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tv   Bolshaya kinopremera  1TV  June 12, 2024 9:35pm-12:06am MSK

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this icon never left the kremlin; the cross and refectory chambers were restored especially for the exhibition. the architecture of the building allowed the organizers to introduce additional meanings. here the phenomenal windows seem to have created a kind of portal, probably the usual museum walls, labyrinths, they do not so emphasize the very sacredness of the objects, and i wanted to create some kind of, you know, sarcophagus of time, the levitation of each of the objects emphasizes its sacredness, the uniqueness of this air, yes, when the most important thing is meeting a masterpiece. main the meaning behind...
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this foundation of the solid building of russian statehood. in addition to masterpieces of icon painting, the chambers display western european weapons and jewelry from the 11th to 12th centuries, which confirms the presence of the varangians on the suzdal land. shrines brought to us from byzantium and beyond. there are about 250 exhibits in total, each of which helps to dive even deeper into the history of our state. yuri sherbakov, vladimir grinevich, tatyana bakulina, kristina neznanova, channel one. in conclusion. about
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the big sporting event of the year in kazan the fifth brix games started today. thousands of athletes will compete for almost 400 sets of awards in 27 sports, including non-olympic ones, over 10 days. by the way, the representation is unprecedentedly wide. athletes from nearly a hundred countries will take part in the games. those who have already arrived in the capital of tatarstan appreciated the level of organization and hospitality. vladimir putin addressed the athletes and guests of the forum. games of countries. sports games under the auspices of our organization are an important part of a comprehensive political, economic and humanitarian interactions. the role of brix in world affairs is growing rapidly, so i am sure that the popularity and attractiveness of the games will also grow, as in a competition free from political interference and pressure, truly uniting athletes from all over the world, especially since... this year they
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are held in an open format, which means that the games will become another symbol of expanding intercultural dialogue, a significant contribution to strengthening the friendship of peoples and the fruitful interaction of states in the interests of people and overall development. i wish the athletes their to the mentors successful starts, bright victories, and to the spectators and fans bright and unforgettable impressions. the russian national team in most events is represented by stars of the first magnitude, winners, medalists of world championships and olympics, however, victory is not guaranteed for anyone, so the games promise to be hot. that's all, the broadcast will continue with a big film premiere, the union of salvation. but first, something else about our history, about the time in which strong and beautiful people and feelings, soviet love also lived.
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union film produced by channel 7 november in wide release a rare story in the language of cinema about the thirties valentina sirova - a dazzling theater and film star anatoly sirov - a hero pilot in splendor at the peak of glory konstantin simonov in the forty-first will write immortal lines: wait for me and i will return, a country that was reborn after revolution and chaos of civil war and people on whose shoulders new incredible trials will soon fall. real events at the heart of a fascinating story: the love of the soviet union. the film is ready, wait! attention! nos meilleurs éleves saluent votre
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majesté impériale. le meilleur. je suis le meilleur en arithmétique, en latin votre maj. c'est tout à fait juste. walter disait: la liberté c'est l'égalité de tous devant la loi. es-tu d'accord avec cela? non, votre majesté impériale, la liberté, c'est le pouvoir de choisir son destin. laisse-moi
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développer ton idée, avant de choisir son destin, il faut d'abord l'avoir rencontré. la liberté dont tu parles, est une chose très rare. oui, les romains disaient. "il suffit d'un seul homme libre pour que son peuple soit grand, alors nous les français, selon toi, sommes-nous un grand peuple, oui mais moi je suis russe, sergey mouravi av apostole est le fils de l'ambassadeur de russie, j'aurais aimé avoir un fils comme toi.
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muravyov, apostle sergei ivanovich, 29 years old, i remember you, in the semenovsky regiment, a nobleman brought up in a proticular boarding school in paris, single of the christian religion, greek rite, has not been to confession at the holy communion since 1821. from what? were you afraid to spill the beans about your plans? not what to worry about. and now? not now, so does that
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mean i should let you go? does that mean you are not guilty of anything? i do not understand you. it’s very easy for you to understand us, you are the same as us, no, there is a difference between the legitimate authorities and impostors who imagine themselves to be the saviors of the fatherland, there is no difference, explain, we don’t have right goals, our methods are criminal.
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this is impossible, we defeated napoleon, now everything is possible, prince, emperor, whatever, everything, yes, thank you for your service, i’m proud to
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serve in the same wahoo with you, hurray, me. order arrest your majesty, leave, victoria.
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what saved you? my madness was attributed to the parisian air, as is well known, spilled fiery will, but the north wind of my homeland cooled me down. so were you crazy or sincere? i was happy, sincerity. i would
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n't want to have a father like that, he wanted the whole world, and i want more. i love you, how flexible she is, is that true, gentlemen?
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on the first. cognac, monte shoca, product of stellar group. rom castro, a product of the stellar group. pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of steller group. cognac old barrel, product.
