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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 6, 2024 1:30am-2:21am MSK

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was very complex, but what’s also interesting is that this is how bizarre pushkin’s fate was, at first he just took off, and young pushkin, he was an absolutely iconic figure, everyone read to them, then it felt like pushkin had outgrown his time, outgrown russian society of that time, which began to become disillusioned with the late pushkin, and he felt this bitterness, the cooling of public attention to himself, but he himself did not change to please it, but he seemed to know his own...
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in the period of the revival, for example, here plot paintings, then the theater appears, further than cinema, it goes into another, as if into another development, and now it’s hard for us to imagine, and for, firstly, a cult to be formed from some writer, a writer, namely, a cult, it’s hard for us to imagine that there would be such an influence writer, so that we can talk about relations with the authorities, about something else, so that it can be. a cult figure, that is, times
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have changed, of course, we can now talk about the internet, and about television, and so on, but we are lucky that a cult has formed, that this was a period, it was golden century, that is, not as a christian definition, but it was truly the golden age of russian literature with the cult figure pushkin, you know, i think more about something else, i think this is a man who lived with his problems, relationships. that is , it is clear that if you look at it, he was worried about relationships with the authorities, with those in power, for friends, for money, for women, he lived by our simple human passions, but at the same time he created the whole world in which we are now, oh which we are talking about, 225 years have passed, and we are talking about pushkin, we are interested, and we will talk about it and tell the children, because this is an important part, this is what i often think about. that he was a person, no, of course,
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that’s pushkin as a person, why else do i love all these pushkin museums, these are the exhibitions that are happening now, we have a very interesting exhibition in moscow, dedicated to the pushkin anniversary, you’re so good the exhibition was held in st. petersburg, i’m sure the pushkin mountains in mikhailovsky are also preparing to celebrate this anniversary, so really the slightest detail, it’s no coincidence that you’re walking around moscow, pushkin was here, he was. i may have been passing through there, but it is important for us to put this board up everywhere , something is important in our hearts, that this is plato’s formula, i really love this formula, pushkin is our comrade, he also has words there that pushkin would never leave us ordinary people, this is the understanding, yes, that he really is an absolutely universal personality, and the great intellectuals find a lot in him, they take a lot for themselves, and ordinary people take it for themselves, this is some kind of absolutely such a native and absolutely so, maybe even yesenin. enjoyed the same
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love among the people, but yesenin has this great poem, when he looks at the monument to pushkin and says: i would die now from the happiness of such a fate, but blond, almost whitish in the legends that became like fog, with alexander you were a rake, how i am a hooligan today, and for him pushkin is still an absolute, this is really amazing, of course, and it seems to me that in other cultures it can really be like this universal fig...
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the country and other forms of art comprehend this pushkin word in their own way , they represent it, see it, show it, and we know how many performances, paintings, and films there were. filmed, connected with the name of pushkin, this is of course also very important, also, in general, the subject of our handful of our property, absolutely, and but in general we even have the sheremetiya airport named after pushkin, although it is difficult to say what connection there is, so, but i’m no less pleased, i’m flying to sheremet in the name of pushkin, i feel good, and you know, well for some reason, i have one of the few airports, because sometimes you think, why the name of such and such an airport, you think, okay, they probably know it better here, with pushkin...
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in my opinion, girls, st. petersburg is there, i don’t know , our living room, the village, our office, that is , really a person who saw russia, traveled a lot around russia there, when he wrote the captain’s daughter, when he wrote, well , the fate of pushkin, we all know, southern exile, then pushkin in the crimea, pushkin in the caucasus , that is, that’s all that was probably possible
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traveled when there were no railways, there was nothing, so he saw all this russia, a lot, where he visited, well , as far as i understand, you are also a moscow person, and for you, in general, moscow is like that. if we talk specifically about moscow pushkin, what associations do you have here? listen, firstly, i go to the temple, the great ascension, where pushkincha got married, so at least starting from this, i really love this temple, it’s big, bright, beautiful, this is probably the beginning for me, oddly enough , but a lot, now i’ll think about my temple, i thought that we have a lot of churches, namely, where it is indicated that pushkin was there, that he baptized someone there, there are a lot of such things on the map, although for me pushkin, oddly enough, this is st. petersburg, for me st. petersburg is more connected with pushkin, maybe
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because i studied at school 734, it was such a school of self-determination, it was very popular in its time, we had it.
