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tv   Shou Vovana i Leksusa  1TV  June 6, 2024 12:00am-12:46am MSK

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russia said that it will have to answer for everything, it will do it, when it needs to be done, i think the supreme commander-in-chief will make a decision, well, this is absolutely natural, but as a gambler i want to say that poker is a smart game, it seems to me that the americans are all- unfortunately, they play roulette more now, although everyone suspects us, russian roulette, you know that this is our sport of cards, in fact they play roulette, roulette is much more unpredictable and independent.
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in my opinion, there is no doubt about this he did not have the feeling of that permissiveness that we see from the american president, his entourage, we go out for advertising, and then we will talk about how the supply of new american and other nato weapons, how they can actually help ukraine, and what this means for the duration of this entire war.
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let's go to advertising, klaus schwab, president of the world economic forum and one of the most mysterious figures in world politics. schwab is the master who rules the whole world. ukraine has no way to win. and we will face a coalition of russia and china. the first alliance that irritated me very much was the alliance of schröder, chirac and putin. you need to use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants, a - weapons and b - access to the european union, wonderful, use zelensky to promise him.
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vavan and lexus show, premiere, today on the first. ranevskaya, final episode, tomorrow after the program time. the big game is on the air, these last deliveries from washington, from brussels. well, just recently from berlin, to what extent should we be are concerned that these weapons will now be in ukrainian hands, what should we do in response, first, we will of course improve our air defense systems, we will destroy them, second, we are thinking about the topic
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that if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons into the combat zone. of course, such actions will be final, they have now reached the highest degree of degradation, but they will completely destroy international relations and will undermine international security, ultimately, if we see that these countries
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are drawn into a war against us, and this is their direct participation in the war against the russian federation, then we reserve the right to act in a similar way, well... on june 4 , 2023, the ukrainians began their so-called offensive, in fact, at the cost of incredible losses human losses, losses in equipment, extremely insignificant successes were achieved, in october the offensive finally fizzled out and... so far russia has successfully returned all these territories, advanced even further, precisely seeing our successes, going, albeit wrong quickly, as we probably would have liked, but nevertheless, crushing the ukrainians along the entire front,
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it became clear that our tactical successes could soon turn into operational successes, yes, the ukrainians, their western curators, realizing this, decided , so to speak,
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the west is different and firstly, of course, we must continue to look for cracks in this alliance, we are doing this, and they themselves are doing this, because obviously the interests cannot coincide 100% in such a large conglomerate, but some of them, so to speak, continue to live in a glass house, and at the same time they throw stones, well, here is the most striking example, in my opinion:
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thinking that in this way, today it will be able to put together some new, under its leadership, ontanta, while great britain itself, a country in a permanent state of half-life, taking into account the movements in scotland, northern ireland and so on. of course, i don’t think it’s realistic to discuss the landing of our troops or.
