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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  June 10, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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so, one chance for three, we’ll watch the first episode today after the program. and that’s all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, the information channel on the first will continue with the program “time will tell.” we warmly welcome the viewers of the first. ekatorina shugaeva, anatolia kuzhishche in the studio. here we are today, let's start, we will have a wide, as usual, range of topics, so to speak, but let's start with this, with comics. i read the comics, let's read it, okay. me too, but many people say, well, they really do say, this is us now, even without much irony, which is very many, well, entire generations of american or european children, and now adults, they just grew up on these comics, the idea of ​​good and evil is clear, i’m not exaggerating there, i’m not generalizing too much, but nevertheless, well , people learned a lot of things from comics, about history for sure, well, in general, i’ll tell you that in accordance with the legends, so to speak, or whatever they call it in short in the comic book universe. this means that in the universe of these people
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, all sorts of superheroes won the second world war, and there captain america won the world war ii, and superman, batman, even i don’t know, all four of them or one of the ninja turtles, well, in general, they also had a hand in this glorious victory, but i ’m serious when i say, you can laugh rightfully, of course, but you can remember that how many millions of children read and, so to speak , their lives, well, how to put it, not that they build, but they also get an idea of ​​it... comic books, well, it’s not so funny, let’s remember hollywood films, remember how many films there are, but about how it means how the americans won the second world war, here they are, here they are, all these yes, all these movies, all these posters, well, look, you never know, okay, movies, you never know, god, comics, now you’re already transported in real life, last week in france they celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the allied landing in normandy, the event is quite strange, that is... russia, the legal successor and heir
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of the soviet union, was not invited to this event, and zelensky, as representatives of something in general, after all they invited him, so, accordingly, he found an opportunity, found a reason to thank joseph biden, guess what? once again, zelensky, the grandson of the same zelensky who was awarded the order of the red star. yes, a soviet boy from kriev rog, why did he thank, i wonder, american president biden, listen, for what? it is very important that the united states of america, all americans, remains together with ukraine, as it did in world war ii, when america helped save human lives, save europe, and we count on your continued support, on the fact that you will be with us shoulder to shoulder with polec. two questions, okay, i won’t ask the first one.
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one of the world’s most famous researchers of the second world war, american colonel david glentz, he is the author of excellent books, he worked in soviet archives with literature for official use, so let’s not do things like this, that’s also it’s not good, grigorievich, wait, no, first of all, it’s probably not good to do such things, but let's be realistic then, it means that there are researchers, brilliant scientists who are generally quite stupid.
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that’s not the same thing, don’t try to use broad strokes like, what’s it called, well , prove your truth, no, that’s not the point, the point is not that the americans, naturally, like the british, of course, they will have their role, well this is normal, naturally this is normal, but they are canceling us, they are canceling us, that’s the moment, look, we are being canceled by politicians, that ’s the thing, we are being canceled by politicians, but if you are filming there the longest day or rescue ordinary paradise, but this is a film about an exhibition in normandy, there is no soviet union there, they did not participate. of course, grigorievich, you are a historian, and you know that they would not have landed if we had not pulled back the troops, as it is there there was no soviet, wait, what’s the matter, the fact is that if they had not landed, then during operation bugartion, several tank divisions would have arrived at the soviet front, including the ss division, and
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a completely different situation could have developed here , everything, all events occur simultaneously, everyone influences everything, everyone was pulling each other out at that time, 80 years have passed, now the situation is completely different, and the fact that these people are using history to fight us does not mean that we should use history to fight them, we should be objective, and we should be proud of this, you know, what’s the matter, this is no, no, how can you miss it altogether, alexander, here you are, well, you know the ukrainian situation there very well, you’re a political scientist, how did it even get to the point that some- then the scum in a t-shirt, coming to the polls, said that no, the soviet union, the russian language, poroshenko is doing everything wrong there.
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he at least indirectly honored veterans on his social network there on facebook, after that, back in 1920, on may 9, he gathered banderaites and veterans of the great patriotic war near him, now he has forgotten them, that is, relatively speaking, now there was victory, but there are people alive in ukraine who brought this victory closer, i’m not even talking about his own grandfather, i’m talking about those people who still live in ukraine, still live, he is in normandy, and he tells how america saved him there, listen.
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over germany, the second world war ended on september 2, 2, ended this war, the second world war, the soviet union, when to help, yes, for the fact that they opened a second front in europe, opened a second front, won, crushed the quantum army of japan and defeated japan , that is, it’s not the usa with bombs, but they defeated japan, they dropped bombs in early august, they did not plan that the war would end quickly, that is, they themselves were disappointed with the effect, that is, well, the wooden houses were demolished, everything else, that is
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, they used conventional bombs six months earlier... what are the ukrainians saying now? developed over the restag, that is, well, yes, this is famous, that is, even this is a catch responsibility, but what about ukraine, yes, you can somehow alone and there, well, somehow resist and protest, but you can’t do anything , that is, the heroes already now in ukraine are those who served the nazis, here they are, even the zelensky regime and the police don’t have to do anything, just these. but tell me, please, listen, wait, the most important thing here is actually, well, you remember, here in our studio and outside it - there were big discussions regarding the appropriateness and inappropriateness, such broad generalizations, here are the ukrainians, here they are too, so to speak,
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whether they share this new concept or not, how many yes, and how many no, and so on, who they are ukrainians, these are still our people, or have already changed their colors, so to speak, and i’ll describe it to you here is one photo, natasha, natasha has a lot. there were probably no relatives in ukraine, but there are, of course, i remember one photograph, i wanted to cry when i saw it, that means her elderly, these are the elderly, that means relatives, aunties and grandmothers, ridiculous in britain with them these poppies are walking around, but in a different way, here they are, all these unfortunate ninety-too-year-olds, all
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of these are standing with these poppies that were attached to them, now we celebrate like this, i don’t know what’s in their heads, i haven’t communicated with them , i don’t know, but now we’re celebrating like this, here’s to me i wonder how many ukrainians there are, look, firstly, we don’t know, we don’t know this, that’s the most interesting thing, and secondly, how it came to this, it’s very simple, the task was ideologically, physically, morally to detach ourselves from the soviet project, stood. for 30 years we simply watched as ukraine destroyed itself, and this was before crimea, and this was, well, it was simply destroying everything in the sense in which we imagined ukraine, so to speak, for the western project. on the contrary, not now does not destroy, but builds, naturally.
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european master, england does this, look, why poppies, because england does this, it’s really a tradition, it’s been from the seventeenth year, this poppy is a flower of sorrow, this is from the first world war, there is november 11th on the day of the armistice, poppies are all catching themselves, this is where this antics and adjustment to the new authority begins, and ends with the fact that... some kind of monkey in a t-shirt is running around the new owners, trying to make them feel good, it’s simply, well, that’s it such self-humiliation, this is just such humiliation, tomorrow the japanese will promise him something, he will go and thank the japanese for liberating europe, you understand what’s going on, there is no point in drawing any conclusions from this, because here it is, this is degradation, these are the consequences of the fact that people have lost their historical memory, zelensky is just like this... this is the most striking prominent model, so maybe they haven’t lost it, maybe it exists, we don’t know it, we we don’t know
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what’s happening there with the ukrainians, in fact, we don’t know this, what i see on social networks, and i see this, well, again, before the fourteenth year and long before that, but the way ukrainians treat their historical memory, how they praise bandera, those the same nazis and others, others, others, this did not appear yesterday, not the day before yesterday.
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you know, to really show who, what where, yes, this can be shown by sociology, free sociology, not the sociology of coercion that is now, yes, of course, so to say who, how with what, that’s when we talk about one thing people, yes even if we take ukraine, people there are like wolves at each other, this is how westerners treat those from the east, this is literally the situation now, and in ivanno-frankivsk, when i was lying there from mariupol, that is, well, a refugee from mariupol to ivano-frankivsk in western ukraine, where he has epilepsy, yes, and the ambulance has arrived, he says. what’s here, well, that you came, everything else, yes, that is, we are saying, here is russia and ukraine, are they
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one people or not one, let’s just talk about one people or not one, these are the people, who now live in ukraine, yes, here are people from kharkov and from lvov, how do lviv residents treat those from kharkov, yes, that is , relatively speaking, when refugees from ukraine fled to russia, i remember this situation very well, and we they were engaged in this charity, that is, they provided contacts, yes, that is, muscovites there in other regions provided free housing, but also to refugees from ukraine. that is , to strangers, they fled from kharkov to lviv, immediately the price, the rental price for apartments went up to them four to five times higher they were simply treated as second class, the same westerners treat them now, that’s why this happened.
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no, these are symbols, these are symbols of this state, the names of the streets, they destroyed it all, they
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renamed the streets of st. petersburg into london streets, everything else, that is, they destroy and say: listen, russia is an enemy of ukraine for you. ukraine created russia there for 20 thousand years, so russia doesn’t hate ukrainians, that’s what they ’ve stuffed into them, so now one or one people can speak, listen, if we’re talking to from a political point of view, yes, well, relatively speaking, from a political point of view, well, of course, that is , now the ukrainian who lives there is a political nation, that is, if we speak as a people, of course we are one people, that’s just what i said at the beginning programs, but there are about the events of the 16th century, when there was a russian-polish war, after mongol and there was nothing left from kiev, well, from the 13th century, that is, according to... the testimony of those who were there, well, they passed through in writing, testimony, that have survived, at that time it was huge city, 50,000 people, but for a second there were 100,000, but after the mongols there were 200 huts and 500 population, princes, here are the mongols, when the labels were distributed for reigning, no one wanted to take a label for kiev, and after that the lithuanian, grand duchy of lithuania repulsed, but this was an orthodox state, and there were orthodox princes, and then for
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several hundred years, the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, yes, which spread rot, destroyed people, zaporozhye... the same thing is happening now in europe, there we are, again , russian world in europe is degrading, and the fact that the normandy format without us, europe is gradually turning into the same anti-russia, no, they are methodically turning it into a goal-directed one, just with ukraine, why is this so dramatic for us and illness, so it means it will end in the same war, then is this what it’s about, well, no, wait, no, not like that, of course, listen, wait, just
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imagine, you had, excuse me, well, i don’t know, the simplest one, you had a brother, for example, right? here's to you - your brother or sister, if it's closer, then within for some time they explained to her that you have a mother, and to be honest, you actually got married , brother, you are generally from others, that’s all, and so on and so on, you understand, this is one relationship, and if you have some kind of... then the neighbor, well , he always didn’t like you, so what , you know, they tell him that his life is bad, precisely because i exist in general, no, well, that’s understandable.
