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tv   Kosmos vnutri  1TV  May 31, 2024 12:10am-12:51am MSK

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unpleasant opinions, well, let’s imagine that it would be possible for you to be invited as a professional colleague and a general, and the head of a parliamentary committee, you would for some reason decide to agree to come there, you would be asked why you think that russia is able to resist the collective west, what would you say, firstly...
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sys, missiles, delivery vehicles, we produce everything ourselves at the expense of our own developments, this means that it is impossible to limit us with anything else, the presence in our country various minerals allows us to produce the entire line of weapons systems from the simplest to the most complex, which, again, is europe. can’t afford it, because they don’t have it, they don’t even have mineral resources anymore, they have to look for it all somewhere, far, far away, so what do they hope for then? this is the first, second, this is the determination of our president, our supreme commander-in-chief, and the love of the entire people for him, this love was confirmed in the month of march, when we... 40 years old, who
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would there be such a percentage of trust for which so many residents of his country would vote, in percentage terms, of course, they don’t exist, they don’t exist, then what do they want, and the third thing is our armed forces, which now have the largest of... the most extensive combat experience, which no army in the world, nor the united states, has, with all due respect to them, i say absolutely seriously, the american army is a serious thing, and even more so all the other western allies, and the lack of experience is a very, very serious thing, and in order to to get it, well, you have to try, these... will not allow them to win, but will ensure
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our final victory, let them remember the history of the second world war, because the germans were near moscow, the germans were in stalingrad, but in the end we came to berlin, the same thing will happen here, especially since we are no longer near moscow or in stalingrad, we are where we are, but we will go where we must... go to fulfill the tasks of the special military operation to secure our territory from inhumane shelling, these barbaric bombings, from the killing of our civilians, and nothing will stop us here. as i listened to professor sachs, i couldn’t help but wonder why the biden administration and those who support this administration. why do they
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allow themselves this kind of course that is destructive, first of all, for the united states itself, and i know the answer, when i look at american public opinion polls, it turns out that at this stage only 2% of american voters consider international affairs and more specifically ukraine’s priority, that is, in their words,
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to take measures that will demonstrate to the average westerner that this war also directly concerns them, well here, again , you need to understand who they will put at risk first, look, even in this story with the transfer of long-range weapon systems, with the f16, the last ones to transfer, well, denmark there... who gives consent? sweden, estonia, latvia, finland, poland, lithuania, that is, these are the countries that directly border russia. not only that, they are very good to us studied and we know perfectly well the location
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of all objects, critical infrastructure, the impact of which will be very serious. changes in the life of an ordinary person, and for this there is not even a need, in general, to launch such massive missile strikes, no, then they are trying to accuse putin of waving a nuclear baton, they are putting into his words a completely different meaning than these words mean, no one will start with a nuclear strike on russia’s neighbors, and...
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not only for the leadership of various countries, but and for their people, the population, they will allow all this to be done, well, with minimal costs for the planet as a whole and for other states that do not participate in this, listen, in the end, there are, well, figuratively speaking, somali pirates, yemeni houthis. there are unknown partisans, there are a lot of man-made risks, well, no one has canceled this, so let them think, let them think, the more they think, the faster they will come to something,
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while they don’t want to think, they think for them in washington, well, for the sake of god, it seems to me that there are many options. will work quickly, but you have to think about what will happen in the event of undesirable consequences, and it seems to me that the fact that the russian authorities are thinking about this, analyzing this, is, in general, a manifestation of wisdom, and not weakness, but it also
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seems to me general, when i think about possible russian responses to this endless unilateral escalation, it seems to me that there is one option that does not exist, that russia will not respond to this in any way, your opinion, well, i don’t agree with you, maybe , russia thirty years ago would not have responded, although even then there were ways, remember, of a reversal. flight throw here at the prichina airfield, well , there were many ways, by the way, also, as it is fashionable to say now, not mirror, completely
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different, but understandable, so now we will not allow talking to ourselves in such a tone. so this is exactly what i meant, we won’t allow it and we will answer, this is how we will answer, let them wait and suffer, because waiting for death is worse than death itself. well, i certainly hope it doesn't come to that, and that we will allow them, as it were, to have more humane expectations, but on the other hand, this depends not only on russia, the saying of saving drowning people should still be the work of the drowning people themselves in the first place, this is a saying, it remains quite relevant for ours relations with the collective. the west, but we are ready to throw a lifeline to them, you are a humanist, i, i would probably
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join you, but only with a clear understanding that when they use this circle, we will no longer trust them, and we will not rely on them good intentions, we have them intentions now we know more than well, they are never good, thank you very much for your time, and of course, thank you very much for sharing your experience with us , thank you very much for everything, everything important and relevant that you do as chairman of the committee in the house, thank you, it was a great game, we'll see you on the air next week.
