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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 1, 2024 4:40am-6:01am MSK

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egypt, iran, united arab emirates, saudi arabia and ethiopia. the interests of all participating countries coincide and meet the aspirations of most other countries of the world majority, which was confirmed in the expansion of our organization, our association, doubling last year.
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despite unprecedented pressure from the west, our economy has reached fourth place in the world, displacing japan in terms of volume of domestic product, calculated on the basis of purchasing power parity. this follows from updated data from the world health organization bank, and the position was achieved back in 2021 and remains for the next 2 years. what needs to be explained? gross domestic product is the amount of goods and services created in a given time, and parity shows how much the same set costs. china, usa, india, then we, and japan, germany in sixth place. russia’s success is linked to vladimir putin’s instructions, carried out by the government during the pandemic and, of course, anti-sanctions. over the past 3 years, the russian economy has grown by 8.4%. russia will help armenia. to restore
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railway communication after the flood, it affected two regions in the north of armenia: two people were killed, two were missing, many roads and bridges were destroyed. currently , emergency restoration work is underway, and effective assistance and support is being provided from russian railways. the operational headquarters for restoration is headed personally by the general director of the russian railways, oleg valentinovich belozerov. it was urgent to go to armenia sent. a group of specialists from among the heads of enterprises with practical experience in eliminating such accidents, i will add, the line in this region leading to georgia is the only connection between armenia and the outside world by rail. important social programs and measures to support citizens were discussed today at an extended meeting of the board of the ministry of labor and social protection. it took place at the grand exhibition of russia at vdnkh. mikhail mishustin addressed the participants via video link. among the main topics
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is the employment of military veterans special operations, now they can undergo free retraining, well, in general , it is becoming easier, faster and more convenient for the benefit categories to get what they are entitled to. there is a proactive system of informing people about the benefits they are entitled to, well, first of all, about those life situations when there is neither time nor opportunity for paper vlakita; priority is given to supporting families with children. older. generations, people with disabilities , care for veterans and their loved ones. on behalf of the president, throughout the country, but while in pilot mode, a system of long-term care for elderly citizens is operating , and as for employment, those who experience difficulties with this now have a better opportunity to find a suitable vacancy , taking into account their individual situation, financed from the federal budget.
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full-time, that is, when calculating the average per capita income in the family , students who are studying full-time will be taken into account . the new mechanism to support our families is fully funded from the federal budget. children's innovative surgical the center was opened in rostov nadon, one of the most important objects of the national project "health". it will accept young patients from different regions, and the technological level will allow it to cope with the most complex diagnoses.
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and much earlier than originally planned . yulia pogorelova will tell you more. the new surgical building on the basis of the rostov regional children's hospital was supposed to be opened only at the end of next year, but since '. do this now, all thanks to our healthcare project, within the framework of which modern medical facilities are being built throughout the country, this building significantly expands the capabilities of the children's clinic, from now on patients from all over russia will be treated here, this is a surgical building, innovative, because it is represented by the most modern equipment, the most modern technologies, the most modern capabilities, and this... gives we are confident that assistance will be provided at the highest level, and not only to rostov residents, the southern federal district, new regions, but to all of russia. deputy prime minister of the government tatyana golikova and minister of health mikhail murashko came to the opening
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of the surgical complex, 56. m, seven floors, 400 beds. the intensive care unit is equipped with ventilators, and there are infusion machines at each bed. i would like to point out the beds that are equipped with scales, this is very important, you don’t have to lift the patient, weigh them, it’s all in one package, they make it possible to respond in a timely manner and adjust the therapy accordingly. nine super-operational ones are just being prepared accept small patients, but doctors assure them that they are ready to work miracles, eliminating a variety of pathologies from kidney stones to any malignant neoplasms, now the equipment in the operating room itself allows you to see a tumor, even the smallest one, and clearly define the boundaries of the surgical... surgeon a person in this case becomes an operator, essentially a brain, remotely controlling four mechanical arms, such operations can
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last up to several hours without unnecessary burden for the doctor and patient, they are called still bloodless. most importantly, this robot has additional degrees of freedom of the tool. that is, this instrument rotates in a large number of planes, it has manipulators, one hand is the camera, three hands are the tools. pay attention to these plastic panels on the ceiling in the shape of a rectangle, they are located just above the operating table, this is the so -called laminar system, essentially a ventilation system, not only does it maintain a special microclimate in the operating room, but also powerful flows disinfects the air from any bacteria. there are such modules in every operating unit: the center is brilliant, beautiful, and the technologies that are made here are implemented, this is the most high-tech that exists in the world, well, firstly, this is minimally invasive surgery, this is the highest
