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tv   PODKAST  1TV  May 27, 2024 12:10am-1:41am MSK

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they tell you how to live, how to separate yourself from anyone, and in general about your own territory, about your personal one, you want a living person again, yes, with some doubts, complexes, passions, who lives incorrectly, who makes mistakes, it’s interesting with such, but with the worked ones, i don’t even know, they are like dead, i don’t know what to talk to them about, because they have a ready answer to everything, they immediately put out their hand, saying: no, you don’t need to go here, you don’t need to go there. have you never had your own coach? here interesting, over the 16 years that you have been working in this program, you have probably seen a huge number of people who passed between, probably more than one director or writer has not seen such a gallery of human faces in front of him, here they are - all of you have already seemed to be erased there, already somehow mixed up, or you remember them all, or you especially remember some of them, some in particular, mostly of course - well
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, i remembered, not that i don’t remember the name of the person, what was interesting for you today? and i don’t even though when i’m talking, i’m right there i immerse myself, i let it pass through me, but my memory protects you like that, but there are, for example, maybe two dozen people whom i will never forget, who teach themselves, who give you some kind of oxygen and answers to your questions, how are you something... it pulls you out of this torment, when you’re just like in a dream, you can’t get out of it in any way, and nothing helps you, suddenly a woman comes and explains a couple of phrases to you using her example, or you can remember something specific , yes, for example, there was a woman who came with her daughter, who, and i understood that she was hurting her, she had already crippled her, just an unhappy girl, quite a pretty , very active mother, who did not let her say a word, who simply... well, i don’t
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know, turned her into some kind of such a pet, and i thought that i would have a stroke during the program, the same words are not thrown around, but i had a hypertensive crisis, i was sitting there, crimson in color, my blood pressure rose, i just felt bad, i wanted to take this girl settle at home, it was some kind of hell, and it was impossible not to shout her down, not to convince her of anything, and the absolutely broken, absolutely broken heroine who came here as a bride, so i told myself that i would never be like that. never, although at that time my child was, well , maybe 12-13 years old, and i directly retreated from her, but you see, this is never, but not literally, yes, so you saw, said something, and you directly you repeat it word for word in your family or with friends or with your husband or with someone, and you, well, somehow rethinking it on the road, when you go home, yes, you apologize, and you start the next day as a completely different person and... thanks
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to these people who, what happened to this girl? by the way, she was on our program again, and also came with her crazy mother, well, this is some kind of hell, this hell is just on the internet, even some pieces are floating around somewhere, i think, but it was horror, and i think how many crazy mothers there are in the world, in the country, who have not arranged their own, i just said so, hang on from your daughter, arrange your life, what are you doing, well, i spoke harshly, that is, are you that kind of person? impulsive, emotional, well, not in every case, but when it’s already too much, when you see, yes, how a kitten is being tortured in front of you, tying a weight to its tail, you know, and this child, this poor kitten, dies, you do something, but this was such a situation, that is, there were such situations, generally speaking, an interesting topic that concerns russia throughout the world, this is how to raise children, and this is the relationship between.
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parents, you probably have your own view of these things, this is what we do this way, isn’t it? you know, it seems to me that this is our russian passion, desire, like max frisch, remember santa cruz, you wanted to enter not just my heart, you wanted to enter my dreams, well, something approximately, we want to enter every cell of the body of your lover, husband, girlfriend, i don’t know, children, there are a lot of us...
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in particular, with our participation, when you just want to, well, here we are in relation to all our loved ones, here i am, for example, this, that is, this kind of despotism, yes, because i am very passionate and i am a bully, terrible, so i am jealous of my friends, i want to be their only child, my mother, i tortured my husbands, i don’t know, so with this love of mine, until i started reading the right literature, i’m not not... i’m not blind, i’m not, well, i don’t act, and i realized what my problem was, but it’s good that i realized it earlier, and i already i began to project, as it were, onto my mother, i think, like here she is, a person who has never spoken to one psychologist, i haven’t read a single book on psychology, that’s how she is, where did she get
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this wisdom to give my brother and me so much freedom, keeping our finger on the pulse, that is , helping if asked, yes, participating if you ask, and never ... there was no weight loss, neither for me nor for my brother, i realized that i have so many friends and children in my life that i need to take a few steps back, on time, with my son, i probably squeezed everything - well, i, with my daughter, well, somehow i had enough brains, but those, it seems to you, this it’s our russian property, our russianness, yes, there is no such thing anywhere, listen, but my son is now 32 years old, and i ’m just stepping on my own throat so as not to... he’s a wife, yes, from the age of 17, they are together with as a girl, i was already, well, kind of reading, analyzing , looking, drawing conclusions, i gave birth to him at 32, so i was already not very stupid, and i gave birth to my daughter at 40, that is, my
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children were lucky that i was a little weakened in the reins, it seems to me that this is the first mistake in relation to children, the second, well, the second is also from the same series, it is impossible. give what they don’t ask you for, then blame them for it: i put my life on you, i did everything so that you could learn, so that i could buy you an apartment for a fool, look, i’m 35 years old there now, and i’m already lame, sideways , sick, i’m dying and so on, no need, everything still needs to be done a little at a distance, it seems to me that the main thing is, now it’s stupid, maybe i’ll say, if you have extra money, help, give just don't ask, don't get involved. control, that's control of this it shouldn’t be, really, and of course, education, education and health, i told everyone to my children, i will turn a blind eye, as my mother said, to your bad behavior, the main thing is to study well, read, study well, she is me i’ll close my eyes, and i
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also tell the children, study, read, take care of your health, well, it seems to me that this is the most important thing, but what i want to ask you about the podcast, since you and i both happen to be hosts of the podcast, this is the idea for the podcast of letters, it how did it arise? this is your idea katya muravitskaya, my producer creative, let's get married, which is just for me, my younger sister, she's just a part of me, we even look very similar, she's just mine, here's my love, she tells me, there's a story, a podcast of letters, let's try, and i have a hard time getting into new projects, i have a lot of complexes that i can’t handle it, i won’t succeed, and i’m just going crazy, i say, no, no, no, no, no, i don’t like everything new so much , try, start, i'm afraid i won't succeed, let it be. there will be someone else, she keeps saying, so what, well it won’t work out, it won’t work out, well, we’ll film the trial ones, so what can you refuse, so we recorded a certain number of programs, yes, in these podcasts of yours, who were you most interested in, who were you talking about, so i watched about yulia dronina , recently you had a podcast, here is my generation of such cynical
