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tv   Ranevskaya  1TV  May 28, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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last year, almost 2,000 of them were performed, and thanks to the consolidation of hospitals into a single network, 40 minutes pass from admission to the clinic to surgery. the city also has a prevention and rehabilitation program. yulia anishchenko talked with doctors and patients. and now i’m walking even better than before the second stroke. a firm gait, clear speech, this time, raisa fedorovna recovered quickly, and this is 2 days after suffering the third stroke, she says: we immediately deliver the patient to a computed tomography machine so that we they found a blood clot that caused the symptoms, in the future the patient will be transferred to an mri machine, all this happens in the shortest possible time, no more than 40 minutes, but this is the maximum time. a common cause of stroke is a blood clot; it blocks the arteries that supply the brain and neurons die every minute. irreversible consequences develop,
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often leading to disability. endovascular surgeons through arteries are able to quickly reach the site of a vascular accident and prevent the development of a catastrophe. remove blood clots from cerebral vessels using a special standretriever tool, more like the thinnest wire. such a stand is inserted through a puncture in the artery, together with the lesion , a special spring is opened, it reliably captures the tube and the surgeon safely removes it. the blood flow is completely restored, it is clear that, uh, all the arteries of the brain in the right hemisphere are completely restored, the result is good, as i say, blood flow is restored in 90% of the patients, and then the full treatment continues. moscow specialists use the latest technologies and algorithms to help patients with stroke. in the new vascular center of the verisaev hospital , all the necessary equipment for diagnostics is on one floor, mri, ct, and an operating room right there. the number of gentle procedures to remove a blood clot over the past few years in the capitals.
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has grown tens of times, in this situation , this entire organization of care in moscow for stroke, it allows us to see the results on the operating table, the radiographic surgeon removes the thrombus, and the patient begins right on the table talk, his hands begin to move, he understands where he is, vyacheslav alekseevich had a stroke at work, a sharp jump in blood pressure 230 to 100, ambulance, intensive care, life was saved, doctors say, a little more would not have happened without serious consequences, now ... everyone, if it is difficult to smile, speech is impaired, it is difficult to raise an arm or leg, do not waste time, call without delay, in total there are 13 vascular centers in the capital based on multidisciplinary city hospitals, ambulance workers responding to calls, already know which of the clinics has beds and a free operating room so that treatment can begin as soon as possible, the russian state traffic safety inspectorate
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has again become known as the state traffic inspectorate that the abbreviation gai has officially returned after 26 years, said the head of the department, mikhail chernikov. at a meeting of the presidium of the public council under the ministry of internal affairs. all documents are maintained with this in mind. well, a couple of short news from the boss of gai. there will be no lists prohibiting medications for drivers. ineffective photo and video cameras will be removed from the roads. age for obtaining a license is not will reduce. that's all, let me remind you once again, this evening the release of the big game. we will talk about changes in the tax system. don't miss important and interesting information. starts right after the movie. ranevskaya right now.
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when you leave, you have already decided that trading on the stock exchange will open next month, i must be in time for the beginning. so, in two days, how can this be, in 2 days, i won’t have time to get ready, it’s so soon, dear, i can’t linger, that’s right, that’s right, there’s no need to bother, you learn from your sister, you’re about to run away to a new life, half an hour and it’s ready with fire speed, maybe
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faina lalya wrote 3 weeks have already passed, well , why didn’t you, mom, develop it, tell me, and what’s surprising here, moscow? suppressed her impressionable nature, runs around the theater, admires her every evening, and hasn’t left a single letter since she left, she ran away like a thief at night, you didn’t catch a cold, i can’t get sick now, you won’t go to yuosifovich, it’s a shame, i'll have to look for another doctor, i don't think it's a hairdryer, right? abandoned him at the altar, and there he still lies, a former opera artist, now a deputy state duma, and then we ask why the country is sliding into the abyss, pivons, in the state duma, yes, and i’m sure that
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soon our fanny will tell us something amazing, amazing, dad, i ran out of money, but i believe that he everything will work out, hello, here i have french lace, chantillier, we don’t sell clothes, young lady, if you have any other value, please, please, and you have a friend of value, young lady, i see the buttons, yours are silver, but where are you pointing your tentacles, excuse me, young lady. yeah, like eating silver, well we’ll take two cylindrical buttons apiece, yes, but that’s how, that’s how i am, that’s it!
