tv Bolshaya istoriya 1TV June 15, 2024 7:10pm-9:00pm MSK
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this is a separate conversation, well, i don’t know, now directors are watching us, here is valentin smirnitsky, yes, a star, a people’s artist, everyone now sees in what form, it’s perfectly clear that in general you can act in films, re-shoot them a billion times, what would you like to act in, but for some reason you still haven’t been invited, there is something like this, well, probably, well , some serious dramatic role, let’s say, i was happy to play according to my age, there are probably such roles, but there are not many of them. well, if they offered me such a role, that’s for sure to formulate exactly what i would like, well , it’s hard to say, one of the actors said a wonderful phrase: an artist, this is a cemetery of unplayed roles, so nothing can be done, but that’s the way it is, but this year he’s having a very it’s intense in terms of filming, but well , i’m filming, no, that’s another plus. big, big,
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big premiere performance, conversations after the cellar, burial, well, i liked the performance, this is it, this is me playing with pleasure, going to this job with a big, big one like that, well, in the theater, here i got such a role, suddenly, now i ’m playing it with pleasure, with what admiration your wife speaks about you, yes, but thank god, well, what did you find that...
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how to say if she has something ... i like it, but i don’t like it, then here we can reach the known levels, our granddaughter starts screaming, stop swearing, don’t talk in that tone, that’s it, but nevertheless, no, but nevertheless she is a person very integral in this sense, she knows how to defend her position in life very well, this is a wonderful quality, she does not succumbs to any external pressure; in general, this is a character trait. very rare for a woman, as it seems to me, and your daily routine is also managed by her wife, yes she, well, yes, she, well, tries to help me in this matter, at least there is something that prohibits, i don’t know, there there is something or , well, there is definitely, of course, there is, and a lot of things, sweet juices at night, okay, that’s it, there are buns,
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you need to take care, by the way, crayfish are the best wives, that’s why a minute of advertising for everyone cancer wives, yes, that's why i believe that i in general, it’s just a gift of fate for him, well, here you go, so i accept this gift, we agreed on this, and you know what the granddaughter is going to become, she wants to become a cook, yes, well, in any case, until recently it was, was that the cook.
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let's look at ksyusha, she also came to us today to support her grandparents, grandfather and grandmother, hello, hello, come to us quickly, carefully, carefully, i learned one verse, and this verse is dedicated to my grandfather, so come on, tell me, innocent with a tender soul, not knowing passions in youth, overflowing, you can suddenly say with some simplicity, i was happy, whoever , having enjoyed it too early, lives indignation in his soul, hiding it, he can also say, as a friend, having forgotten himself, i was happy, but i have been my whole life. proteky
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experienced such a desperate impulse that i cannot say purely from the heart, i was happy. so bow class, listen, will you still be an artist or a cook, an actress, an actress, you still decided on the actresses, that’s it, don’t be shy, you’re not a shy girl with us, but to be honest, i also want a bouquet, a bouquet, if honestly, well, look, we... hold one for now, bravo, ksyushenka, this is such a bouquet, right, the actress says, i honestly want a bouquet, i’ll be an actress, when you’re an actress, you go on stage, everyone will give flowers, well,
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face- then don’t block yours, carefully have a glass there, i’m almost five, tell us some secret about grandpa, come on, that no one knows about grandpa. my grandfather is an artist, but can you make it deeper, i can’t hear you well, we can hear you, these are secrets, well, it’s not a secret, he’s an artist, so what, give me a bouquet let’s say, then you take him, tell me, tell me, my grandfather is the coolest, oh, hug, that’s it, i understand, it’s time to hug, this is your happiness. what is happiness, well , happiness in general, of course, this is because we, she and i are often left alone, she really likes to play with me, how can i say, since she already reads well, then she, for example, really likes to play with me play words, all sorts of games and generally likes to play with me, she says, well, i ’ll beat you at everything anyway, i say, well,
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who want to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future, i’m vyacheslav nikonov, hello, some kind of scoundrel has raged, as if he’s spoiling it with power. “all the wise guys have been saying that since then for many years in a row, without noticing, it’s a misfortune that more often than not people spoil power, these lines belong to yuri vladimirovich androp, who today would have turned exactly 110 years old, people of the older generation remember him as the penultimate general secretary of the cpsu central committee, who ruled for only 15 months, from november 1982 to february.
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sometimes a communist orthodox, some criticize him for his repressive management methods, others because he acted as the godfather of gorbachev and the collapse of the ussr. and to this day, an andropov remains a mystery man, because even the secret of his birth and origin remains unsolved. who was he for our country, and how our history could have gone if androp had lived longer. let's discuss.
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a talented person, from a unique school, who proposed several ideas, in my opinion, they were extremely grateful for the country's salvation. first and most importantly, he paid special attention to the promotion of talented personnel and did everything to turn the country towards scientific and technological progress. then it happened, unfortunately, only 15 months of rule, several months of which
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i was seriously ill, and we knew this well, but i’ll tell you straight away that the recovery process went quite successfully, it was widely supported by the population and the state party an asset, and he could carry out the transformations that, for example, he carried out in his time in china. strengthen discipline, choose the main direction of work and implement justice under the banner of socialism. in my opinion, today we were ahead of the rest, we were shot down on takeoff in the ninety-first, and we all know the result, after the dashing nineties we just can’t cope, the possibility of a chinese scenario for russia, gennady andreevich just said about this, but this we are already like this... stream, as it were, even in historiography, dominic lieven, a famous british historian, also thinks so,
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one can make quite convincing arguments in favor of the fact that yuri andropov, if he had lived a little longer, would have chosen the chinese path of gradual economic reforms carried out under the authoritarian rule of the communist bureaucracy. yes, there is such an opinion, and it seems to me that this opinion is quite justified, well , let’s look at the numbers, so we have a post-soviet historiography. yes, by the way, ryshkov, who later became prime minister under gorbachev, also came in, and
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which they really did, and after all , entire academic institutes, academies worked on developing this economic reform, which we then see its main provisions in gorbachev’s reign, and here is the law on state enterprises, and state acceptance, and uh, the management of market relations, but the point is not this, but the fact is that andropov really did not consider it possible to quickly, dramatically, but to rebuild everything, replace it, although he actually changed 15 ministers, the secretary of regional committees, but actually turn the country around and thereby declaring glasnost, in essence, how gorbachev brought it to the brink of the abyss, it was andropov who followed the path of gradual reforms, by the way, the chinese themselves later, even after densapin, said that we are equal.