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to be honest, i don’t even know how much i’ve been waiting for this moment, but i finally got around to happily announcing that anastasia zavorotnyuk is our guest. good evening, anastasia yurievna, thank you for coming to us for the night. thank you for inviting me, and i waited, can i ask you, what questions should you not ask? mm, just like that right away. about personal life once, about personal life two about personal life three, please, well then i’ll ask you not about your personal life, hurray, yes, i’ll ask you - about sigmund fredd, our viewers were probably surprised if you love freud so much , how i love him, that's how you love him so much, well, i know that you love him, this can be assumed, because your program begins with such a passionate tango, no, i i know why, i asked, because... about 6 years ago, when i could still see you on the stage of the tobakov theater and saw a performance with your
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participation, then i came across one of your interviews, where you admitted that you had read freud’s work ostraume and his attitude to the unconscious, the relationship between depression and the comic, well, so that the audience understands, that is , the stronger the depression, the sharper the actor plays humor on stage, in this case it was about the theater. this somehow interested me very much, that the actress is young, yes, you you know, we were very interested in his works, it was in amhat, at that time yes, and naturally, when i studied at the faculty of history, since we generally paid a lot of attention to psychology and philosophy, i think that at that time, probably, i this was very disturbing, but this is not, now onnu and others are at the moment. does it even help, do you resort to humor as a cure for depression? yes, yes, i
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still think that this is probably therapy, in fact, humor, irony, this is what i love, i appreciate, i think that, probably, we nowadays everything, society needs this ironic note, forcing you to resort to irony, sarcasm and humor, which spoils the mood the most. i never resort, this is my credo, to humor, well, probably not that bad, some kind of mood, no, the realization that probably in this way, now in our difficult times, we can survive, yes, your children, you have two of them, they go to the same school, yes, they go to the same school, and you go to everything?
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no, i don’t give patronage concerts, but for example, we had to cancel the autumn holidays, because my daughter and i were correcting c grades in algebra and geometry, we have a very serious school, and i, in fact, am very serious. i take this seriously and reverently, in fact, i think it’s right that students are encouraged, but on the other hand, i take everything very seriously, and if...
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and i passed the exams with an a, it was fantastic that actually gave rise to even greater indignation at my teacher, because she turned white,
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she didn’t understand how, she wanted to say, the commission, beat her, because i absolutely understand her, i... every time i thought about what we could talk about today for about 30 minutes, i wouldn’t want to offend anyone, you we thought through and, probably, already talked with our children about how they should react to your enormous popularity, and somehow we didn’t even have to discuss these points in detail, since they themselves formed their own attitude towards this. that is, my daughter, she is generally such a girl she is a strict, thoughtful, very serious adult, she will soon be 13 years old, but she is probably more mature somehow internally, and if someone pesters you with questions, about mom, tell me about this, that, there, yes, or give me an autograph, she categorically says goodbye, in general, she doesn’t even start this
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communication, she says, goodbye, but a tough position is possible. well, for her it’s right, so i treat this with great respect, and mike’s son? and my son it was very funny, but now of course he is older, and before, when there was something going on with the boys somewhere in the yard, he would say: “what are you talking about? am i a crazy son? do they tell you what their peers who read the tabloids tell them about you? no, never, i don’t want about the desired press, i want about i want, you forbade them, forgive me"? wait a second, i want to talk about art, and yes, so i want to offer one fragment now, let's look at the screen, wow, look how red i am, not white, beautiful, beautiful, so beautiful.
