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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 30, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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and don’t miss the time, too, on sunday , the first role of leonov in the film was played by evgeny mironov. well, right now the information channel on the first will continue the program for now. and we welcome the viewers of channel one, this is the popular front studio, ekaterina shugaeva, nikita danyuk are our respected experts. the war in ukraine must go on forever. this is the dream of vladimir petrov, a full-time propagandist.
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and the most interesting thing is that this character petrov has repeatedly stated that he himself would never go to the front he will go, and in general there is no place for him, petrov, apparently there is a place for other ukrainians, by the way, the americans are already putting pressure on the overdue zelensky in order to lower the age for mobilization to 18 years. let's see what the ukrainian telegram channel writes about this. our source reports that the bank specifically issues it. agenda for seventeen-year-olds, since there are plans to reduce mobilization from the age of 18, but with the proviso that at the age of 18-20 they will be called up for military service in the rear and for annual training, only after the necessary promotion training qualifications will be sent to the front. everyone understands that this will simply be a public excuse, since the authorities will immediately throw everyone into the meat grinder, since the draft age is lowered so low. if this happens, it means that the situation at the front will be as catastrophic as possible. as you can see, the president's office is getting ready. he is only interested in
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ending the russians, and the immortal ukrainians, well, even purely mathematically, the ukrainians should end faster, because there are fewer of them. in fact, i know petrov when we let's listen to petrov, yes, this does not mean that he is guided by logic, yes, that is, he is a person who has a brilliant mind, but a black mouth, that is. he takes on everything, that is, in the nineteenth year he cheated zelensky, that’s all he stands for, now he licks zelensky, yes, that is, whatever you pay him for, he will do it, by the way, he is also from krivoy rog, so probably on ukraine has had the custom since 1919 that if it’s not an asshole, it’s from krivoy rog, for some reason it turned out this way, if petrov says, then you have to understand that he knows what he is saying, and they let him down from the termak some kind of temnik and he knows where to push this agenda, that is , it’s not that some thoughtless bandera is just thinking in some coterie there, no , it really does influence...
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they say directly that we will not serve, but to come forward like meat until the russians run out, every last ukrainian, they impose this narrative on society, so that people don’t even dare to say yes that i don’t want to fight there for this regime or for this country, and it will work, yes it will work, that is, on the one hand, we see that they are really trying to carry out this mobilization shambles using the harshest methods, on the other hand , we have stories where fans of the zelensky regime, for example... the headmistress
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one of the kiev schools committed suicide because her only son was mobilized, more and more people are saying: let’s say something important, she was, she strongly supported, she strongly supported the war, as soon as her son was taken away, she’s done, well, look, really the zelensky regime and its characters are, frankly speaking, yes, this is comfortable for us, this situation is comfortable for us, we get money from it, we are realizing our long-standing western dream of fighting, using ukraine , the ukrainian population as... russian ram, and it’s also cool that the americans pay us money for this, that is, not only do we do what we want within the framework of our ideology, but we are also paid for it by the population, as for the population, well, let’s do it, the population - this always a certain substrate, yes, which can be processed through the media, information work, social technologies, engineering and so on, which we have been doing in ukraine for more than 10 years, as a result , a situation developed when a significant part of ukrainians sincerely believed that russian
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enemies, orcs all that, but precisely because of our very competent strategy, not only informational, but also, let’s say, military-economic, when we take out the ukrainians. pain, insult, rejection, and then hatred towards this regime, and something it tells me that even someone already said this with a video when they grabbed guys on the street, that you are worse than russians, you are worse than russians, addressing the tsets people, this is the mood that zelensky is worse than russians, it will grow
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in ukraine, strengthen towards to our great satisfaction, and how long will it last, that alexander, i now yes, i ’m looking now, it seems to me that the ukrainians are actually in the comfort zone, it seems to them that the russians are almost over... it’s over, that we have devastation, we nightmare, horror, that is, how long will it take before they finally they realized that they will soon begin to end, but everything is fine here, how long will they stay in this comfort zone, you communicate with them, you know, i just heard, yes it really is, that you are worse than the russians, yes i now i remembered, i just started smiling, i remembered how zelensky said when he became president, he said, i don’t want to be caught up in the street in 5 years, they said that i had become worse than poroshenko, you know, the man didn’t want to become worse than poroshenko, but became worse than the russians, even, well, that’s fate, yes. comedian, well, that's 5 years, another 5 years must pass, you know, the thing is that about the fact that people, well, many understand, you understand, they live in an atmosphere where it’s scary to say this, but here’s the same mother whose son was taken away, she teacher, that is, they are put under pressure, they mold children, that is, there goes on, even in schools there is
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such a way to say wednesday, yes, when if the father is a draft dodger or something else, there is bullying of the child, that is, all this from teachers from the ministry of education it’s all about... now they’re about to reach some boiling point, they will go and demolish it, but they won’t go, they will demolish it, because, well, firstly, there must be a leader, yes, well, who will follow, who will organize this whole process, that is, this is not just some kind of unorganized crowd, what this is an unorganized crowd, zelensky will crush them with tanks, that is, europe and the united states will not even notice this, the leaders are all in prison, people
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are unorganized, and even more so, this is what the zelensky regime is doing, it is not doing it because he wants it, but because he simply implements the will of his western masters, so by speaking against zelensky, you you oppose the usa. you said this phrase: comfort zone, we just have a story about this, the fact is that the comfort zone in ukraine is, in fact, a cemetery, more and more ukrainians are in a state of despair from the situation that has developed , and thanks to zelensky, we see that more and more cemeteries are growing throughout ukraine, we have a video that is now going viral in social ukrainian telegram channels, where a ukrainian woman pays that earlier in a day the ukrainian...
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they tried to make sure that as many of the villages and hamlets as possible, and conscripts there , ended up at the front, so this burial came to large cities, came to the west.
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that the first mass graves have already appeared, now they are actually mass graves, that is, it’s not like somewhere in a field, in a cemetery where they bury, well, almost 30 people at a time. alexander said that this will continue, no one will rise until there is some kind of leader. well, you see, the irony of the situation is the sad irony that there is no pro-russian leader there. the more the americans release later, voluntarily or voluntarily, it doesn’t matter, and the greater the chances that
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the year 17 will come in ukraine, we now need the year 17 in ukraine, internal turmoil, the collapse of the front, after which we can liberate our territories, our current and future territories, well, much faster, well, with the collapse of the front - this is our task, internal turmoil, but this is in question, but for the americans to begin to let go, perhaps when, well, when they are now united states. now he sees that zelensky is not entirely satisfied with them, zelensky is too independent, so when i hear phrases that zelensky is a complete puppet of the west, i smile, because this is not so, if this were so, there would be publications in the western press with pressure on zelensky, with demands for zelensky to stop raising the topic of nato and so on, was not there, zelensky, zelensky is the man who caught the star, there are such actors who were put in the main role, which they are not...
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such beloved comrades, but then very quickly turn them into enemies, for example, saddam hussein, gaddafi will not let you lie, that from
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love to hate there is one step, they tell me that we have a call from our viewer, hello, please introduce yourself, where are you from and what is your question, hello, hello, my name is phoenix flam, moscow, dear experts, i have this question, yes, we all, i’m following your broadcast now, we’re all talking about what...
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moreover, i’ve recently on social networks i came across such an interesting one, well, here’s a video of a girl in ukraine talks about how, somewhere in the kharkov region, wives actually handed their husbands over to the military registration and enlistment office and received certificates simply for this, i was shocked by this situation, so i have a question. don’t people really not understand what’s going on there, can’t they just somehow unite, even if they don’t have, i understand, leaders there, but somehow the majority of them are there and... they won’t finally overthrow this one this minority, this clique, or there will really be this concentration camp, where this minority will actually be to terrorize, kill these people in exchange for these pieces of paper, on the other hand, imagine how sad money is, that is , how much one must hate us, so that they are even ready to die to the last, to hand
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over their relatives only because of hatred of the russians, so that to understand this you need to remember: such a word as a sect, and if you have a sectarian consciousness, you are ready to hate everyone around you, without even seeing them in person, you don’t hate them, you hate their image that was created for you, your media, your propaganda, your teachers in schools are angry muscovites, who have oppressed the so-called ukrainian state all their lives and so on, they hate the image, many of them, and accordingly, within the framework of this sectarian consciousness, yes, there they are ready to give up, give up, give up, and so on, but what is the minus of the sectarian ? consciousness, sectarian consciousness is based not on the mind, on emotions, on the heart, relatively speaking, at some point very quickly in 2-3 days you can just go, go from love to hate, these are also technologies, but from hatred to love can be reversed, from hatred, in at least first to tolerance, then to respect, then to a sense of unity, this is
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what we will have to do throughout all, i don’t know, post-war 10 years, 15 years, russia must.
