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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm MSK

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because it is created mainly by a few who find themselves at that point, in that position of power, from where they are able to unfold the flows of history. andropov was at this point, but his plans, plans, possible achievements as head of state remained unfulfilled. it was a great story, see you again on the first one. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. clear security.
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our regiments arrived, the first star on uniform from kaliningrad to vladivostok, recently cadets, now officers, many continue the dynasty that gave beauty, warm words addressed to valentin yudashkin, a monument to the world-famous russian fashion designer was unveiled at the troekurovsky cemetery. an olympic fairy tale: a show in all the brilliance of the skill
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of the skaters, the complexity of the scenery and the dynamics of special effects. so, our new proposals on ukraine have already been heard in the un security council. i’m talking about the conditions that vladimir putin named, i emphasize for the complete completion, and not the freezing of the conflict. there are many reactions, but the kremlin noted that they are not constructive. however, she exists will be stated as first . our position, of course, is the report by giorgi alisashvili. the sovez meeting requested by moscow was not formally considered an emergency meeting, but in essence it was. around ukraine, according to russian post-narratives , the most dangerous scenario is being realized, potentially leading to a direct clash between nato and russia. the western military actually manually manages the process of the ukrainian regime using modern high-tech weapons, high-precision and long-range. we know that
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ukrainian military personnel on the ground are technologically unable to control these missiles, and flight missions and their loading into the system are carried out by those who supply these weapons, that is, by giving ukraine permission to strike russia, western countries are only hiding behind kiev, the british minister of defense even spoke about this i recorded a pompous video. “we are very prudent in transferring weapons to ukraine, but we cannot do this and then tie ukraine hand and foot in how it uses these weapons. it turns out, london kiev supports, but if anything happens, all questions should be directed to ukraine. russians would have focused their attention on this if not for the dramatically changed agenda. the main thing for nebenzi was to list to his colleagues the conditions for ending the conflict, voiced several hours before the meeting by vladimir putin. these conditions are very simple. ukrainian troops must be
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completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, within their administrative borders that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine. as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision and begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, they will also officially notify. about abandoning plans to join nato, on our part immediately, literally at the same minute, there will be an order to cease fire and begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately, of course, and at the same time we will guarantee the unhindered and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations. western ambassadors clearly they didn’t expect it, but they didn’t improvise, having read the instantly outdated speeches. convenes
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a meeting on the eve of the swiss peace summit, this meeting is an obvious attempt to divert the attention of the whole world and blame someone other than itself for what is happening in ukraine, but russia will not be able to deceive anyone.
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notes military failures, against the background of which kiev may have a choice between bad and worse. russian troops on the battlefield are gradually moving forward, while at the same time the ukrainian armed forces suffer from a shortage of soldiers, air defense ammunition, and also from interruptions in arms supplies from the west. with his statement, mr. putin seems to be sending a signal to ukraine, the west, as well as other countries. immediately after the press conference of the head of the russian foreign ministry, a reporter from the british sky news channel stated that it is unlikely that the west is ready to discuss moscow’s peace plan right now? despite talk of peace, relations between russia and the west have recently deteriorated sharply and have come, as vladimir putin noted, to
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the point of no return. and it seems that everything has so suddenly accelerated on the path leading to escalation, which makes it completely unclear how all this could end. expressed in the spirit that it is strange that moscow did not come up with a peace proposal directly to kiev, that in ukraine it is now unclear who to talk to, the white house is delicately silent. zelensky, after all, not only did he legally prohibit himself from negotiating, but he also lost his legitimacy after the expiration of his presidential term. the constitution of ukraine does not provide for the possibility of canceling or postponing elections of the president of the country, the continuation of his powers in connection with the military the provision now referred to. what is in the ukrainian basic law is that during martial law elections of the verkhovna rada can be postponed, this is article eighty-third of the country’s constitution, so ukrainian legislation provides for the only exception when
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the powers of a government body are extended for the period of martial law, and elections are not carried out, and this concerns only the supreme commander. today a legitimate body, unlike in other words, it is the verkhovna rada that is executive power. judging by how events are developing on the battlefield, kiev's position will only worsen, so moscow's position may be adjusted. however, as nebenzya noted at the security council meeting, at this stage the most important thing is that russia is ready for negotiations.
