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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  June 17, 2024 4:05pm-5:00pm MSK

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bad relationship with mom, with parents, then this is a great sign that he invites you to his parents’ family, this means he has a serious intention, well, as it turned out later, he not only invited me to his parents right away, he invited every girl he almost asked me to get married in 2 weeks, this was for me later, when we broke up, his friends started telling, friends you know how much they tell, but i’m sure that this is true, because when we started dating, all the girls were with him were bad, that is bad, this is bad, this... i was offended by midelson, my dear, please tell me, somewhere in the world there is a custom of avoiding communication with the parents of the chosen one? yes, many aborigines in australia and oceania are so polite towards their mother-in-law that it is better not to cross paths with her at all. for example, the australian wachande tribe has the following system: as soon as a young man sees his mother-in-law approaching him, he literally rushes into the bushes.
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otherwise you can lose your luck, but i still have the question is more about a woman’s relationship with her mother-in-law, because, oddly enough, almost all boys love mother-in-law, 49% of respondents also have such a survey about their mother-in-law , they respond very respectfully, perhaps svigrov was nearby during the survey, you like it, well, how can i say, i wouldn’t want my...
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i can work too, i have my own afro weaving salon, but either i work with my family, or i work. you need a rich husband, we already understood that, without children, that is, a man needed only so that you don't to work, no, why not, you say, but if i also work, then i don’t need a man, well , if i can do everything there myself, then take it from me, first of all, don’t give birth to a child, that’s exactly what i want to tell you , don’t hug yourself at night, don’t cook for yourself.
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with a bunch of cats and problems, a man for joy, i agree, ok, this is food for thought, but for now show me the surprise, thank you, i need to prepare, natalya, you are an aunt, and where does victoria get such a little strange for an ordinary girl? requests, the main character just said that he needs just a quiet housewife, is n’t that so, but not a kept woman, and she doesn’t talk about maintenance, she works, i want to be a kept woman, i don’t want to work, well, it’s written, i don’t i want to work, i will only take care of the children, and let my husband earn money, there are many men who are ready to accept this position and pay for all the girls’ wishes, let’s see the surprise.
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dream like that, now you have to fulfill the dream of all my relatives, oh my, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it and that’s it, well, it was very great, but i don’t argue, very important, bright, yes, yes, it was cool, larisa, as usual, as usual, if someone doesn’t want to work and wants to take care of their family, then this is... definitely a kept woman, so what victoria to you, well, he’s also quite an interesting person, creative, again, your eye lit up, a good young man, avika was put out, i would go to victoria, to the latter, and mendelsonchik says to whom, well, look, anastasia was
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a catwoman today, a cat in the kitchen can interfere with cooking, or steal sausages, or steal flour will turn over, on the other hand, such a dish as valeria’s can lead to indigestion in families... come on, he’s gone somewhere, i invite everyone , no matter who you go, we will support you, come out and support sergei, unfortunately, we have no pair today. if you are single or you liked one of the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i larisa guzeeva wish that your loved one will definitely tell you: let's get married , it's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity, we can't live without each other
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we can, i don’t have to return it, it’s custody holds the child. they all turned against me, filed a lawsuit against me for restriction of parental rights, why don’t they return her to you? i said: okay, then i ’ll pour gasoline on myself and set the child on fire. are you yourself? yes, i'm in myself. she got drunk, came over, and the girl’s earrings just came off, and she tore her earlobes like that. katerina nikolaevna is a very wonderful mother, she is slandered. can’t get out of binge drinking without a narcologist. catherine wanted to blow up her child and pour gasoline on her and burn her too. it was. twentieth year then she has such a tradition, yes, she drinks, yes, binge-drinking, but i don’t go on any binge, where is the child at the moment when she goes on a binge?
