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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  May 30, 2024 10:10am-10:55am MSK

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well, ekaterina, where are the shoulders you were talking about, everything is fine, everything is harmonious, well , the stylists are just wizards, bravo, bravo to the stylists, katya, bravo, yes. this is what you wanted, like the work of stylists, all three images, even more, yes, yes, i really liked everything, it seems to me that this is that rare case when i’ll tell you a secret now, when did you come, we all realized that you are good as is, and even the wardrobe will not let you lie, it was not so criminal that it needed to be changed, and this whole ritual with the transformation was needed only so that you finally... felt confident,
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although you were cool before, but now you feel confident after the transformation? yes, this, this cannot be put into words, this is not so much a transformation as such a psychological trick so that you finally believe in yourself, velina, as for the jacket, these small slits on the shoulders, small necklines, so delicate, this is very good an idea not only for such a young beauty as our heroine, but also for older ladies, because the shoulders are the area of ​​decolletation that can be afforded at almost any age, naturally, a fitted jacket, which follows the dior line with an asymmetrical hem, looks very avant-garde, reminiscent of the experiments of the belgians and japanese, this is not a thing for everyone , but also calmer cuts, more understandable to you, more classic, rather gravitating, for example, to the 50s of the last century, to the era of golden couture, this is what you... will like if, for example, you
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are more formal, than our heroine, then i i would still recommend the contrast of a dark bottom with a light top, because this is always only beneficial, otherwise the main thing is just to do it, do it the same way as our heroine did, she decided, came to a fashion decision, look from the inside at how here all this is arranged, you too make up your mind, at least go to the store, well, in the near future, give yourself a gift, congratulate your beloved. ekaterina, we applaud your new look and the work of our stylists. we give you all three sets from the fashionable verdict program. wear with pleasure. and if you, like our heroine today, want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the channel one website.
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i’m proud that i live in such a beautiful country, that we have so many regions, so many different cultures, i know a lot about our homeland and i want people to know about it too, this is very important. ulyanovsk is the birthplace of lenin, koramzin and goncherov. taganay is a whole adventure park, there are bears and more. chaliapin at one time throughout his life called himself a simple gyat peasant. white the nights of leningrad, the gray peaks of the caucasus, the blue lakes of karelia, the green sea of ​​taiga, as beautiful as our sunny komyka. no one returns from a trip the same person. therefore, travel, develop yourself. on any highway, in any village, we are all one big family. the first channel presents.
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in our studio, friends, endorphins are hormones of happiness, where can you get endorphins? we will not wait for mercy from nature, we will tell you what you can do to become happy, everything. live in the program great, well, friends, we promised you to slow down time, we will fulfill our promise, today we will talk about vision, the fact is that the outcome of life is old age, sooner or later it is blindness, no matter for what reasons, it is important to understand that blindness can occur in any person, a dramatic ending... we can show you right now,
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look, please, at professoromalovov and me, here we are, if you don’t do anything, don’t take care of yourself, it’s too late, this curtain will close your vision is normal, but we don’t want you to this happened to you, therefore, point by point, what diseases take years of life away from our vision, mikhail egorovich, your benefit, let's start with the number one cause of blindness in the world, the number one disease that can irrevocably deprive vision is diabetes mellitus, the fact is, that this disease... spoils all the vessels of our body, including the vessels of our main part of the eye, the retina, this is the fundus of the eye, yes, these vessels, they have a very small diameter , our retina is supplied with blood very well, this is nervous tissue, sugar kills these vessels ,
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it completely destroys, burns, and the ischemic zones of our retina begin to suffer, hemorrhages occur there, that is, from... did they count how many years of life does high blood sugar take from the eye, from vision, from good vision? let's show this figure on the screen. yes, if a person develops diabetes mellitus and is not treated, then after about 3 years
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irreversible changes occur in the fundus of the eye, minus 3 years of life, minus three, here it is, this is the first number that appears. we have, so, first, high blood sugar, raise your hands, who knows what your blood sugar level is? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 people, six people in total, what is your blood sugar, do you have diabetes mellitus, that’s right, diabetes mellitus, but i observe, accordingly, every day i measure my sugars, well, at the moment , this morning i had 6:5, so in general there should be sugar.