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inna makarova, why did you jump off like that forever? alexey batalov decided to start everything from the very beginning in the film. “my dear man, on sunday on the first,
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stand, wait, wait, wait, stand, he said, well, it was a bad idea that the soldiers, although...” beat schwartz, they pushed out the officers and do n’t let anyone in until they receive complaint against schwartz. i tried to talk to them, it's impossible. “we called the horse guards, gentlemen, they will restore order, we are the guard, we are order, aren’t these your soldiers they are rioting behind the wall, wait for the guards, where to run,
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sergei! there sergei ivanovich, come out, builder, come on, come on, come on, come on, leaf out! porch, stop, what are you doing, so, leave, leave everyone, i said, let go, leave, leave, i said, leave, leave,
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it's boom, what do you want, we want to sit down, i finished off the board, here's what i got for it , quietly, quietly, quietly, no, no, the sovereign is listed as our regiment, let him know about everything that is going on here, how we went to the bathhouse through the city without
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officers, we are building, remember? line up in company order and march to the fortress, let the whole city, let the whole garrison, let the sovereign himself know that you brought yourself to trial, and did not deprive the commander of his life, maybe then you will lead your nobility, no, guys, no, yourself, otherwise, give me a medal.
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suggest to his majesty that everything worked out, thank god, let the sovereign decide whether it worked out or not, russia defeated napoleon and by a few. set the goal of transforming russia, many of them were secret, in st. petersburg a group of guards officers formed a society called it the union of salvation.
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oh, just wait, mr. pesta, and now who can, with one hand behind his back, drink this glass. if i were you, i wouldn’t stand up for schwartz. andravich, please. i'm dangerous. schwartz is a bad commander, but he is a man, i don’t understand you. why doesn't the wine pour out? magic? witchcraft, if the soldiers in our regiment killed the commander, look, the sovereign would start thinking and start doing something, perhaps we should pour the wine into
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the saucers, although no, it won’t fit here, it’s cold, cold, now, thanks to your daring, everything everything worked out, and he can continue to travel around europe with a clear conscience and take part in parades, that there are no more hunters, maybe it’s good that you weren’t there, i’m watching, gentlemen, i’m giving up, to be honest, you’re a magician, oh, so, ah, hold it, hold it, hold it, yeah, it’s beautiful, bravo, seryozha, ah, well , you didn’t really know, i showed you what, i showed it to you, you’re oblivious.
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well, let it be, but it will be like in france, and although for me it’s generally better like in the american states, in france aristocrats were hanged from lanterns, if like in france, then everyone those present here are hanging, well, well, the prince, so in russia the aristocrats need to make a short revolution without much bloodshed, but still a revolution, mr. rayleev, a military revolution. and you in the south have turned into real yacabins, you were going to save russia, and now you want a revolution, so this is salvation, with one blow, cut down the top
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, take away power, happiness, a union of salvation, gentlemen, yes. the emperor is from russian self-deception and so on, so on, so on. colonel schwartz,
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fyodor efimovich, for failure to retain the regiment, which he commanded, was sentenced to death. for betrayal of the oath, violation of the military regulations, the lep guard semyonovsky regiment is disbanded. all officers should be dismissed from the guard and assigned to serve in units of the first second army in malarusia without the right to leave and retire. captain trubetskoy should be left in the guard and assigned to the general staff, because he was absent from the regiment during the criminal incident, given the colonel’s previous impeccable service. replace his death penalty with resignation without retention content, his majesty the all-russian emperor had a hand, help,
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gentlemen, fyodor ifimovich, your testimony, mikhail andrevich, the punishment is excessive, the soldiers repented, talk to the sovereign. the sovereign serves in your regiment, how can he now trust you, there is no justification for lawlessness, and by what law were we punished? the highest will is the law, accept your fate with honor.
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“the country is big, the people are dark, we will have to be broken or we will be broken, always and everywhere everything is decided by the minority, not the crowd, now the main thing is the first blow, it can and should be carried out here, there is enough strength, members of our society in st. petersburg believe that they will be ready to start in a year and a half, but we will start now, it will be easier for them to decide to act towards us." during the entire time of his reign and his majesty, he did not miss a single review, not this one will also let him in, with him will be the entire army command and one of the great princes
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, a lieutenant colonel, these are your chernikortsy, lieutenant colonel muravyov, you must leave, i ask you, leave, i ask you, i ask you, follow me, sir. go away.
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if the emperor remains alive, millions of nobles, soldiers, and mobs will want to protect him, then we will not win, the killer of the sovereign should. destroy immediately, he will know about it and is ready to sacrifice himself for our cause. we will arrest sveta for allowing an attempt on the emperor’s life, after which the units loyal to us will move to the capital, dragging the rest with them. but there is a flaw in your plan, what is it, how many will you kill on
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the way to freedom? how many will it take, and you, yes, are afraid of getting overwhelmed, well, i can handle it without you, without my chernigov, akhpir, hussars and poltava residents, your will, i... i can’t understand what you have more, naivety or pride, you want to win or be known as a hero, i want to convince the heroes, we didn’t agree, now they will order wait, the years go by, i have three children, and i am a colonel still sick of these hopes.
