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tv   Umnitsi i umniki  1TV  May 25, 2024 9:00am-9:46am MSK

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it was like his blessing, because she was very similar to the wife of boris lvovich, and it was as if he was painting this image precisely of the fate of his wife. if i heard compliments at dolganov’s auditions, then actress irina shevchuk was greeted with kholun. rostudsky was sitting at the table, they brought me in, he looked at me, said: “oh, so what is this? i...” so stunned, he said what kind of piglet is this, and after literally some time the second director came for me , in general, they practically forced me back into this studio, she has such eyes - said vyacheslav mikhailovich, a legendary film dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the writer boris vasilyev, and the dawns here are quiet, today on channel one, they are showing off to everyone, wow, little team, it’s good that you can’t take off your clothes, no, really. why is the commandant not
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a man? it must be drawn by lot. victoria bolinskaya, channel one. our saturday morning broadcast is ending, irina moramtseva was with you, we wish you good, warm in every sense of the word, the last may weekend of this year. spend these days without fuss, noticing this summer, which is energetic boldly enters our lives, fill your time with pleasant chores, friendly communication and everything that gives you strength. stay with us, stay! on the first one for now.
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hello, dear friends, today we are summing up the series of programs called chance, that is, our third consolation semi-final. i remind you that in the first meeting there was a vacancy, in the second meeting biata kabirova won, in the third anna. let me immediately introduce you to our panel of judges, the head of the implementation department is judging today’s meeting state policy in the field of general and additional education and raising children,
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points, smart girl, let's get even, ivan frolov, tomsk. he won the quarterfinals. prok
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won on the green track, albeit with two penalties. in the semi-finals i lost the prologue. ended up on the green, he was passed on the red by arthur bezhenar from the city of sokol, vologda region, victoria pomortseva, arkhangelsk, in the quarterfinals he chose the green track, just in case, i remind you that you were just beaten.
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to our participants, as always i do this for 15 minutes before the start of the meeting, i approached them to give them a topic for speech, i said it not as well as you, but... clarified that one of the extremely important projects is the national “digital economy” project. and the topic for speeches is as follows: without the digital economy there is no future. author
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putin, what did you want to say, president? hello, president vladimir vladimirovich putin said, without a digital economy there is no future, indeed, a digital... level to ensure national security to strengthen the economic system in russia, we simply need a digital economy that allows the economy to reach a new economy, this is very important for the life of society and the life of the state, thank you, thank you very much, 25 seconds, your honor, please, hello dear ariopak, hello dear yuri pavlovich, i agree with the president’s statement, because the digital economy is an economic activity. which is aimed primarily at using digital telecommunications and this activity has a number of advantages compared to the current economic system, such as, for example, choosing personnel for work primarily based on
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professional characteristics, as well as merging the human production capacities of factories into a single whole, which gives us the opportunity to increase production efficiency.
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tomsk and, accordingly, anastasia, you are third, thank you very much, i choose the red carpet, it is yours, well done, i always wanted to go to the yellow one, well, it finally works out, i ask for the yellow one. please, the green ones are yours, the theme is the arctic and more, and the choice will come from three
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positions, until these positions themselves will end: the land, the city and... honor, i will choose, the earth, in this northern land is mentioned in the story of ottar's journey to the skhuru of galaland. with the inhabitants of this land, the vikings and other normans carried on trade, buying beaver squirrels and sable furs, the most common version says that this rich land was located in the northern dvina basin and extended to the territory of the modern perm region, what was it called?
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the land was called biarmiya or biarmiya, but you in saratov don’t have to know this, the pomorsov could help, but it stands on its red is concentrated, the choice of a city in honor of the expedition, the city, murmansk, there is such a city, but where did the name come from, but we don’t want to think about it?
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who was she named after? frolov. you were practically preparing. dear friends, don’t think that i’m mocking them. the fact is that in shansia they usually ask questions from those topics for which our smart people, smart people were preparing, and we had the arctic and they generally coped with it quite well. penalty points. next stage.
