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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  June 10, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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russia not only talks about protecting its interests, but also will do it, vladimir putin said at a meeting with the heads of international news agencies. it took place in st. petersburg in the tallest skyscraper in europe, the lakhta center, where gazprom's headquarters are located. the conversation lasted more than 3 hours, they talked about the special operation, relations with the west. vladimir putin has consistently debunked the myths that our country’s opponents are using. manipulate public opinion. key points in anton's report vernitsky. some of the heads of international news agencies who communicated with vladimir putin did not leave our country immediately after meeting with him. in general, this is surprising, but some of them writing about russia were here for the first time, some were in st. petersburg for the first time. we met samia nakul from the british news agency reuters at the final plenary session of the st. petersburg economic forum. 2 days before this was her first time in person. i saw putin, so
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i came to listen to him again. it seems that that meeting made an impression, although nothing about her love for russia, let alone putin , has no need to speak, of course. i felt that the president had a lot of energy, he spoke for 3 hours and 15 minutes, which is amazing considering that he has many other meetings. he could dive into the details of any problem he was dealing with, and he seemed very comfortable, relaxed, and clearly in control of the situation. he answered all the questions he liked.
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our tactical nuclear weapons are 70-75 kilotons, such tactical nuclear weapons, well, let’s not lead to not only use, even the threat of use. the president's press secretary, dmitry peskov , later, meeting with journalists, noted precisely this manner of the western press, which warns putin about the threat of escalation of the conflict due to the actions of the united states , turning their vassals into putin, supposedly constantly frightening.
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in the american british press speak for themselves. putin has issued a new ominous threat. british dailylist. putin issued an ominous warning to everyone. the british scoreboard and tsang, an eye for an eye. by saber-striking, putin warns. don't need anything to come up with this, on these ideas, means to form an opinion about russia. there is no need to create an image of an enemy from russia. you 're only hurting yourself by doing this, you know? they came up with the idea that russia wants to attack nato, you are completely crazy, or something, stupid, in general, like this table, who came up with this, this is nonsense, you know, bullshit, but it would be, it would be nonsense, yes, if if there were no idea to fool our own population, he says, but the guard, soon russia will attack us, and we must arm ourselves urgently, urgently, that means sending weapons means... to ukraine,
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in fact, what this is being done for is to maintain one’s own imperial position and greatness, that’s why this is being done, that the united states and european countries are diligently engaged in supplying weapons to ukraine. is being taken out of the equation, the situation is supposedly being aggravated solely by russia, and in the same united states they have not been paying attention to the shelling by ukrainian nationalists of the killing of civilians in the donbass since 2014, that is, long before the start of the northern military district. how do you think, what has moscow managed to achieve over the past 2 years and how to put an end to hostilities ? the first thing we did was fulfill our duty to the people who suffered from the government.
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states, i can say what i once told mr. biden, if you want to stop hostilities in ukraine, stop supplying weapons, these actions will stop within two, well, maximum 3 months. that's all. both on russia, along with attacks by western weapons on russian territory, where, like in belgorod, people have already suffered from shelling of exclusively peaceful targets is unknown, but now in the west they are talking about allegedly allowing ukrainians to fire high-precision missiles deep into russian territory. something that is clear even to a non-specialist:
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ukrainians can only control the complexes in service with the united states by observing the work of an american specialist guiding a missile to a target with the help of american satellites and american reconnaissance aircraft.
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the american president, and not ours, even in the context of the election fight in the states, after all the american tv channel accuses its fox channel of supporting trump, on the other hand, of course.
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the constitution of ukraine indicates this with all possible legal clarity; with whom should we sign the agreement now? well, nevertheless, everything can be solved, everything can be agreed upon, there is complete power, if it goes to the speaker of parliament, it means there would be a desire to sign an agreement, with whom we will find it, this is another question, here, as they say, there would be a desire with neighboring side, but the united states prohibits ukraine from wishing peace, at the same time, they are trying to ban russia’s friendship with china, but here they definitely attacked the wrong ones, according to putin, our countries cannot be interfered with, this is the very sovereignty of cooperation. news agencies heard this from putin. anton vernitsky,
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maria martanova, anastasia berestenko, channel one st. petersburg. and in contrast to vladimir putin’s speeches in st. petersburg, joe biden’s interview with the magazine. as they say, it would be funny if it weren't so sad. why is it not a laughing matter not to american voters, not to everyone who is involved.
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we don’t deal with, well, let’s say trump wants to impose tariffs of up to 10% on everything, this will raise
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the prices of everything in america. well, okay, trump, but putin has something to do with it, the editor has to explain. biden seemed to be referring to sizenpin, not putin. most often , the american leader made a reservation when it came to relations with moscow. we understood that putin was going to attack and wanted the whole world to see that we were in control of the situation when putin attacked russia. increased complexity. the questions were no different, but the most basic ones it was obviously not easy for the president. in ukraine you find yourself in a difficult position, the war drags on, is russia's offer to end the war the best ukraine can hope for? no, that's not true. and by the way, i don't understand why you're missing out on everything that happened during this time. the russian army has been mostly destroyed. you don’t write about this, but damn it, she suffered a lot. but the american press writes about the possibility of a catastrophic
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front collapse for kiev, perhaps because that he trusts more not the confused president, but the minister of defense. day by day with the release of the interview, the head of the pentagon essentially checked his boss. in recent weeks and months, we have seen that russia is making progress along the entire front line. and this is a terrible thing, like listening to biden. if we let ukraine fall, change my words, you... the idea that iran has amassed an entire nuclear arsenal, i mean iraq, all of this is not true, and these are mistakes.
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joe biden gave cause for concern after of making a series of confusing statements during a magazine interview that was full of blunders and gaffes. biden confused the leaders of countries and said that africa's population will reach 1 billion people in the next few years, although it is already almost one and a half billion. and
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in three cases, his remarks in the transcript of the interview were conveyed in words that were illegible. probably to divert attention from failure. the house promptly organized an interview on the loyal abc news channel, but even there joe biden fell apart as soon as the topic of russia came up. i know he is already 40 years old, he is already 40 years old, it worries me, he cannot be called a decent person, he is a dictator. getting personal in big politics is an unconditional maviton, here it also distracted from the potential sensation , it turns out putin was 40 years ago, that is, even before his business trip to the gdr , he held the rank of kgb major. from leningrad found a way to bother senator biden, is benjamin netanyahu listening to you, i think he is listening to me, they are not going to attack russia. here, it’s true that biden himself corrected himself not for russia, but for rafah, but the sediment remained. the wall street journal writes that this is nothing, saying that during closed meetings
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the president sometimes falls into unconsciousness. when president biden met with leaders in january. to discuss financing for ukraine, he spoke so quietly at times that some people on the call had difficulty making out his words. he voiced even banal things while reading from a piece of paper. at the same time, biden took long pauses and closed his eyes for a long time, so those present wondered if he had passed out. in american the press, including the pro-democratic one, is increasingly seeing leaks that even though horses are not being changed in midstream, the democratic party is not averse to replacing its candidate, but joe biden does not want to go anywhere. victory in elections becomes a factor of survival, almost literally. trump, racked with criminal cases, is already hinting that if he wins the election, he will not forget those who filed these very cases against him. this is
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a terrible precedent for our country. does this mean that the next president will continue this practice? here's the question: we are facing terrible, terrible difficulties, so it is very likely that those who condemned us to them will do the same. these threats caused real panic among fbi agents. employees are trying to figure out what life will be like if donald trump wins a second term. i have to have painful conversations with loved ones about the fact that i may have to leave the country to avoid illegal and unconstitutional arrest. people are really afraid that they will be thrown in jail. but for now they can imprison trump himself, his the case of concealing payments to a porn actress became a criminal case only because the jury decided that he did not just cheat with a tax return, but did it to hide another crime, although which was not even explained to the jury. trump's lawyers said, your honor, tell the jury what exactly the second
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crime is, because the investigation must prove that document fraud helped to commit the second.
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live a book about your addiction if you know that you are suspected of a crime associated with drug use. in court , the president's son is pressed for pity, he even cries at the sight of his daughter, the lawyers blame everything on his ex- wife. hunter kept the drug guns in her bag, which she, out of fear that her husband would do something wrong, threw it in the trash. the president said that even in the worst case scenario, he would not sign a pardon for his son. but will he remember this tomorrow? on fox news they are already making jokes about leonid ilyach. joe biden doesn't remember the nuances of his policies because the only thing he cares about is remember the terms of his health insurance. georgy lisashvili, pavel nesterov, sergey chivelo,
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channel one usa. a precarious position, the adequacy of joe biden is questionable, the scandalous trail of his family clan and the judicial passion for donald trump. the topic of the author's commentary by a political scientist, host of the "big game" program on channel one. over to dmitry simes. welcome! evening, president ronald reagan’s favorite expression was “heh again,” which meant, again, you ’re repeating all this nonsense. and that's when you look at the president's latest statements biden, statements that relate to both foreign and domestic policy, one really gets the impression that we are dealing. with an incorrigible person in the sense that he is not able to learn from his mistakes, and that he is ready to say literally
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anything, but his mistakes in the past, he was often criticized for these mistakes, but in general, he was not head of state, when you look at what he allows himself to do today, his increasing lack of understanding of reality, this concerns not only... the american voter, but all of us. the main political topic in the united states is the undeclared war that president biden and his administration are waging against their main competitor, former and possibly future president donald trump. there are four different prosecutions against trump. the problem is that when... it comes to court, it turns out that the alleged crimes committed are even difficult to understand, that articles of the law are applied that
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have never been applied to anyone else, that judges and prosecutors are entirely democrats, and some even financial supporters, donors to president biden's campaign. well, okay, apparently, from biden’s point of view, these are normal judicial procedures, but then it’s even better, better in quotes, now there is a trial of a completely different person who is beginning to compete with trump in his fame, this is biden’s son, hunter, who is on trial after he refused. make a deal with the investigation, which offered a minimum non-custodial sentence
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for hunter biden's accusation that he he fraudulently obtained a gun license, now there is a trial, president biden has repeatedly said that his son is innocent, that he is proud of him, he is absolutely sure that he did nothing. wrong, what a surprise, a mistress appears, her last name is also biden, she is hunter biden’s former lover, and at the same time the widow of biden’s eldest son, who died several years before, and this lady and hunter biden regularly abused drugs together.
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with his son, and the son, of course, is not guilty, as we see, a complete lack of standards is characteristic not only of biden’s foreign policy, but in general for everything that concerns his personal or his state interests; he is simply a person with a complete lack of standards. will this option against trump work within the united states?
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when he first ran for president in the eighties, his most striking statement turned out to be plagiarism from the english liberian leader neil keenon, then he explained this by saying that the statement he liked the movie so much that he thought it was his own, but he wasn't president then, but he didn't have access
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to the nuclear button back then. well, his reservations of this kind, this kind of inappropriate behavior, they are repeated too often today on too important issues, including relations with other great powers, it is of course up to the american voter whether to give biden a second term, but from my point of view we are talking about a person , like... who is inadequate as a person and even more so inadequate as a state leader, and this already concerns all of us. in general , there are the same double standards inside america that washington uses outside. here in georgia, despite the unrest provoked by western ngos and the veto of another pro-american president, the law on foreign agents came into force. the word is almost a copy of the legal law that has been in force in the united states since 1938.
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the losing country is represented.
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georgia is not a country that someone will use for their own interests, that will destroy the world and repeat the fate of ukraine, we we protect this country, we protect the world, we want to keep the peace. another massacre in the gaza strip was carried out by israel, it was called an operation to free the hostages. four were actually released, one of them has a russian passport, but before that the idf struck the nuseirat refugee camp. according to palestinian sources, 210 people were killed. women, children, more than 400 people were wounded, they were darned right on the ground so that people would not bleed. palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas calls for an emergency meeting of the security council un. now about the big african tour of the head
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of our diplomacy. sergei lavrov this week visited guinea, the republic of congo, burkina faso and chat. economics, military-technical cooperation, a general view of the new multipolar world. the countries of the continent have similar approaches. russia to solve the most pressing geopolitical problems. together with the minister, our correspondent, anatoly lazarev, appreciated african hospitality. the russian foreign minister came to the chat for the first time and immediately found a common language with the locals, and not french, as could have been the case guess if chat is a former colony of france or english, as the most common language of international communication, but russian. russia. russia gave us the opportunity, the opportunity to water. russia is developing relations with the third world, as they say, russia is great, so
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it must be respected. the russian language greeted sergei lavrova in almost every african country he visited during this series of visits. burkina fasso, for example, read pushkin. relations with the african continent, after the collapse of the ussr moscow seemed to have forgotten about africa, now all experts admit, this was a mistake. and now the plane with the russian trikovor is gaining altitude again, with african landscapes under its wing. in 3 days, the head of the ministry held negotiations in four countries. the first
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destination is the capital of guinea, canakry, from there a flight to the town of oyo, in the congo, where the residence of the head of state is. the next work meeting is in ouagadougou, the capital of burkina fasso, and then a working visit to the main city of chado, djamena.
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their legitimate zone of influence, they want an equal dialogue. minister of foreign affairs affairs of the republic chat, no matter how hard he tried, could not hide his irritation when local journalists asked if he was afraid that improving relations with moscow would automatically worsen relations with paris? we have long-standing ties
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with the russian federation, we are a sovereign country, we value our independence and we develop relations with those with whom we want to develop relations, we choose our partners ourselves. i don’t understand how you... african countries want to cooperate with moscow on a wide range of issues, from arms supplies to energy development. that's why it's so the already tested format turned out to be in demand. russia-africa summit twice. for example, in july last year , 49 countries of the african continent were represented at the second forum, 17 of them at the highest level. africa today consists of 54 states, that is , approximately a quarter of the total. and they occupy 20% of the planet's landmass. population - 1.494 million. this is 18% of all humanity. people, of course, are the main wealth of africa, but the continent is also generously endowed with minerals, especially mineral ones. more than 80%.
