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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 27, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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at a meeting with the heads of large specialized enterprises, most of them, the president noted, fulfill state defense procurement tasks efficiently on time, and in a number of positions are even ahead of schedule. it is important to continue to increase the rhythmic provision of the armed forces with modern high-tech weapons and equipment, these are unmanned aircraft and ground systems, high-precision weapons, rap and... counter-battery systems, these are various types of communications for stable and continuous control, and others nomenclature, you know well, recently our volumes have increased, over the last one and a half to two years during the special military operation, from 2021 to the twenty-third these numbers are changing, they are constantly growing, the increase amounted to...
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missile- artillery weapons by more than 22 times, through electronic warfare and reconnaissance by 15 times, by ammunition by 14 times, by vehicles by seven times, by personal armor protection by six times, by aviation equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles by four times, for armored weapons almost 3 and a half times.
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the ruble would work effectively and not only effectively serve the needs of the armed forces, but would generally fit into the economy. the supreme commander-in-chief also called for more active use of the resources of the so-called people's defense industry and faster adoption of the most effective models. i made a number of decisions that were supposed to increase efficiency and speed up the process of repairing and restoring the combat effectiveness of weapons and equipment. so that she as soon as possible terms returned to the combat zone, there was also an order to accelerate the introduction of modern technologies and innovative solutions for the constant improvement and improvement of the tactical and technical characteristics of weapons and equipment, taking into account experience and combat use, i would like to emphasize again that we must always be one step ahead, you have to stay ahead of the enemy all the time, then...
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it will be guaranteed, you yourself know, yours, your specialists, and you yourself are always in contact with those of our guys who are on the lines of combat contact work, they fight, not sparing themselves, they protect the interests of russia, but as soon as we are ahead, at least half a step, everything, the efficiency increases multiple times, simply multiple times, it is also necessary to more effectively use the resources of the so -called people's agro-industrial complex, to provide an opportunity for further developments. .. development of increasing production output, and some of the most effective issues to be adopted in an accelerated manner. iran said goodbye to ibrahim resi, the president of the islamic republic. they saw him off on his last journey millions of people. 5 days of national mourning. sincere sympathy from russia and many countries of the world, but not from the west. there is undisguised cynicism and almost congratulations to the iranian people. meanwhile, the investigation is looking into whether the presidential collapse was involved?
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valuable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries, made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. instead of a russian helicopter crash , 73 rescue teams were looking for it. workplace of the deceased president, chair tied with a black ribbon, next to it is a mourning portrait. a fragment of the broadcast of the national television channel, an appeal from the government of the islamic republic, the hardworking and tireless president of the iranian people, who was exclusively occupied with serving the great people
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of iran on the path of development and progress of their country, kept his promise to sacrifice his life for the sake of the nation. there is a makeshift memorial at the iranian embassy in moscow.
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the media emphasize that russia had many enemies inside iran, meaning the iranian opposition, against which it is necessary admittedly, raisi acted harshly, but there was no other way out, because they were trying to rock the boat within the country, and if we remember previous events, then in particular in 1981, the radical...
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had already made the following statement: if iran tries to hold us responsible for we will deny any involvement in this, this is extremely harsh and straightforward, we have nothing to do with it. the head of the us state department also threw fuel on the fire. this is what anthony blinton allowed himself to say in a conversation with senator ted cruz, commenting on the iranian death.
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a tragedy for many of iran’s partners, this
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is a purely human tragedy, so the words of blinken, the us secretary of state, are very cynical, which were heard at a meeting with us senators that the iranian people could rejoice that their president, foreign minister and others , in particular, the imam died in this disaster, well, this is not just cynicism, this is an insult. dov is against airplanes, helicopters, etc., which transport people. ricey flew on
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an american bell 222 helicopter from thirty years ago instead of a russian one mi-171, which he usually traveled on. and the fact that for some reason the car dropped below the volume of fog that covered the gorge raises questions. for example, was there any third-party interference with the navigation equipment, since two russian escort helicopters flew safely over this section. the accompanying persons flew on two russian helicopters, in my opinion, and russian-made helicopters, without any special conditions, in the same conditions in the same corridor, actually flew without any problems, and another circumstance was drawn to the attention of the turkish turkish publication: the helicopter was equipped with three different tracking systems, but the turkish ministry of transport reported that no signals were recorded from the russian helicopter. russia and iran are agreeing
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on the final touches of a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement, which vladimir putin and ebrahim resi agreed on back in january 2022. there is an agreement to implement the north-south transport corridor developed 20 years ago; the shortest trade route to india and other countries should pass through iran persian gulf. tehran, through the mouth of raisi. announced the goal of increasing mutual trade with moscow by 10 times. our relations are really developing; we can boast of good rates and record numbers in terms of trade turnover growth. after our meeting in moscow , everything is developing very quickly, this concerns bilateral relations. both sides have the political will to develop them. the continuity of iran's policies is personified by ayatallah ali hasseini khaminii. he is the supreme leader of iran, the head of the country and the commander in chief. there are no appointments for june 28
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the next presidential elections, now the duties of the president of iran are temporarily performed by the first vice-president, mahamed mahberg. vladimir putin spoke with him on the phone after his appointment. and in minsk he once again confirmed the immutability of russia’s position. iran is a major regional power, playing a prominent role in world affairs, but in my opinion. it is unlikely that after this tragedy we will encounter any changes in the foreign policy of the iranian leadership, bearing in mind that the fundamental foundations of iranian statehood are quite stable, strong, reliable, i personally do not see any possible serious changes of any kind, but of course i hope that there will be continuity in the russian direction of iranian policy...
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russia and bahrain are reaching a new level of cooperation. during the visit of king hamad bin isa al-khalifa to moscow , seven documents were signed on cooperation in the fields of transport, healthcare, education, culture, and ecology. vladimir putin invited the distinguished guest to take part in the brix summit in kazan in the fall. international agenda our positions are close. quite recently, a week ago, there was a meeting of the league of arab states, where bahrain now chairs, and of course i would be very interested to know your opinion on the situation in the middle east and how these problems were discussed. your arab friends send
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you their best wishes and highly appreciate russia's role in bringing about a fair resolution. now about the election passions in the united states. the battle is going on for new york, where they traditionally vote for democrats, but it seems that joe biden has taken a lot out of the residents apple donald trump has more and more supporters, but his figure is unlikely to unite a divided society. the voltage level is very high. biden’s blunders are trump’s loud statements, but, in the opinion of many ordinary people, you will have to choose between two evils. our sub-correspondent in the states, giorgi alisashvili, is watching the roller coaster. donald trump is back, he’s back, to say the least, trump, even though he is from new york, has never met with local voters. an iron rule, a us presidential candidate never comes with rallies to the state where he obviously, nothing shines from considerations of economy. the last time a republican
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won in pro-democratic new york was 40 years ago, when reagan was re-elected. the overall picture does not change. it's not a question of supporting trump. i am ready to support anyone, as long as they know how to unite americans to make america great. if it's a conservative, it's okay, i sometimes vote for the conservatives. trump himself, warming up the audience,
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made a loud statement. his lawyers read the warrant issued to the fbi before the search of the ex-president's florida home found. there is a standard permit for the use of service weapons, the trump team immediately launched a newsletter under the heading “i miraculously escaped death.” breaking news from trump: biden's justice department was allowed to shoot at me, however, the most striking statement at the rally was a strange passage about questions that trump's acquaintances allegedly ask him. people often ask me: how do you do it? i clarify what exactly, how do you get up every morning, put on your pants, why do you do this? the time will come... and i will explain to you, after all, how do you do it? how are you are you doing this? this is a purely trumpian ability to find a quality in oneself that biden does not have, to get out of bed without outside help and put on pants. and indeed, polls show a difference in the perception of the failures of trump and biden in the sense that everyone has long been accustomed to the provocative and scandalous image of the ex-president, but
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the current leader is suspected of sometimes not knowing what he is doing. to the question, what bothers you more about manners? and trump's legal problems or biden's age and ability to perform his duties more half (53%) said they were more concerned about the sobriety of the eighty- one-year-old president than about the four criminal cases of the former american leader. the presidential campaign headquarters is urgently looking for a specialist in internet jokes to symmetrically respond to, for example, this. a living symbol of old money and an apologist for patriarchal values, fathers and grandfathers support him, children are not on the same path with them, so although this sounds anecdotal, it is eighty-one-year-old biden who is, as it were, a candidate for american youth. you and so a loyal audience on the internet, groups of progressive democrats, they will vote for you anyway, you don’t have to worry about them,
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go out and talk to ordinary americans, but this is hardly possible at a press conference with the president. i'm sorry, i didn't catch your question. sorry, i was asking about africa asking america to double its assistance through world bank programs in developing countries. this would help both in reducing the debt burden and in the fight against climate change. how ready is the us? support this? on the second attempt , the american leader found the required piece of paper and was read out by a carefully prepared, apparently assistant. answer: we already support this to a large extent, as i already said, the united states has long taken a leading position in matters of providing discounts on resources for the poorest developing countries, when reporters tried... interrupting each other to ask not on a piece of paper, biden reacted how violently , so wonderful. the meeting with the press
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had to be ended urgently. this ends the press conference, everyone. thank you. the closer the elections are, the more obvious are the two main issues around which the main fight will unfold: firstly, americans are concerned about the situation with migrants; according to abc news, during the time biden is in the white house, almost 10 million illegal immigrants have entered the states. and some of them themselves were surprised at how easy it was to cross the border. americans are worried for good reason, that’s for sure, it’s not clear who will end up in this country, okay, i’m a good person, but what if the rest are not, what if they are murderers, psychopaths and all that, quarantine after all no, no one checks them. the second problem is the economy. trump's campaign even started counting the french fry index. under joe biden, americans' favorite side dish has risen in price by almost 2 and a half times, record inflation and, as a result, soaring prices for fuel and food. the white house's countermeasures are aimed more at situational pr than at a long-term solution to the issue. the president is forgiving 160,000 students' unpaid student loans, and to prevent gasoline
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from flying into space before the election, biden's team is dipping into the strategic reserve. from where a million barrels of fuel are released straight to the market. one of the main results of biden’s diplomacy is that the states are losing their role as overseers of the middle east, bypassing spain, ireland and norway, who have decided to recognize the independence of palestine. recognition of palestine is a big political symbolic step. we believe that palestine, as a state , has the full right to security, self-government and territorial integrity. formally, america also supports the idea of ​​a palestinian state. president biden believes in a two-state vision that guarantees security for israel and the palestinians. this is the best solution that can bring long-term peace to the region. however, all negotiations are stalled when discussing the status of jerusalem in the eastern part of which the palestinians see as their capital, despite the fact that
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the israelis want to control the city completely, plus jewish settlements in the occupied palestinian territory, which no right-wing israeli politician will sacrifice. from the white house's impotence inertia finances the israeli defense forces, while many prominent members of the democratic party openly support palestine, so in a difficult situation.
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let me answer, we're talking about an armed okay, okay, funny, let me answer, a conflict in a city, the united states itself recently participated in such conflicts in iraqi falluja and massuli, israel is attacking legitimate military targets, this is first, and secondly, it takes into account the acceptable collateral losses during these attacks. such a ban on civilian casualties , trump commissioners are already working on in the middle east, feeling out the contours of future foreign policy, as reitor writes, three diplomats close to the former president secretly visited israel. in addition to netanyahu, members of the delegation were scheduled to meet with israeli opposition leader lapid and a number of other officials. according to a person familiar with the visit, among the main goals of the trip was an attempt to better understand the complex internal political situation in israel. i'm resigned to trump's likely leadership.
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trump? she's not alone. even officials he himself fired, like former prosecutor general bar. this is not an easy decision, but if you cannot avoid the choice, then you must choose the lesser evil. the intrigue is whether the loser of evil will agree to retire peacefully. according to a survey commissioned by the reitor agency, about 70%. americans believe that the upcoming elections could end in an outbreak of violence, regardless of who is declared the winner, georgiy lisashvili, pavel nisterov, sergei chivelo, us channel one. let's return to
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vladimir putin's visit to minsk. during the negotiations with alexander lukashenko, one of the main topics was was the strengthening of the technological sovereignty of the two countries. is it more effective to resist western sanctions together? we discussed the issue of energy. in connection with the so-called sanctions, and more of them were introduced against russia than against anyone else in the world. they create certain problems, of course, we see it, feel it, but they create certain opportunities for us for...
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a fairer, balanced, figures, that is, tax rates and thresholds are still being determined, the head of the ministry of finance said the country’s system will soon change, it will become participants of large-scale hearings in the duma on the general principles: for citizens , the personal income tax scale will become progressive, that is, the more income, the higher the tax rate will be, progression will replace the flat scale that has existed since 2001 . when preparing proposals it is suggested. start from the principle of fairness, this is our key approach, we hear requests from the deputy corps to strengthen the progression in the personal income tax scale, it is clear that we will offer a reasonable progression so that our system is competitive, first of all with our closest neighboring countries. this, of course, is not about taking everything away and dividing it up. the tax increase will not affect the majority at all and will only affect those with high incomes. the rich will pay more and benefit from
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tax changes. families with children, the vast majority of citizens should not be affected by changes in tax rates, while families with two or more children with low incomes should benefit. a deduction for personal income tax will be offered for them, and part of the taxes paid can be returned according to results of the calendar year. the refund will be processed using mechanisms for providing social support from the federal budget. this cashback will encourage you to earn money legally.
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equipment, i would like the government to take into account the proposal of the state duma, from the progressive scale we are deducing the income of participants in a special military operation, please, what is your point of view regarding this? we, of course, will support this proposal, this is an absolutely fair proposal, because our fighters, those who today is participating in a special military operation, of course, they need our attention, our support, and if we can do this through tax proposals. this will definitely be done. the principle of fairness will also apply when using additional taxes paid. people will understand where their money is going. additional budget revenues will be colored, that is, the government intends to spend them mainly on the social sphere. we are talking about national projects: family, youth, long active life, and also about extending the maternity capital program and increasing pension payments. we have successful experience; for 3 years now we have received income from increased
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personal income tax rates. this is 15% for those who earn more than 5 million rubles a year, they donate to the circle of kindness fund to help children with rare diseases; in the last year alone , the fund has helped save lives. 700 children, when we raised the personal income tax rate , all the funds from raising this rate went to this important social measure to support children. the range of expenses for which collected taxes will be spent is wider. additional taxes will also be used to support the economy in an industry that ensures long-term growth, another important topic is the tax on income on deposits, banks now trust their funds... millions of citizens, it was decided not to impose additional tax on interest on deposits. this is aimed at stimulating citizens and generating savings. and the measure also has a social aspect, so as not to affect the majority of citizens who keep their savings in banks. there are no
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plans to raise the vat rate; this measure could lead to an increase in inflation, but other changes will there will be businesses. an increase in income tax is being discussed. the business proposed to abandon the use of turnover taxes, such as... exchange rate export duties, which do not take into account its financial result. are ready to discuss this proposal in connection with a fair increase in the corporate income tax rate, that is, taxation of the final result, and not the company’s turnover. moreover, our current income tax rate is one of the lowest among developed and developing economies. large business has already supported this idea. as an entrepreneur, i am in favor of increasing the income tax instead of fees and one-time payments. the state now needs additional revenue and it is better to receive it through an increase in income tax, which will distribute the burden among all companies that successfully earn money in our country, including in the domestic market, and will make the planning system predictable, which is important for business. these
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changes will benefit companies that invest and increase wages, while those who do not want to invest in development will lose. it is very important to ensure an increase in the stimulating role of the tax system; we still must.
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threshold for small businesses that apply the simplified taxation system, and we understand and once again confirm that there will be no changes for micro-businesses, on the contrary, also for self-employed people, i have already
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expressed the position that all those obligations that were, they are confirmed and will be ensured within 10 years, regimes will change, tax collection will not change. will not suffer, the government has enough tools to prevent evasion schemes on the part of wealthy taxpayers, not to pay taxes now or to pay them, well, it’s wrong, not to pay extra, this is a betrayal, this is simply dishonest, it’s as if representatives of dozens of complex, powerful, strong countries’ economies have taken over for us, so to speak, who, i don’t know, set their goal to ruin russia’s competitiveness, we must together all ours...