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know-it-alls, here in the eighties, eduard osadov, veronika tushnova, yulia drunina were not the kind of poets they read, well, they read drunina. at school they wrote some kind of love lyrics, but there was no such thing, because i wanted well, something else, i now regret that i didn’t have such a position overnight, and who else are you talking about, who do you remember from your heroes, heroin? i was very interested in sveta kryuchkova, she is very close to me, we talked about tsvitaeva, well, sveta is simple, but in my opinion tsvetaeva knows everything and even more, she herself played akhmatova, yeah, well, tsvetaeva is her love. i was wondering, here ’s an interesting classic question: who is closer to you, tsvetaeva or akhmatova? you know, i would prefer not to know their biography, so strange as it may be, because reading this and knowing about them, a womanish, unnecessary thing comes out in me and well, it’s better for me not to know, i’m starting
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to judge this fool of mine, and it bothers me a little, that’s what i know and screw up and about his colors, what their mothers were like, but i can’t see it in my head, i want a clean jean. i want to enjoy what they wrote, that is, it bothers me, oddly enough, they were all bad mothers and drunina, somehow nothing about her daughter and marlene ditri. and akhmatova and tsvitaeva, that’s my business, damn it, it’s none of my business, they great women, i only have to think about this, and why am i dragging out this thought, what is more important, what is more important, well, after all, if you had a choice to take on a conditional uninhabited island, tsvetaeva or akhmatova, which one would you they took the book, akhmatova, i read it a lot at the institute, well then it’s from st. petersburg, yes, yes, it somehow has less of this nerve of such hysteria, but like tsvitaeva.
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how artists were for us in my time, but no one knew about their personal lives, today you know everything, it bothers me, that’s right interferes, so i want to shed tears over the fiction, and then i want some kind of absolute sterility, absolutely some kind of angel, thank you very much for this conversation, it was really very interesting, it seems unusual to me, at least for me, but i think for our viewers, who are probably used to seeing you in a slightly different form, that’s why thank you for your frank...
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hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i’m with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, and we’re talking today we will talk about one of the most wonderful russian poets of the 20th century, igor hollina, and my guest is the writer, blogger, journalist arina hollina and, very importantly, the daughter of igor sergeevich. hello arina. i’ll tell you honestly, i knew little about igor hollin before, but today, when i was preparing for this broadcast,
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of course i watched something, and i ’ll tell you honestly, the more i learned about hollin, the less i understood him and the more i understood his fate less, so i’m especially interested in talking to you, maybe maybe you can dispel some of my doubts, bewilderments, firstly, we seem to know quite a bit about your father, but it’s not very clear how reliable this is, well... we know that he was born in 1920, it is written that his father was a tsarist officer, his mother was a seamstress, then his father, it is not very clear under what circumstances, dies, his mother sends her children to an orphanage, in fact, it turns out that hollin grew up almost an orphan, at first he was in orphanages, then he ran away from there, was a homeless child, ends up in a military school, then the war begins after some time, throughout the war he... no, reaches the rank of captain, gets wounded, receives military awards, that
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is, in general, we actually have such a good biography. a true soviet man in the best sense of the word, yes, who overcomes all these difficult circumstances in life, then a misfire occurs, yes, he falls under investigation, it is written that yes, that he hit some soldier, perhaps the soldier was drunk, but in any case, the trial took place, tribunal. hollin is sent to a camp, he stays there for some time, it is there that he begins to show interest in poetry, when he is released, he begins to write poetry, on the one hand he writes absurdist poetry, which made him famous, on the other hand he writes children’s poetry, are published in such normal soviet book publishing houses, in fact, before him the path to embark on...
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i asked something about his life, and i remember that somewhere in my teens, but maybe 13-14 years old, i came to him with the same ones questions to which i did not receive an answer, i say: dad, well, i don’t understand why you just can’t tell me about something from your life, and he told me, but with such a preface that he not a man of the past, look, this moment, when something happened there - some kind of fight with this
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soldier, he was sent for a year to such a soft zone, a zone, yes, it was in the leonoz zone. in fact, where leonozov’s school of poetry, famous in narrow literary circles, was already being formed, it so happened that he came to this zone, and there, in addition to a more or less unsevere regime, he also meets there, well, what is the name of the head of the zone, this is his comrade in arms, and he, not only gives him a break, well, basically you can let him go for a walk for an hour or two outside this settlement, plus... this comrade wrote some poems, well, dad says they were idiotic, like dad said, he himself, of course, had idiotic poems, but in general they both started writing poetry there, that was dad’s first experience, when he was walking, because of this poetry, he went to the library, which was there in leonozovo, the wife of evgeniy ilyanovich kropevnitsky worked there as a librarian, this is precisely the person around whom
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this whole leonozov group happened, and who was the teacher who raised henry as a poet. gir by correspondence, and oskan was his son-in-law, and he also somehow taught limonov a little at the beginning of his journey, yes, well, that is, he really was a very iconic person, that’s how it was practically such an informal literary and art history institute of cultural studies, evgenyevich’s wife olga, she said when dad came to this library, what is it, it was a library, yes, it was a library, that’s all, this is for me this poet of this and some, you know, we have something like that... then they’ll ban it, then they’ll allow it, and at some point... the block was banned or something, but dad didn’t know, she somehow asked him something carefully, well, in general, they started talking, she called him, she said: come to us, we have young poets, young artists gathering here, and he became wander there, and dad from the tower of vyacheslav ivanov, yes, so dad says that he of course wrote absolutely monstrous
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poems then and for a long time they were monstrous, because of course he was absolutely according to his words... most likely so, absolutely uncultured, he had three classes of education there, everything that he received, he spent there, so i don’t think there was any opportunity for him to go towards official poetry, because if something really inspired you, and you the man is quite young, he was about 26 years old then, well at the beginning, then of course you probably, i remain sure of this, no matter how difficult it was in soviet times, but with children's poetry it was such games, which means all non-formats.