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many medicines, for example, over 70% of kaltan ore, without it there will be no electronics, world reserves of phosphates, they are part of half the world's cobalt deposits, and these are batteries for smartphones and electric vehicles, almost a third of bauxite is ore for producing aluminum, and also gold, oil, diamonds and much more. we are interested in developing such areas as the development of mineral reserves, geological exploration, and energy. construction of infrastructure facilities, agriculture, healthcare, education, we are glad that chado's delegation is participating in the st. petersburg economic forum, this is a good opportunity to establish contacts with potential business partners. schad's delegation is just one of many african ones at the st. petersburg international economic forum. zimbabwe, for example, is represented at the highest level. the head of state arrived for the negotiations. glad to have the opportunity. to meet with you on the sidelines of the st. petersburg
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international economic forum, i am sure that your presence will symbolize the interest of the african continent in development relations with the russian federation, and this is one of our priorities. zimbabwe. zimbabwe and the russian federation demonstrate excellent relations and it is extremely important to expand our interaction. africa is considered an anti-western region and i am honored that you invited me to visit your forum. the world is becoming multipolar, countries that until recently could not lay claim to anything today feel like equal partners and are strengthening their sovereignty day by day. at the same time , countries that recently competed leaders of global development are trying with all their might, by hook or by crook, to maintain their elusive role as hegemons. in general , there is nothing unusual here when it comes to a country or a person. in their lives they try to maintain
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their positions, strengthen them, but by crook is bad, by crook is good, by crook is no good. the old geopolitical global order, which is determined by a few elected members , is unacceptable to us. we in zimbabwe have a philosophy of being friends with everyone and making enemies with no one. we are convinced that mutually beneficial cooperation and partnership are the most reliable basis for a multipolar world. and for the formation of new growth points. russia is ready for comprehensive cooperation in economics and politics. sergei lavrov, during her trip to africa, emphasized this at negotiations in each country. we are interested in ensuring that, as part of the ongoing work on reform of the un security council, african countries take their rightful place in this main structure of international interaction in the field of maintaining peace and security. african countries have it. common position, and we treat it with full
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respect, we will ensure that in any reform options, the interests of africa, along with the interests of latin america and asia, are fully taken into account. moscow has never been a colonialist for africa; on the contrary, it has always supported the national liberation movement. even today, on many issues on the international agenda, the positions of russia and african countries coincide, for example, the point of view on the ukrainian conflict and the role of the west v. many african leaders, and today, president chado also emphasized this, have long emphasized the need for mutually respectful relations between all countries of the world, and have said several times that the days are gone when a western ambassador could come to the president of an african country and give him instructions. thank god, such times will not return in africa. here in ukraine everything is happening exactly as
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it was in post-colonial times: ambassadors come and give instructions to the leaders of the kiev regime. you can't strive for peace at the same time preaching double standards. when it is necessary to regulate a conflict, all parties need to be brought to the negotiating table, and we do not understand how one of the main participants in the situation can be excluded from a conference dedicated to peace issues. a solution to the ukrainian issue must be found through negotiations. russia was not invited to the conference in switzerland, how are they going to achieve peace if they do not invite one of the parties to the conflict? the conference is not being held for the sake of peace. africa sees russia as a reliable and honest partner and now feels reciprocal interest. when sergei lavrov was flying away from the child , a thunderstorm broke out. on a continent where every drop of water is like gold, everything related to rain is especially revered. yes, in russia, rain on the road is a good omen. moreover, when traffic on this road became two-way. anatoly
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lazarev, pavel volkonsky, pavel petrov. first channel. vladimir putin instructed to prevent spikes in apple prices. zamayskaya zamoroski of russia, the consequences of abnormal cold weather for agriculture have become one among the main topics of vladimir putin’s meeting with the government, how the authorities support farmers and what the gardeners themselves say, will there be a harvest? all this is covered in dalmira beryukova's report. here are times 2 3 4 5 six, here are six apples per tree, well, this is such a crop that it is impossible to protect, but in any case we will buy pesticides uh. we won’t multiply pests, well, these are tears, not harvest, but we’re already happy about that. honored agricultural worker igor muhanin calculates losses in the millions. in the tambov region, may frosts killed them even before they arrived almost the entire apple harvest, but even worse, the trees themselves suffered. look at
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the frost damage, they will appear for another 2 years, here the cambium is affected from 50 to 100%. they don’t immediately die trees, but they will be sick for these 2 years, 3 years, they will still have to be uprooted, and this is the percentage of trees, well, 80% affected, there have not been such surprises from the weather for almost 23 years, freezing frosts at the peak blooms spread in a stripe from samara and saratov, captured part of volgograd, hit the central black earth region, went to the smolensk region and partly on belarus and poland; lipetsk, voronezh and tambov suffered the most in the first wave of zamoros. region, a strong return frost of up to 7-8° hit belgorod and kursk. voronezh, another burst of arctic cold brought -10° celsius. in total, may frosts affected 21 regions of russia. whether this will pose a threat to the country's food security, vladimir putin spoke about this with the new minister of agriculture oksana lut. in
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twenty-one regions of russia, unfortunately, the frosts passed, about one died somewhere. a little more than 1% of the harvest is about 1.2%. oksana nikolaevna, what does the situation look like today? dear vladimir vladimirovich, as you noted, this year has been difficult for us; more than 13,500 hectares of perennial fruit and berry plantings have been damaged. as a result of this situation, 11 regions at their level introduced a state of emergency, given the scale of the damage.
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we can do without imports, for example, in the tolsk, ryazan, nizhny novgorod and moscow regions, flowering began later, the harvest survived, and the main supplier of apples, the south of russia, was practically unaffected, 80% of the harvest was preserved, there won’t be a big shortage,
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the shortage can only be accelerated by rumors, you know, there are no apples on our farm, that’s all, there aren’t any in the whole country, it’s not so. but our producer needs to be supported, yet again, please tell me what additional support measures do you plan for agricultural producers, in such bad weather conditions - this is agricultural insurance, and we allocate 5 billion a year for agricultural insurance annually, in this year we insured about 14% of all our areas, and quite a lot of areas were just from these sown areas, but they ended up in this... unpleasant weather situation in the frost for which insurance payments will now be made. apple accounts for 90% of the country's total horticultural business. affected farms say this year is worse than ever.
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you'll replant, they're perennial, he doesn't have apples, he's feeling better now, more or less, we restored him in a month, and he 'll still be crazy until october, then he'll we need to prune, then protect from hares, from mice, remove all these branches, feed in the spring, everything, everything, we will get the harvest only in october of the twenty-fifth year, how will we survive until then, the astrogozh gardens in the south of the voronezh region are 100 years old, crops are grown here , which everyone can be proud of... the country can fit up to 15 kg of apples on one branch. this year the frost killed almost all the primroses;
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there is no harvest expected on 52 hectares. despite the fact that these apple trees will not produce a harvest this year, agricultural work does not stop here, the trees continue they will treat pests against diseases, prune, shape the crown, fertilize, that is, prepare in every possible way for next year’s harvest. such care will bear fruit. next year they plan to get 40 tons per hectare. and here. berry growers were a little luckier. raspberries, as they say, slipped through here with a slight fright and bloomed after frost. the frost destroyed the strawberries only when the first flower stalks began to be harvested. therefore, the consumer most likely will not notice a shortage of berries on the shelves, however it is the difference between expectation and reality that is noticeable on small farms. in the liskinsky district of the voronezh region, garden strawberries are grown on 6 hectares. it is more profitable to conduct business where the wholesale price is higher. almost all of these berries will go to moscow, to be purchased for 450 rubles. per kilogram, while there is a lot of import in the capital, but our gardeners believe that foreign berries can never compare with russian seasonal ones, even taking into account the increased
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price, after all, we have local open ground here, turkey, some serbia, and there someone, i think, is unlikely to compete with us in this regard, that is, i mean in terms of taste, in terms of quality itself, because there is a certain long road, we mainly sell fresh juice, even really it’s not exactly refrigerated or frozen, but the technology is different, which means it most likely has different taste qualities. this year , stone fruits are being rooted in the region; these still very small sprouts will produce 100 hectares of large cherries, and an additional 20 blueberries will be planted, which is still a rarity. northern berries are expensive in cost; additional subsidies are needed for the purchase of the same peat for the fields. and yet this plantation competes with imports. in their desire to bring even more of our fruits and berries to the table of the russian consumer, gardeners continue to increase their supply. volumes we were inspired by the words of our president vladimir vladimirovich putin at a meeting with the minister of agriculture, when he said that gardening should not
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stop, we need to invest money further, by the thirtieth year we need to speed up our farming, which means that from the nineties to the present, we have increased the production of fruits by 10 times, strawberries and cherries by 15 and 20 times, and today we are setting a goal for the twenty-seventh year. double production, that is, get 50 to 60,000 tons. today there are all the conditions for the development of horticulture, a gene pool has been created, selection has been established, this is how much the price of apples will increase, this largely depends on the policy of retail chains, the weather has nothing to do with it. dalmira beryukova, sergey pelyaev, alexander klimov, ekaterina belova and pavel evdokimenko, channel one. 3 c: self-sufficiency, independence and self-sufficiency.
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500 companies from nine countries, plus, of course, belarusian manufacturers. the open exhibition featured 240 pieces of agricultural machinery. since the beginning of this year , new ones have started working in the eurasian economic union.
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observed in all five countries, in all directions. thank you, dear, since the creation of the union, the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled , agricultural production by more than a quarter, and industrial production by more than 20 percent. in in the current quarter, these two indicators added about another 1.5%, respectively, and at the end of last year, the gross domestic product of the five, you know everything well, these figures increased by 3.8%, surpassing... and global growth rates. date of the week: pushkin anniversary. 225 years since the birth of our genius. and experience is the son of difficult mistakes, and the genius of paradoxes is a friend, the case of god the inventor. the poet from god is always with us. who knows everything, of course, pushkin is our everything. and we, grateful descendants, again turn to his lines, to his dramatic fate. coming soon to natalia alexander's first big movie, a new look at a love story. and
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our love for him will never fade. lyubov filippova will continue the pushkin theme. my grandmother worked as the manager of a bookstore, when i came to her as a child, walked around the store, there was a large portrait of pushkin hanging on the wall. i learned to read, took a book to the library and read it, ruslan and lyudmila, there’s a golden chain, a cat, this, it’s like these were childhood impressions, the weatherman walks on the sea, and the boat pushes, he runs in the waves on open sails. what is not necessary, these are the first these poems that i heard from my mother when i was very little, with each of us, from childhood , together with pushkin, we studied, grew, plunged into a carefree fairy-tale world, admired the beauty of our native land, together with him we experienced both first love and first disappointment, and now together we are living his personal love story, the happiest, albeit short and roaring part of the poet’s life,
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the film natalie and alexander, will be shown on channel one this year, and your pushkin, not the book i won’t give it to you, i’m completely crazy, i liked the dance with pushkin, i really, really liked it, we see pushkin, not as a great poet, not as a bronze monument, but we will see him, like a man driven into some kind of powerful everyday trap , in which he struggles and cannot find a way out, he is very understandable here, i was with the emperor, he was a very passionate person, if we are talking about the fact that a man at the dawn of his strength went to kill himself, well , of course he was jealous, it seems stronger love excited the poet with jealousy, both of these feelings forced pushkin to take up his pen more and more, temperamental, open, multifaceted, his poems flow like a song, and why not become one? you appeared before me. for me alexander sergeevich, he is like family, we pray for him, we walk with him, we communicate with him, and i was struck by his inscription in one
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of the albums, i kiss the tips of your wings.
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you know, everyone says: this is our everything, and it’s true. the village of big boldino, some trees on the banks of this pond have been growing since pushkin’s times. the poet himself came for the first time came here in the fall of 1830 and was stuck for 3 months due to quarantine, then there was a cholera epidemic throughout the country. the kitchen, in the distance you can see a stable, a bathhouse, a servant's house, and most importantly, of course, the estate is the only estate of the pushkin family that was not destroyed during wars and revolutions, everything is here... with every cell, you try to understand, well and naturally pass on to the children, this same impression will last a lifetime, our class teacher specially took a bus with kolkoz and brought us, munir osmanov remembers this estate from the age of seven age, they come here from moscow now,
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with alexander sergeevich’s food, he loved to meet. this simple, simple food, potatoes and buckwheat, not like the master’s, porridge, double cabbage soup, and apple pies, in bolden pushkin wrote more than sixty works, belkin’s short stories.
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pushkin stayed away from the paths and especially loved to sit here and admire the view. it is especially good in winter, when there is white snow and this black and white graphic of trunks. it was here that pushkin invented the frosty sun, a wonderful day. and these lines, well, maybe there will be those who will not pick them up. there is a green oak near the lukomorye, a golden flower on the oak . and day and night, a cat, a scientist, keeps walking around...
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young people, but because they are somewhat hooligan, they are not very popular at school, he is a rebel, he is an experimenter, he is the same, take him now to the modern our world, he would be a very famous person and idols of youth, and after all, they are trying to move artists with a light hand, pushkin ends up with us on the same street, on the same tram, on the same beach, and what can i say, some of him works with their relevance in our days are simply...
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sparkling with bristles, the russian land will not rise, so send to us, lead your embittered kremlin, to the walls of motionless china, sons of steel, there is a place for them in the fields of russia.
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pyotr grinev is at most 18 years old when pugachev’s uprising happens, masha mironova is even younger, the russian romeo and juliet, probably no one writes about love like pushkin. and it somehow resonates in me, love for a woman, love for the homeland, love for life, and the poet sincerely and openly teaches this to all of us. lyubov filipova, maria emelyanova, dmitry bilov, alexey zotov, vitaly zaitsov, channel one. good morning to all those who celebrate this day with channel one, arina sharapova is with you on the calendar. monday is
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june 10, please wake up quickly, we have extensive plans for this morning, we will make sure that today student teams are a great way for young students to earn money in the summer, we will find out what and how they teach in colleges, we will celebrate world ice cream day, the very summer delicacy, of course, we’ll prepare something delicious, let’s admire the rose gardens, and that’s not all we ’ve prepared for you, well, let’s get started right now to warm up. good morning, why do we need morning exercises? to keep our muscles toned and create a good mood, everyone needs this, so join us, sit on the floor, stretch out your legs, this is the starting position, now we put our left leg as close to the body as possible and.. we stand up, leaning on it
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and our right hand, while we turn to the right, in the reverse order we return to the starting position, one by one. we perform the exercise first in one direction or the other, at first we don’t rush, we need to grasp the sequence of actions, we can gradually speed up, and now let’s complicate the exercise: we get up, stretch forward the arm that was resting during the rise, swing the opposite leg, try to touch with the toe of your palm, sit down again, repeat the combination in the other direction, don’t raise your leg too high, you should. if you can’t touch
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your foot with your hand, it’s not a big deal. our task is to warm up. exercise will help strengthen your muscles the entire body, stretch your joints, and improve coordination. let's continue. probably, after all, there is not a single woman who would not be happy with a bouquet of roses. no wonder he calls it a rose. flowers, right now i suggest you meet her majesty rose, take a walk through the wildflowers of russia. in the sochi riviera park there is one of the largest collections of roses in russia, 33 varieties and 6.00 bushes, all so different, for example, the unique variety pink intuition, an unusual combination of fuchsia-pink and white flowers. but in what store will you see this? here they look like butterflies, and some kind of feathers. with dashes and fringes of some
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absolutely incredible coffee brick paint. roses have been grown in our country since the 16th century. it is believed that the russian climate is not very suitable for the queen of flowers, but this did not prevent varieties of roses from taking root in our country. this is polina from engels's favorite flower. i associate roses with the book “the little prince, and grandma grew roses at the dacha,” and so do i. i also try to grow roses on the balcony, in the garden of stavropol resident alexander panomariov - one of the largest private collections of roses in russia, 8.00 bushes and 80 varieties, chinatown, blue parfum, monster wood, the most fragrant countrymen with the scent of strawberries and golden celebration with the scent of currants, eltoro smells like caramel, she has no thorns, that’s apparently who- then the breeder persuaded her during cultivation that she was not in danger.
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that’s why she dropped the thorns, and some flowers amaze with their thirst for life, like jumilia, it seems to you that the rose is a delicate and capricious plant, it grows even among stones. these roses then grow when find themselves in good conditions, they transform even more and delight their owners. and chameleon roses grow in kislovodsk. you can never guess what color they are. the bremen town musicians seem to be a peach. has an unusual color, depending on the lighting, it can be from light blue to such a pronounced purple, here... a whole valley of roses, 2 hectares, 30 varieties. guests from other regions like the flowers so much that they say: at least stay and live here. anna and vitaly came from barnaul. to us in siberia you can only dream about this. thank you very much for creating such beauty. roses are not only beautiful, but also fashionable. here is a crimean
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necklace, the pride of the breeders of the southern peninsula. flowers on shrubs always seem to be sleeping; this fashionable trend in breeding never ends. creating antique roses, it seems that these are such old roses, there is a boutonniere on a prom dress. of course, breeders are chasing trends, but at the same time they are also concerned about the climate stability and the duration of their flowering. a everything is needed so that they grow healthy and bloom for the joy of you and me. mikhail volkov, natalya kravchenko, elena savina, channel one. our good cheerful morning continues. the time has come to find out what got into our main network.