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this is such a story, it was not a school named after pushkin, it is not connected in any way, just like that our teachers alexander naumchest ubelsky came up with the idea of ​​raising children this way, and i, for example, don’t regret it at all, because again, this love is instilled from the very beginning, that is, from school years, that is, we participated there, starting from first-graders, that is, in these performances, there is always a performance, there is always a ball. i mean, all classes are starting to participate, from the first grade onwards, senior students naturally play the main roles, but there their stars appeared in this, so this is really very an important point is that of course pushkin is so artistic, he is very artistic in the deepest
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sense of the word, so i said that not only scientists are interested in pushkin, but many writers have been involved, here is another person whom i really wanted to remember today, so wonderful pushkinist, on the one hand, a deep scientist, and he was there a leading researcher at the institute of world literature, doctor of philology, a really very serious scientific intellectual, on the other hand, it seems to me. read pushkin the way he read it, yes, that’s all we remember his wonderful programs, how he read and analyzed eugene onegin, the bronze horseman, what amazing interpretations he offered, interpretations understandable to the simplest people, yes, school teachers adored him, i think all smart children adored him, i consider myself like that a smart child, well, it’s true that i met him, i had already finished school a long time ago, but when i listened to him, i really felt like such an inquisitive child who greedily absorbed what... says this man who devoted his whole life to pushkin, and i remember recently with pavel
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basinsky, a wonderful critic, the author of the books alva tolstoy, we talked about this, and bassensky says that how happy is the person who studies pushkin, that ’s all that happened, yes, that’s it , all the tossing of tolstoy, dostoevsky, the silver age, it is clear that all this is terribly interesting, but true happiness is to be a pushkinist, this is true happiness to be engaged in this endless, inexhaustible phenomenon all your life. which may even be scary to do, because, well, everything has already been said, everything has been written, everything is clear, everyone has their own pushkin, we agreed, and yet we still write a lot of dissertations there now , defending theses, well, it’s also unlikely, but everything, everything, everything has been said, everything we understood, every day was completely sorted out, and yet we are still drawn to it, and it’s true that for me it’s a joy to be there, you were talking about st. petersburg, yes, of course, st. petersburg, but i would also like to say about mikhailovsky, because here this is an amazing place. in his destiny, yes, where he was sometimes of his own free will, sometimes against of his own will, sometimes he dreamed of returning there,
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at the end of his life, yes, i planned to escape to a pure monastery, and labors and pure bliss, yes, but it was not destined for him, after all, at the end of his life he was there again, i visited places, but but nevertheless, yes, it’s still a dream to end up in mikhailovsky at the end of my life, and maybe spend my time here. it was there that the years were not destined and st. petersburg became a city that, in general, brought him death, yes, moscow gave him birth, st. petersburg brought him death, and mikhailovskaya or the holy mountains, svyatogorsk the monastery became his resting place, so if we talk about this topic in the pushkin church, then of course we all remember this truly holy place for any russian person, this is pushkin’s grave on the territory of the svyatogorsk monastery. you know, i just remembered something else, entrance exams for theater universities are now underway, there is a secret, reading from pushkin’s poems,
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it’s always advantageous, it seems like it’s textbook, it seems like it’s a school curriculum, but it’s practically a win-win, because the language is like that, you will always find how show yourself in this, i just thought that the applicants are admitted, so let them study. pushkin as well as, for example, for the same thing, when they accept an artist into a theater university, and it is not clear whether it is good or bad that they are asked to read tatyana’s letter, because it is immediately clear, both the attitude to the language and the depth, perception, mastery of words, mastery of oneself, and the ability to tell stories, there are some amazing things in this language, and indeed everyone has their own pushkin, we all have it. we have some kind of relationship with him, and he continues to each of us
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to help out, to support in one way or another, as it seems to me, irony is everywhere, you just talked about tatyana’s letter to konegin, but how he, how he wrote, he cried, probably when he wrote, when we read this, tears well up in our eyes too, but there is so much irony, the letter is written in french, she couldn’t, the russian young lady, the provincial young lady couldn’t, couldn’t express her thoughts on... that the trouble with our modern art of culture today is that irony has practically disappeared, again, not laughing, irony, this is it attitude to life, there is taste in this, and the seductiveness of life, well, yes, and well, as if already completing our program, yes, so we started with
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the fact that pushkin is our everything, the words that apollo grigoriev said, you can probably remember one of the greatest russian poets of the 20th century, alexander blok, who at the very end of his life, a very difficult life too, wrote a poem named after the pushkin house, yes, and it’s also a blog, i don’t remember exactly where, but he formulated it too, for me it seems like a very important understanding when he spoke about the funny name of pushkin, yes, when he said that the gloomy times of generals, emperors, and conquerors would pass, the cheerful name of the cannon would remain.