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there on social networks, some data as soon as this one started, i ’ll argue with you, that’s right, no need to write anymore, because on the other side there could be an sbu agent, a gur, anyone, phoenix, thank you very much for your question and call, phoenix in his speech said that there is confirmation of how wives exchange your husbands for certificates of honor, that is , you invite phoenix to come to such a ukrainian woman so that she can exchange. conditionally for this debate, by the way, they tell me that our editors found this terrifying video, let's see, turn in your husband and get a reward. in the kharkov region, wives surrendered their husbands to the shopping center and were awarded certificates of honor. in general, according to information from the local central central committee, the spouses could no longer shelter their husbands as draft dodgers, they asked them to go
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defend their homeland, but when they refused, they called the military commissar. and tskk did theirs work, in return for this, the head of the military registration and enlistment office awarded the women with certificates of honor, there are no words, listen, well, again, this is also probably a whole business and a certificate and maybe they received hryvnia in an envelope, that is, i said about the girl, no, i didn’t i suggest that she rat someone out, i want to understand what we need to do to really start us up again. either to love, to respect, well, really, we are good, you know, history, the history of wars, if it teaches you anything, only one thing, today it is your enemy, tomorrow he will buy your goods, and the day after tomorrow he will be in your army, that is, there is nothing, let’s remember georgia in the eighth year, but everyone said what they said, russia lost georgia forever, what is happening in georgia today is an agent, but the president of georgia will be an agent, and georgia is no longer like we we want to fight with russia, we’d better be
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friends, how many years have passed, he’s cooperating, not being friends, well, he’s cooperating, but that’s only been 15 years, right?
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after the end of the war there should be extremely complex work in the information, educational spheres, and a number of other economic ones there various incentives and so on, and you need to understand that once again this work will be much more complex than the northern military district, even the soviet union, here they cited the soviet system as an example, even the soviet union could not completely defeat this whole thing with its powerful theological system , the economy and so on, this is what really scares me - economic incentives.
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we don’t need anything more, let the poles take the western territories for themselves, it would be even better for the poles to take these territories, from a point of view, at least internationally, if poland, together with us, will take part in territorial on the one hand , justice, on the other hand, i remember the winged quote from the wonderful film ivan vasilyevich is changing his profession, for now there is no need for the territory, which is historically included, and squander, friends, naturally for the hell that is now. .. is happening in ukraine, the united states of america is responsible, this is what is happening at the front, in the rear, and it’s interesting that by stirring up such a mess, the americans really
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think that they are protecting in this way the free world, for example, according to journalists from financial times, for the sake of this , the united states can violate absolutely any rules, and it’s okay that the morality of the west is constantly meandering, let’s listen to a story on this topic, the united states should not. we believe that russia and china always claim that their actions comply with international law, even when they do not, the united states must sometimes do the same. to better understand what we can expect from this strange double morality of the white house, we got in touch with the american...
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with me, and again on two or two flights, i noticed, he was always next to me, where i didn’t go to the airport, this man was next to me, so well, he talked to you, he what language he spoke, he asked you whose crimea was, but he didn’t speak, but he had this badge with the estonian and ukrainian flag, well, so that he could immediately say who he was, it’s clear, but don’t give me any, now here are the pieces of paper, you know, suddenly they found some fines had not been paid, that is, nothing, some kind of taxes, no such thing to you...
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actually to the story about the double morality of the united states of america, the first question, john, is for you, not as a political scientist, journalist, not as an expert, but as an american, these are ordinary americans.
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refugees, as in the middle east, still the majority of americans believe that this is how it is necessary, this is how it is necessary to protect our freedom, to protect civilization, yes, this is all we have, this is all actually born during the first world war , when they came up with it, our government came up with this slogan, we need to create a world that is safe for democracy, this dates back to the first world war, and this slogan continues to this day, we will ensure...
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it will never show john, just about public perception, i don’t know, have you seen a photo on the internet where niki haley signs the shell, and the israeli army, writes the finish there, that is, finish them, and finish them off, america loves israel, these kind of photographs are perceived by society, because many still see that israel is committing real genocide in palestine , and hayley, in my opinion, she still hasn’t given up yet, and even if she has already given up, but nevertheless, just recently she was one of the candidates for the republican party and for the primary, how can such photographs even be explained, they already say so openly that we are for genocide, we are for the bombing of the civilian population, or you also call genocide good, as it happens, i
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had a conversation with the americans on this very topic yesterday. hamas threatens the national security of the united states, how interesting, but unfortunately, such level, like in russian for fooling, when to fool, yes, yes. when brainwashing such a very high our our propagandists, they are masters of their craft, i must admit, they are very high masters of their craft, they brainwash the americans so well, and yes we, well , this is how we need to destroy the palestinians, because they palestinians threaten our national security , yeah, and in this way the americans can sleep, sleep peacefully at night, yes, yes, they kill a lot of children and women, but this is for the sake of democracy, our freedom, our
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national security,
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but they are not succeeding, anyway, yours, well, your air defense is very powerful, but unfortunately, yes, there was a tragedy in donetsk, in belgarad, but your troops are moving forward and most likely soon. there will be a strong enough, wide enough sanitary zone, as your president said. john, john, please pay attention, i’m just wondering, okay, america is such a great fellow, they’re doing good there, now let’s scare russia, but russia still won’t respond, and in general, well, let’s hit belgorod, for the sake of interest if for the sake of being near california, just in the sea, something will explode somewhere there, and this will not scare the americans, well, at least someone inside is thinking that next to america ...
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most likely you won’t think about it, our people, unfortunately , already like a zombie, thank you very much for such frank words, we really appreciate your position, thank you very much for coming on the air with us, you know, there is such a historical figure in our country, felix idmynovich dizhinsky, he said: “be vigilant be vigilant, be vigilant vigilant, john, we really hope that with you, yes, everything will be fine, we have very little time left, dear colleagues, well, here’s the story about these blows, we see that everything.”
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or we are too rational and sober, responsible to do nothing, so we need something must be done, the smartest dima suslov wrote that we need to conduct at least nuclear tests, alexander, your word, this will help, yes, it will help, no, no, it will not help, you know, we discussed whether the americans will think about it or not, i ’ll just remind you that once upon a time the europeans, when conquered america, yes, colonized, they sincerely believed that this was from the ideas of humanism, they exterminate tens of millions of indigenous indians, so don’t they understand that these are all colonies of understanding.
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young pilots, we walked around the city, bumped into my mother, he flew on training planes over her house, took his suitcase, a blanket that my mother once gave me, with these things i came to their house,
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i offer you my hand and heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i have there is no time, dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would have to work harder to get an engineering education from... so we started working together, there were 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes of life, i know that for sure , scary, extraordinary, from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, a homely, good dad, space inside, today on the first mission to go into outer space. done on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and children they just stuck to him, it was obvious, it
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couldn’t be played, it was this kind of guy who was like saying, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so we and you on an equal footing, but he ran through life laughing.
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i don’t understand what’s wrong with the pressure? and we have two, are you okay? answer, why are you silent? ready to enter the airlock, waiting for the command? are you proposing to leave them in orbit? soldiers have to die for the sake of the interests of their state. when i wake up, dad is already will arrive, he will try very, very hard, lyosha,
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there’s not enough air yet, lyosha, it’s time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, well, we’ll see who wins? happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am recharged, it’s definitely great, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, protect yours children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be an example to them, our main family...
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there is a long time left, as journalists from the british publication the telegram say. that's what interestingly, the publication, well, literally in a few hours managed to change several headlines at once, well, in order to present it in a less hopeless version for kiev. so, at first they wrote: so, ukraine now knows that it has only a few months left to survive, period. then, it means, we thought a little and decided that we needed to write it differently. ukraine knows it's over. and some more time passes. a new headline appears: without western weapons
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, ukraine may only have a few left months. the meaning is still basically the same, but this is the article you can read on the site at the moment. the war between ukraine and russia in the kharkov region is flaring up more and more. kiev was forced to redirect thousands of troops to the northeastern front line to repel the advance, leaving its defenses exposed elsewhere. the war is reaching a critical point because... western support for ukraine risks weakening again. vladimir zelensky realizes that ukraine does not have much time left. to these forecasts join on the bbc tv channel, where they call the current situation for ukraine the most difficult. hopes in the first year of the conflict that russia could be pushed back have turned into a grim struggle to stop its troops from advancing inland. ukraine is now experiencing the most difficult crisis of the beginning of the conflict. but for zelensky this is the situation. not only a threat, but an opportunity, listen to
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what the legitimate ukrainian telegram channel writes. our source reports that zelensky needs to increase the level of intensity in the ukrainian crisis, otherwise everything will be about the war the west is beginning to forget and kiev may be left without new loans. also, the escalation of the ukrainian crisis is necessary for the arms lobby and european politicians who ardently and publicly support kiev. use this situation to the maximum, and the worse it is in ukraine, the more arguments the western lobby has to increase supplies, increase production in general, and arm itself. because when this game with headlines happened, on the one hand it was about the fact that ukraine has very few resources left, that’s essentially what it’s about things were discussed, but the caveat was that without western support, i paid attention to this, you just caught my thoughts right now, this is a very important saying, you know, this is hope, the scale of
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western support ensures the prolongation of the whole situation, prolongation of the conflict, prolongation means military action. and of course, in this case , many of those who are behind these publications are still playing on zelensky’s side, trying to call on the west, and at the same time ensure the favor of the western public to build up again supplies, to provide resources to continue this sublimation of the situation, why, among other things, now we see this hysteria, well, firstly, because on the one hand it is impossible to ignore... reality and indeed the situation is truly critical, on the other hand a plot arises, connected with the inauguration of the new taiwanese head, who makes calls to beijing, this happened immediately against the backdrop of the russian president’s visit to china, his successful negotiations
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with ezenpen, suddenly from there from taiwan there are calls for beijing and china to recognize taiwan as an independent state, to recognize it.