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like this. why are you hanging out with a dead guy in moscow,
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and this, this is valdemar, after a hearty dinner he’s always like this, and then the numbness goes away, that’s enough, this is my ticket to... life, yes, valdemar is not a champion of the breed, but he has connections all over moscow, in a week i will serve in the capital’s theater, i also see your success, what a gorgeous necklace the illustrious prince gave you, you have already visited all the studio theaters, will you start in the second round, or you after all, the circus will be organized, in the theater world everything is decided by connections, did you... didn’t you understand? why do you need to move out? stupid, where should we meet him? valdemar rented a luxurious apartment for me on tverskaya. what are you going to do with him? in
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the theater, what's different, or what? will the same scarecrow be washed with shoe polish, and you will kiss it? atello, i’m burning with love, i understand, i understand. the connection with valdemar is like king vavatella, you don't like the shoe polish, but it's an invaluable acting experience, that's it. will you help me, or will you just sit in your bagels, i’ll help you, can you wait a little longer? so go down the luggage compartment and
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make sure that things are not loaded, i understand, hello, owner, hello, come with me, how they accommodated you, excellent, thank you, here you go...
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quickly, things are going well, and how will you leave, who will hand out bribes at the customs, let's go, ignat, let's go, what's frozen, zinka's share, taper and pay you, well... i'm not here, and i have nowhere to go, go, come on, come on, come on, hey,
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boiled laundry, rinse it ahead , and then start doing the laundry.
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give me your hands. not from the poverty that you have, you are going home, girl, not from poverty, from a dream, well, from a dream, be patient.
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buy tickets to the circus, attraction karito, circus, shabito, the first attraction in the arena florida, sir, shapikov. come on over, buy some pills, don’t be shy, come on, come on! come in, you rented a new place, well, of course, i immediately moved out, i like it, the place is too noisy, and i’m coming to you with the news, well, i
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was accepted into the orsha theater, what are you, zinka, what happiness, now. .. mountains, there is snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very difficult to fight in the mountains, you don’t you can smoke out the spirits from the cave, they hit you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure security, teeth, ears, hair can shake in the hands of half,
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but not hands, 1200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much,
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we understood that we i’ll still have to work hard to get an education as a test engineer, so we started working together, there were 5 minutes left before entering the shadow and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, homely good dad, space inside on thursday, on the first. the mission to enter outer space has been completed. on children's day. go. some kind of god-given radiation of kindness. this is what seryoga was like. it was not for nothing that he took over children's programs, and the children simply clung to him. it was obvious, it couldn't be played. it was this guy who said, well, i’m
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20 years older than you. well, you and i are already playing these games together. funny and stupid, so you and i are equal. he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, it was as if they were picked up along the way, but he loved yulia, his last call was yulia. seryoshka was a real genius of children's television and died at the age of genius. we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones. sergei suponev, my childhood hero, june 1. on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. don’t leave,
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stay with me, i’ve loved you for so long, i’ll caress you with fire, i’ll burn you. i will tire you with the caress of fire. i'll burn you, i'll tire you, don't worry,
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be with me, passion burns in my chest, the delight of love awaits us with you, don’t leave, don’t go... leave, stay with me, stay with me, you sang amazingly, valdemar’s music makes you sleepy, in small doses under good.
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if he captivates a worthy person, then he cares about his soul, so it’s fun for the professional workers, who would voluntarily want to lead himself into sin. our emperor, nikolai alexandrovich, regularly goes to theaters, apparently voluntarily, in his youth he did not disdain ballet, nonsense. written in newspapers, dignitaries by position
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supposed, at the last judgment, this will not count for them, for them the last judgment is probably a separate privileged one, yes, but how could it be otherwise, our truly holy sovereign-emperor? yes, not yet, it will be, i don’t know, faina, what kind of artist you are, you’ve learned to be daring well, apparently you haven’t been beaten, nothing who wasn’t flogged at home will be beaten by life, the power to help you, i promised, that means i’ll help. my brother-in-law, a well-connected man, will get into your position and improve it, from
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the material side first, and so be kind, conform, be smart, quit, destroy your pride and quiet down so that your brother-in-law can fully feel your gratitude, did you find out? even as i’m going to the restroom, you’re with me, it’s possible, you have some other options, there are no options, but you went to moscow to stand in a samoval near the circus, do you understand what?