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oh, dark night, wormwood, grass, eyes, favorite, cherished words, this is the play bumbarazh, directed by vladimir mashkov , starring evgeniy mironov, in the leading female role, our guest anastasia zavorakh, how many years have you served in this theater? almost 12 years, how much? played forest? but i don’t know for sure, i don’t know for sure, i played quite a lot, i remember you in the play of sex lies and videos, yes, according to steven soderbergh, i don’t remember the director’s name, i apologize, but i remember you had completely transitory scenes with maxim vetorgany and especially with marina zodina, i’m just telling the audience that
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it was such luck, you had a very good time in tabakerka, and you know,
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because it was a wonderful performance, we loved it, i think that those who participate in it continue it the same way, tabakov, how did you feel, oleg pavlovich tabakov, you know, such a strange story happened, because at that time in tabakov’s theater there was, as they call it, such a right “m”, these are moshkov, mironov, marin and mokhov, it was such an artistic council,
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so he said, in fact , these 4m: if you need her, invite her to the theater, they invited me, well, he wrote this, apparently when you were already serving in his theater, that’s what, as you think, caused such a reaction from oleg pavlovich, but in acting in general, i want to tell you, it’s very, very...
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nanny, tell me, if now, hypothetically, of course, an absolutely hypothetical situation, i understand that you cannot enter the same river twice, but suddenly fate offers you, give up everything
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you have now, go back, oh . you have the opportunity to return there to the basement on cheplygin and again to your favorite stage among beloved partners, mironov, zudin, bezrukov, and so on, vitalik egorov, you had a great time with him, now how did you decide?
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mom, you don’t love rafik, you love dad, i love dad, a man who for 30 years cannot learn to take out the trash after himself.
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oh, valodechka, i woke you up, do you want some poop, dear, mom, i’m such a fool, otherwise, stop! well, you know, i wouldn’t comment on anything, because lyubov polishchuk in your life, of course, she played a colossal role, when a person leaves, apparently, you understand why, in what is this person missing? “i can’t
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tell you what’s missing, i’m just missing, but you know, it’s some kind of magic, absolutely incredible, everyone loved it, so it came and the holiday immediately began, so i don’t know, the camera guys are coming, ours came, just all the fireflies, make-up artists, costume designers, everyone comes, everyone kisses her, just to say hello, yes, every time it’s some kind of incredible fireworks, yes, some kind of painted night sky, endlessly, and one more moment, i never spoke from her about anyone i heard poorly, that is, you know, if suddenly in the village they were talking about some person
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there... and there was someone to say something, yes on this topic, and lyubov grigorievna turned so white and only her cheekbones moved like that and silently painted her eyelashes , so she squints her eye carefully, carefully, something is going on inside her, passions are boiling, because she was, of course, a very passionate person, she gave you some advice not about the profession, but about how to behave in some? situations, the most important advice is this general, probably relating to my whole life, she once called me over before i got sick, yes, we had probably worked together for eight months by that time, she was sitting, putting on her makeup, she said: come here, hmm, he says, you know , what, you remember, this is what i ’ll tell you now, you’re such a dragonfly, i mean, i say, dragonfly, she says, yes,
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dragonfly, you have... such wings, the sun must fall on them, they shimmer, so if the sun doesn’t hit, that’s it, but if it does, then they play with everyone rays of the rainbow, you remember this, you should know this about yourself, i think so, yeah, somehow in general a little, well, thanks for that, but somehow gradually, gradually, probably, the realization comes that in general, if you sit in the shade, then nothing will happen in your life, yes, but the sun can, you can get burned, you can. and you don’t have to be on it all the time, but how do you dose it? intuitively, well, does your intuition never let you down? doesn’t let me down, sometimes i can’t cope with the situation. well, you see, you have such a life, i would say that your life is for glass, yes, eldar asked about children, and i asked about you, in this life behind glass, do you act according to the laws that you formulate for yourself, or still according to