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our nuclear arsenal will simply allow us to completely wipe them all off the face of the earth , and the states, and the states - so to speak, under the threat of destruction, will not fit in for them, this is our president said, guys, this is the most important thing, you understand what’s going on, i hope, eyes, honestly, that the russian world was being destroyed in ukraine, everyone sat and closed their eyes, well, let’s be honest, all these years they closed their eyes, then, that now the same thing is happening in europe, you are now sitting still closing your eyes, no, europe is not fools, europe is fools. no, well , they, they are fools, but not suicides, i’m sure that the ukrainians thought exactly the same thing in 1914, you know, that’s when the maidan was, what are you talking about, well, if we are these now brought to power, it won’t be like that, we will come out as soon as we demolish them, whoever came out, try to come out. with tanks zelensky asked wait, stop, now the question: are europe fools or not fools, well, stupid, just kidding, it was a questioning sign, it was, let’s
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talk to europe now, in fact, elections were held in europe, something like that everyone got into trouble, macron says something with such a tragic face, he said something like europe has gone crazy, well , something like that, it’s like that every time there, every time the rightists come out, they come running some kind of macron and... not one of those who, so to speak, faints, with such combinations, although it’s better to remove gregor from the frame, we’ll be with him, just kidding, okay, okay, leave it,
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listen, well, let’s move on smoothly let's get to the european elections, first i'm very interested, after all, i returned from the st. petersburg international economic forum, last week it took place, well, in my opinion it is such a powerful , powerful event, powerful, and not only in feel, emotionally, but formal features. how many things were concluded there, how many people were there, and so on, tell me, was he visible from europe? look, what an interesting situation: on the one hand, all the mainstream media, especially economic ones, which supposedly should have written about the economic forum in the first place, they tried to silence the event, that is, according to the contracts concluded, according to the number of participants, according to the representativeness at this forum, and there wasn’t much information in the newspapers, but...
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they will supply weapons to an unfriendly regime and they will jeopardize world trade routes, in general, they can collapse world trade and provoke unprecedented growth and inflation and industrial decline and other other strong problems, so yes, after, in general, vladimir vladimirovich spoke out on everything 100%, the forum noticed that it’s clear that there is such an event, well , the americans are actually very like this - usually, you know, raters provides good objective coverage of a number of german media, but this time cnbc burst out like this, you know, like this low-grade libel about the forum,
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about the russian president himself, but stern, frankly speaking, pleased the publication, which in general was not noted for special russophilia, but this time they approached the coverage of the event quite objectively. okay, okay, let's tag stern in our post. but tell me, well, now i mean verbally, but tell me please, gregor, as you know, you had elections, in the broad sense in europe, to the european parliament, and in several some countries, in several countries, including germany, and the opposition parties won there, and in france, mostly right-wing ones, it is emphasized that, so to speak, well, there is in the program of many of them, if not all, so to speak, there, aid to ukraine is a big question. in general, this whole interpretation of the crisis is a little different than, so to speak, the current ruling parties, how serious do you think this is, how much can it change the whole situation, and what does this mean,
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the event? in general, i am inclined to agree with the guests of your studio, because the right have repeatedly shown good results in the elections, but in general nothing has changed, because look, if we look at germany, yes, of course, the alternative for germany has seriously improved its performance, but the people vote mainly for... the mainstream opposition, so to speak, for cdu csu, which gains 30%. that is, people think that, in general, the main opposition party that hangs out changes from time to time, yes, with the social democrats, with the christian democrats, so if we actually yes from here let's vote for the mainstream oppositionists, something may change, in fact, of course, nothing will change, and the fact that the right, in general, is now on the horse both in france and in germany, but this only says that.. .
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that she, uh, gregor, can i ask a question, we just said that ukraine has turned into anti-russia, in fact, none of the ukrainians there, well, in general, in the end, were against it, well , or they were silent, yes, they couldn’t. to say, now europe is gradually turning into anti-russia, and the same residents, yes, they vote like would be for a party that is more or less loyal to russia, but in the end it doesn’t change anything, i understand correctly that if europe turns into anti-russia, then not a single resident in europe will make a peep, so it has already turned, well, i think , that after all - everything
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is not so bad, because be that as it may, in germany, if not, if not half, then at least 40% of germans, they generally retain the remnants of sanity, they are in no way in any case, they don’t want any serious conflict with russia; in general, they even want to limit themselves to helping ukraine exclusively humanitarian, so i would not exaggerate, so to speak, the importance of anti-russia precisely in the context of a military threat, after all, europe stewed in its own juice for a very long time, cultivated the ideals of pacifism for a very long time, in general, we all see that
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27%, therefore, the healthiest people live here in the north of germany, therefore not everything is so bad, not everything is so hopeless, at least in the lands of the former gdr, to say the least, the lands of the former gdr everything, everything in a sociological sense are more and more clearly separated from the lands of the former federal republic , really, this is so interesting, let’s hope that the central central committee will not appear in your country and mobilize it, let it appear, gregor, but answer another short question, we were arguing here, well, or rather, not just arguing, discussing, so
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to speak, even historical . not knowledge, there are guidelines for the inhabitants of europe, here is our grigory yuryevich pernavsky, he is a historian himself, he probably rightly says that listen, for any country to emphasize its successes, to elevate them above others, there yes, but this is natural, nothing in there is no such thing criminal filth, then the fact that the soviet union is crossing us off, i mean, from the list of winners, well, yes, it’s disgusting, but this also has technology, so to speak, and not so much hatred as technology, well, it doesn’t matter, besides he says there is no need to generalize, saying many people.
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“no, actually no, the warlike sentiments in germany, they were thoroughly combined with the policy of denosification, that ’s why, that’s the only reason why now the bundeswehr is faced with such a problem, trying to make itself ready for war, because people who were brought up in the paradigm of pacifist values, yes, have an aversion to war, they don’t want to join the army, if they want to join the army, then in order to help people, for example, during floods, shoot, kill people, but wants a very small number, in my opinion , the last messengers of death, who are holy with their rifles, praying for a war to start, they were dispersed in 2020 under anagoryat karenbau on suspicion of sympathizing with the right... the same thing that remains now, actually in command positions, in the positions of rapid response soldiers, well, let’s just say, they don’t win with this contingent, in fact, the latest peacekeeping operations in malia in afghanistan in other hot spots, they
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showed that the bundwehr is very, very far away, well , yes, this is known, the state is known, therefore begins to raise a new generation that will be ready to take on at least two generations, at least two generations should be so that we have 50 years, normally we have, but how long?
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the only german army that could do something is the people's army of the gdr, but the germans destroyed it when they united germany, there it was an army, and there are now no signs that they began to revive this militaristic tradition, until they revive, until the german teacher, no, once again there are no signs that they do.
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there is no army of its own, even if the germans were strong now, they have nothing to fight with, but germany, like japan, today is a colony of the united states, if the soviet union withdrew 30 years ago and these are its military units that were in 1945, then the us didn’t take them out, they’re like they occupied germany in the middle of nowhere,
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so it’s up to germany to decide when they will fight, of course not the germans, it will be nato and the usa, pay attention, they’re just reproaching us, you close your eyes, but no, on the contrary, well, just once.. we must, of course , keep this experience in mind; they deliberately drove the ukrainian woman
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crazy, you saw it, it was probably just that you can see how people are simply driven crazy, and those people who in 14 began to prepare against us, they already had an ideological, as they say.
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russia gave organized political and military resistance to this doctrine. a visible alternative has emerged. klaus schwab. mopping is their conduit. dolls of the heir tutti. today. on the first: you are at the dacha and we are at the dacha,
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anything can happen at the dacha, a special edition of the program to live healthy, we will plant, sow, treat pain and generally understand the charms and problems of success, tomorrow on the first, back, suledsky. onka lady, i won’t tell you, i’ll come to you, in a hot fight, cola, oh, andryusha, are you sad for us, don’t hide the harmonicas, play in every way, 333, in the night and the hall.
