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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  June 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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camp and the fourth, and maybe even the third reich, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's take the floor to the news, the big game returns at 11:00 p.m. believe me, when a swarm of magazines flies around you blinder than mosquitoes, don’t reason, don’t waste polite words, don’t mind writing impudent noise, neither logic nor taste, dear friend, there is no way to humble their stubborn, angry mouth. but suddenly swing them and slam them with a nimble epigram for the poet’s anniversary. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main ones subject. decrees. president andrei turchak became
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the acting head of the altai republic, a proposal vladimir putin voiced at a meeting via videoconference. what parting words were given? meter by meter into the depth of the enemy’s defense. details of the combat work of our military during the day from the ministry of defense. and we move towards the most difficult goal, the city of chasov yar. report from the front line. verbal escalation, and what next? france is losing touch with reality, planning to officially send its military instructors to ukraine. in italy macron is already severely besieged. the head of our foreign ministry touched upon a resonant topic during his trip to the congo. under the medieval arches in the famous nesvezh castle in belarus, meetings of the eurasian intergovernmental council take place. key statements by mikhail mishustin. the outstanding
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polar explorer, hero of russia, deputy of the state duma of the seven convocations in moscow said goodbye to artur chelingarov. first, about important personnel changes. vladimir putin appointed first vice-speaker of the federation council, secretary of the general council of united russia, andrei turchak, acting duties of the head of the altai republic.
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i will do everything to enlist their support during the election campaign, and i will make every effort to really truly reveal the rich potential of the altai republic, this unique russian region, thank you for your trust and would like
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a deep history, very interesting, as i already said at the beginning of our conversation, good development potential. we will talk about this, we will definitely talk about it separately and much more substantively than the first conversation ours is with you on this matter. i wish you good luck; of course, in the months ahead before the elections, you need to work in the most active way on the territory, work with people. previously, the post of head of
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the altai republic was held by oleg khrakhordin for 5 years. this morning he announced his resignation due to a transfer to another job. now there is information about the progress of the special operation, as our ministry of defense said, dnepr units shot down a ukrainian su-25 attack aircraft, and nato equipment was also destroyed, including two american howitzers. fighters from the north continue to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defenses, three counterattacks of the assault groups are rejected. the groups of the south and center have improved the tactical situation in their areas, where the ukrainian armed forces suffer the greatest losses per day, up to 900 militants, and about one and a half thousand in all directions. our military is successfully advancing towards the most difficult target, the city of chasov yar. now the battles are going on for the village of kalinovka. the control zone is expanding step by step. the sun's most powerful non-nuclear weapon is in action. the operation of this formidable machine has become even more
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advanced, a new smart system has been created guidance from an editorial report by dmitry kulko. stands on a hill and attack aircraft have to climb an inconvenient slope when going on the attack, get up from here like this , take a high-rise building, it’s a little easier to walk, now afyar is a very strongly fortified position, new systems, trenches, basements, high-rises, whatever you say, there will be victory behind us, as the two hundred are afraid of us, the soldiers of the two hundredth guards motorized rifle brigade walked the heroic path from marenka to artyomovsk. they say they had to change tactics under the sentry, the number of drones the enemy's kamikaze has increased by multiples, our drone detector does not stop, this squeaking noise is annoying, the small antenna, yes, there are 500 m, somewhere nearby, that is, we have to constantly watch, make sure that nothing arrives. despite powerful resistance,
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the attack aircraft were able to liberate most of kalinovka the day before and make their way along the central street to the seversky donetsk-donbass canal. this greatly complicates the enemy’s position on the northern flank of chasovo. stormtroopers now expand their area of ​​control, often when two or three houses are taken, the enemy is fleeing, yesterday two machine gunners settled in a house, our poultry workers worked out two firing points, successfully, our attack aircraft occupied the house, it is difficult to determine the firing points, in kalinovka the militants can stay hidden from cover for several days so as not to get hit strikes from our drones, during rotation they are in full view, our drone operator begins bombing, giving the ukrainian armed forces the opportunity to gather forces for a counterattack, now even crews of rocket launcher systems are striking in the area of ​​​​the settlement of kalinovka, by position militants who fortified the seversky donbass just beyond the canal, a full package, 40 shells.