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moscow artist, and i’ll come crawling back with a beaten dog, and that’s right, there’s no point hanging around here like shit in a hole, i have a calling, a calling, is that yours? my
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vocation, they were drafted into the army and sent to war, and you, who mobilized here, are yours your own stupidity, come on, return the basket, money for the laundry and go to your parents, avdotya, take the syrup, hello, hello, please wait a minute. both, hold it, where, where, it’s not supposed to be, hold it, close it, thank you, plump aunt in tights, how you laugh, ekaterina vasilievna, this is ekaterina geltser herself, katerina vasilievna, katerina vasilievna, you la ludrogo, gershovich.
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remember, georges, you will make a herbarium out of it, i’m sorry, i beg your pardon, i didn’t flatten you, oh, yes, i myself, rather the first one with your nose i’ll squeeze out the glass, well, why such self-sacrifice, even if you are my fan, i’m not your fan, it’s very nice, faily gershovich, remember, you studied together in taganrog, she now teaches very... unsuccessfully, well, of course, i remember all my classmates, gershovich, lyalya, yes, i don’t remember that, so what did you want, since you are not my fan, no, nothing, i just wanted to say hello, but since you don’t remember her, excuse me, young lady, let’s go, katya, let's go, georges is about to fall into a hungry
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faint, and he'll turn himself off. and with his neck twisted looks bad from the stage, i remembered, lyalya, let's go, let's go, tell me how she 's doing in tambul, in togonrog, well, of course, let's go, gentlemen, i'd like to eat an elephant now, and i'd like to eat a bear, see you soon. what is your name? vasily ivanovich surkov, what are you talking about? unexpectedly, uh-huh, no, faina girshevna feldman, but feldman is temporary. what
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about you, are you getting married? god forbid, i’m choosing a pseudonym for the theater, so you’re an actress, well, i’m sure of it, the entrepreneurs have doubts, they need stooges, and i’m a show-off parsley, faina, who needs shows without parsley, without parsley not a single booth can stand, let's go. this is definitely your color, deep blue, with red hair, do you know what they called me in school, a chubby dwarf in tights, yes, yes, sometimes they even signed that on the poster, over the name, in the role of raymanda, chubby, dwarf , it doesn’t matter, but among the light ones, this is the color of the thigh of a frightened nymph, and my brother calls it the color of the thigh, and the color of the scalded mash, yes, it’s original. and then,
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what’s bad about parsley? parsley, he is the brightest, he is the most cheerful, he is the most memorable, he intriguer, mocker. faina, roles already exist for you, they are written, you just need to try to get them, yes i try, i go to auditions every morning, and then i cry until late in the evening, because sometimes talent and perseverance is not enough, but... connections, and what is it all about connections in the theater? everywhere everything is decided by connections, you and i live in russia, i only have connections in the city laundry, put it on, this is for me, once a laundress became the wife of peter i to the russian empress, so you have vasily ivanovich surikov, big
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grand chaps, the british minister of defense decided to bet on ukraine; we all must provide military support to ukraine. "if this is not done, then the unthinkable time of russian victory will fall on our own cities and countries, their incompetence, criminal, he puts forward very dangerous ideas and talks about the need to launch long-range missile strikes on targets deep in russian territory. ukraine is one of the few fields in which great britain has its own interests, sometimes even in defiance of the united states state of america. welcome to great britain. ukrainian refugees simply began to be evicted onto the streets, britain’s task was to return all these guys to their home and continue to die there at the front for the interests of the united kingdom. he abandoned the sailor politically, of course, pr was important to him, his key goal was to become prime minister. minister, the whole company
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is built on intimidation about the third world war. minister of defense grand shabs, the englishwoman continues to shit. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we have to fly for 45 days. from 11 hours before the start, the state commission completely changes the crew. and it was the pope, the one whom they replaced at their own request, who was instructed to notify the families of the victims. i spent 3 years preparing for the flight to the moon, at that moment i thought, if my dad had flown and stayed on the moon, i would have eaten on the moon all my life, because
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my father died there, sunrise 2 landed safely, the heroes are entering the kremlin, following the general secretary's car, is here from the crowd comes out. the man begins to shoot with both hands, dad survived by a complete miracle, one of the bullets flashed past the visa, the premiere at the very edge, on friday, on the first, on children's day, hello, we didn't expect that you came to us with joy, should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe you're old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don't be bored, eat a pancake, drink tea, and you want something else, i don't mind, eat everything, you'll be