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i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you, has not fought, we have right goals, criminal methods, history is being made in st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change, we will elect a dictator among us, we will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, tell rubetsky, if he doesn’t make up his mind, we’ll come out ourselves, in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns,
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if it’s like in france, then everyone present here hangs, they won’t dare shoot at us, we didn’t shed a drop of their vile blood, stand! we are a match that will light everything and burn itself out. union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first. decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, konstantin! first of all, they were
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traitors. they were bright, kind people who loved their country. they were in... russia, he didn’t know much russian, the most amazing thing was equal conviction parties is that they act for the benefit of their homeland. the emperor himself came out under the bullets to talk to his own subjects. of course, when nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues... decided, let us show it the way it was, the prose, the theme, of course, it is grandiose, a big story, the decembrists, the union of salvation, on russia day on the first, information channel on the first one
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continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, straight to the topic that is now occupying the front pages of all the world media, in the elections in the european parliament was won by the parties that no longer want to sponsor the war in ukraine. the main european curators , macron and scholz, were not prepared for such a turn of events. they suffered a crushing defeat in these elections. in germany, the government forces are simply furious, this is what russophobe and part-time bild journalist julian röbki wrote about this on his social networks. if the parts of germany occupied by russia want to be occupied by russia again. 45.7% voted for pro-kremlin anti-european parties who want to leave nato and join the russian-led security apparatus. 41.5% voted for the government for the main
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opposition party. but judging by the fact that if you believe trepka voted for pro-kremlin parties, it means. europe is ours, but of course we are more skeptical about this; after all, there are nationally oriented elites who are winning now, but in principle, ryobka’s rage can be understood. in france, the party of marine le pen, the national association, won. she one of those who advocate a foreign policy independent of the west. and immediately after the announcement of the results, the defeated macron announced the urgent dissolution of the lower house of the country's parliament, and appointed an early dissolution of the national assembly.
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european borders or assistance to ukraine. in france they received almost 40% of the votes . this is a situation that worries me. well, that night, news programs in france simply exploded with what was happening, analysts began to criticize macron during breaks, allowed themselves a lot, they called him openly a psycho and very sharply all the western, well, the french media changed the topic of the attitude towards macron, and what happened, i would like to ask.
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his in quotation marks successes over 7 years, a colossal national debt, farmer worries that are rearing their heads again, anxiety, unrest in the overseas territories, unrest in france itself, catastrophic criminal reports directly related to illegal and legal migration and... it is no longer possible to deny, that is, they knew perfectly well what would happen, and i probably i will be very surprised and even shock you if i say that as a result of what happened yesterday,
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all real opportunities for the presidential election of the marina lupin party were cut off. and it's very simple. the point is that now , in order to get 51% of the votes in the next urgent elections, all right-wing parties need to very seriously unite, which is very unlikely, given the internal disagreements, squabbles and squabbles, and simply personal, so to speak, hostility within. these parties, just like with the left parties, it is worth it, then, what emmanuel macron did was completely open, you just said that
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the channels changed their shoes, analysts, no, they did not change their shoes. emmanuel macron is being criticized very strongly, criticized for a very long time, very openly on so many tv channels, what he did now is in fact, pure pyromania, it was actually called that not only by opposition politicians, but even by some loyal media. and television channels, it plunges france into completely predictable and unambiguous chaos, because to govern with the composition that will take place in the elections, the next one in june will be completely impossible, and with all that the party of marine lepen and jordan bardela will receive, with all the powers that they will receive after these elections, they will not be able to do anything, because they receive as an inheritance. everything accumulated over the current seven years, a colossal national debt, popular unrest, a completely
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irresponsible situation on the borders that have long been gone, all this, let’s remember, the eternal stirlitz, will remain in the memory of the voter when we come up with a big, with colossal discontent and even worse performance for the next elections in 2019, everyone, and above all the party itself, understands this very well. from the elections to the european parliament, and yet, mr. macron dissolved his own national assembly, that is, he knew perfectly well what he was doing, they perfectly understood the scope
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in general, the significance of this gesture, on the other hand, at the moment for him, why beneficiary, this is because everything that he has done in the literal sense of the word, with all the irresponsible statements that forced to doubt his adequacy, even his most loyal allies, with regard to russia, the war... ukraine and so on, now at the moment there has long been an opinion that he is just waiting for someone to stop him according to the principle of hold me seven, at the moment he has reset everything, that is, practically what he promised to mr. zelensky and what he swore to mr. biden no longer officially depends on him, since the national assembly no longer exists, there are no deputies, all current projects - euthanasia, the permission of euthanasia, you know, pensions and everything else too,
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right down to energy prices for electricity in france, have been suspended, you can almost say, that is, everything has become, mr. bacron is no longer responsible for anything, that is, he will now say, i would of course, i’m glad to fulfill everything that i promised you, but look at my parliament, i can’t do anything, i’m good, they’re bad, i’m not guilty of anything, that’s... now you understand everything, this is really so, thanks for your clarification, thank you very much, indeed thus, elena kondratieva salgiro, was with us in direct contact with the subtleties and nuances of a very special french policy. thank you very much, and elena vladimirovna, well, it turns out that everything is simple, any loss, specific politicians in europe easily turn into their gain, and macron, now, who can no longer do it. to be elected for a third term, it is forbidden for them; this, in fact, puts a spoke in the wheels of presidential candidate marine lepin,
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because he will say, and look, she had so much success there. she's for these 3 i couldn’t do anything for a year, everything you have is because of her, and the same story is probably in other countries, in germany, in belgium, my mother-in-law explained a lot wonderfully, but the presidential elections are still far away, for france this is important, what is important for us is that macron, as we expected, was such a little talker, and remained the same. little talker, this is napoleon, who is not napoleon in ambition, but is essentially a dummy in his capabilities, he promised a lot in ukraine, he will not be able to fulfill his promises, but an interesting nuance was voiced: macron, like you and me, we predicted that they would lose the elections to the european parliament, every time
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we said that macron’s rhetoric. in relation to ukraine is connected with his desire, well, to somehow add fuel to the fire in order to seem so brutal along with his comrades, suddenly this could somehow help him, but he understood perfectly well that they would lose the elections to the european parliament, and this move, which he has now made with the dissolution of parliament, is very risky, many doubt it that after all, it will be to the benefit of macron and his party, he... thought through this move in advance, that is, it turns out that when he promised zelensky and biden about his advisers, about his troops in ukraine, he understood all this perfectly well, he was lying them in advance, he knew in advance that they would lose the elections to the european parliament, he knew in advance that he would dissolve parliament and call new parliamentary elections, he knew all this,
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blah blah blah, it was absolutely irresponsible. it seemed to us that it was irresponsible towards us, according to in relation to the future of the world, in relation to the dangers of the third world war, this also turned out to be irresponsible in relation to his overseas ally, irresponsible in relation to the same zelensky, whom macron simply set up once again, and macron’s elections now include political technologies, political technologies, they can play a role because the elections to the european parliament. roughly speaking, yes, national elections are different, i just looked at what the french press, libersion, lemont and others write, they write, well, elections will now take place in the first round at the end of june, people, the french, will be sunbathing on the beaches, squinting in the sun, perhaps before the elections now, and then the olympic games
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are coming, well, perhaps before the elections macron is counting on this, he is counting on... russia is much more of europe, because, as röbki writes, they vote for pro-kremlin, even kremlin parties in general, he calls them, this is of course not so, we will always emphasize this, because any nationally oriented government is a priori declared kremlin, well, that means we are in the trend, also why be ashamed of this, what does this mean for ukraine, it also says for us, we will be able to survive something from this, it says that those same notorious clamps that
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were laughed at for so long, ridiculed them in the entire western press, that russia... is a retrograde backward country that doesn’t want to accept anything from the west, but there are some family values ​​and everything else, plus russia, which deals with internal issues, it turned out that this is very relevant for everyone, without exception, including for europe. pointing out what is called pro-russian, well, this is now fashionable in europe, because everything, russia is such a universal frightening bogeyman, which is very convenient to scare, that is, if you do not support the current government, which does not deal with internal issues there, does not deal with does not deal with the problems of farmers.
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nuclear country of the old world, that is , after the americans bought alstom, he completely left the arena, stopped competing in the markets and so on and so forth, that is, he is macron universal, proven, such a well-functioning, well-functioning conductor of american interests, as for germany, well, everything is generally fine there, today an article was published in... in berliner, where they write that they officially write that the minister of energy officially officially and consciously falsified the conclusions of the government commission for in order to stop the last
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four operating nuclear power units, this is already officially written in german newspapers, and he is directly accused of having provoked it, and the scholz government provoked an energy crisis, a fourfold increase in electricity prices for industrial consumers, as a result of which began... the migration of large businesses to the usa, including to china, so this is all expected, but how can you cover up your own failures, well, of course, blame everyone is that you work for moscow, it was putin who raised your electricity prices, let’s remember that as mrs. fondelaien spoke, for example, she spoke directly a month ago: it was putin who cut off gas supplies to europe, not the european union, consistently imposed sanctions, refused, their barrel organ is one-story. mikhailovich, now the american comrades are looking from the ocean at all this disgrace, as they think in europe, and they are drawing conclusions, trying to understand whether russia will be able to survive something for itself from this or
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not, what do you think? well, of course, of course, everything, calculus is so, algebra, so it goes on forever, they check, everything, they always have a formula, they work, and the first thing, well, is that they chose people even more the question of how they will vote in the european parliament, they will now begin to try. to ransom these people, big money, big, big corruption, there are already nuances associated with the party of ursula fondern, which has not won anywhere in any country, but in the end her party has a majority in the european parliament, how is this possible, we will explain later, and besides this, yes, you must always remember that these people are not independent people, the same macron, macron appeared as something, he was not a politician, some kind of big politician, schultz, at least he was somehow a party system grew up, macron just appeared, this... means there is someone behind him, who is behind him, the bankers are behind him, financially, yes, them, well, he worked, right for the rochelle structures, they put him in his place, this means that that he does what they want, he is not dependent,
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who can do what he wants, whenever he wants, that there are tools, there are interests , the same, the same, of the same large companies in ukraine, blackrock, this is a perfect example, they are the owners of almost half of ukrainian agricultural real estate, they bought 22 million there. which came with your beautiful spoons, melony, a wonderful example, removed the dredges, everything will be, and instantly, as soon as i sat down in the chair, everything changed, ukraine is our first task, we will not be weak in the chain of nato,
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we will all be everything for ukraine , well, the only thing is, they eventually slowed down at full speed, then they also changed their shoes once again, we will continue to discuss this endless process of changing shoes immediately after the short advertisement, is this even a child? son, there are no men here, but i see, i’ll press this, chaos will begin, everyone will start running back and forth, we will have a few seconds to pick up our son, she stole him, this russian takes everything she wants, oleg, it
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’s worth something, he runs away, he recognized us , at the moment their whereabouts are unknown, the police believe that they are on their way, we don’t need your help, we can handle it ourselves, i myself will save my mother, jaana kettenin, a citizen of finland, you know, her son, a citizen. in finland, he was actually born here, and you are now an international terrorist, one chance in three, premiere, watch the time after the program, get out of... when he ascended the throne, he made a promise, with me everything will be like with my grandmother, catherine the great did not hide her desire to transfer the throne to her eldest grandson alexander, bypassing her unloved son.
