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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  May 30, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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and we evaluate your room 250 times, wait, now maternity capital for a newly born child, it turns out to be half a million, if you sell a room for 100, their room doesn’t cost 1000, it will cost more, how much will it cost, it should be valued at half a million, that means, look , you’ve already collected a lemon, which means that if you have this million, then the most reasonable thing would be to buy a house in the perovsky region, not far from perm, but we are ready to help you, let’s accumulate it all, as soon as you do all this, that we will tell you now advised, you call me and we get busy, well now for now we’ll rent an apartment for you, well, that’s it, you have absolutely two options here, either... you continue
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to do nothing and wait for everyone to take you by the hand and do something with - they will help, or the state will still take over the protection of children, their safety for themselves, i really hope that the option of renting an apartment will work out, but i’m telling the truth, i hope that after this program you will be ashamed, not your wife , who vomited tears of shame throughout the entire program,
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well done, they abandoned you, and i i won’t give up, what’s your favorite volunteering activity? go to orphanages, congratulate veterans, help the elderly, those with many children, the first thing that came to my mind was to save children, angelina, do you know that you are a hero? well, i don’t consider myself a hero, then let’s now move on to your story, what happened when it happened. good evening, live broadcast, big game, and i'm vyacheslav nikonov. today, the president of russia, vladimir putin, on the eve of children’s day, held a meeting via video link with large families, look at ours, look how wonderful they all are. this is a family awarded the order
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of parental glory by a mother worthy of the honorary title of mother-heroine, members of their families, and our president congratulated them all, parents and teachers, on international children’s day. it is around the interests of the family and children that almost all of our actions, all government actions and decisions are built, and in a wide variety of areas. education, healthcare, and in the economy, in the development of housing programs, in general, in the renewal of our cities, villages, families, parents must be confident that the state is ready to provide them with the necessary support, and the widest opportunities for self-realization must certainly be open to children, so that they can reveal their potential, their abilities, talents , but in
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the end, to find our own path in life, to fulfill our wildest dreams and achieve success that we can all be proud of, we will continue to unconditionally create all the conditions so that as many children as possible are born into russian families, this i would like to emphasize that the fundamental task of our state policy, working for the future for the sake of the future, the family should strive to become more and more the norm, - said the president, so this is for each of us who has not yet met this norm, well, for those who have exceeded it, probably, too, now at these moments the president in the catherine hall of the kremlin is presenting state awards of the russian federation, more than thirty outstanding citizens of russia were noted and he personally presented the highest awards to participants in a special military operation, this is what vladimir said putin. we are going through serious trials,
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defending truth, justice, the sovereignty of russia and the right of our people to determine their own destiny. at the forefront of this fight are those who fulfill their military, professional, and civic duty in the field of special military operations, fight on the battlefield, work in hospitals, restore, and improve life in our historical territories. hero stars are awarded to military personnel who participated in a special military operation. you are a true support and armor. russia, you are aligned with worthy reference points, the brotherhood of the generation of winners for courage, well, the president began the ceremony of presenting state awards with ibrahim pasha sadykov, he received
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the star of the hero of the soviet union, the russian federation, but for the great patriotic war. he is 100 years old. participated in the battle of stalingrad, in the battle of kursk, recently asked the military registration and enlistment office to be sent again to the front of a special military operation, the military registration and enlistment office refused, but maybe if the president asks, then these are such fighting people, they are still are able to serve their homeland, because really the whole country is now with our guys on the battlefield... and, of course, it pays tribute to those who protected us then from the most terrible enemy in the history of mankind. well, by this moment, in addition to the heroes of the northern military district, awards were received by anna kikina, a cosmonaut who was awarded the title of hero of russia, among the awarded were vyacheslav volodin,
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sobyanin, gergiev, steven segal, valentina annomatvienko, a hero of labor, so the awarding, by the way, continues. we are also keeping an eye on further awards, but what if talking about what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation and in the world as a whole, then we can say, in my opinion, that the stakes are being raised in the big game, that there is an obvious escalation, last night strikes were carried out with high-precision systems of western production, clearly western military personnel in...