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ideologically, it’s you who are still faced with this whole structure, it’s them and sabgir, right, yes, yes, well, some in his youth with sabgirovskaya, he’s his dad younger, and there you still go through all this soviet bureaucracy, that is, maybe, if you are right in this business from the very beginning and you already understand this whole culture of pleasing, yes, then how would you it’s not traumatic, dad, who came from a completely different environment, was such a person...
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well, for many it’s like that, well, well, well, there are people for whom something is hell, well, for him it’s hell, there are people who are traumatized by the war, and professional military men, not professional, but for them, from
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a moral point of view, this is not such a shock, it does not cause such disgust, but dad always caused everything connected with his own war memories but it’s just real horror, it’s all very interesting, yes, here it is it really seems
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to be happening, you know, this is what, this is the post-war period, when people lived, of course, terribly poorly, and were, naturally, exhausted in every possible way, exhausted by the war, uh, everything was destroyed, well, a lot, and, but at the same time it was, it was the beginning of life, yes, it was the end of the war, what happiness for such a huge happiness for people, everything stopped, yes, plus the opportunity to start... a peaceful life, well, it began to spin, but it seems to me that in on the contrary, there is something, of course, rather
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beggarly and wretched, but also something very optimistic in a state, at that moment, in fact, of course, i am ready to agree with you that they are not monochromatic, not so to speak, not one-color, there you can see a different palette and different shades and different moods, but... in in general, there is still a feeling that these barracks are shown as a kind of closed world, and from which happiness comes out of something closed, probably, of course, many people then lived in barracks, and if they did not live in barracks, they lived in very overcrowded communal apartments, of course, in general , barack had about everything, because this it was as if any country was going through urban expansion and a monstrous crisis of uh... housing shortage, yes, it was in haussman’s paris, before haussman’s, respectively, and in moscow after, well, before the war, after the war, it was, it’s very , well, it’s very bright,
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it seems to me, colorful, and of course, well, in the everyday sense, it’s monstrously uncomfortable, we continue, this is the podcast life of the wonderful, i’m with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, today we’re talking about the poet igor hollin, visiting i am a writer, blogger. journalist arina khollina, it’s still surprising that it was those barracks, or the barracks in which igor khollin lived, yes, in which krapivnitski lived, if he lived in baraki, or somewhere nearby he lived in lionuzova, but here after all, yes, there was some kind of house there, yes, sabgir was here, yes, rabin was here, it’s interesting how exactly this place, yes, this toponym, it was he who gave this absolutely amazing phenomenon , which i think everyone has heard, the leonuzov school, well, listen, that’s of course. was only from evgeny leonidovich krapevnitsky, yes, because yeah, let's say a few words about this man, who was he? well, it turns out he was a teacher, he drew a little, composed a little,
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but to be honest, you can’t say that he and he himself didn’t consider himself talented at all, and by the way, i realized now that i don’t know, well this is again due to some kind of due to the fact that dad didn’t really like these biographical conversations, not only his other people too. i don’t know who he was originally, but i generally remember this for sure, that somehow he also didn’t get along with soviet power, he had no work at all because of this, in general he was somehow in great poverty, but at the same time his spirit was always very alive, very much fed on culture, everyone went there to see evgeniy leonidovich, so that, well, communication, yes , he is like a mentor, there is some pedagogical talent, you see, my dad told me, there is something you do in childhood, he speaks brilliantly, then...
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he criticizes such people, 100% there will be, but it’s like if this rug is pulled out from under your feet, while you’re starting, it’s also unknown, maybe you, maybe you’re really untalented and nothing will come of it, but if you’re more or less capable of doing literature in one form or another, then let you believe in yourself for a while, like this evgeny leonidovich i wish i could teach them all, he gave them all very great hope, dad says that he wrote it himself, dad himself... still, i’m interested, my father wrote poetry, yes, but he gave them all great faith in themselves, well, here he is i tried to somehow distribute them, well , of course, let’s say, in the official literature there, but i don’t take children’s literature, i take adult poetry, it was unlikely that it could pass censorship there, artistic councils, something like that, yes, but there were options there for publishing to be sent to the west, there were options for samizdat.
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he is very captivating - even if you look at photographs of him, there are memories of people who knew him, and he was very tall, slender, handsome, yes, that is, he undoubtedly had an officer’s bearing or just some kind of masculine bearing, yes, he liked women, but it is clear that this is such and such an absolutely unbroken person, yes, that is, he was a non-conformist not only in in his poems, not only in his poetics, but one might say, in general, in his appearance, am i right? you know, that's the majority. in such
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a literary and artistic circle, my father’s close communication, i don’t remember anyone with a broken spirit, there were still some incredibly cheerful people, it would seem, yes, this is a generation that survived the war, lost, there are a lot of loved ones, that’s all , in general, very informal, which in general go under some crazy number of articles, if they decide to get to the bottom of them, and some kind of things happen all the time expulsions. some terrible arrests, creative groups, creative people, i just even asked my mother, well, because from the series you have nothing left to do but continue to enjoy life, because then you can just go straight away and throw yourself out of the window, that is, sort of average gloomy state, it seemed to give nothing, there were always some parties or some just guests, where people read, well, every turkish person
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reads something, home exhibitions are not necessary for...
