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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  June 1, 2024 6:00am-8:36am MSK

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from a truthful reality, because one continuous blackness is not true, because reality is complex and diverse, when you are drawn to the darkness and blackness, and also an amazing, completely heroic guy is drawn to the darkness and blackness, it means you have something there it’s not the same in the soul, you know, how are children formed through? mimisis through imitation, art is always a mimetic thing, an imitative thing, for example, the art of theater, we imitate, and what we imitate, we imitate what we like and what interests us, and we find what resonates in our hearts, and i think that if we try to emulate the good, then that good will resonate with the good. in our hearts, and we ourselves will
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become better, and if we tremble, peer into the blackness, then, accordingly, this blackness will find blackness in us and expand this zone of blackness, which is why for me this is still such a mission of transforming documentary theater into our country, this project, which we... are also implementing thanks to the cultural initiatives fund. on air creative industry podcast our guest today is the director, artistic director of the malaya bronnaya theater, konstantin bogomolov. let's continue. this word, imitation, it is, well, from what i heard in your interviews, it is inherent in the nation as a whole, well, somewhere you came across it, well, in a good sense, that we are all the best , so to speak. now
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we know what the situation is, yes, cancel culture, closed borders and so on, the like, while there is a rather persistent search for a cultural code, where to look for it, you know, i tell you so i’ll say, i’m a fan of dostoevsky, i really like his idea about the universality of the russian soul, it actually seems to me that this is a rather unique property of russian consciousness, it’s like this...
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and dartanan is a russian hero, well, yes, he’s the same russian hero , like french, maybe even more russian than french, and dickens, uh, and shakespeare, and rastan, i don’t know, there are the ancients, ancient greece, these are all our authors, maybe that’s why we have an outstanding translation school, an outstanding translation school, it has no equal all over the world, this is quite obvious, and we have always been involved in translations...
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a country that, on the one hand, has a huge variety of different national cultures, and different religions in our country, on the other hand, we love and absorb the culture of the whole world, we we are incredibly curious, we want to pick it up. and it seems to me that in this
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incredible friendliness, in this love, in this curiosity, in this ability. which presupposes, while preserving what is yours, loving and never canceling, which is why, by the way, we don’t have this moment, yes, some hatred, cultures, there never was, and never was, during the second world war , no german culture, yes, with all
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the hatred for nazism, german culture was separated from the political system by political madness, ideological madness. soon it was you who formulated some things very precisely in your manifesto and even predicted something, in general, in advance, i can’t help but ask about the time in which we now live, this is how we need to treat it correctly in this time, as far as it
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is, all these changes are, well, let's say is it global in nature, to what extent can all this be influenced or should we go with the flow, should we simply just go with the flow, that’s where we are now? we’re stewing with you, that’s what this time is, we live, of course, during a storm, a global historical storm, i don’t see anything terrible and nothing tragic in this, i think that the changes that are happening for the better, i think that the changes that are taking place in our country for the better are definitely, i believe that this time provides new... new opportunities, i believe that they these changes are overdue, so i personally always urge those around me not only not to be afraid, but to understand that this is an inevitable historical process, that it has its own
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tragedy and its own beauty, that it has meaning, that it has meaningfulness . that it opens up new horizons and that this is a great cleansing that benefits our country, and i think ultimately the whole world, but again it depends on us to be firm, strong and confident in our country in our position and in our strength, then we will be able to transform the world around us. a for those who are somehow afraid of these changes, calm down, calm down, listen and make up your mind, that’s all, it seems to me, this is
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the only recipe, i could be wrong, but there is an impression from the outside that you need this, that’s it at this time it’s very somehow comfortable, well, that is, you’re like... i feel comfortable, because in fact, i ’ll tell you why i feel comfortable, because mm, it seems to me that this is an honest time, here i am i can talk honestly within this time and say what i think, and uh i, too, to a very significant extent, freed myself from - necessity, you know, it... the cultural environment, it is so very specific, let's say, this cancel culture, the culture of bullying for some non-standard opinion, it was very pressing, yes, i feel comfortable
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because i say what i think, because i feel free, because i feel that what is happening is right and leads to some very correct changes. which, it seems to me, has great prospects, and which is becoming a leader in speaking the truth, we live in a period of fantastic historical changes, but this is very cool, this is very interesting, we do not live in a swamp of some kind of stagnation, yes, we live in an incredibly interesting time, and a lot. tragic things are happening at this time, but this is a cool time, and we,
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contemporaries of this time, contemporaries of incredible, very important changes, we are witnesses of this, and we can be participants in this, so there is no need to be afraid, we must move from witnesses to participants in these.. .change is really so, go ahead, witnesses, participants, everything will be fine, dear friends, our guest is actor, director, publicist, konstantin bogomolov, it was wildly interesting with you, so complete, i just met you for the first time, i’m very pleased, thank you very much, thank you, dear friends, all episodes, creative industry podcastlab, you can... watch on the website of the first channel
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hello, you are watching precious stories. my name is ekaterina varkan , our guest today is elena vinogradova. she came to us from voronezh, and it’s not easy. so: not far from voronezh are the estates of the venevitinov nobles, there is now the estate museum, in may the thirtieth anniversary of the creation and opening of this museum is celebrated, and elena was the first, then only employee of this museum. however, a very dramatic story is connected with the name of dmitry venevitin, one of the most famous representatives of this family, poet and philosopher. but very beautiful, in addition to a lot of advantages, he was
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very handsome, externally, such the first prince of the kingdom, so to speak, yes, indeed, he was a handsome man in the full sense of the word, tall, his huge blue eyes, covered with very long eyelashes, shone with intelligence, there would hardly have been such eyes in the world, wrote one of his co... well, here we see an absolutely wonderful portrait, truly a beauty. dmitry was born into a respectable family and had a good education. dmitry received an excellent education, in which, of course, his mother anna nikolaevna, nee princess bolenskaya, took part, who picked him up with the love of mentors and teachers. by the way, many of them were later teachers at moscow imperial. university, by the age of 17, dmitry venevitinov completed his
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home education, received excellent encyclopedic knowledge, he had an excellent command of languages ​​and, in particular, the greek language, because his teacher, the greek bailo, taught him this subject, and he was not just a home teacher, he was a famous scientist, the publisher of plutarch, but we have a certificate that... he received in the twenty-third year at the university, and it lists all the sciences that he actually mastered, grades, which he received. one small detail is very interesting here: it is written that the certificate was issued according to the decree of 809, and the decree is quite interesting, in my opinion, spiransky came up with such a thing that all people in public service had to have hens of some public higher educational institutions . and many already respectable people who occupied decent positions
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did not have such crusts, and that is, confusion arose in society, respectable guys had to come, sit down, and take exams at their desks, it’s quite funny, all these people, those who did not have official qualifications, they did not have, well, the right to enter the service, they were called minors, that’s where this wonderful word comes from, moreover, those who did not serve, which means, well, many count princes had an excellent education, but did not have a qualification. they were also considered immature, and you can just fantasize, say how they sign some important papers, but for example, a bill of sale or a will, it is written by an immature count or prince .
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well, yes, that means people are debating, it’s called scientific work, but the main thing was if it were a godsend, there would be debaters, as we know, he was a beautiful young man, romantic, enthusiastic, and we know he spent the summer here in this estate in the famous animal near voronezh, yes, after dmitry
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successfully graduated from moscow university, he entered. .. to serve in the moscow archive at the collegium of foreign affairs, but here for a short time suddenly he needed to go to a new place on his estate, and he goes there to the memories of his childhood, indeed he and his parents went to the estate in novozhivotiny, he loved it very much, and you know with a very beautiful legend is connected with his stay on this estate in childhood, the legend of a butterfly, and paul’s eye, it happened when mitenko was very little, and one day , walking in a large garden, he saw a magnificent creature that was flapping its wings, flying from flower to flower, and dmitry asked his brother, peter, what kind of creature this was, he explained to him that it was a butterfly . pawing of the eyes, every morning began with
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dmitry running into the garden and looking for his girlfriend, and this was such an impression of his childhood. which he subsequently retained and being already an adult archive employee, he, in his sister sonechka’s pocket album , draws this butterfly pavement of the eyes and dedicates to it a small poem in french, a small moth, a parha from a flower on a flower, and it was so touching, we found it in the forty-eighth fund this album, yes we have it, we can look at it. we know that, in addition to being a musician, he was also an excellent draftsman, and we have portraits, his sister sonya and self-portraits, they are generally so wonderful, also at this time, apparently written, here is sister sonya, to whom he actually gave this pocket album, yes, and there is a self-portrait of the little mitya, there is also a version that this is an unknown artist, but it’s amazing how
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a kid in 1810 could perform something like this...
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yes, indeed, this is how it all happened and the volkonskaya queen of musa beauty vaistin, in her house she created a magnificent, luxurious, european-famous literary and musical salon, and from memory, here is the house, just, yes, this is the house balkonskaya tverskaya 14, in fact, where everything happened according to to the memories of eyewitnesses, there even...
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why, why did you sing so sweetly, why did i listen to you so greedily, he really listened to her so greedily, but it all ended differently, but we know what she gave him as a sign, well, not love , but as a sign of compassion , a ring, this famous venevitino ring, about which there seem to be legends, here it is, it is now in the literary museum in
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moscow, indeed... this ring was presented as a pledge of compassion to dmitry venevitinov, and for him, of course , this was the most valuable gift from princess zinaida, this the gift will become his talisman, a faithful talisman of love, it has a very interesting story, because it was found in 1706 during excavations of the ancient city of herculaneum, and where the book reader found it, now there are different versions, maybe she will...