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cherkassy, ​​kirovograd, zaporozhye, odessa, kherson, vinnitsa, kiev regions. it seems that this is the permission that kiev begged to receive from western countries to use their weapons against us, is already being implemented to a large extent. and what does this mean for us, and what should we do?
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now, in essence, there is a process of creeping, let ’s say, permission for their use, and not only in this territory of the dpr and crimea, but they are openly talking about the territory of russia, for example, that belgorod and other regions are mentioned, that is, they are in the process of implementation of this decision, as we see, are simply verbal statements in relation to criticism of these plans, they do not convince the westerners of anything, because they see that if the situation to develop in...
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well, both in ukraine and in the assets of a number of nato countries in ukraine, that is, everything is heading towards this, that is, escalation is developing, but again this is not our choice, this is the choice of nato, that is, well, we will. to follow this path, but as for the situation on the front line, the initiative there remains with us, there are small advances on the rabotinsky ledge today, there is progress on the vremevsky ledge, the cleansing of staromaisky continues there, our troops continue to fight for the harvest in the ugledar direction continue fighting not far from the konstantinovka ugledar highway, there is a slight advance in paraskoveevka, our troops are still in krasnogorovka. today we have advanced, in the netailov area our troops continue to advance to the outskirts of karlovka,
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there are also successes there, both to the north and south of nitailov, there is a slight advance in the umansky area, the battles for novoaleksandrovka continue in the direction of kalinov, that is, the initiative here continues to develop, as well as the enemy here we lost another abrams tank, in the chasofyar direction our the troops advanced a little more to the west of kleshcheevka and andreevka, there is an advance in chasafyar itself to the north of chasafyar. on the northern ledge today , positional battles are taking place without any special changes, just as in the krasnolimansky direction, in the svatvo kupyansky direction, battles continue near the outskirts of stalmakhovka, there we are not only pressing to the west, but from the north we have already approached directly to the village itself, there is progress somewhere up to a kilometer in the ivanovka area, well, in the kharkov direction, our troops today made some progress in volchansk, the enemy acknowledges the advance.
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ukraine is illegitimate; in fact , the west created the situation of illegitimacy in order to exclude the possibility of any peaceful negotiations with russia, because the bet is definitely on escalation. the number of countries that give consent to ukraine to use their weapons to strike our territory is growing. in any case , these countries are already, well, we are in a little more hurry with germany and the united states, but all these countries really already give consent to the use of their weapons, it is clear that estonia, latvia, lithuania, poland, the czech republic
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do not have their own weapons for this, but the fact that large countries that produce weapons, which actually control these weapons, directing them to where they fly these missiles, is a serious, serious signal of escalation, well in addition, maps are already beginning to be published. when he said that in fact these would not be strikes from ukrainian weapons on our territory, but these would be strikes from those countries
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that produce these weapons and plant targets in the actual electronic systems of these rockets. well, the united states is now making a decision to allow the use of air defense supplied to ukraine, namely patriots, for attacks on... f-16s, which denmark is going to supply to ukraine. well, in assessing what
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western politicians are saying today, of course, you need to look at the politicians of those countries that supply or can supply long-range weapons, that is, first of all , britain, france, germany and the united states of america. as you rightly noted, vyacheslav alekseevich, we must now carefully watch what the americans and germans say, but in essence, i think that we can state that germany is already being dragged towards the hawks. today an article by a politician was published, which, it seems to me, predicts, or more precisely directs the actions of the chancellor, explaining to him what he must do, it even contains the word gratuitous transfer of weapons, yes, it would seem, we are with you. we understand that no one gives anything to ukraine for free, for free, and it is directly written there that germany must transfer these systems free of charge, but and the united states of america is playing out the same comedy that they once played out a few months ago with financial assistance, when they allegedly got bogged down, mired in some kind of internal squabbles, let all the europeans go ahead of them, and thus fixed that no one can jump off this
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escalation is not working, but denmark, poland, estonia, they can make any statements.