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fill the con with maple syrup, grind it and add the resulting mixture to ice cream, decorate the dessert with crispy bacon and pieces of sausage, many people like it. the three winners open an unusual computer, the cooling system of which runs on milk and ice cream, making this a miracle of technology in taiwan, but for now it’s really a prototype, but it already has 3 million fans. honorably second. together, a dog named dahuan from china, a big fan of ice cream , very cunning, just look, while the owners are not at home, he takes ice cream out of the freezer, eats it, and carefully throws the wrapper into the trash can, covers his tracks, and the winner of our today
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the hit parade is, who would doubt it, a cat named murzik, see with what pleasure he devours ice cream, his ears are already cracking, we wish him. arrhythmia is a very unpleasant thing that can happen completely suddenly; if you have been diagnosed with this, carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations and listen to the advice of cardiologist oksana blokhina. the doctor diagnosed arrhythmia: the drugs prescribed by the doctor will help you normalize your heart rhythm, and to prevent the disease. review your diet. solino can be no more than 5 g per day. to monitor your weight, you will have to cook yourself. i also advise you to exclude fatty and fried foods. and at least half, reduce consumption
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meat. it is high in saturated fats, which lead to heart disease. instead, vegetable protein. we cook porridge. iznut or lentils for a snack, nuts. these products strengthen the heart and do not overload the blood vessels. you may ask, what about kebab? is it still summer? sometimes it’s possible, but we prefer fish or poultry. and we cut off the darkened, crispy edges and don’t eat them. as a side dish, be sure to serve a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs. can add. we include a little feta cheese in it as a drink instead of soda in our daily diet. compote of dried apricots and raisins, no need to add sugar, the drink is already sweet, dried fruits
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contain potassium, which regulates heart rate, and of course, we watch our weight, excess adipose tissue provokes arrhythmia. therefore, we remember about light physical activity, if the doctor doesn’t mind, we go for a walk, ride a bike, be healthy! let me remind you that it’s monday on the calendar, that’s june 10, the travel season is in full swing, let’s go on a short trip to north ossetia, where the good-natured people settled giants, these are yaks, let's admire them, get to know those who are reviving the population of these... animals, north ossetia, karpinsky ridge, yaks, don't make noise, she grunts, don't torture them, they grunt. it’s almost impossible to get a color so close to yaks, only if
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there is someone nearby whom they know well, meet teimuras dzebesov, he has been involved in livestock farming for 15 years, 2 years ago he decided to restore the population of yaks, they have not been seen here for several centuries, now there is a whole livestock, the first batch we brought yaks from upper balkaria, there is a breeder there, one he’s a good man, and we took 100 heads from him, after that, after another 2 months, we took another 100 heads. now we have 200 heads , taking into account the arrivals of about 200, probably 30 heads this year, this, given that there are few mature females in the livestock, mostly teenagers, the plans are to reach 400 heads, at least pastures, as there are two species, summer and winter, yaks they don’t go into it, they live like free birds, for now they just live, multiply, in the future there is an idea to milk them, since their milk is not very specific, it also has a different color, its properties are slightly different, more intense, in the future... it’s natural to make cheese from yako milk, because the specificity is the color and properties of milk, we still
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don’t know about cheese how it will be, who to sell it to, start with locals and tourists, there are many lovers of contemplating wildlife in north ossetia, and there are also those who specially come to admire the herd of yakov. lyudmila kalieva, channel one. bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, and to those who are waiting for culinary inspiration. chef ivan kudryashov offers a quick pie. please write down the recipe. i fried some chicken drumsticks and wrapped them in dough to make a hearty quick pie. i cut out a circle of puff pastry, place it on a baking sheet, put the drumsticks on top of it, like this in a circle, with the flesh inward and the bones outward. sprinkle with chopped herbs and grated cheese. i cover the workpiece with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges, wrap the seeds in foil,
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brush the pie with beaten yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds, put it in a preheated oven, bake for 15 minutes until golden brown, that’s it, the pie is ready, cut it chamomile like a cake, serve hot, crispy dough is juicy. the filling, and also the pieces on the bones, resemble popsicles, and thanks to such an original presentation, the pie seems even tastier. agree, there is something to surprise guests and family, and the recipe is simple and quick, try it and you have prepared it. well, our good morning continues with an invigorating gait, a planned shutdown of hot water is sweeping across the country. well, in general, the phenomenon is familiar to us, one might say, regular, and only for... not for long, so let’s not grumble, let’s use the experience of experienced people,
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who know how to survive it, the days of memes about hot water have come, there are of course extreme sports people who will be fine with cold water, 23°. people go to the resort in such weather, so i think that the temperature is quite comfortable, i’m honestly not a morsch, i just sometimes have trouble because of the deer, well, it’s just not good in the morning, and there’s no water there to heat it, but how... warm and dilute, the pros manage to get by with just one kettle, this is important if you are in a hurry to work in the morning and have no time to tinker with basins, then the main thing is to move from top to bottom so as not to waste water, start washing the body with the head in small portions, because we have little water, for some it is easier to install a boiler, the sale of water heaters in the summer is half as high, popular storage models with a stainless steel tank and no... shutdowns would be cold water , the most popular one is actually 50 l , designed for two to three people, heating
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the entire tank takes about 35-40 minutes, you can set the economy mode, it will take a little longer to heat up, but due to this you can save electricity, but here you need to understand that several days with basins are more important or more payments for electricity, an alternative heating method - the garden shower is heated completely free of charge from the sun, there is a well next to it, in the morning i pour it... and in the afternoon the water is ready, oh, the water is just wonderful, warm, bliss, this is such a state, according to that in the same scheme, anna organized water treatments in her apartment, such a camp shower holds 20 liters of water, we bring it to the balcony in the sun, literally in a couple of hours the water becomes very warm, in the south it can heat up to... visit
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where it’s hot there is still water. utility workers they say that for now it’s impossible to have no outages at all, the pipes are worn out in some places by 70%, they themselves are not interested in living with basins, so they’re reducing the outages. we carry out temporary connection diagrams for the hot water supply system. the duration of interruptions in hot water supply in some areas ranges from three to seven days. and before 2011, who remembers, they turned it off for 3 weeks. dmitry kuzmin, sergey folendysh, alexander aleksenko, nazir nagumanov, channel one. i love you, i ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage, the union saved me.
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information and my friends, rejoice in such messages are not worth it at all, perhaps someone sent you money by mistake, or maybe a scammer is dragging you into a trap. imagine that a scammer posted a fake advertisement on some website for the sale of, for example, a video camera, a buyer was found and the scammer wrote him your plastic card number,
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ask why such difficulties? look, the buyer has now transferred 100,000 to me, but... wants to receive this money without exposing his plastic card, that is , he is simply setting me up. yeah, i think it's the scammer is calling. hello, that’s right, he asks to send the entire amount to his phone number. you cannot do this, otherwise you will become an accomplice to the crime. we hang up and call our bank. we find his number on the internet, or look at credit cards. you need to submit an application to the bank's security service stating that 100.00 rubles were transferred to you by mistake, and you do not claim it. we describe the situation and do not forget to give the phone number of the person who just called. the bank will further investigate the situation and the money will be returned to the buyer video cameras, and the scammers will remain poor. in
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such situations, be reasonable. since 1936, shchida porridge has been our food, the diet of the vast majority of people did not have enough meat products, a source of high-quality animal proteins was needed, so technologists together with nutritionists developed a sausage, which included beef, lean pork, eggs and milk, a real superfood of the time. we had
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a store in our house, and my mother often sent me to buy sausage; in my opinion, it cost about 2.70. is it either 2.90, well, in general, around 3 rubles. it was quite tasty. over time , pork skins began to be added to first-class meat. replace natural eggs and milk with powdered analogues. modern gost is no longer as strict as it used to be, and there are products without it at all due to technical conditions, then if you’re lucky, the composition can be ideal, on the contrary, with chicken, soy, starch. in this case, the name of the producers is not much, but they change it, they call it doctor’s original or... special, for example, it seems that there is no meat at all, that there is something ground with meat taste, and a lot of starch has been added, and it’s just that even the cat doesn’t eat it, neither do we want to, so on the packaging we definitely check how the sausage is made according to gost or tu, and how the name is written, plus we read the composition in the correct product from raw meat
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only beef and pork, and no less than 60%. this is what the category says. oh, but you can’t do without food chemistry completely. the preservative sodium nitrite prevents the development of dangerous bacteria, the causative agents of botulism, and at the same time gives an appetizing color. the cut must be uniform. light pink color without any lumps, without signs of fatty inclusions, that is, the consistency should be uniform and the sausage should be elastic. the shelf life of the doctor's note depends on the shell: in a natural one up to thirty days, in an artificial one up to sixty days, but this is if the loaf is whole. slicing, especially in a slicer on the sales floor, is unhygienic; it is not advisable to store it for longer than a day. yulia kozlova, yuri lebedev, vasily yurov, channel one. the final of the russian cis grand prix among amateur skaters took place in moscow. more details from channel one sports journalist maria
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rumyantseva. figure skating is one of the most popular and beloved sports in our country. every year there are more and more fans who want to not only worry about their idols in the stands, but also put on their skates and go out on the ice. here on the ice of the chikalov arena in moscow for the first time in history. regions of russia and belarus. the competition is structured by analogy with the russian grand prix stages among professional figure skaters. amateurs who became the best in their category reached the finals of the series, age level is taken into account catania. the oldest participant, or rather participant, is 74 years old. yes, figure skating is fun for all ages, regardless of childhood or age class, i believe that those who start
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skating should only be welcomed. we often meet people on the ice who at 30-40 do not dare to get up, well, i don’t know, i got up at 57, and i think that’s normal. the participants in the final showed their programs in singles and pairs skating, as well as... on ice, it seems that our number is very simple, technically it is simple, but in terms of the artistic component it is also not complex, the images are understandable and well-known to everyone, but it turned out to be easy even to ride next to each other in synchronized steps, so much work is required, anything can happen, choreography, music, images, costumes, everything is like professionals, every performance is evaluated by a jury, there are star fans in the stands, a champion europe 2020 dmitry. hobby, they don’t do this as if
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they are performing here, they always do it all with i really like it, because people who are at heart, because this is their favorite hobby, go to work, on the contrary, to take their mind off their usual affairs, duties, so it’s very cool that they have such an opportunity to actually not only train, but also perform, the grand prix series among amateurs will become regular, so anyone who wants to can now... let us remind you that there are 10 on the calendar june, today marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the great singer, people's artist of the ussr, laureate of the glinka state prize. in fact, she has a huge variety of awards, one might say lyudmila zikina, everything is immediately clear, her voice is absolutely perfect. and him to this day they know, they love all over the world, that we will sing, go kusli or a thin rebina, a thin one, how can i get across the rebina,
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lyudmila zikina had not yet had time to start the song, and the audience was already bringing her flowers. women come up to me there, most women and say: you guessed it, because you sang to me, you know, well, this feeling, it never left me, that i bring joy, i gave joy since childhood, i sang in the courtyard of the barracks for the tired after the work of her neighbors, during the war she performed in hospitals, where she fled after shifts, worked as a turner, as a young girl, i was 12 years old then.
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oh, russia, russia, you are so alone, she went with the team to hot spots, once their helicopter was shot down, they survived miraculously, but they didn’t stop going to the soldiers, everyone was warmed with one breath, although the beads were different. they say her mother’s early departure, four marriages, four difficult breakups, the inability to have children, her soul sang about all this. 95 years ago lyudmila zikina was born, a singer whose voice, like a river, carries us to our native shores.
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and there is no end to the volga! svetlana neimanes, joseph kobrin, channel one. we will now find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this time. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. don't switch, stay with us. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the artillery of the north group of troops delivered powerful blows to the locations of ukrainian formations in the kharkov region . the crews of the geotsint b howitzers worked. the rate of fire is high, 10 rounds per minute, while the accuracy is also excellent. as a result, the enemy lost up to twenty militants. tankers of the southern groupings of troops destroyed the stronghold
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of the ukrainian armed forces in donetsk. t-80 bvm crew control used tank carousel tactics, when one vehicle hits the enemy and replaces another. uneven terrain was used for camouflage, and drone operators adjusted their work. they are destroying enemy positions and crews of the uragan rszzo, vostok troop groups in the ugledarsky sector of the south donetsk direction, working at any time of the day, destroying fortifications and military equipment, including western ones. only recently the m-777 and m-119 howitzers of the american production. we work every day, we are on duty 24x7, we help our infantry boys, a target constantly comes, reconnaissance reports, we hit command posts, we hit equipment, well, armored vehicles, infantry, the enemy, we may have several targets at a time, so we have to change to another target and to work on another target, one at a time, two projectiles at a time, but sometimes en masse we can
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work immediately. one of the main topics in the world is the results of the elections to the european parliament, despite the fact that the european union retained leadership in it. the people's party, which, in particular , is represented by the head of the european commission ursula fondeen, has won or significantly improved its positions in key countries of the old world, the right-wing movement, which opposes at least the escalation of the ukrainian conflict for the priority of national interests. for example, in france, marine lepine's party doubled the renaissance of emmanuel macron. after this, the french president announced:
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the csu is in second, having significantly improved its position compared to the last elections, an alternative for germany, the party of the chancellor olaf scholz, while the third, the counting of votes continues, in belgium those parties that do not support arms supplies to kiev received more votes, the government in brussels may reportedly resign in austria in first place is the right-wing freedom party, which is also against anti-russian sanctions . the mass protest in the capital of armenia continued all night. a rally of thousands near the parliament building, the leader of the tavush opposition movement in the name of the homeland, archbishop bagrad galstanyan, said that the demonstrators are not going anywhere they will leave and block baghramyan avenue, setting up tents and calling people. stay outside 24 hours a day. at some point , the police warned the protesters that they were ready to use special means and asked the women to leave the place. protesters accuse prime minister nikol pashinyan of unilaterally transferring border territories to azerbaijan. the main demand is the resignation
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of the government; parliamentary meetings on this issue may take place tomorrow, june 11. the country is in a terrible state, but how long can this continue? in in the end, does the government or anyone need to make some decisions? we need to get out of this situation. a two-day meeting of the heads of foreign policy departments of the brix countries starts today in nizhny novgorod. russia is chairing the organization this year, the first such meeting since the brix expansion. now 10 countries are full members of the association: brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia and ethiopia. about 30 more states want to interact with brix.
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oleg, i need you to come with me to finland and claim your rights to your son, what? vojta your son, russian citizen, oleg berezhnoy, is the physiological father
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of vojta kettonin. a crazy chase will unfold before our eyes, in which each of the heroes will have to get to know each other again, forget grievances, forgive, try to restore justice, fate will give them a chance, but only one. for three persons. so, don’t miss the first episode of the film today, it will start immediately after the program time. and that's all for now. and now, good morning to my colleagues. good morning to all those who are celebrating this day with the first channel on the calendar, monday, june 10th. spend your summer student holidays cheerfully and cheerfully, make new friends, see the country and not spend a penny, on the contrary, earn money. this is quite possible, ask anyone who was in a student group, and those who have not been there yet have an excellent opportunity to visit, pass the exam early and go to work, this is what first-year financial university student
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alina from lipetsk decided, this summer she is a guide in train, and today is her first flight, that she’s sitting at home for the summer, she needs to try something new, something interesting, go for a ride, see other cities and earn extra money. the detachments dispersed to different regions of the soviet union, hundreds of thousands of people, and new directions appeared. sergei nikolaevich first joined the student squad in
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seventy-three after his first year, due to practice. we were building a cowshed, i worked as a concrete worker, next to my diplomas, doctor of science, associate professor, honored professor of moscow university, i have modesty. certificate that i graduated from vocational school number 50 and received the fourth category of concrete worker. i took it long, went for 14 years in a row, and still keeps that same fighter. today student teams comprise more than 10 different areas. last year alone, 225,000 guys were employed. construction, this year we have five projects abroad, that is, india, china, turkey, bangladesh and teachers, counselors and medical service areas. there are it teams. there is no suitable education, they will teach you for free. daniil received two qualifications, now works as a concrete and reinforcement worker. we built near ulyanovsk. research reactor, and also went to the city of murbansk to
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build a dry dock for the naval cruiser. how to get there, just come to the headquarters at your university or leave an application on the website of russian student teams; they are accepted from the age of 14. this is official employment, we agree so that we fully, yes, that is, provide travel, accommodation, food, personal protective equipment, on each of our projects, yes, that is, we make a plan. are wondering whether to continue the school
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course or go to college, dear schoolchildren, the choice is of course yours, well, it would be nice to consult with your parents, by the way, and we, for our part, will simply inform you, now there are open days at colleges, go , please go there, look at what and how they teach in colleges, this will help you make a decision, and now we’ll tell you something interesting, after the ninth year you go to college. last year , more than 60% of graduates enrolled, what are the advantages? shall we ask the students? optionally i approached the profession as a child, but my mother is also a welder by training, i spent my entire childhood with her at the factory and with my father, who taught me the basics of welding at an amateur level. now at 16 she’s cooking professionally, and there’s also the only girl in the group, 22 boys for one of me. matvey is a freshman, specialty...