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wear the ring on the finger - in two exceptional cases: either on the day of his wedding, or on the day of his death, that is , on the threshold of some new state of his, the state of his soul, but he wore it constantly, on a watch chain, constantly, and never with was not separated from him, and from this ring, and he
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dedicates... his famous lines, his poem to my ring, where in fact he acts as a poet-truth teller, as a prophet, he miraculously predicts the fate of this ring and his own destiny. you were dug up in a dusty grave, a century-old love, again you will be bequeathed by the dust of the grave, my ring, oh, be my faithful talisman, protect me. from the serious wounds of the world and the insignificant crowd, well, somehow, i’d rather have foreseen something more cheerful, i’ll tell you honestly, but strictly speaking, it doesn’t matter he remains smart and handsome, and among us, so to speak, regardless of his deep emotional experiences, and of course he attracts the attention of the secular public without any doubt, and many whispered in the corners, how can it not be that there are no
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secrets ? novels, that is, there were no obvious ones. well , there are definitely secret ones, and that means there were even contenders, one of whom is the bookish aleksanskaya, with whom they whispered all the time in... corners, everyone thought that things were already heading towards a wedding, but no, they were talking about philosophy everyone was whispering, so venevitinov wrote her a sincere message, a letter, philosophy, which means he was wise, so wise, yes, indeed, they knew each other, were friendly, and corresponded, and surprisingly dmitry himself notes that first they talked about german authors, then they talked about poetry, and then they came to philosophy.
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today in st. petersburg, there was even such an opinion, after so to speak, when pushkin passed away, that if sobolevsky had been here, then there would be no duels, he would have stopped everything, well , to say does not mean to do, let’s say, yes sobolevsky served in the morkovsky archive, in
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khokhlov lane, this house, by the way, such old chambers are still preserved, and venevitina also served there in the moscow archive of foreign affairs, according to legend, these are the archive youths, a famous term that we know, but from pushkin, he came up with this.
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and his friends believed that he was running away from love, from his tragic love, which did not leave him, his emotional experiences, the passions that burned like a fire in his soul, he leaves in his letters, i left moscow like crazy, i don’t know, how i didn't get off crazy, but here it should be noted that when dmitry was leaving, of course he was equipped with a lot of luggage, and a zinay was given, and alexander pushkin and his other friends, the lyubomudras, came to see dmitry off into adulthood, let’s say, into an independent life, the princess asked him to take him with himself of karl august
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wusche, the library of count laval, who accompanied princess ekaterina trubetskoy to her husband in siberia, but caught a cold, did not make it, and was forced to return. and she continued her journey on her own, so dmitry had no choice when they agreed together set off, but before entering the city... at the outpost, the crew was stopped, at that time it was very serious, everyone was checked entering the northern capital, and after the december uprising, and vusher was detained, arrested, they say that they were in one, like a carriage, together with dmitry venevitinov, and he was also arrested, of course, this was a great test for the young poet, this is how
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petersburg greeted him, he was kept for 2 or 3 days on the gaoplaht, but there are other figures that give already documents, but no less, dmitry behaved bravely; when asked by potapav whether he belonged to the northern society of decembrists, he replied that he could easily belong to it? it was not only naive chivalry, it was in general then, probably, aspiration, a galaxy of young people who were from the same circle and strived to be together and share their fate and even to be captured, well, they were, i would say, different people, yes, everyone sought to bring benefit only by different means and in different ways, that’s why they had disagreements, and the idea that he went... to serve in st. petersburg, it seems to me that he, well, so
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to speak, cherished the hope that if you serve and work well, so to speak, for the benefit of the fatherland, then you can... then do it in this way, yes, indeed, dmitry, in another opinion, choose for himself the plan of the ancient egyptian king sextus the fifth, serve, rule, already achieve. heights, thanks to their career ladder, from the height of their career, their successful activities , influence the way of government in russia, in contrast from the decembrists, who simply sought to overthrow the monarchy, this was all dmitry, he was all about the future, he made plans, he was in a hurry to live, he really dreamed of giving all his knowledge to the service of the fatherland, and wrote in his...
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he chose the asian department of the college foreign affairs, because by this moment he is interested in the east, and he understands that the accents of political life are moving in the other direction, to the east, and he dreamed of going to persia with griboedov, but griboyedov only left in the summer of twenty-six, well so he was planning to go to persia with greboedov, he has a lot of letters, the last, literally the last two letters, i want to send.
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in his melancholic image,
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even outwardly, he changed his appearance, his hair curled up, became dark, he informs his sister sonechka about this, he grew a mustache and beard, looked like a completely different person, but nevertheless he attended receptions , balls, once the lanskys were giving a ball in their house, and the heated poet... ran into his flickel, without even throwing it over his shoulders chenili, fell ill with a fever, he fell ill, became seriously ill, and, as fyodor khomyakov says, and... he kept dreaming of poetry, he either muttered them, or wrote, constantly wrote his own poems, and it seemed that in 24 hours of the day he had there is not a free minute, he kept his diary all the time, he composed and was in a hurry to write, and thereby he was in a hurry to live, but he had
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very little time left to live, and here again we remember that story, that legend, that prophecy about the rings. which we return to in it again, when dmitry became completely ill, he bequeathed to his poetic message to the ring, to his friends, and so that my ring does not remove you from your cold hand, so that the coffin does not separate us, the oath will not be fruitless, and so it all happened, when dmitry left, he fell unconscious, then rushing to the poet.. alexey khomyakov took the ring from the watch chain and put it on dmitry’s finger, when dmitry came to his senses, he saw the ring on his finger and said: will i get married? in my opinion, this is how he united with his beloved and left, in
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general, being a happy man, he was not even 22 years old. as we know, well in moscow on at the funeral there were pushkin and mitskevich, and pushkin, so to speak, lamented how you allowed him to die, because he always treated venevitinov warmly, princess zinaida wrote a death message, in the twenty-eighth year she left russia, she went to rome, lived on vila , there we had a lot of visits from our russian, so to speak, friends, gogol, zhukovsky pogodin, the brulov brothers and... she created such an alley of friends from monuments, the first monument was to alexander i , beloved, then there was the first monument to pushkin at thirty seventh year, when he was gone it became, and there was a monument to venevitinov, they say that now there is a british embassy in this place, and it is impossible to get there, and
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the alley of friends has been lost and does not exist, it cannot be said that the short life of the poet was full of pessimism. he himself said: “we once knew how to play pranks with decency, play pranks with intelligence, but the ending of his life was truly tragic, this faithful talisman may have played its fatal role in the fate of the poet, but volkonskaya too, she did not escape the sad death hers, because... but when she went to italy to her villa san firchi, where she really lived and missed her friends, that’s why these monuments appeared, including the monument to dmitry venevitin, but in the end she took a vow of poverty, she wandered through the streets of rome and
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distributed money to the poor, once in the pouring rain at levin she took off her cloak. and gave it to a poor man, caught a cold and died from almost the same illness as the young poet. you know, the love story of this book excites the hearts of people and will continue to excite for many, many years, but i think that she still stepped over that line.
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good morning our wonderful tv viewers, we are glad that on saturday at such an early hour you are also awake and celebrating the new day together with the first channel with you. shulik and nikita pimenov on the calendar june 1 is saturday, here it is summer, the first summer weekend, we need to live it in such a way
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that it is not painfully boring, we’ll start right now, of course, we have huge plans today, firstly, children’s day, we will, of course, celebrate it, we won’t reveal all the secrets, but i assure you, the children it won’t be boring, and you, dear adults, will get a chance to remember your childhood , make sure that there is still a child in each of us, and we will also choose ice cream, make... for the weekend, what is there for the weekend, for everything summer, so as not to miss anything, and we will open the holiday season, in general we are really looking forward to it, when we can finally swim, not everything that awaits you today on our broadcast, but according to tradition, we will start with invigorating gymnastics, fitness coach margarita kuznetsova is already inviting us to the water park, good morning, water slides are fun, but our family goes to the water park not only
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to have fun; in between fun times , my daughters and i do gymnastics right in the water. by the way, the exercises that i will now show you can be performed on sushi. join us. legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet parallel. and now we walk in place, actively working with our arms and legs. knees. we lift it as high as possible, it’s difficult to do this in water, you need to strain your abs more so as not to fall on your side, this is great, it means the muscles will strengthen faster, we walk as if we are in a hurry, pay attention, it is important for us... to monitor your posture, like this, don’t bend over or slouch, keep your back straight, the exercise
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will help stretch your whole body, strengthen your abdominal muscles, form a slender waist, this is what we need , girls, we remind you that on the calendar june 1, this week we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of alexei. arkhipovich leonov, pilot, cosmonaut, twice hero of the soviet union, the first person on the planet to go into outer space. watch this sunday on channel one documentary films, a space odyssey by alexei leonov and the feature film time of the first, this is a real big movie with a brilliant cast, don’t miss it, don’t get bored, i’ll be there soon, the man is out. mystical space. i heard my heart beat, i heard my breathing.
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alexei lionov is the man who, 59 years ago, was the first to look at the earth from outer space. volga, right below me. around the eighth minute i felt my fingers coming out of my gloves. i understand what? what about the pressure? spacesuit? suddenly bloated it became impossible to move, i have 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, there is no light there, and 30 minutes, i know, i have life left, no more, it didn’t close, yes, no, how it was, the astronaut’s story in in the documentary film space odyssey by alexei leonov, this is what the voskhod 2 spaceship looks like, that’s the man. if
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it weren’t iron, you need to finish painting here, otherwise the tretyakovka is waiting, tretyakovka, well, what did you think, the first picture drawn in space, to the future wife svetlana, alexey leonov fell in love at first sight and managed to convince her how you could marry him faster, of course he would have a young man, a rocket scientist, there was such a choice there, but then i arrived, when i had already passed the commission, and i come, i say, svetlana, it’s either now or never, otherwise i have to ... to fly away on the fifteenth, i had a bad dream, what kind of nonsense is this? evgenia mironov, leonov’s feat inspired him since childhood, once the actor and the cosmonaut met and talked for 4 hours. the amazing details of leonov's flight are told in the film "the time of the first". it was not clear whether they were flying towards the ground or in the opposite direction side, and these are not seconds, not minutes, these are hours. and then we will remember our daughter, how she
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goes to school, how is it that i... won’t take my daughter to school, at that moment the specks of dust that they saw began to fall down, this meant that gravity had worked, they were flying towards earth. dad, this sunday on channel one the documentary film space odyssey by alexei leonov and the film time of the first, about the man thanks to whom we became closer to the stars. well, you are a village, the village of lestvyanka, kemerovo region. svetlana neimonis, ivan belchenko, first. the calendar says saturday, tomorrow is sunday, the first summer weekend, everyone has their own favorite way to relieve stress after a week of work and have a good rest, recuperate, well, first of all, you can of course sleep, the ideal option, but our healthy lifestyle expert darina griboedova went for a massage, well, at the same time i found out a lot of interesting things about him. good morning, how long have you... been
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for a massage, my last time was in the winter, also after a grueling workout, and your muscles “like a stone,” the massage therapist told me then, and kneaded them quite painfully, in what cases is massage necessary, in what cases is it better not to do it? we'll talk about this with physical therapist margarita romanova. margaret, good morning, did i do the right thing by going for a massage after training? of course, after training, it is rather necessary to do a massage to relax the spasming muscles and feelings.