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the second factor is hypertension, which again spoils our blood vessels, including the retina, minus 5 years , hypertension takes away from our vision. let's look again at how this may look like. it may look very simple, it may not be a curtain, but various kinds of specks, we will now show you when there are already quite a lot of specks. but one thing may appear, somewhere on the periphery it doesn’t interfere so much, but when it has already appeared in the center, then there is simply nothing to catch, so, hypertension takes 5 years of life from our vision, the next factor is smoking, if you smoke,
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minus how many years , if you smoke, 10 years of smoking takes away from our eyes, they conducted very large studies and proved that people who smoke... why? because when smoking very small vessels are compressed, microcirculation is disrupted and the retina is primarily affected. there is another factor, what? another factor is ultraviolet radiation. the fact is that? the sun is burning, unfortunately.
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ultraviolet radiation takes about 2 years from our eyes, that's why. if we want to protect ourselves from ultraviolet radiation, there is. just wear good glasses with ultraviolet protection, we must understand what these glasses protect. i want you to go to the kitchen because we have tips on how you should eat, but before mikhail egorovich talks about these tips, let's repeat once again, the sun, if you walk without sunglasses, without filtering glasses. ultraviolet, it should be written there, these are not just black glasses, minus 2 years.
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next, if you, uh, don’t monitor your blood sugar and your sugar doesn’t need to be 10, yours is 6.5, just above six, it should be lower, but yours is higher, -3 years if you have high blood pressure pressure, it kills the blood vessels of the eyes, -5 years, and if... you smoke -10, if you add up 10, 5, 3 and 2, it turns out -20 years of life, all of this can be controlled by the person himself, absolutely everything, whether we have smokers in the hall or not, it’s called, if there is, they’re afraid to raise their hand, don’t smoke, you you can control your blood pressure yourself, take pills, we have a whole project now... pressure is my responsibility, there is an application for smartphones that prescribes treatment and leads
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you to normal blood pressure, today, by the way , it has been shown that already 3 months after how did you normalize your blood pressure? your vision improves, so you can do it yourself, you can control your sugar yourself, you can definitely wear black glasses yourself, so you yourself can add 20 years to your vision. we don’t see our visual pigment under the name of vitamin, rhodopsin is
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a vitamin, which means, so, once again carrots, and thermally processed fresh ones, pumpkin, pumpkin, red salad, sweet potato, here are products with provitamin with betacarotene, the second and products containing lutein, this natural pigment, yellow filter, yellow filter. which protects our central part of the retina from ultraviolet radiation from the blue spectrum, spinach comes first, cabbage keel, also pumpkin and yolk, chicken egg, lutein, in fact - this is such an interesting pigment, it is a yellow pigment, it really forms a yellow filter, mikhail egorovich likes to give these numbers, and i want you to repeat them.
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spot, therefore, what is also interesting is that the body does not synthesize either beta-carotene or lutein, so this must be eaten, foods cheap, there are no overseas delicacies here, these are cheap products, every day you have to grate carrots and pumpkin, every day you can eat an egg, every day...
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you personally can give your good eyesight two groups of tablets if your blood pressure is high or high sugar - these are diabetes pills and pills.
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they didn’t say so directly, but they said that this was a suspicion of cancer, how to cure kidney cancer, add happiness, everything about endorphins and how to increase them in your body. receiving joy, pleasure and physical activity is a way to work out. on the day of defense. children, hello, we didn’t expect it, what did you come to us with? with joy. should it hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe old, maybe, hey, girlfriend, don’t be bored, eat a pancake and drink tea, and you want more, i don’t mind, eat
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everything, you’ll be fat, i’ll be thin, thank you my dear, and if i break it, you i won’t be sorry, i won’t be sorry, the main thing is that you take care of your legs, okay, that means i can do whatever i want with them, well, no so much better than anyone, the premiere is june 1, at the first, well, dear friends, we are preparing a sandwich, the sandwich is healthy and good, why did we suddenly decide to do this? the reason is very simple, the fact is that exam time has begun, a lot of people are taking exams at school, at college, preparing for exams, be that as it may, you need a healthy diet, a quick, healthy, good breakfast, so friends, add healthy components
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breakfast in the studio. so, we have three components, let's announce the components, our components are chicken, avocado, bread, whole grain, cheese, cheese mezan, wash down with cocoa, yeah, we have wonderful guests today, children, olympic winners, medalists, ilya, come to us. germanch, stop and look at the child, come here, ilyusha, ilyusha is in the eleventh grade, here german shevich was a vandurkind at school, he won all the olympiads in which he participated, and he was with a physics and mathematics background, here is ilyusha german shavich , with the same bias as you, that
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you won there, tell me what olympiads, in the eleventh grade i became a prize-winner regional stage of schoolchildren in physics. and also became a prize-winner of the final stage of the step-future olympiad, as well as in physics, physics, where are you going to go , i’m going to go, if you can, at the baumman moscow state technical university in the faculty of physical sciences 3, theoretical mechanics, fundamental sciences , the most difficult university, it’s difficult to get in, and then it’s difficult come up with new things, tell me, please, when you actually now...
