tv Imperiya Aleksandr I 1TV June 12, 2024 12:15pm-2:26pm MSK
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he had to give an answer to the english ambassador, who promised mountains of gold if russia joined the anti-napoleonic coalition. the british, of course, are not very reliable partners, but the russian autocrats have the right to step aside. still, it is his duty to repel bonoparte, who decided that he could determine the fate of the great powers. russia will enter the war. perhaps it was on the battlefields that alexander would be able to cut through the tangled tangle in which he found himself. in april 1805, russia and england entered into an alliance treaty directed against france. in august of the same year, austria joined the coalition. the combined russian-austrian army was supposed to number about 500 people, but
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the french defeated the main forces of the austrians in the battle of ulm even before the arrival of the russian allies. as a result, the russian troops encountered superior french forces, almost fell into encirclement, and were saved only thanks to the skillful maneuver of mikhail kutuzov. mikhail ilorionovich galinishchev kutuzov, outstanding russian commander, diplomat. and statesman, student and ally of alexander suvorov, favorite of catherine the great, participant in three russian-turkish wars. he had a reputation as a cunning courtier, but was also distinguished by his courage and unconventional thinking. in 1774, during the battle for alushta, he was wounded and damaged his right eye. since then he has often appeared with a black bandage. in 1805 he was appointed commander-in-chief. united
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russian-austrian troops. emperor alexander was young and arrogant. arriving in the active army, he rejected the temporary retreat plan proposed by kutuzov. as a result, the russian-austrian army suffered a crushing defeat at australis, the emperor himself was almost captured. since then, alexander i alienated kutuzov. he reminded the monarch of his fatal mistake. in st. petersburg , another piece of news awaited alexander. his wife elizaveta alekseevna is pregnant. mariyana ryshkina was indignant. didn't alexander promise that he would remain faithful to her? he just shrugged his shoulders. to avoid
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a scandal, the emperor declared at ryshkina: he recognizes the child as his, but whoever the father is in reality, it is definitely not him. soon about these words spoken without witnesses. the entire high society. there is a crack in the relationship with my beloved. meanwhile, napoleon strengthened his position in europe. after the australasian defeat, austria, in violation of the alliance treaty, made peace with napoleon and recognized it. were his
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conquests in italy and germany. the new anti-french coalition, in addition to england and russia, included prusia, saxony and sweden. in october 1806, bonaparte's grand army invaded saxony and then defeated prussian troops and occupied the prussian capital , berlin. alexander i, fulfilling allied obligations, sent his troops to poland and east prussia. the battles of pultusk and presse sheilau ended essentially in a draw, but led to huge losses on both sides, the enemy armies were exhausted to the limit, and the troops were starving. napoleon, who at first counted on an easy victory, now dreamed of one thing: to offer peace to the russian emperor while saving face. this opportunity came to him in june. 1807, when
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russian troops were defeated at the battle of friedland, and the french came close to russian borders. there were two people standing on the plateau, yesterday’s enemies, today they swore eternal friendship to each other. napoleon did not hide his pride; having made peace with russia, he found a powerful ally, but for alexander the first, the peace treaty was only a delay until... their countries reached an agreement. alexander chernyshov watched this meeting from the shore. a young cavalry guard who did not yet
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know that he would soon play a leading role in a spy duel between the two powers. to the terms of the telzid peace treaty, russia recognized all territorial acquisitions of france. in return, napoleon promised not to interfere with the conquest of russia and finland, and stopped providing assistance to the ottoman empire, with which russia was at war, but the most important condition was the joining of the russian empire to the continental blockade of england. st. petersburg pledged to end trade relations with its main and...
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the news of the conclusion of peace caused a storm of indignation in the country, has it ever been heard of, until recently more than one orthodox service. not bonoparte could do without anathemas, and now he should have been recognized as our friend and allies. alexander was hit with a torrent of accusations. the emperor's opponents remembered the sin of parricide, which weighed heavily on the emperor, predicted god's punishment for him, and talked about a new palace coup. even the dowager empress maria feodorovna. considered her son to be an alliance with napoleon. and yet alexander did not give in to the pressure of public opinion. he understood that an open conflict with paris could not be avoided, but now the country’s army needed a respite. went 1808
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year. in the south, napoleon subjugated italy. in the west he fought with... with spain, in the east he annexed part of the german states and established a puppet government in the polish lands. will he stop there? the russian government needed reliable information about the plans of the french emperor. help came from an unexpected direction. the chamberlain of the napoleonic court, the former minister of foreign affairs of france, charles maris teleirand, at one time helped bonaparte come to power. but later became disillusioned with the emperor. he came out himself connection with alexander soon became one of the highest-ranking informants in the history of domestic intelligence services. the connection between teleirand and the russian emperor was maintained by the young diplomat karl meselrode.
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at the beginning of 1810, he went to paris under the guise of an adviser to the russian embassy on financial issues. the messages coming from niseliroda became more and more alarming. in december 1810, he reported that napoleon was preparing to attack russia. atela iran even named specific deadlines. april 1812 of the year. he was only wrong by 2 months. it was then, on the initiative of alexander i and the minister of war mikhail bogdanovich barkl and detolly, that the first professional foreign intelligence service appeared in the country.
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the level of its secrecy is evidenced by the fact that this service is not mentioned in any of the numerous memoirs of that era. to russian embassies in european countries. about the structure, about the weapons and their spirit, about the state of the fortresses, about the abilities and merits of the best generals, about the welfare and spirit of the people, about the locations and productions of the earth, about the internal sources of powers or the means to continue the war. alexander was thinking about who to send to... paris, it was not about a simple assignment, but about a secret mission.