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that the principle of justice must be unshakable, it is important to ensure the stability of the tax system until the year 30, so that we have it worked efficiently. on the budget, summarized all the proposals of the deputies and submitted them to the government, changes that would increase the tax burden will not affect the vast majority of our people, are aimed at really solving the problem when those who receive more paid more, and those who need support, the state has received the means with which it can provide this support, no drastic changes. we are talking about improvement, public discussion
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continues, the duma expects that the government will take into account the recommendations; the bill itself is planned to be considered during the spring session of the state duma, that is, by the end of july. dmitry kochitkov, alexey labushkin, channel one. digital industry of industrial russia, one of the country's largest conferences on the digital economy , took place this week in nizhny novgorod. over 4 years , sales of domestic software have more than doubled. classes of domestic, engineering and industrial software,
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we are considering the idea of ​​providing additional incentives, simultaneously with the business program, a large exhibition at which advanced developments are presented, the exposition occupied three pavilions, by the end of the decade mikhail mishustin said, 80% of all enterprises should switch to a domestic solution, the process is already underway and the dynamics are impressive, 2 years ago our a little more than a third of the company used the software, and at the end of it...
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the russian federation practically no longer has specialists who work in the warehouse, completely auto and completely yes, thank you for you came to us, i am sure that you will find partners here, 156 billion rubles. cybercriminals inflicted such damage on russians over the past year, a colossal amount, scammers are using more and more new schemes, including using artificial intelligence, to avoid becoming a victim. deception, simple rules in tatyana kozlova’s report: a friend, supposedly a friend,
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sent a message asking you to vote for her daughter in the competition, and you had to follow the link in telegram. irina had no idea that these were scammers and a social network only start. then the attackers took over, no, not the bank account, but her voice. can you get me 19 by tomorrow, my card was blocked, i can’t send a transfer to a person. this is my voice, yes, it's just sped up. this was probably done on purpose to make him less recognizable. the message generated by the neural network was sent to irina’s friends and relatives. fortunately, the deception was discovered in time. the development of artificial intelligence has opened new horizons for scammers. what previously seemed fantastic has become real. modern tools allow you to completely fake your voice, manner of speaking, intonation, timbre, based on a thirty-second video recording of your own. the only way today to protect yourself from this
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type of fraud is to agree with your loved ones about some kind of test words in difficult situations, about some kind of code word, while these are rare cases, most scammers prefer to call the victims themselves, the fact is that most accounts have two-factor protection, and it’s not easy to get around without the help of the real owner. enter your login. enter the password, if the password is correct, yes, we go further to our mobile device and receive the code for the second factor of authentication, that’s it. mobinite today is a scammer and breaks down. and here, in order to bypass the system, scammers come up with more and more new moves. for example, scammers call residents and offer to undergo fluorography for free at the expense of compulsory medical insurance, coordinate the victim’s clinic, and then allegedly ask for a code from an sms to confirm the appointment. having received the necessary numbers, attackers penetrate into
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an account on public services or into an internet bank. having taken possession of personal information, they can even issue a microloan for a person, so no data is available. sms cannot be called. and there are many scenarios of deception. elderly people receive calls under the guise of employees of the russian social fund and are offered to recalculate their pensions, saying that unaccounted length of service has been discovered. the scammers promised to increase payments to a resident of kursk. you just need to submit an application. how can you use electronic recording now? we suggest you sign up. now a message will come, here is the code, you confirm. this is how it will be, well, the record, as a result, a pensioner lost her savings, a woman in chebaksary almost lost her apartment, they introduced themselves as a 24-hour operator, they said that my contract was expiring, they told me i didn’t need to come with my data and passports, they just called me in the morning and they introduced themselves as some kind of financial
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company, they began to ask if you received an unknown call, i say there was, well, that means the scammers decided to withdraw your money from you, fell for it. the woman was asked to transfer all funds to a so-called safe account. they say this will help preserve the accumulation. the same trick is used against military relatives. the criminals report the alleged withholding of a lump sum payment that is due to the fighters, to be convincing, they even send a copy of an extract from the order of the military department, which is in fact a fake. fraudsters call or write to their potential victims and inform them that a lump sum payment will be withheld from their monetary pleasure.
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promptly, they do not let go of the connection with you, they encourage you to go through a certain scenario, to take active actions so that they can take possession of the funds. last year, according to the ministry of internal affairs, the number of such crimes increased by a third. the damage caused by this type of crime last year amounted to 156 billion rubles. of these, 8 billion are
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thefts, and 137 billion are fraud. significant portion. even if they get access to the citizen’s personal account, to the mobile device, they will not be able to quickly register one thing for it moment loan or credit. to avoid becoming a victim of scammers, it is important to follow simple rules, do not visit suspicious sites , and remember that a real bank or police officer will never ask you to provide
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personal information over the phone. tatyana kazlov, igor uklein, dmitry matyushin, maria martanova and konstantin anisimov, channel one. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this new day together with the first channel, we have warm company with you today, yulia zemina, evgeniy pokrovsky, hello, on the calendar may 28, monday, just 5 more days, summer, we wake up, wash ourselves, don’t waste a minute, we have a grandiose program ahead of us, as always, we will congratulate st. petersburg on its birthday, celebrate bi day... and that’s not all that awaits us this morning, well, let’s start according to tradition , of course, right from invigorating gymnastics, starting
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position, feet shoulder-width apart, hello, jumping fitness helps me recharge my energy in the morning, that’s the name of training on a mini-trampoline, but you can cheer up. without additional equipment, now we will stretch the back muscles, legs shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, lean to the right, at the same time we extend the left palm above the head to the side, and move the right palm to the left, smoothly return to the starting position, perform the exercise in the other direction, who finds it easy? can add load to your legs, put your feet even wider, transfer your body weight to your right leg, at the same time tilt your body
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to the right, help yourself with your hand, follow it with your whole body, straighten up, continue, the exercise is suitable for a morning warm-up. the movement opens the chest, stretches the spine and improves posture. exercise regularly, and join us you will be in great shape. the calendar says may 27, and today is the birthday of st. petersburg, on which we, of course, congratulate our northern capital, and indeed all of us. to be honest, it even makes you jealous if you think that a person has never been to...
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part of the excursion i always wanted to dress up beautifully in gloves with aiguillettes, amazingly, as if with a princess on the floor, dresscot for the 18th and 19th centuries from the local costume mini of those years, the leg is slightly visible, this means that the young lady will dance, she is ready to dance, in no case should the dress be long, because you can trip, because there may be embarrassment, no embarrassment, even if you dance in... for the first time, the manager of the ball will teach: at this pace through the city to the very heart of the peter and paul fortress , better by noon.
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it really stunned us, did you like it? yes, it’s downright physical. the obligatory program is to go into the cathedral, count the hares, shake hands with peter the great, so that everyone has 5,000 bills. and also go up to the first observation deck, the bell tower. when peter the great rose, i saw my parade and said that everyone. a distinguished foreign ambassador, every important guest is obliged to carry out this climb to the high city tower, and we did it too, absolutely right, the left bank from the height can only be seen from here, even the line to the hermitage, on weekends and in the courtyard, you want luxury see, see how beautiful it is, look at all this beauty, how the kings used to live, a non-standard route this summer, an exhibition of flemish still lifes of the 16th century, opened a week ago. nikolaevsky hall
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turned into a european street, and the paintings into shop windows; if you walk along this one, you’ll definitely work up an appetite. but now the still life of st. petersburg, exclusively, in this luxury for half a century, orders have been accepted by lydia vasilievna. we have an old recipe, as it was in the beginning, it remains the same. the same taste is checked regularly, well, at least, probably, let me relax once a week, today i ate one crumpet, but one crumpet is always not enough, when you order one, you need about five more on top, anyway you can eat it, we take the next one exclusively st. petersburg location, look at the front doors, yes, they really don’t look like entrances, you won’t be able to write everything you think about your neighbor, although the walls of the rotunda were recently covered with writing, am i a regular at the rotunda? that this is the center of the universe, where you can come, leave your thoughts, these were quotes from great people, lines from songs, poems, and also cherished
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desires, a tradition since the eighties. international statistics, every day 10% of primary diagnoses are erroneous, how to play it safe, each of us has an option, get a second medical opinion, we have the right to a second, third, fifth and tenth and 12th opinion, this is normal, because the final word in deciding how to be treated, who to treat, what kind of medical care to receive, surgical,
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medicinal, lies with us. .. a person who comes for treatment, for a patient, when it is necessary to double-check the diagnosis, for example, all the prescribed recommendations are followed, but it gets worse, even if it is a common cold. the child came from the pool, immediately in the evening he i started having a temperature of 39.2, 39.3, so i called the local pediatrician, and the doctor told me that it was an ordinary urvi. volodya was prescribed antibiotics and was treated for 8 days, but the temperature did not decrease. olga suspected the diagnosis incorrectly. invited two other doctors to the house, both confirmed that it was not arvi: bilateral cotoral mednit and cotoral polysinoid. pus inside the nose spreads everywhere inside, which is like goromitis, new treatment, the child feels better, but the consequences of an incorrect primary diagnosis are making themselves known know, volodya’s breathing is impaired now,
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when a second opinion is still needed in the case of a rare or life-threatening diagnosis... for example, oncology, the patient may express a desire to receive consultation from specialists, for example, from the federal center or from another medical organization, he has the right to do so, he and here doctors must listen to the patient’s opinion; only the attending physician has the right to convene a consultation, because sometimes the treatment of a particular disease, especially in patients with comorbid conditions, is when a combination of several chronic diseases, there are some... background diseases, complications require the involvement of doctors of other specialties not related to the main disease. if the doctor insists on surgery, a second opinion will be useful; perhaps another specialist will suggest an alternative treatment without surgery. natalia lyubchenko, mikhail chetveryakov, anton remeny, anatoly brikalov and yulia bykova, channel one.
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. eh, it’s been a while since we cooked anything so delicious. yes, i would eat shurma now, imagine, with pleasure. here chef ivan kudryashov offers us an unusual recipe for homemade shuurma. homemade shawarma is an excellent snack, it’s easier to make than you think: sliced ​​chicken thigh fillet, salt and pepper, season with aromatic paprika, sprinkle with vegetable oil, stir while the fillet is marinating, make a homemade spit of potatoes, yes, yes, it’s very simple : i cut a large potato into two parts, wrap
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the halves in foil so that they don’t fall apart when baking, insert... wooden skewers, i soaked them in water in advance so as not to burn, transfer the preparations into a mold, string pieces of fillet layer by layer, send the skewer to a preheated oven, the fillet is browned, remove from the skewers, chop finely, assemble the shawarma, i grease a sheet of lavash with sauce, lay out the baked meat, chopped vegetables, i have tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, sprinkle with herbs, bend the edges, twist so that the shawarma does not fall apart, seal it in a hot frying pan, homemade shawarma is ready, and as a bonus it’s baked potatoes, bon appetit. on the calendar
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may 27th, on this day the light of the veche appeared. more roles in films and television series. today vyacheslav shalevich could have turned 90 years old. the guy is coming to us to get married. did you take me? yeah, every day, every hour , every minute can cost us our heads. now let’s talk about important, secret, and very joyful matters. vyacheslav shalevich was a frequent guest on the good morning program, talking about new roles, how he was celebrating his birthday, about his mother, who continued strictly.
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a hooligan, skipped school, but regularly attended performances of the vakhtangov theater, then stood in front of the mirror and played the scenes he liked. appear, nastya, my love.
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should be known only to those who are present here, you, me, your employee, i really wanted to see you again, if not me. vyacheslav shalevich was married several times, with his last wife tatyana, he met in a friendly company when he was 64 years old, loving and caring tatyana turned out to be a wonderful hostess. on march 8th, you once gave me a drill, yes, it was, everyone laughs still. it was necessary to hang pictures, in fact, there was nothing to make holes with, so a drill was donated, it’s funny, but this is how we live, at the age of 67 he became a father, until his last days he appeared on the stage of his native vakhtangov theater,
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maintaining a dazzling smile, the joy and excitement of an arbat boy ready to reincarnate into any hero. ekaterina lepskaya, ivan belchenko, channel one. we will see you in just a few minutes. we will find out what events have happened in the country in the world by this hour. news broadcast on the first channel. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. dozens of people were killed and injured in rafah. israel struck in defiance of a ruling by the un international court of justice, which...
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council of regions of russia and uzbekistan.
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following the visit, a substantial package of documents will be signed. now to the topic of the northern military district, the artillery of the group of forces at the center destroyed the control point of ukrainian drones in the ovdeevsky direction and worked to install a closed firing position to hit the target. enemy fortifications were identified by scouts not far from the village of urozhainoye, they immediately delivered a well-aimed blow, supported the advance of our assault groups of the pacific fleet marines, an armored group of tula paratroopers on the bmd-4 attacked in the northern direction, it entered into battle with enemy infantry, acted at night, and used the principle of surprise. hurricane fire was opened by 100-millimeter cannons, and the winged infantry was covered by mobile security groups with anti-drone rifles and...
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carbines, we use anti-drone rifles and also, in principle, hunting carbines, which shoot with shot, because a drone is very small, maneuverable, it is very difficult to hit it with small arms, so we use a carbine, it is effective, because the cloud of shot, it knocks down the propeller easier, the adjustments were all minimal, 5-2 m , as if they almost hit the target, well, on the same installations as they shot, and i think the work was effective. and here are the new names of the heroes: junior sergeant viktor galitsin was transporting fuel to the front line when enemy shelling began, maneuvering at high speed, overcame dangerous area and delivered the cargo to our artillerymen. sergeant valery alexandrov, a medical platoon orderly, during a difficult battle, when the enemy forces were superior, carried four wounded soldiers out of the fire, provided them with first aid and organized evacuation to the hospital. now the belligerent
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anti-russian statements of sweden, which recently joined nato, defense minister paul johnson said in an interview that the weapons that stockholm has already delivered to ukraine can be used to strike russian territory federation. at the same time, deputies from poland and the baltic states say that the west is not helping kiev to its full potential, as reported by spiegel magazine at a security conference in tallinn, they scolded germany for being cautious and said that russia can achieve strategic results.
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the proposal to return to universal conscription in europe, according to orban, the european commission, which is headed by ursula vonlaen, is turning into a military council, and the european parliament is a military body. but hungary will never support the militant initiatives of the eu and nato members, but as for the coveted for kiev to join nato, even german chancellor olaf scholz admitted that ukraine is unlikely to become a member of the alliance.
