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tv   Gaidai-100  1TV  June 12, 2024 2:25pm-3:56pm MSK

2:25 pm
“yes, who should we take an example from, picture, always, please, be kind, just look at him, look, a movie worker drives along the highway, and what a car, what kind of car, what kind of driver, what is the car, come on , give me a cap, yes cap, the whole car stinks of gasoline, it’s called bringing beauty to the masses, it saves money on this beauty, and you, don’t be rude to the client, and i’ll be rude, quietly, properly rude according to the instructions "?
2:26 pm
you better think about your buffet, your napkins are literally worth their weight in gold, what a cultured, but it’s a shame to look, look, in the summer there are paper flowers, there’s not a fresh cucumber or tomato in the buffet, it’s just as if we don’t live in ukraine, your beer is always sour, it’s milky, but they’ve made holes, karpov’s rude woman, i’m going, remember there, not i know, i’ll give you an express.
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who’s in charge here, who’s in charge, i ask, it’s an inconvenience, my daughter, why doesn’t the radio say, it’s not good, let’s say a person went off, well, about his own business, but the bus is not good, it’s necessary. but for the sake of publicizing, that’s right, comrade, oh, excuse me, citizen, father, that’s right, we even have a microphone, but for some reason we don’t use it, in vain, my dream is to get a job as an announcer, an announcer, yeah, maybe you’ll try, with pleasure, well, well, grandma, this is an exercise for diction, i train every day, lay people, i asked you, citizen passengers , citizens, passengers, attention, the express bus departs on
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the route donetsk, kiev. fathers, who sent your bus, wait, wait, stop, stop, oh, you most respected shiner, what is this? will my things be stolen on the bus? hey, father, believe in god, and people if you don’t trust me, sit down, as soon as we catch up, this is great, great, i’m once again convinced of the greatness of the human soul, i’ll unwind, by god i’ll take off my hair, catch up with us, petrovich.
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what's the matter? palace of petra, what 's going on? even the priest, one might say, is a man behind the times who hurts our eyes, but is it really possible to work like that? and what do i care about gender, i ’ve been working at this gas station for 17 years except. gratitude , i had no punishments from petrovich, i don’t understand what else you’re missing, but look how we live, like in the stone age, no cinema, no tv, but the same taras himself could show pictures here, little fish, the driver arrived, filled up with gas, i remember his name, we need him, your cinema, theaters, well, yes, because we have no service, what about service, cultural service, what about fanas petrovich, well we should have nailed down a mailbox like this, i’m refueling the car, and the best man writes home at this time, first of all, fear...
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we won’t refuel the empty one, what are you stuck with, why not refuel, how why, because the cleaning people, they are air they carry, you know that we will release the walls of the newspaper. sand, we’ll put up a little carousel like this, and the carousel, sand, listen, the theater is at the microphone, maybe we’ll open the wedding palace for you, and why not, we’ll raise you first, with whom, with whom, where are the shares,
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a good little play, yes well, at every audit she doesn’t care, but if they got married, everything would work out, even in the buffet, no, no, no, no, like a nail in a tire, i agree, yes, here you go. thank you, go and buy a bottle of ink, a brush, watercolor paints and these buttons, yes buttons, velka, yes, the hard work we have as projectionists, day and night on wheels, cinema in the masses, money in the box office, well, as an activist. i beg your pardon, it fits, it fits, oh, color, eye, please, excuse me, i’m curious, what is
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the girl, what, what, dad, no, it’s just a directive issued, all arts workers should dress in fashion, then. then i dare to offer the groom a dozen seeds, he says on the wild side, and this is what i’m taking, i ask you. thank you, well, let’s not skimp on beauty,
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i’ll knock for you. i will knock for you, you are my garden, young, blossom like may, like youth, good bright hour, who is he, my hero, i’m waiting for him alone, i believe happiness will suddenly find us, i sprinkle the dawn on the flowers, i want. shimon, you are my garden, young, glorious, blossom, shade the clear sun, where you hang with happiness, i am alone, and spring is all in the rays,
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all in the arms, warms my joy, dreams will not come and bloom like flowers, i know a friend , i'll meet you soon, blooming, blue. happiness where you are, i will wait for you, you are mine, young one! as if may were dawning, the clear sun is in tennis, where you depend for happiness.
