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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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although this is shameful work in vain, i confess to this unfortunate stupidity at your feet, it doesn’t suit me and it’s not flying, it’s time, it’s time for me to be smarter, but i recognize by all the signs the disease of love in my soul, for the poet’s anniversary. hello, the program is on air, in the studio of ekterin andreev, the main event of the day. the film crew of the first at the scene of a monstrous terrorist attack.
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tanks, all-terrain vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, captured western equipment at an exhibition in the urals, where kamikaze drones are made, with the help of which nato vehicles are turned into scrap metal. after 33 years, the investigation into the cases of the murder of igor tolkova, one of the most notorious mysteries in the history of our show business. we were looking for it.
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volunteers all over the world in the sverdlovsk region found children who got lost in the forest a few days ago. what helped them survive? tomorrow monday is mourning in the kherson region. the death toll as a result of the barbaric attack of the armed forces of ukraine on the village of sadovoye increased to 22 people, 15 were wounded. the blow hit a grocery store, and they hit civilians with nato weapons. our film crew is working on... here are the results of the first arrival of billy hymers targeting a grocery store in the center of the village, there is a park nearby, but then during the lunch break there were practically no people here, no one was hurt, the second arrival at 19:40, the worst damage, we see a crater , up to a meter deep, walls destroyed, no roof, there was absolutely nothing left of the building in which the village store was located. valentina grigorievna’s house is literally
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20 meters from the site of the attack carried out by ukrainian militants on civilians, residential buildings, farm buildings, and now on an ordinary store from the right bank of the dnieper, they strike regularly. i don’t know what to say, straight to the store, they knocked me out once and twice, and a third time, there were more people screaming, crying, we were living like on a volcano, it was very scary, i didn’t spend the night at home all night, i spent the night in a neighbor’s house. we parked 50 meters from the scene of the tragedy, windows were broken, glass was cut, everything in the area was literally strewn with fragments from the criminal blow of the kiev regime, delivered directly to a peaceful object in a simple, ordinary settlement, a crime that could not be justified in any way, they beat deliberately, watched with drone, waited for it to gather a large... number of people apparently flew up
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to the bottom, took advantage of the position, right in the center of the cluster of people, just like that , the dead girl was lying right there on the edge behind the fence, that’s where i reached, even the attacks were more concentrated on civilians, that is, civilian vehicles in a fifteen-kilometer zone are instantly subjected to attacks by kamikaze drones, that is, they are hit without further collection. the deceased matveychuk couple came the night before to help a friend, the owner of the store; at the moment of the impact they were trying to carry her out of the destroyed building surviving goods.
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sasha was one and a half years old, at that moment the children were with their grandmother in a neighboring village, he and his wife and children came here, well, as i understand it, as if to help break it up for their parents. relatives or friends died here. the village of sadovy is located 15 km from the line of combat contact. drones, komikaze. they record here regularly. in the past 24 hours alone , there were three shellings, which killed dozens of people. now
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the alarm has also been declared, a drone has been spotted somewhere here, we urgently need to leave this place. investigative authorities completed an inspection at the scene of the tragedy. the identities of all twenty-two victims are now being established. another 15 people are in hospitals in skadovsko and simferopol with severe shrapnel wounds. doctors are fighting for their lives. vitaly katchenko, ruslan yusupov and victor vasin. first channel, sadovaya village, kherson region. in lugansk, today there is mourning for the dead. the mtr again targeted civilians with american missile attacks. after the impact , the entrance to a residential building collapsed. six people were killed, 60 were injured, including children. in total, more than 100 residents of the lugansk republic asked for help. i had just walked out into the kitchen when it started exploding in the house, i had never seen anything like this, the hell that was in the house, everything, the windows, the doors, everything, the doors were torn off their hinges,
