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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 4, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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on saturday, after a long illness, he was 84 years old, he will be buried at the novodevichy cemetery. a powerful magnetic storm covered the earth; a stream of plasma, which was formed as a result of a solar flare, reached our planet. as a result, the northern lights will intensify today and will be visible in mid-latitudes, right up to moscow. but there are negative effects; weather-dependent people may feel ailments, headaches and weakness. in addition, there are malfunctions in the operation of equipment and navigation systems. that's all for now, the broadcast on channel 1 will continue program, time will tell, and we welcome dear viewers of channel one, in the popular front studio, nikita danyuk and kerina shugaeva, our respected experts, in the blooming garden of the west, new rules, in germany, literally on the eve of the celebration of children’s day, which is called there, they decided to legalize children's and this is not a joke at all,
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this is not kremlin propaganda, just think about it, the parliament of this country voted for a bill according to which the storage and distribution of pornography involving children, including scenes severe sexual violence is no longer considered a crime, from now on it is just a minor misdemeanor, let's look at the story on this topic. the bundestag received the votes necessary to repeal the article of the criminal code. which makes possession of child sexual abuse material a felony, once the bill goes into effect, the minimum sentences for possession of child pornography will be reduced and the offense will be reduced to a misdemeanor. bill provides that possession and acquisition shall be punishable by a minimum penalty of three months' imprisonment, and distribution by a minimum penalty of six months' imprisonment. in fact
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, this decision of the parliament in germany has already been appreciated by a group of activists, pedophiles, who advocate lowering the age of seduction and decriminalizing sexual relations between adults and children. vladimirich, this is a terrible topic, we need to discuss it, show our audience what is happening there, the question is, what was it for? the project was adopted, why were they not afraid to push it through the bundestag, how does it happen. that the rights of pedophiles in germany have become more important than the rights of children? well, let’s do this, the topic is really very difficult, frankly, just a very difficult topic, i will remind you that there was such a helmut ketler, a creature, a real creature in psychology, an incredibly popular person in germany, talk shows, books, conversations, meetings, a psychologist who was able to achieve a government funding program under which street children were given for adoption.
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don't tell me tales that they don't understood what they were doing, they gave pedophiles homeless children to feed, who found themselves in a situation of hopelessness, in this regard, that is, i will say this, when society then begins to discuss this, this society discusses, it appeared in the newspapers, but the very fact that when then the berlin senate decided that it was funding this program, it was a political decision, a strong-willed decision, that they were fascinated by the idea of ​​pedophilia or that they did not understand what they were doing, they understood. but
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now this discussion is very clear, i clearly followed its discussion in the bundestag, what was happening, with all the farce that exists, in general, as they explain, let’s give that side the opportunity to speak out, they explain that, for example, if someone changes in some way -that video, now i’m not saying what kind of video, and bots, robots, algorithms of facebook, for example, banned in russia, correct, thank god, what the... are overwhelmed with these cases, that they say the criminal police and courts, they have only one way out, lower the bar crime, so that the police have courts , that is, they should automatically open a case, and the ability to deal with it, that is , think about the logic, we don’t want, there are examples that they give, if i start talking now, if now...
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spanish, italians, they live by different rules, they have completely different norms for the age of consent, is this normal for this circle, yes, but when... it comes out a little differently and let’s take the monstrous statistics on french catholicism, which have surfaced only now, it turns out, in every in the episcopate there were cases of pedophilia on the part of priests, it is not for nothing that catholicism is rejected in europe, and in all these
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cases, of course, inside this episcopate, inside the catholic church, they all knew each other, there is a feeling that these pedophiles are catholics passed on a master class to inheritance on how to properly seduce children for years with... later it is known that the victims turned to bishops, cardinals and said: help, no one helped them, they even tried to push back compensation, they say: you understand that we are all life we suffer from what was done to us, we are talking about tens of thousands of crimes, so this is traditional for europe, this is a moral monstrosity, you are in germany, explain to me, it is written here, there is a group of activists for the rights of pedophiles, firstly, what pedophiles have rights, why isn’t there a group of activists for mothers who have children, that is, if i’m in...
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that what in some countries are called marginalized, here they are called full-fledged members of society, that is, the trick is to level out democracy, let's align everyone, that is , everyone, everyone, even a small group of people with crazy ideas in their heads, it should still be equal to people who don’t have crazy ideas in their heads, that’s right, these are criminals, these are criminals, but by the way, why did this topic arise now, why did it become like
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who are aggression, then there are ukrainian children, these are two articles according to which these children today, so to speak, end up in this european arabism, let’s call it pedophilia and how the so-called sexualization, sexualized crimes, and laugh, don’t laugh seriously to the authorities, authorities to the point, market, organ market, so that migrant ukrainian children can be beaten, they lower it a little when answering. to your question, we have just a story - which confirms what sergei nikolaevich is talking about, that this whole situation is really connected with ukraine, and it is possible that western perverts are also used for losses ukrainian children, not so long ago,
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polish human rights activist ianna pachvicevich spoke about the sale of 85 children who were secretly taken from kiev-controlled territory donetsk. region to spain, let's listen to the synchronicity, already last year in june i came into my hands with documents regarding the sale of a new orphanage there in a village near mariopol, and this orphanage, the documents directly fell into my hands, because this orphanage is there in spain the house was sold, i mean 85 children from the orphanage, but in denmark it was rented out, only children's children. sold in europe , a system has been developed in the uk for years, so that children simply, well, under the principle of protecting children's rights, from
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parents who do not fulfill their parental rights the way they should, they just developed a system of how they take children from families, justice, legal... everything is yes, they just take children from families, then the whole process begins there, how and where they get the money from. the question is, when we see what is being done to children, where are these foundations, where are the foundations for protecting
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the rights of children, just people, in the end, or are the rights now protected only by representatives of lgbt people and all sorts of other pedophiles? well, if we talk about europe, europe is different, i will give an example, here is a woman who she said that new york has a pronounced polish accent in the russian language, the poles came out to demonstrate the defense of family traditions, the men walked from their strollers.
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sacred empire, symbols, rituals, that is , you practically feel like you are either a member of the great imperial family, and you are the emperor yourself, you are proud of it, just like that, one to one, i see this propaganda, i understand it, how it is hidden , she, on the one hand she washes the brain, on the other hand i won’t prove it and i can’t. bring to court those who organized this propaganda, but when they say: remember how they lived in ancient rome, what the rules were, that women were forbidden to have sex with many men, through the law, and the emperor’s daughter said that she was registering herself in ancient rome as a prostitute, and you understand that an idea is being imposed on you in europe, you practically live like in ancient rome, like in an empire, be proud of yourself, for this, and then there is a list of what we call perversion and... i see quite strong propaganda behind this, let’s say, you need to cut off everyone right away conspiracy theorists who try
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to say that the reduction of humanity on earth as a goal is either the third world war or the idea of ​​lgbt plus, this is not true, because in europe, where the population is declining, thanks to the advertising of lgbt plus, this reduction is immediately filled with migrants, instantly, jobs are all are equally needed, so this is a myth, this is not true, and of course, there is an organization that is very weakly trying to deal with family values, if you look at the funding... ngos that have lobbied for certain things over the years, they have in times, tens, in hundreds of funding more, is this, well, the goal of the european community, or is it really some kind of marginal one? i will say this, these are marginalized people who are very well financed, marginalized people who have logistics in political lobbying, marginalized people who have lobbyists not only in politics, there in finance, but also in the ideology of spreading this ideology, and i believe that the european community it.
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previously, the kiev authorities believed that the children were taken by force to the territory of russia and belarus, this is how this incident commented the german police. the federal criminal police office found children safe in germany who, according to kiev, were abducted by russia. this was confirmed by a government spokesman at artid's request. on tuesday, the head of the ukrainian police, ivan vyhovsky, met with the head of the federal office of the criminal police of germany, hohl.
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crimes against children, they are already being investigated by our parliamentary commission, in fact, and the commission believes that it is necessary to initiate a recognition process structures of the kiev regime by terrorist organizations, this was particularly reported by the vice-speaker of the state duma and co-chair of the commission on, among other things, the protection of children anna kuznetsova, how interesting, that is, they can do anything, we are accused of stealing children, that is, they can do worse. what's even worse? well, it’s much worse, let’s do this, a child from the contact zone, well , any normal person, not even the state, should help this child, accordingly, evacuation from the risk zone, it should happen from any side, when the international criminal court makes a decision according to which an order is issued for the arrest
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of vladimir putin, it turns out that any court on the planet, having received...
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maybe i’ll say a few more words later, i saw a speech here by the head of the german foreign ministry, berbak, where is she she just seriously states that her grandparents contributed to building peace and freedom in europe, and supposedly now for the sake of this same peace in europe, we also need to support ukraine, well, it’s clear, it’s obvious that we ourselves then they don’t want to fight, they want only to make money from the war, therefore...