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with napoleon, he prepared not only the army for war; the russian secret mission in paris organized by alexander was so successful that the emperor regularly received detailed reports about napoleon’s plans. when the invasion of russia by the french army began in june 1812, alexander called everyone into the ranks of the russian army to defend the fatherland and freedom. empire, alexander i. premiere on
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russia day on the first. i would like to know why the traitor muravyov has not yet been stopped by you. after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will see them as almost heroes. and you and we have the right goals. and the methods are criminal. i dream of getting an answer. tomorrow morning in the senate nikolai pavlovich will declare himself emperor. history is being made in st. petersburg. here she dies. tomorrow everything will change. you prosperity. service. what should you change?
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dictator among us will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, did we just shoot them? tell trubetskoy, if he doesn’t make up his mind and we’ll go out ourselves, in france they hanged aristocrats on lanterns, if like in france, then everyone present here will hang, they won’t dare shoot at us, we didn’t spill a single drop on their vile cut. stand, well, a match that will light everything up and burn itself out. union of salvation.
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you are in vain, after all, he once worked for the tsarist intelligence service, you seem to be a fighter, but what are you don’t fight then, i’m afraid we won’t prevail, i ’m used to learning from the enemy, that’s where we stand, the legend of samba, the premiere on friday at the first, under macron and scholz the chair was shaking, the government doesn’t want to lose, naturally and...
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who is accused in the accumulation of personal power and usurpation of democratic processes. many sources described yarmak as the de facto head of state. ukrainian diplomats complained that he completely controls access to zelensky. well, here is clear evidence of this statement. the other day
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eermak personally met with the pope in the vatican to convince him to take the side of ukraine. his holiness the pontiff received me at the vatican during my working visit. to italy, it was an important conversation, during which i informed him about the philosophy of vladimir zelensky’s peace formula, and told him why this formula offers a path to a just world. sergei yuryevich, well , explain to us for ermak, as i understand that this state of zelensky’s illegitimacy, it was not only clearly indicated our president at all international levels, in principle, everyone accepts it as a legal... the main position of illegitimacy, but in ukraine itself it gave some politicians a reason to look at zelensky, to say, maybe i can instead of him, well, who is he, quite possibly, i will allow myself let me remind you that about a month ago, the sbu arrested, it was a very high-profile
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case, they arrested the head and first deputy of the state security department, this is an analogue of our fso, that is, let’s think about it, yes, the head of our fso, in quotes, is being arrested. with accusations that they were preparing a murder attempt on top officials, including the president, then ukrainian sources themselves began to write that this was very likely evidence that zelensky did not trust not only his entourage, even his personal security, there was persistent talk that it would be more likely since then all zelensky has been protected by some foreign private military companies or something like that, that’s what is happening now with yarmak, and before that happened with comrade zaluzhny, who is now a little...
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american intelligence services, it cannot be ruled out that some kind of indirect work is being carried out with the same ermak, let’s say, probing his desires, aspirations, his ambitions, and in the near future, if, for example, ermak’s comrades begin to push, this will be a signal that zelensky also understands this, and he is afraid that ermak is really
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his replacement, there is an option that the west has already placed its bets on ermak, uh, it’s difficult to talk about this for now, this will have to be judged by some publication theis writes, this is already . some what is the publication tymes talking about, yes, as comrade venepukh said, this is not without reason, so if the publication tymes is talking about, then for sure it means that something already exists, we’ll see in the near future based on zelensky’s behavior, on some possible there may be personnel changes in the ukrainian political elite, well, according to the statements of western curators, this will be understandable, but by and large it doesn’t matter to us by whose hands zelensky, ermak, zaluzhny or anyone else, the main task for the west is by any means...
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if we help ukraine now, they can to become the best business partner we have ever dreamed of. critical
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minerals worth 10-12 trillion dollars. these assets can be used by ukraine and western countries without giving them to putin and china. so, it’s all about resources, who would doubt it. but the us continues to raise rates. now it’s clear why. the white house does not exclude the possibility that in the future america will be able to increase its nuclear arsenal. that's why. the us may soon need to increase its stockpile of strategic nuclear weapons, given the growing arsenals of america's adversaries, what could prompt president biden to make such a decision? we're concerned about the buildup of nuclear arsenals in countries like china, russia and north korea, and that's something we're focused on and looking at closely. and we will consult with our allies on the best path to ensure a safe, secure, credible
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u.s. nuclear deterrent. we have not made any decisions and will closely monitor the situation. when they say they didn't make any decisions they're lying a little. last week , information appeared that the united states was going to tighten its nuclear weapons strategy. we discussed this in our studio, we will discuss it as soon as it is implemented. they say nothing. are not taking any action, but the american media have noticed that in this confrontation the states are walking on very thin ice, that’s what the american conservative writes. after a series of events in ukraine that have occurred over the past 2 weeks, it becomes clear that zelensky and his sponsors washington is increasingly inclined to escalate the conflict. the tide of the war has turned in russia's favor, perhaps forever, but ukraine's western backers are struggling to find a way to stop moscow's advance. it so happens that the reasons for our decade-long intervention in ukraine are not much
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different from the reasons for the american failure in vietnam, despite repeated and public warnings from the russians, we persist in our stupidity and continue to tease a nuclear power over a country that has no there's no us strategic importance. elena vladimirovna, by and large, they understand everything perfectly. and linsey graham, who openly said that we are there in order to take away resources, these resources cannot... cannot be given to either russia or china, these statements about nuclear deterrence, but they understand perfectly well that by provoking us to tough steps, for retaliatory measures, and, by and large, for the use of tactical nuclear weapons, this seems to me to be no secret, they really want us to use this, they understand that we will not agree to this, and for this is why they are ready to change their concept, where, probably, the only country in the world that can preventively use nuclear weapons, so in the end, what are they achieving ?
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internal affairs of the united states, but as soon as trump hinted to him that maybe linsde graham, if
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trump wins, will receive some sweet position in the future configuration, then linsde graham immediately made peace with trump, immediately lowered his degree of criticism towards him, if , for example, trump wins the american elections, then if trump, say. what says that we will come to an agreement on ukraine, then i assure you, 100%, lensdegram will say something completely different, they have no faith in this, but the fact that they continue to play dangerously with the nuclear component, yes, it’s dangerous, but i still - i still believe that they will not cross this red line, they will not cross, they are not able to do this, europe is weak, the americans have their own. provoke the use of tactical nuclear weapons,
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we do not use and do not intend to use them, they themselves can theoretically go for it, but you say that... they are playing a dangerous game, yes, they are in blindness, but they have a long-standing concept that they developed back when the us secretary of state was dalis, the brother of another dalis, who headed the cia, this is the concept of balancing on the edge of an abyss , this is the concept that you have to continue to balance and wait for others to blink first, but in no case balancing on the edges, on the edge, miss, don’t jump into this hole, don’t jump into... the gorge, so they continue to balance, and that we are ready for them restrain them, it surprises them a little, it traumatizes them, but nevertheless, they don’t want a third world war, but they always have a good way out, hollywood will make another good movie, how wonderfully they defeated us, this will suit everyone, let’s go forward everyone their own path, but while
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american military leaders are flexing their muscles and trying to scare us with nuclear weapons, the people of the united states themselves are seriously concerned. the health of the one in whose hands they have that nuclear suitcase in the usa, well, you all understand perfectly well who we are talking about, trip joe biden's trip to france caused a lot of noise in his homeland, everyone noticed the reversal of the stage and the squatting on an invisible chair, where he tried, here it is and the chair that he was trying to find, but the chair turns out to be not there, and the fist is on the veteran's cheek, now too let's show it for those who haven't seen it, because these are epic shots. then he turns around, tries to find him, stands next to him, and macron’s wife tries to understand: grandfather, we are here, we are here, please come back, the chair, yes, the fist of a veteran, users of american social networks even they launched a flash mob under the hashtag “do it like biden”, this is what the whole thing looks like, that is, they are also trying to find a chair, that is, you
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understand how popular their attitude towards their president is now. during his speech, joe biden confused ukraine with iraq, listen. the thought that we had to wait all these months just to get the money for iraq that we because we waited. i mean, it's just, it's just not what... who we are is not what america is. but you understand that this whole thing is official statements, which are then transcribed on the white house website. and so joe biden’s press service transcribed what he said, they wrote iraq, but they crossed out the word iraq in brackets and added the word ukraine. that is, biden did not
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say this, but he assumed it, and the press service decided to explain it to us, well, at least they left the word iraq, but they could have. remove, just put ukraine, everyone would then be convinced that this is how it really happened, and this despite the fact that all the speeches, being in fray in france, biden rehearsed with no one else, with steven spieldberg himself, they hired him, yes, this is not a joke, apparently, the famous hollywood director decided not only to write beautiful speeches for the american president, but to show the whole world a show that will be talked about for a long time , well, it’s already spreading across social networks, the show worked. but it’s an interesting story, stanislav mikhailovich, after all, well, of course we are smiling, we feel sorry for grandpa, let grandpa go home, we should have launched our own hashtag a long time ago, well, well, it’s a pity, but serious political decisions are made here it is this grandfather whom we good-naturedly, laughed at him a little, extremely good-naturedly, not wishing anything bad to him, we understand that here he is, this
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looking for a chair, decides to click on... on what topics , the grandfather there hardly remembers his name especially, and leaves the stage to look for ice cream, and the people who stand behind him are very serious dialogues, on the one hand , ideologists, on the other hand, business, also the same lloyd owston, he represents the military industry, which wants to earn money but he doesn’t want a world war, well, a minimal world war, which will destroy their business,
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destroy their wealth, on the other side there are ideologues like blincon, who... and sallovan, who want the collapse of russia, maybe they don’t want a nuclear war, of course , because sulloven himself wants to become the president of america one day, he also has an intentional view of the same. throne, well, we are ready to risk much more than even the military -industrial sector, who is there, this is an even bigger problem, but if trump or someone, it’s still more or less clear who makes the decision, yes, he is, of course, influenced in the same way as any president by different factions, well, it’s more or less clear who you’re dealing with, this person, it’s unclear with whom to negotiate, yes it’s absolutely pointless to really talk to him, to come to an agreement, here’s steven spielberg and his appearance. maybe you have an idea, because as far as i remember, steven spiltberg is known as a director who makes horror and thrillers, great. here they want to prepare some kind of horror thriller for everything
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world, why publish it on the eve of the election campaign that they are attracting a famous, legendary film director. for the same reason that the topic of the possibility of using nuclear weapons continues, continues, at least in the american press, to be exaggerated and escalated. from russia, because we must not forget that the united states has a lot of its own internal problems, a wild national debt, an absolutely record-breaking opioid epidemic, according to official data alone, last year there were almost 150,000 drug addicts died, this is just something that was counted, and there is also a very double counting system, a record number of homeless people, a record number of homeless veterans after, that is, those who managed to fight and serve in the army, and so on and so forth, a complete failure .