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they don’t twitch, she begins to twitch on her own, and igor, it’s interesting here, yes, they say that zelensky needs to increase the level of intensity, but to what extent is he ready to increase it? well, in such a situation, it seems to me that he is already capable of taking any steps, but another thing is that we understand, and you correctly said, that this is a puppet, it is clear that he is controlled, in fact 100%, all his actions are controlled, very many things that we think... he seems to speaks somehow consciously detached from his masters, we must understand and divide this by 50 to 50, that this is to some extent the game of quarter ninety-five continues, but that in his depths an escalation may be ripening to the level of the beginning of the third world war war, because when a serious
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conflict flares up, then a crucian carp in troubled waters, he can somehow escape or, as he thinks, reach the leaders. higher level, i think such thoughts come to him, but again he is under complete control, we know perfectly well who he is under his protection, under the control of which special services he is, he does everything, it is still quite controlled, but this degree of intensity that we feel today is such information preparation is underway while the swiss, it seems to me that some of their meet. only later, when this is all over, in the month of june we will be able to look, by and large , at concrete actions, because words are one thing, but actions are another. well, the swedes, a newly minted nato member, are sending ukraine has all its armored personnel carriers, many anti-tank missiles and even long-range radar detection aircraft, this
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is not yet the f-16, the total amount of equipment being transferred is more than a billion dollars, although we are talking about only two aircraft. yesterday, canada, the head of the foreign ministry of this country, mélanie jagli , practically destroyed, or rather, as she destroyed, but destroyed the dreams of some, probably, and allowed her to strike deep into russia with canadian weapons. will canada allow ukrainian strikes with transferred weapons on russian territory?
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the way she sees fit, i believe that western countries should also remove such restrictions. and against this background, the americans once again stated that they personally are not yet sure of anything. we do not encourage or facilitate attacks on russian territory using american weapons. to date, there have been no changes in the us position. vlad, let's figure it out.
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the party answers: here are the parties represented by france, britain, the usa, which supply truly long-range weapons, they understand that russia’s reaction can be quite harsh, so it is necessary to create, to open that same overton window and accustom russia in homeopathic doses, that in general, in general, how could all this be, so the poles, the swedes, anyone who does not have any long-range weapons, they say with a completely light heart , what ...
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they shout that they are giving permission, the balts shout, which means the americans are supplying them with long-range missiles, the poles or the balts are handing them over to ukraine, they say, listen, the americans say, well, this is not ours, we handed it over to the poles, this means polish, the baltic, and, accordingly, they, well , this is the same rubik’s cube that is now starting to twist, because if you take, for example, the equipment that europe is transferring, half of the equipment there has american roots, well, relatively speaking, there is the classic m113 armored personnel carrier. the american one was already transferred to ukraine in six versions, six different countries, because they either bought, modernized, or
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produced it under license, but these are all american weapons, so yes, you are absolutely right, the second task that stands is here in fact, what are they now one way or another, but now they are opening everything, so to speak, the floodgates for the use of weapons are trying to start bringing in their troops, this will force russia at any cost to negotiate at this stage, that is, thereby fixing the famous korean scenario, about which for many months now it has been said to preserve, so to speak, the eastern wall and the cold war for the next 25 years, that is, the americans are preparing for the situation after the war, but they must approach this situation on their terms, this is what everything is being done now, there are no hopes that they will be able to do anything militarily, the understanding that ukraine is relying on the latter is also absolute, so the task now is to speed up all this as much as possible, so... i’m actually very interested here, igor in general, poland, in fact, what is it thinking about, and well, the hygiene of europe, yes, as
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churchel quite correctly outlined them at one time, what does it want? become a fiery hyena, they don’t understand that something can fly to them, or they are so sure that they are now under cover, why are they taking this this responsibility is now calm, while the united states is happy to shift the responsibility onto the same poles and balts. well, we remember another controversy, starting in 1919, when we were just discussing the possible development of the situation in the same studio, and look, if we look at the map, poland and ukraine, yes, that is. this is such a bastion between russia and virtually all of western europe, the americans bet on poland as one of the bogeymen of europe, as by and large, that is, as if when centers of power were formed, france, germany within the european union, the americans bet on poland, by and large, poland is one of the mouthpieces of the united states of america, well , taking into account why the united states of america is developing poland in such a perspective, but because polish ambitions, polish grievances,
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that’s... not yet ready, these little mongrels are doing, you have to give, you have to beat and so on, this is what it says, they are laying out their eggs within the basket and what vlad says is the formation of a certain position, a certain position, a negotiating room, but they understand one thing can not, that the russian bear, in principle, began to engage in a very important task for himself, an important task for himself, this is to ensure the safety of his habitat, and so that we,
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no matter what they say, our guys are on the line. our task, on the one hand, is to realize our goals in the international arena, this is the formation of a multipolar, fair world, and here we have a huge number of supporters, the world majority is a supporter, on the other hand, our task is to ensure the demilitarization, denesification of ukraine , what only can ensure long-term peace in europe, but the fact that there are political
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forces in europe, including in governments, at the level of heads of state, who... are not very interested in this long-term peace, but nevertheless, when we we are fighting for this, now, we will set aside our interests, by and large , the deep-seated interests of the peoples of european countries, in this regard, the interests of the authorities of european and european peoples do not really coincide, that’s what concerns the sense of responsibility of the poles or some other leaders there the european union, you see, this long, now quite long history of making, as it were... collective decisions within the european union, within nato, has played a cruel joke on them, that is, on the one hand, it seems to them that they, as leaders, can do biting statements, but if the result of this flexing of muscles is that you get a face from these muscles, then you will immediately say no, it’s not just me who got it, but come on, where are the nato charters, and come on, let’s talk about let's remember solidarity, so this the dilution of responsibility when it is necessary,
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when it is profitable, happens all the time, to boast of showing off in front of the cameras. they love one at a time, although they also gather at collective parties, as you know, but you really want to highlight it to everyone, that’s what macron is doing now, trying to stand out from this crowd, but as soon as the situation is unfavorable, they immediately hide behind this collective responsibility, that’s in general in this regard, these manipulations are characteristic of zelensky, let us add to the collection of those arguments that have already sounded, we’ll add one more why zelensky right now, precisely in these may days, needs an aggravation of the situation around ukraine, and because right now he too...
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what, what should happen for this party to legalize zelensky, well, at least in their in the eyes, within the framework, within the framework, of the points of view of many, many, many countries , nothing can be done, but they solve their problem within their own...
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with the number one agent of foreign influence, it feels like this is a repetition of the ukrainian scenario, yes, a parallel there are riots coordinated by the cia, this is the time which will allow them to somehow regroup, she is a revolutionist, in chad, this was her practical test, mini iraq, mini saddam hussein, that’s what happened there, her daughter is in france, her son is in france, her task is to drag georgia into a military conflict with russia. this is not only about georgia, but about finally getting the entire caucasus out of the mentality of soviet oppression and russian influence. the united states of america will go crazy and shed blood. salome zurabishvili
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and the head of georgia. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. ranevskaya. the head is in place. they told me i couldn’t watch tv from morning to night. here you go, please watch the time after the program. food safety. statistics say that the main cause of severe food poisoning is ourselves. how to properly store food, about this and much more. in the program "live healthy". tomorrow, on the first day. on children's day. if there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never recognize these cheerful days, the clock on the old tower, in this everyone in the world should not rush, not to
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get up, we are sailing on our shores, like on a brigancine, forgotten about our worries, the world has stopped. in love, everything is not simple and smooth, in love beauty does not decide everything, it takes me away, it takes me away appreciating the snowy yes, a concert dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the composer ivgeny krylyat, premiere on june 1 at the first for the ninetieth anniversary.
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says moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, he didn’t understand what was wrong with the pressure, and we have two, everything is fine with you, answer, alexey, why are you silent?
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it's time for the first ones, on sunday at the first one, well, we 'll see who wins. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. for us, if
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it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships.
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nato has only 5% of the air defense systems needed to protect member countries in central and eastern europe. nato states are capable of providing less than 5% of capacity, according to people familiar with confidential defense plans drawn up last year. air defences, which are considered essential to the defense of their member countries in central and eastern europe, but the uk government described the defense as a problem in last year's defense review.