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look, the road to st. petersburg is open, the provisions of the second army are ours, but like the drought, prices for fodder and food are prohibitively high, and here in malarusia there is plenty of everything, i just suggested saving money purchases here, set up a storage facility here, away from the border, closer to the capital, along
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the rzhevskaya road, you are a wizard, i’m just an army financier, and therefore i ask you, please cover the shortfall for your regiment, checks are underway, it’s stupid if. little things, all our plans will go to hell, your excellency, sit down, mr. mayboroda, you have a captain’s duty, all the deadlines have passed, they’ve passed, so there’s nothing to do, look for it, but in the meantime, write a receipt, please. what kind of receipt that they took 6,400 rubles from the officer’s treasury for their needs, i didn’t take it, so i
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took it to cover your waste, then describe it to you? stop, the money, of course, is government money, but i did a lot more good for our business, it’s kind of like payment for the risk, and to avoid troubles, you can come up with something. rest assured, we'll figure it out, pavel ivanovich, so it's not that much money for us to quarrel with?
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where can you quarrel with me? i’ll give it back paval ivanovich, i’m right, i swear, not at all now, write a receipt, captain, that’s it, i’ll give it back, i’ll give it back, i’ll give it back, don’t worry. where do we have here, thank you, the listed
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conspirators serve in molarusia in the first second army, will you order to cancel the highest review? or postpone the investigation for a while? why an investigation? so, i see. i wrote the truth, infantry captain. may month. they wish the best for the fatherland, gentlemen without comrades. constitution, parliament, elected, will by the farmer. i want, they are planning to capture you first, or even kill you, your majesty, i will figure it out myself, ignore you, but
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well, sir, you are not tormented by heartburn from the pork hall, i did not have the good fortune to test your meanness. but now it’s happened, you’ll go to kiev, yes, damn it, come on, forward!
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introduce yourself quickly. colonel anflita, he was sent to us from st. petersburg with a special assignment from the minister of war, general dibich. gentlemen, you have been preparing for almost a year, i know this, however, his majesty the emperor canceled the highest review, that’s all i wanted to say, i believe you understand why i was the first to tell you this news. i’m not
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amfield, i’ll tell you straight, according to russian laws , for what you thought of, you will be quartered, go to your units. history is being made in st. petersburg. here she dies.
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minister of as many as three key areas in germany, ecology, economics, and energy at once, robert habeck. dependence on russia is decreasing because germany has managed to get rid of russian gas. the siemens company, part of the mercedes-benz concern, is moving to poland, this is treason, it harms the state. they move. he called for giving ukraine weapons back at the end of twenty-one, when he was in kiev, i’m so unkempt, i don’t understand what i’m doing, what i’m saying, so i accidentally became a minister, not guys, this is a professional with capital letter, husband and wife, one satan, they write this in co-authorship, she held his body tightly so that it could not squirm, his neck broke with the click of his heel on the tile, a book for children, he knows perfectly well how to influence the younger generation, they have no spiritual future. they will destroy the traditions of the germans, they will destroy the culture of the germans. the globalists found him
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through these books, it was his job application. robert habeck, bad writer of german history. dolls of the heir tutti. tomorrow on the first. i fight simply because i'm fighting. on june 10 , people's artist of russia valentin smernitsky, a legendary partos and beloved actor of several generations, turned 80 years old. played shakespeare, gogol, and chekhov, in the theater i always had such serious roles, talent, acting courage, charm, the love of women, two women were in love with him, mila pashkova and masha vertinskaya, and he seriously decided which one to play. marrying them, actors, they have a very complex character, sometimes it’s difficult, but i can cope with it, but once the time of reckoning came, he lost those closest to him, precious people, my son died because of my sloppiness, he fell into bad company and drugs appeared there, our
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exclusive today is people's artist valentin smirnitsky about family tragedies and personal happiness, my father was very sick, my mother had no time for me, i proposed to him myself and he didn’t refuse, grandpa, the coolest, oh, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on saturday on the first. call him for me, i have been in power for 25 years, and there are no swiss cantons. "everyone wants freedom, but no one wants to pay for it,
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remember this, here is my will, you will become emperor after me, you will continue what i started, you will fulfill what i could not. why should i, and not konstantin, according to the law, inherit the elder brother? my will is the law. and konstantin, and konstantin will abdicate, they don’t like me, the guard is for constantine, the guard is for the emperor, but this will not happen tomorrow, we
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will prepare. “my wife is sick, i’m leaving for taganrok, the doctors are hoping for the climate there, i’ll return, god willing, i’ll announce my decision in the senate, the capital, with all my love for it, is an artificial and forced phenomenon, but here are equals. people live in harmony with nature, i began to find pleasure in this simple life in this society. well, what remains for you, brother? you were exiled here, and you play ruso, in fact you are lisapova. st. petersburg, it’s bad for you because it’s far away, but i’m not counting down to
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leaving, your excellency, uh, left on the doorstep with a note. uncle, let me tell you what it is, it’s just written here, alas, i’m convinced of it.