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the forest plantation behind the canal is shaken by a series of explosions, the attack is carried out over an area, this demotivates the personnel, and the enemy’s artillery also often works. but the enemy, in principle , retreats, and these installations cause panic horror among the militants: the sunburnt is the most powerful non-nuclear weapon, it works at night, even bunkers built along the canal cannot save the enemy from thermobaric charges, the hot cloud penetrates into any shelter, it’s clear that the militants are hunting for these monsters, but the crew manages to work in just 2 minutes, all thanks to the newly created smart guidance system, you come, it’s for you... it hits your point itself, it takes about 15 seconds to aim the package at the target rate of fire and maneuverability are the advantages of our modern t-80 bvm tanks, enemy equipment is spotted, they move out and operate from a closed firing position,
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sofyar launches so many drones in the sky that the time from detection to hitting the target. reduced to a minimum and almost impossible to covertly supply reserves, rotate personnel or carry out. the platoon commander with the call sign raha is only 22 years old, all his subordinates are three crews, the older ones are experienced, but the young officer quickly gained respect. the soldiers say that the commander knows many nuances in the tactics of modern combat, although he just came from school, graduated from the kazan tank. the teaching methods were changed and they began to teach based on the experience of conducting a special military operation, subordinates understand that you know this, you can do this do, they also... one might say, they kind of take an example, or even at a young age, how is a new commander for you? although he is young, he is very inquisitive, firstly, he clings to everything, he needs to know everything, with him, and anywhere, he is a very good commander, and the goal ahead is not easy: a fortified city, also fenced off
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by a canal, hours, dmitry kulko, andrey podgornov and ilya repnin, channel one. today in moscow, on the international day of innocent children. victims of aggression, more than 2.0 activists of the young guard of united russia and volunteer company held actions. they went to the embassies of thirteen countries that support the kiev regime. the participants brought it with them. photographs of minors who died from barbaric shelling; such crimes have no statute of limitations; all perpetrators will be punished, activists of the movement emphasized. the president of france, according to foreign media reports , may officially announce the sending of his military instructors to ukraine as early as this thursday. the fact that they have been present there for so long is a well-known fact, that is, according to in essence, macron is going to legalize the presence of the french in the combat zone. put on a mask and go to the battlefield yourself, the italian deputy prime minister suggested to the french leader, that
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western instructors do not have immunity from russian strikes, the press secretary of our president emphasized today. dmitry peskov spoke about the upcoming conference on ukraine in switzerland. more and more countries refuse to participate in it. according to peskov, they simply understand that discussing ukraine without russia is absurd and fruitless. conference in switzerland. neither nothing more than an attempt to hold on to the collapsing anti-russian bloc. sergei lavrov spoke about this in congo. this year marks 60 years since our countries established diplomatic relations. as part of the working trip, negotiations with the president of the congo and the head of the congolese foreign ministry. lavrov also commented on france’s bellicose statements regarding the sending of its instructors to ukraine. our correspondent anatoly lazarev knows what else was discussed. the town of oee is located in the republic of congo. far from the equator and far from the capital of the country, and this means, it would seem, from big politics too, but this is where the residence of the head
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of state is located, so to discuss russian-congolese relations, sergei lavrov flew to oio. the day before, sergei lavrov held his first negotiations with the head of the congolese foreign ministry immediately after landing strap in the airport building. sometimes we communicated without an interpreter. jean-claude gkaso has a special connection with russia, he is a graduate of jourf kaliningrad state university, for popularizing russian culture and the russian language in the congo, he was awarded the pushkin medal. congo is located in central africa, in the west it borders with gabbon, in the northwest with cameroon, in the northeast with the central african republic, a neighbor in the southeast and the democratic republic of the congo, in the south angola, its exclave, in the southwest it is washed by the atlantic ocean. this year in russia the congo celebrates exactly 60 years of the establishment of diplomatic relations. this, as well as many other topics, primarily military cooperation in the fuel and energy sector, became the subject of discussion between the president of the congo and the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs. affected.