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knapsacks began to be called murman on the coast barents sea, neighboring norway, and then the entire kola alzo, peninsula, order, brilliant response, order, in honor of the expedition and icebreakers, i will choose icebreakers. in 1928 , a famous disaster occurred,
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it sounds ugly, but it really became famous, in fact throughout the world, the famous disaster with the airship of the italian admiral nobel, two soviet icebreakers were sent to rescue the crew members, one from arkhangelsk, the other from leningrad, i'm interested in what these lidocolers were called, but that's enough simple: more difficult, which famous polar explorer led the first, who was from arkhangelsk, grandfather stake were called krasin and malygin, on them were babushkin and chikhnovsky, the famous polar explorer, no, some kind of half , even some shaky one, i am kirill, he me ... interested. kirillashenkov, yekaterinburg, specialized
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educational and scientific center of the ural federal university. yes, indeed, the lidokol that left arkhangelsk was called krasin, and the expedition was led by rudolf samoilovich. krasin, i understand that you want to say that they will already give you a wonderful medal, but i am not interested in krasin, although it was he who discovered the members of the expedition. i'm interested in malygini, how wonderful the polar one was. a researcher who is very often forgotten, and this is wrong. vladimir visa, why did you lose everything to them before, and the icebreakers malygin and krasin were sent, malygin commanded. vladimir yulievich, visa, brilliant answer, order, well, it’s probably a strange question, are we going to the bank or not, because we’re probably going, what’s there to lose, yes, yes, ok, well... what is the name of the largest
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state in the united states of america by area, i 'll guess, let it be mexico. mexico state usa. here in chicago they say: you just kiss me deadly, kiss me deadly. no, if i don't want to say anything, that's the expression these chicagoans have. alaska is the largest state by area, but certainly not mexico. i'm in geographic shock.
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you know the name of this city for sure, even if you haven’t been here, it’s famous. we lower the handles and begin taking procedures. temperature -85°, that's about it. aerobatics are not expected today, but are expected. hello eagle. we are at an altitude of about 2.0 m above sea level, which is especially steep. here to watch such bright sunsets, this is my most atmospheric dinner, let's go, the premiere is on the first day. this week on may 20, roman kartsev would have turned 85 years old, well, the fish is fresh, alive, what, well , so alive, what alive, the parents of the humorist roman kartsev were categorically against his
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marriage to victoria kasinskaya, they were horrified that she was a dancer in the carde ballet . this is ilchenko and kartseva, he was so faithful, devoted, there was crazy love, just crazy, i can say clearly, he didn’t change me, i think he didn’t regret anything, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, today on the first, i look at the mountains,
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there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, to fight in the mountains...
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lieutenant alexander kolchak, a famous polar explorer, by the way, participated in the polar expedition of baron tolya, after whom he named an island in the kara sea, and the southern cape on the chernyshova peninsula of benet island. cape this one, by the way, has retained its name to this day. so in honor of whom, perhaps. this is an assumption in honor of his teacher nansen, of course a great man, but... renata khabibulina, republic of sakha yakutia, city of yakutsk, mobu sosh number 26, in honor,
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in my opinion, of his future wife, what are you, no, why are you you hide to everyone that you are smart, so i don’t understand why some kind of attitude towards yourself, renata, the correct answer, kolchak named the island, and we... expedition traveler kurios kurios 1914 , we are going there, german ambassador to
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russia, count jakob ludwig friedrich wilheim, joachim, august 1, 1914, was so worried that he handed over the minister. passion, it turns out that our minister said, no, we won’t cancel, it’s ours, well, we ’re protecting ourselves so much, he asked him again, that
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is, asked three times, ours answered no, and he was so worried that he handed over a note about the declaration of war to our to the minister, but along with the note he handed over the second option, which, yes, turns out to be two pieces, in one there was an option if russia refuses to mobilize, and in the second, if it does not refuse, then the same they didn’t tell the main thing, but what needs to be said, he went to the window and began to cry, your story is more interesting than mine, the ambassador handed over two notes at once: in one, war was declared, in the other, the conflict was suspended, well, with perspective, each note was intended for a different reaction russian politicians to the german ultimatum, the ambassador was like this: he was confused that he gave everything at once by mistake, then i really like it, and then he went to the window and cried, mr. forolov, do they tell you
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at school that you are smart? happens sometimes, you’re doing the right thing, colleagues, the next stage, i beg. so an expedition traveler unprecedented, unprecedented, unprecedented in the history of modern times , an incident occurred when the ambassador entered service in the active army of the state in which he worked, what was the name of the ambassador and when did this happen? i’ll assume that maybe you don’t want the ambassador, i’ll say, it’s good that the ambassador’s name was radka dmitriev, this is the bulgarian ambassador,
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bulgarin, yeah, yeah, when the war started, he resigned his obligations and went to the front, then became the commander-in-chief of the third army, i didn't ask which army at the beginning the first world war. let's have a room, don't you remember, dear sir, what room number 40, frienglish, did?
