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tv   PODKAST  1TV  June 11, 2024 3:10am-3:56am MSK

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poet, did not think of meeting our mushroom from tehran, from tehran, ours, only a few friends knew his real value, writes alexander sergeevich, and i don’t know anything better than the last years of his life, strictly speaking from the mind, which was not published and staged in the theater in at that time, we know, yes, but all of russia knew him and the author was absolutely famous, so his merits, diplomatic knowledge, so to speak, of the caucasus and persia brought him the post of envoy, he went, well, he didn’t really want to, because the region is difficult , but no matter, that's at least status, let’s say, well, meaning, yes, and the most important thing for me in general is when pushkin writes that when he went as an envoy and came to the caucasus, there was simply a deafening recognition for pushkin and he married the one he loved , ellipsis, this is just shocking. for pushkin, how this can be, and
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we know, here is princess nina chevtsevaza, griboedova, the wife of alexander sergevich, they were just married for a few months, then griboedov died tragically, and for pushkin it was, in my opinion, especially, so to speak, explosive because we are with you we remember that he went to the caucasus on the night after may 1, which means he rushed, and without even receiving official permission, what then to him. nikolaevna goncharova’s proposal, he made an offer, but that is, he did not receive consent, but he did not receive a refusal either, and of course he was upset, disappointed, in the night, that means, headlong, he rushed to the caucasus, and imagine, here he is going and that means , meets the mushroom eater, and the best years of his life and even married the one who...
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any other objects that were with him, in particular a cane, but he returned with a saber he drove exactly, he drove back with a saber absolutely exactly, and today we can admire it, it’s one of those very bright and interesting ones. objects that we have the opportunity to display to our friends and visitors, but the point is that, after all, paskevich, we know, spoke about pushkin when he learned of his death, not quite the same as, in general, then he could have responded, because he said, as is known, that it was a pity for the poet and the great, but the man was not good.
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therefore, uh, speaking about paskevich and pushkin, about their relationships, we are probably not here should idealize this relationship, although saber is really good, between them...
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she did not become happy. ksenia beauty master, lives in khabarovsk, dreams of having irenoplasty and seeing the pyramids of cheops. she is proud that each lover became her official husband. ksenia can't stand taxi drivers, daffodils and nerds. her ideal is a hard-working, toothy lover of chanson, who...
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she is a very beautiful girl, her dress is beautiful, she is so stately, her parents beat her and her husbands beat her, in total she was married three times officially, in general, i divorced my last husband and my third a month ago, i’m trying to leave him, he won’t let me leave, he won’t give me life, in general, i want you to help me, let’s start with the family, what did you have there, large family, no, no, family. having many children, the fact is that it turned out that my mother is a black widow, she was nicknamed that because she lost and buried one husband and her second, let me tell you in order from the beginning how it is, now , don't worry, when i was 3 years old,
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my father left us, he left, found himself a young woman and left, it turns out that my mother raised me alone, found me... it turns out, everything seems fine, i met a man, well, a man, may he rest in heaven, it turns out that he was my father, it turns out , due to the fact that she lost one man, gave birth, yes, she decided to improve her personal life, accordingly, they gave me a baby, i’m 7
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years old, that’s it, she flew, and it happened, i was 7 years old and cooked soups, and well, the truth is, as it happens , she used to leave me 3 days, where did she go? rest for 3 days, just relax, arrange your personal life, personal life, mom, of course, it was hard, mother-in-law wasn’t particularly lucky, on the other hand, if her daughter wasn’t interested in childhood, then maybe now she won’t really come, it seems like there is, it seems like not, there were even moments when we spent the night in the entrance, i lost the keys to the house, and we spent the night in the entrance, with neighbors, ksyusha, well, how did they come out, there was milk there, i couldn’t, i was afraid, that... my mother will beat me because i lost the key, i was afraid of this, and calling the neighbors a locksmith somehow, yes, it’s impossible there, there were such, well, iron doors, it’s all as if it was impossible, and you know that you can’t open the doors, as if only when the owner is nearby, it’s impossible, everything is possible, and