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how are you still driving? oh, it's you, hello! and i ’ve already been to yalta three times. what are you here for? stuck? on your advice, i got a job as a fashion model and am demonstrating the clothes of a gas station attendant. like here? well, you yourself said that it is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place? i don't understand anything. and i noticed this a long time ago.
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yes, but what about your dream? well, you see, i’m training, and in the fall i’ll take you to ballet. if i don’t live to see retirement, he’ll persuade me to take him away, so let me think, it was quiet, peaceful here, but now there’s no service, why is there no service, but because people from all over the highway are now coming to us to charge, noise, din, no napkins you'll stock up, oh, please, one more, dressed up,
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100 g, uh, a mug of beer, or better yet, a bottle of mineral, oh, mora. you want a head, watch, but here he is, by the way, the first on the don joan track, well, i told you, he’ll steal it , what are you talking about, dear friend? follow me, wait, wait, i’m telling you, wait, wait, you’re
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afanas petrovich, but it’s not necessary to register a regular client, with pleasure, please.
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arrived, i see, hey, girl, get the favor, come on, oh, not that one, not that one, hello, please tell me how
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it has changed, listen, 370 years at 2.80 digs, it will be 1036. 10 36 1 2 3 4 5 listen, excuse me, something happened like that, well , nothing, i understand, 1 2 3 4 5, you understand, this traffic police bothered me, well, the whole nervous system like that violated, 1 2 3 4 5 then a difficult flight, i didn’t sleep for two days, once 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 here 36 another 36, that’s where 10. 35, yeah, well, a penny will be yours, and i’ll have another 100 l refuel, and this is refuel yourself, well, here you go, no, the money goes where there, it’s like, just like that, refuel, throw the money into the cash register, self-service, trust.
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please tell me, afanas petrovich, that’s not... misha people, ballerina, come in, goodbye,
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fonad petrovich, and money, oh, money is good, a favor, yeah, here it is. yes, no, no, no, no, no, i can’t fire you, no, that is, how is it, why did i give you mascara, why did i attach a mailbox, here’s a report about a children’s rocking chair, you understand what i’m writing, after all, first, not a rocking chair, but a carousel, we said, a rocking chair, no, a carousel, a carousel, we said, a carousel, turn here today, turn up there tomorrow, i won’t fire you, no, actually, by what right... what right, but you don’t have any right, sir, why do you so want to get me out of here, and i also have nothing to do, well, here are the paper ones again, yes, you understand a lot about beauty, but no , i don’t care for you to live here, you, comrade, good evening, will have to work for two more weeks, and this is why, because, according to the instructions, you need
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to find a replacement, and i will forward your application to the authorities, that’s all, go, yes, like the sun, air and water all together, the most russian hip about my red soul, and let my heart hurt for those whom i don’t ask, breathe and believe with your chosen heart, this is my fight, for the last question, my pain, even
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if it’s bad, my pain, hello, big country, russia. i love russia for the people, because they are real. i love russia because it is my homeland.
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russian soul, broad soul, benevolent. my soul is russian, beloved, russia. dear citizens of our country, we wish you happiness, so that we will always be first and never take a second role, never and nowhere.
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complaint book, what for what? are required to produce upon request, well, come on, citizen, my dear, how are you feeling? it’s okay, the people here are good, i’m getting used to it, you see, i told you, are you kidding me, go, go, evgenia like that. the same feeling that there can be a feeling during working hours, let 's go, read, panas petrovich, read, read, dear, dear lyudmila
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vasilievna, since i saw you, i 've been exceeding the plan, i'll leave the rental because i'm in a hurry i’d rather use up the fuel and come to your gas station, taras, i’m telling you. be with me, dear bird of the people, moreover, i’ll look into koli eyes, black eyebrows eyes, koli, garno, garno beeches in steam-pali, seeing off the scene is clear across the river, the song of all ears. black blood, come
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to us more often, comrades, attention so many people, put yourself in your place, please, by god, this warbler will take this warbler away from the taraskin express train.