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aimed at red containment, theorist igor vinogradov, the city of vologda, the vologda multidisciplinary lyceum, and russian soldiers took encrypted records from the german cruiser magdeburg, which the germans used, and transferred one copy to the uk,
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well, as he comes, and there it was. expedition and traveler, traveler, which traveler crossed chukotka in dogs in 1981. can i try to answer?
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of course, an assumption, more precisely, fyodor konyukhov, what are you, grooms, dogs, nastya, you are in the finals, the wonderful anastasia mitina from the city of saratov is leaving us, because she is moving to the ranks, theorist of the first category, to the finals, please. smart girl, she won on these tracks of the all-russian humanitarian television olympiad, which is called smart girls, smart girls, anastasia mitina, maybe we’ll sit on the podium, well, how long can we sit, let’s have an epilogue now, and we’ll sum up the results, the expedition, this is... a very
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interesting question what do you know about vaygach expedition of 1930, there is a long answer here, but honestly, tell me in general, alina chedzhemova, republic of north ossetia, allania, center of intelligence, i know that taimyrych was part of tesla, that is, the expedition to study the northern region. what were the specifics of this expedition? perhaps some studies took place, expeditions took place, but tell me, please, do you know the organization of the ogpu? no, then, then without medals, who is ready? renata khabibulina, republic of sakha, yakutia, yakutsk city, mob number 26.
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just let’s think about it, if i already said ogpu, let’s think about it, well, first of all, the ogpu is the special services, most likely that expedition, well, carried out searches to create special, well, special -purpose camps, no, they were doing research, but what is an elephant, the solovetsky special purpose camp, smart girl, what else can i ask you about? no, i read it further, but the medal is for sure, she knows what the ogpu is, she knows what an elephant is, this expedition was sent by the ogpu to the island of vaygach, under the leadership of the former chief of the elephant in the silvet special-purpose camp of fyodor eichmans, polymetallic ores previously discovered on the island were secretly explored, then lead-zinc ores began to be mined.
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the fact is that most of the workers are prisoners, as you and i guessed, yes, but the term of imprisonment was counted as two years, the temperature was down to -40°, but the food was good.
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an applicant from the city of simbirsk entered kazan university, he presented the following characteristics, neither in the gymnasium nor outside it was noticed by the seducer, not a single one
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case when, by word or deed , he caused the authorities and teachers of the gymnasium to have a disgraceful opinion of himself, who entered the university. who signed the testimonial? alena khrushcheva irkutsk region zheleznogorsk school number 4 signed by kerinsky, if i’m not mistaken, yes, but who spoke? ulyanov, well, they offended me, of course, you will get it now, you know, in those days, and even in my times, in order for me to enter, i had to bring a lot of all sorts of documents, i had to stand in line, now it’s much better, i agree , now i’ll explain, let me... i wasn’t joking, important information for future students
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and their parents who are waiting to submit documents to universities; you’ve probably at least once used the state services portal, which currently has more than a thousand government services. in electronic form, they can be obtained online, all this thanks to the national project digital economy, the audience of the portal is already about 110 million users who apply for government services, everything is done quickly, simply without queues, and now to our topic, admission to a university, thanks to the national project digital economy, the online university admission service, the risk of forgetting some of your achievements or making a mistake when submitting documents for admission is minimal. the service allows you to remotely
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send applications to any five universities in the country and select up to five specialties in each. to use the online service, an applicant just needs to go to the state services portal. under your confirmed account, in your personal account you can fill out an application, upload documents, and then confirm receipt? you need to go to the admissions committees of universities or call them, you can submit documents to the chosen university directly from home, without paper applications in queues, this is especially beneficial for those applicants who plan to enroll in an educational institution located in another city, but life is so good, when i saw all this beauty, i thought it was an exhibition of some kind of cakes, only the last one... i was struck by the thought that these are lip balms, this is the prevention