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the neighbors didn’t even call the child in the entrance to drink tea, they brought milk into the entrance, i remember a bun like that for... well, she didn’t beat her up, she swore, well, everything seemed fine, we, well, she didn’t come in the morning, she came at night. it seems to me that she knows this life, what she felt on to herself, and let’s just say that, she knows the values ​​of this life, but why did she fly in, ksenia, you say, well, she didn’t wash the soap dish, she didn’t wash the dishes, so they will gather, as they say, with their own, their team, but they get drunk, and the girl doesn’t go to school, they look after her for the child, for the little one, she still had to do everything around the house , yes, here they are, we are leaving, but for me it’s a joy, i’m alone, no one controls me... she’s not controlling me, here we are now we’re going to aunt ollie’s there, let’s
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clean everything up, but i thought, hurray, joy, i’ll clean everything up now, i’ll be alone, no one around me will not torment me, no one will control me, no one will tell me anything, but they could put me on split peas for four hours, yes, it happened, i was 4 years old, i was 4 years old when we lived in a dorm on there was that moment, i ’ll tell you now, we were standing on the sofa, we were sleeping, and for some reason i couldn’t sleep, i was spinning, spinning, she freaked out, freaked out, eventually freaked out and said: get up on your feet, here i am for 4 hours , while she was sleeping, stood on the peas, horror, tell me, and the guardianship authorities were not interested at all about it dysfunctional family, no, there have never been guardianship authorities, guardianship, the only thing is that when the teachers at school... saw blue stripes on me, they called her and said: marina, what are you
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doing, what are you doing, what if you kill or what, she , oh, sorry, this won’t happen again, that’s just how i understand it, of course i ask her, mom, why did you behave like that, she says, it was hard for me, that’s it, now i just understand why there are no guardianship authorities, no one there was no, because they regretted that she lost once she ran away from home, at the age of 12, where ran away, i had the best one. friend, i spent the night with her and the thing is that i could not be at home for 3-4 days, my mother came home, there was soup in the refrigerator for me, they didn’t even notice my absence, that is , they were so saturated with their personal lives, when i ran away, when i met my first husband, i was 14 years old, and he was 21, he was 7 years older than me, he wasn’t afraid that he would be imprisoned, well, he probably wasn’t afraid, since he... i belonged too 7 years older, so, but we
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went straight through fire, water, copper pipes, we went through everything, everything, everything, our parents were there too against, especially dad, the fact is that there is also someone from a not very prosperous family, his mother with a stroke is constantly in the hospital, and your mother did not look for you when, at the age of 14, no, she knew, that you are with a man, yes, how it happened, i left home, that’s the last time. when i started leaving home, started living, but it turns out that we lived in the village, where my mother has relatives, they told her everything was fine with her, we see them, they go to the store there, that’s it, that’s it okay, she's well fed, dressed, yes, alive, don't worry, everything, and then it turns out, apparently, they became interested in school, that’s all, why are they missing it, everything, they came with their stepfather, write a receipt, gave him a receipt, put it on the table, write that you take responsibility for her, that you... this she - he
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wrote the receipt with trembling hands, as they say, well, as i understand it, he still wanted to be with me, he probably liked it anyway, it’s not just that, we stayed together for a long time, it turned out that here we are we sit with him and think, well, now we’re on our own. no yes, freedom, you can go to bed already put in, and do your little things, as they say, no matter what, and the teachers knew about this, about everything that i knew, yes , by the way, yes, this is what they knew, that is, i was not even then i’m pregnant, i fainted at school, and i’m like, ksenia, go to the doctor, i’m like, what could it be, but the fact is that we got our periods early, well, that is, i’m so early bird is 8 years old, well, i’ll even say that, what are you talking about? mom says: this is normal, we went to the gynecologist, everything is fine, well, your child has matured early, as they say, that’s it,