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good afternoon, i have to warn you, my dear viewers, all those on the other side of the screen, the scale of the personality of our today’s heroine is wow, so be careful there, think in her direction, yeah, when it was necessary to pick up the child , not just the police arrived, the mayor himself with firefighters, the mayor, vice mara, 30 more people, today in our studio ekaterina zhemchuzhnaya, she really wants bring your seven-year-old daughter sofia home from the shelter, hello, hello, what happened to you? a situation happened in our city that the entire government of our city, the administration, the department of education, guardianship, they all took up arms against me, they filed
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a lawsuit against me, a lawsuit in court for restrictions on parental rights, without basis, the fact is that since they they can’t find fault with the fact that we have an apartment in a new building, a house... frequency, wealth, beautiful, expensive things, they didn’t know how to sue them they thought that i was crazy, oh how they just came up with it, yes, just like that, but you are not crazy, no, listen, well , you can make it up, but they have some evidence that you are crazy, no , they are filing a lawsuit, asking the court to order a psychiatric examination for me, uh-huh, please tell me how it all started, did it all start? from the fact that and since my child went to first grade that year, yeah, and since i’m a person who cares what happens around me, and i came to school, first i discovered cockroaches in the cafeteria, then i discovered the bugs that
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my child was infected with at school, well, in fact, there were a lot of violations, for example, three times my child was left unattended, after the third time he was simply hysterical, that is, and as it were... we had, let’s say, a conflict with the school principal, but since she realized that she could not cope with this conflict, she first brought in the class teacher, then the class teacher brought in the parents. parents were naturally told a completely different story information, not that i’m there fighting for the rights of the child, but they were told: she’s this and that, she ’s causing a scandal at school, that is, they were told something completely different, my parents were up in arms against me, but you couldn’t communicate with your parents, we all have these crazy school chats of 10 each, i didn’t write, why did i write to the group, i lead the pereslavl group, i wrote to the group, why didn’t you discuss this with your parents? yes, i don’t know, somehow i didn’t have this, let’s say, well, in the end.
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open a group start there with the dirt of yours to water the child so that everyone would know about it, they were supported by everyone, the education department, the minister, wait, what kind of posts did they write there, well, they wrote posts about how crazy i am. and under the comments they wrote that my child was wild, inadequate, that i had a child, no, wait, personally, the teachers, who wrote that my child was inadequate, that my child was wild, that they wrote that it was in the comments, yes, the teachers commented on themselves, no, they wrote posts about me, well, under these there were already comments in the posts and somehow it all came down to the child, that is, there, so who commented under the posts, everyone and parents, teachers, all residents of the city. you told the world that you will burn yourself and yours on february 6, i
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learned that our class was disbanded, and 29 out of thirty people were transferred to a new, newly opened class and my child was left alone in the class, and i called the ministry of education , to the education department, to be honest, everyone pushed me aside, they said: go to the director, sort it out, she gave the order, i called the police, and i called the police and asked them... for help that my child was being slandered, my child was being made an outcast, to which the police told me, ekaterina nikolaevna, everyone is tired of you, move out of this city and that’s it, well , in the end, all these are their answers, some incomprehensible ones, to which i said, yes, i really said this, i said, okay, then i’ll pour gasoline on myself and set the child on fire, i’m absolutely not going to do this, i just wanted draw attention to the problem, attracted, attracted. who's with who she arrived, how quickly, but everyone arrived, she arrived, and besides the police, i called
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the mayor and said the same thing, counting on him to come, and you have his phone number, yes, the fact is that i’m the director charity organization, i have mobile phones, look, blurting it out is in a fit of emotion from a conversation in a conversation with the police, and then calling the mayor back again with the same information, you’re in yourself, and i’m in myself, what did you say, mayor ? head of the education department, head of the kdn, chief of police, police, ambulance, fire, well, just they got hooked on my mistake, they realized that they had a case, a case for what, a case to take revenge on me, how, after taking away the child, you showed us the video that you shot on the day of your daughter’s departure, only later at the orphanage, let’s see, hello,
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my name is pearl softya, i don’t want my mother anymore, i am her, i am her, i love her very much, i love her very much, i want, i want to stay at home, please, god, help me, for that i will return home. please understand that what we just saw is your fault and mine. same. no, no one except yours, no one at all, but how long has the child been in the orphanage? 111 days, why isn’t it returned to you? well, the thing is that my guardianship took her away not by order, not just, just like that, they filed a lawsuit in court, they asked for interim measures, that is, well, let’s say that - during the trial she was there, yes,