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that we were the first in space and we made the first film in space, so spielberg won’t help, advertising and we’ll come back, hello country, nom voronesh greets you, i really love our small towns, we’ve driven through almost the entire golden ring of russia and series... i have a dream, i really want to go on a hike to baikal, i hope it will come true soon, to altai by car across the country, to the south, and vladivostok, in the urals
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there is also a lot to see, all bazhov places i visited, by the way, volgograd has the most delicious shawarma, you knew, i’m from the city of beloretsk, the republic of bashkyrtastan, sevastopol is the pride of russian sailors, i’m from the incredible city of chelyabinsk, i love st. petersburg for its...
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oleg, i need to you went with me to finland and claimed your rights to your son. what, this is your son, the premiere, watch the time after the program, to be honest, it was unexpected for me, i called my father first,
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not every day one becomes a hero of russia and not everyone becomes a hero, a gold star medal, a hero of the russian federation inherits the traditions of the gold star of a hero of the soviet union , when she called me one day and quietly told me that i saved people today, this is for me... he had already become a hero even before he was awarded this title, the regiment commander arrived, we all lined up, they gave me the st. george cross, you can see a photograph of semyon mikhailovich in... with royal awards, st. george's crosses and st. george's medals, suvorov, kutuzov, alexander nevsky, orders named after all these people, each order has its own motto, and the motto of the order is services to the fatherland, benefit, honor glory, russian awards, june 12, on the first, 100 reasons to watch gaitai, game, motor, on russia day on the first.
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if you want to learn this, there is no effective technique against firearms yet, but comrade oshchepkov showed that the army has made its choice to train the team will be a sliver, you lost before you even start, you can’t win a fight with such an attitude, you want to grab the sabai, my students, but if i write about him, then they’ll put him in jail, where did they get him based on a denunciation, a denunciation, yours, consider it
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mine ? the legend of samba, premiere on friday at the first, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the strongest win, the residents of donbass are unique people, we have been talking about this for a long time, we are talking and will continue to talk, because only they can, being on the front line. think about the garden, now the beds, and do, plant, plant flowers, shells and mines fly over you, you can imagine what it’s like, the presenter of the myzhiva project, maryana naumova, went to the village of the gagarin mine, which is located on the outskirts of gorlovka, the very, very advanced, in order to show us with you, how life is now for civilians there. let's get a look.
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natalya, hello, hello, hello, yours, we are very glad to see you, very much so, we are here again in the village of gagarin mine. thank you for not forgetting it makes me happy, it makes me happy, we forget, a year ago you practically had it, when the peonies were growing, oh, we grow flowers here, we generally have beauty on the street, we work under bullets, sneaking, we’ll run in, we’ll run out, we’ll run out, back, water , i constantly read you on the news, lord, well, this is news, and that’s all you need.
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at the moment, they shoot with cassettes, drones are such a pain that we kind of live, we are happy when it rains, in the hope that they won’t fly, oh, i remember you had a beautiful garden, you give me flowers they gave us seedlings; by the way, we planted them for our dacha. in spite of this whole situation, you go and plant your gardens, well, it’s necessary, there’s no way without it, because when you’re walking like this, you might be distracted, maybe, well, it’s necessary, this is our farm, here’s a little thing, wait, now he’ll come out, he’ll come out, this is our outlet, they’re just handsome, just let’s go, look at how beautiful their paws are, the cubby ones, hello!
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my little sister is so small, mommy brought me, i bought a rabbit, well, i kind of thought it was for meat, but then, well, i kind of brought it, we had a walk, we raise little ones, it’s like an outlet, we need to do something, we just got up, here we are, alive, fed it, it’s a delight to the eye, the chickens are beautiful, well, somehow we live like that, somehow in they wouldn’t have started peacetime, would they? no, in peacetime, maybe, as if everything would have been different, i didn’t even have a dream of running my own farm, now somehow you go out and rejoice, here’s a chicken from... joy, i miss your people, held. so dana, voba, yes, my girl, young,
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well done, my smart girl, danulechka, my smart girl she’s good, oh, it’s cool, they praised her, well, yes, they praised her, and in general, and yes, tell her the pie, i’ll show you where the money is. “hello, well, i brought you guests, this whole side, they flew around the edge twice this morning, in that part there, he says, the whole garden is strewn with bells, and where are your relatives, your relatives, your mother is in yenakieva, and daughter, but she left before she was fourteen, i don’t remember , to odessa and so it remained there, because you haven’t seen them for so many years to communicate with two grandchildren, purely on the phone. first year we are just thirteen years old, and we went, stayed there for several days, arrived
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and then this commotion began in kiev , this brothel is here. but how are things going in a family in general, when the family is divided, and there are children on the other side, it’s tough here, just tough, virtual grandchildren, the second one was born, in short, it was still there then, ah, come to us, well then, maybe you remember, the fourteenth year , when it all started, now this is a war game... that’s it, well, they thought there for several days there, well, little, well, it turned out, no, but what would have happened in gorlovka, what would happen to other cities, here we are all trying to protect whom, in fact, well, our boys, in
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fact, they fought for the people, our alexander, vladimir zakharchenko, the fat bear, the motorola, as much as - then the guys weren't afraid. to stand up for your own, your original, this was for us, well, dear ones, i am proud that i was born in the donbass, i am proud that i am next to you, i am proud of you, i am sure that all together we will win, we we go into the sunset, as we went into ourselves, our world will not bend under anyone, we will stand. we are on the front line let's wait until the sun goes down, everything is different here, even the air is different here, we are on our land, we are on the front line, and we won't take a step
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back, we simply have nowhere to retreat, this is our land, and we will stand, this will never be forgotten, we will have these people just like all our dead. naturally they will be in ours in our lives until the end, just as we walk, immortal regiments, we wore a portrait of our grandfather, we will forget everything, this will all end, people, as long as our hearts are knocking, remember at what price happiness is won, please remember the song sending yours into flight, and those who will never sing again, remember, tell your children about them, so that they remember, tell your children’s children about them, so that they also remember,
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hello, how do you live here on... lyosha is their commander more than once they came and cleared the mines, we had three of them lying in the garden there, there it is, please, wow, right under the gate, this is what the mine bell looks like, we won’t come close because what else could be underfoot, we have to wait for the sappers, because what if the petal mine, as you remember, we we cleared the mines with the military guys, they can be shot, but these are...
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let's go further, well, let's go through the yard, and you also have something, either a goat or a cow, we have cows, wow, listen, you have everyone here has front-line cows, yes, we all have front-line cows, wow, how do you have enough strength for this garden, you leave the yard, it’s a pity to leave somewhere, it’s just that everything is invested in the house, everything is invested in the yard, yes. just leave the farm, go somewhere
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, be nothing, i’m not retired, i don’t receive a pension, i worked in a store, 2 years ago, hamers got into trouble, he smashed the store, all the goods, everything i had , money was invested in goods, everything was broken, that’s it, there’s nothing to go for, thank you, the cows help, they save. can i come to your garden here, you can also walk around here, here you can, hello, what kind of delegation, channel one from moscow, dear, how do you like our village, oh, i really like your village, you’re like that with your neighbors somehow you all live together like that. how did we have such a difficult time, that now
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you’re going through a difficult time, are you tired now? we hear a buzzing somewhere, if not so, strakochi, that the one that won’t drop, we, as they say, are working, if i hear that the one that can is already flying, and they buzz in different ways, or something, that is you already sound different, of course, i worked until january, now i’ve calculated it, but where did i work, in the nursery in the nursery?