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and what is it, excuse me, it’s so fast that you can’t keep up with you, i bought it in kiev, so go on the asphalt, i’m falling, come on, i’ll give you a lesson, come here, i’m afraid, don’t be afraid, go, it’s not scary , well , turn around, well, so, hold on, well, hold on, hold on. the most important thing is to keep stand with your back straight like this, here are your legs together, let's do it together, well, then, oh, look, well, get up, don't be afraid, get up, keep your back, i'm telling you, well, i, myself and most importantly just like that, one, two, and don’t be afraid, push off with your feet, it’s all very simple, there’s nothing wrong with it, okay, okay, linochka, and most importantly taras. but it’s quiet, quiet, and what about the passengers
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, where are you dragging me, to ice ballet, i don’t want to go there, i’m bad at skating, they killed me, they killed me, and you don’t know how to skate, so that’s the last time i’ll see you on roller skates, okay, i’ll show you, i just don’t want to get involved with you, vacationer, but just wait, i ’ll remind you.
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yeah, this is the border of my district, the left bank of the vertoprashikha river, the bridge must be repaired by my neighbor, that is, the shovel, this is the border of my district, the right bank of the bertoprashikha river. my neighbor, comrade borsch, is obliged to repair the bridge. well, it turns out that the bridge is no one’s homeless, so write it down. and what do you actually want from this bridge, dear, a bridge is like a bridge, i ask you, you can make sure, here you go, i ask you, i ask you. if you want it big
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in fact, this bridge can stand for another thousand years, right? quite rightly, i ask you, i ask you, please, please, jump, i warned you, i warned you, row, row to my shore, my dear, row, to mine, to mine, just hold on. outfit for crushed stone on sand,
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that’s it. what is it, what’s the matter, and comrades drivers, comrades drivers, this is me, the gas station attendant, lyudmila, good evening, please look to the right, you see a distant forest there, we see, we see, there ’s sand and rubble in the quarry, and now look, please turn left, do you see the lane? we see, we see, there is an emergency bridge where fuel trucks are stuck, so if each of you makes at least one trip from the quarry to the bridge, then there will be gasoline and a bridge, you understand me, but i really ask you, outfits, yes there are outfits, here they are, there is no fuel tank, there will be fuel, fokonisi navrata will be found, come on guys, let
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’s run. well, okay, where did you put it, it’s without, that’s it, and you say the instructions, listen, it’s idle, you guessed it, but no, i ask the mileage, it’s idle, and you can see for yourself, oh, turn it off, please, turn left, it’s necessary, well, it’s just desperate. necessary, wait, wait, sashko, stop for a minute, hello,
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autotrez, comrade bobiy, gas station attendant, good evening, all the cars are being sent to...
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hello, lyuda, can i take you for a minute, please, hand me over there? come here , help me, hold me, i’ll drag it out, well, you haven’t had breakfast or something, well, oh, it’s you, me, what are you doing here, well, what, you see, i’m helping you, and i’m a gift to you i brought it, yes, yes, here it is. i’ll find admission to the ballet, yes, but what
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can’t be left for a minute, stop, stop, stop, unhook, stop, disgrace, huviga, stop, guys, stop, yes, i have to go on a flight, well, get up, get up, get up!