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emmanuel macron wants france to fully enter the war with russia. i'm against it. i believe that this will absolutely create a colossal threat both to the safety of our compatriots and the integrity of our territory. just like the united states or germany. i am against allowing ukraine to use the weapons we supplied to attack
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russian territory. this is exactly how entry into a world war occurs. and i'm sorry to tell you this, but i am against anything that could lead to a world conflict in which france would be at the forefront. marina lepen is now in the lead, her party is leading in the elections to the european parliament, but she is not taking decision in france. another interesting question, of course, is what the french instructors will teach the ukrainian army there, what they don’t know in ukraine, what the french can teach them. well, it’s true, this is what larry johnson, a former cia analyst, did in my opinion. an interesting proposal for what they could do there. any person who has even a drop of brains understands that kiev has no options left. the other day i watched a video where the russians captured a ukrainian soldier, this guy said, literally the following: i was picked up last week at the exit from a bakery in kiev, then they sent me to training for 3 days, gave me a uniform and brought me
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here, now he’s already on the front line, i’m not even sure if this guy knows how to load a machine gun, and... he a worker at all? that's what's happening. russia is stretching ukrainian forces to the breaking point. the ukrainians are sending more and more people to stop the russians, and they continue to push the front. everything is over. there are already photographs of soldiers from the french legion, whose emblem is not located on the helmet, but on sleeve that is, they try to hide who they are , but not completely. and now he is dead. he was sent there to train the ukrainians. but this raises another, much more important question: why the frenchman? and these also defeated us, as the language begs to be asked, in general there are more coalitions of good different ones, the coalition of western countries has recently taken on such epidemic proportions, they
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are coalitions on every convenient and inconvenient occasion, but what is a coalition? coalition is a collective responsibility. that is, in fact, countries are trying to get away from individual responsibility for what is happening, for war crimes, because, for example, israel commits certain actions in the gas sector, everyone does not like israel, and if the coalition commits some actions in iraq, there is no responsibility, because who did it? suit, we, yes, like in the famous zhvanetsky, in this one, here it seems to me that it’s a game. it is unclear where this was already encountered in the european union during the audit of the assistance they provided to ukraine, in the united states of america, during the same audit, and
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who will be responsible for such powerful financial losses. therefore, i think that france is now playing this game, and we will now send on june 6-7, we will make a decision that we will send our military instructors to ukraine, so they already have these instructors there, just sir. macron is trying to institutionalize to show that, or rather, he is trying to sign a statement retroactively, it’s just that it already exists, it’s already present, yes, well, these instructors are of little use for now, in fact, the ambitions are very large, but is there any ammunition for these ambitions after advertising, salome zarabishvili, a true francias, concurrently the president of georgia, georgia.
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her son is in france, her task is to drag georgia into a military conflict with russia. it’s not just about georgia, it’s about finally getting the entire caucasus out of the mentality of soviet oppression and russian influence. the united states of america will go crazy and shed blood. solome zurabishvili and the head of georgia. tutti's heir dolls. today is the first one. ranevskaya does not know that frekenbox was painted by her.
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koronevskaya. watch the time after the program. and here is my funeral, the orchestra is playing. instead of my photo, frekkinbock's photo. food safety. statistics say that the main cause of severe food poisoning is ourselves. how to properly store food products, about this and...
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in love everything is not simple and smooth, in love it does not decide everything, beauty takes me away, takes me away, occupying the snowy distance, beautiful. the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of composer evgeniy krylaty, premiere on june 1, on the first, for the ninetieth birthday of alexei
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leonova. the americans are planning to go into outer space, our sunrise must fly earlier, unfinished products cannot fly into space, but you try, i’m not keeping up with the task, but i don’t care, you’re my partner. the risk of launching voskhod 2 with living people is too great, we are ready to take the risk, attention, says moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, i don’t understand. with congratulations, and we have two, everything is fine with you, answer, alexey, why are you silent?
