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tv   Ranevskaya  1TV  June 3, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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and that 10 doesn’t stay, this young lady came to meet, the pioneer, who acted with you in the foundling, this is her letter, yes, mostly lovers, the pioneer is almost finishing school, which lady is only better now, she will act in films, about love, now you will learn all about love, repnin is already here, and where is repnin’s comrade cameraman, he left for the carriage a long time ago. trepn is a terrible
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man, yes, a swiss watch mechanism, everything is written down to the minute, he transfers factories to us, everything that cannot be removed, is mining, i don’t know if it’s true or not, what will happen to him, is it that all these people that you meet, most of them evacuated by gravity, who have no documents at all?
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and you have a caravan barn here, where to take the children, no cars, no german services to drive up, it will stretch out on its own, also a colonel, well, what can you do, yelling into a ruble won’t help anything, no one will move, some have been sitting here for a week, well, it’s not a whip them, not with a whip, how many broadcasts do you have, in half an hour, remove the loudspeaker, move it, on the station square, people will go there listen to news from the front, that’s right, there is, what’s the problem with the neighboring tree? you stand now, egor, excuse me, this poster with stalin will have to be removed, right? let's hang the starley, they sent stalin to shoot, this is a metaphor, i beg your pardon, how much do we get for a metaphor these days? no, well, i can give examples, you came, you left, and who will stand up for him? i don't understand, stop. “you
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came up with this, go ahead and film it, everyone admired your performance at tairov’s performance, what a passion, what a character, you didn’t even have to transform yourself, poisonous character turns out to be an innate trait, yes, this is the first time i’ve seen you, well, it’s the first, you ’ve come from three stations, you didn’t introduce yourself like that, your wife in the stalls, serge, it’s very nice, no, not to meet you, but what you remember me around the theater, the only person who didn’t call me a mule, but that’s because i always liked you better as a prostitute, the best. compliment for
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turning five.
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you can’t leg, so good, what’s your name, but do you remember your last name, and what do you remember, the address, i’m from leningrad, he’s from leningrad, lida,
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georgievna, beauty, i’m so glad to see you, so glad to see you, but elya, where is she, i see she’s not there. near moscow they bombed, no, our girl died.
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how did we get settled, how are we getting along now? four nannies, one half- baked back-eater, are you talking about arina’s offspring, about him, darling, a charming boy, especially when he sleeps with all his sixteen teeth against the wall, they will give you a work card on the second floor, thank you, i was so happy when lukov called me to film, i think , finally. well the nurse in family, there was only one minute of filming here, and this is the only thing that will be remembered in the film, damn it, bori, he returned, just from the station, hello, hello, oh, got it, great value, trophy film,
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german , mikhailovich, let’s just say that the material is not for everyone, panina, somewhere, well , georgievna, please, no, come on, kind. immer wieder melden die berichte des oberkommandos der wehrmacht von fühnen angriffen unserer schnellbote auf feindliche geleitzüge vor der küste englands. deutsche
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fernkampfartillerie an der kanalküste. wie der wehrmacht bricht wiederholt meldete. namen unserer fernkampfbatterien kriegswichtige ziele im hafen von dova und feindliche geleitzüge im kanal. mit sichtbarem erfolg unter feuer.
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for the poet's anniversary. pushkin is groping the way to an objective knowledge of history, to not remaining in one place. camps to look at all this with the eyes of shakespeare, even at the decembrist uprising with his friends. pushkin was growing up, changing, and some elementary slogans like that were no longer satisfy. he had some additional questions: what kind of freedom, what kind of equality? he doesn’t fit into any clear ideological framework at all, like any genius, this is an attempt to complicate the overly simplified image of the poet, to return it, as it were. everything that was taken from it was intentionally taken away from us. the lab podcast
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is on first today. for 20 years, the british government infected its citizens with human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis c. rishi suna, still the country's prime minister, apologized for what he had done, but the time had come in the end, he attacks the libarists, they turn out to be to blame for the emergence of hiv and hepatitis in british subjects, money is the main motivator. motive, he is already richer than the king, and shunok will not refuse this pie under any circumstances, illegal migration has placed a heavy burden on our entire security system. suna says that russia is also to blame for this, it simply trades people, at the same time, of course, there is drug trafficking, the state has always been a parasitic state, and they did not live at the expense of others. at the world economic forum, the task is that was set, the world must be redivided, he is building a platform for war, we will return it.