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this is a college site, a full cycle of car repairs, no surprises after studying, the same technologies and equipment at work, now from the first year they work in our workshops from the second year for industrial practice at a partner enterprise, theory 30%, practice 70. ivana - operation of unmanned aircraft systems,
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first practice at the college site, then at the airfield. and i get up and see that they are leading me to an aircraft tower, and i find myself in a dream, that in front of me is this glass tower. after the internship, to work there, most students go to the enterprise as partners, such plans have vera, an aviation technician, girls are rare in the profession. my love for aviation. started at 14 years, when i made my first three parachute jumps, and after that they put me in the cockpit, the pilot asked me: are you holding the truval, i say, i’m holding it, well, hold it. after that, i began to wonder, how does this all happen, how does it work? he enters college based on his certificate scores, the arithmetic average of all grades, and certificates for the school period, better than himself. we also take into account individual achievements, but with equal scores. colleges are currently holding open days. you still have time to attend the start of this year’s reception campaign
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june 20. anna popova, denis ponomarev, vasily yurov, polina losan, channel one. on june 10, on this day only in 1931 , the first famous train, the red arrow, arrived from leningrad to moscow. that same legendary ambulance shuttled between the two capitals. travel time is 9:50 and this was very fast at that time. today. true, and we are moving much faster than today’s day will be remembered in history, we have yet to guess, well, that’s what our astrologers think about it, of course. june 10 - turning point of the fourth fifth lunar days (twenty third day of the sun) is lively, sociable, with a good sense of humor, very charming, knows how to present himself and quickly becomes at home in any company, while he remembers well that an old friend is better than two new ones, appreciates... time-tested relationships, and if that
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he will always come to the aid of friends and lend a shoulder. everything related to home and household will go great today. this is a very good day for repairs, and he also has goods. make successful purchases. now about the minuses: he is a little self-confident, loves to show off, and sometimes turns up his nose too much. often on such days they malfunction, or worn-out equipment breaks down and generally, as they say, breaks where it is thin. aries keep this in mind. this applies not only to material objects, but also to some relationships. and look at your watch more often, especially if you have a trip ahead. otherwise, the day is excellent, including for career growth; the evening can invite you somewhere. taurus will get a chance. unravel something, untie some knots, deal with something that has been hanging over you for a long time. after lunch, get ready to help someone good people, maybe money too, but the evening is all yours. gemini has a wonderful day to fix, improve, make something stronger and more reliable. just be more careful with technology. okay, dear ladies, if your soul mate is a gemini, tell him that he is
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the best. this day may puzzle cancers with something and give them food for thought. some serious conversation is possible if you want, but in general everything will work out for you, for those who are on vacation, be careful with unfamiliar food. leos today can easily fall in love, and those who are already married will have a chance to add harmony and warmth to their relationship. well, okay, about business, someone may try to spoil your mood, but you don’t get worked up, everything will be fine, and the evening will definitely be pleasant. having a normal, busy monday, those who approach their work creatively will have a great, successful monday. there will be business meetings and visits to all sorts of organizations and be careful on the roads. libra - this is also important for you, if you are going on a long trip, keep an eye on your luggage and keep an eye on your children. for those who are not going anywhere yet, this day will help them learn something, master something, or receive some useful information.
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scorpios can find out something interesting and important, so keep your secrets to yourself and don’t throw away your personal data. small ones may come. money, it’s better to save it, you’ll need it soon. sagittarius has one of those days when you can turn everything to your advantage and even benefit from failures. the main thing is not to be arrogant, fortune doesn’t like that. and remember, you don’t owe anyone anything, expect guests in the evening. for capricorns, everything is also going well, somehow, but keep in mind that you are now very dependent on others, you need to maintain good relations with them, free up the evening, he is clearly preparing something interesting for you.
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pour yourself some coffee, and you and i, dear women, on the contrary, look and carefully, makeup artist and makeup teacher, safi kovalenko will tell you and show you how to use makeup to look so that others will admire, and at any age. there are several types of aging, the most common. finely wrinkled, its name speaks for itself, many wrinkles appear, but the wolf, as a rule , hardly changes, and this is the so-called deformation type of aging, here the skin and muscles seem to slide down, today we will discuss how to do makeup for representatives of the first
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type, model larisa will help us in the studio, let's start with good hydration, because multiple wrinkles are a sign of very dry skin, it will help... the next stage is a smoothing base for makeup, then foundation, but matte is not suitable for us, it visually dries skin, on the contrary, we need to restore its healthy shine. in general, radiance suits representatives of the finely wrinkled type of maturation very well, so we take a cream with a moist, radiant finish; if this is not the case, then add a drop of illuminizer to our foundation. it's a shiny liquid texture that will illuminate your skin even more. we mask the area under the eyes with concealer as usual, and also drop a little illuminator into it. we do the eyes, eyebrows and lips as usual, beautifully. we also
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take satin or shining lipstick, by the way, it will do lip gloss. but i wouldn’t recommend using powder for setting and makeup. all dry textures emphasize wrinkles, but if you really want to, then a little is fine, just take fine powder with reflective particles and apply it not to the entire face, to the so-called t-zone. well, let 's compare before and after. larisa, what a beauty, it’s like we erased half of our model’s wrinkles, to be
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honest, it was unexpected for me, i called my father first, it’s not every day that one becomes a hero of russia, and not everyone becomes, the gold star medal, the hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the gold star of the hero of the soviet union, when... one day she called and quietly said that i saved people today, he had already become a hero for me, even before he was awarded this title. the regiment commander arrived, we all lined up, they gave me the st. george cross, you can see a photograph of semyon mikhailovich budionov with royal awards, st. george crosses and st. george medals. suvorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky of the order named after all these people. each body has its own motto, and the motto of the order is merits of the lord.
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no, but now there is a more interesting frag, who? germans, do you want to learn this, there is no effective technique against firearms yet, but comrade oshchepkov showed, the army has made its choice, training the national team will be a piece of cake, you lost before you even start, with such an attitude you can’t win the battle, you want to grab mine yourself, my students , if i write about him, then... what are you going to jail? where is he? took the tray? denunciation? yours? consider it mine. the legend of samba premieres friday at
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first. we wish all athletes good luck, may the best one win! housewarming is always great, a real holiday, especially if you move into your own, individual home. well, there are more and more such lucky ones. it's all about preferential mortgages and details right now. 110 million square meters of housing were built last year under the national housing and urban environment project. more than half of them are individual residential buildings. this increase in demand is also due to government support measures in the form of preferential mortgage loans. there will be my terrace where i can drink tea and admire the forest. the rtl family from khabarovka began construction on this eight-acre site. the contractors are due to hand over the house in november. there will be 64 square meters for a family of three people, in an apartment in which
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40 people now live. the apartment lacks its own courtyard, there is enough space in this house for everyone, and the child will have a separate room. construction on a far eastern preferential mortgage, 1.8% per annum. all on the initiative of my private house of the national housing and urban project wednesday. its task is to develop individual housing in the country. typical projects on the site. loan amount 8,400, loan term - 20 years, monthly payment 42. the buzuev family from chelyabinsk has a monthly payment of 36,000, preferential mortgage rate 4.8%. this is my office, a small office, here i will have my workplace, with this view, sheep walk here, a house is being built in the suburbs, the center is 20 minutes by car, 150 square meters, now half as much. the apartment with me is a city, a concrete box, my wife and i, we have three cats, one dog, we live on the sixteenth floor, the dog needs to be walked
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often, the contractor is building with his own money, he will receive funds from the customer after the commissioning of the project using a mechanism made of incrow brush, i am protected to the maximum, the money is still in full with me in a personal application for a house in the russian federation, in which neither i nor the developer can rent until i have signed to accept the transfer, i moved into a new country house of 80 square meters in the tver region a year ago from a thirty-meter one-room building, it is planned to build a terrace, barbecue zone, the most important thing is accessibility, when we relax here, with friends, with our relatives, it is possible to make some noise, tver is literally 5 minutes by car, the mortgage is 4 million. for this amount i can only buy a one-room apartment in a new building or a two-room secondary housing. monthly payment 24,000, term 30 years, rate 6.5%, preferential, market all 18. taking into account the average cost of building an individual house
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posted on the portal, we are building a house in the russian federation 8.5 million rubles. the monthly payment under the preferential program will be about 53.00 rubles. at that time, as according to the market program it will be more than 90 thousand rubles. last year alone , more than 1,200 billion rubles in preferential loans were issued for the construction of individual housing. all details about this preferential mortgage can be found on the dom.rf website. our good cheerful morning continues. the time has come to find out what got into our main network. the ruler of the world wide web, yegor uspensky, so meet the new heroes of the internet. our hit parade opens with the world's largest ice cream cone. it contains half a ton of vanilla ice cream, 136 kg chocolate, 120 kg of wafers. the comment, as they say, is unnecessary; the video, by the way, has already received 17 million views. in fourth place
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is gourmet ice cream, write down the recipe, sausages. in honorable second place is a dog named dehuan from china, a big ice cream lover and a very cunning one. just look, while the owners are not at home, he takes ice cream out of the freezer, eats it, and carefully throws the wrapper into the trash can, covering his tracks. well, the winner of our today's hit parade is, who would doubt it, cat named murzik. see with what
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pleasure he devours the ice cream, his ears are already cracking. on june 12, on russia day, on channel one, a large-scale historical drama, the union of salvation, about the decembrist uprising, about who these people were and what they wanted to change, this is a great, honest movie about a turning point in the history of our country and a complete immersion in the era, i. .. the film union of salvation, immersion in a beautiful era, balls, duels, epaulettes, accelerators, these words sound like music. 1625, beauty, epaulets, what is it in why do epaulettes replace shoulder straps? in addition to the fact that it is beautiful, it is a certain protection, unlike shoulder straps from a chopping blow
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from a saber from above. the delicate bouquet was not just a sign of attention.
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there are places where life and signs of the era are preserved exactly, city houses, landowners' estates that have become museums, here everything is as it was then, from dishes to stoves that were used to heat houses. if the tile is white and stands in some room, say, in which blue color prevails, then this was also fashionable, then the tile reflected in imagine... the light from the walls was already becoming not quite white, but a little blue, when a person needed to hide something somewhere, a little place, it was difficult to find a better place than the stove, and even with... in a fire, most likely it won’t burn there, because the ceramics will protect, if we talk about the decembrists, if i were them, i would gather in sinata square, just in case, i would hide something in heat, i’m crazy, and
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you are too smart and calculating prince, madmen change the world, discover the 19th century, historical drama union salvation june 12 at first channel, cut it down with one blow. the top to take power. ekaterina lepskaya, joseph kobrin, maria bronzova, anastasia savelyeva, channel one. this is the news on the first, in the studio of maria vasilyeva. hello. one of the main topics in the world is the results of the european parliament elections. despite the fact that the european people's party, which, in particular, is represented by the head, retained its leadership. ursulaen in key countries of the old world won or significantly improved their positions, a right-wing movement that opposes at least the escalation of the ukrainian conflict over the priority of national interests, for example, in france, the party of marine
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lepine doubled the renaissance of emmanuel macron. after this, the french president announced the dissolution of parliament. across europe , far-right parties that opposed progress in our common have gained more support. those parties that do not support arms supplies to kiev gained votes; the brussels government may reportedly resign. in austria , the right-wing freedom party is in first place, which is also against anti-russian sanctions. now to the topic of the northern military district,
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tankers of the southern group of forces destroyed a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine in the donetsk direction, the t-80 bvm crew used tank carousel tactics, when one vehicle hits the enemy and replaces another. uneven terrain was used for camouflage, and operators adjusted the work. pilots, our artillerymen are not lagging behind, the crew of the self-propelled howitzer msta, sm-2, groupings of troops west as part of counter-battery warfare, destroyed the rocket system of the ukrainian armed forces grad in the kramatorsk region, the exact coordinates of the enemy were transmitted scouts and soldiers quickly went to the indicated square, it took the gunner a few minutes, the result was an accurate hit, a direct hit from the enemy position and the calculation of the rszzo hurricane of the vostok group of troops in the ugledard sector of the southern donetsk direction, they work at any time of the day, destroying the fortification. and military equipment, including western ones, were only recently knocked out by american-made m-777 and m-119 howitzers. and more about the courage and dedication of our soldiers, junior lieutenant alexander frundin under the strongest
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by shelling from the enemy, he helped his wounded comrades and carried out four servicemen from under fire. guard senior sergeant fyodor pogodin, together with his subordinates, held the liberated settlement for a day, repelling enemy attacks until reinforcements arrived, despite... the strength in the ssu forced the militants to retreat. and now khadr from ukraine, intensified raids to catch draft evaders. on the black sea coast , patrols were posted right on the sand. odessa residents are hiding in their homes. it's worth going outside it’s as if an outfit appears out of the ground, and now the man is being dragged by a minibus in front of passers-by. on the border with moldova, failure awaited another draft dodger; the military registration and enlistment office employee turned out to be faster. the raid in lvov almost ended in a successful escape for a local resident, but... they were still caught, and this is the result of such mobilization, photo from the turkish news agency: ukrainian military personnel are well into retirement age, apparently those who were unable to escape. and this is how in the west
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of ukraine they treat those who fled from the zone military operations, this video has already spread across social networks. emergency doctors refuse to help a person on the grounds that, in their opinion, he is russian. i’m tired, i won’t raise you, i won’t go anywhere without it. get up, oleksiy, come on, moskal has arrived. the swiss conference on ukraine, the so-called peace meeting, could turn into a complete fiasco, the swiss media are writing about this. in an article in the newspaper they say that kiev has virtually no one to discuss its unsuccessful proposals with. russia was not invited, chinese president xijen ping, even joe biden will not come he didn't find the time. what ended up happening is what journalists call a get-together, and they also write that... switzerland itself followed kiev’s lead and thereby damaged its neutrality. a two-day meeting starts today in nizhny novgorod.
