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tv   Vremya  1TV  May 30, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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indirect signs, but they definitely don’t bode well for salome zurabishvili. maria butina, the doll of tute’s heir, was with you, now on the “time” program. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. for the fight for the work. vladimir putin awarded the heroes of the special operation, a hundred-year-old front-line soldier from dagestan, government officials, and famous artists. mature failure. kiev curators
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bombarded saboteurs in crimea with instructions when they were already detained by fsb operatives. what plan was foiled? foundation of the future large families are in direct contact with the president, talking about new support measures and, of course, about the warmth of home. about the rates, in detail the government. accepted the changes proposed by the ministry of finance to the tax system, why are they necessary and how will everything work? a step into the universe into history: 90 years ago alexey leonov was born, the first man in outer space, his name is still in orbit today. let's remember her like this, anastasia zavorotnyuk, beloved by fans of tv series and theatergoers and viewers of the ice projects of channel one, did not become. trends, accents,
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internet content, what is the best in russia, awards that everyone has received, why it’s really worth going online. family is something without which there is no future for russia; large families have a special role. today , vladimir putin spoke via video link with married couples who were awarded the order of parental glory. there have been more large families in the country in recent years.
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but, but i see you well and even without special devices, come on, my dears, with bows, bows, so you said, vladimirovich, vladimirovich, hello, hello, my dear, in the semashkin family nine children, lida’s birthday is just today, i especially want to congratulate semashkina, lida, lidia andreevna, she is 17 years old today, thank you very much for your congratulations, it’s very nice to see you. it's your sister's birthday today, right? yes, as a gift, what will you give her? what are you saying my wife, wow, don’t you feel sorry, on a video call with the president today there are large families from all federal districts, awarded orders of parental glory, there are 10 children in the family of irina and oleg volga from the dpr. in our area, even in petrovsky there are many large families living in the area, with eight children and nine children, here we have.
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let’s assume that this state of affairs, there is no doubt at all, is that russia, a multinational, powerful country, rests on people like you, yes, times are difficult. since 2014, donetsk, the donetsk republic, and then the lugansk republic have been living in such difficult, let’s say, conditions, what you said is the best illustration of what is happening, i have no doubt that this situation will change, it will change for the better, it will sustainable, and donetsk, donetsk republic. lugansk, kherson region, zaporozhye region, everything will develop as part of russia, the russian federation in our common big family, everything will get back on its feet,
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including for families like yours, a big family, 10 children, this is a huge wealth, i want to wish good luck to you, now oleg has his own repair shop. shoes, the sons help, the girls love to cook, the older ones are even studying to become pastry chefs, and today the whole family came to mariupol, from there they went directly communication, how do you like mariupol, it’s being restored, the city is a hero, everything is quickly being restored, before our eyes, everything is becoming more beautiful, you can feel some changes there, yes you can feel it, new transport is appearing.
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hope, i think that in april we all had a daughter, they named her ; we really need hope now. the shishovs from chuvashia also told vladimir putin that first, special operations knit warm clothes and send them to the front, and the elders in the abakumov family themselves went to donbass. dynasty of doctors, three doctors, volunteers went to donbass, the eldest son, as i understand it, therapists, it is written in the documents, at the beginning of the northern military district, my sister and i went to the combat zone as doctors, volunteers, but
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no one forced us, however, we went with a pose, it’s impossible to say otherwise, so i want and express my gratitude on my own behalf. but also from those of our guys who receive both your things and your letters, you know how important this is for people who risk their lives, for the interests of our country, in the interests of families like yours, so this mutual communication and support is the basis of our existence as a whole , by and large, and the basis of our successes, including on the battlefield, thank you very much, today we talked about measures to support large families, the number of which has increased by a quarter in recent years, now there are already more than 2 million, the soladovnikov family from the krasnodar territory continues to grow, my wife and i were classmates in the same class, well, this is probably our first love
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, one of your sons also became a father of many children, and just recently a third child was born, who has this?