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get a charge of vivacity, then you will be able to eat well in the morning so that worry and go about your business accordingly, well, look, what product will we start with, guys, with chicken, chicken, take the child, explain what chicken does andrei petrovich, you know, chicken allows us to not be hungry, because we have done research and ... that a person who ate a high-protein breakfast is more full by lunch and is able to have better brain concentration and better performance. than those people who ate a low protein breakfast or no breakfast at all, so a high protein breakfast, the chicken is great, i understand, yes, i understand, sit down,
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we are waiting for another girl, wonderful, mashenka, come to us, please, our car has already finished school, a gold medal. me too, and these people finished without medals, and we are gold medalists, so mashun, girls, girls, because these guys are diligent, no matter how capable they were, carried away somewhere, somewhere carried away, and we everything was done to you, how did you manage to enter the baumman academy, before, by the way, it was an academy school. i worked, worked, worked again, that is, what are you finished school, or what? no, i graduated from a regular school, yes, i took the unified state exam, i was admitted based on
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the unified state exam results, that’s simple, but how did you pass the unified state exam, great, 300 points, no, a little less than 300, 270, about that, my god, what a great guy, so and, in short, you got a bad start, everyone who says that the unified state exam is bad, you don’t understand at all, today.
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there are 100 of them and they send their names to the university, that’s all, and the rector is powerless, this is an outstanding support system that there are no exams, there are no more exams at the institute, today it is a fundamental thing, fundamental, you i agree, yes i agree, where did you graduate, in moscow, well done in moscow, who is dad and mom, no one is an engineer, nothing to do with this, mom, she is a lawyer by training. and dad, something connected with construction, this girl grew up like this, so tell me, what does your breakfast look like and how do you prepare? well , for breakfast i usually eat something very quick,
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usually either some kind of sandwich very quickly and tea, i really like cheese, cheese and sausage, that’s probably all, i missed the sausage, well, i know, i see, but it doesn’t matter , that it’s clear that it’s not kosher to eat. okay, who will tell us, guys, let's go to the model, take masha, mikhail egorovich, take the child, go to the model, don't go to the model, but bread, bread is carbohydrates, yes, carbohydrates are sugar, and sugar is glucose our brain needs it to be nourished, so when we have enough sugar, uh, brain. gets this impulse, he is happy, he is full, and you feel good , because
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the brain mainly feeds on sugar, but there should be sugar in moderation, if there is a lot of it, then what happens? waving please sit down, we wish you happiness, thank you, our beautiful little girl, an excellent student, they are waving to a good groom. no joke, mash, you already have straight a's, there's nothing you could wish for, you're already the best student, you 're doing great at balmsky now, god, what a girl, well done for going to balonsky, there are only boys there, it was the right one choice, we are waiting for another wonderful girl, winner of the french language olympiad, come to us, my dear. well, i’m chewing cheese so that i’ll get at least a little more brain, mashun, tell us to live healthy according to french, come on, heureux. germsh,
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repeat, i can’t, masha, how many languages ​​do you know, how many languages ​​do i speak, i speak french, english, russian, of course, that is, you know three languages ​​100%, well, tell me which one, how do you have breakfast , i usually don’t have much time, so most often it’s something quick, like yogurt, that is, yogurt, and yogurt and coffee, we’ll now tell you what you need to include in the sandwich.