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from footage from the american state of michigan, there a car flew through the air, this picture was captured by a truck driver, he was driving along the highway, when suddenly, just a few meters away from him, without touching the road, a black suv quickly rushed by, it covered several tens of meters and landed on roadside, it is known that a woman was driving, an eyewitness said that she lost control, but fortunately survived, in conclusion about the weather, half of the monthly precipitation may fall on moscow. on
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russia day, weather forecasters warn. 41 mm, this is seven times more than on a normal rainy day. a real tropical downpour. perhaps a new record will be set; life will also be complicated by the consequences of solar flares. a magnetic storm is expected. that's all, now let's talk to colleagues. good morning. good morning to all those who celebrates this day with the first channel on the calendar monday, june 10. which means today is ice cream day. the most summer delicacy, with which, in fact, i congratulate everyone, right now, everything you wanted to know about ice cream, but didn’t know who to ask, heat, summer and, of course, ice cream, they say it lifts your spirits, ice cream made from whole, high-quality milk, contains an essential amino acid, tryptophan, from which the hormone of happiness, serotonin is synthesized, can surprise with new tastes and... there are more than a thousand in the world, ice cream
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they tried it from kvass, but it is already several centuries old, the author published it in his cookery dictionary in 1795, the author of this recipe is vladimir levshin, anastasia chakmareva, the ice cream confectioner infuses this from kvass, it is best refreshing, but let’s be honest, it’s a taste lover. this ice cream looks like snow and soda, as if some kind of ice from antarctica, and with the taste of childhood you can definitely find such an ingredient. found in homemade strawberry ice cream from 1794, a recipe from st. petersburg, it was placed in glaciers and, of course, stirred in order so that one piece of ice does not freeze it. nata , it feels like i’m at my grandmother’s in the village right now and eating berries. but the most popular ice cream in the world is vanilla ice cream. i have 7-10 of these, and there are about 25% of them here. consists of air, another
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10% of very small ice crystals, no more than 50 microns, this is like two hairs thick, to get this texture, the ingredients are constantly mixed in production, gradually cooled to -5° only then packaged, hardened, that is, frozen at -25, that's why ice cream you can’t defrost or freeze again, of course for ice cream this is a disaster, that is, the air has escaped. the moisture has come out, that's it. if we say that, let’s say, our overrun was around 60%, then after defrosting, freezing, thank god, if 30% remains there, even if the ice cream is hardened, it cannot harden us, it’s a myth that the throat will hurt less , if you eat cold food more often. rather, cold, it provokes vasospasm, against the background of which blood flow decreases along with protective factors to this area, against which local immunity begins to decrease. the growth
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of pathogenic microflora also does not quench thirst, the body does not cool, the effect here is rather psychological, but there is so much summer mood in it, today on world ice cream day, there is even more of this ingredient in the composition. natalya leonova, ksenia loginova, denis podomaryov, channel one. arrhythmia is a very unpleasant thing that can happen completely suddenly. if you have been diagnosed with this, carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations and... the medications prescribed by the doctor, and for prevention of the disease, i recommend reviewing your diet: salt can help us normalize your heart rate , no more than 5 g per day will help you, to monitor your weight, you will have to cook yourself, i also advise you to exclude fatty and... fried foods and
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reduce meat consumption by at least half, it's high in saturated fat, which leads to heart disease. instead, use vegetable protein, cook porridge or lentils, and have nuts for a snack. these products strengthen the heart and do not overload the blood vessels. you may ask, what about kebab? it's summer after all, sometimes it's possible, but we give preference to fish or poultry. and we cut off the darkened, crispy edges and don’t eat them. we definitely serve a fresh salad as a side dish. vegetables and herbs, you can add a little feta cheese to it, from drinks, instead of soda, we include compote of dried apricots and raisins in our daily diet. there is no
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need to add sugar, the drink is already sweet, dried fruits contain potassium, which regulates heart rate, and of course, we watch our weight, excess fat... tissue provokes arrhythmia, so remember about light physical activity if the doctor doesn’t mind, we go for a walk, ride a bike, be healthy. there is a premiere on channel one, an action-packed drama, one chance for three, a poignant story about what parents have to go through in the fight for their child. the first episode is already today after the program time. “hello, who is this? my fiance, who, finn, and who am i? and you’re a friend, the wedding, somehow it’s not working out in a friendly way, i’m 10 years have passed, but oleg can’t
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forget how his fiancee yana married someone else and went to finland. oleg works in the ministry of emergency situations, defeats fire, but cannot defeat his feelings. who did you quarrel with? "you must have dreamed about a woman? no, no, no, definitely not a woman, what is this, why? well, if it were a woman , yang, you, or something, me, or something, and what is this ketunin? ketunin, the husband’s last name, that’s it, the runaway bride unexpectedly returns, what are you doing, i’ll set fire every day until you talk to me, it turns out that oleg and yana have a son together, 10 years ago before leaving . didn’t say she was pregnant, divorced her husband and now finnish social the authorities want to take her child away from her, they accused me of suffocating maternal love, they said that i did not give the child freedom, i was with him all the time, he was taken away from me because i loved him very much, the only chance
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to resolve everything according to the law, blood father , oleg, i must show my rights to the child, i will play the role of the father, because the boy has nothing to do with it. but to convince me that this is my son is not necessary, to believe, to find a common language with my son after decades is a task for a very strong man, and in general why did you come, we don’t i need your help, we can handle it ourselves, and i myself will save mom, mom, voita, the decision to reconsider the case is not made, director ruslan paushu shows the most difficult situation from different sides, parents who commit desperate acts. a child who becomes a victim of circumstances, a legal system that cannot be violated. well, hello, hello, for the filming of the film, the actors learned finnish, participated in chase scenes, and performed complex stunts.
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real employees of the ministry of emergency situations took part in the filming, one of the most dangerous scenes. fire in a dilapidated house from which the main character, played by sergei marin, is trying to save his own. comrade , it will be a good story, today on channel one there is a premiere of a family drama, one chance for three, this is very cool, svetlana neimonis, channel one, probably, after all, there is not a single woman who would not be happy with a bouquet of roses, it is not for nothing that she calls a rose the queen of flowers, right now i propose to get acquainted with her majesty the rose, in the sochi riviera park, one of the largest collections grew in russia, 33 varieties and 6.0 bushes, all so different, here, for example, a unique variety called pink intuition, an unusual combination
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of fuchsia-pink and white colors, but in which store will you see this, here they look like butterflies and some with feathers and lines with some kind of pahrama. with ortam roses, this is the favorite flower of polina from engels. i associate roses with the book “the little prince”, and my grandmother grew roses in her dacha, and i also try to grow roses on the balcony. and in the garden of stavropol resident alexander panomariov there is one of the largest private collections of roses in russia: 800 bushes and 80 varieties. chinatown, blue parfum, monster wood, the most fragrant countrymen with the scent of strawberries. and golden celebration with currant aroma, eltoro smells like caramel. she has no thorns. here.
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apparently, some breeder persuaded her during cultivation that she was not in danger, so she dropped the thorns. and some flowers amaze with their thirst for life. here is jumilia, it seems to you that the rose is a delicate and capricious plant, it grows even among stones. these roses then grow when they get into a good one. conditions they transform even more and delight their owners, in chameleon roses grow in kislovodsk, you can’t guess what color they are, the bremen musicians seem to be either peach or bright pink, blue rhabsody is not far behind, it has an unusual color, depending on the lighting, it can be from light blue to such a pronounced purple , here is a whole valley of roses, 2 hectares, 30 varieties, guests from other... roses are not only
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beautiful, but also fashionable, here is the crimean necklace, the pride of the breeders of the southern peninsula, the flowers on the bush always seem to sleep, never completely open up, this is a fashionable trend in the selection of roses - creating antique roses, it seems that these are such old roses, a boutonniere on a ball gown. of course, breeders are chasing trends, but at the same time they also care about the stability of the growing climate and the duration of their flowering. why do they need to grow healthy and bloom for a long time to our joy? mikhail volkov, natalya kravchenko, elena savena - channel one. old barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. burbon stirsman is a product of stellar group.
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mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. gin сnop. product of steller group. cognac, monte shococa. product of steller group. history is being made in st. petersburg. here she is. dies. will change, tell trubetskoy, if he doesn’t make up his mind, we will come out ourselves, in france they hanged aristocrats from lanterns, if it’s like in france, then everyone present here will hang, they won’t dare shoot at us, we didn’t spill a single drop, they’re vile, we’re a match, which... will burn everything down and burn itself, the union
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of salvation, the film premiere on the first day of russia. i fried chicken drumsticks, and if you wrap them in dough, you'll get a hearty quick pie. hand, cut out a circle of puff pastry, put it on a baking sheet, put the drumsticks on top of it, like this in a circle, with the flesh inward, the seeds on... i sprinkle with chopped herbs and grated cheese, cover the workpiece with a second
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layer of dough, pinch the edges, wrap the seeds in foil, grease pie with whipped yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds, put in a preheated oven, bake for 15 minutes until golden brown, that's all, the pie is ready, cut it with chamomile, serve it hot like a cake, crispy dough, juicy filling, and also pieces on the bones reminiscent of popsicle, and thanks to such an original presentation, the pie seems even tastier. agree, there is something to surprise guests and family, and the recipe is simple and quick, try to cook this too. good morning to all those who are celebrating this day with the first channel on the calendar, monday, june 10th. it is quite possible to spend your summer student holidays cheerfully and cheerfully, make new friends, see the country and
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not spend a penny; on the contrary , it is quite possible to earn money. ask anyone who was in a student squad, and those who have not been there yet have an excellent opportunity to visit. first-year financial university student alina from lipetsk decided to pass the exam early and go to work. this summer she is a train conductor, and today is her first flight. why sit at home for the summer, you need to try something new, something interesting, go for a ride, see other cities and earn extra money through russian student groups. the first student teams appeared 65 years ago in 1959. physics students at moscow state university decided not to go to harvest, but to collect construction team. 339 people. for this purpose, a letter was written to the first person of our country, krushchev. and he wrote
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a resolution in a letter. i think it’s an interesting cause and should be supported. they built agricultural facilities, railways, the same thing, and residential buildings. the detachments dispersed to different regions of the soviet union, hundreds of thousands of people, and new directions appeared. sergei nikolaevich first joined the student squad in 1973 after his first year, due to practice. we built a cowshed, i worked as a concrete worker, next to my doctorate degrees, associate professor, honored professor of moscow university, i have a modest certificate that i. i graduated from vocational school number 50 and received the fourth category of concrete worker, i got into it, i went for 14 years in a row, and i still keep that same fighter. today, the detachment’s court is more than ten different areas, last year alone 225,000 children were employed, construction, this year we have five facilities abroad, that is, india, china, tutsa,
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bangladesh, and teachers, counselors and service areas, medical, there are teams of it, there is not. suitable education will be taught free of charge. daniil received two qualifications and now works as a concrete and reinforcement worker. near ulyanovsk, we built a multi-purpose research reactor, and also went to the city of murbansk to build a dry dock for an aircraft-carrying cruiser. how to get there, just come to the headquarters at your university or leave an application on the website of russian student teams; they are accepted from the age of 14. it's official. devices, we agree so that we fully, yes, that is, provide travel, accommodation, and food, personal protective equipment, on each of our projects, yes, that is, we make a plan, that is, this is sports, this is creativity, these are meetings with the management and there are different companies, and the most important thing is that this is about a common cause, a common student get-together, where you can
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try yourself in different directions. anastasia sovileva, sergey folendysh, channel one. our good morning continues with an invigorating gait, a planned shutdown of hot water is sweeping across the country. well, in general, the phenomenon is familiar to us, one might say regular, and they won’t turn it off for long, so let’s not grumble, let’s use the experience of experienced people who know how to survive this. the days of the hot water meme are here. there are, of course, extreme sports people who will do just fine with cold water. 23°. people. in this weather to go to the resort, so i think that the temperature is quite comfortable, i’m honestly not a morsch, i just need to wash myself sometimes because of the deer, yes, well, i just don’t have time in the morning, and there’s no water there to heat it, but it’s a good way to wash it won’t work, the algorithm has been proven for generations to heat and dilute, the pros manage to get by with just one kettle, which is useful if you’re in a hurry to get to work in the morning and don’t have time to tinker with basins, then the main thing is
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to move from top to bottom so as not to waste water, we start washing the body from the head. in such portions, because we have little water, it’s easier for someone to install a boiler, sales of water heaters in the summer are half as high, popular storage models with a stainless steel tank, and there would be no cold water outages. the most popular, here it is, actually 50 liters, designed for two to three people, heating the entire tank takes about 35-40 minutes, you can set the economy mode, it will heat up a little longer, but due to this you can save electricity, but here you need to understand what is more important: a few days with basins or more payments for electricity? an alternative heating method is a garden shower, it heats up completely free of charge from the sun, there is a well nearby, i fill it in the morning and in the afternoon. the water is already ready, oh, the water is just wonderful, warm, bliss, this is such a state, according to the same
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scheme, anna organized water treatments at yourself in the apartment, such a camp shower, it holds 20 liters of water, we bring it to the balcony in the sun, literally in a couple of hours the water becomes very warm, in the south it can even heat up to 50°. therefore, test the temperature of the water before taking it. the water heated up to 36°. i hung it higher and it went warm. well, or just ask to visit a place where there is still hot water. utility workers say that for now it is impossible to have no outages at all. pipe wear is 70% in places. they themselves are not interested in living with basins; the shutdown is being reduced. we carry out temporary connection diagrams for hot water supply systems. duration of hot water supply interruptions in some. a participant is there from three to seven days, and before 2011, who remembers, it was turned off for 3 weeks. dmitry kuzmin, sergey falendosh, alexander aleksenko, nazir nogumanov, channel one. yes,
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today is june 10, the wonderful actor, people's artist of russia, valentin smernitsky, celebrates his birthday. honored partos of all times, but besides this role he has 140 more film roles, and there is also, of course, theatrical works. valentin georgievich, congratulations. with all my heart, all the very, very beautiful to you, i came to help you, only you were still missing here, it’s true, it’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime, joy for the famous portos valentin smirnitsky, summer days at the dacha, he answers for the lawn, my wife lydia for the garden, we have all sorts of berries growing there, apples there and so on. you grow cucumbers, tomatoes, well, there is a greenhouse, yes, again, the wife will do this, how can i say, but i am so fond of them i have a snack, the toy terrier oswald is always nearby,
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for his osya, osya sleeps with you, well, with whom, lord, who else but oswald knows, the owner is an excellent cook, dinner for a large company, easily, i can cook anything, anything, whatever, i just have this skill... it comes from my youth, independent life, at the age of 15 valya smernitsky was already working at the post office, i generally didn’t do well at school, i was kicked out in the ninth grade, what a fight, that’s what what is it, and in order to enter the theater institute, i had to finish the tenth grade in evening school, i was working, i was working as a patient, i got up at 6 in the morning, my first tiny role in a movie in a movie i was walking. in moscow you have robertina, you don’t have one, why have you grown up, and you are not very talkative,
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i repeat, your face is very familiar to me, a real triumph, a film for two, the gold prize of the moscow film festival, then smernitsky was introduced to sophia loren, i approached kissed the hand, that’s all for the meeting, she regally gave me a kiss, that’s it, a role for all time. of course, partoz, gangs in the hair idea smirnitsky, of course i myself understand that this is an insane waste, well, you have to make money somewhere, the main acquisition is lifelong friendship, like the musketeers, there is a person whom smernitsky can call at any time of the day or night, happy 80th birthday mikhail boyarsky was also the first to congratulate his friend, he came on the eighth to specially congratulate me from st. petersburg, because it’s on the day of my anniversary, unfortunately... you can’t come but to the performance, well, hold on, rascal, today valentin smernitsky is 80, on saturday at the first channel exclusive, confidential conversation in
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dmitry borisov’s studio. my grandfather is the coolest. oh, it's time for a hug. maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, andrey tsarev, sergey myakin, channel one. it's time to find out about the latter. events in the country in the world by this hour, our morning broadcast will continue to broadcast news, so stay with us, this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the beginning of the situation in the northern military district zone, the artillery of the north troops group dealt powerful blows to the locations of the ukrainian formations on the territory of kharkovskaya areas, worked. in the direction of the t-80 crew
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, the bvm used tank carousel tactics, when one vehicle hits the enemy and replaces another. for camouflage, they used uneven terrain and adjusted the work of the drone operator. they are destroying the enemy positions and crews of the rszzu uragan, groupings of troops vostok in the ugledar sector of the southern donetsk direction, working at any time of the day, destroying fortifications and military equipment, including western ones. only recently the american -made m-777 and m-119 howitzers were knocked out. we work every day, we are on duty 24x7, we help our infantry boys, a target constantly arrives, reconnaissance reports, we hit command posts, we hit equipment, well, armored vehicles, infantry, the enemy, we may have several targets at once, so we have to redirect to another target and work on another target one has two shells, but sometimes we can do it en masse at once.
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one of the main topics in the world is the results of the elections to the european parliament, despite the fact that the leadership in it was retained by the european people's party, which in particular is represented by the head of the european commission ursula vonlaen, in key countries of the old world , right-wing movements that at least oppose the escalation of the ukrainian conflict because of the priority of national interests have won or significantly improved their positions. for example, in france, marine lepin's game was twice as big.
