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tv   Novosti  1TV  June 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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in my opinion, the desperation of people who can do nothing to maintain their global hegemony, can do nothing to break russia, and can do nothing to make their own voters fall in love with them. gathered in italy, the leaders of the g7 are people who, for the most part, do not even have their own political future, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we give the floor to the news at... again at 17:00, don't miss it, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio valeria korableva, in this issue, a successful hunt, the german bmp marder, the american maxpro armored vehicle and much more. report from
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the front. our fighters are pushing back the enemy and occupying more advantageous positions. readiness for the summer season, passenger transportation, what needs to be given special attention? conversation between the prime minister and the head of russian railways. the courtyards, lakes and streets are floating. the rivers in the capital region are flooding again after heavy rains, and it’s still raining. so, a new summary from. defense in almost all directions, our military occupied more profitable frontiers. in the kharkov region , attack aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces tried to advance, but all attacks were repulsed, and several weapons warehouses were liquidated. it is also reported that military equipment was destroyed, including maxpro from the usa and marder made in germany. and here’s another marauder, footage from telegram channels, of the ukrainian armed forces trying to evacuate a damaged infantry fighting vehicle. our operator, in piwi drona, thwarted the enemy's plans. aimed fire, explosion. and there is
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data on the consequences of yesterday’s attacks by our units on ukrainian armed forces targets. in kiev , they have not been able to cope with the fire for more than a day. industrial enterprise. in gorlovka, dpr , an ntv film crew came under attack from militants. injured correspondent alexey ivliev cameraman valery kozhin. they are now in the hospital. the mayor of the city, ivan prikhosko, said his condition was serious. operations are underway at these moments. there is also information that she was injured. our fighters crush the enemy and move forward; in fact, the wolf brigade of the volunteer corps, operating as part of the southern group of troops, does not give the enemy a moment’s respite. amir yasupov was convinced of this. the enemy will face complete defeat. now we'll send a little hello there. and further. a dozen missiles and projectiles, ours
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are aiming several guns at once, the enemy is undergoing a rotation, the ukrainian armed forces are changing personnel on the front line, hundreds of them have been taken out and brought in, as i understand it, three are still alive, for now, they are still driving people there, that’s by the way , how the ministry of defense of ukraine takes care of its soldiers. so, in almost every forest belt that is now under enemy control, one of the enemy fortifications is being hit with guided missiles. they're sweeping over our forward positions, this is the tour we have started, now there will be a pop there, it flies overhead, great, the drone operator confirms a hit on the ukrainian armed forces support unit, we wish connoisseurs of european values ​​a good and good day, the europeans themselves are being thrown into the ssu. here under
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the solidarity, all sorts of poles come in there, and the french, the guys will now cheer up a couple of shots at them, our grenade launchers have joined in, 1,200 m to the enemy, but the rpg finishes off, an improved charge, not only does it fly further and faster, it’s also added plastic inside, more explosive, louder and explosions are brighter, soldiers from the firing position can see where they are hitting, even a quadcopter is not required. now i put it straight into the shelf in a straight line, two fell, the first one didn’t hit, having worked, the guys take cover under a camouflage net, these birds, listen, that ’s how all combat work goes, they shoot for a couple of minutes, hide for half an hour, colleagues, those that they see now drones with their own eyes, on the contrary, crawl out of the trenches and open fire; you can hear the manpads of an anti-aircraft missile system being fired from a nearby forest belt.
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you're working on a polish mortar, how are you? guys, all safe, everything is fine, not without a living one, servicemen of the wolves brigade of the volunteer corps, who have already fought in almost all directions of the special operation, are ready to go forward here, they are only waiting for orders from the higher command. amir yusupov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, victor averin, channel one. russian troops practiced delivering training nuclear ammunition to field storage points, and also to... an operational airfield for attack aircraft. new personnel from the ministry of defense from the second stage of large-scale non-strategic nuclear maneuvers strength together with belarusian colleagues , the preparation and delivery of missiles in special equipment and the suspension of aviation weapons under aircraft to carriers were carried out.
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currently, issues of ensuring combat duty with training and nuclear ammunition are being worked out. based on the results of the exercise , the results of each training survey will be summed up and future directions will be determined. improving the training of non-strategic nuclear forces in order to guarantee the completion of tasks under various options for the development of the military-political situation. let me remind you that there were only three stages of maneuvers by belarusian military personnel, joined in the second. the exercise is carried out on the orders of vladimir putin to maintain the readiness of the union state to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity. new financial and military assistance to kiev is being discussed today in brussels at a meeting of nato defense ministers. chapter.