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they are cheerful, it’s not just done with love, but it’s done with a huge sense of joy, but this joy that pushkin gives us no matter what, even if he is sad, then my sadness is bright, this pushkin joy, especially today for us is needed, but we always need it, but maybe today we need it especially, for this we will say thank you to pushkin, thank you very much for everything you do, for coming to this program, it was a podcast, the life of the wonderful , i was its host, writer, alexey varlamov. a flower withered, earless, forgotten in a book, i see, now my soul is filled with a strange dream, where it bloomed, when, in what spring, and for a long time it bloomed, plucked by someone, a stranger, a friend or by the hand, placed here, why, in memory of a tender date or separation
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by hand, or a lonely walk, in the silence of the fields, in the shade of the forest, and whether he is alive, she is alive. and now, where is their corner, or have they already faded, like this unknown flower? to the poet's anniversary. hello, dear viewers. you are watching the podcast lab with you, its host tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist, psychotherapist psychologist psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, our guest today is love, hello, love, hello, tell us what you came to us with, i came with such a request, he sounds like this: why do i always feel inadequate, inferior in some
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things, despite the fact that there are certain successes in life, there is a happy one. i, my husband and i have been together for 8 years, and we have a successful business, profitable, and at the same time, with everything, looking, yes, social network feeds, some kind of comparison of yourself with someone begins, the feeling that, well , there’s something missing, there’s something you haven’t completed, well, probably, in the language of psychotherapy it’s called impostor syndrome, well, as i understand it, here’s how to work with it, what to do with it, if it’s possible, of course, and... how, what exercises are there, maybe in order to cope with this syndrome, and that it probably worked in favor so that i could use it in some way transform, on the contrary, it helped me and gave me some kind of resource, rather than stealing energy and so on. have you tried not to look at social networks? it’s difficult, it’s difficult, well, you need
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to keep everything under control, and what do you control by browsing social networks? and successes? my friends, well, somewhere i tell myself, i turn on this cartoon, that i am training observation, but i need to watch how people are, like people, well, it seems to me that i need observation, what? observation of content in order to also create high-quality content, because i ’m now involved in such a fashion story as the development of a personal brand, since this helps there more.