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elsewhere in the release. in the meantime, the latest report from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation in all directions, our troops have improved their positions. it is reported that the forces of the dnepr group destroyed two american installations: hymers multiple rocket launchers and atacoms tactical missiles. in one day, 54 drones were shot down, four french amer guided bombs were shot down, and the enemy lost more than 2.0 militants in manpower. fierce oncoming battles in kharkovskaya. region near chacha and avdeevskoe direction , a well-coordinated crew on a nona self-propelled gun, the language of communication is native, but absolutely incomprehensible to the enemy, their combat vehicle is called a self-propelled mortar for its versatility. sergei
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ponovaryov learned how accurately fighters hit even moving targets. kart. this is exactly what the command sounds like when it is given for a synchronized salvo from several guns, but as a rule, here in the ovdeevsky direction they go to work one at a time, clearing forest belts, here is fresh footage of drones hitting an enemy control center, but what’s the worst? and good, extreme, good, right in the face, fire comes from self-propelled guns nona svk, this is the main
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artillery of the brigade, mobile and fast, what is needed in the conditions of the northern military district, when there is a constant counter-battery fight. the main difference between this vehicle is the btr-80 base, that is, excellent armor and good maneuverability. four axles, all driven, with the car capable of accelerating up to 80 km/h, and she can also swim. mud is not mud, we drove through everywhere, ditches, not ditches. passed everywhere, swim, not swim, i would like to, well, you can try, now they often work from closed positions, range, and the main accuracy of the main gun allows you to work close to attack aircraft, punching their way forward, and if necessary, stopping enemy counterattacks at our position, safe removal - this is 500 m in general, as it were, and so we are often less than 500 m, 200-300 m, that’s how it works, well, that’s what an experienced crew can do on targeted area, the daring breakthrough of ukrainian armed forces soldiers in a pickup truck ended with one well-aimed hit by tuvan artillerymen. the
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battery commander with the call sign shaman says: partly luck, but the gun did not fail. the shots there struck from the first round, but the accuracy was really very high. and the nona svk is universal, capable of firing any shells and mines with a caliber of 120 mm, and not only those made domestically. the artillerymen of the mountain brigade say nato... a new day at the senesh workshop, where they are undergoing training participants in the time of heroes program, over 80 military personnel, from privates to generals, the first stream, improving their qualifications for state and municipal service. today tomorrow is a family weekend for them, the weather is conducive to boat trips, fishing, sports...
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they discussed interaction in the eurasian economic union, the summit of which took place in moscow on the eve of victory day. the kremlin also reported a telegram that the russian leader sent to ur. congratulations to cyril romaphosa on his re-election to a five-year presidential term. well switzerland, where, by the way, the head of yur did not go, like the chairman of the people's republic of china, the president of brazil and many other foreign leaders. 160 countries were invited. the so-called summit on ukraine, a little more than 90 confirmed participation,
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but not at the highest level, biden is not there, it seems like the chief curator of the kiev regime, our foreign minister advised those who came to spend time usefully and discuss vladimir putin’s initiatives. without this, everything will come down to an ordinary political party at an expensive resort. pavel krasnov will confirm. in front of the cameras, these two the hostesses of the meeting, the one who, out of old memory , was called to the role of the president of ukraine, stood with... drawn-out smiles and remembered that they needed to shake hands only after a hint, it seems that it was announced as a breakthrough in resolving the ukrainian conflict, a conference in the swiss alps didn't start off so rosy. in an event designed for external effect, success depends on the caliber of stars on the red carpet, and problems arose with this. tv cameras willingly filmed familiar faces, but there were not so many of them, even the local press was forced to admit that behind the bright cover of the peace summit, as often happens, there was something hidden... the expressive content of the summit will be delegations from 92 countries and eight organizations, but what about
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the heavyweights, let's put aside the advertisers from europe: china will not come, russia wasn't even invited, brazil sent an ambassador, india had a minister, indonesia had a representative, south korea refused to participate at all, south africa was a representative, mexico was a minister, oh, the vice president of the usa, whatever her name is, it's a disaster, the vice president usa name is kamala harris and no matter how hard they try in kiev to present the matter this way... this is an equivalent replacement for biden, the blow to ukrainian pride has been dealt a painful blow, the president of america has more important things to do at home, but the representation of the countries of the global south in bürgenstock generally smacks of diplomacy. a failure, which also did not escape the attention of the press. views are pinned on the countries of the global south, and what a disappointment it will be if only 90 countries out of 160 invited will come. not all countries of the global south will be represented at the summit, some sent low-level delegations. the problem for ukraine is that many of these states share russia's position in this
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conflict. but this was precisely the idea of ​​the so-called peace conference: to gather as many countries as possible in one place. in order to enlist their support and then try to put pressure on russia, and it was the position of the global south that should have become decisive, but the world majority did not want to join the ukrainian banner with the west, so they came to switzerland all the same european leaders and those who were polite and could not refuse. in fact, all that remains are the old imperialist countries, a number of eastern european states and several new members of this bloc, the so-called collective west, which...