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what was needed here was a person capable of lulling napoleon’s vigilance. the son of the kostroma governor, alexander chernyshov, had been an aide-de-camp to the emperor for several years. he traveled to france more than once, conveying secret correspondence to bonaparte, and at the very first meeting he managed to win him over. his friends come over as a joke they called him the eternal postman, which could not but offend chernyshov, but the task was much more complex than simply delivering a letter, of course, a better candidate could not be found, in march 1810, alexander chernyshov. that is,
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the unofficial leader of a group of agents in france. acting under the guise of an official position, chernyshov enjoyed diplomatic immunity. this meant that if exposed, he was subject to deportation to his homeland. in the 19th century, future intelligence officers were specially trained. passed, there was enough good education, but they were subject to special requirements: excellent memory and concentration, brilliant knowledge of foreign languages, the talent to easily get along with people, and most importantly - the ability to live in a state of uncertainty, find a way out of emergency situations and quickly restore mental balance. napoleon met chernoshov as a good friend and ordered
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him to be received without fail in the houses of the highest nobility. no one should have any doubts: the alliance with russia is firm and unshakable. to shine at social events, to conquer, to charm, in alexander chernyshov had no equal in this. his impeccable manners made an indelible impression on parisians. soon a new nickname stuck to chernyshov, the northern lavillas. napoleon's sister, polina barghezya, also fell into his network. and she herself didn’t notice how she became a supplier of important information for russian intelligence.
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dealt with a completely different audience. one of the most valuable informants was a nondescript man named michel. it would seem like a small fry, a copyist, but where in the military administration. secret documents for the russian ambassador, and now he kept repeating like crazy that i couldn’t be useful. chernyshov has tightened the noose, you have gone too far and cannot turn back. michel burst into tears and mentioned geletina. the russian resident loosened his grip. i heard you
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lost recently. if we agree. i'll take it your debts to yourself are both past and future. the principle of paying for the services of foreign agents was outlined in a special instruction: you need to pay enough, but keep in anticipation of more. the exact amounts were left to the discretion of the recruiter. if you offer too little to an informant, he may become a double agent in pursuit of new income. if the fee is too high, the agent, having enriched himself, will refuse to cooperate. the amount of payments often included the cost of paying off the police in case of failure. not even a month has passed since chernyshov’s arrival in paris, how the channel for delivering information to st. petersburg was established.
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it all started at the main military headquarters of the napoleonic army. every 2 weeks at 10 a.m., the census taker received tables of the location of troop movements. having drawn up a summary statement, he took it to the bookbinder, but on the way he managed to leave a copy for the russian resident in the appointed place. chernyshov made friends with officers and officials of the war ministry, who shared the latest news with him in a relaxed atmosphere. it became extremely useful acquaintance. having gained access to secret maps, chernyshov copied plans for military fortifications. one day, in order to make sketches of new transport vehicles, alexander ivanovich dressed himself in the uniform of a french officer and secretly entered a military unit. twice a month
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, a package containing detailed reports on the state of affairs in the french army was placed on emperor alexander’s desk. diplomatic correspondence is considered inviolable, but most couriers and couriers, both in russia and abroad, were bribed by counterintelligence agencies, this made it possible to intercept the mail of foreign embassies, since it avoided censorship, that is, screening by the intelligence services. almost impossible, intelligence officers and diplomats used a dual system of reports, open and encrypted. in secret correspondence , napoleon's two code names were used: terenty petrovich and sophie smith. alexander i hid under the pseudonym louise. the code names were the russian ambassador,
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kurakin, andryusha. minister of foreign affairs of the rouges, aunt aurora. neselroda himself, dancer. teleiran had many names. kuzan henri, my friend, anna ivanovna, our bookseller, handsome leander and legal adviser. the whole situation in france was called butyagin's love affairs, named after the secretary of the russian embassy. a huge flow of new information fell upon the emperor. thorough analysis, immediate reaction, precise orders. by immersing himself in work, alexander seemed to drown out the feeling of loneliness that was devouring him from the inside. relations with his wife remained cold; even the death of their one-and-a-half-year-old daughter lisa did not bring the couple closer.
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soon another news struck alexander in the very heart. maria naryshkina, demanding loyalty from the russian autocrat, herself turned out to be unfaithful to him. the romance, which lasted many years, ended in a painful breakup. at this time, russia was suffering from the consequences of the continental blockade, which bonoparte insisted on. by ceasing trade relations with england, the state treasury was deprived.
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the emperor understood that by introducing new customs tariffs for french goods, he was increasing tensions in relations with paris, but the support of russian society added firmness to him. there was no increase in tariffs the only deviation from the telzid agreements. for several months now , british goods needed by domestic consumers have been arriving in the country on neutral ships. knowing this, alexander... did not interfere with smuggling, this was a blow for france and a slap in the face for napoleon. a few days later in january 1811, the french emperor signed
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during sports competitions can be dangerous, but this is exactly what we need, well, how can i make fighters out of these idiots in 3 weeks , you’re victor, you’re driving me into a corner, i have one guy, he ’s sitting there, bro, they’re looking to shoot or something, i’m walking, yes, somehow, we have several pain zones, now i’ll show you some options, yeah, so i want to punch you in the face, i think here or outside, well, hit, while no one is there, well, merci , that's it, that's it, you can put me back, she spat on you for your self-pain, the legend of samba, the premiere on friday on...