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the latest crazy idea is to introduce compulsory european conscription, we see what the situation is, based on it we understand what exactly this proposal is about, because what kind of situation is this? the ukrainian people are suffering more and more intolerable human losses. the loss of life in ukraine is becoming unbearable, ukrainian men are not allowed out of ukraine, and now they want to draft young europeans to war. vlad, do i understand correctly? what does that mean, nato, well, it’s
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generally like an alliance, yes, it’s a union of certain countries, they started with twelve, now there are already a little over 30 of them, they all want to expand, which means, yes, including most countries in europe, now, this means that we hear that these european countries are preparing to raise not only the standards, but essentially for a war in ukraine, but here an interesting point, if they are part of this alliance, then...
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well, with the global nuclear missile, moreover, for them this is their main fifth amendment, which they have always been proud of and which gave them, as it were, a huge roof for any country, today it is already becoming an extraordinary nail in the boot for them, because theoretically it would be possible to enter, but it turns out that if a nato country enters and they start beating it, then it turns out that this is further the effect of the fifth article, so today they are trying hard at all levels .
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a statement that they are not ready, they do not have enough weapons, today technically they have the opportunity to wage a full-scale, full-fledged war with the russian federation, which means that at the moment, of course, nato’s strong point was and remains its air force, in in this case , their group is very powerful, from
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the point of view of the air force, they are really ready to wage a fairly aggressive war, that is, at least try to attack for several weeks. in all respects the ukrainian vks, but faced with the prospect that there there is a very powerful air defense, we were forced to stay behind the front lines, because losses began and there was an understanding that aviation in this case, of course, can do a lot, but not everything. our air defense is much better than the western one, well, our air defense is better than
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the western one, because we had air defense for many years, for many decades it was as a separate branch of the armed forces, there were air defense troops of the country, then deeply erroneous decisions were made that eliminated this, but air defense remains. i think that other restoration decisions will now be carried out them, as it were, separate, at least branches of the military, but of course it is today the undisputed strongest in the world, let me remind you that today most, even what ukraine is still fighting on, are still those old soviet systems that us are already completely outdated, but i’ll just finish the second thing, there is another problem for nato, ground forces, for many decades nato was only an annex to the large american army, during this time they will actually say: they have greatly reduced their ground forces, as of today moment, if we take today, the maximum that nato, all countries can collect, in order to send somewhere, not even to fight at home, but to send somewhere, it’s about 150-2000, that’s if it’s very strong try, and no one will know how
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to properly support them, what they will shoot from, because the ammunition production industry, it simply will not provide the tasks of this war, at the moment they understand perfectly well that in a ground war nato. igor, your son is currently fighting in the zone in 2014, you are actively engaged in the question of defending our interests, now our guys are on the front line, with whom are they fighting, with the ukrainian army or with the west, what are their feelings? initially, let’s say, it was, we understood who we were fighting with, we were fighting with the collective west, we understood this since 1914 and defended it. volunteers of the first wave, the first army corps, we all understood that we were defending as border guards, distant cordons, of the russian federation, when the mobilized arrived, not all at once, i must say honestly, not everyone understood, but what do i see now on the line front, we now understand that we guys
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understand that they are at war with the collective west, why? because when we take positions, we find western-style phosphorus grenades, we find... swedish, american grenades, manpads, american and so on, we find a lot of western weapons, we knock out leopards, abrams, armored vehicles of the west, in addition, ours hear western speech through radio interceptions, french, english, german, polish in radio interceptions, but we know that in vdeevka what the eighth regiment, the ssso regiment, was doing ukraine, by the fact that... they saved canadians who were caught in the sack during the advance of our troops, the commander of our reconnaissance company took part in these battles, ours understand that today we... are at war with the collective west, and that it’s interesting that our guys are determined to do the kind of work
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that would lead, as it did in 812, as it did during the great patriotic war, that we must prove to the enemy at such a level in order to recapture it from him for a decade the desire to fight, and what’s interesting is that this fatigue, about which some say that we are mobilized, tired, we have been fighting for 2 years and so on, against the backdrop... of this correct understanding of what is happening there, yes, it is leveled out by everything else, that is, the main thing today is protection homeland, here is my son, when he communicates with his guys, many of whom went to fight last year after his graduation, the guys said, we will be there exactly as long as necessary, so my son is now being transferred from one formation to another formation, to one one of the hottest directions, and communicating with the guys, that’s all , even now he came there for a few days on vacation, he says that, well
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, that is, all his thoughts are there, all his thoughts are with those guys who are on the front line today, so in this regard, i believe that our information field, including such programs as time will show there a big game on the first channel, do quite a lot for this, i want to tell you that especially on the air traffic police, especially at command posts, your program with ... they look very well and comment, we say hello to the guys who are watching us live right now, if there is such an opportunity , i say hello, they often bring me video recordings from the guys from the front, and i try, if possible, to also record for them when someone is traveling and send them, in general, guys, contact the wheel, she will record a message for you on her telegram channel, be sure to live on channel one, i think they will hear me there, the shadow puppeteer of the ukrainian conflict, the secretary of state of the united states. blinken arrived in moldova yesterday, he already managed to meet with mai samdu. blinkin in chisinau
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i met not only maya sanda, but also the protesters. they demanded that blinken leave moldova alone and not drag the small republic into the ukrainian conflict. well, blinkin, what did santa bring? he brought her a promise, naturally, as usual, of money to fight russian aggression. sandu naturally thanked him, and considered him the most important help. ukraine pays the ultimate price every day for the simple desire to be free, their brave fight is a fight for our own freedom, the freedom of each of us. thank you very much for your support for ukraine. well, having checked in to moldova , blinken headed to prague, we are waiting to see what statements will be made there. in general, as far as we understand, arsonists don’t skimp on matches; he flew there for a reason.
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this is an attempt to fool the citizens of moldova in the same way as they did with ukraine at one time. the theme of the european choice. this means
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that everyone understands perfectly well that in this current state, with the transnistrian problem and with a host of other issues, moldova cannot, by any criteria, become part of the european union. here they are came up with this configuration, but if we can't enter as a country, let's. a nation that has its own history, its own culture, its own language, its own tradition, when they
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are told that you do not have your own language, you do not have your own history, you do not have a nation , the majority of moldovans agree with this.
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its services have become in demand, and here the answer is completely obvious, this is precisely the current stage of changing the status of participation of nato countries in ukraine, precisely the beginning, so to speak, of the appearance or verton window with the plant of the first military contingents on the territory of ukraine, in this case, it also needs a cover, that is, the very topic that you asked me before, like a collective west or something, in this case it’s just territory.
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but not everything, there is still parliament, there is still a very powerful opposition, until they crush them completely, of course, such decisions will not take place, but the fact that blins did not discuss this very thing, there is no doubt at all, he has no other interest in this for a lady with two passports, absolutely not. igor, the second front of transnistria cannot open soon? i don’t think that this will happen right now, but the fact that they have been considering this option since 1919 is because. they understand how painful this problem is for us, i think that at least such options are being drawn up at nato headquarters, specifically at nato headquarters, not even ukraine, but this year it’s unlikely, this year it’s unlikely, and this is connected with, let’s say, serious political seasons outside this region, to which they are
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all on edge, just like that , exactly, they will have all the decisions. be made after this configuration is formed, the political configuration of the west, after this some decisions will be made, at what stage now, it means this match is in the hands of the arsonist, they have already lit it or are preparing to light it, or already i don’t think that i will reveal some open secret, but all these plans should already be laid out, and what’s interesting is that they’re not just laid out, they’re laid out taking into account possible losses.
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my name is mikhail rom, now i will invite you to star in my film, what is the picture about, crumpet according to mabasan, and a prostitute, yes, but you will play fair. well, woman. excuse me, but why are they shaking us up like eggnog? they set the frame, guys, keep it down, but she falls out of the frame. no, this is not art. ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. do you like acting in films? how can anyone like this madhouse? on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. there were 35 young pilots, we were walking around the city and bumped into my mother, he flew on training planes over her house, took his suitcase, the blanket that my mother gave me
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once upon a time, i came to their home with these things, i offer you my hand and my heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time, dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would have to work hard to get... education, engineers, testers, so we started working together, 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just dad, homely, good dad, space inside, today on the first, task on exit. open space completed, on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that,
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it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just clung to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was so his the guy who said there, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are already playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through... life laughing, smiling, rejoicing , these were all his wives, they were, as it were, picked up along the way, and he loved yulia, his last call was to yulia, the earring was a real genius of children's television, he died in general at the age of genius, we certainly miss him, we remember him often, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, first, on children's day.