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they are just continuing the agenda that the united states of america is promoting for europe as well, that is
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, everything that we see in europe is the plan of the united states of america, what a plan , unleash an endless conflict in order to make money from this conflict, reduce the population, bankrupt europe, why bankrupt this bankrupt europe ?
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and fully supported national socialism. in 1944, berbak was awarded for military service merit cross with balls. well, the question is very simple, it’s been 10-15 years, i could be wrong, dear colleagues, correct me, after all , european politicians, in particular the germans, did not appeal to their ancestors, who were in the sss, were in the wehrmacht, and were not proud of them, why are they so bold now, and we hear such statements from...
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a couple of people for extras to film her beautifully, the real people are just not allowed there, they chant, get out, get out, which means she’s not very popular, she’s lena berbock, and conversations about this, they are incredibly important, the first in germany is really the grandparents of many, of course.
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many functionaries of germany, i didn’t know that my grandfather was a supporter, i distanced myself, i’m proud of him, well, like a grandfather, he was wonderful, i grew up on his knees, that is, this is the position of so many people who lost the war, but now, when my grandparents start talking, you know how in germany, i don’t publish this word, many greens, well, the green party, representative berbuk, they are often called green fascists, look how softly, how democratically neat grandpa is. and my grandmother took part in the construction, yes, it’s true, they built highways, dug canals, made concentration camps, somewhere someone was a guard in a concentration camp, he was not so guilty, or the topic
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about the essovites, that not everyone who was in the sss are brutes, bastards and criminals, they are already automatically normal guys, that is, the ss still needs to be sorted out there, the wehrmach in principle, well, what can we take from them, such a policy, well, the conversation is deep, really deep, i say colleagues are often in germany, what do you know, in the old days there were two countries... what remains is the soviet union, it doesn’t exist either, who has the right, ukraine, ukraine, which lies there in hospitals with swastikas tattooed on their bodies, or still russia , there is only one russia and belarus left, which can really talk about this topic in depth, that is, are you a criminal or a member of a criminal organization, is there forgiveness, we once found an opportunity.
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journalist from germany, gregor, hello, thank you very much for taking the time, well, a question
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absolutely logical. what is happening in germany now, the story with the laws about pedophiles and about nazism and about, in principle, the readiness to use german weapons to strike deep into russia, yes, into the rear of russia, what is it in your opinion, germany really really wants to destroy physically russia, i’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, are n’t they afraid of a response, a tough military russian response, in general, tell me very... is the word interesting for you? you know, i wouldn’t say that everyone in germany is asleep and sees how to join into the war on the side of ukraine against russia and expose germany once again to the danger of defeat in the world war, which will inevitably break out after this. in principle, of course, in germany, after the second world war, the historical memory faded somewhat; it was replaced, so to speak, by new memories, in general, illusions, i would say, which were not least
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implemented in us. big brother from washington, but to say that everyone in germany is just sleeping and seeing how to militarize the country, militarize the country and send german troops and german weapons to the east, well, that would be a big attraction, the same statements from individual german politicians, such as annolena bärbock, the already mentioned maria agnes strack zimmermann, the most terrible, literally in a figurative sense, member of the german parliament, well, they have the support of a very small part of the population, so let's be fair, quite rightly said, uh, the greens, they, uh, at the moment, their ratings, they are generally far from optimal, and i doubt that they will gain the same 13.8% that they received in the previous bundestag elections next year. gregar, regarding the popular opinion, i apologize, there’s just not enough time, we know that the fairy tale, or rather the myth, is being inflated about the fact that as soon as russia wins in ukraine, europe will be next, well, of course, first there will be the baltic states,
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poland , but they will definitely get to the germans... so they believe that russia wants to attack germany, who is promoting such narratives there? in fact, if we talk to an ordinary german, to an ordinary german, even who profess liberal views, they don’t believe in it, and russia’s claims are as follows: and russia wants to restore the soviet empire, the former soviet union and deprive those peoples who received freedom in the ninety-first year, to deprive this freedom, that’s actually what russia allegedly started the first war in europe. since the second world war, that is, they are just an ordinary german, he forgets about yugoslavia and libya, which is not so far from europe, in general, in general, it is europe by and large, and the conflicts in neighbor in the east, no, it is russia that is the violator of world peace, russia itself, russia needs to be resisted, russia needs to be restored, but the fact that russia is going to invade germany and restore the gdr as its ally, well, no, they don’t believe in that, i’m so forgetful of the germans, about yugoslavia they forgot, they forgot about the nazi grandfathers, wow, how
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convenient, what kind? but as for all the same, i will allow myself a small remark about nalina berbuk, you know, this person is not trying to realize, she’s just a rather stupid, incompetent woman, which occupies... and germany, which was famous for order , after all, and for its scientists, philosophers, and so on. thank you very much, we had connections with gregor spitson, a political scientist, a journalist from germany, and yes, the scoundrels, they are narrow-minded, just ordinary scoundrels, arrogants, yes, yes, that’s how
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it is, and we say goodbye to the viewers of channel one, we’ll definitely see you tomorrow. the british government has been infecting its citizens with the human immunodeficiency virus hepatitis c for 20 years. rishisunok, while still the country's prime minister, has apologized for his crimes, but time has come to an end, and he attacks the libarists, they turn out to be to blame for the emergence of hiv and hepatitis in british citizens. money is the main motivator. he is already richer than the king. schesunok will not refuse this pie under any circumstances.
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shisunok and the practice of creating artificial englishmen. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. mr. georgievna, i am very interested in the details of your intimacy with the president, he is a wheelchair user. he was like this just after our first meeting. ranevskaya. triti after the program time. yes, beauty is a terrible force. these, dear friends, are the rods and cones, which
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are located in our fundus. here they are on the screen, real. thanks to these rods and cones, just three colors: red, green and blue, we see our multicolored and diverse. and we will face a coalition of russia and china. the first alliance that irritated me very much was the alliance of schröder, chirac and putin. he called it a terrible nightmare. shva will look at ukraine globally only in one context: how much more is there to come to this country?
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need to invest and why? how do you see zelensky? we need to use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants. a, weapons and b - access to the european union, wonderful, use zelensky, promise him to fulfill these promises. vavan and lexus show, premiere. tomorrow on the first. contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals. they pay money for him, big money, sometimes very big money, but almost no one sees him. that is, if i have a bad idea of ​​a person who i don’t know nothing.
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the reflection of all types of art of the artist shapes time, he gives time, form. matador on friday on the first. the story of its incarnation in the first channel blockbuster union of salvation. for some reason, the decavrists thought that they knew better than the emperor that russia needed to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, become some kind of camp, but the conspirators themselves could not. nikolai understood
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the dilemma well, they want to make me a tyrant or a coward, who is this person, the one who twisted the neck of reforms or the person who saved from bloodshed? and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if you found yourself in st. petersburg on december 14, 1925? pushkin before senate square and pushkin after, about two different pushkins. big story, decembrists. salvation union on sunday on the first. the information channel on the first continues, this is the program for now that we are working live. zelensky’s attempts to turn the whole world against russia are clearly failing. ukrainians really hoped that the so- called world samite, which is not a samite, but just a gathering, well, we can respectfully call it a conference, so be it. it will be like this, which means that in 2 weeks this
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conference will open in switzerland and the ukrainians hoped that everything that they came up with and started would play into their hands and help strengthen support for ukraine, but as they say, something went wrong, the key countries, countries, including the global south, began one after another to refuse to participate in this event; saudi arabia announced its refusal; pakistan will also miss the summit with the wording to maintain neutrality; kiev is very keen see china at the summit, but after repeated rudeness zelensky decided to respond to china, this is the answer. china has repeatedly emphasized that a peace conference on ukraine must include three important elements: recognition by russia and ukraine, equal participation of all parties , and fair discussion of all peace plans. it will be difficult for us to participate in the ukraine summit in switzerland, since we believe that during the summit it will be difficult to ensure these three factors. zelensky received this response from china to his rudeness:
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what was to be expected, trying to organize this senseless summit, ukraine is trying with all its might to divide the world into black and white, semi-tans do not exist there by definition, and many countries do not know how to refuse the criminal zelensky, it turned out that, let’s say, india does not plan to send high-ranking officials there level, and will actually represent australia at the summit in switzerland.
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a logical question arises: does the whole if both sides are not represented, i think the conference makes sense from the point of view of the final goals, namely the desire for peace. therefore , we believe that a peace conference makes real sense and offers the best hope for peace only if all parties to the conflict are seated at the table. in general, it makes no sense to look for any deep meanings anywhere . but the most important person that kiev was waiting for and is waiting for at this summit is joe biden. until recently, washington did not officially answer whether biden would go or not, but yesterday it turned out that the american president has naturally lost his temper and will definitely not go, instead the united states states will represented by the country's vice president kamala harris and the president's national security adviser, jake salevan.