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it’s clear, comrade bobey, it will be done, comrade bobey. panas petrovich, lyudmila, good evening, they are summoning you to the trust regarding the issue of dismissal, like dismissal, for what? panas petrovich, for some reason i am being fired? really, for what? oh well, wait, we need to figure it out, nothing. sorted it out, let's go where we jumped, what a fool you are, as i can see,
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guys, on the cars, this is your statement, mine, well, it’s like... and now what, here’s a mountain of signals, who is writing anonymously, god willing last name there are complaints, but here you go, dear lyudmila, since i saw you, you have been like that light in the steppe on which i fly with hope. the book of complaints was turned into amur's mail, according to the instructions, the client demands,
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i have no right to refuse, in the entire book of complaints, not a single complaint, and we live, there were cars on the left, it was, and i would also send it if necessary for business, in general , fire me, wait, wait, girl, where are you going, it’s not a great honor to work at your gas station. and what, lyudmila, is not true, yes, because we only have talking about gasoline, there is gasoline, there is no gasoline, but not a word about people, that’s what you say, when the driver arrives, stand in line, please, why not tell him, hello, i wanted to refuel, please, paid the money, refueled , thank you, because he almost never hears such words on the highway, is it really so difficult, and if a person is tired, if he can’t drive anymore, then please, the car should be serviced, and the driver should take a shower, and during this time his suit would be cleaned , stroked him, he shaved, after all, it’s a kindergarten, shut up... panas petrovich, kindergarten, yes, but how many times do i ask him
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to make a playground, put up a little carousel like this, a rocking chair, a rocking chair, okay, a rocking chair, does it matter, well, maybe i’m saying something wrong, in general , dismiss everything, wait , wait, lyudmila, well , since you are such a fan of our highway, shouldn’t you enroll in a road transport institute, which faculty? i would like to enroll, well , if i go there to study, i would like to build gas stations, well , we don’t have such a faculty, but there should be one, ah i have to, yes, therefore it will be, then i’ll do it, what is this? and the defenders arrived, i was captivated. very good, but what should we
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do with your statement? should we break it? please, sit down, please, maybe to me, please, be kind, don’t pass by, lyudmila vasilievna with the wind, don’t refuse, hello, where, please come to me, please,
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kiev, no, what about ballet, what a girl doesn’t dream of dancing, and even in ballet on ice, well, you changed your dream, no, you just changed your dream, please come here, please, no, no, no, no, the queen is without tucks on the saddle, it’s not allowed, it’s not allowed, it’s not allowed.
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and quietly, the hardware engine, leonid gaidai, a unique director who gave... such heroes as a coward, a dunce, a joke, an experienced one, shurik, semyon semyonovich and many others. the replicas of his heroes have long been quoted and become truly popular. either i
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take her to the legislative office, or she takes me to the prosecutor. daddy, why are you shouting? so come on, don’t interfere, you will be cured, and you will also be cured, and i will be cured, the exam is always a holiday for me, professor, mistakes should not be made admit, they need to be washed off with blood, we will tell you how he created... truly cult films and what leonid gaidai was like in life. yuva, satire, it seems to me that in all times, under all governments,
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it is impossible to live without it. we will begin our story with the highest-grossing film by leonid gaidai. knyom, marga, let's begin. knyom. the film the diamond arm is one of the five best films in the entire history of soviet film distribution, it was watched by more than 76 million viewers, but the most important intrigue of this film remained behind the scenes, even before the start of filming, the directors ordered more than 20 scenes to be cut from the script, here are some of them, but what if it’s clear, then maybe it should be clear, let me at least try this.
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after which a serious man-to-man conversation took place between the director and the head of the state cinema commission, but if you cut it, then the picture will go, and you won’t cut it off on a shelf. lenya says, i’ll think about it, boss, everything is gone, everything is gone, the plaster is being removed, the client is leaving, i’ll kill him, he walked around so happy for 3 days, and says, i’ll cut everything off for the picture. this is not necessary at all, this, this trick. gaidai cut this scene and the film was released. born in the harsh northern latitudes, gaidai loved the sea and preferred to shoot his films in the southern latitudes. diamond hand is no exception. baku has become istanbul, a city of contrasts. of course,
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today you won’t even recognize this building, since it is already very difficult to find today, but everything looks like it.
