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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 4, 2024 12:45am-1:31am MSK

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a patriot for pushkin is a child of the twelfth year, he himself wrote about it, for him it is fundamentally important, the patriotic war of the twelfth year, he, in the slanderers of russia, sharply responds to those who are trying to talk to his country , regardless of the attitude towards the autocracy from a position of strength, this an important thing, although in soviet times they tried to hush up these poems, you can treat them differently, but the fact that this is pushkin’s position, a worn-out position, yes, this is true, and if i also summarize, then from my point of view...
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in the bronze horseman in boris godunov, in almost all of his texts, where history, historical consciousness is at least somehow present, pushkin constantly tells us about this, about the need, on the one hand , for an objective view of history, awareness of the fragility of this surrounding world, and the need to treat history both objectively and at the same time with passion, because without this, it’s not paradoxical that you can’t get to objectivity, yes it is, historical podcast russia west on the swing of history, today we talked about the figure alexander sergeevich pushkin, pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you, study history with us. you can watch all episodes of the podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the channel one website. if life deceives you, don’t be sad, don’t be angry. the day of despondency, humble yourself, the day of joy, believe, will come. the heart of the future lives in the present,
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sadly, everything is instantaneous, everything will pass, what will pass will be sweet, for the poet’s anniversary. hello, dear friends, my name is dmitry bak, we have the next issue of our literary magazine right here. podcast, which, as you, of course, remember, is called let them not speak, let them read, today we are talking about a man who is all about quotes, he is recognizable, his spirit is recognizable, recognizable.
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there are more adult works, and negin, of course, the captain’s daughter is studied in the eighth grade, although the works are quite adult, after all, if we take the essence of pukachev’s rebellion, they are probably for adults, and nevertheless already in the eighth grade the concept of honor and dignity, take care of your honor since the eighth grade, and of course dubrovsky, that’s all, strictly speaking, but how was it in your family, libraries, of course, fairy tales, well, first of all , of course, fairy tales, fairy tales, although fairy tales. written in adulthood, if we talk about fairy tales, then he was by no means young, although pushkin is still 37 years old for me, what is 37 years old from the perspective of your age, you think, 37 years old, some, 37 years old, but let’s say , he wrote about the golden cockerel in the year thirty-four, that is, he was 35 years old, the golden cockerel, well , is it for children or not, it’s not really, well of course, pushkin actually has that very depth there.
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shmakha, yes, where, so to speak, koptsov was exiled, these are also such interesting facts that, in principle, you never even thought about it, you didn’t even imagine that this and this is all pushkin, this is all pushkin, i think that not by chance, although he says that he
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stole the plot from al hambra, but he stole it, which means what does it mean he stole it, gentlemen, he didn’t steal it, no, he just borrowed the very beginning, but then all those. this is probably already at a more mature age - it certainly becomes like this - you know how getting into you, here you need to always read pushkin and understand that something is getting into you, this has already grown, and something is directly yours, absolutely yours, the crazy years
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have extinguished the fun, it’s hard for me like a vague smell, but like wine, the sadness of the past days is in my soul, the stronger it has become, my... the path is dull, the tedious work and grief of the coming into the troubled sea, but i don’t want to die from others, i want to live in order to think and suffer, and i know , i will have pleasures between sorrows, labors and three excitements, sometimes again harmony i’ll get drunk, i’ll shed tears over the fiction, and maybe at my sad sunset , love will flash with a forgiven smile, my god, how great it is in your performance, and in general how great it is, you know, i really like the sound, i don’t know, have you thought about this or not, or maybe it’s just me who sees it, the waves of my sea, it seems to me terribly that this imagination in your mind
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is already beginning to worry the sea, it really begins to come to life, it promises me the work and grief of the future the waves of my sea, and to this day do we care anymore?
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everything is not accidental, but nevertheless now without a special dictionary, some words are already becoming incomprehensible, let’s say vanegina, well , yes, yes, this is an encyclopedia of russian life, but this encyclopedia is already without a special dictionary to understand some words, well , a bee from a wax keel flies for a field tribute, right there the whole depth, that is, a cell, a bee monk, no, these are just those same images, and the field tribute is some kind of tribute? a foreign person who, like a bee , penetrates into the light, and like a foreign invader who takes tribute, my god, how much is hidden there, but you are right, that same depth, generally speaking, you know, let’s still remember how they smile without a smile, without a grammatical error, i don’t like russian speech, it’s not
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for nothing that the block said, the funny name is pushkin, he somehow retains an unedifying, yes, some kind of lightness, naturalness , pushkin, despite the fact that this is really our everything, even with... this attitude towards pushkin, of course, his uniqueness was recognized, of course, during his lifetime, but nevertheless he was so easy to communicate, so...
