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tv   Zdorove  1TV  June 16, 2024 7:35am-8:41am MSK

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in the oryol area the accordion is playing again, and i know it won’t be able to shut up until the morning, someone may be choking. and the song will sound in the memory for a long time, maybe someone’s soul will thaw, and the song will sound in the memory for a long time, with hope in the heart quietly. let's say,
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goodbye, and you will be overwhelmed with feelings, somehow out of place, eagle, orlovshchina, oryol suffering, we will definitely come back to you, orlovshchina, oryol suffering we will definitely come back to you.
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hello, the military information program chasovoy and i are on air on channel one presenter alexey rafaenko, watch!
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the tire was very scary, because according to all the conventions they don’t touch doctors, they shouldn’t, at least they shouldn’t do that, now there is news of a special military operation of the russian army, what happened this week? shot, this is how our anti-aircraft gunners destroy enemy drones in the kharkov region. this time, the target of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system was furia, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of the armed forces of ukraine. the air situation in this area differs from previous ones in that the targets began to work without stopping, that is, these previously, there was a noticeable characteristic hovering of air targets in place before drops, but now the drone does not... stop,
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flies by, makes a drop and flies away further. despite these tricks, the zinichki methodically shoot down any enemy air targets. gun, shot! combat work of artillerymen of the southern group of troops in the donetsk direction. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to rotate their units on one of the front sectors, but the crews of the d-20 howitzers completely disrupt these plans. guns! our task at the moment - this is to destroy, undermine their defensive combat capability, that is, to destroy dugouts, fortify everything possible, if possible, to detect any equipment, destroy or suppress. defense minister andrei belousov inspected the command post of the aerospace forces from here.
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constant control over the aerospace situation over the entire territory of russia and strategic directions, in particular the zone where the air strike is taking place. the head of the military department was informed about the combat work. using artificial intelligence technologies. the sentinel’s film crew continues to work in the northern military district zone. and we dedicate our report today to the day of the medical worker. here on the front line, military field medicine is based on how possible. quickly assist the soldier, stop the bleeding, relieve pain, send the wounded to the rear. military personnel and doctors work under fire, live in trenches and dugouts, together with soldiers, share with them all the difficulties and hardships of everyday life in combat, and most importantly, they save lives every day, guys! the surgeon at the military
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hospital had to carry out this operation wearing body armor, wearing safety glasses and helmets, with a demining team nearby. a shell stuck in a soldier’s body could detonate at any second, but no one, neither doctors nor anesthesiologists, refused to participate in the operation, real heroes, it is very rare for a whole shell to end up in a person’s body without exploding, without detonating, the patient is lucky, on the operating table is paratrooper pavel, corporal, call sign ciba, a few hours ago he was still on the front line, the task was to destroy enemy positions. however, the combat vehicle hit an anti-tank mine. the blast wave of it thrown out of a burning combat vehicle. having come to his senses, tsibo helped his comrades get out. he didn’t even immediately realize that a shell had hit his leg inside the bmd, and he ran for a kilometer with it.
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my friend collected everything, and we ran, ran, and after two minutes the car completely exploded. then we were evacuated. already in the hospital for x-ray. doctors discovered a blind fragmentation wound in the thigh area, that is, the shell was firmly stuck in the soldier’s body and could explode at any moment, two floors were immediately evacuated. they called the sappers, they gave me instructions, explained how to properly handle this work with the ammunition, what you can touch, what you can’t, that we didn’t shake him, but when the surgeons began to remove the shell from his leg, they saw that the fuse was bent, the doctors tried not to even breathe, pay attention, be quiet.