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in my bedroom this splinter flew into the window, behind this very , got wrapped around the curtain, tore the curtain off, that’s it. oh guys, how scary! now to the situation at the front. our combat pilots, drone operators, rocket launchers, and artillerymen hit enemy personnel and equipment in 104 special operation areas. air defense systems shot down a ukrainian mi-8 helicopter. in the kharkov region deep into the defense of the armed forces of ukraine is advancing by the north group of troops. during the day, six counterattacks were repelled and up to 1,080 militants were destroyed. the divisions of the south, west, east and center also improved the situation in their areas. the enemy lost more than 1,300 people and a lot of equipment there. and here are the shots from the avdeevsky direction. the crew of the mstas installation is burning another abrams tank. the target was hit by a krasnopol guided projectile. and this is our kamica combat drone against the american bradley infantry fighting vehicle. perfect hit. the score is 1:0 in favor of
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the russian armed forces. drones - irreplaceable assistants on the front line, the 110th brigade of the first army corps has its own small production facility. but we realized that in modern conflicts we cannot do without these birds, we assembled this ourselves, the components all came separately, now there is a whole engineering workshop, they repair old drones, alter captured ones, this is a trophy, that is, it fell and did not explode,
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we solder it, set the other one on the way back to fly, we are assembling new birds, and now a pilot with the call sign batman is coming out to test the next fpv drone. militiaman of the fourteenth years ago, he says, back then they didn’t even know about these toys. they were embarrassed to even think, well, they had no idea about that one and the maviks were a novelty. now one of the best operators in the team is checking the drone’s carrying capacity, range, and controllability again for hunting. these are infantry, these are lightly armored vehicles, these are heavily armored vehicles. it all depends on the skill of the operator and, again, on the stuffing that he carries with him, to the point that he can even lift dugouts if with the right charge. after an accurate hit in the trench, two clearly wounded or shell-shocked enemy soldiers
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try to hide in a nearby shelter. great, great, continue, but to no avail, our bird flies there. and this is another product of the engineers of the 110th brigade, we call it in our language simply carts, transport for various purposes, in a smart way it sounds called a ground robotic complex. before testing the next specimen, the final touches remain; we are trying to disguise it as green grass, cover it with camouflage nets , together with the direct cargo, which it will be fast, passable, almost invisible in the grass, this so-called ground drone is assembled quickly and is relatively inexpensive, the wheels are from hoverboards, that is, the control board is the same, everything is simple, everything is accessible. but an indispensable assistant on the front line, he gets around everything,
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overcomes small craters calmly, that is, with a load, without a load, also all this, but how much load can he pull, well, 40 kg, that’s on himself, i think, if there is also a trailer, then with the wounded man would be taken out calmly, the first priority was transport to our positions, ammunition, medicine, food, but found out that it is capable of more, small, but... a turkish robot with the formidable name scorpion m has already been captured in a video combat work, when, with the help of this drone, our fighters destroyed an enemy machine-gun point, it spread throughout social networks a couple of weeks ago, since then quite a few of these machines have been released, they are constantly being modernized and are in great demand on the front line. here is just one of them in the role of kamikaze, slowly making her way to the enemy dugout. after the enemy's main firing position was thus destroyed, our assault groups significantly. and a new story of the courage
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of our front-line soldiers. sergeant nikita bykov, the squad commander, repaired communications equipment under mortar fire from the vsso, returning from a combat mission, provided first aid to the wounded and carried him to a safe place. guard private, viktor lebedev, assistant grenade operator, repelling a counterattack of superior enemy forces, destroyed the machine gun crew upon returning. at the position, he evacuated three wounded soldiers. the international economic forum. time to take stock. 21,300 participants from 139 countries and territories. as a result, almost a thousand agreements were signed. and this is something that can be measured in numbers. the forum is also a platform for the exchange of ideas and opinions on key global topics. read more about everything in the report by valery kuznetsov.