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actively represented abroad in those countries where not everyone is happy about their presence, we can push with our sides, to support those forces that oppose the american presence. we can finally arm, just as they arm the ukrainians, so that they can harm us, arm those who are actually waging a declared or undeclared war with the westerners, with... the states, with everyone else, this is a palette of possibilities, that we have, and i’m sure
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a lot of other things can be added to it, and this is all being discussed, it’s quite possible, that’s what seems very important to me, that you shouldn’t think that you are untouchable, that you really are bunker, you are in a glass house, and if you are in a glass house, then you don’t need to throw stones, they can come back and break your windows, firstly, i agree with this 101%, secondly, i also think that we should be this kind of table, be very careful in making specific recommendations, because the more i know, the more i understand that almost everything has a back country, that almost everything has to be paid for, and not only with money, but also with some kind of troubles for you, your most beloved, for your people, for your savings. but i think that we, it seems to me, must really understand and recognize two
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things: first, if you allow nato to continue to have a sense of untouchability, they will not stop, we will not get away with some tactical concessions, they will seek a real strategic victory, which would be a disaster. for the russian people and for the russian statehood, the second thing i think is that we must admit that we have a lot of opportunities that we have not yet used. and i'm sure that where this should be engaged, they are compiling a catalog of these opportunities, and some of them can be very risky, and some are generally safe, and some, well, let’s say, the time has come for them, well , for example, with regard to bridges across the dnieper, and
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by the way there are there are also bridges across the thames, and there are beautiful bridges, as i said... head, but i must admit, i am more cautious about this idea, when i realized, when those who are professionally involved in this explained to me, that this could cause a big displeasure not only in new york, london, but also beijing and newdelhi. that is why i believe that there are some decisions that must be made by
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the supreme commander-in-chief, not only and not so much because of. hierarchy, but simply because it is necessary to make such complex decisions responsibly, there must be a completeness of the picture, of course, we’ll go to advertising, after that we’ll talk about how russia can combine its normal development with this situation, when so much depends on the situation on the line of contact , i will turn to you, senator, care advertising. st. petersburg international an economic forum under the patronage and with the participation of the president of the russian federation, one of the largest and most significant business
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events in the world. the most important platform for exchanging experiences and discussing key issues. global economy, a unique space for dialogue with the participation of individuals who determine the path of economic development. twenty-seventh st. petersburg international economic forum, all the most important things at the first. who can, with one hand behind his back, drink the entire glass? now we will drink champagne. let's shoot ourselves, union of salvation, film premiere in russia's day is on the first. the senator had a very interesting and significant week with the president, he talked a lot about the special operation,
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talked a lot about how important it is to win, but he i... also paid a lot of attention to maintaining normal life in the country, and moreover, increasing attention to social benefits, to social justice, but to the fact that, in general, what makes life in russia so attractive is that it deservedly gives the president the support of the overwhelming majority of the russian people, here’s how to combine these two things, how to combine? of course, these two things are difficult, especially when there is a war, in fact, a special military operation, it is still a war, but nevertheless, our president understands that the slightest decrease in the standard of living of the population, or a slowdown in economic growth will always have a negative impact, moreover , our
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defense capability depends on economic growth, so it is not in vain that putin pays great attention to how much he spent. after his inauguration, a meeting with the government, with scientists, with specialists, because he understands how important everything is ensure, by the way, i want to say that during the great patriotic war, we understand how much time stalin devoted to working with body workers, with machine builders, with aircraft designers, because he understood that the future depended on it, i think that you you know, over these 2 years , even somehow our mentality has changed significantly for the better, if at first i perceived a special military operation, especially young people, somehow differently, well, somewhere somewhere, now already...
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what to do knows best is the main thing is our high command, but let’s say for me, i already said in your studio, it is absolutely clear that until we cut off this regime from the black sea, we have problems with our black sea fleet, problems with crimea will continue until we cut off our enemies from our belgorod region, kurbsk region, there will also be problems, and... our enemies also understand this perfectly well, why they are so intensively transferring all their forces and means to kharkov in order to stop us, but
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the only thing that makes me happy is that there is in ukraine, after all, not everyone is nazis, far from all, there are a lot of good people there who are really intimidated, and who, i assure you, if russian soldiers come there, will be with great pleasure -
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more than once there for a very, very long time, but i read a lot about the state of the ukrainian armed forces, and some kind of behind-the-scenes struggle in the ukrainian
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government. now there is a possibility that, let’s say, as a result of all these brutal captures of men, now also women, in ukraine, in order to forcibly mobilize them, the defeat of the ukrainian armed forces. russia's strategic defeat and sold it not only to its western curators, but also sold it to its society, so when the counterattack did not work out, and after
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russia threw back its offensive, we see a strong, very demoralization of ukrainian society in ukraine. we know that the zelensky regime, until may 1, legally did not conscript people from large cities under the age of twenty. 5 years, well, that is, the most developed strong, yes, male population, fearing, apparently rightly, that these, so to speak, passionate people may, so to speak, react negatively to an attempt to recruit them into the army, and one more thing that came to my mind is my communication with ukrainians before the start of a special military operation and before the return of crimea to their homeland, now more such possibilities. the project will be
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successful, then these people will joyfully feel russian, but if, for one reason or another, the russian project is not successful or will not be successful enough, then they will happily jump with their forelock and call themselves as ukrainians. i am not introducing a value judgment into this, this is really so, now , during a special military operation , this ukrainian myth is being created, yes, it is being created, if before that there were no prerequisites for the creation... of the ukrainian nation, now they have appeared, just like that the same as - 400 years ago there could be no talk of any norwegians, they were subjects of the swedish crown, but then, due to a number of reasons , a certain norwegian identity crystallized. konstantin perovich, there was one statement from biden during this strange - an interview that seemed
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very reasonable to me, huh.