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he ruined three takes, and guideto said: “stop, stop, stop, now there’s a 5-minute pause, and he called me over and said, so you just go now, and andrei won’t beat you, he’s passing by.” it will pass, and andrei said, hit it harder, well , the puppy went around to the side from here, i did not expect this, naturally, i was terribly upset, fell into the water, threw out, what are you uncle andrei, but this episode entered the picture, maxim, what are you doing, mommy?" "
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gaida trusted his actors, and he could call yuri nikolin at night to ask for advice on the scene he had just invented. he sometimes
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woke up and called me on the phone, especially when they were filming the caucasian captivity, the diamond hand. yur, what if the dunce takes it and tells me what, i say, i’m sleepy, i still can’t understand anything, well , i have to try something. well, and so on, and there was some kind of chorus and something like this, this or that, in the morning it became such an electric razor, this melody comes to me
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, this tatatam, i think, oh, this is what i need, here’s the chorus was gone, let us be afraid of the wolf and the owl. we have something to do at the most terrible hour, we are mowing the magic grass - i rushed to the car, showed him, it will be what i need, well, really, after that, no matter how many razors i tried, i couldn’t think of anything else, in dark blue forest where they tremble aspen trees, where foliage flies from the oak trees of the sorcerers, and grass in the clearing. at midnight they mowed, and at the same time they sang strange words, we don’t care,
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we don’t care, even if we are afraid of the wolf and the owl, we have business at the most terrible hour, we are mowing magic grass, and the oaks are sorcerers, something they whisper in... the fog near the filthy swamps, someone's shadows rise, the hares mow the grass, trample the grass in the clearing, and out of fear they sing a song faster and faster, but we don't care, we don't care, even if we are afraid of the wolf and the owl, that's the point we have at the most terrible hour, we mow down the magic... we chop the grass, we don’t care, we don’t care, we firmly believe in the ancient rumor,
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the one who... once a year at the most terrible hour bushes the grass, we don’t care, we don’t care, we will become braver and braver lion, if we get tired at least once in the most terrible hour, everything will come to us, there will be trampoes. we don’t care, we don’t care, we will become braver and braver than a lion, we will resist at least once in the most terrible hour, all the navasti will trend for us.
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for the scene of nikulin’s fall, a dummy was made from the trunk of a car hovering over the forest, an exact copy of yuri vladimirovich. this the doll almost played a cruel joke on the actor. all members of the film crew were accommodated at the horizon hotel in adler. in the basement of the building , a place was allocated for a costume room, where they kept nikulin gorbunkov’s double, made from papyrus.
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the actor died. the doll was thrown out of the moskvich's trunk from a height of 500 m. after that, despite efforts, the ill-fated dummy was never found. one can only hope that whoever came across the figure of the famous artist while walking in the forest had strong nerves. and now we will tell you about how the beloved
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trinity came into being. one day, in the attic of his parents' house, the director finds... an issue of the newspaper pravda, in which the filieton dog barbos is printed. the main characters are three poachers and their dog. it was then that gaida came up with the legendary trinity of soviet cinema. a dunce, a coward and a seasoned one. he comes down, all in snares, there’s an attic there. he says so happily, no worries, i wrote the script. and reads.
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the film premiered in 1961 at the moscow international film festival, the next day seryozha bandarchuk comes, and he lived in this house, so he brings this plate, well, this is a gold medal, and seryozha says: lenya, this is your first gold medal. nikulin, vitsin and margunov became one of the most popular actors in the country. you see, it’s no coincidence that lenya is like this, he seems to be a romantic, at the same time an eccentric, because both his father and his mother were people, well, non-standard, they were a little bit
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out of their depth. father gaidai job even before the revolution. in this harsh region he had a strong loving family and a house that he built with your own hands. okay, it’s still strong, not rotten yet. here are two plaques, one is my father’s, refer to the owner of the house, a name plaque. here he took pictures with his father, mother, brother, sister. he loved this place, he loved this house and... he loved to come here, he went here in high school, at this time in the winter, since the area here is so hilly, he got here from home to
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school on a homemade skate, one skate was sashin, and the other skate was lenin, sashin lay neatly, that’s all, and lenya dressed every day this little horse was going to school on one skate, oh, march, listen, should we be sad? and instead of lessons, lenya got into the habit of going to the cinema. after the session , he hid between the rows to once again see the film with the participation of his beloved charlie chaplin. leonid yovich always considered chaplina his teacher, in general it was egokun, but this is a well-known fact, and so he says: you don’t notice, but i adopted a lot from him, these gags, all these. little things, little things, there, in 10 minutes i guarantee you, thank you, we’ll get there in time to the canadian border, irkutsk - the best
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years of my life were spent there, childhood, youth, where i started working and entered the theater school. at the irkutsk regional drama theatre, graduated from it, worked as an actor, hello, professor, hello, what's wrong with you, your ear hurts, but this won't bother you, no, no, professor, don't worry, on the contrary, it helps, no noise distracts you from the exam, in 1949 he came to moscow to study further at... gaida enters the orgycs, but a year later he is expelled, he argues too much with the teachers defends his point of view too vigorously. what kind of repetition is this? call the police,
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where? i'm here, i'm here. it’s natural how you play, and the king is so typical, but gaidai is recovering and studying on the course of the famous soviet director.