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laws that do not depend on you? you know, at some point, when the nanny had just started and they came to do the first interview, the first day, the second day, the third day, and one correspondent, she asked me, or rather, not that she asked, she told me, are you behaving like a stirlitz, irritated, almost shouting at me, i say, wait a minute, i didn’t really understand you, she he says, you manage to talk to me for 10 minutes without saying anything, but about yourself? i’m talking, and this is bad, listen, i do n’t really want to talk about myself, i don’t need it, i’m not interested, then the situation in general began to develop as you know, how it began to develop, in general, and many in course, and i realized that, in principle , nothing depends on me, i’m silent, i’m silent or i answer, but nothing changes, or they
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misinterpret you, right? or they simply print, so to speak, your interviews, to which you are not you have nothing to do with it, yes, or it’s just throwing dirt, that’s what i wanted. look, in all the magazines, in all the glossy press, there are constantly reports about the events in which you take part and, moreover, about your personal events, about the wedding, about the wedding, whatever you say, is it publication in a magazine ? - this is your personal life, this is already a publication in a magazine, my question is, can’t you influence, don’t allow photographers from these publications to attend your private events, i’ll tell you, regarding my weddings, we made such a decision because, yes, we made such a decision, because it was clear that if we, as we wanted, simply remained silent, then the yellow press would smear us from head to toe and force
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us yes, the yellow press , no, no, we are trying to close ourselves off from it, that is, in our house, for example, it is generally not customary not to read, not to bring home these newspapers and all these publications. it’s clear that something happened somewhere, not my parents, not my husband’s parents, not me, not the children, we don’t even take it into our hands, because we decided that we had to somehow take care of yourself in this sense, we have now come to a topic that, in fact, for the sake of it, i wanted to meet with you, because everyone knows you, and i, as a viewer, know you in different guises, in different, which means
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adequate to yourself at home, yes, uh-huh, really, you understand what’s the matter, it turns out that these holidays, yes, show, m, nanny, these are not my holidays, this is not my holiday, this is a holiday that i, so to speak, can be the hostess on it , yes, but he is not mine, and my holiday is at home, and i also really love cinema, look, no, play in the cinema, yes, and for me i like this atmosphere, if there is mutual understanding with the director, you like the picture, yes, because i watch, every take, i run, look at the monitor, what happened and so on, yes,
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tell me where it is anyway, that is, the process is important to you , the result is not important, no, what are you, why not, well , look, you said that you enjoy working, it’s interesting to work with a director, in the theater, i keep coming back to the theater, you worked with mashkov as with directors, you worked with moshkov, with tabakov, with avangard lionev, with shapir, with trushkin did a great job, and so on and so forth, do you pay attention to the name of the director when they give you a script to offer to act in, or are you not interested in it, no, wait a minute, it’s not that i pay attention, but i sometimes i put in the contract the name of the director with whom i will work, i even opened my mouth and no, that is, you
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are not there, but on the nanny, yes, it happened , well, it’s clear on the nanny, okay, now i know you were filming, either already or still continue to act in the film - gogol is the nearest, yes, yes, you play there - a gentleman of dew, a gentleman
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of race, this is a picture by natalia bondarchuk, a wonderful, outstanding actress, when you agreed to star in this film, you were not embarrassed by the fact that her films were about pushkin, where he played without hands. i think that even those scenes that have already been played, and not that you can be proud of them,
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i don’t understand, but somehow they really touch me, and i almost don’t like anything about what i do, i criticize myself terribly , i can’t watch myself on the screen, yes, but there are some moments, but there are some moments, here in the already filmed material, for which i am not ashamed.