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the unity of the west and the global south is supposedly in support of zelensky’s team, but the global south, one by one, the state refuses to participate.
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for americans, what is interesting here is what the choice in favor of kamala haris sullivan means, but against the backdrop of the fact that australia, for example, is sending a minister for insurance of the disabled, yes, and america, well, look, kamala haris, she’s kind of like the right hand biden, he often does it biden himself calls him president, well, this is an attempt to save face, in fact, of the american administration, i completely agree with elena, which is true. they don’t understand that the idea is a failure, and joe biden needs to be re-elected here, joe biden needs them, and naturally, participation in such a disastrous, frankly disastrous event, on the eve of the american elections, does not add points to biden, and kamala harris is such a wedding general in a skirt,
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you see, yes, who just arrived, you can say, you see, the second person is formal, yes, although in fact, so to speak, she does not make these decisions, you know that i would like... this idea, merged, in fact, is now trying to save face, look, until this so-called conference, which to me sounds like not conference, profanation, you know, swiss profanation, there is only a week and a half left, june 15-16, and what we are seeing is that now the preparations have already
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reached the finish line, we are seeing, firstly, that more and more countries are indeed refusing participate and this all. how this march snow melts, melts, i don’t know, i wouldn’t be surprised if there’s any remnant left of it, secondly, the so-called summit, which was supposed to unite the world, is splitting the world more and more, look , how zelensky got angry, literally got angry at china at a security conference in singapore, saying that china is a tool in the hands of putin, and where zelensky after that flew from singapore, he flew to the philippines, that is, yeah.
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so to speak, in some kind of struggle with mental illness, i remember, once in the shaggy years there was a story about filipino healers who were using their fingers to trace something with the help of mental ones, maybe it was the healers who pulled them out of oblivion, you know, but in reality - here you want to cry , because the idea is splitting the world, the last thing i want to say is that we spend a lot of time on who will go and who won’t go, this is natural, but let’s also see what we will go with, let’s say you mentioned india, yes, india there will send some official there middle or lower level, but does anyone really think... that india, by taking part in this summit, will support zelensky’s idea, no,
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of course, india will participate there in order to declare that without russia it is impossible, impossible, so to speak , thus, to solve the problems of the ukrainian conflict, in this way, even those countries of the global south that were brought in, even the president of the philippines, who was just now hosting in defiance of china, even...
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switzerland in june, but so far without much success, you see, even us president joe biden plans to skip this meeting, russia was not invited, and kiev is desperately trying to keep the world's attention on the conflict within the country, but what can it give...
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to us, and what is the point in holding this conference if in the west they don’t even see the point, why are they going , they send some ministers for insurance of the disabled, wedding generals, but the only thing there, as we have already found out, in my opinion, well, something that represents a politician, is salevan, yes, but nevertheless, all the others, for what then this is, well, firstly, salevan is also the same figure, since it is just a relay and nothing more, he never made any decisions and was never even noticed. in fact, in some advice that was once taken into account by the president of the united states, if we talk about the whole
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situation about what you are asking about, i see a very interesting map here. the formation of a strategic vacuum and it began to be created a long time ago, that is, there is a conflict - in ukraine, there is a ukrainian theater of military operations, there are forces that are involved in it, on the one hand the forces russian federation, on the other hand, the forces of the collective west, and ukraine is only a tool that everyone uses, it is infantry that everyone burns, and there is also a world that, in principle, is somehow so interested, for example, in the black rock company that wants ah...
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in a week you have to take melitopol, zaluzhny says how will i take it, the russians are standing there, he says, there are no russians, it’s a vacuum, they’re not there, you have to go and take it, and it’s so simple, here we see the same thing, that's the same thing, russia, no, guys, everything is fine, let's get together, we’ll work on trends, we’ll decide something there, but russia doesn’t exist, and it simply doesn’t exist, that is, a huge great country, which is larger than anyone else in the world, it simply doesn’t exist, western politics, that’s how it is, they know how to come up with concepts, when they explain to a westerner: you look at the map, it’s not there, everything is there, this country doesn’t exist, this is exactly the essence of what they are doing, they want to explain to themselves, guys, yes, we will decide everything ourselves, russia, i really liked this phrase, that what turns out to be russia, not only that, that they will accept some kind of paper there, russia for some reason will have to accept this paper
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from zelensky’s hands and submit to this, what kind of idiocy is this, you see? they didn’t come up with some kind of virtual things , they live in them, it’s like there is no real life, there is no earth, everything that actually exists, and russia is more than significant, it’s generally existential for all of humanity, this is for there are none, so we are witnesses to the fact that, by the way, this conference will help us a little, it will reveal that all this is pointless,
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uh-huh, well, i don’t think that anyone there will think about checking the watches... yes, well, yes, i agree, something will start, in general, like checking the watches, because, well, guys, let’s do it in the end, agree that russia still exists, no, russia undoubtedly exists, was and will be, no matter what anyone thinks, but you see, zelensky, he continues to do pr, organize promotions, this is important for him, and even minister for disability insurance of australia, but nevertheless they show, well, somehow we support him, but what’s more important operations, the more primitive is that... hepatitis c. rishi suna, still the prime minister of the country, apologized for the crime, but this time has come to an end, libarists are attacked, they turn out to be to blame for the emergence of hiv hepatitis of british citizens, money is the main thing
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incentive, he is already richer than the king, taller than that. will not refuse the pie under any circumstances, illegal migration has placed an unbearable burden on our entire security system, sumy says that russia is also to blame for this, it is simply trafficking in people, at the same time there of course there is drug trafficking, the state has always been a parasitic state, they lived at the expense of others. at the world economic forum , the task that was set is that the world must be redivided, he is building a platform for war, we will return compulsory military service for all young people without exception, they will go home. united states of america because india is not his home. erishi sunok and the practice of creating artificial englishmen. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. ranevskaya. there are people in whom god lives, and there are people in whom only worms live. watch the time after the program. for the anniversary.
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pushkin is really not just our everything, but this is something that can be done again again, something that is understandable to a foreign viewer, something that is also understandable to a russian viewer, who will definitely come to the familiar name. the first film based on pushkin was made in 1907, moreover, it was a sound film, peak damo, bondarchuk, of course, takes boris gudunov himself plays boris gudunov, is it that they make luxurious clothes for the boyars, they try to reproduce the fashion of that time, pushkin, like space the industry is enriching civilian production, something like that, yes podcast lab, today on the first. klaus schwab, president of the world economic forum and one of the most mysterious figures in world politics. schwab is the master who rules the whole world. ukraine has no way to win. and
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we will face a russian-chinese coalition. the first alliance that irritated me very much was the alliance of schröder, chirac and putin. oh yeah. he called it a terrible nightmare. shva will consider ukraine globally only in one context, how much more to this country need to invest and why? how do you see zelensky? should we use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants? a - weapons and b - access to the european union. promise to use zelensky. show vavan and lexus. premiere. tomorrow on the first. for the poet's anniversary, whoever knocks down the most watermelons will kiss the captain's daughter, agree, i
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don't like him, i'm even afraid, he's such a mocker, he likes you, one problem, masha, the girl is an extradited girl, and what a dowry, a fine comb yes great, i gave you money, you will go for it me, masha, if you want success, act without singing. i know from experience its naraf and custom. you're lying, scoundrel. not too late. shvablin, apologize. russian revolt. on friday on the first. contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals. they pay money for him, a lot of money, sometimes very much, but almost no one sees him. that is, if i have a bad idea of ​​a person who doesn’t know anything, suddenly. becomes an artist, and i believe that every person will become an artist, absolutely, if he treats this freely, your an exhibition must perform the same function as a politician’s speech; it must be
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addressed to a specific viewer, a specific group, and produce some kind of result. clothes are one of the optimal means of self-expression, but in everyday life people rarely take advantage of this opportunity. i began to think how i could do the same thing to revive it. my own graphics, i collected records from all my friends, from my parents, took my records, made this collection. for me fashion is a reflection time, a reflection of all types of art, the artist shapes time, he gives time, shape. matador on friday on the first. the story of its incarnation in the blockbuster of channel one. union of salvation, the decembrists for some reason thought that they knew better than the emperor what russia needed, to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, become some kind of camp, but the conspirators themselves could not clearly formulate what it was
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plan, nikolai understood the dilemma well, they want to make me a tyrant or a coward, who is this person, the one who screwed up the reform or the person who saved from bloodshed and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if...
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maryana, are you ready to lose 11 million people, and they are ours, yes, ours, these are our citizens, should we refuse them, everyone will make their own choice.