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hello, hello, oh, hello, hello, my dears, lord, finally, it’s good, how are you living here, and little by little, little by little, okay, everything is fine, please, and send flowers, only i have bells lying there, here you have a real problem with these bells, i won’t go into anyone’s garden, almost everyone throws them away, and they removed them near the gate. in the garden , you see, they were covered, they arrived, they noticed that i wouldn’t get in, yeah, okay, they covered you, they covered you, yes, you see, they sealed the fence, the rain flew out all the way from that side, well, the windows, well, thank god, the neighbor says you you're smoking, and i say, it's not burning, she says, no, smoke is coming from you, and i say, well, i'll come out later, i went out, and there was just broken plastic, beaten, apparently these bells or what are they? shells, but nothing, they can’t
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kill us, how can they kill us, no way, we are alive, that’s it, we live, thank god, everything is there, there will be peace, we will win. i think now everyone understands why our project is called we are alive, we are alive and we will definitely win, next is the big game on the first, good afternoon, the big game is live and i am vyacheslav nikonov. information- rich day. today the results
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of the elections to the european parliament are being summed up, in some ways unexpected, in some ways expected, in nizhny novgorod novgorod. a summit began at the level of foreign ministers of the brix member countries, the most important event, the second most important in the russian chairmanship in this organization after the summit of heads of state itself, and of course the special military operation continued, and the president of russia, vladimir putin , today held a meeting with the commissioner for human rights person in the russian federation. with tatyana moskalkova, who presented her annual report on the situation of human rights in our country with great emphasis on how you guessed it, this year on questions related to the conduct of a special military operation and the situation of our citizens in the liberated territories with crimes,
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humanitarian crimes of the kiev regime. the special military operation continued. in recent days there have been many reports about the advancement of our troops in various sections of the line of combat contact, but, for example, i was most intrigued by the message that our troops liberated a village called ryzhovka in the sumy region. what would that mean? boris alexandrovich rozhen, our military expert is in direct contact with us, boris alexandrovich. good afternoon, does this mean that?
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he holds the north of the country, including in the sumy region, i am afraid that we will also launch a powerful offensive here, as was recently the case in the kharkov region, so this is an intensification, it again poses a specific strategic dilemma for the enemy, that is, will there be a continuation or for now we are simply limiting ourselves to such reconnaissance of battles, but again, as in the case of kharkov, this influences his plans, and if we talk about the situation as a whole, then our troops in most directions continued to conduct offensive operations and achieved good results... in the rabotinsky direction, after clearing rabotin itself , our troops are expanding the zone of control to the east of rabotin, also to the north-west of verbovoy, that is, the rabotinsky ledge has decreased a little in size in recent days, and there are good successes on the vremsky ledge, today the ministry of defense announced the completion of the liberation of the village
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of staromayrskaya, the village was captured during the enemy's summer offensive in 2023, it has now returned to our control, this will speed up the liberation of the neighboring village of urozhaynaya. where about a third is under our control, we have serious progress in the ugledar direction, there we are moving towards the konstantinovka, ugledar highway, there are also battles on the outskirts of konstantinovka, and we are also expanding the zone of control around the liberated paraskoveevka, and we have progress in krasnogorovka, we advanced in the central part of the city and uh in the western part cities, that is, the enemy there is gradually losing control over populated areas, there is little progress in georgievka, it has not yet been liberated, but work is progressing... that soon i think the village will also come under our control, in the ocheretinsky direction our troops are almost completing the liberation novoalleksandrovka, there are about 8 km left to the strategic route konstantin konstantinovka krasnoarmeisk, there are also battles for the liberation of the village of sokol, battles have begun for the liberation of the villages of yasnobrodovka and
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novopokrovskaya, the battles there have already shifted to urban, well, in residential areas, and there are also progress to the north of ocheretin, in the chassofir direction, our troops. they have taken the central part of the canal microdistrict, the flags of the 98th airborne division have been raised there, there are slight advances to the north to the south of the hour for the enemy, things are getting worse for the enemy, on the northern ledge there is an advance of our troops in the razdolovka area, several oporniks have been taken there, positional battles are taking place in the krasnolimansky direction with small progress in our favor in the terna area, in the svatovo kupyansk direction, our troops we advanced near ivanovka near stolmakhovka, well...
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here an interesting detail emerges that maybe these f-16 aircraft will not even be based on the territory of ukraine, in any case, this possibility was not ruled out by sergei golubtsov, the team’s aviation chief. the answer to this question was given by the chairman of the state duma committee on defense , colonel general kartopolov. let's listen. if
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these aircraft take part in combat missions, then they will certainly be a legitimate target for the armed forces of the russian federation, including the airfields at which they are based with all the ensuing consequences. well, of course, we are talking about this, so to speak, for the future, there are no planes yet, and the pilots have not been trained, but it is planned. another very dangerous round of escalation of the conflict, of course, that they are preparing, and they spent a very long time working on the romanian airfields, since even during the time of chavusskiy much attention was paid to this, and the base there is really very good, and it is clear that they are just going to deploy these planes are there, but so far no one has confirmed this, although cabbage rolls in fact, this was confirmed; in this situation , what are they aiming at? our forces, of course, at the initial stage, of course, are aimed at knocking them out as soon as they appear in ukrainian airspace, because the scheme for the
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ukrainian air force is quite complicated, they need to go into ukrainian space and try to shoot back from there. there is little time. in general, ukraine , with its current air defense systems, current missile defense systems, and ultimately in air assets, it is so large. you can stay for very little time, they will become targets, that's all, but there is a second point, and this is exactly what kartopolo said, and not only, by the way, i later said the supreme commander-in-chief, that guys, but if there are people there who are there there will be ukrainian pilots, but even here we are not talking about polish or ukrainian territory, here we are talking about the fact that this is an aircraft, which means it is the property of an enemy state. which should and maybe, maybe and should destroy, what is the answer from the outside nato, you see,
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it will be very difficult for them with their collusion to answer this, well, with their cosuistry, they nevertheless always find answers that are beneficial to themselves, but this is really a very dangerous escalation, because it is clear that we will hit these airfields and these planes, whether they are in romania or poland or wherever they are going to place them, wherever, in fact, igor kimakov. it’s hard not to agree with boris rozhin about our successes in our donetsk directions , the ministry of defense has already reported that on in the southern donetsk direction about... a populated area, and we introduce a fairly serious tsutsvank to the enemy in our direction,
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stretch the enemy’s forces and do not give him the opportunity to maneuver reserves, and we have had such a very serious success in chasovyar, where the canal microdistrict has already been virtually cleared from the enemy by our units, including paratroopers, and objective control, which i saw. how to count the dead personnel of the armed forces of ukraine with the help of reconnaissance aircraft unmanned unmanned unmanned intelligence officers show that in just the last few days in chasovyar the enemy has lost up to a thousand irrevocable losses and they are no longer even evacuating their wounded. there are also serious successes in the south-west of chasyar, we are crushing the enemy near the population. the main task today is to gain a foothold on the western outskirts of the city, reach the level completely along the entire front line of seversky
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donetsk, donbass canal, and crush the enemy. in fact, in the city, due to the fact that the enemy had quite seriously withdrawn his reserves from this direction to kharkov direction, then in the city we already have focal resistance. the enemy, this is even visible from a satellite, how he fires, not from a satellite, from unmanned aerial vehicles, where he fires literally there, you know, right through the house, two houses later, creating something like this...
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and this is very, you know, this is very good observation, and i think that in the near future the challenge that our adversaries have thrown at us through the massive use of unmanned aerial systems that are being designed are supplied with the help of the west and western countries, i think that in the coming months we will completely remove from them this is some kind of visible advantage that they seem to
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have imagined for themselves, this is what we have today. things are happening on the front line, we keep our fingers crossed for our guys and wish everyone health and return alive from the battles. thank you very much, igor kimakovsky, adviser to the head of the donetsk people's republic, we also wish you to take care of yourself, because you are always in hot spots and we are always waiting on our air. united states of america, western countries gave ukraine the go-ahead for attacks on our territory.
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with practically german crews, razzanna klimenta, assistant chief of staff of the tenth army of the united states of america, unexpectedly made such a revelation, let's listen to it: in january 2023, we received the task of providing the ukrainians with air defense equipment, ford force was trained, in april we conducted a joint teaching in poland. some of the patriots are used to protect fixed critical infrastructure facilities. other moving around and doing truly historic things, some of which i had never seen before in 22 years of service. one of them set up an ambush using ground-to-air systems. the mobile capabilities of the patriot systems made it possible to shoot down the a50 system for the first time back in january of this year. 50 is an aerial reconnaissance plane that was shot down over our territory, and she, if
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we expand her speech, said that , in fact, it was german. this was used exclusively by the rhetoric of the white house in order to play certain glasses to the white house. we are not afraid, we can do anything, and the explanation in the media was very simple. even if we allow them to hit all territories, except for one limitation - moscow and the kremlin, then in any case all the answers will only arrive on the territory of ukraine. and you know, exactly from that moment on, almost a whole chorus of all journalists began to tell the american population exactly the same thing: we can strike at anyone, they will never come to us. and you know, these revelations today, they show that the united states of america is in a certain zone of vulnerability. this happened exactly after those words when our supreme commander made it clear that there is very good leverage over any
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american bases for their means of threatening ours. cities, look, there are 850 bases around the world, yes, they are vulnerable, they can be vulnerable to third countries, and russia is free to choose from the sale and transfer of weapons, any weapon, including even the most lethal, and today's patriots who stand allegedly about object protection inside ukraine, we understand perfectly well that there is not a single ukrainian there, not a single one, because it is too complex a system, let me remind you that in order to manage the patriot system, you need to undergo... training for 24 months of this time, no one had whom, and this means that today the americans have clearly shown that they are hitting the territory not only with their weapons, but also with their employees. it must be said that the ukrainian armed forces also never hesitated in choosing a target on our territory, and most often they hit civilian targets, in fact,
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perhaps this is exactly what they have stocked up as the main option of action if they lose, in any case, this information appeared in the british daily express. let's listen. ukraine plans to carry out terrorist activities that will target russian schools and other civilian infrastructure, said defense and security expert nicholas drumont. according to him, this could happen if russia wins the conflict in some kind of peace treaty will be imposed on ukraine or zelensky. they are absolutely planning these attacks, there is no doubt about it,” drumond said. vyacheslavich, well, this is simple, everyday.