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first squad right shoulder forward march,
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right shoulder forward march, in place, stop! well, if you please see, a former major, now a private of your battalion, baranov, disobeyed when you were in kiev, got drunk, drunk, but you better ask why he was gagged, i ordered, but he
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managed to say a lot, i heard... others too, that but he could have said to shut his mouth, but he said that his rank would soon be returned to him, that everything would be fair, and as if you had promised him this, yes, he also said that the service would be reduced according to the constitution, we would live, well, there are many people there threatened, what changes do you need? your son is a senator, you have wealth, service, men on the ground, you have something to change, but if you don’t change anything,
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you can lose what you have, it’s who won’t decide me, you sheep, try, everything, “i know, destruction awaits the one who first rises up against the oppressors of the people, the fate of me already doomed, but where, tell me, when freedom was redeemed without sacrifice, will i die, for my native land, i feel it, i know, and joyfully, holy father, i bless my lot, bravo, thank you, gentlemen, yes, well
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written , gentlemen, sergei petrovich, prince, tell rubitsky, if he doesn’t make up his mind, we we’ll go out ourselves, tell him that we’re ready, convince him. i will leave, i, orders, words, speak out only because you have been discovered, we will not, you should have been careful, now your task is to hide, or even dissolve society in the south, but what do you think, kodrairovich, i personally don’t believe it. for mercy,
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pavel ivanovich, for mercy, nothing like what you were thinking, i understand perfectly well that you are not lying and cannot lie, you just didn’t say the main thing, if we perform here in st. petersburg without preparing, there will be no success, but there will definitely be losses . and wow what, here you, pavel ivanovich, we, sergei petrovich, are a match that will light everything and burn itself out, but your words insult you, unisa kimalipans, i have the honor.
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i don’t understand one thing, if it became known about them, why no one was arrested, the prince, colonel pestrel wanted to scare us, but it seems that soon the guard will have to say a word, we should speed up preparations, changes are about to happen, i now have connections with those closest to me to the throne persons. i receive news from there, one of the first, they say when the bonopart was guarded, it was not him in the coffin, a double, not even very similar, your majesty had never heard of it. yes, that’s the point, so that no one can hear, shave in a camp manner.
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to the light, to the light more, your quantity.
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your elder brother, and if anyone else wants it, then he is a usurper, why are you doing this, i am helping you not to make a mistake, i am with you as your family until death, here is my hand to you.
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from now on, in russia the sovereign is a real soldier, a knight, and not a commander who cannot be tolerated, an unsubordinate superior, the senate, he won’t take the oath, i promise you, but it ’s not the senate that decides, but the guard, i have it right here. 60 thousand guards bayonets, and with you, i have the honor, konstantin pavlych, to whom the entire empire swore allegiance after nicholas, remained in warsaw, where he commanded the polish armies, he
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renounced the russian throne, but did not write a renunciation. in his opinion , only the emperor could abdicate, but he never became one. the empire found itself without supreme power. a report about conspirators in the second army was discovered in the papers of the late emperor. now they can take action. in the country complete uncertainty. extra mail couriers to me. i obey. we can't wait. you will ride in the southern army. give me personally into the hands of nikolai pavlovich, i obey, life sometimes presents pleasant
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surprises, interrogate me. hope is born in the heart itself, and what does your heart tell you, that my fate is being decided here by me now. ekaterina pavlovna, hello, ekaterina pavlovna, i’m asking for your daughter’s hand in marriage, what
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did she say? she blessed us, on the condition that i return to st. petersburg. "i will be with you, i promise you. oleg and yana love each other friend and are going to get married. suddenly oleg finds out that his beloved girl cheated on him with a foreign businessman. yana leaves for finland without telling her that she is expecting a child from oleg. 10 years later she suddenly returns to russia. and tells oleg about his son. after yana’s divorce from her husband, the finnish guardianship authorities, under a far-fetched pretext , take the boy away from her and send him to a foster family. yana is desperate and oleg agrees
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to help her get her son back. one chance for three. premiere. tomorrow, after the program time. i 'll get distracted when i drink at the pesan tower, seems like. you will become an accomplice. ok ok. what is this? what is it with me? and you accept, thank you. kvn, third quarterfinal, on saturday, on the first. pavel, pavel, pavel, are you going to tulchin? it’s good that i had time, they called you to restrain, if we don’t start the case immediately, everyone is lost. we were reported, who reported? maybard captain.
