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tv   Pro Uyut  1TV  June 15, 2024 11:05am-12:01pm MSK

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there is even a recovery mode, when you release the gas pedal, if you are driving in the city, or in a straight line, when braking , electrical energy is generated, which reduces wear on the brake pads, because you do not press the brake, but increases the mileage of the electric truck by how much enough charge for 300 km of run, where and how can you charge, according to our business model, the electric truck is charged in the warehouses of transport and logistics companies, any transport log... company has charger modules that can if we install our 380 kw charging station , the electric truck will be charged in 2-2 hours. a very important component of our laboratory is that we ourselves develop power electronics, that is , the traction drive consists of a traction inverter that controls our synchronous electric motor, all algorithms, all circuit solutions, all software are developed in... the laboratory and
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meet the highest standards of safety and reliability and is a completely russian product. are you at all you can imagine how i feel now, i’m driving along the embankment in st. petersburg in an electric truck. can you imagine it? it's a cool experience. i especially remember the first time we sat down at the training ground, our car was not yet registered, no license plates, and we realized that it was driving, yes.
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it’s a very convenient thing, yes, you can go filming, drive a bunch of equipment on the m11 for free , well, let’s make a fuss, well, what suits me, valera, in what areas can your electric trucks be used, this is an intracity logistics, range 250-300 km, it’s like forwarding services, last mile delivery, a large application market and it’s effective and useful for business. at the moment we are conducting test drives; anyone can sign up on the official website. thank you again for today, i wish you good luck. thank you very much polena, it was a pleasure to ride with you and test our product. that is, you graduated from the faculty of physics and mathematics, and in the end you became an oceanologist, as your mother once told you, i taught you that. to an actress, but
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once in my childhood my mother said to me: “polenka, it would suit you so well to be a presenter,” at that moment we were watching the first channel, she said: no, mom, in the end here, yes, how it works, valera is so happy, because i saw a shark, i’ve never seen it before, now we’ll send you to them, the limit of jokes has been exhausted, you can start, she jumps with a parachute, yes, yes, she drives an electric cargo truck, everything that she doesn’t do? makes clothes from apple peels, i'm probably happy when...
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it's better when people are doing well, so that the younger brother was good, healthy, happy, the parents were the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment spent together, so that everyone would live well, with faith, with hope, everything would be fine.
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good morning, i love you, i love you, it’s not about words, it’s not necessary to feel it or to manifest it, you need to say it, i love you, you can convey it through the heart, through the soul, through action, through ...
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june 29, 1963 was set for our wedding day. and so we’ve been together for 61 years, to love is to give, and in order to give, you yourself need to be filled to the brim with love, care, tenderness, this is all, this fullness, this is about our beautiful galina ivanovna and viktor fedorovich, let’s quickly get acquainted,
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“i it’s terribly interesting to learn from you how you chose your path, that your love blooms and smells, how songs are sung, as long as the day begins, and i don’t need another fate, as long as the day begins and ends with you, we have been together for 60 years, here in june it was, i met it by chance, his friend says, listen, go to the camp,
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sit, sit, don’t worry, we got married, he graduated from college, and i entered, in the third year my daughter was born, i have a session in the summer, and he and the stroller took a vacation, there on the left bank , institute, i went there, and my lecture is now ending, i come running, i fed my daughter, here he is again at the lecture, and he’s walking there, 7 years have passed,
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she, she’s great, she’s in charge, and she practically takes care of the household, we do everything we are in the kitchen, cooking in the kitchen, meeting guests in the kitchen, the kitchen is the basis, it seems to me, of comfort, for example, i cook cutlets or, for example, olivier salad, three packages, yes, one for the eleventh entrance, daughters, sons-in-law and granddaughter, second package, seventeenth suspension, there is a son, a daughter’s granddaughter, well, naturally on... the tiles this, by the way, i put it in, you put it in, and he put it in, yes, well, he also takes everything from the taps himself, and how many people gather at the table like this, that means, if here, for example, it’s like february 23, then you have to means take the son, more friends come, but here
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this table extends, it extends here there are 8-10 people sitting, that is, we need to count on 800 people, there is a family energy here, yes. they agreed to the adventure, well, another absolutely magical story
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opens up before us, where some kind of transformation and effort is not required and needed from us, but where we are simply given the opportunity to admire this amazing story, this amazing love of 60 years, and just believe that this is possible, how else is it possible? it’s just important to keep your heart open to love and surprise, so let’s go to this is an adventure. those days are over, you don't have to show your body to the night, r you don't have to
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wear that dress tonight, walk the streets for money, you don't care if it's wrong or if it's right, rocks and you don't have to put on the red light bro fans, you don't have to put on the red light, you don't have to put on the red, rocks, run on the rail, run on the rail, good on the red lay on the red lake. hello,
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hello, i'm glad to see you in our aparthotel, let's get the keys to your apartment, uh-huh, thank you, let's go, how beautiful, very beautiful, this building is from 1968, and the government used to sit here, then...