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attempts to re-launch the kosygin reform were made in seventy-three, seventy-five, seventy-nine, eighty, they correctly said that a working group on economic reform was created in eighty-two , which included mikhail sergeevich gorbachev, vladim ivanovich dolgikh , then secretary the central committee for heavy industry, the newly elected
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secretary of the central committee for economics nikolai ivanovich ryshkov, the so-called economic department was reformatted just for him, but it did not come out of nowhere, by the way, it was created on the basis of the department of planning and financial bodies, so what to say that androp was the only unique reformer - this is an incorrect interpretation, in fact, the question is whether androv was a reformer at all, he is so interesting, but the fact that andrpov, in my opinion, did not see development along the chinese path, this obviously, especially since the chinese path was not very obvious, it was only... in the seventy- ninth year den seau with the seventy-eighth, seventy-ninth, actually the second captivity of mitsk in february of the seventy-eighth year danxia aupin began what he saw once then in our country at the end of the twenties, well, about the cat that should catch mice, he said in seventy-nine, he went, he went to america and after he returned from america, he launched this reform program,
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it was seventy ninth year, so well indeed, it’s difficult to say, we went to... along the chinese path, but andropov was not a supporter of the chinese path, in my opinion, obviously, and in general what kind of person he was, here are the reviews of people who knew him, they are very, very different, well let’s listen to what, for example, viktor vasilyevich grishin, who headed the moscow city committee of the cpsu for many years, said. andrupov was quite conservative, orthodox in politics, straightforward in practice, inflexible, and to some extent bureaucratic; the conservatism of yuri vladimirovich antropov appeared in his personal life. behavior, he was distinguished by isolation, taciturnity, a wary, distrustful attitude towards people, a closed personal life, a lack of desire to communicate with fellow workers, only two or three times i saw him at a friendly table on the occasion of the new year or the birthday of someone from members of the politburo, and this was only when leonid ilyevich brezhnev was present, yuri vladimirovich andropov dressed monotonously, a long black coat in winter
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in autumn, a dark suit, the same dark gray felt hat, even in warm summer weather. he was intolerant of any kind of deviation from the political line of the party, of any kind of dissent, dissidence, not to mention manifestations of anti-party, anti-sovietism, well, that is, a closed person, a person in a case, i apologize, but first of all, this is very not loved viktor vasilyevich, this is the first and it is clear why, secondly, he is talking about bandrop from the time of the state security committee, naturally, the service had certain rights, which knows better than us, before this. and dropov is a completely different person, writes poetry, loves music, understands cinema, let’s not slander him, and we are not going to talk about anyone, it’s just that different people saw him in completely different ways, and this is also different as even in one era, different people saw him differently, listen, diametrically opposed people in their political
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views, chernyaev, this is an assistant on foreign policy, yes... this has always been his special interest in foreign policy. yuliy vladimirovich loved knew how to listen, mastered the art of discussion. no matter what position he was in, he maintained human simplicity and goodwill in communicating with people. his excellent hearing and pleasant voice, sociability made him the soul of any company, people were always drawn to him, and one more feature distinguished yuri vladimirovich from many of our other
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leaders. this is exceptional decency, i would say, scrupulousness , crystal honesty. and here. a person who, in general, occupied a slightly different ideological position. georgia arkhanievich arbatov. let's listen to him too. as a rule, the assignments did not relate to abstract theory, but to politics, and it was very interesting to become involved in it through such an intermediary as yuri vladimirovich andrpov, not only smart, but also a politician with an extraordinary gift, a thinker, aimed at practical results as immediate both promising, and secondly, andropov was an extraordinary person with whom it was interesting to work, he did not... had a systematic formal education, a technical school in river navigation, but he read a lot, he knew in the sense of erudition , he was, of course, superior to his colleagues in the leadership, most of whom, if not graduated... then at least received a higher party education, in addition, he was talented and not only in politics, for example, yuri vladimirovich was easy in my unenlightened opinion, he wrote poetry well, was musical,
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sang well, played the piano and guitar, which, however, we knew only by hearsay, that’s what we could expect from yuri vladimovich andropov, i knew that you would ask this vladimir vladimirovich putin once asked a question, this is how he perceived androp, he immediately answered that we perceived. as a person with whom there were great hopes for changes for the better, which he had as changes, i can say this, which means, well , naturally i could not meet with him, and my father, who was also involved in journalism, having gone through the party school , met, he told me about two conversations in detail, but during one of them, after current affairs , the conversation turned to future, necessary changes in public or, as they would now say, political life, the question came up in particular about the elections in our country? makes a strange impression, you vote for one person, there is no choice, androp listened attentively, then said: yes, that means you should also adhere to this point of view, he
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was thinking about political reforms, that’s the most important question, did he think about economic ones, it ’s very difficult for us talk about it, because even his assistants, there vladimir sanovich, who loved him very much, kept saying, andropov did not understand economics and even spoke openly about it, he categorically did not accept what went down in history as the kosygin reforms
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with the title of andropov, so there are such forest characteristics of his human, political and all other qualities, so i would attribute these assessments to myself quite critical. well, is it a myth, or is it the reality of a big man with great intelligence, we will talk about this after the advertisement.