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and for what? how do you see zelensky? how much more needs to be invested in this country to use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants, and weapons... and b - access to the european union. it’s wonderful
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to use zelensky to promise, but not fulfill these promises. the vavan and lexus show, premiering wednesday on the first. to the poet's anniversary. just before the riot, he saved me in buran. and i gave him my bunny spirit. and what, father? an eagle or something, it’s the royal coat of arms, they don’t spare anyone, neither women nor children, they don’t love, how dare you oppose me to your sovereign, you’re not my sovereign, you’re a conspirator, i was exposed to mortal risk, but i didn’t betray you , i will scream, she is the daughter of the executed commandant mironov, take her wherever you want, and advice to you is up to anyone, russian. on friday at the first, and you have witnesses
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who can defend you, god is my witness, it’s morning, yes, i’m turning the corner a little, well, correct it here, you see, in god is watching, just a minute, asya, asya, what kind of disheveled beaver is this. well, it’s pulling normally here, it’s pulling now, pull it out , pull out this one and that one. well, you see , you can,
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come on, decide, comrade, comrade, wait, forgive me, my impulse, i even peeled off your mustache, excuse me, you just look extremely like my father in this makeup, i haven’t seen my dad for 25 years , and i don’t even know if he’s alive, sorry, so go and let him tell your fortune with a venetra. there will be no details, but whether the person is alive or not, venia says for sure at first the war was so bad for business, you understand, thank you very much, but i don’t believe in this foolery, you don’t have to believe, listen to what he says, if you don’t like it,
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spit in his face, it’s only 2 rubles for spitting on me. can i exchange you again, now, wait, young man, be kind, could you make me happy, can i take a photo with you, hurt, faina georgievna, anything for you, start your watering can, silence in the studio, so faina. bring another zain, hello, the words are in front of you, just play, sing, i’m just playing, singing, and at the same time you want to smoke, talk, have a snack, well, here’s the original drawing of the role, excuse me, asya, we
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’re a normal wig. ready, uh-huh, the extras are in place, the engine, the engine is running, the camera is working, scene 13, frame one, take one, start, let it fly, crushing
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yellowed leaves. birches, i'm alone, i'm sad , hello, swearing, ivanovich, come, you have pity on me, you're gone, from me you flow my mountain tears, i live in the darkness, dazzling... hundreds of rays, the old garden has darkened under this cold moon, bitter tears are dry, you will never come again,
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how much you dreamed about your money and destroyed the cold. hand, you left me, you left me forever, why did i ask you not to laugh after the word motor, well done,
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good fellows, brothers, look, yes, it’s a mule, look at my eyes, it’s like she’s, i’m a movie once 20 i looked, don’t be angry, tell me, are you ranevskaya or just a woman very similar to her, yes, it’s her, she, and i’m ranevskaya. edrishkino koromyslo, no one will believe me, but because your reputation is rotten, can i give you some soap, oh, oh well you are a delicacy, take it, how else can you take it, oh, what about you, and mitka has only one leg, the bell itself has been chopped off, why does he need a whole piece, can’t he wash it off? you will exchange it for food, yes, well, thank you, brothers, you will soap yourself, remember the private, certainly, i never thought
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that i would see, you saw, lucky for them, living ranevskaya, tata, well, why do you need soap in portions, after all this is not bread. i want to treat the owners, they are exceptional people, they have settled in such an oraba, well, i would give the whole piece to what i slept with this time, i don’t give you any acting advice i give, although by the way, here you are, please, don’t meddle in my economy, so i left, we are going from the theater team to the cotton fields, i don’t know when, but with a big bag of cotton wool, be proud of your mother, boy, more from her of all the benefits in the house, otherwise no one really counted on men for the family, that’s right, but i abandoned mine myself, and what
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a man he is, they’re all artists, well, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, oh, uh, markapa, go away, yes, to meet the children's train, we can still accommodate one or two, who to meet?
