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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:50pm MSK

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the patient was diagnosed with a pathology of the heart vessels, when the donor liver had already been found, the doctors had to solve the heart problem, otherwise alexander simply would not have undergone the operation. cardiac surgeons performed stenting of the vessels, then transplantologists got down to business. now we see that the blood flow is good, everything is fine in the liver. by the way, alexander himself worked as an emergency doctor for many years, so he could call his saviors colleagues, but he calls them differently.
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was going well, but christina decided to meet with even at the moment of her birth, my mother’s pregnancy with her parents was 3 months premature, i didn’t know what would happen next, i didn’t even know that such children were being nursed, there was... complete darkness ahead and complete uncertainty of what awaits us in an hour , the day, the year when christina was born, in the maternity ward, there was already just a huge team of non-anatologists and resuscitators, they were able to deliver christina, thanks to the professionalism of the doctors, their caring warm hands, soon this girl will turn 2 years old, the girl is growing and making her parents happy, she she is healthy, she is developing well, of course, it’s very nice to see this, especially... remembering how hard it was
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to nurse such a small child, because she was born with a very small weight of 530 g, barely or 560, that is, very little. the doctors themselves jokingly say about their colleagues who work with children that in addition to medical school, internship and residency, they seem to have completed some additional courses that they want to negotiate with the youngest patients. children call alexei mikhailovich such an aibolit.
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who had a bone marrow transplant with this disease, i was a schoolgirl with him in the intensive care ward, while we were talking with natalya, in the next department her husband was monitoring the condition of newborn patients. we met at work, when i was still working as a neonatologist, she came there as a doctor, also a resident to study neonatology, i was sitting in the resident’s room, writing a medical history, the door opened and there was a young handsome man standing, for some reason wearing dark glasses in february with two bags, asked me, are you expecting children? i turned around, of course, without embarrassing, of course, we are waiting, after 15 years they are raising already six of their children, raising and teaching the basics of the profession. our older children went rafting and before sending them off , vitaly approached this issue very responsibly, he told them first aid for godyuk bites, primary cardiopulmonary resuscitation, how to do artificial respiration, how...
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it went, you know, i was my life was in the hands of this man, and he simply saved me, this is not heroism, that’s the point, this is no longer heroism for us, your health is our daily work, probably for there is no greater joy for doctors than to see their patients leaving the hospital healthy, but how pleased they must be when we return to just say thank you for this incredible daily work, can i hug you, thank you very much, can i give you. ..
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channel one, that’s all, right now. final of the club's summer series of games: what, where, when. good evening, dear tv viewers, good evening, dear experts. today , june 16, we are waiting for the final game before the summer holidays, the finale of the summer series “what, where, when, 2024
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" . povosheva today is played by yulia yakovleva kurgan, lina monasipova serlipasheva, sergey stein - tver, andrey
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kolesnikov, livny, blitz sector, tatyana egorova, veliky novgorod, baikanur,
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in the twenty-fifth game anastasia shutova i received a crystal owl, so it turns out that you probably need it. moscow. dmitry anan from moscow is playing against you. look at the screen. in front of you is the ancient swedish castle stora sundby. in the 19th century. it was rebuilt from a conceptual design by peter robinson. attention, the question is, how many rooms and how many windows are there in this castle? 365, why
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did they give us a photo, it’s like a fractal, you see, it repeats itself.
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we assume that this is somehow connected with powers of two, and since we already see 2 and 4 here, perhaps, well, let's suppose that a... 64 rooms and 128 windows, and now attention, the correct answer. mrs. polusheva, i really don’t have words, to be honest, you had everything, and you said it almost word for word, four large towers, three are not visible, they even said that the seasons, the towers symbolize the seasons. 12 less months and you have reached this, the room
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in this castle is 52 according to the number of weeks in the year, and the windows, as in the first second, in my opinion, pavel ershov said 365, the architect conceived the castle calendar, 1:0 in favor of tv viewers, 100,000 dmitry anan from moscow will receive rubles from alfabank. "the interests of experts are protected by andrey cheremisinov, adviser to the general director of the state corporation rosatom, good evening, good evening, let's go back to last sunday for a minute, how do you like the miraculous rescue of boris belozerov's team, you know, mr. presenter, it seems to me that miracles often happen to those who a miracle awaits, i want to say that this season we had another wonderful game, this is..." maxim patashov's team in the spring finals of the spring series i really hope that another miracle will be
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the game today by alena kolushi’s team, and mr. presenter, i would like to return to the last game once again, the fact is that at the last game daria lyubinskaya received the crystal atom, and today is her birthday, yes , very timely, they gave, i congratulate you, the second round. so, returning to the last game, dear tv viewers, i want to explain to those who do not understand why boris belozerov’s team is not playing today. according to the rules of this year's spring series, the favorite teams the finals of three series were played, but only two teams could win, so maxim patashov’s team played in the finals of the spring series, and alena polushevo’s team played in the finals.