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dedicated to kern, i remember a wonderful moment, and then right there in a letter he writes to delvig, in my opinion, i wrote yesterday with god’s help, and you understand how this is combined, well, it is absolutely brilliantly combined, there is no insult in this, this does not, you know, such, you know, darling, that sometimes occurs with the cobra-ness of many great people, and you relate to this, there is no one here.
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loving, passionate, simple, accessible, at the same time inaccessible to understanding, because it is impossible to reach the depths, this very bottom is impossible to reach, because the depth is impossible, it is impossible to simply feel it, even as far as you open every time new, pushkin, different pushkin, this is a combination of such intimate, personal, hidden, absolutely secluded things that, well, they don’t say, in general to my...
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klaus schwab, president of the world economic forum and one of the most mysterious figures in world politics. schwab is the master who rules the whole world. ukraine has no way to win. and we will face a coalition of russia and china. the first alliance that irritated me very much was the alliance between schröder and chirac. we need to use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants, a - weapons and b - access to the european union, wonderful, promise to use zelensky? keep these promises. the vavan and lexus show, premiering wednesday on the first. to the poet's anniversary.
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each king wears special signs with him; note how kings are recognized. listen, brothers, the third emperor is with us! pyotr fedorovich! is this captain mironov? he still exists. captain’s daughter, it’s commendable, my sir, that you’re starting your service from the garrison, oh, how nice for you to move around in such earrings even now, be at your best, gentlemen, go to... no, now we’re not just quarreling, we’ll forget our own mother, here are your grandfathers, a new commander, well, are you silent, or don’t believe that i’m a great sovereign, god knows you, sergei makovetsky, it doesn’t matter you will be my wife, vladimir mashkov, forgive me, people,
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orthodox, forgive me, in the film russian riot on friday the first, when i played alexander sergeevich pushkin, of course, i also had such confusion in my soul and attitude towards nikolai, aka how the officer looks after you when he talks about nikolai’s attitude pavlych, to natalia goncharova, natalya pushkina, because the relationship is a very complex relationship, an uneasy relationship, moreover, of course, pushkin’s feelings were offended, although, as he claims, i don’t know, muzhikovsky also said that this was not an insult, on the contrary , it was a chance, it was a chance to communicate directly, because
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of course, no, not just directly, to communicate directly with the sovereign, to communicate directly with the sovereign, moreover, and...
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dude, yes, all this is there, but there is fathers, desert men and blameless women, so that in heart to fly to the regions in absentia, in order to strengthen his trail of long-lasting storms and battles, they composed many divine prayers, but not one of them strengthens me, like the one that the priest repeats during the sad days of lent, here is an atheist, yes, and for a long time i will be so kind to my people, that
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i awakened the feelings of the good yalira, that in my cruel age, i glorified freedom and mercy to the fingers. this is development. garatius taught that i simply erected a monument and this will make me immortal. but pushkin cosmically this time, every time i come across attitude specifically to this famous poem, monument. gentlemen, pay attention to the first line. please note that i erected a monument to myself, not a man-made one, but we treat it like a monument. aleksan sergeevich already made it clear with the first line. no. man-made, not in a monument of deeds, not in bronze, yes, but this is a ugoration, but what if pushkin is from the fact that there is no ugoration, that’s what, my monument is mercy for the fallen, my monument is the role of a high intermediary between an ordinary person authorities, between the state and personality, here is my monument, not only lines, not only poems, this, and this
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happened only after the meeting with the emperor in the twenty-sixth year, which you talked about, and at the coronation celebrations about the truth of the artists? praise, slander, accepted indifferently, don’t challenge the fool, well, this is brilliant, well, just like in pendemont or stopping the kings from fighting each other, and woe is not enough for me to be free or the press to fool the tolakhs, or sensitive censorship in magazine plans, humbles the joker, everything this is a knower of words, words of words, others are dear to me best i’m right, i need a different, better freedom, an attitude towards my own life with disgust, reading my life, i... chatter and curse, and complain bitterly, and bitterly shed tears, but this is pushkin’s honesty, but i don’t wash away the sad ones strictly, like it’s great that we are with...