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first, on sunday on the first, well, we still let's see who wins, hello to our huge country, i love russia because it is very beautiful, it has beautiful cities and a lot of beautiful places, the mighty
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yenissia river. in which it is wonderful to fish, very beautiful in winter, especially when the frost turns into an incredible fairy tale. to date, i have already traveled through 79 regions of our wonderful country. this is an outlook, this is interesting, these are new emotions. people from all regions of russia come to us in adegea to look at these beauties. our sheregezh knows many, many, many, many. in russia there are no borders, russia has only a horizon. travel, get to know our world, our russia. the united states and its allies are raising the stakes in the big game, escalating, allowing ukraine to use its weapons against our
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territory, but for real. nato countries can provide less than 5% of the air defenses needed to protect central and eastern europe from a full-scale attack. one senior nato diplomat said the ability to defend against missile airstrikes was an important part of the plan to defend eastern europe from invasion, adding, right now we don't have that. air defense is one of the biggest holes we have, said another nato diplomat. last week, poland and greece turned to the european commission with a request for help in
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financing the common fund. european air defense system, the prime ministers of greece and poland called air defense a serious vulnerability in our security. maybe they have weapons lying around there, like 15 five-millimeter shells. the czech republic again created an entire coalition in order to supply these shells to ukraine. they collected almost $2 billion. and what? it turned out that, well, nothing has reached ukraine yet, but it turned out that half of the shells. that they have collected is simply not up to standard, and that’s what they are, well, they don’t have anyone else, so they will give it to ukraine next, what will they do, in general, an interesting story, yes, that is, they are not raising the degree of tension, themselves, in general, clearly found themselves in a position of vulnerability, well, we must really proceed from the fact that some decision regarding further the west has accepted the escalation for itself, but here
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we must keep in mind one very important point, to clearly say that these will be western specialists, these will be western contingents, these will be, in general, military personnel, or specialists of nato countries equivalent to them. that is, when we talk today, so to speak, about technical support, it is clear that the west has already begun to directly intervene in this conflict, to participate directly, but to act in traditional ways, that is, to push equipment forward,
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and behind it... here this must also be understood because this is where it is going on, maybe a test run of how military operations will continue, how today they will face... now in many directions , the topic of universal military action has become a very popular topic in recent days in the western media in political circles duties in europe, rish and sunok dispersed this topic, and as a pre-election one, he is completely crazy, and so
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the conservatives are losing, and so they will lose miserably, it’s simple and he simply has no chance in the july elections, he conservative party, but now this has begun to be discussed seriously by the european union, as told by... peter serta, minister of foreign affairs of hungary. the latest crazy idea is to introduce compulsory european conscription. we see what the situation is, based on it, we understand what exactly is being discussed in this sentence. after all, what kind of situation is this? the ukrainian people are suffering more and more human losses. more and more ukrainian people are dying, including more and more ukrainian soldiers. therefore, now the question is not whether they will send europeans, americans weapons, whether there are people. will there be ukrainian soldiers who can cope with this? we see how ukrainian people want to flee ukraine, we see that they do not want to go to the front, they do not want to go to certain death. the loss of life in ukraine is becoming unbearable, ukrainian men are not allowed to leave ukraine, and now they
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want to conscript young europeans into the war. in your opinion, what is the chance, what is the likelihood that they can introduce conscription on a european scale. is moving more and more on a military footing, the introduction of this will mean a radical drop in the popularity of the very few popular politicians who exist in europe. unfortunately, we are forced to note an increase in escalation from the west on all fronts, and a transition to a military footing in terms of creating weapons in terms of mobilizing the population, even by the very message about this mobilization, these are very important steps that they are taking, but very risky. because they walk on the edge all the time, the most important thing here is to understand that this is a crazy idea, as it was absolutely correctly said, exactly the same as a crazy idea to challenge russia at today’s stage, and most importantly, these
