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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 10, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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what has become the main news of recent months was a russian offensive, it simply did not make sense not to allow the ukrainian armed forces to fire across the border in order to hit russian equipment and firing points that were hitting the ukrainians, that’s why the president gave permission for this, the ukrainians have already fulfilled this order for battlefield. well, of course, the americans say that their weapons are used only on the battlefield, only against the military, but whether it’s a coincidence or not, yesterday the governor of the belgorod region said that usa was attacked within 24 hours belgorod region more than 140 times, and the target was civil infrastructure facilities, as a result, windows were broken in two apartments of two apartment buildings, the roof of one private residential building was cut, the roof of a garage was cut on the territory of another, 18 cars were also damaged, this morning again there was an arrival in the belgorod region, as a result , three... civilians were injured in shibekina. the british
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edition of the daily express cites ukraine's plan to launch an entire terrorist campaign against schools and other civilian objects of russia in the event of its defeat. ukraine will want to conduct terrorist activities on russian territory if it is defeated in the war. terrorist activities will include bombing of schools and bombing of infrastructure. they will begin in earnest if zelensky is forced
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to blow up heads of administrations, they are not shy about doing this, they call it the theory of controlled terror, why? yes , because they are used to always influencing civilians within the framework of war, forcing the political leadership of a country with which they are in conflict, through civilians, to go in the direction they need, means implementing certain decisions, and we see now that the americans are acting in exactly the same way, because they have no sense in the military sense ...
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look how evil the russians are, they hit somewhere or something else, that is, tit for tat, eye for an eye, what is happening here, no one sees it, but any of our retaliatory actions, and with the use of some very powerful weapons, it will be just raised to a pedestal, i remind you that they have always done this now, perhaps, by the way, for this story they are also preparing a provocation in the best traditions of white helmets, to spray something, somewhere there are gasping people running, this would be an ideal picture, after all, geneva, well, that would be. a stock for
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zelensky, he understands perfectly well that no one will agree on any peace plan there and neither russia will implement it, his task is to pull those countries that come into his orbit and force them to new supplies of weapons, money, anything, equipment , people, this is actually a new platform for him, a forum for attracting new allies. alexey alekseevich, what should we do? western weapons are already flying across the territory, hitting the territory. russian federation, the british, through their media, openly incite ukraine, give them instructions to blow up russian schools, switch to open terror tactics, everyone seems to be happy with everything, well, everyone is happy, well, the russian side is clearly not happy with this, judging by the harshness of the statements, we are moving to asymmetric actions, and announce them there is no point here, because they are asymmetrical and they will be, to put it mildly , a surprise for many people. vulnerabilities
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that western countries, which are part of the so-called anti-russian coalition, actually have, we know this as the ramstain format, there are 50 of them, but... russia has already identified the main countries that supply ukraine with weapons, which are now striking at russian territory, this list is known, by the way, some more countries are included there, surprisingly, like the czech republic, although there should be no surprise, just czech weapons were used for the first time on, so to speak, canonical traditional russian territory; here, if i were the czechs, i wouldn’t be surprised that something, well, one might say terrible, would happen, but on the russian side. are still in a conventional state and do not strike at civilian and infrastructure targets, this is primarily a military facility, which the russian side itself notified our western opponents that we will adhere to this principle in the future, this is not weakness, this
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just normal, calm behavior, which is what ukraine and the united states, which work closely together here, are trying to achieve , judging by what happened, i mean permission to apply... the united states is trying to strengthen zelensky’s position, trying to legitimize him in order to it was possible at all for a summit in switzerland, excuse me, a conference in switzerland, for this at least some results are needed, now the main result that they are trying to convey through the press is that the russian offensive has foundered, namely they are trying to present this as almost a victory for ukraine and...
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the publication writes that the issue of open terrorist activity on the territory of the russian federation is being seriously considered, including the bombing of schools and the bombing of schools, this means that zelensky is ready for this, or is he being forced to do this, then will he be ready, will they be able to force him to do this? well, i have said more than once, not twice, including even on our broadcasts, that fundamental decisions about this were made a year ago in end of july.
