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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  May 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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manual and so on, but the president’s speech was really very important today, because note that he addressed the most important issues: zelensky’s legitimacy, our possible response to attacks by high-precision systems on our territory, the attitude towards mercenarism and the fact that russia doesn’t care will go its own way and will win on the battlefield, because our cause... is right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don't miss it. hello, there are evenings on channel one news, andrey ukharev is with you. russia is monitoring ...
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are being transferred to the speaker of parliament, especially since under the conditions of the martial law law, the powers of parliament are being extended. the conflict could have been resolved long ago if there were people in power in kiev who defended the interests of ukraine and their citizens, and not the united states and the european union. today's rulers of ukraine do not feel sorry for these people; they do not consider them theirs. here. statement
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by vladimir putin following a three-day visit to tashket. another minus one bradley, beaten up by mik-29. the enemy is suffering huge losses a report from the ministry of defense and evidence of the use of prohibited chemical weapons by the armed forces of ukraine. ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. the russian academy of sciences discusses problems of national importance. today is a meeting dedicated to the three hundredth anniversary of the wounds. so, vladimir putin today made a number of important statements in tashkent following the results of his state visit to uzbekistan, which lasted 3 days. most of the russian president's press conference was devoted to news related to ukraine. in particular, nato countries are now they are actively discussing the possibility of the ssu launching strikes with long-range, high-precision western weapons on the territory of our country. especially passionately with manic persistence. this is lobbied by the north atlantic alliance's en stoltenberg.
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the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be entered by highly qualified specialists on the basis of this intelligence data, technical intelligence data, if for some strike systems, such as stormshades, and these tasks can be entered automatically into flight missions, without any presence of ukrainian military personnel, who is this? they do it, it is done by those who produce and those who supposedly supply these shock systems to ukraine, without participation at all, it can and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel, and other systems, for example, such as atacoms, yes, are also based on space reconnaissance are prepared, formulated, brought in an automatic order to the appropriate calculations, they may not even...
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understand what they are entering, and the calculation, perhaps the ukrainian calculation, enters corresponding flight mission, but this mission is not prepared by ukrainian military personnel, but by representatives of countries in... the territory, this is a serious thing, we, of course, are watching this very carefully, we look, everything is now going on around the events on the approach to kharkov, so it was they who provoked these events in this direction, i think i
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publicly said six months ago, if they continue to strike residential areas, we will then be forced to create a security zone, just recently i... said, we moved on to this, they first provoked us in the donbass, led us for 8 years, deceived us that they were supposedly going to resolve the issue peacefully and forced us to make attempts to bring the situation to peace by armed means, then they deceived us in the process negotiation process, decided that they would defeat russia on the battlefield and inflict a strategic defeat on it. then we warned them not to enter our territory, do not shell belgorod and other adjacent territories, otherwise we will be forced to create a security zone, so look at all the reports of your western colleagues, no one talks about the shelling of
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belgorod and other adjacent territories, everyone only says that russia has opened a new front, is attacking kharkov, not a word about what caused this, they did it with their own hands. they want a global conflict, it seems to me that they wanted to negotiate in the field of strategic weapons, but for some reason we don’t see a great, great desire to do this, there is a conversation about this, we don’t seem to see a great desire, well, we’ll see what happens
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happen further. as vladimir putin noted, it is beneficial for the western masters to keep their puppets in kiev, on whom they can then easily blame all the unpopular decisions being made now. including draconian mobilization measures, when the time comes, they will be changed, especially since zelensky has no legal grounds to remain in power, the constitution of ukraine does not say anything about the automatic extension of his powers, but there is a rule prescribing the transfer of power to the speaker verkhovna rada, for me anyway exactly, the constitution of ukraine provides for the extension of powers, but only the extension of powers is welcome.
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there is nothing about this in the constitution, but there is article 111 of the constitution of ukraine, which says that in this case the powers of the supreme power, in fact presidential powers, are transferred to the speaker of parliament, especially since under the conditions of the law on martial law, the powers of parliament are extended , therefore, strictly speaking, according to... preliminary assessment, the only legitimate authority remains the speaker of parliament we’re happy, but by and large, if they wanted to hold presidential elections, then they would have to repeal the martial law law , that’s all, and hold elections, i
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think this is no longer connected in any way with the constitution, which may be the owners’ idea, today's masters of ukraine, they are overseas. is to entrust the current executive branch with the time of making all unpopular decisions. including making another decision to lower, further increase, lower the draft age, now 20 was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after this and other unpopular decisions are made by the representatives of the executive branch acting today, i think they will be replaced by people who will not have this responsibility on their shoulders for the decisions taken...