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why does he go for a massage? in what cases is it still necessary to see a doctor rather than a massage therapist? margarit, please explain to me what the danger is, coming a person, for example, goes for a massage, his lower back hurts, most people have problems with a lack of resistance to stress, this means that the muscles of the lower back are weak enough to support themselves in the vertical, the person came to the massage therapist, the massage therapist relaxed his back, the person left, received a short-term therapeutic effect and after a while... his back hurt again, what will he have to do, come to the massage therapist again, so that this wheel does not occur on a permanent basis, he must first contact a neurologist, and then take a massage course, summer is vacation time, people go to sanatoriums, what types of massage can you recommend, sports, relaxing, anti-cellulite, lymphatic drainage, helps relieve swelling, swelling
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in the summer is a common thing, and don’t think that they don’t affect men. let’s say the limbs increase in volume, the ring on the finger begins to pinch, or marks from socks remain on the feet, which do not go away for a long time, therefore, in order to remove swelling, get rid of excess fluid, come for a lymphatic drainage massage, this massage is not deep, unlike anti-cellulite, we work more with subcutaneous fatty tissue,
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visible muscle, first warming up, i call it ridges, that is, like this, then kneading, we collect the trapezius muscle. with your fingertips and press, pay attention, there is no need to touch the spine, here we can make such spreading movements with the thumb from the line of the spine, after all, zosh massage is not about pain, it is about relaxation. in moscow, in the palace of irina vinner usmanova, the second stage of the cup of the strongest in rhythmic gymnastics. channel one sports journalist maria bas has all the details. on the eve of one of the most important holidays in our country, children's day , the moscow luzhniki stadium once again sparkled with colors, vibrant rhythmic
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gymnastics competitions and the strongest cup. athletes representing clubs from thirteen countries illuminated the audience with their smiles and, of course, unforgettable performances. during the junior competitions, everyone was once again convinced that we have a huge number. young and smiling sofia ilteryakova, one of contenders for inclusion in the national team for the upcoming brix games, showed excellent results in the team championship in individual events, about the strongest cubes, an important stage
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of preparation for the competition in kazan. this is a very important start for me, now we will prepare hard, work on our programs, complicate them, work on purity, on artistry, on execution, so that we can show ours. as always , the leader of the russian national team, student irina winner, lala kromarenko, spoke above all praise , skill and a huge emotional charge for the audience is like a gift, plastic, beautiful, feminine, this is the most important thing, i like her very much, lali has a lot of luck so that everything works out, we really believe in her, so that she doesn’t lose anything, everything works out well. a little less than two weeks remain before the start of the brix games, and we are confident that our gymnasts will spend this time usefully. all spectators look forward to the rhythmic gymnastics competition, because this is the case when sport is inseparable from beauty and
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grace. our program continues right now we give the floor to our colleagues from the channel one information service. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. broadcast news, we'll meet in just a few minutes. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. soldiers of the first guards tank army, group of forces west destroyed camouflaged machine gun points, dugouts and busu infantry in the special operation zone. the t-90a crews, having broken through the enemy's first line, broke into the rear and cut communications. in the south donetsk direction crews of specially powerful mortars from the tulip artillery group of troops razed the enemy strong point to the ground. reconnaissance discovered the enemy's shelter, and artillerymen quickly moved into the indicated square and
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opened fire. to hit, they probably used shells weighing up to 230 kg. they are capable of breaking through concrete floors up to 3 m thick. the drone operators of the first army corps of the southern group worked effectively. they are successful. in one trip we can work 10, nine pieces. 75 of our military personnel were returned from ukrainian captivity. they arrived in moscow, where they will undergo treatment and rehabilitation.
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anastasia kobuzeva has details. closer to midnight, a military transport aircraft landed in the capital. there are 75 of our soldiers at the port, they are at home, safe, nothing threatens their lives. the mood is generally good, indescribable emotions, thank you to russia for not forgetting us, for taking us, thank you very much to everyone who worried about us, who took part in this.
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after all, we may not act, but we can act on others. this exchange was the first in almost 4 months. our ministry of defense published these shots the day before. the exchange took place at the border in the belgorod region. first of all, the fighters were fed and given clothes and comfortable shoes. forty-six, does he have any sneakers? next, calls to relatives. i was exchanged, i'm in russia. how are you, it’s me, your son, mother, dear, i’ll be there soon. everything is fine
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, i have a life, i’m healthy, my arms and legs are intact, rehabilitation and treatment are ahead, some people need help from psychologists, but the main thing is that my loved ones will already be nearby, i want to hug and kiss everyone, i want to keep coming, this is the dream of everyone who this at night he returned from captivity to his homeland, someone is already making plans that no, no, he’s not married, we’ll take care of the victory, anastasia kobuzeva, oleg shishkin, denis ovcherov, yuri rublev, channel one. new footage of conscription in ukraine, a kharkov resident tried to escape from being sent to the front, but the forces were unequal, three people dragged him into a minibus. in response to the raids, residents switched to guerrilla tactics; in the cherkasy region , a grenade was thrown into the courtyard of the military commissar. pegletsy dress up in women's dresses, footage is published by western media. ukrainian journalists just in case, they asked whether a man could officially declare himself a woman in order not to serve. it turns out that here kiev is not... ready to follow europe, the law
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does not leave any loopholes, but the women themselves are afraid that their turn will soon come to them and are wondering whether it is not too late to leave the country, but the fate of fugitives to the eu is in question , for example, poland is going to create military training centers for refugees, who will then be sent home to fight. meanwhile, zelensky was caught in a trap and did it washington, according to informed sources, us secretary of state antony blinken demanded that he lower the age of mobilization to...
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not caring for children is one of the priorities of state social policy, they are guaranteed worldwide support. last year, the president signed a decree on a strategy for comprehensive child safety until 2030, but this year has been declared the year of seven in russia, and the holiday is widely celebrated. the movement of the first will open the festival of childhood and youth, it will be held in all regions, and the main platform will be the exhibition forum russia at vdnk, there will be concert and educational program, promotions, competitions and... mironov, the festive
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lighting was turned on at the ostankino tv tower at night. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good morning, dear friends, good morning our wonderful tv viewers. we are glad that you have already woken up and are greeting a new day. traditions together with channel one, daria shlik and nikita pimenov are with you. on the calendar, june 1 is saturday. well, friends, you've waited, it has arrived, there are 3 whole months of summer ahead. well, on the one hand. of course, whole 3 months, on the other hand only 3 months, and then 9 months, well, the weather is so-so, let’s say so, but let’s not talk about sad things, we need to spend these 3 months to the fullest, don’t miss a day, not a minute, really now let's make plans for what we definitely need to do this summer, a course for
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the summer, make a plan for what to do so that these 3 months will be remembered for a long time, irina bogatova started with mastering the cathedral and called her colleagues, at least she will be busy. and get, scary, also, be sure to take headbands with you clothes, sun cream, water, and this is not only for today, for the whole summer, we are starting, now you are watching a unique experiment, i am on this wonderful thing that has not yet let me fall, plans for june to master at least one new skill , so i pull it to the front leg. the weight is on our hands, at this moment we take the oar, our legs are bent, we look forward at the nose of the board, we immediately slowly and slowly begin to row, oh-oh, we look only forward, bend your knees, this is possible instead of the gym, it’s possible, a two-hour walk burns
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530 kilocalories, for those who did not manage to lose weight by summer, ideal, otherwise it will start now, on the shore the guys are already cutting okroshka, still warm. this, of course, has its own charm; there is food that tastes best in the first month of summer. ice cream, just regular ice cream. with butter in the army, i have never eaten anything tastier in my life. also, of course, kvass, baked potatoes, the first lightly salted cucumbers and raspberry jam, but this is already a plan for july, when the preparations begin. so, what is the most delicious thing fried at the fire? fish, maybe here to catch her, actually. dima has only one plan: relaxation, my friends and i, how we go to karelia, how you decorate it, that is, this is nature, tents, a fire, this is to have constant silence, no telephone, no music, no cars, no one to listen to the forest at all, silence, nature, water, fishing, with a fishing rod - this is generally a philosophy, it sounds like something on
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an ideal plan to meet the sunrise, walk barefoot on the grass, walk in the rain and pick wild flowers, too, this can only be done in these 3 months, and how many emotions? life, of course, doesn't suit me i’ve prepared, but if necessary, i’ll go into the fire, into the water, into the copper pipes, and it’s only june 1, the route for an unforgettable summer has been built, maria kuskova, andrey ivanov, ilya saech, maxim tkachenko, channel one. well, of course, you definitely need to include in your plans for this weekend a trip to the international exhibition forum russia. she continues her work in moscow at vdnh. there is something to see and wonder there. program for the first summer weekend. something cool for both children and adults, a sea of ​​flowers, games and master classes, the most delicious food from all over the country, in general, you definitely won’t be bored there, feel the blooming summer at the russian exhibition at the cosmos pavilion at the future in colors festival 89 club
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of expositions from all regions of the country, each region at its own discretion, based on its traditions , his values, he decided to display in his... composition, how he is different, how he is unique, what is his future? the telpan is considered the national flower; it is present on the coat of arms of the republic of tatarstan; the lugorod lilac has even been in space. the first two cosmonauts landed on the territory of the saratov region. here we have the landing site of yuri alekseevich kogarin. more than 100 million flowers, some of which you can try this weekend at the russian cuisine house, at the gastrobotany festival. guests will be able to try quite exclusive items. i won’t reveal all the secrets, one of them will be - these are reindeer moss chips, this is real moss that is soaked in the juices of lingonberries, ice cream and blueberries, from the hearty new products kamchatka crab, the distinctive feature is that it boiled immediately in sea water, it is already salty, we prepare a salad from it,
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a slice, bake this crab with sauce and root to make it even tastier, a bonus for drinks, an edible cone, pine, by the way, you can count the rings not only from the cut of a tree, but on... the mammoth's marvels in the seventy -fifth pavilion, a real one from the museum 1 2 3 4 5 6 here the milk fell out of a baby mammoth , a girl who was about 6-7 years old, the most touching exhibit of the yakutia stand in terms of heaviness , try that this is not a wooden snag, this exactly the real one, dates back to 20 thousand years to 40,000 years. national games await the kids, and on june 1... children's day - a grandiose festive program in the pavilion of the ministry of education. we invite you to attend a big festive concert, in which children's groups from moscow and counselors from the all-russian children's center will take part. the ocean, master classes and bright crafts have not been canceled either, i didn’t know that something like this could be made, now there will be your