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year, the nato doctrine, when influence, in addition to cybernetic, influence in social networks, in the media, is a direct attack, direct action, influence on the average person, with support, naturally media, that the government cannot protect you, this is a bad government, they really do it are targeting, and the fact that it sounds now, well , it just turns out to be an open secret, or what? well, yes, but it is not surprising that ukraine is trying to think through plans in case of defeats, because the state of the army in the ssu leaves much to be desired. here is a photo in front of you recruits of the ukrainian forty-third infantry brigade in the kharkov region, apparently all the young and healthy in ukraine have already been exterminated and now they are taking on the elderly who were unable to escape from the military registration and enlistment offices. please note, naturally the photographs were taken by
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western news agencies, i think the photographers were also very surprised why this was happening, realizing the fact that it is simply impossible to defeat us on the battlefield, listener. the only thing left is to fight like a civilian, because our soldiers continue to advance, even this is admitted ukrainian telegram channels, they report that we have been moving in the eastern part for the second day. cities. there are footage showing the russian flag raised by our fighters in one of the parts of the city. and now war correspondent arti vladislav andritsa is in direct contact with us. let's find out what's happening in the chasofyar direction. vladislav, hello, over to you. yes, ruslan, good afternoon. over the weekend, a well, well -prepared attack by stormtroopers, assault companies of the ninety-eighth of our valiant ivan. skoy division broke through the defenses enemy in the microdistrict canal, this microdistrict, in fact, borders on
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the seversky danets canal, donbass, that ’s what it’s called correctly, and accordingly the enemy is now doing everything to transfer its forces to the western part of the city, it was established by our guys, and the eastern part city ​​in one of the five floors where our enemy had an observation post , the airborne flag, respectively the flag, the flag of russia, the cleansing of this microdistrict is now ongoing, the main goal now of our enemy is that we, our army, our guys on his shoulders, they couldn’t, they couldn’t stretch , pull themselves up, pull themselves through the corresponding water barrier, that is, for them now it ’s a wand, a wand, a lifesaver, the only one that can stop the movement to the western part of the city, in fact, the main main massif. their defense columns are located directly in
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the southwest and west, and the main part of the city is there, and there they really have a good healthy and healthy defense, as they think, but you know, it will be necessary to move troops there in any case, very often our aviation, large-caliber artillery are working, and their main task and goal now is to drag troops, relocate to the west with how...
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the increase in the width of the front line, of course, makes itself felt, they just sag, sag, sag, so here they are things are going on, and i can say that in the 200th brigade we now have oxocopters, eight-legged, a little larger than a baba iga, these are six blades, respectively, here is an excopter with eight blades, so that’s one of... and the main difficulty when storming the flanks and the eastern part of the city was that we
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were constantly climbing, no matter from which side we came from the side of krasny or from bogdanovka, we moved from the bottom up, constantly from the bottom up, now we are approaching this dominant height, which is located near the canal microdistrict , we need to occupy it, accordingly, while a smaller part of the city is under our control, after all, the main part, well, actually speaking, the main part of it is.
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the story, no matter how long we talk, you know, six months ago, it’s completely different there was a completely different theater of combat, a completely different war, now, of course, this is on a copter... this is the main, main tool they have now with our enemy, taking into account the fact that they have artillery truth, hunger, there are problems , their lack of artillery, of course, we have a significant advantage. thank you very much, war correspondent artie, vladislav andritsa was in direct contact with us, now we’ll break into a short advertisement and come back, don’t switch, founder of the world
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economic forum in davos, klaus schwab, without agreement with this...
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at the first, to be honest, it was unexpected for me, the first i called my father, not everyone becomes a hero of russia, and not everyone becomes, a gold star medal, a hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the gold star of a hero of the soviet union, when he once called me and quietly told me that i saved people today, he had already become a hero for me, even before he was given this title.
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upon ascending the throne, he made a promise: with me everything will be like with my grandmother. catherine the great did not hide her desire to convey the throne to the eldest grandson alexander, bypassing the unloved son pavel petrovich. but it turned out differently. the future emperor joined the conspiracy against paul. so the shadow of parricide will haunt him until his last day. he will spend a quarter of a century on the throne and will go down in history as alexander the blessed. favorite of the people, savior of the fatherland. banoparte's victorious march across europe was steadily bringing the clash with russia closer. therefore, the central event of alexander's reign will be his confrontation with napoleon. he prepared not only the army for war. organized alexander the russian secret mission in paris was so successful that the emperor
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regularly received detailed reports about napoleon's plans. when in june 1812. will see in them almost heroes, you, we have the right goal, criminal methods, i dream of getting an answer, tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai pavlovich will declare himself emperor, history
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is happening in st. petersburg, here it dies. as in france, then everyone present here will hang, they will not dare to shoot at us, we have not failed in any way for them...