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crazy ideas are not supported by any resources, europe’s resources are running out, this is not the united states, the united states is interested in draining europe’s resources, in weakening europe, they are successfully leading it. exactly this, but the worst thing is that the americans are interested in pushing europe against us, they are pushing it in every possible way, let’s get more weapons, let’s introduce more everything general military, let's do this, let's mobilize the economy, and this is what is unfortunately happening today, and there are not enough resources, this is clearly understandable, but these resources cannot be underestimated either, they are quite serious, all these maps that you showed, did they say that this could lead to catastrophic consequences, unfortunately
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not enough, or is their voice not strong enough to be heard noticeably? well, the voice is strong enough, the voice is audible, but who pays attention to it, because actually those elites who are in power. they really are under the washington cap and are not even trying to remove this cap, but if they really go down the path of military service, then well, my prediction is that they will not go down this path, because in most countries it simply will not be accepted in any way, politically it it will be suicidal, and economically too, because their military spending is simply at the limit anyway, but if they...
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deploy medium- and short-range missiles , that is, escalation, in fact began even before our special military operation, when the trump administration withdrew from the inf treaty, and now... we have agreed to increase cooperation in order
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to repel washington’s irresponsible behavior. the implementation by the americans of plans to deploy ground-based inf missiles will not go without our reaction. in particular, in this case , a rejection of the unilateral self-restrictions introduced by russia after the us withdrawal from the inf treaty is inevitable. we do not exclude additional steps in the field of nuclear deterrence, because american missiles forward-based missiles will be able to cover command posts and locations of our nuclear forces. it is very good that in one interview today sergei viktorovich put on a par the appearance, perhaps, of the f-16, attacks on russian territory and these medium- and shorter-range missiles, because in essence a special military operation, it was a response to these steps , for placement, for conversations, for withdrawing from agreements even when trump was president, so here we always need to remember the logical connection for... understanding of our own historical correctness in the fight that
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the anglo-saxons are constantly imposing on us, but as for retaliatory steps, they will certainly follow, lavrov speaks about this, our president speaks about this, and of course i would like to note once again that speaking against us and against china, the united states of america is again seeking to bring closer the positions of russia and china , not only in the economic sphere, but in the sphere of military security, which of course is one of the two countries...
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the chinese and russian militaries continue deepen practical cooperation in various fields, expand the scope of joint exercises, and regularly organize joint sea and air patrols. the chinese armed forces are ready to work together with the russian army to fully implement the important consensus reached by the heads of the two states to further strengthen strategic communications and coordination, deepen mutual trust in the military sphere of jointly implementing the global security initiative. jointly defend international justice
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impartiality, make new contributions to maintaining international and regional security and stability. when stupid and greedy people take on something, it’s better not to interfere with them, they will bury themselves, and it seems to me that here the united states, britain, which is very active in this region, in the pacific, i mean, are pulling japan up , are being dragged into these conflicts in every possible way, although japan itself. she’s very resistant now, she’s also interested in militarizing herself for some reason, for some reason unknown to me. south korea he also begins to look in this direction, but very, very carefully. and the very super-hyper-cautious chinese, strategic caution, this is a line of behavior that the chinese leadership exploits and professes, literally, now they see that they are now left with no choice. and they will simply be put in such a framework that they are forced not only to cooperate.