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yes, so that she can do it until the end of the trial, but what do they require the court to do from you? calm down the school staff, sort out the conflict, connect back to the class,
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connect the class that was disconnected, delete this group. that's it, we elected two heads of poland, two former presidents, we called them from petro poroshenko, here is the issue of importing ukrainian grain, farmers are coming, they are blocking cities, what is a ukrainian in front of the poles, on the belly, on the knees, crawl here , we supply thorns to europe, we're out of here. we are planning world domination, listen, if they overhear us, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america now leaves western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia. apparently, france will be at the forefront of this adventure and poland. poland is a country that will do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. this was
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a gigantic help that has not yet been compensated. you still have to pay for it. oh, yes, and we will remember every penny for you. what is the true price of polish-ukrainian friendship? show vavan and lexus. on wednesday on the first. gentlemen officers. behind is the german squadron. friedrich karl is ahead. i don’t see any other way out than to lure the germans to the mines. in any case, i would never refuse you, i’m afraid vasilievna, you would we are exhausted, everything is fine with us, not quite, you have fallen in love, given the personal situation that has developed between us, the situation now is the same: war,
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to beat the enemy, to perform the execution, he issued it to the fatherland, this letter is in morse code, i tried to study the textbook at home, thank you. but today we see each other for the last time, to our misfortune the revolution has obscured the future from us, darkness is approaching, i order the officers to surrender their weapons, brother, we have nowhere to wait for cartridges, and to hell with them, we have always drunk the enemy and will continue to drink, unimportant news , gentlemen, the reds are coming k... may god help us admiral on friday on the first two stars, fathers and children from june 23 on the first, you have a bad relationship with the school,
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as i understand it, what about guardianship? well with guardianship? in general, before this incident, they were, well , ordinary, i just, in my activity, provide assistance to the poor, for example, single mothers, mothers with many children, the guardianship often sent some mothers to me, i have an office, they sit above my office, after that, what happened, what is your relationship with guardianship, it’s guardianship that is holding you back, our relationship now is very bad, sophia was taken away 15. in the morning i ran to see the head of the guardianship, and since we were , let’s say, not exactly friendly, well, sort of the same age, she called me ekaterina, i called her natalya. i asked natalya what was happening, why, what happened in general, why is this happening, to which she told me, i have a command of fas, i have a command to crush you, from whom, from the mayor, from the minister of
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education for the yaroslavl region, iris, if if only i didn’t have the certificate of your sanity that we received here regardless, i would still have suspected that they were right at the time of inspection and testing.
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look, we’ll get to this now, i believe that there was a man here, and where is the child’s father, the child’s father, we lived with him for 11 years, and i got pregnant, i really wanted a child when i was 3 months pregnant, he said that he was not ready, he wanted to live for himself, we separated calmly, you did not separate peacefully, we separated calmly, you did not separate calmly, we separated calmly, we tried to find the cause of your injury. here she is, i'm not just like that he said about the man, we calmly parted ways, he calmly packed his things and left, well, that is, you are pregnant, 3 months pregnant,
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long-awaited, and the man leaves, i can’t do it for you, no, it’s not the man leaving, i suggested breaking up, okay, you suggested breaking up , well, show me a woman who is absolutely happy, will walk, absolutely happy, moreover, even if he, well, if he comes back, wants to come back, no one will take him back, no one needs him. do you drink? no, have you ever drank? no, at that moment when he left, or did you leave and drink? no, where do you live? at the moment i live in a house, well, in a village, in some kind, yes, yeah, and at the same time you have an apartment, also? yes, at the same time, i have an apartment in a new building, you are renting it out, at the moment, yes, let’s look at the house in which you live with your daughter, this is our site. we planted cucumbers there, there was our little garden, now everything is overgrown, i don’t have time to garden now, i’m working on getting my daughter back, come on, i’ll show you the house, this is our kitchen
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dining room, pereslavl officials say, that i’m crazy, but despite all their words, i am the parent of the year, i took an active part in the revival of the temple, i have a certificate for my great contribution to the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, this is sonya’s room, these are her things, her most favorite suit and her favorite blouse, which she now cannot wear, these are her dolls, these are the drawings she drew in the orphanage, everywhere she draws herself and me, she drew this drawing 10 minutes before the bailiffs came for her guardianship, well, you see for yourself that she writes here, even maine couldn’t write, well, she wrote like this... so she was in a hurry, because she knew that they wouldn’t come, so she painted herself sad, she can’t breathe there without me, but i can’t breathe here without her , we