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dressing well, i read, yes, not always, well that’s all, it was the most standard clothing, i don’t know everyone there, stakhanovites, well , they dressed exactly the same, no, well, just in the sense that everyone dressed like that. there was a different fashion, just in my understanding, here is a poet, but he is a conformist, informal, he basically cannot put on a tie, he basically wears whatever, maybe now, and maybe even in some eighties, but although the seventies, eighties, men's fashion was very formal, it wasn't, well, punks were in england, they were just starting, we also had, no, punks were just starting then, but in general it was, well, relatively speaking, generally such an informal style, it appeared when it appeared, it appeared with the rolling stones, here he looks a little like bulgakov, there is such a... they understand, you know, what’s interesting, uh , all the people who have been starving for many years, they all look alike, bulgakov, kharams, well, there is a slightly similar type of face, they are also similar, indeed, it is written there, yes, yes, everything is all in white, yalta, you know,
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these soviet photographs, certainly with palm trees, okay, here’s an everyday question, if the father did not work anywhere, if there were no fees, what kind of money did he have, at first there were fees for children's elements that were very good, because firstly. published a lot, he had a lot of books published, uh, he was, and he read these books to you in childhood, your childhood, he read you his children's books, well, i don’t remember, i definitely read them myself, because they were on the shelves , and so that he told me especially, they were even in the primer when i was in school, smart cars, something like that, there were a lot of them, by the way, he started, learned, trade in antiques, not on a large scale, because there were very large antique dealers, he did, if anything, for a very long time, and dad was very like that, well, he just traded for more or less back and forth, not a very bad life, this means when i was born , you already remember him like this, yes, when i was born, someone told
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my dad that children need fresh air, maybe this is true, and he bought a house in a remote village, but this is like my eldest , i have my father’s first marriage, an older sister, and he is... he said that i’m here now i seem to be infected with immunity by all this from the fresh air, and then i don’t need this house, my dad is not a summer resident at all, and i choose, there were two offers in kupavna, it’s 30 km from moscow, there’s some beautiful house there and in a remote village in the ryazan region, which means she chose the ryazan region, so according to my childhood, my dad and i went there to the village of nagornaya, and we lived there for three to four months at a time. and this is our dog, this is what they tried to rob dad, well , what about this antique world, this it’s all clear that according to the soviet law there is speculation, and well, it turns out that you , like it or not, you’re a criminal, yeah, but - you could naturally sit quietly, making
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not very large sales, but there are also, well , criminal structures in that moment, which were, and they, of course, were also quite interested in all sorts of faberjeb eggs and some... more artists, yes, well , artists, it turned out that they were connected with some kind of crime, they rob apartments, which means when some guests, they they found the fur coat, sheepskin coat, coat they needed there, took out the keys, which means they ran there, robbed, then calmly came, well, this was later revealed, for example, such a wonderful artist eduard steinberg had a brother, borukh steinberg, and a less significant artist, but he was just... uh, well, he traded a little bigger than dad, for some reason he ended up at home, they made a mistake, and he’s also such a big guy, such olya dovlatov, he started to fight with them somehow, in general he stayed disabled, they put a knife in his spine, my dad gave me to my grandmother, it was for me
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3 years, which means that basically i lived with my grandmother almost all the time, it’s like on this day he asked to pick me up a day earlier, he went on a visit, came back, and we had a very complex castle there . the bottom one, which was also open to everything else, well , they didn’t take much, then dad didn’t have anything particularly valuable, so the most valuable thing that was lying in a visible place, some piece of paper, and he got a dog after that, a rottweiler , but in general, you know, it was such an interesting life, in general it was quite artistic informal environment, because everyone was trying to somehow, somehow, secure their independent creativity, and , accordingly, plus 10 years, this is me 10 years old, we went to vardia, to georgia in general, yeah. in general, it’s also interesting, all the soviet systems, which means it’s dad through this pro-union of his, the pro-union of writers, it was called non-lifond, there’s some kind of organizational body in which he was a member, and there’s a provkom, provkom litera, yes, exactly, words the soviet ones have already
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flown out of my head, and he means something like that i got my ticket, well, this is georgia, this is the liver, friends, that’s where the gallbladder is located . something from the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only that, in the program to live healthy, you will learn the most important things about life and health. tomorrow on the first. estonian president alar karis began his career with experiments on laboratory rats. he still loves experiments. only now he has living people in the role of experimental animals. dear people of estonia. his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future, generate artificial human mutations. a president who was not elected by the people and who had no competitors.
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hatred has existed since time immemorial. alar karis, zoologist, as a president, or the united states, as a factor of genetic mutation. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. we continue, this is the podcast life of the remarkable. i am with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, we are talking today about the poet igor hollin, my guest is a writer,
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no more, but tell me about your childhood, about what kind of father he was, how your relationship with him was built, it’s really interesting when there’s such a situation, such an unusual father, how did everything turn out for you in your childhood years? and somehow everything worked out very well for me with my dad, i was always incredibly interested in him, i was incredibly interested in all this artistic environment of him and the environment of these antique quartz makers since childhood, well, of course that would also be .. . very colorful people, well, sometimes they, i say, were from their own.
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circle, sometimes it was just people who were just doing, well, business, yes, now in modern language, and i felt good, you had a lot of books in the house, yes, a lot, that’s what my father had in general, what were his favorite poets, writers, there russian, foreign, modern, from the past, khlebniks, included, maykovsky too, him, of course, when it comes to straight yes... his most beloved , of course, was most attracted to straight avant-garde avant-gardism, but just like the cool ones , and they were familiar with him from twisted? yes, he said that he saw him once, but the cool ones lived a very long life, yes, well, that’s why almost everyone of him, of course , of this generation, almost everyone, one way or another , was at a performance or saw someone somewhere there well, it’s also interesting when your father started publishing his, well , adults, so to speak, well, in general, never, well, more than ever, well, probably already in the nineties , books were published. no, well, listen, then what difference does it make if there were
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self-published books or original ones, well circulation is different, there can be no such poetry and circulation, well, in the sense that this is all anyway, all these circulations are crap, here is your father, how he felt about what was happening in the country, well, glasnost, perestroika everything , what followed then, well, with enormous happiness, he began to travel, yes, yes, and where he visited, well, the first thing that dad did was we went to the czech republic to see vitva vavarov. there is a portrait of brushes pevovavarov there and a drawing and yes it was an invitation to some something and yes from the drawing vitya that is this is literally a year before his death, yes, that is , well, a year and a half, yes, that is, my father is already almost 80 here, well, well, almost there, yes, 78 years old, my dad went to see him all the way to the czech republic in prague, for example, vitya is one of his most, probably he has genrikh vitya and misha gromanov. well , heinrich, yes, here are the second ones in no particular
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order, because they were very close, and my father generally loved to travel or was he more of a homebody, no, well, first of all, he never i said that we were visiting endlessly , we lived for 3 months in this village, in the village, yes, yes, dad, of course, at the seaside, well , i mean, he always went on vacation constantly, both before me and after me, well , my time, no, for him it was an opportunity to see the world, for him it was just, well ... incredible happiness and dad was invited to speak in many places, because then there was a period in the life of european universities, well, i don’t know how many 20-30 years there.