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immediately after the announcement of the results, the defeated
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macron announced the dissolution of the lower house of parliament of the country, the national assembly , and appointed early elections, the first round of which will take place on june 30, that is, very, very soon. alekseevich, now explain to us what it was, why the french media simply changed their shoes. instantly, when they realized that the king was naked and defeated, why do they allow statements on live television that they have a psycho in power, this has never happened before, this is of course all exciting, but in reality, if you look closely at the situation taking a closer look, nothing so catastrophic for the current government on the territory of the european union is happening in individual cases, and the right and ultra-right have taken a very interesting anti-war position, although it would seem necessary to...
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such a turn of events, yes, indeed, we can talk about the fact that france turned out to be the most, well, relatively speaking, water-loving, yes, the right-wingers got the most there and now even a right-wing politician is vying for the post of prime minister, and this is really very interesting it will be, because macron will have a very hard time, which is why he did what de gaulle and chirac and so on did in their time , they rebooted, tried to reboot the political system, but if in the case of de gaulle it... sy played, he strengthened his political positions, in the case of chirac this did not play out, on the contrary, so macron now has all the possibilities, just to lose even what he has in france, he dissolved parliament in order to try to reboot his career, his political system, hopefully that people who came to vote for the european parliament will vote differently for the french lower house, he sincerely
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believes in it, no, he hopes for... and the fewer people vote, the less they express their protest in this way, this is a feature of the french political mentality, they say: well, we won’t vote, ugh, and macron’s supporters come and vote, macron now actually hopes for this, that his supporters will come, mobilize and vote, well, or he will somehow force them to do it, so v in germany, what’s happening is that scholz’s party is in third place, there’s total chaos there, i just don’t want to say the
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b-word, that’s it. how political strategists usually characterize this state, there is simply chaos, because yes, indeed, to the surprise of the germans and macron, by the way, is taking a worse blow than, scholz is taking a worse blow than macron, macron is doing at least some political actions, that is , which emphasize that he is still trying to do something, scholz simply gave up, in this regard, i think that he has a situation it will be much worse, no, an alternative germany will not come to power, as they say, but... however, all the coalitions that are now in germany will have to be reassembled, that is, in essence, they are being established in europe, well, someone says controlled, someone, i consider it uncontrollable, this is chaos, why, because the people who made the decisions that led europe under the slogans that this is development, this is economic growth, they came to the result that there is no development, no economic growth, and people are now they see it because they feel it in
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their pockets, it’s not for nothing that... farmers, european politicians said, well, don’t pay attention, now the trains will leave, yes, formally this actually happened, but people saw that the government is weak, and because she didn’t do anything with these farmers and couldn’t do anything, so the people now in different european countries, first of all civil societies, they feel that this is not order when the government is weak, so they will pay more attention to the right, more attention look, more attention... will be paid to what will happen in the lower municipal theses, which they, with which they go to power, and the most important thing is this reboot of the level, and here already, here it will be much more difficult to rig elections, election results , it will be more difficult, well, to manipulate the political consciousness of citizens, as macron hopes to do, and so on. here it is important to explain to our viewers that now we are talking about elections to the european parliament, which took place in all
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european countries, these are... not national parliaments, there will be national ones later, in each country in its own way, but the european parliament votes once every 5 years, now it will be completely different, so there is a demand for peace in the rest of europe, as they say, not only france and germany, united, but in belgium they got the most votes from those parties that do not support the supply of weapons to kiev, in austria the right-wing freedom party, which is also against anti-russian sanctions, in fact, the sentiments are understandable, but mikhail, how will this affect us, that is, now we remember that france and germany promised supply of weapons and they gave, belgium promised the f-16, now it looks like they will have to somehow abandon these plans or greatly adjust them, or not, you know, all the work experience, yes, let’s say, at the national level with large
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political projects with governments he says, my personal one speaks in favor of the fact that - the inertia of launched projects is always very high, and no matter how the geography changes there, the political one, no matter how it changes. the political landscape is very often difficult to replay many issues and processes, then take and cancel, as they say, therefore, i believe that the trend is very indicative, yes, the dynamics are good indicative, but this is all a story about medium- and long-term changes, fundamental ones, that will still happen, look, now there will be a new parliament in france, and a national assembly, now there will be a new parliament in britain, i also have...
