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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  June 6, 2024 11:00pm-12:16am MSK

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faina georgievna, how can that be, you have to get up on stage.
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today , an award ceremony for prominent figures of soviet culture took place at the state kremlin palace. for great services in the development of theatrical art, by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, the title of people's artist of the soviet union was awarded to ranevskaya foina. georgievna, our viewers will look forward to new roles from their favorite actress. lord, where did you go? lord, come on, let's go, next to him, the boy, as if by god, it's not for us, well, oh, and us, who needed it. hello, yes,
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yes, storm, you're crazy, ranevskaya doesn't know that frekken boxing was painted on her, facial expressions, plasticity, even her character was stolen, without showing the picture, you're calling for a recording, surprise, faina georgievna? well then, get ready for her to send you away without mincing words. is she such a person, she is not a person, people are different and contradictory.
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it’s especially unpleasant that i should play, as i understand it, freekinbok is seriously passionate about carlson, fayna georgievna, this is a cartoon for children from three to 7 years old. young man, i’m trying to somehow justify my heroine, love for this fan makes a sadistic, vulnerable woman out of an elderly woman, he flew away, but promised to return, dear, dear, he ’s standing rockin’. there is crying at the window, but these are tears of hope for
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personal happiness, i’m ready, comrade stepantsev, let’s start. my head is in place, my chair is in place, they told me i can’t watch tv from morning till night, here you go, oh, don’t, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, don’t, i ’m afraid of you, i’m afraid of ghosts, stop! faina
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georgievna, great, break. i have now i had a vision, my funeral is underway, an orchestra is playing, on a pillow, my awards are being carried behind the coffin, instead of my photograph, a photograph of frekenbock, the anniversary of the poet, this is a canonical classic, a national bard, who is fundamental. sits on the pedestal, he jumps off it. the main mystery of pushkin, in my opinion, is the expressive discrepancy between his adoration in russia and the cool and respectful attitude of foreigners. pushkin - it sounds very russian, yes, pushkin is a cool surname, it has war in it, and some kind of affection, and fluff,
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guns. pushkin is equal to us, the moment we hear him, and much deeper than us when we try it. understand the podcast lab today on the first one got somehow a german french russian met once vovochka with mari ivanovna what are you doing and what don’t you understand jokes you and i will soon move to moscow , well, what kind of moscow is there there are people like me with all the teeth, a whole city and here i am one of these. the second quarterfinal is on saturday at the first, let's just meet the auditor as expected, bring bread and salt, they say he's from st. petersburg, well, take your bread away, there are high mountains, clean lakes, beautiful gorge and healing
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springs with mineral water, we are in kabordino balkaria, if there are any visual points by which you can determine that the horse will be cool? in appearance, and simply in the look of the horse, as they say, a horse will not give birth to a dog, one of the rarest species of sturgeon, we get albinos, it’s feeding time now, you can try it, seriously, yes, of course, it doesn’t taste good, i heard that some mystical things are happening here, time stands still, people they don’t grow old, my grandfather got married at 110, the life of his people was... i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you, not with you, with us, the goal is right, the methods
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are criminal. history is made in st. petersburg, here it dies. tomorrow everything will change, we will elect a dictator among us and enter into negotiations. what negotiations, did we just shoot them? tell trubetskoy, if he doesn’t make up his mind, we will come out ourselves. in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. if it’s like in france, then everyone present here should hang. they won't dare shoot at us. "we didn't spill not a drop of their vile blood, we are a match that will ignite everything and burn itself out.
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union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first.
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zedaida, zedaida, you, and you thought i was in the cemetery, right? i was always the first, oh, i came specifically to see you, yes, while my son and granddaughter are signing you up for the studio, do you have a big family? three sons, a daughter, 11 grandchildren, already adults, and great-grandchildren, well, these little ones, of course, they said that your sister moved from paris to you, bella died 3 years later, mom, don’t disappear, i’ll finish and i'll take you. “this is us, this is us in a past life, back under the tsar, take it, this is for you, thank you, i
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’m so lucky with my family, you know, at first i suffered so much that i didn’t become an artist, i envied you, your perseverance, your talent , extraordinary, everyone played that..." and now you wouldn’t trade your life for anything, four, one thing you played, that twice is two, five, not for any other, not a minute, not for any acting joys, all this applause , popularity, titles, awards, all this is such nonsense, you’re in any... with your talent, with connections, when i think that you will die in
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an empty apartment, and no people’s love will give you water, however, what difference does it make to you, how difficult your path is, the more hopeless the path, the higher the holiness. i would n’t be able to live like that, few people could.