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pavel, pavel, what's wrong with you? paul! what's wrong with you? love, it’s because of the contusion, now it’ll pass, we’ll have a few days, we’ll notify everyone, we’ll warn muravyov, we’ll gather as many units as we can, we’ll capture the headquarters, let’s begin, i led you to victory, not a new one, we didn’t have time, pavel, wait, is there something we can definitely do? yes, of course, i’ll go to tulchin and surrender, we weren’t able to win with honor, we have to think about how to lose profitably, but if
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you surrender, we, we’ll all die, who gave you the right to decide for everyone? why did you come if i don’t have the right to decide for everyone, since now it’s even better, you’ll understand later, we didn’t shed a drop of their vile blood, and even if we are not executed, we are martyrs for the freedom of the fatherland, we are the first victims. great war, and this means the war has begun, congratulations,
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a letter from taganrog from... here is the will of the late emperor, take it to the senate and collect it, i advise you, you can’t take anything from here, come on, little drinker, daughter, i can’t, but it’s so difficult, angel, daughter, but i don’t want to, but you’ll be healthy, andrati, drink some jam, it’s time to sleep. madvinov came, as he
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is here, everything will be ordered by his majesty, the emperor, konstantin pavlovich, when they deign to arrive from warsaw in person, papers, i ask you, konstantin pavlovich will not come, and he is not the sovereign, nikolai pavelich, tomorrow morning in the senate. nikolai pavlyvich will declare himself emperor, well, konstantin, is he alive? yes, of course, calm down, everything is fine, he renounced, and don’t rush to break the oath you took, honor to you. there
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is a conspiracy in the country. i know that young officers who are not indifferent to the fate of their fatherland are gathering here. this is true? i don't understand what you're talking about. everything, you understand, you were even allowed to dream with permission. a conspiracy against the foundations of the state, a conspiracy to kill the reigning family, my mother, my children, wives, order, wait, we must act together, we must... we help
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each other, especially since there are forces that do not want the young emperor to become king, he needs our support, you understand, but i don’t know about this, but we are strong enough to defend ourselves from all the attacks of your class, how are you going to defend us, eh? what you don’t know about, here’s the idiot in taganrog, he knows, yes, but you have the guard, the police, the gendarmes, and you don’t know, st. petersburg is teeming with conspirators. or maybe you know too much, yes,
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nikolai semyonovich, i never thought before as much as you believe in the monarchy, i believe in the law, that’s how it is, and i see the foundation on which everything can be built and will stand. i ask you, you understand, the future is being decided now, i understand, the future is being decided now, treat. for 3 weeks
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of your grace there has been no supreme power in the country, i am restoring it, i am the sovereign, the all-russian emperor. gentlemen, why don't you get up? prince, this is an emergency, please, they have scheduled
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a re-oath for tomorrow, without a manifesto of renunciation, they are weaker than ever, we must not lose the opportunity, we must act immediately. nicholas, with constantine alive. we need to beat now, russia won’t have another chance, for another 100 years, prince, you must lead the revolution, you are our dictator, in the morning i will go to the palace, shoot nikolai, if we shed blood, no one will win, seryozha, why are you standing here? , come into the living room, gentlemen, katerina ivanovna, good evening, please forgive me generously, we just have a few words. i'll be there soon, go! tomorrow you will withdraw your troops to the senate without allowing them to take a new oath. go to the barracks and convince the soldiers adhere to the former oath to constantine.
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promise them a reduction in their terms of service, an increase in salaries, even the kingdom of heaven, but take them all out. so we begin, prince. i’ll appear on the square , tell me, i’ll give the order, fine, don’t do anything without me, of course, gustaf ivanovich, come in, gustaf ivanovich, and colonel pestel seems to be your friend, yes, why are you asking? he is arrested, i want to know if i should expect something similar, you are afraid that you might be arrested,
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stop it, stop it, now, yes, sit down. written down by the charter, sergei ivanovich, give me your word,
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eh! it’s great guardsmen, that your majesty,
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the preobrazhansky regiment also swore allegiance to your majesty. the senate swore allegiance to your majesty, everything is fine, run sir, major general, oath-criminal, sovereign konstantin pavlych loves you, moscow regiment.
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the moscow regiment is in full strength, the rebels are going to the senate, the officers convinced the soldiers of the moscow regiment to adhere to the previous oath given by constantine. well, they call you, forgive your majesty, a usurper, here
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there are guard units around the palace, there is no your lordship, only the palace karau, your majesty, allow me to speak, say, colonel, order me these to the senate, i will withdraw the unsworn regiments from the city, so that the first day of your reign is not darkened with mud, but... why did you decide that they would listen to you? they know me, and i will tell them what they want, they want me to falter and give in when the guards swore allegiance, swore allegiance to your speech, reap the corlova, and say, let him bring the horses to the senate, i obey, and you will stay, you can needed,
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have you read? my manifesto, stand side by side , line up, stand here, don’t let anyone in, shoot the opponents, what are we waiting for, we’ll take the senate, force the senators to sign the constitution, we’ll stick with you, i’m behind trubetskoy, hurray, konstantin! hooray, constitution! hooray! hooray! hooray! by god's grace. we, nicholas i.
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emperor and autocrat are all russian. and so on and so forth and so on. we declare contrition of heart to all our faithful subjects. i humble myself before the invincible destinies of the almighty, your majesty, soldiers, that on the squares, from your reading, will not disperse, do not notice, this is your right, but only without , in my opinion, you are the military man, the governor general, restore order.
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the heart is dizzy, it freezes before the real destinies of the almighty. our fatherland, declared in one god.
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cool guardsmen, he’s behind nikolai, no, no, he’s behind konstantin, why be silent, you don’t recognize me. shpasiya was given to me by tsararch konstantin, it was written to my friend, miloradovich, he is my friend, and i, like none of you, would like to call him my sovereign, but he denied,
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sovereign, and he will forgive you, i swear, i will not let you be offended, please go away, leave the soldiers alone, stand still, come, follow
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me, nazarmy, children, do not destroy your soul!
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i came to inform you that the case has begun and we are moving. no, it's over. sergey, we are exposed. arrested in st. petersburg, disaster. now we'll drink champagne and shoot ourselves. don't you dare? listen to me, we have very little
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time to climb, go around kiev and get onto the orzhevskaya road. in a month we will reach...
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arrest lieutenant colonel gebel, your sword, so, so, so, well, good, good, gentlemen, good. still, treason, gustaf ivanich, treason,
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lord, i ask you, god, i ask you, what the hell are you doing, stay your noble man on the road, on the road, leave me alone, i told you. and what and put aside put aside enough enough will be able to necessary!