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21,300 people took part in the economic forum . over 4 days , participants from 139 countries of the world took part in the st. petersburg events, well , it seems that everyone wants to participate in the success of russia. 980 were signed at the forum. two agreements totaling 6.430 billion rubles. this is just something that is not a trade secret. and i would like to note the keen interest in the world media forum. more than 4.00 journalists from russia and abroad came to the forum. today at the forum, which is called the time of the young, about 4.00 students, specialists and entrepreneurs are discussing measures to support business, developing a community of professional youth and much more. the morning of the fourth day of the forum began with an it breakfast, as reported by the head of the ministry of digital development , maksud shadayev, measures to support the export
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of russian it solutions were included in the project national programs data economy, their implementation may begin in 2025. in general, we should have a big data market, and our new national project is called the data economy. data is the most important thing for the implementation of digital solutions, because it is, as it were, the main nutrient. environment, the more high-quality, complete data for making management decisions, the better they are. on the sidelines of the forum today they talked about the employment of teenagers, including from new regions of the country, to stimulate companies there will be a state. our task, firstly, is to protect teenagers from unscrupulous employers, to help them find work not only during the holidays, but all year round, of course, without harm to education, we announced this year to support employers.
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the use of natural and technology for our common good. the irresponsible and aggressive sanctions and trade policies of the countries of the collective west stimulate the emergence of new opportunities and ways of developing global energy within the framework of a multipolar peace. separately, it is worth noting the development of the northern sea route project, a new transport artery that will
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connect the powerful resource base of the russian north with the markets of developing countries thanks to this project, energy consumers. for many countries, russia has become the guarantor of food security; the president of zimbabwe the day before thanked russia for its assistance in the delivery of fertilizers; representatives of small medium-sized businesses in africa are actively concluding agreements. on cooperation with agricultural entrepreneurs of our country, in first of all, we became interested in agricultural activities, here we are no longer buying plants, but products from agriculture, or technologies, fertilizers, for example, we buy and will use there or technology for turning grain, corn, many foreigners
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who came to the forum know russian quite well language, some of them studied in russia. and would like to develop cooperation with our country, the representative of the indian delegation is confident that membership in brix is ​​a guarantee of the independence of developing countries. brix now we are also starting to process special money and currency. we live in the 21st century, this is digital technology forever, now there is nothing wrong with the fact that one country controls the whole world, now we live in a time where there are only a lot of popular worlds, where everything in the country is given away to each other, where.
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that russia would consider sending weapons to opponents of western countries that supply weapons to ukraine, repeating a warning made several days earlier. he did not specify where such weapons could be sent, saying only that they there may be a state or even other legal entities that face a certain pressure, including military pressure, from those countries that send weapons to ukraine and encourage it
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to use them against us, against russian territory. he also stressed that moscow is not currently doing this. the west has serious reason to think about what the permission that the alliance countries essentially gave themselves to use nato missiles to attack russian territory could lead to, putin emphasized while moscow did not send its weapons. if they supply these weapons to the combat zone and call for the use of these weapons on our territory, then why don’t we have the right to do the same, i answer this in a mirror way. well , i’m also not ready to say that we will do this tomorrow, because in any case , any such delivery is associated with a number of circumstances. a bbc journalist said on air that vladimir putin’s statements sound very confident and the russian president does not intend to back down. tension between
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russia and the west are growing. vladimir putin seems to believe that in this confrontation... the west will blink first, and it is obvious that it is the west that is escalating, military specialists from nato countries not only train, but also directly take part in attacks on russia, from reconnaissance to weapon control. what will the reckoning be, a question from the financial times. this is the most dangerous and destructive war in europe since 1945. recognizing this fact is an act of prudence, not gentleness. hidden behind the bragging and saber-rattling we cannot control real threats.