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level of diagnostics, which is generally in in principle, there are x-ray, ultrasound, laboratory and much more, now instead of 800... hematology, led by karapet oslonyan , fought for it, they succeeded. julia pogorelova, serge botarev, surfiya khakimova, boris kamenov and viktor grebnyakov, channel one, rostov region. young heroes, those who rushed to the rescue in emergency situations, saved lives, fought back against criminals,
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received awards from the head of the ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, and the ceremony was held by andrey golderev. these shots went viral on the internet. it's the middle of the day, my brother and little sister are returning home from school. the girl is a little behind, a man in a balaclava runs up to her and tries to grab her, the brother reacts instantly, rushes after his sister, grabs your hand and doesn’t let go anymore, when we reached that platform over there, when we were leaving, i noticed an unknown man, then he followed us, then when we got to this place, he wanted to grab emilia like that, but didn’t grab her led by the hand like this, eleven-year-old aslan literally snatched his sister from the hands of the kidnapper, the man i... did not expect such a rebuff, he immediately ran away, he was soon detained, on social networks people from all over the country appreciated the courage of the teenager. the boy is great, he didn’t lose his head, he’s a real defender. by the head of the ministry of internal affairs also appreciated aslan’s action. on the eve of children's day, vladimir kolokoltsev awarded departmental certificates
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to 13 young heroes. we can rightfully be proud that such caring and brave children are growing up in our country. in difficult circumstances , each of you needed to step up. overcome doubts and fear, and you were able to act confidently and accurately, and as a result, serious crimes were prevented or solved. and most importantly, human lives were saved. to for example, sixth-grader platon krasnofi from the lpr discovered an unexploded shell during a walk; before the arrival of emergency services , he and his father were on duty near the ammunition. he stood here so that no one, god forbid, would step on or touch this shell. i went and told the guard. and in perma, zakhar griznov saw a robber armed with a knife burst into a grocery store. threatening the saleswoman, he took money from the cash register. standing here, i saw a man in the doorway, he...
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someone was doing athletics, someone was playing guitar, but everyone has one thing in common: they do not remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune. i am
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sure that if each of us does not pass by such situations, the world will become a much better place. and they inspire others by their example. so the girl ulyana, whom margarita helped return her stolen phone, has already decided for herself that she wants to be like her savior. when i grew up, i will be the same. well done! andrey golderev, anastasia slobodenyuk and tatyana shilina. first channel. see the past, present and look into the future of st. petersburg. historical monuments, the greatest achievements of science and industry at a multimedia exhibition dedicated to the city of nanev. the exhibition opened today in the russia my history historical park. st. petersburg was the first after the capital to present its achievements in this format and scale. 10 modern thematic halls created after the russia exhibition at odnkh, in fact, became its continuation. the exhibition was first inspected by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko and governor alexander beglov.
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president, st. petersburg is the first among all the regions of our country, and now it is, in fact, creating the same exhibition in russia, an international one only here in st. petersburg. it starts with my petersburg and aksanich told me that there is an initiative to do here in the capital. this western federal district is essentially the same exhibition for subjects who are sure to become simply a magnet of attraction. our vyd church will close on the eighth of july, if i don’t understand, i’m changing it, well, i didn’t want to wait until the eighth, because there’s a lot of material, there is a lot to tell about our city, about the achievements of our city, and the achievement of our city is you, you and me. petersburgers, residents of our city, everything that is presented here at the exhibition is work,
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the work of the residents of our city. $35 million plus in just one day after a guilty verdict by a jury unprecedented in american history. donald trump's election fund has been replenished by donors who believe that the former president and candidate for a new term is being persecuted legally. the verdict does not mean a deadline, but it’s still interesting, next. who georgiy alisashvili sorted it out: article one is guilty, article two is guilty, article three is guilty. news channel hosts live read out the jury's decision on each article of the charge, and the main intrigue remained until the very end: whether the jury would recognize trump's actions as a criminal offense , the former president is accused of illegally concealing payments to porn actress stormy daniels for silence, according to the prosecution.
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dollars would not lead to a prison sentence, but if the jury had unanimously decided that trump committed deception in order to hide or commit something another more serious crime, then for this the judge could already impose a real term of imprisonment, and the worst possible one for... has already started, video filming of the process is prohibited, but the few reporters who got into the courtroom noted when it became clear that all 12 assessors found him guilty on all 34 counts.