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private kindergartens in moscow, well, that is , your business in this sense is in no way connected with social networks, with the story of a personal brand, of course not, although i have stories when people came to my kindergarten because they follow my blog and there in your blog you tell them about what is happening in your kindergartens or what is happening in your personal life, in general i i’m talking more about business, that is, if i look at your blog, at best i ’ll have a question, i don’t know... a question, a thought, a desire, to get to know you, to open a kindergarten, well, most likely to open a business, because any, you say that you have impostor syndrome, how does it express itself then? what is the very idea of ​​​​suffering that i would like to go out, well , i have the business that i have, it’s a franchise, it’s a franchise, that is, in fact
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, i have five kindergartens, but i don’t i am the face of this company, i have a request to sort of open my own, yeah, but there is a huge fear that my own kindergartens or some other business, it doesn’t matter another, another business, and what bothers you? in your impostor syndrome, is it holding me back from moving forward? how, well, here you are sitting now, talking to us, how are you constrained by your impostor syndrome? well, i don’t do anything, i mean, well, i don’t take any steps in order to get this started, let’s call it that, and you understand what steps need to be taken strategically, in general, i understand, well, everything is clear, but everything is according to the same model. built, but i’m very scared that, well , i don’t know if it’s worth saying so so rudely, well, it won’t work, everyone will point
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their finger at me, that this is how she is, it would be better if she sat and worked for uncle, why did she even try to do this, who will say, the people around, well , what kind of people, there are some specific people bothering you, and i was thinking about this, it seems to me, it’s always like... what -that adult parental figures and it seems to me that this is my grandmother, who knows nothing at all about business, yes, who doesn’t even live in this country, and i just always remembered when i moved, when i came to visit my grandmother, i always had a desire for some kind of celebration to be held in my honor, well, i’m so great, and so you understand, this will never... “well, i went to moscow, i achieved results there, well why
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doesn’t she greet me with a loaf of bread, and i’m great, because i did something, yes, because i succeeded, i left, well , grandma always said such things, where i was born, it worked there, well, this is a fairly well-known expression, when i left. she told me that you’ll come back in rags, yeah, you’ll come back anyway, you’ll sit on our necks and so on and so forth, it’s better to sit and don’t go anywhere, but you proved the opposite, you proved the opposite, but there’s no recognition, no, well you did it like - kind of the other way around, not the way she wanted, well, the opposite is true, well, so why admit it to her if she wanted, so that you come back in rags, and you don’t come back in rags, why do you expect that she should? so she has to admit she was wrong? so how? well , yes, but would you like her to admit that she was wrong? why does she need this? how is she? look,
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let’s say your grandmother is now 60 plus, right? 70 plus, well , 70 plus, okay, they added 10 years to her, subtracted it, or rather, she’s sitting there looking, saying: well, you’re only 30, at 45 you’ll come back in rags, you’ll be 45, he ’ll say, well you know how after 50 it makes you cringe life. childhood stories, when, well, i now remember the period when i made some attempts, i really didn’t succeed, and the adults
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said, well, you see, we said, well, it’s not worth trying, and apparently she still has such a rebellious nature, she took top, and i decided to prove something to someone, in fact i understand that... no one cares, but i feel very bad about this, and i suffer from the fact that i do not receive the recognition that i expected that having left for moscow, well, in the end, 10 years have passed since that moment, and i don’t understand where i should go move on, it’s like i’m not expecting this recognition, i have some experience, of course, but what to do next with this is not clear to everyone, that is, you didn’t receive recognition. you will get, well , look how it will develop further, you will take on higher and higher tasks, some large-scale goals, you will move, but you are already living as if
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it were not your own life. well, there is a feeling, yes, that you need to show someone something, show that you have a good life, a good life, a good business, a good husband, although there is a demand for honesty and to be honest, it feels like people don’t want you to be honest, and you show a beautiful picture of your life, how you are driving a cool car, and you don’t have any experiences at all. and what kind of people don’t want you, well, these are your inner circle, these are some friends, nevertheless, i want to understand, this is what i should do next in this life, because there is already some kind of business, but i want something more, i want some kind of greater realization, well, i probably want something maybe to prove to myself that well, i can, you have a good car, well, that suits me, well, i mean, you have a good car, i do, but why are
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you answering me? so what suits you, there are better cars, of course, but i didn’t ask this question, you have the best car, my dear, you have a good good car, yes, but i have a better one, how do you feel, curiosity, what else, interest, compare, but exactly, what does it matter to you what kind of car i have, well, you said that yours is better than mine, i said, i just said, everything is interesting now, but let’s say you satisfy your interest, it turns out that it ’s really better, then what’s next?