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can’t live without each other, i’m not obligated to return her, please tell me, now you live in the village, you have good relations with your neighbors in the village, very, very bad, in the city, in the city, what do you think? , why? the neighbors don’t like it, just like the officials, that i solve problems like this the way i solve them, for example, with this urn, it all started with this urn, and we have a neighbor on the second floor who smokes on the street, apparently his wife doesn’t allow him at home, and he goes out and throws unextinguished cigarettes in the trash can, and one fire, the second, the third fire i already recorded, called this fire department, and wrote a statement to the management company that i was asking them to dismantle or move it, wrote a statement to the police, that is, they refused me everywhere, well, i decided to dismantle it, i dismantled it and took it to the manager company, neighbors, as i understand it, well, the neighbors didn’t like it, but i cleaned the house
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from this fire three times, people. they don’t like social activists, those who constantly complain, probably because of this you have troubles in your city, but you can always find a solution, communicate, you could go to school, i had such a case, i wrote in the parent chat, we everyone gathered in the director’s office, and we resolved all the issues, this is how we should act, and not just bombard everyone with letters, you understand that... this leads to aggression towards you, listen, please tell me, do you have any friends? well, i don’t want to talk about it, who is daria chevyshalova? my former neighbor, friend, as a neighbor, it’s understandable, but now for some reason she came to this studio and believes that the decision of the guardianship authorities to limit or deprive you of your birth rights is absolutely fair.
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okay, but they took her away from you too, no, they didn’t, she grew up with you, yes, she grew up with me, so, how, how old was she when she left you, in my opinion, about 20 years old, but since she left home, well your adult life, do you communicate with her, at the moment no, why? well, i wouldn't want to answer this question. daria, please tell me what kind of relationship you had and why it turned sour? our acquaintance
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began. the fact that she asked me to go to the kindergarten to pick up christina, precisely at those moments when katya was on a drinking binge, that is, i went once, went twice, then she gave me money for it, katya drank, wait, katya, this, yes, on a drinking binge, she often comes, yes katya, who would say, i mean, well, pick it up, well, let’s get to the next program , my background, no, you just know, to be honest, just imagine, she and her mother drink and fight together, i myself, one day we got together, we were sitting in a restaurant , we have a restaurant in the center of the city in pereslavl, she got drunk and the girls were sitting at the next table, she came up , the girls’ earrings just came off, she tore her earlobes like that, i was very ashamed then, i
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ran away, i was about 16. and then i she’s already out, well, we talked to her somehow periodically, but more because of the child, because of christina, and then i got married and one night the doorbell rang, i opened it, katya was standing drunk in her nightie and said: dasha, what are you doing? i say, well, we are sleeping, it’s night, she says, can i sleep with you, after that i left the stairs, i said that your spirit should no longer be here, this is with you, with me with my husband, yes , “it’s okay,” she says, “i’ll sleep with you,” well, maybe she just doesn’t have anywhere to sleep, probably in a three-room apartment. only behaves like that with acquaintances, i wonder, no, she behaves with absolutely everyone, just when she’s drunk, she doesn’t care who does what? listen, we typed ekaterina zhemchuzhnaya into the search engine, yeah, let's see what we saw there, ekaterina zhemchuzhnaya staged a single picket, ekaterina nikolaevna, hello, what do you have, i am against forced vaccination, forced, yes
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against. from what in general from everything. identify two gifted guys who, as part of a group of people, including the famous person ekaterina zhemchuzhnaya, committed the theft of an urn. a local social activist and activist accused the retired police lieutenant colonel of publicly insulting her. the owner of a charitable foundation was accused of appropriating someone else's home. ekaterina zhemchuzhnaya officially notified local authorities and the prosecutor's office. ekaterina zhemchuzhnaya, being heavily intoxicated with a small child, rushed at the cars of the rally. help protect our children's educators from the attacks of a single parent, they are afraid of not respecting themselves, this pearl is the bottom of our city. zhemchuzhnaya is like drunks ponds, they should be treated with condescension, but slapped on the wrist every time they do some kind of bullshit. is zhemchuzhnaya a troll or
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a real person? if? you know, i won’t even explain such dirt, and don’t blame me for it, look at who’s writing this, who’s writing this, look, it’s better. probably knows who writes this? well, not everyone, they usually write anonymously, yeah, but why about you? well, no one writes about masha, almost everyone is from kindergarten, this is what everyone writes, almost everyone is from kindergarten, why about you, after - was was, don't you hear my question? yes, i hear you, i’m explaining to you, after there were these blockade sandwiches and burnt casserole, there was a whole mess in the kindergarten, all the parents were upset when i didn’t let the children eat the burnt casserole, so what? how did it end? nothing, it ended in a scandal; the commissioner for children’s rights came.
