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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  May 28, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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i don’t know, maybe i’ll write a letter to them, dear parents, i didn’t drown myself, i’m on the train, taganrok moscow, so i’ll say it in some other simple words, preferably an hour before the train, i’ll scream like a fire, yes, your father he won’t give you money, he won’t give you money, fanny. you understand that with this adventure of yours you risk losing everything, uh-huh, fani, what are you going to live on, foni, these are tears, you chose your fate, i did mine too, faina, it’s 2 hours already, are you ready? i'm going, does it suit me even? it goes on so bad that
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it hurts your eyes. bella, don't touch my things.
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you surrounded women with sayings, but not a word about the affairs of men, when i was given power, i ordered that all infidel men everywhere carry one green branch, then all the cities would turn into green lush butts, stop, stop, enough, you don’t i'm gone, i won't rehearse with him anymore, you think the moscow theaters will make fun of you, but you heard what she said, green lush butts, faina, watch your diction, for the audition, the entrepreneur might tell you completely wild things, oh your appearance, about your abilities, the softest thing you will hear, there are few roles for your role, yes please, i’ll start with the old women, and the voice, the voice is like... a longshoreman, romeo,
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make me your wife, will you rush to fight stanislavsky? stanislavsky, little darling, is not such a schmuck as my brother! well, firstly, this is unknown, and secondly, so that you don’t hear from the entrepreneur, if you’re offended, it’s better to cry, she won’t cry, she’ll bite his head off, quietly! silently, there is no need to shake yourself in sobs, like this, like this, remember the most important thing, no matter the outcome, ask for a recommendation, maybe we can drive gertrude away, instead of chasing gertrude away, work on your manners.
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a confused girl, scared and unsure, will be hitting the thresholds of moscow theaters, i’m ready, you go, sit down, this is the moscow address of my good friend, ekaterina geltser, i told you about her, prima of the bolshoi theater, ballerina, this is a plump woman in tights, lady very peculiar, but if you impress her, she
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will be able to protect you, dear doll, thank you! protection is needed by those who are good for nothing, but i will achieve everything myself, girls, let's start, let's start with the flower ball scene, you are the most beautiful.
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so what about happiness? in love, yes, in mutual love, no, yakov, not only in mutual love, i know that for sure, you’ll kiss your notebook until you’re old, you were crazy, after all, yakov, love is a genius, it inspires, it gives strength to live this hateful life, i want to be better, braver, more honest, i want to move aside, gentlemen, to the side, split up, take a detour along the boulevard, the rest follow me, what happened, lieutenant, communards, warehouses are being stolen by bastards, don’t stand here, it’s dangerous, take me away young lady, maybe you’re leaving here on time,
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nice. well, part ways on good terms. go home while you're safe. but the fact that?
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i am ashenka gbelochki, please accompany me . fundy, come into my office, girl,
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you know very well, iosifovich, the whole city knows them. their samuel will go far. point imul. let him go, i have nothing to do with it. it's up to you to decide when the wedding will take place. what will happen? a guy from a very good family is wooing you. samuel is a future doctor. and you, for some unknown reason. does he like you back in high school? this replace. dad, well, i will never love a mortal, here is kachalov, immortal, like his art, immortal, wonderful, continue to love this piece of cardboard, otherwise the dandy will
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love you, everyone will be fine, dad, it will be good for you, i’m perfect other. join a theater troupe, daughter, you like ridicule and humiliation, please, go ahead, read any paragraph, without hesitation, i will believe that some circus will accept you, girsha, that girsha, she wants shame on our entire family, girsha, ready ? put an end to his sister and bella they'll break the engagement, don't you understand? and why? yes
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, because your theater is a house of tolerance, the entire respected society will turn its back on us, dad, why then is your respected society buying a subscription for the whole family, house, tolerance, and then there will be more children there, these are different things, sitting in the hall is making faces stage, these are not different things! this is hypocrisy, calm down, both of you, our daughter needs to be treated, well, that’s good, she’ll marry mulya iyusifovich, there won’t be any problems, they have a whole family of doctors, she’s marrying polya with such a character, character, she’s all like you, that’s it. "this such unspeakable luck,
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samuel himself wooed her, yana must bow at her feet, such a wonderful, respected family, samuel takes her, despite her character, stuttering, idiocy, she deserves to marry the one she loves, that’s great, say something for her in moscow kachalov." i will present a knife to his throat, and you will shout to the whole of moscow. mazltov, mazltov, right? we will deprive her, not only of the right to love, but also the right to a calling. fork, you want every muddy schmuck to smear in moscow, told our daughter why she was not suitable for artist, why not immediately, not a warehouse.
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until i leave, you will not become the main laughing stock in the city, my eyes will burst, squirrel, you are simply made for paris. comrades, comrades, listen! the strike committee of the boiler plant calls on all conscientious citizens to stand up for
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the trade union and celebrate the upcoming holidays with wheelbarrows, these are the main demands. hello, hello, are you having lunch with us? mulya, thank you, i just became, mulya, excuse me, go out, there is a conversation, let's go, excuse me, so, mulya, i have a theater in my plans, and not married, so our families can pool their capital. won’t succeed, well, in general, don’t you think it’s somehow humiliating,
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to double your capital, it’s humiliating, to marry for this purpose, i’m not marrying you for the sake of getting married, i like you, because what are you doing so that i voluntarily leave he refused you, yes, you can’t wait. why? because you are interesting, energetic, sharp -tongued, i have a public profession, you will be an ideal doctor’s wife, smart and... papal, at least you understand, mule, how nervous you make me, you lie, because when you are nervous, you stutter, and you carry on with the whole conversation without a single hesitation, i love another person, kochalov, yes, yes, everyone, everyone knows about it, and that you don’t care at all, i saw yours, rocking him in the theater , he’s a flock, he’s got juice, aeumatism,
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alcoholism, alcoholism for... an artist is not a diagnosis, it’s a source of inspiration, let me, you, here, here, you, young people, but a pot, a pot is not needed here, that’s all- that's it, that's it. so pay attention, look and oh, amazing, congratulations, congratulations, happy, what a you are happy, and the squirrel, amaze me, please allow me
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some champagne.
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what did the doctor advise against blabbering, maybe go out into a thunderstorm with an ax in your teeth, cut out your tongue, and are you glad?
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shakespeare, shakespeare, snatch, what will happen now, i don’t know, it’s possible from her, so here it is, fatherly care, yours, me. to woo an impudent boy who expects to take a large dowry.
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tomorrow matchmakers from the yupovichs will come to our house, i’m letting you know, their matchmakers will come with scandals, because otherwise you won’t be able to cope with me. and you say he can’t cope without documents
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you won’t run away, my daughter! i am you, the shadow of hamlet’s father, gersha khaimovich, i
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think this money is enough for you to buy out the mortgage on your temple of art, now i will hear what i will have to do. the pack is so big that i probably won’t like it, for this money you will return my daughter to me, because it was you who inspired how talented she is, and what a happy fate, success awaits her, and not a rotten family swamp in which i want to hang myself, girsha khaimovich, maybe you don’t believe in talent, but you hardly consider her an easy fool. do you want to my faina lived a life like you? without a family, without children, but devoted to art to the grave, and then
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died as an old woman of no use to anyone in some almshouse? i ask for a little money for this instead of a shakespeare rehearsal. i told you in ain about yourself, how you cry at night, you understand that your beloved yasha will never become yours, because in 5 years he will marry an innocent jewish girl, if my daughter forgets about her moscow voyage, believe me, lala, i will provide for you until the end
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let's go, remember everything you promised me, not to give up, so. “if you work hard, everything will definitely work out, don’t expect anyone to believe in you right away, believe in yourself, have strong faith, remember that you are bright, unique, there is no one like you anymore, thank you, lyalechka, for everything , i really want your fate to work out, so that your life doesn’t go in vain like mine, watch your plasticity, don’t wave your arms, the train is leaving, excuse me, take your
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they asked near the art theater, perhaps from the station straight to art . , of course, first art, then everything else, that was my creed 20 years ago, and now, and now i rent out carriages, art has been exchanged for horses, i advise you, if you don’t get along with art, and what is noticeable to me is that it does n’t work out, god, what can
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ethics count on? “it will suit you, but i’m having an uncle’s dream, yeah, but my partner didn’t come, never mess with cheap extras, the brute got drunk, you’ll probably play along with me, now it’s a pleasure, you can read the text from a piece of paper, no one will look at you,
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today the sovereign himself is listening." who is this? the leading director of the theater, stanislavsky's right hand, is very demanding, if he says yes, your fate is decided. god! yes, that’s even better, against the backdrop of the old freak , my sacrifice is more obvious, enoida klinchuk, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me, asking for the stage. how they scared me, they say here that you had cholera, what are you doing, prince, so i went to the wrong place, i often go to the wrong place, what
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a nice boy, sorry, sorry, boudvoiselle, i want it right now, immediately wedding, before they throw me into a madhouse, prince, don’t believe the one who claims that i am luring you into the net, oh, if it were not for my dimorroid, an extremely curious disease, there are such episodes, prince, oh, if you want, i will sing you a romance, call me, i will be very pleased. go away, go away, why are there tears for the pleas, for the pleas of love, like ice, i’m cold, i’m the daughter of a pale woman, like a poet
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of dreams, capricious, changeable war, in vain you with... don’t want to try, easy genre, no, i always imagined yourself on the dramatic stage, if vacancies open, we will inform you, alexey, immediately find this
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prince and bring him, uh-huh.
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alexey, move the young lady, she’s crazy, i ’m afraid of her. i would have run away like that, forgive me, for god’s sake, please forgive me, i didn’t notice you, forgive me, forgive me, ladies, we don’t need actresses in your role these days, excuse me, i haven’t read it yet, i have katerina, not today, go- how about you go to kosh, okay? then write me a recommendation, the korsh sent it, lord,
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it turned out to be disgusting, they are asking for a recommendation, give this to her, here. and prince alexei will certainly destroy it. well?
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told me not to bring men, where are the men? young lady, we'll rent a room together, hello, this is not a young lady, this is a grennadier, underdeveloped, okay, live, thank you, take us to the place, yeah, well, settle down,
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you'll sleep on the ottoman with the upper part, yeah, that's it, and the lower part we’ll put it here, come on, try it on, well, at the same time the blood in your head will rush for the mystical process. they stole it so much that the jewelry box was stolen in the dressing room, zin, this is all my money, there will be nothing to rent with, i won’t be able to stay. judging by your appearance, you are not a poor person, no, to your own
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i won’t apply until i get on stage, i won’t, no, no, this plump ermine will feed us for the next month, oh, the secret of the heart. half of moscow has such a secret. the girls cry for days under his windows. do you know where kachalov lives? i've been in moscow for 3 weeks already. they take me to small private troupes, but i don’t want to serve in a traveling bollagan. i came to moscow to a radio theater with names and history.
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here's another lining to kiss for inexpensively.
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i don’t have much time, let’s do it right here, or would you like to go on stage? is it possible here? well great, let's do it, yeah, okay, start, ostrovsky, goroza,
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katerina's monologue, we'll go. why don't people fly? and louder, louder, louder, louder, why don’t people fly? you know, sometimes it seems to me that i’m a bird, like this, sometimes you’re standing on a mountain, and you’re not there, fly away, that’s it. i would run away, spread my arms, fly, i used to be so sober, frisky, sober, no, not sober, i wasn’t sober, i was frisky, i’m
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completely withered here, okay, thank you, thank you, let me go i'll tell you how it is, honey. and you don’t be offended by the old man, you won’t, okay, you are in love with the theater, and you definitely want to be an important part of it, just think about it, your love won’t go anywhere without serving the stage, fyodor adamovich, his excellency is waiting, yes, okay, i’m going, i’m coming, i’m coming, you’re still so young and you think that happiness is only on the stage, but...
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masha returned from paris today and brought you kempri clay, i highly recommend it in a week’s time.
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have you already received a fee from the imperial theaters? i don't expect it any day now, but i i don’t intend to wait, take the count of two months, one without food.
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good morning, friends, thank you for celebrating a new day together with the first channel, with you polina tsvetkova and roman budnikov on the calendar may 28, tuesday, summer is very soon, we hope that you are in a wonderful mood, and if not, then it will definitely be it’s better to join us and together with the first channel, because we have very interesting plans, firstly, you and i will choose the right gadget for making summer smoothies, we’ll figure out what to do if suddenly your account is stolen social networks, don’t worry, everything can be fixed, we’ll talk later.
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good morning, if you want to be cheerful and energetic, start your day with gymnastics. it is not necessary to master complex acrobatic tricks. to keep yourself in good shape, a daily warm-up is enough. with our left hand we hold onto the vertical support, stand on the ribbon izpandar with both feet, feet shoulder-width apart, and with our right hand we hold it like this. at waist level, transfer without the body to the left leg, perform swings to the side with the right, do not raise the leg high, perform the movement with an amplitude of 30 to 40 cm, the heel is slightly higher than the toe, we do not place the foot on the floor, we keep it suspended and continue to perform swings. we change the position of the legs; those who find it easy to maintain balance can let go of the support so as not to fall to
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the sides; we strain the abs and buttocks even more. the exercise strengthens the leg muscles and trains coordination of movements, don’t be lazy. we remind you that today is may 28, if you don’t... it’s a fact that
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brunettes often win beauty pageants. trichologists have their own explanation. the reflection from dark hair is more intense, the hair looks shiny and silky. let my hair down, a little light makeup, a bright picture is ready. well, beauty, smile, smile. this is why fatal beauties are more often invited to advertising. for 22 years. during the shooting, photographer dmitry pritula collected statistics: 75% choose bernetok, as i understand it, as a photographer, this is because of the contrast, because , say, earrings or watches look very advantageous against a dark background. dark color due to eolamine pigment, protects hair from ultraviolet radiation. yes, southern women are almost always brunettes. hair is less susceptible to fading, they lighten, but not as actively as in blondes. it’s easier to care for, any stylist will confirm. the dark ones. stripes, we can tint only the roots in time, probably cheaper, yes it’s great, but it’s true that
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brunettes age earlier, they usually sit depending on genetics, but brunettes simply have to tint their hair more often than, for example, blondes, because blonde hair does not have gray hair visible, they also say that dark people are more willing to hire, they seem to be smart and reliable, in our department, bring armored ones, is it true that they would... i mean brunettes, i ’m a brunette, i can say that definitely yes, but this is a genetic predisposition, it does not determine the ability of the brain and the ability to quickly, so to speak, memorize information and move up the career ladder, in our company there really are more brunettes working , but only because there are more women with dark hair in general, the gene for dark hair is dominant, and in all cases... then we meet more brunettes than blondes, so who is easier to work with? listen, this is it provocative question. they know clearly what
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they want. why don’t they write about brunettes, cunning, vindictive, what do psychologists say? well , of course, i’m an expert on brunettes, that is , i’m married three times, i have two brunette wives, one is a redhead, but as a psychologist, i would recommend, of course, it’s better to look at this person. with whom we interact, there are definitely brunettes who will absolutely not fit into the above myths, some stereotypes, well , for sure, and today is not an extra reason to remember how different and different women are favorites. dmitry kuzmin, andrey ivanov, channel one. mayonnaise is 30% yolks, 60% pure oil and a little water, so this is it. per year, we’ll deal with mayonnaise and many
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other important and interesting things. new season on sunday on the first, we remind you that on the calendar may 28, today is international red wolf day, this is a rare animal listed in the red book, in our country it can only be found in zoos.