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lieutenant of the medical service maria mirashnichenko was awarded a medal for courage, she was taking the wounded out from under fire when ukrainian nationalists opened heavy fire on their ambulance. it’s hard to remember, we were moving in a column, driving, there were seven of us girls, here in a loaf under fire, darkness, everyone got out of the car, i got out the last ones, you’re just standing there, it’s night, crassers are flying, that sound, that they’re shooting from all sides, your heart sank into your heels, it
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was an ambush, the monstrous but simple logic of the enemy, the lives of hundreds of wounded soldiers are tied to the life of a doctor, the red cross for the ukrainian armed forces , it is no longer a symbol of doctors, but a target. when the shells started flying into our medical car, it was very scary, because according to all the conventions they don’t touch doctors, at least they shouldn’t do that, it was a flash, it became very hot, we managed to bend over and he flew by, it turns out, well, literally like this, i was sitting at the exit, here... the felcher was sitting, on one side the soldier was lying wounded, on the other hand, he was lying down, we bend over, when i raise my head, there’s a ringing everywhere, it turns out, somewhere- then, well, there’s such a hole in this wall, behind me, maria miraculously survived and,
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despite severe concussion and wounds under fire, she helped the soldiers and medical personnel who were hit by shrapnel, apply bandages and move on, but generally don’t... don’t you think , not up to that, absolutely not up to that, no thoughts, provide assistance help - the rest get away from this shelling. a safe place, she didn’t even immediately notice that she herself was wounded, shrapnel cut her hands, high speed, adrenaline, emotions, until then you don’t realize how many tourniquets she applied, bandages and pain-killing injections, maria didn’t remember, she only remembers , how she was already getting out to her own people under fire, how suddenly a group of ukrainian nationalists came out onto the road, and how a few minutes later she saw a column of our tanks: they gathered their courage and tried to understand whether we were ours or not, it seemed like something red flashed somewhere, they came out, tore off
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the bandages, started waving, it was a mulinskaya column, they took us away, now we evacuated further with them, they performed an operation in maria’s hospital, and already a couple of days later she herself helped the doctors, and was treated and treated, and also participated in operations, dressings, just. all the wounded in the middle of the night we bandaged them anew, examined them, assessed the degree of severity, then yes, i tell him, well, be patient, my dear, be patient, everything will be fine, that’s what i remember, but it’s difficult there remember, probably, the same thing, tolerant, good, these words are on the front line in field hospitals...
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during the svo, colossal and many operations have been worked out to the point of automation, advanced technologies are constantly being introduced into the practice of doctors. this is an electron-optical converter - siduga - which allows you to perform operations in real time using radiation. we can perform interventions without open access and perform endovascular vessel ligation. called embalization, you see a device for carrying out anesthesia, expert class, bedside
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monitors, a modern operating table with the ability to perform regenological operations, a modern high-frequency apparatus with the ability to perform and work in both electric knife mode and bipolar, monopolar coagulation. in frontline hospitals, lives are saved non-stop, and sometimes two teams can work in one operating room at once. let's get a sticker. our main task is to provide medical assistance by determining further stages of evacuation. they work under fire every day they risk their lives and go places that are simply impossible to reach by transport. at first, all situations were difficult. all the wounds were new, i had never encountered this before, before, every shrapnel wound i
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let all the boys through. the contact line is several kilometers away, this is the second stage of evacuation, doctors have been on duty since the morning. the enemy is conducting artillery shelling, which means that among the military personnel - he previously received one gunshot shrapnel wound to the left lower limb, now the serviceman is being evacuated to our point by sanitary rapists. fighters from the front line come here mainly with shrapnel wounds. doctors do not hide the fact that there are very serious patients, but military doctors are doing everything possible to save everyone’s lives and put them back on their feet. we had to go to the front line more than once, we had to break through the enemy. we had a patient with a penetrating wound in the abdominal cavity, in the chest cavity, with a head wound, my comrades, my personnel worked very competently.
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my husband left for 37 years, my husband and i are already, this is passed on to the future daughter-in-law, women’s jewelry was traditionally used in the groom’s suit, yes, very beautiful, a disco ball, the mother-in-law can give you those. force revenge can go there says to let the needle in, you must say to find the needle in the dough in the dough, if i find the needle, then everything is successful, i’m getting married, the bride price always goes differently, sometimes it’s very funny, sometimes it’s very strange, let’s be so delicious , you just can’t imagine where
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we decided to hold the wedding, our premiere, we are playing a wedding today on the first day, dear friends, happy medical worker's day, this choir is called angels of hope, deaf children sing in it, i am involved in acting, we are happy that we give life and hope to our patients, meeting place.