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one that requires an attentive attitude towards it and - additional regulation tatyana alekseevna, you and i talked about this , yes, it slightly exceeds - the income of the head of the family and that’s all and... well, it’s not just my private private the problem, i think, is one that
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requires quite a lot of attention throughout the country; we will definitely return to this at the government level. vladimir putin holds such meetings with large families regularly, here’s why: i certainly always, you know, i’m always very sensitive to such dialogues for direct feedback, and i always try. rely on this in making decisions. families and parents must be confident that the state is ready to provide them with the necessary support. we will continue to unconditionally create all the conditions so that as many children as possible can be born into russian families. this, i emphasize, is the fundamental task of our state policy: a family with three or more children should certainly become the norm, a natural way of life.
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our religious organizations, in this regard i want, i cannot help but draw attention to the fact that
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his holiness the patriarch always, almost always, you can believe me, when we meet with him, and we meet regularly, not as often as we would like, but regularly, but it always comes up about help, support, support for people, but the khalikov family from the chechen republic had no questions or requests for the president, except perhaps one, i have a request for you today. as president, and as a private person, he came to visit us, and we have you, we have a place in the sharoy mountains, thanks ramzan akhmatovich, a tower complex was built there, we will meet you, you will be our great guest, thank you very much for the invitation, i will definitely try to implement what has been done in chechnya recently, primarily thanks to the residents of chechnya themselves, thanks to the chechens. to all the people who live there, i just know, sometimes i even watch with surprise how
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chechnya is developing, at what pace, and how it is, what it looks like today, and this is the result of the work of the entire chechen people and the team that it leads ramzan akhmatovich, communication with the head of state lasted more than an hour and a half via video link, some of the families said that... sincere words from the president today at a ceremony in the kremlin, where honored people were invited, each in his own business, peaceful or
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military. report by nastasia kobozeva. in the catherine hall of the kremlin are those of whom a large country can rightfully be proud, cosmonauts, statesmen, outstanding actors and musicians. in the front row are the heroes of the special operation. today we are going through serious trials, defending the truth, justice, sovereignty of russia, etc. of our people to determine their own destiny, at the forefront of this struggle are those who fulfill their military, professional, civic duty in the sphere.
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several of our soldiers were awarded heroes of russia, among those awarded was captain nikolai sokolov. on behalf of the fifty-eighth guards combined arms army, i would like to thank you for the high degree of trust placed in us, on behalf of every guardsman, i would like to assure you once again that all assigned tasks will be completed, enemy victory will be defeated, it will be ours, next to the heroes of our time, the hero of the great patriotic war, command.
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i have 52 years of work experience, all of them in the public service, for me it has always been service, service to people, service to my country, and i am a happy person, because there have always been wonderful
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teachers and mentors next to me, whom i remember, i grateful to fate. that from the first day of your leadership of the country, i am on your team, i am not a military man, but still i will say, i serve russia, with the order of merit for the fatherland chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodinko was awarded the first degree. like the mayor of moscow, sergei sobyanin, the metropolis is now implementing megaprojects, medical centers are being built, clinics are being updated, and they have launched.
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irina winner, the president presented the order for services to the fatherland, first degree, a person without whom it is impossible to imagine russian rhythmic gymnastics, coach of champions who have conquered olympic and world pedestals. even in such a difficult time for our country, as you rightly said, we everyone is mobilized, and we are really mobilized, we all must understand and know
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that today is the time that we must stand behind your back. irina winner, together with the gymnasts, actively supports the families of svo participants. our last concert was dedicated to may 9, the victory day, at which there were more than a thousand north military district soldiers, with their families, and doctors. our most important red line is our fighters. the only woman in the cosmonaut corps, anna kikina , was today awarded the title of hero of russia, her cosmic common cause, i wish everyone prosperity and peace, thank you for the award, i work for the good of people and russia. in the kremlin today, several
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cultural figures were awarded at once. valeria gergieva, the head of two legendary theaters, the mariinsky and the bolshoi, was awarded the order of merit for the fatherland, second degree, by the president. he is not only an outstanding musician, but also a talented organizer. the branch and marinki in vladivostok and vladikavkaz are his merit. there are many plans. one of the most important tasks is to open. i want to open opportunities primarily for the most gifted, for the most interesting , for the most honest, for the most sincere artists, creators, you need a new stanislavsky or you need a new meyerhol, we will look among young people among already experienced masters, we will definitely find an order of merit for the fatherland, fourth degree, from a national artist russia, artistic director of the legendary snuffbox vladimir mashkov. recently, he has also been the chairman of the union of theater workers. art balances a person with the world in the most
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responsible and critical moments of life. it can educate a person in a person. and our culture cannot be canceled. because we remember our predecessors and appreciate what is great. that we have, we really need everyone in their place to work responsibly, selflessly, for the benefit of the future of our great country, as my teacher, oleg pavlovich tabakov, liked to say, the meaning of life is that life does not end with us, the order of merit the fatherland of chepeni the president awarded pavel, who... celebrated his 75th anniversary, more than 40 years he is in the chair of the editor-in-chief of the moscow komsomolets, it was under his leadership that mk became a media empire, a daily,
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socio-political newspaper, readers await this newspaper every morning, in almost all regions of our country. it so happened that today i was presented with this award on the day when 41 years ago i was appointed editor-in-chief of the moscow newspaper.