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these military supplies do not really help ukraine achieve success on the battlefield, but the united states itself is experiencing serious problems with its military-industrial complex, but naturally. in that a lot of political games, but let's listen to what the senator from mississippi, roger weicker, said, he's a republican. over the past four decades, america's arsenal has helped ensure peace, but political neglect has allowed it to atrophy and other countries' war machines to spin into overdrive. our armed forces are at risk of being
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underequipped and overstretched. we have difficulty building and maintaining ships. the number of our fighters is dangerously low, our military... structure is outdated. the governments of our rivals provide each other with material help cooperate so that the 20th century does not pass under the flag of america. they are also helping each other prepare for future battles by increasing arms supplies and circumventing sanctions. their unprecedented coordination makes a new global conflict increasingly possible. and our military leaders face an impossible choice. the navy is struggling to adequately fund new ships, routine maintenance and purchase ammunition, but it is unable to effectively handle everything. three tasks, two of the three most important nuclear weapons modernization programs are underfunded are in danger of missing deadlines. the army is starved of funds for basic maintenance, from barracks to training grounds. our opponents see this as a sign of weakness. well, is this a call for money or a real reflection
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of reality? it must be said that the american military machine is faced with very serious problems, which may not always be clearly visible from the outside, but are connected inside.
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situations in different regions of the earth, including the middle east, but as you know, action is equal to reaction, after advertising. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov. we had 35 young pilots, we walked around the city and bumped into my mother. he flew training planes over her house. i took my suitcase, the blanket that my mother... gave me once, with these things i came to their house, i offer you my hand and heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time. dad received a call to moscow, we understood that we would have to work harder to get an education as a test engineer, so we
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started working together. there are 5 minutes left before entering the shadow and 30 minutes to live. i know this for sure, scary, extraordinary from the point of view of others, but for me just a dad, a homely, good dad, space inside, today on the first, the task of going into outer space was completed, on children's day, let's go, some kind of god-given that radiation of kindness, seryoga was like that, it was not for nothing that he took himself... children's programs, and the children just clung to him, it was obvious, this cannot be played, he was such a guy who was like he said, well, i’m 20 years older than you, well, you and i are playing together now.
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i have 5 minutes left before entering the shadow and 30 minutes i know there is no life left if something didn’t work out, which means that belyaev should have done, shoot him fatally, this is his job, he thinks so, he doesn’t think it’s a feat, to be honest , a man went into outer space, this is the little light, when i met her for the first time at school,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday at the first. happiness, this is home, these are loved ones, relatives, synonymous with the word harmony, this is communication with children,
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their energy, i recharge, it’s very cool, we are often confused, if someone sees us, everyone says: oh, twins, protect your children, raise them with dignity, honestly, nobly, and be example to them. our main family values ​​are to tell each other the truth, be sure to, always listen to each other, always according to... we were raised in such a way that we would always help people, our life is more comfortable because we are kinder, we want to confess our love to our native country, country, we we love you, a new round of escalation in the big game in the middle east, after...
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words to the islamic world: why are you hesitating and not making a common decision on what else needs to happen? dogs eat the bodies of martyrs on
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the streets of gaza, israeli terrorists break into the houses of muslims, but... destroy their personal lives. they share photos from their bedrooms, muslim children are being killed in hospitals, babies' necks are being cut, people are being burned. when you take notice, when you react, when we unite and take a strong stand against this oppression, when the organization of islamic cooperation begins to pursue an effective policy of containment, when the islamic world begins to defend the rights, lives and honor of its palestinian brothers. i swear to allah.