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so, 35,656 questions were received, now the computer will select one of them, this is a question from almaata, from daria pavlova, attention, question: the american model has been criticized more than once for her tattoo, but she herself sees in it her attitude towards the profession. what is depicted on this tattoo.
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answers, let dmitry ovdeenko try, dmitry ovdeenko, please, come up with an idea such an attitude, an image that demonstrates an attitude towards the profession, perhaps she is a hardworking model, and the image of hard work is, for example, a bee, but why do you think she would be criticized? well, i don’t know why, maybe the model actually has tattoos, or a bee stings, okay, well, let’s look at the screen, attention, right. the answer is a hanger, that is, she treats herself as a clothes hanger 2:0, 2:0 in favor of tv viewers, and daria pavlova from almaty will receive 100,000 rubles from alfabank.
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protects the interests of television viewers today chief managing director. according to tradition, in the final games , members of the academy come to the aid of the defender of the interests of tv viewers. tv viewers of the game are still in our hall today, the owner of the diamond owl, zhanna polyanskaya, good
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evening, the owner of the diamond. mrs. povasheva, why didn’t you manage to answer this question, in your opinion, well , the first one, to be honest, is even more pity, the first one is much more pity, that’s true, well, we haven’t rolled in yet, apparently, there’s still a super blitz, something you’re starting today somehow cool, normal.
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pavel, please, i think that in the context of a winline, a soccer ball would be appropriate. and
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now attention, the correct answer. two glaziers. one inserts the glass, and the other ensures its operation. the boy has a soccer ball in his hand. here it is. attention, question two. andrey kamynin from georgievsk asked me to show you the cartoon of the soviet cartoonist iosif. igina. andrey asks who this sharsh is dedicated to.
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i ask you to. i see the number two and a pencil, there is a version that it is a clown-pencil, but i don’t understand what the number two is in this case, if we imagine that these are cartoonists, then the second could be krylov, from kukryks, wings from kukryks, and now attention about... pavel, but here the pencil is just like an attribute of the artist and the two, you know the artist.
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they were like a friendly family, there is no need to talk about it. yaana, you don’t understand how dangerous this is, kidnapping, an attempt on the life of a policeman, hostages taken, i was watching tv, and yana shot there, oleg, he’ll get them out of there, the police are looking for a woman and a boy, a man and a girl, no one looking for, we look like terkurodov, honestly, for europe the best thing is when a father abandons his children, he is called the biological father. i didn’t leave you, then why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues left with dogs, i’ll take them soon, colleague,
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we need to save him, he started this mess himself, even though it’s a minibus, we ca n’t go to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we stay here, not a colleague, he did everything for me, for you, and we him... their premiere, tomorrow after the program time, gentlemen, officers, there is a german squadron behind, friedrich karl in front, i see no other way out than to lure the germans onto mines. in any case, i would never refuse you. yes, you would be exhausted. we're doing well, not really. are you in love? given
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the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation is now the same: war, to beat the enemy to fulfill a duty to the fatherland. this is a letter from az morse. i tried to study my textbook at home. thank you, but today is the last time we see each other. unfortunately for us, the revolution has obscured the future from us. pushing forward. for the darkness, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, we have no place to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to beat them, unimportant news, gentlemen, red is on the way to omsk, may god help us, admiral, on the first day in memory of anastasia zavorotnyuk , we remember a wonderful person, an amazing woman,
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a colleague, a friend, anastasia zavoratnyuk, the first year of birth, she did not feel very well, everyone thought that it was just a nerve that had been damaged, they went to get checked and found out, well, that is, one can say almost yes in my birthday, i noticed what was on her chest. a new one appeared, a new mouth pendant, i turn around and say: she tells me: no one knows this, i say, but i already know, i say: you need to buy a burqa, if it was transported somewhere, taken somewhere, then it was all in the ponj , thank you to the doctors, sisters, that it didn’t go anywhere, i wanted to come up and say, this can’t be, get up, and when the next morning there were terrible, monstrous, blatant publications about how much makeup...