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prohibited drugs, but there are si4 explosives, a kalashnikov assault rifle, a tt pistol, cartridges, even an old but quite lethal dekterev machine gun, the stories of the detainees are similar to one another, the main thing is about five residents of crimea the intelligence department of the ukrainian ministry of defense recruited in pro-ukrainian telegram chats, well, they discussed the occupation of crimea, the beginning of the northern military district, these pro-ukrainian ones were there, there were also people dropping information about equipment. military, well, military facilities, columns, where they are going, why they are going, this particular detainee agreed to work for a certain alexander. alexander wrote to me in a personal message that he was from the special services or had connections in the special services in ukraine, and invited me to work for him, that is, to take photographs and drop off military targets to him. i had a photo of the kirov airfield, which i
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sent to him and chose a loud nickname for myself. i chose the pseudonym khasab, yes, this is a translation from the crimean tatar language, butcher, they collected information, including data on the protection of the crimean bridge, took photographs, kept in touch as necessary, here is a fragment of a telephone conversation intercepted by the fsb between conspirators with the nicknames count and tchenguiz , hello, this one will call you today at about 6-7, don’t be afraid of anything, ours are ours. i will prepare you that it will be ukrainian number. at some point, in the stories of each of the detainees, the name bakhtiar comes up, somewhere in january, february, bakhtiar drove up to my house and said: there are guys, we are working, as if our ideas are normal, do you want to work for them? in april of this year, there was a message from him, bakhtiyar, to help him, in
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some matter in mid-march, my friend... asked that we need to help the ministry of defense of ukraine, photograph military facilities, troop movements, substations, bridges, also remove caches and re-store them in other places. later it turned out that he would blow up the railway and agreed to it. according to the criminal plan, explosions in several regions of crimea at once were supposed to paralyze railway communications on the peninsula, but stopped.
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from the ukrainian gur, in a conversation with him both try to twist ukrainian words into nazi slogans, obviously to please the owner, please, i’ll tell you, in short, the shepherd went through full instruction, preparation, everything, everything, everything, the shepherd is with me, he has the phone number i forgot myself in the car, we are now going to my take a picture of your phone, if you don’t believe me, please tell me, good day, alice, glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine, welcome. fsb officers arrived in time, when the explosive devices were already in the hands of the terrorists, they kept in touch with their curators until the end, the last unread messages on their phones were already read by operatives. the first message is unread, 16:15, now it’s 17:32 we were already here yesterday’s message in ukrainian, chaban, there’s something wrong with the count, i can’t get through to him,
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i need you to help him. nikolaev, odessa, dnepropetrovsk and kharkov regions. several khmelnitsky explosions at once at the stary konstantinov airfield, which is preparing to receive american f-16 fighters. let me note that the united states invested in its modernization even before the start of the northern military district, and in september 2021 it was certified according to nato standards. well, now we are systematically hitting it.