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why don’t you follow the emperor’s orders, general, you are not turks in the square. and it’s not the french, i’m attached, nikolaevna, the canoe guards are having lunch, do you want eagles for a traitor? general, doctors, doctors, hurry!
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would you like to help your country? what way? sorry, you have what i need. comrade peredonov, our head sambo coach of the ussr. so, i'm knocking it down. vasily oshchepkov is invited to replace him for the friendly match. but now there is a more interesting frag and who? germans. if you want to learn this, there is no effective technique against firearms yet, but comrade showed the shards, the army made its choice
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to train the national team, there will be shards, you lost before you even started, you can’t win the battle with such an attitude, you want to bury my students yourself, yes, if i i’ll write to him, then what’s his they'll put him in prison, where did they get him based on a denunciation, a denunciation, yours? consider that we are a legend to him about the samba premiere on friday at the first, we wish all the athletes good luck, may the strongest win, sklif is a legend since the time of count sheremetyev, all the modern successes of the institute are based on the history that it had, an experiment on a person?
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i met doctors who pulled me out of the other world, i thank them every time, they succeeded, i succeeded, we all succeeded, on the day of the medical worker, sklifosovsky institute, on sunday on the first,
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hey, imposter! hurray, konstantin, hurray, nikolai, it's time!
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nikolay is here, the lineman of the attack, and what are we waiting for, nikolay over there, we’ll capture him, it’s all over, no, my friend, there are still too few of us, we’re waiting for drubetskov, he’ll bring the leprenoger, it’s worth it!
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keep retreating advancing retreating to the left.
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what is the colonel's responsibility? i would like to know why the traitor muravyov is still not. stopped by you, and after the sad events in the capital, some impressionable people will see in them almost heroes, but they inflicted 14 wounds, lieutenant colonel goebbel 14,
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it’s not heroes who come out, but murderous bandits. how we know that now the blood of our own in the new kingdom is inexpensive, i ask you, put out the fire before it burns all around, prince.
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stand by, soldier, let's start here! quickly, quickly, quickly!
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colonel, are you going to oppose your sovereign? the guards are against the tsar, even the part loyal to him will come over to us when it gets dark. persuade him, transfer power to you and the senate to leave, and we will change everything. this is our dream. believe me, i know what i'm saying. he will die, but he will not leave. what are you going to do? are you beating him, his family?
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gentlemen, leiv grenoder, god is with us, yours majesty, we don’t know whose side it’s on, that’s why? it’s safe, nikolai pavelich, follow
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the sovereign, stop, stand or kick, we... for constantine, when that’s the case, here’s the road for you, for the constitution, hurray!
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where is your regiment, and is it there? my regiment is standing on the road to three forests, great, you’re up to us now at a trot, we have an artillery battery with us. the order was to chop you down without talking, so what, you follow the order, leave through the white church, it’s empty, you know why you came, because you’re ashamed that you’re not with me. think what you want, but i'm here to help
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to you, pozhezha, pozhezha! anu, what is this?
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by what right did you put on an officer's uniform? take off your uniform, grenauder baranov. major, baranov, i was a major and now a major, here you are, you dare to object to me, well, god bless you, sergei ivanovich. i dreamed about this for 8 years, 8 years, no, not like you, i didn’t think about the constitution about reformations, to return the ranks, to abolish them, yes, i really wanted it, and now i’m grateful to you for it,
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if necessary i will die for you, tomorrow we we'll all die or we'll win, calm down, soldier, we'll leave in the morning, listen!
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he shcherbatov gave you a travel document and said, that this is the only thing he can do. for you, i didn’t follow you, i didn’t follow you, if you had come at least tomorrow, tomorrow, yes, tomorrow we will win, who we are, the union of salvation, that’s what we called ourselves, that’s why we need it so much now. victoria, so that every honest person knows and sees that he is not alone, that there are many of us, that we are strong, otherwise we will live in this terrible fairy tale and wait to see who the cannibal will come for next time, seryozha, i was at gebel’s, tomorrow everything will change. everyone
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loves you, when i was traveling, they let me through everywhere from that i was your bride, they even bowed, i was on my way to you. and you are not here, decembrists, who are they, traitors or heroes? hurray, konstantin! first of all, they were
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traitors, they were bright, kind people who loved their country, they were inspired by new ideas, by their youth. prose theme, of course, it’s grandiose, a big story, the decembrists, the union of salvation, today on the first, it will be
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hot, what, where, when, summer series, the finale on sunday on the first. gentlemen, guns, the same battalion. sky regiment, your order has arrived, apparently bushy
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there will be no more pallets, gentlemen, let 's face the truth, we are surrounded, we will elect a dictator among us, we will enter into negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, join the soldiers, we are waiting for darkness, go, i demand, no, i beg , prince, let's go, they are waiting for your word, your feat, let's go, damn you, you want my word, here it is, i thank you, you did the impossible in the square, the best guards regiments, crowds of onlookers, why all these curtsies, prince , if you please listen, they are the shield behind which the future is born.