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theater, it’s surprising, many people don’t accept theater as an organism that lives there, because it has its own occupies, and since i grew up in the theater and, in fact, i didn’t know another world, since my mother was an actress and i, in general absolutely, yes, your mother is an actress of the astrakhan youth theater, and i like this, i like it when there is a dressing room, when you go to everyone, say, hello, how is your child? astrakhan youth, i i don’t know how, that is, i know the youth theater in other
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cities, but the astrakhan youth theater, i think, is not the leader in the material sense, it was a beggarly acting life, and you dream of such a life, no, i don’t dream of a beggarly acting life, i i dream about inner fulfillment, because no one paid attention to this, one evening the actors gathered there after the performance, my dad was a director, he is a tv guy there. these, i apologize, well, i think that
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you can support the material part there by working in the cinema, but it’s clear, what about you dream of a theatrical repertoire, about different things, about different things, the only thing that scares me is when the director tells me: well, play yourself, and i turn to stone at that moment, because it seems to me that all this will be terribly uninteresting, somehow banal, primitive, what strong directors, what strong directorial moves. someday someone will come up with the idea to erect a monument to the actress zavorotnyuk,
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what image would you like to propose for this monument, the image played by you, my god, yes, give me a pause, i have to think, not i know, i don’t know, i don’t know, it’s a difficult question, if where they filmed the nanny, even if the nanny is standing, well , if we abstract from the quality of the directing, you have a lot of creative baggage, tell me, which of these roles, forgive the banality, beloved, if you ask me about my favorite roles, then i love them all, of course, but in the theater i love most, cooking, and passion for bombarash, but
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somehow i didn’t feel that i was uncomfortable or ashamed of what doesn't work out, you know, the stage, it's a terrible feeling when you tried, tried and you feel that you don’t get it, you don’t get it, the worst nightmare begins when you have to go out to bow, when the audience is sitting and you have to bow, as if nothing had happened, as if everything happened to you now and you got into ten you had such situations, happened, happened, i know that... you, when you studied at the mkhat studios school, you, well, i read it, that you prepared a program with natalya dmitry zhuravleva based on the poems of pasternak, well in in particular, there were poems by pasternak, and that this worried you so much that you could not to read that you were choked with tears, when i read it, i decided that this was a journalistic
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find, like play yourself, but it really was like that, but... i couldn’t even finish reading it halfway, because i kept running to the toilet and crying , and in fact, in general, the entire period when i had the good fortune to read this passage somewhere on stage or somewhere else, i only struggled not to burst into tears until the end, it touched me so much, and it’s
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amazing this letter is in its insight, in its humanity, in its volume. pain and so it all affects this private life, and this little story of it, and all the horror that happened around, it’s just such human grief in volume, it is both joy and grief, you say so, but i ’m trying to understand, that is, this post-stark novel is not alien to you, so you’re filming, you’re imagining, you’re all coming out. whatever, a film is coming out on the screens, doctor zhivaga, with what feeling does the actress, who in her youth felt this novel so much, with what feeling does she watch this picture? i'm worried, but of course i don't know i read this 10-12 times, i don’t know how many,
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it is, of course, the greatest work, but you didn’t want to go there? i wanted it terribly , and the first film i watched based on doctor zhivag was american, terrible, i was terrible, and i watched it in small pieces, it was happiness, because i had a lot of work and i didn’t have time to watch, because these small pieces are good, everything is fine, i better go, because i was afraid. the stars are playing, such great actors, yes, if now something suddenly happens to me, some kind of slap in the face, something that’s not the way i feel it, and how i root for it, yes, because female images, they ’re just like a beating, butterfly wings on their hands, so tender, so, and if i think
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something’s wrong , i won’t survive this, i just won’t survive it, and i still haven’t watched it, i confess to you honestly, i still haven’t watched it, gradually now... i’m starting to buy dvds to watch, right now, for example, i watch the apostle at night, i look and think, now i ’ll call my wife, i’m thinking about how i’ll call him, it’s 4:00 in the morning, but in general you can pick up the phone call my wife mirono or is this a completely different world that has nothing to do with you , why of course why not, i recently called my wife and well, you closed the door, well, why do that, but human relationships are a completely different story? you know, our guest today was anastasia zavorotnyuk, who came to us, and i thought it would be vika prutkovskaya, and we are saying goodbye to a woman who loves parsnips, but she. closed the door.