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good afternoon, dear russians, my beloved russians. love in the homeland is... comparable to the love for my mother, my dream is to go on a trip with my whole family, with my younger brother, with my parents, swim in our volga, see our nature, admire our region. blagodonsk is the only city that has both a nuclear power plant, tets and a gas station. in rizan there are mushrooms with eyes. come find out if this is true? a corner of russia, our own home, where the blue fogs outside the window are like ours. russians and the words of the song are russian, let comfort, prosperity and goodness reign in every home, i love you, russia, they were like a friendly family,
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there is no need to talk about this, yaana, you don’t understand how dangerous this is, kidnapping, an attempt on the life of a policeman, all sorts of hostages, i was watching tv there, i shot, oleg will get them out of there, the police are looking for a woman and a boy, no one is looking for a man and a girl, we look like circurods, honestly, for europe the best thing is when a father leaves their children, they call him the biological father, i didn’t leave you, then why weren’t you with us, by the way, our estonian colleagues left behind with dogs, they will soon take them, my colleague needs to be saved, he started this mess himself, let him lose his love, in my opinion, through what route taxi. “we can’t go to a colleague, you know, it’s better if we stay here, not a colleague, to dad, he did everything for me, for you, and we are betraying him, one chance for three, premiere, watch the time after the program,
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gentlemen , officers, the german squad is behind, in front, this is a letter from abc and morse, i tried at home from the textbook. thank you, but today we see each other for the last time. to our misfortune , the revolution has obscured the future from us. i order the officers to surrender
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their weapons . . bratsky. we can’t wait for cartridges. where. to hell with them, we have always beaten the enemy and will continue to beat them. unimportant news, gentlemen, the red one is approaching omsk, this will help us, admiral, on friday at the first, in order to make a decision, well, at least some, our experts too, we need to understand the whole story to the end, here we are i arrived.
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too, and people love it, in fact , he tells the truth to people’s faces, just like i love , no one loves, well, that is, you think that they want catherine completely unfairly. she was bullied, i’ve known her for 7 years, she’s never, well, as far as i know her, never seen her drunk, i didn’t see her drunk, i didn’t see her smelling, she had an office across the street, where she helped people with food, and with things and money , she even helped me when i didn’t have money for medicine. i think it’s unfair, i
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was actually in shock when she came and said that her child had been taken away from her, she came to visit me with sonya, your friend, wonderful, katya, in a conversation with the police colonel, said, i’ll hurt you now gasoline herself and her daughter and burn herself, after which she calls the mayor back. and says the same thing, in your opinion, as they should have in this should the authorities react to the situation? i would have come and found out what was the matter, they arrived, well, the thing is, she wasn’t at home, it turns out that she wasn’t, she spent an hour and a half, an hour and a half with the door closed, talking with the mayor, no, it’s not at home , i was visiting, they came to my house, tried to break down the door, but when they climbed into the apartment through the balcony they saw... that i was not at home, they were afraid that they had broken in illegally and thought that
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there was a gas leak, listen, but you are in yourself, no, i am in myself, i have a document not only from irina viktorovna, please tell me, did you visit the child in this center, i go to her, monday, wednesday, friday, every week, what am i talking about, we visited sonya together, let’s see, after my my daughter was taken to a shelter, i am forced to go to her. for 96 km, i get up at 5:30, at 7:00 in the morning i have a bus to the city, on the way to my daughter i spend 2 hours there, 2 hours back, i go to her three times a week, i bring her some gifts , things, shorts, sundresses, she really loves pies with potatoes, hot, i just bought it, i saw such a plump, fat cat in the store, i liked it so much, sonya will be delighted, mom!