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we’re talking about calendar summer, but it’s already come to a lot of places, one of the signs of summer is the sound of a lawn mower, to which many of you probably wake up, when summer comes, then utility workers start right from the very, right from the very earliest from the very morning, before we come to work in this studio, they start mowing for some reason, why, why, to whom, to whom in general, why is the grass in the way, by the way, there are some, maybe there are rules, ksenia loginova figured out. morning in the city on the eve
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of summer is like this: many of us like the smell of freshly cut grass, but not at eight damn in the morning, at such moments it seems that it would be better not to mow at all, but utility workers have their own truth, this is the norm of housing legislation that governs the company, of course, is obliged to carry out these works; if it does not carry them out, then it is more likely that it will receive a fine for the fact that... it does not carry out these works, than for the fact that it does it noisily. in every each region has its own regulations on mowing standards. on average, mowers should be used once every 10 days, more often if the grass has grown to 15-20 cm. and this is not only for the sake of aesthetics, in conditions of tall grass high humidity is formed, there is no wind, you and i have absolutely ideal conditions there for the development of all types of these insects, we have mosquitoes, we have ticks themselves, there is also a minimum threshold
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for mowing - 5 cm, the lower the harm to nature. the top layer of soil dries out, many plants that have lost their vegetative part, they can simply... or they will be very noticeable in their growth, or they will simply die, why are they being mowed? we figured it out, and what about the noise when the windows are open in the apartment on the first floor, about 50 decibes, fits into the norm, during the day, according to the sanpin, the maximum permissible level is 55, but at night this should not happen. the law to ensure the peace and quiet of citizens in the moscow region establishes that from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays and from 22:00 to 10:00 on weekends. on wedding days, it is prohibited to carry out work using mechanization. time frames in each region their laws on silence. for example, in saransk you can’t make noise from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., and in vladivostok from 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. if the mowers break the law, you can call the police and they’ll file it as
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an administrative offense, but first we’re trying to resolve it peacefully; through the management company of the residents of this moscow yard , it worked out. if earlier we left at 8 am , we already did this. post, now at 9, 10 in the morning they start mowing, at lunchtime it’s hard for them to mow, because it gets hot, and just the period there from 10 o’clock to 12 is quite acceptable, and if there will be no whirring of mowers on the weekend, then listening to it once a week for the sake of a well-groomed yard does not seem so scary. ksenia loginova, stepan erofeev, channel one. summer - city, scooters. nowadays, these three words are practically inseparable. i’m nervously talking about this, everyone is riding around nearby, of course, it’s convenient, fast, you can get to work instantly, avoid traffic jams, still get some fresh air, yes, yes, you just need to remember that a scooter is a technical device that runs on electricity , and it needs to be used correctly,
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alexander novikov bought the electric scooter last year, this year he’s already taking it for repairs, it’s broken for some reason, your wires are a little oxidized, tell me, do you either ride in the rain or mine? what is wrong, or both, got into the rain and my hose, in the best case, the battery will rust, like alexander’s, and will not work, but there is a different outcome. water for a battery is the most unpleasant thing, that is, it is oxidation, it could be some kind of short circuit, and god forbid it catches fire. how on these shots? the lithium-ion battery is the only flammable element in the electric scooter, it is chemically. the composition is a potential ignition hazard, lithion can burn in water because when ignited it releases oxygen, the most you can do is sprinkle it with sand. the second possible cause of the explosion is overheating from direct sunlight, but in general the temperature is comfortable for scooters up to +30°. and then how
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do city scooters survive in the rain and sun on the street, explains the director of the scooter store. their battery is collected in a separate boxing a kind of fur coat or air gap effect is obtained, which allows the battery not to heat up too much; in addition, heating during charging is dangerous for the battery; the batteries of rental scooters are charged separately from the scooter in special charging boxes. the third reason is mechanical damage, due to aggressive driving, jumping from curbs, for example, the battery cell may become dented and the same consequences. the fourth cause of fire is a poor-quality charger; pay close attention to the light one. here you can immediately see cheap plastic, very thin walls, in principle, this is due to the fact that it is light, this means that it has few components, that is, everything is very simple there, everything is reduced in price to the maximum, they do not
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consider fuses for such charges. the fifth reason is amateur activity, installation of additional equipment, which is powered by a scooter battery, shelters, lights, this will lead to overheating of the power supply. in general, the main thing is to operate it correctly and have it inspected at least once a year. anna obrosmova, stanislav lazebny channel one. it's been almost a month now russia labels red and black caviar; this rule is now mandatory. yuri nesterov looked into what has changed in stores this month and what it means for us customers; he was lucky to understand such a topic. a small qr code on the packaging of dairy products, everyone is already used to it. labeling, now the same code for a jar of black red caviar, from may 1 this is a mandatory requirement. anyone can download the fair sign app by pointing their phone cameras at the code. a person can immediately find out all the information, where, when it was produced, we see the expiration date, and also the composition, manufacturer, veterinary
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certificate, in fact, this is a passport of caviar, specifically in this jar. the application immediately reports: green status, everything is fine, you can buy or red status you can’t buy, if the expiration date has expired or the batches are spoiled, sales at the box office will be blocked automatically, but the main thing is the fight against counterfeiting, based on expert estimates of 30% of illegal turnover, let’s imagine, that these 30% are leaving the market, they can no longer work illegally without complying with quality options. now in stores caviar is mostly without mandatory labeling, and this is normal, because everything here was produced before may 1, for example, a jar was made in february, well, we just haven’t had time to sort it all out yet, manufacturers can sell such caviar, that is, we’ll see on the production date, caviar produced after may 1, 2024 should already have a qr code, we’re still waiting. changes associated with black red caviar, new gost. it was decided to change
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the salt content, which is stipulated national standard. according to him, the salt in caviar should be from 3 to 5%, an amount that helps extend the shelf life of the product, but greatly affects its taste. modern technologies make it possible to use less salt, because there are already safe preservatives, the content of which in the salt mixture is minimal, they do not distort the taste of caviar. many enterprises make caviar not according to gost, but according to their own technical conditions, less salt, customers like it better. below 5% we practically don’t feel the salt. about six months before the new one is adopted gost, according to it, salt in caviar should be from two to 2.5%. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, liliya lobkova, anzhelika pankratieva, channel one. doing something for many years, first studying, then working on your shoes, becoming a professional, that’s it. successful in their profession and suddenly, just like that
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, give up on everything and suddenly give up everything and completely change your whole life, literally from scratch start learning something completely different, and this is not such a rare situation, what brave people, and such there are a lot of people they are called switches from english to switch, so our heroes radically changed their lives, a hobby plus determination equals a life’s work, a formula for success. vladimir kanovalov, a former salesman of building materials, from the age of 36, the founder of an amateur hockey club, rented ice, called out on the internet, after eight years we can boast of three squads of completely different levels of training, playing in the best amateur hockey leagues in moscow. switchers, that’s what they call people who, like vladimir, are ready switch and radically change profession, start literally from scratch in a new field. the salary, as a rule, is lower than usual, but... only for the first time, the level of today's income that i receive from my favorite business allows me, at a minimum, not
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to look back, plus - this is, naturally, a buzz, this is pleasure, this is self-affirmation, desire doing what you like is the main reason for changing jobs in adulthood. yuri mitrofanov, for example, after 20 years in logistics, decided to create souvenirs, boxes, tea houses, and began to develop this as a hobby, the last ones, i don't know. about three years ago, i probably bought several chinese small machines, when they said that the farm was starting to close, i thought, why not make this my profession? now he is studying to become a cnc machine operator, free of charge, employment service personnel centers offer more than 70 training programs, duration up to 3 and a half months, there are about half a million vacancies in the database, the most popular areas are industry and it. by the way, sometimes the desire for change is elementary burnout,
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the option is steaks, and if you bake a whole one for a side dish cauliflower, you get an original dish, i’ll start with it so that the meat doesn’t cool down while i cook, it’s better to boil the cabbage to shorten the cooking time, pour boiling water over it, add salt and cook for 5 minutes after boiling,
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it’s better not to eat all vegetables that can be eaten raw digest, serve aldentas, it’s healthier, tastier with... special sauce, any vegetable oil, i used olive oil and a lot of spices that you like, for example, hops, curry, cumin, paprika for a beautiful color, a little dried mint, a clove of garlic and adjika, spicy or not, on your taste, salt, pepper and mix, the cabbage is cooked, put it in a mold, grease it on all sides with sauce, if you have small cabbage and the sauce is left, you can bake vegetables with it later, it will also be delicious, and a little secret, large breadcrumbs , sprinkle them on the cabbage, then it will turn out crispy on top, bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 210°, and while you can start cooking the meat, put the steaks on a grill greased with
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vegetable oil, fry for 2 minutes on each side, no more, so as not to... . to dry it out, i serve a steak from the heat, with baked cauliflower, how beautiful, very easy to prepare, warm holidays, this liver, friends, that’s where the gallbladder is located, something from the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only this is, in the program to live healthy, you will learn the most important things about life and health. today is the first one. i look at the mountains, there is snow on the mountains. my first combat mission. it is very difficult to fight in the mountains. you can't smoke the spirits out of the cave, they hit you. 100 km from
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the state border, we must provide safety. half in hand. teeth, ears, hair may shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much. we left a garrison in a liberated area, a village, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, they took it all apart with pleasure. residents of border areas, both soviet and afghan sides, were protected. for border guards day. premiere, main milestone, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series
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games, on sunday on... hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed, i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope he will soon realize it. to altai by car across the whole country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals there is also a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of belaretsk, the republic of bashkatastan, sevastopol is my pride russian sailors, i am from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its
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beauty and the beautiful niva river, i really love my country and am proud of it. artificial intelligence, well, literally everywhere, it is very helpful now, soon every iron will be equipped with artificial intelligence, and this is not even figuratively speaking, and this is of course good, only... unfortunately, artificial intelligence, it is still artificial, and he doesn’t care, that’s who uses it, well, unfortunately, scammers have also mastered it a long time ago, look at these transformation, the technology is called diipfake, artificial intelligence synthesizes a completely new image based on your video, in this case it turns men into women on the contrary, and also with the help of new programs: you can change one face to another. unfortunately, these technologies are often used by scammers. now they have started stealing
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accounts on social networks. imagine that you receive a message. from a friend, for example, this, by the way, may even be a video message in which he asks you to borrow money. what will you do it? considering the level of development of new technologies, i advise you to start right away. ask the person who is communicating with you questions, but they must be specific, let’s say you haven’t seen each other for a month, ask for the address of the cafe where you met on the weekend, if a scammer writes to you, he will not be able to answer correctly, the next step: call a friend by phone or in another messenger, tell him that his account was stolen and the swindler is asking for money on his behalf, this... etherealists will not
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get to your savings. now attention all fans tennis in france these days is rolandgaros, one of the grand slam tournaments. today, the fifth racket of the world, daniil medvedev, enters the fight. word to our colleague, sports commentator of channel one, victor. famous courts, bright brick colors, the hallmark of competitions that every tennis player dreams of winning, in order to protect the precious surface from pigeons, the organizers even release a falcon patrol into the sky, thus ensuring comfortable conditions for the participants of one of the tournaments in the series the grand slam is being held this year for the 123rd time. today, the fifth racket of the world, daniil medvedev, enters the fight. the russian will have to play against the
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german representative dominik köpfer in the opening round. previously, they had met three times on the court; the victory invariably went to medvedev. the rivals played their last match 2 months ago at the masters series tournament in miami. then daniil confidently beat the german in two sets. novuk djokovic will have to defend his title in paris. roland goros did not submit to serb for a long time, but now he already has three championship cups in his collection. among those who can prevent djokovic from taking a fourth trophy is carlos al-karas. a year ago, the spaniard lost to novak in the semi-finals, but scored with such an incredible shot from the baseline. don't discount yannik siner either. yes, there is an italian on the clay. does not feel as confident as on other surfaces, but in paris he will certainly be supported by colorful fans in markovka costumes, well, the warmest
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support undoubtedly awaits raphael nadal, who will compete for the last time at his favorite tournament. the spaniard is without exaggeration, the legend roland goros, he won here a record 14 times, a fantastic achievement that will not be possible in the foreseeable future... this year rafa is unlikely to compete for the main trophy of the competition, but he will definitely receive a traditional cake from the organizers on the occasion of his birthday. they have written books, her sharp aphorisms have long been spread around the world, and films with her participation have entered the golden fund of our cinema. well, who doesn’t know, for example, these are the phrases: mulya, don’t make me nervous, don’t miss it, it starts today on channel one. the life of the delightful paina ranevskaya before our
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eyes from the age of 19 until the end, love for this fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, her sense of humor made her a legend, how much love there is, there is no one to go to the pharmacy, for ranevskaya only ... to write down sparkling statements, to kiss from the team or from the heart, oidrishkin’s pepper, thanked, mulya, don’t make me nervous, brothers, look, this is... smulya, you need the courage to play ranevskaya. very scary, very scary. and masha made tsigari. it seems to me a heroic act, agreeing, yes, this is a huge responsibility as an actor, huge. my native taganrok languished from faina’s sincerity. faina, why did you take the knife? and soon it will be moscow. i'm suffocating. by going against the will of his parents and dreaming of theatre,
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the wealthy father was deprived of everything. moscow. didn’t accept, she’s crazy, i’m afraid of her, it will stop you, but you won’t wait, ranevskaya had to travel around the country for many years, provincial theaters, hated productions, narcissistic men, memories, all strong words, ugh, spat aimed at eternity, now faina falls into the arms of moscow, the success in the theater is grandiose, no one has played a woman of low social responsibility so reliably, the best compliment, it’s hard to choose who more times... alfain: no one she did not spare herself, first of all. how could she exchange a rare meeting with her loved one for a movie audition, but she did it. i dream of proving to the whole world that i can not only make you laugh. what you will be remembered for, faina, is not your profession at all. an exceptional bastard. gold there was no middle. faina was either adored or
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scared. hated, she outlived all her enemies and beloved friends, unfortunately, she was also sad about it, ranevskaya is on the first today, let’s watch together, faina, if you mess something up in bucharest, i will be in colossal trouble, victoria bolenskaya, channel one, further news broadcast on air. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, the president of russia flew to tashkent the day before at the airport the head of our the state was met by his colleague shavkat mirziyoyev. vladimir putin laid a wreath at the independence monument in new uzbekistan park, followed by an informal conversation between the leaders of the two countries. now full-scale negotiations are ahead. moscow and tashkent
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with a universal planning module, on the ground our military personnel thwarted several attempts by ukrainian troops to strengthen their forward positions, improved the position along the front line, and repelled enemy counterattacks. the center destroyed the control center of ukrainian drones, the installation was working acacia, a closed firing position, a series of shots with high-explosive fragmentation shells was enough to hit the target. and on yuzhnodonetskoye, the crews of the self-propelled gun kimost, the vostok troop groupings razed to the ground, a stronghold of the militants. the soldiers say that our artillery does not stop for a minute, there are four or five trips to firing positions a day,
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everything is quickly in the machine gun. everything works, there are already computers here, everything in the machine is aimed and charged, mainly oporniks, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, these are our goals, here are the new names of the heroes, junior sergeant viktor galitsin, was transporting fuel to the front line when enemy shelling began, maneuvering at high speed, overcame a dangerous area and delivered the cargo to our artillerymen. sergeant valery alexandrov, a medical platoon orderly, was carried out from under fire during a difficult battle, when the enemy forces were superior. four wounded soldiers provided first aid and organized evacuation to the hospital. in the oryol region, as a result of a massive attack by ukrainian drones, one person was killed and three more were injured. damaged operational services profit eliminate administrative building when employees had consequences, another
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drone hit the same place. now the warlike anti-russian statements of sweden, which recently joined nato, defense minister paul jonsson said in an interview, are the weapons that stockholm has already managed to supply to ukraine. can be used for attacks on the territory of the russian federation. at the same time, deputies from poland and the baltic states say that the west is not helping kiev to its full potential. according to spiegel magazine, at a security conference in in tallinn, they scolded germany for being cautious, said that russia could achieve a strategic breakthrough and agreed that in the event of a large-scale retreat of kiev, the baltic states, together with poland, could themselves send troops to ukraine. a mass protest took place in the center of yerevan.
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and that's all for now. and now, good morning to my colleagues. do something for many years , first study, then develop skills, become a professional, quite successful in your profession, and suddenly, just like that, give up everything and suddenly give up everything and completely change your whole life. to literally start learning something completely different from scratch, and this is not such a rare situation. what brave people. yes, there are a lot of such people, they are called switchers from english to switch, so our heroes radically changed their lives. hobby plus determination equals life's work, vladimir kanovalov's formula for success.
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formerly a salesman of building materials, from the age of 36, founder of an amateur hockey club. i rented ice, called out on the internet, after eight years, we can boast of three lineups of completely different levels. i’m ready to switch and radically change my profession, to start literally from scratch in a new field. the salary, as a rule, is lower than usual, but only for the first time. the current level of income i receive from my favorite business allows me, at a minimum, not to look back, plus - this is, naturally, a buzz, this is pleasure, this is self-affirmation.