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intelligence sees everything. also from today’s report , a ukrainian su-27 fighter was shot down, militants lost equipment, a bradley infantry fighting vehicle and many western self-propelled guns. four uncrewed boats were liquidated in the black sea, intercepted. and the belgorod region today again enemy terrorist attacks against civilians , four ukrainian drones were destroyed - the ministry of defense reported before the start of our release , another drone attacked a bus of an agricultural enterprise. the operator waited until the driver stopped and struck. one person died, nine more were taken to hospitals with shrapnel wounds. an hour ago , germany announced a new package of military aid to ukraine worth half a billion euros, and denmark today joined the countries that allow the kiev regime to use its weapons to strike targets in russia. in the case of the danes, we are talking about the already mentioned
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f-16 fighters. copenhagen announced the transfer of nineteen last summer. today secretary general stoltenberg again called on the alliance as a whole to lift the ban on such use of nato weapons. someone says that they allow the strikes, they allow the kiev regime to carry out these strikes, some western countries say that they will still decide whether to allow or not to allow, some say, that they haven’t allowed it yet, it’s all nonsense, they ’re not just allowing it, they themselves have been organizing all these attacks on the territory of the russian federation for a long time with the hands of the kiev regime, you have to call things in your own words, where does the data from the satellite come from? where does the geolocation come from, where does the intelligence materials come from? of course, from the westerners, this game of permission or not permission, it’s all from the evil one, exactly what the russian leadership has been talking about all these years is happening:
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a hybrid war of the collective west, led by the anglo-saxons, against our country with their own hands the kiev regime, and this regime is not necessarily always informed about exactly how it is being used against us, let me remind you that... vladimir putin said, concluding his state visit to uzbekistan. the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence, technical intelligence data. if for some strike systems, such as stormshadow, yes, these missions can be entered automatically without flight missions. any presence of ukrainian military personnel who does this do? this is done by those who produce and those who supposedly supply these strike systems to ukraine; it can and does happen without the participation
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of ukrainian military personnel at all, and other systems, for example, such as atacoms, yes, are also being prepared on the basis of space reconnaissance, is formulated, brought in automatically... in order to the corresponding calculations, they may not even understand what they are entering, and the calculation may be a ukrainian calculation, entering the corresponding flight missions. meanwhile, on the enemy side there is also this, from seventeen-year-old ukrainians who study or live abroad are required by the ministry of defense to return to register at recruitment centers, an analogue of the military registration and enlistment office, and this cannot be done remotely. earlier it became known that everyone to whom fulfill. 17 will receive summonses. the ukrainian command states that registering young men has nothing to do with mobilization. however, there is information about kiev’s plans, at the instigation of the west , to lower the age limit so that people can take it from 18 years old. the shortage of manpower
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due to her flight is already such that it has become a big topic in the foreign press. river of death. this is what the economist calls tisa, which runs along the borders of ukraine with hungary and romania, which are crossed by up to 40 people in a swim... these are those who are lucky enough to swim to the adjacent side. the rapid current and cold water in the mountain river, plus lethal fire from ukrainian border guards, confirmed 30 cases of death of draft dodgers, and this is only the officially recognized minimum. draconian mobilization is an unpopular measure, after which the western masters of the zelensky regime can demolish it. the matter is made easier by the current legal situation, which was commented on by one of the authors of the ukrainian constitution. today, according to the constitution of ukraine , the supreme council remains the legitimate body in ukraine. there is clearly one rule in the constitution: during martial law , parliamentary elections are not held, neither
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regular nor extraordinary. in this case, nothing is said about the presidential structure, about the institution of presidential power. thus, if elections are not held, the president. personnel news in russia. vladimir putin by his decree he appointed the acting governor of the khantamansi autonomous okrug. this was ruslan kukharuk, who previously held the position of mayor of tyumen. the president discussed the key tasks facing the new head of the region at a meeting in the kremlin. ruslan nikolaevich, you were born in...
