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tv   Vremya  1TV  June 16, 2024 9:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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hello to the program.
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the brightest heads. it hasn’t occurred to anyone yet, but we’ve already done it. into the most golden hands and hearts. thank you very much. thank you to doctors on their holiday. so, a cessation, not a freeze, but a complete end to the ukrainian conflict. russia proposed a specific plan: negotiations on terms reflecting the current ones. ground
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realities, as well as the state to which the west has already brought world security and does not stop escalating it. what exactly do we want? vladimir putin explained in detail. his choice the location for this performance carries a separate meaning. anton vernitsky for more details. the meeting of the president with the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs as an indicator of russia's patience. it’s not for nothing that vladimir putin, opening it, recalled that the last time he communicated like this with the country’s diporpus was already 3 years ago. what did the us and nato do in 2021? the agreements were demonstratively abandoned, turning ukraine into a springboard and ukrainians into cannon fodder for the fight against our country.
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an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately. naturally, at the same time we guarantee the unhindered and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations. let me emphasize the main thing: the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary peace or ceasefire, as is the case, for example, as the west wants, in order to restore losses, rearm the kiev regime, prepare it for...
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absolutely must be fully ensured and rights, freedoms and interests of russian-speaking citizens in ukraine, new territorial realities are recognized, the status of crimea, sevastopol, donetsk, lugansk people's republics republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, as subjects of the russian federation. in
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the future, all these basic fundamental provisions should be recorded in the form of fundamental international agreements. naturally, this also presupposes the abolition of all western ones. why putin read this personally before the document was published became clear within an hour, in order to make it impossible to interpret his words, as the west likes to do, here is an example, a reporter from the british tv channel sky news pretended that i didn’t understand everything, the minister of foreign affairs had to explain. the president told what conditions ukraine must fulfill, but shouldn’t russia take the first step here and withdraw its troops? did you listen carefully, did you listen carefully to the president? twice, in the middle of his speech, at the end, our president said: “i want to repeat the sequence.” this speech will be distributed in
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written form, there is this sequence, and i think if you read it a third time, you will understand that russia did everything possible based on agreements reached that were violated by boris. to put it mildly, he immediately rejects putin’s proposal, according to the words of us economist jeffrey sachs, recognized by times magazine as the most famous in the world. he is one of the three most influential economists of the last decade. by the way, he is one of the developers of american policy and shock therapy for russia in the nineties after the collapse of the ussr, that
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is, a person who clearly understands that it is unrealistic to tame russia, as the united states did and is doing with some states. "i don't i want my family to be in the middle of a nuclear war. after all, they still believe that putin is bluffing, they continue to believe in their economic power, they are playing. putin said: no, for you this is a game, for us this is an existential question. they thought they could do it. i spoke with one high-ranking official who was confident that russia would kneel because of financial sanctions, would be afraid of the hymers." russia to
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the battlefield is even, it’s time to come out of the looking glass and listen to proposals while there is still an opportunity. i believe that russia is offering an option that will make it possible to actually end the war in ukraine. that is, we call for turning the tragic page of history, and, albeit difficult, gradually, step by step, but to begin to restore relations of trust to the point of neighborliness between. russia and ukraine, and in europe in general. the reaction to these words by the russian president in the biden administration was almost immediate. there diligently pretended that it had nothing to do with the events in ukraine and the repeated breakdown of peace negotiations, saying that it was strange that moscow did not come up with a peace proposal directly to kiev. the truth is that in ukraine, without washington’s orders, they don’t dare to sneeze about the fact that zelensky, by decree in 1922, forbade negotiations.
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public authorities are extended for the period of martial law and elections are not held and this concerns exclusively the verkhovna rada, thereby indicating the status of the parliament of ukraine as permanent body under martial law. in other words, it is the verkhovna rada that is today a legitimate body, in contrast to the executive branch, that is, from a legal point of view, what is happening in ukraine is a usurpation of power. criminal offense all this is supported by the so-called collective west, changing its own notorious rules
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on the fly, just so that the war continues, the advertised meeting in switzerland is from the same opera. what the organizers of the meeting in switzerland are offering is just another trick, in order to distract everyone's attention, switch the causes and consequences of the ukrainian crisis, set the discussion on the wrong track and present the results as if
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it doesn't matter. i think putin spent no more than a couple of minutes thinking about this topic, and then returned to serious questions about how to achieve victory. and the idea that this summit will lead to peace between russia and ukraine is not a serious argument. this is nonsense, which the west resorts to from time to time because it does not know how to find an opportunity to win the war. at all however, reading the western press immediately after vladimir putin’s statement is an exciting activity because of the confusion and vacillation. they didn't have time to work there.
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he is not in a position to dictate to ukraine what it needs to do to achieve peace. i don’t really want to remind once again that these speakers for some reason do not notice the main thing, because the position of russian troops on the battlefield is now much more advantageous than that of the ukrainian nationalists, and russia has never set a goal to destroy ukraine or deprive it of statehood; on the contrary, moscow advocated and stands for a guarantee for kiev and is ready to sign for this, of course, only taking into account the fact that the security of russia.
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a curious episode, he said: “if you are helping donbass, then why are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the cherson and zaporozhye regions? the answer was, on our part, that this was the decision of the russian general staff to plan the operation, and today i will add , that the idea was to bypass part of the fortified areas that the ukrainian authorities built in donbass over 8 years, and first of all. for the liberation of mariupol, then a clarification followed from a foreign colleague, well, a professional person, it must be given, whether our troops, the russian ones, will remain in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, and what will happen to these regions after achieving the goals of the northern military district. to this he replied that in general i do not rule out the preservation
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of ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, however, provided that russia has a strong... land connection with crimea, that is, kiev must guarantee the so- called easement, legally formalized russia's right of access to the crimean peninsula through the kherson and zaporozhye regions. this is a major political decision. and, of course, naturally, in the final version, it would not be adopted individually, only after consultation with the security council and other structures. of course, after. discussions with citizens, the public of our country and, above all, with residents of the kherson and zaporozhye regions. with this, bennett went to kiev as an intermediary. what happened next is known to everyone. another attempt at negotiations failed, and the kherson and the zaporozhye region and the donbass republics have chosen their own path. residents of the kherson region and zaporozhye expressed their position during the referendums. the kherson and zaporozhye regions,
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as well as the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, became part of the russian federation. and there can be no talk of violating our state unity, the will of the people to be with russia is unshakable, the issue is closed forever, like the closed issue with crimea, all this is not discussed, unlike the peace plan proposed by putin, it has already been brought to members of the un security council, including the main sponsors of the kiev regime, the conditions for a ceasefire are outlined extremely clearly and clearly.