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they are afraid to dive, how many of them are drowning, but they would launch crocodiles, well, that is, they are not afraid to protect their family, their home, and it is not a fact that you will die, just like there, it is not a fact that you will die, but they choose this is not a fact of drowning in the yew, it is not too high price, not too much, not too much, not too much, if there is no mobilization normally. then we,
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we will simply run out of the army, we will run out, we, we will simply run out of the army, we will run out, so he says, they are afraid to defend their family, their home, who to protect, if all the women, already young ones, are offered to be taken to the front , i respect that everyone, i believe that all ukrainians should be liable for military service, men and women from the age of 18, can take part in hostilities after the age of 23. look, this is the caricature our artists drew back in 1943 year: super-fatal mobilization, and then many are trying to doubt that history is repeating itself. ivan pavlovich, well , for me this is... just proof that
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ukraine has no future, because if proposals are already being made, it means young women, those women who, in theory, should improve the demographic situation in the country, here zelensky last week i cried, our demography is in general collapse, we have nothing to pay pensions with, here are the young women who should, in theory, walk down the street with strollers, their mobilize, they must go to the front with weapons, what kind of future can we talk about, what?
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yesterday, who was talking about all this nonsense about the need to let kiss’ crocodiles loose, even he can turn his weapon against zelensky and against the collective west, he will twist it in his head, and there are a lot of them out there, even he, he must remember , that he is also not needed, he is so smart, he says there: let’s take everyone, he needs to understand that he is just the first, and is subject to destruction from the point of view of the average american politician, this one is not needed, because he says: there are a lot of them and it’s hard to feed, so that means, excuse me, how poorly i can imagine this man in the trenches in a vest , of course, and so when we talk about...
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who says: you must protect go to the women's front, then this woman is already beaten there, imagine what horror, by the way, pay attention, this is also a very interesting moment, these patrols that they are now creating to catch hijackers, yes, and there is a certain segment of the police, which means
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trade centers, territorial recruitment centers, trade centers always consist of two segments, two segments, two or three, those who were at the front, absolute scumbags, crazy and forgive me. bastards, it’s just this one like this that was probably from the front, who shouts: i was at the front, i’ll kill you, plus two more bastards are attached to them, who are the sons of someone’s rich people, which means that they won’t go to the front, they they hide behind their backs, if you look closely, it looks like this every time, that’s how they form, yes definitely go ahead with these two abnormal people who will insult everyone, humiliate everyone, but this scheme does not work, because people react to insult like this, well, they react, but nevertheless they take someone away and.. and you see, and you know how long it’s been, it means that the chief of saltovsk’s car was burned, they didn’t burn much for him, they also burned his wife, they’ve already shot at several others, they’re throwing grenades into the courtyards, a lot of things are happening, the fight against the tsekashniks is active there, but here it is. which for a week in a row the western media has been actively discussing the resolution
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the west to attack russian territory with nato weapons, and despite the futility of arms supplies in general, western countries are openly preparing for escalation. the netherlands will transfer 24 f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, we apply the same principle as with any other supply, as soon as we transfer them, the ukrainians can use them, we only ask that they respect international law and the rights of self-defense enshrined in the un charter, that means that ukraine should.
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signed up to participate in this escalation, because after all, not everyone is there countries, there are countries such as spain, italy, which takes a more wait-and-see position, and there are countries. such an advanced echelon as the netherlands, there is a coalition of four fighter countries,
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the netherlands, denmark, belgium and norway, yes, which are ready, so to speak, to participate in all this, so, if we look carefully at these statements, on the one hand the sides are so formidable, but they are so vague, cloudy, that is, if something happens, if it doesn’t go wrong, you can always blame it everything is on kiev, and look, by the way, at washington’s statement, very significant, because washington is this... this is all we are conducting exercises with tactical nuclear weapons and they don’t care either, they think
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it’s all a joke, that this is it everything is all kind of vomiting on our part, so to speak, and they think that they can play it, but we’re not bluffing, no matter how much the rope twists the end will be, already calculating this option, today they are in these vague, cloudy, so to speak , statements that can be interpreted differently. they are preparing the ground for a rollback if all this goes wrong. and here’s another one, which means this is a statement from a series of vague statements, which means that the american conservative publication decided to write here that it turns out that biden is ready to cross the red line so that kiev can hold out until the american elections, that’s why. on thursday , it was announced that the biden administration would allow ukraine to strike. limited strikes against russia using us-made weapons due to recent russian successes near kharkov. solution
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the biden administration is heading for escalation, consistent with an earlier policy that prohibited such strikes out of concern that the us could be directly involved in the conflict. the situation could escalate further if russia decides to react. the biden administration simply wants to leave everything as it is until the next election, when ukraine becomes trump's problem. and then the question arises: what does everything as it is mean to them? already after the failure of the ukrainian counter-offensive, and
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they have no illusions about this, but they do not want russia moved forward further, and even if russia is moving forward, it is moving forward, they want to slow down this advancement, that is, for them this is a conflict without end, that’s what benefits the americans, american capital, it doesn’t care about the fate of the ukrainians, they don’t care about the fate. people, those who are now being sent to the front, they don’t want to go, american capital thinks in other categories, for them there is already a desert, there is black soil, but there are no people, but taking into account what is happening, everything is still going according to the most radical scenarios, i have been reading for a long time, among western analysts there are also the most radical ones. he has long been talking about the need
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to supply longer-range missiles and, and if longer-range missiles, then f-16 fighters, this always comes in pairs and specifically says that, from his point of view , the americans should allow these fighters and missiles to strike at the crimean peninsula, since this is already stipulated, voiced, it means all these current... where officially they say it is unacceptable for america or the netherlands, then this is not
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the responsibility of nato countries, western countries, and zelensky supposedly made a mistake there, that’s why. this is something that needs to be struck on the fingers right away and not really hope that they will remain in this gray zone, again their military analysts, the most extreme, but whose scenarios are slowly being realized, they insist on very serious strikes, so it can cool them down only our pressure, only our demonstration that we will not move the red lines, this is a question of elections, of course.
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on the other hand, they live for today hold out until the elections, that is, either tactics or strategy, what do you have, we have everything at the same time, the result is such political eclecticism, which will actually be deadly for them, because it is impossible to marry, you understand, either strategy will devour tactics, or tactics will devour strategy, and here, of course, tactics are advancing on strategy, as the presidential race heats up...
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a radical change of position if the presidents change, but where? accordingly, in the pentagon, in the management structure national security and so on, and it is natural that, in a certain sense , the connections with the military lobby with the military-industrial complex will be changed, this whole scheme, it will have to change, trump, he saw it differently, by the way, he strongly
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changed, and he was always a person who positioned himself, i support the american military-industrial complex, although there are some controversial points there, since he is still a vulentarist, but nevertheless, of course, we saw, by the way, why they changed their boss , means the joint committee, the chief of staff, yes, and a man came who supports the current minister of defense, and the current minister of defense, well-known to everyone, yes, he is austin, he’s just from the military-industrial complex, yeah, they’re all afraid, they understand that trump will just come, that’s all will change, and if this...
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trump will say, guys, that's it, let's europeans, you've already given so much, but now, guys, take off your last pants, the dollar is at the head of everything, you know, they say that the only thing the americans invented was the dollar, they bought everything else, they probably told the truth, short advertising. the british government has been infecting its citizens
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with hiv and hepatitis c for 20 years . rishisuna, still the country's prime minister, apologized for... but time has come to an end, he is attacking laborists, they are to blame for the emergence of hiv hepatitis british subjects, money is the main motivating factor, he is already richer than the king. and the shasun will not refuse this pie under any circumstances, illegal migration has become an overwhelming burden on our entire security system, we say that this is to blame russia too, it simply trades people, at the same time, of course, there is drug trafficking, the state has always been a parasitic state, they lived at the expense of others, the task that was set at the world economic forum was that the world should be redivided, it is building a platform for war, we will return compulsory military duty for all young people. everyone will go home to the united states of america, because india is not his home. erishi sunok and the practice of creating artificial englishmen. dolls of the heir
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tutti. today is the first one. fayna gergievna, i am very interested in the details of your intimacy with the president. he is a wheelchair user. he was like this just after our first meeting. ranevskaya, watch the time after the program, yes, beauty is a terrible force, for the poet’s anniversary. pushkin is really not just our everything, but this is something that can be done again again, something that is understandable to a foreign viewer, something that is also understandable to a russian viewer, who will definitely come to the familiar name. the first film based on pushkin was made in 1907; moreover, it was a sound film, the queen of spades. bondarchuk, of course, he takes boris godunov and plays boris gudunov himself. what's this? they make
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luxurious clothes for the boyars, trying to reproduce the clothes of that time. pushkin, how the space industry enriches civilian production. something like that, yes. podcast lab is on first today. klaus schwab, president of the world economic forum and one of the most mysterious figures in world politics. schwab is the master who rules the whole world. ukraine has no way to win. and we will face a coalition of russia and china. the first alliance that irritated me very much was the alliance of schröder, chirac and putin. oh yeah. he called it a terrible nightmare. shva will look at ukraine globally only in one context: how much more needs to be invested in this country and for what? how do you see zelensky? we need to use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants.