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tyumen, twice people trusted you in the elections, the mayor of tyumen, the head of the city administration, i want to offer you to head the autonomous okrug, everything is dear to you there, i hope everything that you have developed in the past will also be used at higher level of what you see in quality. first priority, what priority tasks do you consider the most important in working on the spot, thank you very much for your trust, to fulfill the duties of the gubernatorial district of ugra, indeed today this is a very serious strategic region, the primary task makes a significant contribution to the country’s economy today, of course, to continue at full speed development in certain areas, i think that we can still... forgive, first of all, here, probably, the emphasis was placed more
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as far as living conditions for residents are concerned, this is a solution to the problem of resettlement from emergency housing stock, the next task is to support those who are defending our country today as part of a special operation, these are, of course, members of the families of our military personnel, and of course, if we talk about plans , then today probably such a guiding document, a new decree on the national development goals of our country, well, i wish you success. the cabinet of ministers discusses tax systems, of course, in detail,
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there are a lot of numbers, but all of them, as they have said more than once in government, are subordinated to the main principle, that’s what it is. all current changes are aimed at building a fairer tax system from a more balanced one, it should ensure the supply of necessary resources for the implementation of all social programs, for national systemic tasks, national projects, government programs, for the benefit...
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from such income you will need to pay 18% , from 20 to 50 million - 20%, over 50.22. the key point is that progressive rates will only affect the amount exceeding the threshold, in money, of course. it’s more common to consider, let’s say your salary is 240 rubles before taxes or 20,800 in hand, the threshold of 2,400 is reached in 10 months, all this time the tax is 13%. remaining 2 months. will already be 15%, so the amount in hand
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is 2040 rubles. as a result, the additional load is slightly less than 10 thousand per year. the changes will not affect participants in a special military operation and there are certainly no questions raised here, as well as with the growing tax time for wealthy people. at the same time, the main thing is that by raising taxes for people with high incomes, we are simultaneously we reduce them for families with children. who need it through the mechanism of deductions and so-called family tax payments, we are providing a mechanism in which parents in families with... or more children with an average per capita income of less than one and a half times the minimum subsistence level per month will be compensated for part of the personal income tax paid through payments from who said that the effective tax rate was 6%. that is,
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more than half of the 13% rate will be returned to such families. these payments, according to the head of the ministry of finance, will be borne by federal budget, and they can be received through government services. or by applying to the social fund of russia, affects 4 million families, for many of whom additional income is an opportunity not only to spend more, but to save, of course, without sewing it into a pillow, in bank accounts. the tax on income on deposits up to the threshold of 2 million 4000 rubles, as before , will be 13%, above this amount 15%, without further progression. this again does not apply to the majority of the country's citizens. the same rates will apply to the sale of property if the term... does not imply tax exemption, for real estate 5 years, for everything else 3 years. fine tuning awaits the corporate sector as well. for enterprises , the profit tax is increased to 25%, but in return the ministry of finance proposes to remove the so -called turnover taxes and create incentives for investment. additionally, we are introducing
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a federal investment deduction, this is an innovation. only at the expense of the federal part of the income tax, as business asked us. its specific. parameters will be determined by the government of the russian federation. small medium-sized businesses are always the focus of government attention and the proposed conditions provide new opportunities for development. the income limit for a business operating under a simplified taxation scheme rises from 265 to 450 million rubles. this will allow many companies to switch to simplicity. at the same time , vat is introduced for entrepreneurs with an income above 60 million, but the vast majority fall within this threshold. such enterprises will not feel any changes, they have revenue of less than 60 million rubles per year, then this is also important, and the main share among them are taxpayers who carry out production activities, these are precisely those enterprises, which means that they