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these are arsenals, drone warehouses, including sea locations for mercenaries. in the khmelnitsky region, the main target is the stary konstantiny airfield with american
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infrastructure for their own f-16 fighters. near poltava, iskander m missiles destroyed a ukrainian air defense division, two launchers, two radars and the s-300 combat control cabin. powerful explosion with repeated detonation and spontaneous launch of an anti-aircraft missile. and long-range strikes with lancets. video from the dnepropetrovsk region, dolgintsevo airfield, direct hit on a su-25 attack aircraft. and reporting from the front line. western solidara. the enemy there is being beaten by the volki brigade of the volunteer corps, operating as part of the southern group of troops. amir yusupov, getting to their positions, learned that there were riggers at the front, their work was in high esteem. past broken houses and burnt cars with fighters of the wolves brigade we move to the front line above the roads.
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transport workers, according to statistics, it is they who now, in the era of drone war
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, along with those who are engaged in transportation here are called attack aircraft, are more often under attack. the infantryman takes cover most of the time in a blind. the takilashnik is flying across a bare field in full view of the enemy, humorous announcements are already being hung up at the positions, the text of which reads: if you have always dreamed of teasing enemy machine gunners, that we have brave guys from our unit, they will always help us, at any moment where you are, always they will help , they will risk their lives to help you. one he grows vegetables from the riggers,
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radishes in rocket boxes, onions in pomegranate boxes, so as not to go crazy, probably because we ’ve been here for quite a long time. he collects black soil in shell craters that explode next to him, and flies over it constantly, especially when taking out the wounded. here are the fighters for now. i simply purchased and delivered medicines to the boarding school along with quadcopters, sights, walkie-talkies, like a volunteer, but when her former ward graduated from the boarding school where she
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taught english, started going to the front, also signed a contract , about 30 people left, boys from the village of lesogogorsk, from boarding school number 11, all the teachers, all the teachers are waiting for them, we are all worried about you, guys, we really need you. it’s logical that i have asthma, when the special military operation began, i was 16 years old, so i made a promise to myself that when i’m 18, i’ll go straight to the inkomat , i had to fight, i had to fight more than once, they said young, but what an asthma, but what you are there and things like that, but you are not needed there, small, all these things, but what did you tell them, i say, what? really, i want to, i can, here i am, here i am, he only takes off his balaclava behind the scenes, without it he looks just like a child at eighteen, here’s the commander
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of an assault company with the call sign...
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something tiny like that, a little little thing like that when he flies up to the target generally becomes like a needle, its caliber is 152 mm, such guided missiles burn tanks and concrete pillboxes. soldiers are now aiming the carnet anti-tank missile system, a laser-guided munition, to a target near 3 km, in a forest belt, they have a small firing point, lined with sandbags, so a shaped charge is what they need. it will be very unpleasant for them.
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they can push us here well, we ’ll quickly add that, they can get offended, for some reason he constantly gives me crap on this run, that is, i just did the right thing, that i covered you, just like that, and an enemy drone flies in, now we’ll wait 15- 20, but we need to sit it out, mines are exploding nearby, rainfall continues, how are you guys,
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is everything intact? that's right, everything is fine, don't worry. along each path there is a line of trenches where the guys take cover during shelling. here is my brainchild. a fighter with the call sign engineer thought through all the underground communications for the military personnel of his unit on this sector of the front. in civilian life, he worked in the moscow metro. here, too, the extensive network of trenches is now called the metro. lines cutting fields and forest belts were dug under for days and nights. shelling in bad weather, about one hundred meters took 3 months, the enemy fire was so intense, inhuman conditions, in these conditions the guys are working, after that they won’t go anywhere to warm up, not to wash, not to do laundry, the machine gunner shoots, it’s like dragging boards under machine gun fire, well , it turns out that in life there are very few impossible tasks that we imagine, the enemy is bad at getting ours
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infantry with artillery... fire, now with the help of drones they are also mining trails, and with non-standard ammunition, they often began to drop homemade products in the form of cans, a can of sub-energy, a can of dried food, they even found wet wipes, they found uh a milkyway chocolate bar, directly sealed, in it is a pod with just a battery, and explain what a pod is, well, to the viewer, so that it is a mine detonator, a capsule detonator. you bite, it explodes, that is, at a minimum your lower jaw is torn off, at a maximum you are 200, so our positions of enemy drone operators are especially actively suppressed, they are dismantled by artillery, a shot is fired, the result is observed from the ground from the air, there are standing mortars, crews, mobile uav calculation. neatly in
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the shelf, now it’s gone, another gift, and this gift arrives, now i suggest you leave in order to dodge the rays of gratitude, the machine gunner is a sage, every time he looks for a new position for shooting, he carries his heavy heavy machine gun utyos in his hands, the fighter
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himself is not small, he is under 2 m tall, weighing well over a hundred, i always go in, even the last one, like a cork, i plug the passage to protect my comrades from shrapnel, so i have an important mission, my ass takes life. my friends, and with heavy fire the sage does not allow the enemy to get close to our positions, recently, several mercenaries tried by mistake, however, they met from different countries, and the balts, from poland, from romania, caught two frenchmen, they got a little lost and went straight to a machine-gun point, one began to shoot back, and two surrendered, whom why not drop them into the ssu here? they never managed to approach solidar. last year's so-called counter-offensive on this sector of the front was unsuccessful. now the militants are on the defensive, ours are preparing to attack. amir yasupov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, vitaly zaitsev,
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first channel. there are now almost 700,000 military personnel in the special operation zone. vladimir putin announced this at a meeting with distinguished fighters who are currently undergoing training. managers for the "time of heroes" program. in the first stream there are both privates and generals, each with their own story of heroism and serious plans. konstantin panyushkin will tell you. vladimir putin initiated the launch of a program for training a new managerial elite from among the svo participants just 3 and a half months ago, and the first cohort is already studying. of the 2,100 applicants, 83 passed the test military personnel, including 20 heroes of russia. very busy until 11:00 pm every day, i understand that in this team, our victory is really a pattern, once again i am convinced that it is inevitable, and so it will be,
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captain vladimir saibel went to the front for volunteers in 2022 , a year later he was seriously wounded, now he has returned to his previous civilian position in russian railways, where you live, the city of novosibirsk, in novosibirsk, yeah, well, i need to talk to oleg valentinovich. we stayed there too long, project time of heroes, social elevator, which simply has nothing to compare with, the chief of the general staff, he proceeds from the fact that of course, i can decide to transfer some of you to civilian life, but he really says, good guys, leave them to us too, but each of you can make a decision about what he will do next in his life, this choice is yours, i will do it as you... decide for yourself. another participant in the special operation, volunteer evgeny pervyshov, took time off from the civil service to enroll at the front. those present here, i would love to work in a team, maybe perhaps i worked with everyone as a team in the civil service, because i am sure
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that these guys did not let the country down at the front, they will not let it down in civilian life. the president began asking questions; it turned out that he was wearing a uniform with sergeant's shoulder straps, a state duma deputy and ex-mayor of krasnodar. what is your name? eugene? i will have a proposal for you. vladimir putin immediately dictated the order to the rector alexey komissar, and he conveyed the information to the deputy head of the presidential administration kiriyenko.