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ambulance in donetsk, lugansk, zaporozhye, kherson, kursk and belgrade. it will be good, the day will become brighter, a calling, a prize for the best doctors in russia, today is the first. evgeniy kim is the chief anesthetologist and resuscitator at the leading military clinical hospital named after peter mandryk. he was one of the first to volunteer for a special operation; he wanted to work in the field along with nurses and ordinary doctors. our job is to make the right decision in a very short time, otherwise we cannot work, because the life of the patient is at stake, that day a group of doctors was preparing to evacuate the wounded to the hospital, when a plane arrives with the wounded, they
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are in such critical conditions, which... the quality is fatally fatal. at such moments, evgeniy kim decided to provide assistance to the seriously wounded immediately on the spot, without waiting for evacuation. if planes arrive, there are a lot of them, then you need to navigate here within 2-3 minutes. this is the most difficult thing, waiting for the propeller to stop. you know that there are patients who
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need to be assessed at this minute or second, because they require this help. you have to wait, sometimes you don’t wait, you already run straight to the helicopter, you evaluate it right there on the spot, there were cases when it was necessary to intubate a patient right on the runway, because respiratory arrest occurred as a result of blood loss massive, he saved the lives of not only our soldiers, we provided assistance to servicemen of the ukrainian armed forces, this is probably due precisely to the nature of the work, so that our doctors do not and initially not because we are military personnel, it is precisely initially that we doctors are obliged to provide medical help. for his services during a special military operation, evgeniy received the honorary order of pirogovo, the highest award for any doctor. it’s very nice when you already see the faces of our
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military personnel who... come or they come to our department of gratitude, with some hope for the future, this morally greatly supports us in helping other patients, other military personnel. our guys, they are courageous, guys, they are resilient, they withstand all the hardships that they have suffered, all the injuries, they keep it in their hands, i have to give it to them, an ordinary medical bag on the front line looks... exactly like that, everything is here the most necessary things, tourniquets, tourniquets to stop the bleeding, bandages, topmods, dressings , painkillers, for doctors on the combat line
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contacts their records, because sometimes minutes count, their work was very well done, quickly, well-coordinated, i would also like to thank the driver of the evacuation vehicle, she came and quickly picked up, took away, rain, mud, we take out, shelling, regular ones walk through the medical vehicle , there is no choice, we must finish at any cost, in general , military doctors begin to save the wounded in the evacuation vehicle, when they are being transported from the battlefield, the armored capsule of the medical vehicle lens, the sentry has met more than once on the front line, a medical armored car the lens is an indispensable means of evacuation from the battlefield, especially where...
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over bumps everywhere in this capsule, which is armored at the back, it is soft, it is independent, it has its own shock absorbers, shock absorbers, and that is, it feels good there people , that is , such a military ambulance does not shake, and the weight of the car is 17 tons, but despite this it drives very quickly, and the armor, as we have already said, is good, like a person walking without a bulletproof vest, like a person walking in a bulletproof vest, and i in body armor and armored.
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so we can, as it were, just like i defend from uninvited guests, the people asked us, we are helping and will help, the lens is designed
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for eight lightly wounded or four seriously bedridden people, it has a vl device, a device that monitors pulse, pressure and oxygen level in the lungs. let's start from here, here we definitely have tourniquets, yeah, individual dressing bags, bandages, gloves, a pencil,
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and the sooner the fighter gets to the hospital, the faster he will receive the necessary help. helicopters are often used to rescue the wounded, but they still need safe area. the helicopters will not land everywhere on the line of combat contact. in such conditions , the most reliable transport is just medical armored cars, but they,
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sister with the call sign thunderstorm came to the military registration and enlistment office for volunteers, could not calmly watch how difficult it was for fellow doctors in the combat zone. before mine, i lived in belgorod and saw on the other side how a special military operation began, probably this patriotic sense of duty appeared, plus my husband is a military man, so i wanted to be as close to him as possible, probably to help our soldiers more closely. for 2 years now, grozha has been assisting a military surgeon in operations, doing bandages and more than once... i managed to visit the ribbon, our guys are all good, they are always there, they can cover and help, they always support, no one offends, that’s for sure, they thank you very much for the fact that we have such good guys, the wounded nurses call their guardian angels. elena and yulia are twin sisters, since february 2022 they have been working in the northern military district zone. we dreamed of being. and the military, and
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doctors, rescuers, they decided to implement all my dreams, my brother is a senior military man, when my sister and i were still in school, he came home on leave in uniform, then everyone at home always admired him, he went to school with us, and we imagined that someday in the future we will still fulfill our dream and we will also walk in the stern, like an older brother, today lena and yulia are operating nurses in the surgical department of the medical battalion. together they came under fire and saved the lives of the wounded, round-the-clock support, if something is suddenly difficult, it doesn’t work out, she will come and pick it up, or if you interrupt for someone, they will calm you down mentally, before the svo they managed to go on business trips to syria. we talk, we try to show them that they are already in a warm atmosphere, we try to somehow provide spiritual support, we distract them in every possible way so that they forget
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what happened there.