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operate in retail trade, real estate operations, public catering, for them these are exactly those. three and a little percent, for which we will basically be asked to, so to speak, change the taxation procedure, this is exactly one of the topics that was discussed with entrepreneurs, the government heard, business appreciated. this is a fundamental point, the business needs to grow first, then having certain resources, then the tax rates for it change, because often small businesses asked that they would be simplified... they wanted to work with much larger parameters, this was heard, please, you can work with a turnover of up to 450 million according to the main funds 200 million rubles, but you will pay more, because you are no longer a micro-business, you have grown, well, it really turns out that whoever has more
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will pay more, expanding the limits has another goal, to get rid of the fragmentation of the business, the scheme of which will be sinned used for... next year, so the government expects that the state duma and the federation council will consider draft documents during the spring session. all proposals will allow, among other things, to balance budget expenditures. as a result of the president's address to the federal assembly, additional ones appeared, including those in the near future. first of all, to implement the president’s message to the federal assembly, we will direct
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resources to pay an increased monthly monetary allowance from march 1 of this year. remuneration for classroom management and teaching work. security, how to properly ensure it in
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a specific area, taking into account the most complex requirements. at the exhibition in the moscow region, all the latest in the field of rescue, liquidation of consequences, minimization of damage, robots and more. oleg shishkin, clearly. the fire train is fired with a blast of selected nozzles and tons of special fast-hardening foam are dropped onto the fictitious source of fire. honestly, railways are always a lot of complexity. objects, and this is a security robot, a scorpion, designed for patrolling the territory, can work without recharging for up to 8 hours,
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there is a video camera, a facial recognition system, from here, if necessary, at the operator’s command, a special net is fired to detain offenders, and this robot for humanitarian demining has already passed the professional aptitude test more than once in the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, plowing the soil to a depth of 20 cm, causes the detonation of mint, an explosion of 300 g of waste. it has not been modified in any way taking into account practical application. a distinctive feature of this mine clearance machine is the special design of the caterpillar tracks. if, as a result of the explosion , the caterpillar is damaged or flies off, the vehicle still remains in motion. due to such powerful protectors, these tracks are, in fact, full-fledged wheels. this year , 230 companies presented their developments at the integrated security forum at the exhibition center in patriot park. the key theme of the salon in 2024 is.
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from air attacks stands with electronic warfare devices many new developments from anti-edron guns to mobile systems capable of covering a small enterprise with a protective dome. this is a 2 km dome, 500 m high, that is, it creates a certain semi-hemisphere format, in which, in this case, through fourteen channels, it creates interference, that is, there is an opportunity, well, that is, an opportunity to somehow ensure the safety of this one. more than 200 guests from 40 countries, from africa, asia, latin america and the middle east came to the forum. we are at this exhibition at the largest international
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event in this area in order to develop cooperation and continue the important and very close cooperation between guinea and russia in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations. first of all, i was very impressed by the new technologies, the fact that they all have practical applications and can be used during the liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters and other emergency situations. a third-year student at the academy of the state fire service of the ministry of emergency situations, he came to study in moscow from yemen, presented at the exhibition a helmet that allows a firefighter to navigate in heavy smoke, with the help of infrared sensors the processor creates augmented reality, radiation sensors, radiation detection, high hazards, rescue 260 advanced developments at the exhibition, from rescue equipment to ammunition and equipment , reign supreme in all pavilions. unmanned aerial vehicles and reconnaissance drones monitor flood conditions, and small urchins and beetles can be a great help in case of fire.
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if the operator is flying a known route, where is the route to be taken to evacuate? people requiring rescue, and it is cluttered, at the same time he can outline , among other things, an alternative route for carrying out the evacuation , that is, it saves time, there is a prompt transfer to the manager at the site of the rescue operation, and a decision is made. the forum will work. 2 more days of international fire brigade competitions are planned, as well as demonstration exercises at the naginsky rescue center. oleg shishkin, vyacheslav amelyutin, alexander travkin, first channel of moscow areas. open space. already 473 times people have gone beyond the confines of their ships. but today we remember the one who did it first in the world. it’s 90 years since the birth of alexei arkhipovovich leonov. he is also from the legendary royal summon. alone with the abyss, which decided to test him, and he accepted the challenge, dawn alone, i am diamond 2,
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i am on the edge of the airlock.