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you told us that you have a house in the village in which you live, and we looked at it, that’s right, the apartment that you rent out in the city, that’s right, yes, with what funds was this property bought, this property was bought for those the money that sold the apartment, the old one, bought this one, but it’s an apartment, but we built a house, a house, we are who, me, what money did you use to build the house? on
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some, this is mine, this is my personal business, i will not answer this question. well, then, apparently, this question will be answered by our next heroine, who considers you a fraud. irina, come to us. here i want to talk, here i don’t want to. hello. hello. unfortunately, i met ekaterina in a bad environment. i had an uncle misha, unfortunately, he has now died, she deceived him, took his house, did not pay money for the deal, and accordingly, ivona pasnok was left without a roof over his head, she he was drunk, when they told us that such a situation had happened, we began to look for him, the pearl one took him to her home in sokolka, there she undressed him, completely naked, and rented an apartment. ru rented him daily and kept
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him there, but in the end the police and i found what house he was in and what apartment she rented for him daily, we arrived there with the police, the pearl woman came out of there, the police told me, wait, now she will pass, he says, she is now going to a narcologist because, she says, she can’t get out of her drinking bouts without a narcologist, when the local police officer asked her a question, she told him, you betrayed me to...
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sponsors, but in the end she didn’t buy him anything, and so he was left homeless, three court decisions in my favor, three decisions, a resolution to the police that i am not guilty, because the transaction took place under cameras at the mfc, the conclusion of the prosecutor’s office, the first instance, the cassation appeals, they proved everywhere that absolutely no one took anything from anyone, you are filming everything perfectly,
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why didn’t you film the act of transferring money , when you give it to him, you go everywhere administration and so on, in the sense of nonsense, yes? let's say, what problems has she created in your family? i am ekaterina’s neighbor on the landing, we live on a single landing door to door, and i - let’s say we bought an apartment at the end of the nineteenth year and since the beginning of the twentieth year i have been observing this whole situation and i can, in principle , in what -at least analyze it, but
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what’s there? what happened, i’ll tell you now, that is, she is tired, peace must reign. yes, yes, after this, that is, the next one i can collect, that is, she has such a tradition, an incident, so vivid, again, this, here is a video from the cameras of the house, when ekaterina was actively drinking alcohol all night, apparently with unidentified persons, she took away
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an urn that was standing near ours entrance, we talked with the neighbors, our favorite section is coming up now, let's see. she shouldn’t be trusted in anything at all, but the fact that she is with the child, she behaves normally with him, with everyone else it is very bad, she is a mountain for the child, and even too much, she herself is like man, she’s terrible, of course such a scandalous girl was someone and nothing happened here, she would drink something else there, she knocks on all the neighbors at night, calls, then asks for a cigarette, then everything else, and the child screamed, and i want the child most of all. they called me to the police, i paid the fine, they gave him a second door because of what, because she was drinking with someone she kissed
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at night at three or four, they were hammering, knocking, now they took her child away, she believes that's unfair, unfair, she can be here capornu. and the child was running here, the child was drinking, it’s autumn, just so you understand, she was running here crying, it turns out that in front of her child she takes men around, drinks, she drinks together, and the child is with her, of course, how many times have we walked here, he will puke her, then these are lying around, our children are admiring all this, she brought the child with bruises, then she hung up these bruises for examination, as i understand it, ekaterina wants to return, ekaterina, we are waiting for you, sit here to listen to this nonsense, i came to return the child. don't listen to this nonsense, well, you know, you can’t just come and tell everything about yourself, we probably have to listen to everyone. french defense minister sebaste lecornu, we will continue
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to protect the eastern flank of europe as part of our deterrence missions. another cockerel, golden comb. no children, no wife. the press calls lekarnya the shadow of emmanuel macron. macron is now knocking out more than 400 billion euros for armaments. the doctor clearly wants to make money from the military-industrial complex, but all this lends itself to the sauce of fighting russia. exactly from llekarnu damn met. the status of the legal troops of the french armed forces, which will be in the combat zone, was discussed; the french military, they will come there with weapons, under their flag, will be destroyed, this will be a belli incident for nato countries. they are now spreading their influence over all our border states. the second country dear to our hearts is armenia. their task is to squeeze russia out of their main caucasian checkpoint. this is the corridor north, south, west, east. we must reach the borders at any cost.