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provided with everything, we are eager to fight again, there is such a job, to defend the homeland, but probably there is such a job, to help those people who defend their homeland, they save lives, risking their own - all military doctors, from orderlies on the front line to nurses, felcher doctors, field modules and hospitals, you had a one-hour program, congratulations to our doctors on their professional holiday, see you in exactly a week. while in this harsh life, endless passions are boiling, waking up healthy in the morning is
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real. and misfortune, while sailing through the stormy oxen, we need to save both strength and nerves, if we put everything in its place, health will come first, you know, today is the day of the medical worker, and i specially came here to vdnkh behind my back is the huge word russia, it seemed to me that... it is very important, precisely today, on our professional holiday, on the day of the medical worker, to look at the medicine of our homeland from a bird's eye view, because many people say: well, here we have no medicine, but somewhere there it is good, but this has not been the case for a long time, a long time ago in our country there were absolutely outstanding achievements, absolutely outstanding people, many of whom have... world
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medical awards, in my opinion, it’s time for you, dear residents of our huge country to find out about it. so, russia is behind me. and you and i take off and go to various regions of russia, all of them are presented here at a huge international exhibition, which is called russia. cold on the outside, hot on the inside, you know, here’s our journey through russia, i, of course , decided to start with siberia, but first of all, because i was born and raised in this amazing region, i consider myself a siberian,
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and people live there in general throughout the region absolutely special, i want to introduce you guys, hello, you are from tyumen, well , tell us what your tyumen is famous for, what what's amazing about her? the underground sea, which our oil workers found in 1949, well, tyumen is an oil region, everyone knows this for sure, and you know what tyumen is famous for from a medical point of view, there is a whole medical cluster in tyumen, about five.
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old kaeshkul 170 km from tyumen, a pregnant woman, severe uterine bleeding, there are four other small children in the house, there is no road here anymore, there is a swamp, only in the winter
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everything freezes here, the last 12 km can only be driven behind a tractor, this is the story the rescue began with the tractor driving forward, and behind it was driving... an ambulance, two ambulances, an obstetric and a children's, these three damned 12 km, they drove behind the tractor for almost 2 seconds. on the eve of that ill-fated day, a calf was born in the guli family, the wet-nurse cow calved, so that the calf would not freeze, they took him into the house, it was still warmer there, with a calf and four children, a bleeding guli. so, the sterile operating room had to be deployed here in a house like this, where there’s a sink like this, this is how people get water, like this
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everything was created here, everything was possible, girls, that you unwrapped for the table for the newborn. two operating tables were deployed in this room, a table for newborns and a table for the woman who would lie here, so that gulya would not die from blood loss, she was injected with solutions, they could not stop the bleeding, they waited for help for 3 hours when doctors from tyumen finally arrived , hope appeared, and we brought three bags containing everything we needed.
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under the arm, a bottle with a sterile solution, like this, and under the chest, under the warm one, where it beats heart, blood plasma. elena danelya is an obstetrician-gynecologist, together with two resuscitators and a pediatric adult. anesthesia machines are deployed on a washing machine, on a sofa. they make sterile tables to start working, the house is dark, so that there is at least some lighting throughout the village, table lamps are collected. the first step is to perform a caesarean section to save the child. after we cut the anterior abdominal wall, we saw the uterus, which had a placental hernia, this is the most dangerous complication of pregnancy. placenta it just grew into the uterus.