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you, no one has done this before you, he says: well, only fools are not afraid, of course it was scary, but he is such an adrenaline person, only such a person could absolutely incredible circumstances, difficult psychologically, to make the wrong decision, which saved his life, in fact, i violated this entire mission, i had to report everything that happened there, i didn’t report,
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no one could help me, advice. and advice could be given by people to whom i should tell everything, but there was no time to tell, because i had 30 minutes left to live, the next flight took place only 10 years later, again a historical event, the first international expedition of the apollo union. 1975, cold war, interaction between the two superpowers remains only in space; according to the plan, the meeting was supposed to take place on neutral territory, but contrary to the protocol. leonov broke the rules and literally dragged an american astronaut onto the board of a soviet ship while flying over the elbe. you know, forty -five years our fathers met on the elbe, 30 years later, soviet american soldiers and their children met on the elbe, but how it happened, i don’t know, until the end of their lives alexey
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leonov and thomas stafford maintained more than just friendly, fraternal relations. i have i have two russian sons, alexey leonov helped me adopt these boys 5 years ago, and i generally consider him my brother. streets and schools, a planetarium in kazan and an international airport in kemerovo, as well as a crater on the moon are named after alexei leonov. he often visited the group of cosmonauts, each time he was present at the send-off of the crew flying into space, he spoke parting words to the cosmonauts on the baikanore before the launch, we all wanted leonov to be the one who escorted them to the rocket before boarding the ship. all the astronauts were very proud of it. most famous astronaut among artists the most famous artist among astronauts. each flight into orbit took with him a set of colored pencils, sharpened on both sides, and several sheets of thick paper to capture what he saw. already on earth he painted paintings in watercolors or oils, which he then gave away as gifts to his relatives. two canvases are hung in the main collection of the tretyakov gallery. sixty-fifth year, black and white photographs, black and white television. and here,
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through the eyes of an eyewitness, is that picture. space, which the person saw for himself, this is love, touching, beautiful, tender, and this is me, those same black sea swims over long distances, and i was like a cargo, despite constant employment, dad always found time for his daughters, oksana leonova recalls. dad taught me to ride a bike, dad taught me to swim, dad taught me to shoot, not with a slingshot, with a rifle, i can do all this, thanks to dad, especially family. alexey leonov did not call his main victory his reward. they lived with their wife for almost 60 years, raised daughters, and also grandchildren and great-grandchildren. what a happy person i am. yuri sherbakov, elena shtoklova, kristina neznanova, vyacheslav chreshka, mikhail artyukhin, alexander isaev, channel one. portrait of alexey leonov on the rocket that today launched the
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progress c27 cargo ship into orbit. the flight is scheduled to last 50 hours. food, water, equipment, and letters and gifts will be delivered to the participants of the current space mission. and in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of alexei leonov, there is a big program on channel one. today. in our night broadcast space is inside, unique footage, including from the leonov family archive. tomorrow at 23:50 there will be a documentary on the very edge. there's another premiere on sunday. a space odyssey by alexey leonov at 14:30 at 15:20. the time of the first, the same film with yevgeny mironov. now advertising. afterwards, we will remember the best roles and projects of anastasia zavorotnyuk. she passed away after a serious illness. we're back on the air in just a few minutes. don’t switch, my name is mikhail rom, now i’ll invite you to star in my film, what is the film about, a crumpet for a mapasan, and a prostitute, yes, but you will honestly play at being a woman,
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excuse me, but why are they shaking us up like a mogul, they are setting the frame, guys, be quiet, well, she is falling out of the frame, no, this is not art, ranevskaya. watch the time after the program, you like filming, how can you like this madhouse, old barrel cognac a product of the stellar group, bourbon сtirsman a product of the stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, сnop gin. product of stellar group. cognac monte chococa. product of stellar group. rum. castro. product stellar group. vodka pechora. product of steller
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group. to the ninetieth birthday of alexei leonov. the americans are planning to go into outer space. our sunrise must fly earlier. unfinished products cannot fly into space. you will try, i don’t keep up with the task, but i have to peck, you are my partner, the risk of launching voskhod 2 with living people is too great, we are ready to take the risk, attention, says moscow, today is march 18, 1965, a man went into outer space, not do you understand what's wrong with the pressure? and we have two, are you okay?
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answer, alexey, why are you silent? dawn, am i ready to go out into the forest, am i waiting for the command? are you proposing to leave them in orbit? do soldiers have to die? for the sake of the interests of my state, when i wake up, dad will already arrive, he will try very, very hard, lyosha, there’s still not enough air, lyosha, it’s time for first, on sunday at first, well, we ’ll see who wins. children's day, our studio has the most talented people. do people recognize you on the street?


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