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a person like you can command the health of an entire region, a territory like two frances. inna makarova, why are you doing this forever, and you’re completely crazy to jump off. alexey botalov decided to start everything from the very beginning. in the film "my dear man". tomorrow on the first. cognac. old barrel - a product of the stellar group, burbon stirsman, a product of the stellar group,
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daily work. taking care of children, mom, dad, brother and i, a great family, 3 years old already, and we are already reading books at that age, happiness is when there is calm, peace, well-being at home, when everything is in order with people, so that the younger brother was good, healthy, happy, my parents were the same, respect each other, love and appreciate every moment, spent together so that everyone lives well with faith, with hope, everything will be fine, there’s a big story on the air, yuri vladimirovich andropov, who is he anyway? a very controversial figure, about whom contemporaries spoke as if about a person.
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opportunists, as always, bend over backwards to curry favor with the authorities, not the stalinist malandropov, not an executioner, not a character from cave times, but a friend of the intelligentsia, who saved her from trouble every now and then. i understand that custom films are part of the program for laundering the bloody past, and for money taxpayers, but i still feel sorry for the screenwriters who take on this vulgar, to put it mildly, activity; it would be much more honest to read andropov’s angry letters to the politburo, demanding tougher measures against
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anyone. he is quite consistent in his works, but on a completely different side, let’s honor him. what do you see as the main failure of yuri vladimirovich as secretary general, and for what should he be criticized in the first place? during the timelessness that became the 15 months of his reign, he not only did not realize his plans, but even they were not articulated, did not indicate what he wanted to do. andropov did not define the main directions. politics, never spoke, did not say what the goals were in the economy, foreign policy, and so on, everything came down to stock phrases, publicly admitted only that we do not know the society in which we live, so to say that andropov was not a reformer or even a potential reformer, this is the main myth of the andropov era, this myth was created by people from the general secretary’s inner circle, you know, when we hear andropov’s assessments from different,
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from polar, maybe, uh... groups, we must understand that each person judges a person by the attitude that this person has towards the character, of course, therefore, when yakovlev declares that andropov was, well, we heard him characteristics, but we understand perfectly well that subsequently kryuchkov, who came out, so to speak, of andropov’s, one might say, office, had a very strict idea of who alexander nikolaevich yakovlev was, so i think. that this is this polarity, it was connected precisely with the relationship of a specific politics to a specific individual, and grishin also perceived him as a cracker, but i don’t think that andropovo and grishin had any close relationship, where andropov could open up, he treated him like a party apparatchik and maybe not even very beloved to a party official, so all these assessments are always of a very personal nature in relation to people, for me it’s the same thing
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for the manager of department stores, i think. dropov, when some big events took place in the country, the state security committee they were instructed to collect the reaction to these events from ordinary people, you can see in the archives, during the great patriotic war they collected the so-called reaction, and they studied there during the great patriotic war , they studied letters assessing the situation, and so when the antropovs were elected general secretary, i must say that we also collected reaction, we were not.
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that one worker there says that we are ready to tighten our belts so that the country becomes strong, they saw in him something that many of our politicians did not see, and grishin did not saw, and yakovlevush especially didn’t see it, so of course, assessments, this assessment was probably very important, because the working class intelligentsia, they didn’t know who androp was, well, by and large, yes, he was the chairman of the committee security states and this is like some kind of external poster. and what behind this no one knew, behind this is vyacheslav alekseevich, i would like to add, because andropov, who became the chairman of the kgb, he led in the districts, in each district organization, the district department of the kgb, which, as they say, here i collected, collected, collected all this
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but andro stood at the head and was made only not only in the downed boeing 747, but the fact is that we responded firmly to all the challenges then and did not allow ourselves to be pushed aside, you mentioned economically, we are now talking about the individual and the fact that he actually tried achieve, they mentioned the commission on economic reforms, which was headed by gorbachev and where nikolai ivanovich ryshkov played, of course , a decisive role, but here’s what nikolai ivanovich himself thought about it, come on. i’ll listen , the goal was to strengthen the foundations of statehood, which had been greatly shaken in previous years. one cannot help but deeply appreciate the large-scale fight against corruption, the mafia and the shadow economy that he began; to a large extent, for this reason, i think that nowadays
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people are increasingly beginning to regret their early andropov's passing away. at the same time, i am far from the idea of idealizing andropov’s activities; nevertheless, we will take into account that, firstly, character is fate, internal discipline, high organization, composure in business, intolerance of laxity, idle chatter, all these are the dominant features of yuri vladimirovich . secondly, it is necessary to take into account his maximum, hardly comparable to anyone else’s , awareness of the smallest details of the situation in the country. the huge array of this information gave him great advantages over other representatives of higher power, but thirdly, by force of will, he brought with him the methods to which he was accustomed in his former company, at all times they knew how to tighten the screws where necessary. by the way, nikolai.