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was an attempt by the kremlin to reduce tensions while entering a phase that american diplomats, at the main russian economic forum, at the moment when the war in ukraine is escalating, is calling the most dangerous in the entire conflict. and here is what italian journalists write: russia will win in ukraine, and will do it without the use of nuclear weapons. vladimir putin has no doubts. his strategic plan is clear, and he has no problem implementing it in front of the applauding audience of the st. petersburg economic forum in his hometown. putin considers the west a big loser and he knows how to maintain
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strategic ambiguity, he sees no reason for his country to use nuclear weapons, we don't need to think about this issue, but also russian nuclear doctrine is a living tool that can change depending depending on the situation. obviously , not everyone in the world is ready to think about de-escalation. overtook japan in purchasing power parity and took fourth place in the world. they are increasingly cooperating with moscow states that build their foreign
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policy without regard to washington or brussels. putin received the favorable response from the global south that he was counting on. the event, which when it was created in 1997, was conceived as a russian delivery, has changed significantly, turning into an anti-western platform. the forum is an opportunity for the kremlin leader to once again put russia at the forefront. a new world order, in the context of the declining hegemony of the united states and its european vassals. in his closing speech, he outlined the course to the east and south, which the russian economy took over. journalists tried to tell their readers and viewers about the main points of vladimir putin’s keynote speech in st. petersburg. of course, no one expected the western press to support russia’s position, but the international economic forum, as always, became one of the main topics of the world media.
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not specified, but emmanuel macron claims that some states have already given consent. previously, it was announced that ukrainian pilots would be trained in france, and american president joe biden promised zelensky new supplies of ammunition and equipment. the package is estimated at $225 million. actions, which even the western media admit. as the american new york times writes, despite the western weapons that the ukrainian armed forces are equipped with, the advantage in firepower is on the side of russia. our soldiers dispelled the myth about the invulnerability of nato military equipment long ago. a trophy was brought to verkhnyaya pyshma, sverdlovsk region. captured by a group of troops center in the northern military district zone. the kiev regime had high hopes for these formidable-looking machines, in fact, abrams and bradley and izhu with them could not withstand the collision with harsh reality,
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especially if its name is drone ghoul, made in the urals. andrey golderev carefully studied the exhibit. here she is already standing, invincible, the iron barrel burned down. you can see the quality of how our guys work. this is a clear example; you can’t hide anything here. everything is clear, the exhibition has just opened, and already hundreds of people have come to see with their own eyes the collection of trophies, western armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, equipment brought to the urals, which was knocked out and captured by fighters from the center group in the northern military district zone. i have a husband there in the ovdeevsky direction, and you see this and are transported there, and i can live as if this is all, you see, it’s as if you are there next to him, i’m very proud of the guys, of my husband, there’s no that strength. which can defeat a russian soldier, it was burning, it will burn, it will burn, most of all attention, of course, to the american
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before the exhibition, the engineers of the central military... we are all moving back, all this under constant enemy fire and with the threat of attack drones, we just found it successfully, as they say, a window, well, we did it, i was in the cover group, so they covered the boys when they did the enemy there, tried to advance, we did not let him approach, at first, as the military say, they razzuli, that is, immobilized, and then they finished it off, all this was done by uav operators with the call signs bull and dawn, stuffed with electronics, a heavy tank with
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multi-layer protection. abrams and costing several million dollars, they managed to knock out kamikat with the help of such a small drone for a ghoul costing only a few tens thousand rubles, by the way, these drones are produced here in the urals. and this is the german mardor infantry fighting vehicle. at one time, the most protected vehicle of this class, but it could not withstand the impact of a kamikaze drone. even among this captured equipment, both the american bradley and abram stand out noticeably precisely because of their dimensions. this is just too much of a minus. on the battlefield, such a difference is immediately noticeable, a very high profile, that is, this is for a grenade launcher, for an experienced one, this is generally a tidbit, in terms of height, see for yourself, height, this is the second floor, the target is large, in principle, and heavy, how many times have i seen it in a special operation, our bmps, they are very fast and go out in those places where even tanks get stuck, it’s just that the bmp