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you tell me, it suits me, thus, wanting, well, how to stop my dialogue with you in comparative categories, and you can, by the way, tell where you are from, where you moved to moscow from, from kazakhstan, from kazakhstan, from almaat or smaller, from almaty, let’s agree that you have a pretty good car, i’ll probably be right if... and then they meet you, everyone gathered together, all these residents of this city at the crossroads by chance, here you are, in short, everyone knows you, yes, everyone knows you, where you are from, what kind of dirt you are from, here you are like a prince, yes, your feelings, i want them it’s a pity, but why feel sorry for them, they look at you,
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some are jealous, some are happy. someone might want to let them down, yeah, well , the most normal thing, but probably it’s the ego that right here, i’m a beauty, well, there’s this feeling of pity for them , arrogantly in the sense, yes, arrogance and a certain one, but with i don't want that looking arrogant is not very good, there is some feeling of helping them or something, making money, but in any case. please note, a whole range of feelings and emotions appears, although it would seem, why would they be there, why, uh-huh, well, for what, she, well, it’s not necessary, but i have an assumption that these feelings, they as if they were protecting you, but what if a person, one of these people, asks you, lyuba, how did you buy this car, otherwise here i would say that this is very interesting question, and the story is very
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fascinating, by the way, and you told this story? to be honest, not yet, i wouldn’t tell you, because this is generally a story of great faith, when you have 100,000 rubles. you’re like, yes, i’ll buy myself this car, it doesn’t matter that it costs 3.5 million, and you do it, uh-huh, well, this is the story, but it’s still as if, pay attention, but in this story it’s as if there’s no , your progressive steps, which you can say for sure, look, first, it means i saved up 100,000 rubles, that was enough. on there, i'm not i know, for the first payment, let’s say yes, then i thought that i would be paying a loan for this car for 7 years, and for this i realized that i needed to increase my income, and for this i opened another kindergarten when i i realized that this is not enough, i realized that it is necessary to open a third kindergarten, well, that is, and you would tell the system directly, the fact is that the impostor complex often arises in people who cannot explain their success, well, it seems to me that i'm lucky, it's true, i have this story that, well, i just have
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magical. i’m an opera singer, i’m just working here part-time, it’s like this, in fact i’m an opera singer, well, i ’m going to convince you that i’m an opera singer, where does the impostor complex come from, i ’ll have an impostor complex if suddenly someone... someone will believe you and say sing, that’s when i’m on stage, probably
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at this moment, but i’m not going to sing, i’m just telling you that i’m an opera singer or conductor, it doesn’t matter yes, so no, if you have an impostor complex, this is a good sign that tells you that you are not an impostor, i wonder if i can show you? quantify some of your successes in order to confirm that it is really deserved, just like that, because i remember there was a period in kindergarten when, well, there really was no money to pay a salary,
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i had a chain that was given to me, and i pawned it in a pawnshop in order to somehow cover my obligations to employees, and of course, when you remember these stories, you think, well, how could i... he feels confident in this, but if you you will see all the milestones that you passed along this path in relationships, in business, the decisions that you made, you will see that this is actually the result about the relationship you asked, i think, i don’t know how to answer, well, i’m just
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lucky, my husband is cool, and even there is no understanding , there may not be a very good relationship, yes, that is, i have no concept of understanding some kind of algorithm, that is, where you sometimes need to remain silent, yes, but this is objective. there were moments when you make some wise decision, which later helps there to save, for example, a marriage, so that’s what you need to figure out, you have, let’s call it bluntly, yes cases, you have such successful cases that you just need to sort it out like this using this algorithm and then you won’t need approval either grandmothers, no one from the outside, then most likely you will have a question, do you need ... this large-scale business is your own or what you have now is what you really want and in general is that what you are doing, is this what you want, what makes you really happy, moreover, how about
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whatever you think, the second part i wanted to say, the first one is about the fact that impostors do not have an impostor complex, the second simple thing i said, two things to remember, the second one is just like you we came to this, to digitize our experience, well, conditionally. yes, digitize it, if they wake you up tomorrow night and ask you, like, how did you become who you became there, let’s say, yes there, why do you live in moscow and not in almaat, why do you live like this, and not like this, there there is a very important point that even in as a child, i never agreed with where i was, well, conventionally, i didn’t want to be there, i always wanted to be there in another place, that’s all, this is the first decision that was, and yes, your... loved ones are purely out of love to you and the desire to protect you, they told you all sorts of phrases, like he was born somewhere, he fit in there, and a lot of other things, in this sense , you did not agree with this, and being disagreeable, this is the first step, so tomorrow