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as for the swiss conference, we do not understand why russia was excluded from participation in it; we ask the question: is
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this a conference about peace. negotiations must be conducted between the two main parties to the conflict, and at the same time we cannot ignore the fact that russia has nuclear weapons. it seems to me that those who send weapons to ukraine are not supporters of peace, quite the opposite. these are the people who are literally pushing us towards global conflict. the west is using ukraine as instrument of the fight against russia, is increasingly drawn into the conflict, as they say. there are many specific facts that they are already working in ukraine, no matter who they are listed as members of the french armed forces or if they are simply mercenaries, they represent an absolutely legitimate target for our armed forces. they asked lavrova about the situation with scott ritter, a former american intelligence officer and now a critic of washington’s position, whom
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the us authorities removed from the plane when he was about to fly to russia to participate in the st. petersburg international economic forum. this is just another example that the united states, which calls itself the leader of democracy throughout the world, has long ago become a police state. there was a message that scott ritter. will go to court in connection with the violation of his constitutional rights will continue to seek the exercise of his right to travel to the countries where he wants and also for your piggy bank from the plane that flew to russia former us supreme court judge andrew napolitan was also removed, but i want also pay attention to such a systemic issue, representatives
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of africa just asked us questions: you work here, you can work in any country. your colleagues from russia have already been banned in almost the entire european union, draw conclusions about where democracy is, where there is a police state, where who is or is not put on a plane, where who is allowed to say what he wants. i am very pleased to be in a free country called the republic of the congo. immediately after the negotiations, the plane with the tricalor on the wing again gained altitude. working trip of sergei lavov to countries in africa continues. today is the second day of the working visit of the head of our cabinet to belarus. the center of attraction is nesves. it is in this small town with a population of just over 15 thousand people with a rich history that the famous nesvizh castle is located. it was there that the meeting of the eurasian
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intergovernmental council took place. the weight of the eac on the world stage is growing; it is necessary to expand ties with others. organizations of the cis, sco, brix and more. mikhail mishustin called for this. the main statement in oleg shishkin’s report. meeting of the intergovernmental council of the ias took place 100 km from minsk in the nesvish nature reserve museum. lithuanian princes began building this castle at the end of the 16th century. it is included in the unesco world heritage list. about 400,000 tourists visit this museum every year. medieval vaults give the meeting a special solemnity. the yaas education agreement was signed 10 years ago. during this time, the union has stepped far forward; economic growth figures confirm the creation of a common market based on four freedoms: the movement of goods, finance, and labor services has benefited our countries. with since the creation of the union, the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled, agricultural production by more than a quarter, and industrial production by more than 20 percent. in the current quarter, these two indicators added
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about another 15-5%, respectively, and according to the results of last year, there were a lot of... sanctions against russia and belarus, which must be resisted together, the belarusian prime minister is sure, by developing joint projects in various spheres of the economy. our cooperation is built on an equal basis, taking into account the interests of each state, regardless of on scale and economics. industrial. cooperation is an area in which we simply must find common projects for interaction. joint work in this direction is not just aimed at ensuring technological sovereignty, it is a guarantee of the economic security of our countries. we look forward to further substantive and effective efforts to implement the belarusian initiative of the eurasian electric bus pilot project. belarus, for its
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part, creates all the conditions for cooperative interaction between industrial enterprises for the production of a joint product under. eurasian brand. the eec's experience in creating a common market for reducing barriers to trade will be in demand in other international associations. over fifty technical regulations have been approved, which cover about 85% of products on the common market, which is very important for the supply of high-quality, reliable goods to citizens and for simplifying mutual trade. such mechanisms need to be developed, and members of the commonwealth of independent states and others need to be involved in them. countries with which our economic ties are strong. there are plans for mutual recognition of digital signatures - this will significantly simplify the conclusion of contracts and speed up customs procedures. viyas is developing trade on marketplaces; for example, he ordered a product in the russian segment of the internet, but received it, say, in kyrgyzstan, on the contrary. at the end of last year , changes were made to the customs code of the union, which significantly
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simplified both the purchase of goods on online platforms and their subsequent registration. well, now we are faced with the task of agreeing on an international an agreement on a unified customs transit system so that other states can join the already formed union system. formally , armenia is chairing the yes this year, but instead of nikol pashinyan, his deputy came to belarus, but azerbaijan, which is not a member of the union, but is actively developing economic relations with our countries, is represented at the meeting at the prime minister’s level. in addition, its favorable geographical location makes azerbaijan an extremely attractive partner for creating international transport corridors, north-south. east-west, through which our trade flows will go to the middle east and southeast asia. the meeting was attended by the prime minister of uzbekistan, one of the key countries on the transport route from belarus to pakistan. russia supports this project. and we understand that if it is implemented , russia will also have better opportunities to enter the market of such a densely populated
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country as pakistan, of course india and afghanistan, this is also an important country in the region and we understand this. about the international weight of ias the number of people willing to cooperate with our countries also speaks for itself. a free trade agreement is already in place with vietnam and serbia, and relations with vietnam are actively developing. china is working on agreements with egypt, the united arab emirates and indonesia. negotiations are underway with mongolia. it is expected that iran will become another observer state by the end of the year. the parties have already expressed interest in developing cooperation. olek shishkin, vyacheslav chereshka, timofeevsky, olga gerosimenko, boris kaminov, channel one belarus. moscow said goodbye to artur chelengarov, a legendary man, an outstanding polar explorer, a hero of russia, a state duma deputy from seven convocations. the funeral ceremony took place in the cathedral of christ the savior, it was attended by colleagues, friends, famous politicians, artists, athletes, and arthur nikolaevich was buried at the novodevichy cemetery with military honors.