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one incident that somehow reveals the character of this little boy, we
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my father was walking along this path through the copse, and he was mowing hay somewhere, and while passing through the copse, suddenly from near the path and jump... i immediately ran up, i wondered what she was doing there, a nest, in a nest, now in my eyes blue eggs, small and speckled with red, my father warning me like that, saying, don’t touch, don’t touch, but i wasn’t going to touch, there was grass around the nests. so they are intertwined, let's go, i say, dad, but it was late in the evening, the bird is spending the night in the nest,
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who knows, and then we go, silently, through the currant tree, a river 3-4 meters wide is murmuring, by the end of summer, she usually ran into the taiga at night to check whether the bird was sleeping or not sleeping,
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the devil was in the heat, i was a diamond. besnazar, i am a diamond, a man went into outer space, a man went into outer space, this is probably the most touching dad you can imagine, i wouldn’t say that he had a lot of time to communicate, i would even say , that... there is no time for communication, so the time that he could devote to us was remembered very well, he was
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busy all the time, when i was born, i was on the moon program, and then the preparation program for the half-union began, so even if when dad was at home, he either studied english, or if he had some short time to just relax, he drew, and for him the biggest thrill, there was inspiration if we found... nearby, quietly, silently, then he could learn the language, we could be nearby, playing something somewhere, digging at his feet, or he was standing at malbert's, we were present in his office, for him it was a great, great achievement that such a thing was possible here is a moment of freedom to communicate with my family and the fact that we are side by side, my father really... believed in collective farms, but he had many children, they lived on a farm, he was a business executive himself, in addition to the fact that
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he was a miner, he graduated. courses only at a veterinary technical school there already in siberia, and he understood animals well and archip from the greek language was a lover of horses, so he had four horses, and four cows, 25 sheep, two full-grown pigs and he was a year old. strigun, no longer there, more than two, 2 years, he came to the collective farm with him, he believed that he brought him out for siberia, this is a good finder, he has all the qualities, extraordinary endurance, and a strong, enduring horse, and he
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came to the collective farm with all this, so i... i remember what kind of swearing there was, what kind of house there was between my father and mother, when she said, when all the people went to the collective farm, they came, how they sold it all, cut it up, and you came and what did you get, the girls didn’t have dresses, and you handed it all over to the collective farm, a year later there was nothing it wasn’t, when... my brother came to this collective farm chairman, he didn’t come up with anything smarter, how is he, uh, he is of such half-tatar origin, he killed his father’s horse, fed it to his brother from the collective farm, his father came from a business trip, just when he came from the krapivinsky district, they brought horses, and he
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said to him: arkhip, otherwise... when my father was imprisoned, they took him away everything, the children were expelled from school, they even took off my pants, the neighbors, i was in only a shirt, like this, such anger was caused towards the enemies of the people, and
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what an enemy of the people, integrity, intransigence, mercilessness towards the enemies of the people, and the elder sister, in this time, she was 19 years old, she went to cameron, where they were building a siberian hydroelectric station, and there she met a guy from mogilev, anton platonovich, and he writes a letter, dear mother, whom he has never seen in life, “come, we will never leave you, everything will work out, they will sort it out. ” , everything will be fine with us, this dear mother with a belly, seven children, eight children, is going to kemerovo, anton platonovich is meeting us with rozvolny,
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rozvolny was put in..." a sheepskin coat, girls, schoolgirls without coats in dresses, me in one shirt, he put us on the rozvolna, on top covered us with a sheepskin coat and brought us to a sixteen-meter room in a barracks, and so there were 11 people in the room, my father was in prison and, uh, the death of livestock began.
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and why he’s in prison, and not for what, three fools wrote, so they imprisoned him, and he went to us in kemerovo, rehabilitated. yes, i wouldn’t say that we
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talked very much about the war, because he was small, he was born in the thirty-fourth year, the war came in the forty-first year, he was only 7 years old, they were in siberia, it was the rear, deep rear, everyone worked. a children ran through the streets in a half-starved existence, in siberia, since august 20, it’s already drizzling on the street, you go out covered in silver, that’s all, the sun is coming, the shadow is receding, melting, melting...
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here she is cutting my hair, and the clipper is tearing, tears are flowing, and she tells me: it would be better if i washed my hair, first lesson, teacher vasilievna
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was evacuated, well, children, you probably rested, yes, you rested. here you draw something that you liked in the summer, i took it and drew a white mushroom, next to it a small mushroom on the side, and two blades of grass, that’s it, she comes up, it’s you, i didn’t even understand the question, well , who am i sitting here, suddenly she grabbed this...