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a - weapons and b - access to the european union. wonderful. use zelensky, promise him. vavan and lexus show, premiere. tomorrow on the first. for the poet's anniversary, who will knock down the most arbuzov, he will kiss the captain’s daughter, and she will agree, i don’t like him, i’m even afraid, he’s such a mocker, he likes you, one problem, masha, a girl of marriageable age, and what a dowry she has, a fine comb and a broom, and an altyn money, will you marry me, masha, if you want success, don’t act like a song. i know from experience her customs. you're lying, scoundrel. not too late. shvavlin, apologize. russian revolt. on
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friday on the first. contemporary fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals. they pay money for it, big money, sometimes very big money. but almost no one sees him. that is, if i have a bad idea of ​​a person who doesn’t know anything, suddenly. from all my friends, from my parents, i took my records, made this collection, for me my own graphics, i collected fashion records - this is a reflection of time, a reflection of all
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types of art, the artist is shaped by time, he gives time, shape, matador on friday on first. today at the un they remember the children who died at the hands of the aggressors; they will remember many there, but they will not remember the children of donbass. since the beginning of 2014, 152 have died there child, only in gorlovka 24, it all started with the gorlovka madonna, when a young mother covered a nine-month-old girl with her body, they scattered into pieces, but they will not be remembered today in it, these are not the same people, the wrong children, but in gorlovka they will be remembered remember always and throughout the donbass, a museum room called the solar circle has been opened in gorlovka
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and... this room contains materials about the crimes committed by ukrainian nazis against children, and on the eve of children's day, maryana naumova visited the long-suffering gorlovka. what happened here on july 27, i know, there were massive shellings of gorlovka, one of the first of these, yes, when the attack was on, people were resting here, in general this is a place for the people of gorlovka, a favorite vacation spot for gorlovka residents, older people come here, and mothers with children and young people love here for a walk, and on july 27 there was a very hard
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massacre, karina was still alive, her last words were kirochka, daughter. this pain will never be quelled, here are the 24 children who died in our town, why we collected this information so that no one will ever forget, so that this will never happen again repeated. when we were preparing material
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for this room, we were missing some photos of the guys, and we started looking for them on social networks, when i was looking for vitaly berpinev’s photos, i went to his page, and there are his friends, his family, they come, they they write: today you could turn 20 years old, today you and i would graduate from school together, my dear son is there, i miss you and... when you read all this, it’s impossible, even in my awareness, now it’s up to it still doesn’t go away that all these terrible events, they happened, are happening, and there is no way to somehow, you know, protect and protect each of them, so that civilians don’t die, those who protect us don’t die, much less children don’t die. you have been working with
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children for 35 years, children before, and children now who have been affected by the war, what kind of children are these? well, children, they are always children, they are always loved, good, but those children who grew up during this war period, they are special, they are empathetic, they are active, they are not lazy, they are ready for anything, strong. strong children, nastya, i heard that you are everyone here you lead, very ideologically, how did it all turn out, why did you even decide to get together as a group of your volunteers, it was the idea of ​​our entire cadet corps, we sew various things for the front, buffs, balaclavas, vests, underwear we sew, we also go to children in hospital, we show them some different performances in order to somehow cheer them up,
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lift their spirits, so that... i told my children, i say, you teach me, and i learn a lot from you too, and what did the children teach you, yes, probably , probably tolerance, probably perseverance, they are young now, this generation is still young, it’s difficult for them now, they are still at a crossroads in their
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life principles, life values, but i want to say that basically you already know, formed individuals who have clearly outlined plans: i want to be a doctor, i i want to be a teacher. and i want to be an investigator, they probably taught me to see the goal to which i need to move, i taught them, not me, my wonderful girl, alina, lives here in the petrovsky district of donetsk, sometime in 2017 i came to her to school, she was very close here and held her russian bench press competition, then alina won first place and pressed the barbell. for a large number of repetitions, beat everyone, received a diploma, the next day i went to the gym, signed up, does weightlifting, hello, you’re already so grown up, so big, my god, i brought you a bag to
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take you to training, there’s all sorts of cool stuff there sports roll, this is a tamper, a bottle, well, to make it more fun, you can run during training, that's it, hold on, let's sit, how are your sports successes now? completed a candidate for master of sports in orenburg, went to the championship, i was in yufo, took third place there, a good result, yes, but i heard that i got into the national team, it’s true, yes, well, i got into the first adult, it turns out, exactly to the main dpr team, so i was like a reserve, or something, i just went, i’ll be there now. transfer to the olympic reserve school because i want to advance further. i have a master's degree, now i need to become a master of sports. here you are
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how many years have you been playing sports with children? well, my work experience is already more than 25 years. you always know with them what they are thinking, they tell you their secrets there, because the coach.
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how old are you now? 16, 17 this year, well, have you lived your entire adult life in combat conditions? well , to say that there was no childhood, i don’t know, maybe i didn’t see a normal childhood, what it should be, but it’s scary, yes, that is, i was very afraid of all this before in childhood, but, in principle, it grew into the latter at the time, i take this extremely calmly, well , honestly, it’s a shame that this happened. “honestly, i don’t want people to shoot anymore, i don’t want war, i want everyone close to me, i want everyone to be alive, i want him to come back from the war when you go out
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with friends, never breaks between shelling, whenever you want, when you look into the sky, see a plane and know that it is not carrying bombs, but is carrying people who..." visit other countries, thanks to russia, because if not for the twenty-second year, we would have been trampled here, bombed, we understood that, we knew that, it’s scary, of course, hello, hello, where are your children, sitting in the basement, it’s noisy today, well, yes, somehow loud, of course, to put it bluntly, there is no need to drive them like this, they understand and know. yesterday they flew in without a pilot, they wow, they ran, quietly came out, took the ball, took
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the bikes, came back without a pilot, ran back, that’s how we live, the children are not angry, the children seem to me, well, at least my children, they are the opposite of them they're sorry, they're my son he says that these are weak people, and those people who shoot at us, who give all these commands, are weak people, such people need to be treated, it’s amazing how children understand all this, in their heads, do they realize it? dad works, your dad is an artilleryman, or what? yes, he recently sent a video, by the way, it was not in vain that i drew these things, these are anti-drone nets, and thanks to them, i repeated exactly the car that dad drives, this. yes, yes, 125, lord, you
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understand everything so much, i appreciate it here very much i see it often, it flies, well, of course i would like to do more of something civilian, and draw, yes, well, this is what i drew for my mother, she came home, tired from work, i wanted to please her, such a drawing. cool, right here in donetsk, tirikons, that these are cherry trees, sakura, recently peaches were blooming, here, here, here, they were very similar to sakura, i was inspired by them.
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they want their city to develop and do some good for their city, patriotism is most likely love for the place where you grew up, so i remember, we literally come to debaltsevo, well, in a couple of years weeks after the liberation, people had not yet moved away from the basements, from the shelling, and we arrived at the central square, there were no people, but i brought this sun lounger, this barbell. people, adults and children, began to pull up , at first everyone was very afraid to make contact,
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somehow participate in competitions, communicate, but then one little girl came out, with some ponytails too, and began to press this barbell all, then the children it was unstoppable, and i saw their smiles, this is some kind of childhood, childhood, that’s why we didn’t go anywhere, we stayed here, we tried, here we are an additional education institution, we run clubs, we tried to brighten up their lives, i staged fairy tales with the children, they enjoyed it and...
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it’s a shame that this story won’t be shown at the un, then it’s a big game. two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love for the coffins of the fathers, for the poet’s anniversary, good afternoon, the big game is on the air, today the head of the russian government mikhail mishustin continues his visit to belarus, where yesterday are taking place today meetings of the eac intergovernmental council, this is a governing body.
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food security of the eurasian economic union will speak at the plenary session, and russian foreign minister sergei lavrov continues his african tour, the sixth in the last 2 years, and today lavrov is holding negotiations with the leadership of the congo, where he received, arrived late the night before from guinea. and today is a remarkable date: exactly a year ago, on june 4, 2023 , the ukrainian so-called counter-offensive began, which... in the west and in kiev they did a lot a big bet and which failed miserably, simply miserably. and today russia fully owns the initiative on the battlefield and is conducting offensive actions along the entire front line, including the donetsk people’s republic, from where a very frequent guest
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of our program joins us, which we are immensely happy about, igor vladimirovich kimakovsky, adviser to the head of the donetsk people’s republic. so, igor vladimirovich, what is happening now in the donetsk people's republic? and how is our offensive developing there? dmitry, hello, dear experts, greetings you, from the donetsk land, i am very glad that the ukrainian armed forces is celebrating the next anniversary of its latest defeat, and today, you know, i saw a wonderful picture of how the russian zmey gorynych met with zmey gorynych, who represents the western anti-russian community, the russian has three heads, and he laughs at...