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and nikolai ivanovich told me a lot about andropome, including, by the way, the story of yakovlev’s return from canada, which explains this characterization of yakovlev. when gorbachev, in the presence of ryshkov, by the way, came to report on his trip to canada, at the end of the conversation he said that yakovlev asks to go back home, and nikolai ivanovich shows me how it happened, it was summer weather, andropov was sitting without a jacket, he took it, he said, help him, just like that, he said, he pulled it away with force, he let him go , he said, let him sit, he is not needed here yet , the second time this question was raised. he says: well, okay, let him return,
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but keep in mind, i won’t let him into politics, you know, that is, he knew what kind of fruit it was, why he was going to return back to moscow, not at all to engage in scientific and educational work or some other something different activity, in order to return again to the apparatus of the central committee, and under gorbachev, yakovlev almost immediately returned to the very propaganda of the central committee, which de facto oversaw all ideology. yes, andropov agreed to return him, but for academic work, but gorbachev had already returned him to big politics, very big politics, one of andropov’s assistants at one time was georgy shakhnazarov, karen’s father, and he saw some kind of dual nature of antrop , let's listen: in antropov, in an incomprehensible way, two different a person, a russian intellectual in the normal meaning of this concept and... an official who sees his life purpose in serving the party. i
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emphasize that this is not a matter of communism, not an abstract concept of the good of the people of the country, the state, specifically the party, as a self-sufficient organization that does not require any other more lofty ideas for its justification. well, for example, alekt troinovsky, who worked as an assistant to molotov and khrushchev, then was our ambassador to japan at the united nations. he's with him too met quite often and noted his peculiar humor. let's listen. andropov loved to think in allegories and had a sense of humor. he knew ilf and petrov almost by heart, loved to quote them, and sometimes he himself was not averse to making jokes. soon after he was appointed chairman of the kgb, he called me and said: “oleg alexandrovich, where have you disappeared? come to us, we’ll put you in jail.” at the word, we’ll put you in prison, he made a significant pause, and we’ll give you some tea. here they are. androp actually had works that were standing there
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or bookmarks on the table, when someone asked him, why do you actually need all these quotes, and so that i could talk to you, yes, that is, he treated people with respect, no matter who came to him, small talk, well, really in fact, this is a method to win over a person, to set him on the path of truth, or to ensure that he adheres to his position, but let's... let's see, after all, andropov, we are now talking a lot about the kgb, indeed, for 15 years he headed this organization, but in fact in fact, he came from the party structure, here it was just said that he had no experience of party leadership there in large republics, regions, but the second secretary is a lot in fact, and then we know that the leaders of this karillafin serb, who then became a karilian and autonomous republic, in fact, he played a huge role there and... here it is precisely his party experience, speaking about his party hardening, it
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just affected him, so where did he get this party hardening, why andropava is very they are often called a mystery person with an unknown biography, after advertisements, have i already been to bodrum, what do i know about bodrum, well, about... a friend by blood type and only with this piece of paper can you submit an application, otherwise they won’t
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sign it. men go to the salon primarily to relax and chat. i go to the salon once a week, more often than i do, the lives of others. premiere, tomorrow, on the first. we're going, we're going, the neighboring village. the finale of the eighth season of the project is three chords. ride for love. it’s very captivating that you’re like a child you are happy with what you are doing, it’s great, wonderful vocalist,
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we chose two heads of poland, two former presidents called them from petro poroshenko, here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers are coming, they are blocking cities, what is a ukrainian in front of a pole, on the belly, on your knees, crawl here, slave, we supply cernoum to europe, we are out of here, we are planning world domination, listen, if they overhear us, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america gives. i hope that in ukraine they will remember the level of assistance it was a gigantic help, which has not yet been compensated, well, you still have
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to pay for it, yes, and we will remind you every penny what the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship is, show wavan. and lexus on wednesday on the first. dear comrade deputies, allow me to express from the bottom of my heart. i express my warm gratitude and appreciation to you for the high trust that you placed in me by electing me chairman of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr. i perceive your trust as
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trust in our leninist communist party, of which i have been a member for more than 40 years, an ideal that... i consider myself committed to, for more than 40 years, but we still know nothing, for sure regarding the early years of andropav’s life, written in his hand, at different times in questionnaires, in autobiographies you can find a variety of information about parents, childhood and even his name, this was confusing and numerous authorities in relation to andropov started talking about...
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where he was, he later admitted this, because somewhere in the newspaper he saw an advertisement that will provide those entering the technical school a hostel and a scholarship, you know, this probably left an imprint on his whole life, an orphan, a lonely boy who had to leave his home, go somewhere to start a new life there, of course, this left an imprint,
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which surprised all researchers ; in fact, all the first documents wrote that he has two names, yuri georgievich, indeed, this is true, in some places it’s not even yuri... and such a person cannot be elected secretary of the regional committee of the komsomol here, a long check begins, first they established that his father was not an officer, then it turned out that his mother was without parents, an orphan.
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it’s impossible to work with such a biography, and what happened, we figured it out, all questions were removed from him, he became the first farmer of the yaroslavl regional committee of the komsomol, and here his great life began, but what is also important to note is that he had initial health problems, he as if, as a sailor, he would have had to serve in the navy, he was exempt from military service for health reasons. well, look, not only is his health, his further party career, it went through karelian, and already... in the forties, this carillo-finnish then the ussr was formed in our country, and there he is at komsomol work, and in wartime they
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, of course, had a decisive influence on his formation and career both political and whatever, the fact is that at that time in the occupied territory of karelia, the finns and petrozavodsk there were 14 concentration camps, where mainly russian-speaking russians were kept, the finns, yes, they sent the finns, the finns...
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it was impossible to notice, these are exactly these here spiritual qualities, despite the hardest things , he cared about people then, and this is the impossible time that was in the country then, despite the occupation of koreli, the need to restore it, because the finns there, when they left , destroyed everything there, today they say there, we are nothing there and so on, they were simply barbarously engaged in robbery there.
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for the construction of the upper volga hydroelectric complex, even when it was working in yaroslavl, and not for leadership of the partisan movement, but you see, even here there are many dark spots, as they say, but at the same time the partisan medal great patriotic war, first degree, he was truly awarded.