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we began to travel for a couple of months either to the czech republic or to cologne, because cologne was an art center then, even before the collapse of the wall. berlin wall, art center germany, western germany, there were also a lot of acquaintances there, and we went there, there was such a professor of slavic studies volgan kazok, who really loved russian literature, and he invited his father, and he spoke, well, he, and georgi witta like that, yes , well, there were different ones, yes, but of course, yes, for some reason the germans in general were terribly passionate about russian with such avant-garde poetry, yeah, they have a lot of translations, and did they translate my father a lot into foreign ones? yes, quite a lot in the czech republic and germany, and my father generally spoke about the poems of the same brodsky or some other contemporary poets? well, you know, dad really loved poetry, yeah, really, and i can’t say that he’s something, well, if we ’re not talking about mediocrity, yes, well, it’s clear,
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yes, of course, that he’s something just like -he obviously didn’t like it, he really enjoyed a very wide range of history and genre, let’s just say, well... in addition to poetry, as i understand it, in addition to poetry, he also wrote prose, yes, he wrote, for my taste it of course he is losing greatly, he treated your literary experiments favorably, as you say, yes, if i came to him and said, read something written, he always read , always praised, did not make critical judgments, you know, but he had this moment, when i came, i said, it was rubbish, but now seems to be better already? in fact, he practically did not live to see this, this moment, then he already died, that is, something like this did not happen when i myself understand whether i am doing something well or badly, and when we can already move away from the level super - praise as encouragement, yeah, yeah, like training, but tell me a little about
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yourself, that’s what you’re writing after all, that you’ve already managed to write an unmarried blog on telegram, yeah, but if we talk about your books, prose, that’s what i’m not writing about? there’s no prose now, but what did they write about before? i had one or two such love novels, ala bridge jones's diary, then something called chicklit was very popular, then i have several novels about witches, such an entertaining mysticism, if we talk about that, who do you read today, among modern authors, who would you could you name it? you know, today i don’t really know, it’s hard for me to say, because i...
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sit in the archive, look there, study the same lionuzov school, well, it just seems to me that no one except you, but if you are so interested in reading there georgy ivanov or khadosevich or kotaev, god himself is interested in reading, it’s not interesting to write, i’m not an archivist at all, it’s going to kill me, it’s killing me, even when we ’re talking about it, it’s like with dad, he’s absolutely fine too,
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so what do you accept it parents that you don't you accept, he was not at all interested, this is the kind of work, it requires... this is a completely different psyche, and there is such work, sometimes, of course, when you read, i’m even using angelica now in the process, you’re even cursing, because that this is such a volume of small ponies, well, it might be wonderful for there to be five such volumes, but when you read the book, it’s still a little bit of the same language, for example, how khadasevich wrote the necropolis, but that’s one thing, that’s you just open it and you fall into his talent, it’s clear that literature in their talent... you don’t fail a little, this time, they are of course decently written, but plus when you know, when a person does a great job, it’s very difficult to switch the brain to some good, cool, bright literature. creativity, this is understandable, one thing kills the other, well , you would like a biography of your father to appear, just like they wrote about chekhov, about
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diaghilev, so that someone would write, i know how, so i understand the position of a person, for example, a person is not not overvalued his past, he in general, i don’t care, they’ve already done a lot of interviews, he was completely uninterested in talking about it, so if he wasn’t interested, then... well, as if, if there wasn’t such a biography, then that’s fine, i’d probably, you know, what i would like, i would really like to read something about this circle myself, so that , like kotaev’s, my diamond crown, and about the poets of that time, even like khudoosevich, even, because the book is small, so that something about this time, so to speak, but you see, none of them particularly care biographies, like limonov, at least he has a book of the dead. well, yes, well, listen , you see, it seems to me that everything happens somehow, well, logically, yes, if these
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people were not particularly interested in their own biography, let their creativity remain, as someone said, there are poets with biography , there are poets without a biography, but i couldn’t remember that phrase too, yeah, yes, i think that of course, your father was a man with a biography, with what kind of biography, but if such was really his desire, such was his will, so that this has the biography remained a secret? let it be so, you know, that, well, everything is conveyed not necessarily by some obvious things, here i am, for example, a lot of times, here we are sitting, yes, and on the blog, i’m on my different blogs, or just to friends in as an example , i say, well, well, there’s something relevant there, here’s my dad in general, should we be sad, for example, yes, it seems to me that he has already become some kind of psychotherapeutic example for my friends, that means mother i gave it away at home, i was a homeless child, i went through the whole war and had a lot of fun. i think, that somehow there may be a nameless echo, maybe even people will no longer remember who told this story, about whom, what it was, but
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they will remember something, that no matter how screwed you were, when people managed to preserve it’s also nice to convey cheerfulness with these molecules, this is from him, this is not a character i created, yes, that he somehow comes into people’s minds is wonderful, it seems to me that you formulated all this very well, thank you very much, this was podkazva.