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85 - 72 + 97 answer 315 yes, what is the most unusual phobia, do you think, penterophobia, fear of mother-in-law, fear of whom? ali, there is that place, ali, it’s not there, i’ll go out into the field at night because i can’t sleep. history is very interesting. what war started in 1904 year, well, russian-japanese, but was he married? well, yes, twice. i live in the city of donetsk, i want to become a world-famous pianist. you need to see the soul in a child, you need to see his heart and try to just love him so that he is happy, june 1st on the first,
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, synonym: the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i’m recharging myself, it’s very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, take care of your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be them for example, our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other and always understand, we were raised so that we always help people, our life is comfortable. because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you,
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good afternoon, this project helps the children of our country take the first steps towards their dreams, the heroine of our today's issue , upon meeting me, immediately reminded me of the sun, she has beautiful red... hair and a rare unusual name niagara, although she likes it, so that she could simply be called nika. the girl herself comes from the small village of makedonovka, near lugansk, but having lost both parents, she is now forced to live in lugansk. boarding school, my name is niagara, i’m 16, i was born here in makedonovka, now i’m studying at portnova and i have a dream, i want to become a famous designer, i want to make people beautiful, stylish, bright and happy, i’m dreaming, orphan girls from in a tiny
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village it is very difficult to believe that dreams... come true in order to understand where to move further, nika wanted to go back in time, here in 2014 we were hiding from shelling, at that moment i realized that sasha, and dad, and i, including everyone, were in danger, and this is what was left of my home, where we lived as a family. looking at this house, it hurts me, this is my past, my broken childhood, since childhood i felt what it was like to be unprotected, it’s so scary to live, the entrance to the house, there it is further, everything is already overgrown, no one is taking care of it and no one will , dad did everything because mom left us. i know
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the examples i need to follow are the same example of my mother, which i definitely won’t follow. niki's mother drank heavily and abandoned the children when niki was only 5 years old. since then, the whole family has been supported only by the father who loves the children, he worked with a miner, nika always remembers him with warmth and love, and her mother is a pain in her heart. my mother knocked on this window and asked to come into the house, but we were scared, she was drinking. and because of this, dad did not let her into the house. the girl’s mother, svetlana, is considered missing, although relatives say that saw her recently. nika's father died 2 years ago, and this was a big blow for her. i didn’t know that he died, they didn’t want to tell me that. i think that they did the wrong thing, because i hoped that they would come for me and take me away, but no one called me, no one wrote and no one came. everything is fine,
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i just got over it, returning to my native place helped nicki understand that not all childhood memories hurt the soul, because it was there in her home that her main dream was born - to become a clothing designer, in this house i i sewed my first costume for a doll, at first it didn’t work out, there were big jokes, little by little i learned to sew, nika had only one relative left, and that was... brother sasha. unfortunately, the children rarely see each other, because the boy lives in an orphanage in the city of stakhanov. and for several months sasha had been waiting to meet his sister. the last time we saw each other was when he ran away and the police were looking for him. i was very worried about him and understood that he would be angry with me for turning him over to the police. but someday, sashka, you will understand that i did the right thing. don’t cry, look that i
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brought you, look here, at all our meetings he cries, i don’t know why, it seems to me that he should be happy, i want to cheer him up, taller, yes, he’s become taller, i thought you told me that's how you will be, let's go, sit on a bench, ask for a spoon and eat the cake, thank you. sashka, what, don’t you, how long do you still have to study? yes , a little, a year and then a month or so, and what do you want to become later? i’m an electric welder, i’m worried that he might end up going downhill on the topic.
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alcohol, but if... happens, i still won’t give up on him, because i ’ve been like a mother to him since childhood, and good mothers don’t abandon their children, you see that the hearts, yeah, i sewed them myself, look at them, you know that i love you , i’m always there, you and i are blood souls, and we have each other, i understand, uh-huh, nika invited our team to a boarding school in lugansk, where she lives and gets the profession of her dreams. this is my favorite office because here i do what i love. nika, something is not working out for you here, try to stitch exactly on the foot so that the pod is even, it’s not often that you meet such students who are really eager and, well, with their souls to live what they do, now somehow these books
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feel like like your own daughter, to be honest , that what it’s like to live in a family, what your own home is like, i don’t remember well, that’s why my family is here, look, only fours and... fives, look how many beautiful, simply original buttons the girl made, these are senior students, they made these images, i also want to create such designs, but for now i create them only in my head and on paper, in college there is a very shortage of fabrics, and we work with what we have, when i start earning money i will sponsor . this college, make your destiny with your own hands, go against the wind , don’t stand still, understand, there is no easy road, tomorrow the children will come to class,
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i’ll leave them a message, i do this often so that they know that they need to go towards their goal. we decided to take nika to one of the most beautiful russian cities, which has always been famous for its craftswomen and needlewomen. you already understand what city we came to, of course, yes, vologda, can you guess why? no, but i really like it, everything is so beautiful, like a gingerbread house. here is an incredible historical, cultural heritage of our country, but also here is the famous vologda lace, here is a craftswoman who possesses. delicate taste and such ancient craftsmanship, i think you need to come here and see, we have big plans, ready, ready, nika and i had a lot of heart-to-heart talks, she admitted to me that she still couldn’t
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go to her dad’s cemetery or pray for him, so i decided to take nika to one unique place that i myself had long dreamed of visiting, the feropontov monastery. nika, you know, i am very happy that we were able to come to this unique place, feropontovo, which was built here, this monastery in 1398, in general a very sacred place, but also here in the church of the nativity of the virgin mary , a fresco of dionysius has been preserved from the 16th century, almost unchanged, can you imagine from what century, from the 14th century so many people remember everything, monks, pilgrims, artists, authors, sochi, everyone in general, it’s fantastic, let’s go, you feel something special here, it seems to me, yes, the state, the atmosphere, and
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people come here from all over the world, it’s sacred a place that was very painful for me to find there. i had my own experiences, which i also thought about, i felt better, this place touched me very much, we decided that an important... step towards realizing nika’s dream would be the opportunity to visit a real sewing factory, and open your eyes, you can open everything, you can open it, wow, so when
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i opened my eyes i saw production... it was something, this is the production workshop of a designer whose name is katya schastlivaya, can you imagine what an amazing last name, yes katya, this our nika, hugs, hello, where does a designer’s work begin, an idea, yes, what about this idea, it can arise at any moment, production manager, cool, i want to sew like... for me this is just a great experience, this patience, it’s a lot of work, you probably love it when people are dressed nicely, very, most importantly, yes, do you want it? come on, come on, i’ll go without cameras, wow, what
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a beauty, that’s it, just a cloud, in fact, i would still recommend you to develop your name and yes, this is a brand, and which will be remembered, in the future i can name my clothing brand in my own name, i used to be embarrassed by it, but now i will call my neagar brand that. oh, more gently, now it’s spicier, you can feel the car, but now it’s better, it whispers, it really whispers, i got a lot of experience there, now i can compete with my classmates, after our trip to from vologda, nika and i went to moscow, like any creative person, she simply needs new bright impressions, and since... we know that nika loves asian culture, we invited her to one of the best
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japanese restaurants in moscow. uh, i don't know how you knew that my favorite food is rolls, but it was a pleasant surprise. today you and i came to one of the most, dare i say it, truly the best establishments in moscow. it’s incredibly delicious here, so we’ll try it here today. welcome. thank you, thank you great, you too. good afternoon. look how everything is prepared here in the open kitchen, that is, you can watch the whole process, it’s very interesting and speaks about the quality of the restaurant, by the way, look, they prepare this for us, for you we prepared salmon sushi , tuna back, we also prepared for you sashimi, in japan it’s customary to serve food under the knife, it must be eaten right away, we got the hint, yes, yes, it’s ready, very tasty, this sushi is simply
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incredible, japanese green tea, uh, with fried rice, it’s called gerano, oh , yes, here you go so, like japanese women, what a beauty, let’s move it like this, we don’t have enough table, great, after lunch nika and i went to a store for professional desks, where elena mikheeva, designer owner of a clothing brand, was waiting for her, who learned the story.. . i flew to moscow for one day to give her an unforgettable gift, choose any fabric that you like for yourself, for girls, as a gift, you like abstractions more, or some kind of flowers, drawings, i like the classics better. , oh, you and i are similar in this, do you like it or let’s see something else, let’s try what you can do, tell me, it’s very interesting, i even wanted
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to share my sketches with elena, but i don’t share them with everyone, so that there is no bad taste. nika, i really liked your sketch, i would like to invite you to join us for an internship. hurray, these are the fabrics i chose. are you taking this too? yes, nika, you have so many gifts today, i don’t know how you will carry them away. and so that you get to know the brand better, and... this is a coat for you, it’s cool, it’s so pretty, and these are leather pants. seeing nika's sincere desire to realize herself in the profession, i thought that there was one thing she definitely couldn’t do without. she's mine now. polina, thank you very much, i am very happy, very satisfied, now there will be hearts. i realized that i shouldn’t be
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afraid and just move forward. i want to say a huge thank you to the film crew. for a moment i felt like i was surrounded by family for the first time in a long time. i am very glad to have met nika and that we were able to give her a feeling of family, at least for a short while. we believe in nika, we know for sure that everything will work out for her. all, you can't cry. we are starting a new life, good afternoon, the big game is live, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, at these moments russian president vladimir putin is holding a meeting via video link with large families from different regions of our country, today on the eve of the day.