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burnout, i want to change everything, but how . by the way, sometimes the desire for change is elementary is unclear, here they will help you decide. career a mentor will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, what to pay attention to, how you can change your track, and, thanks to career guidance testing, will suggest. artificial intelligence based on physiognomy will also offer options. and virtual reality glasses will help
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you test drive a new specialty: welder, bore operator, plumber, turner, and this list will continue to expand, the main thing is not to be afraid to try, besides, you can always come back, and elita petrova is an anesthesiologist, resuscitator, 20 years old experience, thousands of lives saved, year ago i left practice for consultations and an online business, having immersed myself seriously , i realized that this was not my thing at all, at some point they approached me... a girl at a conference, do you want to work with us as an anesthetologist, that’s all, and i don’t know , what switched me, i said yes, the dental clinic, of course, is not an intensive care unit, but it is the elite who like it, their favorite thing, a calm environment, natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one. eh, it’s been a while since we cooked anything so delicious. yes i i'd like to eat shurma right now. but imagine with pleasure, chef ivan kudreshov
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offers us an unusual recipe for homemade shawarma. homemade shawarma is a great snack and easier to make than you think. chicken thigh fillet cut into slices, salt and pepper, season with aromatic paprika, sprinkle with vegetable oil, mix. while the fillet is marinating, i will make a homemade potato skewer. yes, yes, it's very simple. i cut a large potato into two parts, wrap the halves in foil so that they do not fall apart when baking, insert wooden skewers, i soaked them in water in advance so as not to burn, transfer the preparations into a mold, string pieces of fillet layer by layer, send the skewer into a preheated oven, the fillet is browned, remove from the skewers and chop finely. i collect the shurma, grease a sheet of pita bread
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with sauce, lay out the baked meat, chopped vegetables, i have tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, sprinkle with herbs, bend the edges, twist so that the shawarma does not fall apart, seal it in a hot frying pan, homemade shawarma is ready, and a bonus for it ... potato, bon appetit! good morning to everyone who meets him along with channel one, as well as with yulia demina, and also with evgeniy pokrovsky, it’s as if you always receive oscars on the calendar on may 27, monday, early in the morning, a very important question for all fashionistas, fashionistas, there is just an old thing, that’s right, and then there is a thing, zhenya, vintage, so you know what the difference is between them, but it always seemed to me that it is absolutely. identical, well, in general, i would venture to suggest that an old thing is not
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fashionable, but vintage - it still can be and a new thing, and it is always in fashion, from vintage, yes, but why and how to distinguish them, is it possible to make a vintage thing from an old thing, it’s not old, it’s vintage, we’ll figure it out now, of course, not all old things are vintage, it is always an exclusive, fine work, made to order, or a collectible item from famous designers. the price is vintage from catalogs with famous supermodels, i’m wearing a vintage jacket from the eighties, heavy gold fittings, which, having reached the present day, have not lost any of their appearance. recognizable cut, recognizable color range of natural fabric. it is immediately obvious that this is vintage, because velvet is used as finishing, the shoulder is in the form of raglan, sending us back to the eighties. exactly. vintage jackets are sought after by fashionistas; they
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are the easiest to incorporate into a modern look; all you need to do is wear sneakers. vintage is considered to be things before the nineties of the last century, they say this is the last decade when designers came up with something new. there is a cyclical nature in fashion, and if we assume, we will approximately make a spread in dates, this is about 20 years, which is constantly are repeated. what is retro? conventionally, this is the mass market of yesteryear. the basic rule is that there should be one retro thing:
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accessories, bag, earrings - modern. we so neatly incorporated a shirt from the nineties and styled it with a modern cut that it seems like it’s ours. a thing from the current time, if the style is so outdated that it can no longer be worn, there is another option to alter it. it’s not for nothing that upcycling is gaining popularity, it’s primarily about giving a second life, about an environmentally friendly approach to clothing in general, about conscious consumption, for example, this is a polo, it’s made with inserts from a children’s pink towel. there are no rules for tailoring, for example, the back side easily turns into the front side, you can fantasize as you like. maryana zhukova, vladimir. first channel, president of estonia alar karis began his career path with experiments on laboratory rats, he still loves experiments, only now he has living people in the role of experimental animals, dear people of estonia, his research was carried out in the interests of western biotechnology companies, in the future to generate
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artificial human mutations, a president who was not elected by the people, who had no competitors, five times master, four times cavalier. once a knight and twice a commander. masonic lodges in estonia have the peculiarity of giving each other this kind of tchotchke. kari says that ukraine needs to be supported more there. here the country is simply openly acting to its detriment in the interests of the nazi regime. they carry out orders or instructions from the same brussels. this is not just an incitement from the outside, a desire for belonging, for with these smiles, the bestial guts of russophobia, this hatred has. place from time immemorial. alar karis is a zoologist, like the president or the united states, as a factor in genetic mutation. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one.
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hello, jounfitness, that’s the name of training on a mini-trampoline, helps me recharge my energy in the morning, but you can cheer up without additional equipment. now we will stretch the muscles of the back, legs shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, bend to the right, at the same time we extend the left palm above the head to the side, and move the right palm to the left, smoothly return to the starting position and perform the exercise in the other direction. for those who find it easy, they can add load to their legs; we place our feet even wider, transfer our body weight to our right leg, at the same time tilt our body to the right, help ourselves with our hand,
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follow it with our whole body, straighten up, and continue. the exercise is suitable for morning warm-up; the movement opens the chest, stretches the spine and improves posture. exercise regularly, and join us you will be in great shape. you look good morning, we continue in yenisei gulf to the nuclear icebreaker ural. give way to a very stubborn polar bear, so, and today the clumsy bear did not respond to the ship’s signals or any others, he walked right in front of the icebreaker and was not going to change his route, naturally, because he was at home, of course, that’s what our astrologers foretell, we'll find out right now. may 27, 19th lunar, ninth solar
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day, friendly, calm, knows how to get along with people, works well in a team, and if you need... to establish relationships with your superiors or older relatives - this is your day. and he is also patient, persistent and sensible, although he is not very rich in creative ideas, but in general he thinks well and skillfully handles money. work that requires attention, accuracy and calculation will work great. and this day will also help to put things in order in the house, in business, in the head. on the downsides: he is vulnerable, takes everything to heart, and at the same time experiences it all within himself. on days like these, we often make mountains out of molehills and react nervously. for all sorts of little things in life, inconsistencies and violations of plans. something like this can happen in the first half of the day aries get through this calmly, by lunchtime everything will be back to normal. otherwise, it’s a great day, including to fix something, send it in for repairs, or get advice or help from a specialist. some news may come in the evening. for taurus, this day promises something
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pleasant from the category of little things, some kind of luck, a small gift, or maybe they will return your debt or repay you with kindness for kindness. taurus ladies hint personally for... the day is very good for a little fashion shopping. a sociable day for gemini. meeting, conversations, new acquaintances, tempting business offers are possible, they should be careful with them. they may turn out to be stinky and don’t rush to be frank with people you don’t know well. cancer, this is also true for you, and you, dear ladies, do not forget that even the best girlfriends can sometimes be very talkative. otherwise, you have a very nice day, just don’t be late. a wonderful day for lions, when everything works out and generally goes quite briskly, at times even fun. this is a very good day for travel. by the way, you are not going on vacation, and someone else may be in you today fall in love something like that. mana can happen to virgins, here the luminary will refrain from commenting. as for work, here , as they say, all the cards are in your hands, the day is one of
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those when you can move mountains, and money loves you, this day may open up some financial prospects for libra, most likely it will be somehow connected with old acquaintances, long-time partners or some old projects. in the late afternoon there may be a pleasant meeting or good news, and if you have children, look after them. scorpios take risks. will quarrel, the reason is most likely there will be a mutual reluctance to hear each other and understand, but the stars warned you, and you just think, and the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. sagittarians today are on horseback, energetic, collected, easily find an approach to people, and at the same time they are also excellent speakers, one can envy, with money just be more careful and drive more carefully, especially when overtaking. for capricorns, this day may mix up their plans somewhat, and some will have to change something related to their vacation, but they will... earn extra money, strengthen their authority, advance in their career, and don't drink alcohol, okay? aquarians today are very attractive to
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the opposite sex, ladies will be able to simply twist ropes out of men, talk about business after lunch, perhaps some troubles, unplanned expenses, and be careful with all sorts of chemicals. pisces generally have a normal working monday, although it can test whether you know how to forgive and show condescension towards other people’s shortcomings, but i think you can handle it and take care of your wallet, smartphone and keys. u... good luck to you, nothing makes a woman look better than hair dye, funny, we paraphrased that a little classic, well, cool, i like it, and there’s nothing funny, in the summer you always want change, you don’t want to go to the salon, but you don’t always have a lot of time, you know, it takes 3 hours to sit there, and money, yes, it’s very expensive, therefore, dear women, now we will choose a hair dye that will definitely not let you down, why professional hair dye? for hair can be more expensive than household ones from the mass market, in fact there are not many industries that deal with
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dye pigment, since it is very expensive, so in in general, the dye itself, which is located in this tube in a professional tube, is the same, but more caring components are added to the dye, which makes it a little more expensive, or not a little depending on which company and what caring components, and this is far from the whole difference is that the oxide is... also a developer, it is also an oxidizing agent, it can also be different. the oxide is needed in order to open the hair cuticle for the dye to enter. if, for example, in a household dye we have one oxidizing agent in the package, we do not know what the percentage is peroxide content. in order to work with both thin and thick hair, both gray and porous. in a professional dye, there are from one and a half to 12 oxidizing agents, and we choose based on the need to add tones and paint over them. gray hair, yes, household paint is universal, this is its advantage, everything is in one box, you don’t need to think about what to mix with what, the disadvantage for hair is the oxide
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that inside may not be suitable, professional paint is more gentle, but yes, you have to buy everything separately, if we want tone-on-tone or darker coloring, we take 3%, we take 1%, if this is general toning, also gray hair can be different, if it is hard and there is already more than 50%, then you take: oxide 6 9. you can radically change the color in one case, if you first completely lighten your hair with superblonde . and superblonds, they work with 9% to 12% oxides. if you take the oxide lower than what is needed for superblonde, yes, that is, a reaction occurs there that tears the hair from the inside. next we select the color. women in the store, as a rule, buy one shade, so there is no neutralization of yellow, orange, turn out. roots of an ugly shade. to ensure an even color, it is better to mix two or three tones when dyeing, and add the one that is closer to your own to the desired shades. if
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we buy only the color we want, ash, yes, we don’t have much of a natural shade, so we end up with visible gray hair, or a blue-gray shade, or something green, so we add a natural shade in order to make the tone even. . you can create stains of different colors if you mix professional paint with oxide. in the wrong proportion, the recommended one is indicated on label, and also, if you save money when applying, accordingly, if there is no good penetration of the dye inside, then we will get a spotty base, we will get no coloring.
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moscow in the open air, in the courtyard of the ramt theater. production based on stories about henry. live orchestra - yes, live singing - yes, explosions, shots - yes. our performance consists of three stories about henry. we combined them into one such story, allowed ourselves some kind of artistic, our own proposal, solution. three stories about friendship, three actors. in life friends, since the three of us are classmates, we all studied at gitez in the same course with borodin, and here is this acting unity, friendly, we are fooling around inside, we have fun and some similar things, the vicissitudes of life, yes, tragedies, love, this everything was, that is, we don’t play anything by and large, at our very first rehearsal, when the director gathered us, he said, guys, this is a story about male friendship about a woman as
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a destabilizing factor in
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creativity and work, and now they are called modeling. the model library is are transformed into a fashionable space for a library, which includes itself . libraries are no longer the same as we are used to, advanced equipment, a modern book collection, comfortable transformable furniture, thanks to which you can not
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only read books in the library, but also hold many interesting events. after update. the library and information center has become twice as spacious, event halls have been organized, games for children, master classes are held, there is also a computer corner, and more. we now have a special book corner in which contains briley's books, these are 59 books that help people with total visual impairment study literature. for the visually impaired there is a video magnifier behind the area partition. and, of course, the main function with the modernization of the book fund has not gone away... not only in lipetsk, throughout the country, thanks to the national project culture, this is one of the oldest buildings in the makshansky district of the penza region, the central regional library, people come to the renovated center from megacities , as in the museum, there were groups from kazan and st. petersburg. the usual library remains just one name, here kids come to take books not only to the house, but they
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sit comfortably right here on the carpet and read, or come in groups just to chat or just play, games that develop fine motor skills with synthetic sand, creative production of their own plasticine cartoon. for adults, every day, or even two or three times a day, events in the conference room. a conference hall, it can be modeled very quickly, that is, it can be an auditorium, it can be a meeting room, where there will be a round table, it can be a literary and musical cafe. employees admit that the time when there was no noise in the library has long passed; this is a children's model. he even drops by, you can sit there and read magazines, you can, there ’s free wi-fi and a dry pool for the little ones. next, we have a hall for lectures and film screenings, here we host
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public events, according to the national project, the culture of libraries is not only updated, they take care of the comfort of visitors, this is a complete renovation, including modernization heating systems, water supply and electrical wiring, for the safety of a fire alarm video surveillance system. maria vasilyeva, hello, dozens of people were killed and injured in rafah, israel struck in defiance of the ruling of the un international court, which... ordered tel aviv to stop the operation in this city. according to the palestinian authority, a safety zone for civilians was previously declared there. israel, in turn, claims that the targets were two senior hamas commanders who
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on the spot they supervised the actions of the terrorists and their attacks, both of them were destroyed, including the leader of the headquarters on the west bank. the air force also hit a installation in rafahi, from which eight missiles were fired at israel. tel aviv claims that despite the un court order the strikes. russia and uzbekistan. following the visit
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, a substantial package of documents will be signed. now to the topic of the northern military district, the artillerymen of the center group of troops destroyed the control point of ukrainian drones in the avdiivka direction, a closed fire installation was working position, a series of shots was enough to hit the target. at the same time, they disabled a camouflaged enemy mortar in the southern donetsk direction of the crew of the kimstae self-propelled gun from the vostok group of forces, razed a militant stronghold to the ground, enemy fortifications were identified by scouts near the village of urozhaynaya, immediately delivered a well-aimed blow, and supported the advance of our assault groups of the marine corps of the pacific fleet , in the northern direction an armored group of tula paratroopers on a bmd-4 is attacking, it entered into battle with enemy infantry,
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all the minimum 5-2 m seemed to almost hit the target, well, on the same installations they shot and i think the work was effective. and now the new names of heroes, junior sergeant viktor galitsin, was transporting fuel to the front line when the enemy shelling began, maneuvering at high speed , overcame a dangerous area and delivered the cargo to our artillerymen. sergeant valery alexandrov, a medical platoon orderly , during a difficult battle, when the enemy forces were superior, carried four wounded soldiers out of the fire, gave them first aid and... organized evacuation to the hospital. now the warlike anti-russian statements of sweden, which recently joined nato, defense minister paul johnson said in an interview, the weapons that stockholm
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has already delivered to ukraine can be used to strike the territory of the russian federation. at the same time, deputies from poland and the baltic states say that the west is not helping kiev to its full potential; as reported by spiegel magazine, at a security conference in tallinn, they scolded germany for being cautious. stated that. russia can achieve a strategic breakthrough and have agreed that in the event of a large-scale retreat of kiev, the baltic states, together with poland, can themselves send troops to ukraine. before the elections in europe, the most radical speeches are heard, so hungarian prime minister viktor orban in his interview listed a number of what he considers crazy ideas; orban was especially worried about statements that mentioned nuclear weapons or sending soldiers on behalf of nato outside its territory. in the words of the hungarian prime minister, when he hears even the mention of the alliance mission in ukraine makes the hair on his head stand on end. in the same vein is the proposal to return universal military service in europe, according to orban, to the european commission.
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for those who are already planning a lunch menu, maria surova will now throw up a very interesting option, yeah, or rather even two, two options, two steaks, steaks are always a win-win option, and if you bake a whole cauliflower as a side dish, you get an original dish, i’ll start with that, so that the meat does not cool down while i cook. it's better to boil it to reduce
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cooking time, add boiling water, salt and cook for 5 minutes after boiling, it is better not to overcook all vegetables that can be eaten raw, serve al dente, it ’s healthier, tastier with a special sauce, any vegetable oil, i have olive oil and a lot of spices that you like, for example, vmelisuneli, curry, cumin, paprika for a beautiful color, a little... stewed mint, a clove of garlic and adjika (spicy or not, to your taste), salt, pepper and mix, the cabbage is cooked, i put it in a mold and grease it sauce on all sides if you have a small one the cabbage and sauce are left over, you can bake vegetables with it later, it will also be delicious, and a little secret, large breadcrumbs, i sprinkle them on the cabbage, then it will turn out crispy on top. i bake for 15 minutes at a temperature
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of 210°, and while you can start cooking the meat, put the steaks on a grill greased with vegetable oil, fry for 2 minutes on each side, no more, so as not to dry out, serve the steak in the heat, with baked cauliflower , how beautiful, very easy to prepare, warm holidays! on the calendar may 27, monday, we wake up, we have a lot, a lot of interesting things ahead, good morning, to do something for many years, first to study, then to develop skills, to become a professional, quite successful in your profession, and suddenly this happens just give up on everything and suddenly give up everything and completely change your whole life, literally from scratch start learning something completely different, and this is not such a rare situation, how brave people are. yes, there are quite a few such people,
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they are called switchers, from english to switch switch, so our heroes radically changed their lives. hobby plus determination equals life's work, vladimir kanovalov's formula for success. formerly a salesman of building materials, from the age of 36, founder of an amateur hockey club. i rented ice, called out on the internet, and after 8 years we can boast of three lineups of completely different levels.
