heard compliments at dolganov’s auditions, then actress irina shevchuk was greeted with holon. rostudsky was sitting at the table, they walked around me, he looked at me and said: “oh, so what is this? i’m so stunned, he says, what kind of pig is this? and in letters.”


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