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territories to a depth of 100 km. a new state body, the highest military police, took over the organization of tactical reconnaissance. the information he obtained allowed him to draw conclusions about the timing of the start of the war. actions and numbers of advanced enemy forces. residents of border areas became the main source of information; they were called agents in enemy land. according to documents of the highest military police, the number of agents recruited by russian intelligence included monks, salesmen, public girls, doctors, arctic foxes, and officials. professional spies who maintained contact with foreign agents were called lazucci. before being transported behind enemy lines, they were sworn in and given a false passport. far from it always the intruders were personally acquainted with
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the agent in order to avoid mistakes. the scout said the password and waited for the correct response. often , masonic gestures were used to establish contact, for example, a pyramid made of palms. the lazoychiks were in constant correspondence with the headquarters. all messages were encrypted or written in invisible ink, which appeared when heated. russian intelligence invented many methods of delivering messages, such as letters. cut into strips and hid them in a wax candle or inside a hollow canes. often the hollow of a pre-selected tree served as a mailbox. someone's shadow flashed in the window. heavy
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breathing was heard behind him. alexander chernashov had long suspected that he was being followed, and the intelligence officer’s instincts did not let him down. for several months now, senior french police officials had suspected chernashov of espionage, but could not find evidence. one day , a nondescript man appeared on the threshold of his apartment, completely disinterestedly, out of love for russia, secret information.
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"leafing through the paintings stationed in prussia regiments, the resident immediately figured out the crude fake and pointed the provocateur to the door. none of the police officials had any idea that by that time he had already sent the original data to st. petersburg. a detailed letter was attached to the copies of the secret materials. chernoshov wrote to the emperor that the beginning of the war had been a matter of several months, describing
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napoleon’s strategic plan. the president believed that his mission had been accomplished and asked to find any way to recall him to the army while chernashov was fulfilling his mission in paris . a whole network of french spies operated in his homeland, under the guise of travelers and traders. the center of espionage was the french embassy in st. petersburg, the most valuable information came to paris from captain delangerue, the courtier of the french ambassador jacques lariston. the cost of maintaining an agent network was about 3 million francs per year. napoleon was preparing for a campaign to the east. by
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the beginning of 1812, napoleon mobilized more than 440 thousand people to invade the russian empire. the grand army included the french, austrians, germans, italians, poles, spaniards, portuguese. in addition, bonoparte had significant reserves of up to 220 thousand people in european garrisons and about 100,000 national guards. at the same time, russia is at the beginning. alexander recalled the meeting on the neman. then napoleon remained fully confident that the russian emperor could not resist his charms. alexander did not dissuade bonoparte. for what? even then, 5 years ago, he foresaw that they would have
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documents about the deployment of russian troops to french intelligence officers. it followed from them that the russian army was going to give napoleon a battle in the border areas. the french general staff planned its own strategy based on these data. police officials insisted on chernashov’s speedy departure. they feared that in his hands the latest information about the movements of the imperial guard will be received. no one yet knew that 3 days before, alexander ivanovich personally met with his agent michel and asked him for a farewell favor. having received the list of documents, the russian resident took a voluminous briefcase with deployment plans to russia. bonaparte's great army, when this became clear, an order was given by air telegraph to arrest chernoshov, but he had already crossed the border of the russian empire.
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alexander chernyshov will take part in a foreign campaign against napoleonic france, in 1814 the winner will enter paris. subsequently, he would rise to the rank of general and head the war ministry for a quarter of a century. by april 1812 , construction of fortified camps began near kiev and vitebsk. warehouses with weapons, provisions and horse feed were created in the cities. at headquarters , officers marked on maps the places of crossings of nachlegs. vans and loads were moving along the roads. ammunition, and the russian emperor went to velno to the location of the army. halfway there, alexander made a short stop.
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he liked to ride alone without an entourage, it was calming and allowed him to collect his thoughts. receiving a tired traveler, dressed in civilian dress and rich. the landowner was completely fascinated by the guest, but did not recognize him as the sovereign. while the hostess was preparing a simple treat, alexander enjoyed the peace and quiet. it was as if he was trying to absorb everything that surrounded him. and this blue peaceful sky, and the distant voices of village children, the aromas of the summer garden. in a few days,
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napoleon's great army will cross the russian border. a war will begin that will bring untold disasters upon the country. will test your strength more than once. endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity is carried out in our program, we will see everything on the screen, this is the most modern ent method of examining a patient and of course we will tell you a lot of important interesting things, because the program is to live healthy, educates, helps,
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tomorrow on the first day, oleg and yana love each other and are about to get married, suddenly oleg finds out that his beloved girl cheated on him with a foreign... businessman. yana leaves for finland, without saying that she was expecting a child from oleg. 10 years later, she suddenly returns to russia and tells oleg about her son. after yana's divorce. with her husband, the finnish guardianship authorities, under a far-fetched pretext , take the boy away from her and send her to a foster family. yana is desperate and oleg agrees to help her get her son back. one chance for three, premiere. tomorrow, after the program time. on the night of june 23-24, 1812, the army.
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realizing that a military clash was inevitable, alexander i sought to gain time. he sent to the french emperor messenger. with a proposal to start negotiations, provided that the enemy army leaves russia. anticipating a quick victory, napoleon refused. only he himself can set the conditions. he didn't even imagine what he would have to face.
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this was not the first time that enemy hordes invaded russian territory. in such years , the division into an army of people disappeared. to repel the invaders, all segments of the population united, there were no observers left in these warriors, everyone became their participant, and therefore these warriors were called domestic, people's, and also sacred, just such a war began in june 1812. just as russia did not expect a war with napoleon, the news of the invasion
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took society by surprise. some of the emperor's associates, fearing defeat, advocated signing peace. even his mother , empress maria feodorovna, advised her son to bow before his irresistible fate, but alexander declared: “i will not lay down my arms until not a single enemy warrior remains in my kingdom.” his order for the army was read out to the troops, no need to remind me to our leaders, commanders and warriors about their debts and courage, the blood of the slavs, loud with victories, flows into them from ancient times, wars, you defend faith, fatherland, freedom, i am with you as a beginner god.