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artificial ventilation of the lungs, and in the meantime the obstetricians fought for the life of the ghoul, the whole operation was completed in 1 hour 15 minutes. you finished everything, deleted everything, immersed her as soon
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as you did, or here she woke up, she was in a state of medicated sleep. this operation was carried out in the village of stary kaeshkul, tyumen region, on january 14 , 1920. but this was our first meeting with the girl who appeared in the world. what’s her name, i hope mom can hear us, the baby is yawning, gulnara, dear, how are you? they named the girl alya, how does she feel, how does she eat, she is already behaving actively, she is already starting to move her head , she is already sucking her finger today, we think that she will start sucking a bottle from us already, you know, we will wish you only one thing , good health to you, good health to your little girl. to your entire family, which includes four other children, thank you, i also wish these
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doctors who came to me health and well-being for the family. 4 years have passed since then and this photo of the same aliya, which appeared thanks to the tyumen team doctors, that's what she is like. our next point is novosibirs, novosibirsk region, the city of novosibirs, in general this is the very, very, very center of russia, girls, you are working at this stand from novosibirsk, i’ve lived in novosibirsk for 7 years, well done, but what’s the most wonderful thing about the city of novosibirsk, that’s what you tell everyone who comes to our town and, of course, about our medicine, which is very well developed in novosibirsk. what today? the most interesting thing is the siberian
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ring photon source, which they are trying to launch this year, and where to launch it, it will be launched in a circle by electrons that will accelerate to the speed of light to see the structure of matter, it’s like going into space, only deep into the atoms. and here there is this knowledge, here it is, of course, our entire stand is dedicated to the scythian, the scythian is a siberian ring, a source of photons, what it will give to people, for example. he has houses, unique people work
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who, together with the muscovites, with our beloved professor prodeus, made the best test in the world for all types of immunodeficiency, which today they are doing it in maternity hospitals in russia, we are going, friends, to the center of russia, this is siberia, novosibirs, it all started from immunity, from immunity, yes, i’m like... lost, over, our children, happiness if they are healthy, but if the child has poor immunity or immunodeficiency... the statistics are inexorable: 90% of these children died without diagnosis and treatment. only in 2011 it was shown that during the growth of immune cells t and b lymphocytes, pieces of dna are cut off from them, which float in the blood in the form of
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rings. and it was this year that they began research in novosibirsk and moscow. novosibirsk institute of chemical biology and fundamental medicine. genetic scientists from siberia have created a special supersensitive protein that allows you to determine the quantity and quality of dna rings. at the same time, the accuracy of the method began to be studied in moscow. ninth children's hospital.
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in a regular maternity hospital. a blood sample is taken from the child's heel; this is the safest place. first, a tiny injection is given, and then five drops of blood are placed on a special blotting pad. these spots are cut out sent to the laboratory. now such tests for all types of immunodeficiencies are done throughout the country, to all children. and what do you think, who did we meet here at the exhibition? here he is our andrey.
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here in all maternity hospitals in russia, but in fact, it was a spoiler, when you received the award, it had just begun, yes, now i understand correctly that all children , without exception, are examined absolutely correctly, now all newborn children are examined, now we have made more programs that examine children who are infected with mycobacteria tuberculosis in order to identify who is at risk of developing tuberculosis, we now effectively use these tests for confirmation.
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which we talk about in the program t and b, and this is a quantitative test, we strictly determine the number of these cells, not just whether they are there or not, but the number of each cell, that is, i translate the professor into russian, that is, it is determined not only fact, yes, the child may have an immunodeficiency, the degree of damage to the immune system is also determined, this is the most important thing, with what year are all the children... in russia, without exception , on what day in the maternity hospital are newborn immunodeficiency examined? on january 1, 2023 , they began to do this test and now in the first 24-48 hours, that is, in the first two days this test is taken and we get an answer in the first 7
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days and the child already has a diagnosis by the end of the second week with verification that you are running away from us or the resident is interfering. you are not interfering with us, in short, an absolutely outstanding test for immunodeficiencies was also created in novosibirsk, in novosibirsk in general, sincerely speaking, great medicine, so there is something to be proud of, let's take a break for a while, and then continue, where is the wife and child, not the wife, she is to me, you know, she, did you get involved in all this because of a girlfriend with a child, right? everything is complicated there, the child, he seems to be mine, please, stop crying, honey, if you don’t help me now, then i can’t handle it alone, we are not allowed to approach the russian embassy.
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gin сnop product of stellar group, cognac monte shocha, product of stellar group, rom castro, product of stellar group, vodka pechora, product stellar group, your idea of ​​happiness, mutual love, struggle. are you alive, did you climb to the front line again? where is mitsonbat? but in my opinion, you are simply idealizing him? dr.