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trump became the first us president to be found guilty of a criminal offense. the jury found that in 2016 he not only hid payments to a porn actress, well , let’s say, from his wife, but did it so that voters did not turn away, that is, he illegally interfered in the elections, because the winner of a prestigious professional award, best breasts, 2009 received money from trump just on the eve of the vote, the prosecutor was laconic, but the verdict was clear. i'm just doing my job, our job is to follow the facts fearlessly without bias. trumpists , however, do not think so. the district attorney in new york is an elected position, and the main thing that alvin breck promised his voters was to get trump convicted. judge juan merchan a staunch democrat, and his daughter is a co-owner of a company that worked for joe biden. key witnesses, a porn actress and
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trump's ex-lawyer, have repeatedly contradicted themselves. none of this bothered the new york fimid. both the judge and the prosecutor were anti-trumpists, this is a blow to the gut. america must answer it. a prostitute and a lawyer for a syrian liar were slipped into court. this is crazy, this is not how we deal with our political opponents. such staged trials are possible only in the courts of third world countries. biden headquarters called the verdict confirmation that everyone is equal before the law; immediately after the announcement, a post with an appeal appeared on the president’s social networks. his election campaign. there is only one way to keep trump out of the oval office: vote. according to the law, even from behind bars. trump will be able to run for president; the pro-democracy press, even before the judge’s verdict, recorded him as a criminal. it was once unthinkable that americans would elect a criminal as their leader, but trump's rebellious behavior emboldens him supporters. the man who refused
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to accept his defeat in the 2020 election is now trying to delegitimize the verdict by claiming. the supremacy of one's brute political force over the law. the maximum sentence in the trump case is 20 years in prison. conservatives directly call the trial a settling of scores that undermines trust in the basic institutions of american government, free elections and an independent judiciary, if only because the case was tried in ultra-liberal new york, where the jury was initially biased against trump. democrats and republicans agreed they wouldn't do that, but joe biden changed the rules. i pray to god that trump wins the election and the first thing he does is instruct his justice department to charge joe biden, who, as we know from special prosecutor robert hur , committed a criminal offense of illegal possession of secret documents, and the only reason why, according to the prosecutor , biden was not charged, because he is an elderly man with a poor memory, it is unlikely that the jury will be persuaded to support the charge. well, let's check, maybe we
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we'll be lucky if we get a jury in texas or mississippi. the secret service is already preparing protocols for the case. if the former president has to be guarded in prison, but experts say they are unlikely to be useful, so most likely the judge will impose a fine, although perhaps such that billionaire trump will have to file for bankruptcy. this will not stop trump, he will win the election unless he is killed. trump supporters are unlikely to be deterred by the court's decision, which they consider biased, according to the ex-president, with from the moment the verdict was announced, that is , in less than 24 hours, his headquarters collected about $35 million for the election campaign, and most of it. the amounts received are not from representatives of big business, but the money of ordinary americans. another thing is that in the swing states, the outcome of the elections depends on them, many are not ready to vote for a criminal candidate. in three of the seven swing states, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, polls before the verdict showed that 15% of respondents might change their view if trump
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will be condemned. if everything goes like this, this gives president biden and the democratic team a chance that... the judge will announce his decision on july 11, 4 days before the republican party convention in wisconsin, where trump should be officially announced as a presidential candidate, now his participation in the ceremony in question , the prison may not be possible for the defendant, here is a written undertaking not to leave the country, the appeal will take at least a year, so trump’s entire election campaign now depends on the humanity of the american court. georgy lisashvili, pavel nesterov, natalya lobanova, channel one usa. hello, this is the baden baden podcast and i am its
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host, konstantin severinov. today our guest is a virologist, academician of the russian academy of sciences, scientific director of the mechnikov serum vaccine institute, vitaly vasilyevich zverev. vitali vasilyevich, hello, it’s very nice to see you. hello konstantin, yes, we are also very pleased. we were going to talk today. seasonal diseases are with you, but i would like to start by talking about the world organization health care, since you have been an expert and representative of russia in this organization for a long time, recently there are many people who doubt its feasibility, could you tell us what you did there and what you think about the transport in general? you know, i went to the world health organization for the first time in geneva, it’s scary to think 1987.
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therefore, when the last person was cured, the population was vaccinated, a declaration was signed that was called eradication,
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that is, eradication, it was completely eradication, that’s good, thank god, and of course they stopped even then, they stopped vaccinations, they remained a museum, because they collected all the variants that were isolated from various regions of the world by our scientists, american scientists and all... especially dangerous, although in our country such conditions were also not created at the institute, we had a special unit where they worked with this virus, and the assembly had to
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decide to liquidate these museums, while smallpox would seem to be on earth in general, no, but when they collected it for the first time this one and you were why, you were against destroying it, well, you know how it happened when the first committee was assembled, in order to make such a decision, well... the so-called consensus is needed, that is, the consent of all members of the specialists here committee so that it is possible, this is the committee of the who, it made the decision, it was the one who gathered these specialists, the first time two people abstained, so they gathered a few years later for the second time with a slightly changed composition, including i ended up in this very committee together with our institute employee marennikova, she is a famous scientist who made... a colossal contribution to the elimination of ndes. and for a week in geneva we discussed whether it should be liquidated or not. american specialists were the majority in this
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committee. three people... led by henderson, a famous virologist, they were in favor of completely liquidating our american museum, and they even invited lawyers, but i was against it, i was categorically against it, for many reasons, when in the end everything they started performing and well, everyone to express their opinion, then two people who abstained earlier, they abstained now, this is our svetlana sergeevna and the representative of japan, and i was categorically against it. i had, as i remember now, eight arguments why the smallpox museum should not be destroyed, and i was supported by one of the englishmen, there were two of them, one took the side of the americans, that is, they were almost equally divided in their opinions, this decision was not brought to the assembly , and i suggested never considering this issue at all , leaving these museums in these two countries, as it is, it was, it was, well, you see, they still exist. this is how
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the conservation of species in the red book, it is dear to you, is smallpox, because somehow your work actually had many reasons, well , firstly, yes, here we are, one of my arguments was, yes, we are protecting the amur tiger, something else, we are now eliminating it, we will never know it again, we will not see it, this is the first, second, we have not fully studied it, there are a lot of interesting product genes and proteins, and this virus secretes may... turn out to be useful to humanity in the future, thirdly, i was absolutely sure that the americans would still have a museum of military fordetics, in general, if this is poker, then someone might be a big fan, you see what is happening now what happens to the so-called monkey is smallpox, but this is not monkey smallpox at all , this is not monkey smallpox, this is rodent smallpox, ground squirrel smallpox, we just imagine a monkey with a banana in his hand or paw, right?