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about sending french military instructors, the independent ones will essentially legalize the presence of their military there, and it was expected that he would be able to make such a statement on june 6, when zelensky would be in paris, in as a result
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, no words were said about the immediate dispatch of the french, this was before the elections, before the results were announced, but he didn’t say anything then, but macron said that he was assembling a coalition to deploy european troops in ukraine. regarding sending military instructors to ukraine, how are your negotiations progressing with other european allies and the united states, and in general, is france ready to actually send its instructors if other countries refuse? it is much more effective and practical to train soldiers on site ukraine, this is a legitimate request. we are not at war with russia. we don't want escalation, but we want to do everything in our power to help ukraine survive. is it possible to teach?
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the usa, germany, italy, spain and the czech republic, but there are also those who supported macron, this is what foreign tv channels say about it.
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mirage aircraft will arrive by the end of this year. france promised that it would also begin training ukrainian pilots. the soldiers are already working. together in poland. the armed forces of ukraine have been receiving training from the french and others for a long time. instructors, but now kiev wants them to be carried out within the country. therefore, brigade by brigade, these soldiers can now be deployed to ukraine within a matter of days. but the presence of troops of nato instructors in this territory potentially drags the united states and europe directly into the war. do not forget that the country has long had nato troops from france, great britain and the usa. this is nothing new. but if thousands of foreign instructors arrive there, then this will already be an escalation. we must introduce western
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troops to the western part of ukraine to increase their number. but you recognize that if we station our soldiers there we will be putting them in danger and possibly british blood will be shed as a result.
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from sending german soldiers into the war zone , saying that germany would discourage escalation. by the way, joe biden previously ruled out the us joining the french initiative. but no matter how the europeans try to deny that they are supposedly not in the zone of words, in the sense of europeans, the facts indicate the opposite. appeared last week interview with the former commander of a marine regiment .
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notice that there is a split within nato, what will it lead to? i want to start with macron, you just quoted him that he wants to defend himself from america, he then included it in his french national security strategy and in 2022, that means, he solemnly presented it on board the nossa helicopter, you know how they they love the shots, the helicopters behind us, and after that he went to america to meet with biden, returned a different man with his head down and stopped already. he says these things, now he is an american agent of influence, and he is doing everything
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to plunge, relatively speaking, european military contingents into the conflict in ukraine, by the way, the americans have always not been shy about saying this, i remind you that mark mealy, on at the time of the twenty-second year he was the chief, that is, the head of the joint chiefs of staff, such an american general staff, he said for us, for the americans, the most important thing within the framework of the conflict in ukraine is the goal: to prevent nato from being drawn in, and we see that they do not want this big one, to prevent the americans from fighting there. the second option is to prevent the conflict from spreading beyond the territory of ukraine. and the most important point is that all expenses, all this component , should be borne by the european armies, and we see that they are now being prepared for this slaughter, and, by the way, what’s interesting is the elections, this political instability that is now arising in europe, in germany, in france. they are not afraid, because they understand that when a serious conflict begins,
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it will all be written off, it will be military position and so on. now the question is, why do they need this, why send their own, that is, instructors there, and so on, we remember that the vietnamese conflict, which was between north and south vietnam, began in the same way, the americans sent their military instructors, and then got involved military contingent, because military instructors will be attacked at their bases, they will be forced to escalate, transfer forces and equipment. not only now, our hawk of the american congress, linsey graham, has openly stated, before they didn’t say that, but we won’t abandon ukraine for one reason, there are mineral resources there for...
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everything else, these contingents are already being formed, they are already training, this is what is being voiced now, this is already yesterday, and the future is yet to come is currently being prepared at the training grounds, so in the near future we will actually see the deployment of this contingent, most likely it will be synchronized with aviation supplies, aircraft, because they will create a coalition, by the way , let me remind you that macron, and who announced that that they will make 4.500 train the brigade and fully equip it in french. well , that is, in fact , there will be a certain number of ukrainians there for legalization, and this will be a french foreign legion, ukrainian, that will be sent there. plus macron announced the creation, therefore, of an aviation coalition of veterans, that is, pilots who will fly on french mirages, i think exactly the same story will happen with the f-16, what will end up there first, the f-16
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or the mirages? i think f-16s because they are are already close to this, most likely they are leading up to some events, that is, it will be either... very close to the swiss security conference for our surprise, or under some new actions, within the framework of which a huge number of people are now being mobilized people, well, that is , in fact, they are preparing a big new offensive, now it remains for our general staff, i think they know where and when it will happen. alexey alekseevich, all these bravura statements by macron, as it turned out, french voters really didn’t like them, somehow he will change his position in the west as a whole, because we have always assumed that... western politicians are opportunists and adapt to the interests of the audience, and so that they will be voted for. now the situation is different, the audience is asked to lower the military level, but the politicians don’t want to, what will it lead to? i didn’t like it, that’s putting it mildly, the situation that will happen during the elections to the national assembly will show the full
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extent of this political crisis, the fact that this is a political crisis in europe, this is completely obvious, we are the same as before they said that it was a united european one. the union is united in relation to anti-russia and so on, but it turned out that it is not so much united as subordinate to the united states. you probably noticed that macron, a politician whom the united states did not trust, macron goes to china, ursula fondeyan is sent to be next to him, sidinpin comes to france, ursula fondeyan is right there, and i think that macron realized that an attempt to revolutionize oneself in order to offer oneself as the leader of europe, this is a rather dangerous activity, but ...