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endangered species. the red wolf, of course, with special reverence, an animal listed in the red book, is called a wolf in russian, but to our has nothing to do with an ordinary gray wolf. this is a very specific, interesting predator, originally formed in asia; at one time in the past it inhabited practically. asia all over europe. now it can be found mainly only in tibet. there are no red wolves in the wild nature of russia. last seen in the seventies in altai. now only in zoos. here, as in the wild , they live in packs for several generations. everyone takes care of each other. in the nizhny novgorod zoo, for example, wolf cubs were born immediately two females. they raise children together. they begin to change, one allows the other
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to rest, that is, one female is in the den, feeding the children, the other is a female. is in the enclosure, at this time he can relax, take a walk and sleep a little, this is wonderful, in my opinion for mothers, the father of the family always checks the food brought and is the first to let nursing mothers in to eat, red wolves constantly communicate with each other, in nature in packs of 20 -30 individuals, there is no way to communicate, everything in the jungle is dark, there are vines everywhere, you can’t see anything, there are 25 of you relatives, how continue normal communication, how to maintain communication? they constantly exchange sound signals, well, that’s how we can wave to each other, nod, see who’s wearing what, that’s exactly how they work with sound, bark, growl, whine and even whistle, the acoustics are the richest, and also red wolves very curious, at the perm zoo they live next to lions, their favorite pastime is to tease predators, before we didn’t let them contact, we were worried that red wolves would be afraid
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large predators and stress, it turned out there was no, they really liked the lyubs, now they run around on purpose, look at them and tame them, there are no plans to raise these animals for the natural environment at the moment, there is serious competition in our forests, the stronger and more resilient gray wolf, but thanks according to the work of zoologists, the red wolf population is preserved. victoria edinova, evgeny makarov, vladimir saromotin, channel one. long-haired dogs require special care, as any dog ​​lover will confirm. as a dog lover, i can confirm. now champion russian grooming anastasia. will tell you how to comb a long-haired dog, while doing it correctly, effectively and pleasantly for your pet. to keep the fur from matting and keep the house in order, coated dogs need to be brushed regularly, i use this brush for artificial shedding, it’s called stripping, the tool can be bought at a pet store, i move the brush along the hairline,
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from the back of the head to the tail, with one hand. folds on the skin, i comb the fur with another, i don’t recommend scratching against the pet’s fur, it will disturb the structure hair, i treat the back, sides, paws, chest, i go over the entire hairline several times, see how much hair has fallen out, for a better effect, you can bathe the dog, i wash the pet twice with animal shampoo, rinse off the soapy water, now i apply a moisturizing conditioner, i wash off the remnants of the product, after bathing i dry the dog with a hairdryer, remove the remnants of dead hair, the effect of artificial shedding will last about a month, then the procedure needs to be repeated, follow my recommendations and
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the dog’s coat will be well-groomed, statistics claims: that almost 90% of us use social networks every day, we spend on average more than two hours a day on this, some are much more, unfortunately, we won’t point fingers, unfortunately scammers. there are also a lot of networks, and among them there is such a special category, these are those who hack and steal our accounts, of course, not for entertainment, but for the sake of profit, suddenly once the account on social networks is no longer yours, scammers, that’s even stressful, my email was hacked and , accordingly, i couldn’t log into my account anymore, i think, well, that’s okay, i’ll solve everything now, but it didn’t work out, support services don’t respond, well, it’s unpleasant because the account was working. well, it’s good, sometimes you could make some money on it. alena never returned her account for several months, it was blocked, i feel sorry not so much for the subscribers, but for the memories, photographs and texts. alexandra was even less fortunate;
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her friends lost money. i called my friend, several times, i didn’t pick up because i couldn’t. i called her back, she said: did something happen to you? i just translated it for you 30,000, i say, i mean, why? i received a message from alexandra’s account, i need money. moreover, doubts arose, but the scammers convinced me and sent a photo of a bank card with the account owner’s data. cybersecurity experts advise that if a hack occurs, immediately reset and reset the password, warn as many loved ones as possible, and if there is a threat to access to the account , block the cards, write to the service support. technical support, it blocks this account for the duration of the proceedings, after which you present some evidence, this may...
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you have become a victim of fraudsters, it is also worth filing a complaint, there is such a possibility of returning funds, they can file claims in court for the return of unjust enrichment received to the owners of the account into which the stolen funds were received, but so that with everything there’s no way to figure this out, we turn on mild paranoia, don’t follow suspicious links, don’t open files from strangers, check whether your contact is writing accurately, fake boss, not a hack, but a fake account, photos match, fio, writes to you... supposedly yours manager, depending on where you work and what position you hold, he puts pressure on certain points, we don’t get fooled and protect accounts as much as possible, two-factor
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authentication, complex from 13 characters and most importantly, different passwords everywhere, face id, biometrics, additional identity verification through a code in sms, special applications to help, antivirus blocks 90% of cyber threats, we connect the anti-spam service from operators, weed out a group of ukrainian militants on the eastern outskirts of chasovo yar in the special operation zone. the platoon support officer was found in during aerial reconnaissance, the coordinates were transmitted to the command post, then a march to firing positions, operational deployment and, in
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a matter of minutes, a salvo. from the air, dugouts and enemy manpower are being ironed by crews of fpv drones, groupings of dnepr troops, north of the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region, an attack drone found its target, the operator skillfully aimed the device, and worked flawlessly. and in the zone... his armored vehicles are in the forest, the second, the second target is also a platoon stronghold for up to 25 people, here are two units of equipment, then used to destroy enemy manpower and lightly armored targets
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in cases where they cannot be hit by artillery or tanks. today is border guard day, a holiday of valor and honor of those who guard the borders of our homeland. in vladivostok, the celebrations are already in full swing, those who serve in the reserves came to
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them, they did not flinch, did not retreat, bravely fought on the fronts in partisan detachments, destroyed nazi collaborators, together with all the people they brought the great victory closer. today you continue these valiant traditions. protect the lives and safety of our citizens, the sovereignty of the country's national interests. act professionally and selflessly at all borders of russia. here are the arctic. and the pacific ocean to the black and
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baltic seas. in ukraine, water has left the dniester river and its tributaries, even before the start of the summer heat. in the footage posted online by local residents, the bottom is dry, along which a stream runs instead of a full-flowing stream. this is what the dniester looks like in the khmelnitsky and chernivtsi regions. residents of odessa may be left without drinking water region and moldova. at a power plant in transnistria they reported that the ukrainians had emptied the reservoir to a minimum, dumped water to...
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agreed, the proceedings concern weapons that prosecutors believe hunter owned illegally, he himself does not admit guilt, as in another case that is being heard in california, where we are talking about tax evasion. today, the georgian parliament will meet to override the veto that the country's president salama zurabishvili imposed on a previously adopted law on the transparency of foreign influence. the day before the parliamentary committee on legal affairs approved the process. the entire procedure is expected to take no more than 3 hours; deputies will be required to do so.
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thank you for celebrating the new day with us on channel one. today with you are polina svetkova and roman budnikov. today, may 28, is border guard day; we sincerely congratulate everyone who guards our borders. the border guards' service is very complex; they guard the longest border in the world, more than 60 thousand km. at sea, on land, in the mountains, they guard the border our homeland.
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the border guards are armed with radar stations, thermal imagers, drones along the border line, seismic sensors and surveillance systems, including video; the watchtower has not been canceled and is mandatory.
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on one side in the waters of china, in a couple of fractions of a second and a person can be in our waters for a few seconds, he is already a violator of the border regime, the border guards are the first to face each other. with the enemy, this was the case during the great patriotic war, brest fortress, from june 22 to the end of july, guards the borders held their defense until the last drop of blood, as even the nazis wrote in their reports. the latest history of our homeland, mansur valiev, 39 years on the border, veteran, was in the famous moscow border detachment. i participated in the events in afghanistan for ten years, well, for 8 years i had to directly participate in the events in afghanistan. mansur masgutovich does not like to talk about the military operations themselves; service is service. and now the border guards are repelling the onslaught of enemies in the zone of a special military operation. there are no former border guards; they always remain border, that is, in spirit, and therefore in thoughts. and
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they continue their service in retirement. reserve lieutenant colonel igor shmonin teaches children in a military-patriotic circle in vladivostok. the main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. meet the new heroes of the internet. and immediately a new hit on the world wide web and a new hero. meet me. this is a cat named snowball. as a child, you were told that you must eat soup. they told snowball, he
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remembered it. the cat’s love for healthy eating has already been appreciated by 5 million users. and more and more new things are constantly joining them. and look how cute it is, the little ones are feeding him, well, just for. yes, indeed, and the hero of our next video is a bulldog named charlie. for some unknown reason, he didn't like trash containers. apparently, in the face of each of these containers he sees an enemy or wants to protect his owner. they just fall so much fun. or maybe they're just having fun. then you're probably right, let's like and support the bulldog. among the crowd, it turns out, there are many lovers of good music, the british linda smith was convinced of this. she went to the shore of the lake to play the violin, took out the instrument, then, out of nowhere, turtles appeared and began to listen to her carefully, that’s how they all earned 3 million likes, well, everyone loves beautiful, good music, especially turtles, yes , well, in conclusion, unique footage shared by oceanologists from
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the university of western australia. while exploring the underwater world of the pacific ocean, at a depth of 1 km, their underwater vehicle was attacked by a rare giant squid, here you are... now you will see on the screens, look, you can imagine how not to be scared, but the sight, of course, was simply incredible, everything was beautiful, no one was hurt, everything was fine. the holiday season is beginning, many will probably want to go somewhere by car, it’s somehow romantic, interesting, a real adventure, but there’s only one important question: proper nutrition, is it even possible if you’re driving like that, and an important topic, you're going somewhere, yes, the advice of nutritionist anastasia yudina will be... very useful to you, you spend a lot of time driving, and this a sedentary lifestyle, dry snacks, stress on the roads, everything that can lead to gastritis, obesity and heart disease. to
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stay healthy, it is important to think about your diet . breakfast should be as healthy and nutritious as possible. whole grain porridge will charge you with energy, a piece of baked one. meat, or even better fatty fish, will support the functioning of the hormonal system. we also need vegetables and leafy greens. they will increase concentration. so we season the dish with spinach, parsley, dill, or prepare a green salad. now let's take care of healthy snacks that you can take on the go. instead of splurging on chips, chocolates and burgers, cut the carrots and celery into bars and place them in a plastic container. we also take hard apples and bananas with us, but not overripe ones, they will quickly turn black in the car.
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instead of sweet soda, we need a bottle of drinking water and a thermos of green tea. the drink helps maintain concentration and saves you from the heat. for dessert, a cereal bar or dried fruit. these sweets do not cause drowsiness; on the contrary, they help. concentrate, which is very important while driving: have a relaxing trip, by the way, there are only 3 days until summer, this is good, great, yes, if you are planning a vacation, you should think about insuring your home for the time you are away, by the way, this is not very expensive, but it can help you avoid various problems, and you don’t even need to go anywhere, because a standard policy can be issued at home, without leaving anywhere, everything is in a mobile application, that’s it. remotely, although there are nuances everywhere. pack
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your suitcase for vacation without insurance, that's what they did the komkovs left last year and forgot to turn off the water. and we from the road, already from somewhere in the tula region, called from my mother-in-law, who has the keys to our apartment, asking her, verochka petrovnochka, please come to us and see if we have a crowd. this time we decided that insurance is a justified contribution to a relaxing holiday, especially since it can be purchased online. also , most insurance companies can customize the amount of compensation for movable property, structural elements of the house and liability to neighbors. listen, we have 16 floors below us, let's do the maximum, please, come on, i agree. true, in most companies, insurance for a designer is issued for at least a month, while a ready-made vacation package. take it exactly for the duration of your departure, for example, for a week, but none of the options comes into force on the day
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of registration, and so that there are no such cases of fraud, when already today something is flowing on you from your neighbors, and you want yourself to secure, in fact, a seven- to five-day deductible is always applied, this is such a delay before activation, so about it’s better to think about insurance in advance, by the way, you can get it even if the house is rented. now about the price, the minimum insurance in the constructor for a month was about 300 rubles, cheaper than any of the packaged offers of the same company, but they did not suit our heroes, very small liability to neighbors is only 5,000, according to the parameters that we considered, insurance came out to about 800 rubles per month, the maximum ready-made package costs about the same, you can save a lot.
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on the internet, a fortune teller for a woman, this witch said: you must urgently leave your
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lover, otherwise you are both in danger of trouble, and the lady, without thinking twice, ran away, the man in love, in order to return her, wrote to the same fortune teller, after which the scammer asked to give her 100,000 rubles for the ritual of returning love, to carry out, which had to be done on a dark night. “bring your money, and not just anywhere, otherwise there will be trouble, in a landfill, the sufferer did everything that the witch asked, grabbed the plate from which she ate her favorite and even brought her underwear, but for some reason the fortune teller did not come, but what strain, she already had the money, then finally the man he loved realized that he had been blatantly deceived, this is the story, guys, please!" they are simply deceiving, take care of
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yourself, on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children simply stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who said there, well, i ’m 20 years older than you, well, we’re you and i are now playing these funny stupid games together, so you and i are like... geniuses children's television died in general at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, the hero of my
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childhood, june 1, on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first, we remind you that today is 20. may 8, by the way, today is the birthday of mayonnaise, of course, it can be difficult to classify it as a healthy product, but of course, in our favorites it’s in salads, sometimes you can add a little bit, well, it’s delicious, really, we add it everywhere ourselves we joke about this, mayonnaise is the king of sauces, each russian eats an average of 5 liters a year, a record among other countries, in
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france it is less, although it was invented there, in honor of the conquest of the island of mayon by the french army, another version: during the siege of the city of mayon , everyone was tired of eating eggs, the cook tried to beat them with butter, it turned out to be a new dish, i liked it and caught on, someone claims that mayonnaise was already in the mediterranean, under a different name, ayolle sauce. there is still debate about the place, only the date of appearance has been established precisely, 1756, the fat content is also known 50-70%. and this... this is vegetable fat, these are polyunsaturated fatty acids that should prevail in your diet, that is , provencal as a source of vegetable fats and energy. there are almost 100 calories in one tablespoon, which is the same as a whole banana. people get fat not from mayonnaise, but from the amount of it. there are lean mayonnaises, dietary. yes, they are lighter, but they contain more carbohydrates and too much starch.