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has saved my life twice already, here presented. i think we’ll even come more than once, we’ll come again with a photo, we’ll make a video. the exhibition will be open until mid-july, from 9 am to 9 pm. andrey goldarev, maxim trubnikov, vladimir belyaev, evgeny kuznetsov and sergey valetov. channel one sverdlovsk region. the israel defense forces freed four hostages from hamas captivity. one of them , andrei kazlov, also has russian citizenship. according to local press reports, he worked as a security guard at a music festival that
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took place on october 7. before the hostages were released, the central part of the gaza strip was bombed, and the refugee camp (nusairat) came under israeli attack. according to palestinian sources, 210 people were killed and more than 400 were injured, including women and children. at the same time , the israeli prime minister calls the operation heroic. head of the palestinian authority mahmoud abas demands the convening of an emergency meeting of the un security council. in st. petersburg, the investigation into the murder of igor tolkova has been completed. the famous singer was shot dead during a concert in the ninety-first year, the investigation then established that talkov’s concert director valery shlyafman tried to shoot another participant in the conflict that arose, but mortally wounded the artist himself. shlyafman fled to israel, and in russia he was accused in absentia of murder by negligence. 3 years ago the investigation was resumed and new evidence was obtained the guilt of the main defendant in the case. more than 150 witnesses were questioned, including pop artists and
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palace workers. sports, police officers present at the scene of the incident, a number of genetic studies were carried out, and experts who conducted examinations in 1991-92 were interrogated. based on the results of the investigation, valery shlyafman is accused of murder, that is , intentionally causing the death of igor tolkov and the attempted murder of igor malakhov, committed in a generally dangerous manner. now there are impressive images from the chelyabinsk region. in bashkiria , a large tornado formed on the border of the regions, a whirlwind from the ground to the sky demolished everything in its path, the roofs of residential buildings, gas stations, cars, fallen power line poles were damaged, 10 settlements were left without power, the accident is already being eliminated, the hurricane was accompanied by hail the size of a matchstick boxes, drivers did their best to save their cars, someone even drove them under a canopy at a public transport stop. good news
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has arrived. region , the search for children, who a few days ago got lost in the forest, the whole world was looking for them, more than 650 people combed the forest day after day, it also helped a lot that the brother and sister were in... together with the dogs, with whom they slept in an embrace at night and warmed each other, and the dogs scared off the wolves several times by barking. and valentina slavyeva will tell a wonderful story of salvation, something sweet, let him eat, yes, i’ll take mine off now, dogs, dogs, don’t worry, your children, your children, give me a jacket, they don’t have the strength to talk at all, ten-year-old vika and her brother, twelve-year-old grisha was finally rescued, volunteers wrapped them in their jackets, gave them water, fed them on atvs, hugging a dog.
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with two dogs, on the evening of june 4, he and his grandfather went fishing in the area of ​​​​the village of burmakino, returning back , they got lost, they all spent the night together in the forest, and then they separated and the grandfather returned home alone, the man was 67, he had suffered a stroke and was reportedly unable to clearly explain how the children, visha, vita, disappeared, rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations, employees of the ministry of internal affairs, the national guard, dog handlers were looking for them, search teams, volunteers, more than 600 people combed the square.
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on the road, they were able to tell how the dogs, rocky and red, helped them survive, they slept with them in an embrace to keep warm, they ate, they found quail eggs, they fed themselves to the dogs, they drank water from the swamps, in their words they saved their dogs,
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the wolf cubs allegedly approached them, the dogs drove them away, in a hospital in the sverdlovsk region the children were given first aid, they carried out a full range of examinations, here in the ward they finally saw their mother, she also participated in the search, i didn’t worried. everything was fine, i knew that everything would be fine, i was confident in you, i was confident in my hand, i was sure that they would not abandon you, everything would be fine, after grisha evika you were transported by helicopter to tyumen at the request of your mother, it is in this city that a family lives, the children are under the supervision of doctors, they receive all the necessary help, their conditions are of moderate severity, at the moment there is no threat to life, it is reported that...
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in recent years, government programs in this area have been expanding, and therefore the work becomes even more effective. social work is an important and noble mission. with your caring attention you surround all generations of our citizens, from birth to old age. from the bottom of my heart i want to thank you for this important work, warmth, concern, initiative , sincere devotion with...


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