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the advance towards karlovka from netaylov, which allows us to hit the supply roads of the group, which is concentrated in karlovka, northern karlovka, our fighters liberated the village of umanskaya, so in this way, they squeeze the enemy into the karlovo reservoir and do not give him the opportunity to supply from the other side, that is, in this way they do not just squeeze out, but actually there in the area of ​​the karlovo reservoir. they can take the enemy into some kind of encirclement, this is all connected precisely with the geography of this reservoir itself, we have improvements in the krasnogorovka area, for which there are fierce battles, the enemy there is also clinging very seriously, but nevertheless the center of krasnogorovka is already behind us and
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the enemy is on these in this direction, on in the direction of the avdeevsky ledge and to the south it is suffering very serious losses, this is calculating... we will have weapons, we will again launch some kind of counter-attack there, now there is no talk of counter-attacks, just to try to at least somehow hold our positions, and well the guys from the chasovyar called me this morning, our factories continue to work on the group on the other side of the channel
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seversky donetsk, seversky donetsk. donetsk and donbass, and there our people seriously defeat the enemy, precisely with the forces of the aerospace forces and artillery, the enemy is also in the direction suffers losses amounting to hundreds of killed and wounded dry landmen. this is approximately the situation that has developed in our area in recent days, well , it’s a little hot, of course, very hot, but our fighters are nevertheless moving forward. thank you very much
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to nato in italy, but the way they do it, it looks so pathetic that they completely forgot formally that they announced a counter-offensive, it happened a few days ago, they announced that we will now knock out the russians, and then somehow they forgot why, because there is no result at all, but there are losses, large losses, and among elite units, which, in fact , affects the rest of the line of combat contact, as my respected colleague told me, may i add that we have good successes not only in ... well
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, we have almost finished liberating the village of poroskovievka, the next one is konstantinovka, a junction of very important roads in the ugledar direction, to which we are heading, and the battles also continue, quite successful, by the way, in velikonovoselovsk direction and quite successfully, even if the fighting in the zaporozhye sector is going on with partial success. thank you very much, yuriyva. keep us informed, well, in the conditions of defeat, the defeat of the kiev regime has already begun, the west made a rather difficult, i must say, decision for itself to allow itself to strike, while, as is stated in the russian border regions, by the hands of the west using western weapons, if we talk about the united states, then we are talking about the haimers and gmlrs, but for now they are connected. the states do not allow themselves to strike at strategic depths in russia with long-range hymers missiles, it
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is quite obvious that this decision was made precisely as a reaction to the defeat of the kiev regime, which, on the eve of the presidential elections in the united states, means the strategic defeat of the united states itself about how difficult this decision is and that it is fraught with big ones. risks, many people write in the west, including, i suggest you listen to, the famous british columnist gideon rachman. willingness to allow ukraine to retaliate on enemy artillery positions and missile bases, even if they are on russian territory, reflects concern that ukraine is gradually losing the war. as a result , kiev's western backers feel forced to take great risks to maintain ukraine's combat capability, but the fact that the united states and its allies are no longer... as concerned about the kremlin's nuclear rhetoric does not mean that they are completely dismissing this threat. in fact, some western officials remain
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very concerned about possible escalation. related to permission to use western weapons to strike russian territory. they are worried that russia will regard this as an escalation of a proxy war on the part of the west, and may undertake what it considers a symmetrical response, including contour strikes on nato territory. well, that is, fear of these possible russian counter-attacks across the territory.
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strikes on russian territory using american weapons may slow down military operations around kharkov, but will not change the situation. russians are likely to adapt like their previous steps washington. after all, american weapons are regularly used to carry out strikes. much greater costs than the political costs of the defeat of ukraine. i completely agree with you, and i want to return
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to the quote from the head of the foreign intelligence service, mr. ryshkin, who said that nato is ready for war with russia under two conditions: first, if it is profitable, well , everything is obvious here, the super profits that are now being received military-industrial, private complexes, which, as a rule, all converge to the same owners, these are the three largest financial ones. the black rock fund, vanguard and street steel, they are now earning a second, if it is safe, and so the issue of security has shaken a little, nato, the americans really for some reason...
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the offensive that they are now making in the kharkov direction is different, it the use of a huge number of drones, so in fact the situation is really explosive, in some part, in fact, the step and the ball is on our side, we need to throw that side a little, to say, guys, well, there should be parity in some actions, i completely agree, and it seems to me that russia should make it clear
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to our opponents, who have now actually entered into a direct war. the decision that the biden administration and the collective west made as a whole believe that it is insufficient, the publication is against us, so far in the border areas, but there may be an even greater escalation, that the damage they will suffer from this will be incomparably greater than damage from the defeat of ukraine. well, i must say that in the kiev regime, naturally, is unhappy with the fact that the politician immediately wrote that in kiev they are disappointed that we are talking only about border regions. kuleba, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine stated that kiev has already begun to officially demand and will continue to demand that the west begin to strike russia’s strategic depths with long-range missiles, and the talking head of the national security council of the united states, john kirby, says that such a decision is still has not yet been accepted, but does not exclude that it may be accepted,
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if, again, ukraine continues to suffer defeat on the battlefield. let's listen to john. i won’t get ahead of myself and discuss a decision that has not yet been made, as you well know, at every stage of this war, as it developed and the conditions on the battlefield changed, we changed our approach and adapted our assistance to ukraine, i don’t think that in the coming weeks and months, this approach will change, we will see how things go and what the ukrainians need, we will negotiate and discuss with them, i can’t say whether this will lead to any additional policy changes, but we are not going to ignore the needs.
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broad strategy to end the war. the russians will continue to advance and in 3-6 months the us may find itself in a similar situation again. under pressure from ukraine and allies, and tempted to push beyond the next threshold to try to reverse an adverse trajectory, adaptation is not a strategy, and retaliatory escalation without a strategy is not sound policy. causing damage in absence bargaining leads to inevitable further
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escalation. yes, that is, it is quite obvious that the administration. brought, it shows that, well, in principle , they understand the danger, but they act absolutely irresponsibly, because the fear of ukraine’s defeat is greater for them than the fear of the risks of escalation, for now.
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the fact that this is a rag in the form of the kiev regime, something there, on the one hand, indeed,
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of course, they understand that everything, they are already waste material by and large, so they snap back, but on the other hand, these snarls, they play along with the american position, because we can say that the americans did not do everything that their satellites wanted, this also helps the americans evade responsibility. but the most important thing i want to say is, in general, as far as i understand, all the americans did was make an obviously bad decision, but relieve themselves of responsibility for it, try to make sure that, well, maybe some time to get nothing in return for this, that was their position, what was the essence of this position with my point of view, if for a short time they are gaining time, yeah, then, of course, you rightly said, the point is why they are gaining time to hold out until the elections, because they are so attached to the kiev regime that some voters are shouting to biden: don’t start a nuclear war , others are shouting at him
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, don’t give up the kiev regimes, you need to buy time, somehow survive in this contradiction, but in a broader sense, their policies, you said the word dead-end, they have reached a dead end, their ends meet in no way rhetorically, not in essence, they need to buy time.
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mutual destruction between russia and the united states has not been canceled, and russia has absolute superiority over the west, the collective west as a whole, in the field of nuclear weapons. it seems to me, well , it’s very correct that we are now conducting an exercise to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons, we need to constantly remind the united states that we consider these weapons to be usable, that they are not virtual, that they exist, but they as if not, but no, it is applicable in the event of a major war.
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deliberately provokes a third world war, considering its beginning or the brink of its beginning as the only opportunity for survival. will return tactical nuclear weapons, trying to convince the world that if the ukrainian armed forces continue to strike russian territory with american-made bombs and missiles, then it will not hesitate to use its most powerful weapons against ukraine. zelensky. in turn
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, considers fears about the use of nuclear weapons exaggerated, here zenger is actually mistaken, because there is no way russia is going to use nuclear weapons against ukraine. the only possibility of using nuclear weapons is a war between russia and nato, a war between russia and the united states, so if they are used, they will be used against nato countries, on their territory, on their territory, of course, but sergei sergeevich, what are you saying?
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in general about the strategy that the republicans and the democrats are pursuing, that is, by and large, neither democrats nor republicans do not provide a winning strategy, i completely agree, and accordingly, russia needs to remind the united states that the survival of the united states as a state, country and great power is still much more important for them than even the survival of american global hegemony, which is already collapsing on our eyes, now a little advertising,
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then we will continue. for 20 years, the british government infected its citizens with the human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis c. rishisuna, still the country's prime minister, apologized for what he had done, but time has come to an end, lee borists are attacked, they turn out to be to blame for the emergence of hiv and hepatitis of british citizens, money is the main incentive. he is already richer than the king.