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you are mad, kondraty fedorovich, but anyway, thank you, i am mad, and you are too smart and calculating, prince, madmen change the world, madman napoleon, madman brud, madman christ, go to the square and go crazy, well, at least once in your life, go home , you're in the way, damn you.
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they can forgive me for cruelty, they will never forgive me for weakness, mercy is not weakness, it is the right of the strong, tell them to leave, and more. i don't want to know their names.
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soldiers, sir, i hope that you will come to your senses. the emperor does not want to know your names did you bring us the constitution? i didn’t arrive before the negotiations. i have offered you mercy. your majesty. let me dispose, let me be guilty of this blood, all the blood will be forever
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on me. the guns are behind! we are the guard, god, the law and the truth are with us, we stand, they will not dare to shoot, they will not dare to shoot at us, this is a victory,
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follow orders.
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let's go to the peter and paul fortress, seize the guns, we must! they are forming on the ice to capture the fortress, shoot, not at people, break the ice, i obey, forward, move the gun to
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square, drive prilade, hurray, konstantin, constitution, development,
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keeping the line!
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non-construction buildings.
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what do i owe? i have a very delicate conversation with you. tell me, why did you do this? for what? i suggested that you achieve our goal
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peacefully. i defeated nikolai semyan, what? i changed russia forever. you can’t achieve freedom without sacrifice, can you? now, how will they exist without you, if you like, you drove them out onto the square, and without a roof over their heads, without income, even with your last name, have you thought about this or not? rest assured, i won't mention you interrogations, and you know why, i don’t want to make
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you a hero, stay with the dreamers, how much life do you have left, envy me, okay, that’s it, okay. so, i promise that the fate of your family will be my concern, to help you, i, yes, in general, don’t want to do more.
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and we have about the same amount now, maybe this is a sign from god?
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began, king. i am carrying out the order, i advise you, carry out the order before you are demoted, i’ll tell you again. let's pretend that we're giving up,
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come closer, and then at the bayonet point, that's the line, let's cross it, it will begin.
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obro, mr. major, you heard the order, wolf commander, and you just want him to be killed, left shoulder forward, left shoulder forward, left shoulder forward, march! shoot.
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they call you the main culprit and dictator, you admit it, i admit it. why didn’t i go to my own people, change my mind or build up, didn’t want blood, why then did i bring armed troops to the square? i believed that the goal of my life was to put the russian government in front of my subjects and force them to talk.
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only you didn’t want to listen to us, you’re a smart person, if the sovereign can be forcefully force, what kind of sovereign he is, i could... i would like to listen to you, but this is impossible after what happened, if then, after meeting with you, i would have gone to the troops and hit the palace, would we be able to talk now , back off completely.
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are you tired? yes, you feel sorry for them, will they be rooted out?
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hello semyonovtsy. so. your personality,
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victoria, gentlemen, victoria, hurray! july 13 , 1826 pavel pestel, sergei muravyov apostle, counter. again, their burial place is unknown. sergei trubetskoy's execution was replaced by eternal katarga, he was amnestied in 1856 three who fell from the gallows were hanged and restored to their rights of nobility. he died in moscow 3 years later. nicholas i died at the age of 58 from pneumonia. the execution of five decembrists was the only one. during his entire thirty-year reign, his son, heir alexander ii, carried out reforms that
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emperor alexander i could not begin, freed the peasants, transformed the army, the judicial system, and was killed by terrorists on march 1, 1881 .
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there is a big story on air, a program for those who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future. one of the most outstanding answers that i have heard over many years of teaching at lomanosov moscow state university came to a completely harmless question about when the decembrist uprising took place, the answer was: at night, why but... i was surprised, because they woke up hercyn, really when else was it possible to wake up young alexander hertsin, if not at night, every schoolchild in the soviet union knew lenin’s passage about how the decembrists woke up hertsin, who in turn launched revolutionary agitation, the execution of five rebels and the persecution of another six hundred people by emperor nicholas echoed storms of indignation in many hearts, hertzson actually wrote.
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heroes and revolutionary romantics or traitors, nicholas i, who is he, a bloody executioner and loser or a courageous and wise ruler? today there is a big story about the decembrists and nikolai pavlych, because the film union is on channel one. salvation on channel one, one of the main creators of our film, nikita vladimirovich vysotsky. glad to see you in the big history studio. this is the concept of the film, the dramaturgy of the film. me most i was not worried about the historical component, which i probably didn’t know enough at the time when we started making the picture, but i wanted it and so did everyone who started the work. and the producers and editors wanted to talk today about things that concern us today, but
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which are very difficult to talk about, about love for the country, but about duty, about freedom, and it was such a time, we started working on the film in the twelfth year, that is, already a fair amount of time has passed, a time when such ideological pathos was replaced by yes... which also concerned this history, you also agree, such cynicism has come, yes cynicism and such an attitude, when it’s really awkward to talk about such things seriously, but somehow somehow some kind of patriotism, let’s calm down, but there’s some kind of freedom there, well, well, yes, individualism was still not going anywhere, so i wanted to make a modern picture, i wrote a script - that’s it, but the further i went into it, the more the idea was refracted, because of course the story itself, that’s what’s mysterious,
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it’s and very contradictory, she is incredibly beautiful, she is amazing in herself, and i it seems that we did, well, we, i’m not just talking about myself, i’m talking because a lot of people worked on the picture, we made such a fairly balanced story, in which there is a very respectful, very serious... attitude towards history, to the details, to this time, to this era, to the language that existed then and so on, to the concepts of honor, about the homeland.