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mass protests in the capital of armenia continued all night, a rally of many thousands continued near the parliament building, the leader of the opposition movement tavushva, the name of the homeland, archbishop bograd galstanyan said that the demonstrators will not go anywhere and will block the avenue bogramyan, erected tents and called on people to stay outside around the clock. at some point, the police warned the protesters that they were ready to use special means and asked the women to leave the place. protesters accuse
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prime minister nikol pashinyan of being one-sided. transfer of the border territories of azerbaijan, the main demand is the resignation of the government, a parliamentary meeting on this issue may take place tomorrow, june 11. the country is in a terrible state, but how long can this continue? in in the end , the government needs to make some decisions, someone needs to get out of this situation. a two-day meeting of the heads of foreign policy departments starts today in nizhny novgorod. brix countries. russia is chairing the organization this year, the first such meeting since the brix expansion. sergei lavrov will receive his colleagues. representatives from china, belarus, brazil, iran, venezuela and cuba have already arrived in the city on the volga. participants will exchange views on current issues on the global agenda and consider prospects cooperation in the fields of politics, security, economics and finance. in addition, the head of russian diplomacy has a marathon of bilateral meetings planned. and
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the last thing on the first, a big premiere, an action-packed, serial film, one chance for three. this is a story of dramatic love between the main characters, as well as a mother and son, who will have to go through a difficult path to stay together. the film raises the painful controversial topic of juvenile justice. the main character yana will have to save her child from the suffocating care of a stranger state, but she will not be alone in this fight. her first love agrees to help.
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film it will start immediately after the program time. and that's all i have for now. good morning to all those who are celebrating this day with the first channel. arina sharapova is with you. the calendar says monday june 10th. many of those who have completed ninth grade are wondering whether to continue their school course or go to college? dear students, the choice here, of course, is yours. well , it would be nice to consult with your parents, by the way, but for our part we just let us inform you that now there are open days at colleges, please go there, see what and how they teach in colleges, this will help you make a decision, and now we
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will tell you something interesting, after the ninth year, more than 60% of graduates entered college last year, what are the advantages, let's ask the students, i chose a profession when i was a child, but my mother is also a welder by education, and i spent my entire childhood with her at the factory and with my father, who taught me the basics of welding at an amateur level , now at 16 he will cook professionally, and even at there is only one girl in the group, 22 boys for one of me, matvey is a freshman, specializing in car maintenance and repair, he is 16, and has 13 years of experience in motorsport, a karting champion, i have been karting since i was three. years, it is very important for us at competitions to understand the engine, to hear it. an internship or work in your specialty is an opportunity to switch to an individual training plan. pairs are adjusted to the student’s schedule. professional sports is also
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an argument, but matvey manages everything. i leave for competitions, after training, i try do work, many teachers, i see there in the comments, are sick, and so on. now, this is really very nice. this is a college site, full-service auto repair. after studying there are no surprises, at work the same technologies and equipment. now, already from the first year, they work in our workshops ; from the second year, they go on practical training and become partners in the enterprise. theories - 30%. practices - 70. ivan’s specialty is the operation of unmanned aerial systems, first practiced on the college site, then on airfield. and i pick it up. and i see that they take me to an aviation tower, i find myself in a dream, that in front of me is this glass tower, after practice there to work there, most students go to the enterprise partners, such are the plans of vera,
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an aviation technician, girls in a rare profession, my love for aviation began at the age of 14, when i made my first three parachute jumps, and after that they put me in the cockpit, the pilot asked me: are you holding the helm, i say, i’m holding it, well, hold it. after that i began to wonder, and how does this all happen, how does it work? they enter college based on their certificate scores, the arithmetic average of all grades, and certificates for the school period, it’s better to take it with you. we also take into account individual achievements, but with equal scores. now colleges are holding open days, you still have time to visit. this year's admission campaign starts on june 20th. anna popova, denis ponemarev, vasily yurov, polina losan. channel. on june 10, on this day only in 1931 , the first famous train, the red arrow, arrived from leningrad to moscow. the same legendary one the express was traveling between the two capitals.
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travel time is 9:50. and this was very fast at that time. today it’s true, and we’re moving much faster. how today will be remembered in history, we have yet to guess. well, that's it. our astrologers think about him, of course. june 10: turning point of the fourth to fifth lunar days. twenty- third day of the sun. lively, sociable, with a good sense of humor, very charming, knows how to present himself and quickly becomes at home in any company. at the same time, he remembers well that an old friend is better than two new ones, he appreciates time-tested relationships and if anything happens, he will always come to the aid of friends and lend a shoulder. everything related to the home and household will go great today, this is a very good day for repairs, and he also has a talent for making successful purchases. now about the minuses: he is a little self-confident, loves to show off, and sometimes turns up his nose too much. often on such days, worn- out equipment malfunctions or breaks down, and in general, as they say,
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it breaks where it is delicate. aries, keep this in mind, this applies not only to material objects, but also to some relationships, more often look at your watch, especially if you have a trip ahead. otherwise, it’s a great day, including for your career. height, the evening may invite you somewhere. taurus will have a chance to unravel something, untie some knots, deal with something that has been hanging over you for a long time. after lunch, get ready to help some good people be. maybe with money too, but the evening is all yours. the twins have a wonderful day to fix something, improve it, make it stronger and more reliable, just be more careful with technology. okay, dear ladies, if your significant other is a gemini, hint to him that he the best. this day may puzzle cancers with something, give them food for thought, some serious conversation at work is not excluded, but in general everything will work out for you; for those who are on vacation, be careful with unfamiliar food. leos today can easily... fall in love, and those who are already married will have a chance to add their
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relationship, harmony and warmth. well, okay, about business, someone may try to spoil your mood, but you don’t get worked up, everything will be fine, and the evening will definitely be pleasant. virgos have a normal business monday, but those who approaches his work creatively, he will be simply excellent. business meetings and visits to any organization will be successful and be careful on the roads. libra - this is also relevant for you if you collect. learn something or get some useful information. scorpios can find out something interesting and important, so keep your secrets to yourself and don’t throw away your personal data. small money may come, it’s better to save it, you will need it soon. sagittarius has one of those days when everything can be turned to your advantage and even from failures. to benefit, the main thing is not to be arrogant, fortune doesn’t like this, and
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remember, you don’t owe anyone anything, expect guests in the evening. for capricorns, everything is also going well, somehow, but keep in mind that you are now very dependent on others, you need to maintain good relations with them, free up the evening, he is clearly preparing something interesting for you. aquarius has a fairly smooth day when everything goes as planned. it’s not a fact that it will be very eventful, but you can redo a bunch of things without haste or fuss. put other people's problems aside for a while, relatives or friends can please you with something. the stars strongly recommend that pisces fulfill some obligations, and finally do something pleasant and useful for themselves. pisces ladies take note, this is a very good day for shopping. well good luck to you. dear men, you can go pour yourself some coffee, and you and i , dear women, on the contrary, are watching and attentively. makeup artist and teacher. with
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the help of makeup she looks so that others will admire her, and at any age. there are several types of aging, the most two are common: finely wrinkled, its name speaks for itself, many wrinkles appear, but the wolf, as a rule, hardly changes, and this is the so -called deformation type of aging, here the skin and muscles seem to slide down, today we will discuss how to do makeup for representatives of the first type. we have model larisa in our studio, let's start with good hydration, because multiple wrinkles are a sign of very dry skin. a sheet mask will help. the next step is a smoothing base for makeup. further foundation, but a matte one is not suitable for us,
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it visually dries out the skin, on the contrary, we need to restore its healthy shine. in general, radiance suits representatives of the finely wrinkled type of maturation very well, so we take a cream with a moist, radiant finish, if this is not the case, then we add a drop of illuminizer to our foundation, this is a shiny liquid texture that will highlight the skin even more, we mask the area under the eyes as usual. concealer , we also drop a little illuminator into it, we do the eyes, eyebrows and lips as usual, beautifully, we also take satin or shiny lipstick; by the way, lip gloss is suitable. but i wouldn’t
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recommend using powder for setting and makeup, all dry textures emphasize wrinkles, but if you really want to, then a little is fine, just take fine powder with reflective particles and apply it not to the entire face, to the so-called t-zone. well, let's compare before and after. larisa, what a beauty, it’s as if we’ve erased half of our model’s wrinkles. don’t be fooled, special financial literacy courses in moscow are held free of charge for older people. what happens to the brain when you are deceived, about this and much more, in the program life is great,
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today on the first. lay down, why are you disgracing yourself? and you are a friend, a very close friend, wedding? what wedding? i agreed out of stupidity, well , it happens, i’m sorry, listen, i’m leaving for finadiya, i’ll return the ring to you, one chance for three, premiere! watch the time after the program, i want to talk to him, and i won’t let you ruin his life again, well, hello, oleshka, housewarming is always great, real holiday, especially if you are moving into your own, individual home, and there are more and more such lucky people, it’s all about
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the preferential mortgage and the details right now. year according to the national project housing and urban environment, more than half of them are individual residential buildings. this increase in demand is also due to government support measures in the form of preferential mortgage loans. there will be my terrace where i can drink tea and admire the forest. the rtl family began construction on this eight-acre site from khabarovsk. the contractors are due to hand over the house in november. for a family of three there will be 64 square meters, in an apartment in which 40 people now live. the apartment lacks its own courtyard, there is enough space in this house for everyone, and the child will have a separate room, construction on a far eastern preferential mortgage, 1.8% per annum, all on the initiative of my private house of the national project housing and urban environment, its task is the development of individual housing in the country, standard projects on the website
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stroim.dom.rrf. loan amount 8,400, loan term - 20 years, monthly payment 42,000. the buzuev family from chelyabinsk has a monthly payment of 36,000, a preferential mortgage rate of 4.8%. this is my office, a small office, this is where i will have my workplace, this is the look the sheep walk around here with. the house is being built in the suburbs, 20 minutes by car to the center, 150 square meters, now half as much. the apartment is still a city, a concrete box, my wife and i, we have three cats, one dog, we live on the sixteenth floor. the dog needs to be walked often, the contractor builds with his own money, he will receive funds from the customer after the construction is completed according to the mechanism spark metering i am protected as much as possible, the money is still in full in my personal application for the russian federation house, from which neither i nor the developer can withdraw until i have signed for acceptance of the transfer. ilya
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derevyanko came to a new country house of 80 square meters in the tver region a year ago from a thirty-meter one-room apartment. it is planned to make a terrace. barbecue area, the most important accessibility, when we relax here with friends, with our relatives, this is what you can make some noise, tver is literally 5 minutes by car, mortgage - 4 million. with this amount i can only buy a one-room apartment in new buildings or a two-room apartment in secondary housing. monthly payment 24,000, term 30 years, rate 6.5%, preferential, market price 18. considering the average cost of building an individual house.
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there were enough meat products, a source of low -quality animal proteins was needed in the diet of the vast majority of people, so technologists... together with nutritionists developed a sausage, which included beef, lean pork, eggs and milk, a true superfood of the time. we
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had a store in our house, and my mother often sent me to buy sausage, and in my opinion it cost either 2.70 or 2.90, well, in general, around 3 rubles. it was quite tasty. over time , pork skins began to be added to first-class meat, natural eggs and milk were replaced with powdered analogues. modern gost is no longer as strict as before, and there are products without it at all according to technical conditions, then if you’re lucky, the composition can be ideal, on the contrary, with chicken, soy, starch, in this in some cases, the manufacturers change the name a little, but they change it, they call it doctor’s original or special, for example, it seems that there is no meat at all, that there is something ground up with a meaty taste, and a lot of starch is added and it’s just that even the cat doesn’t eat it, no... we don’t want to, so we definitely check on the packaging how the sausage is made, according to gost or tu, and how
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the name is written, plus we read the ingredients. a proper meat product contains only beef and pork, and not less than 60%. category a speaks about this. but without any food at all chemistry is indispensable. the preservative sodium nitrite prevents the development of dangerous bacteria, the causative agents of botulism, and at the same time gives an appetizing color. the cut must be uniform. light pink color without any lumps, without signs of fatty inclusions, that is, the consistency should be uniform and the sausage should be elastic. the shelf life of the doctor's note depends on the shell: in a natural one up to thirty days, in an artificial one up to sixty days, but this is if the loaf is whole. slicing, especially in a slicer on the sales floor, is unhygienic, store longer than a day is not advisable. yulia kozlova, yuri lebedev, vasily yurov, channel one. the final of the russian cis grand prix among amateur skaters took place in moscow.
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channel one sports journalist maria rumyantseva has details. figure skating is one of the most popular and beloved sports in our country. every year there are more and more fans who want to not only worry about their idols in the stands, but also put on their skates and go out on the ice. here on the ice of the chikalov arena in moscow, for the first time in history. regions of russia and belarus. the competition is structured by analogy with the russian stages of the grand prix among professional figure skaters. amateurs who became the best in their category reached the finals of the series, taking into account their age and level of skating. the oldest participant, or rather participant, is 74 years old. yes, figure skating is suitable for all ages, regardless of childhood or age class. i believe that
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we should only welcome those who skate. we often meet people on the ice who, at 30-40, do not dare to stand up. well i don't know, i got up at 57 and i count it fine. the participants in the finals showed their programs in singles and pairs skating, as well as in... it seems that our routine is very simple, technically it’s simple, but in terms of the artistic component it’s also not complicated, the images are understandable and well-known to everyone, but it turned out to be easy even to ride next to each other taking steps in sync, it takes so much work, anything can happen, choreography, music, images, costumes - everything is like professionals, every performance is evaluated by a jury, there are star fans in the stands, the 2020 european champion dmitry. aliyev and olympic champion anna shcherbakova. i really like it because the people who perform here
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always do it with all their hearts, because this is their favorite hobby, passion, they do n’t do this as if they were going to work, on the contrary, to take their mind off their usual affairs and responsibilities, that’s why it’s very cool that they have such an opportunity to actually not only train, but also perform. the grand prix series among amateurs will become regular, so anyone can now. there is an opportunity to plunge into the warm and friendly atmosphere of figure skating competitions, chat with your idols and win your medal in your favorite sport. let us remind you that on the calendar june 10, today marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the great singer, people's artist of the ussr, laureate of the glinka state prize. in fact, she has a huge variety of awards, one might say lyudmila zikina, everything is immediately clear, her voice is absolutely perfect. and he is still known and loved all over the world. what are we going to sing, go kusli or a thin rebina,
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thin, as it were... lyudmila zikina had not yet had time to start the song, and the audience was already bringing her flowers. sometimes they fit there are women there, most women, who come to me and say: you guessed it, because you sang to me, you know, well, this feeling, it never left me, that... i bring joy. she gave joy from childhood, sang in the courtyard of the barracks, for neighbors tired after work, during the war she performed in hospitals, where she ran after her shift. i worked as a turner, a young girl, 12 years old, i increased my age in order to be accepted into the factory.
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oh, russia, russia, you are so alone, she went with the team to hot spots, once they the helicopter was shot down, they survived miraculously, but they didn’t stop going to see the soldiers, everyone was warmed with one breath, even if they were talking about different things...