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instead of good oil, trans fats are possible, but they are almost not digested by our enzymes and even disrupt the functioning of cells. another fear: a lot of salt means swelling, if you look at the recipe, half a teaspoon per 500 g of product, is that too much? mayonnaise contains salt, and indeed there is a little more of it than in ordinary food products, but there is definitely no more of it than, for example, in pickles. when choosing, we look at the composition: until 1980, gost did not change, only butter, yolks, sugar, vinegar and mustard. nowadays , manufacturers often add emulsifiers, stabilizers, and flavorings. here. combination of products that it contains, salt, sugar among other things, it causes this pleasant aftertaste, so there really is a dependence on mayonnaise, taste recipes are broken, if for a long time there is barely anything with mayonnaise, it will not be easy to give it up right away. ligia belyanska, sergey morin and evgeny morinkov, channel one. the russian
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football championship has ended, and for the sixth time in a row , st. petersburg zenit takes first place. bottom line. championship in the material of our colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. thirty-second russian championship football is history. its outcome was one of the most dramatic during the entire tournament. for the first time in 10 years, before the last round, three teams claimed the title: dynamo, zenit and krasnodar, and the first and third met each other in kuban, and the st. petersburgers hosted rostov, which did not claim anything. to win gold first in the national championship for. 48 years old, dynamo was content with a draw, zenit was satisfied only with a win and if dynamo lost, and krasnodar was counting on the coincidence of two scenarios: its own victory loss of points by zenit. for almost 52 minutes dynamo felt like champions. during this time, the scoreboard showed zeros in both matches. everything changed after john cordobe’s goal, which made
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krasnodar a potential champion. soon this faith strengthened, with rostov helping. ronaldo scored against zenit. for the second time in a row became the strongest in the rpl, krasnodar, which won 1:0, got silver, dynamo got bronze. despite missing out on the championship, the blue and white won the largest number of individual prizes at the end of the season. marcel licko is recognized as the best coach. his ward konstantin tyukavin received three awards at once. he became the best player, the best striker, and his goal against sochi was recognized as the most beautiful in the finished championship. the winner among the hovbeks for the second year in a row was eduard spertyan from krasnodar, and the captain of zenit. santos was named the best defender for the second time in a row. krasnodar goalkeeper matvey safonov, who is actively being wooed by psg, was awarded the prize for the best goalkeeper. the discovery of the season was cska midfielder bosbek
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feyzullaev. they also received their awards the top scorer, zenit player mateo casiera, has 21 goals and the best assistant is maxim glushenkov from lokomotiv - 16 assists . let's add that the season in russian football will end on june 2 with the national cup super final at luzhniki, where zenit and whoever people keep as pets will meet, for example, this california resident has a camel, a man saved it when he was still very small , uh-huh, i named him albert, well, that’s a good name for a camel, and now gorbaty is running after him around he helps the heels graze the scythes, imagine, and feels like a rightful master in the house. today in moscow, at the jewish museum and tolerance center, an exhibition is opening in anticipation of a miracle. dedication to marc chagall. before the opening of the exhibition , our correspondent, ligia belyanskaya, walked through the museum halls. in 3d format, native vitebsk, which inspired
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marc chagall throughout his life, the artist’s famous painting above the city became a panoramic photo zone. there is a feeling, on one side of the city, as a child perceives it, on the other hand, this is just a fairy-tale town, and for us it is very important, of course, that this feeling of mystery that every child experiences. from the place where it grows, so that he can feel it there. the project awaiting a miracle is a dedication to chagall, it is not built on his paintings, it is an artistic journey through the pages of the master’s autobiography, starting from the cradle. how amazing he wrote in his book that he was born not on the sixth, but on the seventh, that he didn’t breathe when he was born, they pricked him with pins, all this kind of the mysticism that happened to him, this is... the miracle of birth that we talk about in every room. the exhibition is interactive; for example, you can weigh fish in the artist’s father’s shop. a school of herring flies over my
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head, because marc chagall’s father was a herring merchant, he always smelled of herring, he always saw these traces of scales on his apron and took part in the shadow theater, easily animated animals from paintings walked around him, the viewer followed him moves from one workshop to another, to france. and from the chamber atmosphere of paris workshop, where mark walked and created in complete solitude, we find ourselves in another life of an artist in the same city, the ratonda cafe, here the avant-garde met with other artists. on the wall of the cafe , a giant painting based on the master’s paintings appeared just overnight. all this is inspired, of course, by his works, his images, our main task and the main difficulty was, perhaps, to turn the walls into something like this. fabric, and from which the images themselves appear, appear, and then disappear there. work on the project began almost six months ago, but
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the last preparation right up to the opening, there are a lot of technical subtleties. the gallery is narrow, and i wanted to tell a story along its entire length, that is, all these long rooms, so that they would be different, so we used ceilings. exhibition in anticipation of a miracle at the jewish museum and tolerance center. today the whole summer will last until september 6th. legia bilyanska, elnurov ali akhmetov and alexander aleksenko, channel one. now turn your attention to the screen. social media star april, jennifer choi, is speaking to you. as you can see, the young lady has perfectly mastered board game jenga. she just pulls out, or rather knocks out, wooden blocks with the help of a whip, and see how she does it. no matter which of her friends the beauty plays with, victory. always remains on her side. on channel one there is a continuation of the serial film ranevskaya. the life story of a brilliant actress with a difficult character and difficult fate. starring marietta tsigal
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polishchuk. this is a film that you simply cannot miss; the next episode is waiting for you immediately after the program time. why don't people fly? the wingspan of this bird was amazing. move aside! the voice is like that of a longshoreman. at least you understand, mulya, how nervous you make me. everyone liked poroga, i came and said obscenely about how scared i was, a toxic character turns out to be an innate trait, she saw people so much, felt them so much that people could not help but feel it in response. this is what served as the mechanism for this nationwide
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love. if it’s offensive, it’s better to cry, she won’t cry, she’ll bite his head off, she spat on eternity, she spat on opinion first zivak, stuttering and going to the theater, yes, the daughter of wealthy parents left her family without support, without money, connections, went to moscow, her father could not forgive this for many years, people are divided into those who feel good and those who feel bad because of this, she said faina, my father so wanted to marry her off to a mulya, that’s wonderful, dad, but i will never love a mortal, but she glorified the name of the groom forever, my movie husband’s name is valentin, but is it possible that his name should be mulya, time has tested paina, revolution, war, immigration of parents, late glory, late love, so and she said, everything will come true if you don’t want to, fan, life is so unfair, that’s why i go into art, ranevskaya’s film is like a weighty book, where each page reveals
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another to us. channel one, we will see you in just a few minutes, now we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour, the news broadcast on channel one is on air. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, at the beginning of the northern military district, an army aviation crew on a k-52m helicopter carried out an unguided missile attack on camouflaged enemy equipment and manpower in the zone of responsibility of the center group of troops, they hit accurately and returned to base safely. the nona s self-propelled gun unit of the kostroma guards artillery regiment of the ivanovo airborne forces destroyed
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the group. the platoon support officer was discovered during aerial reconnaissance, the coordinates were transmitted to the command post, then a march to firing positions, operational deployment and a salvo in a matter of minutes. from the air , enemy dugouts and manpower will be ironed by fpv crews drones, groupings of the dnepr army, north of the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region, an attack drone found its target. the operator skillfully aimed the device and worked flawlessly. and the center is in the zone of responsibility of the group of forces. a crushing blow to the enemy was dealt by the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system, its ammunition load was 18 thermobaric shells, its impact area was 6 hectares for the enemy - this is what is called hopelessness. worked on enemy reserves, these are respectively platoon strong points, there were two targets during the night, the first target was personnel up to 50 units of personnel and their armored vehicles in the forest, the second, the second target is also a platoon stronghold up to the 25th
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century: the border guard became an independent branch of the military under alexander ii, in soviet times it came under the jurisdiction of the people's commissariat of internal affairs. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, border guards were the first to take the blow of hitler's troops. for his remarkable feats, dozens of soldiers and commanders received the title of hero of the soviet union. border guards are still on the first line of defense. in his congratulations, vladimir putin noted that they they are actively fighting the frag during a special operation and
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repelling the invasion. suppresses provocations on the border, largely thanks to the determination of the border guards, repeated attempts to break into russian territory by gangs of mercenaries, traitors and sabotage groups of the enemy were thwarted. those who planned these terrorist raids on our soil miscalculated and met with harsh and severe rebuff. i am sure that from now on you will act in the same bold and firm manner. tasks of a special military operation, effectively coordinate your work with others fsb units, with army and navy units, with law enforcement agencies, with heads.
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the border authorities are entrusted with truly large and responsible tasks, and i am confident that in the future you will solve them with dignity. border guards are always on duty, guard the longest border in the world, more than 60 thousand kilometers, and in case of a threat, they are the first to repel the onslaught. their service at all times. was the responsible honorary, but very little is known about some of its pages, and about one of these during the afghan war, where the participation of the green caps was kept secret; it will be discussed in a documentary film specially filmed for the professional holiday. so, watch the picture today:
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the main milestone, don’t take a step back at 12:12 and don’t miss its continuation after the big game program. more and more footage of the hunt for men is coming from ukraine, here is the romanian border, a truck from odessa. cargo-4 draft dodgers were aiming for europe, but now, apparently, they will go straight to the front line, where they will immediately turn into cannon fodder. another option residents of the odessa region were offered escape by employees of the military registration and enlistment office and, according to investigators, they earned more than a million dollars for an amount ranging from four and a half to 7 dollars; men of military age changed their status in the electronic register of those liable for military service, entered the entry as invalid, now they are checking 138 draft dodgers, who may have already managed to escape for years . an exciting and important day for russian graduates today; they are taking the unified state exam in the russian language, the first of two required for obtaining a certificate. second mathematics in friday, and as reported by rosobrnadzor, due to the situation in the border regions
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of the country, the unified state exam in russian will also be taken tomorrow, may 29. russian is the most popular discipline; more than 620 thousand students are registered for it throughout the country, and almost 6,000 examination points will open for them. you need to complete 27 tasks in 3.5 hours, the results must be announced before june 14. and that's all for now. and now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day, together with the first channel, with you polina tsvetkova and roman budnikov, on the calendar may 28, tuesday. the main stage of the unified state exam started 5 days ago. geography, literature and... chemistry were the first on the schedule this year, and today graduates are taking the russian language, this exam is already for everyone. dear high school students, please don’t worry, don’t worry, this is not the last exam in your life, everything will work out, the main thing is to believe in yourself and not to trust various scammers. i wish you success. today
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, all graduates of the country write the unified state exam in russian language, a compulsory subject, a couple of days to take a breath and on may 31, according to the schedule , mathematics at the basic and specialized levels. results in russian language and basic level mathematics on june 14, in specialized level mathematics on june 17. you can find out at your school through the results verification service, and in some regions through government services. if you do not agree with the scores, you have 2 days after the official publication of the results to file an appeal. schoolchildren contact their school, students from previous years in their locality registration for passing the exam. you can also contact the conflict commission at your place of residence directly. in some regions, this can be done remotely by submitting an application through the state services portal. the appeal commission will consider the application within 4 days and will set a time and place
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for the appeal, along with your passport. the results will be published on the results verification service. in some regions, still in government services. if even after an appeal your scores are below the minimum. in one of the required subjects, that is, there are still reserve days. if according to passed the minimum threshold, but are unhappy with the result; this year there is a nice bonus for graduates. you can retake one of the subjects, compulsory or elective, by writing an application from june 26 to july 1. please note that only the last result will be valid. if after all retakes. in the compulsory subjects of mathematics and russian , the scores are still below the minimum, then you can retake it only in september. additional period from the fourth to the twenty-third. the rules for all unified state examinations are the same;
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it is not allowed to take phones or any other means of communication, it’s better to prepare a passport and a black gel pen in advance, you can take a ruler for mathematics, water and snacks are allowed in all subjects. yes, now graduates and parents are worried, there are also attacks from scammers on social networks and instant messengers with offers to buy ready-made answers for all unified state exam subjects. remember, tasks are encrypted and options are compiled automatically. the decryption key is given to the organizers only before the start of the exam. so, guys, we rely only on our own strengths. good luck to all! once again, good morning everyone, who just joined us. friends, let’s go for a warm-up run right now. of course, health is everything to you and me. and today fitness trainer anatoly will help you and me accumulate as much energy as possible. good morning, if you want to be cheerful and
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energetic, start the day with gymnastics, mastering complex acrobatic tricks is not necessary to keep yourself in good shape, a daily warm-up is enough, with your left hand we hold onto a vertical support, stand on a pandar ribbon with both feet, feet shoulder-width apart , and with my right hand i de... him like this at waist level, we transfer without the body to the left leg, with the right we perform swings to the side, we do not raise the leg high, we perform the movement with an amplitude of 30 to 40 cm, the heel is slightly higher than the toe, we do not place the leg halfway, we keep it suspended and continue to perform swings. we change the position
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of the legs, for those who find it easy to maintain balance, they can let go of the support so as not to fall to the sides, we strain the abs and buttocks even more, the exercise strengthens the leg muscles and trains coordination of movements, don’t be lazy, i see,
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there are berries and fruits of a new harvest, which means that a holiday has come for lovers of various freshly squeezed smoothie juices, yes, we have such, they are really very tasty, but sometimes such a fair question arises: is there any alternative to the classic blender? there are certainly options that you can also simplify this process of preparing a smoothie or fresh juice? the smoothie boom began with the fashion of nazosh, the main assistant in preparation is a blender, tatyana prefers an immersion one. grinds, mixes, beats. i believe that one of
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the universal and useful such devices is kitchen. i make smoothies, purees, soups. another advantage of the submersible is its compactness, easy to clean, and convenient to store. but for a stationary blender, you need more space, but polina likes that she doesn’t have to hold it in her hands when working. i use it often, i have been using it for a long time. in addition to a blender, i also use it as a juicer. he has a nozzle, this. the top part is removed and a juicer is inserted here, you can make any juice. a stationary blender is usually more powerful than a submersible blender, has more speed modes and additional attachments, but it’s still not mobile technology. dina does without cumbersome appliances; she doesn’t even need electricity to make summer cocktails, just a shaker is enough. an interesting accessory that you can bring into your kitchen into your life just in the summer, because when... choose stainless steel,
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it will last longer, and if you buy a cappuccino maker , you can prepare drinks with foam, it runs on batteries, it’s convenient to take it in the road. picnic to the dacha, but there are disadvantages, it is not so intense, not so strong, and will not give we need to prepare, for example, very airy foam; unfortunately, its power is not quite enough. without an outlet or batteries, the french press works without any noise or effort. it is usually used for hot drinks, but you can also prepare cold drinks using the same coffee or tea, for example, just add the ingredients, add water and leave for several hours. a concentrate is obtained, to which it is then added. juices, syrups, ice, there are many recipes, and you can dream up your own. yulia kozlov, ilya ridkozubov, andrey aksenov, channel one. we continue our good morning, may 28, tuesday on the calendar. and an astrological forecast awaits us on air. may 28, twentieth
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lunar, tenth solar day, simply excellent, cheerful, optimistic, energetic and enterprising. plus, he has good taste and artistic abilities. he is a good cook, and he is also charming and artistic, he will add confidence to us, help us relate more easily to all the little things in life, it will be difficult to seriously upset us with something, but falling in love today is as easy as shelling pears, there are some disadvantages to this day too yes, he is a little eccentric, he is always in a hurry somewhere and grabs onto everything at once, sometimes he is frivolous, he relies too much on the cart, it is harder than usual on such days to do any routine, the soul asks for something new, unusual, aries, remember, and this when you decide that you are tired of everything and you are tired of everyone. dear ladies, if your better half is an aries, forgive him for some absent-mindedness, and check, when seeing him off to work, whether he has forgotten anything, and it’s better not to borrow or lend money today. taurus is seeing some changes in the professional sphere, interesting prospects may open up, however, you will have to roll up
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your sleeves, and some will be faced with the choice of a career or a vacation, you decide for yourself, but in general you also need to rest. gemini. you may be interested in something that previously seemed completely alien, someone will find a new source of income, a new acquaintance is possible, the evening clearly wants to invite you to some kind of educational event, cancer is on a wonderful day for a date, as for business meetings, they will also go well, unless they fail, however, you will survive it, and be careful with sharp instruments, expect guests in the evening, everything should work out for leo too, today they are very charming, they know what they want and how to achieve it, and in general today a lot revolves around them, it’s better to postpone large purchases and take care of your stomach. the girls have a busy day, you have to do a lot of things yourself, of course you can handle it, you will also help others, but you can get very tired, well, the evening will help you relax, and someone else may fall in love with you. libra just has a good working
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tuesday, successful and profitable, he can bring some interesting people to you, take a closer look at them, and if you are going to... you should conduct an audit of your personal finances. scorpios can be drawn into someone else's conflict; a conversation in a raised voice is not ruled out with someone from a group of business partners. this is of no use to you now. on a pleasant note, money loves you today. sagittarius, be philosophical about the fact that they will try to teach you about life and pester you with advice, they want what’s best. but be careful with your computer and other gadgets and be more attentive while driving. have a great day capricorns, especially those who... either sell something beautiful or somehow decorate the world, but by the way, all other capricorns will not lose out, the main thing is not to chase ephemeral benefits, just do your job, everything will be fine, yes and save your wallet. aquarius is shining a short trip, perhaps some expenses, but to the point. in general, the day is quite positive and very romantic;
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the evening can please you with something, just be careful with alcohol. pisces has a great day to express themselves and present them in a favorable light. and show your best qualities, so that doubts and self-doubt are gone, success awaits you, go ahead boldly, everything will work out, good luck to you, we remind you that today is may 28, if you didn’t know, today is the day of brunettes, that’s it, what do we bring you congratulations, dear brunettes, by the way, i read somewhere that almost 70% of the inhabitants of the earth are dark-haired, just like that, but it seems to me that 70% of the jokes are all about blondes, i consider it unfair, because in general.