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third means, yes, and now at least terrorism, at least exactly that, but it didn’t work in the nineties, naturally, it won’t work now, and naturally, it will only bring the absolutely opposite effect. i must
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say that, uh, putin warned in general what would happen when they hit our territory with american systems, because ukraine they no longer have their own systems, they will only attack with western systems. today the frigate gorshkov... entered the port of havana, cuban officials stated that there are no nuclear weapons on board, maybe not, maybe there are, but certainly there is a high- precision long-range strike system there, they can be transferred, left there or not transferred, just leave the frigate there, well , the americans got on their own... a fairly obvious, symmetrical headache, they were expecting the elections to the european parliament with great interest, they passed, results summed up, i would, using boxing
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terminology, define the results as one knockout, one knockdown, one very serious blow to the eye, but more on that after the commercial. i am happy when i develop every day, when i wake up and know that something new awaits me during the day, when we get together with the whole family and make dumplings with potatoes, cooking, this is my hobby, you could say my hobbies - this is a journey, this is my favorite ice hockey, i have a dacha. which turned into paradise, into a flower garden, i’m proud of it, i started going to drawing classes, and i made my own paintings staged at the exhibition, make music, make art, it’s very cool, i
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love you all, i love fishing very much, because there is a volga in rybinsk, be happy, find good in every second of your life, fashionable verdict, new season. criminal methods, i dream of getting an answer, nikolaich will announce it in the senate tomorrow morning.
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emperor. history is being made in st. petersburg. here she dies. tomorrow everything will change. you have a senator, you have wealth. service. what should you change? let's elect a dictator among we will enter into negotiations. what negotiations, we just shot them. tell trumpet. if he doesn’t decide, we will leave ourselves. in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. if it’s like in france, then everyone present here should hang. they won't dare shoot at us. we did not shed a drop of their vile blood. melt! well
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, a match that will light everything will burn itself out. union of salvation, film premiere, on russia day on the first. would you like some help? on your side, how, excuse me, do you have what i need, comrade peredonov, our chief ussr sambo coach, i mean i'm knocking down the lop, substitution, vasily oshchepkov is invited to a friendly match, but now there is a more interesting enemy, who? no, you want to learn how to do it effectively.
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there is no technique against firearms yet, but comrade oshchepkov showed, the army has made its choice and training the national team will be a waste, you lost before you even start, you can’t win the battle with such an attitude, you want to bury mine yourself, my students, if i write on him, then they’ll put him in jail, where did they get the denunciation, the denunciation, yours, consider it mine, the legend of sambo. premiere on friday on the first. we wish all athletes good luck and may the best one win. founder of the world economic forum in davos, klaus schwab. without agreement with this person, not a single european politician wins an election or makes a single management decision. we need to use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants. this process needs
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to continue, this donkey needs to keep going after the carrot. ukraine, at the cost of its own self-destruction, brings dividends. the game is on big, for a long time, it was created by henry kissinger and the rockefellers, they are really building a new world order. the future is created by us. famine, pandemic, war. this year they are discussing disease x. and the renunciation of all material things in favor of the golden billion. the main super idea of ​​the globalists is traditionally opposed. russia gave organized political and military resistance to this doctrine. a visible alternative has emerged. klaus schwab. mopping and their conduit. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. big game.
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the european parliament still decides, i don’t know, in any case, my numerous visits to the european parliament led me to the idea that this is an absolutely meaningless structure, where people say: it adopts resolutions that are mainly anti-russian, but these elections were really important as a symptom of the mood of the europeans, so really all western media, including the american ones, were simply charged with destroying any forces that do not belong to the war party, in fact, this is opposition to the party war and the peace party, it was the main content of this election...
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people liked it when they simply burst into applause, a very important slogan that marina lepen once introduced, you know what they call it, ban punitive ecology, this word punitive was the key . then, when the young guy, who is now 28 years old, he played this game. bardala,
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he is a man who came, he was never a professional politician, he was just so lucky in life, at the right time, in the right place, and he kind of rode this wave, he began.
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pandemic, as the european bureaucrats reported and said, it is necessary to save strictly, because the environment comes first, they asked the question: can you live on 3.00 euros, the bureaucrats answered: i don’t know, i live on 30, so everything is much simpler, of course, on 3000 they can survive the euro, but you need to understand one simple thing, for us this is a good litmus test, first of all, this is a test that was not in favor of the european bureaucrats, well, i don’t agree that the european bureaucrats lost something, macron lost in this case, yes . absolutely obviously, and i think that the only chance for it now is in the parliamentary elections, i will remind you that france is actually a country with a mixed electoral system and with a mixed system of organizing state power, when there is a president and there is
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a government, and the president is elected separately, and the government is formed on the basis of a parliamentary majority, that is , if there is another party in parliament, then macron will have... people vote for the european parliament, simply guided by their emotions, this is the real parliament in the elections, french parliament, they will vote as they should. well, let's see, we don't have long to wait, june 30, but i assure you that all the world's media, i'm not talking french, will be thrown into supporting his party and denigrating that same bardol and other representatives of the opposition who are also will run in these, in these...
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regions of western germany, germany , the cdu party, the christian democratic union , the conservative party won, in eastern germany , the alternative for germany won, a party that, i don’t know, was almost poisoned there, was already going to be banned altogether, and so on and so forth, parties that are considered almost ultra-fascist there. but only because it is a party of peace, and therefore does not criticize russia much, that is why it is considered so
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treacherous, but here, here is modern germany, this is the first thing, the second thing is that after all, this is what a strong blow to eye, this is what i called boxing terminology, these are, of course, the results of the social democratic party of germany, which received 13.9% of the vote, this is the smallest percentage cast for a social democrat. 12 and there’s also 12%, roughly speaking, that’s already 25 and
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the free democratic party is another five, and this is the government coalition, that is, in fact, the government coalition is in the balance, it received the same amount as the cdu, csu, well, yes , it’s hard to imagine that sarah wagenknecht will, as it were, create an alliance with the cdu csu, no, of course, of course not, this is certainly true, although we know, we often listen to her here,
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because anyway, scholze, i understand, what he will, of course, hold on and macron now has his position, in general, but these are still calls to the fact that their positions are collapsing, so, uh, what should mr. zelensky rely on, who is also, even on this recent tour, at first, that means he attacked biden, said that biden made a weak decision that he would not go to switzerland for this peace conference, and how he attacked trump, whom he called a loser there and as soon as... he didn’t call him , at the same time he was even strange, he had to ask his advisors, and the fact that trump
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could become president of the united states even in prison, he didn’t think about it, but that’s not the point, i’m saying that the two most powerful countries, aka germany and france militarily, have relations military-industrial complexes of europe, everything, along the way a movement begins, ah, this elite, we know it very well, this is the clientele of the united states, the current one, but it is leaving, it will leave. well, wait, she ’s here now, but the fact that she’s being dumped is obvious, but i don’t think she’s going anywhere, to be replaced the same one will come, in any case, the french elections are like this, they are quite contradictory, because well, france, yes, the peace party won there, obviously the french, macron’s whole campaign for providing more assistance to ukraine, it played against him, his militant rhetoric there with biden it didn’t help him at all during the meeting in normandy, absolutely, in germany, in principle, well, the status quo was rather preserved,
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another thing is that they hit diarrhea, it’s great in scholz, in other countries the results are also ... uh, they’re so different let's see, that in bulgaria, yes, in bulgaria the coat of arms party won, it is, in principle, a party of peace, rather, that is, it is a right-wing party, the party of president borisov, it is quite, so peace-loving, but the other parties there are quite the opposite, warlike, or in austria, there the austrian freedom party, which is considered ultra-right, but in fact it is... a party that also acts from a peace-loving position, rather, but at the same time, if we look at the elections, say, in slovakia or hungary, we will find that ifitsa , his party, although of course, the party had no leader in the elections, he spent all the time in the hospital, but it took second place,
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unlike the last parliamentary elections, and orban, although his party took first place, received less. make them part of a large european management system, that is, in this regard, the european parliament is rather an additional resource on the system, and such a pan-european sociological survey, in this regard, we see that yes, this is actually a serious problem in germany, in france, in in germany, under merkel, we knew very well that when a german says this is a political
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issue, that means the issue will be resolved in washington, when he says this is an economic issue, that means berlinova will decide, and we see that... german corporations have invested in anyone, but just not to the ruling party, to the alternative for germany, respectively to the christian democrats, but not to scholz, because it is clear that he is purely an executor of the will of washington and this is actually a very serious call if take eastern europe, but eastern europeans, in fact , don’t put much stock in the european parliament on this, that is , they are lightweights, they know that they will play in the light weight category, therefore...