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i can help you choose any direction, so you should think and suggest that i would be interested in this direction, i will find it. most are still looking around, after all, there are still 2 years of study ahead, lecturers, managers who need no introduction, oreshkin, medvedev, sobyanin, manturov, lavrov, likhachov, this is just the beginning. all of us, 83 people, are shocked that the top officials of the state not only conduct classes with us as part of a lecture, but pour out their souls. you said that this is somewhat unexpected, you know, there is nothing unexpected in this, we love you.
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tasks to feel like a russian officer, you
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know, we have a multinational and multi-religious country, but as long as we feel like one family, we are invincible, this is our strength that no one can overcome, no one, and if for the civilian sector the new elite is still learning , in the army , officers who have proven themselves have long come to the fore, our district commanders... and , accordingly, groupings are on average 56 years old, army commanders are 50 years old, division commanders are on average 46 years old, the hero of russia stepan belov turned 28 on friday, we we congratulate you, we’ll hand over the officer’s gift in protocol, that same gift, after the meeting,
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regarding the youngest chief of the general staff i say: take him away from there, a friend of mine reports, he’s not leaving, i say, just like he’s not leaving, he doesn’t want to, i say that it means he doesn’t want to, my brother is fighting and says that i should be here too, i should fight, after that i said, find him for me, i’ll talk to him on the phone, so i started talking to him, he no, i can’t, i should be here, i say, forgot what his name is? vladimir, who
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was he by rank? major, are you listening to me okay? this is an order, understand? i understand, do it, i obey, today is the younger one, a brother from the tikhonov family, a student at the military academy of the general staff, the older ones are still in the special operation zone, the average holder of three orders of courage, colonel alexander tikhonov, a participant in the time of heroes program.
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i remember how at night i left the strong point under the constant influence of enemy fire to undergo testing and then pass the online interview, here i stand in front of you and... and i am proud to be part of your team, we won't let you down. on june 29, the first training module will end, everyone who arrived for classes from the front planned to immediately return to the special operation zone to their units, but the supreme commander-in-chief ordered otherwise: you will have time to return to the troops, you are military people and
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you will tell your guys, your colleagues, the same , as i told your brother, this is an order from the supreme commander, we need to continue. studying here will help you concentrate on your studies, but in addition, vladimir putin’s order is a huge gift for officers' families, every famine is a debt to the heart , every rural house, everything is in battle, once a house was taken and fortified here, konstantin panyushkin, ivan strukov, andrei stoyko, kristina neznanova, channel one, against whom our heroes are fighting, against terrorists with a monstrous style of blows . nikita tsitsagi , while preparing a report in the area of ​​​​the st. nicholas monastery near ugulidar in the dpr, ntv cameraman valery kozhin died there near gorlovka at the age of 46, correspondent alexey ivlev was seriously wounded, doctors stabilized his condition, then transported him to moscow.
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alexey ivlev on ntv from 1993 went on business trips to a variety of hot spots. strength, colleagues. the ukrainian regime again attacked shebekin, five were killed, six were wounded as a result of an enemy missile hit, most likely tactical point u on a five-story building, an entire entrance was formed, as was previously the case in belgorod itself with a high-rise building in a densely built-up microdistrict, targeted attacks to protect our border area, the russian army is creating a security zone, they are simply forced to move it in the direction of kharkov. front in order to reduce terrorist attacks on belgorod and other populated areas. it is clear that that depth, there 10, 15 km, 17, it does not deprive the enemy of the opportunity to carry out attacks with longer-range weapons , but still gradually moves
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this threat away from our large populated areas, well, we need to act carefully, gradually. "if the enemy continues to do what he has done so far, well, then we will think about how to proceed further in order to protect our settlements, and the guys who are now fighting there, they are fulfilling this task with dignity, it is from the kharkov region from the combat zone , the family that our military saved, in volchansk, the women were able to save three children from the forced evacuation of the ukrainian regime that is going on" .
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so big that it could lift nastya, but it hummed like a tractor, yes, a flying tractor, it didn’t drop anything, shells, for these girls, baba yaga is no longer a fairy-tale character, that’s what they call a heavy attack drone, converted by militants from the ukrainian armed forces.
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agricultural drone, the family lived for more than two weeks in the basement under the ruins of their house, but what was it like in the cellar? they drank pickles, also ate tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, whatever they were pickling, the ssu set up firing points in the broken yard, they hid in our barn when they shot, that is, they, they knew that the guys would not shoot at peaceful people, they hid behind you, yes, yes, it was scary, grandma asked them for water, they said later... they didn’t come anymore, no matter how much they asked for water, how many times they ran through us, even with the rivers could not fill with water, and no one brought water, not even a sip. they knew that the children, they knew, knew perfectly well, and did not react in any way,
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they could not leave volchansk with the whole family even before the start of fierce battles, only children were taken to the ssu, most often by force, we almost did not go out into the street, there was an evacuation of children by force, they hid us at home, they once wanted to break down the door to our house, we were sitting. we were drinking tea then, but the neighbor came out on time and said that we had left there and then they left, it was scary that they would take us away, so many they said that they took them away like this, they got lost, they said that they took them somewhere else in the camp, and then they couldn’t find them, when the front line moved back a little, and it was no longer possible to remain under fire without water and food, the women decided to take a chance give a signal for help to the drone, indicating that in...