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over 22 years of filming, photographer dmitry pritula collected statistics: 75% choose brunette, as i understand it, as a photographer - this is because of the contrast, because against a dark background , for example, earrings or watches look very advantageous, the dark color is due to the eulamine pigment, protection of hair from ultraviolet radiation, yes, southern women are almost always brunettes , hair is less susceptible to fading, it lightens, but not as actively as blondes, it is easier to care for. any stylist will confirm that for dark hair we can only tint the roots in time, it’s probably cheaper, yes, super, but
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it’s true that brunettes age earlier, they sit usually depending on genetics, but brunettes simply have to tint their hair more often than, for example, blondes, because gray hair is not so visible on blond hair, they also say dark ones are more willing to hire, they seem to be smart and reliable, in our department bring armored jackets. is it true that they pick it up faster, i mean brunettes? i , as a brunette, can say that definitely yes, but this is a genetic predisposition, it does not determine the ability of the brain to quickly, so to speak, remember information and move forward career ladder. but in our company there really are more brunettes working, but only because there are generally more women with dark hair. the gene for dark hair, and it is dominant, and... and in all cases, we meet more brunettes than blondes, so who is easier to work with? listen, well, this is
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an auction question, brunettes, they clearly know what they want, what they don’t write about brunettes, cunning, vindictive, what will psychologists say? well, of course, i’m an expert on brunettes, that is, i’m married three times, i have two the wives are brunettes, one is a redhead, but as a psychologist i would recommend, of course, it’s better to watch.
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with special trepidation, an animal listed in the red book, an endangered species. the red wolf, of course, is called a wolf in russian, but it has nothing to do with our ordinary gray wolf. this is a very specific, interesting predator, originally formed in asia, once in... in the past it inhabited almost all of asia and all of europe, now it can be found mainly only in tibet, there are no red wolves in the wild nature of russia,
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last seen in the seventies in altai, now only in zoos, here they, like in the wild, live in packs, several generations, everyone takes care of each other, in the nizhny novgorod zoo, for example, wolf cubs were born to two females at once, they raise children together, they begin to change, one gives the other a rest , that is, one female is in the den. feeds the children, the other female is in the enclosure, at this time she can rest, walk a little and sleep, this is wonderful, in my opinion, for mothers. the father of the family always checks the food brought and is the first to allows nursing mothers to eat, red wolves constantly communicate with each other, in nature in packs of 20-30 individuals, there is no way without communication. everything is in the jungle, it’s dark, there are vines everywhere, you can’t see anything, there are 25 of you relatives, how to continue? normal communication, how to maintain communication, they constantly exchange sound signals, well, this is how we can wave at each other, nod,
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see who is wearing what, this is exactly the same way they work with the help of sound, bark, growl, whine and even whistle , the acoustics are very rich, and red wolves are also very curious, in the perm zoo they live next door to lions, their favorite pastime is to tease predators, before we did not allow them to contact, we were worried that red wolves would be afraid of large predators and... they look at the moment, no, in our forests they are serious about them and entrust plans to grow these animals for their natural environment for this competition, stronger and... 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew, it started simply. and
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it was the pope whom they, at their own request, replaced, was tasked with informing the families of the victims. i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to lunova. at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have howled at the moon all my life, because my father died there. sunrise to you, safely. landed, the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary's car, here a man comes out of the crowd and starts shooting with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets cleared past the visa, the premiere is right on the edge, on friday at the first, what can
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be prepared by using. sauce, fill with filling, it can be on any taste, and i’ll make something like mini hot dogs. i sprinkle the dough with grated cheese, lay out sausages cut into slices and soft pickled cheese. i brush the edges of the dough with beaten egg, cover the workpiece with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges,
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turn the pie over onto a baking sheet with parchment. i remove the dumpling maker, pierce the cells with a fork, brush the pastry with beaten egg for a delicious golden brown crust, sprinkle with sesame seeds, it will be even tastier, put the pie in a preheated oven for 10 minutes, bake at 180°. ready pie i cut it into mini pies and serve it with your favorite sauce, it’s very tasty, i recommend it, dears! viewers are reminded that there are only 3 days until summer, and the closer summer is, the more you want, of course, to update your wardrobe, buy something beautiful in a store, or make some fabric out of it in an atelier, or something individual, so to speak, your own sketch, well, in general, buy or sew, that’s the main question, if i understand correctly, our correspondent maria plunged into this topic, both, rum and both are needed, let’s figure out what more profitable
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buy a ready-made item or... sew it to order, it would seem that sewing is always more expensive, but let’s calculate using the example of trousers, ready-made ones in the mass market on average from 2,000, branded ones from russian designers from 6,000, luxury from italian wool from 15, in the studio we’ll start with the fabric , how many two or three meters 1.7 are needed for a standard height of 70 meters, budget option, suiting fabric for 400 rubles per meter, trousers will cost 680, plus accessories on average 900, 1,500 for material. plus there is a huge variation in tailoring, why is there such a big difference, somewhere for 2.0, and somewhere for 20? shvia, if you come and say: i want trousers based on basic patterns, she doesn’t need to model anything, she just takes an existing base and sews it for you. this is the simplest option, for example, loose ruffles with an elastic band, without grooves in the seams, you can sew them at home for 1500, then we are almost within the price range of the mass market, but if you want a fit, with
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pockets, and even an unusual design, then there’s a price tag h... there is another option to buy an item in a mass market, but customize it for yourself, add unique details, i have jeans, which i have already cut up a little, but i want to paint them, what color should i make this drawing so that it doesn’t look sloppy, looks stylish, a customized item is an accent in the image, everything else should become the background, well, the simplest option is, of course, to match the color , that is, if you have a black t-shirt, then the customization can also be black. colors, all that remains is to choose a design, i want it to be somehow unusual, bright, and at the same time girly, i would suggest taking a leopard, it will fit perfectly on our trouser legs and... to level out his predatory spots for hearts, ideal. we printed the image on a regular printer and transferred it through tracing paper and painted it with acrylic paints for fabric. it seems that it’s complicated, yes, you enter the outline of everything, in fact the hand
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just wants to tremble, ah-ah-ah, another stylistic device: a bag in the color of the design, hold it on the other side of the drawing, 2.400 for jeans, 1.00 for acrylic. paint and brushes, designer trousers are ready, no one else has them. maria kuskova, dmitry roshkov, anatoly brikalov, yulia bykova, channel one. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. knonas self-propelled unit of the ivan guards-kostroma artillery regiment.
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its ammunition load is 18 thermobaric shells, the burning temperature of the fire mixture, the soldiers say, is like on the surface of the sun, the affected area is 6 hectares, for the enemy this is what is called no chance, they worked on the enemy’s reserves, these are respectively platoon strong points, there were two targets during the night, the first target is personnel. composition and its armored vehicles in the forest, the second, the second target is also the platoon a strong point of up to 25 people, here are two units of equipment, the vehicle is used to destroy
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the enemy’s closed manpower, lightly armored objects in cases where they cannot be hit by artillery or tanks. and here are more examples of courage from our military personnel. guard lieutenant maxim sagar, acting decisively with well-aimed small arms fire, shot down. who was preparing to strike our positions, saved his comrades. ensign of his colleagues andreenko took the battle against superior enemy forces, repelled the counterattack of the militants, helped evacuate wounded colleagues to the rear. today is border guard day, a holiday of valor and honor of those who guard the borders of our homeland. in vladivostok, the celebrations are already in full swing; those who serve in the reserves have come to the war memorial. flowers. banners, honorary korau. for the first time, special guard units and villagers were mentioned in the 15th century. the border guard became an independent branch of the military under alexander ii. in soviet times, it came under the jurisdiction of the people's commissariat of internal
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affairs. at the beginning of the great patriotic war , the border guards were the first to take the blow hitler's troops. for military feats, dozens of soldiers and commanders received the title of hero of the soviet union. border guards are still on the first line of defense in his congratulations , vladimir putin noted that they are active. fights the enemy during a special operation, repels an invasion, and suppresses provocations on the border. your professional holiday is widely celebrated in our country, it is a symbol of people's memory and respect for all generations of defenders of borders and the fatherland at all stages of our thousand-year history, from the formation ancient russian statehood to the present day, as an example...
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on all borders of russia, from the arctic and pacific oceans to the black and baltic seas. the french ministry of defense reported that the issue of sending military instructors to ukraine is still being worked out. the decision has not been made, officials are working on the documents, this is stated in the telegram channel of the military department, despite the fact that in ukraine they hastened to announce that france. kiev is rushing paris, and the french may have decided to slow down, even emmanuel macron, during his state visit to germany, said that europeans are not fighting against.
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russia and the russian people. residents of europe have long despaired of finding logic in such statements. previously, macron did not rule out sending troops to ukraine. true, germany and a number of other countries immediately opposed it. today the georgian parliament will meet to override the veto that the country's president salamea zurabishvili imposed on a previously adopted law on the transparency of foreign influence. the day before, the parliamentary committee on legal affairs approved this process. the entire procedure is expected to take no more than 3 hours.
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this is already the second event for young people where extremist slogans were heard, writes spiegel magazine, students of a prestigious school in the north of the country, where tuition costs about 50,000 euros a year, chanted germany for the germans, foreigners out, until the teachers intervened. another such event was organized last week on the island of sylt in a club where young men and women from wealthy families gather. the same songs, the same words, and as the journalists considered, even the nazi salute, which did not seem to outrage anyone present. that's it, now say good morning to my colleagues. good morning, friends, thank you for meeting us on channel one. today is tuesday, may 28th. by the way, polina svetkova and roman budnikov are with you, and we wish you a wonderful mood. statistics say that almost 90% of us use social networks daily, and we spend an average of more than two hours a day on it. and someone much larger, unfortunately, we won’t point fingers. unfortunately, scammers in there are also a lot of social networks, and there are among them.
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such a special category, these are those who hack and steal our accounts, of course, not for entertainment, but for the sake of profit, suddenly, the account on social networks is no longer yours, scammers, it’s also stressful, my email was hacked and, accordingly, i couldn’t log in anymore into the account, i think, well, nothing, i’ll solve it all now, but it didn’t work out, the support service doesn’t respond, well, it’s unpleasant, because the account was working, well, it was good, sometimes you could use it ... to earn alena an account in a few i didn’t return it for months, they blocked me, i feel sorry not so much for the subscribers, but for the memories, photos and texts, alexandra was even less lucky, her friends lost money. a friend called, several times, i didn’t pick up because i couldn’t. i called her back, she said: something happened to you, i just transferred you 30,000, i said, i mean, why? i received a message from alexandra’s account, i need money, and i had doubts, but they were scammers. convinced,
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sent a photo of a bank card with data account owner. cybersecurity experts advise: if a hack occurs, immediately reset and reset the password, warn as many loved ones as possible, if access to the account is threatened, block the cards, write to service support. technical support is blocking this account for the duration of the investigation. after that, you provide some evidence, this could be the email you registered with. phone number, maybe there are any recent actions that you performed, to whom you wrote, approach account recovery specialists with great caution. many people post advertisements on all sorts of platforms, what i will help you can either hack or restore for a certain amount of money, as a rule, this is fraud, contact familiar specialists and file a statement with the police, a criminal case, identity theft, if you have become a victim of scammers , is also worth submitting. there is such a possibility of returning
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funds, they can file a claim in court for the return of unfounded the resulting enrichment by the owner of the account into which the stolen funds were received , but in order not to deal with all this, we turn on slight paranoia, do not follow suspicious links, do not open files from strangers, check whether your contact is writing accurately, fakeboss, not hacking but account forgery , the photos match, fio, your manager is supposedly writing to you, and depending on where you work and what position you hold, he puts pressure on certain points. we don’t get fooled and protect accounts as much as possible. two-factor authentication, complex from thirteen characters and, most importantly , different passwords everywhere. face id, biometrics, additional identity verification via sms code, special applications to help. antivirus blocks 90% of cyber threats. we activate the antispam service from operators, we filter out fraudulent calls, and ideally we separate them. accounts for personal business
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purposes. ligia belyanskaya, konstantin sruchkov, evgeny smirnov and ksenia maklyakh, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues, it’s time to find out what got into our net. the main ruler of the world wide web egor uspensky. meet the new heroes of the internet. and immediately a new hit of the world wide web and a new hero. meet me. this is a cat named snowball. as a child, you were told that you must eat soup. they told snowball, he remembered it. the cat’s love for healthy eating has already been appreciated by 5 million users. and more and more new things are constantly joining them. and look how cute the little squirrels are feeding him, just adorable. yes, indeed, and the hero of our next video is a bulldog named charlie, for unknown reasons he did not like garbage containers, apparently, in the face of each of these containers he sees an enemy or wants to protect his owner, maybe they’re just falling happily, or maybe they’re just having fun,
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then you’re probably right, let’s like and support the bulldog, there are quite a few among those who are crossing each other lovers of good music, the british linda smith was convinced of this, she... went to the shore of the lake to play the violin, took out the instrument, then, out of nowhere , turtles appeared and began to listen to her carefully, that’s how they were all together earned 3 million likes, well, everyone loves beautiful, good music, especially turtles, yes, well, in conclusion, unique footage shared by oceanologists from the university of western australia. while exploring the underwater world of the pacific ocean at a depth of 1 km, their underwater vehicle was attacked by a rare giant squid, here you are now... you see on the screens, look, imagine how not to be scared, but the sight, of course, is simply incredible, beautiful, nothing no injuries, everything was fine. it's probably time for the holidays for many... they will want to go somewhere by car, it’s somehow romantic, interesting, a real
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adventure, but only one important question: proper nutrition, is it even possible if you’re driving like that, yes, an important topic, you’re going somewhere , yes, the advice of nutritionist anastasia yudina will be very useful for you , you spend a lot of time driving, and this means a sedentary lifestyle, dry snacks, stress on the roads, everything that can lead to gastritis, obesity and heart disease. to stay healthy, it is important to think about your diet. nutrition. breakfast should be as healthy and nutritious as possible. whole grain porridge will charge you with energy, as will a piece of baked meat. and even better, fatty fish will support the functioning of the hormonal system. we also need vegetables and leafy greens, they will increase concentration. so we season the dish with spinach, parsley, dill or prepare a green salad. now let's take care of healthy
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snacks that you can take on the road. to splurge on chips, chocolates and burgers along the way, cut the carrots and celery into bars and place them in plastic container, we also take with us hard apples and bananas, but not overripe ones, they will quickly turn black in the car. instead of sweet soda, we need a bottle of drinking water and a thermos of green tea. the drink helps maintain concentration. saves you from the heat. for dessert, a cereal bar or dried fruit. these sweets do not cause drowsiness; on the contrary, they help you concentrate. what is very important when driving: have a safe trip. by the way,
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there are only 3 days until summer, which makes me happy. yes, if you are planning a vacation, it is worth considering insurance of your home while you are away. by the way, it’s not very expensive, but it can help you avoid various problems, and you don’t even need to go anywhere, because a standard policy can be issued at home, without leaving anywhere, everything is in a mobile application, everything is remote, although there are nuances everywhere, you can collect a suitcase on vacation without insurance, this is what the komkovs did last year, they left, but forgot to turn off the water, and from the road, already from somewhere in the tula region, we called our mother-in-law, who has the keys to ours... we asked her, verochka petrovochka, please come to us and see if we have a crowd. this time we decided that insurance is a justified contribution to a relaxing holiday, especially since it can be purchased online. we settled on constructor insurance. this is an individual calculation based on the characteristics of your specific