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serf here, we supply terno to europe, we are out of here, we are planning world domination, listen, if she overheard us, it will turn out that we are going to the kremlin together. america is leaving western europe at the mercy of the confrontation with russia now; apparently, france and poland will be at the forefront of this adventure. poland is a country that will do anything for money. i hope that ukraine will remember that level of assistance. it was a huge help. which has still not been compensated, well, you still have to pay for it, yes, and we still have every penny let us remind you what the true price
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of polish-ukrainian friendship is, the van and lexus show on wednesday at the first, well, what a grandmother in a leather jacket, young, cool,
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from june 23 at the first, why do your neighbors treat you like that, they all said that you you drink, she drinks, yes, she’s drunk, where is the child at the moment when she goes on a binge, but i don’t go on a binge, who are you listening to, sometimes the child is with her, sometimes she can have a child, that’s what we saw testimony of neighbors, just the last woman, that is , for example, she brought a child to her, opened door, she just shoved sonya in there and told me i had to leave, that is, the neighbor didn’t have time
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to react, but when the door had already slammed and ekaterina had disappeared, the girl first said that she was very hungry, wanted to eat, elina fed her, they began to wait for her mother to return , the husband returned, so you hear, ekaterina, both no and no, the husband called ekaterina’s cell phone, ekaterina: the child was taken away by the police, there were circumstances that contributed to this, preceded it, after which the child was
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returned to the family, the situation was worked out v in full ... after which this statement of claim for restriction of parental rights was filed, the fact that the girl is now in a social rehabilitation center is a ruling of the pereslavl district court, which has not been canceled to this day. currently, a court hearing is taking place and the future fate of the child will be determined by the pereslavl district court. did you hear? by the court, not by you. yes, i know. it is the russian federation that is against it.
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will take revenge. ekaterin, i like - first of all psychologist, secondly, as a woman, i can probably say, from the point of view of the fact that it’s hard when you’ve been waiting for a child for a long time, being in a relationship, when you get pregnant, and this relationship is coming to an end, on a psychological level, it’s very strong affects. i agree with the presenter here from the point of view that psychological trauma could have arisen, among other things, based on what happened in yours. relationship and the man here, well, let’s say, played his role one way or another, although you accepted, as you say, in your words, the decision to separate, that’s it, but on a psychological level it affects a woman one way or another, so we are all social people, it is very important for us to learn to find a common language with society, we love our children madly, and it’s clear how your daughter loves you, it’s clear how you love her, but
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too much, when you are only fixated on... on the relationship with your child, do you ignore some public factors and perhaps make some very radical decisions? and as a lawyer i can definitely say that the guardianship authorities they work well, fulfill their plan, but ekaterina, i would advise you to agree to the examination in any case, to pass it, because now there are no legal grounds for limiting your rights to a child or depriving you of parental rights . because in order for us to limit or deprive you of your rights, we must have the fact that there is a threat to the life of the child, now we have heard a very large number of stories, but we have not seen a single confirmation: i will burn myself and the child, this not a threat to the child’s life, but a criminal one the article does not shine here in any way, it shines here indirectly, because, as far as we
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know, ekaterina is under prolonged stress...


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