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if you you will be asked how to open a business, that ’s the first thing you need to say, you have to be ready to disagree with where you are, uh-huh, under no circumstances agree with what you earn there, i don’t know how much money, but... here i have such polar
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opposites the paths are emerging, because we have now moved into a house and i feel so cool, but it is so far from moscow, and i understand that in order to be on the move, you need to be here, because there is a certain atmosphere, a certain rhythm, but for me there so good, and so am i, i even called it quiet harbor, here i am just to me. it’s good and i want, on the contrary, now i have a desire to be such a mother, with a child, and now my eldest son will go to school, somehow do homework with him, something else, but at the same time , this here is the background, what is needed, you need some kind of business, of course, there is a certain race, you have been training for this all your life, you have been training for this in such different ways, and i understand that if you choose one, uh-huh, well, you are unlikely to be able to go. way, definitely these will be nannies, tutors for the child, doing homework with him
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i can’t, so i’m probably here today in order to really understand the truth of my desire, do i really want to go where i tell everyone what i want, so let’s imagine that you are, relatively speaking, already there, even you don’t need to tell me where, well, you have more money there, the business is larger, and so on, the car is again the same. it so happened that all the people who are important people for you today, grandmother, mother, father, friends, girlfriends and so on, have all disappeared, for this goal will still be relevant for you, i can’t say that it’s 100% right, this is one, one of the test tasks is like, well, it doesn’t matter, i want to change the car, right? what if no one ever finds out about this car, or, for example, i want to become famous, and
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what if suddenly i become famous, but in brazil and no one in russia will ever know that i have become the most famous presenter in brazil, how would i will it still be just as good or did i still want it to be a condition, let’s say you need to sign a contract, yes, in which you are so shady, this is a shady success, yes, you will do something, you will achieve everything, but it is such a secret, no one ever... knows what car you are driving, no one will ever know, how much you earn, no one will know that you are at the head of this business, well , this can happen, and if you are still interested in it, then it is definitely yours, then you will be ready to move mountains for this, but if everything is there... there is definitely some classmate who should see and fall from envy, then with a high degree of probability you will not hit her, because she will always devalue your experience.
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well, yes, why do you want to show it to them? well, this is still a phrase, so that they are proud of me, so that the children sit and watch, oh my mother and they show it here, this one is not appreciated at all, they are not appreciated at all, they are not appreciated, imagine
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that he is an impostor, and about that, that if you expect an assessment from someone, some kind of approval, then you definitely won’t get it, just get used to the idea that...
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there, well, who graduated 10 years ago school, and these are some guys, yes, we are conditionally 12, and he is 22, he came from the army in uniform, conditionally i am visiting, i then dreamed of being a military sailor, and i, of course, imagined that one day i too i’ll come to my home school, which means in the uniform, of course, definitely a captain of the first rank, and how beautiful it would be, in full dress uniform, with a dagger, with all the things, life turned out completely differently, first of all, i’m not a sailor , secondly, i'm going to school. but this is the feeling that i will definitely be mine steps there along the school corridor when some guy comes in, it will be me, to whom i am proving something, i won’t be in the class at that moment, there will be some other children sitting there who will look at me and say who this is, maybe of course they will somehow admire it, but
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there will be no sense from it, that’s when you suddenly realize that the goals that you set for yourself, they should be... interesting to you, they should inspire you, and they should be yours for real, because they should realize your values, yes, for example, inspiration - this means that you know why you will do it, well, for example, i will create a big business in order to be able to help people in my hometown, suppose i open a kindergarten there, which will be completely there, i don’t know, free, accessible, with a french slant, with a mathematical slant, it doesn’t matter, i’ll do it, i’m doing it in order to realize this, that is, to have a vision of some kind of mission, and for the sake of what, yes, that is what will happen even if you are not will happen and no one will know that you did it, well, apparently that’s why i don’t have this yet, because i don’t understand that, that is , success is such a bonus that no one will appreciate, no one needs it except us , everything
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is there, period there, one day, many years ago, a girl came to me whom i had known for quite a long time. she came to me for a session and i asked how are you doing? she says: it’s bad, i say, listen, i saw you recently on a social network, yes, i say, everything is fine with you there, she says, but you saw someone who was doing poorly, then for me it turned out to be consciousness, i suddenly realized that it’s true, this is such a vanity fair, where everyone shows that supposedly everything is fine, here in front of me sits a man whose everything is bad, but on this social network he tells everyone how to build relationships.