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russian military forces were concentrated in the west of the country. the first western army, under the command of michael barclay de tolly, was located between the cities of rossiena and lida. second western army, commanded by between the neman and buk rivers. both of these armies covered the route to st. petersburg and moscow. however, the forces were unequal. 420 thousand napoleonic troops against 170,000 russians. the third western army, led by alexander tormasov, concentrated near lutsk. it was supposed to repel the advance of the austrian corps, which was part of the army of the french emperor. napoleon
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relied on a plan, proven in wars with the western powers, to defeat the russians in a pitched battle and impose his terms of peace. according to his calculations, the company should have taken no more than 5 weeks. meanwhile, the armies of barclayad tolly and bagration began to retreat. the watermen hoped to lure the enemy deep into the country, exhaust him with a difficult campaign and weaken him. however, in june 1812, no one could know how events would turn out. it was necessary to provide for the worst options, although in the first days of the war alexander
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saw himself as the head of the russian army, he understood that he would not become a great military leader. the emperor remembered the shame of the australasian and soberly assessed his strength, so he listened to the advice of his closest aides and left the army. the responsibilities of commander-in-chief were assigned to general and secretary of war barclay. the thought that enemy troops are occupying russian cities right now, it seemed so wild that society did not immediately realize the scale of the disaster. for a whole century russia has not known military intervention. at first, many reassured themselves that this was not happening to us, the war was
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somewhere far away. the hesitation was put to an end by the arrival of emperor alexander to moscow, where he sent. straight from the army. the ringing of bells merged with the joyful homan. the royal carriage was surrounded by hundreds of people, merchants, townspeople, and artisans. everyone strived for at least a glimpse see the emperor. when he accidentally dropped a handkerchief on the pavement, they tore it into pieces to bring it in as a souvenir as a shrine. such sincere feelings shocked alexander. although he was not destined to lead an army into battle, the emperor had an equally important role: to unite the nation against the impending threat. in
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the slobodsky palace, in the presence of the moscow nobility, the emperor described the danger of the situation. the misfortune was common; neither nobility nor wealth could protect against it. the tsar called for help to the fatherland with money, weapons, labor, service. he called his subjects into the ranks of the russian army to protect the homes, wives and children of everyone. this performance left no doubt. the war, which began far on the western border, was entering. into every home, from now on the war became a people's war, it became a domestic war. the primary task was the formation of new military
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units, their armament, deception and , most importantly, training. this was required. time and serious financial investment. the noble merchant assemblies announced the collection of funds, the estates were sent to army of food, horses, carts, carts. horse-drawn transport remained the main means of transportation. in addition to regular units, militia units emerged. the people's militia was formed from peasants and city residents. there were not enough weapons, and therefore the militias were armed with pikes and axes. in the active army, commanders sometimes did not know what to do with this unarmed and untrained army. the militias usually did not participate in battles; they were auxiliary workers, orderlies, and cooks. during the war, about
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400,000 people, despite the fact that the total number of regular troops who went through the war was 600,000 soldiers and... officers, my russian will say, yes, and we are united forever, like the sun, air and water, all together, the most russian will miss the sad soul, and let my heart ache for those whom i do not ask to breathe and believe the wounded.
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let's listen to this silence and breathe in the mountain air deeply. we are in the kislovodsk national park, this is the main park of our country. we are in a place where there are only narzans all around, the usefulness of this narzan to everyone well-known, gives a different taste to an ordinary dish. we will visit the avatar rocks, and of course, we will drive along... that very beautiful road where you can literally see elbrus on the palms of your hands. let's go, premiere. on
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saturday, on the first. having learned about napoleon's invasion, mikhail ilarionovich kutuzov began to prepare for the capital. it’s too late for him to fight, he’s 66 years old, after all, and no one is calling him. but service is service. “maybe his talents as a diplomat will come in handy, having arrived in st. petersburg, kutuzov felt like a failure, the army was commanded by young generals whom he trusted emperor, but there was no talk of diplomacy, for several days kutuzov was overcome by gloomy thoughts, whether he should return back to his estate, suddenly a letter. the st. petersburg assembly of nobles elected him as their chief,
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the ensuing defeat became the main reason for kutuzov's removal. meanwhile, napoleon's army was steadily advancing east. on july 8 the enemy took mogilev on july 16 vitebsk. boishi with varying success, but russian troops. continued to retreat, leaving behind devastated cities and villages. as the russian army retreated , dissatisfaction with barclay datolly grew. both troops and civilians associated the idea of retreating into the wilderness of russia with the name of the minister of war. some reproached him for lack of ability, others for cowardice and even treason. of course, there was no basis for such accusations, but there was an emperor. obliged to respond sensitively to public mood, the time has come to appoint a new commander-in-chief, but who
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replace barclay, to whom the army and the country are ready to entrust their fate without hesitation. the emperor was dryly polite. the extraordinary committee appoints you as the head of the russian army, such is the will of russian society. kutuzov read the hidden one. the sovereign, that is, not mine, but mikhail ilarionovich was worried about something else: will he cope with this test? until now, no one has yet managed to defeat napoleon, kutuzov was brought out of his deep reverie by the emperor’s question, so can you stop the enemy? here i weighed my strength once again: i can do it if smolensk is not taken. occupying
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european cities, napoleon was accustomed to the obedience of the civilian population. the most terrible thing was the ominous, dead silence, no women’s laughter spread throughout the area, no children’s voices rang, it was as if the soul had been taken out of the familiar world, here was mikhail ilorionovich.