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it turns out, it means you have a wound and breasts have appeared, yes of course, because pregnant women went to school, yes i went, i fainted when they took me to the doctors, everything is pregnant, my mother arrived, oh, my god, my god, why should i i didn’t say, it’s already a long time, as if already, listen, well, i have my own children, i raised my sister, that is, in fact... 100 reasons to watch the guide for the motor game on the first day of russia. let's achieve victory,
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i will come to you in a hot meal. and you go to school, pregnant, yes, yes, i
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want, look, yes, it turns out, i, when i got pregnant, i finished my studies, and i was transferred to the evening class. and mom says: that’s it, move in with me, because i, she arrived, i have 7 months, no belly, she says where is the belly, and we live with him in this village, i say, mom, that’s it, she she says, what are you saying, she was in a panic there, that’s it, move in with me, because there was no belly, they were malnourished, as if they were starving, well, it was a very hard life, there was no belly, well, that is, there was a small belly, but i myself she was thin, there was no belly, i came to her, but according to the timing, it seemed we looked, everything seemed to be fine, well, everything was. it’s ok and let me fatten up the apples with cottage cheese and milk, everything is like that, in just a month i’ve straightened up, i ’ve really gained weight in literally a month, i ’ve gained weight right away. we lived with our mother, we lived with our mother, your roommate went with you too, yes, yes, of course we they lived there, it was generally some kind of horror and they had scandals and we moved to a rented
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apartment, anything can happen in life, well, to give birth at 14 years old, well, i don’t know me. when three appeared, and this all somehow shocks me this, and we gave birth, began, began to raise, my grandmother on thursdays brought us food for him and for me on wednesdays she brought something for the child there, well, that is, he worked, but he didn’t have enough work, he doesn’t work, then his leg hurts , then he drinks, then something else. well, he started throwing things, yes he began to let go , went to his second man or to his parents again - no, i went to my dorm and that’s where i met my second husband on the internet, i met my second husband and my complete opposite yes to the first, mom, dad, son
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, dog, dacha, car, apartment everything is simple 17 years old, yes, i’m young, a child, then he turned me around like this, as they say, he took me in his turn and said: that’s it, you’re mine, you’re with me, in 2 weeks i’m already living at his house, as if he’s watching, well, i got a job there next to a kiosk, well, like a kiosk, a store, uh, work as a salesperson on a daily basis, uh, i come home from work, it costs two bedrooms, well, a bunk bed, a computer, i’m like, it’s him, it’s the son , i come there, it’s a car, well then there is he he is so much he didn’t even give me gifts as much as he gave me his son he’s there with him then some kind of entertainment, then in the pool , or else, well, that is, he just turned me on with this voice, this life is beautiful, he looked after the flowers , beautiful but well-fed, that is, they are average, not rich, average, and my parents , oh, you have never had anything like this in your life i wasn’t there,
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fried you scrambled eggs with a smile, eyes from a cucumber from the sausage, and he gave me. he brought me breakfast in bed, he always tried to surprise me and from the snow my heart was there, tell me honestly, did you like it or, on the contrary, did you get bored, honestly, honestly, we have everything here honestly, i got bored, i needed some kind of spark of emotion, i really missed it, everything was a spark, you had to continue to survive, but you had to get out. because you’re used to it, i ’m just shocked by her story, how she, well , lived, overcame it all and... that it just shocked me personally, she didn’t ask me to get married, well, he called me, we were officially in marriage, no child, didn’t give birth, although he
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really wanted to, he madly asked me, but no, i didn’t give birth to a child, we signed with him, we they divorced him, then a third appears, you have this passion, love with a man to whom the first thing he said is, i don’t need your son, i want my own, yes, we met him in the store and we started talking, and he started to tell me : oh, you’re pretty, i have a house by the sea, i have equipment there, i have cars, i have a business, i’m a boxer, i’m almost a champion there, and i’m all right, i don’t smoke, but we drink, here this is my coach standing there on the street, waiting for me, so we decided, today we have a holiday, well, in general...