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it is only a tool for achieving some goal , to use it for its intended purpose, exclusively, and most importantly, you know, i often, for example, recommend it to people who come to me for training or work with the words that they want, for example, to earn 20 times more than they earn now, great, then i ask accordingly, where are the people who earn as much as you want to earn, well , suppose this person says , well, they hang out there in expensive restaurants, it’s good
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that they are pompous, but it doesn’t mean you don’t love them, but how do you turn out to be the same person, it turns out you don’t like yourself in all of this, and for me this is a very important psychic material with which it is necessary work, because a person must first accept that they will say exactly the same things about him when he gets there, this work takes a lot of a person’s time, so when you look, for example, at the people who are there more, it’s better , somehow differently, yes, your task, yes, your task is to see what they will talk about... but as long as this is important to you, you will not come there, you need to look at these people only for this, in order
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to discover these beliefs inside yourself that may not allow you to go there, and i wrote some time ago, i even had a video about some kind of content about how when we want to find ourselves, it’s now fashionable to talk from point to point b, we don’t have enough faith in point b... one here , now, today, here i am, sergey, there is such and such, such and such, yes, i don’t believe that i am for a simple reason: i, the one in whom i believe can be the way i will be there in this point b. i don’t believe in this money, i don’t believe in success, i don’t believe in myself, which may be there, and this is also a very difficult job, so if you are looking at someone, just to see how you will look through the eyes of people who have never been there, uh-huh, this is important, it turns out to track your reactions, yes, because. well , i think that they are stopping me to some extent, that well, it turns out that everything
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is going over the heads, or as they once told me, why do i say that now there are diametrically different paths in my head, what and what choose, and such a split occurs, because once it hurt me very much, they told me that i... spirits like a man, and it became wild to me unpleasant at that moment, i ’m thinking right now that maybe it’s really there, in big business, yes, relatively speaking, that’s where i want it, it’s like that, that is, these are not women, essentially, they have more masculine energy than feminine energy, then why do i want to go there, if i’m offended by the fact that they called me like that, it feels like you don’t need to... not get somewhere there, on the contrary, go back and figure it out to who you really are, and
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what this race is for, for what prize, yeah, and who will you bring this prize to, you will bring it take it to your grandmother, who won’t appreciate it, leave it with you, you’ll be fine with him, that’s the answer , well, i guess it’s the other way around, now after talking with you, i have the feeling that... now i’m there 8 years later years in business, on the contrary, i want to be a mother for some reason, to be that mother who takes care of her children, well, at the same time, i can’t say that this can greatly harm some kind of implementation, but maybe it will be it’s easier to somehow throw off some kind of internal ballast, which is very greatly interferes with movement, well, it turns out that everything is through...
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well, as i used it, but not as effectively as i would like, as if yes, but it’s important that there’s also a trap here so that you don’t knock on their door when they tell you they’ll say this, they didn’t say, i’ve put so many years on you here, but i gave it to you, it’s worth doing it only for yourself, to feel like a mother, to be a mother for yourself, not for them, to try this quality, try this part of life, while agreeing with your spouse, your business partner, that you have been doing 80% of your work there for these 7 years. into the maternal function for 20% the function of a business partner, then this can change if you want, or maybe you will give birth to a third by then, no one knows.


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