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i also told felix choev about this somewhere, you can read it here. the central committee sent him to me. distribution department, distribution department or one of the secretaries. he made a good impression on me. he came to see me in the midfield. so they sent me through diplomatic channels and i don’t remember who told me that this person could be used for diplomatic work. i suggested hungary, they agreed, and he behaved well in hungary. destination, i i think it was successful, because then, as... when he was appointed ambassador in the internal events of hungary, they did not expect anything unexpected bad, everything was calm. in fact, they were going to send him
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antasha, on the outskirts of the capital they were ambushed and fired upon, while their car was broken through the fields, which also ended up in the blockage of trees was completely out of order. passengers had to walk late at night for more than 2 hours to get to their embassy, the streets of budapest were restless, crowds of excited armed people were wandering, andropov walked with a firm gait, even at a leisurely pace, they paid attention to them more than once, tried to stop them several times, but by some miracle everything turned out well, accompanying... andropov's faces they spoke with admiration about his endurance and self-control. yuri vladimirovich himself later admitted that this incident cost him enormous nervous tension. and he really saw with his own eyes what was happening in hungary and those cruel were killed by the communists and they were brutally dealt with by representatives of the authorities; perhaps this subsequently left its imprint on the relations of the so-called
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dissidents in the soviet union. after all, when he arrived there as an adviser to the ambassador. in fact , hungary was considered a relatively calm socialist country, he later wondered how in just a few months the country could turn into such an outrage? listen, well, if we are talking about the events of 1956, it has now been absolutely proven that it was a pro-hartist, pro-fascist rebellion, it was prepared in advance, it was a trial balloon for the implementation of the famous esenhower doctrine. dalis, the rejection of communism, and not only the cia, but also the bnd, west german intelligence actively participated in these events, i want to tell you that the moscow visitors, after all , initially, the same mikayan, the same suslov, they were quite loyal, which means they were disposed towards to the new government of nadya, but andropov was really a staunch
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ambassador and stated that nadiya could not trust. that the events in hungary, if we do not take tough measures, will acquire a very dangerous character for our country, and this was indeed later appreciated; soon in the year fifty-seven, yuri vladimirovich would be transferred to moscow, and a second international department of the central committee would be specially created for him, which he will supervise for 10 years, until the transition to the post of chairman of the kgb, he was shot there by two sniper bullets, which passed 5 cm from above.
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it absorbed all the best, and this allowed him, over 15 years of work in state security, to attract there are the strongest and brightest shots. let’s say, the question is very important for us, smart and trained personnel who have undergone excellent hardening and life, and at the same time have undergone theoretical training, for example, for me the andropu school was an example that we... over the past 10 years, almost 2,000 have trained new personnel, we teach talented children in all main areas, this is the anropov school, at the same time, without high party discipline there is no party, he called for a deep study of all processes in order make the necessary decisions, and work with the masses, work with talented people, apparently
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intelligence also left its mark on him, he himself even... talked to major dissidents personally and made a decision after the picture was absolutely clear. at one time i helped zinova return to the country. when the department was created, the first proposal for a candidacy for the head was firuben, who was a leader of the city party committee, but khrushchev did not want to return him, furtsev’s husband did not want to return him to party work,
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demanded another candidacy, then a candidacy arose, once again, i noticed how many forks in a person’s life there are, he could have stayed, he would have been a minister and you know who proposed him, here we usually talk about kuusinin, but in fact one of izilov , no, one of the people... who was also proposed by mikhail andreevich suslov. another thing is that then the relationship between suslov and andropov will gradually deteriorate, and he, by the way, will become the initiator, one of the initiators of yuri vladimirovich being subsequently removed from the secretariat central committee. yes, the relationships there were very difficult; there were many forks in andropav’s life. when he became secretary of the central committee, he created a group of consultants, yeah, which played a role later. quite a big role in our history, this group included many interesting people, including georgy arkadyevich arbatov, this is what he recalled: i can say that the group
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of consultants assembled by andropov was one of the most outstanding oases of creative thought of that time , it was a very strong, very creative team, in addition to fyodor mikhailovich burlatsky, who then headed the department, it included alexander evgenievich bovin, who later became widely known as a publicist and journalist georgy khasroevich shakhnazarov, who successfully worked not only in science and politics, but in literature. economist oleg timofeevich bogomolov, who after some time headed the institute of economics of the world socialist system of the ussr academy of sciences, became an academician, and then elected people's deputy of the ussr, political scientist and publicist nikolai vladimirovich shishlin and other qualified specialists. all of them accepted the twentieth congress of the cpsu without hesitation and stood on this platform. here it is very important to note a special case, the formation of the central committee apparatus took place according to the principle: liberated party workers, and andropov was the only one who received permission to form from specialists, because he
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needed people with languages, so his department was initially different from other departments in the central committee apparatus. well, let’s look, and these are people from mikhail sergeevich gorbachev’s team. yes, but arbatov, by the way, mind you, will not die from modesty, he said so casually that we are the most outstanding. was afraid of him, that’s clear, maybe that’s why there’s also another version, he was removed by the kgb thanes, that is, he’s kind of nearby and will do what he’s supposed to do, yes, including in terms of
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security, but at the same time it’s not the party leadership, at the same time this is not the party central committee and not the secretariat, in the end , here he is like a person, and why is he, but because he is a man of honor, a man who speaks the truth, who does not hide... this the truth from someone and which can , indeed, which can, i apologize, at the turn of the khrushchev-brezhnev era, andropov firmly sat in the post of head of the department of the secretary of the central committee for, therefore , relations with the ruling communist parties, and was not going to go to the kgb, but at the same time, i will note that his position in the secretariat began to strengthen more and more as moscow’s relations with all the capitals of the social republics improved, so... this question frightened anyone extremely? mikhail andreevich suslov, because suslov for many years, starting with stalin until the mid-fifties, he was not in charge of ideology, but he was in charge of
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the international departments of the central committee. it is very important to note here that when andropov came to the state security committee, the state security committee was under the council of ministers of the ussr, that is, it was not such a setup as the nkvd and the ussr, yes, it was still a subcontract.
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yes, we need to save him, he started this mess himself, even if he’s sorting it out himself, in my opinion, through what, a minibus, or something, we can’t go to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we let's stay here, not a colleague, to dad, he did everything for me, for you, and we give it to him, one chance for three, premiere from monday on the first, stellar group old barrel cognac product of stellar group. steersman bourbon is a product of stellar group. this is our chuvash outfit. i myself got married 37. my husband and i are already
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passing this on to the future daughter-in-law. in the groom’s suit , women’s jewelry was traditionally used and the disco ball is very beautiful. the mother-in-law can force you to take revenge on the dough and they can tell you to put the needle in there, you must tell the needle to find it. in the test in the test if i find the needle, it means everything is successful, i'm getting married, the bride price always goes differently, sometimes it's very funny, sometimes it's very strange, come on, it's so delicious. you just have no idea where we decided to have our wedding? our premiere, we are playing a wedding, tomorrow on the first day. sklif is a legend since the time of count sheremetyev, all the modern successes of the institute are based on the history that it had, an experiment on humans.