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you venya and the studio advised me to contact you? you don’t have a husband, you don’t have children either, we’ll be guessing about the near future, no, about the distant past, i want to find out where my family went. the damned german scattered everyone, but it was not this german that scattered you, but the former one, into the imperialist one, but
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no one in your family died, everyone is alive, you will meet your mother and sister, but not soon, many years will pass, but in general you... .you will live a long time, well, here i have no doubt how i am immortal, but alone, it’s like an enema, forgotten in the ass, wait, there's more news here. long journey and empty chores.
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we’ll be hiding in the basements for the rest of our lives, then take the saber off the wall, go to war , i’ll go to war, you think, like moishe, i’ll yell “hail hitler” from the porch.
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you like ladies who are older and in panama hats, go ahead, i’m keeping this jewish girl here, because this is my daughter, a real actress, and not your sandy polo shirt.
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contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals; money is paid for it, big money, sometimes very big, but almost no one sees it, that is i can’t imagine a person who , without knowing anything, suddenly becomes an artist, and i believe that every person will become an artist,
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absolutely, if he treats... so freely, your exhibition should perform the same function as a politician’s speech, so it should be addressed to a specific viewer, a specific group and produce some kind of result. clothes are one of the best means of self-expression, but in everyday life people rarely take advantage of this opportunity. i began to think how can i do the same to spice up your own graphics. i collected records from all my friends and parents. for me, fashion is a reflection of time, a reflection of all types of art, the artist is shaped by time, he gives time, shape. matador on friday, on the first. the story of its incarnation in the first channel blockbuster union of salvation. for some reason, the decavrists thought that they
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knew better than the emperor that... who is this person, the one who broke the neck of the reforms or the person who saved them from bloodshed? and this one is famous the question that the emperor asked pushkin was what would you do if you found yourself in st. petersburg on december 14, 1925. pushkin before senate square and pushkin after, about two different pushkins. big story. decembrists, union of salvation. on sunday. on the first. three. korda, new season, on sunday on the first,
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it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. paina georgievna. baina georgievna, here it was sent to you from the film studio, thank you. come on, get out of the way, there is no point in waiting until you bring the central committee under the roof, get started, heavenly your climate allows you to work without a roof for some time, a month and a half, perhaps, comrade colonel, and we are not against working
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in the fresh air for the complexion, my chernina, who will be responsible for the machines, if anything happens, i’ll be in charge of the machine, you will be responsible for the products, put it away, thank you, what’s in the drawer, they put them under their feet, let’s run, those who can’t get to the machine, now, comrades, our beloved mule will perform in front of you, we only have 3 days to launch and test batch, comrade , come on, come on, whoa! and i'm somewhere in at the end and in front of anna andreevna, anna andreevna will not be, as she will not be, people have come, they are listening to her poems, but people have come to get a boost of optimism, because they just
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see, they immediately smile, and akhmatova, unfortunately, is very depressed poetry, but people still have a shift to stand by. “hello, today anna andreevna akhmatova was supposed to speak here, many wanted to see her, but some ...” decided that her depressive poetry has a bad effect on your productivity, personally, i will not allow anyone to make a decision for myself about whom i should choose when
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see, go listen to poetry, and the letter, my dear, in no time, read it to the end, friend, i’m tired of being a stranger. don’t look like that, don’t frown angrily, i’m beloved, i’m yours, not a shepherdess or a princess, no longer a nun, i’m in this gray everyday dress of trampled on... in heels, but as before, a burning embrace, the same fear in huge eyes , my letter, dear, don’t be crumpled, don’t cry about your cherished
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lie, put it in your poor knapsack at the very bottom. thank you, she's probably sick, please tell her not to leave us nowhere, i so wanted to tell her that i will certainly tell her, thank you, may you get well, and this is for you, thank you, thank you very much, will you allow me, why should you, you can hold up the basket, i gave up on this a long time ago, and what now? transfer to the rear of defense enterprises, okay, don’t be afraid
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that your performance will now be spoiled, i’ll go sing in the market square so that they will throw rotten vegetables at me, evil forces, but not people, look, this is all for you, there are gifts, letters, postcards, people prepared for your arrival a week in advance.