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person, then this suggests that someday something like this might suddenly happen, they become infected from these earthly protein, and then people become infected, that is, if there is rodent smallpox, which can cause illness , it will happen that it is similar to smallpox and they eat like people, that is, their virus will spread to the human population, so that virus smallpox is needed at least for comparison, then also for creating diagnostic drugs and so on, but could there be more?
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then nothing will happen, but it’s still possible, since we’re talking about seasonal diseases, and the flu, you’re the flu-worker who deals with the flu vaccine, that’s why you’re there too and influenza is a classic seasonal disease, i traveled many times to determine those strains that need to be protected from those variants next season, please explain what this means, look, the fact is that the influenza virus , that’s when the pandemic begins, it usually begins... in the fall, yes, later and it usually begins in southeast asia, and why there or somewhere else why there, you know, there are very good conditions for receiving, creating new variants of the influenza virus, the coronavirus also comes from somewhere there come on, yes, this is some kind of center just like that, the fact is that not only people get sick with the flu virus, pigs and most importantly birds get infected and get sick with the flu virus, here in
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humans... isolated from humans there somewhere of the order there are 12-13 variants of the influenza virus, and in birds there are dozens, in southeast asia there is such a kitchen where people, pigs and birds live together quite closely, there is such a kitchen where, uh, this is also a feature of the structure the genome of the influenza virus, each gene is separate, and if two different viruses enter one organism, there is a rare possibility, but there is an exchange of individual genes, a new gris virus is obtained, yes, this is the first case, the second is the influenza virus itself, it is still passing through asia, through russia, through europe, this used to be the case classically, now, since people are moving, yes airplanes quickly enough, to different parts of the world, then he can get there much faster yes.
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well, in this cauldron in which viruses are boiled, it’s warm there all the time, there are seasons, well , except for the rain, there are new viruses constantly appearing there, which for some reason we find ourselves in the fall, or why it... comes to us in the fall in the fall and winter, yes they are created - again for these viruses, why are they seasonal, yes, conditions are created, well , firstly, the human body, yes, when we are sick, when we are hypothermic, yes , when we have some, yes, when our life is quite boring, if you pay attention, in the summer there in moscow, yes, you can move around freely and even by car, yes, in the winter we kind of collect everything.
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how can this be, and these are statistics, you know, as they say, there are lies, there are a blatant lie, but there are statistics, no, we simply count people who died from the flu, a person came to the clinic or
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a doctor came to his home, diagnosed the flu, wrote out a sick leave, the patient was not cured, died, he is considered to have died from the flu, in america they think differently, because the flu, we are now talking about coronavirus. yes, about the trigger syndrome, all that, but the flu is very dangerous for people with chronic diseases, if, for example, in america, a diabetic died from diabetes over the next two weeks after the flu, he is considered to have died not from diabetes but from the flu, because if he had not encountered this virus, he would have lived a long happy life on his medications, but the flu virus hit his immune system, the endocrine system so much that uh... as if his drug no longer worked, he died, but then, after all, well, since we have half as many people living here as in the states, then let’s assume that we have about 20 thousand people a year who die from the flu or its consequences, well, approximately the order, you you know, i think it might be a little
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less, it all depends on how many people we vaccinate, the fact is that in the last decades we are again taking the pre-covid period, but we have enough, well, seriously vaccination against influenza was given, we vaccinated, it is necessary to be included in the vaccination calendar, no, it is not included in the vaccination calendar, but we had it free of charge and primarily for those groups of the population that are precisely susceptible to increased mortality, by the way, you can pay yes, there was an opportunity for him to get vaccinated if if you don’t like the domestic vaccine, please get vaccinated there with an imported vaccine, although by and large it is.
