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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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it was in avdeevka, it was in artyomovsk, we see now in other cities this is happening, well, we all remember the so-called hitler jugent, we remember the huge number of mobilized civilians, women, children, old people, regardless of age, so now, of course, they are under pressure from the west, and as we have already said, the west is only interested in the resources in the land, people are secondary, so some women will, of course , replace men at headquarters, where this can be done, men will be transferred. we see that now there will be a very serious blur in law enforcement agencies, replacing them with women, so the transformation of ukrainian society will be very serious. more news on channel one. this is news first. hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue.
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fighters in the sky, a tank carousel on the ground, and this is the infantry requesting support. we worked on the enemy and quickly took cover. our artillery is one of the priority targets for the enemy. report from the front line. a shake-up for the eu, elections to the european parliament like a litmus test, a sensation in germany, macron's defeat in france. "we are ready to take power if the french give us confidence, but will pan-european policy change? a course towards closer cooperation, an important meeting of the heads of foreign affairs agencies of the brix countries, and another confirmation: the circle of like-minded people is steadily growing, if there is a chance, then only one for three persons". oleg, i need you to come with me to finland, claim your rights to your son, return the child to the crazy woman. chase and secrets that
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had to be hidden for years. an action-packed drama on the first today. and we start with news from the special operation zone. the positions of the ukrainian armed forces have been destroyed in several directions at once. the footage shows the donetsk section. the crews used tank carousel tactics. one machine hits the enemy and replaces another. and these are su-34 fighters in the sky. strikes with unguided aerial bombs. howitzers were used in the kharkov region.
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so the infantry requests support, artillery fire is immediately there, you need to work in cover in seconds, the enemy is not asleep, with an advanced report by dmitry tolmachev. in rare moments of calm, while the soldiers bring shells to gun, they are steadily followed by the faithful dog cupid, the man was alone, well, his wife died, he was moving, he says there is no one to leave the dog with, so he gave us cupid, now he protects us if it’s too hot , hiding in the shadows, without losing vigilance, warns when the enemy opens. return fire, when the return flights begin, it’s as if he already knows everything in advance, changes his position, we are also starting to strain ourselves, a close-knit team, the artillery crew - seven people, but directly at the gun, as a rule, there are three, commander, loading gunner. there is no difficulty at all if everyone knows their responsibilities, what to do and does not get confused during intensive work. the loader has long lost count of the shells brought, and yet each weighs 42 kg, while we are waiting for confirmation of the coordinates, we find out from the soldier the origin of his... call sign son-in-law, it coincided that
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when he left here for exile, he ended up in a battery with his father-in-law, he is a military man and so it coincided that i have been in the military for three years now and have been traveling on business trips. reconnaissance discovered a cluster enemy infantry and artillery are working on fortifications in the forest belt. everything needs to be done quickly so that enemy reconnaissance does not have time to detect where exactly they are being hit from. after the first shot, we hide in cover, our artillery is for the enemy. one of the priority goals, now the spotters will report how accurate the shot was, and several more shots will follow at the enemy’s positions, camouflage is also extremely important, so everything that can give away the position is hidden in the video, a few more shots, a gun, a shot, and the crew is also hiding underground, the enemy is also not sleeping, they can figure out where our approximate positions are and practice counter-battery warfare, so...
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the train, so to speak, cannot be harmed, we always go to shelters, the old but solid village cellar has saved them more than once from oncoming artillery for comfort there are beds, a kettle, a stove, but the front is advancing every day. shibekin is also under attack in the belgorod region. governor vyacheslav glotkov said three people were injured, a man and two women. air defense systems are working, four ukrainian drones were also intercepted in the sky over the bryansk region. the eu is summing up the results of the european parliament elections, which ended the day before. despite the fact that the european people's party, which supports the current head of the european commission, ursula von derleyen, retained its leadership, in key countries of the old world the positions of the “right forces” have strengthened, which, among other things, oppose pumping kiev with weapons of
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thoughtless anti-russian sanctions. the first place among such associations in the czech republic, austria, and in hungary is led by the party of the current prime minister viktor orban. in parallel with this vote, elections to the national parliament took place. as a result , prime minister alexander de krol lost his position. his game ended up in penultimate sixth place. dekro could not hold back his tears. in france , the pan-european campaign ended with the defeat of the presidential renaissance party, which lost more than twice as much to the national union of marine lu peen. even before the official results were announced, the french leader addressed the nation like this.