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the votes, in first place the european people’s party, these are the christian democrats , who won in the federal republic of germany, well, conditionally, this is the party of ursula vondern, so the largest party is their party, the progressive alliance of socialists and democrats are socialists, socialists, well, this is scholz, this is rude speaking. scholz's associates, they are in second place, 137 seats, but the green or european free alliance are liberals, this is, roughly speaking, berbak and company, they have 52 seats, that is, nothing has really changed, nothing has changed, then there are those
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parties that are european streams that have been written out. i demonstrated during my first term what a strong europe can achieve. my goal is to continue this path with those who will be pro-european, pro-ukrainian and for the rule of law in the european parliament. of course, these elections are not pass in a vacuum, the world around us is in turbulence. the results of these elections show that the majority of europeans want europe to be strong, i am absolutely sure about my appointment to a second term. vyacheslav alekseevich, what good
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words were said: i have a good roof, it will reassign me, says ursula vonderlein. whoever doesn’t like this, i want to tell you that i won’t take your votes into account, because we worked well, we made it very simple, it really turns out that regardless of the turbulence that occurred. both in france and in germany, but the essence of the layout does not change in any way, the war party wins again, but the war party does not independently, we understand perfectly well that the united states of america used very good levers, they can probably applaud themselves in part, because they succeeded, and ursula, by and large, summed up the result, and we understand perfectly well that the lack of freedom of any politician who is not elected is very good for america, ursula was never directly elected by anyone, she is an official. you know, democratic institutions in europe have not been working for a long time, the people who make decisions in the european union, in the european commission, really no one ever elects them, they are appointed,
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they are appointed really on the orders of washington, and the fact that people come to the polling stations in order to vote senseless, for the senseless european parliament, this is the only european elected structure, well, let them come, they will vote the same way again it is necessary, and if some party there sag, another will rise. but these will be twin parties, what is the difference between scholz and berback, they seem to be completely different parties, the greens, the socialists, well, these are nanai boys, their struggle, of course, it is exciting, it can cause great delight from fans, but to democracy, actually has nothing to do with it, europe is not changing, but the battle for europe is going on and the stakes there are really high and the west, the collective west, of course will do everything that there is nothing in europe...
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we need to use zelensky to tell him that he will get what he wants. this process needs to continue, this donkey needs to keep going after the carrot. ukraine, at the cost of its own self-destruction, brings dividends. the game is going on big, for a long time, it was created by henry kessinger and the rockefailers, they are really building a new world order. the future is created by us. famine, pandemic, wars, this year they are discussing disease. and the rejection of everything material in favor of the golden billion, the main super-idea of ​​the globalists is opposed by traditional values, russia gave organized political and military resistance to this
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doctrine, a visible alternative appeared, klaus schwab, mopping their conduit, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first, let's come to an agreement with you, i say, you do it, otherwise we have you... she can’t speak, he probably threatened her, they threatened you, no, a man came to me, this is forbidden, what ’s normal, he has a knife, hands so i can see, on his knees, hands behind his head, hands put your head behind me, i told you to keep your head down, it's true my friend. one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program, mom, please be quiet, what is your relationship with
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jaanna, we are planning to restore the family, and where are you going to live, oleg, you are at the dacha, and we are at the dacha, anything can happen at the dacha , special edition of the program. we will live healthy, we will plant, sow, treat pain and generally understand the charms and problems of success. tomorrow on the first. i would like to know why the traitorous ants have not yet been stopped by you. not yours, our goals are right, our methods are criminal. history is in the making in st. petersburg, here she dies. tomorrow everything will change, we will elect a dictator among us , we will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations did we just shoot at them, tell me. if he
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doesn’t decide, we will leave ourselves. in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. if it’s like in france, then everyone present here should hang. they won't dare shoot at us. we did not shed a drop of their vile blood. we are a match that will light everything up and burn itself out. union of salvation, film premiere on russia day on the first. yang, what are you, my god, how many years
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have passed, the unit is leaving, the fire in residential building, hello, tamara vitalievna, i think that oleg has already forgiven me, i have not forgiven and will not forgive, oleg, i need your help, duty officer, outsiders in the unit, what happened? “it’s because of her, yes, leave him alone, it’s clear, we love each other, let’s mind your own business, this is voita, in russian, you see, i left for finland, already pregnant and didn’t tell him nothing, and that social services took him away from me, i was accused of suffocating maternal love, they took him away from me
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because i loved him very much, one chance in three, premiere, watch the time after the program, oleg, i need you to come with me to finland and claim your rights to your son, what? vojta your son, finished his work, the st. petersburg international economic forum, it was held... with great success, a record number of countries participating, a record number of representatives of heads of state and members of the government who visited our country, there were 26 of them, a record number of agreements signed, this is what the presidential assistant, excuse me, presidential adviser, anton kobyakov said. on 982
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agreements were signed at the forum site. for a total amount of 6.430 billion rubles. this is just something that is not a trade secret. over 4 days , 21,300 participants from 139 countries took part in the events of the st. petersburg economic forum. it seems that everyone wants to participate in russia's success. yes, everyone wants to participate in russia's success. well, today the forum of foreign ministers of the brick countries has already opened. in total, within the framework of our chairmanship , about 200 different events take place, and the most important are, of course, the samit heads of state, which will be held in october in kazan and the meeting of foreign ministers, which is now taking place in nizhny novgorod, we see that wang yi, the minister of foreign affairs of china, and gleb nikitin, the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, have arrived.
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a club that develops not so much solutions as a common vision of problems, a common understanding of what the problem is, how to solve them, and approaches and solutions are implemented by each party independently, because of this , brix turned out to be an absolutely stable organization, primarily in terms of corruption on the part of the united states, we see that the united states, in general, throughout the entire post-soviet period , was corrupted and taken under control. organization because it always consists of people, people are vulnerable, and it worked. with brix this turned out to be impossible. brix is ​​increasing. brix represents a completely equal, interesting system. the degree of profitability became clear, but when vydniger
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began to sell uranium at the market price. and it turned out that the price increased 200 times from 99 euro cents to 200 euros. this is the break fair and unfair. the gap, of course, is in favor of brix. it is clear that when brix turns into a stable center, into a club where, in fact, everyone is treated fairly, where, in general , there is mutual respect and an understanding of how to build all this, it turns out to be terribly attractive, for the simple reason that in the american center, in that center , the carrots have long ended, all that remains is the stick, in general, no bonuses,
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multilateral formats, our line with our chinese friends is becoming more and more positive is perceived by the countries of the world majority, the circle of our like-minded people is steadily growing. we are ready, together with our russian friends,
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to remain committed to the five principles put forward by chairman sizenpin, to be determined to unlock the potential of cooperation, to resist external pressure, and to ensure the sustainable development of bilateral relations in the long term. it is really important for us to strengthen coordination in multilateral structures to protect our legitimate interests. at the same time, this is done for protecting the common interests of developing countries. well, here, of course, there is a very important thesis about the legitimacy of interests, because all the countries that are in one way or another connected with brix, now there are already a dozen countries that represent brix, but there were much fewer, and there are even more people who want it, that’s the legitimacy of interests about justice. these are the two main theses that, in general, attract brix, but on the other hand, we still understand everything here perfectly well, and even more so the leaders of the powers that are part of brix, then the legality interests, justice and, in general, the integrity of the political game can only be supported -
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often by force, and i would like to note that brix includes precisely the strongest militarily powers, and china, russia, for example, if we are talking about africa, india, yes . brazil, that is, these are the strongest military powers that want economic development cooperation, but the armored train, our first armored train, of course, well, everyone else is with us for now as a spare along the way, but i understand that there on the other side, i understand perfectly well that this is an armored train, it is under steam, armed, if necessary, it will be used, anton kobyakov, summing up the results of the st. petersburg international economic forum, named it. an interesting figure, we said until recently that brix was a shot in the arm there, about 30 states, he named the exact figure: 59 countries, well, in connection with this , naturally there is outreach in nizhny novgorod, that is, there are not
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only dozens of countries, but also representatives of other states, in particular the minister of foreign affairs of cuba, but here’s what everyone has, naturally aroused the greatest interest, the minister of foreign affairs of turkey. turkey is a member of nato, and how is it there and to what extent is this possible at all? this is a really interesting question, but an expansion. this is the question that is obviously on the agenda , which will be one of the central summits that will be held in kazan in october. alekseevich, the impudent macron once said, invite me to take part in your brix, just have a look. so now we see that it’s really not ten who have gathered, but 10 + 10, a total of 20 countries came, and the most interesting thing, i absolutely agree, of course, is not cuba or sri lanka, which is participating here, although we have very good relations with them, it is turkey. turkey is a nato member with...
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let them do something there, they still don’t have their own bank that works, we have money from the whole world, the americans write this, they are completely mistaken. if we were really, a thousand times right before when we spoke about 30 countries that are in line, i didn’t even expect that there were 59, 59 countries, and you think about it, if only this brix is ​​3.6 billion people, that’s plus ten, yes, another plus, and also, imagine, almost 60 more countries, that’s not.
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will do, then firstly, he will lose, secondly, this could be accelerated by an attempt at a military coup, fortunately the united states has never rusted, so erdogan is trying to move to brix in advance, including, in general, providing a message to their voters and ensuring their own domestic and foreign policy security, what other eastern countries can really now be considered as priority candidates for brix 59? i think the list is impressive, i think a lot of them
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are asian, a lot of them are asian, i think that whether it’s not a country, it’s a whole story, and these are very interesting prospects, because, well, again, i would highlight first turn vietnam, of course, as strategically important, and especially since the government there recently changed to a very sober one from a pro-american one, so in general we see that as the situation may escalate in northeast asia around taiwan. a situation where china's neighbors and other northeast asian countries will focus on brix, but still this is some kind of guarantee or attempt that the situation will remain stable, under control, and most importantly, it will not depend on bilateral agreements with the united states the states, on the multilateral security system that russia offers, and there is already information that the president of our country is going to visit vietnam in the near future, well, we’ll see, you know, here...
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focused exclusively on the interests of the united states, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, see you again at 17:00, don’t miss it!


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