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favorite bookmark, yes, i will always go to school with it, but in the meantime, it’s the holidays, time to relax, listen to good music on music festival moskovskaya village, june 1 and 2 in the house of culture, this is pavilion 84, the soundboard source is such a house of folklore, russian cultural code, russian fairy tale, within the framework of this project we hold a lot... lectures, master classes, entrance the festival is free, you just need to sign up, you can do this on the timepad website or on the official page of the russia exhibition. ilnurov ali akhmetov, natalya kovaleva, anna ryabova, channel one. we remind you that june 1 is on the calendar, and today is world children's day. for which we, of course, congratulate everyone. channel one has prepared a whole bag of amazing gifts for all of us for the summer holiday itself. all weekend there are funny children's programs, quiz and of course ours. favorite films, this cannot be missed, neither for children, nor for us, adults, i am the most outstanding
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youth of this city, children under 16 years old are not allowed, why did you come to us, with joy, on the first channel there was a party 0+, we drank such tea, it’s a stranger’s feet, adults , we must be patient, and we must wipe it properly with our sleeve, i just can’t, because they will kill me, children are the best. the most sincere and mischievous, but it must hurt between the shoulder blades? no, why does it hurt me? maybe the old one, the most talented and resourceful, tell me something in fisherman, what are you doing? and the host of the show is the best, zhanna bodoeva in a butterfly costume, the first day of summer, after all, the virtuoso bell ringer tihan, the experienced fisherman kirill and polina, a specialist in carnivorous plants, this is difenbai, will come to visit. "if a young woman lives without a husband from defenbachia, defenbachia will drive her husband out
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with his presence when he approaches, yes, this is not a threat to me, the young woman has long passed the stage for me, videos with civil dances gain millions of likes on social networks, here even nikolai tsyskaridze himself will envy that you are motivated to dance all the time, i even when i was little, my parents, you’re big now, right?” it was to yuri vyazimsky, what happened in his great knowledge, smart and smart, the little one also danced, in the studio program tonight, the little ones will shine in the seventeenth year, 1917, well there's a lot there happened, but tell me about volka, what does the word fool mean, well, it’s kind of like a sage, our favorite fairy tales will take us back to childhood, we’ll fly with old man khatabych on a magic carpet for...
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robert 20 works. this piece of the polka is difficult because the left hand must be in balance under the right, there must be a very clear stakata in the left hand. robert is already performing in solo concerts, but for now the main connoisseurs of creativity are his neighbors, because the young composer studies music 5 hours a day. about that much. semyon semenov from ulyanovsk spends studying the topic of space, and then giving lectures to friends in kindergarten.
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he is seven and is concerned about the problem of space debris, has already discussed this with the present. as an astronaut, i asked him whether he had encountered space debris, he told me that he had, but the debris was slow and it was easy to turn away from it. semyon met alexander in korolev at a competition of scientific, technical, natural science and artistic projects in astronautics. semyon proposed building a space debris recycling plant directly in orbit, robots like this should work there. a garbage collector robot, it picks up space debris, if the debris is broken, it is sent to a repair shop, subordinated, reprogrammed, back into space, if the debris cannot be repaired, reprogrammed, sends it for melting down, for now this is all in the plans, here are dasha mokhova’s ideas is already implementing, she is officially
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registered as the inventor of games, there is a whole set of them, seven of them, the idea came during the anniversary of her native perm, yes... she made a puzzle in the form of a famous city art object of the letter p. in the game, walkers collected 300 interesting facts about perm, but she is not only interested in games. one day i was getting ready for school with my friend. and when we had already left, she asked me, did you hear, i closed the door, i closed it, so i decided to create a project so that this would not happen again. and then dasha came up with a smart lock, an indicator for now.
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hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov, i have three children, and today we all came together to the moscow zoo, where we will go first, to the elephant, it’s warm now perhaps they have already begun to go outside. dad, let's feed the elephant some pop food, what are you saying? the very first rule in the zoo is not to feed the animals, from popcorn, cotton candy, buns with sausages, they can easily develop an upset stomach, even with toffees, even with butterscotch, and we continue our quiz, what else
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can’t be done in the zoo, and what's rule number two, young people, your options, don't scare your stomach like that. it’s not customary for animals to shake hands, so we don’t put our arms, legs, umbrellas in the cage, bags, it’s unsafe, and we also don’t drum on the fence and glass of the enclosures, the animals don’t like it, so we came to the monkeys, how about a photo with a monkey, by the way, let’s have one more question to fill in, how to properly take photos with animals, without flashes, well done? well, let's finish with the rules of conduct at the zoo, you can't ride a bicycle or a scooter here, you can't fly quadcopters, you can't bring your pets here. in general, let's respect the personal space of animals and take care of our lives and health. we came to see the main local stars.
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these are pandas, chewy, ding-ding their cub katyusha. this is the first panda cub that... we make good leashes, we make our own snap hooks for each dog by weight, the cocoa beans that we use are beans that have fruity floral shades, at the moment there is no manufacturer in russia with such quality chocolate like ours. our everything,
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the premiere, is on the first day today. if life deceives you. don’t be sad, don’t be angry, a day of despondency, humble yourself, a day of fun, a century, will come, the heart of the future, the present lives, sadly, everything is instantaneous, everything will pass, what will pass will be nice, for the poet’s anniversary, and you know what is the easiest way to return to childhood, well , at least for a while, and this method is also the most delicious, well of course, the summer one, yes, you guessed it, there is such a unique invention of mankind, well, of course, it’s ice cream, no matter what kind of ice cream or fruit in a waffle cup, popsicle on sticks or frozen ice, in general, ice cream magically
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takes us back to childhood, the main thing , that was delicious, gloves, masks, robes, caps, this is where ice cream is born, this is the same mixture of milk, sugar, cream and a couple of very important ingredients, the name of which can be alarming, i saw a stabilizer and a mulgator in the composition, should i be scared or not? no, no, no, they allow you to preserve this external structure of the ice cream for a short time. ice cream can be ruined by low-quality ingredients, for example, if the manufacturer skimped on heavy cream, but even a very high-quality product can be damaged by heat. and you can you taste how the ice cream was stored, correctly or incorrectly? yes, of course, there are ice crystals, an icy effect on the roof of the tongue. this feeling arises immediately; we are unlikely to know how the temperature fluctuated during transportation, but there is an opportunity at the time of purchase to inspect the storage location, especially important if the ice cream
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is sold in the heat. it's +25 outside, look how the sellers are fighting for the cold, the ice cream cart is hidden from the sun in every possible way, such a special protective cable cover, the most comfortable storage temperature in the most cart 18-20°. piece. inna advises paying attention to the composition of ice cream, so that there are no vegetable fats in classic milk, cream or ice cream, they can only be in the glaze. fortunately, even a waffle cone without packaging always comes with ingredients. you just have to ask, is something bothering you? let's check the ice cream through the honest sign application using the qr code. boring adults, why read something before eating? this is how kids choose ice cream. i often look for my favorite flavor or see what's in the packaging, it's great if princesses can girls choose, and if there is a knight, maybe a boy can choose, any flavor will suit me, but
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the composition, the composition is strawberry, normal ice cream is something like this, and if the ice cream is bigger, then something like this, well, you choose what size, like this, less, yes, yes, because i ’m on a diet, nutritionist dmitry seryadov has nothing against ice cream at all... he has nothing against it, for the first time on the screens there is a nutritionist who eats ice cream, globally i don’t see anything harmful in him, ice cream is not absolute anger . when is there ice cream, morning, evening, lunch, before lunch, after lunch, instead of lunch? well , ideally, it is better to consume sweets and delicacies after meals, because after all, food slows down the absorption of the sugars that are contained there, and such a jump in insulin, a jump in sugar in the body will not be in the blood, as well as an effect on the microbiota, on the microflora intestines, but again, if we are here now. we won’t go to the park on purpose to eat and then eat ice cream, so if possible after a meal. with ice cream, as with any delicacy, the main thing is not overdo. dmitry allows three to four
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servings a week, we don’t need more. ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev and andrey aksionov, channel one. the cherry season has begun. this aromatic sweet berry has already appeared in stores in markets. but now let’s trace everything where the most delicious food grows and how it gets to us on the counter. the big cherry path, whether it’s a berry or a fruit, biologists still haven’t decided, and you won’t believe this about cherries, and the first cherries have already grown, krasnodar region, yeisk district, look how much has already been collected and how much is ahead, there are 140 hectares of cherry orchards, we pick the berries very carefully, pry them up, tear them off so that they retain all their qualities and properties. this year the berries grew earlier, although this variety, valery chkalov, is already early, fast, like a picker. the development phase is 7-10
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days earlier, since we visited at the end of may, always at valery chikalov, in our northern zone, we are already harvesting, so the end will be earlier, however, the cherries are ripening, unevenly, on one tree there are bright burgundy and pink berries, they are collected in two or even three approaches to one tree. in order to pick only ripe ones, this variety of cherries this year is very large, juicy, saturated with the sun, per day we collect up to 100 kg per person, when... the harvest begins already, when all the cherries are ripe, then more, in total it turns out to be one and a half tons per day, after which the berries are loaded into trucks and sent to a warehouse, weighed, quantized, the cherries are put into the refrigerator for further transportation, its operating temperature is 0.2°, the degree of lowering the temperature happens gradually, that is, every 4 hours , 2° in temperature is removed, thanks
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to this, cherries can... be stored for 20 days, and if sold immediately from the field, the shelf life half as much, 10. the berries leave this large refrigerator from volgograd, nizhny novgorod, st. petersburg to moscow. mikhail volkov, elena savina, lyudmila kalieva, channel one. we remind you that june 1 is on the calendar. our ancestors believed that if it rains on this day , the whole month will be dry. and here's how it will happen if there is no rain today, the omen does not specify. but let's assume that it's summer anyway. it will be wonderful, that’s what astrologers think about june and this weekend. the coming june is a nimble month, restless, inquisitive, very sociable, loves to stick its nose everywhere, learn something new and immediately share it. it’s a good thing, but the luminaries warn that june is a great dreamer, and he wouldn’t mind turning it around. he also loves to bring people together , everything is ambiguous here too. a new acquaintance can become a true friend, and
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may turn out to be a scammer. in general, we do. conclusions about business: of course, relaxing in june is more pleasant than working, but this month is also not bad for a career. first of all, this applies to everyone whose work is entertaining and easy to talk about something. journalists, bloggers, those who teach courses on the internet, conduct master classes, but also artists. and if you want to attract that attention or, as they say, gain popularity, this is your month. aries can feel interest in their person. they are now generally very noticeable. is it worth clarifying what will be noticed? your dignity and your shortcomings, that’s what you are categorically not recommended to argue about booking these days. taurus, this applies to you too. even if someone is fundamentally wrong, do not raise your voice, it will only get worse. about pleasant things, this weekend clearly has something interesting in store for you, some bright event, and someone else might fall in love with you. this weekend might be a little hectic for geminis. perhaps some running around, haste, awkward situations.