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i, of course, and the cathedral of christ the savior, you will have the opportunity to walk around, look, often in the chaos of things, we just don’t have enough time to get to the center , but here you can do it with a simple evening walk, we went to the old abbot, although we had been there before, but now everything is different, it was very nice to see how moscow was trusted, they organized a holiday for us, it’s actually a fairy tale, we are like young people, newlyweds, seriously. of course, why don’t you believe it yet, i don’t believe it, of course i don’t believe it, how can i believe it, just like that, he
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still doubts it in his youth, yes, we ’re relaxing there in a dressing gown, doing nothing, but we want to, we can do something, we want to go for a walk, but it’s just the two of us, here’s your honeymoon, let’s go and have a look, now let’s see what else we have, well, there’s nothing here at all, well, it’s necessary comrade, this is just a fairy tale, a luxurious bed on... . huge, you lie down like that, look, there’s beauty right away, oh, blunder, blunder, oh, oh, oh, yes, like that, maybe we won’t get up, like that. ok, yes, herio has already settled here, the slaughter has settled here, which in this surprisingly touching case in this
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incredibly moving story, they are so reminiscent of the past, as if they were crayons. drawn, very lively, very tender, now let's try to start - bring in color here too, since we have a saucer like this, we'll try to paint two saucers like this, well, we can add breasts with you, it's like we'd like to go into this one, it would be a little darker, but at the same time the color would be more interesting, more complicated, yes. this is just a beauty, well , i really like it, look, it looks like the tone of the paint due to even a little bit of translucent wood just matches these petals and it just becomes a friendly family of this composition,
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there will be a pink kitchen like this, maybe for a kitchen it’s as if maybe even this one is more likely, that is, if this is the facade of the kitchen, and the background of the wall is this one.
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forward, it’s a little heavy, honey, just be patient, he was thin, in general he looked more like allend. than to porthos, i propose a fight. valya said, well, it’s a very good role, well, the most important thing in life is to eat, drink, and fight. actually, i'm a positive person. in life there is such a baggage of terrible mistakes, sometimes you sit down and think, god, how good it would be if this were not so. well, lanchik, now i’m the only one visiting you, there’s practically no one left. he is a very gentle person, very reverent.
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tried to restore order in the country with a hard hand, mood for action, not big words, orphan, property written on the application form movable and immovable, no, the nuts began to be tightened, but tightened if necessary, the increase in discipline directly affected the efficiency of production, by the way, it increased significantly in the eighty-third year, andropka vodka was remembered, grave corruption cases and landings were remembered, the american boeing downed was remembered us in the kuril region. this showed that the soviet union knows how to stand up for its national interests. we responded firmly to all challenges. no, but then we had a sharp aggravation soviet-american relations. it was people from andropov’s inner circle who created a myth called andropov. therefore , such forest characteristics. andropov is a completely different person, he writes poetry, loves
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music, understands cinema, let’s not slander him. different people saw it in completely different ways. premiere. the tenth anniversary of the birth of yuri andropov, which did not happen, is today on the first. sklif is a legend since the time of count sheremetyev. all the modern successes of the institute are based on the history that it had. an experiment on humans, people are at risk. the chief neurosurgeon of the russian federation compared the klifosov institute to an aircraft carrier, that is, it is a machine that is constantly in operation, which allows you to implement everything that has been done according to science directly into clinical practice. we would
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all have succeeded on the day of the medical worker, the sklifosovsky institute, tomorrow on the first. there is an old parable, it goes like this: god created man from clay, he had a small piece left, he asked man, what else do you need to make? him , please make me happy, god didn’t answer anything, and he just put this piece of clay into the man’s palm and it evaporated. now we
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’ll go to the wizards, who probably know what to do with this piece of clay, it’s just some kind of incredible cuteness, cuteness, where did it all start, how did it start? everything is banal, i’m on maternity leave, so then i had an idea, i say, yaroslav, let’s put it simply, well, of course, in reality it’s really some kind of magic, because we in orel, this is such a rather rustic provincial town, we found a friend of my dad, uh, who sold furnaces, muffles, muffles, that is , everything is fired in muffle furnaces, he had two furnaces, we bought one, then a little we earned some money, took the second one, now my father makes all the stoves for us, how is it... he’s interested in this, because he’s like an engineer by specialization, that is, you have a super family, well now, probably, yes, i always knew it would work out ,
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yaroslav knows, i just had confidence unshakable in this regard and supports, when you do it all with love and love your work, you cannot be unsuccessful, by the way, the form came out of this one very cool, i myself sculpted this thing from black clay, that is at first you sculpted it yourself, but we are already doing some of it in 3d, where did the name come from, first?