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germany and the united states, obviously, my colleague ruslan pukhov spoke about a double creation, many in ukraine, in fact it has its own name, flotant consciousness, when you simultaneously feel like the son of two peoples, ukrainians and russians, for example, it was celebrated throughout period of ukrainian independence, but not everywhere, of course, because
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ukraine. itself is sewn from different weasels, there is western ukraine - one story, there is eastern ukraine - another history, but what does this mean in practice in terms of our goals and ongoing struggles? the fact is that we are essentially talking about a civil war when it comes to ukraine. when we talk about confrontation with the west, we are talking about another war, a domestic one. and when it comes to ukraine, we are talking specifically about elements of civil war. and so we must understand.
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i would even say that now we must establish a special program in order to ensure that those who want to evade mobilization, those who fled to europe and those who today are driven back, we would host them, provided, of course, there are security guarantees that they will not bring them with them, thank you, unfortunately. this, from my point of view, was a very wise statement that when you are fighting, especially a civil war, you must think not only about how to win during military operations, but also how to get the political result for which you are fighting. it was a great game, we'll see you on the air tomorrow.
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for the poet's anniversary, shouldn't we laugh yet? their hand hasn't warmed up, shouldn't they separate? in a loving way, but wildly secular enmity is afraid of false shame. klaus schwab, president of the world economic forum and one of the most... mysterious figures in world politics. he is accused of a maniacal idea of ​​​​building a global society of digital slavery, where the will of the people will be suppressed and controlled by the world elite. for more than 50 years , every year he has gathered heads of state to secretly determine how they should live their lives. he
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believes that family is a relic of the past, and people who refuse to merge with artificial intelligence will soon discover that they have no place in society. what is this man hiding? what secret negotiations are being held regarding ukraine? we'll ask him about it in person today on the vavan and lexus show. let me introduce our guests today. today with us is journalist thomas röper, professor at the ranhix institute of public administration, doctor of economics, vladimir osipov. political scientist and ex-assistant to the bundestag deputy vladimir sergienko, political scientist-americanist, expert on us domestic politics, malik dudakov. hello friends, let's get started. recently died former us secretary of state henry kessinger, he was 100 years old, but we managed to talk to him
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before his death to learn some diplomatic secrets, but among the world elite there is another closed personality, around whom there are no less conspiracy theories, this is klaus schwab, the founder and permanent one. president of the world economic forum in davos, spoke to us, thinking that he was communicating with his old friend, and the french economist and political activist jacques athalie. we decided to discuss, precisely with mr. schwab, that he thinks about ukraine, and how to resolve the military conflict? i first heard about him and first met him in 1967, when i was studying at what is now called the kennedy school at harvard university, met him as a professor, and at that time i had a relatively personal relationship with him because we both have a very
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bad german accent in english, after so many years in the states, so i was one of the first german ones. one of those individuals who could see, let's say, not only short-term crises and problems that we have to deal with, but also had the ability to put
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everything into a broader context and conceptualize longer-term, strategic goals. so even his position in relation to russia, in relation to other countries , was always for his country. yeah, sure, i mean, he became a us citizen and served the government, so he had to protect the interests of his country, but i think he always had a global perspective in mind. just look. its huge, especially if you look at it from the point of view today, if you look at his great commitment to europe, i think his main contribution to history was the beginning
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of the relationship between the us and china, our discussions every year in my honor we have a big dinner from lali waymood. she is one of the washington post journalists, actually the daughter of katharine graham, who was part of the founding family of the washington post. who is klaus schwab? and why is there so much conspiracy theory around his name? schwab has always been an illusionist, i think from the very top. that is, he has the first discovery of his worldwide forum, well, the congress, who opens the son, the last one there is the eldest son of the last emperor of austria, you understand, that is, this is important for him. if we look at the nato command in general, at the first heads of military committees. where were they from? from germany? everyone understands perfectly well. yes, and