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and intelligence. the ukrainian issue is being discussed today in italy at the group of seven summit. the american political publication calls all this a meeting of lame ducks. most of the leaders of the seven have no chance of re-election, outgoing political natures. most guests are distracted by elections or
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domestic political crises, frustrated by years in power, or desperately clinging to power. with the exception of miloni, all the leaders at the g7 summit are quite weak, said a former permanent representative. usa under nato and vodaalder trudeau probably will not win the next elections: biden has a difficult election race, scholz has weakened, macron has weakened. shunok is the walking dead, and kishida also has serious problems at home. from today the moscow exchange does not conduct trading in dollars and euros due to sanctions imposed in the united states. the central bank explained that the ruble exchange rate will remain uniform and market, transactions will continue to be made on the over-the-counter market. exchange trading, the regulator emphasized, is not a necessary condition for... as for citizens and companies, they will continue to be able to buy and sell dollars and euros as before, nothing changes in this regard. meanwhile, the united states is also introducing so
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-called secondary sanctions, in particular for cooperation with russian financial organizations. they include, for example, chinese citizens. this is how the chinese foreign ministry comments on the situation. normal economic and trade exchanges between china and russia should not be disrupted or used as a tool to denigrate china's cost. the us has indiscriminately applied unilateral sanctions around the world, created problems by seriously undermining the sovereignty and security of other countries and disrupting trade ties. after the escalation of the ukrainian crisis, the united states even redoubled its efforts to impose sanctions. this approach does not help solve problems, but only is becoming the main source of risk in the world. mikhail mishustin discussed readiness for summer passenger transportation today with the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov. preferential programs, new routes, safety, punctuality, but also modernization of trains, large-scale reconstruction of stations in several regions at once. this year the company is setting a record. yuliy lipatov. more details about everything. railways are fundamentally
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important for the implementation of the goals of accelerated internal development, import substitution, and the creation of new transport routes. well, in the summer they perform, among other things, also... the caucasus, this is an increase of almost 8%, how the company is preparing for the summer season, and it has already practically begun, and the second thing is how to get through it without failures, here we have very positive indicators, almost 80% of tickets sold electronically, in communication with the resorts of the black sea coast, 160 are scheduled for the summer
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. this year we will transport more than 2,300 svo participants and members of their families, we also transport veterans of the great patriotic war for free, last year in december a decision was made o free travel for residents of besieged leningrad. suburban roads are being built, and eight new routes have been launched in seven regions of the federation. passenger cars and rolling stock are being actively updated, and are used for this purpose. special investment program of russian railways. this year is a record year in order to, first of all, modernize
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and provide new electric trains and traction to almost all important areas of russian railways. railway technology requires modern, new, and in general the creation of our own locomotives and electric trains is one of the elements of the country's technological sovereignty. over the past 5 years , the investment program has almost doubled, it amounts to a trillion. rub 279 billion moreover, the money also goes to subcontractors and builders. especially a lot is being built now as part of the implementation of the eastern training ground on bama and transib. many jobs have been created. more than 23.00 people are on site, the maximum will be more than 3,300 people at the eastern training ground. transportation of products to the east of the country through the eastern polygon increased by almost 5.5%. last year we transported 7.4 difference
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russian railways have two criteria: first of all, this is the level of safety in relation to all railways in the world, we occupy first place in terms of tons per kilometer, and another important element, we are the most punctual passenger railway in the world. the most punctual passenger road in the world transported 490 in 5 months of this year
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. also in khabarovsk, dmitry patrushev inspected the dam under construction, which he plans to commission this year; it should protect the coastal part of the city from flooding. rain, thunderstorm, a powerful wind, again not us in the capital region, an emergency warning from the ministry of emergency situations is in effect until the evening, the rain is a wall, the showers cannot
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cope, these are the shots that muscovites are sharing on the internet. solaris begins to float, floats away, but there is no way to save it. and this street completely turned into a deep river. there's an electric bus stuck in the middle of the road, and there's obviously a short circuit, smoke is pouring out of the window, only roofs are visible next to the car, for... otherwise shopping centers are flooded to the neck, stormy streams in underground parking lots. that's all, thank you, that you were with us, the program is on air right now, let's get married. the opening ceremony of the brix sports games took place in kazan in the form of a stylized theatrical performance. today their first winners in competitions in sambo, artistic gymnastics, weightlifting, and wushu synchronized swimming will become known. the topic will be continued by igor
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prudnikov. in the brix games.


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