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will go home to the united states of america because india is not his home. rishi sunok and the practice of creating artificial englishmen. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. to the poet's anniversary. who will shoot down the most?
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shvavlin, sorry, sorry, russian riot, on friday on the first. modern fine art is confined to a small circle of professionals, big money is paid for it, sometimes very big, but almost no one sees it, that is, i can’t imagine a person who, without knowing anything, suddenly becomes an artist, and i believe that every person will become an artist, absolutely, if he treats this freely, your exhibition should perform the same function as a politician’s speech, so it should be addressed to a specific viewer, a specific group and produce some kind of result. clothes are one of optimal means of self-defeat, but in everyday life people rarely take advantage of this opportunity. i started thinking about how i could do the same thing to spice up my own graphics. i collected records from all my friends, from my parents, took my own
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records, and made this collection. for me, fashion is a reflection of time, a reflection of all types of art. the artist is shaped by time. it gives time, shape. matador on friday on the first. the enemy will not pass. klyuchchik, konstantin eroshenko was detained in africa. you immediately transported to the united states. serious torture: not sleeping without water, beating the heels, internal organs. russian citizens were literally stolen. it's impossible to believe it. “we live in the 21st century, there were a lot of loud statements addressed to me, all these accusations were pure lies. kostya is such a strong person, i don’t know how he managed to pull himself together, well, in general, he reassured me , they launched
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an employee of the prosecutor's office into the room of the transfer assessors, which no one has the right to enter, when the transfer assessors left, in one young girl gave herself away when she began to cry at the moment when her dad was given..." a guilty verdict. russian pilot yaroshenko. goodbye america, premiere on sunday on the first. did oleg's child even come up with this? well, what difference does it make to you? excellent calm down, yana. you promised that my son will be with me, i will play the role of a father, but there is no need to convince me that this is my son who has been living in a new family for 2 months. a strong blow, if it is revised, in my eyes, such people should be prohibited from giving birth at all, the decision on review of the case is not accepted, a real man would tear everyone apart if they touched his woman and son, there are no men here, but i see, i will press this, a commotion will begin,
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everyone will start running back and forth, we will have a few seconds for that , to pick up her son, she stole him, it’s the russian who takes everything she wants, oleg, what are you standing, he runs away, he recognized us, at the moment we are them... the location is unknown, the police believe that they don’t need your help help, we can handle it ourselves and i myself will save my mother, anna kettenin, a citizen of finland, you know, her son, a citizen of finland, he was actually born here, and you are now an international terrorist, one chance for three, the premiere is from june 10 on the first, get out of the car, mom, get off your feet, i 'll shoot, come on! shoot! there's a big game on the air. the gatherings organized by the west and kiev in switzerland on june 15-16, which were intended
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to create the impression of such global support, including from the global world majority, of the so-called zelensky peace formula. in general, these gatherings fail before they even begin. the american delegation to these gatherings will be headed, i would say, by the personification of failure, such an internal american personification, failure in everything, vice president kamala harris, who really is such a midas in the united states on the contrary, everything that kamala harris touches turns into anything but gold. so, australia will be represented at this conference by the minister for disability insurance, i think this is a very accurate choice of the right delegate because. the main disabled person, so to speak, at this summit, in general, it’s time to insure, india, as the hindustan times wrote, will be represented by the secretary of the ministry of defense, not the minister, the secretary of the ministry of defense or the deputy national security advisor, but certainly not the minister
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of foreign affairs, much less the prime minister, pakistan will not be the same as saudi arabia, and of course not at all what level will china not be, which has already caused a simple truth. in singapore. let's listen to what zelensky said. china is a tool in putin's hands. china, unfortunately, is today working to prevent other countries from coming to the peace summit. you may not help ukraine and the civilized world end the war, but it seems to me that disrupting the peace summit, working to weaken the level of presence of leaders, doing everything to prevent some leaders from getting there and putting pressure on them, this certainly does not bring peace closer, and this not only support for russia, it is actually support for the war. also on this. the impression of support from the world
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event was to create this is how you explain it, because the whole point of the majority, china and brazil are one of the main leaders of the world majority, having insulted china, what can we even talk about now, well , dmitry vyacheslavovich, when you are invited to some conference or when... our tv viewers are invited to some event, after all, you still ask, what is the program, what will we do, so here, you see, they called it a peace summit, but they still know that the eu has a peace fund that actually finances the war, so no one believes the name, and for many months various states tried to figure out what would be on the agenda, and we talked later, then we said, oh well, no take an interest in the agenda, the main thing is to take a photo, then obviously something will happen.
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ah, but uh, again, it would be possible to somehow tighten up the diplomatic game with the westerners, but zelensky simply said that everyone who has already agreed, you are worth nothing, because well, china is not coming, that’s it, no it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense. as for zelensky’s behavior, well, remember, in ’22, he wouldn’t go anywhere, he was hand-searching, then his toxicity began to increase, increase, increase, at some point it became, but it’s better not to take him anywhere, well, another picture. show, then people somehow react normally, live, what he doesn’t say, he’ll be rude to everyone, well, this has
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already reached the extreme pre-stealing stage, so the summit in switzerland can already get up and leave, although they haven’t sat down to sit down yet, the summit has become empty, from my point of view this is a great success, i would not say directly russian diplomacy, all the healthy forces of the world majority, because all together , by the way, not coordinated, but just everyone. in our own way, we did not allow ourselves to be manipulated and did not allow the summit to be held in support for the actual war against the backdrop of these decisions to escalate the conflict and, in fact , direct nato intervention in attacks on russia, well, it is becoming more and more obvious, and zelensky actually said exactly this, that the world majority is not with them, only the group of the collective west is with them and that’s it, this is the real big world, the world majority, it in no way... supports western policies, this week one of the main events in europe will take place, these are the elections
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to the european parliament, in fact they are already on thursday take place, all opinion polls predict a catastrophic defeat for the current european elite, respectively, the ruling parties in most european countries, and a great victory for the right, including the far-right forces. how do the current european elites react to this? they accuse russia of interfering, that this is what they say. russian interference, strengthens the position of marine le pen, italian rights, and so on and so forth. listen to what the head of the eu diplomatic service, josep borel, said 2 days before the european parliament elections. pro-kremlin platforms are trying not to only pollute the information field in the european union, but tarnish the reputation of the eu in the middle east, the balkans, africa, latin america and asia. all this is done in more than twenty languages. this malicious activity poses a serious security risk. smear campaigns
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against european politicians critical of putin's russia are carried out using bots and other tactics aimed at circumventing algorithms, like other leaders of the european union and its member states, i regularly become target of the kremlin's attacks. we are blamed for all the troubles. sergei sergeevich, this reminded me of the clinton training manual of 2016, coupled with the dementia of barel himself. absolutely. i guess i have a feeling that they can’t at least invent a tricycle, well, at least it would be interesting somehow, but in any case, these are some bright phrases that were said about africa, can you imagine, it turns out that russia did everything for that.. so let's say france discredits itself in africa, no, that is, this is not their policy of absolute tyranny, which they planted on africa, but no, no, this is russia, russia is to blame for everything, and can you even imagine how many russian-speaking or english-language official sme there are now in europe, that is, i can, for example, now using all the freedoms and rights, this is how i register my
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small media outlet, let them start conducting propaganda on the internet, that is, by and large, not propaganda, but stories. simple league of the north, they are not about bureaucracy, they are about real things and real actions, and about the real losses of their business, due to the fact that italy quarreled with russia, we had very warm relations with italy at one time, and we were very much integrated into the italian markets and france. do you think the french are very happy with what is happening now, or every ordinary frenchman
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says: you know, my croissant is now bitter because these evil russians, no, this is what the bureaucrats say, and if... today he says the truthful things, then she she says this not through the mouth of the kremlin, she speaks in the voice of ordinary voters who will come, i hope will vote, and the last moment when they say that the right equals nazis , nationalists, no, these are rather conservatives who value traditional values, i completely agree, well, another reaction of the current european power holders, the current bankrupt european elites to their inevitable defeat in ukraine - their inevitable defeat in the elections to the european parliament and in general in the elections that are taking place in europe, this is again an escalation, on the one hand they accuse russia of interference, they are leading against russia information war, the truth is called russian disinformation, but they also increase the risks of escalation,
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we already talked about one aspect of this escalation at the beginning of the program, there is another aspect of escalation that the french president proposes. there is no consensus among instructors in the west on this issue, the united states says: no, there is no need to send instructors, it is very dangerous, and this is constantly said literally every day, yesterday the united states ambassador to nato julianne smith said it again, let’s listen: nato is not is considering sending alliance advisers to ukraine, this is not currently
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being debated within nato, this is not supported by the secretary general, and the united states is not considering this. and a very important one more indicator that the majority still doesn’t want it and that the okrek came from the united states. poland. poland previously said that it could send instructors to ukraine. radok sekorski, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, recently changed his mind. let's listen to what he said. poland reviewed ukraine's request for training, but we came to the conclusion that it would be safer and more effective to prepare a unit of ukrainians subject to conscription in poland. this will be a more effective way to help ukraine, but does not calm down, in fact, the one who was the first to publicly announce this back in february of this year, immanuel macron, this week again the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the landing in normandy will take place, macron will be there, and biden and zelensky, all the european media are writing that at this meeting macron can
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solemnly announce the decision to send french instructors to ukraine itself. many of the political decisions that zelensky makes are apparently contagious, and macron has contracted this disease, look at how tightly he wants to combine the 80th anniversary of the normandy landings on this day.