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but i like him, we only met once in a past life under very strange circumstances, because of me his wife almost got into a fight with a prostitute, what an interesting plot, prostitutes never fought because of me, who won, commissar? for ideological work, i’ll go, of course, of course, but no, thank you, i had to quit, after the first puff i’m choking, now i only have a portion of pills,
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read, no, i didn’t study literate, where did you get that, he’s some guy let me roll this cigarette, roll the cigarette, come on, the fact that he can’t read is unprovable, so read it, captain.
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“i’ll have to report, what are you talking about, free to get away, faina, you just smoked a death sentence, if only we were tired.” drink, this guy is blue-headed, i’m leaving for a week, oh,
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my god, i’ve already agreed on the studio, everything’s fine, yeah, why are you looking at me as if i’m 15 years old, not 15, we’re just happy, where, where, and i i don’t remember, somewhere with milling machines, but this is definitely love, maybe she stabbed the director and is now running from justice, no, no, look. she looks insane, that means this is a feeling, look how strong it is, an actor, no, no, this is a married man, you see, she doesn’t know, why didn’t you ask, she was so stunned that i... well, you figured it all out, right? fanny, fanny, do you have a letter from ezenshtein, from almaty? what are you doing? yes, leave this with
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a letter. mom, yes, what's going on? i, too, once opened an envelope instead of your name being cast in a film about ivan the terrible, no, but i think that you will play ivan the terrible better than any man
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, you need to go to almaat. for the poet's anniversary. pushkin is groping the way to an objective knowledge of history, to not remaining in one camp, to look at it all through the eyes of shakespeare, even at the decembrist uprising with his friends. pushkin grew up, changed, and some such elementary slogans no longer satisfied him. he had some additional questions: what kind of freedom, what kind of equality? he doesn’t fit into any clear ideological framework at all, like any genius, this is an attempt to complicate the overly simplified image of the poet, to return, as it were, everything to ours, what everything was deliberately removed from this. podcast lab, today on the first.
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for 20 years, the british government infected its citizens with the human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis c. rishisuna, still prime minister. hepatitis of british subjects, money, the main incentive, he is already richer than the king, the high-ranking pie will not refuse this pie in any case, illegal migration has placed an unbearable burden on our entire security system. suna says that russia is also to blame for this, it just trades people, at the same time of course, there is drug trafficking there; the state has always been there. the redivision of the world must happen, he is building a platform for war, we will return compulsory military service for all young people without exception, he will go home to the united states of america, because india is not his home. rishi sunok and the practice of creating
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artificial englishmen. dolls of the heir tutti, tomorrow on the first. schwab, president of the world economic forum and one of the most mysterious figures in world politics. schwab is the master who controls everything peace. ukraine has no way to win. and we will face a coalition of russia and china. the first alliance that irritated me very much was the alliance of schröder, chirac and putin. oh yeah. he called it a terrible nightmare. shva will look at ukraine globally only in one context: how much more needs to be invested in this country and for what? do you see zelensky? should we use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants? a - weapons and b - access to the european union. wonderful, promise to use zelensky him, not to fulfill these promises. the vavan and
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lexus show premieres on wednesday on the first. for the anniversary of the poet, each tsar wears special signs with him, note how tsars are recognized, listen, brothers, the third emperor is with us, pyotr fedorovich, this is captain mironov, he himself, there is also a captain’s daughter, it’s commendable, my sir, that you start your service from the garrison, oh, how good it is not for you, the earring will move such people even now. be at your best, gentlemen, come to me, now we’re not just quarreling, we’ll forget our own mother, here’s to you, grandfathers, new commander. well, are you silent, or don’t you believe that i am a great sovereign? god knows you. sergei makovetsky, you will still be