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aivazovsky book, i have it there, there’s aivazovsky, and i was already interested in this and i said, like what? he says, a monthly ration of bread, we were given 50 g of bread at school and a teaspoon of sugar, i agreed, i took it. gave it to him, that is, he gave me this book, every day when we go to the coco, where they gave us a long break at lunchtime, he followed me, these are the last ones,
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i really want it, i’ll cook, eat it, succumb to this bread, but at least i have aivazovsky, which i carry with me all my life. when i saw the film fighters, where mark bernes plays the main role, that was it, i watched this film several times, we had a builders club nearby, i... came
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by any means, to watch it five or six times. i was just delirious about all this, i had so many models made, all the planes that we had, they were all made of wood, i made a whole fleet of planes, and my mother... well, she was tired a lot, she went to
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rest during the day, and i'm pounding, she says: stop it, stop it right now, i’ll do it, she got up, grabbed my butt, threw it out the window , broke my wings, i left sobbing, and went to spend the night, but i’m not going to spend the night, i was so offended, went to the barn, well, my father found me, kicked me, but i remember for the rest of my life how my mother broke my basement; after the war, my older sister was sent to work in kaliningrad. to restore
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the steel-making plant, and here, in general , they decided that at the right moment to leave siberia, the climate there is still harsh, a very harsh climate, well, it’s human nature to go somewhere, change places, and we all formed in kaliningrad, kaliningrad, back then... it’s hard to even imagine what it was, the whole city was destroyed, in 1944, british aircraft bombed the city, bombed the cultural part, the historical part, the defense belts were not touched.
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it was necessary to decide what you wanted, where you wanted, and i, being in the tenth grade, decided to try, determine my position, taking drawings, and drove 600 km in a passing car. vrego. academy of arts of the latvian
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ussr. future painters and sculptors begin studying in the halls of the museum of latvian and russian art. rector of the academy, professor skulme. his painting is called on the feast of songs. this traditional holiday of the latvian people served as the topic of my thesis. “yes, i came, what do you have, i say, work, well, let’s go, i started showing them the work, he says, well, consider that you are our student, the students are running, i stopped the last one, listen, how russian , how is
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life here, how is the dormitory from the third year of the dormitory, stepukha, if you get it, then 500 rubles for a room, how much does 500 rubles cost in riga. i began to wonder how this could continue, i need at least a room to put these tudniks there, you know, there is such a wonderful joke, a riddle joke, who is the most famous artist among the astronauts, who is the most famous? an astronaut among artists and the answer is the same, so even remembering the story of how dad got into flight school, he initially entered the riga academy of arts, well, he simply could not financially
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afford a dorm room, the scholarship that was paid was not even enough for room, and not to mention food, so he became a pilot. and when i realized that nothing was working out with the academy, without telling anyone, not even my friends, i decided that i was leaving for the city of kremenchuk, to the flight school. a ticket for the third carriage, i entered while they were seeing us off, all the seats were already taken, the hall was on the third shelf, there were no other seats, i was lying on my back, suddenly it became dark, tears in my eyes, well
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, that’s it, life has passed alone, how will it begin? another life, no one knows, we got to kremenchug through hundred square meters, sent a telegram to my mother, congratulations, i’m a flight school cadet, it was, of course, very, very special for me...
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january 7th, and it didn’t even occur to me, we worked, finalized it, january 7th, a miracle, a miracle is announced.
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what humanity has dreamed of for many centuries has come true. the soviet union, its scientists, engineers, and workers launched the world's first artificial earth satellite into outer space. and we begin to wonder when the person will fly, and so where? in 15-20 years, probably, a person will fly; there were all sorts of radio broadcasts that confused people, it was such a fantasy, and when i designed it. a newspaper, that is, a photograph, at the bottom 53.5 is the yak 18:11 plane, at the top
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are fighters from the fifty-fifth, fifty -seventh year, number 57 is the year of graduation from college, even higher is the mig-21 plane with tail number sixty, i ... i believed that in the sixtieth year we would fly to mic twenty-one and even higher to the right of the words of the poet nikolai krivanchikov, who wrote, and responded to the launch of the satellite, the year will come and an interplanetary flight, we will also begin, who forbade us?
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wrote these words, and you completely followed what was written, you had to lay out a route in the fifth ocean, i don’t know, maybe someone did something with my hands, as it is now fashionable to say that i didn’t write, my god wrote with his hand.
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we had 35 young pilots, we walked around the city, there was a school near our hostel, flocks of kids, then one day i saw girls walking, school graduates in beautiful blue onesies.