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or they turned him around and said, take him to russia, i’ve been to a lot of such doctors’ offices institutions, this humanity that nisklefasovsky’s specialists have, i have never met it anywhere, the doctors pulled me out of that council, i thank them every time, they succeeded, i succeeded, we all succeeded, on the day of the medical worker, the institute sklifosovsky, tomorrow on the first, brother, go '
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when i was hooked for another 2 hours, it turns out i was still shooting in the trench, something got in the way, i thought my arm was just broken, let's go now with the nanostrikes, let's go two. heart injuries, such injuries are very rare meet, when we saw this, we were shocked that he survived at all, they found a fuse in my leg, my friend had one in his heart, we did not expect to survive, but thanks to our doctors we are standing here alive in front of you, i already when i arrived home, only then
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leonid ilivich brezhnev chose andropovo when he wanted to replace khrushchev’s nominee. seven-part for andropov, i must say this appointment was unexpected, i found out completely in the morning, and andrei alexandrov agents, who was an assistant to four general secretaries, recalled this morning this way. the appointment to the kgb was completely unexpected for andropov. i remember well, with with what a dumbfounded look he left leonid ilich’s office after a conversation with him, i was then in the reception area and asked: “well, yuri vladimirovich, should i congratulate you or what? i don’t know,” he answered. knowing only that i had once again been run over by the wheel of history , there was an agreement in advance that, first of all, andropovo would be subject to all security standards, the so-called social package, of the secretary of the central committee, and moreover, at the next
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plenum of the central committee he would be included in the list of candidates for membership in the politburo of the central committee, so in terms of his status he would be the first after. happened, in 1967, brezhnev understood that in order to strengthen his position in the fight against alexander shelepin, he needed the support of the army, the kgb, the ministry of internal affairs and the party apparatus. he was calm about the army, given his connections with the generals and the fact that the head of the ministry of defense was marshal radion
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yakovlevich malinovsky, whom he knew. it was more difficult with the kgb, which was headed by those close to sherlepin, seven-part. it was possible to remove him by proposing a figure occupying a high rank in the party hierarchy, such a figure... and there was the secretary of the cpsu central committee, yuri vladimirovich andropov, and brezhnev easily achieved his appointment to the most important post of chairman of the kgb, which largely determined the life of the country. the fact is that radion yakolyevich malinovsky died, he had pancreatic cancer on march 30 , 1967, and the new minister of defense was marshal of the soviet union andrei antonovich grechko, who was well known to brezhnev from the front since the defense of the caucasus. this is the first circumstance, that is, brezhnev essentially took control of the army, now it was important for him to take control of the kgb, precisely in it was in this capacity that he needed andropov there, and... so that andropov’s status did not fall and an agreement was reached that he would join
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the flight bureau of the central committee. i have this assumption that he chose andropa because he did not have a certain community, a community circle, like a seven-part one, which would have been around this person, leonid ilyevich, leonid ilyevich needed a loner who would focus only on brezhny , and he did absolutely, i want my opinion.
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cases that related to trade concerned underground enterprises, this is shchelokova, yes, at least he fought, but obviously not with the proper persistence, as determined by the same general secretary, then who andropov stood up, who led the fight against such manifestations that were in the ministry of internal affairs, and brezhnev was needed, you probably said correctly, this is a catch for this ,
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such a side was needed, he could rely on this person, who he considered crystal clear. when we talk about shcholokov, for some reason we take his last period leadership, when all the blows really fell on him. shcholokov created the ministry of internal affairs, created a new ministry of internal affairs, which had a vertical in the soviet union, because the ministry of public order did not have a vertical then, each republic had its own ministry. shcholokov created a system of higher educational institutions, which
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the police did not have before him, and there was none before him, he created a system of interaction with the public through police support centers, through district police officers, he was generally talented a person, and he also came from the party organs, he also didn’t seem to have one, and for brezhnev it was important to create a team, this one is dealing with these problems, this...
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that is, what andropov was doing, so there is a version that andropov’s departure from the secretariat was not from the central committee, but from the secretariat of the central committee, to the kgb, this was also the initiative of suslov, who thus removed a potential competitor from this body. one of andropovo’s first undertakings in the kgb was the creation of the fifth directorate, headed by philip denislovich bobkov. and he led it with the flow. for a long time, this is how he describes his conversation with andropy
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regarding the creation of this unit. yuri vladimirovich still asked me to express my attitude to the idea. new division, i doubted whether it would repeat what already existed, whether the new department would turn out to be an analogue of the secret political department of the nkvd, which dealt with the political opposition and whose work had already been subjected to merciless criticism throughout the last decade. no, the new management will not be a repetition of the open source software, - antropov objected. it must meet the challenges of today. you cannot but agree that there is now a powerful psychological attack on us. this is nothing more than the real thing. ideological war, the question is being resolved, who will win? we, communists, stand firm and are determined to strengthen the soviet state; our ideological opponents are making every effort to destroy it. we are obliged to know their plans and methods of work, to see the processes taking place in the country. it is very important. we need to use a variety of sources, such as legal institutions, sociological institutes or
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a difficult situation there was in the theatrical environment, in artistic environment, there was a struggle of motives, so to speak, a struggle for... america in the field of nuclear weapons, if the kgb suddenly misses some kind of information leak, some scientist goes there, the same with sugar, yes, if there is an ideological company such an image that solzhenitsy developed, who was sent, as we know, on a plane, what will happen to the soviet union, of course, protective functions, but on the other hand,
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this was, of course, not the year thirty-seven, not some kind of peak repression, on the contrary, on the contrary, here... an interesting point, many of the intellectuals of moscow and st. petersburg, when he was appointed in the sixty-seventh year of the kgb, they said, an intellectual came, a democrat came there, under whom there would be some new trends, they were of course mistaken, but not as fatally as in reality, because that andropov actually supported, supported a number of directions that he considered necessary, but which did not destroy the soviet socialist like philip de...