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we went to a house by the sea, we went, so you explained to your husband that you are leaving him, yes, yes, i told him, i say, well , there are no feelings, let’s break up, i didn’t tell him that i was leaving for someone else, i just broke up with him, well, i say, feelings no, when he started talking that his son was interfering, this is your third husband, ex, well, when we met him, we were, we had a period of relationship, there were a lot of lies, that’s all. open up, yes, every two or three months, time passes, it somehow, you know , it started spinning so much that even i myself i didn’t have time to look back, 5 years have passed and he
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’s bothering my son, i say, why don’t we live together, what am i cooking for you, i please you there, i kiss my knives, i hug poems for you, i write you, well, there was just such wild love for him and you with him we didn’t live together , we didn’t live, i lived in my dorm in the dorm , i lost just a good, normal guy until now, but i... who actually already thought that when i give the child away like a human being, i don’t know how he started talking that the child would do well or take care of her, treat her mom, i’ll be without a child, then he ’ll take me right away, no, no, he’s like me, he’s like, i ’m telling you once, i’m not judging you, i just want the truth, yes, i’ll tell you the truth now, i realized that the child is in the way , he’s already told him a couple of times, naturally, yes, yes, he’s already told him several times, ksenia, but i don’t want a child, i want my own, then... and my two are also children, only they’re adults, you have you the difference with him is 20 years, well, these are his children, but what does yours have to do with it, it doesn’t bother him, but
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it bothered you, i want to live with him, he says and we we won’t live with you, because you have a child, then i find the father of my first husband, and with him, you understand, it’s all in the process of these five years, everything turns out to be fine with him, he has a family, and you say, yes , your son, i tell him, he’s coming, everything is fine, he went to see them, he lived there for a month or two, that’s all, and we definitely already decided that he would stay there, and you say that you didn’t have much love for to my son, well
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, i gave birth early, the instinct didn’t wake up, well, i don’t know, maybe yes, for me, firstly, i gave birth early, and secondly, i suffered so much with him, you you see, it’s all the same as genes say, here are genes, there are genes, this is his laziness, this is disobedience, laziness, stubbornness, obstinacy, some kind of i’m always his son, i need to play sports, i’ll go there, there , doesn’t want anything, he still lives there, i sent him, i think maybe somehow with his husband, well , like he lives with his father, maybe somehow he’s on the path of truth, okay, i’m a stupid mother there, as they say, these are his own, i think, even though he is his, no, he sits on the computer all the time, he doesn’t need anything, it’s me who judges her about this and doesn’t i support it in no way at all, especially to give your child your own... yeah,
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and then you buy an apartment, but no, i bought an apartment when i gave birth to my daughter, the fact is that from this, who did not take you, they gave birth child, yes, yes, we succeed, i continue to live in the hostel, yes, i continue to live in the hostel and i got pregnant, i think, well, how much can you mock me, well, how much can you mock me, you don’t like it, then it’s not so , that's not it. he didn’t mock you, you mocked yourself, what does he care, he came, maybe i’m used to this kind of suffering, i’m already asking myself questions, that’s why my psyche is disturbed, you see, well, in principle, in general, to be honest , i was planning to give birth and i’ve been just like, for a year now... then you give birth to this girl, yes, i gave birth to a girl, he arrived at the maternity hospital, grabbed the bags, they brought him the girl, he said, i don’t need her, there’s the grandmother right
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there in the hospital, there’s the grandmother. give it back, well , my grandmother, it wasn’t my mother who came, my grandmother, he took these bags, took me to the dorm, like that he took us there, that’s how we lived, it takes a very brave person, just a very brave person, to tell such a story, such a story, it’s just like a movie, like a tv series, uh, i just watch, i don’t know how on one while breathing, i look at this and even my palms are sweating. decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, konstantin! first of all, they were traitors, they were bright, kind people who loved their country. they were inspired by new ideas, by their youth, how wonderfully we will die. all it wasn’t that stupid, they certainly weren’t fools. bestuzhev ryumen, well, here is the young man who
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took on... the most amazing thing is the equal conviction of the parties that they are acting for the good of their homeland, the emperor himself went out under the bullets to talk with his own subjects, of course, when nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues we decided, let us show it the way it was, the prose, the theme, of course, it is grandiose, a big story, the decembrists, the union of salvation. on russia day on the first. so, the most effective way to fight is pain. pain is what what we must find in the enemy and pull out. i will come out against the mistake myself. i came up with this myself. and the system, if it is real, lives as long as there are students. stupid, because oh, stupid. we live normally, he wants to train someone from chips, well, let him train. have you seen him, what a spy he is,
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a buffoon. but this is in vain. after all, he once worked for the tsarist intelligence service, you seem to be a fighter, and why don’t you fight then, i’m afraid we won’t be able to overcome it, i’m used to learning from the enemy, that’s what we stand for, the legend of samba, the premiere on friday on the first, i that's when it's simple when a child i got very sick, i felt bad, i was literally crying, i think i need to do something, somehow i need to change my life, but you already bought an apartment for this one? that’s it, i started working, hard, i started working, i went to the beauty industry, graduated, started working, and at that time your mother somehow appeared in your life, you and your daughter, he took you to the hostel, but he doesn’t help at all , you weren’t officially with him, yes you were married, no, i wasn’t with him, well, he doesn’t help in any way, he brought food, he brought food, now what’s your problem, now is, the fact that we still live, but after my tenth year, that is, while i was living in
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a dorm, i saved up for an apartment.