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but i didn’t know this, this topic didn’t come up, we were busy with something else, he said that he was wounded in his leg. it hurt quite often, maybe she actually helped him, but there was no feeling that a person, as you said, a disabled person , couldn’t do it without a rope, probably, gaidai could talk about the tragedy of the war in his films, but having gone through his own suffering, he no longer wanted to see them even on the screen and turned them into ironic reprises, as they say, just in case of fire, take your own, did not hold a military weapon, but this is not a military weapon, it is loaded . well, what are you, history is happening in
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st. petersburg, here it dies, tomorrow everything will change, tell trubetskoy, if he doesn’t make up his mind, we will see for ourselves, in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. if it’s like in france, then everyone present here will hang, they won’t dare shoot at us, we didn’t spill not a drop of their vile blood, we are a match that will ignite everything and burn itself out.
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union of salvation, film premiere, watch after the program time. montechoca cognac, a product of stellor group. operation. why? hey, so no one guesses. in 1965 , gaidai's new comedy, operation and other adventures of shurik, was released. in it, for the first time , a new character appears, invented by gaidai in order to become famous as a trinity. lida, petya, sasha. lenin’s paintings are all from life, nothing invented there from somewhere above or below. really it’s simple: shurik is caring for lida.
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funny, sometimes ridiculous, but very touching. in the same way, gaida looked after his nina. korchikki, uh-huh. in fact, all these heroes, heroes with a plus sign, this is all a joke, of course, because that’s exactly what he was, embarrassed, stupid, so funny, sometimes, absurd in life, somehow sincere, infinitely kind, bright , bird, it’s a pity, i’m generally a human all the time.
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and at the same time it may be a little chemical, well, no big deal, and the people threw all three servings of shish kebab into the abyss, the abyss, but the trinity could have disappeared from the film not only because of criticism from the cultural council; having already returned from crimea after inspecting the filming sites, leonid gaidai said: “there will be no trinity, and kulin refused to act in film. it’s impossible to work, you are giving unrealistic plans.
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nikulina, promising that together with him he will rework the script and introduce a lot of interesting tricks into it. i downloaded it, and this is a song performed by yuri nikolin that has already become popular: what should we, sultans, do here, we need clarity on how many wives are just right, three or one, to a question like this , there is a simple answer, if i were
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the sultan would be single, very good, without a wife at all, much better with love. it’s very good without a wife at all, much better from any side, well, the abaregens say that... that this is nina’s staircase, but in any case it has changed, these iron railings on the left side were not there , the wall is clear, well, this this is the very staircase along which nina went down, this is where nina’s historical meeting with sakhov took place, as my niece, my
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niece, said frondily, and it was very pleasant, yes, very pleasant, when i was traveling from odessa to moscow, i i read the magazine soviet screen. and it was written there: the director gaidai, who is already very well known to the public for his films , after the extraordinary cross, the operation and other adventures of shurik, the moonshiners are starting to shoot a new film, the famous trinity will again star in this film, and alexander dimyanenko, in this film there will be starring frunzik makrychan, and vladimir abramavich edush, well, now the film crew is busy looking for the heroine, i thought, i wonder who will be...