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this could only be done in a position, in a lying down position, i rub it off every day, there is such a lipstick, it’s corrosive, it doesn’t even take a bite, it’s clear from bulgakov, there’s a good stone, lumpy with sharp edges, you can’t kiss it, as they say , and there will be no one to kiss my grave, my dear ours, can i kiss you right now, well,
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they’re dead, safe, well, foina georgievna, that’s all. i’m already going to vagankovskoye, to zavatsky’s kirochki, then to donskoye belochka and nekolya, well, red square, that’s how i am. the soviet reader is really looking forward to your memoirs, very fane georgievna, this is unlikely, i hope you will change your mind, good luck, goodbye, everything has cooled down,
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the devil, and there are people in whom only worms live. kostya, look at me with your cameraman’s eye and tell me i don’t look good, what’s the matter, that’s why they walk around and are these publishers walking around? they want memoirs, they want them, well, who wouldn’t want otranevskaya’s memoirs, faust took 60 years to write, so you have time, i don’t remember a damn thing, kostya, let ’s film our life. almost an epilogue,
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and with this epilogue you and i will give them the answer to the most popular question for me, i’m even afraid to ask, several years ago i came to ephres with a play about two lonely old men who have five children at the end of their lives. “old people become a burden to children, and they send them to different cities to live out their lives. i came and said: “i want to play in this play, anatoly vasilyevich, i had an ironclad argument. people should know that even if you have
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a huge family, this is not a guarantee that you will have a happy old age.” “you can give birth to five children, they will all turn out to be bastards, you say further silence, but they are rushing at him, and you can’t get tickets six months in advance, when i die, who will speak out on behalf of these unfortunate, lonely, grandfatherless old people, will say that their life is not wasted, the fact that they have no family, no children, anyone can end up in the almshouse, even the one who has five offspring, yes,
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yes, thank you, excuse me, please, hello, hello, come on, i'll help you, come on.
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leaves. the trouble is that i’ve been a loser all my life, no, you chose me only because i always had two or three new jokes in stock, and i knew how to strum
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the banjo, in this evil world you needed a completely different a person, not me, you, i needed you, you, attention, boarding the express train, california, is ending, tell her to look after you well, that she fed you deliciously, you everything to her, listen, you tell it all yourself, i’ll be with her the day after tomorrow, i’ll find a job, i’ll come to you right away, i ’ll come to you, attention. california express boarding ends, passengers are asked
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to take their seats, bye, bye, bye, where are you, yes, me. the california express is leaving, i have been
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happy with you, every minute, every hour, all 50 years. feeding the heat, the purest passions, the always enthusiastic hero was ready to sacrifice himself. and at the end of the last part , the vice was always punished, the good was given a wreath. to the poet's anniversary. a special
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analytical edition of the big game is on air. we will now talk with dmitry vitalievich trenin. professor, researcher at the higher school of economics and truly outstanding specialists in international relations, especially on military-political issues. thank you very much for taking the time. thanks for the invitation. and i have no doubt that you followed yesterday’s statements by president putin at the st. petersburg economic forum and i will begin.
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providing ukrainians with large missiles range, capable of hitting deep into russian territory, a statement of readiness, intentions, capabilities, sending nato troops to the territory of ukraine, represents two very serious steps that the united states. their allies, i’ll single out france here, are taking in the ukrainian crisis, these actions are not just words, these are
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, strictly speaking, not words, these are actions. there must be a response to these actions, because if you do not respond to the enemy’s escalation steps, the enemy will thereby be encouraged to move on and take the next steps escalation, which will inflate the situation to truly extremely dangerous levels. well, of course, you know as well as i do that some experts in moscow have a point of view. what they say is threatening in the west, but in general they are not going to do anything fundamentally new, that this is, in general, even to some extent a provocation, to which russia, probably, from their point of view, should not succumb, you apparently you don’t share this point of view, well, i share the general message that provocations of the enemy, obvious provocations enemy, to succumb in the way
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the enemy expects, although publicly, or rather, although the western media say that the american administration is somewhat dissatisfied with such actions of ukraine, but it is obvious that such actions could not be a secret from the united states when they were planned when they were carried out, i think that the united states has in ukraine, including in the intelligence structures
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of ukraine. there are enough informants in the military structures of ukraine, why are you sure that the united states had done similar things before and was aware of ukrainian prohibited practices. well, as for the fact that the united states and its allies fired their missiles at russian territory, it is known from the wreckage of these missiles.
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let's listen to what president putin said about a possible russian response to such actions? first, we will, of course , improve our air defense systems, we will destroy them, second, we are thinking about the fact that if someone...