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macron and scholz once again confirms them the failure of both national and european politicians, said chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. a well-deserved result arising from many years of complete disregard for the real needs of people and society, following the orders from washington and abandoning sovereignty, they could not count on anything else. this is a sign of a long-term and objective trend towards weakening the mandate of national trust and the real legitimacy of those who break
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ties with their citizens, with their by voters. it seems that a dangerous virus of illegitimacy is beginning to spread across the european continent. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin says that the leaders of france and germany are among the last... to cling to power. the result of the vote, according to him, is the predicted stagnation of the economy, the migration crisis, and being drawn into the ukrainian conflict, contrary to national interests. there is more and more discontent in society. according to vyacheslav volodin, it would be more correct for macron and scholz to resign themselves and quote: stop mocking the citizens of your states. brix is ​​actively developing a platform for payments in national currencies, about this. novgorod, a two-day meeting of foreign ministers of the brix states began there, a big conversation about cooperation against the backdrop of modern challenges, when the west seeks to dictate its rules to the world. russia is the chairman of the organization this year. brix accounts for almost half of the world's population and a third of global
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gdp. this is the first meeting of foreign ministers after expansion, except for russia, brazil, india, china and legal the organization now includes egypt, iran, and the united arab emirates.
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iss. well, in kazan these days there is a large-scale international forum of education ministers, shaping the future. vladimir putin sent greetings to the participants. our country, the president emphasized, is open to... cooperation in this area and is ready to share our rich, largely unique experience, to participate in new joint projects, in russia all conditions are created so that young people can develop their abilities, this is one of the state priorities. underway a huge amount of work, the latest technical developments and the most advanced approaches to training. in the altai republic today , the acting head of the region, andrei turchak, was introduced; he was appointed last week by decree of vladimir putin, and previously served. post of vice-speaker of the federation council. andrey turchak spoke about the main tasks. it is important, in particular
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, to develop the economy, but at the same time be careful about preserving natural resources. the rich experience that i gained while serving in executive authorities, while at the federal level, all my contacts, all my connections, i will propose to really, as i reported to the president, to reveal the rich potential of the republic first of all. this is the economic potential so that the life of these people, not only in gornoaltaisk, in every district of our republic, really becomes better. an action-packed thriller and love drama. there is a big premiere on channel one, the film one chance for three, a woman and a child who find themselves in trouble abroad. there is a person who can help, but there is also a secret from the past that can change everything. kristina levieva, about the history of a difficult choice. his life is like a heroic action, but every time he closes his eyes, he is tormented
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by the same dream, not of the one who left him for another, but of the one he still loves. you have nothing to argue with, no one. 10 years have passed since their last meeting, oleg no longer hoped that jaana would return, but life with the visiting businessman turned out to be far from a fairy tale, and after the divorce, the finnish social security authorities took away his beloved. example social services, they took me away, i was accused of suffocating maternal love, now her only hope is oleg, should i kneel in front of you, let me get up, please, she is a girl of a very controversial character, she is indeed very lively, she is fighting for her life, for her happiness, she wants a better life for himself and for his child, but every time he makes mistakes, a story of love and despair, mistakes in finding oneself, and also... in the film one chance for three , a very painful controversial topic of juvenile justice is raised, is it possible to take a child
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from its mother, who has the right decide fate minor? these people should be banned from giving birth altogether. oleg, accustomed to taking risks, of course, agrees to help his first love, but he does not yet suspect her plan to uproot the boy, but there is another secret: nine-year-old voita, although he has a finnish name, never actually knew his real father. olek, i need you... despite his young age, this is his twentieth film role, he approaches every scene thoughtfully like an adult, everything, everything, everything, everything, calm down, hold on, everything is fine, look at me, everything ok, mom, this kind of subconscious connection with my father is revealed. that is, they are completely different people in terms of upbringing, but during the course of the film they somehow still
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find contact with each other, because they initially have one, they are a son and a father. mom, they are catching up, there are a lot of adventures in the plot of the film, what is an adventure, it is an action scene, when there is danger, when there are chases, fires, yes, in the film we had many such scenes that we had to film, especially the fire scene, it was very dangerous, we were filming in dilapidated. so, one chance for three, we are watching the first episode today after the program, that’s all for now, we are following the development
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of the event, the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, we heartily welcome the viewers of the first, ekaterina shugaeva, anatoly kucha in the studio, here we are today, let's start, we will have a wide, as usual, range of topics, so to speak, but let's start with comics, i read comics, come on? we respect it, of course, so do i, but many people say, well, the truth is they say, it’s us now, even without much irony, that very many, well, just a whole generation of american or european children, and now ... i’m not generalizing too much, but nevertheless, well, a lot, people learned something from comics, about history for sure, well, in general, i ’ll tell you that in accordance with the legends, so to speak, or whatever it is in the comic book universe, in short, it means that in the universe of these people , all sorts of people won the second world war...


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