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and of course, the legends and secrets that one way or another surround the image of alexander sergeevich, and even more so his death, who is still breaking so many copies
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about his death and burial, i am in this case also restless in this regard, i i don’t know what really happened and how the ending was, i don’t know, we hardly know, we could probably ask geichenko what he saw, yes, but he... will never tell, although i think , what could be tried, but then, i think that there are still many secrets that we will never know, moreover, we will never know the whole story of paskveli to the end, a huge number of versions, from the pedals of politics, i don’t know, before such an action was simply planned, framed, which was framed on purpose. how many versions are actually related again if lonskoy was on guard when cavalry guard dantes was there, she had a date with anatalya,
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cavalry guard dantes and colonel lonskoy were on guard, of course questions arise here, wait, colonel lonskoy, a colonel in rank much higher than some cavalry guard on duty, that is, now this is speaking to the strema. so many secrets, why, who it was, maybe not dantes, maybe even the sovereign, and then they just played a card, they had to save and they framed him, well, here’s the envoy, here they framed dantes, who actually too... well, as rumors say and all the correspondence was also far from relationships with women in this case, but here no one
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will ever know the truth, in the middle of our program there is a presenter’s section, it will be today even taking into account the fact that my interlocutor sergey bezrukov, nevertheless , nevertheless, this section will be very small, very short, you remember, i have either a quote in my hands...
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copyright rights have disappeared, that is, it has become publicly accessible literature, it is according to pushkin that copyright measures its beginning , it was in 1987, 50 years after pushkin’s death, that cheap editions became possible, it’s so strange how the economy and accessibility of pushkin are combined, these are these editions, here is the second edition, i’ve already been saving this book, i’ve had it since my student years , and one can imagine that it became accessible to people of the very... literate title, yes, since the end of the eighties, another wave of popularity, it happens, finally went to the people, yes, yes, accessibility, yes, in the fifty-sixth year
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fifty-seven. book collected works pavel vasilyevich anenkov, the first scientific one, where pushkin was shown not only as a rebel, but also as a statist and conservative, a monument in the eightieth year, dostoevsky’s pushkin speech, again peak. well , finally, here is this seemingly prosaic event that played a very important role in pushkin’s movement towards the people. this was my entire small column, just such a book. i have it, and i value it very much, and i still read pushkin quite often, that ’s why, dear pushkin, yes, these are pocket editions, pocket editions, yes, yes, yes, here such an amazing company in our studio: cats, dogs, birds, everyone who lives in your homes, what are the benefits of pets for each of us, an amazing topic, let's talk
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about it. about many other things in the program it's great to live, tomorrow on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer series of games, on sunday on the first. come on sergei, let’s get back to your current works, i mean the captain’s daughter, who, well, how to put it correctly, is getting ready, but we have already had a show, the first show to the audience, we can already judge the impressions that there were, here’s a rehearsal, yes, yes, this is a rehearsal for our captain’s daughter, this is our sasha novikova, the captain’s daughter, masha mironova and
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alex savostyuk in character. i made a sketch there, it was more charismatic, although music was specially written, even zongs were written, it was a little bit like a rock opera, a little bit, because it was still a presentation, it was still a sketch, it had to be bright, there were the explosions are real for the audience, they practically fit into the story of the captain’s daughter on eva, that is, it’s difficult to surprise me with this, because i’m i’ve been on the stage today so many times already, so any explosions, horses, people, behind...
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already on stage, this naturalism will still look a little busky, because well, there’s a real torch on stage, we understand perfectly well that they’re standing next to each other in the wings firefighters who with fire extinguishers watch for any spark that falls on the stage of the provincial theater, this is impossible, i understood that there would still be some kind of admission, still some kind of convention, if it was
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for real there, because we are in nature. already accomplished events, i feel much more pugachev is interesting in the investigation when once again, or rather for the first time, he is asked to remember what happened in the belogorsk fortress, when pugachev barely speaks for the first time, and pugachov said, comments petrnovich grinev, who is like a legacy, tell me how it all happened, so literary pushkin's language, pushkin's literary language, descriptive. comes
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as a testimony, a person who is under investigation, and pugachev barely pronounces, they squeeze it out of themselves, since you are in an investigative experiment, u...
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plays the commandant, vasilisa igorna, when the curse that falls natasha shkoleruk does it superbly, with tears with such anger, but this is the actress who plays the commandant, i need this reflection, what are you feeling now, that is, he understands for the first time , what he did, the awareness of his actions, i looked from this side, for the first time, maybe...
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and the liberals didn’t appreciate it either, because, as they say, i don’t know, i don’t know, here you can, here you can argue, because all the same the work is absolutely brilliant, although there is belinsky’s criticism is debatable, well, belinsky was often wrong, grigorievich, he said a genius about the theater, an absolute genius, especially about drama, he very accurately said about the drama, but about the captain’s there, but he didn’t like pushkin’s prose at all, how can that be?
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a story about a duel, about a duellist who repents, yes, well, now, to be honest, the scriptwriters would say that this is just a fashionable novel move in order to make it great, of course, it’s just an absolutely absolutely novel move, mixing it up like this, you get absolute a blockbuster to be shown on a wide screen, listen, i didn’t think about it, because it’s really a new move, this is a new move, there’s pointe everywhere, there’s some kind of twist.