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thank you very much for who you are and i wish that this confidence does not fade.
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it’s no coincidence that you, pasha, are directly related to this story, because your family is your priority, it comes first and children, and your wife, your main inspiration, in fact, your story with your wife is exactly in tune , this is the story, we do it, we try with all our hearts, you want a person, when he comes to the kitchen, to somehow feel joy, so that he can well, it was a thrill that he... well, well, he was happy, well, because this is a full-fledged inhabitant, in fact, that’s how it is, a kitchen that was baked in his own caring hands, listen, these counters, yes, that
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you came up with, yes, it's cool, it actually became. nice and deep we have 700 because of the fact that our washing machine, dear, cool, took it and hid it, perfect, we had to make the tabletop deeper so that it could be closed, yeah, everything turned out great, and the color is gorgeous, as it’s called, antique rose, pink antique, pink antique, we’ve been working for 14 years, i don’t know, we’ve made a thousand kitchens, tens of thousands of cabinets during this time, well, we ’ve never made one in this color, well, i like it, it actually turned out really cool.
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we do anything on individual projects, so when a person comes to us, he will definitely be able to get it, that is , it’s not just a kitchen, it’s anything, we basically work with any cabinet furniture, we make cabinets, kitchens, dressing rooms, hallways, in general everything, thank you very much, just love , gratitude and thank you, thank you to your heroes that they will use our kitchen, and that they generally exist, yes, i love the group, at some point, loving people become a reflection of each other, because they become one whole, and as joseph brodsky wrote, together we are almost a landscape, here is our amazing a completely magical couple, like a landscape that you want to admire, this is exactly what we
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are doing now... let’s do it, so, my god, that’s it, hello, hello, hello, i invite you to our such a space, recently opened, it’s very cool, they brought us into alterations, yes, an eco-shop, here... armenian products, my husband and i were once in peredelkino, then we went to the museum and they told us about the writers who lived here, completely unusual ones came here, so many things, everything on the shelves laid out, the pastries are good, so what the store is excellent, this is already my weakness, i understand this very well all the time, it’s very hard to resist, i swear, i think
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they made all the eclairs themselves,
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pastel flowers, as if they were really painted on pastels, here we have a side that is painted in a delicate color, the color taken from here, everything here begins to be friends and complement each other, which means that
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in this corner, if you remember, we had a refrigerator before, now we surprised the corridor a little more, and so it moved, moved there. we were born here these are the yoke-shelves, which are also painted in the color of the wall, and it becomes a single, noise-free space, i would like to say about the door, because we naturally painted it in the color of the wall, but there is a very important touching nuance here, the height graph the time of the grandchildren, and of course , there is no way to cover it up, well, it’s simply impossible to do, so we left it as a memory. and as an opportunity for future great-grandchildren to settle on this full-length door, it means i didn’t chop off the apron, because look how he organically played together with this antique pink kitchen, class, class,
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all sorts of details are important here, for example, this retro faucet with such a ceramic handle, outlined in an antique style, really fits in with all these tiny little details.