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this meeting involves scientists and health care professionals, and vaccine manufacturers, they also participate in this, all manufacturers, regardless of the country they belong to, they receive the same variants of the virus for production, that is, you return from geneva or returned earlier with a sample virus that will be used to produce a vaccine, i sometimes returned if there... someone asked for something, but usually not, because we didn’t produce the vaccine, yes, that is, that’s why i didn’t need it, but the manufacturers didn’t receive it right away, that is, they then had to develop this version there, and they were given it and then they calmly use these
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options and still do so, now, well , we have a flu institute, which generally controls all this, as far as i know, but it nevertheless works according to the recommendation. a collegial body where scientists, manufacturers, all gathered together, assessed the epidemiological situation according to some we decided on objective data, now we will do it this way, yes, yes, and we will answer if we didn’t guess correctly. this is the podcast baden baden and i am the host konstantin severinov, today we are talking about seasonal diseases, and we are discussing this topic with academician vitaly zverev. we make a decision at the end of the episeason, that is , february, that is, everything ends, in february, in march everything, well, these respiratory diseases, including the flu, seem to subside. and manufacturers have the whole summer, yes, so that by autumn, because...
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so at the end of august it happens before school, we get together, and statistics in this case, well, people always have questions about statistics, about the effectiveness of the vaccine, about side effects, well, the flu vaccine has been around for a very long time, yes, that is, what -there is data on this, you know, of course there is, in fact, the effectiveness of influenza vaccines is about 80-85%, which means that they may have the rest.
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a lot depends on what vaccine, the authors always give 90-90 something, in fact it a little less, well, people don’t know about this about the manufacturers, but people should only know that if they get sick, a vaccinated person gets the flu, then it will be easy for him, easier, well, as it usually is a cold, without these complications, without pneumonia, and this is very similar to the situation with coronavirus vaccines, they were used during a pandemic, there was the same logic that it does not
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save you from infection, but it alleviates symptoms and reduces mortality, that is, these are vaccines from flu work the same way, only they change every year, i understood correctly, no, you know, it’s not quite like that here, the virus is different, yes, the flu vaccine is 50 years old, yes, we use different flu vaccines, yes, and here already as if the technology is established, everything is clear here, there are practically no side effects, so... as for the vaccines that were used in the united states in america, it doesn’t work out there, there are no such statistics, if you look at the incidence curve compare with the curve vaccination, compare with the mortality curve, nothing similar, it had no effect on mortality or morbidity, coronavirus or you mean coronavirus, i don’t, i mean coronavirus, we are now talking about coronavirus. as for our vaccine, how much it has reduced mortality, i cannot
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tell you, because the data has not been published, it is not available anywhere, that is, we had one of the developers in our program, denis lagunov, who says that he has data that shows a really strong reduction in mortality, well, it’s the same with the flu, that is, last year’s vaccine is ineffective against the new year's virus, last year's vaccine, it should be effective, you know, here... the process is not easy to guess, we look at what was there at the beginning, yes, what was at the end, what was in the same south -east asia, what variant was there at the end of the epidemic, of course, we are not immune from the fact that a new one will appear, but we already know the one that will come next year, because it already exists, that’s why i say that vaccines - they are not 100%, but what can we do then , i think that it’s still not all residents of our country and not even... the majority are vaccinated against the flu, even under good conditions, but what should the unvaccinated do?
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that is, seasonality is a kind of given due to overcrowding and so on, changes in living conditions, we will always have an increase in the number of sick people with gris, we will have to live with this, we will have to live with this with all respiratory infections, because we will never defeat them, then we won’t destroy them, they will exist, the same flu will change, but all other respiratory infections, you just need to learn live with them. now, if there is no vaccination, there are probably some viruses against which there are no vaccinations, the disease is now from coronavirus, and there are no other respiratory diseases, i mean viral ones. there are them, there is one against pneumococcus, and we have a vaccine there, because there are also bacterial infections, because they cause respiratory diseases, so first of all, try, it’s not in vain, but with covid, everyone there wore masks or followed the rules this distance is protection not only from covid, it is protection from all
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respiratory infections, and in japan, for example, there or in china before covid, everyone wore masks, i say that they should be worn always and everywhere, but on public transport, yes, when it’s boring, when you can’t keep this distance, you still need to wear them, this is the second time , it’s not necessary, i understand that everyone wants to lead an active life, yes, but still, during this period, when the rise in incidence begins, it is better to wait it out and try to spend time in the open air, walking in the park, and not sitting somewhere there in... in a cinema, where it is obligatory if it’s full, someone will definitely sneeze and something else, all this will definitely happen, masks are also not so simple with them, because of course they make it difficult to breathe, so on the street, that’s when i see people on the street wearing them , i don’t understand this, because they don’t really
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protect, they just damage health, there’s this opinion, i really don’t know what it means, strengthening the immune system, what could it do? be, how effective is it at all, because people with good effectiveness, it's actually it's really immunity, they get sick more easily or don’t get sick, yes, but what is good immunity, nutrition, yes, it is mandatory, that is, it must be correct rationally, these are sports, fresh air, walks, that is, these are the usual recommendations that, of course, healthy, well-fed and so on, many say, there are vitamins, you know, i relate to this. a little carefully, because vitamins are still drugs, they are medicines, they have a chemical formula, they are built into our system, a doctor should recommend them, now it’s very possible just come, determine the immune status, and the level, then take it and say, you need this, you hear, everyone there