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for the last, i don’t know, about three years, i guess i bought several small chinese machines, when they said that the farm was starting to close, i thought why not to do this in his profession, he is currently studying to become a cnc machine operator, for free, employment service personnel centers offer more than 70 training programs, duration up to 3 and a half months, there are about half a million vacancies in the database, the most popular areas are industry and it, by the way, is sometimes a desire change... elementary burnout, i want to change everything, but it’s unclear, here they will help you decide. a career mentor will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, what to pay attention to, and how you can change your track, and thanks to career guidance testing, they will offer those development paths,
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those employers, and perhaps those training programs in order to realize themselves as effectively as possible. artificial intelligence based on physiognomy will also offer options. and virtual reality glasses will help you pass a test drive of a new specialty: welder, bore operator, plumber, turner, and this list will continue to expand, the main thing is not to be afraid to try, besides, you can always come back, and elita petrova is an anesthesiologist, resuscitator, 20 years experience, thousands of lives saved, a year ago i left practice for consulting and online business, having plunged seriously, i realized that this was not my thing at all, at some point a girl came up to me at a conference, do you want to work with us? anesthetologist, that’s all, and i don’t know what switched me, i said yes, the dental clinic, of course, is not an intensive care unit, but the elite like it, their favorite thing, in a calm atmosphere, natalya kovaleva, denis
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panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one. our good cheerful the morning continues, even if you are in a hurry, please find it. made for you, well, our little video parade is opened by a cat named keks, his favorite pastime is cooking, well, actually from the name it’s clear, in the footage he’s doing just that, he’s making bargan, well, yes, pie, in any case, he’s teaching the hostess, as it should be. si dough, the master class has already brought the tailed chef and his owner 3 million likes, and this is far from the limit, in indonesia, in one of the safari parks, a visitor dropped her aviary glasses, well, ivan andreevich krylov has already once described this situation, the monkey immediately took advantage of this gift, picked them up,
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tried them on, and then returned them to the owner, of course, not for free in exchange for a treat, the video became an internet hit, it already has more than 30 million views, threw it, not her depri. the following video was made in australia, the cockatuck lives there - this is a parrot that loves to eat from other people's plates and bowls, in these frames, for example, pernata decided to try what the kangaroo was feeding, and as you can see, he tried it, of course, someone else's tanush is always tastier and someone else's bowl there, yes, in conclusion, the footage that has already puzzled almost 10 million users, seven young bears, young, saw something very, very strange, scary, in a matter of seconds, they climbed almost to the very top. tree, then, unfortunately, the video ends, i don’t know, the top of the head didn’t break off, but if you know what the cubs saw, please write to us now about your health, what shot you under the shoulder blade, doesn’t have it in your chest, sometimes it can be a sign of neuralgia, and
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sometimes it is heart pain, here's how to distinguish cardiologist oksana blokhina will now tell us one from the other; my patients often confuse them. pain in the heart with intercostal neuralgia, that is, compression or irritation of the nerve endings. let's figure out how to distinguish one from the other. if it shoots from the right into the right arm or shoulder blade, it is most likely neuralgia. in this case, we press on the chest. the pain intensifies or, on the contrary, decreases, this is also a symptom of neuralgia. if you have a heart attack, the pain will not change. let's take one more test. let's go in and take a look. at neuralgia, general health does not change, although the chest may become slightly numb. but if the pain intensifies during movement and forces you to stop, this is a cardiac symptom. especially when, in addition, you are thrown into a cold sweat,
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a rapid heartbeat begins, and weakness and shortness of breath appear. more symptoms of heart pain, pressing and lying in the area of ​​the heart. or in the middle of the chest, the pain radiates to the left arm or shoulder blade, we can’t hesitate here, we urgently call a doctor, the doctor will carry out a diagnosis and... that means we remember the treatment so that keep your heart health under control, people over 35 years old need to have a cardiogram at least once a year, you can’t joke with your heart, and prevention is the best treatment. this liver, friends, is where the gallbladder is located , something about the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only that. in the live healthy program, you will learn the most important things about life and health. today is
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the first one. genie cnop, a product of the stellar group. montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. rom castro, a product of stellor group. pechora vodka is a product of stellar group. veda vodka, product steller group. if something is wrong with your health , the best thing to do is, of course, consult a doctor. sometimes it doesn’t hurt to get a second medical opinion, what it is, in what cases it is necessary, and how to get it correctly so that it is truly a second opinion. when a doctor should prescribe a consultation, natalya lyubchenko figured it out. international. daily statistics 10% of primary diagnoses are erroneous, how to play it safe, each of us has the option:
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get a second medical opinion, we have the right to a second, third, fifth and tenth and 120th opinion, this is normal, because the last word, to decide which way to be treated, who to treat, what kind of medical care to receive, surgical, medicinal, lies with the person who comes for treatment, with the patient... it is necessary to double-check the diagnosis, for example, all prescribed recommendations are followed, but it gets worse, even if it is a common cold. the child came from the pool, immediately in the evening he started to have a temperature of 39.2, 39.3, respectively, he called the local pediatrician, my doctor said that these are ordinary urvi. volodya was prescribed antibiotics and was treated for 8 days, but the temperature did not decrease. olga suspected the diagnosis was incorrect, invited two other doctors to the house, both confirmed it. do not have arvi bilateral cotoral mesatympadnid and
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cotoral polysinoid, pus inside the nose spreads everywhere inside, which is similar to goromitis, new treatment, the child has become better, but the consequences of an incorrect primary diagnosis are making themselves felt, now volodya has trouble breathing, when a second opinion is still needed in the case rare or life-threatening diagnosis, for example, oncology, the patient can... say a desire to get advice from specialists, for example, from the federal center or from another medical organization, he has the right, he and here doctors must listen to the patient’s opinion, but only the treating person has the right to gather a consultation doctor, because sometimes the treatment of a particular disease, especially in patients with comorbid conditions, is when there is a combination of several chronic diseases, there are some underlying diseases, complications require attraction. doctors of other specialties not related to the main disease, if the doctor insists on
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surgery, a second opinion will be useful; perhaps another specialist will suggest an alternative treatment without surgery. natalya lyubchenko, mikhail chetveryakov, anton remen and anatoly brikalov and yulia bykova, channel one. the calendar says may 27, and today is the birthday of st. petersburg, on which we , of course, congratulate our northern capital, and indeed all of us. to be honest , even envy takes over, if you think about it, that a person has never been to st. petersburg, how much he has to see, there is a real discovery of this amazing city ahead, however, no matter how many times you come to the northern capital, so many times you discover something new for yourself, st. petersburg is always like a holiday, let it be wow, in the front amfilade and lagina. strovsky palace points are given 5 days a week, you can get in without a special invitation, this is
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part of the excursion, i always wanted to dress up beautifully, in gloves with aiguillettes, amazingly, as if with a princess on the floor, the dress code is for the 16th and 19th centuries, the local mini dress code of those years, the leg is slightly visible, this means that the young lady will dance, she is ready to dance, in no case should the dress be long. pavlovsk fortress, better by noon. it really stunned us, did you like it? yes, it's downright ferocious. mandatory program: go to the cathedral, count the hares, shake hands with peter the great, so that everyone has 5,000 bills. and also go up to the first observation deck - the bell tower. when peter the great stood up and saw his parade, he said he says that every noble, foreign ambassador,
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every important guest is obliged to carry out this ascent to the heights of the city. and we did it, it turns out, too, absolutely right, the left bank from a height can only be seen from here, there’s even a queue of vermitage, on weekends and in the yard, you want to see luxury, see how beautiful it is, look at the beauty, all this, like the kings used to lived, not the standard route this summer - an exhibition of flemish still lifes from the 16th century, opened a week ago, we present more than 70 paintings by key flemish painters, this... this is decorative and applied art, these are oriental rarities. the nikolaevsky hall has turned into a european street, and the paintings have been turned into shop windows; if you walk along this one, you will definitely get an appetite. but now the still life of st. petersburg, exclusively, in this luxury for half a century, orders have been accepted by lydia vasilievna. we have an old recipe, as it was in the beginning, it remains the same. and the taste is the same, checks regularly.
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well, at least, probably, allow me to relax once a week. today i ate one donut, but one donut is never enough when you order one, you need about five more on top, you’ll be able to eat it anyway, we take the next one, exclusively st. petersburg location, look at the front doors, yes, they really don’t look like entrances, in such a place you won’t be able to write everything you think about your neighbor, although here the walls of the rotunda were recently covered with writing, for ever and the rotundas claimed that this was the center of the universe, where you could come, leave your thoughts, these were quotes from great people, lines from songs,
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and he was not going to change his route, naturally, because he was at home, like this, ah what our astrologers foretell for us today, we will find out right now, may 27, the nineteenth lunar, ninth solar day, friendly, calm, knows how to get along with people, works well in a team, and if you need to improve relationships with your superiors or older relatives, this is your day , and also... patient, persistent, sensible, with creative ideas, though not very rich, but generally thinks well and handles money skillfully, work that requires attention, accuracy and calculation will be excellent, and this day will also help put things in order at home, in business head, about the disadvantages: he is vulnerable, takes everything to heart, and at the same time experiences it all within himself. on such days, we often make mountains out of
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molehills, react nervously to all sorts of little things in life, inconsistencies and violations of plans. something like that? in the first half of the day it can happen to aries, go through it calmly, by lunch everything will be back to normal, the rest of the day is excellent, including to fix something, send it in for repairs, get advice or help from a specialist, in the evening some people may come news. for taurus, this day promises something from something nice, some kind of luck, a small gift, or maybe they will repay you a debt or repay you with kindness for kindness. taurus ladies have a hint for you personally. a very good day for a little fashion shopping. communicative! it’s a day for gemini, meetings, conversations, new acquaintances, tempting business offers are not excluded, be careful with them, they may turn out to be smelly, and do not rush to be frank with people you don’t know well. cancers, this is also true for you, and you, dear ladies, do not forget that even the best girlfriends can sometimes be very talkative, otherwise have a very nice day, just don’t
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be late. a wonderful day for lions, when everything works out and generally goes quite briskly, at times even fun. u... this is a very good day for travel, by the way, you are not going on vacation, and someone else may fall in love with you today, something like an affair may happen among the virgins, here the luminary will refrain from commenting, as for work, here, as they say, all the cards are in your hands, it’s one of those days when you can move mountains, and money loves you, this day may open up some financial prospects for libra, most likely it’s will be somehow connected with old acquaintances, long-time partners or some old projects. towards the evening, perhaps a pleasant meeting or good news, and if you have children, look after them. scorpios run the risk of quarreling with someone, the reason most likely will be mutual reluctance to get along with each other. understand, but the stars warned you, and you already think that the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. sagittarians today are on horseback, energetic, collected, easily approaching
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people, and at the same time they are also excellent speakers. can envy, just be more careful with money and be more careful while driving, especially when overtaking. for capricorns, this day may somewhat mix up their plans, and some will have to change something related to their vacation, but there will be a chance to earn extra money, strengthen their authority, advance in their career, and do without... well, aquarians today are very attractive to the opposite sex, ladies will be able to simply twist ropes out of men , about business after dinner, perhaps some troubles, unplanned expenses, and be careful with all sorts of chemicals. fish are generally normal working monday, however, he can test whether you know how to forgive and show condescension to other people’s shortcomings, but i think you can handle it, and take care of your wallet , smartphones, keys, good luck to you, nothing makes a woman look better. like hair dye, funny, we paraphrased the classics a little, well , cool, i like it, and there’s nothing funny, in the summer you always want changes, you don’t
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want to go to the salon, but you don’t always have a lot of time, you know, you have to sit there for 3 hours and you have money, yes , it is very expensive, so dear women, we now we will choose a hair dye that will definitely not let you down. why professional hair dye can be more expensive than household hair dye from the mass market, in fact it is not so. there are many industries that produce paint pigment, since it is very expensive, so in general, the dye itself, which is located in this tube in a professional tube, is the same, but more caring components are added to the professional dye, which makes it a little more expensive, or not a little depending on what company and what caring components, and this not the whole difference, the oxide, also known as the developer, or the oxidizing agent, can also differ, the oxide is needed in order to open the hair cuticle and the dye goes there. if, for example, in a household dye we have one oxidizing agent in the package, we do not know what percentage
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of peroxide content there is. in order to work with both thin and thick hair, both gray and spongy. in a professional dye, there are from one and a half to twelve oxidizing agents, and we choose according to need, add tones, and cover gray hair. yes, household the paint is universal, that’s its plus, it’s all in one. there is no need to think about what to mix with what, the minus for the hair is the oxide that may not be suitable inside, professional dye is gentler, but yes, everything will have to be purchased separately, if we want tone-on-tone or darker coloring, we take 3%, we we take 1%, if this is general tinting, also gray hair can be different, if it is hard and there is already more than 50%, then you take oxide 6, 9, you can change the color radically in one case, if you first completely lighten the hair of superblonds, superblonds, they work with 9% with 12% oxides, if you take the oxide lower
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than what is needed for superblonde, yes, that is , there is a reaction that tears the hair from the inside, then we select the color, women in the store, as a rule, buy one shade, so there is no neutralization of yellow, orange, you get the roots are of an ugly shade, so that the color is even, it is better to dye it. we don’t have enough natural shade, so we end up with visible gray hair, or a blue-gray shade, or something with a greenish tint, so we add a natural shade in order to make the tone even. spots different colors can be used if professional paint with oxide is mixed in the wrong proportion, the recommended one is indicated on the label, and also...
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this is the news at the first in the studio maria vasilyeva, hello, today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan, the president of russia has arrived in the day before, the head of our state was met at the tashkent airport by his colleague shavkat mirziyoyev. vladimir putin laid a wreath at the independence monument in new uzbekistan park, then with.
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34 attacked the izhivoy command post the forces of the armed forces of ukraine in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of forces, avoiding defeat by air defense forces, rained down high-explosive bombs with a universal planning module on the enemy; on the ground, our military personnel thwarted several attempts by ukrainian formations to strengthen their forward positions and repelled enemy counterattacks. in the avzeevsky direction, the artillery of the center group of forces destroyed the control center of ukrainian drones, and an acacia installation was working to hit the target. a series of shots with high-explosive fragmentation shells was enough to in south donetsk, the crews of the mstaes self-propelled gun, the vostok group of troops, leveled the militants' stronghold to the ground, the soldiers say, our artillery does not stop for a minute, there are four or five trips a day, quickly everything in the machine gun works, there are already computers here, everything in the machine gun is aimed and charged , mainly oporniks, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, these are our
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goals. and here are the new names of the heroes, junior sergeant viktor galitsin was carrying fuel on the front line when the enemy shelling began, maneuvering at high speed, overcame dangerous area and delivered the cargo to our artillerymen. sergeant valery aleksandrov, a medical platoon orderly , during a difficult battle when the enemy forces were superior, carried four wounded soldiers out of the fire, provided them with first aid and organized evacuation to the hospital. in the oryol region, as a result of a massive attack by ukrainian drones, one person died. three were injured, as reported by the head of the region andrei klychkov, the tragedy occurred in the city of livny, the deceased was the driver of the regional fire department, one drone damaged the administrative building, when emergency services arrived to eliminate the consequences, another hit the same place. now the bellicose anti-russian statements of sweden, which recently joined nato, defense minister paul johnson said in an interview that the weapons that stockholm
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has already delivered to ukraine can be used for... germany for being cautious, they said that russia can achieve a strategic breakthrough and agreed to the point that in the event of a large-scale retreat of kiev, the baltic states, together with poland, could themselves send troops to ukraine. a mass protest took place in the center of yerevan. participants.
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after heavy rains in two regions, rivers overflowed their banks, converged in the mountains, mudflowed, a number of settlements were flooded, and roads were damaged. the russian ministry of emergency situations offered yerevan assistance in eliminating the consequences of the disaster and carrying out emergency restoration work, our ministry of defense is ready to get involved, the command of the 102nd russian military base was given instructions upon the request of the armenian side to immediately allocate personnel, and also the necessary equipment. today is the last day when believers in the capital... can venerate the orthodox shrine, the miraculous tikhvin icon of the mother of god, from the assumption monastery near st. petersburg to the cathedral of christ the savior, it was brought on may 21. every day prayer services were held before the miraculous image; all week hundreds of parishioners flocked to it, and long lines lined up in front of the temple. according to legend, the image was painted by the evangelist luke during the earthly life of the mother of god in jerusalem. in rus' the icon appeared at 14 century, they fought with the swedes and defeated
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the french, she survived. during the revolution, in 1941 under bombing it was taken first to pskov, from there to riga and through europe to america, only 60 years later skitani in 2004 the icon again... on the calendar may 27 is monday, you look at good morning, we wake up, we tune in to the new week, let us remind you that there are only about five days left until summer, we are talking about calendar summer, but it has already arrived a lot, one of the signs of summer is the sound of a lawn mower, which many of you probably listen to...