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4.10, you are a biology teacher, you are a clerk, you are a cosmetologist and esthetician, this would all end with retraining, what is this? professional retraining is based on higher education, you submit an application and can study online, that is, you now have two children, two children, well, your son lives on sakhalin, your daughter is with me, yes, and your son is returning, your son is now what - 16 years old, and don't want, don't miss, well, i miss him, i call him, help him, well, i receive 21,000 from the state, as if from the state finances, plus from myself , why 21,000 somewhere, because these are some kind of fees in general?
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look at your description of a man you have on a whole page, half of which was spent on describing a man suitable for sexual life, in the thesis you, please, don’t care which one has a big belly, or he should
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show care, wear warm socks, it ’s cold outside , here are your pants, you’ve been wearing them for a long time, let’s go buy new ones or, yes, by the way, this is no longer an or, but a requirement that a man must have. such a business that he is with you half the day, half the day at work, strictly speaking, and a warning, you are young, you want to take a walk and relax, you don’t want to be overloaded, so you can’t work more than 5 hours, you feel sick, you feel dizzy, nausea, larisa, why aren’t you feeling sick, we sit here for 12 hours every day, even more, it’s not my job that allows me to work 4 hours a day and earn a decent living. don't work at all, it's larisa you i asked, you seem to have changed your vision, so i say that you haven’t changed, so what kind of children do you still want, well, no at all, but will you accept other people’s children, and especially if you have
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a daughter, then yes, well, even the daughter’s age mine, then my little fellow, that’s what you can advise our heroine, who cannot work for more than 5 hours, well, that’s how it is. scientists believe that the maternal instinct is formed primarily under the influence of hormones, and they are produced by the mother during pregnancy, during childbirth, and during feeding. reasons for absence instinct, as a rule, is that there are many
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mothers who find it difficult to build relationships with their children, and if a woman did not receive parental love and attention in childhood, she simply has nothing to pass on to her children. but she, so to speak, has felt this whole life in general, and knows what needs to be done, how to do it, she herself understands children growing up, knows how to raise a child, you understand, yes, well, towards her son, that’s such a certain attitude, but i love my daughter very much, you understand, sometimes it’s easy for me even in kindergarten they say, ksenia, calm down, why are you worrying so much about her, i just see what i didn’t give to my son, i have this... hand over to my daughter, that’s all, i have her completely, and you know, you just want advice, yes , come on, now your son is in such a puberty, and even if he has never told you and is not telling you, he needs you
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very much, he sees you in his dreams, he loves you very much, he suffers and worries a lot, and he really needs you , look, here is the camera, and his future life depends on what you tell him now and what to do next in the future will build your relationship with him and now your son needs you more than your daughters, you understand, because there can be big problems with your son. in the future, because he is unloved, he is abandoned by you, that’s why, if you find some words now and tell him, i want to say, tribute, son, forgive me, please, yes, i am very guilty before you, i i’m very guilty, i promise you that when you are 18 years old, you will come to me, and i will help you with your studies, i made you an apartment, and a dorm, a room, you... you can sell it, that is, with money
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i’ll help you, i’ll still help you, i won’t leave you, don’t listen to anyone, don’t listen to this uh, father’s mother there, who is turning you against me, i ’m still calling you, i’m still writing to you, i’m still writing to you i’m helping, son, and you see and know this, but the fact that they are setting you up against me, don’t listen to anyone, i have always been and will be in your life, such... the moment i want to support her, of course, and maybe my the number will support her, my number, which i prepared, meet the first guy, come in.