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is now starting to become interested in vitamin d, and there are children there and something else, and then they come to the doctor , and they have a kidney problem. because he drinks this vitamin d there uncontrollably in large quantities, and this can cause complications, but vitamins, they are not sold according to prescriptions, yes, that is, relatively speaking, you need to get a doctor’s recommendation, but in principle everyone can use this over-the-counter remedy buy them, they are delicious, i remember as a child the whole jar, you know, there is this vitamin c in sauerkraut, that is, you will have enough, i don’t know, from this jar there is a week’s supply of this vitamin c, and the medicines are all medicines. they also recommend all the medicines for the flu, not when you’re sick, when you’re sick, it’s already a little too late to take these medicines, that is, they need to be given early, like vaccinations, yes, but in advance it all affects the stomach, our intestines, disrupts the microflora and so on, it’s necessary to somehow catch this moment,
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when you feel this prodromal period, that i’m about to get sick, then you should probably use all this, because it’s for the flu. there are still medications, but for other respiratory diseases they are not very good, you can find all episodes of the baden-baden podcast on the website of channel one, you know, what bothers me the most is when i watch tv, advertisements for medicines, i have had cases, but this is when acquaintances turn to me and say, listen, something is really bad, i say, what are you drinking, but here he says, i say, wait, what about you? how is everything with the rhythm, but why are you drinking? well, like vitamins for the heart, what vitamins for the heart, this is a serious drug, what vitamins for who invented this, eating vitamins in the same way, you still need to consult a doctor about all this, let’s hope that they know and can give qualified advice, this is a separate question, but no, yes, this is a separate question, but of course doctors should
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know all this, understand, you know, it’s not by chance that i think that the medical image needs to be changed.
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with a diagnosis of influenza, who were lying there, yes, they took nasal swab samples, planted them on chicken embryos, isolated viruses, it turned out that in 60-70% of cases it was not the flu, the doctor diagnosed the flu, well, because the nose was running, well then it was like a long time ago, well, yes, because they were in a pandemic, in an influenza epidemic, yes, in a serious condition, and since it’s like in our country, if there’s a flu epidemic, then they put on a flu. yes, during covid we did a laboratory test for each patient, but with the flu they don’t do that, but why? i do not know, well, that is, there are probably, there are
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immunological tests that allow us to determine that this is a person? yes, but maybe we can start now, because i know that the central institute of epidemiology, they can now do against everything very quickly within literally hours there or days there these tests, but they just need to be introduced, because in each clinic. which cause very similar symptoms, then why diagnose it at all, well, the person will have to rest, there is nothing specific to treat
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diseases, right, no, you know, in fact, influenza can be distinguished from other respiratory diseases, an experienced doctor will do this, because there are differences in temperature, yes, there it is much higher, because how it proceeds, where it begins, or there with a runny nose, or a cough, that is , for example.
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in the spring the weather is in a good mood, but the main thing to remember is that in the summer the time will come for intestinal infections, because all conditions will be created for them, and these are viral infections, viral and bacterial, not only viral, there are there are several noraviruses, and, for example, rotaviruses, which cause very serious illnesses, especially in children, that is, rotavirus can be classified as a seasonal disease. it’s still difficult
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to do as such a classic example of seasonality, because people actually get sick in winter, it’s just always more in summer, because conditions, again, are created for all these viruses, that is, we forget that water you need to use only proven, good, but... many people complain, here you are when you go to some country, it’s obligatory when there’s water with ice, yes, you seem to take water from a bottle there, yes, it’s from this very one, and you get ice from something unknown , and there are a lot of cases when a person becomes infected with intestinal infection, precisely from the untested water from which this ice is made there, or the same products, people travel on trains, stop at stations, they sell some... some pies, some what else, yes, it’s always very tasty, yes, but not always tested, and since it’s in the summer, yes, and
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viruses, bacteria, they multiply much faster and in quantity. this pathogen that a person consumes is much larger, yes, than in winter, and it is already enough for the infection to develop very quickly and cause severe problems. seasonality, that is, the flu is in a sense an exception, it turns out that seasonality is not because that bacteria or viruses come to us or leave us, but simply our behavior changes with the seasons and the temperature changes, which means, for example, the rate of spread of infection or the survival rate of the virus is all this physico-chemical the number of people immune to this variant is already quite significant, another thing is that, unfortunately, immunity is only to this variant, which was, yes, to others, only partial, yes,
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that’s one thing, and secondly... well, it short-lived, unfortunately, and why short-lived, because it would seem that immunity, immunological memory, you say that doctors should know immunology, but it seems like the textbooks say that this persists, yes, because it’s from the same smallpox for life , no, that's right, from smallpox for the entire life, because the variola virus, yes, it forms these memory cells that do not live in the lymph nodes, but which live in the bone marrow, and their life expectancy, yes, well, no one counts two there. years, 30 years, 40 years, yes there, well, not by chance, yes, there after the same measles, a person who has had measles, he receives this immunity for the rest of his life, because he has these cells formed, they sit when needed, they will produce those antibodies that are necessary, yes, including antibodies, and they are also preserved, and they are alive vaccines are exactly the same, they usually build immunity
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over a fairly long period, but here, unfortunately, it’s the influenza virus.