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the situation on the field of combat contact and in the whole world is characterized, of course , by escalation, an increase in stakes, tonight the ukrainian, actually non-ukrainian , western armed forces struck with high-precision systems from... so the ms on targets in the kerch region, in the krasnodar territory, at in this case, in fact, the british unmanned aerial vehicle carried out target setting, loitering over the black sea, but our country, naturally,
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did not sit idly by either; a powerful blow was dealt to the ukrainian armed forces at military targets on the territory of ukraine in a variety of ways. places, once again hit the airfield in starokonstantinov in the khmelnitsky region, where it is planned to deploy american -made f-16 aircraft, well, in addition to this, there were attacks on dnepropetrovsk, cherkassy, ​​kirovograd, zaporozhye, odessa, kherson, vinnitsa, in the kiev regions, that is, the escalation of the id, on the battlefield the situation is also maintained, we are maintaining it.
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they didn’t hit the bridge, but they tried to hit other targets, nevertheless we were able to protect them, moreover, the attack of the so-called unmanned boats was generally a failure for them, and, by the way, not the first time they somehow failed in the last 2 months i want to make amends, of course, for these failed attacks, because the price, for example, of one boat that is used for such attacks is approximately 4 million dollars, that is, about 25 million rubles, a little more than a quarter of a million dollars, yesterday he was given two months...
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i really hope, i don’t want to climb, we have weapons against these beks, and again we destroy many of them as our black sea fleet aviation approaches, that is, the overall strategy there is a fight against them, satakams , too, as if with any weapon, they also have their own disadvantages, weak points, gradually we see that we are beginning to destroy them more and more easily, that is, the wonderwafs again fail, despite the fact that it was presented as wunterwafs, well, yes, on in such situations, the west always tries to raise the stakes, tries to probe. on the possibility of crossing some red lines in order to try to inflate the level of the conflict without being directly drawn into the conflict, for them this is fundamentally important, well, now, as i understand it, one of the lines that our meeting has outlined is that for us the supply of f16 will be very significant from the point of view of parity and
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the use of the possibility of using non-strategic nuclear forces, that is, this is also a very important point, which i hope - we will be able to decide in our favor, although in any case, for the enemy, the blows of the old while starokonstantinov were very serious, there were a lot of things burning, exploding, detonating, if there really is such information that a base was being prepared there for the f-16, there was , if we destroyed, then we destroyed the enemy’s months-long preparation for the deployment of these aircraft, we must understand that nato aircraft cannot be deployed anywhere in ukraine, there is no base that was created by the union for deployment other aircraft,
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this is due to the fact that he transferred a huge number of reserves to other directions, this is the kharkov direction, so for the next 2 weeks there will be a very fierce powerful battle there, you need to be prepared for this, but in the chasyar direction. now in the pokrovsk direction in the toretsk direction, this is the donetsk sector, there are very active battles here, we are fighting for a very important enemy stronghold, i really hope that we will be able to break through the positions here and , accordingly, create problems for the enemy, well, like in...
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czech republic, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia, well, i must say that most of these countries do not produce weapons, and they do not have their own weapons, they only have weapons that are supplied by other countries, in general , a lot depends on the opposite. their weapons were not used, such as italy. as for the use of these weapons, well, apparently, it has already begun, i have
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a feeling, in any case, strikes, they began to publish in the western media the affected area of ​​​​possible with these high-precision systems that the ukrainian armed forces, in fact the nato armed forces, have at their disposal , it turns out that moscow is even punished. there are countries that are still close to defeat, in fact, they are seriously hesitating, but are rather inclined to use them too, for example, germany, until recently it was against using it, but let’s read what politics writes: the government germany is cautiously moving back from its words regarding allowing ukraine to inflict strikes on military targets. on russian territory, chancellor olaf scholz said that ukraine could use weapons supplied to germany within the framework of international law, but this did not sound so clear.
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scholz's spokesman steffen hebbestreit told reporters that ukraine's defensive actions are not limited to its own territory, but can extend to the territory of the aggressor, but stressed that he could not disclose the exact wording of the agreement with kiev on the use of german weapons. hebbestreit also said scholz's year-old statement that soon after russia launched its offensive on kharkov, ukraine asked the united states to ease restrictions on the use of u.s.-provided weapons to
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attack targets inside russia. some senior officials support such a move. secretary of state antony blinken called on president biden to agree to lift the restrictions. the white house is considering such a proposal, but no decisions have been made yet. but according to one american official, there are no restrictions on ukraine using us-supplied air defense systems for , for example, the same reconnaissance weapons or cruise missiles like storm shadow, they actually, from a military point of view
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, will not affect anything in strategic terms, but they will provoke russia to retaliate moves, but because the situation has gone so far that critical civilian military infrastructure facilities may come under attack, as well as nuclear power plants, for example, the kursk nuclear power plant there and so on, which could lead to. what the enemy is trying to achieve, he is going to provoke russia into those retaliatory
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actions that we are warning, in order to... make another pr campaign out of this, that aggressive russia threatens the whole world, so something needs to be done with it, in the nato bloc does not have an unambiguous, as they say, unity that would unite them, they need, firstly, the image of an enemy, terrible, insidious, terrible, they are ready to go to all lengths, because in fact, they have a plan b, what to do with ukraine, they are not there, all their strategies, all of them, all their military the help did not lead to the claim; russia did not break; on the contrary, it became stronger. therefore, now they are going to all lengths, they are ready to use even chemical weapons, there have already been several reports, the command of our khbz troops said that in certain sections of the line of combat contact, the enemy used chemical munitions, and this suggests that the west, will probably go to the end, but first of all, the countries of europe, those european politicians who so zealously defend the supposed international law of the ukrainian
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it must bring down juntas in self-defense. to prevent this global threat by launching high-precision preventive strikes, which were very sensitive for some countries, which, as our president indicated, are small, but with a very dense population, so we are forced to take these steps, forced, unfortunately, and how and apparently, in the west there is not a single voice of reason that would warn that this escalation
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will not lead to any consequences, except... now is june 6-7, these days emmanuel macron can make public the outlines of such an initiative? well, he has many different initiatives, they are already frightening
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the french greatly, here is marine lepin, who is. emmanuel macron wants france to fully enter into a war with russia, i am against this. i believe that this will absolutely create a colossal threat both to the safety of our compatriots and to the integrity of our territory, just like the united states or germany. to allow ukraine to use weapons we supplied to attack russian territory. that's exactly how it is there is an entry into a world war, and i 'm sorry to tell you this, but i am against anything that could lead to a world conflict in which france will be on the front line. and of course there is a serious question, will they create a collection of instructors?
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any person who has even a drop of brains understands that kiev has no options left, the other day i watched a video where the russians captured a ukrainian soldier, this guy literally said the following: i was taken away last week at the exit from the buluchina in kiev , then they sent me to training for 3 days, they issued uniform and brought here. now he’s already on the front line, i’m not even sure if this guy knows how to load a machine gun, and whether he even has a working one, that’s what’s happening, russia is stretching the ukrainian forces to the breaking point, the ukrainians are...
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correct surrender is that , what you really need to know now is good and correct, how to capitulate correctly so that everything will be fine, but in fact, those voices and calls that are heard now in france, well, it seems to me that this is on the other side of good and evil, when i heard comment here you won’t believe it, but they are not exactly military instructors, this is a kind of military professorship, when i heard this, that is , it turns out, these are not regular troops, these are not military, but these are teachers coming, therefore... it is impossible to kill teachers, because that these are people who transmit knowledge, but knowledge of how to kill, yes, this is knowledge, but the question is different: a coalition is what macron needs all the time. macron understands perfectly well that he is not
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alone, he initially came to power with the help of those bankers who installed him, these were us bankers, definitely the us, and not just european houses , set it up, now macron is coming with a specific mission, he needs to create the concept of umbrella legitimacy, at least in some way.
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remember that you are the director of this production, not ranevskaya. ranevskaya. watch the time after the program. you obviously
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want to become the main figure in the play by fayen geordon? if necessary, for the sake of business, i can play worse. statistics say that... in this world everyone should not rush, not lag behind, we are sailing like on a brigantine. troubles are forgotten, stopped, in
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in love, everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not decide everything, beauty takes me away, takes me away, appreciating the gift of snow, a concert for my ninetieth birthday. the americans are planning to go into outer space, our sunrise must fly earlier, unfinished products cannot fly into space, but you try, i ’m not holding on to the task, but i don’t care, you are my partner, the risk of launching sunrise 2 with living people. too big, we are ready to take the risk,
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attention, says moscow, today is march 18 , 1965, man went into space space, i don’t understand what’s going on with the pressure, but...
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it’s time for the first ones, on sunday in the first one, well, we ’ll see who wins, the escalation in the big game from the outside.