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it flew away, and then bam and the eggplant flies into the ruins of the house, my mother and i cringed like that, we think that it didn’t explode, we ran to... we got a message from guys, we see you, we are very worried about you, do white flag, follow the drone, that’s what they did, the grandmother is in front, her granddaughters and svetlana are behind her, i immediately gave the artillery command to cease fire, because civilians could get hurt, they took them out calmly, they took them out without fuss, it turns out to be a whole special operation, well, yes, half a day for this we left, then it seemed to be more or less... already when they took us further away, already when they had exhaled, when they were taken to the border, when they reported to me, i had already calmed down and began to work further in full. the drone took
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the family to the place where they were met by russians military, then the soldiers led the women through the forest to the evacuation vehicle. many thanks to the guys, to all the management that was involved in this operation, this cannot be expressed in words, i still don’t understand, i just don’t understand that i’m on the territory. russia, i don’t understand that we are in a boarding house, the main thing is that they smile and don’t ask about what’s going on there, for them, home is already here, and that’s good. anna prokofieva, mikhail fedorov, natalya sidorova, channel one. news from kyiv, up to 20% fell in some places number of workers in agriculture. tractor drivers, mechanics, engineers are a valuable trophy for recruitment centers, the attitude of the people towards whom takes on the character
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of hatred, draconian methods of mobilization, without regard to the fact that people are not on the front line, including the same tsekashniks, someone must feed and treat, a white coat not defense in ukraine, ivan kanovalov will confirm, the gun, the shot, the scheme of the ukrainian counter-offensive in exchange for western weapons and money remains for zelensky. apparently the only one available for his understanding. the lives of ukrainian soldiers in exchange for western iron. an attempt to organize a local counter-offensive in the kharkov region on the eve of the swiss conference turned into another fiasco. all enemy attacks, including in the area of ​​volchansko and kupyansk, were repelled by russian troops, who then moved forward again and improved the situation along the front line. for vysu, all this again turned into big losses, which almost universal mobilization could solve. able, guys, guys, this is odessa, in
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the local military registration and enlistment office called an ambulance to a man who felt ill, it is not reported whether the doctors were able to help, but they themselves tried to be forcibly mobilized, a fight broke out, and other ambulance teams came to help their own, this shame would have been tried on ukrainian tv channels... they sent lists from the military registration and enlistment office that you should appear within 48 hours to update your data, and the authorities also said that everything would be fine, this is
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just to update the data, so that we can assign you later. zaprone eh i came to the kiev military registration and enlistment office, by the way, at 10:00 in the morning, left at 5:00 in the evening with a combat trip, and then right from the streets on a working day, the military commissars began to pick up felchers and drivers of the odessa ambulance as draft dodgers. we don’t have a reservation, no one promises to make this reservation at the moment, we can’t get drivers, they quit en masse because no one is booking them, they weren’t going to book them. the question about fers will also arise. zelensky and his security forces have big appetites for meat assaults, it’s time to talk about organized trade union detachments for protection from military commissars, doctors, teachers, and all social workers and his gang seem to have already been written off, why do they need them for a country that has no future, all the hands,
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marvel, marvel, marvel, marvel. the barbaric mobilization is dragging the entire economy of the country into the abyss. this is the conclusion of the bloomberg agency, which is difficult to suspect of pro-russian sympathies. he estimates that conscription and the exodus of workers are reducing the workforce by more than a quarter. a lack of able-bodied men and women become a burden on the large and small businesses that form the backbone of the wartime economy . it's a conundrum for president volodymyr zelensky, who is desperately trying to replenish his forces while ensuring that shortfalls don't damage the economy he needs to keep afloat. as bloomberg reported, deputy head of the central bank of ukraine sergei nikolaychuk, compared to 2021, the total workforce decreased by 27%. 2 years ago, according to various
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according to the data, more than half a million workers in critical industries received reservations. economy, most of all in the fuel and energy complex, transport industry and agricultural sector. but now only flight or a bribe can save you from the front. the mobilization age has already been lowered to 25 years; ukrainian sources say that in may, the head of the us state security service, blinken, demanded that zelensky begin mobilizing eighteen-year-olds, otherwise they would quickly find a replacement for him. ukrainian women are ready to fight with military commissars for ukrainians men to the last. you are residents of this village.
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once again, the main condition for ukraine to join the alliance is victory over russia, that is, never, but the war must continue until the last ukrainian. signed by ukraine and the united states this week. there is
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another clause hidden under the security agreement: either party can terminate this agreement by sending written notice through diplomatic channels, which will come into force after 6 months. that is, the united states can withdraw from the treaty immediately after the presidential elections, their elections, their own usurper. they talked about the summit, but the president of america , the leader of the collective west, did not come. by the way, about the west: the swiss get-together at an expensive resort was preceded by the g7 summit in italy. so,
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the american political portal acius calculated: only the hostess of the event, prime minister george miloni, has a rating of more than 40%. further down the stairs leading down. biden sleepy or carried away by emptiness. canadian trudeau, who is then photographed. will shout bandera slogans, olaf scholz, whose party in germany they took part in the elections to the european parliament, we’ll talk about that later. richa sunk, he will not have a chance in july in the british early elections, the same only earlier in france for macron, also based on the results of the european vote, the japanese kishida closes the anti-rating, who, like biden and zelensky, signed a security agreement for 10 years, that is, there is no longer any way to rake them, and this is what they have? the german chancellor was in a gloomy mood that morning, and his colleagues from tran g7 decided
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to correct this by dispelling the melancholy by congratulating scholz on his birthday. create a feeling holiday at least for a while, a touching concern, given that grief is also expected . they were not forced, because, as german newspapers wrote from sunny italy, scholz had to return to uncomfortable berlin. together with the spd executive committee, scholz will have to review his party's worst national election performance in more than 130 years. in fact, at the g7 summit the press was unkind not only to scholz, among all the leaders of the seven, except that the hostess of the meeting, george miloni, feels confident in politics. everyone else came to bar, escaping from internal turmoil. a short list of them. on british tv paints a bleak picture for the heads of western countries. joe biden is under enormous pressure at home. canadian trudeau's popularity is falling after 8 years in power. the european elections have just dealt
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a major blow to the leaders of france and germany. there is also a report that japanese prime minister kishida may be removed in the fall. newspapers add rishi sunok to this list, who will probably lose the elections and leave the post of prime minister, they are already openly mocking him, calling those gathered. in italy with lame ducks, ghosts and a procession of the living dead. world leaders walked through the archway, one by one, looking haunted, to be greeted by their hostess, devastated and broken on the battlefield of the elections, it was a parade of the living dead, everyone received a consoling handshake and a photo with miloni, although the same sunok was not upset by all this, at the meeting with meloni, he seemed to be counting on a hug, probably in his soul he had already thrown off the burden of power, for biden this is also an unbearable burden. he surprised again behaved strangely at a meeting with the pope . biden moves closer to dad for a possible kiss or a tete-tat, literally head-to-head conversation. the pope
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is in absolute shock. and here, during the parachute show, i simply forgot about everything and wandered off about my business. even american newspapers wrote that biden has never been so bad. biden's health will shock allies at the g7 summit. one of them said. that this is the worst state he has ever been in. the us president has attracted attention a series of strange actions, including awkwardly greeting miloni during their meeting on thursday and walking away from his colleagues during a skydiving demonstration. forcing the host prime minister to lead him out arm-in-arm back to the other leaders. the presence of zelensky, whose presidential term in ukraine had already expired , only complemented this picture, although at some point he was called to the table for a reason. saying goodbye to big politics, they decided to finally slam the door and go for the long-planned robbery. for the west, ukraine turned out to be dear kept woman. in search of money in an endless tranche, they had been looking at russian assets for a long time and finally decided to launch it.