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those who came to see chelengarov off on his last journey said that he was a truly great scientist, dived to the bottom of the arctic ocean, and did a lot for the resumption of year-round navigation along the northern sea route, wrote more than fifty works, and also participated in the most complex rescue operations. arthur nikolaevich was 84 years old. he really visited the most dangerous places on the globe, not because of some idle curiosity; being a scientific researcher who devoted all his strength to his favorite work, we will remember, because the feats he performed will undoubtedly go down in the history of our fatherland. he invested part of his soul. development of our russian parliamentarism, having been elected to first convocation, and having walked with us all 30 years
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of the path that our modern russia has traveled. for everyone, artur nikolaevich, an example of how to live, how to love the country, the amount of damage from cybercrime in russia since last year has exceeded. 210 billion rubles. this was announced today by the head of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev. during a meeting of the department's board dedicated to the issue of combating it crimes. according to the minister, the share of such illegal actions has increased significantly, and the main question is how to warn citizens from new tricks of attackers? irina kuksenkova for more details. the board of the ministry of internal affairs today was entirely devoted to crimes in the it sphere. head of the department vladimir kolokolts. announced statistics: the number of cybercrimes has increased by a third since 2020. most of the victims were among pensioners. it is easiest to rob older people,
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telephone and computer scammers admit during interrogations. last year, half a million people suffered from them, almost every fourth of whom were pensioners. already in this more than 40,000 elderly citizens became victims of various tricks of criminals. the amount of damage caused is significant; in total for 2023 4 months of the current year it exceeded 210 billion rubles. behind the dry numbers there are personal tragedies. the amount stolen by cyber fraudsters is cosmic. pensioners are cheated out of their last savings, sometimes driving older people to extremes. often call centers are located abroad, but there are intermediaries and so-called cashers. who withdraw money from their accounts are, as a rule, citizens of russia, as noted vladimir kolokoltsev, among them, unfortunately, the majority are young people. one of these groups, the participants aged from 19 to 23 years old,
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was neutralized by operatives of the ministry of internal affairs for st. petersburg and the leningrad region. fraudsters were looking for citizens who provided them with their bank cards, where the stolen funds were transferred, and then cashed out, after which the money was sent abroad.
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despite the decline in the share of communication using spoof telephony, similar facts cannot be completely ruled out. criminals are looking for other ways deception, use so-called simboxes, as well as the capabilities of virtual automatic telephone exchanges. people lose their savings as a result of the activities of fictitious brokerages. platforms, crypto exchangers, shadow marketplaces. in conclusion, vladimir kolokoltsev summed up that employees of the ministry of internal affairs not only fight cybercriminals, but also tell citizens how to avoid becoming victims of digital scammers. and this work is no less important than investigating it crimes. irina kuksenkova, evgenia stefanchuk and sergey nashchokin, channel one. the latest scientific achievements in the field of cardiology and...
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the latest approaches in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases are discussed today in moscow. among the participants in the scientific and practical conference cardiology on the march are russian and foreign specialists, scientists and doctors, including colleagues and students of the outstanding cardiologist evgeniy chazov, the leading cardiac center he created in our country. the topic will be continued by alexander lyakin. how are you feeling? i feel good. lyubov viktorovna was admitted to the chazov cardiology center soon. straight from the metro, where she became ill, it’s good that they managed to quickly bring her to have a stenting operation, only a small puncture remained on her arm, in two days she will go home to yuzhkoral, the doctors at the clinic are very wonderful, very nice, all the medical staff, i thank gentlemen, why did i get here, stenting or, in other words , coronary ageoplasty is the most common intervention for coronary heart disease, this was discussed today at a conference of cardiologists, which is taking place at the chazov scientific center.
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interventional, of course, in general, arrhythmology is always developing very well , there is room for improvement, but we have practically no queue as such for these surgical interventions, the most important thing is that we identify heart and vascular diseases in a timely manner, the most important thing is that people apply in a timely manner still remain the main cause of death in the world in our country, and in russia the main cause of death. these are
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diseases of the cardiovascular system, it reaches 60% in different years, but in all recent years it has been above 50%, so the treatment of these diseases, in my opinion, it is of fundamental importance for demography. the minister of health also spoke about the importance of cardiology; he addressed the conference participants via video link. over the past 5 years , the material and technical base has been significantly strengthened. regional vascular centers and primary vascular departments, more than 25,000 units of modern medical equipment for diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases were put into operation. in connection with the new decree of the president of the russian federation on national development goals russian federation for the period up to the thirtieth year for the thirty-sixth year, the task has been set to achieve an increase in life expectancy to 78 years by
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the year 30 and to 81 years by the thirty-sixth year, here at the conference cardiologists have the opportunity to find out in a few minutes what their colleagues spent many months of clinical research, no professional secrets, experience is the most valuable thing that can be gained at such meetings, but in the meantime, cardiologists are discussing their problems in the conference room, very close behind their colleagues work like a wall in the operating rooms of the chazov center, every day the hearts of one and a half dozen patients get another chance. alexander lyakin, roman mikhalenko, nikita. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program "time will tell." hello.


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