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here are kaliningrad classmates, to celebrate his twenty-fifth birthday, they are walking along lenin street in kremenchug, dad is with them talking, walks backwards, bumps into mom, starts apologizing, she says: what are you... it doesn’t matter at all, in general, she ’s just him, he’s dumbfounded by her beauty, by this unexpected collision, by the fact that he’s some kind of inconvenience brought it to such a beautiful girl, just bumping into her, she , one might say, just put it in its place, shaved it off and went on about its business, but nevertheless, somehow dad found out where she lived, and he didn’t just walk , watched. how she returns home, how she leaves house, he flew on training planes over her
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house, he came home, but svetlana wasn’t there, i’m the father, he says, come in, i’m coming in, on this table lies this book, the hermitage, i was looking for this book, i can’t find it anywhere... , here it is ready, my first thought is, i think, if i get married, the book will be mine, and then i got a telegram that i was going to practice in germany, i came to work with her, svetlana pavlovna, called and.. so, so, so that i have to fly
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to berlin this week, but... before i fly to berlin, i would like to find out all our relationships, what kind of relationships, so i offer you my hand and heart, anything, i ask you not to refuse, i don’t have time, say yes or no, and yes or no, i don’t have time , light, yes, let's go to the parents. we came to our parents, and i went to visit my dorm, took pictures, took pictures, i already had an exhibition in my shelf, there were a dozen pictures, and i took my suitcase, a blanket that my mother once gave me, with these
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things i came to their home, gave it all, i say: i don’t have time, sveta will explain everything to you, i’ll tell you further, but i moved on, what’s the matter? well, she says, this way and that, lyosha, asks me to marry her, well, my father at the beginning says that yes, he is already an adult, well, i was 25 years old, she was 19, and lyubov semyonovna. and she liked a completely different person, but when i brought the painting, it turns out that she had been dreaming about paintings all her life, all her love was won,
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there was a wedding, the next day... i flew away, my parents got married very quickly, literally in 2 days because daddy finished kremenchug school, received assignment to germany, to a group of troops, went there, my mother arrived 2 months later, reunited with him, they lived there for a very short time.
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when the decision was made to create a cosmonaut corps, they began to conduct research on district hospitals; it was necessary to recruit a flight crew of fighter pilots, no older than 30 years old with a higher education.
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that's how many we lost: 2012 people flew into space from the first detachment. here, when i was passing the commission, an interesting thing happened, and they brought me in on october 4
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on the day of the launch of the first satellite, but it’s already fifty-nine years old, and i thought that in 15 years we would fly into space, but here it’s so fast. everything sped up, i entered the room , the room was flooded, a young man, my age, was sitting, bare from the waist, his pajamas were hanging off the back, so dark brown, he was reading, he looked at me like that, and i remember the sparkling ones.
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i’m watching the radio there, and this young man is already reading a book, i think, what a serious guy, i somehow already got off with gagarin, we’re sitting in the same park. there was such a doctor andrey viktorovich
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nikitin, when he started looking at me, i said, no, it won’t work, what won’t work, as it is written in the anamnesis, increased hairiness, we will fly to distant worlds, i say that how will we attach our sensors to you?
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there were no questions, bark, soon he or any of his friends, nose... no one knows who is first, then the second will fly, absolutely brilliantly, they were divided,
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the first group was no more than 170 cm tall, which included gagarin, titov , nikolaev, popovich, bykovsky, who else? alexey arkhipech has been since i graduated five plus, i was the first reserve, but that’s true, but i was given the opportunity to command the academic group, everything is ahead of you, the launch pad of the baikanur cosmodrome. he is
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the first of the entire human race in the entire history of the earth, but there was no flight control center, and we all went to different cities for the flight, where there were radio stations, this means starting from volgograd. that means belisie, kuibyshev, these are the routes, the cities over which the ship flew, and i was sent to kamchatka, yelizovo airport, that’s where i was, a representative of charge 3, they received instructions, under no circumstances should you make contact without the permission of the land, i will call you alone, attention,
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momentary readiness. climb! it seemed like 15 minutes for a long time, when they from kazakhstan appear over kamchatka, suddenly, from somewhere far away, dawn, dawn, i am a cedar, can you hear me, i must answer, hear, heard, okay, i’m silent, so i’m calling.


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