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end the war, and not prolong it. in order not to scare away potential participants, kiev even changed the agenda. instead of ten points, the main one being the withdrawal of russian troops on the border in 1991, the audience was offered three, but even this is not made the conference more meaningful, even if zelensky tried, like an actor, to put on a good face on a bad performance. today the summit represents all parts of the world, all continents, different peoples, different countries, both small and large. whatever decisions we come to at the summit will be part of the peace process that we so desperately need. in the abbreviated agenda, those gathered were asked to discuss nuclear security, food supplies and prisoner exchanges. the list is clearly not for an international meeting, so the swiss president doesn’t even tried to pretend that this conference would bring results. we all understand that
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a peace process without russia is unthinkable. a lasting solution must involve both parties, and as an international community we can help. yes, the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary peace or ceasefire, as is the case, for example, as the west wants, in order to restore losses, rearm the kiev regime, prepare it for a new offensive, i repeat, we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its final completion, unlike
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ritual spells of kiev, it was possible to build a discussion on this, the representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, as if... addressing the summit participants, stated directly: the president of russia showed the real path to peace, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin wrote about the same. our president vladimir vladimirovich putin yesterday proposed a formula for peace not only regarding the situation in ukraine, but in europe as a whole. in this regard , the initiatives put forward by the former president of ukraine zelensky and supported by biden, macron, scholz and so on lose all meaning. but in switzerland today everyone carefully pretended that they had not heard the russian president, except perhaps the german chancellor. scholz told the german media that he did not consider this proposal serious; he did not specify why the unrealistic desires of the former ukrainian president should be taken seriously. what the organizers of the meeting in switzerland are proposing is just another ploy to divert everyone’s attention, reverse the cause and effect of the ukrainian crisis, mislead the discussion
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, and, to some extent, denote the appearance of legitimacy of the current executive power. in ukraine again, because it is natural that no truly fundamental issues that underlie the current crisis of international security and stability, the real roots of the ukrainian conflict in switzerland, of course, are in principle not going to be discussed, despite all attempts to give a more or less decent appearance agenda of the conference, especially since these attempts still failed, despite the tour of the main character, already on the first day of the summit it became clear that the ukrainian the series is unlikely to attract a new audience, and the old one is already so boring that it’s time to think about whether this show is worth renewing for a second season. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, delyadinovo and ilya zhuravlev. first channel. images from the mediterranean sea. a joint exercise between ships of our pacific fleet and the egyptian navy to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.
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missile cruiser varyak, frigate marshal shapochnikov and frigate al-qadir. helicopters took off from spalba. the crews checked how the communication systems worked, then maneuvers. tasks performed excellently. at the end, the ships beautifully separated on opposite courses to the sound of long horns. the romance and complexity of such campaigns will soon be felt by young lieutenants who are ready to go to the navy; today they are among thousands of graduates of a variety of higher military educational institutions, ceremonies throughout the country from vladivostok to kaliningrad, then service wherever their homeland sends them. alena germanova was convinced that many continue family traditions. the academy is dead!
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technical university in the country, only 40 specialties, many of which are not analogue in the world. over 3 centuries, the academy has trained more than one generation of officers; this is already the ninety- seventh graduating class. the path that they once chose themselves. studying is difficult without private vacations, but on this important graduation for everyone, there is only one, family, of course, nearby; lieutenant kovalenko’s mother, wife and younger sister flew in from astrakhan. very handsome, so stately, we are filled with a sense of pride in him. we are very happy. i love him very much. i've been waiting for this meeting for a long time, parting words from the commander of the space forces are already in sight traditions, he takes off his headdress , kneels, and carries
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the academy’s battle flag along the boxes. graduates of the military academy of logistics and technical support named after general khrulev said a touching farewell to the banner of the educational institution today in peterhof, on the parade ground. it includes several institutes. they cook here. in military teams is won not by stars on uniform, but, above all, by commanding skill, personal example, everyday care for subordinates, this is especially important in a combat situation, i am sure that you are all well you understand, and in your career you will...
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there was no doubt that i would become an officer in the armed forces of the russian federation and will try to do everything in order to reach maximum heights. my mother is in the military, i decided to follow her example, and i plan to continue.
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many thanks to my wife, and my mother, and my sister, i thank them very much, they accompanied me throughout this entire journey, and were there, once upon a time, traditions on the stadiums and parade grounds of the country's military universities, young officers , their wives, fell into the air, into the sky under loud, that's all, hundreds of happiness coins have flown off, they still have a whole month of vacation ahead, then they will serve wherever their homeland orders.