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when you joined, i realized that no one has any questions about the song anymore, ren was added, the hall just began to go wild, i draw you, i draw you, you have such a wonderful son, so active on stage, you have love on stage too, this is the most important thing, go out with your mother.
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enjoy the most homely musical project, two stars, fathers and sons, from june 23 on the first winline. victory goes to those who make a difference, there are many options, the right one, alfabank, for the smart and free, you can only love what you know. rosatom, knowledge corporation. dear tv viewers, betting company winline.
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waiting for him makes you happy, well be there, you know without ours it’s boring, the favorites win, the outsiders, paradoxically, lose , in general, everything goes on as usual, but already in the last program i told you about the winline program for all those who watch the european championship, you can go to the winline application every day to receive bonuses from the winline, and today is the final, it’s time to remind you that you need to go there and just receive your gifts, if for some reason you have not yet downloaded the mobile
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application, this is now. it's time, thank you, denis, round four, mr. kovalevsky, sergey, i heard that for you the most difficult moments are just before the start of the game, when the mood of the team leading the top is completely unknown. sergey, and how is the mood of the team now, you feel better than before the game, of course, easier.
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one of the heroes of the writer robert louis stevenson, in certain situations, more than once used an object that is now in a black box. this is the best way to express contempt for the human mind, he believed. attention. question: what's in the black box? look, the logic is that you should decide something for you, they had a map or maps, for example,
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that’s normal. statements of reason and calculation, what else could happen, if you, well, charity , let’s say, put on black glasses and give up, some kind of horoscope or something like that, if there’s some kind of mysticism, let’s say, like fortune telling, this is palmistry , what’s in the black box, well , it’s better for now, people think, discuss, but he’s like, i’m not with you, how can this be shown, he’s like that. that's what it decides determines, makes you think, so, it’s time to answer, dmitry ovdeenko, i ask you, dmitry, well, a decision can be made on the basis of intellect, analysis, or you can trust chance, and the hero could at certain moments, but rely on how he will fall on which side coin, we think it's in the black box?
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ask for a coin so as not to make a decision yourself. 3:1. let's continue the game, round five. mr. kashnikov, and you, mr. kashnikov, and you, answering the question, what minutes are in the game for you. the most difficult ones said that boris became master of suspense, i wonder what boris belozerov can do, not boris belozerov, why boris belozerov, sir, i meant you, and i meant that you
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call me boris, exclusively in the text, so what is a master what we are with boris, the master of suspense, i meant that you are a master. an unusual competition of poetic improvisations called the wheel of illumination is held annually in perm. each participant receives an envelope with
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the first line and must compose a poem within a certain time. olga and alexey goloviznins from moscow ask how much time it gives? while the ferris wheel is making a circle, the competition is called the wheel of insight, and it is taking place, look at the screen, there is a ferris wheel, you need to have time to compose a poem while the wheel is making one revolution, vitaly, this is
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your first correct answer, in my opinion, yes, in to my, no, the second one, i got lost, well, let's go for the third one, attention, question two, vitaly, concentrate, on the ferris wheel in helsinki, along with the usual white booths, there is one brown one, it accommodates four people, paid hourly. elena tsygantsova from lyuberitsy is interested in what this booth is like, that it’s possible for four people, that you play for a long time, now it’s longer.
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sauna, the fact that there is a sauna in finland, dmitry, you came up with a great idea at the eighteenth second, i congratulate you, the decisive third question. dmitry, imagine a glass booth with good sound insulation, equipped with a computer on which games from the nineties are installed, in shanghai. recently they began to install such booths, ironically nicknamed their lockers. daniyar mustakhanov from karaganda is interested in where such booths are installed and for whom they are intended.