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take a closer look in this fuss. with money and documents, okay, be careful on the roads. cancer, did you experience success with the opposite sex, unplanned affairs and something that can be called unforeseen circumstances, perhaps some serious conversation, most likely about something personal. a wonderful weekend for leos, when everything turns out quickly without extra effort, however, there may be some friction with a loved one or someone in the family, well, just little things, get ready to bustle around the house tomorrow. virgos are lucky. not for trips or trips. by the way, how about vacation? if already when you pack your bags, be careful, you risk forgetting something important. for those for whom vacation is not yet possible. maybe, at least for a day, get out into nature? vis, this advice is also relevant for you. by the way, for reference, these days you should have a good bite. this evening or tomorrow you may receive good news or news from someone who is near and dear to you. scorpios will have the opportunity to fix something, improve something, or make something
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beautiful and useful. the light has shone, if you allow, do without criticism and harsh words, someone’s address, if you don’t want to make money enemies. someone can let sagittarius down, not out of malice, but simply through what is called chance, so rely on yourself as much as possible. otherwise, everything should work out for you; guests may arrive tomorrow. capricorns also have a good weekend, when everything goes as it should, maybe not as quickly as we would like, but without unpleasant surprises, only if you go to the dacha without setting it on fire. and the pisces are doing very well, they will have a chance to present themselves, to show off their charm and artistry, and the pisces ladies will certainly outshine all their rivals, just watch your step and in general be careful, there is a risk of getting it.
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good luck to you! 130 years ago, in 1894 , the first children's playground opened in st. petersburg on the petrograd side. it was opened by the funds of the royal family. newspapers reported that children there were treated to tea and snacks. if only it were like this today. anastasia telya studied the rich biography of the playground and became convinced that the playground is fun at all times. nets, slides, labyrinths, a dozen types of swings, and 130 years ago. rud covered with sand, the first children's playground in st. petersburg, appeared in 1894, the photo has not survived, here is a description of a similar one from that time, we found. the first children's playgrounds... such sheds could even be in the form of some kind of small amphitheater, board games were actively used, dominoes and chess, and they worked under the supervision of a teacher, there were even excursions to
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companies and factories, more like a modern kindergarten. in the thirties of the 20th century , playgrounds with swings and sandboxes appeared, first wooden, then made of metal. the first game elements in general. appeared after the civil war, of course, there we began to be revived and construction was active developed. after the introduction of gto standards, horizontal bars and parallel bars, and after space exploration - the first rockets. in the seventies and eighties , sculptors and architects worked on the playgrounds, and this is what comes out of an ordinary swing. we are just at one of these, in moscow, the courtyard on novoallekseevskaya. and it was preserved on the weather vane for the year, 1947, you see. and nearby it rings, where the bells hung, even massive brick buildings in the image of the kremlin, mosaic sculptures with smalt tiles and even a swimming pool, such a paddling pool from the year seventy-eight, but there are no drains for water you can see that the water evaporates
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naturally, and these are the courtyards of st. petersburg, a two-story repkas house, a climbing frame or a seven-meter high gorynych snake from 1982, we all remember our playgrounds, the main emotions, the grandmother of the chelukyan family talks about her childhood. it was a mushroom with sand, the ceilings were, well, it was sparse, sparse, but fun. beloved dads, of course, multi-colored tires, the wheels were buried, they also ran and jumped on them. mom has the crown sun on the iron swing, she covered me with the swing like that, and then i’m covered in bruises i went, now there are limiters everywhere, plus the state standard for safety, which stipulates the height of the playground. what should be the safe distance between the swings, what should be the diameter of the grips, the slopes, the angles of the slides, right down to each connecting element, the flooring with shock absorption, and if everything is done correctly, there is just as much fun, but without
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broken knees. anastasia telya, dmitry likhachev, anna ryabova, channel one. vertical flower bed, have you ever heard of this? i’m definitely not, but now we’ll hear, and at the same time we’ll see and maybe even build i have the same one at my dacha. oksana stankevich shares her secrets. how summer residents usually use black agrofibre. they cover the beds with it to prevent weeds from growing. but there are more interesting ideas. a week ago i showed how to sew pots from material and planted tomato seedlings in them. by the way, she feels great , and today i’m sharing new ideas: if you fill a bag with soil and hang it on a crossbar, you get a vertical flowerbed,
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i cut a hole in it crosswise, insert hanging flowers, i have petunia and alyssa. so far it seems that there are not enough flowers, but there is no need to plant more. the hanging plants will grow and hang, and soon all these voids will be closed. the main thing is not to forget to water and fertilize the vertical flower bed. another idea for those who have long dreamed of growing blueberries on their plot, but for some reason they do not produce berries. this is because the bush loves very acidic soil, if you just throw it into the hole, there will be no effect, the acidic soil will mix with garden soil over time, and if you pour acidic soil for blueberries into a bag, plant it directly in it
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plant, that will be a completely different matter. thanks to the fabric walls, acidic soil will not go anywhere. all the fertilizers that you give to the plant will hit the mark. by the way, a fabric bag made of agrofibre has many advantages, the roots of the plant breathe in it, which means they develop well, while weeds cannot grow through the walls, and if you overdo it with watering, the water will not stagnate, it will simply seep through agrofibre, and most importantly, in such a container you can grow anything... you want, vegetables, shrubs and even flowers. friends, it’s been a long time since we sewed any new clothes, we’re urgently filling this gap. so, fashionistas, attention, cotton! summer dress from olga nikishicheva, right now, all you need is
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2.5 m of cotton. dear friends, today we will sew a very simple but original dress that will suit any figure and any age. to work, you only need 2.5 m, a sieve with a width of 120 cm and a good mood. by the way, with this kind of work. even a beginner can handle it, let’s add it up fabric with the right side inward in four layers, we take only three measurements: chest circumference and height of the shelf to the level of the chest and to the level of the waist. in the corner we draw a boat neck with a width of 12 cm and a depth of 7. from the upper fold
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from the neck we mark the chest height levels, the waist level, and now from the central fold through these points we measure a quarter of the chest girth measurement plus 2 cm and also put marks, along the edge of the fabric we mark sleeve height is 20 cm, connect it to a point. and now pay attention, extend the waist level to the hem and draw a new side line along a smooth line, narrow the dress a little at the bottom and draw the hem, cut out our allowances, this is what the cut of our dress looks like, sew the side seams. leave 5 cm unsewn at
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the waist level, so that later you can insert and sew ties here, from the remaining scraps we make two ties like these, attach them to the corners that we left unsewn, chop them off and under the machine. we process the edges on a verlock, decorate the neckline with bias tape made of cotton, tie a belt, here all the work, in such a new thing you can always tighten natalia’s belt tighter if you need a thin one. or vice versa, relax and not
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worry about an extra piece of cake. in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk, today on the first, veda vodka - a product of the stellar group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon. stersman is a product of the stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. reader, noble. hello to all your relatives. let me perhaps now tell you from me what exactly relatives mean. native people, that's what they are. we remind you that on the calendar june 1st, today on the kremlin cathedral square the display of guards and walking icons begins, the spectacle is incredibly exciting. our correspondent attended the dress rehearsal, 4 months
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of daily training for the bro of the special guard of the presidential regiment , conscripts for all of them, a divorce on the cathedral square
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and it is not just necessary to carry it, it needs to be twirled. the rebuilding figures have their own names: square, snowflake, but the most spectacular element is the reverse, or in other words, the domino effect. more this action looks more impressive thanks to the hussar uniform of the 1812 model. after the march on foot, according to tradition, the cavalry honorary escort performs a mounted changeover, horses only of black or black color. hats are not for beauty, they are essentially panama hats, called ears, and are necessary. before particularly hot days, like now, it accompanies the deployment of foot icon guards to the presidential orchestra, performs 17 pieces of music in 30 minutes of the ceremony, until september every saturday at exactly 12 on the cathedral square of the moscow in the kremlin you can see this spectacle with your own eyes. anna soldatova, stepan erofeev,
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andrey aksenov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. summer is the time for vacations, and what is an ideal vacation? probably, it’s different for everyone, for some we give the sea, the sun, the beach, well, so that you can swim and sunbathe at will, the ideal option, i’m definitely for it, others, on the contrary, like to go to the mountains or the forest with a backpack, more and more tourists choose just such an active type of recreation, and there is also river tourism or excursions to historical cities, well, in general, there are a great many options for how to spend this summer, the majority of russian residents imagine their vacation like this: holidays by the sea are again at the top. krasnodar region is a constant leader. this year, the association of tour operators predicts more than 90 million trips across the country, and a quarter of this tourism pie will go to the krasnodar region. this influx of tourists and annual records, and we suspect that this year