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influences among soviet citizens, according to reliable data received by the committee state security, recently the us cia, based on the analysis and forecast of its specialists about the future paths of development of the ussr. develops plans to intensify hostile activities aimed at disintegrating soviet society and disorganizing the socialist economy. the cia has developed programs for individual training of agents of influence, providing for the acquisition of espionage skills, as well as their concentrated political indoctrination, which is currently carried out program by the american intelligence services will contribute to qualitative changes in various spheres of life of our society, and above all...
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intelligence, he left the ruins of the us residency on the territory of the soviet union, ruins, that is, it was really a very serious, serious company with him, and the people who served there at that time, they of course left their golden mark, so to speak, in the history of counterintelligence, including in the sphere of the fight against ideological sabotage, which very often intersected with counterintelligence issues, intersected, by the way, in the eighty- fifth year, when perestroika was announced, the americans immediately removed all the anti-soviet garbage from their radio stations, they removed everyone at once, so to speak, instead of them came, analysts,
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analysts , which broadcast radio liberty, free europe, bbc and heads of america, they stopped funding dissidents directly, as it was before, why, yes , because the cart rolled down the mountain, eighty-five , yes, they say, they will eat themselves, well, in general, this is how it turned out for the most part, and what’s more. please note that when perestroika began, it was not dissidents who became the rulers of the houses, they all forgot about them, but i know what i would like to say here, it seems to me that andropov, being not a stupid person, has a truly analytical mind, just like the employees who worked with him directly in his immediate environment, they did not put all their eggs in one basket, they foresaw, for example, what would happen. in global economics level, they saw the problems of the soviet economy, especially the decline in the growth rate of the soviet economy, and structural problems,
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not the crisis of the system itself, the crisis of the structure of the soviet economy. i would pay attention to the fundamental changes that took place in the first commander-in-chief, with foreign intelligence, well, anyone interested in the history of intelligence usually says that the time of success was the twenties and thirties, one can agree with this, vladimirovich kryuchkov once gave it to me. there are different countries where a lot of money is invested in intelligence services, but ours the country at that moment was probably a unique society in the sense that the intelligence career attracted the brightest and most talented people, this was... a colossal advantage, a system was created, in the seventies we can definitely talk about this, a foreign intelligence system that provided the country with a huge amount of information, the question of
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use is another matter; anyone who has read the memoirs of general leonov, who led the information and analytical department, understands the difficulties of understanding, so to speak, but nevertheless, that our country’s foreign intelligence has acquired an incredible scale and achieved enormous success, that’s for sure. it is obvious, and from all departments, of course, it is unlikely that any intelligence service in the world could then compete with the kgb and the ussr. therefore, yes, androf yes, and the results of the activities were also very warmly remembered in the service, and not only, but in 1982.
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dissertation. in order to get into the library or university to the third couple, it was necessary to be especially vigilant so as not to get caught by the plainclothes patrol, which i was wondering why i was not at my workplace during working hours. i remember andropovka vodka, i remember the grave corruption cases and landings, i remember the american boeing that we shot down in the smoking area, and the general secretary, who, unlike his predecessor brezhny, spoke clearly and competently, in general the right things, his honest admission that we did not we know societies. in which we live and a feeling of hope for change, a feeling of unfulfilled, then everyone really felt the changes, and above all in the fact that people began to somehow to gather and work more intensively, this was also felt by andropov’s nominee yegor kuzmech ligachev. when andrpov became the general secretary of the central committee, the established order of work itself, without any resolutions, simply
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put, disappeared, bypassing the norm. the regime all switched from a shortened working day immediately to an extended one, i personally had to stay up until 9, even until 11 o’clock in the evening, all the other members of the leadership worked very hard, in a word, the situation was the same as in the regional committees, district committees of the party, where they were accustomed to not counting hours of work, and of course, not everyone liked this rhythm of work, and the fact that they began to tighten the screws of labor discipline, so alexander agentov once even joked about ... the topic with andropov and he did not like the joke. somehow i couldn’t resist and told andropov an anecdote i heard in the city about how the institutions he headed were no longer called the cpsu central committee, but the cpsu cheka. yuri vladimirovich did not like this very much, he frowned and became gloomy. one can say, indeed, they began to tighten the nuts, but tighten them if necessary , as needed, and yet the increase
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disciplines. all his ideas, which, as we now know, are in many ways connected with this implementation of business, enterprises, the independence of enterprises, self-financing and so on, so on, so on, no, andropovo had his own, his own ideas on this issue, well, -firstly, if we talk about glasnost, which gorbachev later introduced, for andropov there was the word glasnost, but this did not mean such unbridledness of all the
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media, which later happened under gorbachev. if it concerned foreign policy, here he did not deviate an iota, and we know that when genscher, kohl and genscher came to andropov, they met. and he couldn’t hide it, well, anyone who was close knows, he suffered from a very serious illness, he had a problem with his kidneys, they actually failed, this meant that he went for hemodialysis all the time, anyone who understands medicine understands , what a difficult procedure this is in itself, that is, this
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the end of may of the eighty-second year, that is , after 3 months, anandropov returns again after 15 years to the secretariat of the central committee, so there is a version that he allegedly immediately became the second secretary. suslov, this is not so, according to the documents it is clear that then a rather difficult litigation began between him and chernenko for the post of second secretary, only in september, when brezhnev returned from vacation, and after he met with cherbitsky, this it’s very important, he really entrusted some of the functions of the second secretary, in particular running the secretariat, to androp, but this does not mean that andrpov... became the heir to power in brezhnevo, why? because there really was a plan for the transfer, a smooth transfer of power, that means from brezhnev to vladimir vasilyevich shcherbitsky, and please note that brezhnev’s last day of work,
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the day before his death on november 9, he was in the kremlin, he worked with doroshina, galana alexandrovna, this is his personal secretary, signed necessary documents, met that day in the office only. with androp on the same day i called shcholokov, this we can clearly record in such a source as the magazine, yes, yes, visits, that means, to the kremlin office of leonid ilvich brezhnev, and andropov indeed, when he came to power, then developed a reform program, which he could have immediately proposed to start implementing it, he certainly did not have.