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to retain one’s post as head of the european commission, that is, macron will have to calm down for a while, that is why he calmed down, in what sense he calmed down, he is now making it clear to the united states in every possible way that he is ready to provide them with these services, create coalitions for i don’t know there, training aviation coalitions, and so on, that is, he fits perfectly into the pro-american agenda into the pro-european agenda, only in the pro-european agenda you can’t do much now, but in the pro-american one you can do a lot, and macron is now doing just that.
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this is actually leading to a split in nato or am i presenting what i want as reality? and you know, you can say as much as you like that what nato is doing on the territory of ukraine is not an escalation of the conflict, we are not participants in the conflict, but the actual side is different, yes, you are participants in the conflict, yes, this is an escalation, yes, nato expansion european union to the east, this is a historical fact, a political fact of our time, you can’t do anything about it, you can deny it, you can talk about it in some other words, but it’s no longer possible to cover it up, the ring is short, it’s impossible to cover it up, well despite all this, they still promise ukraine financial assistance, including, for example, the french and germans. despite their differences, they decided to build their own military plant. the franco-german arms company knds,
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which in particular produces caesar guns, has officially formalized the creation of a subsidiary company in ukraine. this enterprise will produce military equipment and ammunition on ukrainian territory. the knds concern signed two declarations with the ukrainian company enmec. one document concerns the creation of a center maintenance of self-propelled artillery installations caesar, second 3d. from spare parts, a contract was also issued for the licensed production of 155-mm shells in ukraine. perhaps this will be a real help for kiev, because so far the ukrainian military is complaining that the equipment that sends the west to the front line turns out to be broken, western, in particular and french, media are openly writing about this. and by the way, cnn recently published a report in which the ukrainian military complained about tanks abrams, the american one, we showed him to you, i think you remember everything very well, everything. these dryers said that they simply are not satisfied with them, well, there are a lot of problems, and how these problems affect the front line, let's find out from our military expert, boris
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aleksandrovich, rozhen joins our conversation. boris aleksandrovich, hello, good afternoon, how is the situation at the fronts, because of course we are telling you that there are difficulties with the supply of equipment, that they have a shortage of shells, that they are not satisfied abraps tanks, that they are only going to build a military production plant in ukraine. but nevertheless, we have successes, but they are still tactical, you can probably call it that, or we are mistaken after all , everything is much more interesting and better at the front, and well, now at the front, the offensive of the army in the kharkov region, which led to fierce battles for leptsy and volchansk, and there the enemy was forced to transfer large reserves from different directions, which led to the fact that they were unable to impose oncoming battles in the kharkov region, but for due to the weakening of other areas. front, our troops have managed to achieve quite significant tactical successes in most sectors of the front in recent weeks, and well, we
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continue to advance on them, that is, if you look along the front line, then in the rabotinsky direction our troops have already completed the cleansing of rabotin, the enemy has already retreated from the village, most of rabotinsky salient, for which a very high price was paid to the opponents, it has now already been cut off, then now, well, the offensive of our troops there continues, in a similar situation on vremevsky our troops will march there. they are fighting for the harvest and staromayskoye, about a third of the harvest - our troops control - staromayrskaya is about two-thirds, which means in the ugledar direction our troops recently liberated paraskoveyevka, are now fighting on the outskirts of konstantinovka and continue to advance towards the konstantinovka highway -ugledar, there are also serious tactical successes there, there are also progress in the city of krasnogorovka, there we continue to expand the zone of control in the city center, gradually displacing enemy. in the avdeevka direction to the west of avdeevka, our troops literally today report that they have liberated the village of novo-alexandrovka to the konstantinovka
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krasnoarmeyskaya highway, this is one of the key roads in general in the entire western donbass, there are about 8 km left there, there are also various tactical successes in the area ocheretina, there is also an advance, the enemy cannot yet stop our advance, and is losing a lot of western equipment. yesterday we achieved serious success. gradually the battles are moving towards the center of the city, and well, on the northern ledge on krasnolimansky, in general there are positional battles, small advances, we have had successes in the svatovo-kupian direction, there we have advanced at ivanovka, at stolmakhovka in the senkovka area, that is, in general, to everything in almost all areas of the front there is one way or another progress and liberated settlements, well, yes, it seems like the front is standing, but you just listed where we are? there are successes and a feeling that successes along the entire front line, yes, they may not be strategic breakthroughs, but the guys are moving forward quite well,