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i met the courier with a report to the emperor and quickly leafed through the papers. the news was not good. the armies of barkl and bagration united near smolensk, but the city was abandoned after a three-day battle. this means that the path to moscow is open to napoleon. together with the army, he went deep into the country a huge number of refugees, residents of moscow began to move to nizhny novgorod, yaroslavl, ryazan, often heading to their relatives, but those who did not have them also found a warm welcome in the provinces, new lands were allocated for the peasants, government agencies, noble merchant assemblies , orthodox monasteries collected
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getting closer and closer to moscow. moscow military governor fyodor rastopchin distributed propaganda leaflets and posters among residents, where napoleon was portrayed as a powerless little peasant, and french soldiers as dwarfs and talkers. once you hit, the trail disappears and so does the spirit. rastopchin’s posters remained in history as one of the first examples of military-patriotic propaganda, but the voice of the clergy remained much more significant for the people; the priests in their sermons inspired fearlessness in the people on the battlefields under bullets, they admonished the dying, and
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sometimes carried soldiers into the attack, standing in front of the regiment with a cross and... in august 1812, in the vicinity of the village of borodino , the smolensk icon of the mother of god was carried out to the troops who had approached there. kutuza always sought to avoid unnecessary casualties. but now was a special case. if he continues to retreat, neither the king, nor the army, nor the people will understand him. thousands of voices echoed
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the words of prayer to the regimental priests. god bless you people. yours and bless your inheritance, granting victory over the opposition. here at the last on the approaches to moscow, kutuzov decided to give the enemy a battle, a battle that the country expected from him. around 60 am, more than 100 french guns
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opened fire, signaling the start of the attack. the main attack of the french was aimed at the left flank. meanwhile, the old smolensk road was defended by the corps of general nikolai tuchkov. the roar of explosions and the whistling of bullets did not stop for a minute. it turned out that the earth was shaking underfoot, unable to bear the weight of the battle. trying to recapture the utitsky kurgan from the enemy, tuchkov was mortally wounded in the chest. at 11 o'clock in the morning
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from the front and were marked with flags; military police and militia were responsible for delivering the wounded; military doctors worked here, who had a set of first aid equipment. medical care, tourniquets, lint, thread. from linen fabric, which replaced cotton wool, lancets, amputation knives and saws. the only means of anesthesia were vodka and red wine; early healing was done with olive or sunflower oil. vinegar was used to stop bleeding. with a huge influx of wounded , there was not enough medical personnel; thousands of people simply did not have time to receive proper care. adding to the death toll. during the battle of borodino , about 6.00 people were killed or wounded every hour. french army
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lost about 25% of its composition. russian - about 30%. a significant part of the victims remained unburied until the spring of 1813. according to historians, he was buried on the borodino field. from 48 to 50 thousand people. the battle of borodino was the largest battle ever known. history until that day. despite the loss of key heights, russian troops held the line of defense and retained their combat effectiveness. both commanders-in-chief declared themselves victors, but neither side achieved its goal. napoleon failed to defeat the russian army, and kutuzov was forced to continue the retreat all the way to moscow. in the village of fili, in a peasant hut,
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kutuzov gathered a military council to decide the question that worried everyone: should napoleon give another battle, or leave moscow without a fight? there was no unity among the generals; the final word remained with the commander-in-chief. realizing that the army did not have time to recover, kutuzov made the most difficult decision in his life, to retreat. and to those who continued to doubt, he said that with the loss of moscow, russia was not lost.
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the emperor expected from the commander-in-chief rapportov, sent him letters, demanded explanations, but he remained silent; when the news of the surrender of moscow arrived, st. petersburg was gripped by panic. even members of the royal family hastily collected the essentials and packed their carriages to flee the capital. alexander also found his mother, the dowager empress maria feodorovna, doing this activity. and then the sovereign raised his voice. your majesty, i, like a son, begged you to stay.
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now i, as an emperor, demand this, 100 reasons, watch the guide, the game, the engine, somewhere in this world, where it is always frosty, they are rubbing bear's back, should we be sad, we don't care, we don't care, let us be afraid, it's a pity. who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, konstantin! first of all, they were traitors, they were bright, kind people who loved their country, they were.
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we decided, let us show it the way it was, the prose, the theme, of course, it is grandiose, a big story, the decembrists, the union of salvation, today is on the first page. on september 2 , 1812, following the retreating russian army, the first french detachment entered moscow. napoleon stood at dorogomilovskaya for more than an hour outposts he said that a delegation of muscovites
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would present him with the keys to the city, as had previously happened in european capitals, but no one showed up. after waiting for a day, the french emperor spent the night in one of the taverns near moscow, and to the sounds of the marseillaise, he entered the kremlin. by this time , fires were already burning in moscow. on the night of september 2-3, the fire engulfed. several wooden houses in different parts of the city; the next day, on the banks of the moscow river, bread stores went up in flames, an ammunition depot exploded on fire.