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barrel of this process, because it is obvious that now all conceivable and inconceivable boundaries are being crossed, all the blows that and the footage that we receive from rafah indicate a very bad humanitarian situation, that people, well, in fact , have nowhere to go, where should they go, the border with egypt is closed, where should people go who are in this territory, these are very densely populated areas, they have already been attacked and... refugee camps and a huge number of deaths, really this is a huge human tragedy in a very small area, this is a huge tragedy, the question is, what to do about it? the international community, unfortunately, is not fully coping with this, the turkish republic, it has always dreamed of leading the islamic world, but erdogan reminds that he can do this, but for now
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these are all words, often very beautiful, pompous. they are trying to tie our hands, tying our hands, he is tying your hands, because all democratic societies will be shackled, if the right to attack terrorists who are hiding behind civilians as living accounts is taken away, this will be the collapse of all democracies. i know you support us, there was previously bipartisan support in the us for the decision to sanction the international criminal court for this scandalous decision, so i
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was frankly surprised and upset that the administration seemed to... have moved away from this important decision, i hope this does not happen after all, it is important to send a signal to moose that a free society will not give up its right to defend itself. an israeli victory is a us victory. israel is fighting america's enemies. i will say this to you and anyone in israel. don't listen to anyone, you know what you have to do. return the hostages, defeat hamas, make sure lebanon does nothing. any free country that believes in democracy should support you. well, here's a new definition of democracy. if this is democracy, you you support israel. republicans, of course, are now increasing their support for israel, thereby creating very great difficulties for the biden administration, which in general today is faced with the problem, if you will, of a spreading or sharply decreasing
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democratic electoral base. but from hayley's point of view, i tell you. i can say that this is also, you know, an example of such experienced politicking, she decided that, after all, maybe they hadn’t completely written her off, and maybe they were even talking about the fact that they need to somehow work with trump, although she is generally trump i supported her lately, but apparently she decided that after all, here we need to somehow get some kind of discount from this, i supported, so what, and he said thanks, no, maybe we should push it through for the vice president. and maybe, or maybe not even bother, because today, in theory, the jury in new york should grow up and give a verdict to trump, in principle, today a judge in new york can put trump in prison, it’s just that this is not at all not an excluded option, so we wait and monitor what is happening in the united states, but the fact that america is at odds with the rest of the world on this issue is obvious, here is the latest
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news, brazil has recalled its ambassador. from israel, and petro, the president of colombia, stated that the only way to save the situation is to send peacekeeping forces there, and he, as the colombian president, is ready to send there. their already armed forces, colombia against america, seriously, well, you asked who can solve this issue, well , the houthis are trying to solve it, by the way, they are acting quite effectively against american weapons, for a second, yes, i get the impression that many western, in particular american, european politicians are asking themselves in the morning : am i too white and fluffy, let me go out to journalists today and say that- something like that, so yes, the world media will shudder. this one, the most interesting thing is that i won’t get anything for it, this one, this model, when i won’t get anything for it, i’ll tell you now, but i won’t get anything for it, it gives to such phantasmagorical statements, but
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can they even use the brake under these conditions and do these politicians have a brake? it seems to me that they have only one brake, these are their own interests, when we look at nikihai’s trip to israel, i completely agree with you that she is going there not... so much to support israel, although this of course exists, but to to support herself, in a situation where she again has a chance to be in the event of trump being installed as the candidate of the republican party, she actually appeals to the pro-israel lobby in the united states of america, look, no one supports israel like me, you need a candidate like me, moreover, she made a different statement in israel, she tried to blame october 7th. for this tragedy on russia, supposedly russia gave some information to hamas for this attack, that is, in addition to this, she also sent a signal to netanyahu that i will smear you, and if i come to power, i will make sure
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that you do not go to jail, so she acts like a cunning, smart politician, not at all like a lobbyist interests of israel, but at the same time she clearly will not gain sympathy outside the electorate, her own party and the rest of the world, outside the united states. because outside the united states, in my opinion , there is no one left who would support israel like that. well, there really is an escalation, now it is happening along all lines. why? well, maybe the simple answer is that ukraine is losing the war, obviously, now the west will do everything to prevent its defeat on the battlefield. it will be true. in fact, deeper the truth is that, as our foreign minister rightly noted yesterday , we...
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and in these attempts the united states, especially extremely dangerous ones, can undertake any provocations, we must be prepared for this, must be restrained, withstand . and resist this evil, because our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it, hello, evening news on channel one, andrei ukharev is with you. children are the most important thing for parents, incomparable happiness. vladimir putinsky did not communicate with large families.


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