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like a simple scale, well, you could die in this place, but there are no such discoveries, there seems to be some kind of nonsense, and jokes, yes, well, as if everything was like that, well, simple, well, what did i wait, now i would laugh, just yes of course, lord, he laughs, he beats, lord, that i will be silent more joyfully than the eyes, ring out to the vocal choruses, let’s go drink champagne, after all it seems to me that there is a very important system of mirrors there, the girl also talks about it.
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understanding, absolutely, that’s why he is so offended that pecherin doesn’t recognize him there at the end, this is such an amazing technique when an ordinary person is amazed at the complexity of an unusual person, and the author extracts some other effect from this, this is an amazing story, and this is mm that mycelium from which the captain’s daughter may also grow, because she combines all this, yes, there are navelistic turns, it seems to me, yes, not only government orders. no, of course not, no, no, there are emotions that simply over time,
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and thanks to teaching at school, writing an essay on the topic, well, how are you already, well, it’s like something is getting boring, it needs to be refreshed, just like in love, it is necessary to refresh impressions, emotions and in the family also absolutely, to declare emotions, to renew emotions so that feelings and emotions are like the first time, it seemed to me like this... and so - having removed the shawl of christ the mother from this brilliant, undeniably brilliant work, i got to the bottom of these very emotions, emotions , emotions, most importantly, emotions are experienced the artists themselves, this is very important, the director never sits there crying, i certainly cry, i am a very emotional person, i , along with my artists in the hall, worry with them, but the artists themselves are for them, for dima kortashov, who...
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and grinyo is definitely and of course the captain's daughter, because you know, when a hero commits a heroic act, he does not name masha, so that in this case she does not, yes, does not jeopardize her psyche, so he is ready to go to the death penalty, in fact, he is going to the death penalty execution there thanks again to the merits of his father, he was pardoned, which means pardoned, defamation in those days, defamation, what is defamation, the solution to everything for a nobleman.
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pushkin, it would seem that this is such a date, nothing
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more, but no, not only a date, this is a very important event for all residents of russia, for everyone who reads pushkin, in the original, in translation, it doesn’t matter, because alexander sergeevich pushkin is not anyone leaves you indifferent, this is exactly what we talked about today with sergei bezrukov, thank you very much, sergei vitalievich, i am sure that we i will see you again and again, to you, our respected interlocutors, as always, i emphasize. i confidently say my favorite phrase: read with pleasure, dear friends, on the poet’s anniversary, i know that my century has already been measured, but that my life has lasted, i must be sure in the morning that i will see you in the afternoon.
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this is a space stories podcast, i am pilot cosmonaut anton shkaplerov. may 30 would have been the 90th anniversary of the birth of the pilot-cosmonaut, twice hero of the soviet union, major general of aviation alexei arkhipech leonov. he did, the seemingly impossible, he was the first to go into outer space. he became a legend. not only soviet, but also world cosmonautics. alexey arkipich was, of course, famous as an astronaut, but at the same time he was a gifted artist, a wonderful husband and father, and a loyal friend.
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committed some pranks, that our life was quite fun, and of course, our dads “you know, we are terribly lacking in such jokes with us. i remember my first meeting with alexei arkhipovich in 2003, in december, when we traditionally celebrated new year's eve with the cosmonaut corps, in addition to the active cosmonauts, we always invite our veterans, this is the first time we saw alexey arkhipych, he greeted us young people very warmly. the cosmonaut together with his wives, talked with you a lot, we took the first photographs as a souvenir with him, we were very proud and are still proud of these photographs, and indeed he was, as they say, the soul of the company, he had a lot of stories, and really very funny, very funny, it was always a pleasure to communicate with him, well, it was even more so with him
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it’s such a pleasure to live, in our family there was one big star of a very large scale, and we were all such small satellites that were spinning around, but we were spinning very... we had such a pro-family relationship, but in a very good way, dad he was very gentle, kind, and he loved us so sincerely, of course, i can’t say that he devoted a lot of time to us, but only because he was busy, busy and there were a lot of business trips, a lot of training flights , in all his years
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vigorous activity, well, to be honest, until the very last days, dad worked, so we didn’t get very much of it, but if he was already in the family, we were hanging around, and dad’s free time, there wasn’t much of it, but nevertheless he used him for drawing, when he was drawing, he really loved it that we were sitting somewhere side by side, could read books, could leaf through something, could also draw something, sculpt something, but for us to be close, for him this it was great, great, great pleasure and achievement, the gift of an artist has been passed on to you or the next one, a decorative artist.
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material that space and stars, they look exactly like that, because dad, when he stepped out of the spaceship and found himself in airless outer space, he was amazed by myriads of stars, the stars were above him, around him and below him, his spirit was completely captured, for the rest of his life, he
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retained this feeling infinitely.


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