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has come and the land is dark and the moon is the only light we'll see, i won't be afraid, oh i won't be afraid just as long as you stand, stand by me, so darling darl. bread is what unites people at all times, in the field, when this bread is grown, at the oven, when this bread is baked, at the same table,
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when this bread is eaten, the war years, when bread was such a value that people shared with each other out of love, out of the desire to live, in general, bread is the head of everything, bread is ours. .. light. now we will talk about bread. every year, 10 million tons of fiber-based products are thrown away. so we decided to combine the production of such cozy lamps with an environmental mission, we take stale bread from bakeries, yes, which they throw away anyway, no one gives it to anyone, they it’s just that it’s still being written off and we decided to take it away, but how did you come to create it together, why together, we ’ve known each other for a long time, in fact, well, such proactive guys, well, i sent misha a video, well i was on an indefinite vacation, seryozha says, look what’s available, so i’m taking tickets for everything, experimenting from beginning to end
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, everything is in our hands, that is, from the moment you pick it up from the bakeries, we do it , then we take it ourselves, we do it ourselves, and technology, that is, there it is inside, you pull it all out, and clean out the crumb, we dry the bread until it becomes a crust, so that there is no accumulated moisture there, so that it does not dry out even more during use. after we have dried it, we treat it with polymers and dry it again, again. that is, it will last there for 5-10 years, with compounds plus polymers, that is, the inside can be longer, it is coated with antibacterial , the outside is treated with several layers, it is obtained by embalming, it is no longer afraid of any exposure to aggressive environments, so to speak, and it can be wiped clean, well you can wipe the ladders, so what do you want next? to do, i dream about wireless lamps, so, well, something, let’s say,
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on a larger scale, it could be a chandelier, wow, a loaf of chandeliers, and fold baguettes like this in a circle like this, but this is already on a larger scale, yes , but it’s cool, while you ’re young, you’re a year old, your child is a year old, so everything is progressive, i think there will be some kind of trough like this, it’s cool. looks like, and what should we put in this bakery, from you, what do you think, how do you you think, everything is possible, everything, we take everything, everything that can be put in, wow, thrill, thrill, thrill, well, listen, i sincerely thank you, i’m terribly glad to meet you, in fact, these are just really very cozy buns that they shine with light, mish, you are tall, like a baguette, and we, we, seryozha, prosanchiki, buns or kraasanchiki, long god, you are a croissant, yes, and i am a bun, rambo-shaped, ah, buzz, let's listen to this
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silence, breathe in the mountain air fully chest, we are in the kislovsk national park, this is the main park of our country, we are in such in a place where there is one around, the usefulness of this narzan is known to everyone, it gives a different taste to an ordinary dish. we will visit the avatar rocks, and of course we will drive along that very beautiful road, where you can literally see elbrus on the palms of your hands, let’s go, the premiere, today on the first, don’t be distracted when i kick out the leaning tower of pisa, it looks like you’ll be an accomplice, okay, okay, this what is this, this is what i have, and you accept, thank you. kvn, third quarterfinal. watch
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the time after the program. dear friends, happy day medical worker. this choir is called angels of hope. children who were deaf from birth sing in it. i'm doing acting. we are happy. that we give life hope to our patients, the meeting place is kostya taza, little alina, due to joint dysplasia, she couldn’t even walk, today she enjoys life and dance, traffic lights, give a visa, an ambulance is on the way, serious wounds, hard look, we will try to help quickly, bring it to fruition faster, doctors will be awarded. ambulance teams from donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye,
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kherson, kursk and belgorod, calling, prize for the best doctors in russia, tomorrow on the first. well don't ask me and never tell look to you as it lie now you're in my way id mysel for a wish and nees and downs for the kids i wasn't looking for this but now you're in my way, your stair was howing, rip, skin was showing, hot night, wind was blowing, way you think you're going baby, hey, i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe, it's hard to look right,
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how do baby, but here's my number, so call me maybe. you took your time with the call, i took no time with the fall, you gave me nothing at all, but still you rip my way, i beg and borrow and seal, i have for real, i didn't know i was really in my way, yours air was holding rif jean, skin was showing hot, the wind was blowing, where you think you're going baby, hey, i'll just met you. and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe, and all the other boys i trying to taste me, but here's my number, so call me maybe.