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we will think about it, well, third, of course, such actions will be final, they now they have already reached the highest degree of degradation, but...
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there is undoubtedly truth, here’s what can be done specifically, what do you think the president meant when he spoke about providing weapons to opponents of the united states in various regions of the world, well, it’s hard for me to say, what did the president mean specifically, because tell me what you think, where this is possible, i think this is possible in a number of regions, well, in my opinion, one of the most...
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for example, american bases in syria, well, as an example, in the same place in the middle east there is such an organization as the yemeni houthis, who actually control a significant part of the territory of yemen, are, in fact, an unrecognized government, these...
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retaliatory strikes are quite sensitive, this is very important, it is quite difficult to strike at the bases of these a proxy on the territory of iraq is possible, but you can leave these bases in time, withdraw and not be subjected to a very serious blow, the same can be said about the houthi bases. the americans and the british are hitting them, hitting them and will probably hit them again, but the strength of the houthis they did not seriously reduce as a result, this is one region, there are other regions, as for
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cuba, i honestly doubt it now, because i do not see the willingness of the cuban government. hide the americans, this is northeast asia, and this is the democratic people's republic of korea, which has its own very, well , very powerful nuclear missile program, but it is clear that if technical support is provided from russia, this power can become much more formidable for the united states and moreover,
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north korean leaders at one time showed that they, in general, are quite difficult to contain, they are quite difficult to punish, especially now that north korea has nuclear weapons and missiles that are capable of delivering them, including, possibly to some territories of the united states, say, the hawaiian islands, so... i think moscow can move on to specific matters,
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the military told me, no one told me that these specific strikes are being studied, but they told me that in general they accept the president’s statement to which they were ready, it was not a surprise for them that they perceive this not as a guide to action, but as a guide to... to start thinking through and developing such things, right, and generally speaking, on a variety of platforms, quite public, where qualified russian experts speak, this topic has been discussed for quite some time, the use of russian proxies, relatively speaking, i don’t like this word, but the armament of, say, those forces in the world... that are in a state of confrontation
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or confrontation with the united states of america, that is, it will respond in a mirror way, they arm kiev so that kiev causes damage to russia, the mirror response will be for russia to arm those forces that are in a state of struggle with the united states and its allies, vassals, whatever you want , call them, another possibility that the president spoke about,
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russian nuclear weapons in response to actions that cause damage to russia and pose a threat to its security, territorial integrity, sovereignty and so on, that we need to remind people that russia is a nuclear power. surprisingly, and this is a phenomenon of the ukrainian conflict. that the united states decided that a nuclear superpower can
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be defeated by the hands of a third party, arming this third party and providing it with all possible assistance in a conventional war, in a conventional war without the use of nuclear weapons, because at the very beginning of the armed conflict in ukraine, the american secretary of defense, lloyd osten directly ... publicly stated that the goal of american policy is to cause russia's strategic defeat. think about these words, during the cold war there were such words. were not said, because it was clear to everyone that a nuclear power would not tolerate it in some critically important direction for it, we are not talking about the peripheral conflicts that existed during the cold war, be it korea, be it vietnam, be it then afghanistan, where it really
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was of critical importance, then it was europe, berlin, czechoslovakia.
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they must see what the mood is in russia, they saw that russia went to the extent of using force in ukraine, before that it did this in georgia, in syria, why is all this not enough? i think, in fact, that
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the americans and it seems to me that the interview, the recent interview with president biden, time opens one crack, a very important one, that the americans understood that defeat in ukraine, a very real defeat of the west in ukraine, will have very serious negative consequences for american hegemony in europe and...
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what is happening now in ukraine is not worth the destruction of humanity or or a significant part of the population is from northern countries. well, it’s not worth it, but well , let’s accept our rules of the game, there will be no
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nuclear war, they don’t say that there will be such a war, the purpose of which is the collapse of russia and, in fact, the transfer of the conflict to russian territory, perhaps in the form of some kind of internal unrest and so on, that's what the american strategy is in my opinion:
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mainly not reaching the united states, but we must also keep in mind that nothing is more important for the united states security of your own country. the security of allies, in my opinion, worries the united states to a much, much lesser extent, but the signal that
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the president is giving now when he says that we, read our military... doctrine, read the basics of state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence, he says that we will respond to certain threats with all the means at our disposal, and this is a euphemism, as we know, behind which nuclear weapons are hidden, there is no need to constantly talk about nuclear weapons, but we need to make it clear that we will not allow the enemy to achieve his goals, on the contrary... achieve your goals, and if it becomes necessary to prevent a nuclear war by using, as you say, tactical nuclear weapons, so that the enemy will see, in the end, if he does not say russian words understands, translated into english and other languages, that by using tactical weapons we can save the world from an all-out nuclear war, such a situation
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, unfortunately, can happen and... i also share your regret, i share your regret and the broader one that has disappeared here it’s a healthy feeling, i don’t want to say fear, but a healthy instinct of self-preservation, that it’s gone, but i think you’re absolutely right that we’ve come to a point where not to respond would be much more dangerous from a point of view. further escalation, rather than take the tough but thoughtful steps that president putin spoke about. dmitry vitalievich, thank you very much, as always, very interesting, i really appreciate your time, i hope to see you on our air soon. thank you. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back literally in a couple of minutes. petersburg international.