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apartment, for example, you know exactly the cost of finishing, you can clearly indicate it. most insurance companies also allow you to customize the amount of compensation for movable property, structural elements of the house and liability. in front of the neighbors, listen, there are 16 floors below us, let's do the maximum, please, let's do it, i agree, however, in most companies, constructor insurance is issued for at least a month, while a ready-made vacation package can be taken: exactly for the time of departure, for example, for a week, but not a single one of the options does not come into force on the day of registration, and so that there are no such cases of fraud, when already today something is leaking to you from your neighbors, and you want to protect yourself, based on what is happening, a seven-to-five-day deductible is always applied. this there is such a delay before activation, so it is better to think about insurance in advance. by the way, you can get it even if you have rented accommodation and documents. the owner's consent is not required, but
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the owner of the apartment will receive payment upon the occurrence of an insured event. now evaluate: the minimum insurance in the constructor for a month was about 300 rubles, cheaper than any of the packaged offers of the same company, but they did not suit our heroes, very little liability to neighbors - only 500,000, according to the parameters that we considered, insurance came out to about 800 rubles per month, the maximum ready-made package costs about the same, you can save a lot if you have the feeling that when we are present in the apartment, we still control what happens here, it’s probably too expensive a year, but month to month is generally excellent, and generally good if the insured event never occurred. ksenia loginova, konstantin struchkov, channel one. we remind you that today is may 28th, by the way, today is the birthday of mayonnaise. of course, include it. him to the number it’s hard to find healthy foods, but of course our favorite salads have it, sometimes
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a little bit is possible, well, it’s delicious, really, we add it everywhere and joke about it ourselves, mayonnaise is the king of sauces, every russian eats on average 5 liters per year, a record among other countries, in france it is less, although it was invented there, in honor of the conquest of the island of mayon by the french army, french chefs invented a new recipe and presented it to everyone at... the emperor, another version: in during the siege of the city of mayon, everyone was tired of eating eggs, the cook tried to beat them with butter, it turned out to be a new dish, i liked it and it stuck, someone claims that mayonnaise was already from the mediterranean under a different name, ayolle sauce, the place is still being debated, only the date of appearance has been precisely established, 1756, the fat content is also known to be 570%, and it's harmful, it's vegetable fat, it's polyunsaturated fatty acids. which should prevail in your diet, that is, provencal as a source of vegetable fats and energy,
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one tablespoon contains almost 100 calories, and this is like a whole banana, mayonnaise does not make you fat, and because of its quantity, there are lean mayonnaises, dietary, yes, easier, but they contain more carbohydrates, too much starch, instead of good oil, trans fats are possible, but they are almost not digested by our enzymes and even disrupt the functioning of cells, another fear, a lot of salt means swelling, the third recipe is half a teaspoon per 500 g of product, is that too much? mayonnaise contains salt, and indeed there is a little more of it than in ordinary food products, but there is definitely no more of it than, for example, in pickles. when choosing, look at the composition before in the 1980s, gost did not change, only butter, yolks, sugar, vinegar and mustard. nowadays, manufacturers often add emulsifiers, stabilizers, and flavorings. this combination of products that it contains, including salt and sugar, it... causes this pleasant aftertaste, so there really is a dependence on mayonnaise, taste recipes are broken
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if you ate everything with mayonnaise for a long time, right away it won't be easy to give it up. ligia belyanska, sergey morin and evgeny morinkov, channel one. who don't people turn on? as pets, for example, this california resident has a camel. the man saved him when he was very young. yep, i named him. maybe old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and
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what else do you want, i don’t mind, eat everything, you ’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break it, you won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, not that much, the prime minister is the best. june 1st on first, cognac monte shococa, product with stellar group romca product of stellar group vodka pichora product of stellar group vodka veda product of lar group cognac old barrel product of stellar group. it will be
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hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. the russian football championship has ended for the sixth time in a row, with st. petersburg zenit taking first place. the results of the championship in the material on... colleagues, sports journalist of the first channel dmitry terikhov. the thirty-second russian football championship has gone down in history. its outcome was one of the most dramatic during the entire tournament. for the first time in 10 years, before the last round , three teams claimed the title: dynamo, zenit and krasnodar, and the first and third met each other in kuban, and the st. petersburgers
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hosted rostov, which had no claims to anything. to win gold for the first time in the national championship in 48 years, dynamo. a draw was enough, zenit was satisfied with only a victory and, subject to a loss to dynamo, and krasnodar was counting on the coincidence of two scenarios: its own victory, loss of points zenit. for almost 52 minutes dynamo felt like champions. during this time , the scoreboard showed zeros in both matches. everything changed after john cordobe’s goal, which made krasnodar a potential champion. soon this faith strengthened, with rostov helping. ronaldo scored against zenit. in the 65th minute, gustave montoine equalized. they converted everything from the penalty spot, but this was not enough for the st. petersburgers, they lacked one more goal, it happened in the eighty- fifth minute. arthur literally killed sergei pesyakov. 2:1. for the sixth time in a row, zenit became the strongest in the rpl. krasnodar won 1:0, while dynamo took bronze. despite missing out on the championship, the blue and white won the largest number of individual prizes at the end of the season. marcel licka was recognized as the best
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coach. his ward konstantin tyukavin received three awards at once. he became the best player. the best striker, and his goal against sochi was recognized as the most beautiful in the finished championship. the winner among the hovbeks for the second year in a row was eduard spertsyan from krasnodar, and zenit captain dugla santas was declared the best for the second time in a row defender. krasnodar goalkeeper matvey safonov, who is actively being courted by psg, was awarded the prize for the best goalkeeper. the opening of the season was cska midfielder bostbek feyzullaev, the best scorer, zenit player mateo casiera, also received his awards, he has 21 goals and the best. assistant maxim glushenkov from lokomotiv 16 assists . let us add that the season in russian football will end on june 2 with the national cup super final at luzhniki, where zenit and baltika will meet. here's an interesting thing: the 21st century is surrounded by high technology, technical progress flies forward uncontrollably, and many gullible citizens still believe in
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sorcerers and fortune-tellers. apparently, this is how man is made, he loves everything mysterious and enigmatic, unfortunately, these... are often used by clever swindlers, my friends, now i’ll amuse you, i read the story, it’s just some kind of fairy tale, imagine a couple in love, both of her, a man and a woman , are interested in parapsychology and all sorts of magical things, they found a fortune teller on the internet, this sorceress told the woman, you must urgently leave your lover, otherwise you are both in danger of trouble, and the lady doesn’t think long: she ran away, the man in love, in order to get her back, wrote to the same fortune teller, after which the scammer asked her to give her 100,000 rubles for the ritual of returning love, to perform it, which had to be done on a dark night, bring yours money, and not somewhere, otherwise there would be trouble, in a landfill,
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the sufferer did everything that the sorceress asked, grabbed the plate from which... she ate her favorite and even brought her underwear, but for some reason the fortune teller did not come, why bother, she already has the money, then, finally, a man in love realized that he had been blatantly deceived, this is the story, guys, i ask you, if someone suggests doing utter stupidity, you want to get involved in this adventure, give yourself at least time to think, 2-3 days will pass, you will understand , what do you... the child of russia in grooming anastasia kotelya will tell you how to comb a long-haired dog, while doing it correctly, effectively and pleasantly for the pet.
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to prevent the fur from matting and to keep the house in order, dogs with fur need to be brushed regularly. i use this one a brush for artificial shedding, it is called stripping. the tool can be purchased at a pet store. i move the brush along the hairline, from the back of the head to the tail. with one hand i straighten the folds into the skin, with the other i comb out the fur. i don’t recommend scratching against your pet’s fur as it will disturb the hair structure. i treat the back, sides, paws, chest. i go over the entire hairline several times. look how much wool has fallen out. for a better effect, the dog can be bathed. i rinse the drink twice. with animal shampoo, rinse off with soapy water, now apply moisturizing conditioner, rinse off the remnants
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of the product, after bathing i dry the dog with a hairdryer, remove any remaining hair debris. the effect of artificial molting will last about a month, then the procedure must be repeated. follow my recommendations and your dog's coat will be well-groomed. today in moscow, at the pushkin state museum of fine arts, a unique exhibition is opening - a living portrait, hair-to-hair, mechanical drawing. our correspondent dmitry kuzmin has already visited the exhibition, and right now he will share with us his impressions. mechanical drawing was a fashionable pastime in europe, more than 100 years before photography. at the exhibition in the pushkin museum there is even a working drawing machine, it’s called. the device is simple, light, pantograph screen, it was used to copy cards, the main thing is not to move. i 'm leading stylus across this field, above you
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will see how this design is repeated on paper, invented by louis chritien in france at versailles in 1784. but you can draw with paints, this is a mechanical portrait, that is, there is no personal, subjective some kind of look. your portrait. century, a dozen ateliers where for a few francs you could get an accurate portrait using this technique, sessions were booked in advance. yes, the idea is not new, pliny the elder has a legend about the potter’s daughter, who outlined the shadow of her beloved when he was leaving... for war, the beginning of silhouette drawing, the invention of the royal musician chritien became a breakthrough, before him, at most the silhouette was outlined in the old fashioned way, cut out by hand scissors, here is
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catherine the second. you can try to understand what the empress found in these men profiles, the exhibition features a number of her favorites with orlov at the head. is it true that the silhouette is a surname? yes, he was in charge of controlling finances in paris, but he was a terrible miser, people didn’t like him very much, they started wearing black things. shout at our gatherings, in the squares, that we are unworthy of people of color, we are silhouettes, this is where the name comes from, since they have black, of course, hand drawings are a one-piece product, but mechanical ones could be made as many as you like, they were exchanged like we have photos on social networks, now you can see what we were like, say, the heroes of the war of 1812 or ordinary people of that time in every detail. then do-herotypes appeared, photographs on silver, they are also at the exhibition, this is what anna petrovna markova vinogradskaya was like, maiden name kern, the same one to whom pushkin wrote about
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a wonderful moment, there were all sorts of jokes from the photographers themselves, who told each other if two came young ladies to take pictures, then give them one at a time, because if one doesn’t like it, then the other definitely won’t either. look and be surprised in the gallery. dmitry kuzmin, ilnur vali akhmetov, anatoly brikalov, channel one. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. at the beginning of the war, an army aviation crew in a k-52m helicopter carried out an attack with unguided missiles on camouflaged equipment. enemy manpower in the zone of responsibility of the center group of troops, they hit accurately and returned to base safely. knon s self-propelled unit of the guards kostroma artillery
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regiment of the ivanovo airborne forces. destroyed a group of ukrainian militants on the eastern outskirts of chasovo yar. platoon supporter discovered during aerial reconnaissance. the coordinates were transmitted to the command post, then a march to the firing positions, operational deployment and a salvo in a matter of minutes. from the air, the enemy's dugouts and manpower are ironed out by the fpv drone crews of the dnepr group of troops. north of the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region, an attack drone found its target. the operator skillfully aimed the device and worked flawlessly. crushing blow. the enemy was hit by the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system and its ammunition load of 18 thermobaric shells, area destruction of 6 hectares, for the enemy this is what is called no chance, they worked on the enemy’s reserves, these are respectively platoon strong points, there were two targets during the night, the first target was personnel up to 50 units of personnel and their armored vehicles in the forest, the second, the second the target is also a platoon stronghold of up to 25
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people, here are two units of equipment, the vehicle is used to destroy the enemy’s closed manpower, lightly armored objects, in cases where they cannot be hit by artillery or tanks. today they accept congratulations to the border guards, those who are always on guard and reliably protect the borders of our homeland. in vladivostok, the celebrations are already in full swing, some are serving and some are in the reserves, and they have come to the war memorial. flowers, banners, honorary karau. for the first time, special units. century: the border guard became an independent branch of the military under alexander ii. the soviet era saw the introduction of the people's commissariat of internal affairs. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, border guards were the first to take the blow of hitler's troops. great feats, dozens of soldiers and commanders received the title of hero soviet union. border guards are still on the first line of defense in his congratulations , vladimir putin noted that they are actively fighting the enemy during a special operation, repelling
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the invasion, stopping it. in many ways, thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break into russian territory by gangs of mercenaries, traitors and sabotage groups of the enemy were thwarted. those who planned these terrorist raids on our land miscalculated, met with harsh and severe rebuff, i am sure that in the future you will act the same way boldly firm in decision tasks.
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now ukraine, where new footage of the hunt for men is coming from, here is the rumanian border , a truck from odessa, a cargo of 4 draft dodgers were heading to europe, but now apparently they will go straight to the front line, where they will immediately turn into cannon fodder. another escape option was offered to residents of the odessa region by the military registration and enlistment office employees and, according to investigators, they earned more than a million dollars. for an amount ranging from 4.5 to 700 dollars, men of military age had their status changed in the electronic register of those liable for military service and
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an entry was made. reported that europeans are not fighting against russia and the russian people. residents of europe have long despaired of finding logic in such statements; macron previously did not rule out sending troops to ukraine, although germany and a number of other countries immediately opposed it. today is an exciting and important day for russian graduates; they are taking the unified state exam in the russian language, the first of two required for obtaining certificates. in the east of our country everything has already begun. and as
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reported by rosobnadzor. nicks all over the country almost 6,000 examination points will open for them, they need to complete 27 tasks in 3.5 hours, the results must be announced before june 14. good morning, friends, thank you for celebrating the new day with us on channel one. today with you are polina svetkova and roman budnikov. today, may 28, is border guard day. we sincerely congratulate everyone who stands guard over our people. the border guards' service is very complex; they guard the longest border in the world, more than 60 thousand. at sea, on land, in the mountains, they
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guard the border of our homeland, 18 states, no one in the world has so many neighbors; these are border troops. amur region, border with china. year in any weather, he’s here in the summer region, well, it’s like it’s over 45 there, well, it’s very hot, but in the winter it’s the other way around -45, it’s very cold, we’re watching for some illegal actions, for example, if it’s in winter, then this pedestrian crossing of a neighboring state, border guards are armed with radar stations, thermal imagers, drones, along the border line, seismic sensors and surveillance systems, including video, the watchtower has not been canceled. mandatory patrol with dogs directly from the border itself, training every day, border guards are not only fighters capable of stopping a sabotage group, they are also sailors. there are five different types of patrol ships and boats in service. alexander petrov serves in
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blagoveshchensk, on the water, this is the border. whether it’s seconds, and a person can be at first on one side of the chinese entry points, after a couple of seconds he is already in our waters, he is already a violator of the border regime. border guards first. face to face with the enemy, so it was during the great patriotic war, the brest fortress, from june 22 to the end of july , the border guards held the defense until the last drop of blood, as even the nazis wrote in the reports. the latest history of our homeland, mansur valiev, 39 years on the border, veteran, was in the famous moscow border detachment. i participated in the events in afghanistan and out of 10 years, well, 8 years i had to directly participate in the event. mansur mazgutovich does not like to talk about the military operations themselves: service is service. and now the border guards are repelling the onslaught enemies in the special military operation zone. there are no former border guards; they always remain at the border, in spirit and therefore
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in thoughts. and they continue their service in retirement. reserve lieutenant colonel igor shmonin teaches children in a military-patriotic circle in vladivostok. for the warm-up, of course, health is everything to you and me, and fitness trainer anatoly goryachev will help you and i accumulate as much energy as possible today. good morning,
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if you want to be cheerful and energetic, start your day with gymnastics. difficult to master acrobatic stunts are optional. to keep yourself in good shape, a daily warm-up is enough. with our left hand we hold onto the vertical support, stand on the tape spandar with both feet, feet shoulder-width apart, and with our right hand we hold it like this at waist level, transfer it without the body to the left leg, with our right we perform swings to the side, we do not raise our legs high, we perform the movement with an amplitude of 30 to 40 cm, the heel is slightly higher than the toe, we do not place the leg halfway, we keep it suspended and continue to perform swings. we change the position of the legs, to whom it is easy to maintain balance and can let go of the support. in order not to fall to the sides,
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we strain our abs and buttocks even more. exercises strengthen the leg muscles and train coordination of movements. let's not be lazy. happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am charged by it, it’s really great, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobility, and be an example to them, our main family values ​​are to speak the truth to each other.