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push will stay here, so i won’t go to the conflict, to the conflict myself, then i will go, eternal battle, this is your volodya sometimes likes to say, we need a person like you, to command the health of the whole region, the territory is like two frances, inna makarova, why are you doing this then? always and completely jump off alexey batalov decided to start everything from the very beginning in film my dear man today at the first with you again health dear friends we stand in samara. region, today is the day of the medical worker, and we are traveling around russia, i’m telling you about russian medicine, i stopped here because there are cornflowers,
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my favorite flowers, but here they are representatives of samara, and i just want to go to the rocket, to the rocket, which is what it’s famous for samara, what is the samara region famous for, samara is the space capital of russia, it is the heart of russia, our region looks like a heart if we look from space, and moreover... you all know the volga, the most beautiful, the most beautiful river in our entire world, and of course, we are very famous for our beautiful girls, our cars are produced in talyati, moreover, these, if you can look, these machines, they are fully automated, there is no person there, these are drones, they also appeared in talyat, we have two companies, odk kuznetsov, rkts progress, which provide the entire rocket, all our cosmonauts, they make the first two stages , they complete the rocket and bring it in.
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in the center, legs at the end, and they began to use centrifuges to treat a variety of diseases, it turned out that blood is distilled centrifugally to the legs and this makes it possible to quickly fuse limbs, quickly heal wounds, and so on, we go to samara, the center of gravitational medicine, the absolute priority of russia in the world. the patient has an injury, a severe, displaced leg fracture. he was successfully operated on 2 months ago, now he is undergoing rehabilitation, we need to restore strength to the muscles,
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restore blood flow, do everything to the leg became the supporting one. the treatment method is truly unique, because the patient is now placed in a special centrifuge developed by doctors from samara university. when a person walks, moves, moves, drives a car. the state of the heart, the state of the blood vessels, but also the position in which the person is, roughly speaking, yes, by rotating, you force, we force the blood from the reserve, the resistance depot, and the depot is about a quarter of our blood, that is, there completely fresh blood, it is thrown into the general blood channel, this time. and secondly, we seem to be pushing more blood into the distal region than what usually gets there when a normal heart is working. the patient's head is in the center
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of rotation, so there are no vestibular disorders.
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i specially made a layout like this, if you imagine that this is a human body, imagine, for example, a person has a fracture, and even worse, a person has, for example, enderthritis obliterans, and there is no blood, now look what turning on the centrifuge will do when we we treat a person in a centrifuge, here red balls are blood, that’s what we did, we drove the blood to the periphery, we drove it out of the depot, you see, we made it go to the right places, you can do it like this, it’s certainly primitive, i understand, but what to do? i liked this layout. alexander vladimirovich, what do you say? i can say that the direction, indeed, is to create additional blood volume in the periphery, especially in cases where the body needs it, this is the result
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that patients receive thanks to gravitational medicine, this... girl had a very complicated fracture, she didn’t walk at all, she noticed that my muscles seemed to have become stronger, if before that my leg was flabby, now it’s straight, well, it’s recovering, samara, space technology literally, they put people on their feet, and we return to the russia exhibition. well, friends, these are the luxurious national costumes, that’s not all, this is the burka, it’s absolutely clear that we are in the north caucasus, please come to us, this is the stand of the chechen republic, what are you telling us? about this republic? the population of the chechen republic is 1.5 million people, but what is it famous for? it is famous, of course,
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for its dances, yes, for its national costumes, here you can see the attribute. women's costume, these are national women's belts, also bibs that showed the status of a woman, yes, if she had three bibs on her chest, yes, that meant that she was unmarried, if there were more of them, she was married, here you can see just men's belts, you know that i tell you i want to say, i go to all the stands and almost no one tells me about medicine, for example, you know what chechnya became famous for during covid, but i don’t know why, i can’t answer.