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volga, there is no end and edge, svetlana neimanis, oosif kobrin, channel one, well, then the news release is on the air, stay with us. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, one of the main topics in the world is the results of the elections to the european parliament, despite the fact that the leadership in it was retained by the european people's party, which, in particular, is represented by the head of the european commission ursula fondeen, in key countries of the old sveta the right-wing movement, which at least opposes the escalation of the ukrainian conflict for the priority of national
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interests, has won or significantly improved its position, for example, in france, marine lepin’s party is twice as large. the place is tentatively held by the opposition cdu, csu. in the second, having significantly improved its position compared to the last elections, the alternative for germany, the party of chancellor olaf scholz, is still third, the counting of votes continues. in belgium , parties that do not support arms supplies to kiev, the government in brussels may reportedly resign. in austria, the right-wing freedom party is in first place, which is also against anti-russian sanctions. now to the topic of the northern military district,
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the tankers of the southern group. troops destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the donetsk direction, the t-80 bvm crew used tank carousel tactics, when one vehicle hits the enemy and replaces another. for camouflage, we used uneven terrain and adjusted the work. uavs are not far behind our artillery crew of the msta sm2 self-propelled howitzer groupings of troops west, as part of a counter-battery fight, destroyed the grad rocket system of the armed forces of ukraine in the kramatorsk region. the exact coordinates of the enemy were transmitted by scouts. the soldiers quickly drove to the indicated square; it took the gunner just a few minutes. the result is an accurate hit. they are destroying enemy positions and crews of the rszzo uragan group of troops vostok in the ugledarsky sector of the southern donetsk direction, working at any time of the day, destroying. and military equipment, including western ones. only recently the m-777 and m-119 howitzers of the american production. more about the courage and dedication of our soldiers. junior
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lieutenant alexander frundin, under heavy enemy fire, risking his life, provided assistance to his wounded comrades and carried four servicemen out from under fire. guard senior sergeant fedor pogodin, together with his subordinates, held the liberated settlement for 24 hours, repelling enemy attacks. before reinforcements arrived, despite superior forces, the ukrainian armed forces forced the militants to retreat. and now footage from ukraine: intensified raids to catch draft dodgers in on the black sea coast, patrols were posted right on the sand. odessa residents are hiding in their homes, as soon as you lean out into the street, it’s as if an outfit appears out of the ground and is already dragging a man into a minibus in front of passers-by. on the border with moldova, failure awaited another evader. the military registration and enlistment office employee was faster. a little bit of a raid in lviv. the ukrainian military is well into retirement age, apparently those who were unable to escape. and this is how
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they treat those who fled the combat zone in western ukraine. this video has already gone viral on social networks. emergency doctors they refuse to help a person on the grounds that, in their opinion, he is russian. “i won’t lift you up, i won’t go anywhere, get up, oleksiy, come on, yo, when moskal arrives, the swiss conference on ukraine, the so -called peace meeting, can turn into a complete fiasco, the swiss media are writing about this. in an article in one of the local newspapers they say , that kiev actually has no one to discuss its unsuccessful proposals with, russia was not invited, the chairman of the people’s republic of china sizinpin will not come, even joe biden, he did not find the time. what ended up happening is. journalists call "a little guy among themselves, and they also write that switzerland itself followed kiev's lead and thereby damaged its neutrality. joe biden, meanwhile, added another blunder to the list of his famous
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slips, all this during a foreign visit at a meeting with journalists in france, the american president visited the world war i memorial, said that the united states would never leave a single major battle in europe without its participation, remembered bo’s son, who served in iraq, and then called ukraine iraq in the place where congress reproached. who was dragging his feet on approving military aid. we had to wait so many months to get money for iraq. this is not what we are, this is not what america is. there is no doubt that ukraine was meant; biden’s speech with edits has already appeared on the white house website. and now there is footage from the american state of michigan, where a car flew through the air, and this picture was captured by a truck driver. was driving along the highway, when suddenly, just a few meters from him, without touching the road, a black suv, it covered several tens of meters and landed on a road, it is known that the driver was a woman, an eyewitness reported that she lost control,
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but fortunately survived. and finally about the weather, half of the monthly rainfall could fall on moscow on russia day, forecasters warn, 41 mm, which is seven times more than on a normal rainy day. a real tropical downpour, perhaps... a new record will be set, good morning to all those who celebrate this day with the first channel on the calendar monday, june 10, and that means today is the day of ice cream, the most summer treat, for which i actually congratulate everyone right now, everything you wanted to know about ice cream, but didn’t know who to ask, the heat and... this and, of course, ice cream, they say, lifts your spirits . ice cream made from whole, high-quality milk contains the essential amino acid tryptophan, from which the hormone of happiness, serotonin, is synthesized. and
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he knows how to surprise with new tastes. and there are more than a thousand of them in the world. we have tried ice cream made from kvass, but it is already several centuries old. the author published it in his cookery dictionary in 1795. the author of this recipe is vladimir levshin. anastasia chikmareva, an ice cream confectioner , insists that this kind of kvass is the best refresher, but let’s be honest, it’s a taste-lover. this ice cream looks like snow and soda, as if some kind of ice was lying down. you can find antarctica and with the taste of childhood, such an ingredient is definitely in homemade strawberry ice cream from 1794, a recipe from st. petersburg, it was put in glaciers and of course stirred so that one piece of ice would not freeze, well then there is a feeling as if i’m at my grandmother’s in the village right now and eating berries, but the most popular ice cream in the world is vanilla ice cream, there are 10 of them in all, and
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about 25% of them consist of air, another 10% of very small ice crystals, no more than 50 microns, it’s like two hairs thick, to get this texture, the ingredients are constantly mixed in production and gradually cooled to -5°, only then they are packaged and hardened, that is, frozen at -25, which is why ice cream cannot defrost freeze. again, of course, for ice cream this is a disaster, that is, the air has escaped, the moisture has escaped, that’s all, if we say that, let’s say, our overrun was around 60%, then after defrosting, freezing, thank god, if 30% remains there, at least it’s frozen they harden, it cannot harden us, it is a myth that the throat will hurt less if you eat cold things more often, rather cold, it provokes vasospasm against the background of this, the blood flow decreases along with protective factors and to this area, against
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the background of which local immunity decreases the growth of pathogenic microflora begins, it also does not quench thirst, the body does not cool, the effect here is rather psychological, but there is so much summer mood in it, today on world ice cream day there is even more of this ingredient in the composition. natalya leonova, ksenia loginova, denis panomariov channel one! probably, after all, there is not a single woman who would not be happy with a bouquet of roses. it’s not for nothing that he calls the rose the queen of flowers, right now i suggest you get acquainted with her majesty the rose, take a walk through the rose gardens of russia. in sochi riviera park - one of the largest collections of roses in russia, 33 varieties and 6.00 bushes, all so different, for example, a unique variety of pink intuition, an unusual combination of fuchsia-pink and white flowers, but in which store is this will you see? here they are similar. butterflies and some with
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feathers, with dashes, with some kind of fringe with that absolutely incredible coffee brick paint. roses have been grown in our country since the 16th century. it is believed that the russian climate is not very suitable for the queen of flowers, but this did not stop her from settling down with us. varieties of roses. this is polina from engels' favorite flower. i associate roses with the book the little prince, grandma in the country. i grew roses, well, i also try to grow roses on the balcony, in the garden of stavropol resident alexander panomariov there is one of the largest private collections of roses in russia, 8.00 bushes and 80 varieties, chiinatown, blue parfum, monster wood, the most fragrant - countryman with the smell of strawberries and golden celebration with the aroma of currants, eltoro smells like caramel, she has no thorns, apparently some breeder persuaded her during...
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mensky musicians seem to be either peach or bright pink, blue rabsodia is not far behind, it has an unusual color, depending on the lighting, it can be from light blue to such a pronounced purple. there was a whole valley growing here, two hectares, 30 varieties. guests from other regions like the flowers so much that they say at least stay and live here. anna and vitaly came from barnaul. we in siberia can only dream about this. thank you very much for creating such beauty. roses are not only
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beautiful, but also fashionable. here's the crimean necklace, the pride of the breeders of the southern peninsula. the flowers on the bushes always seem to be sleeping, never fully opening. this is a fashionable trend in rose selection - the creation of antique roses. it seems that these are such old roses, there is a boutonniere on the prom dress. of course, breeders are chasing trends, but at the same time they are also concerned about the climate stability and the duration of their flowering. why do they need to grow? giants, these are yaks, let's admire them, ossetia, where the good-natured ones settled , let's get acquainted with those who are reviving the population these rare animals. north ossetia,
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karpinsky ridge, yaks. don't make noise, she grunts, don't torture, they grunt. like a yak is almost impossible, only if there is someone nearby whom they know well. meet taimuras zebisov, he has been involved in livestock farming for 15 years. 2 years ago i decided to restore the yakov population; they had not been seen here for several centuries; now there is a whole population. we brought the first batch of jacobs from upper bolkaria, there is a breeder there, one good man, and we took 100 head from him, after that after another 2 months they took 100 heads, now we have 200 heads, taking into account the arrivals. about 200 - 30 heads this year, taking into account that there are few mature females in the livestock, mostly teenagers, the plans are to reach at least 400 heads, there are two types of pastures, summer and winter, yaks do not go into stalls, they live like free birds, while they just live, multiply, in the future
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there is an idea to milk them, since their milk is not very specific, it also has a different color, its properties are slightly different, more rich, in the future we are interested in making cheese from yak milk .. . because the specifics it is precisely the color and properties of the milk that we still don’t know in the cheese, how it will be, to whom to sell it, starting with locals and tourists. there are many lovers of contemplating wildlife in north ossetia, there are also those who specially come to admire the yakov herd. lyudmila kalieva, channel one. the founder of the world economic forum in davos, klaus schwab, without the consent of this person, not a single one.
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rom kastro product stellar group vodka pechora product stellar group vodka veta - product
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stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group yes. my russia will say so, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water, all together, the most russian hip will wash away the sad soul, and let my heart fight for those whom i do not ask, let me breathe and believe with my wounded heart, yes, this my fight, but the last one is behind me.
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spend your summer student holidays cheerfully and cheerfully, make new friends, see the country and not spend a penny, on the contrary, earn money. this is quite possible, ask anyone who was in a student squad, and those who have not been there yet have
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a great opportunity to visit. first-year financial university student alina from lipetsk decided to pass the exam early and go to work. this summer she is a train conductor, and today is her first trip. why sit celoletta at home? you need to try something new, something interesting, go for a drive, see other cities and earn extra money through russia. it is necessary to support the construction of agricultural facilities, railways, the same bam, residential
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buildings, detachments dispersed to different regions of the soviet union, hundreds of thousands of people, new directions have also emerged. sergei nikolaevich first joined the student squad in seventy-three after his first year, due to practice. we were building a cowshed, i worked as a concrete worker, next to my diplomas, doctor of science, associate professor, honored professor of moscow university, i have a more modest one. certificate that i graduated from vocational school number 50 and received the fourth category of concrete worker. i took it long, went for 14 years in a row, and still keeps that same fighter. today, ship groups comprise more than ten different directions. last year alone, 225,000 guys were employed. construction, this year we have five projects abroad, that is, these are india, china, turkey, bangladesh, and teachers are leaders and service areas, medical. there is no suitable education, they will train for free, daniil received two qualifications, now he works
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as a concrete reinforcement worker near ulyanovsk, we built a multi-purpose isved reactor, and also went to the city of murbansk to build a dry dock for an aircraft-carrying cruiser. how to get there, just come to the headquarters at your university or leave a request on the website of russian student teams, they are accepted from the age of 14, this is official employment, we agree so that we fully, yes, that is, provide travel, accommodation, and food with personal protective equipment, on each of our projects, yes, that is, we make a tablet, that is, this sports, this is creativity, these are meetings with management, and there are different companies, and the most important thing is that this is about a common cause, a common student get-together, where you can try yourself in different directions. anastasia savileva, sergey folendysh, channel one. well, our good morning continues invigorating the planned
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shutdown of hot water is sweeping across the country, well, in general, it’s a familiar phenomenon for us, one might say, regular, and they don’t turn it off for long, so let’s not grumble, let’s use the experience of experienced people who know how to survive it. days of memes about hot water on steel, there are, of course, extreme sports enthusiasts for whom cold water will do. people go to the resort in such weather, so i think that the temperature is quite comfortable, i’m honestly not a morsch, i just need to wash myself sometimes because of the deer, well, i just don’t have time in the morning, and there’s no water there to heat it, but you won’t be able to wash yourself properly, the algorithm has been proven for generations to heat and dilute, the pros manage to get by with one kettle, this is important if you are in a hurry to work in the morning and have no time to tinker with basins, then the main thing is to move from top to bottom, so as not to waste water, we begin to wash the body with the head . in small portions, because we have little water, it’s easier for someone to install a boiler,
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sales of water heaters in the summer are half as high, popular models, storage with a stainless steel tank and there were no shutdowns cold water. the most popular, here it is, actually, 50 liters, designed for two to three people, heating the entire tank takes about 35-40 minutes, you can set the economy mode, it will heat up a little longer, but due to this you can save electricity, but here you need to understand what is more important: a few days with basins or more payments for electricity. an alternative heating method is a garden shower, which heats up completely free of charge from the sun. there is a well nearby, i fill it in the morning, and after lunch the water is ready. oh, the water is just wonderful, warm. bliss, this is the state. using the same scheme, anna organized water treatments in her apartment. such a camp shower. it holds 20 liters of water, we bring it to the balcony in the sun, literally in a couple of hours
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the water becomes very warm, in the south it can heat up. even up to 50°, so before you take it, try the water temperature, the water has heated up to 36°, hung it higher, it’s lukewarm, or just ask to visit a place where there is still hot water, utility workers say that for now it’s impossible to have no outages at all, pipe wear in some places 70%, they themselves are not interested in living with basins, the outages are being reduced, we are implementing temporary schemes for connecting the hot water supply system, the duration of the outage. hot water supply in some areas ranges from 3 to 7 days, and before 2011, who remembers, it was turned off for 3 weeks. dmitry kuzmin, sergey falendozh, alexander aleksenko, nazir nomanov, channel one. yes, today is june 10, the wonderful actor, people's artist of russia, valentin smernitsky, celebrates his birthday. honored partos of all times of peoples, but besides this role he has
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140 more film roles, and there are also, of course, theatrical works. valentin. there and so on, you grow cucumbers and tomatoes, well, there is a greenhouse, yes, again the wife will do this, how can i say, only i snack on them so much, that terrier oswald is always nearby, for his osya, osya specials, well with who, lord, who but oswalt knows, the owner is an excellent cook, dinner for a large
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company, easily, i can cook anything , anything, i... i just have this skill comes from youth, independent living. at the age of 15, valya smernitsky was already working at the post office. i generally didn’t do well at school; i was kicked out in the ninth grade. for what? for the fight. what else is this? a? in order to enter the theater institute, i had to finish the tenth grade at night school, i had to work. i worked as a postal worker. i got up at 6 am. first tiny role in a movie. in the film i walk around moscow you robertina have you no why have you grown up and you are not too talkative, i repeat, something about your face to me very familiar, a real triumph, a film of two, a gold prize at the moscow film festival, then smernitsky was introduced to sophia loren, i went up
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and kissed her hand, that’s the whole meeting, she regally let me kiss her, that’s it. and the role for all times, of course, is partos, the gangs in the hair are smernitsky’s idea, of course i myself understand that this is a crazy waste, that well , you have to make money somewhere, the main acquisition is a lifelong friendship, like the musketeers, there is a person , whom smernitsky can call at any time of the day or night, with mikhail boyarsky was also the first to congratulate his friend on his eightieth birthday , he came on the eighth to specially congratulate me from st. petersburg, because it’s on the day... 80, on saturday on channel one exclusive, confidential conversation in dmitry borisov’s studio, i have a grandfather, the coolest, oh , it's time to hug, maria bronzova, joseph
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kobrin, andrey tsarev, sergey myakin, channel one. on june 12, russia day, on channel one , the large-scale historical drama union of salvation, about the decembrist uprising, about who these people were and what they wanted to change, this is great an honest movie about a turning point in the history of our country and complete immersion in the era. the union of salvation, immersion in a beautiful era,
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is a symbolic sign in which it does not mean that there will come to the sinus at such an hour or something else, this is some kind of encoding of the internal relations of those who are looking for each other in our film, they understand, but the rest... don’t understand, give these flowers to anna petrov, this is the most important thing now. hurray, konstantin! senate square was different from what we see today. it seems to everyone that st. isaac's cathedral, which was being built at that moment, always stood. we even slightly sinned against the truth; at the time of the events , st. isaac's cathedral was lower than the one you showed, but we simply could not resist and exaggerated the outline of st. isaac's cathedral. just to enjoy its beauty, there were no scaffoldings, these scaffoldings for installing columns, they had not yet been erected by the year twenty-fifth, so we see that there are a lot of workshops, yes, a worker, yes, that is, this is what
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it looked like at that time moment space, there is places where life and signs of the era are preserved exactly, city houses, landowners' estates that have become museums, everything here is as it was then, from dishes to stoves, which...