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of bacteria viruses, this makes the lips swollen, by the way, this shade is so cool for you, we produce futracs, offices on wheels, mobile homes, you feel cozy here, comfortable, views, we tried, this is the same vehicle as a car, that is, pay for parking and live in it , on these watches, using the palikho technique, plots are executed that are known and recognizable to everyone, traditional russian fairy tales are now actively being ordered, for us to show this. that russian fashion is returning, the most valuable thing in a watch is a miniature, it is ours, and we we are proud of this, our everything, the premiere, today at the first, for the centenary of boris vasilyev, it’s difficult, after all, women are at war, they all volunteer, shoot, rita, boyman’s target, fire, hit, oh cyst, i can’t with them, comrade
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moyer, send me to the front line, while you distort your small ships, he will make a sieve out of you, so i categorically order you to lie down, okay, then as the battle of that war is gone, i can’t take it anymore, now i’ll go and shoot, what are you doing? the germans have one way, between these lakes through the ridge, eternal battle, peace we are only dreaming, but the dawns here are quiet, today at first, the enemy, armed to the teeth, is moving in our direction and we can’t expect help from anywhere, so i order all the soldiers and myself personally to hold the front. while the secretaries are there calculating the result, because you understand, we have one vacancy
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, i want to ask you why the vologda guys usually win, the guys win because they know a lot, they always prepare, because they are smart, smart - that’s one one of my favorite shows, probably everyone, palagdzhan very many citizens of the russian federation, this is true. is that true or are you sucking up? no, i’ll probably say that one of the few programs that i watch is smart guys, smart girls, on saturday morning, well, naturally, you wouldn’t watch it yet, when you manage the preparation of all these guys, i’m just interested , there are probably some secrets there, in vologda we have, of course there are secrets, we have very talented, wonderful teachers, uh, we have uh wonderful school, school teachers who really they put their whole soul into it. they try to help the children
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find the necessary material, teach them, and, probably, in general - the education system is built in such a way that knowledge is acquired not only at school, but in additional education organizations, we have the impulse center, a center for gifted children, where specialized shifts, in vytigra there is no center, in vytyagr there is a wonderful center, this is a cadet school named after... the hero of russia yuri leonidovich vorobyov, who also puts his whole soul and heart, is the ideological inspirer of this center, there are 200 students in it boys from fifth to eleventh grade, and here the role of a mentor is probably very important, our schoolchildren study the history of their native land, traditions, culture, literature, probably due to the fact that they have been doing this practically since childhood, they... such excellent knowledge , because they do this
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under the guidance of not only teachers, but also parents, teachers, parent mentors, who, you understand, my dear tv viewers, i know that i have a lot of parents, namely grandparents, i have always professed the point view that the most the main teacher, yes, we probably have a grandmother, and in general, of course, mom, dad, well, parents, of course, children follow the example of their parents. they also look at a personal example for each child, probably the example of his father or mother, it is very decisive, it determines where this...
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truly unique region comes from, even resembles a map of the russian federation. uh, in the vologda region the truly cultural capital is the city of vologda, the heart of steel is the city of cherepovets. in the logodsk region there is a wonderful city, veliky ustyuk, where our famous, world-famous father
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frost lives. and we held the regional final there , by the way. yes, and santa claus greeted us. the famous city of belozerso, yes, beloozero. it is necessary to nourish spiritually and educationally the children who live in these, sometimes remote cities, indeed , the training of teachers plays a serious role so that children receive a quality education, regardless of their place of residence, and we often see in the outback truly such unique teachers, enthusiasts, even me would said, who really... spare no time or effort, they fully invest all their knowledge in their students. dear friends, we have one vacancy, kirill epishenkov is filling this vacancy. this is another
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theorist of the first category of the final. dear tv viewers, the fact is that we will naturally have theorists of the second category. naturally, you probably remember well that we had one vacancy left on the tracks, because only eight people came out as agonists. it is necessary to carefully and thoroughly study all the documents.
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this was the first religious program on russian television. good morning dear friends. i greet you, hello, hello, well, by the way, we have new questions, and today we are doing the cinema, we are before the cinema, it all started quite simply, in ninety-four, then there was still a certain idea that through.. .


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