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special, so i want to remember how we arrived in chechnya and threw away our masks and said: that’s it, chechnya is the first. when we were getting ready to go to chechnya, we inevitably remembered the two chechen wars and the images of the formidable city destroyed to the ground. but when we entered the city, we saw that there was no trace left of the war. well-groomed streets, beautiful houses, calm people with open faces. nothing today reminiscent of another battle with the crown. viruses, few people know that emergency doctors were the first to take on the challenge of this infection; they were ready. edc coming soon, kiev dispatcher turns on, hello. so, shortly before the outbreak, a unified ambulance service was created here for the entire republic. today there are 300 machines operating in the republic. the speed of a car reaching any
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person is 20 minutes. this is the moscow standard. the number of calls during the epidemic increased by 2 and a half times. this is also soon, right? yes, this is a motorized ambulance. hello guys. i don’t even know what to call this vitsk motorized brigade, motorized brigade, but why did motorized brigades appear in chechnya, what is this connected with? this is due to accidents on the roads, and you need to be mobile and quickly get to the scene of the accident, that is, where a car cannot pass, and are you a doctor or a felshing, who? will you show us where you have everything packed? we have all the equipment portable, everything we need is here. there is a fire kit, there is a defibrillator, and these small stretchers are so packed, these are flat stretchers here, yeah, here there is a bad link, and why
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is there steam here? mountable, yes portable, everything portable, portable with a balloon, with masks, that’s it, we can intubate a patient on the asphalt and wait for the ambulance, your motorcycle driver, you are also a paramedic, you are also a medic or a paramedic driver , yes? flows into a single control center. look, on this map you can see every car in the republic, here is a call, a yellow tube, that is, a call came in now at the moment , the team that is closest, it must respond and come to this call. every time of arrival, where the brigade is located, we are on the map in full. all this information, now a patient with a stroke has been brought to the hospital, the treatment is the usual international standard, cat mri, like this, hold it, hold it, treatment in this vascular
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center will be the same as in moscow and any other point in russia, but this man today my heart could have stopped, a heart attack, i had severe pain in georgia, or rather i called that... but the doctors will not let sultan musaevich die, right now he they do a coronary angiography and put a stand in the blocked vessel of the heart, in a few days they will be discharged home, hoping for a miracle, this man, because of atherosclerosis in his legs, he cannot walk 100 m, this leg hurts, it is impossible to walk 100 m, 100 m you walk, she... seems to forget, like friends, it’s impossible to advance, if you do nothing, then gangrene will begin in the near future and the leg will have to be amputated, but in grozny they created a limb rescue center, and
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they really save with the help of the most modern technologies , well, i'm along the corridor i’ll walk one way, my legs are already tired, i’ve been here for 10 days, i can do it 10, 15, 20 times there and back, all these patients will return home, there they are waiting... wives and children, family is sacred here, with all the doctors, with whom i met, there are also a lot of children, how many children do you have, three, three, how many do you have, three, one, one, i recor five, five, these are such wonderful doctors here, we are going, we are going to the neighboring village, the finale of the eighth season.
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watch after the evening news two stars fathers and children from june 23 on the first. health is with you again, dear friends, today is the day of the medical worker, i decided
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to show you the medicine of our huge homeland, it is best to talk about the scale of our country, of course, at the russian exhibition, which is currently underway, this is the nizhny novgorod stand, two rivers, ak and volga. nizhny novgorod stands at the confluence of these rivers, and i invite you here to nizhny novgorod, girls, maybe someone can tell us what nizhny novgorod is famous for. the nizhny novgorod region is famous for the fact that it is the capital of zakady, the capital of the volga region, the cultural capital of russia, it can also be said that it is the region that has preserved the largest amount of folk crafts, semenovskaya matryoshka, khokhloma painting, gorodets painting, krestetsky stitch, that’s right, this is krestetsky stitching, beautiful embroidery, but in general i want to say, nizhny novgorod is famous for the nizhny novgorod fair, right.
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director of the federal medical-biological agency, a brilliant doctor in the fourth generation, and also in nizhny novgorod, an absolutely unique system for restoring all bones and joints individually using 3d printing, here we are listing some things, but for each one is worth the fate of a person, and fates can be absolutely incredible. january 2, 2019, noisy
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new year's party, the guys opened the window and sat down to talk on the windowsill. dasha fell from the seventh floor. severe multiple trauma. the pelvic bone and left femur are broken and cannot be restored. it was a sentence. and now you see a 3d printer.
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created virtually on a computer before the operation, then a template was printed on a 3d printer, and during the operation bone cement and antibiotic were poured into this template, a finished bone implant was obtained, the plan is ready for installation, bone cement was applied to it, now we will implement it, this is how quickly and easily it all looks in the operating room, personalized technology... restoration of bone fragments is our russian priority. and this is how dasha came out at the award ceremony for the best doctors in russia. no one could understand who among the models was the patient who fell out of the window with a completely replaced pelvic bone and joint. dasha, please tell me, how are you feeling, how are you? you go
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because we simply admire what not noticeable at all.


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