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in the west they didn’t want to delay, because it is unknown in what composition the seven will meet in a year, european leaders may change, and even from america, a different president may come to the next summit. the european nato countries hope in this way to build a barrier against the nightmare scenario that looms on the horizon: the return to the white house of a europe-abusive, nato-scorning, ukraine-hating donald trump. but even this does not explain why kiev and washington were in such a hurry to conclude
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security agreements on...themselves, like the papers signed with other countries, the document does not oblige ukraine’s allies to anything, and besides, the next president will even be able to tear it up, however, the measures without obvious meaning, but with the participation of zelensky, they have long become the calling card of the current western elite. this fully applies to the so-called peace conference in switzerland, its goals from the very beginning were uncertain, the closer was the scheduled date, the more difficult it was to grasp the meaning of the meeting. the idea of ​​zelensky’s entourage, it seems, was to demonstrate to the public that ukraine is supported by almost the whole world, but to implement such a plan, mass participation is needed. there was no doubt that european losers would follow zelensky and switzerland. sunok, scholz, macron kept their promises, but even biden decided not to attend the conference. let's put aside the advertisers from
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europe. china won't come. russia wasn't even invited. brazil sent an ambassador from india - minister, representative from indonesia. south korea refused to participate altogether. south africa is the representative, mexico is the minister. oh, vice president of the united states, what's her name? this is a catastrophe. vice president haris, however, also left on the second day. and even the faithful scholz did not wait for the end. correctional institutions and the complete absence of countries such as pakistan or china, but it was for their sake that everything was started, they sought to gather as many countries as possible, first of all, the countries of the world majority, the countries of the global the south, to convince them to subscribe to the demands that they put forward to russia through zelensky. but the countries of the world
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majority do not want to quarrel with russia at all and see that the position of the united states in relation to the ukrainian crisis is, at the very least, biased. in the end, kiev even had to sacrifice zelensky’s formula, this is a list of ukrainian demands to russia, the main one of which is the complete withdrawal of our troops. in return, the guests were invited to discuss, for example, nuclear safety. the topic is also controversial. security zaporozhye the cas is now threatened only by ukraine, but without this replacement, the list of participants would be quite modest. today the summit represents all parts of the world, all continents, different peoples, different countries, both small and large. whatever decisions we come to at the summit will be part of the peace process that we so desperately need. well, no matter how zelensky tried to put on a good face, the failure became deafening, they refused to participate in the conference even on the day it began. swiss. the forum is not
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a free platform for discussing the path to peace between russia and ukraine, all the results are already predetermined, i cancel my meeting trip to switzerland and ask europe to discuss how to end the war, and not prolong it. although 11 countries sent representatives to the declaration, they did not sign in the end, among them india, brazil, south africa, saudi arabia and the emirates, the global south. the position is clear, the declaration came out without any substance, but was only written.
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in this photo, by the way, we noticed the presence of the head of zelensky’s office, ermak, next to leaders of countries, he has nothing to do, but maybe they are already looking for a replacement for his boss, then at this forum the west clearly had no time for russia, however, they promised that it would come to light, then after a conference in switzerland, the meaning of which the german chancellor tried to explain figuratively. this is the seed of diplomacy, which we are now watering so that it grows, then, of course, there will be prospects for peaceful negotiations then. it will be important for russia to participate in this. apparently, the gardeners of the current leaders of the west are as bad as politicians. pavel krasno, dmitry volkov, maria martanova and sergey chivela, channel one. absolutely right, colleague, i immediately remember another
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famous euro-agronomist, barel, for whom europe is a blooming garden, and the rest of the world is a jungle. well, well, everyone goes to the garden, and there are ducks, walking dead, it wasn’t our idea, you saw it yourself. none of the three points stated at the bürgenstock resort is possible without russia, the swiss mit admitted this evening. there are three points, in the so-called zelensky formula , let me remind you, there are 10. the rest, apparently, were completely unsuitable, even for this format gatherings. but what about the dialogue? dmitry sayems, host of the big game program on the first, an expert who knows how decisions are made in the united states, like the curators of kiev, was looking for answers. good evening! on friday, president putin spoke at an expanded board of the russian ministry of foreign affairs. and the president put forward a new, very interesting plan for a peaceful settlement in ukraine. according to the new york times, this is the most
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concrete plan to achieve a peaceful settlement that has been heard from russia over the past few years. the president. putin proposed a plan for a peaceful settlement in ukraine, which would preserve the statehood of ukraine, which, as the president explained, could lead not just to a truce, but to long-term regulation, and which would provide sufficient guarantees for ukraine ’s security for many years to come, and, of course, would ensure russia's fundamental interests are as follows. how ukraine should guarantee its neutrality and its nuclear-free status. predictably, these proposals were not met with enthusiasm in the west. secretary general,
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immediately said that this plan is frivolous, and in fact is an ultimatum, but the ukrainian main jester, president zelensky, said that... this is not just about an ultimatum, but about a new russian nazism, neither more nor less, about a new russian nazism. the west's response at the moment, if one can call it a response, was to emphasize not the significance of putin's plan, but their own so -called swiss peace conference. this conference is very specific, everyone is invited to it. many countries, but not invited russia. the swiss foreign minister explained that it would be good, perhaps, to invite russia, but it is impossible, because ukraine would be very upset. the new york times asks what is the point of a peace
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conference if negotiations are not between two countries at war. well, the answer to this is clear, these are not peace negotiations. and this is an attempt by the collective west to persuade itself and others that they can successfully put pressure on russia. the point is that the collective west is waging war, seeking strategic defeat of russia and wants to achieve this through the hands of ukraine, using western technology, western money, western intelligence information, and even they are starting to talk about presence. a situation where you need to be prepared, but if you want, for the most serious and unexpected options, and
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you need to understand that for the collective west the stakes are very high, because we are not talking about ukraine, but we are talking about how to guarantee western hegemony, how maintain strengthen international order when the so-called golden billion would continue to manage. the whole world, president putin in this situation decided to give peace another chance, this is not because russia is in some kind of hopeless situation. i listened carefully to president putin when he spoke at the ministry of foreign affairs, and after that there was a meeting between vladimir putin and the leaders of the russian media, in which i took part. i cannot describe the details of the conversation, but i can say with confidence that the president
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simultaneously demonstrated, from my point of view, an absolutely sincere desire to seek peaceful solutions, but at the same time was calm and decisive when it comes to protecting russian national interests. is it possible to think that in the current situation there is a collective west? but suddenly he will see the light and agree to serious diplomacy, well, i don’t think there is a reason to be too optimistic here, i think that if you look at the western leaders who just met in italy at the g7, then we can say that at the head of the collective west is president biden, who is increasingly striking everyone with their insanity and their... physical helplessness, but the rest of the leaders of western countries, well, frankly speaking, are either
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mediocrity, and even worse, and the most depressing thing is that we don’t see any serious analysis in the west at all when it comes to the problem of national security , but as sergei lavrov said, what are the alternatives, hope dies last, it is impossible to let things take their course and... therefore, president putin decided to give the world this chance, perhaps the last chance, before really having to respond blow to blow. i think that it is the only correct path, because when it comes to the fate of russia, the fate of humanity, there is no such thing as an excessive desire for peace, there is simply no such concept, and there is no reasonable alternative to such a desire. on the other side. blessed peacemakers, standing with a sword in their hands, maintaining hope, but at the same time
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capable of firm and reasonable assessments, and approaching the situation without unnecessary illusions. this is the approach, from my point of view, that president vladimir putin demonstrated. the leaders of western countries managed to convince themselves, that when they speak with one voice...