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my wife. vladimir mashkov. sorry, orthodox people. sorry! in the film russian revolt. on friday, on the first. hello country, welcomes you to the new voronezh, i love our small cities very much, almost the entire golden ring of russia and the silver necklace of russia have passed through. i have a dream, i really want to go hiking to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai, by car across the whole country, to the south and... vladivostok in the urals also has a lot to see, i visited all the bazhov places, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city
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of beloretsk, the republic of bashkartastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its beauty and the beautiful neva river, i really love my country and am proud of it. no matter who you are, you should come, well, the saints must be there,
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okay, let's go. “i’m suffocating, eduard kasimirovich, i need shade, the scarf is too tight, take it back, completely there’s nothing to breathe, breathe in another place and don’t move.” i can’t do anything else, be patient, another 3 hours, sergei mikhalovich
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will find out which angle your left eye picks out more clearly. your speech, this is an order for props for the tashken studio, a noble disguise , what do you think, did i cross the front line? well, they strangled me? i see, no, i’m not signing up here, in fact, they should have drowned the old woman, my god, how i envy you, this is a real picture, a grandiose, large-scale film. , and this is a personal order from stanin, bolshakov, thank you, i will personally look at the samples.
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greetings, ivan grigorievich, this is our english queen, why have you gone crazy here with your creative flight of enthusiasm, this is a stalin prize laureate, comrade. the head of the main board in this form cannot look from the screen into the eyes of his party comrades. girl, i’m so happy, they always offer it to you. leading roles, but they don’t offer me them at all, from today everything will change, my back even crunched from the weight
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of this dress, these are little things, believe me, “i love everything i dream of proving to the world that i can not only make you laugh, listen, you are a genius, a dramatic actress, and the whole world will know about it." sergei mikhailovich, i don’t argue, ranevskaya, of course, is a very expressive lady, but she cannot play ivan the terrible’s own aunt ,
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a distinctly jewish woman, which we, you know, will succeed in, “the first tsar of all russia with semitic roots, ivan grigorievich, let’s take a broader look at and in general, well, ranevskaya , a comedic actress, you know, well, the russian princess will be jewish. , and at the same time everyone will laugh at her, ivan grigorievich, you watched the film roma dream, a good picture, yes, although ranevskaya is there." a brilliant, dramatic role, and no one greeted her heroine with joyful laughter, not even comrade stalin, well, that’s right, ronevskaya played a jew there, look at that face, here is intelligence, power, courage, everyone will see in her a worthy rival to the king, and not the fifth
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point in the biography, look for another actress. bolshakov is not the last resort. do you understand me? don't cry. and read historical chronicles.
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today, july 17, 1944, hitler’s soldiers were given the opportunity to visit moscow, here they are 57. german prisoners, the remnants of broken regiments, corps divisions. fight, turn it off.
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i can’t see anymore, they didn’t take me from the crimean bridge to the top point, it’s good, how the wedding is progressing, it’s always a pleasure to play chekhov, your pleasure immediately made me want to drink vodka, come on, as you can see, i’m in my favorite...
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well, it’ll pass, the car call, die berichte des oberkommandos der wehrmacht von kühnen angriffen unserer schnellbote. auf feindliche geleiitzüge vor der küste englands. deutsche fernkampfartillerie an der kanalküste. wie der wermachtbericht wiederholt meldete. namen unserer fernkampfbatterien kriegswichtige ziele im hafen von dova und feindliche geleitzüge im kanal mit sichtbarem erfolg unter feuer.
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