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the economic forum under the patronage and with the participation of the president of the russian federation is one of the largest and most significant business events in the world. the most important platform for exchanging experiences and discussing key issues of the global economy. a unique space for dialogue with the participation of individuals who determine the path of economic development. twenty seventh. st. petersburg international economic forum, all the most important things at the first. to the poet's anniversary. this is a canonical classic, national a bard who fundamentally does not sit on a pedestal, he jumps off it. the main mystery of pushkin, in my opinion, is the expressive discrepancy between his adoration in russia and the cool and respectful attitude
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of foreigners. pushkin sounds very russian, right? pushkin is a cool surname, it has war in it, and some kind of affection, and fluff, guns. pushkin is equal to us, at the moment when we hear him, and much deeper and... greater than us, when we try to understand it, podcast lab is on the first today, a big game is on the air, alexander gelievich is with us now on skype dugin, director of the ivan ilyin higher political school, an outstanding philosopher and political scientist. well, from my point of view, a citizen of russia with a capital c, a person who has a position in life, who does not hesitate to defend it, is at the same time known for his
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respect for the opinions of others, and i know that you are now at the st. petersburg economic forum, that you have already taken part in two events, how do you find the strength, i won’t ask, you are also out of... with your energy, but i will ask you the obvious question: you took part in two round tables, you’ve probably talked with other participants in other events, what so far, from your point of view, is the most significant in relation to the forum, what should our audience know? well, of course, this is a completely different forum, a different forum than 3 years ago, than... 10 years ago, this forum is not only dedicated today to a multipolar world, it essentially represents humanity, a large humanity, where the west does not dominate, this
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forum, which was a tool for interaction between our political , economic, financial elite and countries the west is changing before our eyes, now it is a completely different institution, it is a different authority. this is another platform, multipolar humanity gathers here, and i think that not only will this forum be, it is already dedicated to multipolarity, from now on it will always be multipolar, because russia , in these more than two years after the start of a special military operation, in fact , completely turned around on a large geopolitical scale, turned its face to ... to china, to india, to islam, to africa, to latin america, that is, to the greater humanity, to the whole world, and the west, which dominated in the previous, previous stages, plays almost no
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role at all, but the west is also present at this forum, but now rather in the person of those dissidents , who themselves, being americans, europeans, representatives of western cultures, do not share the globalist agenda of their own... political elites, this is a different forum, of a different quality, and russia acts here, getting used to, adapting to a new role, to the role of the avant-garde in construction of this multipolar civilization, and it is no coincidence that the sessions in which i took part, one of which konstantin malofeev and i actually organized, was a session dedicated to the philosophy and geopolitics of a multipolar world. also in other sessions, everywhere in the spotlight, we need a new idea, a new idea for organizing the world order, world, world architecture, we
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need to build a new system of relations with different ancient and new civilizations, respecting the differences, respecting the identity of each them, but defending traditional values, here... russia, perhaps not paradoxically, it may seem, due to circumstances, is again in the vanguard, because we have traditional values, they are protected by decrees, they are proclaimed the orientation of our society, and this is what makes us understandable, attractive, attractive to other civilizations, we defend our traditional values, they defend theirs, and how to reconcile this, how...