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everything that was of the slightest value, napoleon looked at the fire and repeated what a terrible sight, so many palaces, what an incredible decision, what kind of people are these scythians, the fire intensified so much that the french emperor...... had to leave the kremlin and move to the petrovsky palace. historians are still arguing about the causes of the moscow fires. it is possible that some of the arson was committed by muscovites themselves, but in an environment of chaos and unrest
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, accidental fires could occur. in 3 days, 3/4 of the wooden buildings in moscow burned down. on suspicion of arson french a military court sentenced him to death. napoleon proposed to start peace negotiations, his inner circle begged the emperor to agree, and he firmly kept his word, as long as enemy troops were within russia, there would be no thieves to isolate themselves. even the demands, the sovereign locked himself in his office and spent time reading the bible, he did everything that depended on him, now he can only rely on the will of execution and the talents of the commander-in-chief.
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kutuza increasingly noticed that ordinary soldiers were looking at him with reproach, and the generals whispering behind his back. in one of the villages near moscow, the field marshal was surrounded by peasants. what will happen now? we gave moscow to napoleon, are we really going to hand all of russia over to platters? kutuzov explained. napoleon is a stormy stream that we cannot yet stop; moscow will be a sponge that will suck it up.
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all doubts about the authority of the commander-in-chief disappeared when his plan became clear. having made a flank movement from ryazan to the old kaluga road, kutuzov blocked the enemy’s path from moscow to the southern regions, the rich food. all that remained was to wait to see what napoleon would do. the hanging pause lasted for a week or two. during this time , the russian army received a long-awaited respite. and serious reinforcements. after the arrival of reserves, its composition increased from 60 to 97 thousand, not counting the militia and more than 20 thousand cossacks. and anarchy reigned in moscow. napoleon took measures to maintain
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discipline, but the soldiers continued their looting and violence against the remaining inhabitants. food supplies were melting, foraging detachments. drove around the neighborhood in search of bread, oats and hay, but everywhere they met resistance from the partisans. to crowd, to disturb, torment, to tear out what is within one’s power, and to burn with small fire the enemy is insane and relentless. this is how the poet and officer, the most famous of the russian partisans, denis vasilyevich davidov, defined the tasks of flying or mobile partisan detachments. the first partisan detachments, consisting of army cavalrymen and cossacks, were organized by the russian command, but received complete independence in their actions.
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or in the evening twilight, except for the head of the detachment, none of the partisans knew directions and goals of movement, so as not to give this information to the french in case of capture. local peasants became the right-handers, and they warned of the approach of the enemy. according to napoleon, his army lost more people during the entire period of harvesting forage than on the battlefield.
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leave moscow, and french sappers laid mines under the kremlin walls. napoleon wrote to his wife: i left moscow, ordering the kremlin to be blown up. kutuzov did not sleep. as soon as the officer began his report, the field marshal interrupted him. just say, he leaves, he runs napoleon. having learned that the french units began to leave. to moscow, kutuzov fell to his knees in front of the icon, in just a minute russia was saved.
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stables and slaughterhouses. the occupiers installed smelting furnaces right in the churches to melt down gold and silver utensils and frames. in the assumption cathedral of the kremlin there were broken images and relics of saints are scattered, and tombs are filled with sewage. the enemy's retreat was accompanied by numerous war crimes, massacres of russian prisoners of war, reprisals against local residents, and looting, the more fierce the resistance became. people's squads were created in the villages, seeing the approach of the moroders, the peasants rushed to attack with pitchforks, knives, stakes, hunting rifles, those who were captured... often faced a terrible fate. the hatred of the occupiers was so strong that prisoners were sometimes
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they were subjected to painful torture, burned, buried alive in the ground. at the same time , there are many cases where peasants , out of mercy, gave shelter to french wounded or deserters. with us, if a guest comes unexpectedly, they will not keep him in the hallway, finding out why he came without an invitation. we have... vasily oshchepkov is invited to replace us for the friendly match. but now there is a
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more interesting enemy. and who are the germans? the legend of samba premieres on friday on the first. we wish all athletes good luck and may the best one win. vampire ball, razmari's child, a few more titillating nerfophiles made this man's name known throughout the world. my first film not made in poland was called
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disgust. he did a lot to strengthen my sense of joy in work. i study the philosophy of language, the philosophy of rhythm and the philosophy of plasticity. matador on friday on the first. with the onset of autumn the weather deteriorated sharply. first there were torrential rains, washing out the roads, and frosts hit in november. during
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half a century of military service, kutuzov saw a lot, but this is the first time, a road dotted with frozen corpses, hundreds of soldiers who have lost their human appearance, fights for a piece of horse meat, he sees, napoleon, that’s who brought them here, he only has to answer to god, in whom he does not believe,
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reading the report of the commander-in-chief, the temptation was great, but alexander suppressed his ambition, let the one who is more worthy of them reap the laurels than me. the emperor demanded from kutuzov the complete defeat of the enemy, but the commander-in-chief did not see the point in a new general battle; the grueling transitions were no less difficult for the russians, than the enemy, there were many sick and lagging
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behind the army, kutuzov took care of soldiers’ lives and allowed the troops to stop for a long time. the distance between the armies increased, and although additional troops began to arrive on the enemy flanks, napoleon managed to avoid encirclement. on november 14, under a hail of russian bullets and cannonballs, the french began crossing the berezina river. one of the bridges collapsed. about 40,000 french did not manage to move to the right bank. they were crushed by horses.