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ukraine, we see that they do not want to go to we see how ukrainian people want to flee from the front, they do not want to go to certain death, the death of people in ukraine is becoming unbearable, ukrainian men are not allowed out of ukraine, and now they want to conscript war of young europeans. well, naturally, this resonates around the world; ron paul, a famous american politician, also hits anxiety about this. the news we
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wanted to discuss has been circulating for a couple of days. we are talking about military conscription in europe. rishu sunok announced that he would like to return to universal conscription. several other countries are also discussing the return of compulsory service. frankly, it feels like we are back in the eighties or even the seventies, at the height of the cold war. the conscription is the involuntary service of millions of people, and those millions of people die if you add them to those who are conscripted. to war, and yet innocent people die, after all, we join various international organizations and start these wars, and the problem is that we can be called up not only by putting on our uniform, but using our money, they call on our money, and this money ends up in the war, our opinion is not taken into account. i think that the main reason for all this is their ukraine project, their plan to defeat russia with the help of ukraine is collapsing, this is already obvious to everyone, now they are preparing for a full-scale war with. russia, kirillovich,
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that’s how politically probable it is in general the possibility of a general return to military conscription and what this actually could change for the west. i would start with the economic part, and this is a problem, because the decline in the standard of living in europe will create unemployed people, and naturally, at some point this will create motivation for the unemployed to be hired, contracted in the army from them, which could be done armed force. another question is that the europeans probably expect that migrants will sign contracts, but the migrants will not go, then we are talking about universal military service, in general. a universal european this will be extremely problematic, but against the backdrop of a decline in living standards, this is generally a rather scary thing, because it can work, it is clear that everyone will initially be against it, this will not delight anyone, in general, but in two or three years they can get used to this, that is, if
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hostilities drag on for so long, then this, unfortunately, can be realized, politically speaking, i would remember one very... usa and europe, regarding this, it is possible is it possible to reprogram a person? it turned out that it is possible, that this takes an average of one and a half months, if this person has a poor education, if he is not satisfied with life, and if he, accordingly, is ready to trust completely so that his views, his world, his emotions. experimenters, that is , there was a publication about this, but the research did not continue, but this shows that europe, as a territory
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where the population is controlled, where the population is influenced, in general, is primarily the turn of the american, in general, media, american online information giants. it is possible to reprogram in this way, our hope is that europe, of course, will be able at some point to gain subjectivity, that at some point, albeit through the disease of the provision, through this reaction, that it will somehow be able to put this in its place , but i would estimate the probability as 50/50, you know, it seems to me that the idea of ​​universal conscription in europe will die, yeah, because - well, now the son who expressed this idea will blow it. with a bang, in fact, it is the british voters who will evaluate, i think, all other politicians who want to implement this, because political ideas are absolutely unpopular in the countries of the european union, on the one hand, on the other hand, let’s assume yes, that they have introduced a general military conscription, this actually means that their entire military
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budget will be spent on ensuring universal conscription, and those who are called up for military service will not even fight, but this seemed to be a hint to small, densely populated countries, in europe, all countries by our standards are small and all densely populated, and to what extent is europe ready to cover itself, for example, from the air, yes, an interesting article from financial times reveals how
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ready nato’s defense itself is to provide protection from weapons of destruction . let's listen. nato countries could provide less than 5% of the air defenses needed to defend central and eastern europe from a full-scale attack, according to people familiar with secret defense plans. one senior diplomat nato said the ability to defend against missiles and airstrikes was an important part of the plan to defend eastern europe from invasion, adding, "we don't have that right now." air defense is one of the biggest holes we have, said another nato diplomat. last week poland and greece turned to the euro.
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the american deterrent force or its own defense industry, well , their defense industry there is not yet capable of producing shells in the required quality, and the czech... shells, according to him, the first batch of tens of thousands of 155 mm shells will be
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delivered to ukraine next month. but michal strenat, owner and chairman of csg, the czech republic's largest defense contractor in central europe, said half the shells could not be shipped to ukraine that quickly. about 50% of the spare parts purchased by his company on behalf of the czech government in places such as africa and asia were not of sufficient quality to be immediately shipped to ukraine without prior approval. improvements, for some shells the csg company is forced to use the missing components of its own production, that is , 50% were simply not of standard quality purchased from around the world, i think these figures are, let’s say, coiffed, optimistic, but the fact is that if we take the same the air defense system until 1991 in europe was a chamfered, integrated air defense system.
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not enough, if we are talking about shells, why is everything based on the residual principle and they were produced during the time shells say, it’s like production cartridges, the simplest production of military equipment and weapons, that is, there are no high technologies, no ultra-high ones, it’s just mass production, conveyor production, and even if this is the basic production of shells, everyone knows what is required in the event of a big conflict...
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2008, some countries froze completely in 2010, what they showed concepts, it turned into something like a showroom of expensive cars, concept cars that are shown by the automotive industry, that is, they exist, but mass production is not they are going, what happened to their army after the americans... the conscription system got burned in vietnam, they came up with a contract system, but it also outlived its usefulness, the americans, for example, recruit foreigners into their troops who want to become american citizens, but this process was disavowed after biden opened the borders; you no longer need to serve in the us army, you can simply cross the border. now something similar is being discussed in europe, but someone can be mobilized there or called up for general conscription, but since society the whole of them is represented there.
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the united states, which called europe, as they say, its main partner in all programs, in all adventures, is now sacrificing them in order to gain time, in order to build up military force, in order to fight for hegemony in the future, and then , that now european analysts there, analyzing the state of the military-industrial complex, come up with this...
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our special military operation, even before this, the trump administration withdrew from the treaty on medium- and short-range missiles and now they are starting to develop a program for deploying these missiles and, apparently, they... will be deployed primarily in the far east, this, naturally, creates a threat to us and china, sergei ovidich lavrov, minister of foreign affairs, said this today. the deployment of american land-based intermediate- and shorter-range missiles will pose a serious security challenge for us, and this is not just a problem for us. such
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destabilizing steps by the united states pose a direct threat to our country and china, so we and our chinese partners... agreed to increase cooperation in order to repel washington’s irresponsible behavior. the implementation by the americans of plans to deploy ground-based inf missiles will not go without our reaction. in particular, in this case , a rejection of the unilateral self-restrictions introduced by russia after the us withdrawal from the inf treaty is inevitable. we do not exclude additional steps in the field of nuclear deterrence, because forward-based american missiles will be able to cover command posts and locations of our nuclear forces. it is clear that the united states america, starting in 2017, has been very actively preparing to create a sufficiently large base of medium- and shorter- range missiles. the goal was very simple, they did not hide anything, they spoke quite openly: we need to make sure that america plus its allies can accumulate, well, about 5-600 of these missiles, plus launchers. the task was very simple,
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to inflict some kind of defeat with a massive strike without using nuclear weapons. that is, by and large , an american analytical center, including the university of chicago, wrote that it is not alone a country in the world will not be able to simultaneously shoot down roughly 3 to 5,000 missiles. the united states of america took the path of escalation; their task was very simple. they believe that with medium- and shorter-range missiles it is possible to contain both russia and china. and not just like that, they are now located in the far east, this is directed not only against russia, but in many ways it is directed against china. the fact is that in the priority of threats for the modern united states of america, china, of course, is primary, in any case, we, at least restrained ourselves, we have always been under contractual obligations, fulfilled these contractual obligations, we have not deployed these missiles on land, but today we are free from any obligations, and i want to say that our missile industry, it is
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much more effective and cheaper than those programs that exist in the united states of america, today not only in europe. cannot reach a certain rate of weapons production, but the states cannot enter, because it doesn’t matter what quantity they have money, they don’t have high-quality production facilities today that , just with a click or a wave of a wand, can produce the quantity they need, which means that now we are simply seeing another round of that escalation, but no longer directed only against russia , but also against our partners, well, first of all china, of course, and china recently... demonstrates that it is ready to accept the challenge of the united states of america, this was shown by the naval and air exercises that were around taiwan, now here is a new video announcing a month-long exercise, including multiple episodes in all waters bordering china, that is, this is a comprehensive exercise, and if until recently china
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generally avoided talking about military cooperation with russia, then after meetings... of the leaders of the two countries, conversations began, they went quite frankly, wuqiang, official representative of the chinese ministry of defense, let's listen to him, the chinese and russian militaries continue to deepen practical cooperation in various fields, expand the scope of joint exercises, regularly organize joint sea and air patrols, china's armed forces are ready to work together with the russian army for comprehensive implementation. consensus reached by the heads of the two states to further strengthen strategic communications and coordination, deepen mutual trust in the military sphere, jointly implement the global security initiative, jointly defend international justice and impartiality, make new contributions to maintaining international and regional security and stability. well, both we and
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the chinese have said more than once that we are not creating a military alliance, but it seems that the actions of the united states are increasingly... pushing the two countries closer to, well, at least well coordinating their military activities. i completely agree, vyacheslav alekseevich, the fact is that the rapprochement between russia and china occurred due to the awareness of common fundamental interests. that is, in fact, we all understand that the establishment of a direct alliance, direct cooperation, yes, this would be a red rag for the whole world, but it turns out that it is somehow impossible to do otherwise, that russia’s goals. they are common to china, that is, if china is to the limit, well, usually don’t feel the illusion, but still waited to see whether the states would play fairly, and whether the opportunity would appear, in general, in fact. the states back in 2009 offered china chimirik, yes, that is, to rule the world for two, but china discovered even then, under the previous president, that the states absolutely do not know