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before you came into my life, i missed you so bad, i missed you so bad, i missed you so so bad, before you came into my life, i missed you so bad, and you should know that i missed you so so bad, hey i just met you, and this is crazy , but here's my number, so cal me maybe, it's hard to look right at you, baby, but here's... my number, so call me maybe, hey, i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number , so call me maybe, and the other boys i trying to chase me, but here's my number, so call me maybe.
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ma l'amore no? l'amore mio non può disperdersi nel vento con le rose, tante forte che non cederà, non sfiorirà, io lo veglierò, io lo difenderò da tutte quelle
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insidie ​​velenose che vorrebbero strapparlo al cuor, pover uomo. this story is called love that lasted 60 years, in fact, even a little more, because they met each other earlier, and this is surprising, because it turns out that once people met , they made a choice once and for all, for the rest of their lives, to be together and pass. holding each other's hands tightly through all possible difficulties and joys, it gives such hope and such confidence that this is possible, because you know these people, you have a living example of how it can be, and of course, there is a lot that you can
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learn and gain for yourself. the request was for great-grandchildren, here i am powerless, but with the magical power of comfort we created a space, in particular this table, at which children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren can gather, of course, in the heads of grandparents, and so be it, and may there be a lot of laughter and joy in this house, and there is so much love here, love will conquer everything, this definitely, i followed them.
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strangers arms reach out to me, cuz they know i'm so lonely. and this is how we’ll gather friends, and oh, yes, can you imagine, and this is an orak, well,
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here, listen, this is generally super-duper, yes, super-duper, here’s a washing machine for you, and we have it, i think, where is it getting in the way, look, what a faucet, you can be stunned, yes, like this, everything, like this, oh, what a whip, golinavarna, and a teapot, listen, look, what a beauty, even this, oh, listen, here in general, look at these hooks, no, they’re just awesome, vityul, can you imagine, look how beautiful it is here, and what about the garlic! dear, your golden hands, yes, at the dacha, and where are the batteries, where are the batteries, like that, and
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what curtains, my god, my god, these are so clever, look, the peaks of your golin are not lying under the sofa, let’s lick no need, yes, but the canned food is like that, yoma, and we hid them in a box, blunder, blunder, galina ivanovna, yes, well, we don’t recognize, we don’t recognize, we don’t recognize, we have to get used to it, it’s good, he really says, quickly you get used to it, well then we’ll get used to it, of course, yes, and what a chandelier, what are you, yes, don’t compare, scary, don’t compare, look at the photo we have, yes, i see, i already paid attention, how come i didn’t pay attention, and i thought, how did we get here, it’s us who sing, or something, probably so. and we have this same thing, we don’t have a refrigerator, or maybe somewhere else, well, here ’s a refrigerator for you, oh, here it is, that’s why
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they told me to close my eyes so that i wouldn’t go straight into the refrigerator, okay, oh, and you're being washed from the wrong side, yes, what's going on, here's to you kotota, here’s a freezer for you, oh, well, frost, frost, i don’t know, i really don’t believe in it. thank you dear, congratulations. the daisies hid, not the clams, the water is cold,
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there is a ripple in the river, she told him. all the best, but he didn’t ask for forgiveness, thank you very much, everything is so harmonious, so everything, thank you, everyone can’t even believe such happiness, if you want, if you want, thank you, honey , well done, everything is very good,
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yes, i love you from everything i thank you from the heart for who you are, i flew on, thank you, thank you, may everything be fine with you, thank you, because you bring so much joy with your work, joy to people, god bless you, everyone, everyone, everyone, a huge heartfelt gratitude for accepting us, and into
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history. well, was the prank a success? and i would really like to wish our amazing couple that their wish will come true, to celebrate their sixty-fifth anniversary of marriage in this updated kitchen. and there are a lot of colorful, joyful moments of their amazing life. and if you suddenly lack comfort, then fill out a form on the vera about comfort website and we will definitely come to you you and we will share the comfort with you, i was with you, bera kincheva, your comfort specialist, and see you in a week, so far, we like everything, like it,
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like it. we’ll cut up an apple, a charlotte and bake it, we like it, we like it, we like it, we’ll invite our children and grandchildren to our holiday. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. the conditions are clearly stated. our permanent representative brought vladimir putin’s proposal on ukraine to the collective at a meeting of the security council. if the west and kyiv abandon this peaceful
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suggestions, responsibility for continuation.


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