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berries and fruits of the new harvest have appeared on the shelves, which means that a holiday has come for lovers of various fresh smoothie juices, yes, we have those, it’s really very good. delicious, but sometimes such a fair question arises: is there any alternative to the classic blender? there are certainly options that you can also perhaps simplify this process of preparing a smoothie or fresh juice. the smoothie boom began with the nazosh fashion, the main assistant in preparation is a blender. tatiana prefers submersible, grinds, mixes, whips. i think it is one of the most versatile and useful devices in the kitchen. i'm cooking. smoothies, purees, soups, another
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advantage of a submersible blender is its compactness, easy to clean, convenient to store, but for a stationary blender you need more space, but polina likes that you don’t have to hold it in your hands when working. i use it often, i’ve been using it for a long time, in addition to a blender, it is also used as a juicer, it has an attachment, the upper part is removed and the juicer is inserted here, you can make any juice. a stationary blender is usually more powerful than an immersion blender and has more. modes and additional attachments, but this is still not mobile equipment, dina does without cumbersome devices, she doesn’t even need electricity to prepare summer cocktails, a shaker is enough. an interesting accessory that you can bring into your kitchen into your life just in the summer, because when you use it, the obligatory base is ice. choose from stainless steel, it will last longer, and if you buy a cappuccino maker, you can prepare... drinks with foam runs on batteries, it is convenient to take on
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the road, to the country, to a picnic, but there are disadvantages, it is not so intense, not so strong and will not allow us to prepare, for example, very airy foam, its power is not quite enough, unfortunately, without sockets and batteries, the french press works effortlessly, it is usually used for hot drinks, but you can also prepare cold drinks based on the same coffee or tea, for example, just add the ingredients, add water and leave for... several hours, you get a concentrate, v which is then added with juices, syrups, ice, there are many recipes, but you can dream up your own. yulia kozlov, ilya ridkozubov, andrey aksenov, channel one. we continue our good morning, may 28th is tuesday on the calendar. and an astrological forecast awaits us on air. may 28, twentieth lunar tenth solar day. simply excellent, cheerful, optimistic, energetic and adventurous. plus, he has good taste, he has artistic abilities, he is
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a good cook, and he is also charming and artistic, he will add confidence to us, will help us relate more easily to all the little things in life, it will be difficult to seriously upset us with something, but falling in love today is as easy as shelling pears, this day also has some disadvantages, it is a little eccentric, always in a hurry somewhere and grabs onto everything at once, sometimes it can be frivolous to rely too much on oats, it’s harder than usual on such days to do any routine, the soul asks... for something new, unusual. aries, remember this when you decide that you are tired of everything and you are tired of everyone. dear ladies, if your better half is aries, forgive him some absent-mindedness and check, when accompanying him to work, whether he has forgotten anything. and for a long time today it is better not to take or give. taurus is expecting some changes in the professional sphere. interesting prospects may open up, however, you will have to roll up your sleeves, and some will be faced with a choice, career or vacation, decide for yourself. but in general you also need to rest, the twins may
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be interested in something that previously seemed completely alien, someone will find a new source of income, a new acquaintance is possible, the evening clearly wants to invite you to some educational event. cancer has a wonderful day for a date; as for business meetings, they will also go well, unless they fall through. however, you will survive this, and be careful with sharp instruments, expect guests in the evening, leo should do the same. but it turns out that today they are very charming, they know what they want and how to achieve it, and in general today a lot revolves around them, so it’s better to postpone large purchases , take care of your full stomach? it’s a day with the girls, you have to do a lot of things yourself, you, of course, can handle it, and you’ll also help others, but you can get really tired, well, the evening will help you relax, and someone else might fall in love with you. libra just has a good working tuesday, successful and profitable, it can bring some interesting people to you, take a closer look at them, and if you are going on
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vacation, you should audit your personal finances. scorpios can be drawn into someone else's conflict; a raised voice conversation with someone from the circle is not excluded. business partners, this is of no use to you now, but on the pleasant side, money loves you today. sagittarius, be philosophical about the fact that they will try to teach you about life and bother you with advice, they want what’s best, be careful with the computer and other gadgets and be more attentive while driving. a great day for capricorns, especially for those who make or sell something beautiful or somehow decorate the world, but however , all other capricorns will not lose out, the main thing is not to chase ephemeral benefits. and just do your job, everything will be fine, and save your wallet. aquarius shines a short trip, perhaps some expenses, however to the point. in general, the day is quite positive and very romantic; the evening can please you with something, just be careful with alcohol. pisces has a great day to express themselves, present themselves in a favorable light and
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show their best qualities, so doubt and self-doubt are gone, success awaits you. go forward boldly, everything will work out. good luck! we remind you that today is may 28, if you didn’t know, today is the day of brunettes, that’s it, on which we congratulate you, dear brunettes, by the way, i read somewhere that almost 70% of the population lands - dark-haired, just like that, but it seems to me that 70% of the jokes are all about blondes, i think it’s unfair, because in general stereotypes should not exist, it all depends on the person, of course, by the way, there are a lot of different myths and stereotypes about brunettes, we of course, let’s look at them without prejudice, so to speak, from a scientific point of view, supporting the fact that brunettes often win at beauty contests, trichologists have their own explanation, the reflection from dark hair is more
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intense and the hair looks shiny, silky, let her hair down, a little light makeup, a bright picture is ready, well , beauty. this is why fatal beauties are more often invited to advertising: over 22 years of filming , photographer dmitry pritula has collected statistics. 75% choose burnetok, as i understand it, as a photographer, this is because of the contrast, because , say, earrings or a watch look very advantageous against a dark background. dark color due to eolamine pigment, protects hair from ultraviolet radiation. yes, southern women are almost always brunettes. hair is less susceptible to fading, it is lightened, but not as much. it’s easier to care for, any stylist will confirm: for dark hair we can only tint the roots over time, probably cheaper, but great! but it’s true that brunettes age earlier, it usually depends on genetics, but brunettes simply have to tint
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their hair more often than, for example, blondes, because gray hair is not so visible on blond hair, they also say that dark-haired people are more willing to be hired, they seem to be smart and reliable. in our department we love brinettes, is it true that they pick it up faster, specifically armored ones, i think so as a brunette, i can say that definitely yes, but this is a genetic predisposition, it does not determine the ability of the brain to quickly, so to speak, remember information and move up the career ladder. there really are more brunettes working in our company, but only because there are generally more women with dark hair.
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50% pure oil and a little water, and every resident of our country eats about 5 kg of this same mayonnaise per year. dealing with mayonnaise and many other important and interesting things in the program, live healthy today
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on the first one on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy, who kind of said, well, i must be older than you. the genius of children's television died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev. the hero of my childhood june 1st on the first. now turn your attention to the screen. a star appears before you
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social networks april jennifer choi. as you can see, the young lady has perfectly mastered the board game djangu. she just pulls out, or rather knocks out, wooden blocks with the help of a whip. and look how she does it. no matter who the beauty plays with or her friends, victory always remains on her side. what? you can make it using a dumpling maker, well, of course dumplings, logical, yes, but chef alexander kuritsin has an idea that’s more interesting, you can make a pie. usually dumplings are made with the help of a dumpling maker, but we will make delicious snack pie. i roll out a layer of puff pastry, cover it with a dumpling maker, cut out a circle, remove the excess, cover the mold with dough, press it into the cells. i grease the cavity with tomato sauce, fill it with filling, it can be for any taste, and i will make something
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like mini hot dogs. i sprinkle the dough with grated cheese, lay out sausages cut into slices and soft pickled cheese. i brush the edges of the dough with beaten egg, cover the workpiece with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges, and turn the pie over. opposite tray with parchment, remove dumpling maker, pierce the cells with a fork, brush the workpiece with beaten egg for a delicious golden brown crust, sprinkle with sesame seeds, it will be even tastier, put the pie in a preheated oven for 10 minutes, bake at 180°, cut the finished pie into mini-pies and serve with your favorite sauce, it's very tasty, i recommend it. dear tv viewers, we remind you that there are only 3 days until summer, and the closer summer is, the more you want, of course, to update your wardrobe, buy
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something beautiful in the store or make some fabric from it in the atelier, yes, something according to an individual, so to speak, your own sketch, well, in general, buy or sew, that is the main question, if i understand correctly, our correspondent maria kuskova plunged into this topic, both rum, both you need something else well, let’s figure out which is more profitable to buy. a ready-made item or sewn to order, it would seem that sewing is always more expensive, but let’s calculate using the example of trousers: ready-made ones in the mass market on average from 2,000, branded from russian designers from 6,000, luxury from italian wool from 15, in the studio we’ll start with the fabric, as much as needed two or three meters 1.7 per standard height is me 70, budget option, suiting fabric costs 400 rubles per meter, trousers cost 680, plus accessories on average 900, materials plus tailoring, the range is huge. why is there such a big difference, somewhere for 2.0, and somewhere for 20? seamstress, if you come
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and say, i want trousers based on basic patterns, she doesn’t need to model anything, she just takes an existing base and sews it for you. this is the simplest option, for example, loose hoops with elastic, without grooves in the seams, can be sewn at home for 1500, then we the price is almost within the price range of a mass market, but if you want one that fits your figure, has pockets, and even an unusual design. here the price tag skyrockets, there is another option, buy a thing in a mass market, but upgrade it to suit yourself, add unique details. i have jeans that i have already cut up a little, but i want to paint them, what color should i make this design so that it doesn’t look sloppy, but looks stylish. the customized item is the accent in the image; everything else should become the background. but the simplest option is, of course, to connect by color, then yes, if you have a black t-shirt, then customization can be done. it should also be black, all that remains is to choose a pattern, i want it to be somehow unusual, bright, and at the same
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time girly, i would suggest taking a leopard, it sits perfectly on us... and level out its predation, spots, micro-hearts, perfect, we printed the image on a regular printer and transferred it through tracing paper, painted it with acrylic paints for fabric, it seems complicated, yes, you enter the outline, in fact the hand just wants to tremble, ah-ah-ah, more one stylistic device, a bag in the color of the design, we hold it on the other side of the drawing, 2,400 for jeans,
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a town, and for us it is very important, of course, on the other hand it is simply fabulous that this is the feeling of mystery that every child experiences, regardless of the places where it grows, so that he can feel it there. a project in anticipation of a miracle - this dedication is not built on his paintings, here is an artistic journey through the pages of the master’s autobiography, starting with... how amazingly he wrote in his book that he was born not on the sixth, but on the seventh, that he did not breathe when he was born, he was pricked with pins, all this kind of mysticism that happened to him, this is such a miracle of birth that we talk about in every hall. the exhibition is interactive, for example, you can weigh fish in the artist’s father’s shop, a school
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of herring flies over my head, because... marc chagall’s father was a herring merchant, he always smelled of herring, he always saw these traces of scales on his apron and take part in the shadow theater, easily around animated animals from chagall's paintings, following him the viewer moves from one workshop to another, to france. from the intimate atmosphere of the parisian workshop, where mark walked and created in complete solitude, we find ourselves in another life of an artist in the same city. cafe ratonda, where the avant-garde artist met with other artists. on the wall of the cafe , a giant painting based on the master’s paintings appeared just overnight, all this was inspired, of course, by his works, his images, our main task was and the main difficulty, perhaps, was the walls turn into such a fabric, and from which the images themselves appear, appear, then disappear there, work on the project began almost
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six months ago, but the last preparations up to... were different, so we involved ceilings, an exhibition in anticipation of a miracle in the jewish museum and tolerance center already today , that is, all these long rooms, so that the summer will last until september 6. ligia bilyanska, elnurovakhmetov and alexander aleksenko, channel one. this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, division self-propelled guns of the guards kostroma artillery regiment of the ivanovo airborne forces destroyed a group of ukrainian militants on the eastern outskirts of chasovo yar in the special operation zone; the platoon support officer was discovered during aerial reconnaissance, the coordinates were transmitted to the command post, then
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a march to firing positions, operational deployment and in a matter of minutes. salvo from the air, dugouts and enemy manpower are ironed out by fpv drone crews, groupings of troops, dnieper, north of the village of rabotina in the zaporozhye region, an attack drone was found your goal. the operator skillfully aimed the device, it worked flawlessly, and in the zone of responsibility of the group of troops, the center dealt a crushing blow to the enemy by the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system. its ammunition load is 18 thermobaric shells, the combustion temperature of the fiery mixture, the fighters say, is the same as on the surface of the sun, the area. for the enemy, this is what is called no chance, they worked on the enemy’s reserves, these are, respectively , platoon strong points, there were two targets during the night, the first target was personnel up to 50 units of personnel and their armored vehicles in forest, the second, the second target is also a platoon stronghold of up to 25 people, here are two units of equipment, the tos is used to destroy
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the enemy’s closed manpower, lightly armored objects. in cases where they cannot be hit by artillery or tanks. and here are more examples of the courage and courage of our guardsmen, lieutenant maxim sagar, acting decisively with well-aimed fire and small arms. the weapon was shot down by an enemy drone, a kamikaze who was preparing to strike our positions, saved his comrades. ensign oleg andreenko, took the fight with superior enemy forces, repelled a counterattack by militants, and helped evacuate wounded colleagues to the rear. today is border guard day, a holiday of valor and honor of those who guard the borders of our homeland. in vladivostok, the celebrations are already in full swing; those who serve and those in reserve have come to the war memorial. flowers. honor guard banners. for the first time, special guard units and villagers were mentioned in the 14th century. the border guard became an independent branch of the army under alexander ii. in soviet times, the introduction of the people's commissariat of internal affairs passed
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business at the beginning of the great patriotic war , border guards were the first to bear the blow of hitler's troops. for their feats of arms, dozens of soldiers and commanders received the title of hero of the soviet union. border guards are still on the first line of defense. in his congratulations , vladimir putin noted: “they would be active.”
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act professionally and selflessly at all borders of russia, from the arctic and the pacific ocean to the black and baltic seas. the french ministry of defense reported that the issue of sending military instructors to ukraine is still being worked out and no decision has been made. accepted, officials are working on documents, this is stated in the telegram channel of the military department, despite the fact that in ukraine they hastened to announce that france has approved everything.
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as expected, the whole procedure will take no more than 3 hours, a simple majority of votes will be required from deputies, namely 76, which can be provided by the georgian dream party of the initiator of the bill, it has 84 mandates, let me remind you, a document, analogues of which exist in europe and in america became the reason mass street protests, and also provoked harsh statements from the outside. western politicians about the possible suspension of georgia's integration into the european union and the threat of sanctions from the united states. there is a scandal in germany before the european elections, this is the second event for young people where extremist slogans were heard,
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writes spiegel magazine. students at a prestigious school in the north of the country, where tuition costs about 50,000 euros a year, chanted germany for the germans, foreigners out, until the teachers intervened. another such event was organized last week on the island of zint in a club where boys and girls gather. literature and chemistry, and today graduates take the russian language, this exam is already for everyone. dear high school students, please don’t worry, don’t worry, this is not the last exam in your life, everything will work out, the main thing is to believe in yourself and not
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to trust various scammers. good luck. today, all graduates of the country are writing the unified state examination in the russian language, a compulsory subject, a couple of days to catch their breath and on may 31, according to the schedule , basic and profile mathematics. levels results in russian language and basic level mathematics june 14 in mathematics profile level on june 17, you can find out at your school on the results verification service, in some regions, also on government services. if you do not agree with the scores, you have 2 days after the official publication of the results to file an appeal. schoolchildren contact their school, students of previous years at the place of registration to take the unified state exam. you can also contact the conflict commission at your place of residence directly. in some regions, this can be done remotely by submitting an application through the state services portal. appeal commission
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will review the application within 4 days and set a time and place for the appeal, bringing your passport with you. the results will be published on the results verification service, and in some regions, also on government services. if, even after an appeal , your scores are below the minimum in one of the required subjects, then there are still reserve days. if you have passed the minimum threshold, but are dissatisfied with the result this year for graduates at. you can retake one of the subjects, compulsory or elective, by writing an application from june 26 to july 1. please note, only the last one will be valid result. if after all retakes in compulsory subjects, mathematics and russian , the scores are still below the minimum, then you can retake only in september, an additional period from the fourth to the twentieth. the rules for all unified state examinations are the same; you are not
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allowed to take phones or any other means of communication; it is better to prepare your passport and black gel pen in advance. you can take a ruler for math; water and snacks are allowed in all subjects. yes, now graduates and parents are worried, there are also attacks from scammers on social networks and messengers with offers to buy ready-made answers on all subjects. unified state exam. let us remind you that the tasks are encrypted and the options are compiled automatically. the decryption key is given by the organizer only before the start of the exam. so, guys, we rely only on our own strengths. good luck to all! we remind you that may 28 is on the calendar, today is international red wolf day. this is a rare animal listed in the red book. and in our country it can only be found in zoos.