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the central committee, the rhetoric in our notes changed, in past years we tried to somehow maneuver, yes, to say something, not to say something, here, even when collecting the population’s reaction to various kinds of social events, we did not choose expressions, yes, we wrote in plain text, this was very important because we understood who we were dealing with, well, i must say that... today's communists count time andropov’s reign, well, almost ideal, so i would take from him the fact that no matter where he worked, he got good results, he gathered talented people around him , responded very quickly to comments and new proposals, when he came to the central committee he gathered the whole apparatus is huge, almost a thousand people, you know, the very appearance, the manner of speaking, the manner of listening, she inspired.
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i was interested in them, here is the testimony of anatoly dobrinin, who was then ambassador to the united states. andropov was constantly interested in the state of our relations with the united states. when i came to moscow on a business trip, he always invited me to his place for private conversations. he was interested in everything, politics, economics, culture, the social life of the country and especially the american elite of official washington. andropov, like gromyka, was not a supporter, unlike the emotional ustinov. usa, but considered regan a dangerous
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person who could, by his actions, cause a military conflict between the usa and the ussr. i would like to say that, of course, andropov did not consider himself an antagonist in the united states, he hated him, he did not have such a word, but of course, reagan, who came to power in march 1983, did. reagan makes two important statements. the first is that the soviet union is an evil empire, the second is the soya organization, a strategic defense initiative. as we now believe, there was no money for this program and it was not developed, but nevertheless it came into use, it entered propaganda, he tried to intimidate the soviet union, we know this very well, for andropov , of course, it was important to compete with the united states of america, to secure his flank, we know little about his attitude towards china, he tried to improve relations in the chinese direction, but it didn’t work , but there was an attempt, he understood what was necessary.
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went to him with documents, i could not resist saying, after all, yuri vladimirovich and i are old friends, we are friends with families, we had many confidential conversations in... yazov, minister defense of our country. yuri antropov spotted gorbachev among the mineral springs and wooden eagles in the stavropol region. he led him almost by the hand to the kremlin. yuri vladimirovich was an experienced political heavyweight, a fighter at his discretion creating a political aura around dear leonid ilic. andropov carefully drove this to both. young contenders for the highest party post in the state, shelepin, shelista, polyansky, accused iromanov of lordly manners. well, i must say that gorbachev, when he came to power, gave, of course, a tribute to andropov, but also in his memoirs he also criticized andropov for the fact that he was a man of old ideas. but
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andropov always remained a man of his time, one of those people who could not break out of the old ones. knew about stalin’s crimes, but never raised these questions, i saw attempts . i often think, because he, like no one else, brezhnev to revive the image of stalin, his model of organizing society, and did not even try to prevent this, but what was his role in the hungarian, czechoslovak events, in the afghan war, in the fight against dissent and dissidence, when the very attempts to raise the question of freedom and human rights were taken for criminality. andropovo had sick kidneys and every summer he went to the stavropol mineral waters to treat them, not gorbachev, as the owner of the stavropol region, which leonid ilyich called the sheep republic, he inevitably accompanied all the members of the politburo who came to him on vacation, but to present the matter in this way
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that only in gorbachev he saw a reliable support, this is far from true, he formed indeed his team and the members of this... in andropav’s office there was gorbachev, and gorbachev played an important role, so this definitely apparently existed, and we are dealing with the notes of andropov’s assistant bolsky, who had previously headed the mechanical engineering department, who says, that it was andropov who wanted
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gorbachev to preside over the meetings of the secretariat of the central committee, olsky is a serious man, here we must answer that this is not entirely true. would treat with respect, the fact is that if we look, andropov really highlighted many in the foreground, besides gorbachev, if this is so, legachev is here , aliyev is here in the end, and many, many others, the question is that how andropov himself treated gorbachev, let’s remember the normal history, that is the food program was announced in the eighty-second year, in fact, the secretary for agriculture was gorbachev, who completely failed it, and directly at meetings of the central committee. ropov criticized gorbachev, in fact i think that even if he participant in his movement, his opinion about gorbachev at the end of his life, it sharply, or let’s say, radically changed, and if we talk about continuing this thought about foreign policy, we still owe
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andropovo today, no matter what they say in that we, at least our country, during his period of his reign and... after it were not subjected to, let’s say, any aggression, did not give up their positions, did not become a second-rate power, continued to remain the leader of the world process and in fact, the crisis about which post-peredstruction ideologists there they said that the crisis was inevitable, the whole country was falling, it was impossible, no, this did not happen, reforms were needed, they were needed, of course, but andropov, in my opinion, he would have led the country along a more... objective path of development than he did gorbachev, disrupting everything. soon, after the funeral of marshal semeon timoshenko in 1970, andropov wrote a poem: yes, we are all mortal, even if not putuntru, to me this is a truth, more terrible than there is, but at the
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appointed hour, when i die, the memory of me will be erased by the holy summer. we are mortal in this world under the moon, life is only a moment, semicolon, life is only a moment, non-existence forever, spinning in the universe and the globe, people live and disappear. but existence, born in darkness, is indestructible on the way to dawn, other generations on earth carry the baton further and further than life. if andropov had lived longer, he would definitely have prevented the collapse of the soviet union, and we would have lived in another country, and maybe we would have demonstrated chinese rates of economic growth, and maybe not. history is imperative, it does not know the subjunctive mood, it is aristocratic, therefore. what it is created mainly by a few who find themselves at that point, in that position of power, from where they are able to unfold
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