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with the help of russian specialists, railway communication between armenia and georgia was restored in record time. deputy prime minister alexey overchuk announced this today. let me remind you that at the end of may, due to abnormal precipitation, rivers in the north of armenia overflowed their banks, streams of water washed away a kilometer of tracks, disrupting the power supply. repairmen from russia, together with armenian colleagues, were able to complete the work for a week earlier than planned. and today the first freight train departed from georgia. russian specialists selflessly worked around the clock together with their armenian colleagues to restore the section of the railway damaged as a result of the natural disaster. financing of emergency restoration work was carried out by the russian federation by decision of the country's leadership. the first test train set off on the restored track one week earlier than expected,
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which was important for the people. armenia railway communication with georgia is unblocked. in moscow , at the troyekurovskoye cemetery, a monument was unveiled to valentin yudashkin, a brilliant fashion designer who managed to elevate fashion to the rank of art, passed away in may last year. today , family and friends came to honor the memory of couturier, who until the last day was devoted to his beloved work. each one has a personal story associated with it. report by kristina levieeva. the fabric is light and weightless, as if. just made a cut for one of his couture masterpieces, but the maestro has already put the scissors down and is just watching at us, a smile froze on his face, sincere and a little shy, a smile that we all remember very well. valya at different times looked a little different there, and then he was half-shared, then he was towed, yes, that is, different with glasses, without glasses, but i wanted to choose something in between, and i hope that it worked out, here for me it was valentin, everything
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i did i wanted... he was a very talented artist, he was a truly talented friend, and as the last years of his life proved, he was one of the most courageous people i... "we we will come here, but every day we will remember him, in his works, in his words, in his image of a wonderful person whom we will always miss, he did not just create beauty in this world, he essentially created people with the help of this beauty,
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because..." he gave people confidence, gave strength, got rid of complexes, in general , by and large gave them wings, even when he himself did not have the strength to take half a step, i remember the moment when my my daughter finished school and how did all the girls, she had graduation ahead, when we arrived, i remember that... he was reclining on this banquette in the center of the hall, and spent 3-2 hours with us there, and gave advice, and spoke the best way, i for those minutes with sasha, i am eternally grateful to him, he dedicated his life and his unique talent to fashion,
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he created not just dresses and suits, a view of the world where everyone can be bright and unique, yudashkin’s collections inspired world stars and the most ordinary people. many, as they call themselves couturiers, are really artists, some better, some worse, some more, some less, but they create art first of all, but very few of them create clothes for people, valya lived for people, he loved people. for whom he also did a lot, we all always remember him, and those who were his friends, and those who were his fans, admirers of his work, and those who simply loved him, and there are so many of them in our country. there are a lot of them, there are a million of them, they still love him, as long as this love lives, he is also alive here, even if he
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from... but he can afford it, we always remember him, we are proud of this memory, and we look up to him. this is the time of his success, in our country abroad, he will remain in his works, in his creativity, in his children and grandchildren. his collections are still talked about to this day, many are exhibited in museums around the world as real works of art, he
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transformed what we understand as russian style, adding class, luxury, simplicity and clean lines to it, and valentin abramovich also had a keen sense of style the future, the future of it fashion house today is in the hands of galina’s daughter, she came to the opening of the monument with her two sons. now the whole team is behind me, everyone is moving forward, today his business is alive and well, galina yudashkina’s collections have already made a splash in the arab emirates, now the fashion house is preparing to enter the chinese market, preserving the brand’s dna, the best fabrics, unique hand embroidery, inimitable cut,
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everything is made in russia. kristina levieva, alexey labushkin, alexander anenkov, tatyana bakulina and stanislav opletin, channel one. in the capital today hosted a qualifying tournament for the prestigious fast check competition. chess stars 2024 starts on june 26, the discipline is one of the most spectacular, the time to think about a move, as well as the duration of the game itself, is severely limited. grandmasters from russia, china, azerbaijan, india and iran are participating. in addition to titled athletes, very young chess players will take to the court, for whom this is an opportunity to make themselves known. it is very important that guys from different countries are participating, that this is an international tournament.
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as organizers, the most beautiful places samara land, the longest embankments and healing springs in europe, the family of the young anniversary visitor will have bright impressions and discoveries. and sochi is incredibly beautiful, an ice fairy tale. pushkinsky ruslan and lyudmila in a brilliant olympic performance. the scale of the scenery and the skill of the titled skaters amaze, fascinate and immerse you in an atmosphere of magic. alena evtyakova will confirm. a fairy tale familiar from childhood on the 22nd birthday of alexander sergeevich pushkin on the stage of his ruslan and lyudmila. starring champions in dancing
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on the ice, one of the most beautiful sports couples, nikita kotsalapov and victoria senitsina. in the roles of ruslan and lyudmila, in our own way we will bring, of course, this speed, this technique and of course a sincere relationship. breathtaking jumps and spectacular lifts, a cast of corpses and an international cast of eminent athletes margarita drobyaska, povelagas, maxim koftun, maurice kvitalashvili, all under the leadership of tatyana navka, the main choreographer, producer and director of the fairy tale on ice. this year we are showing about 100 shows, we have three types of figure skating here will be presented, there is an opportunity to show different heroes, different...


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