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vitaly, please, these cameras, rooms, for men, booths, yes, are installed in shopping centers for men, so that women can do shopping, well , name the men, husbands, more precisely, and now attention, the correct answer, these so-called storage lockers are designed, look at the screen for...
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yes, you can’t talk to young people. mr.
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teplyakov. denis, you have a fresh look, no washed out. and no one trains you. your conscience is clear. tell me, is there anything you could advise the team? well, we have to work, we have to work. i think i sense something, denis, who is training you.
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mr. kovalevsky, finish this definition, childhood is when you show your age on your fingers, you count or candles, and maybe you are also happy about yours all the time, you increase your age, as if yes, well, you increase it, while you decrease it, but this is strange to me it seems like that’s it for now, but let’s think about candles, let’s think about candles, take something off.
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i experienced such a shock, to be honest, are you wearing a vest now, no, dmitry, tell me, is this work on the image or is it more convenient for you sterlibasheva, last time before the last game we went on a boat ride, the vest was for a boat, there are few of us, but we are in sawdust , now sterlebashevo
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and the teacher of russian language and literature, lina manasipova from... mrs. povusheva, tell me, do you like to receive guests or go to visit more? accept, accept. you know, but today is not exactly groundhog day, look at screen. before you are the inhabitants of the altai highlands, gray marmots and argali mountain sheep. from time to time argali come to the territory.
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look, look at the ram, what, what is the bonus of going to the marmots, what are they doing, hooves, maybe, listen, maybe the grass grows better there, the fact that they hide the grains, for example, is not necessary, but why from time to time, well, the ram eats the grass, for example, they attacked, they bring some of the sprouted stuff,
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it’s useful, but it’s useful argali, probably, maybe, there is something, well, marmots are probably like any normal rodents, but okay, no, let’s do this, and the rodents gnaw, and let’s say the orchars come to them, in this marmot village, the marmots somehow gnaw off their hooves, such a marmot pedicure. it seems to me that this is a very good version, and now, attention, the correct answer. mr. belozerov, does your team have any version of this question? well, it seems to me that we liked the version that vitaly pogorelov spoke about safety, that marmots are quite attentive, maybe they do this when they have
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children, yes, when they have little attention, so they rely on marmots for theirs, mr. belozerov, well, this question didn’t come up for you at the last game, huh? what are you saying dmitry? sorry, i’m just explaining, i’m interested, don’t hide it, but i just thought that people don’t go to people to sleep, so i didn’t say this smart thought out loud, now, you know, i know people who go, count 4: 3, 4:3 in favor of tv viewers,
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100,000 rubles. lina munasipova from the village of serlibasheva will receive from alfabank. dear tv viewers, the best expert of this game will receive a traditional prize from the rosatom state corporation crystal atom, and to determine the best andrey cheremisin. andrey, today the owner of a crystal atom can become the owner of a crystal owl, and your decisions will have to be supported by the masters. today andrey kozlov, victor sidnev and maxim potashov will help you. mr. cheremisinov. alena polosheva’s team has been playing 11 rounds for three games in a row, are you in no hurry today? no, nowhere, let's play, let's play until six points.
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rounds has become a trademark of your team, tell me, does this make you personally nervous? no, than well, really, spending 11 at a table the more the better, and you know what’s interesting is that you always get to the score 5:5, losing 3-4-4-5, which is called downwind. pavel, are you strategically better or better when tv viewers catch up with you? no, perhaps it’s better, we overcome, we are on horseback. pavel, livny, pavel, you know, and most often, as far as i remember, you personally always wake up closer to the end, now your time is coming, well, that means it’s time, and the lawyer, andrey kolesnikov, is playing against you livny, oryol region, mr. yarshov. you know, it’s been a long time since we had the riddles of leonard da vinci, 18 years, and 20-25 years ago,
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the elders wouldn’t let us collect them, the riddles of the famous master were heard often, yes, mr. mon, yes, sir, there were 14 riddles, can you imagine, here andrei kolesnikov managed to find another one, listen, he will bring it to the hot streets.
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something related, maybe some holiday , okay, who’s responsible?
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attention, correct answer. look, pavel, it’s snow, i don’t think you say the word snow written down because you discussed a volcano, but what does a volcano have to do with water, and it will bring this snow to hot areas in the summer heat, it’s a fountain, water. will come from the mountains to...


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