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hello, this is the podcast 20 years later and we its presenter is alexander anatolyevich, konstantin mikhailov. hello, dear friends, today we have a wonderful guest, singer, composer, musician, can i say, multi-instrumentalist, slightly, slightly multi-instrumentalist, slightly multi-instrumentalist, peter narich. thank you, good evening, hello, i’m very glad to see you in our glowing cube. i believe you are. you are probably the only one, well, you became so clearly and clearly popular thanks to the internet, just by yourself, without any production, without any teams around, i just took it myself, shot a video literally on my knees, wrote a song, a powerful hitman who just killed everyone, i remember, i was watching, i was working at a radio station at the time, they sent me a link, watch it quickly, i’m watching, and it’s like- then it
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was phenomenally hooked, there the spirit is growing a little, but this is... that is, an architect in general, but naturally we had many different artistic disciplines, drawing, painting, sculpture and so on, so i have some background that i i'm very glad that i received it, in addition to everyone else your musical exorcists, in particular in this video, you drew some graphics and also put them there, in general, yes, yes... your parents wanted you to be an artist, well , you yourself drew as a child, when you announced to them that , that maybe i can make money from music, well, they wanted me to be an architect, and it’s not like they directly wanted it, they just both graduated from the architectural institute, i seemed to draw normally, and design something, so they decided that there is a direct path for me there, although i already graduated from music school at that time moment and after music school, piano,
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he began to play something on the guitar himself , some romances or something. and so on, rock is natural there, civil defense, tsoi, well , everything we love, yes, the full set, yes, that’s what we and i have already begun to shine there at all sorts of parties of such courtyards, school days, yes, school, high school, but somehow there was no idea that i should connect my life professionally with music, and i gladly entered the architectural institute, and i am absolutely happy that i i graduated from this institute and even worked as an architect for a couple of years, this is an absolutely wonderful profession that...
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one of my friends or relatives says: i would like to help with the layout of a dacha or an apartment there and says: let me do it for you for free, come on, because hands are reaching out, now i’ll draw it for you, look at this here, it’s such a thrill to actually design, so i don’t know, maybe someday i’ll design my own house there, you just really love doing free things for free, i know that you, how are you you have enough time for this, you collaborate with more than five charitable foundations and always play flawlessly, well , naturally, well, if you can. and then you even get some kind of selfish energy profit from it and their indicators have improved, i don’t
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know, but maybe it’s all emotionally connected. maybe music is after all from this moment of realization that music may be the beginning of your music studies before guitars, how much time has passed for your creativity in idle time, so to speak, but this is impossible to call it, this formation was still a piggy bank, but it was, of course, more like a piggy bank, because i’m single, well, that is, it’s like a process is going on. is thrown away, something is left behind, but there really was some kind of existential breakdown for me, a break, when i realized that for some reason, that is, i didn’t understand, but some vague thing appeared, some kind of coming from somewhere from the spine a feeling that for some reason i need to get out of architecture, well, if from the spine, then yes, i always listen to my spine everyone i recommend it, that’s why at some point i left the office, although everything was fine with us there, i, being not yet a very experienced
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specialist, earned good money, and we were such godfathers of the king in general... 25-26 years old, then, by the way, everyone was still talking about the internet, then computers had already grown to such power that it became possible to record at home multi-track, which we tried before, say, back in the second, third year, for example, but there was no such possibility, at most we managed to write two channels there, but it didn’t work, and then bass and quickly, quickly, all sorts of household music cards began to appear, and my friends and i started it all...
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they liked it too, but roughly speaking, it was the next one - a derivative of this whole process, so i somehow started brewing this this interesting broth and then suddenly, my friends and i, fortunately, i was surrounded by very creative , always talented people, and my friends and i shot this video, which we were talking about, and it also became possible to edit the video on the computer in some kind of again, graphics, returning to my artistic manifestations, i threw some kind of animation there and it turned out like this... they wrote
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, we had such a creative team of different formats there in burime which we are there and some jokes and '. they started filming videos and drawing something, and so on and so forth, that is, this is an arthur-musical substitute, this is a podcast 20 years later, hosted by alexander anatolyevich, konstantin mikhailov, visiting us - listen, i saw you here in peak lady, i was so stunned by your vocals gorgeous opera house, thank you very much, i’m in the barn for about a third of my life, this is a very important question about the voice, this is a serious story. in the same seventh year, no, in the same seventh year, the ever-memorable one, my childhood friend was an academic pianist, we were playing something, i just sang lensky’s aria there one day, she said to me: listen, you have a voice, you need study, and i
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say, well, why study, i know how, and i met a wonderful teacher irina mukhina, she had a small studio in a cultural center, and i began to go there, became interested in vocals, i entered the merslyakov school at the same time to study academic vocals, then i studied there for 2 years and quit, then after another 2 years, after a year that you need to try something less ironic, something more serious, but it was not opera yet, yes, well, roughly speaking, at some point, probably in many bands, this happens when you gain a certain popularity, and
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let’s say, your first album and the first one and a half albums, they fill up the entire concert in time, and roughly speaking, you ’re on you don't have to do anything and you can do this until retirement, in general, there are these 15 or 20-30 songs to scratch and that’s it, and there’s money, everything ’s fine. people know what they want, because the joy of recognition is still, as if this is one of the main magnets at a concert for people, but you feel a certain dead end, yes, i felt this dead end, we even quarreled with my friends, but what a year it was, the twelfth, so we went to the euroids in the tenth and then somehow i realized that i need to move somewhere to the side, because i’m just turning into a kooki, roughly speaking, i can go out, stand, and people will sing themselves, well, on the one hand, on the other hand, on the other hand, it’s really boring, and therefore misfortune and i began to move. somewhere in the fifteenth year , a wonderful, big story arose, very important for me, it was a performance in the russian academic youth theater northern odyssey, directed by ekaterina granitova, scripted by the absolutely brilliant screenwriters
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lutsik and samoryadov, it was a big musical story that went on for 6 years, we played live there as a band, the actors sang there, and there i was able to expand my musical outlook and color, because somewhere we had some kind of free jazz. somewhere some kind of ambient had to be filled in, it was as if there should be darkness here, a snow-covered steppe, tundra, and we had some kind of hangings there, somewhere there were choirs, somewhere there were stylizations. to the cossack song, we had such a big, big number there, we sometimes sing at concerts when there are enough backing vocalists, because there are a lot of voices, belarybitsa, oh bela rybitsa, oh she walked in the river, and save her, yaeeya. but it didn’t seem to be, then it was as if
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15 verses are skipped, as usual in songs, you know, they are endless, and there is some kind of sad ending about what it means she didn’t love him, and he went somewhere, listen, but i’m going far, this is the song, just this is a song that was specially composed for this performance, and for a long time we were looking for the main lyrical theme with ekaterina gennadievna, with the director of the play, it didn’t work out for a long time, at some point we got this tune. easy, easy, and there it is, if you look, it seems so simple, in fact, the size is constantly changing musical, all the musicians, when they come, they see the notes and such, and what a horror, god, here there are five, here 10, here six, here again 10, here there are four, so she is so quite tricky, she has become so in the general leitmotif of this performance, where at the beginning at the end, i admit that this, well , naturally i adore guitars, but this is my favorite song performed by you, i’m very glad, because it’s something different, more lyrical, more just in...