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“ksenia, hello, my name is alexander, you heard that i’m a jack of all trades, in our relationship i’ll be the jack of all trades - that’s me, okay, here you go too, thank you, alexander, 28 years old, head of a construction company, lives in yaroslavl, proud of the fact that provided for himself , bought a house for his mother, dreams of building a dacha. admits that he does not believe in friendship between a man and a woman, warns that because of a lady, his heart is ready to get into a fight. alexander wondered why his lovers tormented him with jealousy until he himself. didn't look in her phone. hope that ksenia will turn out to be an honest girl. hello, hello, the groom is gorgeous, in general, a worthy person, well done, respect to him. donald tusk accuses
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russia and the republic of belarus of spy scandals. this is a serious matter concerning the influence and activities of russian and belarusian intelligence services in our country. at this time , walls are being built and anti-russian rhetoric is being tightened even more. they actually introduced a zone of dictatorship in the border area. it creates a false sense of russian military threat. population of poland will gradually get used to the fact that the conflict. it is inevitable that there is also preparation for the psychology of the population. the united states will provide poland with a new direct foreign military financing loan of $2 billion. they are promoting the story of the deployment of nuclear weapons. the poles, in fact, are striving not only to place american weapons, but also to get their own. this is the servant of the globalists. his job is to do what he is told. it's not about poland, it's about global forces. donald tusk, an experienced polish majardon. dolls of the heir tutti,
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tomorrow on the first day, i love you, i ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage. union of salvation, film premiere, on russia day on the first. come on, look how handsome he is, yes, the first groom is already very handsome. who believes in friendship between a man and a woman? i too, it’s true, we’ve decided on our gender, mendelssohn and i are friends with him, but now i even doubt it. my little piece
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of iron mendelssohn, iron tongue, please tell me, do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman, only in ours, larisa, the rest is from lukalov, but tell me, and you fight only with men or with women it only happens with men, but one woman never raised her hand, never raised her hand, okay, but tell me, your ex harassed you a lot, very, very... initially, when we started living, everything was fine, everything was very good, but we were getting ready for the wedding, and i made an invitation, everything was, everything was. generally very excellent, but mine began, so to speak, my work began , yes, in another field, so to speak, well, she probably, maybe, fantasized something for herself, but never at all i never a priori cheated on her, you don’t even have to fantasize, looking at you, you’re handsome, really, look how she ruffled her hairs,
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she’s already sitting like that, you’re so pretty, i was leaving on a business trip, my business trips lasted 2-3 days , oh well... all this i’m also interested in such topics, yes, but where did you get so much money, look, they gave her a car, uh-huh, and this time, wow, the delivery was caring, she didn’t sit, didn’t do anything, and you, even from another city, ordered all sorts of delicious things for her to eat there miscellaneous, where does the money come from for all this at a given
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period of time i earn well, but even when i ’m on a business trip, she tells me: i need to eat something, i want a good breakfast, i order from a business trip there, let’s say, well, there’s something wrong i know, i’m calling some sushi, and i’m calling my friends so that they can bring her sushi there, eat flowers there, she loves roses very much, i’m somewhere out there with friends, let’s say a smile runs down our faces. was working on cars, and you took his car? no, she has the car, that’s it, i didn’t take absolutely anything, yes, he he gave everything to the girl, bought everything, and she left him, well, anything can happen in life, anything can happen, i basically have almost the same version of events, well, if flowers were not given
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by resentment, she wanted a more expensive car, she read a fairy tale, no, it’s called fairy tale and golden. fish, she didn’t read anything, she was interested, she was only interested in money, that’s it, just like that, well, look, what was missing then, you gave everything, why aren’t you together with her now, yes, that was the last, last straw, that is, i come from a business trip, i come home, the phone rings, she works in a beauty salon, she has her own salon, the phone rings, the client calls, i say, take the phone, she says, the client... is calling, i won’t take it, i say, well, that’s strange, that’s your job, you’re fighting for clients, there ’s an advertisement there, here clients are calling you, you don’t pick up the phone, i say, well, take it on speakerphone and answer, she picks it up, i hear a man’s voice, there’s a client, there was a client there, that’s it that maybe he’s calling for cleaning
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, there’s some valentina there, or i don’t remember who ’s calling, well, you’re not a fool, you’re signed you see, of course, i immediately understand who it is calling, i understand who it is calling? i naturally went there, whoever called came to the office, and we talked like that, okay , yes, that’s it, this was my last one, plus to this salon, you also set restrictions on the budget, well, a little more than 100 thousand a month restrictions, we’ll put it this way, i set them, then i , yes i told her, that is, there is no money, yes, she says, no, sasha, it’s impossible, that there is no money. well, you have 10 cards, you have cards somewhere, but you didn’t have a total budget, what well, you had different cards, well, how would we live, she knew everything, we lived, yes, there was a common budget, that is, i earned money, the budget was not common, it was your budget, no, i earned money normally.


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