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fat, i'll walk away, thank you, my dear, and if i break it, you won't be sorry, i won't be sorry, the main thing is that you i took care of my legs, good, that means i can do it with them... whatever i want, but not that much, better than anyone else, premiere june 1st on the first, i feel like a happy person when my loved ones are with me and when everything is fine with them and we spend... many thanks to my parents for raising
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me, making me a real person, what makes me happy is the health of my loved ones, not only my loved ones, everyone around me, and this is very important, i wish our family to be healthy a country. i love my country, i am proud of it and i wish everyone in it to find their happiness and contract. intermission, gentlemen, intermission, intermission, gentlemen, fanny, fanny, what is it, they danced divinely, the poetry of all human limbs. “i thank you, catherine’s back,
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this is the power of my art, how many times have i watched the play, every time i roar, fanny, karsky will be with me tonight, i told him about you, i promised to help, he wants to look at you and get to know you better.” closer, am i supposed to become his mistress? no, he already has a mistress, it’s me, don’t worry about your honor, you need to be stronger here, get off, fanny, be good, you can immediately sense a great actress, the season in moscow has begun a long time ago, so all the corpses are completed. “to the left, yes, if
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you happen to get an engagement, then most likely on the periphery, how do you like this plan, yes, this is the best plan of my life, wait, yasha, wait, yasha, they took my father, they sent a messenger, he demands 50 thousand, otherwise there’s no way will be released." hurry up, lock yourself up now, hurry up, hurry up, i’ll beat you up, you bastard, don’t worry about your bangs. leave it, we can’t breathe, but give me some, give me
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some pieces, to hell with you, i won’t give it for that, yeah, well okay, morta jew, bastard,
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father, you can explain to me, they’re canceling it for 50,000, but i, that’s all, it’s not enough, that should be enough.
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bela, stay here, what have you done here, you’ve decided to take out one of the bourgeois, open up, why the bastard is smoking people alive here, who are you people? and yes, jew, yes, i pressed you, i press and will press as much as i can, now i’ll shoot you in the head, out of class hatred, now it’s possible, the infection is stuck, let’s hurry up.
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and priest, dad, dad, spring, dad, dear, my dear, alive, alive, alive, is it possible to demand much from a woman? you dance so sweetly, you have a passion for you and they don’t expect you to behave strictly, your husband doesn’t bother anyone, i learned everything long ago, the testament,
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olga osipovna is impossible to play with you, and i warned you, michelle, sadovskaya you until the last partki will rob you, that's for sure, olga osipovna, let me introduce you, an aspiring actress, hello, hello, hello, allow the young lady to attend your rehearsals, well, of course, of course, please, please, really, oh, i will be terribly grateful to you, i’m just very clumsy because i’m always afraid
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of doing something wrong and embarrassing myself, however, i’m no longer afraid of embarrassing myself, this happens every time, so if you show me... olga osipovna , honored artist of the imperial theaters, one of twenty throughout russia, alex, let me clarify, the title was given to my best top. tape yourself to the chair, up to your chest, and in this position you will play your role.
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that's it, the lesson is over for today, it's time for me to shell out my durandos, durandos. wait, baby, i'll give you something, here. when you're not in magata at all, look at this photo, hold it! an extremely interesting phenomenon, a lot of complexes, no professionalism, but it’s impossible to take your eyes off her, sincerely distant, yes, a complete nerve, i can tell
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in a corpse, lavrovskaya, it seems she’s now in the church, in moscow, it won’t be possible, katya, dear, how long will it take we won’t be able to see the theater here, it’s uneven, now the big one will be closed, moscow is one continuous infirmary, and stakhova, remember? i identified him as a corpse, the next day the theater was closed as a hospital, now he sings lensky’s aria, i’m extremely pleased with the soldier that he’s had enough, gentlemen, it’s probably vasya who has arrived,
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the artist, rooted in love with kochalov, became a nun in the world, it’s like she took a vow of celibacy, that she will remain a virgin until the end of her days, i hope it won’t come to that for you, like i'm curious, what's possible?