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well, next is the news release, stay with us, this is the news on first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, one of the main topics in the world is the results of the elections to the european parliament, despite the fact that the european people's party, which in particular is represented by the head of the european commission ursula fonla, retained leadership in it.
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party that does not support supply weapons for kiev, the government in brussels may reportedly resign. in austria, the right-wing svoboda party is in first place, which is also against anti-russian sanctions. now to the topic of svo. tankers from the southern
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group of forces destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the donetsk direction, and the t-80 bvm crew used tank carousel tactics, when one vehicle hits the enemy and replaces another. for camouflage, they used uneven terrain and adjusted the work of the drone operator. our artillery crew of the msta sm-2 self-propelled howitzer group western troops, as part of a counter-battery fight , destroyed the grad rocket system of the ukrainian armed forces in the kramatorsk region. the exact coordinates of the enemy were transmitted by scouts. the soldiers quickly drove to the indicated square; it took the gunner just a few minutes. the result is an accurate hit. they are destroying enemy positions and mlrs crews hurricane of the vostok group of troops in ugledarsky sections of the southern donetsk direction, working at any time of the day, destroying fortifications and military equipment, including... including western ones. only recently the m-777 and m-119 howitzers of the american production. more about the courage and
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dedication of our soldiers. junior lieutenant alexander frundin, under heavy enemy fire, risking his life , helped his wounded comrades and carried four servicemen out from under fire. guard senior sergeant fyodor pogodin, together with his subordinates, held the liberated settlement for 24 hours, repelling enemy attacks until reinforcements arrived. despite superior forces, the ukrainian armed forces forced the militants to retreat. and now footage from ukraine. intensified raids to catch evaders. on on the black sea coast, patrols were posted right on... odessa residents are hiding in their homes, as soon as you lean out into the street, it’s as if an outfit appears from underground and drags a man into a minibus in front of passers-by. on the border with moldova, failure awaited another draft dodger; the military registration and enlistment office employee turned out to be faster. the raid in lvov almost ended in a successful escape for a local resident, but he was still caught. and this is the result of such mobilization. photo by turkish news agency. the ukrainian military is well into retirement age. apparently, those
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who couldn't escape. this is how in the west of ukraine they treat those who fled the combat zone, this video has already spread across social networks, emergency doctors refuse to help a person on the grounds that, in their opinion, he is russian, i won’t lift you up, i won’t take you anywhere , get up, come on, the muscovite has arrived, the swiss conference on ukraine, the so-called peace meeting, can turn into a complete fiasco, the swiss media write about this. in an article in one of the local newspapers they say that kiev actually has no one with its unsuccessful proposals discuss. russia was not invited, chinese president sizinping will not come, even joe biden, he did not find the time. what ended up happening is what journalists call a get-together. they also write that switzerland itself followed kiev’s lead and thereby damaged its neutrality. joe biden, meanwhile, added another gaffe to his list of famous
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slips. all this during a foreign visit at a meeting with journalists in france, the american president visited the world war i memorial, said that the united states would never they will not leave a single major battle in europe without their participation, he remembered boa’s son, who served in iraq, and then called ukraine iraq, in the place where he reproached congress for delaying approval of military assistance. we had to wait so many months to get money for iraq. this is not what we are, this is not what america is. there is no doubt that ukraine was meant; biden’s speech with certificates has already appeared on the white house website. and now footage from the american state of michigan, there by air a car flew by, a truck driver captured this picture, he was driving along the highway, when suddenly, just a few meters away from him, without touching the road, a black suv quickly rushed by, it covered several tens of meters and landed on the shoulder, it is known that the driver was woman, an eyewitness
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reported that she lost control, but... fortunately survived. and finally about the weather, half of the monthly precipitation may fall on moscow. on russia day, weather forecasters warn 41 mm, this is seven times more than on a normal rainy day. a real tropical downpour may set a new record. let us remind you that on the calendar june 10, today marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the great singer. artist of the ussr, laureate of the glinka state prize. in fact, she has a huge variety of awards, one might say, lyudmila zikina, everything is immediately clear, her voice is absolutely unique, and it is still known and loved all over the world. what are we going to sing, go kusli or a thin rebina, thin, as if to me a rebina.
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lyudmila zikina had not yet had time to start the song, and the spectators were already bringing her flowers. sometimes women there come up to me, most women, and say: you guessed it, because you sang to me, you know, well, this feeling, it never left me, that i bring joy, joy was given to me in childhood. i sang in the courtyard of the barracks for neighbors who were tired after work, during the war i performed in hospitals where i ran after my shift, i worked as a turner, as a young girl, i was 12 years old, i increased my age in order to be accepted as a head teacher. at 20, after hanging out with friends,
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the fab four were allowed to call themselves just lucy, soon the betlovs had a song. zikina did not hide her passion for jewelry. one day she was attacked by robbers, but when they found out who was in front of them, they returned everything. oh, russia, russia, you are so alone. she traveled with
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the team to hot spots, once their helicopter was shot down, they survived miraculously, but they did not stop visiting the soldiers. everyone was warmed with one breath, even talking about different things, the early departure of her mother, four marriages, four difficult breakups, the inability to have children, her soul sang about all this,
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the story of what she had to go through parents in the fight for their child, the first episode is today after the program time, hello, who is my fiancé, who is fin, and who am i? and you are a friend, a wedding, something somehow turns out not in a friendly way, 10 years have passed, and oleg cannot forget how his fiancee yana married someone else and left for finland, oleg works in the ministry of emergency situations, conquers fire, but his feelings can’t win, who was he arguing with at all, probably
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dreamed of some kind of woman, no, no, no, definitely not a woman, what is this, why, well, if it were a woman, then he would become, yang, what are you or what? behind ketunin, ketunin, husband's last name, that's it, the runaway bride unexpectedly returns, what are you doing, i will set it on fire every day until you talk to me. it turns out that oleg and yana have a common son. 10 years ago, before leaving, she did not say that she was pregnant ; she divorced her husband and now the finnish social authorities want to take the child away from her. i was accused of suffocating motherly love. they said that i did not give the child freedom, i was with him all the time. they took him away from me because i loved him very much, the only chance decide everything according to the law - the blood father, oleg must present his rights to the child, i will play the role of the father, because the boy has nothing to do with it, but
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there is no need to convince me that this is my son, to believe, to find a common language with my son after decades a task for a very strong man, and why did you come anyway, we don’t need your help, we can handle it ourselves and i myself will save my mother. mother, voitu, the decision to reconsider the case is not made, director ruslan paushu shows the most difficult situation from different sides, parents who commit desperate actions, a child who becomes a victim of circumstances, a legal system that cannot be violated, well, hello, hello, for the filming of the film, the actors learned finnish, participated in chase scenes, performed. real employees of the ministry of emergency situations took part in the filming; one of the most dangerous scenes was a fire in a dilapidated house, from which the main character, played by sergei marin, is trying to save his comrade.
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it will be a good story. down. today on channel one there is a premiere of a family drama - one chance for three. this is very cool. simonis, first channel. on june 10, on this day only in 1931 , the first famous train, the red arrow, arrived from leningrad to moscow. that same legendary ambulance shuttled between the two capitals. travel time is 9:50. and this was very fast at that time. today, however, we finish the meal much faster. how today will be remembered in history, we have yet to guess. well, that's it. our astrologers think about him, of course. june 10 - turning point of the fourth fifth lunar days (23rd day of the sun) lively, sociable, with good he has a very charming sense of humor, knows how to present himself and quickly becomes at home in any
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company, while he remembers well that an old friend is better than two new ones, values ​​time-tested relationships, and if anything happens, he will always come to the aid of his friends and lend a shoulder, everything related to the home and household will work great today, this is a very good day for renovations, and he also has the talent to make successful purchases, now about the minuses, he is a little self-confident, likes to show off, sometimes he turns up his nose too much, often in such... .doesn't fail or break. worn-out equipment and in general, as they say, it breaks where it’s thin. aries keep this in mind. this applies not only to material objects, but also to some relationships. and look at your watch more often, especially if you have a trip ahead. otherwise, the day is excellent, including for career growth; the evening can invite you somewhere. taurus will have a chance to unravel something, untie some knots, deal with something that has been hanging over you for a long time. after lunch, get ready to help some good people. maybe with money too, but the evening is all yours. the twins are having a wonderful day
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to fix something, improve it, make it stronger and more reliable. just be more careful with technology. okay, dear ladies, if your significant other is a gemini, hint to him that he is the best. this day may puzzle cancers with something and give them food for thought. some serious conversation at work is not ruled out, but overall everything will work out for you. for those on vacation, be careful with unfamiliar foods. leos can easily do it today. to be loved, and those who are already married will have a chance to add their relationship, harmony and warmth. okay, oh business, someone may try to spoil your mood, but you don’t get worked up, everything will be fine, and the evening will definitely be pleasant. virgos have a normal, busy monday, but for those who approach their work creatively, it will be simply excellent. business meetings and visits to various organizations will be successful and be careful on the roads. libra - this is also important for you if you are collecting. on a long trip, keep an eye on your
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luggage on the road and look after your children, those who are not going anywhere yet, this day will help you learn something, master something, or get some useful information. scorpios can find out something interesting and important, so keep your secrets to yourself and don’t throw away personal data, small money may come, it’s better to save it, you’ll need it soon. sagittarius has one of those days when everything can be turned to your advantage, even failures. to benefit, the main thing is not to be arrogant, fortune doesn’t like it, and remember, you don’t owe anyone anything, expect guests in the evening. for capricorns , everything is also going well, somehow, but keep in mind that you are now very dependent on others, you need to maintain good relations with them, free the evening, he is clearly preparing something interesting for you. vadoleians have a fairly smooth day when everything goes as planned. it’s not a fact that it will be very eventful, but you can redo a bunch of things without haste or fuss. fulfill some obligations, and
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your relatives or friends may also please you with something. the stars strongly recommend that pisces put aside other people's problems for a while and finally do something pleasant and useful for themselves. fish ladies, take note, this is a very good day for shopping. well good luck to you. dear men, you can go pour yourself some coffee, and you and i, dear women, on the contrary, are watching and carefully, make-up artist and make-up teacher. safi kovolenko will tell you how to use makeup to look so that others will admire you, at any age. there are several types of aging, the most common are two: fine wrinkled. its name speaks for itself; a lot of wrinkles appear, but as a rule, it is a wolf. hardly changes, and this is the so-called
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deformational type of aging, where the skin and muscles seem to slide down. today we will discuss how to do makeup for representatives of the first type. we have model larisa in our studio, let's start with good hydration, because multiple wrinkles are a sign of very dry skin. a fabric mask will help. the next stage is a smoothing base for makeup. next is a foundation, but a matte one is not suitable for us, it visually dries out the skin, on the contrary, we need to restore its healthy shine. in general, radiance suits representatives of the fine-wrinkled type of maturation very well, so we take a cream with with a moist, radiant finish; if this is not the case, then add a drop or aminizer to your foundation. it's a shiny liquid texture that will illuminate your skin even more. we mask the area under the eyes as usual. concealer , we also drop a little illuminator into it,
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eyes, eyebrows and lips are done as usual, beautifully. we also take satin or shining lipstick, by the way, lip gloss will do, but i would n’t recommend using powder for setting and makeup, all dry textures emphasize wrinkles, but if you really want to, then a little bit is possible, only let's take finely dispersed. with reflective particles, we do not apply it to the entire face, to the so -called t-zone. well, let's compare before and after? larisa,
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what a beauty, it’s as if we’ve erased half of our model’s wrinkles. honestly, it was unexpected for me, i called my father first, not every day becomes a hero of russia and not everyone becomes, the gold star medal of the hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the gold star of the hero of the soviet union, when he once called me and quietly told me that i saved today people, he had already become a hero for me, even before he was given this title. the regiment commander arrived, we all lined up, they gave me the st. george cross, you can see a photograph of semyon mikhailovich in budeonov with royal awards, st. george crosses and st. george medals. solorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky received orders named after all these people. each organ has its own motto, and the motto of the order for
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services to the fatherland, benefit, honor , glory. russian awards, june 12, on the first. then the reasons to watch the game, on the day of russia on first. when he ascended the throne , he made a promise that with me everything would be like with my grandmother. catherine the great did not hide her desire to transfer the throne to her eldest grandson alexander, bypassing her unloved son pavel petrovich. but it turned out differently. the future emperor joined the conspiracy against paul. so shadow to father. the murder will haunt him until his last day, he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as alexander the blessed, a reformer, a favorite of the people, the savior of the fatherland. banoparte's victorious march across europe was steadily bringing the clash with russia, therefore the central event of alexander’s reign will be his
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confrontation with napoleon. he prepared for war not only the army, but also the russian secret mission in paris organized by alexander. acted so successfully that the emperor regularly received in june 1812 the invasion of the french army into russia began, alexander called everyone into the ranks of the russian army to defend the fatherland and freedom. empire, alexander i. premiere. on russia day for detailed reports about napoleon's plans. when first. yes, today is june 10th, its day celebrates birth.
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well, who, lord, who else but oswald knows, the owner is an excellent cook, dinner for a large company, easily, i can cook anything, anything, i just have this skill since i was young, on my own life, at the age of 15 valya smernitsky was already working at the post office, i generally
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did poorly at school, in the ninth grade i was kicked out, for what kind of a fight, what is this, huh? in order to enter the theater institute, i had to finish the tenth grade at night school, i had to work, i worked postman, got up at 6 in the morning, first tiny role. in the cinema in the film i walk around moscow you have robertina, you don’t have it, why? i've grown up and you're not very talkative, i repeat, your face is very familiar to me, a real triumph, a film of two, a gold prize at the moscow film festival, then smernitsky was introduced to sophia lauren. i went up and kissed the hand, that’s the whole meeting, she regally let me kiss it, that’s all. and the role for all times, of course, is partos, the gangs in the hair are smernitsky’s idea, i myself understand that this is crazy
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wastefulness, well, you have to make money somewhere, the main acquisition, life-long friendship, like the musketeers, there is a person whom smernitsky can call at any time of the day or night, on his eightieth birthday, mikhail boyarsky was also the first to congratulate his friend, specially congratulate the visitor me from st. petersburg, because he... on the day of my anniversary, unfortunately, you can’t come to my performance, well, hang in there, channels, today valentin smernitsky is 80, on saturday on channel one exclusive, confidential conversation in dmitry borisov's studio, my grandfather is the coolest, oh, it's time to hug, maria bronzova, joseph kobrin, andrey tsarev, sergey myakin, channel one. on june 12, on russia day, on channel one, a large-scale historical drama, the union of salvation, about the decembrist uprising, about who
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these people were and what they wanted to change, this is a great honest movie about a turning point in the history of our country and a complete immersion in the era.
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there are places where life and signs of the era are preserved exactly: city houses,
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landowners' estates that have become museums, everything is here as it was then, from dishes to stoves that were used to heat houses. if you say white stands in some room, say, in which blue color predominates, then it was also fashionable, then the tile reflected this color from the walls and already became not quite white, but a little blue tint, when person...
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ekaterina levskaya, joseph kobrin, maria bronzova, anastasia savelyeva, channel one. our program has come to an end, we say goodbye to you and wish you good morning, have a nice day, take care of yourself, your loved ones, see you, friends, on the first channel, of course, see you. this is news first. hello, in valery koravlev's studio in this episode. the infantry requests support. our calculations in the avdeevsky direction: work it out in seconds and underground, the enemy is not asleep. after
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the first shot we hide in cover. our artillery is for the enemy. one of the priority goals, a right turn, elections to the european parliament, a crushing defeat of macron. tonight i dissolve our national assembly. damn handshake zelensky and the sensation in germany, what else surprised the old world. at night there is no time to sleep, protests in yerevan, the crowd does not disperse, tents, at the parliament building the main demand is the resignation of prime minister pashinyan. what to do if suffocating love is a sentence, the finnish legal system separated a mother from her child, who can save, should i kneel before you, let me stand, please, action-packed drama.


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