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i'm going far as performed by peter nalich in the podcast 20 years later. i'm going far, easy, it’s easy, you should take someone, you should take someone with you, but there’s no one, there’s no one.
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he travels far, easily, easily, so he took me, because he would have taken me with him before, but no, i ’m neither him, no, i’m neither him, what kind of song is this across the river, who sings it with me, where somewhere across the river, somewhere across the river,
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manas select, general.
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we continue the conversation, this is a podcast 20 years later, we are its host alexander anatolyevich and konstantin mikhailov, our guests, let's talk about eurovision, what do you remember, we missed it. so, it turned out that one woman who liked the fact that we do, despite the fact that she worked there somewhere for a long time in germany, she suddenly wrote that you know, there’s a competition going on, you’re a pop group, here’s a competition song, but we’ve never even heard about this competition and how whatever it is, we just need to send an application, she
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sent such a link, we were like, well, let’s send it, but they told us that according to the terms of the task, the song should not be published anywhere, that is, it’s absolutely fresh, we had three sketches there , two more mobile and one. just this sad ballad is in style the sixties, as it was called lost and forgotten, well, of course we also think, we probably need something fun somehow, yes, but we want to win, but we understand that the fun ones seem to be absolutely not ready for these compositions, but they are ready only this lost and forgotten, we’re like, it looks like it’s a stroke of destiny, let’s go there, it means the name is so optimistic, yes, we say, well, we’ll be on counterpoint, everyone will have fun, and we ’ll sing such vintage lyrics, they sent it there later miraculously - that means we were invited to the selection, and there we did it all won, and many different ones, i heard stories about who at what moment gave us the decisive protection for this, i don’t know which of this is true, we didn’t make any gestures for this, we sang in moscow, passed the selection, then went to norway,
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a big cheerful group, we had a great time there, well, this is very important, when eurovision is on, this is important, this is important, this is a work process, because anatolvich and i commented on eurovision from copenhagen. yes, we felt this atmosphere of a certain engagement, someone told us even hinted that it was already known who would win before the final competition, again, we didn’t know what was true and what wasn’t true, and we were just having a blast because it was a holiday, you felt this atmosphere of a little bit of untruth, well, that there were a lot of, let’s say, some sort of mysterious currents going on behind the scenes, it was felt, of course, but roughly speaking, we had all this before the light bulb. because we arrived, we brought a song that we like, we will try to sing it well, and then they will appreciate us or they won’t appreciate it, well, whatever happens, it will be, of course, you always want to win if you are already participating in some kind of competition, but this was not the defining moment, let’s remind you what the eleventh place was in the end, how upset you and i were proudly told
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each other that we had almost finished in the top ten, closed the business behind us, and i know, everything is there, i never said in any interview later that we won several times in europe, we were always doing something, walking, drinking, had fun, ate peking duck, tried to learn chinese in a very funny way, in some at the moment we even learned a few phrases, and as it seemed to us from these flowing intonations, which, in my opinion, there are four types in the chinese language, we learned to say something,
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we are so happy, we come to the market like this and there, here they are like this, their eyes light up with happiness, they understand, oh, the european knows chinese, they also answer us, we understand that we made a mistake. because then it’s like, then it’s just on the numbers on the phone on the calculator you show like 20 yuan there like this was the conversation yeah this was a good question, saved up a long time ago, i announced your team on stage many times, i always wanted to ask casually how many languages ​​do you know, peter, or at least superficially to communicate, well, my english is more or less decent , let’s say decent, and italian is basic all vocals because they did the vocals. unfortunately no, i ’ve never even been to bosnia itself, the homeland of my second grandfather, although at some point, when i went to eurovision,
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relatives from there began to write to me, there were some nephews, some - my dad's cousin, his nice people, no, they are generally very nice, they just said, if anything happens, come, we will be glad to see you. then you have to do just this, that it will be writing music for performances, singing with a symphony orchestra, or singing with a band, or architecture, it’s hard to say, you know, because of course i adore it, that is, writing is an absolutely necessary part of me , as long as there is courage, there is some kind of gunpowder, i will do it, but i worked very hard... to sing well for a long time, and it often works out, so, of course, i also can’t imagine my life without it, again - these are some different modes of the general human condition, i don’t know. there the souls of the body are together, because when you sing, and the audience and this adrenaline excitement before
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the concert, it’s like a whole story that you live every time, it’s cool, because it’s first you get up in the morning normally, everything is fun, hours in two days, i always have such an emotional pit before a concert, why bother, no one needs me, why bother, why go out at all? to sing somewhere, that is, it’s as if everything is just all the settings at zero, then you come to the sound check, you perk up a little, we start to be quite happy now. we already play well, i will say without undue modesty, but there have been different periods, and the joy comes from the fact that we play well, cheerfully or sadly, well, exactly as it should, and people pick it up, sing, listen, where necessary, where necessary, they dance, yeah, where they should laugh, where they should cry, and this is great happiness and of course i can’t live without it either, the format is more original singing, more old songs, more new ones, now i mix it this way all the time and i really like it, that is, the old song is new. at one
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time we often crossed paths, but you don’t know this, i know this, because well, some presenter, it was me, and you are the main band at the corporate party, i don’t know, now this corporate story continues, i know that you are invited companies, intellectual ones, that value - not just some kind of ounce, ounce, ounce, exactly, i confirm, corporate events are going on now, there are a lot of orders and how can you complain about it, they are there and this, of course, feeds me, and therefore, there is money for recordings for all musical experiments. the collective is large, but it is morphing with us, because we also have this same program that was born out of the pandemic, as you remember, at some point during the pandemic all concerts were canceled altogether, and i just became an architect and a sculptor a little - to help my dad and my brother as an architect, they are my sculptors. and i worked for six months with pleasure under their mastery, by the way, it’s absolutely excellent, such a change in the mezzanine, you know, i’m a star, as it were, and as if through