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idea, so i was lucky, and not only me, but many who carried out this idea as a producer, and i was the author of the script, and ernst maksimov’s idea, well, indeed, the idea was grandiose, and the implementation was also grandiose, just as those events were grandiose in their influence on our history and even on our modernity, the film begins with the napoleonic theme, with our great victory in the patriotic war of 812 and with the scene when our future the decembrists are celebrating this victory, let's remember how it was in the film?
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officier, il sera là votre empereur, oui tout à l'heure, artamon brother, seryozha, hurry in the family, the emperor will be with us, like an emperor, yes, seryozha, officier, officier, venez, merci, mademoiselle,
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they are creating a secret society that should change everything in russia, including destroying the dynasty, so who are the decembrists? the decembrists, of course, are heroes, and i would like to start with the words of maria volkonskaya, who wrote: the one who puts his head on the chopping block for the sake of his beliefs, he truly loves his fatherland. another thing is that they came out, perhaps, at the wrong moment, you see, uh, the decembrists - that’s really, some of them were, uh, from high-ranking, uh, families, there were eight princes, three barons, three , graph, but the fact is that the french language, which they
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absorbed from birth, gave them a lot, they say about it... themselves, more than all of europe, because the french language opened up for them the opportunity to read french literature, and of course, encyclopedists , napoleon’s invasion of russia, this is the beginning of our free-thinking, writes alexander marlinsky, you see, later, even alexander i, when he received lists from... shnik from may beard, from sherwood, with the names of the conspirators, he will say, it’s not for me to judge them , because he himself aimed society at reforms, it’s no coincidence that pushkin’s phrase, yes, the days of the alexandrovs are a wonderful beginning, this is precisely the beginning of the reign of alexander i.
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another thing is that he will later change everything upon his return to russia, especially in the twenties, when... all of europe will be shaken by revolutions , and pestel will say, every time has its own, its own spirit, ours, which is indicated precisely by revolutions, alexander i, he really ascended the throne as a reformer tsar, then he really changed his positions, but what did not suit him was the decembrist. that he was not radical enough, but he, too , was going to abolish serfdom, he had such plans, in fact, the film even shows this, his conversation with spiransky, in which... this is probably not the first time he proposes to develop a plan for the liberation of serfs , many believe that he did not have time to do it, well, by the way, let's
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see how it is depicted in the film. and if i suggested that you start preparing a law right now to deprive peasants of fair ownership, what would you do? your majesty would begin. so start, it’s time for you no more than a year, and i will sign it and submit it for senate approval. imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a beginning will be made, the wall will begin to crack, kibovsky, among other things, was scientific.
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hatched a conspiracy - the decembrists? well, you understand, in general the filmmakers had a very difficult task, because there is a decembrist movement known to specialists, historians from documents, those who read materials, testimonies, memories, and who have a picture of what really happened, and there is a huge december legend, largely formed under the influence of their subsequent misadventures, ordeals, very worthy behavior in siberia, in... the exploits of their wives, and of course, here we must understand that the authors, trying to get closer, and this is after all the first film adaptation , which tried to reveal the essence of the decembrist movement, secret societies,
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because before that, well, i don’t take early soviet films there, such as svd and the decembrists of the twenty-fifth year, but if we take, let’s say, a film by vladimir matel, the star of plinary participation, there the task was easier, there is actually a small episode of the political decembrists, where they sit and... are indignant about serfdom, but vladimir mattel acted very carefully at that moment, because even the film begins with a caption dedicated to the women of russia, this is, as it were, a story not about the decembrists as such, and about women there is a wonderful kostolevsky wonderful song by kudzhava, and this is also a kind of legend of decembrism, in fact, this is what we grew up with, we absorbed this and when, of course, when nikita vladimirovich and his colleagues decided, let us show it this way, how it was... historical prose, then it inevitably came into dissonance with certain ideas, where a lot of such negative criticism can come from, as
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for the topic, of course it is grandiose, in general, this is a very complex movement, when we say decembrists, let's let us understand that 579 people were involved in the investigation, and it is not a fact that all of them were actually found, of them meaningfully, that is, those people who were convicted, about whom there were later various trials. in other places, those who were left without attention know, however, about their participation, this is about half of this number, but for comparison, on the borodino field in the russian army there were 4,500 officers, here we are talking about a number of somewhere around 300 people who were somehow included in the same secret societies, which , in the course of history, have also experienced very strong changes, starting from the first pre-decembrist organizations, when we are all for everything good against everything bad, such ala masonic style of organization, to such specific, structured, secret societies that came to revolt. and besides, within this movement itself, out of this number of these 300 people, let’s conditionally call them
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decembrists, although, for example, the same idiot he believed that i, having written a book called notes of a decembrist, refused to call myself a decembrist, considering that the decembrists are those who failed everything, those who deceived the soldiers into senate square and ruined the whole thing, this is the longest -lived of the decembrists, who, by the way,


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