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the president, it is very much in their interests in the interests of their countries. dmitry simes. big game on the first, watch it, don't miss it. and we move on. along with new peace initiatives, russia is also conducting exercises to maintain readiness to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity. the second phase for non-strategic nuclear forces began this week on orders from supreme commander-in-chief vladimir putin. now together with. belarusian military, our ally has been stationed since last year tactical nuclear weapons. the ministry of defense
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showed a fragment of a training exercise for missile formations of the leningrad military district. delivery of training cores is ensured. field storage points, as well as to the operational airfield of assault aviation. there the rockets were suspended from carrier aircraft. nizhny novgorod hosted the first meeting of brix foreign ministers after the expansion of the organization. russia is the chairman this year: brazil, india, china, the south african republic, and now also egypt, iran, the united arab emirates, ethiopia. delegation of saudi arabia participated in events. still about.
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the situation requires, it seems to me, more careful close interaction, especially for the countries of the region to which we belong, in order to act effectively in all directions, both from the point of view of ensuring security and from the point of view of economic interaction, adjusting our actions in the international arena, but everything that i just named is one way or another among our priorities and... is developing, we note with gratitude the attitude of our turkish friends to to contribute to the resolution of crisis situations, including the crisis around ukraine, we played together a very significant role in resolving the syrian crisis, and i think it would be right to continue the astaneta
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format, fight terrorism, do everything that depends on us for...
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the defeat of the rulers, as shown by the elections to the european parliament, primarily in france and germany. the teaching of light is a bid for global leadership in the peaceful atom, projects whose impact cannot be measured in money. and on holiday at work. congratulations to all doctors russia and thank you for every life they saved. we will continue after the commercial, don’t switch, they were like a friendly family, there’s no need to talk about it, yana, you don’t understand how dangerous this is, kidnapping, an attempt on the life of a policeman, taking hostages, i was watching tv there, yana shot, oleg, he will get them out of there,
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the police are looking for a woman and a boy, no one is looking for a man and a girl, we look like... honestly, for europe it’s the same when a father abandons his children, they call him the biological father, i didn’t abandon you, then why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues came out with dogs, soon they will be taken, colleague, we need to save him, he started this mess himself, let them sort it out themselves, in my opinion, it’s a minibus, or what? we can’t go to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we stay here, not a colleague. to dad, he did everything for me, for you, and we give it to him, one chance for three, premiere, tomorrow, after the program time, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, steersman bourbon, stellar group product, whiskey
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mancacher, a product of stellar. stellar group, monte shoca cognac, product of stellar group, rom. castro: a product of the stellor group. pechora vodka, a product of stellor group. we chose two heads of poland, two former presidents, we called them from petro poroshenko. here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers come, they blockade the cities. what is a ukrainian in front of the poles: on your belly, on your knees, crawl here as a slave. we supply terno to europe, we get out of here. we are planning world domination. listen, if we're being overheard, then it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america
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now leaves western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia. apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure? poland is the kind of country that will do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. this was a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. well, you still have to pay for it. and yes, and we will remember every penny for you. what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship? show vavan and lexus. on wednesday on the first. well what a grandma in a leather jacket, young, cool. fools like no one else. and not because others don’t want to, others just don’t know how.
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i love russia because it is my homeland, for the smart, wonderful people who live and work here, a russian person for me is a person who has honor, dignity, happiness - this means enjoying every second, every minute spent in this... a big family is good, firstly, it’s fun, not only for parents, but also for children, all the time is devoted only to family, children, yes, who else do you have, dad, sister, so that they respect each other, listened to each other, always gave in, this is what the family is based on, wishes for the year of the family for all families of our country - this is health to everyone, all the best, love, in the family and with loved ones. this is sunday time, we continue: a loud visit to cuba of the ships of the northern
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fleet, the frigate admiral gorshkov and the nuclear submarine kazak, literally loud, in honor of the good guests, guns were fired from the shore and figuratively, in continental america they were poured with emotions, remembering the caribbean events of 1962 year, mikhail akinchenko met with them stand. can you do a cuban missile crisis for me? i understand, the legacy of the cold war, which can be encountered in almost any bar on keywest, the cuban missile crisis cocktail, is very similar to the famous cubo libro, also rum, cola, lime, ice, only the strongest rum is supposed to be added here, after all, a crisis was very serious. the higher the temperature in international relations, the stronger the drinks in response to...
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an aromatic center and a pleasant aftertaste, that is, do you believe that everything will be fine? i don't believe everything they say on the news, americans are already fed up with this crap, well, they’re walking around somewhere. the russian warships that docked in the port of havana this week really made a lot of noise in the american media and even temporarily overshadowed the endless political and judicial squabbles that have not left television screens and newspaper pages in recent months. russian nuclear submarine three russian ships arrived in cuba today, what these warships are doing in close proximity to the united states. the scene seems to be from the cold war, the message that sounds
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extremely. and every line of this message in america should be noted, studied carefully. the 21 salvos that greeted the russian frigate admiral gorshkov and the nuclear submarine kazan did not go unnoticed, but according to maritime traditions, this is the way to salute only heads of state during their official visits. the russian sailors were personally greeted by cuban president miguel diaz canel bermudez. he visited aboard the frigate of the submarine, after which. published photographs of the meeting on social networks and named the guests from russia's friends, the fact that such honors were awarded to a small fleet of warships forced the americans to draw the appropriate conclusions. right before our broadcast, i heard the sailors performing the russian anthem, i felt like i was back in time. not so long ago, the soviet union supplied everything necessary to cuba, but in recent years a lot has returned against the backdrop of the war in ukraine. in exchange for support from cuba, vladimir putin sends
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more here. a clear show of force. according to the russian ministry of defense, a few hours before entering havana just 30 miles from the american coast, russian ships conducted training exercises without actually launching missiles, that is, it was essentially a computer simulation of attacks on groups of a mock enemy. threats to
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the united states. the soothing tone of us officials completely coincides with official statements also made by the russian and cuban sides. the maneuvers of the military fleet do not pose any threat to the security of the region. at present times it is extremely complex international relations is an exceptional example of mutual understanding. it’s all the more surprising that... the arikans never stop talking about the need to protect the vital interests of the united states thousands of kilometers from their borders in ukraine, here they have a strike group of modern russian warships right under their noses, and nothing special comes out. on board the russian ship that arrived at the cuban port are zircon hypersonic missiles capable of reaching the united states; the united states has nothing that can shoot down these missiles. in the same area there is also a russian nuclear submarine
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. the weapons aboard these two ships could wipe the east coast of the united states off the map. this is, of course, if we are talking about nuclear weapons, and not about high-precision missiles with conventional warheads. well, how do they feel now in the white house, knowing that they are 12 minutes from death , there is no salvation. the secret service simply won’t have time to get you out of the white house, and this is not a nuclear explosion, it’s just a zircon missile that will fly in and hit the white house, and it cannot be stopped. that's exactly what we are they did it to the russians, they live with it all the time. we in the west think this is normal, but the russians have shown that they can play this game too. the extent to which the words of official statements made from washington diverge from reality became clear from the actual maneuvers of the american armed forces. the united states is closely monitoring russian warships sailing along florida to cuba. the pentagon has put navy ships on high alert amid the arrival of the russian fleet in havana. from the air our the ships were accompanied by a
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poseidon reconnaissance plane, which... in order not to lose sight of the nuclear submarine kazan, dropped acoustic buoys along its route, this picture was observed on the beaches of miami, just on the day when the russian flotilla, combat helicopters, anti-submarine aircraft and even the american b2 spirit stells bomber passed nearby, in in general, one might say, they treated me with complete respect. this frigate has in the past participated in testing the latest russian hypersonic missiles. two american fighters, plus two more military men ships equipped with sonars. to track submarines, air patrols and even naval drones tracked the russian flotilla all the way across the atlantic. and even after our ships arrived in havana, the american military did not lose. vigilance, i’m a little worried, it’s so close, i heard about russian ships in cuba, it’s a little scary. have you noticed a lot of combat aircraft in the air in the last few days? there are more helicopters, especially many, i hear them flying at night.