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these prisms i need to sing songs, people listen there, they don’t listen, there’s just an apprentice suddenly an apron, well, there was a little sculptural and architectural work, but roughly speaking yes, roughly speaking the apron-trowel was very cool switching, but switching, then from why did they start opening only very small venues and very secretly,
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and before pop-symphony ensembles of 20 people, did you play in an ensemble at school? of course, we just what kind of repertoire was hard rock? hard rock, of course, was played loudly, are you playing loudly now? here is the song of a glorious fish, like once, which we prepared for today's broadcast, this is from an album of pirate songs, at some point several things were suddenly born, these are partly pirate shanti, somewhere intertwined with something, well, again , in our case it turned out to be such a vinaigrette. somewhere it’s more rock, somewhere it’s more folk, somewhere it’s russian folk and some kind of slavic element flows in and
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spreads out, so this also exists in our politics, the status of the song is all complicated if it’s a nice fish, which we will now listen to in a podcast 20 years later, then this is most likely not a vinaigrette, but a herring under a fur coat, and a herring under a yes, more precisely, more precisely, yes, so a nice fish peter nalich in the podcast 20 years later. glorious tova paroga. the nice fish
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sings a song. the fish boasted of its glory, although it had been painted here all its life, the glorious fish had never seen the sea. if you haven’t sniffed or chewed the mud, let’s throw sad thoughts into the glorious fish, fried oil, guys.
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peter, what's the story with the bird's song? yuli kim? yes, yuli kim, but the song bird is entirely ours, my text and my music, our common performance with the musicians, but this is a big one musical and theatrical history, which began several years ago, on the initiative of ekaterina granitova, the mentioned director of the play northern odyssey, yeah, she found it text-heavy.
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that is, at some point , quite a lot of material accumulated, and even ekaterina gennadievna staged this story at the gitis educational theater, and just last year i came there, which means to gitis, and the guys began to dance and sing it, and i thought, what a cool story, why am i sitting? i need to record all this, i began to record, expand the tracks, turn sketches into full-fledged songs, rethink and arrange some compositions, i contacted yulia chersanych, he gave the green light, okay, let's get busy, guys. and then we began to finalize the text, now - some time ago a teaser was released, as we call it in cinematic terms, five songs with a literary twist, a little introduction to the action, but this is exactly what works, these are still fragments, in the spring it will turn out entirely musical , theatrical theatrical story, we will release it in the format
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audiobooks, we will perform on stage like an opera in concert performance, class, and we also naturally throw all these fishing rods into theaters at the same time, so that cool, cheerful musical directors will somehow take it all in, for the first time on television, a bird song from the latest album of petr narich , don’t hang around the rope, you’ll still get stuck in the whip, i came to where the songs, the ringing birds sing, i came to the place where the ringing birds sing songs, and today the birds sing, songs of bitter love, i want to fall in love with you and
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enjoy you , but i can’t find you. i will go roam the world, i'm like a bird. i'll fall asleep, i'll sing this song, if suddenly i get sad, i'll sing this song, if suddenly i get sad, but i'm sad, i'm late at night, when the stars are at peace, angels look at me like heaven's eyes from heaven, they look at me like heaven's eyes angels are looking from heaven.
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i found you far away, you don’t want to live with me, so why will i be lonely? like angels , ringing birds are circling high!
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i found you far away, you don’t want to live with me, so i’ll be lonely, like angels on high, like a ringing bird, circling. dear friends, creative podcast is live industry with you as always elena kiper, producer, video director and roman karmanov, general director.
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what kind of emotions do people have to evoke such a huge flair around your person, i just work a lot, a lot, i work a lot everything, well, i’m not , i’m not concerned with causing any special emotions, i just do my job, i do it as i see fit , and maybe it’s good that the work that i do evokes different emotions, very different and joyful and sometimes some negative and controversial ones. anyway here i am i always say that the best effect of a performance is when a person continues to think about it, think and think - after
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watching it, the performance is cool, cool, not when it immediately at the moment of its implementation causes happiness in the auditorium , although this is also wonderful, but the coolest reaction is when a person cannot forget about the performance, when... he turns it over in his head all the time, when he returns to it, well, i met somewhere that don’t be offended , even if in general he left man, no, i’m not offended, but that’s normal, listen, that’s normal, people shouldn’t have to accept absolutely everything and agree with everything, i’m engaged in an art in which it’s very important to remain, as it were, in balance between the desire to please, because there’s no theater , nor cinema... directing, acting, they are impossible without the desire to be liked by the public and the need to preserve yourself, because if you fall into the desire to only be liked, then it is
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cheap, if you fall into the desire to preserve yourself in all circumstances. somehow so special, you are marginalized, you are left with some very narrow circle of viewers, that’s why it’s a very fine line, at what point did you find this balance? this was not always the case with you, but not always, and there was a moment of some kind of slow groping for interaction with the audience, when you begin... to understand what a person breathes behind the walls of the theater, what he is looking for, what he wants to talk about and how he wants to talk about it, and you professionally, as if like a child who is slowly with his parents, with the world around him, he feels for this way of conversation, masters the language, tries to make himself understood,
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tries to understand the world around him.
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the hall and slowly then, only when you have felt this unity with the hall, slowly rock it and subordinate it to your tasks, make the hall suddenly cheer up or the cheerful hall, on the contrary, become sad, if the story is sad and requires thinking, and so on, and then it’s the same in directing, you basically try to feel, and what the person wants today is no longer specific.


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