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told foreign intelligence that 1,500, which means that french soldiers are being trained, the main one will be a contingent of the so-called french foreign legion, and
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there is no place left in africa, they need to be sent somewhere, some of them in general not citizens of france, they are fighting for this citizenship, well, they will fight, defending interests already on the territory of ukraine, and we know that the locurtin training ground was used for this matter, they trained, now they are going... under the slavic, where they were transferred 16 more new caesar installations, and there are french officers there, by the way, as in the media they say that we are training ukrainians on these machines, somewhere on the side of the road, something else. macron wants to show the whole world that i was not afraid of the evil russians, i am the one on whom you can bet big, make me, please, the leader of nato, and maybe in the european union, he is playing his political game, but... in fact, this power of the revat will end for ordinary frenchmen, for sure, because then there will definitely be an escalation, a direct military clash between russia and nato, because russia will
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strike, naturally, not with nuclear weapons, against french troops on the territory of ukraine, and god forbid france dares to respond to this with strikes on russian territory. here sergei sergeevich, quite rightly called the northern league in italy as that political a force that... the british government has been infecting its citizens with the human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis c for 20 years. risha suna, while the country's prime minister has still apologized for
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what he did. but time has come to an end, and he is attacking the libarists, they are to blame for the emergence of hiv hepatitis in british citizens. money is the main motivator. he is already richer than the king. and the little one will not refuse this pie under any circumstances. and the practice of creating artificial englishmen. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one.
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fayna georgievna, i am very interested in the details of your intimacy with the president. he is a wheelchair user. he was like this just after our first meeting. ranevskaya. look. frame time, yes, beauty is a terrible force, on the anniversary of the poet, pushkin is really not just our everything, but this is something that can be done again, again, understandable to a foreign viewer, something that is also clear to a russian viewer, who will definitely come to the familiar name, the first film based on pushkin was made in 1907, moreover, it was a sound film...
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it’s impossible to believe it, we are in the 21st century we live, they heard my address, there were a lot of loud statements, all the accusations, it was a complete lie. kostya is such a strong person, i don’t know how he managed to pull himself together, well, in general, he calmed me down, they let an employee of the prosecutor’s office into the room of the court assessors, which no one has the right to enter, when the court assessors came out, one young
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girl gave herself away . who cried at the moment when dad was convicted. russian pilot yaroshenko, goodby america, premiere on sunday on the first, it will be hot, what, where, when, summer. series of games on sunday on the first. yang, what are you doing? my god, how many years have passed. unit on the move, fire in a residential building. hello, tamara vitalievna. i think that oleg has already forgiven me. i haven't forgiven. and i won't forgive you. oleg. i need your help, duty officer,
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outsiders in the unit, what happened, it’s because of her, yes, leave him alone, it’s clear, we love each other, let’s not interfere with our business, this is vojta, in russian , i went to finland, already pregnant and didn’t i shouldn’t tell him anything, and that social services also took him away from me. i was accused of suffocating maternal love, he was taken away from me because i loved him very much, one chance for three, premiere from june 10 on the first, oleg, i need you to come with me to finland, claim your rights to your son, what, voita is your son. there's a big game on the air, donald
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trump, who was recently found guilty by a jury of criminal offenses, meaning financial manipulation, well, essentially lying in the area payments and fraud in payments to porn star stormy daniels, which means donald trump is awaiting a court verdict, this verdict should be announced on july 11 in 4 days. before the republican party convention, which should officially nominate donald trump as a presidential candidate, but at the same time another criminal trial is unfolding in the united states, namely against the son of the current president, joe biden , hunter biden, who is accused of hiding his drug addiction when purchasing firearms v in the eighteenth year, according to the law he faces 25 years in prison and a fine of 750 thousand dollars, in
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general, yesterday... in the state of delaware , a panel of jurors was already formed on this issue. sergei sergeevich, well , first of all, it seems to me that these parallel criminal trials show to what extent. accounting, this is just a more serious article, and trump is now being tried under a criminal article, which is also classified as an article, this means that it is like a misdemeanor, because the most serious crime is a, then b, c, d and up to f there is a classification of criminal offenses, the most serious, we know, is
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financial fraud, this is treason, and even murder is classified according to the article, this also happens in america, there are different types of murder, and its classification means that the violations that...
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trump proves this are visible to the naked eye. meanwhile, the united states and israel cannot agree on the authorship of the three-phase plan for a peace settlement in gaza, which the president presented late last week biden, and biden gave a speech in which he presented the israeli plan, yes, usually this is not done in the practice of international relations, they present their own plan, and israel, yes. actually abandoned this plan following the results of several meetings of the israeli government, where the extreme right, bengvir and smotrich, who are part of netanyahu’s coalition , stated that if netanyahu accepts this
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plan, which is, as it were, israeli, then they will leave the government coalition and then netanyahu will lose his premiership and most likely freedom, accordingly netanyahu abandoned this plan, but the united states still calls this plan the israeli plan, how do you interpret all this, what is it, what is happening, but the fact is that i have already said that american policy is at a dead end - this is both in the direction of the kiev regime and in the middle east direction, here they are also confused in their public position and in their, in their real position, what biden voiced, well, hardly any specialists or regional politicians think, that this is a really good plan, but... well, everyone understands that, again, he needs to win time, he manipulates, he needs not to lose some of his voters, everyone understands this, but the mood, oh well, well, at least this way, well, well it’s clear that you’re still doing all this insincerely, well, at least this way, well, well
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, barbarism is going on, but we need to stop this, but then we’ll try to somehow straighten it out, and it turns out that the regional mediators agree, hamas agrees, america and israel are starting argue, it's yours. everyone already has a plan, well, at least we’re somehow ready to come to terms with it plan, no, they argue among themselves, against the backdrop of this the story unfolds, of course, you know, such a betrayal, i would say, everyone thought that america could wipe its feet on anyone, but it didn’t, no, about israel too, they can wipe their feet on every vassal of theirs, unfortunately, we see what the connection with america leads to.
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they will give any of their own from their vassals, so we are witnessing the tragedy that is happening in the region, including with the jewish people, who are paying... his own democratic electorate does not
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support biden because of his policy towards israel, so biden began to talk about a permanent ceasefire, first for 6 weeks, then permanently , but this is unacceptable for israel. netanyahu said that only 42 days and no, that means, a permanent ceasefire, and, of course, the surrender of all hostages, and at the same time israel again.
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it is impossible to land aircraft, which means hezbollah strikes, pushes it back, there is practically a buffer zone on israeli territory, a huge a number of northern settlements have been resettled, today the first reports came from lebanese newspapers that israel warned... that if this does not stop, in 10 days they will begin a military operation in lebanon, that is
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, on june 14 they will go there to push back, and if israel has the forces, the israeli army is compact, we always know that it had to turn around for a short period of a month, complete a task, wind down, this is a long conflict , very difficult from an economic point of view, people there have been pulled out of the economy, drivers and so on further, therefore, and what is most interesting, the plan that biden announced for the gas sector is about... a bug stop, everyone is trying to understand who wants to deceive each other, in the future, what will happen, what will happen next, but for israel it is completely different, they want scorched land, they want to evict so that there is no one there, and the world asks, what about the people, where will the 2 million people go, whom you are like tags, move around the gas sector in the raf, there are bombs in another side, what will happen to them, they are isolated, so the situation is quite serious, it could explode at any moment, and this suggests that not only netanyahu is in the tsukzwang, but also...
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the united states of america themselves are in the tsukzwang, and this will finally bury the remnants of global hegemony. we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 17:00, don't miss it. to the poet's anniversary. my friend, let’s dedicate our souls to our homeland, our beautiful impulses. hello, time for news, first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. a promising region with a deep history, the president invited the first vice-speaker
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of the federation council andrei turchak to lead.


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