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another record for the number of trips within the country will be broken, these are still not the maximum possibilities for the krasnodar territory. at first summer and clean water, beach. are not so full yet, well, like a glass of water, and an influx of visitors is expected in july-august, when the water gets warmer and children’s exams are over, the demand for crimea has increased, the number of hotel bookings has already increased from 20 to 50% in the region, a record number guests are expected at this time in the kaliningrad region, almost all places for july-august are already booked, in june you can still find something. planned in the mountains, because there is shade, there are mountain rivers, there are hikes, among the mountains the romanovs took this into account, a second vacation top destinations include stavropol territory, dagestan and, of course, altai. we are
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now on the devil’s finger rock, this is the place where the mountains begin. dmitry and polina from omsk have budgeted for the trip. 50,000 rubles, but they already understand that they will most likely have to add, prices have increased by an average of 15 percent. to save money, tourists often choose to reduce the number of days rather than the number of stars of the hotel, and whether to take food at the place of residence depends not even on the region or city . for example, in anapa, there is no point in refusing food, on the spot you can spend even more money. sochi, there you can get the best, for example, at breakfast, have breakfast, and outside the territory there are quite a lot of cafes for any income level. the same goes for leisure activities for children. it’s better to immediately calculate what will be cheaper: book a hotel with animation or look for entertainment on the spot. according to our experience of vacationing together, our son does not get out of the water, and our daughter does not fit into it. therefore, that is, she needs a children's room, yes, a playroom. additional train flights are also appearing on popular routes,
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but more and more tourists prefer to go on their own by car. again, you can make stops in interesting cities along the way. and in nature reserves, ecotourism is just making its presence known. natalya leonova, ksenia loginova, dmitry likhachev, channel one. well now, dear men, here we are. irina materanskaya will tell us how to quickly prepare the skin for the summer sun. she will tell us about the rules 5 and before we knew it, it’s summer again, we still didn’t have time to lose weight, but there is still a chance to prepare the skin for the sun. it's finally saturday, which means i’ll find a moment for myself, it’s finally summer, i finally met my friend alya as a cosmetologist, and today we’ll talk about
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the five rules, the first rule is to remove everything unnecessary, in other words, cleanse the skin, everything as soft as possible will do, light milk peels, enzyme powders and no aggressive facial scrubs, so second, second, moisturize. in winter, the skin suffers from dry air and frost, in summer from heat and air conditioning. enter as always, our favorite hyaluronic acid for washing with a moisturizing component and tonic, cream with shea butter, coconut, olive, zhijaba, third y, third y, protect from the sun, pigment spots, wrinkles, loss of elasticity are just waiting for us, if you don’t use sunscreen in the summer, skin... you need protect, and in summer you need to use at least thirty, the factor should be light, it
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should be easily absorbed and protect the skin. please tell me, is this a marketing ploy or is it true that not only sun protection, but also lifting, moisturizing, no, of course, they have these products, because now technology has reached the point where all this can be combined, and now spf can be in bibi, in powder. and even in lip balm , the thin skin on the lips also suffers from the sun, no matter how much we all love it, this is what always happens to loved ones, sometimes joy from them, sometimes suffering. and finally, fourthly, calm down. a lifebuoy in the summer, proven panthenol in its pure form or a product based on it. vitamins of group b also work as a stimulator of tissue regeneration, and vitamins a and e accelerate. my favorite is to decorate the skin. second summer in a row in trendi
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moisturized skin with a radiant effect. all kinds of highlighters, bronzers, shimmers, dry, or better yet liquid, because they definitely contain moisturizing components. the brilliant move is glowing this summer with both highlighter and happiness. life is beautiful! first channel. roller skating. well, the best thing about summer entertainment. but, of course, we must remember the safety rules. don't forget about protection, helmets, elbow pads and knee pads. and every beginning roller skater should learn how to brake correctly. this is a whole art. russian champion in roller sports. coach of the russian freestyle slalom team kristina lysenko. now he will tell us everything, and most importantly, show us. if you are teaching a child to roller skate, do not forget to show the little athlete how to brake tests. it
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will come in handy in narrow streets or in crowds of people. we accelerate, get into the so-called roller stance, one leg slightly in front, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, body slightly tilted, arms forward, shifting the weight to the right. lift the left leg, turn it 90° and place it perpendicular, move until full stops, a case of a possible fall, we stretch our arms forward, remember, let's repeat, we make the movement automatic so that riding on busy streets is safe. dream with me is the name of a wonderful project that i was the first to come up with. the task is very simple,
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fulfill the wishes of the children, but today we will definitely help you make one such wish come true. our guest is one of the participants in the dream with me project, mikhail pavlov. misha, good morning, good morning, good morning misha, we know that you had a big dream to accept participation in a television program. how do you like visiting us? honestly, this is very unusual, unusual. i ’m not on set every day, but, in general, in principle, this is my second shoot in my life, it’s very nice to be on channel one today on such a wonderful holiday. was there something that you expected and something that you saw when you were already here, did it coincide, or did something surprise you, you didn’t expect to see it? yes, i imagined that a tv program was somehow cameras, something like that, but of course, the scale, the scale is amazing that everything is filmed here, that everything is in one place, that everything works together, but please tell me why you
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dreamed of getting into a television program and are you thinking about the future? i am interested in acting and yes, it is interesting for me to be a presenter, for me it is interesting to be on stage, so it is quite possible, i do not exclude the possibility that someday i, too, may be a presenter, and what kind of program could it be, what do you think? , good morning, i don't know, but i wouldn't mind working on good morning, it would be great. if i were here again, because the energy that is here today in the studio energizes me, well, then getting up early is always nice, the whole day is ahead, as our colleagues usually say, this is absolutely true, so good, you said, that this is your second television experience, when was the first, where i starred, i starred in the obvgdeyka program with the presenter tatyana kirillovna, who invited me to the project, and i played
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a small supporting role there. character, but that was quite a long time ago, we were filming in film studios, mosfilm, that is, you were there as an actor, yes, i was there as an actor, and it’s a completely different feeling, there are different studios, everything is completely different there, because it’s cinema there, and tv here , here they would write in the credits as yourself today, yes misha, please tell me what else you are interested in, we know that you are the winner of the athletics championships, yes, i am a participant in the all-russian athletics competitions, but this is not a championship, all-russian summer spartakiad in athletics, among athletes with e with limitations of the musculoskeletal system, but this is perhaps not my only achievement that i am proud of, including in the field of sports, i have been swimming since i was 5 years old, and for me this
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has always been one of the important milestones in the development of life , speaking of dreams: how did you get into the dreaming project with me, what did you do for this? i learned from the news of this movement about this opportunity and asked me to accept it, and my dream came true, i came here to you, misha, i know that you have prepared a poem for our tv viewers, yes, absolutely true, because yes, today is a holiday, today is children's day, a happy childhood is provided to us... thanks to the family, thanks to the people who surround us, because family is not always people, blood, relatives, they can just be people who are close to you, people in spirit, for example, you and i are now a television family, so perhaps i’ll read a poem today, family, please, family is
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happiness, love, luck, family - this is summer trips to the dacha, family is a holiday , family dates, gifts, shopping, pleasant spending, having children, the first step, the first leped, dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation, family is work, caring for each other, family is a lot of homework, family is important. family is difficult, but it’s impossible to live happily alone, it’s wonderful, i want to applaud, thank you for such a great read, i didn’t recognize the author, but this poem was written by maria langer, thank you, i know that movement festivals are currently being held at the exhibition in the russia forum first, and you will participate there, what’s in the program, what’s interesting there,
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this is a festival where children will be able... to realize their dreams, today the children's dreams will come true, they will communicate with real cosmonauts, important political figures of our country, and i am also very grateful to the movement of the first, grateful to my colleagues, my assistants, my partners , mentors, who helped me get here today, well, first of all, i’m very grateful to the first channel. misha, what could you wish for children, especially children with disabilities who want to lead. active lifestyle, also participate in competitions, projects, where should they start, what should they do? it all starts with a dream, just dream, nothing is impossible, any of your dreams will come true. it’s just that the impossible requires a little more time and effort. misha, thank you very much for coming to our holiday today. we are sure that all your dreams will definitely come true. we wish this for you too. yes, thank you very much, i'm always glad. our program
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continues, right now we are turning the floor over to our colleagues from the channel one information service. find out what events happened in country in the world by this hour. the episode is on air. news, we'll meet in just a few minutes. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. mortar crews of the vostok troop group razed an enemy stronghold in the south donetsk direction of the northern military district and used a specially powerful tulip weapon. reconnaissance revealed the enemy's shelter and quickly moved into the indicated square.