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in order not to lose sight of our ships for a second, only observation from the air, the american military, of course, did not limit itself, they also have other capabilities. this sign represents the southernmost point of the continental united states, as the crow flies. the cuban coast, as the inscription says, is only 90 miles from here, that is, less than one and a half hundred kilometers. to monitor liberty island, back in 602, just in the year of the cuban missile crisis, the united states built a secret electronic intelligence complex on a nearby cape. a strategic object that is still prohibited from being filmed or shown. however, it is unlikely that even with his help the americans were able to discern anything new. russian sailors did not deviate even once from the planned campaign plan. and after a five-day stay in havana on monday.
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before the early parliamentary elections, according to a recent poll, the ruling party is supported by 20% of respondents, and more than one and a half times more. drew attention to a strange democratic practice: belgian citizens are driven to elections with belgians summoned to the polls threats of fines. who would have thought that for the citizens of germany and france, these particular european elections would be an opportunity to demonstrate their disgust with
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the policies being pursued, including at the national level. the disgust is so strong that there will be a political earthquake in paris. i have decided to return to you the right to choose the future of our parliament by voting. so, tonight i... june and july 7, now the french parliamentary elections will be held in two rounds 30 are wondering what the combination is, playing macron. i am not worried at all, because i am proud of the economic policy that we have been pursuing for 7 years. it is very clear to me, however, what exactly the current president is proud of. france's financial situation has deteriorated sharply, reaching its most alarming level since 1958. the budget deficit is at least 5% of gdp, and public debt exceeds 110% of gdp. this makes france one of the countries in europe with the worst
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state of public finances. this year's budget in france was adopted bypassing the lower house of parliament under the responsibility of government, and then prime minister elizabeth bourne resigned. perform the same trick again, dissolving the national one. manage. rumors have already appeared in the public sphere about the possibility of the resignation of the current president in the event of a new failure in the elections, as well as a theory that such a feint would help macron bypass this is the last patron of someone who can no longer limit himself to two presidential terms in the event of an early resignation. the current cadence may not be counted, well, further discord in the country could ensure a return. this could be a politics of chaos in which he can imagine himself as something. the central element between the right and left poles, however, the prospect of macron’s resignation, as it turned out, the french are not only not afraid of the french, according to polls, 57% of the country’s residents support this idea, macron publicly denied rumors of resignation, this is absurd, what is he
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betting on, even if the french right will be able to overcome differences in the elections and will win such a convincing victory that the chairman of the national association , jordan bardela, will become prime minister, a poison pill awaits him, known as motignon syndrome, motignon palace, official resident. after the right-wing victory in the european parliament elections, riots began in france. in this footage, a crowd with antifa flags throws stones at the windows of an apartment, one of which flies a french flag. they also tore it down; apparently the owners of the house
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suspected him of sympathizing with the national unification. the french foreign minister is stirring things up. i don't want jordan bardela to welcome international delegations to the olympic games. after july 7 in case victory of national unification, the whole street can burst into flames. the far left may decide to play the third half against the police. just over two weeks before the games. according to the expert, this could be a blow to the country’s image and create the risk of a number of non-arrivals. in germany, where the right has also strengthened its position, they do not speculate on street unrest, but the ghost of the gdr, the reporter bilt ezwit, has appeared there. the former russian-occupied parts of germany want to be occupied by russia again. 45.7% voted for pro-kremlin anti-european parties, who want to leave nato and join the russian-led security apparatus. if we add up the votes received in... in the elections by parties pragmatic towards russia, the alternative for germany
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is the sarah wagenhnecht union, it turns out that in the east of the country they are supported by over 40% of those who came to the polling stations. despite the difference in views, politicians of both forces this week boycotted zelensky’s speech in the bundestag and continue to criticize anti-russian sanctions. putin is just laughing at us, because he can sell gas and oil around the world. sanctions have only led to higher prices, and money is flowing to moscow. germany. was divided along the old border , another demonstration for all these years after the fall of the berlin wall, the alienation could not be overcome in the west , the christian democrats are in the lead on the map , marked in black in the east, the alternative for germany is marked in blue, and where are the social democrats of chancellor scholz, they are only third place in the country showed the worst result in the history of the party in the european elections. with this government almost it’s over and now it should be like in france, there were demands for early elections, and macron announced them. no new elections, no question of trust. in the bundestag, which the opposition demands, most likely will not happen; an explanation
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has already been found for the public in the press. the ruling coalition argues endlessly, olaf scholz is a bad chancellor, it is logical that there are calls for early elections, but what good is this, given the fragmented party landscape, even greater disappointment and the loss of reputation for parliamentarism. comfortable for parties included in the government coalition, because in the event of new elections they will only record losses. the greens had a catastrophic result, they lost more, including the rest.
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and secondly, there is enormous inertia in european institutions. but what’s worth it is to stock up on popcorn if the french president really decides to swim in the seine to demonstrate the safety of holding olympic competitions there. there is a huge company on social networks, citizens want to shit in the river to show their attitude towards the president and the mayor of paris. we are talking about the same anna dalgo who earlier stated that russian and belarusian athletes would not be welcome in the capital of the olympics. the french laugh out loud.
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a special website has even been created for those living upstream, write how far your house is from the capital, the algorithm calculates when you need to dump the ballast so that macron is guaranteed to receive a gift, the story has reached the united states. what a magnificent embodiment of the spirit of france. this is the confession. the french send the rays of the people to the owner of the elysee palace love. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva and yulia zagranichnogo, yulia razendorn, pavel evdokimenko, channel one. let's get back to our news. last week , on russia day, according to tradition, the highest decorations and state awards were awarded. those who have achieved special success in their place, making a contribution to... the common cause were honored in the kremlin, the title of hero of labor was awarded to the rector
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of moscow state university, viktor sadovnichy, a world -famous scientist, one of the most famous russian breeders - lyudmila bespalova, director. legendary sevmash mikhail budnichenko, rocket designer eltugan sizdykov, mining and processing plant operator vladimir shedov and driver at the coal mine alexey kholmakshinov. among the laureates of the state prize are the head of the kurchatov institute mikhail kovalchuk, the director of the shumakhov transplant center sergei gauthier, the head of the moscow center for organ donation marina minina, the head of the skafosov grave institute khubutia, the director of the tsarskoe selo reserve museum.