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or is it some kind of man-made thing that someone there will prepare for us in their laboratory, from here, in my opinion, it follows that we need to be prepared, yes, yes, of course, we need to study viruses, learn to live with them and generally treat them with care nature, because we climb into it, eat what got into these animals, through these we got infected, and
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there on the technical site, but god, such an animal cute, how... you can think that you can get undercooked meat from it, well, this is somehow not good at all, it was a podcast baden baden, i am the host konstantin severinov, today we spoke with academician of the russian academy of sciences vitaly vasilevich zverev, about seasonal infections, viruses about the world health organization. dear friends, on the air of the creative industry podcast with you, as always, elena kiper, producer, music video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. and today we have visiting the director, yes, the person from whom such energy immediately came,
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director konstantin bogomolov, artistic director of the namaloy bron theater. hello, hello, i think that whoever turned on the broadcast just now, they are experiencing a storm of emotions, i think they are experiencing mantises or mantises, or god. not a praying mantis, well, in general, different emotions, how do you manage to evoke such emotions in people, such a huge flair around your person, i just work a lot, a lot, i work a lot, that’s all, well, i’m not i’m not concerned with evoking any special emotions , i i’m just doing my job, doing it as i see fit, and maybe it’s good that the work i’m doing evokes different, very different and... joyful and sometimes some negative and controversial emotions, in any case in this case, i always say that the best effect of a performance is when a person continues to think, think and think about it
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after watching it, the performance is cool, cool, not when it immediately at the moment of its implementation causes happiness in the auditorium , although this is also wonderful, but the most...
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there was a moment of some kind of slow groping for interaction with the audience, when you begin to understand what a person breathes behind the walls of the theater, what he is looking for, what he wants to talk about and how he wants to talk about it and... you are professional, as if a child who slowly with his parents, with the world around him, is groping for this way of conversation, mastering the language, trying
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to make himself understood, trying to understand the world around him, trying to establish contact with him, that’s also you in your professional activity, having come out of institute, slowly, slowly, slowly, increasing your professional capabilities, your skills, you...
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hesitation with him, a person can gradually swing the bridge, this is impossible, because a person cannot catch such small fluctuations, but theoretically, it is possible, here the same thing here, you can enter into the same tonality of vibrations, which means into the same range of vibrations with the audience, and slowly then, only when you have found this unity with the audience, slowly rock it and subordinate it to your tasks, make sure that the hall all of a sudden amused.
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how did you take over, that is, in the nineteenth year it happened, yes, the theater on the armored one, the theater on the small armored one, yes, but can we say that the audience has already formed, here is yours, over these 5 years, yes, i think so, uh, over these 5 years the repertoire has completely changed, a lot of new performances have been created, the troupe has changed, a lot of new young artists have come, every year i watch a lot of
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courses and i take several young people into the troupe, and they come, they try themselves, and if all is well, they stay in the theater, they are delayed, in fact , oleg pavlovich tabakov also acted, once upon a time, when he was near the moscow art theater, he even had such an intern group, people, people whom he took, he first directed the intern group, they sort of tested themselves, then they went on staff - theater, if they prove it. ourselves, we don’t have a trainee group, but still people have to prove themselves, young people have to prove themselves, at the same time there is an older generation, we immediately agreed with the troupe that the older generation is above suspicion, as they say, they have earned their right to be in theater, they grew up in this theater, they seem to have become great professionals in this theater, i have an excellent relationship with them, it seems to me that they work a lot. now we
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are rehearsing the play romeo and juliet, and i think we will produce it next season, including the older generation, which is why the repertoire has completely changed, and accordingly, probably, of course, the audience has been very updated, especially since we also spent a couple of years staying in the palace on yaluza during the reconstruction of the theater on malaya bronnaya.
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they stopped looking, this does not mean that they do not want to change the world and change themselves, but some kind of fever of youth has passed for them, they have received an education, they have more or less decided on their profession, their marital status. in this regard, this is such a bourgeois theater in a good sense, a theater for people with a defined value range, this is mirrored with the theater director, well, i think that the theater director has long ago decided more or less on the value range, you know, this is such a strategy, on the one hand, it certainly coincides with mine myrrh. over the years, i have developed a kind of
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balance between radicalism and traditionalism, and it is important for me to maintain this balance, to look for a new language, but at the same time talk with people about some eternal values, i have developed, for example, a zone of melancholy, this is very interesting thing, you watch yourself about 20 years ago, i didn’t understand at all how it was possible... to stage chekhov’s plays, it seemed to me that it was so uninteresting, so boring, what are they talking about, what is happening in these plays, years passed and i suddenly understood chekhov, i felt it, felt it, it’s like it’s in my blood, i understand these experiences, i understand this melancholy, and joy, sadness, and these interests, and these experiences, i understand all this, a person changes, it’s normal, that’s why , probably, of course, this coincides.