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and more about those who show courage and bravery on the front line, sailor andrei butorin as part of an anti-aircraft artillery platoon under enemy fire using rep and small arms destroyed six kamikaze drones. junior sergeant mikhail fillin, commander of the reconnaissance battalion section, discovered the assault group in the ssu, passed on the coordinates to the artillerymen, they covered the enemy stronghold along with the infantry, the militants had a chance. did not have. the opposition in germany has criticized chancellor olav scholz for his decision to allow ukraine to use western weapons to strike deep into russia. left-wing politician sarah waagent necht
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called asholz a security threat. the chancellor is reminded how reluctantly the germans agreed to arm kiev. now berlin is embroiled in an escalation that threatens to spiral out of control. and lithuania is already declaring that ukraine will not hesitate to attack belarus. this was stated by the head of the lithuanian foreign ministry. although it makes sense to talk about what permissions it makes sense to talk about if all the purposes of the instructions go only directly through nato, since ukraine , of course, does not have its own space reconnaissance, and kharkov, for the sake of protecting which kiev is allegedly given the opportunity to fire our cities have nothing to do with it. there is no talk about his assault, there is no talk about the assault. russia is only creating a sanitary zone to save its citizens from ukrainian attacks. zelensky, whose presidential term expired on the twentieth. nevertheless, he tells everyone that he received permission from the united states to launch attacks with american weapons deep into russia and declares that such attacks are only a matter of time, however, he cannot hide his resentment towards latin american countries,
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he begged drones from argentina, even talked about joint production, but here at bns aris they said that nothing like that would happen and would not is planned, and zelensky found it possible to reproach brazil for its friendship with our country. non-governmental organizations receiving funding. the united states tried to carry out a coup in georgia, this statement was made by the country's prime minister irakli kabakhidze. according to him, ngos paid from america, quote, stood on the revolutionary stage when they demanded the resignation of the government. we are talking, among other things, about recent events, mass street protests against the backdrop of consideration in parliament of a law on the transparency of foreign influence. document in in the end, it was adopted, and the veto placed on it by the president of georgia was overcome. at the same time, the state department threatened sanctions against the georgian one. today
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our northern fleet, one of the most powerful in the russian navy, turns 291 years old; its history is connected with the exploration of the arctic; today the fleet uses the most modern weapons, says andrey goldarev. drill alert, control from the main command post, we need a new surface one. this is the newest russian frigate, admiral golovko. it became part of the northern fleet this year, alone one of the most impressive ships in our country, 135 m long, more than 33 m high, while the universal soldier is, firstly, inconspicuous to the enemy, for example, he hides from radar. the combat capabilities are also amazing. the ship has artillery and anti-aircraft missile systems, some can target up to 16 targets simultaneously, not only on water, but also under water, and also in the air and on the ground. yes, i’m watching the cover at
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the beginning of this year when vladimir putin boarded the frigate. it is created using equipped with the most advanced technologies and caliber missiles, which have proven their high efficiency in combat conditions. and in addition to calibers, frigates of this series can also carry zircon hypersonic missiles, which are capable of covering 1.00 km in 10 minutes. and such frigates are the basis of one of the youngest fleets in russia, the northern one, but at the same time the most powerful in the navy, serving not only modern ships, but also various submarines, part of our nuclear triad, they carry much more formidable weapons. more recently, the army adopted bulova intercontinental missile, tests were also carried out on submarines of the northern fleet. this fleet is testing
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the most modern weapons, sometimes for the first time in the world, for example, the first ever launch of a ballistic missile back in the fifties was carried out by the northern fleet, and this is our day: three submarines float up at once in the middle of the arctic desert, the ice is one and a half meters thick, no one had done this before either. the frigate admiral gorshkov is now in the waters of the atlantic. recently, an exercise was conducted there to search for the protection of ships from submarines. underwater target number one. pelin 280, distance 7.200, course 201, speed eight knots. submarine. and this is the crew of the frigate fleet admiral kasatonov. now he is just getting ready to go out. sea: at the
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moment we are ready to carry out tasks as intended in the base at sea, as always with high quality. andrey goldarev, natalya sidorova and sergey vaskoboynikov, channel one. that's all for now, stay with us. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. today is june 1, world children's day, on which we congratulate the most important people of the world and their parents. the most curious, the most restless, the most talented, well, of course, there are no talented children at all , every child is such a little genius, you just need to help him a little, and this is our business as adults. 24 tutus of chopin, my name is robert kuklin, i am 11 years old and i am from samara. robert was quite a bit behind mozart. wolfgang amadeus wrote his first
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work at the age of 5, robert at six. robert now has 20 works. this polka piece is difficult because the left hand must be balanced under the right, very there should be a clear stakata in the left hand. robert is already performing in solo concerts, but for now the main connoisseurs of creativity are his neighbors, because he is young. he studies music for 5 hours a day, about the same amount semyon semyonov from ulyanovsk spends studying the topic of space, and then gives lectures to his friends in kindergarten. he is seven, and he is concerned about the problem of space debris, and has already discussed this with real cosmonaut alexander kaleri. i asked him a question whether he had encountered space debris, he answered me that he had, but the debris was slow and i'll turn away. it was easy. semyon
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met alexander in korolev at a competition of scientific, technical, natural science and artistic projects in astronautics. semyon proposed building a space debris disposal plant directly in orbit. these are the kind of robots that should work there. the robot is a garbage collector, it picks up space debris, if the garbage is broken, it is sent to a repair shop, repaired, reprogrammed back into space. if the garbage cannot be subdued or reprogrammed, it is sent for melting down. so far this is all in the plans, here it is dasha mokhova is already implementing her ideas, she is officially registered as the inventor of games, there is a whole set of them, seven of them. the idea came during the anniversary of my native perm. dasha made the puzzle in the form of the famous city art object of the letter p. in the game, walkers, she collected 300 interesting facts about perm, but it’s not only games that interest her. one day i was getting ready for school with my friend. when we had already left, she
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asked me, did you hear, i closed the door, i closed it, so i decided to create a project so that... this would not happen again. and then dasha came up with a smart lock. the indicator shows whether the door is closed or not. dasha lives by the principle: i see, i solve the problem, but she is only 10. marina glushenkova, lilya lobkova, vladimir soromodin, alexander shikov, sergey smyslov, channel one. on the calendar june 1st, saturday. well, friends, you've waited, it has arrived, there are 3 whole months of summer ahead. well, on the one hand, of course, a whole 3 months, on the other, only 3 months, and then 9 months.
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clothes, sun cream, water, and this is not just for today, for the whole summer, let's start, now you you are observing a unique experiment, i’m on this wonderful thing, which has not yet allowed me to fall, plans for june to master at least one new skill, like this and pull it to the front leg, weight on the hands, at this moment we take the oar, legs from us. bend your knees, this is possible instead of going to the gym, it’s possible, a two-hour walk burns 530 kilocalories, for those who didn’t manage to lose weight by summer, it’s ideal, otherwise
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it will start now, on the shore the guys are already cutting okroshka, it’s still warm, this, of course, has its own charm , there is food that tastes best in the first month. summer ice cream, just ordinary creamy ice cream, according to gost, ice cream, yes, with butter in the army, they don’t taste any better in life, also, of course, kvass, baked potatoes, the first lightly salted cucumbers and raspberry jam, but that’s already a plan for july, when the preparations are ready, it’s so much on the fire that you can fry the most delicious thing, fish, you can catch it here, in fact, for august vadim has only one plan - relaxation, my friends and i go to corelia, like decoris. that is, this is nature, tents, a fire, this is to there was constant silence, no telephone, no music, no cars, no one at all to listen to the forest, silence, nature, water, fishing, with a fishing rod - this is generally a philosophy, it sounds like something on an ideal plan, meeting the sunrise, walking barefoot on the grass , walking in the rain and
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picking wildflowers, this can also only be done in these 3 months, and there are so many emotions, life, of course, didn’t prepare me for this, but if i need it... and this is only june 1, the route for an unforgettable summer has been built . maria kuskova, andrey ivanov, ilya saech, maxim tkachenko. first channel. we remind you that june 1 is on the calendar, and today is world children's day. for which we, of course, congratulate everyone. channel one has prepared a whole bag of amazing gifts for all of us for the summer holiday itself. all weekend there are funny children's programs, quiz, and of course our favorite films.
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a woman lives without a husband from defenbachia, defenbachia will drive her husband away with her presence when he approaches, yes, this is not a threat to me, the young woman has long passed the stage for me, videos with sivil dances gain millions of likes on social media
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networks, here even nikolai tsiskaridze himself will envy that you are motivated to dance all the time, when i was little, my parents, you are big now, yes, when you were little you also danced. a lot of things happened there, but tell me uvolka, what does the word fool mean, well, it’s kind of like a sage, our favorite fairy tales will take us back to childhood, we’ll fly with old man khatabych on a magic carpet, we’ll look into the kingdom of distorting mirrors, into the living corner in the movie attention turtle , he lies, he doesn’t lie, but he lies, i lie, washing away above the spruce. a
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in the evening there is a festive concert for children's day. 55 years ago, composer evgeny krylatov made a gift for all mothers and fathers, he wrote the best children's lullaby. and all night long the neighbors are polar bears. king! first channel. guinea pigs. these charming creatures have nothing to do with the sea or big pigs. but they are wonderful pets. now asya titova will tell us everything in detail. this is felix and he is a guinea pig. these rodents have nothing to do with the sea or pigs. nevertheless, these are charming guys. let's let's get to know them better. vladlena. greenblatt has about 50 guinea pigs, she knows almost everything about them. guinea pigs can
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swim. guinea pigs do not like to swim, do not know how and do not want to. initially they were brought from abroad, so they were called overseas. and then it was reduced to sea. they came to us from south america. so why still pigs? according to one version, these animals make sounds similar to grunting. south american indians define that... a person has entered, or a good one, pigs react very subtly to a person’s energy, has entered bad person, they start to get nervous, whistle, jump, well, i passed the test, it seems, yes, you see, they sit calmly, guinea pigs are quite large animals, weighing up to 2 kg, and also pay attention to the variety of breeds and colors, here they are long-haired and curly and even completely without hair, this is a natural mutation, very rare in... i have skinny in my arms, he has no hair, but he has a fur pompom on his nose and paws. skinnies are born
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naked, but no matter which pig you choose, they are all very friendly and tame, even kids calmly make contact. another plus: guinea pigs are very unpretentious, all they need is food, which should be constantly available, and company. alone, they truly suffer, but... what’s most incredible is that they are one of the few rodents that can be taught simple commands. give me your paw, give me your paw, my dear. they really remember a lot, understand, even distinguish several colors, the smell of the owner determines, they respond to nicknames. elena chernova taught her pig zipper to give his paw, spin, and he also allows you to do your hair. owners of guinea pigs say that they are ideal pets; you don’t need to walk with them, but they are
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very friendly and sociable. in general, take a closer look. today is saturday, which means allata is challenging our stars again. this time her guest is singer yulia savicheva, they will play loud hide and seek. yes, there are some. let's see how. if you heard this sound early in the morning, it means that... and if you love yourself, then others will love you, and there is no need for any plastic surgery.