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how to talk to anyone on an equal basis, they can talk only from top to bottom, so even then it was pushed aside, now china also has no illusions, but at the same time it gave the united states the opportunity to use every chance to humanly try to approach simple, understandable issues regarding taiwan, regarding security. region, the united states has demonstrated and is now tightening the screws with the sanctions round against china that this will not happen, so today we see a process of loss of illusions in china, an understanding of how losses, that is, losses are already at the grassroots level, this leadership has always understood, in fact, the building of the configuration of the world when the global south, well , first of all, russia and china, becomes the center of consolidation of not only common sense and justice. but, strictly speaking , already clearer and more precise contours of the security of the new order. well, i am the only one who is categorically against classifying russia as part of
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the global south, since we are still the north, and for the global majority, as part of the axis of justice, yes, of course, well, how ready is the united states itself for what? confrontation, their ambitions are through the roof, but what about the municipality after advertising? ranevskaya doesn’t know that they drew frankenbok from her without showing the picture, are you calling for an appointment? frekkinbock is seriously attracted to carlson. this is a cartoon for children from 3 to 7 years old. i'm trying to somehow justify my heroine. love for this fan turns an elderly sadist into a vulnerable woman. my head is in the right place, they told me i shouldn’t watch from morning until night. visor, here you go, ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, my
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funeral is going on, the orchestra is playing instead of mine photographs, photograph of frekenbock, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, we had 35 young pilots, we walked around the city, came across... mother, he flew training planes over her house, took his suitcase, a blanket that my mother i gave you once, i came to their house with these things, i offer you my hand and heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time, dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would have to still work hard to get an education as a test engineer, so we started working together. there are 5 minutes left before entering the shadow and 30 minutes of life, i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view
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of others, but for me just a dad, a homely, good dad, space inside, today on the first, a mission to go into outer space, completed on children's day. let's go, some kind of god-given radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took on children's programs, and the children just stuck to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who was there like he said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well , you and i are now playing these funny and stupid games together, so you and i are on equal terms, he ran through life, laughing, smiling, rejoicing, these were all his wives , it’s like they were picked up along the way by the genius of children’s television who died, in general, at the age of genius, we certainly
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miss him, we often remember him, so there are irreplaceable ones, sergei suponev, the hero of my childhood, june 1, on the first, children’s day , in our studio there are the most talented people. everyone recognizes you on the street they find out, they say, can i hug you, can i kiss you, well, let me kiss you, 85 - 72 + 97, answer 315, yes, what is the most unusual phobia, do you think, penterophobia, fear of mother-in-law, fear of someone, but there is that place , otherwise he ’s gone, i’ll go out into the field at night because i can’t sleep, history, it’s very interesting, what kind of war began in 1904, well,
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the russian-japanese one, and he was married? you need to see the soul in a child, you need to see his heart and just try to love him so that he is happy. june 1st on the first. it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series games. on sunday on the first.
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happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, a synonym for the word harmony, oh, this is communication with children, their energy, i am recharged, very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, protect yours children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobility, and be an example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to always listen to each other and always understand. we were raised to always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we love you, the big game is on the first, the united states, its allies
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are pursuing a policy of escalation, for decades the american arsenal helped ensure peace, but political neglect led to its atrophy, and the war machines of other countries began to work on full capacity, our armed forces are at risk of being underequipped and overstretched, we struggle to build and maintain ships, our fighter numbers are dangerously low, our military infrastructure is outdated, our government rivals provide each other with material assistance, cooperate so that the 21st century does not pass under the american flag, they also help...
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each other prepare for future battles, increasing the supply of weapons and circumventing sanctions. their unprecedented coordination makes a new global conflict increasingly possible. our military leaders are forced to make impossible choices. the navy is struggling to adequately fund new ships, routine maintenance, and purchase ammunition, but it is unable to effectively address all three issues. two of the three most important modernization programs nuclear weapons that are underfunded are in danger of missing deadlines. army. lacks funds for basic maintenance, from barracks to training grounds, our opponents see this as a sign of weakness, but at the same time give money or a real assessment of the situation, and here there is a real assessment of the situation, the fact is that, for example, naval ambitions , which are precisely the transparency of american power to the whole world, they certainly look beautiful on paper, for example, in
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a demonstration of the development... of the fleet, which, for example, trump said, yes, he said, we will create 350 new ships and, as they say, we will show the whole world, his reign is over, not only were 350 ships not made, but the number of attack ships in the us fleet has become smaller, but now there are new ambitions to create 500 ships by 2045, including 80 virginia-class attack submarines, 12 new columbia submarines and 245 surface and underwater drones that will operate freely in the ocean theater, an ambitious program, but which the current reality is facing, which means that the state-owned shipyards of the united states of america require serious reconstruction, therefore, in the pentagon’s plans , paragraphs were included in its budget for this year that should spend taxpayers’ money on the modernization of these shipyards. in addition, the unknown aucus block was created. which
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should also deal with submarine issues . why focus on submarines? the fact is that america has finally soberly assessed that the surface fleet with the advent hypersonic anti-ship weapons. represents a fairly great vulnerability, it experiences, therefore such large ships, the pride of the american fleet as an aircraft carrier, most likely in the near future can become history, but we need to resist with something, here is an attack from the depths, the stealth of submarines, their action at great depths, the bet is on this, but shipyards need to be built, submarines need to be built , but in addition to the technical equipment, there is also the issue of personnel. the fact is that problems with personnel began a long time ago in 2010, for example, the maintenance of american submarines according to the regulations included more than 200 operations, it turned out that some of these submarines cannot return to service, because out of 200
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only 150 can do this, and this is an increasing trend, so we see that the ambitions are huge, broad, the construction of a 60% fleet, which should be in the asia-teco ocean. south korea, so there is a bet on them, not on the capabilities of allies australia and japan, which is groundless, but a lot will depend on what is happening inside the united states, to what extent this new course of escalation, of aggravating the international situation, will meet with internal support, well, for now this is so, but...
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they decided to properly strengthen all the money that, according to them, was spent on this, zelensky and his cronies somehow stolen, because the residents say: “hey, we don’t have any fortifications, how did we end up in a situation where we, along with the british and french, found ourselves sponsoring an offensive war on russian territory. from the very beginning of this conflict, speech never it was about ukraine, it was always about russia, about its destabilization, about how to get rid of putin, but this will never happen." unnecessary escalation, no one wakes up one sunny morning with the words: what a beautiful day today to launch nuclear weapons , perhaps i’ll do this, this happens when you raise the stakes, someone else sees it and raises it again and so on in
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a circle, over time the stakes become so high that someone is squeezed into a corner and he realizes that he has no other choice, this is how a nuclear war begins, in kennedy and khrushchov understood this at one time, there are other examples besides the karips... a very big problem, at some point the same ricars said that the united states of america had entered the postmodern era, that is, by and large, everything that what once was in industrial society must be relegated to the background, post-industrial society is what will move us, we earn more, we pump up more
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bubbles, we build financial pyramids, but here a key problem arises: the united states of america is so strongly we have now dispersed this flywheel, the flywheel of living on credit, the flywheel of eternal threats, by and large.
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will be broken, we all understand that this will happen sooner or later, because this is not normal, do we know when exactly this collapse will happen, no, we don’t know, but where the us is heading is bringing this day closer, because they are trying to control countries through sanctions. look at china, southeast asia or india, there are hardworking people who care about their children, who want them to have higher education so that they can have a better education.
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yes. absolutely correct. the fact is that america, yes, has actually stood, since the time of the founding fathers, on one principle. on constant modification of the value system as a wonderful marketing tool. you have earned the maximum in this paradigm. you have shifted the criteria for beauty a little, yes, the criteria for being good and making money again. this is what jean badryard said that every fashion item should have. ugliness, which is initially promoted, oh how cute, ah
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then they say, oh, what a waste, you need to get rid of it immediately, this constant modification, it was always further, further from god, and eventually led to the absolutely opposite end, this is the honest truth, because eurovision is satanism, in another way it is you can’t name it, it rejects all that sensible, let’s say, part of humanity, which proceeds from the fact that it is still necessary to stand on something else, in this way it is impossible to develop finances. of course, the american political system is also not performing at its best right now. parties, the jury in new york is now considering whether to imprison trump or not, and could imprison him today, and the judge can make this decision like this. as for biden, well, he has to answer increasingly difficult questions, and he has to find increasingly boorish answers. let's listen.
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from their hands, that the world is going its own way, and
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the united states is going a completely different way, that they still have allies, but the allies themselves are unreliable and also find themselves drowned by the same united states america, well, other countries of the world are forming together, creating brix, creating alliances in order to win, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we convey with ... the news, see you again at 17:00, no skip it, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue, the failure of the saboteurs, head down, our special services are in the crimea. terrorist attacks, what were
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the detainees supposed to do on instructions from ukrainian military intelligence?


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