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the secretary of state, first assistant to the first chancellor conor adenaur, was one of those who, as a lawyer, was involved in the writing of the zarasky law of the year thirty-five, there were just a ton of examples there. and plus we must not forget that schwab, of course, he created such a forum, he managed to invite famous, prominent people, so let's tell our viewers what participation is, yes - practically. well, yes , but look, this is of course a really funny story, yes, because well, klausch schwab, yes, he studied, then he taught, yes, in my opinion, in surich, then at one moment he decided to somehow create such an annual gathering for representatives of big business, yes, if i’m not mistaken, it was the seventy- first year, yes, initially there was a congress, then it turned into such an economic forum, then, of course, it all began to take political shape, now, as we see, yes, the world economic forum in davos and... representatives of
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various companies from all over the world, and their total capitalization is in the trillions of dollars, that is, they are very giants, and at the same time, well, i think that since about the nineties, the annual forum has already turned into not just a gathering to come, chat, conclude some kind of agreements, and economic contracts there , everything else, but it has already begun to acquire some kind of political forms, that is, to advance a certain agenda, but in general does he have this forum himself now?
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this group, by the way, there is also a curious point, that even his colleagues
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accuse klaus schwab of having a god complex, so he considers himself smarter than 99% of the entire world population, and does not want to leave the position of head dodovsky forum, although he is 90 years old, is already hinting to him that it’s time to leave, but he doesn’t want to while they keep him, the topic is taboo, the swiss say that this is a taboo, topic talks about who will be the heir, well , because switzerland also lives at the expense of this forum, here is the story with his concept, called the swabian concept of the great... download, which he and other western leaders announced just in covid times, including they were accused of conspiracy theories that this was a population decline, that this was a new world order.
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will you be happy, great reset, what is this schwabian concept? a person is weak and needs to be strengthened, for this you can implant a chip directly into the brain, what elon musk is doing now, absolutely, of course, again, this is not his merit, this is technical development, now i’m just stating a fact, on all these forums there are always several things, that is, a stated agenda and behind-the-scenes discussion, behind-the-scenes discussion is about money , and public ones... this is always the philosophy of development, and of course, the composition there was sometimes very strong, i believe that they have not outlived their usefulness, and most likely his son will replace him, and the future reboot of humanity lies precisely in investment projects, which again on this form will be discussed in secret,
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then the cream of this society will be closed behind closed doors in the beldeber club. investment in chips, reboot, there is another topic that is very important, and... the entire world elite is discussing how to proceed, so we asked the corresponding question to klaus schwab. let's watch the next video. what about his latest speeches regarding russia, regarding china? and he said that it is impossible to return crimea to ukraine. and these were his last performances. was he right or wrong?
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because his position changed during his political life. that is, henry’s position was that we do not need to support ukraine in cases. russia will win, so we must create such a win-win situation, prevent our defeat, he advocated freezing the war, and i sum up all
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the compromises, with this, with this everything should end, but... this is not a question of one year, this is a question of many years . i agree, but i think his main concern is probably his whole life or his political life was to prevent that we could and most likely, as western countries, would face a coalition of russia and china, you see , jacques? that was the reason he opened up the us to china 50 years ago, over 40 years ago, and i think he meant it again, he didn't want this war in ukraine to lead to a strengthening.


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