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now food comes from human hands, i drank dog milk replacer, then ate minced meat, now pieces of meat. the appetite is wolfish. red wolf puppies in zoos are treated with special trepidation; the animal is listed in the red book, an endangered species. the red wolf, of course it is called a wolf in russian, but it has nothing to do with our ordinary gray wolf. this is a very specific, interesting predator, originally formed in asia. once in the past it inhabited almost all of asia. all
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of europe, now it can be found mainly only in tibet, there are no red wolves in the wild nature of russia, they were last seen in the seventies in altai, now only in zoos, here they, as in the wild , live in packs, several generations, everyone takes care of each other, in the nizhny novgorod zoo, for example, wolf cubs were born to two females at once, they raise children together, they begin to change, one gives the other a rest, that is one female is in the den, feeding the children, the other female is... in the enclosure, at this time she can rest, walk around and sleep a little, this is wonderful, in my opinion, for mothers. the father of the family always checks the food brought and allows nursing mothers to eat first. between red wolves constantly communicate with themselves. in nature, in flocks of 20-30 individuals, there is no way to communicate . everything is in the jungle, it’s dark, there are vines everywhere, you can’t see anything, there are 25 of you relatives. how to continue normal communication, how to maintain communication. constantly
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exchange sound signals, well, this is how we can wave to each other, nod, see who is wearing what, this is exactly the same way they work with the help of sound, they bark, growl, whine and even whistle, the acoustics are the richest, and also red wolves very curious, in perm at the zoo they live next to the lions, their favorite pastime is teasing predators. previously, we did not allow them to contact, we were worried that the red wolves would be afraid of large predators and would cross, it turned out not, they really liked it, they are now running. they specifically look at them and tame them, at the moment there are no plans to raise these animals for the natural environment, in our forests there is serious competition for the stronger and more resilient gray wolf, but thanks to work...
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teeth, ears, hair can shake, but not hands. 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much. we left a garrison in a liberated area, a village, they ensured order, went out to populated areas, with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, and took it all apart with pleasure. residents of border areas, both soviet and afghan sides, were protected. for border guard day. the premiere, the main milestone, is not a step back, today is the first. the holiday season is beginning, many will probably want to go somewhere by car, it’s somehow romantic, interesting, a real adventure, but there’s only one important question:
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proper nutrition, is it even possible if you’re driving like this, yes, it’s an important topic, and the advice of nutritionist ayudina will be very useful to you. spend time driving, and this means a sedentary lifestyle, snacks, stress on the roads. anything that can lead to gastritis, obesity and heart disease. to stay healthy, it is important to think about your diet. breakfast should be as healthy and nutritious as possible. whole grain porridge will give you energy. a piece of baked meat, or even better, fatty fish, will support the work. hormonal system, we also need vegetables and leafy greens, they will increase concentration, so we season the dish with spinach, parsley and dill, or prepare a green salad.
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now let's take care of healthy snacks that you can take on the road. in order not to break down on chips, chocolates and burgers along the way, cut it. sticks, carrots, celery stalk, put in a plastic container, we also take with us hard apples, bananas, but not overripe ones, they will quickly turn black in the car, instead of sweet soda we need a bottle drinking water and a thermos of green tea, the drink helps maintain concentration and saves you from the heat. for dessert, a cereal bar or dried fruit. these sweets do not cause drowsiness; on the contrary, they help you concentrate. what is very important when driving: have a safe trip. we remind you that today is may 28th, by the way, today is the birthday of mayonnaise.
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of course, it’s difficult to classify it as a healthy product, but of course, our favorite salads contain it, sometimes just a little bit . well, it’s delicious, isn’t it? we add it everywhere and joke about it ourselves. mayonnaise, the king of sauces. each russian eats an average of 5 liters per year, a record among other countries. in france there is less, although it was invented there. in honor of the conquest of the island of mayon by the french army, french chefs invented a new recipe and introduced it to everyone in peru by the emperor. another version: during the siege of the city of mayon, everyone was tired of eating eggs. the cook tried to beat them with butter. it turned out to be a new dish. i liked it and it caught on, someone claims that mayonnaise was already in the mediterranean under a different name, ajolle sauce. there is still some debate about the place ; only the date of appearance, 1756, has been established; the fat content is also known - 50-70%. and this is harmful, this is vegetable fat, these are
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polyunsaturated fatty acids that should prevail in your diet, that is , provencal as a source of vegetable fats and energy. there are almost 100 calories in one tablespoon, which is the same as a whole banana. people get fat not from mayonnaise, but from the amount of it. there are lean mayonnaises, dietary. yes, they are lighter, but they contain more carbohydrates and too much starch. instead of good oil, trans fats are possible, and they are almost not digested by our enzymes and even disrupt the functioning of cells. another fear: a lot of salt means swelling, if you look at the recipe, half a teaspoon per 500 g of product, is that too much? mayonnaise contains salt, and indeed there is a little more of it than in... food products, but there is definitely no more of it than, for example, in pickles. when choosing, we look at the composition: until the 1980s, gost did not change, only butter, yolks, sugar, vinegar and mustard. now manufacturers. often add emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavorings. this combination of products that it contains,
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including salt and sugar, causes this, mm, pleasant aftertaste, so there really is a dependence on mayonnaise, taste recipes are broken if you ate everything with mayonnaise for a long time, immediately from it won't be easy to give up. ligia belyanska, sergey morin and evgeny marinkov, channel one. by the way, there are only 3 days until summer, cool. congratulations to everyone, yes, if you are planning a vacation, you should think about insuring your home while you are away, it is worth it, by the way, not very expensive, but it can help you avoid various problems, and you don’t even need to go anywhere, because a standard policy can be issued at home, without leaving anywhere, everything is in a mobile application, everything is remote, although there are nuances everywhere. packing a suitcase for a vacation without insurance is what the komkovs did in the past. see if we have a crowd,
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this time we decided that insurance is a justified contribution to a relaxing holiday, especially since you can apply for it online, we settled on designer insurance. this is an individual calculation based on the characteristics of your specific apartment, for example, you know exactly the cost of finishing, you can do it. clearly indicate, and in most insurance companies you can set the amount of compensation for movable property, structural elements of the house and liability to neighbors. listen, we have 16 floors below us, let's do it to the maximum, please, come on, i agree. true, in most companies, constructor insurance is issued for at least a month, while a ready-made vacation package can be taken exactly for the duration of departure, for example, for a week, but not one of the options does not come into force on the day of registration. and so that there are no such cases of fraud. when something is leaking from your neighbors today, and you want
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to protect yourself from what is happening, a seven- to five-day deductible is always applied. there is such a delay before activation, so it is better to think about insurance in advance. by the way, you can register it even if the housing is rented; documents of the owner’s consent are not needed. but they will receive payment upon the occurrence of an insured event, the owner of the apartment. now rate it minimum insurance. the instructor paid about 300 rubles per month, cheaper than any of the packaged offers from the same company, but they did not suit our heroes, very little liability to neighbors - only 500,000, according to the parameters that we considered, insurance came out to about 800 rubles per month , the maximum ready-made package costs about the same, you can save a lot if you take out insurance for a year at once, in this case one day will be on average 10% cheaper, with the parameters of our heroes it turned out to be 9,000, the feeling is that when we...
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and the lady, without thinking twice, ran away, the man in love, in order to get her back, wrote the same
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fortune teller, after which the scammer asked to give her 100,000 rubles for the ritual of returning love, to carry out the necessary definitely on a dark night, take your money somewhere, otherwise there will be trouble, in a landfill, the sufferer did everything she asked to cast a spell. grabbed the plate from which he ate his favorite food and even brought her underwear, but for some reason the fortune teller didn’t come, why bother, she already had the money, then finally, a man in love realized that he had been blatantly deceived, this is the story, guys, i ask you, if someone suggests doing utter stupidity and you want to get involved in this adventure, give yourself at least time to think, one day you yourself will understand that you are simply... they are simply deceiving, take care of yourself!
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it's going to be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first, bourbon steersman, a product of stellar group. whiskey mancacher. product of stellar group, gin сnop, product of stellar group, cognac monte chococa, product of stellar group. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. our good, cheerful morning continues, it’s time to find out
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what got into the network of our main ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky. meet the new heroes of the internet. immediately a new hit of the world wide web and a new hero, meet, this is a cat named snowball, as a child you were told that you must eat soup , they told snowball, he remembered, the cat’s love for healthy eating has already been appreciated by 5 million users, they are constantly joining everything is new and new and look how cute it is, the little squirrels feed him, well, just lovely, yes indeed, and the hero of our next video is a bulldog named charlie,
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on his head and began to listen to her carefully, that’s how they all earned 3 million likes, well, everyone loves beautiful, good music, especially turtles, yes , well, in conclusion , unique footage shared by oceanologists from the university of western australia. while exploring the underwater world, the pacific ocean, at a depth of 1 km, their underwater vehicle was attacked by a rare giant squid, now you will see on the screens, look, you can imagine how not to be scared, but of course the spectacle... just incredible, beautiful, everything, no one was hurt, everything was fine. the russian football championship has ended, and for the sixth time in a row , st. petersburg zenit takes first place. the results of the championship in the material of our colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. the thirty-second russian football championship has gone down in history. its outcome was one of
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the most dramatic during the entire tournament. for the first time in 10 years before the last tour. three teams competed for the title: dynamo, zenit and krasnodar, with the first and third meeting with each other in kuban, and the st. petersburgers hosted rostov, which does not pretend to anything. to win gold, the first in the national championship in 48 years, a draw was enough for dynamo. zenit was only satisfied with a win and if dynamo lost, and krasnodar was counting on the coincidence of two scenarios: its own victory and the loss of points to zenit. for almost 52 minutes dynamo felt like champions. during this time. in two matches the scoreboard showed zeros. everything has changed after john cordobia's goal, which made krasnodar a potential champion. soon this faith strengthened, with rostov helping. ronaldo scored against zenit. in the 65th minute, gustav montoine equalized the score by converting a penalty, but this was not enough for the st. petersburgers. one more goal was missing. and it happened in the eighty- fifth minute. arthur literally killed sergei
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pesyakov. 2:1. zenit became the strongest in the rpl for the sixth time in a row. krasnodar won 1:0. dynamo has bronze. despite the lost championship, the white-blues took the greatest number of individual prizes at the end of the season. marcel licka was recognized as the best coach. his ward konstantin tyukavin received three awards at once. he became the best player, the best striker, and his goal against sochi was recognized as the most beautiful in the finished championship. the winner among the hovbacks for the second year in a row was eduard spertsyan from krasnodar, and zenit captain dugla santas was declared the best defender for the second time in a row. goalkeeper of krasnodar. sofonov, who is actively being courted by psg, was awarded the prize for the best goalkeeper. the discovery of the season was cska midfielder bostbek feyzullaev. the best scorer, zenit player mateo casiera, with 21 goals, and the best assistant, maxim glushenkov from lokomotiv, with 16 assists, also received their awards. let us add that the season in russian football will end on june 2 with the super final of the country cup in luzhniki, where
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zenit and baltika will meet. on channel one there is a continuation of the serial film. ranevskaya is the life story of a brilliant actress with a difficult character and difficult fate. starring marietta tsigal polishchuk. this is a movie which simply cannot be missed, the next episode awaits you immediately after the program. everyone liked the threshold. i came and said obscenely about how scared i was. poisonous character, it turns out, is an
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innate trait. she saw people so much, felt them so much, that people could not help but feel it in response. this is what served as the mechanism for this nationwide love. if you're upset, it's better to cry. she won't cry, she'll bite his head off. completely spat into eternity, first spat on the opinion of the onlookers, stuttering and into the theater, yes, daughter “i left my wealthy parents behind my family, without support, without money, connections, went to moscow, my father could not forgive this for many years, people are divided into those who feel good and those who feel bad because of this,” said faina. her father really wanted to marry her off to a mule. this is wonderful, dad, but i will never love a mortal. but she glorified the name of the groom forever.
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i'm choking, today on channel one ranevskaya, character, victoria bolenskaya, channel one, this is news on channel one, maria vasilyeva studios, hello, at the beginning of svo, the army aviation crew on the k-52m helicopter carried out an out-of-control strike. the knon s self-propelled unit of the guards kostroma
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artillery regiment of the ivanovo airborne forces destroyed a group of ukrainian militants on the eastern outskirts of chasva yar, the platoon support officer was discovered during aerial reconnaissance, and the coordinates were transferred to the command post. then a march to firing positions, operational deployment and, in a matter of minutes, a salvo. from the air the dugout. the enemy's manpower is being ironed by crews of fpv drones into the dnieper troop groupings. north of the populated area at rabotina in the zaporozhye region, an attack drone found its target. the operator skillfully aimed the device and worked flawlessly. a crushing blow to the enemy was dealt by the crew of the tosochka heavy flamethrower system, its ammunition load was 18 thermobaric shells. the affected area is 6 hectares. for the enemy , this is, as they say, no chance. worked. according to the enemy reserves, these are, respectively , platoon strong points, there were two targets during the night, the first target was personnel up to 50 units of personnel and their armored vehicles in
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forest, the second, the second target is also a platoon stronghold of up to 25 people, here are two units of equipment, the tos is used to destroy the enemy’s closed manpower, lightly armored objects in cases where they cannot be hit by artillery or tanks. congratulations to the border guards, those who are always on guard and reliably protect the borders of our homeland. in vladivostok, the celebrations are already in full swing, some are serving and some are in the reserves, and they have come to the war memorial. flowers, banners, honorary karau. for the first time, special detachments, guards and villagers were mentioned in the 14th century. the border guard became an independent branch of the military under alexander ii. the soviet era saw the introduction of the people's commissariat of internal affairs. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, border guards were the first to take the blow. hitler's troops, for their feats of arms, dozens of soldiers and commanders received the title of hero of the soviet union. border guards are still on the first line of defense. in his congratulations
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, vladimir putin noted that they are actively fighting the enemy during a special operation, repelling an invasion, and stopping provocations at the border. largely thanks to the determination of the border guards, repeated attempts to break through into russian territory by bands of mercenaries, traitors and saboteurs were thwarted. enemy, those who planned these terrorist raids on our land miscalculated, met with a tough and severe rebuff, i am sure that in the future. you will also act boldly and firmly in solving the problems of a special military operation, effectively coordinating your work with other units of the fsb, with units of the army and navy, with law enforcement agencies, with the heads of regions and municipalities. of course, rely on the support of people, who see you as their reliable defenders. serious, significant results
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must be achieved in... all the most important areas of border activity: to combat illegal migration, cross-border crime, drug trafficking, smuggling and illegal fishing of marine biological resources, to promote the development of international economic and humanitarian cooperation, integration ties with our good neighbors and foreign partners. border agencies are entrusted with truly large and responsible tasks. i am sure that in the future you will solve them with dignity. now ukraine, where more and more new footage of the hunt for men comes from. here is a romanian border truck from odessa. cargo-4 the draft dodgers were aiming for europe, but now, apparently, they will go straight to the front line, where they will immediately turn into cannon fodder. another escape option was offered to residents of the odessa region by employees of the military registration and enlistment office and, according to investigators, they earned more than a million dollars, for an amount from 4.5 to 7.00 dollars
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per man. of military age changed status in in the electronic register of persons liable for military service, the entry was entered as invalid, now 138 draft dodgers are being checked, perhaps they have already managed to escape a year ago. today is an important day for russian graduates; they are taking the unified state exam in the russian language, the first of two required for obtaining a certificate, the second is mathematics on friday. russian is the most popular discipline, with more than 620,000 students registered throughout the country. almost 6,000 examination centers have opened for them in the country, the first in the east of the country, graduates, of course, are worried and believe in my own strength, but i can’t do without traditional signs, i did everything with a red head, a nickel under my heel, i spoke water, everything, just to pass, with my left foot to go out, it ends up in a jamb three times, screw up, also hope, but still believe your strength,
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in... 3.5 hours you have to complete 27 tasks, one of which with a detailed answer is an essay. the results must be announced by june 14. and let me remind you that this year one of the main innovations is the opportunity to retake any of the subjects before the end of the admissions process at universities, if the graduate is dissatisfied with the number of points received. good morning, friends, thank you for celebrating the new day with us on channel one. today is tuesday. on may 8, by the way, polina svetkova and roman budnikov are with you, and we wish you a wonderful mood. statistics say that almost 90% of us use social networks every day, we spend an average of more than two hours a day on this, for some, much more, unfortunately, we won’t point fingers. unfortunately, there are also a lot of scammers on social networks, and among them there is such a special category, these are those who they hack and steal our accounts, of course, not for entertainment, but for profit. all of a sudden
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, your account on social networks is no longer yours, scammers, it’s also stressful, my email was hacked and therefore i couldn’t log into my account anymore, i thought, well, that’s okay, i’ll solve it all now, but it didn’t work out, support services don’t respond, well it’s unpleasant, because the account was working, well, it was good, sometimes you could earn extra money on it, alena never returned the account for several months, they blocked it, it’s a pity not so many subscribers, so many memories, photographs and texts, alexandra was even less fortunate, her friends lost money. a friend called, several times, i didn’t take the corpse because i couldn’t. i called her back, she said: did something happen to you? i just transferred you 30,000, i say: i mean, why? i received a message from alexandra’s account: i needed money, and doubts arose, but the scammers convinced me and sent me a photo of a bank card with the account owner’s details.