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here are the military now in ukraine they say that they may appear, but they
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have been there for a long time, they exist, and they are suffering losses, perhaps such a statement is connected with the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult for them, apparently more difficult to hide these losses, the polish authorities say that they are ready are ready to send their contingents, we hear polish speech, there are a lot of mercenaries from poland, if, say, some contingents of european countries come there along with the poles, others will leave, the poles will never, this is an obvious thing, for me at least exactly, maybe i’m wrong, but it’s unlikely, it’s unlikely, so under the guise of releasing, liberating some ukrainian units stationed along the border, releasing them in order to send them to the battlefield, and keeping them along the borders to ensure their safety, nonsense. and nonsense, that’s all, and if they
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are there, then they will also be in the zone of destruction of our armed forces, i don’t think that this is a good, correct decision, a good way out, this is escalation and another step towards a serious conflict in europe and global conflict, they need it, well... western friends and partners who say that russia refuses negotiations, i said a thousand times, it’s as if they
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have no ears, we don’t refuse, the ukrainian side refused publicly, initialed the agreement and refused , with the goal of winning stop, it’s not working, we’re ready now, but ready, come back, what are we talking about, they want to draw something, create an appearance. world support for what they themselves drew voluntarily, based on their own desires, and present it as a consolidated position of the world community, but they won’t succeed, this just means that they don’t want to agree, but cling to something else it’s not possible to get something and turn the situation around on the battlefield, and the more... there are attempts, the more losses there will be,
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the loss is far from being in favor of the ukrainians armed forces, why is this happening? today’s rulers of ukraine don’t feel sorry for these people, they don’t consider them their own, that’s the problem and the tragedy of ukraine today, they don’t consider these people theirs, they don’t protect them today. interests of the ukrainian people, i hope that people will eventually feel this, well, the losses in the ssu, as vladimir putin noted, are becoming more and more, today our ministry of defense reported the destruction of another... american bradley infantry fighting vehicle by soldiers of the center group of forces. in addition, air defense forces ukrainian mik-29 plane was shot down in the sky. our unit is gradually improving its position in all directions, in particular in the kharkov region, russian fighters continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense, repelling attempts by enemy counterattacks. in just one day , 1,760 militants were killed along the entire front line. and today
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our ministry of defense reported that ukrainian formations use prohibited toxic substances. many cases have been recorded, including in the region. donetsk and artyomovsk. details on special the briefing was given by the head of our troops of traditional chemical and biological defense, igor kirillov. didn't refuse to use it. there have been numerous cases of the ukrainian country using the destructive substance chloropicrin mixed with chlorocytophenone. similar incidents were recorded in areas of the city of donetsk, in the settlements of bogdanovka, gorlovka, kremennaya, and artyomovsk. while chlorocetophenone is classified as a riot control chemical, chloropicrin is included in schedule three. chemical ban convention weapons. let me remind you that chloropicrin was first used by ukrainian neo-nazis during the siege of the trade union house in odessa on may 2 , 2014 against those who disagreed with the armed coup organized in the united states and its allies. the application of this eternity-poisoning decree is due to the presence of pre-prepared filter gas masks, the appearance of characteristic yellow-green smoke after
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the trade union building began to burn out, as well as attempts to disguise the use of toxic chemicals as the consequences of a fire. there is a reason to believe that the action carried out in the city of odessa was of a planned nature, was based on a thorough consideration of the characteristics of the action of the toxic substances used, and was aimed at infecting the maximum number of people. ukrainian militants have noticeably increased shelling from the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but even in such conditions, russia is doing everything to ensure its safety. the head of rusatom, alexey likhachev, announced this today at a meeting with magate director rafael grossi in kaliningrad. according to likhachev. it is important to convey to all countries the real state of affairs, technically, the station is safe, this is the merit of our specialists and the military, they also provide protection for nuclear fuel storage facilities, but the ukrainian armed forces are hitting the aas with drones and artillery. recently the roof of one of the power units was damaged. there is no talk about launching the station, it is too dangerous, and in the event of new ukrainian attacks it threatens disaster.
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magatta is no less concerned about this, but still does not directly name the source of the threat. the real threat is the thoughtless, completely reckless actions of the kiev military, who are trying to provoke us, to intimidate people, to call our armed forces to some kind of return fire, we always defend the point of view that there should be no armed attacks either on the station or from the territory of the station, and the main task of all those present...
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the country's border is the longest in the world along its entire length, the protection of the borders is reliably ensured by those who are at the combat post in any conditions around the clock. vladimir putin congratulated the veteran border service employees, noting their role in solving the problems of the special operation. according to the president, for the fighters, an example perseverance and unbending will, serves as the heroism of the border guards during the great patriotic war. today you continue these valiant traditions, protect the lives and lives of our citizens, the sovereignty and national interests of the country. act professionally and selflessly at all borders of russia, from the arctic and pacific ocean to the black and baltic seas. i note that, largely thanks to the determination of the border guards , repeated attempts to break into russian territory by gangs of mercenaries, traitors
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and enemy sabotage groups were thwarted. those who planned these terrorist raids. on our land they miscalculated, they met with a tough and severe rebuff, i am sure that in the future you will act just as boldly and firmly in solving the problems of a special military operation, of course, an operation to support people who see you as their reliable defenders. and for the holiday , the main milestone documentary film will not take a step back about the exploits of soviet border guards during the war in afghanistan. watch today on the first exactly in full. now there are urgent messages from tbilisi, the georgian parliament by a majority vote overcame the president’s vote on the law on foreign agents; the document, let me remind you, is designed to establish control over organizations that...