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operations, god forbid, but in fact, in your work you have already encountered a leitmotif like this: stay as you are, remain yourself, i continue to fly my flag, well, you probably know that now it’s in the top entertainment for children, my daughter loves to dance , draw, make something, today we have a version of modernized games of hide and seek, such loud hide and seek, one side. another hunter, the task is to steal a hat, but to do it without getting caught, it’s difficult, because there’s a rubber toy attached to your leg that makes a loud sound, let’s let's decide who... will be the first to hunt for the hat, rock, paper, scissors, 1, 2, 3, oh, so you're first, okay, everything is brilliant, well, great, i'm putting on my glasses for sleeping,
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let's go , she stole everything, i see these headlines, yulia savicheva stole the hat, stellar result - 25 seconds, that’s exactly how long it took yulia savicheva to steal the hat, now we’re changing, and the fighting stance, 3, 2, 1, let’s go, are you quiet- then so, well... i had to resort to cunning, hide, but it was this second that allowed yulia to snatch the victory from me 25-26, yulia from good morning program, you have a medal that confirms that you are not weak, thank you, i
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wish you the best morning, that everything is fine with you, good health. take care of each other and love to you, thank you, good morning, monte chococa cognac, stellar group product, rum, castro, stellar group product, pechora vodka, stellar group product. veda vodka, a product of stellor group. two feelings are wonderfully close to us; in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love for the tombs of our fathers. to the poet's anniversary. well, of course,
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you should definitely include in your plans for this weekend a trip to the international exhibition forum russia. she continues her work in moscow. at vdnkh, there is something to see and be surprised by, the program for the first summer weekend is simply cool. for both children and adults, a sea of ​​flowers, games and master classes, the most delicious food from all over the country. in general, you definitely won’t be bored there. feel the blooming summer at the russia exhibition, at the cosmos pavilion at the festival the future is in flowers, 89 club of expositions from all regions of the country. every region to your own. discretion, relying on its traditions, its values, i decided to display in my composition how it is different, how it is unique, what its future is, the tulip is considered a national flower, it is present on the coat of arms of the republic of tatarstan, the lugorod lilac has even been in space, here are two the first cosmonaut landed on the territory of the saratov region, here we have the landing site of yuri alekseevich
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gagarin, more than 100 million flowers, some can be tried this weekend in the house of russian cuisine at the festival. guests will be able to try quite exclusive positions, i won’t reveal all the secrets, one of them will be moss chips, this is real moss that is soaked in the juices of lingonberries, ice cream and blueberries, from the hearty new products kamchatka crab, the distinctive feature is that it is boiled immediately in sea water, it is already salty, we prepare a salad, lamot from it, bake this crab with sauce and root to make it even tastier, bonus to drinks: a convenient pine cone, by the way, you can count the rings not only from a tree cut, but also from tusk mammoth, in the seventy-fifth pavilion , a real one from the museum, 1 2 3 4 5 6 here the milk fell, a baby mammoth, a girl who was about 6-7 years old, the most touching exhibit of the yakutia stand, in terms of heaviness, just try that this is not a wooden snag , this
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is the real one, dating back from 2000 years to... national games await the kids, and on june 1, children's day, a grandiose festive program in the pavilion of the ministry of education. we invite you to attend a big festive concert, in which children's groups from moscow and counselors of the all-russian children's center ocean. master classes and colorful crafts have not been canceled either. i didn't know that this could be done. what will be your favorite bookmark now? yes, i will always go to school with her. well, it's the holidays, time to relax. listen to good music at the music festival moskovskaya village on june 1 and 2 in the house of culture, this is pavilion 84. this is such a house of folklore, russian cultural cake...
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ice cream magically takes us back to eskimo on sticks or frozen ice, in general, childhood, the main thing to make it delicious. gloves, masks, gowns, caps, this is where ice cream is born, this is the very mixture of milk, sugar, cream and a couple of very important ingredients, the names of which may vary. live, if i saw a stabilizer and a mulgator in the composition, should i be scared or not? no, no, no, they do not allow you to preserve this
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external structure of ice cream for a long time. ice cream can be ruined by low-quality ingredients, for example, if the manufacturer skimped on heavy cream, but even a very high-quality product can be damaged by heat. and you can you taste how the ice cream was stored, correctly or incorrectly? yes, of course, there are ice crystals, the icy effect. on the roof of the tongue, this sensation arises immediately. it is unlikely that we will know how the temperature changed during transportation, but it is possible at the time of purchase to inspect the storage location, especially important if the ice cream is sold in the heat. it's +25 outside. look at how the sellers are fighting for the cold, the ice cream cart is being hidden from the sun in every possible way. this is a special protective cable cover. the most comfortable storage temperature in the most cart. 18-20°. inna advises paying attention to the composition of ice cream, so that there are no vegetable fats in classic milk, cream or ice cream, they can
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only be in the glaze. fortunately, even a waffle cone without packaging always comes with ingredients, you just need to ask if something is confusing, let’s check the ice cream through the application, an honest sign using the qr code. boring adults, why read something before eating, that's how children are. has nothing against ice cream. for the first time on screen: a nutritionist who eats ice cream. globally, i don’t see anything harmful in it. ice cream is not absolute evil. when should you eat ice cream in the morning, in the evening, at lunch, before
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lunch, after lunch, instead of lunch? and, well , ideally, sweets and delicacies are best consumed after a meal, because after all, food slows down the absorption of the sugars that are contained there, and there will not be such a jump in insulin, a jump in sugar in the body in the blood. and also the effect on the microbiota, on the intestinal microflora, but again. you and i have come to the park now, we won’t go on purpose eat, then eat ice cream, so if possible after a meal, with ice cream, as with any delicacy, the main thing is not to overdo it, dmitry allows three to four servings a week, we don’t need more, ksenia ionkina, ksenia maklyak, stepan erofeev and andrey aksenov , first channel. and since we ’re talking about tasty things, children are absolutely sure that everything healthy is tasteless and vice versa. now we’ll try to convince them, well , not us, but kolya. everyone knows that eating vegetables is good for you, but you can’t convince children by talking about healthy eating, just get them interested
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a beautiful dish is possible. i filled a glass of quinoa with water the day before. this is a cereal that is rich in protein, iron and vitamins. i pour it into a blender bowl, pour a little water, add the slices. i grind it, look how beautifully colored the dough turned out, you can also add regular food coloring and color the dough in any shade, i bake the pancake as usual, let it cool slightly, lay out the filling, i have lettuce, yellow red bell pepper, cucumber slices, chopped red cabbage avocado pieces. to the appetizer has become even tastier and more satisfying, i’ll make a flavorful dressing for it. ground seeds.
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i mix sesame seeds with vegetable oil, spread the paste on top of the vegetables, cover with a lettuce leaf, fold the pancake into an envelope, look what a bright, colorful appetizer it turned out, the children will definitely want to try it, and adults will also like the dish, besides, it is not only tasty, but also useful, help yourself. we remind you that on the calendar june 1, this week we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of alexei arkhipovovich leonov, cosmonaut pilot, twice hero of the soviet soyuz, the first person on the planet to go into outer space. this sunday on channel one, watch documentaries, a space odyssey by alexei leonov and the feature film time of the first, this is a real big movie with a brilliant cast. do not miss.
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do you understand what's wrong with the pressure? the suit suddenly swelled, making it impossible to move. i have 5 minutes left before entering the shadow, there is no light there, and 30 minutes, i know, i have life left, no more, it hasn’t closed, right? no, how it was, the astronaut's story documentary film a space odyssey
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by alexei leonov. so you.
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sunday on channel one the documentary film space odyssey by alexei leonov and the film “the time of the first”. about the person thanks to whom we became closer to the stars. here is the village, the village of lesvyanka, kemerovo region. svetlana neimanes, ivan belchenko, channel one. we remind you that june 1 is on the calendar. our ancestors believed that if it rains on this day , the whole month will be dry. but
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take note of what it will be like if there is no rain today. tbc, but let's count so, in any case, the summer will be wonderful, that’s what astrologers think about june and this weekend. the coming june is a nimble month, restless, inquisitive, very sociable, loves to stick its nose everywhere, learn something new and immediately share it. it’s a good thing, but the luminaries warn that june is a great dreamer, and he wouldn’t mind turning it around. he also loves to bring people together , everything is ambiguous here too. a new acquaintance can become real. friend, or may turn out to be a swindler, in general, we draw conclusions about matters: of course, relax in june it’s more pleasant than working, but this month is also not bad for a career. first of all, this applies to everyone whose work is entertaining and intelligibly talk about something, journalists, bloggers, those who teach some courses on the internet, conduct master classes, but also artists, and if you want to attract this attention or, as they say, gaining popularity is your month, interest in your...


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