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cybersecurity experts. many people post ads on all sorts of sites, what i will help you to either hack or restore for some money, as a rule, this is fraud. funds, they can file a claim in court about the possibility of returning money
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from unjust enrichment received by the owner of the account into which the stolen funds were received, but in order not to deal with all this, we turn on slight paranoia, do not follow suspicious links, do not open files from strangers. we check whether your contact says fakeboss is not a hack, but a fake account, photos, fio, are the same, he writes to you, supposedly your manager, and depending on where you work and what position you hold, he puts pressure on some points, we don’t get fooled and protect accounts as much as possible, two-factor authentication, complex from thirteen signs and most importantly, different passwords everywhere, face id, biometrics, additional identity checks via code in sms, an application to help, antivirus blocks 90% of cyber threats, we connect the antispam service from operators, weed out fraudulent calls, ideally we separate accounts for personal business purposes. ligia belyanskaya, konstantin sruchkov, evgeny smirnov and ksenia maklyakh, channel one. we remind you that today is may 28, if you didn’t
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know, today is the day of brunettes, so we congratulate you on this, dear brunettes. by the way, i read somewhere that almost 70% of the world's inhabitants are dark-haired, just like that. it seems to me that 70% of jokes are all about blondes, i think it’s unfair, because in general stereotypes should not exist, it all depends on the person, of course, by the way, about brunettes there are a lot of different myths and stereotypes circulating, we will, of course, look at them without bias, so to speak, from a scientific point of view, supporting the fact that brunettes more often win at beauty contests, our own explanation. trichologists have it, the reflection from dark hair is more intense, the hair looks shiny, silky, let your hair down, a little light makeup, a bright picture is ready, well , beauty, smile, smile, that’s why
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fatal beauties are often invited to advertising, for 22 years of filming, photo artist dmitry pritula collected statistics: 75% choose, as i understand it as a photographer, this is because of the contrast, because it is very advantageous to look at a dark background. depending on genetics, but brunettes simply have to tint their hair more often than, for example, blondes, because with blond hair, gray hair is not so visible, they also say that dark ones are more willing to be hired, they seem to be smart and reliable, in our department,
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by the way, for all brunettes, is it true that they pick up on a brunette faster, since i ’m a brunette, i can say that definitely yes, but this is a genetic predisposition, it does not determine... what don’t they write about brunettes, cunning, vindictive people, what do psychologists say? but i, of course, am an expert on brunettes, that is , i am married three times, i have two brunette wives, one is a redhead, but as a psychologist, i
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would recommend, of course, it’s better to look at this person with whom we interact, exactly there are brunettes who absolutely will not fit into the above myths or any stereotypes. exactly, but today is not an extra reason to remember how different women are and favorites. dmitry kuzmin, andrey ivanov, channel one. once again, good morning to everyone who has just joined us, friends, let’s run for a warm-up right now. of course, health is everything to you and me, and fitness trainer anatoly goryachev will help you and i accumulate as much energy as possible today. good morning, if you want to be cheerful and energetic, start your day with gymnastics; mastering complex acrobatic tricks is not necessary to keep yourself in good shape, it’s enough. feet shoulder-width apart, and
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with our right hand we hold it level like this belts, we transfer without the body to the left leg, with the right we perform swings to the side, we do not raise the leg high, we perform the movement with an amplitude of 30 to 40 cm, the heel is slightly higher than the toe, we do not place the leg on the floor, we keep it suspended and continue to perform swings. we change the position of the legs; those who find it easy to maintain balance can let go of the support. in order not to fall to the sides, we strain our abs and buttocks even more. exercises strengthen the leg muscles and train coordination
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of movements. let's not be lazy. we continue our good morning. on the calendar may 28th is tuesday. and on the air an astrological forecast awaits us. may 28. the twentieth lunar, tenth solar day. just great, cheerful, optimistic, energetic and adventurous. plus, he has good taste, he has artistic abilities, he is a good cook, and he is also charming and an artist. it will add confidence to us, help us relate more easily to all the little things in life, it will be difficult to seriously upset us with something, but falling in love today is as easy as shelling pears, this day also has some disadvantages, it is a little eccentric, always in a hurry somewhere and grabs onto all things at once sometimes it can be frivolous to rely too much on the cart, it’s harder than usual on such days to do any routine, the soul asks for something new, unusual. aries, remember this when you decide that you are tired of everything and you are tired of everyone. “dear ladies, if your stronger half is an aries, forgive him
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for some absent-mindedness and check, when seeing him off to work, whether he has forgotten anything, and today it is better not to take or give a loan. taurus is facing some changes in the professional sphere, maybe interesting prospects will open up, though you’ll have to roll up sleeves, and some people will be faced with a choice, career or vacation, you decide for yourself, but in general you also need to rest. gemini may be interested in something that previously seemed completely foreign. someone will find a new source of income, a new acquaintance is possible, the evening clearly wants to invite you to some kind of educational event. cancer has a wonderful day for a date; as for business meetings, they will also go well, unless they fall through. however, you will survive this. and be careful with sharp tools. expect guests in the evening. everything should work out for lviv too. today they are very charming, they know what they want and how to achieve it. and in general there is a lot around today. spinning, it’s better to postpone large purchases and take care of
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your stomach. the girls have a busy day, there are a lot of things to do , everything you have to do yourself. of course, you will cope, you will also help others, but you may get very tired, well, the evening will help you relax, and someone else may fall in love with you. libra just has a good working tuesday, successful and profitable, it can bring some interesting people to you. take a closer look to them, and if you are going on vacation, you should conduct an audit of your personal finances. scorpios can be drawn into someone else's conflict, it is possible to have a raised conversation with one of your friends or business partners, this is of no use to you now, about pleasant things, money loves you today. sagittarius, be philosophical about the fact that they will try to teach you about life and bother you with advice, they want what’s best, be careful with the computer and other gadgets and be more attentive while driving. a great day for capricorns, especially those who make or sell something beautiful or somehow decorates the world. but, however, all other capricorns will not lose out.
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the main thing is, don’t chase ephemeral benefits, just do your job, everything will be fine, and save your wallet. aquarius is shining a short trip, perhaps some expenses, but to the point. in general, the day is quite positive and very romantic, and the evening can please you with something, just be careful with alcohol. pisces has a great day to express themselves, present themselves in a favorable light and show their best qualities. so no more doubts. the families of the victims entrusted the father with the one
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whom they voluntarily replaced, i spent 3 years preparing. how many flights to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown, he would have stayed on the moon, i would have gone to the moon all my life, because my father died there. sunrise two, landed safely. the heroes enter the kremlin, following the general secretary’s car, here are the pillars, a man comes out and starts shooting with both hands. dad survived by a complete miracle; one of the bullets missed his temple. the premiere itself edge. on friday, on the first.
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berries and fruits of the new harvest have appeared on the shelves, which means that a holiday has come for lovers of various freshly squeezed smoothie juices. yes, we have those. it’s really very tasty, but sometimes such a fair question arises: is there any alternative to the classic blender? there are certainly options that you can also simplify this process of preparing a smoothie or fresh juice? the smoothie boom began with the fashion nazosh, the main assistant in preparation is a blender, tatyana prefers an immersion one, chops, mixes, beats, i think that one of the universal and useful such devices is for... i prepare smoothies, purees, soups, another advantage of the submersible is compactness, easy to clean, convenient to store, but for a stationary blender you need more space, but polina i like that you don’t have to hold it in your hands when working, i use it often, i’ve been using it for a long time, in addition to a blender, i also use it as a juicer, it has an attachment,
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the upper part is removed and the juicer is inserted here, you can make any juice. a stand blender is usually more powerful than an immersion blender. it has more speed modes and additional attachments, but it is still not a mobile device. dina does without bulky appliances; she doesn’t even need electricity to make summer cocktails, just a shaker is enough. an interesting accessory that you can bring into your kitchen into your life just in the summer, because when you use it, the obligatory base is ice. choose stainless steel, it will last longer, and if you buy additional cappuccino. you can prepare drinks with foam, it runs on batteries, it’s convenient to take on the road, to the country, to a picnic, but there are disadvantages, it is not so intense, not so strong and will not allow us to prepare, for example, very airy foam, its power is not quite enough, unfortunately, without an outlet and batteries, the french press works effortlessly,
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it is usually used for hot drinks, but you can also prepare cold drinks based on the same coffee or tea, for example, just add the ingredients, add water, leave for several hours, you get a concentrate, which is then added with juices, syrups, ice, there are many recipes, but you can dream up your own. yulia kozlova, ilya ridkozubov, andrey aksenov, channel one. today in moscow, at the pushkin state museum of fine arts , a unique exhibition is opening, a living portrait, hair-to-hair, mechanical drawing. our correspondent dmitry kuzmin has already visited the exhibition, and will share with you right now. with your impressions. mechanical drawing was a fashionable pastime in europe more than 100 years before photography. at the exhibition in the pushkin museum there is even the drawing machine in operation is called ffisiona traces. the device is simple, light, pantograph screen. it was used to copy cards. the main thing is not to move. i'm leading stills
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across this field. and above you will see how this pattern is repeated on paper. this is a mechanical portrait, that is, there is no personal subjective view here, your portrait is ready, by the way, so quickly that look, then the artist has already completed the details, eyes, elements of clothing, hairstyle, quite quickly and cheaply, exactly that’s why physiotras was very popular back then, in just one area of ​​paris, the beginning of the 19th century... a dozen studios where for a few francs you could get an accurate portrait using this technique, sessions were booked in advance. yes, the idea is not new, pliny the elder has a legend about the potter’s daughter, who outlined the shadow of her beloved when he went to war, the beginning of a silhouette drawing. the invention of the royal musician chritien was a breakthrough; before it , at most the silhouette was outlined in the old fashioned way, manually
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cut out with scissors. here is catherine the second. you can try to understand that the empress i found it in these men's profiles. intact at the exhibition. black things shout at their gatherings, in the squares that we are unworthy of people of color, we are silhouettes, this is where the name comes from, since they have black, of course, hand drawings are a piece product, but mechanical ones could be made as many as you like, they were exchanged , as we take pictures on social networks, now you can see what, say, the heroes of the war of 1812 or ordinary people of that time were like. in every detail. then daguerreotypes appeared, photographs on silver, they are also at the exhibition, that’s what anna was like petrovna markova vinogradskaya, maiden name
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kern, the same one to whom pushkin wrote about wonderful moments. there were all sorts of jokes from the photographers themselves, who told each other: if two young ladies came to be photographed later, give them one at a time, because if one doesn’t like it, then the other definitely won’t either. you can look and... be amazed in the gallery of european and american art on volkhonka until august 25. dmitry kuzmin, ilyurovakhmetov, anatoly brikalov, channel one. good morning, friends, thank you for celebrating the new day with us on first channel. today with you are polina svetkova and roman budnikov. today, may 28, is border guard day. we sincerely congratulate everyone who guards our borders. the border guards' service is very complex; they guard the longest border in the world. it's more. at sea, on land, in the mountains, they
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guard the border of our homeland, 18 states, no one in the world has so many neighbors, these are border troops, i order to defend the protection of the state border, amur region, border with china, alexander, he serves for four years in any weather, he is here, in the summer region, well, as it happens there from... 45, well, very hot, but in winter , on the contrary, it’s -45, very cold. we are observing some illegal actions, for example, if it is in winter, then this is a pedestrian crossing of a neighboring state. the border guards are armed with radar stations, thermal imagers, drones along the border line, seismic sensors and surveillance systems, including video. the watchtower has not been canceled and it is mandatory to go around with the dogs directly from the very border. training every day, border guards. not only fighters are capable of stopping sabotage groups, they are also sailors. there are five different types of patrol ships and boats in service. alexander petrov serves in
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blagoveshchensk, on the water, this is the border. it takes just seconds, and a person can be, first on one side in the waters of china, in a couple of seconds he is already in our waters, he is also a violator of the border regime. border guards are the first to face the enemy. this was the case during the great patriotic war, the brest fortress from june 22. end of july the border guards held the defense until the last drop of blood, as even the nazis wrote in the reports. the latest history of our homeland, mansur valiev, 39 years on the border, a veteran, was in the famous moscow border detachment, participated in the events in afghanistan, out of 10 years, well, 8 years, i had to directly participate in the events in afghanistan. mansur mazgutovich does not like to talk about the military operations themselves; service is service.
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she just pulls out, or rather knocks out, wooden blocks with the help of a whip, and look how she does it,
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no matter which of her friends the beauty plays with , victory always remains on her side. our morning broadcast is ending, thank you for being with us, may you have a good, bright, wonderful day, roman budnikov and polina svetkova were with you. friends, good health, good mood and more good news. this is news on the first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. all-round visibility so that no woman or other evil spirits can pass by. what is unique about the torus complexes and the combat alert of planes flying?
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enemy. the target will be detected. the area of ​​responsibility is one and a half equator long, today is border guard day, how they celebrate their holiday, the heroes of the day, special words from the president. thematic party, haenophobes are invited, in germany a scandal erupted when it became known how the golden youth frolic, meanwhile , it is gaining popularity... space education standards, the new building of the pirma aviation college, how the future of our aviation industry is being created, technologies that inspire.


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