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the smell of freshly cut grass, but not at eight , damn it, in the morning, at such moments it seems that it would be better not to mow at all, but utility workers have their own truth, this is a norm of housing legislation, the management company, of course, is obliged to carry out this work if it does them does not perform, then she is more likely to receive a fine for not carrying out this work than for the fact that she does it noisily, each region has its own regulations on mowing standards, on average, mowers should be taken out once every 10 days, more often, if the grass has grown to 15-20 cm, and it's not just for aesthetics. in conditions of tall grass, high humidity is formed, there is no wind, you and i have absolutely ideal conditions there for the development of all types
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of these insects. these are mosquitoes for you and me, these are ticks for you and me. there is also a minimum bevel threshold - 5 cm, the lower the harm to nature. the top layer of soil is drying out, many plants that have been deprived. in the vegetative part , they can simply either become very noticeable in growth, or simply die. why are they mowing? we figured it out, and what about the noise when the windows are open in the apartment on the ground floor? about 50 decibe, fits into the norm; during the day, according to sanpin, the maximum permissible level is 55, but at night this should not happen. the law to ensure the peace and quiet of citizens in the moscow region establishes that from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays and from 22... from 2:00 to 10:00 on weekends and holidays , it is prohibited to carry out work using mechanized means . each region has its own time frame for the law on silence, for example, in saransk you can’t make noise from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., and in vladevostok from 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. if
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mowers break the law, you can call the police. will be registered as an administrative offense, but first we are trying to resolve it peacefully through the management company, the residents of this moscow suburb succeeded. previously, we went out at 8:00 in the morning and already mowed, now at 9, at 10 in the morning they start mowing, at lunchtime it’s hard for them to mow, because it gets hot, and just the period there from 10 o’clock to 12 is quite acceptable, and if the hum of the mowers won’t be on the weekend, then listening to it once a week for the sake of a well-kept yard doesn’t seem so scary. ksenia loginova, stepan erofeev, channel one. summer - city, scooters. in our time, these three... the word is practically inseparable, i see how nervously i’m talking about this, they ride around side by side, of course, it’s convenient, fast, you can get to work instantly, avoid traffic jams, still get some fresh air, yes, yes, you just need to remember that a scooter is a technical device
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that runs on electricity, and it needs to be used correctly, alexander novikov bought an electric scooter last year, this year he’s already taking it for repairs, something broke, you have a little wire and.. .flammable element in an electric scooter, its chemical composition - potential ignition hazard. it can burn in water because when ignited it releases oxygen. maxim, what you can do is sprinkle it with sand. the second possible cause
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of the explosion is overheating from direct sunlight, but in general the temperature is comfortable for scooters up to +30°. and then how do urban scooters survive in the rain and sun on the street, explains the director of the samokat store. their battery is assembled in a separate box, and the result is a kind of fur coat or air gap effect, which allows the battery not to get very hot, in addition, for... the battery is dangerous due to heating during charging, the batteries of rental scooters are charged separately from the scooter in special charging boxes. the third reason is mechanical damage; due to aggressive driving, jumping off curbs, for example, a battery cell may become dented and have the same consequences. the fourth cause of fire is a poor-quality charger, be careful with the light. here you can immediately see the cheap plastic, very thin walls, in principle.
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this will cause the power supply to overheat. in in general, the main thing is to operate it correctly and have it inspected at least once a year. anna obrosmova, stanislav lazebny, channel one. for almost a month now, red and black caviar have been labeled in russia; this rule is now mandatory. and what has changed in stores this month and what it means for us customers was yuri nesterov, who was lucky to understand such a topic. a small qr code on the packaging of dairy products, everyone is already used to it. labeling, now the same code on cans of black red caviar. from may 1 this mandatory requirement. anyone can download the application. sign, by pointing the phone camera at the code, a person can immediately find out
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all the information, where, when it was produced, we see the expiration date, and also the composition, manufacturer, veterinary certificate, in fact this is a passport of caviar, specifically in this jar, the application immediately reports, green status, everything is fine, you can buy or red status you can’t buy, if the expiration date has expired or the batch is spoiled, sales at the box office will be blocked automatically, but the main struggle with counterfeit goods, based on expert assessments. under 30% of illegal turnover, let’s imagine that these 30% leave the market, they can no longer work illegally without observing quality parameters, now caviar in stores is mostly without mandatory labeling, and this is normal, because everything here is produced before 1 may, for example, the jar was made in february, well, we just haven’t had time to sort it all out yet, manufacturers can sell such caviar, that is, we look at the production date, caviar produced after may 1, 2024 already... must have a qr code. we are waiting for another
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change related to black red caviar, a new state standard. it was decided to change the salt content required by the national standard. according to it, salt in caviar should be from 3 to 5%. the amount that helps extend the shelf life of the product, but greatly affects its taste. modern technologies make it possible to use less salt, because there are already safe preservatives, the content of which in the mixture is minimal, they allow you not to distort the taste of caviar. many enterprises make caviar not according to gost standards, but according to their own technical conditions. less salt, customers like it more. below 5% we practically don’t feel the salt. about six months until the new guest is accepted. according to it, salt in caviar should be from 2 to 2.5%. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, liliya lobkova, anzhelika pankratieva, channel one. artificial intelligence, well, literally. everywhere it is now very helpful, soon every iron will be
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equipped with artificial intelligence, and this is not even figuratively expressed, and this is of course it’s good, but unfortunately, artificial intelligence, it’s still artificial, and it doesn’t care, that’s who uses it, well , unfortunately, scammers have also mastered it a long time ago, look at these transformations, the technology is called deepfake, artificial intelligence synthesizes based on your video is a completely new image. in this case, it turns men into women in reverse, and with the help of new programs you can change one face to another, unfortunately, these technologies are often used by swindlers, now they have started to steal accounts on social networks, imagine that you receive a message from a friend, for example, this, by the way, could even be a video message in which he asks... you to borrow money, what will you do? considering the level of development
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of new technologies, i advise you to start checking right away: ask the person who is communicating with you questions, but they should be specific, for example, you haven’t seen each other for a month, ask for the address of the cafe where you met on the weekend, if a scammer writes to you, he won't be able to answer correctly. next step: call a friend on the phone, or in another messenger. tell him that his account was stolen and the scammer is asking for money on his behalf. this will allow your friend to take action and warn people they know about the trap. please be careful to verify any information before acting. etherealists will not get to your savings. and now attention, all tennis fans in france these days are hosting rolangaros, one of the grand slam tournaments. today, the fifth racket of the world, daniil medvedev, enters the fight.
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a word from our colleague, channel one sports commentator viktor gusel. famous courts. bright brick colors, the hallmark of competitions that every tennis player dreams of winning, in order to protect the precious surface from pigeons, the organizers even release a falcon patrol into the sky to ensure comfortable conditions for the participants of rolango ross, one of the grand slam tournaments. this year the french open has been held for the 123rd time. today the fifth enters the fray. the russian will have to play against the german representative dominic in the opening round. they had previously met three times at on court, victory invariably remained with medvedev. the opponents played their last match 2 months ago at the masters series tournament in
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miami. then daniil confidently beat the german in two sets. novuk djokovic will have to defend his title in paris. he didn’t submit to the serb for a long time, but now he already has three championship cups in his collection. among those who can prevent djokovic from taking a fourth trophy is carlos al-karas. a year ago, the spaniard lost to novak in the semi-finals, but scored with such an incredible shot from the baseline. not worth it throw yannik siner off the hook too. yes, the italian doesn’t feel as confident on clay as on other surfaces, but he does in paris. colorful fans in carrot costumes will certainly support him, well, the warmest support is undoubtedly waiting for rafael nadal, who will perform for the last time at his favorite tournament. the spaniard is without exaggeration, the legend roland goros, he won here a record 14 times,
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a fantastic achievement that no tennis player will be able to surpass in the foreseeable future. rafa is unlikely to compete this year for the main one. trophy of the competition, but will definitely receive a traditional cake from the organizers on the occasion of his birthday. i love our country very much. i am very glad that i am russian, i am proud of this and am loyal to my country. i admit and confess that i love my homeland, i love mother russia, because i am russian in spirit, because russia is my land, and we will preserve you, russian speech, the great russian word, very, very much, i love you, russia, you are the only one we have, magnificent
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, the best in the world, only here, my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, everyone to the citizens of our dear homeland, unity, peaceful sky of unity. books have been written about her, her sharp aphorisms have long been spread around the world, and films with her participation have entered the golden fund of our cinema. well, who doesn’t know, for example, these phrases: mulya, don’t make me nervous, don’t miss the serial film ranevskaya starts on channel one today. i'm alone, i'm sad. hello, ivanovich, god, give me patience, the life of the delightful faina ranevskaya before our eyes, from 19 years old to the end, love for this fan makes an elderly sadist a vulnerable woman, her sense of humor made her a legend, how much love there is, there is no one to go to the pharmacy, for ranevskaya, only having time
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to write down sparkling statements, to kiss from the team or from the heart, oidrishkin perets, thank you. faina’s sincerity made her native taganrok languish. and soon it will be moscow. i'm suffocating. parents dirty with the theater, a wealthy father deprived of everything, moscow didn’t accept, she’s crazy, i ’m afraid of her, it will stop you, but you won’t wait, ranevskaya had to fly a lot around the country, provincial.
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to audition for a movie, but she did it, i tell everything i dream of proving to the world that i can not only make you laugh, but what will you be remembered for, faina is not a profession at all, an exceptional bastard, there was no middle ground, faina was either adored or terribly hated, she outlived all her enemies, and her beloved friends, unfortunately, too i was sad about this, ranevskaya is on the first day today, let’s watch it together, faina, if you mess something up in bucharest, i will be in colossal trouble. victoria bolenskaya,
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channel one. eh, it’s been a while since we cooked anything so delicious. yes, i would eat it now shurma. imagine, with pleasure. here chef ivan kudreshov offers us an unusual recipe for homemade shurma. homemade shawarma is a great snack and easier to make than you think. chicken thigh fillet cut into plates, salt and pepper, season with aromatic paprika, sprinkle with vegetable oil, stir while the fillet is marinating, make a homemade potato skewer, yes, yes, it’s very simple: i cut a large potato into two parts, wrap the halves in foil so that it didn’t fall apart when baking, i insert it wooden skewers, i soaked them in advance. in water so as not to burn, i transfer the preparations into a mold, string the pieces of fillet layer by layer, send it to the preheated oven,
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the fillet is browned, remove it from the skewers, chop it finely, assemble the shawarma, grease the lavash sheet with sauce, lay out the baked meat, chopped vegetables, me tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, sprinkle with herbs, bend the edges, twist so that the shawarma does not fall apart, seal it in a hot frying pan, homemade shawarma is ready, and as a bonus there are baked potatoes, bon appetit, many years do something, first study, then develop skills, become a professional, quite successful in your own. profession and suddenly just give up on everything and suddenly give up everything and completely change your whole life, literally from scratch
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start learning something completely different, and this is not such a rare situation, what kind of brave people, and there are many such people, are called they are switchers from english to switch, switch, so they radically changed their lives and our hero’s hobby plus determination equals life’s work - the formula for success vladimir. in the past, a seller of building materials from the age of 36, the founder of an amateur hockey club, rented ice, called out on the internet, after eight years we can boast of three squads of completely different levels of training, playing in the best amateur hockey leagues in moscow. switchers, that’s what they call people who, like vladimir, are ready to switch and radically change their profession, to start literally from scratch in a new field. the salary, as a rule, is lower than usual, but only for the first time. the level of income i receive today from doing what i love allows me, at a minimum, not to look back, plus it’s a natural
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buzz, it’s pleasure, it’s self-affirmation, the desire to do what i like is the main reason for changing jobs in adulthood. yuri mitrofanov, for example, after 20 years in logistics, decided to create souvenirs. boxes, tea houses, i started to suffer from this as a hobby for the last, i don’t know, about three years, probably. i bought a few chinese small machines, when they said that the farm was starting to close, i thought why not do it in your profession. now he is studying to become a cnc machine operator, free of charge, employment service personnel centers offer more than 70 training programs. duration up to 3.5 months, the database contains about half a million vacancies, the most popular areas are industry and it. by the way, sometimes the desire for change is elementary burnout, you want to change everything. but it’s unclear, here they will help you decide, a career mentor will help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, what
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to pay attention to, how you can change your track, and thanks to... 20 years of experience, thousands of lives saved, a year ago i left practice for consulting and online business. having immersed myself, i seriously realized that this was not mine at all. at some point, a girl approached me at a conference and asked if you would like to work with us as an anesthetologist, that’s all. and i don't know what switched me over. and i said yes. a dental clinic,
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of course, is not an intensive care unit, but that’s what elitina is. and if you bake a whole cauliflower as a side dish, you will get an original dish. i'll start with it so that the meat doesn't cool down while i cook. it is better to boil the cabbage so that reduce cooking time. pour boiling water over, add salt and cook for 5 minutes after boiling. it is better not to overcook all vegetables that can be eaten raw; serve
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them aldent, it’s healthier. and it tastes better with a special sauce. any vegetable oil, i used olive oil and a lot of spices that you like, for example, khmelisuneli, curry, cumin, paprika for a beautiful color, a little dried mint, a clove of garlic and adjika, spicy or not, to your taste, salt, pepper and mix , the cabbage is cooked, put it in a mold, grease it on all sides with sauce, if you have a small one cabbage and sauce. left, you can bake vegetables with it later, it will also be delicious. and a little secret, large breadcrumbs. i sprinkle them on the cabbage, then it will turn out crispy on top. i bake for 15 minutes at 210°. in the meantime, you can start cooking the meat. place the steaks on a grill greased with vegetable oil and fry for 2 minutes on
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each side, no more, so as not to dry them out. i serve a steak piping hot, with baked cauliflower, how beautiful, very easy to prepare, warm holidays, next on the air is a newscast, this is news from the first studio. maria vasilyeva, hello! dozens of people were killed and injured in rafah. israel carried out the strike in defiance of a ruling by the un international court, which ordered tel aviv to cease operations in the city. according to the palestinian authority, a safety zone for civilians was previously declared there . israel, in turn, claims that the targets were two senior hamas commanders who were on the ground directing
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the terrorists' attacks. both of them destroyed, including the leader of the headquarters. vladimir putin is on a state visit to uzbekistan, today is the second day; the russian president flew to tashkent the day before at the airport, the head of our state was met by his colleague shavkat mirziyoyev. vladimir putin laid a wreath at the independence monument in the park. uzbekistan, then informal communication between the leaders of the two countries took place. now full-scale negotiations are ahead. moscow and tashkent interact in many areas: trade, energy, industrial cooperation, military-technical cooperation, cultural and humanitarian exchanges. current regional issues will also be discussed. putin and mirziyoyev will also take part in the first meeting of the council of regions of russia and uzbekistan. following
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the visit, a substantial package of documents will be signed. now to the topic of the northern military district, the artillerymen of the center group of troops destroyed the control point of ukrainian drones in the ovdeevsky direction, an acacia installation with a closed firing position was working, it was enough to hit targets. vostok troop groups razed a stronghold to the ground militants. enemy fortifications were identified by scouts, not far from the village of urozhainoye. they immediately delivered a well-aimed blow and supported the advance of our assault groups of the marines of the pacific fleet. and in the northern direction an armored group of tula paratroopers is attacking on a bmd-4
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; it knocks down the propeller more easily, the adjustments were all minimal, 5-2 m, as if they almost hit the target, well, on the same installations as they shot, and i think the work was done effective. and here are the new names of the heroes, junior sergeant viktor galitsin was transporting fuel to the front line, when the enemy shelling began, maneuvering at high speed, overcame the dangerous area and delivered the cargo to our artillerymen. sergeant valery alexandrov, a medical platoon orderly, was carried out from under fire during a difficult battle, when the enemy forces were superior.