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there is a short circuit and we don’t think, don’t remember, but if it is there, everything is fine with us, and the nerve works, so you should definitely include avocado in your sandwich. mashenka, you are in the eleventh grade, where will you go? i want to enroll in the directing department at vgik. we wish you good luck, with all our hearts, please come to your comrades, guys, please stand up. let's applaud the parents of these children, i don't know whether they followed the rules of healthy eating when you were raised or not, but the fact that you were raised to be hard workers, people who set big goals and go towards them, that's for sure, so good luck to each of you , all the best to you, please sit down, how about a sandwich with bread,
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chicken, and avocado? and we’ll also throw in greenfinch, we’ll throw in some greenfinch, we’ll put in a little cheese so that there’s calcium, which helps with metabolism, we’ll definitely make not coffee, but cocoa, because there’s a flavonoid that dilates blood vessels and brings blood and nutrition to the brain, feed the children, dear doctors, in the end, the three of you will feed the children, and once again the admiration of your parents. congratulations, because happiness, when children are like this, it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine, for the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we had 35 young pilots, we walked around the city, he bumped into his mother, he flew training planes over her house, took his suitcase mine, a blanket that my mother once gave me, i came to their house with these things,
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i offer you my hand and my heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would still have to work hard, to get an education as a test engineer, so we started working together, there were 5 minutes left before entering the shadow and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary.
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play, it was such a guy who kind of said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life laughing , smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives, they were, as it were, picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was yulia, earring was a real genius of children's television , died in general at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we...
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and a wonderful doctor sits with us today, it’s true that he is a professor and doctor of medical sciences, a urologist, a vegan. andreevich molkhasyan. andreevich, please come here. and i ask you to get up little by little, because we need you. the fact is that vegen andreevich works and represents a huge urological center that opened in moscow, on the basis of the botkin hospital. this is a moscow urological center, which today is the largest urological center in the world. moscow - botkin hospital, moscow urological center. it was opened in december twenty-three and became the largest urological center in the world. today the best urologists of our country are gathered here.
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the head of the center is the chief urologist of russia, a world-famous doctor, academician pushkar. pushkar’s team has the greatest achievements in the field of urology and the greatest experience. performing robot-assisted operations on the prostate gland, the most extensive experience in reconstructive operations for bladder cancer, the greatest experience in non-invasive treatment of adenoma and prostate cancer, the largest, the largest, the most, all this is about the moscow urological center, that’s it, the most, the most, the most, the most, what a wonderful doctor , we have a speech today. let's talk about kidney cancer, you know, our cycle is called a disease with a male character, this does not mean that only men get sick, it means that both men and women get sick, but kidney cancer, why is it more tragic for men than for women , professor,
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well - elena vasilievna, firstly, uh, kidney cancer is more common in men, but this difference is not so significant, and the drama is that it dies... men, two men are twice as likely to die as a crab than a woman, then there is this, yes, a man’s disease, which threatens men much more than women, so first, i want to start right away with the fact that the annual downtime of ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, which includes ultrasound of the kidneys, is an action to save men, our guests are not either in my sleep, i didn’t even know, i didn’t know that a tumor was growing in my kidney.