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partly, but it also seems to me that this is, in principle, the best audience for the theater, because you know, theater that exists for the very young, so fashionable, young, advanced, well, what is the time of such youth, this is the time in which, oh which you will remember with sentiments, but in which you do not you will return, you will not return there, to that value chain, to those places, this is cool, this is cool, this is madness, these are some kind of delusions, but you will not return there, and the theater is a place to which a person should come and come and come. this is very important for me, therefore, to the theater, where only young, advanced audiences come, they will then forget about this theater, they will be 27-30 years old, they will forget about this theater, they will change their value guidelines, to our theater, i hope
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people come at 27, at 30, will come at 50 and 60 and so on, they will come all their lives. on the air creative industry podcast with us today is the director and artistic director of the malaya bronnaya theater konstantin bogomolov. tell us about the manifesto, where it came from, because of course we read it. well, my performances are also often journalistic, yes, in general, they always responded in one way or another to what was happening around, and i really like it when people who come to the hall receive this. the opportunity to interact with some kind of modern agenda, probably this is some kind of active internal involvement of mine in what is happening around me, it could not help but give birth to some kind of
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text, the text of the abduction of europe, in general it is also structured like a performance, it is such a tightly packed text, journalistic, it has energy such a challenge, a challenge to a well-defined public, i had a lot of fights based on this text, because people suddenly said, oh, you think so, yes, i think so, oh, that’s what you ’re like, oh, that’s what you’re like, well, well, well, well, well, but i said there what i had been accumulating in myself for a certain time, i uh... during the last ten years i worked a lot in europe, and while working there, i was quite often faced with the situation, the one that i describe in this manifesto, when i was trying to work with the value agenda of the european
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viewer, from the producers, i received some kind of feedback during the rehearsal process, there’s no need to talk about it, oh-oh-oh. uh-huh, no, no, no, there’s no need to talk about this, it’s coming to us, what are you doing for this, you want to never work for us again, you want us not to work, from who will arrive, and who will arrive from the conditional opinion leaders in this society, yeah, that is, as if from those people who in the networks, in society , give, form a certain agenda, yes, that is, get involved. this is the same cancellation, because you do not correspond to certain given, i am not breaking the law, i just freely say what i think, but if what i think does not correspond to certain given, then things, then you will be subject to cancellation, and so not
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to be subject to cancellation, the producers themselves are afraid of this, they told me in advance, not it is necessary, please, we beg you, it is not necessary, it is absolutely not necessary, but what? many poles collaborated with the nazis, there is no need to talk about it, there is no need in italy to talk about the emigrant agenda about the degradation, as it were , of the old european population, about the aging
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of the european population, about the fact that europe is trying to replenish its aging population, which means with flows of emigrants , and how it turns into... everything is fine, then you are on horseback, then you are greeted, then you are great, so i saw all this, returning to russia, i...
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yes, we tolerate much more what may not coincide with certain tasks, either the tasks of the state and the country, or the value systems of society, but we tolerate, you know, and it’s a sin to complain, it’s absurd, so in this situation, of course, it has become, as it were, to accumulate some feeling of some kind of lie that is happening,
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environment, and russia, in general, inherits, in essence, in fact, that same pre-war old europe and i wanted to say some things, just say them, well , because, well, well, impossible, well, impossible all the time to talk, as if in the language of performances, about some things i want to say directly openly clearly and confidently, and i wanted to speak in a language, you know , not scientifically abstract, but like this:
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russia consists of this performance, this is a series of performances out of 12 one-man performances, i came up with this idea, to give the floor to ordinary people who live their lives, who do their own thing every day in their cities, villages, in their factories, schools, hospitals, various...
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we carried out such a number , that means there was a lot publications in the regional press that send your stories, send applications, we will make performances about you, we received a large number of applications from different regions from 64 regions, we received applications, people sent about themselves, yes, yes, it was very it’s important that you don’t know, not some plant director from above, we turned to him, give us some wonderful production worker from you, and he... it’s like, uh, you, vasily, let’s go there, that’s about you are from moscow, they want
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to make a show about you, they will write about you, yes, yes, yes, about you will write, and this vasily, that means, some kind of, uh,
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played in the spaces of the exhibition russia, then we are sure these performances will continue their life, by the way, we already have requests from the regions for us to take these performances to the regions , they will continue to live in the regions of moscow, and in general, in principle , for me this is essentially a development of the idea of ​​documentary theater, but at a completely new stage, i will tell you that here we have documentary theater.
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and art is always a mimetic thing, an imitative thing, for example, art theater, we imitate, and what we imitate, we imitate what we like and what interests us, and we find what resonates in our hearts, and i think that if we try.


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