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good morning to everyone who meets him with the first channel, as well as with yulia demina, and also with evgeniy pokrovsky, zhenya, it’s like you’re receiving oscars, on the calendar may 27, monday, right in the morning, a very important question for all the fashionistas, fashionistas, there is just an old thing, right, but there is? the thing, zhenya, is vintage, you know what the difference is between them, but it always seemed to me that it was absolutely the same, well, in general, i’d venture to suggest that an old thing, it’s not fashionable, but vintage can still be new thing, and it
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’s always in fashion, from vintage, yes, but why, how to distinguish them, is it possible to make a vintage thing out of an old thing, it’s not old, it’s vintage, we’ll figure it out now, of course, not all old things are always vintage. exclusive thin work made to order, or a collectible item from famous designers, the price is vintage from catalogs with famous supermodels, i’m wearing a vintage jacket from the eighties. it’s immediately clear that this is vintage, because velvet is used as finishing, the shoulder is in the form of raglan, it sends us back to the eighties, vintage jackets are what fashionistas hunt for, they are the easiest to fit into a modern look, just put them on. vintage is
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considered to be things before the nineties of the last century, they say these are the last decades, when designers came up with something new. there is a cyclical nature in fashion, and if we assume, we will roughly make a spread by dates, this is about 20 years, which are constantly repeated. what is retro? conventionally, this is a mass market of yesteryear; the fabric, style, fittings, and tailoring itself are inferior to vintage items. more often this is factory production or in general. this dress of the sixties, usually at that time the fabric was bought, sewn according to some pattern, even foreign, fits perfectly with a new trendy thing with a loose cut, and this is a basic cut that complements that bright the accent item that we are currently presenting in july is a dress with a bright print, which i wanted to calm down a little, the basic rule is that there should be one retro thing: accessories, a bag, earrings - modern, we so... neatly included
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a shirt from the nineties and styled it as modern cut that it seems to us like something from the current time. if the style is so outdated that it can no longer be worn, there is another option; it’s not for nothing that upcycling is gaining popularity. this is primarily about giving a second life, about environmentally friendly approach to clothing in general, about conscious consumption, for example, this polo, it is made with inserts from a children's pink towel. there are no sewing rules, for example, the wrong side is behind... you are looking good morning, we continue in the yenisei gulf to the nuclear icebreaker ural, the icebreaker had to give way to a very stubborn polar bear, the clubfoot did not respond to the ship’s signals or any others, it walked right in front of the icebreaker and he wasn’t going to change his route, naturally, because he’s at home, so what about us? today our astrologers predict
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let's find out right now may 27, 19 lunar ninth solar day: friendly, calm, knows how to get along with people, works well in a team, and if you need to improve relationships with your boss or older relatives, this is your day, and he is also patient, persistent and sensible, creative ideas, although he is not very rich, but in general he thinks well, and skillfully handles money, the work will go well, he is vulnerable about the minuses, takes everything to heart, and at the same time experiences it all within himself. on days like these we often make a fool of ourselves elephant, we react nervously to all sorts of little things in life, inconsistencies and violations of plans. something like this can happen to aries in the first half of the day. go through this calmly and by lunchtime everything will be back to normal. otherwise, it was a great day, including getting something fixed and getting it repaired. consultation or assistance from a specialist.
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some news may come in the evening. for taurus, this day promises something from the category of small pleasant things, some kind of luck, a small gift, or maybe they will return your debt or repay you with kindness for kindness. telsedama is a personal hint for you. a very good day for a little fashion shopping. a sociable day for the twins. meetings, conversations, new acquaintances, tempting business offers are possible; be careful with them, they may turn out to be smelly. and don't rush. be frank with strangers, cancers, this is also true for you, and you, dear ladies, do not forget that even the best girlfriends are sometimes very talkative, otherwise you have a very nice day, just don’t be late for anything, a wonderful day for leo, when everything it’s a success and in general it’s going quite briskly, at times it’s even fun, it’s a very good day for travel, by the way, you are not going on vacation, and someone else may fall in love with you today, something like an affair may happen among the virgins, here... we will refrain from commenting.
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as for work, here, as they say, all the cards are in your hands, the day is one of those when you can move mountains, and money loves you. this day may open up some financial prospects for libra; most likely, it will be somehow connected with old acquaintances, long-time partners, or some old projects. later in the evening there may be a pleasant meeting or good news if you have children, look after them. scorpios run the risk of quarreling with someone, most likely the reason. there will be a mutual reluctance to hear each other and understand, but the stars warned you, and you already think that the evening is clearly going to entertain you with something. sagittarians today on horseback are energetic, collected, easily find an approach to people, and at the same time they are also excellent speakers, one can envy them, with money they just need to be more careful and drive more carefully, especially when overtaking. for capricorns, this day may mix up their plans somewhat, and some will have to change something related to their vacation, but there will be a chance to earn extra money, strengthen your authority and advance in your career, and
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do without alcohol, okay? aquarians today are very attractive to the opposite sex, ladies will be able to simply twist ropes out of men, about business after lunch, perhaps some troubles and... unplanned expenses and be careful with any chemicals. pisces generally have a normal working monday, although it can test whether you know how to forgive and show condescension towards other people’s shortcomings, but i think you can handle it and take care of your wallet, smartphone and keys. good luck to you! nothing makes a woman look better than hair dye, funny, we paraphrased the classics a little. well cool, i like it. and it’s nothing funny, in the summer you always want change. i don’t want to go to the salon, but i don’t always have a lot of time, you know, i sit there for 3 hours, and money, yes, it’s very expensive, so, dear women, now we will choose a hair dye that will definitely not let you down, why professional hair dye can be more expensive than household hair dye from the mass market, in fact there are not many
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industries that deal with pigment paints, since it is very expensive, so in general the dye itself, which is located in this tube and... in a professional tube it is the same, but more caring components are added to the professional dye, which makes it a little more expensive, or not a little depending depends on which company and which caring components. and this is not the whole difference. oxide, also known as developer, also known as oxidizing agent, may also differ. the oxide is needed in order to open the hair cuticle where the dye goes. if, for example, in everyday life in the dye we have one oxidizing agent in the package, we don’t know what the percentage is. the peroxide content in order to work with both thin and thick hair, both gray and porous, in a professional dye there are from one and a half to 12 oxidizing agents, and we choose based on the need to add tone, cover gray hair, yes, household dye
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is universal , this is its plus, everything is in one box, you don’t need to think about what to mix with what, the minus for the hair is the oxide that inside may not be suitable, professional paint is careful, but yes, everything have to. bathe separately, if we want tone-on-tone or darker coloring, we take 3%, we take 1%, if this is general toning, also gray hair can be different, if it is hard and there is already more than 50%, then you take oxide 6, nine, you can change the color radically in one case if you first completely lighten the hair of superblonds, and superblonds, they work with 9% to 12% oxides, if you take the oxide, lower than what is needed for superblond, yes, that is, a reaction occurs there that tears the hair from the inside. next we select the color. women in in the store, as a rule, they buy one shade, so there is no neutralization of yellow and orange, and the resulting roots are an unattractive shade. to ensure an even color, it is better
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to mix two tritones when dyeing, and add the one that is closer to your own to the desired shades. if we buy only the color we want, ash, yes, we don’t have much natural stuff there. therefore, we end up with visible gray hair, either a blue-gray tint, or something with a greenish tint, so we add a natural tint in order to make the tone even. you can use spots of different colors if mix professional paint with oxide in the wrong proportion, the recommended one is indicated on the label, and even if you save money when applying, accordingly, if there is no good penetration of the dye inside, then we will get a spotty base, we will get no coloring, that is, if we dye the hair. this is where the gallbladder is located, something from
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the life of the gallbladder, important and interesting, and not only that, in the program it’s healthy to live, you will learn the most important things about life and health. today on the first! cognac old barrel product stellar group. bourbon with stirsman is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. jin snop. product of steller group. the morning continues, even if you are in a hurry, well, please find a minute and a half, no more, for a short but fascinating immersion in the world wide web, especially since you don’t even need to surf anything, our columnist, egor ruspensky has already done everything, everything, everything for you,
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well, he opens our little video device, a cat named keks, his favorite pastime is cooking, well, actually, it’s clear from the name, in the footage he’s doing just that, he’s making, well, yes, a pie, in any case he’s teaching the hostess how to knead the dough correctly, the master class has already brought the tailed chef and his hostess 3 million likes, and that’s far from the limit, and you... pernata decided to try what kangaroo feeds him, and as you can see, he tried it,
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of course, someone else’s knife always tastes better in someone else’s bowl, and in conclusion, there are shots that have already puzzled almost 10 million users , seven young bears, young ones saw something very, very strange, scary, in a matter of seconds, we climbed almost to the very top of the tree, then, unfortunately, the video ends, i don’t know, the top of the tree didn’t break, so if you know what the cubs saw, write to us. please, now about health, that you shot under the shoulder blade, and not in the chest, sometimes this can be a sign of neuralgia, sometimes it is heart pain, here’s how to distinguish one from the other , cardiologist oksana blokhina will now tell us. my patients often confuse heart pain with intercostal neuralgia, that is, compression or irritation of the nerves. endings. let's figure out how to distinguish ourselves. one from the other, if it shoots from the right in the right arm or shoulder blade, this is most
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likely neuralgia, in this case we put pressure on the chest, the pain increases or, on the contrary , decreases, this is also a symptom of neuralgia. if you have a heart attack, the pain will not change. let's take another test and go and observe ourselves. with neuralgia, the general state of health does not change, although the chest may become slightly numb. now, if the pain intensifies during movement and forces you to stop, this is a cardiac symptom. especially when, in addition, you break into a cold sweat, your heart begins to beat rapidly, and weakness and shortness of breath appear. more symptoms of heart pain, pressing and lying in the area of ​​the heart or in the middle of the chest, the pain radiates to the left arm or shoulder blade. there is no time to hesitate here. we urgently call a doctor, the doctor will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe treatment,
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remember, to keep your heart health under control, people over 35 years old need to have a cardiogram at least once a year, you can’t joke with your heart, and prevention is the best treatment. in the russian academic the youth theater premiered the play the heart of the west based on stories about henry. the idea of ​​this performance was directed by andrey ryk. carried for 30 years, details from our correspondent anna vashok. the heart of the west in the center of moscow, in the open air, in the courtyard of the ramd theater. production based on stories about henry. live orchestra - yes, live singing - yes, explosions, shots - yes. our performance consists of three stories about henry. we combined them into one such story.
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love, carrots, fresh air, it's just
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something, playing with natural light, yeah, when complete darkness sets in, and it doesn’t come at the beginning of the performance, but... i really like the fact that we work on the streets, this courtyard format, light bulbs, fresh air, flying pigeons and sounds from neighboring streets, it all gives some kind of... then such an environment, which is artificially very difficult to create, today is the premiere, this season the performance will run until june 7 inclusive. may 27 and today is library day in russia, on which we congratulate all librarians, and everyone who is involved in this holiday, everyone who reads books, dusty cabinets that are filled with books, these strict women who say, there should be silence in the library, don’t make noise, boy,
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this is all yesterday, libraries are today, now you will find out what they are like today from our report. libraries are no longer what we are used to, they are being transformed into fashionable spaces for creativity and work, and are now called model ones. a model library is a library that includes the most advanced equipment, a modern book collection, comfortable, transformable furniture, thanks to which you can not only read books in the library, but also host many interesting events. after the renovation, this lipetsk library and information center has become twice as spacious, and events have been organized. the halls hold games for children, master classes, there is a computer corner, and more. we now have a special book corner where briley’s books are located; these are 59 books that help people with total visual impairment study literature. for the visually impaired, there is a video magnifier behind the partition of the coworking area, and of course, do not do anything; the main function is that since
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modernization, the book stock has increased by 3 and a half times. such a transformation is not only in lipetsk, throughout. it can be an auditorium, it can be a meeting room where there will be a round table, it can be a literary and musical cafe. it is modeled very quickly, that is, it employees admit that the time when there was no noise in the library has long passed, this is
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a children's model library in the village of tatishchevo, saratov region. yes, we have noise, because... there are a lot of children walking here there is a school nearby, a lyceum, we have a kindergarten nearby, we have a playground, sometimes they just run in, you can sit there and read magazines, you can, there is free wi-fi here, and a dry pool for the little ones, then we have it here a lecture hall for film screenings, here we host public events, according to the national cultural project, libraries are not only updated, they take care of the comfort of visitors, this is a complete renovation. including modernization of heating systems, water supply and electrical wiring, for system safety fire alarm video surveillance. ruslan yunyaev, channel one. on the calendar may 27, monday, we wake up, we have many, many interesting things ahead. good morning, i’ve been doing something for many years, uh, first studying, then developing skills,
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becoming a professional, quite successful in my profession, and suddenly. if you just give up on everything and suddenly give up everything and completely change your whole life, literally from scratch start learning something completely different, and this is not such a rare situation, what brave people, and there are a lot of such people, they are called switchers from english to switch, so our heroes radically changed their lives, a hobby plus determination is equal to the work of life, the success formula of vladimir kanovalov, a former salesman of building materials since 30. 6 years of the founder of an amateur hockey club, rented ice, called out on the internet, after eight years we can boast of three squads of completely different levels of training, playing in the best amateur hockey leagues in moscow. switchers, that's what they call it people who, like vladimir, are ready to switch and radically change their profession, to start literally from scratch in a new field. the salary, as
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a rule, is lower than usual, but only for the first time. we get the level of today's income. for me, this favorite thing allows me to at least not look back, plus - it’s a natural buzz, it’s pleasure, it’s self-affirmation, the desire to do what...
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a year ago i left practice for consulting and online business, having immersed myself seriously, i realized that this is not mine at all, in some way moment a girl came up to me at a conference,
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would you like to work with us as an anesthesiologist, that’s all, and i don’t know what switched me over, and i said, yes, a dental clinic, of course not an intensive care unit, but this is exactly what the elite like, their favorite thing in calm environment. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, stanislav khizhnyakov, vasily yurov, tatyana yus, channel one. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. today is the second day of vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan; the russian president flew to tashkent the day before at the airport, the head of our state was met by his colleague shavkat mirziyev.
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following the visit, a substantial package of documents will be signed. dozens of people were killed and injured. in rafah. israel carried out the strike in defiance of a ruling by the un international court, which ordered tel aviv to cease operations in the city. according to the palestinian authority, a safety zone for civilians was previously declared there . israel, in turn, claims that the targets were two senior hamas commanders who were in charge of the actions of terrorists and their attacks. both of them were destroyed, including the chief of staff on the west bank. the air force also hit a installation in rafahi, from which eight missiles were fired at israel. tel aviv maintains that despite the un court's ruling, the strikes
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comply with international law. on the topic of the special operation, the crew of sod-34 aircraft attacked the command post of the izhiva force of the ukrainian armed forces in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of troops. avoiding defeat , the air defense forces unleashed high-explosive aircraft on the enemy. with universal module planning, on the ground, our military personnel thwarted several attempts by ukrainian formations to strengthen their forward positions , repelled enemy counterattacks, in the avdiivka direction, artillery groupings of troops center destroyed the control post of ukrainian drones, an acacia installation was working, a series of shots with high-explosive fragmentation shells was enough to hit the target, in yuzhno-donetsk, crews of the self-propelled gun kimstas, groupings of troops vostok razed the stronghold of the militants to the ground. the soldiers say that our artillery does not stop for a minute a day. four or five trips, quickly everything in the machine everything works, there are already computers here, everything in
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the machine is aimed and charged, mainly oporniks, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, these are our goals, here are the new names of the heroes, junior sergeant viktor galitsin brought fuel to the front line , when the enemy shelling began, maneuvering at high speed, overcame a dangerous area and brought sadness to... the artillerymen. sergeant valery alexandrov, a medical platoon orderly, during a difficult battle, when the enemy forces were superior, endured from under fire of four wounded soldiers, provided them with first aid and organized evacuation to the hospital. in the oryol region, as a result of a massive attack by ukrainian drones, one person was killed, three more were injured, as reported by the head of the region, andrei klychkov, the tragedy occurred in the city of livny, the deceased was the driver of the regional fire department, one drone damaged an administrative building when emergency services arrived to eliminate the consequences , another hit in the same place. now militant anti-russian statements by sweden, which recently
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joined nato, is the minister of defense.