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of course i had a hard time, well, as the doctor said, tell me, well, they didn’t say so directly, but they said that it was a suspicion of cancer, 85% out of 100, which
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was the most difficult thing for you, that’s the worst thing, well, that i’m going to die , i will stay with me. i have one son, he’s the only one i have, he’s not my wife, he’s disabled, yes, and it’s just the two of us, but what about my son? he has complete apathy, he doesn’t walk, no, he walks, well, but it’s hard for him, yes, it’s hard for him, he can’t work, that’s why my mother’s heart hurts, i’m already going to die, and okay, i’ve lived, but like a son, he is alone, he is sick, i cried, i probably think about him first of all, and what else should we think about, he will be left without me, i understand you very much, nevertheless, this is another story about how simple desponsorship, right, exactly so, i can add a small nuance here, it’s just that valentina alexandrovna had a slightly different
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situation, her gall bladder was removed, and she was sent to uziy for the purpose of observation for her main disease, she was lucky that she got there because she previously had chronic juliocytes. that yes, she might not have gotten there, it was not a program medical examination, well , there is a case of luck, but a program medical examination and an annual ultrasound, they can simply save a life. once again, cancer does not hurt, if symptoms of cancer appear, any, there is blood, urine or blood in the stool with colon cancer, this indicates that the tumor has already gone far, so the task is to make diagnoses early, let’s go to the human body and look our kidneys, as far as you come with us, remained alive, now in the name of other people, thanks doctors
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a third of the kidney, they had to remove the entire kidney, they saved it, but it’s an additional one, like this, because they knew that there was no one to care for their son, they had to leave the mother, they saved it and made it laparoscopic, minimally invasive, that is, there was no incision, three holes, yes , we had some doubts, and valentina aleksandrovna and i discussed them in detail before the operation, the point was the location of the tumor. was really very complex, it went into the sinus of the kidney, it
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passed over the large arteries above pelvis, that is, there the chances that we could damage the structures, as a result of which we would have to remove the entire kidney, were great, but when we met, when geniuses operate, everything turns out somehow by itself, it seemed easy, it seemed endoscopic and it seemed like anxiety, everything seems to be fine, it’s just that behind this story we were afraid that it wouldn’t... this is the result, when
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there was a tumor in half the kidney, but it was left, the vessels were not touched, although the tumor was lying on them, everything was done by legi artis according to all the rules of art , it says doctor, i want, genius, genius, i i want to express my deep gratitude to the professor for saving me, and most importantly for not leaving my son without a mother, yes, yes, yes, i can say that... in turn, i don’t know, a genius - these may be big words, but to operate the way we operate, just today, as you said, legi artis, we are helped, including by our patients, because during the operation we think about them, about our sons, that here is our charming patient, she is still works in the tretyakov gallery, for example, my god, who cares about the party, leave me a phone number too, i also want to join you and go, because...
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my name is mikhail rom, now i’ll invite you to star in my film, what’s the picture of the chubby mabasan about, about a prostitute, yes, but you will play honestly at a woman, excuse me, but why are they shaking us up like gogol-mugol? they put the frame, guys, be quiet, well, she
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falls out of the frame, no, this is not art, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, you like filming, how can you like this madhouse, on children's day, in cities and villages, never if we didn't know these happy days. the clock is on the old tower, everyone in this world should not rush, not lag behind, we are sailing in the river, as on...
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the centenary of the birth of the composer evgeniy krylaty. premiere june 1st on the first. hourglass springs from askona charge you with sleep and change your world for the better. this is a program to live healthy, dear friends, in our studio there is a huge word written: endorphins. hormones of happiness, this is the name of the whole cycle in our program. there are only four of them: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins, hormones of happiness, today endorphins, we wish you happiness to you, happiness in this world is big, like the sun
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in the morning, you know, endorphins are very interesting hormones, in fact, these are our internal drugs, what are they? endo is taken internally, morphine is, in principle, an apioid, these are our natural narcotic substances that are produced in the nervous system, in the brain. the biggest rush of endorphins occurs when you overcome pain, when you can barely walk with wild pain or lean on a gurney, people come to us when... they are pain relieved, they really look like happy people, oh my god, i love you all so much, but why is this happening? look, this is the system of how a pain impulse is transmitted, this is pain, an irritating factor, a substance is released that allows the impulse to go, go, it
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reaches the spinal cord, then the brain, and we realize that we have pain - this is generally a feeling, why it is important to understand that this is a feeling, a sensation, because there are phantom pains, a person has already been cured, or , say, a leg was amputated, and his leg still hurts, because the brain remembers that it hurt so much, the brain remembers this is such a serious thing, it is so important that there are endorphins, yes, how endorphins act, in fact, that they act, they act: on receptors, so that this impulse does not reach the brain, that is, there is an irritating factor, but the brain is not aware , that something is happening, this is how painkillers work, this is how endorphins work, now i want mikhail egorovich kanovalov to go to
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the kitchen, because there are two products that enhance the production of endorphins, hermann schalch, we can’t get enough of you. painkillers in ointments in patches and so on, this and capsicin is included in the standards for the treatment of joint pain, headaches, there were even experiments, by the way, guys, with students, lubricant in their noses.


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