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well, well, natasha came to my mind, and for me they said, he says, well, no, why, it’s not you, yes, it’s like a wife, but she should act in films for her husband, but i was already over 30, already nine with a beauty, i couldn’t act, the only thing from me they took - this name, nina, all their lives
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, gaidai seemed to wrap up his problems, adversities and sorrows in a bright, cheerful wrapper and offered to laugh at it. when he was taken into the army, he rode mongolian horses. and mongolian horses are very small, well, not donkeys, but a little taller, and lazy long, like this, yes, when he was sitting on a horse, then his legs were on the ground, they were laughing at him, and he somehow realized that it was funny, so he took a donkey so that shurik would ride on a donkey, so that it would be funny, so on against the backdrop of this mountain, from a slightly different... angle, shurik is following his folklore, the donkey stops, he meets a stopped car - with the driver edik, damn the day when... he sat behind the wheel of this vacuum cleaner, from another point, from there, along some path, which we
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can’t get to now, unfortunately, it descends my heroine nina, a donkey immediately follows her and a car drives, the donkey did not go, then they went to such an extreme method, which means, if you remember, i walk and wave a white handkerchief, and so in my hand i had a fishing line that tied me with the donkey, be... kind, slowly, i write down, when i gracefully waving a handkerchief passed the donkey, i made a sharp movement with my strong circus hand, which was unnoticed by the spectator, and the donkey followed me, then they began to give him these donkeys, then he bought some himself donkey, well, you see, he loved oswego, and in general he loved all his actors, sister included?
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an actor in general, that’s what’s interesting, what i liked about lena, he loved his actors so much, he simply adored them, you understand, he came when he said, oh, frunzik was amazing today, yuru was here or there today, he was worried and happy that this was how it would turn out, cinema really sometimes plays a cruel joke on actors, aspiring actress natalia varley wrote poetry and sang beautifully since childhood.
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the girl really wanted to sing the legendary song about bears herself, but things turned out differently. even before the end of filming, the song, which later became a super hit, was recorded by professional singer aida vedishcheva. the paradox is that aida didn’t even suspect. who sings for gaidai’s film, and even for the main character, invites me to good morning, editor guna golub, goida, i need to record a song, she came, they gave me a song, the song is simple, very simple, after half an hour everything was ready, she left, and somehow i especially didn’t think about what it was song, a week later guna calls me and says: congratulations, on what, well, what, here...
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the third melody was this song of a bear and sent this tape, they were already in alushta, and he answered me that well nothing, this is the third melody, but the people will not sing it, and i will invite bugarchanzhan, i wrote a statement, the music department there went to pirev, which means i submitted a statement that i was leaving the picture, just like that. the wise piryev tore up the letter and sent alexander zatsepin along with the poet leonid derbinev to alushta. you can say confrontation with the director. we flew there,
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yakul and whitson were sitting there, and they rehearsed there.
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it was heard on the radio before the film premiered. aida vedishcheva's record sold a million copies, and the song was heard literally everywhere. somewhere in this world, where there is always frost, bears rub their backs, and the earth's axis, centuries float past, they sleep under the ice of the sea,
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eight bears rub, the earth spins, the earth spins faster, the earth spins faster, they try to spin, twist pulling axis so that lovers can meet sooner, so that one morning, a year or two earlier, someone said... muta, the main words, the earth is spinning faster, the earth is spinning faster, the light is behind the spring light, the dawn will come earlier, and for
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your happy ones there are many, many. zornitsy will swell, roars will ring, the mind will swirl, white as a bear, somewhere on the white. light, where it is always frosty, the bears spin with their backs, and the earthly cart, centuries float past, the seas sleep, the bears rub, the earth spins, the earth holds fast,
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by the way, it was in the diamond hand that the mironov's debut as a singer. it is worth noting that leonid gaida did not intend to include the island of bad luck number in the film. he changed his mind only thanks to the advice of yuri nikulin, and not in vain, the song instantly became extremely popular. derbinev brought me poetry, there