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there is practically no faina scene, we leave the name, you were allowed not to change the name, offer options, gentlemen, karsunskaya, esmeraldova, vetrov, shamray, well, wait, gentlemen, maybe faina has her own version, and we are phoning here, and i was looking among the heroines
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favorite plays by ostrovsky, chekhov, but only so that it’s not just a sonorous surname, so that it’s necessarily inextricably linked with the theater, zarechnaya, prozrova, but gudalovo, that a good surname, good karma is bad, arkadina gurmishskaya tuzenbach, well, here’s another tuzenbach is the same as f no , no, gentlemen, no, no, no, getting into character, well, we have some kind of tremulous, inspired, all silver, let me be harsh on you, my dear, forgive me, i’m terribly awkward, i always drop everything, sorry, your destiny has come true, you will be with us. ranevskaya, how do you like to be ranevskaya, perhaps, i
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’m looking at the mountains, there’s snow on the mountains, my first combat mission, it’s very hard to fight in the mountains, you can’t smoke out the spirits from the cave, they ’re hitting you, 100 km from the state border, we must ensure. safety in the hands of a mine, your teeth, ears, hair may shake, but not your hands. 1,200 minutes rushed, the earth shook so much, we left a garrison in a liberated area, a village, they ensured order, went out to populated areas with with a supply of kerosene, grain, flour, all this was taken apart with pleasure, the residents of the border areas, both soviet and afghan, were protected. hand, on the day of the border guard, the premiere, the main milestone, not a step back,
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today is the first, on the ninetieth anniversary. alexey leonov. the americans are planning to go into outer space. our sunrise must fly earlier. unfinished products will not fly into space. and you will try. this is a task without holding on. i don't care, you're my partner. the risk of launching sunrise two with living people is too great. we are ready to take risks. attention. gava. reed, moscow. today, march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, didn’t understand what happened to the pressure? and we have two, you're fine. answer me, alexey, why
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are you silent? time of the first, on sunday on the first, well, we ’ll see who wins, on children’s day, in cities and villages, we would never have known these happy days, yuses on the old tower, in this world everyone should, don’t rush, don’t fall behind
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we are sailing on a lezine, like on a brigancine, on forgotten shovels, measures are stopped, in love there is no such thing, everything is simple and smooth, in love there is no decides everything, beauty and carries me away, carries me away, the zenith of the snowy yes. concert for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty premiered on june 1 on the first three chords of the new season on sunday on the first. how do you feel?
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just don't lie. we can't wait any longer to hear from fayna. i understand this is a difficult decision. but if we don't cheat.
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heroines cocotte with singing and dancing with their wardrobe of prostitutes or something to play, it was worth it for zante to go to moscow. damn you bastards, my dear vasenko, my son, she broke both his legs, for the rest of my life, now it’s a pain, lord, it’s burning
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, this is joy, i! returns alive from the war, the newspapers write that 300,000 have already died. my short elk, my son, where is the joy, how will he live as an invalid? now, now, ulyana bezdina now, ulyana dmitrievna, here, now, this is a great russian actress. she plays all her roles like a singer, an honored artist of the imperial theaters, you take this for you, and then
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give it to vaska, to raise your spirit, it seems like a powerful thing, it’s your art, since you’re legless the artists are coming. oh, your head has been blown away for the rest of your life.
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“hello, where can i find madame lavrovskaya, i’m faina feldman, her new actress, irina lvovna will be in a couple of hours, in a minute, so she asked me to give you the address, where”?
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you are looking for something, the house where the corpse of madame lavrovskaya lives, and this is here, kerchensky or the seer, grigory, come down immediately, immediately remove this crap from the entrance, lavrovskaya asked to do something. so that people don’t come here, you bastard, she asked you to put a lock on the entrance to tver.


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