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destruction of ancient cities, including moscow and smolensk, direct military losses amounted to at least 150 thousand dead, and at least as many wounded. the number of civilian casualties was no less large, but cannot be accurately calculated. during the russian campaign, napoleon lost more than 1,200 guns, 167 horses, according to some estimates, up to 400 thousand people, that is, 90% of the personnel . most of them died from disease, frostbite and starvation. prisoners of war, from 100 to 200 thousand people, were assigned to economic work, and after 2 years they were given the right to find work and move freely. in the city of vilna,
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a gun salute was given in honor of the expulsion of the french. alexander was proudly told that they were firing from the guns captured from the enemy. when the orchestra began to play, the sovereign presented the commander-in-chief with a sign of the highest recognition, a golden sword decorated with diamonds. but the russian emperor was uneasy in his soul; he already knew that napoleon had announced early recruitment and was preparing for
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new battles, while the celebration continued between alexander and tuzov... a dispute flared up. the commander-in-chief at first did not want to transfer the war to european territory, but the emperor was convincing. if you want a reliable peace, you need to sign it in paris. only a month after the expulsion of napoleon, the russian army was under the command of mikhail. illarionovich kutuzova went on a trip abroad. field marshal i couldn't live to see it finish. in april 1813, he fell ill and died in the prussian
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town of bonslau. at that time, prussia had already joined the new sixth anti-napoleonic coalition. later england, austria, sweden, saxony, and bavaria joined it. hostilities culminated in october 1813 near leipzig, a four-day battle, one of the largest in the 19th century, called the battle of the nations. having been defeated, napoleon retreated with the remnants of his army to french territory. allied troops continued to pursue him. in march 1814 they entered paris. the french emperor signed his abdication, after which he was sent into honorable exile on the island of elba in the mediterranean sea. in
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the parisian salons there was only talk about the russian tsar. having entered the city, alexander refused. subject the defeated people to additional humiliation. he did not accept the keys to the capital, saved louver from plunder, and forbade blowing up the bridge. through the hay. his calmness and nobility aroused the admiration of ladies and the respect of men. and by his actions and his appearance alone, he exuded generosity and humility, unlike napoleon, who put his will above all else and brought the people not peace, but war and death.
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after the exile to elba, napoleon's military and political career did not end. on march 1 , 1815, the former emperor with a detachment of loyal soldiers landed on french territory, marched victoriously to paris and regained power. on june 18, near the belgian village of weterloo, napoleon's army entered... five days later, he signed a new abdication and was sent to the island saint helena in the south atlantic ocean, where he died in 1821. the post-war structure of europe was determined at the congress of vienna. its final document
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established the principle. during the years of his reign , the territory of the empire expanded noticeably; finland, bessarabia, western and eastern georgia became russian subjects. during the congress of vienna, alexander managed to achieve the annexation of the kingdom of poland with its capital in warsaw to russia. after the end of the congress in september 1815, on the initiative of the russian emperor, it was created sacred union, an informal association of european monarchs based on christian principles. through the efforts of alexander i, russian politicians, diplomats and military leaders, the russian empire took a leading place in the european political sphere.
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arena and in subsequent decades, not a single international issue was resolved without the participation of russia. the emperor was still young and full of strength. he was adored abroad and admired at home. but inside him, it was as if something had broken. alexander practically moved away from the state. devoted more and more time religious conversations, as if wanting to make up for lost years, he reconciled and became close to his wife again when i... council
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alekseevna fell ill with czech fever, the doctors advised her to change the climate. the royal couple went to taganrok. before leaving, the emperor visited the alexander nevsky lavra. he prayed for a long time. a cold caught during the trip developed into a fever; alexander refused treatment for a long time, believing that his body
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that art is merciless, well, there will be a recruitment again in the fall, well, well then, perhaps lida. how long have you been skating? since i was eight years old, what about you? from five. do you see? so after all, i have ballet ice is not just a dance, it is work. i know, i don't understand. a ballerina, while performing a number, loses exactly as much weight as she hammers during a shift. so i only have 47 kg. but all the same, you need to train, and in the summer, but where will i train when we don’t have ice in poltava in the summer, well, i, well, buy yourself a roller skate, you skates, train on the asphalt, on the asphalt?
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what a cute plant, yes, but what? please allow me to save! since you are on wheels, you should know the rules of the road, why you are driving along the axial, and maybe i’m just looking for it, this center line in my life? i wonder where you are headed? to the north pole? it's a pity it's not on the way,
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the beauty is, you don’t get tired of the same thing every day , just imagine, yalto, carpathians, gardens, vinitsa, golden grains of the poltava region, today here, tomorrow there, eternal movement, song of wheels, song of sirens, no victims? judging by the beginning, there will be victims, again a girl, oh you tramp, if only a little more, i don’t know , you understand, i wanted to get through, misfortune, let me go, listen, my friend, i have
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jet speed and people, you need to understand, in places, comrade, in places, but i have art, that’s what you call art, i have an urgent cargo, everyone it will also indicate what it is, who is the stelka, who is the stelka, you would be stuffed like that on the asphalt i wouldn’t let you in, clear the road.