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is this island of bad luck in the ocean. i read these verses, he says, what do you say, go ahead, maybe he’ll interject. song, in my opinion, it’s just a movie for him, i read it, i really liked the poems, i went to the mass film, showed it to the guy, he really liked it, he says, well, where am i footage fortunately, the footage was found, instead of a long dialogue between gesh and semyon semenovich , a musical fragment was inserted on deck, which went down in history; by the way, the staging of this number and the jazz improvisation were also the invention of mironov himself. leni was against this insertion, it kind of lengthens it, ta-ta-ta, but when he saw it, he showed it to him, and the authors also say, well, even if you didn’t see him, you really didn’t see how... he dances, well and lenik realized that it was like expensive grain, an island of bad luck, a demon covered with earth
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absolutely everything, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean. all covered with greenery, absolutely all, unhappy people live there, savages, terrible on the face, kind on the inside, terrible on the inside, good on the inside, unhappy people live there, savages, what don’t they do, things don’t go well, apparently their mother gave birth on monday, apparently on monday their mother gave birth, what they don’t do, things don’t go well, the crocodile doesn’t get caught, the coconut doesn’t grow, cries to god, they pray without sparing tears, cries to god, they pray without sparing tears, crocodiles don’t get caught,
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kogos is not growing, it seems they are not slackers and could live, they should take mondays and abolish them, they should take mondays and abolish them, it seems like they are not slackers and could live, like there is no calendar on the island, children's children are wasted in vain, children's services adults are wasted in vain on the damned island there is no calendar for such an occasion, since dawn the heavenly people have been crying and the poor are crying and cursing misfortune in the money world.
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the approval of such a serious dramatic actor as anatoly popanov for the role in this film was also not cloudless. pugovkin and satanovsky also auditioned for the role of the mechanic, but after the film, alive and dead, gaida treated papanov somehow in a special way and never regretted defending the actor’s candidacy on the artistic council. eyes, i’m not afraid, i have no right to disappear into obscurity, i can say that lenya adored him. anatoly
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dmidovich, why are you starring in something like that? and he says: you know, lenya, i started acting at the age of 40, and that was thanks to lady luck, and so that she wouldn’t turn away from me, i didn’t refuse anything. by the way, many are so memorable the episodic roles were not played by professional actors. apasha, can’t you find a light? this dubious element is not a bandit at all, much less an actor. on the eve of filming in a diamond hand, journalist leonid pleshakov came across igor kio, whom he already knew from work, in the editorial corridor. kyu, in turn, introduced pleshakov to nikulin, with whom he stopped by. on business to the newspaper. in the buffet over a cup of coffee, yuri vladimirovich asked a new acquaintance an extremely unexpected question: do you have hair on your chest? yes, he replied.
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stunned journalist. show. pleshakov unbuttoned his shirt and, just in case , prepared for some kind of circus trick to be played on him. it turned out that these were just auditions for the role of the bearded dilda. are you really not mine, or what? yes it is clear. the role of the representative of the oldest profession was not played by an actress either. an appetizing fat girl was accidentally spotted on the street, so the motor depot manager victoria ostrovskaya created an inimitable image of a priestess of love, i ended up there completely by accident, absolutely by accident, i at that time i worked as a dispatcher at a motor depot, sorting through a building, from where i was fired for rudeness, you can imagine, the drivers were shocked, what kind of curse word she came up with, can you imagine, completely
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by accident, i was walking down the street. suddenly, and i was all so red, painted like an indian on the warpath, these are the railways here, well, such a girl came from dnepropetrovsk, in general, just such a girl, yes, yes, a woman comes up to me and says: girl, excuse me, you are not an actress by chance, i say, by chance, yes, working at a car depot, in in general, she says, oh, how lucky i am, they did a photo test for me, look, “no, it suits me, she didn’t do anything at all, after a while we went to the city of baki, there they filmed this episode in 3 days, which was filmed in the old city, now they say that this place in baku is directly canonized, you can conduct
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excursions to the places where the film “the diamond hand” was filmed . when i was 10 years old, i starred in an episode in the film the diamond hand of gaidai we walked towards the family of semyon semyonovich. in something tokan, and the girl had the dress was white, on the front of the dress was the ephel tower. i had the same dress, only on the back there was the ostankino tower.
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take you to the cinema, i


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