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the technological launch of the nika collider took place in dubna near moscow; experiments carried out with its help will help penetrate the secret. universe, however, applied science is not lagging behind, more and more breakthrough projects developed in laboratories are close to implementation, theory and practice were discussed there in dubna at the council on science and education. yuri lepatov, more about scientific prospects. technological start-up, approved. dispatcher,
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please apply test current to the magnetic system of the nika complex. start of work on the technological launch of the superconducting heavy ion collider, which was built in dubna. it will be launched in 2025, and as a result, russian scientists will be at least several years ahead of their foreign colleagues with practical research. before the technological launch, vladimir putin examined the collider structure, accompanied by the director of the joint institute for nuclear research. when we explain in very simple language and say that we are actually some kind of time machine.
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results to date, this is not a seemingly applied field of research, but nevertheless, within the perimeter of what is happening, work is underway here on microelectronics, biology, and a number of other areas. the megagrant program, launched in 2010, will be extended,
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the president announced, but projects developed in laboratories, the winners of the megagrant competition, are closest to practical implementation, which is worth only the opportunity to win.
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spreads everywhere, so we are learning to control it, based on this liquid light we have made a truly new generation of lasers, polyriton lasers, we are even making quantum transistors, these are qubits for the future... everything is warm, it is ineffective, the power of all the computers in the world is equal to the power of the brain
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of one person, now we have figured it out , we are creating a fundamentally new computer, neuromorphic, this is a computer that copies the structure of the brain, we already have prototypes of microcircuits that work at the institute , they spend thousands of times less energy than today's computer, here's the next breakthrough that's ripening. the kruchatov institute is the flagship of russian science, and all the more important is the opinion of its leader, who called the scientific council with the president's participation was epoch-making. the state is increasing funding for science, by 2023 it will be increased to 2% of the national product, almost doubling in terms of today’s ruble exchange rate, this is 6 trillion rubles. in order to bring high science closer to practical life as quickly as possible , a priority has been determined: the development of twenty-one so -called critical technologies. and seven cross-cutting ones, such as the creation of new materials. under the auspices of the kurchatov institute, eight
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world-class megascience installations are being created, such as synchrotrons. modern campuses are being built on the basis of universities; large scientific centers imply not only laboratories, but also housing for scientists. well, there will be more grants, ” putin announced. it was decided to increase the amount of funding to 100 million per year. and extend the deadline. so that the planning horizon is visible and the decision is, it means increasing this work to 100 million from 3 to 5 years with the right to extend it for another 3 years, we agreed several years ago that our large companies will not invest resources even in those studies that do not bring benefits every minute -
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mikhail kovalchuk received a state prize for 2023 for the development of a fundamentally new green closed-cycle nuclear energy, which can be called nature-like, maximally environmentally friendly, capable of providing humanity with energy for thousands of years to come. all hers. slow thermal neutrons and tacomoidal will appear in practical developments, these are fast neutron reactors, reactors for those proposed by our scientists either have or will soon camera with magnetic coils. we came up with a closed fuel cycle and two-component nuclear energy. takamag is an artificial sun on earth, which was invented to be lit in the fifties at the kurchatka institute; you ignite plasma at a temperature of tens or hundreds of millions of degrees. you create a magnetic field around, this vessel from the magnetic field holds it, and this means that we have laid the foundations and tested green nuclear energy,
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waste-free with a closed fuel cycle, which ensures our technological independence, complete safety and does not violate nature in any form, provides us with energy for thousands of years, that’s history, and we are ahead of the rest of the planet, no one cares... talented children can and should be given career guidance at school. the joint institute for nuclear research in dubna, for example, has developed special textbooks. here in fizmat, i apologize, but for this fact, they conducted a survey: seventh grade, children, who do you want to be, more than 30% of bloggers responded, and it just devastated me. you see, we probably did it there for 7 years textbook, physics and mathematics with an engineering bias, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,
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tenth, eleventh grade, this is not just a textbook, this is a study guide, which means it comes with a problem book, it comes with a workshop notebook, an electronic application, these textbooks included in the official list of the ministry of education, they will be received by schools in 43 cities, which scientists call nuclear, that is, associated with... in turn, in the basic school, i would like to draw attention to - teaching in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, this is foundation for everything the rest. i argue that if, for example, mathematics in the fifth, sixth, seventh grade is taught poorly, then further self-determination of the student in the field of engineering and natural science specialties is no longer possible, at least as a blogger, then as
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a blogger, creative producer and god... without acquiring the skill of systematic work and without acquiring the skill of serious mental effort, unfortunately, or fortunately, the study of mathematics and natural sciences requires serious mental effort, this is serious mental work in which all three. words are important, you said that both children and families must come to terms with what is needed for the state, somehow this sounds harsh, although of course, a certain rigidity is needed,
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but uh, it just doesn’t work out the way we want. .. the best, but it will turn out as always, so i think, if i understood you correctly, you just need to create conditions so that people want it, so that they have motives, motivation arises, and here, of course, the state has a lot must do, but in the meantime there are still oriented for science, artek and sirius, the famous lyceum in the science city of partvino, under the auspices of the kruchatov institute of the academy of sciences , are creating a network of specialized classes in many schools in russian cities.
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mortgage at 6%, regardless of age , parents there will be able to use the family support for their children, but the main thing is that at least one child is a minor at the time of applying for the loan. in the construction of their own home, such preferential conditions for families will apply in all russian regions. citizens are waiting for the launch of these programs. today is the day medical worker. congratulating doctors, vladimir putin noted that their profession is the most humane and quoted chekhov, who said that the work of a doctor is a daily test of humanity. the vocation award, a joint
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project of channel one and the ministry of health, is dedicated to those who save lives. eight nominations. an intensive care ambulance, that is , there is no such happiness anywhere else, there are paramedics everywhere, there are not even nurses everywhere, an ambulance is special forces medicine, and every profession, every, every military profession has its own special units for special purposes, in medicine - this is an ambulance, this is special forces, this is the elite named after petov,
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the prize for their contribution to the development of medicine was received by scientific doctors...
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10 years ago he had a kidney transplant, this year he returned with complaints about the liver , doctors confirmed cirrhosis and put him on the waiting list for transplantation. even until recently, this diagnosis was essentially a death sentence for most patients, but everything was complicated by the fact that during examinations the patient was diagnosed with a pathology of the heart vessels. when donor the liver had already been found, the doctors had to solve the heart problem, otherwise alexander simply would not have undergone the operation. cardiac surgeons performed stenting of the vessels, and then transplantologists got down to business. so we see that the blood flow is good, everything
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is fine in the liver. by the way, alexander himself worked as a doctor for many years, for speed.


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