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and i see you desperate, oh, you don’t know me yet, in fact, koshevoy, slava, good evening, why, lyudmila, good evening, and this is my partner, rook, valerik, hello, actually my grandmother forbade me to meet with strangers, but what dad said was nothing. he’s building a factory in india, an assembler, oh, and what are you doing on roller skates straight to india, you can’t go far on them, but i see you’re striving far, oh, if only all dreams came true, you wanted a lot, not quite a little, at first i dreamed to become a tv announcer, it didn’t work out that way
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in the competition, something with diction, and then i dreamed of being on the tu-104, it didn’t work out, but in the fall. i’ll go to ice ballet, look for a spectacular profession, but i love everything beautiful, then you have a lot of choice, you’re fashion models, haven’t you tried to get a job? and what 's wrong with that? nothing bad, walk around the stand, show off your figure, no responsibility, showy, stop the bus, why? stop, otherwise i'll jump! but what's next for you? nothing, i'm here! i’ll go out, there ’s no need for change, with such a character nothing will come of you, no, it will work out, keep in mind, it is not the person who paints the place, but the person who paints the place,
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shevchenko, straight, you, of course, with syrup, yes, oh, no, no, no, oh, no, mom, you are a tour guide, yes, tourist cars, yes, but what actually attracts you, the highway, the carpathians, yalda , the gardens of vinnitsa, the golden bread of the poltava region, yes, it’s really good, but you ’re sitting here in the office,
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no, dear girl. “this job is not for you, why is it not for me, please, what is it, an autobiography, well, i was born, i studied, a certificate of maturity, and this is a certificate, good evening, that she has talent, bobiy is on the line, what is happening, comrade bobiy, i was left alone again, and what happened, manas, pecha, but wait,
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gas station attendant petrenko, the one you sent ran away again, worse, she got married. it’s funny for you there, but i won’t live to see retirement from these things, send some beauties to the gas station, well, call me later, panas petrovich, i’m equipping the convoy. yes, this is indeed the situation, instead of gasoline we supply the route with brides, at the guarantee column, girl, and listen, girl, gas station attendants, let's go, what is this? go, countrywoman, go.
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well, you have condescension towards female weakness, and beer is also female weakness, liver, where is the liver, you have a short memory, panas petrovich, about the liver, that’s right. i ate a bunch, plannichek rokhneda karpovna, i am the person inspecting the buffet, and you are the person inspecting and no panic, you see, i’ve been making mistakes all my life, so i’m learning from it, who cares, but to me , here’s the direction, little fish, and you’re my beauty, gas station, model 1954,
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1954 model, automatic from 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and so on up to 100 l, turn it on here, the machine starts working, watch counter, go to the office, write it down. you write it out, you mark it, you go. you receive money, you go, you count, you fix it, you tear it off, you put a stamp, you go, you turn it off,
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that’s it, that’s it. great wisdom, right, but if you delay the movement for even a minute, you will create a traffic jam, where you are heading, a small microbe. where is this damn gas station attendant, and i don’t know where this car’s tank is, what do you want the stick to turn sour, but don’t worry, i, i ’m filling you up, you fill up the empty ones
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get anything at all, well, you’re a bitch, no, then you’re a bitch, please stop by! there’s a little thing here, who’s the little thing, what else, comrade driver, senior road lieutenant, documents, please, now. bear, alexander efimovich, they entrusted you with a great car, yes, a first-class driver, be rude, no, i’m not saying, no, yes, and i’m trying to get a phd, they’re getting smarter.
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lyudmila, come here, why, how many liters did you take away, but 370, i warned you, well, little fish, we’ll calculate it, now you have salaries according to the instructions, you can’t cry... you can’t block the stache, here so, good morning, comrades, have you prepared everything for the lesson? okay, stand up, step, one, two.
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freer movement of hands. extending your arms to the side. on two counts, extending your arms to the sides, you will inhale. for the next two counts, bending your arms, you... and rollers, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend your arms at the elbows, when you arrive, palms down, get ready, exhale, straighten your arms
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to the sides, squeeze your finger, i’ll leave, so what? who will pay for the shortage of 370 liters of fuel, panas petrovich, i will send a loan from grandma, grandma, who will help grandma? well... okay, i ’ll work for a long time, i’ll still leave, i’ll leave, i’ll leave, just like you were released, back, good rest, good rest, home, i hope to win, i’ll come to you, on a hot meal. eh, andryusha, should we be sad, don’t hide the harmonics, play in every key, 333 with a new note for
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zakhata 333, we want to know the joy of life, we friends have nothing to be sad about, a product of the stellor group, we didn’t expect this, they didn’t expect it, a certain victor louis, citizen of the ussr. “we led him, an unremarkable figure, never, nothing, nowhere, a journalist, the unofficial voice of the kremlin during the times of leonid brezhnev. i read your sensational material about
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the change of russian leadership, it’s amazing, what kind of connections do you have there in the kremlin? my neighbor works in the kremlin , janitor, a mystery man behind the most notorious events of the era. yes, who will print them, the memories are mine, are you, well, no one here." but i could transport them to the west, there they will be torn away with their hands, people have the right to know the truth, the only legal soviet millionaire, for everything this will have to be paid someday, but i have already paid, an informed source in moscow, on saturday at the first, they will kill him there, you will be to blame for this, the security of the country is worth one person,
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you and i are trusted, panas petrovich, ku ku, attention, for rudeness on the track, to the road crew, i award a penalty kick, the goalkeeper is worried, attention, attention, shot, goal, applause, people in the stadiums are cheering, as expected, yes, now that means... i’ll check, you have a woman there, where? and lyudmila, gave her his room, temporarily, as they say, struck the young staff with care and attention, the young ones, again you rush, yes, to this beauty.
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so that i don’t live to see retirement, they’ll take me away. i understand, my dear, i understand why you were planning to run away, that’s right, run away from here, wherever you are. they look, lord, the melancholy is green in the summer, yellow in the fall, white in the winter, but what should i do, resign of my own free will, yes, they won’t let you go, but you work so hard that you get fired, so what can i do? that's pretty much according to the instructions
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what movie could i see you in, but smoking is prohibited, it doesn’t burn, but i have instructions, but well, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, and where, it goes there, but not there, in the trash can. i ask you, stop bossing me around, please refuel with my columbine, i won’t refuel your car, why else? and because the car is dirty, the driver doesn’t shave either, right? what are you, a sanitary inspector or something? they tell you to run the show, are you creating red tape? exactly red tape! complaint book, over there with the dispatcher, we are petrovich, rude! oh, and he's still offended, huh? yes, who should we take an example from, picture,
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