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armenia is suffering from a powerful flood, after heavy rainfall in two regions, rivers overflowed their banks, slid in the mountains, a number of settlements were flooded, roads were damaged, the russian emergency situations ministry offered yerevan assistance in eliminating the consequences of the disaster and carrying out emergency restoration work, ours is ready to get involved ministry.
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and in general, all of us, to be honest, even feel envy, like when you think that a person has never been to st. petersburg, how much he has to see, there is a real discovery of this amazing city ahead, however, no matter how many times you come to the northern capital, so many times you discover something new for yourself, going to st. petersburg is always like a holiday, let it be wow! in the main
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enfilade and lagina of the ostrovsky palace, points are given 5 days a week, you can get in without a special invitation, this is part of the excursion, i always wanted to dress up beautifully, in gloves with aiguillettes, amazingly, as if with a princess on the floor, dress code for the 16th and 19th centuries from local costume shop mini tech years old, the leg is slightly visible, this means that the young lady will dance, she is ready to dance. under no circumstances should the dress be long, because you might trip or cause embarrassment. there is no embarrassment, even if you are dancing for the first time, the score manager will teach you. at this pace, through the city to the very heart, the peter and paul fortress, better by noon. it really stunned us, we liked it, it was absolutely fantastic. the obligatory program is to go into the cathedral, count the hares, shake hands with peter the great, so that everyone has 5,000 bills. a
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still climb to the first observation deck, the bell tower, when peter the great rose, saw his parade, he said that every noble foreign ambassador, every important guest, is obliged to carry out this climb to the high city tower, and we did it, it turns out too, absolutely right , the left bank from a height can only be seen from here, even the vermitage line, on weekends and in the yard , you want to see luxury, see how beautiful it is, look at the beauty, all this, as before... a non-standard route this summer - an exhibition of flemish still lifes xvi century, opened a week ago. we substitute over 70 key falamanian paintings. painters, this is painting, this is decorative and applied art, these are oriental rarities. the nikolaevsky hall turned into a european street, and the paintings into shop windows. take a walk around this one and you'll definitely work up an appetite. but now the st.
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petersburg still life, exclusively, in this luxury for half a century, lidia vasilievna has been accepting orders. we have an old recipe, as it was in the beginning, it remains the same. and the taste is the same, checks regularly. well, at least you'll probably allow it. once every week to relax, today i ate one crumpet, but one crumpet is always not enough, when you order one, you need five more on top, you’ll be able to eat it anyway, let’s take the next, exclusively st. petersburg location, look at the front doors, yes, they really don’t look like entrances , such a hand will not rise to write everything that you think about your neighbor, although the walls of the rotunda were recently covered with writing, the regulars of the aerotonda claimed that this is the center of the universe, where you can come, leave your thoughts, these were quotes from great people, lines from songs, poems, as well as cherished wishes , a tradition since the eighties, wishes are still made in ratonda, although they are not written on walls and columns, on pieces of paper, there are thousands of them here, and if you believe the legend, they come true.
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alena ostrokhantseva, pavel dits, alexey gubanov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. if something is wrong with your health, the most correct thing is, of course, to see a doctor, sometimes a second medical opinion won’t hurt, what it is, in what cases it is not... international statistics, every day 10% of primary diagnoses are erroneous, as to play it safe, each of us has the option to get a second medical opinion, we have the right to a second, third, fifth and tenth and 120th opinion, this is normal, because the last word is to decide which way to treat. who to treat, what kind of medical care to receive, surgical, medicinal, lies with the person who comes for treatment, with the patient, when it is necessary to double-check the diagnosis, for example, all the prescribed
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recommendations are followed, but it gets worse, even if it is a common cold, a child he came from the pool and immediately in the evening his temperature started to be 39.2, 39.3, accordingly he called the local pediatrician, the doctor told me: they treated me like this for 8 days, but the temperature did not decrease, olga suspected the diagnosis was incorrect, invited two other doctors to the house , both confirmed not having sars. bilateral cotoral mednititis and cotoral polysinoid, pus inside the nose spreads everywhere inside, which is like goromitis, new treatment, the child became better, but the consequences of an incorrect primary diagnosis. they are making themselves known, now volodya’s breathing is impaired, when a second opinion is still needed, in the case of a rare or life-threatening diagnosis, for example, oncology, the patient may express a desire to get advice from specialists, for example from the federal center or from another
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medical organization, he has the right, and here doctors must listen to the patient’s opinion, only the attending physician has the right to convene a consultation, because sometimes the treatment of a particular disease... especially in patients with comorbid conditions, is when a combination of several chronic diseases, there are some underlying diseases, complications require the involvement of doctors from other specialties not related to the main disease. if the doctor insists on surgery, a second opinion will be useful; perhaps another specialist will suggest an alternative treatment without surgery. natalya lyubchenko, mikhail chetveryakov, anton remyony, anatoly brikalov and yulia bykova, channel one. on the calendar may 27 is monday, you look at good morning, wake up, get ready for the new week, let us remind you that there are only about five days left until summer, we are talking about calendar summer, but it has already arrived a lot, one of
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the signs of summer is the sound of a lawn mower, under which many of you probably wake up, as summer comes, then utility workers starts right from the very very early very early in the morning before we get to work , they start in this studio for some reason. morning in the city on the eve of summer - it’s like this, many of us like the smell of freshly cut grass, but not at 8 damn in the morning, at such moments it seems it would be better not at all... but utility companies have their own truth, this is a norm of housing legislation, the management company, of course, is obliged to carry out these works, if it does not carry out them, then it will most likely receive a fine for not... performs this work than for the fact that she does it noisily. each region has its own
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regulations on mowing standards; on average , mowers should be used once every 10 days, more often if the grass has grown to 15-20 cm, and this is not only for the sake of aesthetics. in conditions of tall grass, high humidity is formed, there is no winds, you and i have absolutely ideal conditions there for the development of all types of these insects. these are mosquitoes for you and me, these are ticks for you and me. there is also... a minimum bevel threshold of 5 cm, the lower the harm to nature. the top layer of soil dries out, many plants that have lost their vegetative part can simply either be very stunted in growth or simply die. we figured out why they were mowing, and what about the noise when the windows are open in the apartment on the first floor, about 50 decibels, it fits into the norm: during the day, according to the sanitary regulations, the maximum permissible level is 55, this shouldn't happen at night. the law to ensure... the peace and quiet of citizens in the moscow region establishes
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that from 21:00 to 8:00 on weekdays from 22:00 to 10:00 on weekends and holidays , work using mechanization is prohibited. in each region, the time frame of the law on silence is different, for example, in saransk you can’t make noise from 11 pm to 6 am, and in vladivostok from 10 pm to 9 am. if mowers violate, you can call the police, they will be charged as an administrative offense, but first we are trying to resolve it peacefully through the management company, it worked out for the residents of this yard near moscow, we used to go out at 8 in the morning and mow already, now at 9, 10 in the morning they start mowing, at lunchtime it’s hard for them to mow, because it gets hot, and that ’s the period there from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. is quite acceptable, and if there is no whirring of mowers on the weekend, then listening to it once a week for the sake of a well-kept yard does not seem so scary. ksenia logdinova, stepan erofeev,
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channel one. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. it will be hot. what, where, when, summer series. on sunday on the first. summer - city, scooters. nowadays, these three words are practically inseparable. i see how nervously i talk about this, they ride, ride around, nearby, of course, it’s convenient, fast, you can get to work instantly, avoid traffic jams, and still get some fresh air. yes, yes, you just need to remember that a scooter is a technical device that runs on electricity, and it needs to be used correctly. alexander novikov bought an electric scooter last year, in
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this one is already in need of repair, something is broken, your wires are a little bit sour, tell me, you either ride in the rain, or wash it incorrectly, or both, it got caught in the rain, both mine and the hose, at best the battery it will rust, like alexander’s, and will not work, but there is a different outcome. water for a battery is the most, most unpleasant thing, that is, it is oxidation, it could be some kind of short circuit, and god forbid. will it light up like in these shots? the lithium-ion battery is the only flammable element in an electric scooter; it chemical composition - potential hazard - ignition. lit it can burn in water, because when ignited it itself releases oxygen. the most you can do is sprinkle sand on it. the second possible cause of the explosion is overheating from direct sunlight, but in general the temperature is comfortable for scooters up to plus... 30°. and then how do city scooters survive in the rain and
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sun on the street, explains the director of the scooter store. their battery is collected in a separate box, and the result is a certain effect of a fur coat or air gap, which allows the battery not to heat up too much. in addition, heating during charging is dangerous for the battery. and the batteries of rental scooters are charged separately from the scooter in special charging boxes. the third reason is mechanical damage due to aggressive driving jumping off curbs, for example, a battery cell may become dented and the same consequences. the fourth cause of fire is a poor-quality charger, take a closer look at the light one. here you can immediately see cheap plastic, very thin walls, in principle, this is due to the fact that it is light, this means that it has few components, that is, everything is very simple there, everything is reduced in price to the maximum, such charges they are not... reason five - amateur performance,
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installation additional equipment that is powered by a scooter battery, guns, flashlights, this will lead to overheating of the power supply. in general, the main thing is to operate it correctly and have it inspected at least once a year. anna obrosmova, stanislav lazebny, channel one. for almost a month in russia they have been marking red and black caviar. this rule is now mandatory. what has changed in stores this month? and what does this mean for us buyers? did yuri nesterov understand? was he lucky to understand such a topic? a small qr code on the packaging of dairy products, everyone is already used to it, marking. now the same code for a jar of black red caviar. from may 1 this is a mandatory requirement. anyone can download the honest sign app. by pointing the phone camera at the code, a person can immediately find out all the information, where, when it was produced, we see the expiration date, and also composition, manufacturer, veterinary certificate, in fact, this is a passport of caviar,
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specifically in this jar. the application immediately reports: green status, everything is fine, you can buy or red status cannot be purchased. if the expiration date. leak or the batch is spoiled, sales at the box office will be blocked automatically, but the main thing is the fight against counterfeit goods. in the game, experts estimate 30% of illegal turnover, let’s imagine that these 30% leave the market, they can no longer work illegally without complying with quality parameters. nowadays, stores sell mostly caviar without mandatory labeling, and this is normal, because everything here was produced before may 1, for example, a jar was made in february, well, the manufacturers just haven’t had time to sort it all out yet. can sell such caviar, that is, we look at the production date: caviar produced after may 1, 2024 should already have a qr code. we are waiting for another change related to black red caviar, a new state standard. it was decided to change the salt content
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required by the national standard. according to it, salt in caviar should be from 3 to 5%, then an amount that helps extend the shelf life of the product, but strongly. for his taste, modern technologies make it possible to use less salt, because there are already safe preservatives, the content of which in the salt mixture is minimal, they do not distort the taste of caviar. many enterprises make caviar not according to gost, but according to their own technical conditions, less salt, customers like it better. below 5% we practically don’t feel the salt. about six months until the new guest is accepted. according to him, the salt in caviar should be from 2 up to 2.5%. artificial intelligence, well , literally everywhere it is now very helpful, soon every iron will be equipped with artificial intelligence, and this is not even figuratively speaking, and this is of course good, but unfortunately, artificial intelligence, it is still artificial, and it doesn’t care, that
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’s who uses it, well, unfortunately, scammers have also mastered it a long time ago, look at these transformations. the technology is called deep fake. artificial intelligence synthesizes a completely new image based on your video. in this case it turns men to women vice versa. and with the help of new programs you can change one face for another. unfortunately, these technologies are often used by scammers. now they have started stealing social media accounts. imagine. that you receive a message from a friend, for example, this, by the way, could even be a video message in which he asks you to borrow money, what will you do? considering the level of development of new technologies, i advise you to start checking immediately, ask the person who communicates with you questions, but they should be
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specific, let’s say you haven’t seen each other before month, ask for the address of the cafe where you met. on weekends, if a scammer writes to you, he will not be able to answer correctly. next step: call a friend on the phone or in another instant messenger. tell him that his account was stolen and the scammer is asking for money on his behalf. this will allow your friend to take action and warn people they know about the scammers' trap. please be careful to verify any information before acting. etherealists will not get to your savings. and now attention, all tennis fans in france, roland garros is taking place these days, one of the grand slam tournaments. today, the fifth racket of the world, daniil medvedev, enters the fight. let's speak to our colleague, channel one sports commentator, viktor gusel. the famous courts, bright
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brick colors, are the hallmark of competitions that every tennis player dreams of winning. to protect the precious coating. from pigeons, the organizers even release a falcon patrol into the sky to ensure comfortable conditions for participants in one of the tournaments in the grand slam series. open this year the french championship has been held for the 123rd time. today, the fifth racket of the world, daniil medvedev, enters the fight. the russian will have to play against the german representative dominik köpfer in the opening round. previously, they met three times on the court; the victory invariably went to medvedev. the opponents played their last match 2 months ago at the masters series tournament in miami. then daniel. confidently beat the german in two sets. novuk djokovic will have to defend his title in paris. roland goros did not submit to
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serb for a long time, but now he already has three in his collection championship cup. among those who can prevent djokovic from taking a fourth trophy is carlos al-karas. a year ago , the spaniard lost to novak in the semi-finals, but scored with such an incredible shot from the baseline. don't reset. the spaniard is, without exaggeration, a legend; he won here a record 14 times. a great achievement that no tennis player will be able to surpass in the foreseeable future. this year, rafa is unlikely to compete for the main trophy
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of the competition, but he will definitely receive a traditional cake from the organizers for the occasion your birthday. books have been written about her, her sharp aphorisms have long been spread around the world, and films with her participation have entered the golden fund of our cinema. well, who doesn’t know, for example, these phrases: mulya. don’t make me nervous, don’t miss it, today the serial film ranevskaya starts on channel one, i’m alone, i’m sad, hello, matvey stevanovic, god, give me patience, the life of the delightful payna ranevskaya before our eyes, from 19 years to the end, love for it the fan makes a vulnerable woman out of an elderly sadist, her sense of humor made her legend, a lot of love, no one to go to the pharmacy, for ranevskaya, just have time to write down sparkling statements, kiss from the team or from the heart, oh,
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endrishkin, pepper, thank you, mulya, don’t irritate me, brothers, look, it’s a zhmulya, you need courage to play ranevskaya is very scary, very scary, and masha tsegali did, in part, it seems to me, a heroic act, agreeing, yes, this is a huge responsibility as an actor. huge, my native taganrok languished from faina’s sincerity. faina, why did you take the hole? and soon moscow. i'm suffocating. by going against the will of his parents and dreaming of theatre, the wealthy father was deprived of everything. moscow did not accept. she's crazy, i'm afraid of her. will that stop you? don't wait. ranevskaya had to travel around the country for many years, provincial theaters, hated productions, narcissistic men, memories, all strong. ugh, she spat aimed at eternity, now paina falls into the embrace of moscow, the success in the theater is enormous, no one has played
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a woman of low social responsibility so reliably, the best compliment, it’s difficult to choose who is more i irritated faina, the pioneers, she spared no one, and above all herself, how could she exchange a rare meeting with her loved one for a movie audition, but she did it, i dream to the whole world... to prove that i can not only make you laugh, what will you be remembered for, faina, not a profession at all, an exceptional bastard, there was no middle ground, faina was either adored or terribly hated, she outlived all her enemies and beloved friends, unfortunately, she was also sad about it, ranevskaya is on the first day today, let’s watch together, foina if you are in bucharest soak something, i’ll have a huge amount. troubles, victoria bolenskaya, channel one. our morning broadcast is ending,
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yulia zemina and evgeniy pokrovsky were with you. we wish you good health, excellent mood, and only good news. stay tuned for now. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. bombs on a refugee camp, rafah, night, wall of fire. they burned people, they burned them, people are still burning. israel carried out missile strikes in defiance of a ruling by the international court of justice. cooperation in key areas,
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vladimir putin’s state visit to uzbekistan. negotiations with shavkat mirziyoyev. what will the leaders of the two countries talk about about the catacombs in white mountain, a real anthill, about how they knock out ukrainian militants from their holes? our key to the liberation of seversk is footage of real battles. monday begins with protests in armenia, a blocked road, clashes already in the morning, dozens of detainees. and at the beginning the middle east. bombs and rockets of sleeping people. tragedy in the rafah refugee camp in gas sector. at least 40 people were killed in the israeli strike. the majority are women and children. there are dozens of wounded. this is the latest data from the palestinian news agency. tel aviv is not stopped by the decisions of the international court.


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