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a decent level of medicine, solving problems that are important for everyone, this is the goal of national projects. today at vdnh, in pavilion 75 , all those who solve these problems. at one table there are deputy prime ministers, ministers, heads of regions, each talking about problems in their industry in their region. this is the only way to understand where the weak link is in the system of national projects. this seminar is kind of a brainstorming session. storm. today we are collecting ideas and proposals, and tomorrow they will be discussed at the strategic development council. the government of the russian federation is engaged in filling out, elaborating these issues, providing financial support, we, in test interaction with our colleagues, governors, know
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we understand what should be at the forefront, and what is very important, in the twenty-fifth year , updated national projects will appear, which means , will build a complete development strategy for our country. vladimir putin announced the launch of five new national projects during announcement of the message to the federal. collection, this is a long and active life, family, youth and children, personnel, data economy. 700 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the latter. yes, our country is one of the world leaders in the implementation of government services in electronic form, but there is something we are striving for. the minimum task is that a person will have to receive a result for his request very quickly, the maximum task is to transfer the entire economy to qualitatively new operating principles, that is, to introduce data-based management. a lot of. ambitious goals, challenges that we must overcome related to the transition to russian solutions, accelerated and ensuring the sovereignty and
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security of infrastructure, the internet and the fight against cyber fraud, in this sense , the rapid introduction of digital technologies, the development of digital services, gives rise to new challenges that we must respond to in a timely manner answer, four out of five new national projects will start working at the beginning of the twenty-fifth year. as they say in the government, they are now being filled, here is the youth and children project almost formed, it should be launched this year, it will cover almost half of the population of our country. we are talking about an audience ranging from elementary schoolchildren to already quite mature young people, specialists there at the age of 35, and now the question has arisen about youth children's tourism as a tool of patriotic education, because in order to love a country, you need to know it and ... here is a way to recognize your country, a big country, and your small homeland, this, of course, a journey, a journey with meaning. now there are 14 national projects in russia, their
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validity period expires this year, the tasks need to be updated for the next 6 years, special attention to the national health care project: hospitals and clinics with modern equipment, online services for doctors and patients, health centers for villages, medical aviation for remote areas, caring for everyone. national project for transport modernization.
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the country is moving forward confidently; in the 23rd year russia sold almost 84 million tons of grain and its processed products alone. high our livestock products are in demand on international markets; they are purchased by about a hundred countries. as for the russian regions, there are no food shortages, but we cannot stop there. the president, in his address to the federal assembly, said that in 7 years our agricultural production volumes should increase by... 25% and compared to the twenty-first year, exports should increase by one and a half times, this is a serious challenge, by the way, the tasks being implemented, we see this in the first
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today... a key indicator of industry efficiency, i would like you to tell in more detail what is being done in all these areas, create modules that today allow you to assess a lot of issues related to the relationship between production and consumption in the region, allow you to rate suppliers of controlled products there according to falsifications, in terms of security, those new transport corridors to china, iran, turkey, we have all this in mind. we have a much greater development opportunity than the supply of vegetables increased from almost all countries. problems of national importance are being discussed today in moscow by vesti svet russian scientists. general meeting of the academy of sciences dedicated to the anniversary. this year, ran celebrates its three hundredth anniversary; now its role is enormous, more than ever, in ensuring the technological sovereignty of the country. the goal
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set by the president. russia must become a world leader in the volume of scientific developments. academicians today presented advanced achievements by anatoly lazarev, about discoveries that are already bringing benefits. in this small laboratory is the hope of millions of people, every tenth person on earth suffers from an autoimmune disease. the ailments are different, but their mechanism of action is similar. the immune system suddenly begins to destroy healthy cells of the body, for some reason considering them sick. now in the world they treat like this: they suppress the entire system,
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i experienced this myself, he himself suffers from ankylosing spondylitis, the medicine was registered in april, in about 3 months it may appear in circulation. the disease is serious, disabling, so let’s return, let’s say, the drug does not allow losses, but if we slow down the disease at an early stage, then losses can be avoided. this is a very serious achievement, the green laser beam at the lebedev institute symbolizes another breakthrough by russian scientists in diagnosing skin cancer, now it happens very quickly and very accurately. we shine lasers of similar wavelengths in the near-infrared and near-infrared ranges on skin tumors. next, we take spectra; from the spectra, we can determine within 30 seconds.
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under the auspices of the russian academy of sciences and there are many similar examples of successful work by scientists. academicians make the country not only stronger, but literally bigger. recent studies of the arctic ocean have shown that more than previously thought, part of the underwater shelf is connected to russia, which means that the country’s maritime borders should be measured from the one more distant from the continent.
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we are all following the development of events, well, right now on the first, watch the program, time will tell, hello, live on the first channel, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shinin, today i want start with congratulations, happy holiday to everyone who...


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