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why? well, obviously, the west excluded russia, the west cut us off from itself, it threw us back started a war with us. well, that's not surprising. the west denied us the right to be, the right to be both our own part and, which it considered not an insufficiently submissive part, and even more so the right to be an independent civilization, a sovereign, sovereign culture. west actually. broke off all relations with us and is waging war with us, so it is not surprising that there is no official west on the forum, but there is another west, and the rest of the non-western world, this other west, perhaps, is very important, we should not neglect it, this is a powerful movement dissidents, supporters of traditional values ​​in the west itself, which is rediscovering russia, i believe that the west, by tearing us away from itself, has done us
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a huge service; we would hardly have decided to do this of our own free will and independently, but now thanks to this severance of communication with the west, russia finds itself, turns to its identity, turns to its traditional values, focuses on its resources, becomes truly sovereign, suddenly , lo and behold, it is not alone, it is not it turns out to be empty, empty. in the desert, she finds herself among many friends, diverse, colorful, beautiful, unique, rich in their technologies, and their ideas, and their economic projects and, of course, first of all, their cultures and philosophies of humanity, that is, russia is losing the west , gaining, humanity is gaining, this was discussed today at many sessions, in this case in... with this humanity
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we are on the same path, but of course, in order to defend this multipolar world, this is also many have emphasized that we need to cope in each of our civilizations, in each of our societies, we need to cope with those who are still oriented to the west, and this is a big problem, since multipolarity does not fall into the hands like ripe fruit, multipolarity is that ideal, that goal that we all our... partners in this polycentric world order must go through, this is ultimately the result of victory, a multipolar world is the prize that all those countries, those civilizations, those peoples receive , those cultures, those states that can now defend both their identity and their sovereignty in the face of falling hegemony, and not slide into a planetary massacre.
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were they actively preventing experts and businessmen from western countries who wanted to come to the forum from coming to st. petersburg, or am i exaggerating? no, it was at our session that judgetana, scott ritter and many other representatives of the intellectual elite of the west were supposed to take part, for various reasons, pretexts and no pretexts at all,
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they were deprived of this opportunity, yes, russia was open, it invited everyone, but the west demonstrates its horror of a multipolar world.
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knowledge of the equal importance of different peoples and civilizations, there is no leader here, there is no hegemon here, all great civilizations are present here on an equal footing, the west is afraid of this, truly afraid, otherwise it would calmly let its people take part in our gorum, on the contrary, you yourself would treat them quite respectfully, you were recently on tucker carlson’s program, i know that...
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the west, this is not the west that we knew on previous historical eras, many speakers spoke about this today in both western and eastern countries, we are dealing with a certain degeneration of western civilization, this is not the civilization of dante, this is not the civilization of bakachi, this is not the civilization of shakespeare, this is not the civilization of eitz or eliot, modern the west is absolutely torn apart by its own traditional ones. that is, this is the west that, in principle, has broken with normality, has broken with its own classical tradition, and this west is toxic, it is dangerous, it is difficult to talk to it, he really behaves in an insane way, before, if we look
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at at least 30-40 years ago, the west took part in dialogue with a wide variety of political systems, understanding that this was reality, this was seriousness and accepted it. attention to the presence of others, perhaps not enough, but accepted, today there is some kind of manic ideological attitude in the west, that anyone who does not fully share this left-liberal set of progressive, so-called, in fact, perverted anti-human values, that that must be destroyed, it is a new form of intolerance, a new form of racism, a new form of liberal nazism that has prevailed. in the west itself and they, their people, their dissidents, their cultures, their values ​​are also subject to this purge, this, this abolition, so it seems to me that with the west, well, it would be quite possible to find a common language, if it were the west, then , what happened to him today is
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a very dangerous phenomenon, it, this phenomenon is embodied in such simply abnormal political figures as biden and his and his administration, this is not just personal. dementia, this is ideological dementia, this is the dementia of the left-liberal system, in which the elites of the global west are located, not just individuals, this is a much more serious thing, and i think that, of course, to the dialogue of the west, i am sure that to the dialogue with the west of our culture and russia, first of all, as the organizer of the st. petersburg economic forum and representatives of other civilizations, are certainly ready. but on other grounds, on the grounds of equality, friendliness, ultimately democratic recognition of respect for each other, this with there is no side of the modern west. even remotely, we are talking about a monologue, if you don’t agree with them, by the way, brzyzinsky
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actually started with this, when we met with him in 2005, he gave me his book, the choice, with an inscription, with a wish to alexander dugin change your views to the exact opposite, this is already intolerance, this is already racism, but oh well, if we are talking about a book, ideas, it can somehow be tolerated, but now this is a war, the west is destroying. those who disagree with him, and this is much more a serious thing, i think that any dialogue with the west is better than direct war, especially the destruction of humanity, but for this you need to have at least the will to do this, i think that this will certainly exists on the part of russia, and on the part of other countries, they are very critical and at the same time very attentive and tolerant towards the west, this is also surprising, here... there were no radical extremist speeches at all, we are going for advertising, for the anniversary of the poet, each king wears
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special signs, note, like kings they will know, listen brothers, sir, the third emperor is with us, pyotr fedorovich, this is captain mironov, he himself is still a captain.
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you know, alexander, when i listened to this, i...


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