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thank you very much for that, for telling us about this, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen was in direct contact with us, now we’ll break into a short advertisement and come back, the child at least thought of it or came up with it, well what difference does it make to you, great, calm down yana, you promised that my... we will have a few seconds to take our son, she stole him, it’s the russian who takes everything she wants, it’s worth something, he
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runs away, he recognized us, at the moment their whereabouts are unknown. zamzhili, the good guys were coming, from the turvet shop, from the turvet front home, i’ll delay the victory, i’ll come to you on a hot shaft, oh
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andryusha, should we... in the kremlin, the premiere is on the first day of russia. yes, my russia will say yes, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water all together. the most russian head will wash away the sad soul. and let my heart ache for those whom i do not
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ask. breathe and believe in those chosen by your heart , yes, this is my fight, yes, the last one is bad, my fight, even if it’s bad, my fight, nothing like that yet, my heart beats and i’m alive, it goes to the strength in my chest our eternal memory, i hands. i’m going to the end, i ’m russian, a shaman, i’m russian, on the first day of russia, you won’t swear an oath to the senate, but it ’s not the senate that decides, but the guard, and don’t rush
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to break the oath you’ve given, great, guards! play the training camp, on the first day of russia, my system is intended for practical use, using it during sports competitions, well, it can be dangerous, but this is exactly what we need, well , how can i make fighters out of these idiots in 3 weeks, you, victor, are driving me into a corner, i have one guy, he’s sitting there,
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bro, are you going to shoot or what? where did you learn to fight? yes somehow? we have several pain areas, now i will show you some options. so i want to punch you in the face? i think here or outside? well, strike while no one is there. well, mercy, that's it, that's it, you can put me back in prison. spat on you because of your self-pain. the legend of samba premieres friday. on the first. now in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine there is talk in all seriousness about the need to mobilize women, and the ministry of defense of ukraine is trying prove that this is actually the norm. listen to the arguments they make. with
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the beginning of a full-scale conflict , the number of the armed forces of ukraine increased significantly. mobilization in our country does not involve forced conscription of women, but this is not a problem, because their number is constantly increasing. now we have about 67,000 women in the army, 19,000 of them work in... civilian positions, the rest are military personnel. a very important role is played by the desire of a ukrainian woman to protect and serve, the desire to control artillery, drones, fire. in general, our women very often choose non-female professions. the current ukrainian fighters are holding on with all their strength, the new york times says that high-tech soldiers are saving themselves with energy drinks, but you and i understand that in addition to energy drinks there are other stimulants, so to speak. in general, the moral character of the listeners raises more and more questions in the country itself, first a video appeared of how one of them first attacked the cashier with a knife, then another publicly threatened people with violence on the bus, that’s how
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it was. half here, i killed you, now i cut everyone, guns, well, i would like to remind you of the photographs that we have today. have already been shown, these are mobilized in the kharkov direction, i can’t look at this without some, i don’t know, sadness inside, because okay, these men were probably, well, probably definitely forced, but these are definitely not the ones who can hold back the advance of our troops, and most likely, excuse me, but these are post-mortem photographs, because such warriors do not live long on the front line, mikhail, here what will happen next?
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therefore, some women will, of course, replace men in headquarters, where this can be done, men will be transferred, we see that now there are only resources in the ground, people are secondary, there will be a very serious erosion in law enforcement agencies, replacing them with women, therefore the transformation of ukrainian society it will be very serious, more news on channel one. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. fighters in the sky, a tank carousel on the ground.


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